Archive for June, 2005

CS:S Server Lag – Resolved

By Suck. on June 26th, 2005 at 12:04 am EST

It was brought to my attention today that we’ve been having some major lag problems on the CS:S servers. Upon investigating, I found that the resources on Jake (the CS:S pub box) were maxed out. I changed the number of players on Hardfought BF2 Public Demo to 24 players, which appears to have completely resolved the lag problem. If there are any futher lag issues, please let us know, and I will either reduce the number of players on the BF2 Demo server to 16 or kill it. We won’t be running it for much longer anyway.

Next, Hardfought will soon be hosting a closed beta test for a new Half-Life 2 mod, Samurai Legends: The Art of War. More info on this will follow. In the mean time, you can find the website here:

Finally, it wouldn’t be a June news post without some mention of the LAN #6. It is officially booked out! All 100 spots have now been filled, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of you who will be attending. Sage^KS is designing nametags for those 100 lucky gamers, so if there are any discrepancies between your posted information in the LAN #6 section and what should appear on your nametag, see this post: Preview of Name Tags for HF Lan #6.