01:14 Starting a beta run, got a coaligned altar nearby 01:14 wait. 01:14 Sike, it's lawful and I'm neutral 01:14 No problem 01:15 Like that ^X shows in-game time. 02:19 ...that's weird, Elbereth seems to be straight up not working 02:20 against what 02:22 a jackal. 02:22 I made sure to look at it each turn and everything, message log is up right now 02:25 huh 02:26 kaclal is fleeing from me in my test game 02:26 jackal 02:27 you have conflict on? 02:27 No. 02:27 I just started this arc, haven't found anything like that early 02:28 plenty of wands though 02:28 I have the odd ring or two but haven't tested it, definitely wasn't on when I had that problem 02:30 Here, I can do it for you live if you want 02:30 no thats ok 02:30 See if it was just that jackal or not 02:40 <@Bubbles> I know I'd been going on about late-game difficulty sometime back, but general question. I actually was trying to find which variant had the most deaths of characters who had ever reached below the Valley of the Dead (regardless of where the death actually happened, so as to catch stuff such as ascension run deaths, which are pretty rare.) Is there a way to sort games by their attributes? I don't think NetHack Scoreboard allows that. 02:41 That ring is definitely not conflict 02:45 @Bubbles not that I know of. that'd be really cool though 02:46 <@Bubbles> Oops. I thought I was posting in the #nethack-variants channel LOL. 02:46 you could probably sort games by 'with the amulet' to give you a good idea 02:46 hah 02:47 <@Bubbles> How do you sort by that? I don't see such an option. Do you mean searching the phrase up? 02:48 yeah you cant sort by that term in the xlogfile via the NHS 02:49 but, that where i'd start 02:53 <@Bubbles> You mean "can sort" or "can't sort"? 02:53 can't 02:53 nhs doesnt have any kind of sorting, which is kind of a bummer 02:53 <@Bubbles> Ah. 02:54 the xlogfiles it grabs are publically available, could do your own search if you wanted 02:59 Any ascensions of this yet? 03:36 no 07:10 -!- elenmirie has joined #tnnt 08:33 -!- PhantomLumina has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:34 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 10:56 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 11:05 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:12 -!- rld has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:30 -!- hothraxxa has joined #tnnt 15:30 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o hothraxxa] by ChanServ 15:30 is there anything new that needs testing? 15:32 not yet 15:32 few more achievements 15:35 thanks 18:12 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 19:16 -!- elenmirie has joined #tnnt 19:29 -!- Umbire is now known as PhantomLumina 20:03 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 22:24 hoo boy, massive jewelers on DL2 this run 22:26 =*=*=*= 22:27 and then a big potion shop 22:28 * aosdict is tempted to just comment "!!!!!!!" again 22:32 Third shop on DL5 22:34 Enter DL6 since I haven't seen a lot of monsters to get stuff from, teleported into another shop 22:35 who do I have to suck off to get some actual loot I can flog 22:38 a post ghost, as if on cue 22:39 Healer, looks to have been 22:40 Yep, I wanted stuff to flog and I got stuff 22:40 p. decent stuff too 22:41 May have a BoH 22:41 from earlier floors 22:41 wew +1 T-shirt death drop 22:41 No longer scared of my luck 22:43 Yep BoH confirmed 22:45 sleep wand saves me from soldier ants 22:52 And there's a luckstone in a shop chest 22:53 Sheesh 22:53 ...667 wand. 22:53 Do I fucking dare 22:53 YES 22:54 and the +3 22:59 Reflection, BoH, MKoT and a 1:3 WoW