Archive for June, 2002

Is it June already?

By K2 on June 10th, 2002 at 6:46 pm EST

Yeah it is… this year has gone by super-fast so far. I suppose the older ya get, the faster the years whiz by. Gah…

Well let’s see what we got goin’ on here… the Hardfought LAN party is still a go. The date hasn’t changed (July 19th – 21st) and a decent number of people have signed up for the event so far. If ya didn’t already notice, there’s a ‘LAN registration’ link to the left there… use it! :-P If you can pay ahead of time, great… if not, that’s cool too, just lemme know. I’ll have more detailed news about the LAN as we get closer to the actual date. This party is gonna be a helluva lot of fun, you don’t wanna miss this one if you can help it…

DAoC news – bleh. Nothing new to report really, other than the fact that after Mythic took the time to go over the majority of their player bases suggestions to help make the game better, they give us the ability to play dice and cards in-game. And stealth-nerf a couple classes to boot. I’m so overjoyed about this fact that I could spit. For those of you that aren’t noticing the heavy layer of sarcasm in this new paragraph – this is a very bad thing. I am beginning to believe (along with quite a few others) that Mythic doesn’t have a friggin’ clue about their own game and could give a shit about what their player base really has to say. Ah well… maybe they’ll wake up when they find three-quarters of their players leaving permanently when games like Star Wars: Galaxies and Asheron’s Call 2 come out. I dunno… my account is set to expire here in a few weeks, and I am *seriously* debating on whether to renew it or not. If Neverwinter Nights comes out within that time frame… well, you can put two and two together I imagine ;-)

By the way… there’s a new voting poll at the bottom right of the page here, fielding some somewhat serious questions regarding DAoC and the current state it’s in. If ya play the game, vote and make your opinion known. Go go go! :-)

Other Stuff – the shoutcast I had mentioned earlier in last month’s news post never happened, due to 1) not enough public interest and 2) the shoutcast server-side software is buggy as all-get-out. As in causing my web server to reboot itself at random. Bleh. Maybe I’ll mess with it again a few months from now. Also… did anyone happen to catch the Lewis/Tyson fight on pay-per-view? Can you say ‘crap’? I knew you could! In a nutshell – Tyson has no business whatsoever fighting in the ring against professional boxers. He’s gotten *that bad* :-/ Was a pretty pathetic fight to watch, lemme tell ya. Tyson was KO’ed in the middle of the 8th round, but it was really over by about the 3rd. Double-bleh.

Well, I am off work for the next few days, so I think I will work on getting a much-needed tan, do some swimming, etc. I posted quite a few more pictures in the ‘Guinevere Who’s Who’ section so go check ’em out. And to my friend Diana who found this page and couldn’t understand a damn thing about it – send me those pics we took! I’ll post ’em, then I can talk about something you can relate to :-P

Good thing not everyone plays DAoC, eh? See ya online folks…
