00:00 DAILY STATS AT 2020-11-04 00:00 UTC: Games: 3064, Asc: 24, Scum: 2596. 2436661 turns, 49281363 points. 24d 04:59 gametime. (33%Wiz), (41%Hum), (50%Cha), (57%Mal), 26d 23:59 remaining. 00:00 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:27790 00:00 [US] [D]: spleen (Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha), 2889 points, 3335 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt 00:00 [US] moller (Tou Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:892 00:00 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:27792 00:00 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:23932 00:00 woop moller 00:00 yeah now I'm sure to die 00:00 -!- spleen has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:01 [Ac] dingotron just earned Dungeon Economics, Diamond in the Rough, Breaking and Entering, and Best Friends Forever. 00:01 [Ac] nee just earned Looking Slick. 00:01 food time brb 00:01 [EU] noims (Rog Orc Fem Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon her by Kos, on T:15441 00:02 -!- no_more_years is now known as schnippi\unfoog 00:03 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?2612 this reads different now 00:04 [US] Dx34 (Val Dwa Mal Law) genocided class ;, on T:40432 00:04 [US] [D]: widmerpool (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 265 points, 735 turns, killed by a kobold zombie 00:04 it has been an interesting year indeed 00:04 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:25490 00:04 interesting times, as pterry said 00:04 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:25491 00:04 and it will continue to be interesting 00:04 did you see that in the cities in USA, they are now barricading the shops and stuff 00:05 -!- amateurhour has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:05 out of fear of riots 00:05 this is unbelievable 00:05 i don't get how plywood will stop anyone though.. seems like it's just done for show 00:07 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:28094 00:07 -!- callforjudgement has joined #tnnt 00:07 lets just see 00:08 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1250 points, 2040 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt 00:08 my personal opinion is that trump is faschistoid (comparable to erdogan or duterte), and his 'proud boys' is a millitant group akin to the SA. 00:08 this is what i will say to this 00:09 and he controls the news by trolling 00:09 while the 'left' is concerned with identity politics 00:09 and now i wont talk about it anymore, because it is offtopic 00:10 -!- ais523 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:11 -!- jeremiahL_ has joined #tnnt 00:11 damn, dlvl 5 medusa means no spellbooks in the centaur statues 00:11 [Ac] Jes just earned Wash it Clean. 00:11 or just a very low chance, rather 00:11 you mean oracle? 00:11 yes 00:11 lol 00:11 -!- jeremiahL_1 has joined #tnnt 00:11 i mix them up all the time 00:11 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) became literate by reading Pyramids, on T:3590 00:12 dlvl medusa and spellbooks would probably be the least of your worries 00:12 wasn't there a bug in, fourk? 00:12 [US] Dx34 (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Death, on T:40487 00:12 or a flawed game mechanic 00:12 my tourist got a 0:1 wand of wishing on dlvl 2 but also his pet died to a flame trap so in conclusion nethack is a land of contrasts 00:12 which caused something like that 00:12 damn moller 00:12 gogogo 00:12 clan HEY! MOONA is blessed with early wows 00:13 [US] [D]: Jes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 54 points, 304 turns, killed by a kobold zombie 00:13 i might have speed boots from price but i have no way to buc them so far 00:13 try them on 00:13 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Bug_Hall_of_Fame#NetHack_Fourk 00:13 Bones levels from dungeon level 20 or later in the main dungeon could erroneously be saved as being from dungeon level 2. Then, new adventurers could load these bones when they entered dungeon level 2. 00:13 K2: are you going to add the riding bug to the hall of fame? 00:14 K2: if yes, you could maybe even link the nhqdb entry, imo 00:14 [EU] [D]: gargor (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 733 points, 2750 turns, killed by a dwarf zombie 00:15 jonathanhanes, watch them be cursed levitation +2 00:15 prayer will fix that ;) 00:15 pff 00:15 can't pray with early wow 00:15 oh 00:15 -!- jeremiahL_ has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 00:15 well your prayer timeout is reset 00:16 put them on the ground for an orc to try on for you lol 00:16 [US] [D]: Qwesti (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 650 points, 1908 turns, killed by a small mimic 00:17 [US] [D]: mwrynn (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1389 points, 2790 turns, killed by a rothe 00:17 hmm i am not sure if a monster would start levitating then 00:17 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed the Chromatic Dragon, on T:25329 00:17 i don't think so 00:17 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:25331 00:17 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:24706 00:17 I don't think they will put on levitation boots tbh 00:17 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 39 points, 260 turns, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 00:19 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:20 -!- jeremiahL_ has joined #tnnt 00:20 what a way to go 00:21 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 126 points, 199 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 00:21 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 00:21 [Ac] mwrynn just earned Beast Master and Absolute Monarchy. 00:21 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:28704 00:22 -!- jeremiahL_1 has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 00:23 [US] Dx34 (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:40659 00:23 [US] catthedd (Mon Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:5686 00:26 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed stoicjin the Swashbuckler in a deathmatch, on T:26696 00:26 $who 00:26 jonathanhanes: [EU] mobileuser stenno eigentLich noims Paiki Kontroller jannis tacco | [US] eitm9l catthedd Maud Luxidream tsingi hearsegirl jeremiahL quervo1 eitronco Dx34 mwrynn bebing CurlyBrace skossar allanb Qwesti wormy212 ToneHack oh6 moller Jes stoicjin Graydot Glord widmerpool nimsumzero MHL | [AU] No current players 00:26 <@luxidream> $lastasc 00:26 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) averted death (killed by a human mummy), on T:3341 00:26 @luxidream: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/P/Paiki/tnnt/dumplog/1604409010.tnnt.html | [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stoicjin/tnnt/dumplog/1604267084.tnnt.html | [AU] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/tnnt/dumplog/1604189879.tnnt.html 00:26 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:15439 00:26 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu), 434 points, 519 turns, killed by the Oracle 00:27 [US] [D]: stoicjin (Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2477 points, 3268 turns, killed by a rothe 00:27 [US] [D]: Glord (Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu), 731 points, 3237 turns, killed by a hobgoblin 00:27 does skilling attack spells increase my chance to-hit for those spells? 00:28 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed ring of teleport control", on T:28724 00:29 [US] Dx34 (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:40751 00:29 seems like it 00:29 the wiki article is not that well written 00:29 [US] hearsegirl (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a stone golem, on T:9787 00:30 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Spellcasting#To_Hit 00:31 [Ac] Glord just earned A Little Light Larceny. 00:31 [Ac] wormy212 just earned Sage Advice. 00:31 [Ac] stoicjin just earned Always Talk to the Wise Old Man. 00:31 -!- rebatela has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:31 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:4319 00:31 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:28847 00:31 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:28848 00:32 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 3729 points, 3581 turns, killed by a human mummy 00:32 wtf man 00:32 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Hea-Hum-Fem-Neu), 97 points, 416 turns, killed by a small mimic 00:32 i have to think about what i am doing wrong 00:33 [US] wormy212 (Arc Gno Mal Neu) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:7 00:33 [US] catthedd (Mon Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:6120 00:33 [US] bebing (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:31715 00:35 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law), 164 points, 117 turns, killed by a fox (and one other game not reported) 00:36 [Ac] wormy212 just earned Get Your Gas Mask. 00:36 [Ac] stenno just earned Insert Quarter to Continue. 00:36 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) polymorphed his first object, on T:16074 00:36 shut uuup 00:37 oh dang they were speed boots 00:37 dying is what your doing wrong. you should stop that 00:37 [US] hearsegirl (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:10400 00:37 tacco\unfoog: thanks.. 00:37 [US] [A]: Dx34 (Val-Dwa-Mal-Law), 4195776 points, 40838 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/D/Dx34/tnnt/dumplog/1604267450.tnnt.html 00:37 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) bribed Asmodeus with 83 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:28810 00:37 grats 00:38 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:28951 00:38 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 913 points, 3228 turns, killed by a giant ant 00:39 -!- jonathanhanes has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:39 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:26480 00:39 -!- TheGame20 has joined #tnnt 00:39 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) wished for "marker", on T:29267 00:40 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:29271 00:40 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) genocided class h, on T:29273 00:41 [Tr] Dx34 now has Highest Scoring Ascension! 00:41 [Ac] Dx34 just earned 91 new achievements. 00:41 [R] Clan Team 9 advances to rank 7! 00:41 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed Baalzebub, on T:29368 00:43 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2323 points, 2980 turns, killed by a fire ant 00:43 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:4361 00:43 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 144 points, 433 turns, killed by Ms. Wonotobo; the shopkeeper 00:43 trump won indiana 00:43 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:29824 00:43 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:29830 00:44 derp sorry i didn't even want to 00:44 i think i will run healer now instead o wizard 00:44 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:31884 00:45 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:31886 00:46 stenno: no election updates in the chat pls 00:46 yeah good idea 00:46 [EU] eigentLich (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11145 00:46 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed Orcus, on T:30621 00:47 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 579 points, 1286 turns, killed by a baby green dragon 00:47 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed ring of conflict", on T:28866 00:47 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:28870 00:47 [US] [D]: rancat (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 499907 points, 31914 turns, petrified by a cockatrice corpse, while fainted from lack of food 00:48 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed the Oracle, on T:26516 00:48 -!- callforjudgement has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:49 damn i am stupid 00:50 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:28931 00:50 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:28931 00:50 just remembered that you are supposed to go protection racket with healer 00:50 gogo @Tone 00:50 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:10652 00:51 [Ac] rancat just earned 76 new achievements. 00:51 [US] [D]: catthedd (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 16161 points, 7668 turns, killed by an Uruk-hai called Grisarukai of Grisaiulai, while reading a book 00:52 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:32368 00:52 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:32376 00:52 [US] [D]: nimsumzero (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4419 points, 2899 turns, killed by a soldier ant 00:53 [EU] [D]: stenno (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 392 points, 1565 turns, killed by an iguana, while praying 00:53 [US] [D]: bouquet (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 522 points, 1644 turns, killed by a giant rat 00:55 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) performed the invocation, on T:33040 00:55 [US] [D]: mwrynn (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 920 points, 3031 turns, killed by a gnome 00:56 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:33251 00:56 [Ac] mwrynn just earned 007. 00:56 [Ac] nimsumzero just earned Playerbanebane. 00:56 [Ac] catthedd just earned 11 new achievements. 00:56 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:33257 00:57 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased chickatrice corpse named screw you too", on T:33578 00:58 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed Yeenoghu, on T:33581 00:58 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:6819 00:59 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) consumed animal products (cream pie) for the first time, on T:6916 00:59 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:24261 01:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 01:00 UTC: Games: 102, Asc: 1, Scum: 76. 119699 turns, 4734231 points. (27%Wiz), 26d 22:59 remaining. 01:00 [US] bebing (Ran Elf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:31937 01:00 [US] jeremiahL (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:6772 01:00 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 18699 points, 12965 turns, killed by a gargoyle, while fainted from lack of food 01:01 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:03 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:36049 01:04 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) wished for "2 unholy water", on T:36369 01:04 [US] [D]: eitkrog (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 4764 points, 4861 turns, killed by a bolt of lightning 01:05 I never even saw what hit me :O 01:05 <@Contains milk.> $who 01:05 [US] NuSlayer (Mon Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a vampire lord, on T:8988 01:06 <@Contains milk.> $players 01:06 something was making it rain lightning and it followed me when I teleported across the level 01:06 [Ac] eitkrog just earned Kill it Twice, Shimmer, Those Who Came Before, and Bring out your Dead. 01:06 [Ac] eigentLich just earned 8 new achievements. 01:06 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:06 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #tnnt 01:07 [US] [D]: joan (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 405 points, 1651 turns, killed by an orc zombie 01:07 <@Contains milk.> $who 01:07 monkeytown again 01:07 that must have been 5 out of 8 times 01:07 <@Contains milk.> !who 01:08 <@Contains milk.> I give up 01:08 $who 01:08 stenno: [EU] Nidan noims jannis tacco stenno | [US] Qwesti Jes Luxidream NuSlayer tsingi hearsegirl jeremiahL MHL bebing CurlyBrace eitwinston oh6 rancat ToneHack hothraxxa CeleryHall sohlman eitmobius joan moller widmerpool | [AU] No current players 01:08 @Contains milk. seems that is not implemented for Croesus 01:08 <@Contains milk.> ah thanks stenno 01:08 it works for Beholder though 01:09 man what a joke of a protection racket 01:09 <@Contains milk.> as in, on IRC but not Discord? 01:09 i think i will just suicide 01:09 @Contains milk. yes 01:09 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (10 times), on T:37808 01:09 [US] hearsegirl (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11558 01:09 I don't know how discord really works, but in #hardfought, the bot triggers work from discord too 01:10 <@Contains milk.> weird 01:10 $help 01:10 K2: https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnntbot/blob/master/botuse.txt 01:10 K2: they tried $who too 01:10 in #hardfought, the bot commands start with ! here its $ 01:10 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) entered the Planes, on T:38716 01:11 hmm 01:11 maybe Croesus doesnt parse commands from discord people like beholder does 01:11 that was my assumption too 01:12 "discord people" 01:12 yup 01:12 <@mtf> what do you mean "you people" 01:12 lol 01:13 what do YOU mean, you mean, 'you people' 01:13 [US] [D]: Qwesti (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 230 points, 1247 turns, killed by a magic missile 01:13 name the movie 01:13 i forget 01:13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99IoN2pymfE 01:13 hey dude where is my car? (inspired from?) 01:14 tropic thunder 01:14 nope 01:14 never watched that one 01:14 its funny 01:14 tom cruise was on point 01:14 me neither, i know it from memes though 01:14 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1583 points, 2225 turns, killed by a dwarf 01:14 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 123 points, 437 turns, killed by a falling rock 01:15 i really apprechiate ben still from the 'meet the parents' movies 01:15 those were hilarious 01:15 :) 01:16 meet the fokkers 01:16 'something about mary' 01:16 ooh written by justin theroux 01:17 he played the director in mulholland drive 01:17 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 201 points, 758 turns, killed by a gnome 01:17 also his brother(?) makes insanely good documentaries which are unfortunately only available in great britain 01:17 (tropic thunder that is) 01:18 [US] Luxidream (Cav Hum Mal Neu) killed Pestilence, on T:39804 01:19 <@luxidream> i 01:19 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:28410 01:19 [US] [A]: Luxidream (Cav-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1527466 points, 39848 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/tnnt/dumplog/1604442285.tnnt.html 01:19 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:7150 01:19 Bybe bye! 01:19 I believe Croesus does not respond to people with spaces in their usernames. 01:20 -!- callforjudgement has joined #tnnt 01:20 because that shit is unnatural 01:20 hah 01:20 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:30299 01:20 congrats again @luxidream 01:20 [EU] [D]: FIQ (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 133 points, 1307 turns, killed by a fox 01:20 <@luxidream> 🙂 01:20 oh right 01:21 Croesus is a UNIX tyrant. 01:21 [Ac] Luxidream just earned It'll Turn Up Later, Storm the Gates of Heaven, and Groundhog Day. 01:21 @luxidream - congrats 01:21 should knock that out in a few days 01:21 man, insanity 01:21 isn't htat like the third or forth today 01:21 I see from the daily stats we got 24 asc in 24h (not all luxi) 01:21 who knows 01:21 oh neat 01:21 average 1 per hour 01:22 oh actually one of those was me :P 01:22 It is truly another level 01:22 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2330 points, 2379 turns, killed by a gnome 01:23 if you count this one for the last day, it was 5 ascensions 01:23 unheard of 01:24 i am not aware of anyone else pulling this off 01:24 * stenno perplexed 01:24 truly another level entirely 01:24 @luxidream washes his meth down with jolt cola 01:25 that must be it... 01:25 :P 01:25 ah no its from the teleportation accident. a fly was in the pod with him 01:25 i my heyday i did 3 ascensions in a day 01:26 [Ac] nekochan just earned Those Who Came Before. 01:26 zipcode also only has 3 ascensions maximum per day 01:26 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) polymorphed her first object, on T:24817 01:26 i dont like playing fast. i like to explore 01:26 truly perfected tournament play, lol 01:27 [EU] [D]: stenno (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 627 points, 2304 turns, killed by a hobgoblin 01:28 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "uncursed greased fixed magic marker", on T:24855 01:28 healer starts with 4pw _again_ 01:28 also healing is milky 01:29 [US] Qwesti (Hea Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:553 01:29 [EU] [D]: stenno (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 126 points, 301 turns, killed by a hobbit 01:29 -!- jeremiahL_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:30 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 51 points, 806 turns, killed by a water moccasin (and one other game not reported) 01:31 [Ac] stenno just earned Best Friends Forever. 01:31 [Ac] nekochan just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 01:31 [EU] [D]: stenno (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 116 points, 364 turns, killed by an invisible goblin 01:31 [US] [D]: bouquet (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 781 points, 1900 turns, killed by a large mimic 01:31 time for a beer... 01:31 and at some point i should maybe just stop playing 01:32 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:30486 01:33 lol stenno we all have days like that. Beer usually does help :) 01:34 word! 01:34 -!- jeremiahL_ has joined #tnnt 01:35 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 3037 points, 2978 turns, killed by a giant spider 01:35 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.9] 01:35 [US] ToneHack (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:30560 01:36 [Ac] bouquet just earned Got No Talent. 01:37 [US] [A]: ToneHack (Sam-Hum-Mal-Cha), 854328 points, 30573 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/ToneHack/tnnt/dumplog/1604274514.tnnt.html 01:37 gj @Tone 01:37 <@Tone> Thanks! 01:37 <@Tone> Foodless Samurai 01:37 <@Tone> First ascension since last year, nice warm up I guess 01:39 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 01:39 wow nice! 01:40 interesting conduct 01:40 did you get =oSD early? 01:40 <@Tone> earlyish 01:40 <@Tone> had to take one risky prayer I think 01:40 <@Tone> I left myself fainting for a few hundred turns to improve the odds 01:41 [Ac] ToneHack just earned 81 new achievements. 01:41 nice nice 01:43 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 130595 points, 10859 turns, killed by Croesus 01:44 Akureyri whispers an incantation. 01:46 [Ac] NuSlayer just earned 17 new achievements. 01:46 -!- callforjudgement has quit [Quit: quit] 01:46 "You disturbed me, fool!" 01:47 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:28897 01:47 [EU] [D]: stenno (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 324 points, 1753 turns, killed by a djinni 01:47 [US] [D]: mwrynn (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 161 points, 713 turns, killed by a water demon 01:48 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) made her first artifact wish - "Blessed greased fixed The Eyes of the Overworld", on T:25512 01:48 YANI: allow stealing from a shop by polying your pet into a "pile of gold", the value of which is $5000, and the deception is discovered as you exit the shop as theft. 01:48 [US] [D]: k2 (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5724 points, 3341 turns, killed by a jabberwock 01:48 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 667 points, 1743 turns, killed by a giant bat 01:48 ... what's the point of that? 01:48 lol 01:49 then the shk chases you and kills you 01:49 so it would allow you to easily leave the shop? 01:49 omg... 01:49 $lastgame k2 01:49 K2: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/tnnt/dumplog/1604389166.tnnt.html 01:49 have fun if that generates bones 01:49 K2: surprise jabberwock? 01:49 thats why i play with !bones 01:49 there was a minesflayer. i zapped a wand of poly at it, and it turned into an arch-lich 01:49 that wasn't necessarily bones. could have been turn 2 on the mines level, a gnome polytraps into an arch lich 01:50 said arch-lich summonded all those nasties 01:50 aosdict: yep, the devteam thinks of everyhing ;) 01:50 summoned 01:50 stenno: and yep. 01:50 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed fixed greased bag of holding", on T:27264 01:51 [Ac] k2 just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 01:51 [US] [D]: eitmobius (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 8071 points, 5982 turns, petrified by a cockatrice corpse 01:51 aosdict: i meant that i will not get K2's bones, assuming he left them 01:52 -!- Sluggo has joined #tnnt 01:56 [Ac] eitmobius just earned 7 new achievements. 01:56 oh wow i ate a lembas wafer as an elf 01:56 from hungry to satiated 01:57 "A little goes a long way." 01:57 guess i have to wait until i am weak 01:58 are any clans looking for players? 01:58 well we have open places 01:59 Sluggo: are you 'sluggoman' ? 01:59 could be.... and/or "grouchy" 01:59 Sluggo: sent an invite to 'Grouchy' account 01:59 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1538 points, 2389 turns, fell into a pit 02:00 -!- noims has left #tnnt 02:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 02:00 UTC: Games: 67, Asc: 2, Scum: 42. 1d 08:23 gametime. (60%Hum), 26d 21:59 remaining. 02:00 sweet, anything you want I to try to do? busy tonight but can hit it tomorrow 02:00 nah, just play how you feel like 02:00 We play to play 02:00 stenno, we should save one slot in case there's a player with a certain name 02:00 hah 02:00 sure 02:00 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Cav-Dwa-Fem-Law), 122 points, 497 turns, killed by a boulder 02:00 2 slots available 02:01 :o 02:01 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 02:01 if Sluggo takes the invite 02:01 [Ac] nekochan just earned Pygmalion. 02:01 hai stenno 02:01 hey 02:01 is late 02:01 mhm 02:01 can't sleep because of important things happening in the world 02:01 yeah im hearing about it too 02:02 it doesn't look great 02:02 can't sleep. world will eat itself 02:02 [US] [D]: eitwinston (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 10411 points, 6313 turns, poisoned by a rabid rat, while fainted from lack of food 02:02 no talk about this directly here please 02:02 ok 02:02 took it... 02:03 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 78 points, 299 turns, zapped herself with a wand 02:03 ok welcome 02:03 i want to keep another invite open for attie even though they have a lot of stress right now and i doubt they will join/play 02:04 fair 02:04 no talk about it indirectly either eh? no one was talking about anything directly just now 02:05 aosdict: i don't know what you're talking about 02:05 i have no idea what indirect talk about what thing we are avoiding talking about right now 02:05 personally i'm just biding my time 02:05 * aoei hides 02:05 [US] hearsegirl (Val Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:16708 02:06 Muad: you take your puns and get out of here 02:06 lmao 02:06 [US] [D]: Urc (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 3306 points, 4805 turns, killed by a gray unicorn 02:07 aosdict, sorry, that was terrible. incidentally terrible is "kamala" in finnish 02:07 it's best not to talk about this stuff. that's just my two pence 02:07 :I 02:07 those wordplays seem to be your biggest trump card 02:08 Hillaryous wordplays 02:08 haha 02:09 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed Bliss56's ghost, the former Kunoichi, on T:8887 02:09 that's all i do. some years ago i read about research that suggested a propensity for puns may be an early sign of dementia 02:09 lmao 02:09 wait, even that was topical? 02:09 oo 02:09 f 02:09 you're all terrible 02:09 <{Demo}> trust the plan 02:09 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed nekochan's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:8904 02:10 trust no one 02:11 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed greased fixed The Orb of Fate", on T:26247 02:11 [Ac] Urc just earned 6 new achievements. 02:11 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed greased fixed The Platinum Yendorian Express Card", on T:26247 02:11 [US] [D]: Graydot (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 5452 points, 3615 turns, killed by a gnome king 02:12 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed Greased Fixed The Platinum Yendorian Express Card", on T:26248 02:13 hm i really like the nh4 feature which shows when you wield a launcher 02:13 in the botl 02:13 statusbar 02:13 [US] jeremiahL (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:9156 02:16 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "2 blessed potions of polymorph", on T:26360 02:18 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha), 597 points, 1554 turns, killed by a giant bat 02:21 [Ac] NuSlayer just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 02:26 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:27 [US] [D]: bouquet (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 8301 points, 6976 turns, killed by a gnome lord 02:28 -!- stenno has joined #tnnt 02:29 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 964 points, 2406 turns, killed by a killer bee 02:31 [Ac] bouquet just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 02:35 -!- Kontroller has joined #tnnt 02:35 [EU] [D]: stenno (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4754 points, 4517 turns, killed by a gray unicorn 02:36 [US] [D]: sohlman (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 6470 points, 2438 turns, killed by a manes 02:36 [US] [D]: DexSG (Cav-Hum-Mal-Law), 3304 points, 7213 turns, killed by a soldier ant, while praying 02:39 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:41 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 362 points, 1747 turns, killed by a boulder 02:41 [Ac] DexSG just earned Pygmalion and Rope-a-Dope. 02:41 [Ac] sohlman just earned Back to Civilisation, Shafted, and Death onna Stick. 02:41 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed greased fixed +2 The Staff of Aesculapius", on T:27082 02:42 Back in Ludios. Last time I was here I cut a swath through them with Cleaver laughing like a maniac. It was fun, but not a good strategy. 02:43 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 316 points, 859 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt 02:44 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:28037 02:44 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) destroyed NuSlayer's ghost, the former Evoker, on T:2142 02:45 You swoop down into the gaping hole! You fall down a very deep shaft! 02:45 [US] youshum555 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Set, on T:160202 02:45 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 184 points, 446 turns, killed by a dwarf 02:48 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:15675 02:50 -!- NuSlayer_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:51 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2257 points, 1659 turns, killed by an Uruk-hai 02:52 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4641 02:54 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 271 points, 812 turns, killed by a gnome lord 02:55 -!- sparrow4 has joined #tnnt 02:56 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 678 points, 758 turns, killed by a straw golem 02:56 forgot that watchmen get angry now if you attack peaceful 02:58 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 145 points, 662 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 02:58 It is fatal 03:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 03:00 UTC: Games: 18, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 0d 10:50 gametime. (33%Elf), 26d 20:59 remaining. 03:02 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (disenchanter), on T:5283 03:02 Haven't been playing too much today. Busy voting and now listening to the returns 03:02 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) killed the Dark One, on T:28105 03:02 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:28108 03:05 -!- spleen has joined #tnnt 03:06 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:28180 03:08 [US] moller (Tou Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:4883 03:08 oh guess that isn 03:08 t flint then 03:09 [US] [D]: Glord (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 259 points, 1244 turns, killed by a water demon 03:10 -!- rebatela has joined #tnnt 03:15 another dlvl 2 GoP 03:18 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming an iron golem, on T:7832 03:19 [US] [D]: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 13162 points, 7946 turns, killed by a priest of Shan Lai Ching, while paralyzed by a monster 03:20 [US] habib (Pri Hum Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:33157 03:25 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:28 [US] [D]: Glord (Arc-Gno-Mal-Neu), 166 points, 624 turns, killed by a boulder 03:28 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) genocided mind flayer, on T:34212 03:29 [US] Jes (Ran Elf Mal Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon him by Mars, on T:3016 03:30 For the Peak Condition achievement, does a ring of gain constitution count? 03:34 <@luxidream> $who 03:34 @luxidream: [EU] stenno | [US] mwrynn NOP Glord tsingi spleen youshum555 ToneHack habib allanb jeremiahL CurlyBrace Graydot sparrow4 moller CeleryHall Jes eitmobius eitm9l eitwinston k2 | [AU] No current players 03:36 [US] eitmobius (Val Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful little dog, on T:1671 03:37 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3631 points, 3128 turns, killed by a gold golem, while fainted from lack of food 03:40 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:5157 03:40 [US] jeremiahL (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13270 03:40 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 486 points, 809 turns, killed by a gnome king 03:41 [Ac] Jes just earned Go Forth and Smite. 03:41 so. 03:41 how does unknown-writing work now 03:42 can i just write 'charging' and then i have a 70%~ chance of success if i am maxed luck wizard 03:42 It's actually about 96%. 03:42 <@luxidream> $whereis Stenno 03:42 @luxidream: [EU] stenno : (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) T:5220 The Dungeons of Doom level: 5 03:43 got it 03:43 <@luxidream> $lastgame Jes 03:43 @luxidream: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/J/Jes/tnnt/dumplog/1604461046.tnnt.html 03:46 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Uncursed greased fixed magic marker", on T:28590 03:46 [US] eitm9l (Bar Orc Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 6 ya on an altar, on T:4043 03:47 The magic-absorbing blade cancels the yellow light! 03:49 [US] IceBox (Rog Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:10064 03:51 [US] mwrynn (Pri Elf Mal Cha) destroyed catthedd's ghost, the former Student of Stones, on T:5171 03:51 [US] [D]: Glord (Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu), 73 points, 445 turns, killed by a boulder 03:51 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) tasted meat for the first time, by eating a wraith corpse, on T:12574 03:54 [US] spleen (Ran Orc Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a fox, on T:3692 03:56 [US] MHL (Mon Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:13339 03:57 [US] [D]: IceBox (Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha), 21866 points, 10502 turns, killed by a soldier ant 03:57 [US] [D]: eitwinston (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4725 points, 3272 turns, killed by a killer bee 03:59 -!- kcostell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:59 [US] [D]: mwrynn (Pri-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4961 points, 5612 turns, killed by a dwarf mummy 04:01 [Ac] IceBox just earned 14 new achievements. 04:01 [Ac] mwrynn just earned 8 new achievements. 04:01 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:33758 04:03 [US] [D]: k2 (Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu), 7031 points, 3649 turns, killed by a jabberwock 04:03 hah i got my bones 04:03 :I 04:03 i wonder if it'll still be there 04:03 well you can just check 04:03 that arch-lich is parked on the stairs 04:04 i could but i wont 04:04 thats super evil 04:04 [US] [D]: MHL (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 39687 points, 14623 turns, killed by a horse 04:04 fair 04:04 [US] spleen (Ran Orc Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:4128 04:04 super nasty deathtrap bones 04:04 i doubt that they will get cleared 04:05 there's an arch-lich, a jaberwock, black dragon, disenchanter and an aleax 04:05 meanwhile, i have an invisible nalfashnee in sokoban and i am wondering how i can get past it (on the way up) 04:05 can't see invis 04:05 hmm 04:05 maybe its a chameleon but not sure 04:05 [US] kcostell (Bar Hum Mal Cha) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Set, on T:8608 04:06 i found a /oPoly so it migh tjust be proper polying 04:06 Elbereth? 04:06 [Ac] k2 just earned Only Mostly Dead, Pygmalion, and Those Who Came Before. 04:06 well nalfeshnee are spellcasters iirc 04:06 Can you see it via telepathy? 04:06 so that is not really of much help 04:06 no telepathy 04:06 -!- sparrow459 has joined #tnnt 04:06 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:7034 04:06 lemme clean up here and then i think about it 04:06 consolidate my stuff 04:07 3rd wand of polymorph lol 04:07 this game is so insane 04:08 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2513 points, 3294 turns, killed by a white unicorn 04:09 Anyone know of a good IRC client for headless Ubuntu? Maybe with a web interface? 04:09 -!- sparrow4 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 04:09 -!- sparrow459 is now known as sparrow4 04:09 irccloud? 04:09 has a web interface 04:09 otherwise i use weeechat on my headless linux 04:09 weechat* 04:09 [US] eitmobius (Val Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:4191 04:10 i am sure weechat has a web plugin to work with Kiwi 04:11 alright I'll look at those, thanks. 04:11 [Ac] Jes just earned Under New Management. 04:11 Am tempted to genocide on turn 1. 04:11 Probably shouldn't though~ 04:13 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 53 points, 368 turns, killed by a falling object 04:13 [US] eitmobius (Val Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4192 04:13 Kitty killer 04:15 -!- tonehack has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:17 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:7244 04:18 [US] [D]: eitmobius (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1881 points, 4492 turns, killed by a sewer rat 04:19 fuck it i go now 04:19 if i die here i stop playing for now 04:21 [Ac] eitmobius just earned Furry Little Problem. 04:21 [US] Leggman (Arc Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a black unicorn, on T:35279 04:21 -!- sparrow4 has left #tnnt 04:21 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 327 points, 1320 turns, killed by a bat 04:25 [US] [D]: spleen (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 8822 points, 5595 turns, killed by a jaguar, while praying 04:26 [Ac] spleen just earned Who's That Pretty Girl in the Mirror, There? and Escape to Discworld. 04:29 Silly Dlvl:3 giant mimic store. 04:29 [US] [D]: Bot (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 0 points, 583 turns, killed by a grid bug (and 6 other games not reported) 04:29 Just for that, I'm gonna rob your shop. 04:31 [US] [D]: Bot (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 114 points, 656 turns, poisoned by a rotted jackal corpse 04:31 [US] [D]: Glord (Arc-Gno-Mal-Neu), 756 points, 2326 turns, killed by a wand 04:31 [US] [D]: NOP (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 20396 points, 10128 turns, killed by Mr. Trahnil; the shopkeeper 04:33 -!- shadowcat has joined #tnnt 04:34 -!- sparrow4 has joined #tnnt 04:34 [US] Bot (Tou Hum Mal Neu) murdered his faithful little dog, on T:163 04:35 [US] shadowcat (Bar Hum Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:927 04:36 [Ac] NOP just earned Are You Feeling Lucky, Are You Still Pudding Farming, and Breaking and Entering. 04:36 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (master lich), on T:36377 04:38 [US] [D]: Bot (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 212 points, 528 turns, killed by tumbling down a flight of stairs (and 2 other games not reported) 04:38 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 5443 points, 3911 turns, killed by a wolf 04:38 [US] [D]: mwrynn (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 420 points, 1639 turns, killed by a water moccasin 04:39 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 695 points, 1715 turns, killed by a rothe 04:39 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed spleen's ghost, the former Trailblazer, on T:7123 04:40 -!- spleen has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:41 [Ac] Bot just earned 007 and You're About To Die, You Scrub. 04:41 [Ac] mwrynn just earned Dungeon Economics. 04:41 [Ac] Jes just earned Orthodoxy, Neutralized, and DIRGE. 04:41 [R] Clan Invisible Angelic Snakes advances to rank 23! 04:41 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 100 points, 321 turns, killed by a small mimic 04:42 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 19490 points, 9202 turns, killed by a gremlin, while praying 04:42 ok enough 04:42 that was insane 04:42 apparently i forgot how to play 04:43 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 47 points, 238 turns, killed by a little dog called Cocoa 04:45 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 136 points, 553 turns, killed by a jackal 04:46 [Ac] stenno just earned Beast Master. 04:46 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1539 points, 3985 turns, killed by a giant ant 04:48 [US] shadowcat (Bar Hum Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1988 04:51 [Ac] Andrio just earned Got No Talent. 04:53 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 338 points, 1106 turns, killed by a hobgoblin 04:53 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:6268 04:54 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 535 points, 1741 turns, killed by a werejackal 04:55 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 1784 points, 3269 turns, killed by a blue jelly 04:55 -!- shadowcat has quit [Quit: shadowcat] 04:56 -!- kcostell has joined #tnnt 04:56 3 bags of holding and 3 wands of cancellation before I even get to Sokoban. I think the game's trying to set me up for an accident 04:58 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:6465 05:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 05:00 UTC: Games: 39, Asc: 0, Scum: 7. 75566 turns, 113128 points. (47%Elf), 26d 18:59 remaining. 05:00 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) made his first artifact wish - "blessed fireproof +2 Staff of Aesculapius", on T:26252 05:00 Hi water mocassins. 05:01 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed mwrynn's ghost, the former Empiric, on T:1220 05:02 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2334 points, 1271 turns, killed by a hill orc 05:04 And of course the sokoban treasure is yet another bag. Because why not 05:06 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 174 points, 757 turns, killed by a fox 05:07 [US] [D]: telegarn (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1690 points, 2996 turns, killed by a plains centaur 05:08 <@luxidream> $who 05:08 @luxidream: [EU] stenno | [US] allanb youshum555 kcostell oh6 fakepass eitlarry Graydot eitm9l moller Bot Dx34 NOP CurlyBrace sparrow4 | [AU] Andrio 05:10 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 108 points, 572 turns, killed by a falling rock 05:10 -!- jeremiahL_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:11 [Ac] telegarn just earned Go Forth and Smite, Neutralized, and Sounds Hollow. 05:13 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 406 points, 1567 turns, killed by a bat 05:14 [US] kcostell (Bar Hum Mal Cha) destroyed eitkrog's ghost, the former Ninja, on T:11518 05:15 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 468 points, 1271 turns, killed by a giant bat 05:16 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 84 points, 577 turns, killed by a water moccasin 05:16 [US] [D]: sparrow4 (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 5825 points, 4225 turns, killed by a soldier ant 05:17 I keep getting good starts as Wizard and then dying anyway. 05:19 [US] [D]: nekochan (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 124 points, 169 turns, killed by a water demon, while sleeping 05:20 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2800 points, 2996 turns, killed by a fire ant, while sleeping off a magical draught 05:20 one fire ant attack, all my potions explode, dead 05:20 F 05:21 [Ac] sparrow4 just earned Frozen Treats. 05:21 this is all because i am playing male 05:21 bad karma 05:21 play wiz elf fem cha 05:21 she'sthe best 05:21 no i need to get a mal asc in for both genders 05:21 lol 05:21 fuck that 05:21 women ftw 05:21 i concur 05:21 XD 05:22 [US] kcostell (Bar Hum Mal Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Set, on T:11860 05:22 -!- Nerin has joined #tnnt 05:23 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 107 points, 415 turns, killed by burning scrolls 05:23 magic trap, all my shit burns and explodes, dead 05:23 ouch 05:23 lmao 05:23 magic trap so balanced 05:23 in the early game 05:23 very balanced definitely 05:23 * aoei nodnods 05:24 T:6 05:24 n - an uncursed wand of death (0:7). 05:24 :o 05:24 unfortunately i am neutral 05:24 why unfortunate 05:24 can't kill shks 05:24 boo 05:25 kill anyway 05:25 the luck is fixable 05:25 hm ihave a rogue game i could play 05:25 Apparently I can one-shot a werejackal with a bear trap 05:26 [Ac] stenno just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 05:26 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 889 points, 2365 turns, killed by a giant bat 05:26 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 05:28 $who 05:28 JonathanHanes: [EU] aoei stenno | [US] allanb youshum555 oh6 sparrow4 fakepass eitlarry Graydot eitm9l moller nekochan Bot CurlyBrace Jes kcostell Dx34 NOP | [AU] Arahael Andrio Nerin 05:28 $whereis andrio 05:28 JonathanHanes: [AU] Andrio : (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) T:348 The Dungeons of Doom level: 2 05:29 [AU] [D]: Nerin (Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha), 2014 points, 2777 turns, killed by a gnomish wizard 05:29 [US] Jes (Ran Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful dog, on T:3264 05:30 [US] Jes (Ran Elf Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a scroll labeled MAPIRO MAHAMA DIROMAT on an altar, on T:3276 05:31 [Ac] Nerin just earned 6 new achievements. 05:33 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3777 points, 3571 turns, killed by a hill orc called Aigorai of Airukagris 05:34 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by an orcish arrow), on T:10246 05:36 [US] [D]: fakepass (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 24589 points, 10324 turns, killed by a troll 05:36 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:30779 05:37 [US] moller (Tou Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:11973 05:37 whew 05:37 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed ring of levitation", on T:30780 05:38 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 749 points, 2668 turns, killed by a shuriken 05:39 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu), 3550 points, 4699 turns, killed by a giant mimic 05:41 [Ac] fakepass just earned Always Talk to the Wise Old Man, Insert Quarter to Continue, and 007. 05:43 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 235 points, 620 turns, killed by a dwarf 05:44 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1929 points, 1813 turns, killed by a giant mimic 05:45 [US] jackofclubs (Bar Orc Mal Cha) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Set, on T:4384 05:45 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 11 points, 137 turns, killed by a sewer rat 05:47 -!- telegarn has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:48 -!- telegarn has joined #tnnt 05:49 -!- BilldaCat has quit [Quit: My iMac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 05:49 [EU] [D]: aoei (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 3090 points, 1692 turns, killed by a giant beetle 05:49 boo 05:49 dammit 05:49 i thought i was faster than them 05:49 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:30171 05:49 than a giant beetle? 05:50 yea 05:50 i though they're slow 05:50 They are... 05:50 were you encumbered? 05:50 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 360 points, 583 turns, killed by a dwarf 05:50 i dont think so but maybe i wasnt paying attention 05:50 mm 05:50 This is why I like to carry stacks of ammo around. You never know which stack is going to be enchanted and sell for a lot. 05:51 [Ac] aoei just earned Back to Civilisation and A Little Light Larceny. 05:51 You sold 15 crossbow bolts for 60 gold pieces. 05:52 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed Andrio's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:1197 05:53 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed NOP's ghost, the former Bandit, on T:2051 05:54 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 224 points, 1537 turns, killed by a large mimic 05:56 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:10727 05:57 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 68 points, 496 turns, killed by a fox 05:57 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed shadowcat's ghost, the former Bandit, on T:2227 05:57 -!- kcostell has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:58 -!- kcostell has joined #tnnt 05:58 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed the Chromatic Dragon, on T:42399 05:58 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:42401 05:58 <@luxidream> $whereis jonathanhanes 05:58 @luxidream: [US] jonathanhanes : (Kni Hum Mal Law) T:3589 The Gnomish Mines level: 6 06:00 Current Day as of 2020-11-04 06:00 UTC: Games: 259, Asc: 3, Scum: 125. 463178 turns, 7564573 points. 4d 21:25 gametime. (38%Wiz), (37%Elf), (58%Cha), (74%Mal), 26d 17:59 remaining. 06:00 The neighborhood is friendlier. 06:00 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1435 points, 3102 turns, killed by an orcish dagger 06:01 -!- bebing has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:02 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 48 points, 254 turns, killed by a bear trap 06:02 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots", on T:31547 06:03 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased rustproof +2 helm of brilliance", on T:31553 06:06 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:31569 06:06 [US] [D]: fakepass (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3639 points, 2757 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 06:08 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:32449 06:08 -!- kcostell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:11 -!- kcostell has joined #tnnt 06:11 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed Andrio's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:1402 06:12 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:7769 06:13 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Gno-Fem-Neu), 311 points, 117 turns, killed by a hobgoblin (and one other game not reported) 06:13 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 15445 points, 7862 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a mumak 06:13 sigh 06:14 :( 06:14 how do i get armor 06:14 fuck its 7am lmao 06:14 why are we still awake stenno 06:14 i end up in sokoban 06:15 because election 06:15 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 06:15 ssshhh 06:15 what election 06:15 there is no election here 06:15 [US] Bot (Hea Gno Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a werejackal, on T:6111 06:15 these are not the elections you're looking for 06:15 that is actually true 06:15 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law), 204 points, 101 turns, killed by a jackal 06:16 [Ac] stenno just earned Shifty. 06:16 i like how i get 0-1 achievements per game 06:16 i think if i get sdsm i just win 06:16 but didn't get it in the last 20 games or so 06:17 [AU] ogmobot (Mon Hum Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a pyramidal amulet on an altar, on T:6190 06:18 stenno: F 06:18 but its sad that i have to rely on exactly sdsm wish to get this wizard going 06:18 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur, on T:4579 06:19 i mean wtf is that 06:19 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Gno-Mal-Neu), 350 points, 286 turns, killed by a rabid rat 06:19 yes you should be ashamed of yourself 06:19 i am doing something wrong and i haven't figured out what in the last 12 hours or so 06:19 moar daggerchucky 06:19 i guess 06:19 idk 06:19 yaeh maybe 06:19 earlygamewiz is daggerchucky 06:19 dont cast 06:19 just chuck 06:20 get nice mines armour 06:20 and lots of daggers 06:20 and maybe magicbane 06:21 [Ac] wormy212 just earned You Are What You Eat. 06:21 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu), 8 points, 102 turns, killed by axing a hard object (and one other game not reported) 06:23 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 349 points, 630 turns, killed by a hobgoblin 06:23 curse of the male character 06:23 bad karma 06:23 -!- Nerin has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:23 can't be my own incompetence 06:24 For me a big thing about the early game as a wizard is staying on my back foot. Kill when I can to gain levels, but don't be afraid to let my pet take the lead and don't be afraid to run away/flee upstairs if things look tough 06:24 stenno: it could never be your incompetence 06:24 you are the most comptententest 06:24 yeah i'm pulling my pet with me 06:25 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 23 points, 183 turns, killed by a water demon 06:25 lul 06:25 More than even pulling. If I see a long hallway and I'm worried about my health I'll displace my pet so that it's ahead of me, and let the pet walk down it ahead of me and shield me from any monsters in it 06:25 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased bag of holding", on T:31957 06:26 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 1202 points, 2940 turns, killed by a dwarf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 06:26 !gt e 06:27 [US] PsyMar (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 gauntlets of power", on T:20218 06:27 yeah i do the same 06:28 i just end up in soko with ~50 HP and AC:6 06:28 so i get one-hitted by stronger monsters 06:29 -!- sparrow495 has joined #tnnt 06:29 -!- sparrow495 has left #tnnt 06:30 [US] [D]: Bot (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2183 points, 7224 turns, killed by a giant bat 06:30 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) rejected atheism by offering a hill orc corpse on an altar of Moloch, on T:5289 06:31 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon him by Lugh, on T:5300 06:31 -!- kcostell has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:31 -!- sparrow4 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:31 -!- sparrow4 has joined #tnnt 06:36 [Ac] Bot just earned 7 new achievements. 06:36 [EU] [D]: Kejchi (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 7185 points, 4252 turns, killed by a leocrotta 06:40 -!- kcostell has joined #tnnt 06:40 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:5534 06:41 [Ac] Kejchi just earned Shafted, Spam, Spam, Spam, and You're About To Die, You Scrub. 06:41 [Ac] aoei just earned First Edition. 06:41 -!- sparrow4 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:42 [EU] swegen (Arc Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11442 06:42 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed fixed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:5597 06:42 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:34124 06:43 [AU] [D]: thehayman22 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 2323 points, 3195 turns, killed by a killer bee, while fainted from lack of food 06:44 [AU] ogmobot (Mon Hum Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a baluchitherium, on T:7307 06:45 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 203 points, 665 turns, killed by a riding accident 06:46 [Ac] thehayman22 just earned Orthodoxy. 06:50 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 590 points, 2227 turns, killed by a small mimic 06:50 woo! i almost skipped soko because I found both rewards before sokoban itself, but lvl 3 had a wand of wishing ! 06:51 the gods are smiling upon us 06:51 [EU] [D]: Kejchi (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 90 points, 263 turns, killed by a small mimic 06:52 4x12 beehive. mmm...royal jelly donuts... 06:53 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed Master Key of Thievery", on T:13454 06:53 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:6464 06:54 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 374 points, 713 turns, killed by a dwarf lord 06:54 Why would I be able to recognize mimics in a shop? I was wearing a protection from shape changers ring at one point, but it got vaporized by a wand of lightning several dungeon levels ago 06:56 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:13458 06:56 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed wand of polymorph", on T:34641 06:57 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 5791 points, 6016 turns, killed by a soldier ant 06:57 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping an oval amulet on an altar, on T:5927 06:58 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 3942 points, 4422 turns, killed by a bolt of cold 06:58 -!- Nerin has joined #tnnt 06:58 bolt of cold, all my stuff explodes, dead 06:59 [US] [D]: Bot (Hea-Gno-Fem-Neu), 0 points, 127 turns, killed by kicking a headstone (and one other game not reported) 06:59 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:5994 07:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 07:00 UTC: Games: 87, Asc: 0, Scum: 61. 48582 turns, 46832 points. (35%Hum), 26d 16:59 remaining. 07:00 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 207 points, 782 turns, killed by a bat 07:01 [Ac] nekochan just earned Shafted, Pet Rescue, Looking Slick, and Civilized Cooking. 07:01 $who 07:01 JonathanHanes: [EU] Kejchi Raisse swegen stenno | [US] jonathanhanes Graydot moller Bot | [AU] Andrio ogmobot Arahael 07:02 -!- TheGame20 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:02 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3680 points, 6366 turns, killed by a fire ant, while praying 07:07 [EU] Kejchi (Val Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Raisse's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:1344 07:10 -!- Sluggo has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:10 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:14546 07:12 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1137 points, 2051 turns, killed by a hobbit 07:13 [AU] ogmobot (Mon Hum Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8064 07:16 p -- 22 Lumps of Royal Jelly. I love beehives 07:17 The game just crashed? 07:18 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 754 points, 2737 turns, killed by an arrow 07:20 F 07:21 [Ac] Andrio just earned Only Mostly Dead, DIRGE, and Touch It With A 10 Foot Pole. 07:21 I suppose I'll try getting into my game - or do I need to leave it for an admin to recover? 07:21 aoei: (Would you happen to know?) 07:22 see what happens when you try to play 07:22 if you get a start a new game thing thne you need to recover with help fro madmin 07:23 There is already a game in progress under your name. Destroy old game? [yn] (n) 07:23 I'm going to select "n" 07:23 yeah you need an admin i think 07:23 Wait, or select 'n'? 07:24 I think I can remember the edge case that caused it. 07:24 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 07:24 select n and then find an admin lol 07:24 Heh. 07:25 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 215 points, 612 turns, killed by an electric shock 07:25 "kaytwo" is probably asleep, and I wouldn't want to wake anyone up, it _is_ just a game, afterall. 07:26 [EU] swegen (Arc Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a large mimic, on T:12422 07:28 -!- Souljazz has joined #tnnt 07:29 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 2831 points, 4566 turns, killed by a rothe 07:35 -!- sparrow4 has joined #tnnt 07:36 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:10212 07:37 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 7 points, 182 turns, killed by an electric shock 07:38 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1340 points, 1695 turns, killed by a killer bee 07:39 [EU] Kejchi (Val Hum Fem Neu) destroyed NOP's ghost, the former Bandit, on T:3077 07:40 [EU] Kejchi (Val Hum Fem Neu) destroyed shadowcat's ghost, the former Bandit, on T:3108 07:42 [EU] Kejchi (Val Hum Fem Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping a concave amulet on an altar, on T:3152 07:43 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 134 points, 527 turns, killed by a fox 07:47 -!- snes-nh has joined #tnnt 07:48 -!- tromix has joined #tnnt 07:50 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:16132 07:51 [US] [D]: joan (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 208 points, 1450 turns, killed by a hobbit 07:54 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:16137 07:57 [US] moller (Tou Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first item, on T:17174 07:58 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 543 points, 1538 turns, killed by a rabid rat 07:58 [US] Wolfechu (Arc Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Camaxtli, on T:10208 08:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 08:00 UTC: Games: 11, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 0d 04:00 gametime. (91%Wiz), 26d 15:59 remaining. 08:00 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 4585 points, 6548 turns, killed by an owlbear, while praying 08:00 [US] Bot (Hea Gno Fem Neu) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3821 08:01 [US] [D]: joan (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 186 points, 1091 turns, killed by an arrow 08:02 -!- amateurhour has joined #tnnt 08:05 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1079 points, 1169 turns, killed by a ghoul, while paralyzed by a monster 08:05 -!- bebing has joined #tnnt 08:08 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 302 points, 1328 turns, killed by a bat 08:09 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 492 points, 700 turns, killed by a werejackal 08:11 [Ac] stenno just earned Father Figure. 08:12 how could I have angered my quest leader? One of the guardians just attacked me 08:12 conflict? 08:12 Or flipped alignment? But probably conflict. 08:13 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) killed the Minion of Huhetotl, on T:23126 08:13 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:23127 08:15 stenno: I think I identified that before, but maybe my horse was jsut hungry 08:15 Which server? 08:15 [US] sparrow4 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:5767 08:16 -!- theRaisse has joined #tnnt 08:16 europe 08:16 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:16 same name 08:18 joes: You're not a murderer by chance? That wouldn't do it would it? 08:19 I became one, because I was attacked, but that shouldn't matter 08:20 @joes Might have been some other monster did something that confused them? 08:20 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 08:21 [US] kcostell (Bar Hum Mal Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:17306 08:21 [US] kcostell (Bar Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:17308 08:21 I started the quest, a trap teleported me down 2 levels to a lich, I came back up and was unwelcome 08:24 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1332 points, 3340 turns, killed by a giant ant 08:25 -!- mobileuser has joined #tnnt 08:27 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:1166 08:27 -3... 08:29 [EU] [D]: Mandevil (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 476 points, 1112 turns, killed by a dart 08:30 [US] joan (Tou Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3722 08:30 <@luxidream> @joes I watched the ttyrec 08:30 <@luxidream> you attacked a peaceful 08:31 [Ac] Mandevil just earned Wash it Clean and 007. 08:31 luxi thanks, when and where? 08:31 <@luxidream> I think it was that giant, and one of the guardians saw you 08:32 oh damn, can't kill my leader can I 08:32 well, you *can* but it's not recommended 08:33 <@luxidream> did you finish the quest 08:35 -!- rebatela has joined #tnnt 08:35 nah, not yet 08:35 but those are some drastic consequences 08:36 why was the giant peaceful anyway 08:36 -!- Nerin has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 08:36 does a /oWishing autoID even if i have negative luck and don't get a wish? 08:37 [US] [D]: joan (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1333 points, 4147 turns, killed by a giant ant 08:39 -!- HalNovek has joined #tnnt 08:39 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:2655 08:39 also, can i cancel my armor by throwing up magicbane? 08:41 stenno: Considering how dangerious magicbane is, I'd assume you're more likely to just die. I'd look for a nymph, or something, or someohw find holy water, or a scroll/spell of remove curse, or destroy armour. 08:41 [Ac] joan just earned Absolute Monarchy. 08:41 stenno: Or enhant armour. 08:41 [US] moller (Tou Hum Mal Neu) made his first artifact wish - "blessed +2 Grayswandir", on T:19162 08:41 magicbane doesn't really do damage though 08:45 A nymph stole my cloak and I got it back with one less point of enchantment. What could have happened? 08:47 i can't think of a way how that is possible 08:47 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 08:47 oh I'm dumb 08:47 Different cloak, I'd think? 08:47 I killed the nymph with drain life 08:47 Ah, that. 08:47 oh nice 08:47 $who 08:47 JonathanHanes: [EU] Kejchi swegen elenmirie | [US] quervo1 moller Bot Wertik sparrow4 | [AU] Andrio 08:48 -!- jeremiahL has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:51 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) had Mjollnir bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:4765 08:51 god dammit 08:51 i am stupid 08:52 rip artiwish 08:52 for neutral... 08:53 -!- PavelB has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 08:53 Heh. 08:54 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:54 -!- jeremiahL has joined #tnnt 09:01 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) averted death (drowned in a pool of water by a giant eel), on T:25968 09:02 -!- jeremiahL has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:03 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 5613 points, 6731 turns, killed by a giant mimic 09:03 -!- jeremiahL has joined #tnnt 09:03 by the way, is it considered a bug that mimics get attacks as soon as they discovered? 09:04 i got hit by a mimic, and _next turn_ i got hit twice 09:04 by hte same mimic 09:04 does it not cost movement points for mimics to do the attack upon reveal? 09:05 giant mimic 09:05 speed 3 09:05 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 450 points, 2618 turns, killed by a jackal 09:05 i had speed boots, 09:05 How can i get attacked by a mimic on reveal and in the next turn, get two more attacks in? 09:05 3how many movement points did the mimic have? 09:05 -!- tromix has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:06 [Ac] stenno just earned Pygmalion. 09:06 it must be a bug 09:06 -!- tromix has joined #tnnt 09:09 -!- BilldaCat has joined #tnnt 09:11 -!- tromix has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:11 -!- tromix has joined #tnnt 09:13 $lastgame kejchi 09:13 sparrow4: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/K/Kejchi/tnnt/dumplog/1604471830.tnnt.html 09:14 how the _hell_ do movement points work with mimics 09:14 its frustrating 09:14 this can't be intended 09:15 Is there a way to buy intrinsic protection if you are permanently deaf? 09:16 you can't buy protection if you are deaf? 09:16 can't chat i guess? 09:16 stenno: I don't think you can #chat if you're deaf. Yeah. 09:16 well you can talk 09:16 you just cannot hear 09:16 ah ok 09:17 stenno: But yeah, I fully agree! 09:17 trying to chat to a priest results in: "How can you hold a conversation when you cannot hear?" 09:17 That's damned difficult, yeah. 09:17 Maybe note passing with a magic marker and scrolls? ;) 09:18 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:26015 09:18 > PLS CAN BUY PROT? 09:18 You'd think if you threw the money at him he'd get the idea 09:18 < WOW! Your english is very good! 09:18 at least its better than "Pilgrim, I would speak no longer with thee" 09:18 yeah :) there should be a way to signal the priest about your need 09:19 Also, i know quite a few people who can lead a conversation without actually listenning 09:20 Hey 09:21 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Dwa-Fem-Law), 361 points, 767 turns, killed by a giant rat (and 3 other games not reported) 09:21 The coyote isn't supposed to kill me when I trap myself with a bear trap. 09:21 That's obscene. 09:22 -!- spicycat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:24 you going for permadeaf conduct swegen? 09:25 $lastgame stenno 09:25 stenno: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stenno/tnnt/dumplog/1604477890.tnnt.html 09:26 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 192 points, 531 turns, killed by a guard, while sleeping 09:27 [US] sparrow4 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed Kejchi's ghost, the former Fighter, on T:8288 09:28 amateurhour: yep I'm trying that conduct, but without protection makes it a bit harder 09:28 how're you finding it so far? 09:28 swegen: You might be able to pray for it? 09:29 Yeah, that's one of the prayer favors but quite unreliable. 09:30 no problems with the conduct so far, except no #chatting 09:31 [Ac] wormy212 just earned Breaking and Entering and Gullible. 09:33 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 359 points, 465 turns, killed by an explosion 09:33 [AU] Andrio (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:5680 09:33 you can't hear the noises from the vault guards but no need to find them now :) 09:36 [Ac] wormy212 just earned First Edition and Scribe. 09:38 swegen: The multiplier for that conduct is pretty low - only 1.02 09:38 it's not about the points, it's about the fun 09:39 True, but even so... Deaf isn't the one I'd pick! 09:40 which would you pick then? :P 09:40 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:42 [EU] [D]: jannis (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 138365 points, 26974 turns, killed by a soldier 09:43 amateurhour: Heh. Petless. :) 09:43 [EU] swegen (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:15265 09:43 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 239 points, 586 turns, killed by a boulder 09:44 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 257 points, 1814 turns, died of starvation, while fainted 09:44 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2890 points, 7896 turns, killed by a hill orc 09:46 [Ac] jannis just earned 21 new achievements. 09:46 [Ac] Andrio just earned Pet Rescue. 09:46 [Ac] wormy212 just earned Orthodoxy, The Most Dangerous Game, and 007. 09:51 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 329 points, 1680 turns, killed by a kitten 09:54 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:2418 09:55 [US] Bot (Hea Gno Fem Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:8982 09:56 nobody wants my +4 silver arrows huh 09:56 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law), 251 points, 483 turns, killed by a Kop Sergeant (and 2 other games not reported) 09:56 wow best dlvl2 ever 09:58 sparrow4: That's pretty niche, imho. 09:59 sparrow4: How many did you put in, anyway? 10:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 10:00 UTC: Games: 14, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 50660 turns, 149310 points. (43%Cha), 26d 13:59 remaining. 10:00 [EU] [D]: FIQ (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 184 points, 1283 turns, killed by a bugbear 10:00 arahael: 18. I get it though, I didn't take them either :P 10:01 lovely for a ranger 10:01 [Ac] wormy212 just earned Stop, Thief!. 10:01 elenmirie__: exactly! 10:02 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) became literate by reading the fortune inside a cookie, on T:3194 10:02 -!- AB5NI has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:03 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 472 points, 1720 turns, killed by a large mimic 10:03 -!- NuSlayer_ has joined #tnnt 10:04 -!- joes has left #tnnt 10:04 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 10:04 -!- AB5NI has joined #tnnt 10:04 re-howdy 10:04 Hope everyone has been bashing stuff to victory :D 10:05 hey AB5NI 10:05 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 692 points, 1960 turns, killed by a dart, while praying 10:05 good to hear from u, sparrow4 10:06 [Ac] stenno just earned Who You Gonna Call?. 10:06 I have a question: Do u take some kinda penalty hit teleporting a boulder on soko? 10:07 -!- joes8 has joined #tnnt 10:07 -!- joes has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:07 -!- joes8 is now known as joes 10:07 AB5NI: I believe not 10:08 I tele'ed a boulder *right where it needed to be*, and I simply pushed it in place. Couldn't bleieve it. My one and only time I've ever telo'ed a boulder in soko deliberately. 10:08 $lastgame FIQ 10:08 Tangles: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/F/FIQ/tnnt/dumplog/1604483558.tnnt.html 10:09 sparrow4, that's what I've been doing for years, when I mess up on soko and move a 0 to a wrong square. Sometimes u get lucky, and sometimes u don't 10:09 -!- NuSlayer__ has joined #tnnt 10:09 Tangles: Hey! We've asked K2, but I'm wondering if you might be able to help me out? I've crashed my game. :( 10:10 oh hey sure. What happened? 10:11 Tangles: It just... vanished. But I think I know how I hit the edge case, I think it's because I was in the Wizard Quest - Xp 11 or thereabouts. 10:11 Tangles: Very fast. stealthy. perm-invis, and all that. 10:11 AB5NI: I'd usually consider wands of tele too precious for that myself. Luck penalty isn't too bad. 10:11 Tangles: And I decided to use magicbane to open the chest *before* chatting to the leader. 10:11 Tangles: Crashed when they would send me back to the main dungeon for not being XP 14 or better - except I was opening a chest. 10:12 -!- jeremiahL has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:12 Oh ok... that's weird. 10:12 Tangles: So I think K2 was asked to look for any dump files and also to consider recovering it. 10:12 -!- NuSlayer_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:12 -!- jeremiahL has joined #tnnt 10:12 you were #forcing the chest with MB? 10:13 Tangles: Yep! Nearly succeeded, too! Ah, yep, it was amateurhour asking !tell'ing K2 to get the coredumps. 10:13 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 10:13 That's not a great idea for other reasons... pretty sure artifacts can break like other weapons. 10:13 Tangles: It's been... An interesting game. 10:14 Tangles: Disaster after disaster, then my BoH exploded, as I didn't realise that a bag of tricks would pop it. 10:14 After I had put everything in it, of course. ;) 10:14 I see you have all the level files here like there's a game running, but there isn't (which is typical of a crash) 10:14 Oh yeah I remember :) 10:14 [EU] [D]: FIQ (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 317 points, 1657 turns, killed by a wererat 10:14 They can, but they're much less likely to 10:14 people call Sting a glorified lock pick because of that 10:14 I think the chance is something like ~1% or something. 10:15 Ooh, maybe I should make Sting for that. 10:15 I still wouldn't use Magicbane though. 10:15 Meh, I already lost magicbane once or twice. 10:15 (That was... Insane...) 10:16 I was engulfed by an energy vortex when a nymph stole magicbane. 10:16 [Ac] FIQ just earned Best Friends Forever and Those Who Came Before. 10:16 oof 10:16 -!- joes has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:16 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) polymorphed her first object, on T:24590 10:17 bashing a chest with a blunt weapon also has a chance of destroying the chest and the contents 10:17 been there done that 10:17 oh wait this is vanilla :-) 10:18 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 849 points, 3502 turns, killed by a gnome 10:18 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 10:18 mobileuser: Yep. I tend to do that a fair bit int he first few levels. 10:18 yeah sorry, in vanilla it is an athame, in evilhack it is a staff 10:19 arahael: there is a crash dump here, but the backtrace contains nothing useful. 10:19 I'll see if I can recover you and then see how you go. 10:19 Tangles: That's odd. 10:19 It happens sometimes. 10:19 Tangles: Thanks! :) I guess I'll have to avoid opening that chest with magicbane before talking to the quest leader! 10:20 I was actually kind of stumbling around, as I'd never been in that quest, and I was like... Look! A Chest! Lets see what's in it! 10:20 Looked like a pretty significant chest. 10:21 [US] sparrow4 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9436 10:21 arahael: give that a go. 10:21 Sweet! 10:22 It'll probably punt you back to the start of whatever level you were on. 10:22 Tangles: Yeah, I'm not in the quest, just getting my bearings again! I think I'm about to step onto the portal. 10:22 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 10:23 Ah, no, I was already on it. 10:24 Oh maybe you got kicked out of the quest and THEN it crashed. 10:24 which means you've not lost any progress. 10:24 Yeah, whilst opening the chest. 10:24 THat seems like the most likely thing. 10:24 I seem to have some scrolls I don't think I had before the quest - random objects. 10:25 My sack is still in the big room - yep, everything's there. :) 10:25 Thanks so much! 10:26 Now, to get an extra 3 XP before I return to the quest... I thought the wizard's quest had a whole bunch of W's? 10:26 I think it can have, but you might have to lure them back out through the portal. 10:27 There were none, not on the home level, at least. 10:29 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 804 points, 1836 turns, killed by a killer bee 10:29 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) became Camaxtli's Envoy of Balance, on T:24760 10:30 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 3052 points, 5036 turns, killed by an owlbear 10:31 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:31 got super-excited about FIQ's bones having a bag... it's a bag of tricks. 10:32 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 10:32 I use those for saccing, Tangles 10:32 Helps :D 10:32 and theres a ton of monsters crowded around the stairs all trying to kill me, so all in all a bad time. 10:32 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) genocided master mind flayer, on T:36083 10:33 AB5NI: Same, that's why I kept one around and put it into my BoH! 10:33 AB5NI: (Don't do that) 10:33 arahael, Oh, I've had WAY too man BoH explosions :D 10:33 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2212 points, 5604 turns, killed by a soldier ant 10:34 BoH explosions put me into a deep funk too. Everything that might do that is coloured bright magenta. 10:34 Isn't it like tricks, polywand, and another BoH that will blow them up? Anymore than those? 10:35 poly doesn't do it, cancellation does. 10:35 AB5NI: Wand of cancellation. 10:35 yeah..ok 10:35 Oh, and *empty* tricks is fine. 10:35 Didn't poly do it way back or something? 10:35 Same with the wand, has to be empty. 10:36 Ah, okay 10:36 [Ac] Paiki just earned Pot of Greed, Best Friends Forever, and Neutralized. 10:36 [Ac] stenno just earned Furry Little Problem and 007. 10:36 Add another BoH to the list. 10:36 ty all! 10:37 apparently if you put these things in a sack in a sack in a sack .... the odds get less for each sack but I've never tested that and don't think I ever will. 10:38 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon her by Huan Ti, on T:3273 10:39 tsingi: Ever considered raiding the entire game for dilithium crystals and then doing that trick so that youd on't need to rely on an army of giants to carry them? :) 10:40 Woohoo! "You may wish for an object". 10:40 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (giant eel), on T:3391 10:40 I polypiled for dilithium once just because they are rare, but I don't know the trick you speak of. 10:40 grats! 10:40 tsingi: deathonastick did that many years ago. That game took 2 years. 10:40 [AU] Tangles (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed FIQ's ghost, the former Evoker, on T:1123 10:41 Yeah, now I have no idea what to wish for. I want... Everything. 10:41 Literally the only thing I have that's good is magicbane. 10:41 Torn between some sort of DSM, and a magic marker. 10:42 Did you identify any scrolls? (check with '\') 10:42 I have almost zero magic eq other than a lamp. But Og smash is working well, I have a stack of +5 spears. 10:42 Tangles: I know a fair few scrolls. I've also identified Charging. 10:42 Oh and I got a BoH from Soko. 10:42 * arahael *had* a BoH from soko. 10:43 sorry dude, exploding BoH is never funny. 10:43 It had *everything* in it! 10:43 Although if you are a wiz and your luck is good (in-game, I mean, clearly not so much irl), you can write unidentified scrolls with high chance of success. 10:43 that's what it's for. 10:43 I had explicitly put everything in it in preparation for identifying everything in a shop! 10:43 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:44 Wizards are the most powerful role, just hard to start. 10:44 Tangles: Yeah, I never seem to have great luck in the game, but I do have a blessed luckstone. 10:44 Do you have an altar? I'm assuming thats how you got MB 10:44 I'm thinking: blessed fixed +2 silver dragon scale mail 10:44 Tangles: Yep. 10:45 Oh yeah, I have a shitload of artifacts, none of which I need other than cleaver. 10:45 Tangles: Several - I'm on turn 34k. 10:45 I'm thinking either that wish, or... An artifact. 10:46 You can sac monsters to increase luck, wish for a marker, write scare monster and cursed genocide, and revgeno silver dragons for scales, but then you need enchant armor as well, and probably charging because the marker will run out... 10:46 maybe easier just to wish for SDSM 10:46 I'd probably not wish for an artifact. You have magicbane, and you will get EotA when you've done the quest. What else do you need? 10:46 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 2374 points, 4496 turns, killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 10:47 Yeah. Chaotic doesn't have many options anyway - indeed. 10:47 oh chaotic... Maybe MKoT.. 10:47 Man, The Heart of Ahriman is just complete trash 10:47 yup 10:48 Tangles: I'm an elf wizard, but yeah. SDSM is the one I'm going for. "blessed fixed rustproof +2 silver dragon scale mail" 10:48 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 346 points, 1443 turns, killed by a werejackal, while fainted from lack of food 10:49 Tangles: It's either that or a BoH. ;) But I'll surely have the castle soon. 10:49 I got silver scales from the swap chest at the bottom of the mines, my only good piece of armour. 10:49 tsingi: From elenmirie__, I think. 10:49 arahael: what is the wish source? is it just a random single wish? 10:49 Tangles: Yep, throne wish. 10:50 yeah I'd probably grab the SDSM, for reflection and the extra AC. 10:50 Yeah, my AC is awful. 10:50 For an elven wizard? Definitely. 10:50 It'll improve your chance of survival getting to the castle. 10:50 [AU] Arahael (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed fixed rustproof +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:34914 10:50 and it'll be part of your eventual ascension kit. 10:50 The throne just vanished in a puff of logic. 10:50 Always gets me how it's vanished in a puff of *logic*. 10:50 Because that's... Logical... For thrones to just vanish. 10:51 [Ac] MAlischka2 just earned Dungeon Economics. 10:51 It's a hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy refernce I think 10:51 I think that's a Pratchet reference 10:51 Oh, I should've added "greased" to that, but nevermind, that's a minor thing. 10:51 Or maybe the guide. 10:51 tsingi: I don't remember such a throne in pratchett. 10:52 HOw far can I enchant SDSM, anyway? 10:52 it's from hitch-hiker, yes. some dude proves the non-existence of God, who disappears "in a puff of logic", iirc 10:52 then the philosopher proves white is black and gets killed on a zebra crossing. 10:52 Ah, nic. 10:53 I heard that the idea for proving that something was done by God in a courtcase is... 10:53 I haven't read much Rimworld stuff. Good Omens is an awesome book. 10:53 To deliberately loose it so that you can then go back to the insurance and say it's *not* an act of God. 10:54 I've now got AC:-7, that's about as good as it was when I started, before I polymorphed the first time and lost my +5 elvin-mithril armour. 10:54 Which I had randomly found in the mines. 10:54 tsingi, yes - I should read it again so I can watch the TV series, it's been almost 20 years since I read it. 10:54 [EU] [D]: FIQ (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 60 points, 369 turns, killed by a little dart 10:54 (It was a very frustrating moment, first of many!) 10:55 Thanks for leaving that loadstone on the stairs, FIQ :P 10:55 arahael: how did you polymorph? Were you not wearing CoMR? 10:56 Muad: Hilarious book, unparalleled. 10:56 [US] NOP (Bar Orc Mal Cha) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3890 10:56 Or was it from something other than a trap? 10:56 Tangles: I can't actually remember anymore. :( 10:57 arahael, did u get ur game back? 10:57 AB5NI: I did, thanks to Tangles here. :) 10:58 woot! Tangles is the dude 10:58 [US] NuSlayer (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:2435 10:58 Tangles: The only thing that has stayed by my side is your trusty ring of slow digestion. :) 11:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 11:00 UTC: Games: 11, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 0d 03:35 gametime. (45%Gno), 26d 12:59 remaining. 11:00 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Paiki's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:3943 11:01 Nice being able to cast spells again! 11:01 I just got swarmed by half a dozen killer bees that I can neither hit or escape from. Time to start reading random scrolls to see if I can get teleport... I now have a pet killer bee. 11:01 [EU] [D]: FIQ (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 223 points, 1064 turns, killed by a gecko 11:01 Ugh. Not sure if it's a chameleon or a polytrap, but there's now an Arch-Lich waiting for me just before Medusa's level 11:02 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:02 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 144 points, 296 turns, killed by a water demon 11:02 ...which politely moved out of the way in the corridor and let the hostile ones through... somehow I doubt this bee's allegiance. 11:03 damn leocrotta almost got me on soko 11:03 I was going to say "blood will tell" but I doubt that bees have blood. 11:04 What do you want to sacrifice? [bf or ?*] 11:04 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 111 points, 266 turns, killed by a water moccasin 11:04 haemolymph, I guess 11:04 How far can I enchant SDSM? 11:05 from +3 11:05 Ah, so standard. 11:05 You succeed in opening the tin. It smells like cockatrices. Eat it? 11:05 Give it to Mikey. 11:05 tsingi: depends, are you a yellow dragon? 11:05 they can't open tins! 11:05 Is there a way to pour holy water on a scroll that's on the ground to bless it? 11:05 No! 11:06 good point 11:06 [R] Clan HEY! MOONA advances to rank 3! 11:07 woot! 11:07 wait what happened 11:07 not sure 11:08 far out... I think I may have won the epic battle against the bees. God knows what else spawned on the level in the mean time. 11:08 i played the whole night and actually spammed a lot of achievements i guess 11:08 gm 11:08 hm 11:11 [R] Clan Smile Mold advances to rank 19! 11:12 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:28107 11:12 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:28109 11:13 [US] NOP (Bar Orc Mal Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:4299 11:13 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 472 points, 1444 turns, killed by a grid bug, while fainted from lack of food 11:14 Hmm, I do think my next wish will be a BoH now. 11:15 $clanscore 11:15 Tangles: teamsplit - Score: 371 - Rank: 6 11:16 aww man MOOOOOONA is beating us. 11:16 $clanscore 11:16 nabru: DAIYEN FOOELS - Score: 310 - Rank: 8 11:16 Tangles: Yes, and they can't even spell. :( 11:16 No word in the language ever has more than... 3 O's in a row. 11:16 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 4193 points, 4754 turns, killed by a panther 11:17 I have greased my aklys to protect it from corrosion but now it seems to fail more: "The aklys slips as you throw it". Didn't find a mention of that in the wiki. 11:17 [US] WizardOfPoland (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:15977 11:17 [EU] Mandevil (Rog Hum Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:8533 11:18 swegen, https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Can_of_grease#Strategy 11:18 Shafted down to the castle, which is just fine. 11:18 Right past that snake bitch. 11:19 Could be better prepared though. 11:20 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 198 points, 989 turns, killed by a water moccasin 11:20 [EU] Flugkiller (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:15035 11:20 Muad: thanks. didn't notice it at first but makes sense. 11:23 nice tsingi :) 11:23 [EU] [D]: Zecush (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 473 points, 589 turns, killed by a hobbit, while praying 11:25 [EU] Kejchi (Val Hum Fem Neu) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:8011 11:26 -!- Mandevil has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:27 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:2658 11:27 I shafted down to Oracle at xp 1, so i decided to do soko first. Almost died to a leocrotta (ran away), and now I have 3 pets off of soko. I'm wondering if I could take him out with my 3 pets..horse, dog, and kitten 11:28 i don't think so, they're fierce 11:28 -!- Mandevil has joined #tnnt 11:28 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o Mandevil] by ChanServ 11:28 AC = 1. Have magic whistle 11:28 I'm thinking no way lol 11:28 the pets will help less than one would think because leos are so fast 11:29 AB5NI: I don't think they'll even bother attacking, they're too low level, too. 11:29 I know, rite Muad 11:29 ah 11:30 Well, I might just bring em with me to do mines, and maybe I'll get lucky and find a poly trap and get something good 11:30 AB5NI: Sokoban is much harder in 3.6 than it was in 3.4.3. There's almost never a reason to do it before the mines anymore. 11:30 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:7913 11:30 Tangles, So I've noticed 11:31 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a werejackal, on T:6073 11:31 the monsters generate based on increasing depth when you go up, instead of decreasing. 11:31 I just do it up until the last lvl, just to pick up wands, rings, and pets. (Save last soko lvl until after mines.) 11:32 Tangles: We were thinking the same thing about soko. 11:33 Soko feels harder than it used to be. 11:33 Tangles, ah, good do know 11:33 [EU] [D]: Zecush (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 987 points, 967 turns, killed by a kitten 11:33 to* 11:35 [EU] JochenPeter (Val Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a wood nymph, on T:4320 11:35 When 3.6.0 came out, it felt like I could ascend any game I managed to get to the end of soko (and that was not many!) 11:36 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1349 points, 2632 turns, killed by a killer bee 11:36 Well, it needed to be tougher for veterans; otherwise, we'd all just get bored and quit playing, the way I see things...shrug 11:36 yeah, I've lost quite a few games at the end of soko 11:36 :| 11:37 [EU] [D]: JochenPeter (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 5022 points, 4503 turns, killed by a jaguar 11:38 Well, I have a suggestion, especially for new players: couldn't we have a noob and veteran mode? I doubt many noobs' will stick around if the game is too hard for them, or am I thinking about this incorrectly? 11:39 Main problem with that is it will be a LOT of code changes, I'd imagine 11:39 Valk 11:39 I think the (spoiled) game balance is fine personally, but wouldn't be if they nerfed dwarf valk as some variants seem to want to do 11:40 I was thinking along the lines of DOOM II lvl adjustments 11:41 [EU] [D]: lacca (Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha), 21396 points, 9764 turns, killed by an owlbear 11:41 amateurhour: I don't play enough to make good suggestions or assumptions, I guess..shrug 11:41 [Ac] stenno just earned Diamond in the Rough. 11:41 [Ac] JochenPeter just earned Back to Civilisation, Orthodoxy, A Little Light Larceny, and It's The Pits. 11:41 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:9140 11:42 the soko change makes sense really 11:42 it should get more difficult the further into soko you go 11:42 I also sometimes wonder if games should have some A.I. code that adjusts to a players abilities. 11:43 like, bump it up a notch every so-many ascend 11:44 problem with that is you'd prolly have a decent sized data set to do it properly, but maybe it wouldn't be too big? 11:45 -!- kcostell has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:45 amateurhour: Yeah, I agree 11:45 also, I'm happy that TNNT doesn't have flipped Sokoban 11:45 [EU] Mandevil (Rog Hum Mal Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:10281 11:45 A BoH or a an amulet of reflection are quite powerful. 11:46 And should be challenging to get. 11:46 [Ac] lacca just earned 19 new achievements. 11:48 [EU] [D]: Mandevil (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 18989 points, 10472 turns, choked on a tin of spinach 11:49 nabru: what do u mean by flipped? 11:50 [EU] [D]: microlance (Cav-Hum-Fem-Law), 686 points, 2666 turns, killed by a rothe, while frozen by a potion 11:50 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:5428 11:50 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 504 points, 1492 turns, killed by a kitten 11:51 I'm not sure I get the context. 11:51 AB5NI: in NetHack 3.7 sokoban levels can be upside down 11:51 [Ac] Mandevil just earned Sage Advice. 11:51 or flipped left/right 11:51 Ah..I see 11:51 it's horrible 11:52 I hope I live long enough to experience it! Hell, I mite live another few years with this cancer crap -- who knows? 11:52 you can play 3.7 on hardfought, it's regularly updated to latest 11:52 ok..will give it a shot after the tournament 11:52 ty 11:53 it's really horrible, hurts the brain 11:53 lol 11:53 I'd prefer new puzzles in the mix really 11:53 Which means we all have to memorize every soko lvl perfectly as well lol 11:54 unnethack has tough new ones doesn't it? 11:54 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 115 points, 515 turns, killed by a little dart 11:54 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) was chosen to take lives for the Glory of Anhur, on T:26387 11:55 Hmm..idea: write some code the imports daily online soko from some newspaper. Man, that would get rough :D 11:55 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a pair of padded gloves on an altar, on T:5983 11:55 I like the unnethack ones 11:56 amateurhour: I have never played it, or any of the variants, that I remember, anyway. 11:56 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:27039 11:56 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Sokoban_(UnNetHack) 11:56 cool..ty 11:57 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed JochenPeter's ghost, the former Fighter, on T:6139 11:58 Wow, that's a lot of new levels 11:59 [EU] [D]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2571 points, 3472 turns, killed by an owlbear (and one other game not reported) 12:00 Current Day as of 2020-11-04 12:00 UTC: Games: 409, Asc: 3, Scum: 188. 681133 turns, 7851358 points. 6d 11:15 gametime. (47%Wiz), (33%Hum), (52%Cha), (71%Mal), 26d 11:59 remaining. 12:00 there's even more in slex, which I don't think has a page 12:00 including a giant soko floor 12:00 *cautiously approaches a statue of a horse* oh it's just a statue of a horse 12:00 http://jonadab.jumpingcrab.com/nethack-stuff/spoilers-fourk/sokoban/nonfourk-levels.html 12:01 check out the metropolitan gallery of boulder art on that page 12:01 that's in slex 12:01 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1781 points, 2607 turns, killed by a wolf 12:02 This site might compromise your device or contain dangerous content. 12:02 To avoid these risks, close this window and skip this site. 12:02 [EU] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:27340 12:03 bleh I'll just screenshot it then 12:04 I run Qubes, where everything is in a sandbox, so it's no biggie. I just wanted u to know that the link could be dangerous 12:04 https://0x0.st/idve.png 12:05 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:8573 12:06 [Ac] MAlischka2 just earned You Are What You Eat. 12:06 I want a CoMR from the swapchest for a can of grease 12:08 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 141 points, 506 turns, killed by a small mimic 12:08 k...was fun, guys. Have to take care of my invalid Mom in a few hours, so I need a nap..later..have some fun mashing stuff. 12:08 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:4384 12:08 -!- AB5NI has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:10 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:1582 12:10 not risking writing them with a marker stenno? 12:10 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:1606 12:10 no 12:11 hmm 12:11 oh it's really early so low luck I guess 12:11 oof or pyec 12:11 tending towards oof 12:11 gotta be oof 12:12 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:38678 12:13 could be oof _and_ pyec come to think of it lol 12:13 yolo 12:13 but i think pyec for wiz is overrated 12:13 Huh? 12:13 A boulder generated ON the upstairs. 12:13 nice 12:13 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7086 12:15 what else 12:15 i want magic missile 12:16 green dragon meat 12:16 speed boots 12:16 maybe +oHealing 12:16 magic marker 12:16 [AU] Tangles (Sam Hum Fem Law) averted death (killed by a hill orc), on T:4111 12:17 kicking my greased aklys: "Whee! A greased +0 aklys slides across the floor." 12:17 /oPoly is nice for wiz too 12:17 lol 12:17 sounds like an aosdict yafm 12:17 Yay for use-identifying "oLS 12:17 YOLT 12:17 YLALO 12:17 you live at least once 12:18 heheh 12:20 Tangles: did you see this? https://nhqdb.alt.org/?3222 12:20 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased bag of holding", on T:7868 12:21 stenno: That's amazing. I wish I was there to see it. 12:21 -!- rebatela has joined #tnnt 12:21 i think this is my new overall favorite quote/situation on the nhqdb 12:23 Well that hardly ever happens. Had a cursed towel on my head and a nymph stole it. Thanks babe. 12:23 [EU] Raisse (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:3493 12:24 stenno: wat 12:24 why is that me 12:24 lol idk 12:24 it was my immediate association 12:26 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7155 12:29 nice, forgot to name my scrolls of charging 12:29 50/50 12:29 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3265 points, 5051 turns, killed by a dwarf lord 12:29 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) made his first artifact wish - "blessed greased fixed orb of fate", on T:1607 12:31 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 speed boots", on T:1619 12:31 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) bribed Asmodeus with 12 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:52522 12:31 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of magic missile", on T:1622 12:32 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed tin of green dragon meat", on T:1627 12:32 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1050 points, 1589 turns, killed by a giant ant 12:35 [EU] khamul (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:29533 12:36 [Ac] MAlischka2 just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 12:36 [EU] [D]: Zecush (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 924 points, 2602 turns, killed by a dwarf 12:38 hmmm 12:38 stenno: Yeah I think I saw that in backscroll the other day. Comedy gold! :) 12:38 boh or magic marker 12:38 :P 12:39 marker for the ascension 12:40 boh for our sanity 12:40 * your 12:41 [Ac] Zecush just earned Best Friends Forever. 12:41 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11816 12:43 found boh in a shop 12:45 This always gets me 12:45 You have a very bad case of stomach acid. Wizard is about to die. This green mold corpse tastes okay. 12:46 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 709 points, 1956 turns, killed by a little dog 12:46 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 12:47 "about to die"/"tastes ok" is how I feel when eating junk 12:47 (IRL) 12:47 [EU] snes (Val Hum Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:25432 12:47 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Cha), 82 points, 366 turns, killed by a falling object 12:47 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 37 points, 291 turns, killed by a falling object 12:49 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:9486 12:49 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 106 points, 488 turns, killed by a falling object 12:50 [tnnt] copperwater pushed 1 commit [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JTNHq 12:50 [tnnt] copperwater 2bbeb3f - Give message and call dismount_steed when entering deathmatch portal 12:51 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "magic marker", on T:2951 12:51 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 632 points, 1698 turns, killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a monster's gaze (and one other game not reported) 12:55 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 293 points, 1041 turns, killed by a gnome 12:55 Oh great... I have a mordor orc at the end of the soko corridor zapping striking at me and destroying the boulders as I push them 13:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 13:00 UTC: Games: 11, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 0d 02:41 gametime. (55%Cha), 26d 10:59 remaining. 13:01 ah that's annoying Tangles :( 13:01 hopefully one of your earth scrolls is blessed 13:02 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:3793 13:02 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 23624 points, 13214 turns, killed by a Grey-elf, while frozen by a monster's gaze 13:02 <@Paiki> dang accidently removed my amulet of reflection 13:02 <@Paiki> was such a good run 13:03 Me: Dlvl:3 $:94 HP:1(68) Pw:29(29) AC:-1 Xp:8/2086 T:7317 13:03 Status of the gnome king (neutral): Level 5 HP 1(23) AC 10. 13:03 -!- mobileuser has joined #tnnt 13:03 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:11206 13:04 One more hit... as long as I do hit! 13:04 lol 13:05 I think I'm boned anyway :/ 13:06 The Grey-elf zaps a wand of digging! The Grey-elf has made a hole in the floor. The Grey-elf falls through... 13:06 [EU] [D]: amateurhour (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 277 points, 661 turns, killed by a gnome king 13:06 maybe not. 13:06 [Ac] Paiki just earned Beast Master and 007. 13:06 Clearly that elf had no idea I was down to 1HP 13:06 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 853 points, 2913 turns, killed by an imp 13:06 I am back to playing like a silly sausage 13:07 [AU] thehayman22 (Val Dwa Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3449 13:07 [EU] [D]: amateurhour (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 94 points, 253 turns, killed by a boulder 13:08 amateurhour: actually the orc only blew up one boulder. 13:08 ah, nice 13:08 I just stood in the corridor wearing a CoMR until he emptied the wand 13:08 -!- spleen has joined #tnnt 13:08 [US] WizardOfPoland (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:17459 13:08 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 135 points, 254 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 13:09 post163's least unique death. 13:11 [Ac] post163 just earned The Most Dangerous Game, Best Friends Forever, and It's The Pits. 13:12 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:11945 13:14 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:14 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a baby blue dragon, on T:14250 13:17 [US] [D]: joes (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 1939 points, 1200 turns, killed by a hobbit 13:19 Oh, fucking ok then lmao 13:19 [EU] [D]: snes (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 391521 points, 25984 turns, killed by a touch of death 13:20 $lastgame 13:20 deki\unfoog: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/snes/tnnt/dumplog/1604231997.tnnt.html | [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/j/joes/tnnt/dumplog/1604494372.tnnt.html | [AU] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/A/Andrio/tnnt/dumplog/1604493976.tnnt.html 13:20 snes-nh: :( 13:21 [Ac] snes just earned 53 new achievements. 13:21 Only a normal lich in valley, went upstairs to check what dragons were available, went down to try and reach the temple for BUC, arch lich appears next to me and touch of deaths me 13:21 Gee thanks game 13:21 F 13:21 -!- shadowcat has joined #tnnt 13:21 Man that's going to keep me salty for a while, there was a cloak of MR and prot in the swap chest and I was trying to figure out which one to take 13:22 did you get the wand of wishing? 13:22 Yeah, figured I'd BUC + polypile rings to try for levitation before using a wish 13:22 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1402 points, 2818 turns, killed by a pony 13:22 fair enough 13:22 With a grey dragon being upstairs, I figured I could wait out getting the MR scales 13:22 yeah 13:23 wow this one random nurse is really going the distance 13:23 God man that's such bollocks, can't believe it spawned in 13:23 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased rustproof fireproof +3 grey dragon scale mail", on T:12767 13:23 castle and valley are dangerzone 13:23 it might have been asleep and woken up by a demon using aggr monster 13:23 Had telepathy on, no others apart from the normal one 13:23 or it could have been a nasty shapeshifter 13:23 Oh, potentially 13:24 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3817 points, 4594 turns, killed by a white unicorn 13:24 [US] bebing (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed rustproof wand of cancellation", on T:36050 13:24 next time will be better! 13:24 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) genocided class m, on T:53319 13:24 got 50 max hp out of that one nurse 13:25 Man I'm still waging the epic battle of sokoban. 13:25 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 8 points, 198 turns, killed by a falling object 13:25 [AU] [D]: thehayman22 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 2709 points, 4510 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a minotaur 13:26 I'm stranded between the castle and Medusa. No way to levitate across water, no way to open the drawbridge. I got shafted down unprepared. Medusa is dead but there was nothing in statues so no lev. 13:26 Ugh chameleon :( 13:26 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:854 13:26 [Ac] Andrio just earned Always Talk to the Wise Old Man. 13:27 <@DarkLightDragon> "A tower of flame erupts from the floor! Your scroll named PLS RETURN TO DEVTEAM catches fire and burns!" 13:27 <@DarkLightDragon> Fuck 13:27 No blindfold, haven't seen one yet, I have a towel but it's cursed. So I can't see eels. I do have a wand of cold, four charges would get me back up but that's risky. 13:27 I am wearing an SoLS. 13:27 AoLS 13:27 can there be altars on the rogue level? 13:27 never seen one 13:27 DarkLightDragon: almost the same happened to me. Fell onto water, my PLZ RETURN TO DEVTEAM scroll was erased 13:27 :'( 13:28 LOL! I just got taht this game. 13:28 <@DarkLightDragon> It's nice to know I'm not alone, at least 13:28 <@DarkLightDragon> But yeah, that sucks 13:28 tsingi: break the drawbridge, freeze or push boulder to cross, storm the castle 13:29 I have the castle moat blocked off with boulders, so no worries about eels there. 13:29 tsingi: what would you use a towel for? if you have to wear it then i would wear it - you have esp by now? 13:29 With one in front of the drawbridge, no instrument, striking wand dead. 13:29 [US] aosdict (Rog Hum Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:37193 13:29 Been looking for death drops. 13:29 Storm! Be a one man army! Kill them all! 13:30 [AU] [D]: DarkLightDragon (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 457 points, 1158 turns, killed by a gnome 13:30 I do have warning, taht's a good point. 13:30 I can't spell 'that' for some reason. always comes out taht. 13:31 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 220 points, 1097 turns, killed by a little dart 13:31 you could try wresting the wand of striking 13:31 tsingi: you could wrest the last strike 13:31 [EU] Mandevil (Rog Hum Mal Cha) murdered Micka, his faithful kitten, on T:1746 13:31 [Ac] thehayman22 just earned What It Was Made For. 13:31 hothraxxa: ha. you beat me! 13:31 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Croesus, on T:15615 13:31 I'll try that. good idea, I've only ever done that with wishes, never occurred to me... 13:31 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:13771 13:32 [US] PsyMar (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:20740 13:32 tsingi: beware the chains. 13:32 I know that but appropriate warning, thanks. 13:33 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 2057 points, 2240 turns, killed by a dwarf, while sleeping 13:33 [AU] Tangles (Sam Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:8821 13:33 \o/ 13:33 <@DarkLightDragon> I had a gnome kill my kitten after AoLS'ing in an offline game 13:33 -!- shadowcat has quit [Quit: shadowcat] 13:33 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 32 points, 390 turns, killed by a newt 13:34 <@DarkLightDragon> And after that knight just then, that makes me feel like rolling a gnome wizard who needs to atone for the sins of her people 13:35 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:14033 13:35 Score! Thanks guys. Castle is open. 13:35 [US] PsyMar (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:20834 13:35 [US] [D]: NuSlayer (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 13256 points, 5235 turns, killed by a Grey-elf 13:35 [US] PsyMar (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class ;, on T:20835 13:36 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1185 points, 1800 turns, killed by a housecat 13:37 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:16362 13:37 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (class h), on T:8024 13:39 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) became literate by reading a book, on T:3144 13:40 [US] [D]: richards (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1606 points, 2503 turns, killed by a dwarf 13:40 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 118673 points, 14342 turns, killed by a samurai called ToneHack the Ryoshu 13:40 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:16666 13:41 [Ac] nabru just earned 11 new achievements. 13:41 [Ac] richards just earned Dungeon Economics, Tainted, and You're About To Die, You Scrub. 13:41 [Ac] Souljazz just earned Prize Inside!. 13:41 nabru: Was that the deathmatch? How was it? 13:41 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:16689 13:41 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided class ;, on T:16690 13:42 sparrow4: yep, the deathmatch 13:42 pretty nasty, wouldn't recommend it unless you're very high level 13:42 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 357 points, 1292 turns, killed by a jackal 13:44 [EU] gargor (Bar Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:8613 13:44 nabru: Yeah I was too scared during my Ranger game. I want to do it at least once though. 13:45 -!- rebatela has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 13:45 -!- rebatela has joined #tnnt 13:45 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed wintergalaxy88's ghost, the former Warrior, on T:17257 13:46 $lastgame nabru 13:46 sparrow4: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/n/nabru/tnnt/dumplog/1604432084.tnnt.html 13:46 [US] [D]: MAlischka2 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 63 points, 641 turns, killed by a grid bug 13:46 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:15066 13:47 damn, I got used to the 3.7 warning when waiting next to a monster 13:48 [EU] [D]: amateurhour (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5396 points, 5229 turns, killed by an owlbear 13:48 joes: that takes some getting used to, then it's good. 13:49 [US] [D]: joes (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 865 points, 2322 turns, killed by an elf zombie 13:49 [US] spleen (Ran Orc Mal Cha) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3210 13:50 RNG really wants me to play rogues 13:51 [Ac] amateurhour just earned Furry Little Problem and Always Talk to the Wise Old Man. 13:51 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 510 points, 1794 turns, killed by a gray ooze 13:53 I like rogues. 13:54 Dual wield +7 crysknives, WAHAHAHAHAHA 13:55 here I am wielding stormy like a scrub and have never seen a long worm in my game yet 13:55 The student of stones disappears! You smell mushrooms. 13:55 lol 13:56 they must have gone on a trip 13:59 aosdict what I do is get knives to expert, gotta find some, get dual to expert you can do that while looking for knives, and don't advance anything else. Worms will show up by the time I have that done. 13:59 well mushrooms are a kind of trip so if you're a student of stones... 13:59 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:17690 14:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 14:00 UTC: Games: 25, Asc: 0, Scum: 0. 96729 turns, 571064 points. (44%Wiz), 26d 09:59 remaining. 14:00 hothraxxa: that's the joke 14:00 LAst year I took out three major demons at once with that setup and +7 crysknives. 14:00 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:17716 14:00 aosdict: i don't get it 14:01 tsingi: My current build is based on a shield of reflection, so it doesn't bother me too much that I'm not dual wielding crysknives. put my skill points into saber anyway once I found a silver one 14:01 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "2 blessed fixed scrolls of charging", on T:42324 14:03 [EU] [D]: Mandevil (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 7156 points, 5300 turns, killed by a mumak 14:03 [US] tsingi (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 cloak of magic resistance", on T:42325 14:05 [US] [D]: BifphWombat (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 746 points, 1203 turns, killed by a giant bat 14:05 [EU] gargor (Bar Hum Mal Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Crom, on T:12100 14:09 <@DarkLightDragon> I made it to minetown as a wizard. Progress! 14:09 [EU] gargor (Bar Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a werewolf, on T:13053 14:09 grats! 14:13 [EU] [D]: gargor (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 35225 points, 13929 turns, killed by a wraith, while fainted from lack of food 14:13 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:19076 14:13 $who 14:13 nabru: [EU] stenno Kontroller Souljazz p0werm0de mobileuser FIQ Muad microlance | [US] BifphWombat CeleryHall tinklebear eitlarry UniDuck NuSlayer aosdict joes tsingi MAlischka2 spleen Wertik ThatBenGuy hothraxxa | [AU] DarkLightDragon Andrio Tangles 14:14 [AU] [D]: DarkLightDragon (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1548 points, 1959 turns, killed by a large cat called Aja 14:14 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:10448 14:15 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) genocided class L, on T:10459 14:16 [Ac] gargor just earned 16 new achievements. 14:16 [Ac] DarkLightDragon just earned 5 new achievements. 14:20 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "fixed magic marker", on T:19486 14:21 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 234 points, 991 turns, killed by an acidic corpse 14:21 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "fixed greased +2 helm of opposite alignment", on T:19487 14:22 [US] [D]: spleen (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 2920 points, 5691 turns, killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 14:23 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) polymorphed his first item, on T:15703 14:26 [Ac] spleen just earned Superfood. 14:26 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:19618 14:28 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 69 points, 142 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony (and one other game not reported) 14:29 $lastgame bot 14:29 Tangles: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/B/Bot/tnnt/dumplog/1604473081.tnnt.html 14:31 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 182 points, 399 turns, killed by a bear trap 14:31 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:20157 14:32 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:32263 14:32 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 11 points, 426 turns, killed by a falling object 14:33 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 150 points, 178 turns, killed by a dwarf, while sleeping (and 39 other games not reported) 14:34 -!- joes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:34 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 63 points, 378 turns, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 14:34 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:20400 14:34 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 staff of aesculapius", on T:11174 14:34 ez 14:35 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "fixed magic marker", on T:20453 14:35 hmm 14:36 [Ac] post163 just earned Frozen Treats. 14:36 whoa went unconscious from eating a newt and woke up at HP:2(99) 14:36 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed ring of teleport control", on T:11254 14:36 almost Dudley'd 14:36 haha 14:36 is that still your arc? 14:37 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 243 points, 596 turns, killed by a bear trap 14:37 stenno, no, i died the Grayswandir arc, now at barbs. 14:37 kk 14:37 hmm on second thought staff of aesculapius is probaby not the best weapon for votd 14:38 oh wait it is 14:38 drain res 14:38 yeah staff is great 14:38 excal > staff 14:38 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:20566 14:38 Wooble: exca is law, staff is neu :P 14:38 and stormy is cha! 14:38 also wiz better with staff 14:38 also it's fun to tank-wiz with regen 14:38 yeah 14:39 wasn't in the mood to sacfest or MB 14:39 I just conflict + magic missile my way through the valley 14:39 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 136 points, 607 turns, killed by a falling object 14:39 i really want eota man 14:39 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1367 points, 2906 turns, poisoned by a snake 14:39 considering quest before votd 14:39 but I had no idea you were talking about wiz :) 14:39 actually i have to do it because i just wished for =oTC 14:39 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Cha), 28 points, 116 turns, killed by a system shock 14:40 otherwise i should've done votd first in search of =oTC or /oPoly or so 14:40 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed the invisible Vlad the Impaler, on T:20766 14:40 ah damn no gain level 14:40 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:20767 14:40 votd first then 14:40 hopefully i don't find a =oTC 14:41 [Ac] Paiki just earned Well-Read. 14:41 [Ac] post163 just earned New Lease on Life. 14:41 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided disenchanter, on T:20787 14:41 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 49 points, 334 turns, killed by a falling object 14:41 with this earlywow game i am slower than usual lol 14:42 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 46 points, 108 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 14:42 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 171 points, 702 turns, killed by a boiling potion 14:42 The Staff of Aesculapius draws the life from the troll! 14:42 hell yeah, already worth it 14:42 [US] ThatBenGuy (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed Andrio's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:1931 14:43 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed greased +5 pick axe", on T:20948 14:43 stop taking all my early WoWs stenno 14:43 aosdict: never noticed that each alignment has a drain res weapon, thats really cool 14:43 BilldaCat: thats literally my first 14:43 one too many if you ask me 14:43 and before that i failed like 30 games in a row 14:43 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 79 points, 241 turns, killed by a sewer rat 14:43 :D 14:44 [AU] Tangles (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed Bot's ghost, the former Rhizotomist, on T:12119 14:44 [EU] p0werm0de (Tou Hum Fem Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping a brilliant blue potion on an altar, on T:3135 14:45 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:21222 14:45 A gush of water hits the floating eye on the body! 14:46 o/ 14:46 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?2 related 14:46 body_parts is cool 14:47 if anyone gets bones in the mines past minetown and its an arch-lich with a few nasties. that's my fault 14:47 :P 14:47 -!- NuSlayer__ has left #tnnt 14:47 <{Demo}> lol opposite of swap chest 14:47 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a succubus, on T:29317 14:47 <{Demo}> well, you can swap deaths 14:47 stenno: that's from 7 years ago. You just have all of these on hand? 14:47 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:29318 14:48 👋🏻 14:48 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "fixed magic marker", on T:21811 14:49 [US] klintos (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11920 14:49 [US] [D]: BifphWombat (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 1249 points, 1275 turns, killed by a killer bee 14:50 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 842 points, 3747 turns, killed by a giant ant 14:50 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:11465 14:51 [EU] Muad (Bar Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:7594 14:51 [Ac] BifphWombat just earned Never Saw It Coming, Breaking and Entering, and Gullible. 14:51 <{Demo}> swap chest but its a mimic and it eats you :( 14:51 then someone can swap themselves with your corpse and gain control of your character 14:52 <{Demo}> dnh worm that walks 14:52 (plot twist: you get the points when they ascend) 14:52 [US] [D]: Grouchy (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 2526 points, 3060 turns, killed by a hill orc 14:53 {Demo}: so making it explicitly the Luggage? 14:53 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur, on T:14621 14:55 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:22417 14:55 [EU] mobileuser (Pri Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:9975 14:55 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:22419 14:56 [Ac] Grouchy just earned A Little Light Larceny and Death onna Stick. 14:57 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1974 points, 5803 turns, killed by a white unicorn 14:59 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:22730 15:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 15:00 UTC: Games: 79, Asc: 0, Scum: 54. 0d 09:16 gametime. (64%Wiz), 26d 08:59 remaining. 15:00 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 15:01 [Ac] Andrio just earned Rope-a-Dope. 15:01 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +3 shield of reflection", on T:32625 15:02 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:22855 15:02 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:22862 15:04 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:22954 15:05 [US] eitwinston (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a circular amulet on an altar, on T:3534 15:07 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2823 points, 3202 turns, killed by a gold golem 15:09 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:12 -!- sparrow4 has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 15:12 -!- telegarn has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:13 [US] [D]: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 96 points, 256 turns, killed by a wand 15:13 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Cha) entered the Planes, on T:24669 15:14 [AU] [Q]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1199 points, 2556 turns, quit 15:14 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:757 15:16 -!- spicycat has joined #tnnt 15:18 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 24 points, 223 turns, killed by a falling object 15:19 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:25038 15:19 [US] [D]: qt (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 1135 points, 2433 turns, killed by a garter snake, while praying 15:20 [EU] microlance (Val Hum Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:25081 15:21 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 410 points, 1709 turns, killed by a kitten 15:21 [Ac] qt just earned Beast Master. 15:21 [EU] [A]: microlance (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1889166 points, 25105 turns, ascended 15:21 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/m/microlance/tnnt/dumplog/1604490614.tnnt.html 15:21 congrats microlance! 15:23 [US] [D]: post163 (Hea-Hum-Fem-Neu), 188 points, 780 turns, killed by a large kobold (and 2 other games not reported) 15:23 ty 15:24 wooo 15:26 [Ac] microlance just earned 9 new achievements. 15:26 [Ac] post163 just earned Sounds Hollow. 15:26 gratz microlance! 15:26 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 314 points, 809 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 15:27 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 512 points, 1566 turns, killed by a werejackal 15:28 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 1146 points, 2086 turns, killed by a homunculus, while sleeping 15:28 just started a new game standing on a pair of speed boots 15:28 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "magic marker", on T:12452 15:28 nice 15:29 damn i lost my train of thought lol 15:29 i wanted to revgeno something.. 15:30 I miss NAO reporting wished but also what's with all these non-thoroughy-historic wished items c'mon people 15:30 wishes* 15:30 not in the mood to be creative right now :P 15:31 'marker' works apparently 15:31 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping an oval amulet on an altar, on T:3436 15:31 oh right 15:32 hmm I just found a second pair of speed boots on dlvl3 15:32 leprechauns for teleportitis 15:32 gimme 15:32 very blessed with speed boots this game 15:33 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 184 points, 1026 turns, killed by the wrath of Anhur 15:34 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) destroyed Andrio's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:3537 15:34 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of magic mapping", on T:12613 15:35 [US] qt (Kni Hum Fem Law) destroyed post163's ghost, the former Gallant, on T:1303 15:35 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 2 runed daggers on an altar, on T:3236 15:35 quest throne wish 15:35 nice 15:35 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:3590 15:35 (although I'd have gotten another marker and written the book :P ) 15:35 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:35012 15:35 ok lets see how fast i can pull that off 15:35 eeh 15:36 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) tasted meat for the first time, by eating a floating eye corpse, on T:3739 15:37 12640 15:37 fail 15:37 lol 15:38 quest nemesis level is Quest:6 apparently 15:38 should've ported to 99.. 15:38 yeah i always go 99 15:38 since the # of filler levels varies 15:39 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the Dark One, on T:12673 15:39 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:12674 15:39 EOTA 15:39 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 156 points, 791 turns, killed by a gecko, while praying 15:40 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2689 points, 4054 turns, killed by a soldier ant 15:40 i should go chill and collect some more resources i think 15:40 take ur time stenno ty 15:41 otoh i don't really need resources because i'm a wizard with pw refen 15:41 regen 15:41 asmodeus keeps fleeing downstairs 15:41 downstairs not upstairs? 15:41 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 15:42 actually he just did flee upstairs because I dumbly stepped off the stairs. but he has a wand of digging 15:42 [EU] [D]: microlance (Bar-Hum-Fem-Neu), 734 points, 2327 turns, killed by a hill orc, while frozen by a monster's gaze 15:42 that's annoying 15:42 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 9 points, 172 turns, killed by a falling object 15:42 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 1553 points, 2285 turns, killed by a plains centaur 15:43 [US] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Cha) destroyed DarkLightDragon's ghost, the former Esquire, on T:2613 15:43 tengu lottery win! 15:44 nice one 15:45 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 177 points, 682 turns, killed by a goblin 15:45 amateurhour: every time I go down stairs, I just wait a turn or two, asmo poofs to my side then zaps digging and dives in 15:45 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:29843 15:46 that wand will run out eventually... 15:46 he's just flexing on you at this point 15:46 [EU] [D]: microlance (Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law), 533 points, 1601 turns, killed by a giant bat 15:46 wow I feel so flexed on. him fleeing away all the time. 15:46 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:4768 15:48 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 238 points, 518 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony (and one other game not reported) 15:49 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:12957 15:49 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:12961 15:49 [AU] [D]: thehayman22 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 522 points, 2988 turns, killed by a pony 15:50 [EU] mobileuser (Pri Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a gold golem, on T:11022 15:51 [US] fakepass (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13940 15:51 [US] [D]: nee (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 1531 points, 3249 turns, killed by a soldier ant 15:52 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 461 points, 2622 turns, killed by a little dog 15:52 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 610 points, 1518 turns, killed by a giant mimic 15:53 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 846 points, 2564 turns, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large mimic 15:53 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 49 points, 199 turns, killed by a jackal 15:53 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a Kop Sergeant, on T:18390 15:54 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 295 points, 1220 turns, killed by a bat 15:55 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 22 points, 275 turns, killed by a bear trap 15:55 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:18438 15:55 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:55 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 901 points, 2610 turns, killed by a gnome lord 15:56 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 12 points, 164 turns, killed by a grid bug 15:56 [Ac] Andrio just earned Frozen Treats. 15:56 [Ac] nee just earned Furry Little Problem. 15:56 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:34449 15:56 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a gray dragon, on T:34449 15:56 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 216 points, 940 turns, killed by an electric shock 15:57 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 79 points, 243 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 15:58 lol smoky is booze and i find the first one in rodneys tower.. 15:59 ah yes, Islay whisky 16:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 16:00 UTC: Games: 63, Asc: 1, Scum: 27. 0d 08:44 gametime. (44%Wiz), 26d 07:59 remaining. 16:01 [Ac] p0werm0de just earned You're About To Die, You Scrub. 16:02 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:13598 16:02 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:13605 16:03 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) performed the invocation, on T:13610 16:03 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed ring of free action", on T:13612 16:04 [US] jackofclubs (Bar Orc Mal Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:7646 16:05 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1028 points, 1921 turns, killed by a bolt of lightning 16:05 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:36988 16:06 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4729 points, 740 turns, killed by a xorn, while frozen by a trap (and 58 other games not reported) 16:06 rip 16:07 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:13726 16:07 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:13729 16:07 [EU] [D]: jannis (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 9297 points, 8175 turns, killed by an invisible troll, while praying 16:07 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:37041 16:08 -!- jonathanhanes has joined #tnnt 16:08 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Lord Surtur, on T:25148 16:08 -!- grouchy35 has joined #tnnt 16:08 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:25149 16:08 -!- grouchy35 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:08 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered Phoibos, his faithful quantum mechanic, on T:8 16:10 [EU] [D]: jannis (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 194 points, 338 turns, killed by a water moccasin 16:10 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots", on T:37200 16:11 [Ac] BilldaCat just earned Dungeon Ecology. 16:11 [EU] [D]: jannis (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 62 points, 106 turns, killed by a goblin 16:12 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:3 16:13 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 570 points, 171 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt (and 32 other games not reported) 16:13 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Orcus, on T:14130 16:14 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 Staff of Aesculapius", on T:37246 16:14 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 464 points, 1376 turns, killed by an iguana 16:15 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1178 points, 5056 turns, killed by a dagger 16:15 -!- tsingi has left #tnnt 16:15 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 50 points, 116 turns, killed by a jackal (and 13 other games not reported) 16:15 [US] Tmasher (Kni Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur, on T:2450 16:15 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 4185 points, 4509 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 16:15 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4 points, 109 turns, killed by a falling object 16:16 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 170 points, 449 turns, killed by a newt 16:17 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed broadsword to be named "Orcrist", on T:37262 16:18 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:35142 16:18 [EU] eigentLich (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4187 16:19 [EU] eigentLich (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) averted death (poisoned by a rotted homunculus corpse), on T:4205 16:20 [US] Lettuce (Arc Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:44656 16:20 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 2610 points, 4368 turns, killed by an orc zombie 16:20 [US] Lettuce (Arc Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:44665 16:21 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:1046 16:21 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 776 points, 1404 turns, killed by a dwarf 16:23 $who 16:23 jonathanhanes: [EU] swegen jannis Flugkiller stenno p0werm0de Kontroller AbuDhabi Muad squolly Souljazz Paiki | [US] BilldaCat aosdict allanb qt tinklebear Lettuce wintergalaxy88 CeleryHall Grouchy fakepass Tmasher Wertik nabru hothraxxa NOP NuSlayer | [AU] No current players 16:23 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:15769 16:23 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "3 cursed potions of gain level", on T:14583 16:24 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "3 cursed potions of gain level", on T:14591 16:25 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 939 points, 3280 turns, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:25 [EU] [D]: Souljazz (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4050 points, 5872 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 16:26 [Ac] eigentLich just earned Insert Quarter to Continue and Absolute Monarchy. 16:26 [US] Lettuce (Arc Hum Fem Neu) killed Orcus, on T:45075 16:26 [US] qt (Arc Hum Mal Law) destroyed microlance's ghost, the former Pillager, on T:2153 16:27 There is a doorway here. You see here a scroll labeled PLZ RETURN TO DEVTEAM. 16:27 hope that this time I don't ruin it. 16:27 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the invisible Juiblex, on T:14773 16:28 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 955 points, 960 turns, killed by a large mimic 16:28 not that I would need it, anyway 16:28 are you fucking joking me 16:28 what do i do against yenooghu 16:29 base mr 80 16:30 [US] wintergalaxy88 (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:3294 16:30 ah wait scroll of scare monster 16:31 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Yeenoghu, on T:14793 16:31 so stupid lol 16:31 [Ac] Souljazz just earned Playerbanebane and Banishing Spells Not Included. 16:33 [EU] [D]: thorsb (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1288 points, 5257 turns, choked on a brown mold corpse 16:34 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) consumed animal products (iguana) for the first time, on T:4098 16:34 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) bribed Asmodeus with 263 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:15048 16:36 [Ac] thorsb just earned 6 new achievements. 16:36 [R] Clan The Would-Be Kings advances to rank 21! 16:37 Wasted another good start, going around without wielding my main weapon. And I even have the inventory always visible... 16:38 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Dwa-Fem-Law), 6 points, 101 turns, killed by a fox 16:43 -!- AB5NI has joined #tnnt 16:43 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 4 points, 127 turns, killed by a grid bug 16:43 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 16:43 Well, great news today. No throat cancer :D 16:43 [US] qt (Arc Hum Mal Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:4600 16:43 [US] wormy212 (Arc Gno Mal Neu) murdered his faithful little dog, on T:33 16:43 congrats AB5NI 16:43 AB5NI: congratulations, that is great news 16:43 gratz! 16:44 Still all over my face, but at least it's not somewhere else 16:44 woot! :D 16:46 yay congrats! thats awesome 16:48 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 5521 points, 5994 turns, killed by a large cat 16:48 AB5NI: awesome! :) 16:49 Congratulations! :) 16:50 [US] [D]: post163 (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 55 points, 292 turns, killed by a falling object (and one other game not reported) 16:50 ty all! Bit of weight off my shoulders 16:51 Not a whole lot, but better than nothing 16:51 [US] wintergalaxy88 (Val Dwa Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a lamp called magic on an altar, on T:6829 16:51 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Arc-Gno-Mal-Neu), 152 points, 559 turns, killed by a jackal 16:52 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 141 points, 364 turns, killed by a sewer rat 16:53 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 9701 points, 7095 turns, poisoned by a killer bee 16:54 [US] [D]: qt (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 6280 points, 6655 turns, killed by a mumak 16:54 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 95 points, 1094 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony (and 2 other games not reported) 16:55 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 57 points, 117 turns, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph (and one other game not reported) 16:56 [Ac] qt just earned Pot of Greed. 16:56 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 448 points, 1231 turns, killed by a jackal 16:56 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 18 points, 212 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 16:57 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) wished for "magic marker", on T:16114 16:57 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 14 points, 163 turns, killed by a kobold 16:58 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:53829 16:58 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur, on T:5527 16:59 AB5NI: grats! 17:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 17:00 UTC: Games: 140, Asc: 0, Scum: 106. 68698 turns, 55579 points. (62%Wiz), 26d 06:59 remaining. 17:00 [US] quervo1 (Arc Hum Mal Law) just blew up his bag of holding, on T:17731 17:00 [US] ToneHack (Hea Gno Fem Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:5925 17:00 [US] rebatela (Mon Hum Mal Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:16596 17:00 d'oh 17:00 synced conduct losses 17:00 [US] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:9221 17:00 tyvm, squolly 17:02 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 335 points, 1031 turns, killed by an iguana, while fainted from lack of food 17:02 I've been reading about cancer of late, and I've recently found out that 80% of a hospitals income comes from "trying" to treat cancer. 17:03 Tell me they want to cure that shit 17:04 sounds like a conspiracy theory 17:04 Wall Street has control of the medical industry now, and they have become corrupt beyond corrupt. 17:04 wtf does this have to do with a nethack tournament? 17:04 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:2641 17:04 absolutely nothing 17:04 well it explains why Healers are so wealthy. 17:05 So I won't bring it up again 17:05 LOL 17:05 it's all a protection racket 17:05 oh wow we did have a synced conduct loss. JINX 17:06 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9569 17:06 I know a lot of u have thought that I'm weird beyond weird over the years, and I'll tell u why: I'm an INFJ personality type, which is only 1% of the world population 17:06 -!- Sakusen has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:06 Look it up 17:06 i'm Aries myself 17:07 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) entered the Planes, on T:16232 17:07 you're not weird. you are just like the rest of us. hate to break it to ya 17:07 LOL 17:07 [US] [D]: wormy212 (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 686 points, 1381 turns, killed by a rabid rat 17:07 [US] wintergalaxy88 (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (lich), on T:3230 17:08 We're all a bunch of antisocial introverts :D 17:09 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1842 points, 4290 turns, killed by a bugbear 17:09 [US] wintergalaxy88 (Val Dwa Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3808 17:09 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming an ogre, on T:3585 17:10 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 2878 points, 3930 turns, killed by an ogre 17:11 [Ac] post163 just earned A Little Light Larceny, Breaking and Entering, Pet Rescue, and Gullible. 17:11 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) genocided class ;, on T:16395 17:11 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 245 points, 369 turns, killed by a coyote 17:12 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 316 points, 492 turns, killed by a small mimic 17:12 [US] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed amulet of reflection", on T:10052 17:13 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 105 points, 260 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:13 [EU] jannis (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9063 17:13 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 268 points, 739 turns, killed by a small mimic 17:13 i thought you were able to display the portal on plane of water with #terrain 17:14 really? 17:14 that sounds rad 17:14 well, apparently not 17:14 haha. well you probably used to be able to 17:14 you can if it's within eyeshot 17:14 yeah...nerfed, I'd imagine 17:15 it's not nerfed 17:15 ah, okay 17:15 you'll be able to see if it's under an enemy/lootpile 17:15 ah, and u couldn't before..gotcha 17:15 sometimes i read multiple gold detection scrolls, but honestly what does it matter where the portal is if i'm just waiting for it anyway? 17:16 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Pestilence, on T:16487 17:16 go sten! 17:16 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 322 points, 200 turns, killed by a gnome (and 24 other games not reported) 17:17 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Famine, on T:16533 17:17 gg 17:17 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:6601 17:17 grand tour... 17:17 should i? :P 17:17 nooooo 17:17 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 54 darts on an altar, on T:4592 17:17 -!- moller has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:17 i'm so anti-hooa 17:18 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 404 points, 1195 turns, killed by a fall onto poison spikes 17:19 [EU] Flugkiller (Val Dwa Fem Law) murdered Garfield 2, her faithful kitten, on T:22015 17:19 [EU] stenno (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed Death, on T:16599 17:19 Can I get a marker by polying a glass orb. I usually don't use those for their intended purpose, or should I? 17:19 thoth is a jerk tho 17:19 congrats :) 17:19 AB5NI, you can. it's what I do with them 17:19 [EU] [A]: stenno (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1046944 points, 16615 turns, ascended 17:19 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stenno/tnnt/dumplog/1604491337.tnnt.html 17:19 thanks 17:20 early wow goodness 17:20 k..tyvm, Muad 17:20 gratz stenno 17:20 -!- moller has joined #tnnt 17:20 that was _super_ fun 17:20 congrats stenno 17:20 oh you found an early wand? nice 17:20 stenno: congrats! 17:20 only too like 30 attempts or so 17:20 thanks everyone :) 17:20 congrats stenno 17:20 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Geryon, on T:54647 17:20 early wow wizard is _madness_ 17:21 thx ^_^ 17:21 [Tr] stenno now has All The Alignments and Both Genders! 17:21 [Ac] stenno just earned 8 new achievements. 17:21 [R] Clan HEY! MOONA advances to rank 2! 17:21 thats right 17:21 easy #2 17:21 nice 17:21 booooo 17:21 woot! 17:21 hisssss 17:21 [US] [D]: qt (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 443 points, 1182 turns, killed by a bugbear 17:21 lmao 17:21 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Baalzebub, on T:54663 17:22 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 398 points, 1205 turns, killed by a raven 17:23 clan HEY! MOONA is elite clan 17:23 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 212 points, 438 turns, killed by a gnome 17:23 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:4080 17:23 you don't lvl up even when you play wiz, stenno? 17:23 i like to for magic missile... 17:23 i thought about it shortly but eh 17:24 wraith revgeno only dropped a single corpse so 17:24 yeah but with the eye and the vallley you can get to 30 easily 17:24 -33AC or so lol 17:24 stenno: Was that u I saw on YouTube doing the 3.4 speed run? 17:24 [US] stoicjin (Cav Hum Mal Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping an oval amulet on an altar, on T:4851 17:24 can't remember when i last was this prepared 17:24 AB5NI: no, that was adeon most likely 17:25 stenno: ah, ok 17:25 I learned a lot for watching that 17:25 stenno plays fast 17:25 oof and staff of aesculapius was _exactly_ the correct decision 17:26 [Ac] wintergalaxy88 just earned Palantir. 17:26 When I try a speed run, I'm WAY too impatient and splat like crazy LOL 17:26 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 503 points, 1444 turns, killed by a small mimic 17:26 oof? 17:26 before i won this game, i played through the whole night and lost like 30 games or so in a row 17:26 orb of fate 17:27 k..ty 17:27 [US] ThatBenGuy (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:5143 17:27 i need to get motivated. I'm still on my first game :( 17:27 that was gnome 17:27 so now dwarf and elf remaining 17:27 i.e. dwa cav and elf ran 17:27 I'm a slow player as well. I think I over analyze ever last thing I do :D 17:28 -!- jeremiahL has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:28 i used to play vanilla pretty fast (NOT like stenno fast), but evilhack made me a slower player in general i think 17:28 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon him by Kos, on T:20756 17:28 I'll make a move, and I try to analyze everything LMAO 17:28 hell ya. it's a turn based game 17:29 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:29 \o/ 17:29 rebatela: that's what I figured as well. I'm a chess player, and I think I get it from that..shrug 17:29 staff + oof is dream combo 17:29 for neutral 17:29 i was just going to mention chess lol 17:30 Yeah, but I think we might be acting to methodical :D 17:30 I'm searching for the balance 17:30 that said, it's fun watching people who play fast realtime stenno, luxi, adeon etc. 17:30 [US] [D]: wintergalaxy88 (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 400 points, 1373 turns, killed by a homunculus, while sleeping 17:31 yeah, totally 17:31 i am _at best_ half as fast as adeon and luxi 17:31 i am not in the same league as these two 17:31 i tried to get some funky achievements this time 17:31 [EU] microlance (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 4 Fruits on an altar, on T:3506 17:32 yeah but you just ascended and you do play really fast 17:32 When lux came on the scene and said that he was a kid in high school and a noob, and a few months later he was doing 8-10 conducts, I was like floored :D 17:32 how fast have you ascended vanilla in ? you had a record for a while i thought 17:32 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) had Vorpal Blade bestowed upon her by Venus, on T:4457 17:33 i got 'more light' lol 17:33 which i assume is a reference to the last words of Goethe 17:33 rebatela: i never had a realtime record 17:33 Without doubt, they have figured some things out about the game and made the proper mental associations to do such things 17:33 2h14 is my personal record, at that time that was #9 on NAO 17:34 takes me like 8 hours. i overprepare though. I like over preparing . Polypiling and alchemy and altar work. I do all that stuff 17:34 however i do probably still have the illiterate gametime world record 17:34 [EU] [D]: microlance (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 3166 points, 3766 turns, killed by a priestess of Ptah (and 2 other games not reported) 17:34 oh wow. illiterate? 17:34 illit valk 17:34 in like 19k turns or so lol 17:34 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) had Frost Brand bestowed upon her by Venus, on T:5601 17:35 i am sure you can do it faster if you think about it, it was more of a coincidence 17:35 I take it that u do zero searching, sten? 17:35 take things as they come 17:35 not zero 17:35 damn near, though, rite? 17:35 for exampe in this current game i had to explore the lower DoD because i was looking for an altar 17:36 (and didn't find one) 17:36 ah 17:36 i'm curious what my quickest ascension is now. It's many many hours more than what y'all do 17:36 last 15 DoD levels should be fully explored 17:36 is that an always? :D 17:37 turns,name: 1) 19273,23; 2) 19612,cow9; 3) 20313,stenno; 17:37 here is the illit record, still #1 with 19273 17:37 and #3 too lol 17:37 [US] wooble (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) destroyed wintergalaxy88's ghost, the former Fighter, on T:533 17:37 how would you know this? you can't read 17:37 :P 17:37 6:53? 17:38 -!- shadowcat has joined #tnnt 17:38 doesn't sound so fast 17:38 rebatela: thats not too shabby 17:38 in the middle of that is cow9 who is like my idol lol 17:38 i some sort of way 17:38 very inspiring player 17:39 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (master mind flayer), on T:26889 17:40 [US] stoicjin (Cav Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:6083 17:40 Most NH players suck (including myself), but what I have noticed is that a great NH player is far and few between... 17:41 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 115 points, 685 turns, killed by a fox 17:41 kinda like a great guitar player. Tons of people out there play, but only a few play at the top :D 17:41 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 747 points, 3335 turns, killed by a white unicorn 17:41 This seems universally true of anything requiring skill. 17:41 [US] Leggman (Arc Hum Mal Law) was crowned "The Hand of Elbereth" by Quetzalcoatl, on T:40266 17:42 abudhabi: pretty much 17:42 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:38806 17:42 [EU] [D]: microlance (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 782 points, 3789 turns, killed by Mr. Akalapi; the shopkeeper 17:42 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4154 points, 284 turns, killed by an umber hulk (and 16 other games not reported) 17:42 gdi 17:44 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed stenno the Enchanter in a deathmatch, on T:38859 17:45 D: 17:45 * stenno shakes fist at allanb 17:46 [Ac] BilldaCat just earned Ocean's Eleven and You're About To Die, You Scrub. 17:46 [US] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11996 17:47 [US] [D]: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 18856 points, 8279 turns, killed by a blast of disintegration 17:47 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 17:47 he was only able to kill you because you won 17:47 <@Tone> $who 17:47 @Tone: [EU] Flugkiller AlbertB amateurhour Kontroller microlance AbuDhabi Muad | [US] Maud allanb shadowcat Bliss56 wooble Luxidream ichbinmiah joes ThatBenGuy NOP zoya rancat ToneHack Wertik CurlyBrace nimsumzero hothraxxa spleen arnibald stoicjin NuSlayer | [AU] No current players 17:48 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:55755 17:48 errrrrr 17:48 [EU] AlbertB (Bar Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:55756 17:48 [US] Maud 17:49 [EU] [D]: microlance (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1327 points, 2202 turns, killed by a giant bat 17:49 the next thing u know, marvin and berry will show up :D 17:50 hehe 17:50 [US] [D]: wooble (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1605 points, 685 turns, killed by a water moccasin 17:50 maud if you are in this channel i have sent you an invite pls2join <3 17:51 maybe its an imposter 17:51 I remember reading about those guys (maud and marvin) being great players in the good old days of the Usenet. 17:51 [Ac] dgoddard just earned Hulk Smash. 17:51 [US] nimsumzero (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:4213 17:51 maud is the only person with full monty wbo, i think 17:51 wow 17:51 Not surprising 17:52 nope, it was marvin wbo 17:52 maud without bes 17:52 bells 17:52 Back in the early days of devnull, we'd all moan when they showed up lol 17:52 jealousy, of course :D 17:52 well look at luxidream now 17:53 its another league 17:53 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 934 points, 2428 turns, killed by a bat 17:53 a different league 17:53 Yeah, but he's a good kid 17:53 I want to see him win 17:54 We couldn't even get maud or marvin, much less berry to even say howdy 17:54 hmm not sure if that is actually maud 17:54 running burdened against a floating eye? 17:54 OTOH, and to be honest, they were concentrating on kickin ass 17:54 i like watching other people during tournaments. i'm in awe of how good some people are and it's fun to watch 17:54 So, I understood 17:54 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/M/Maud/tnnt/dumplog/1604438370.tnnt.html is that a thing maud would do 17:55 [EU] [D]: microlance (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 664 points, 1359 turns, killed by a gnome lord, while praying (and 3 other games not reported) 17:56 [Ac] microlance just earned Diamond in the Rough. 17:56 [Ac] wooble just earned 7 new achievements. 17:56 [R] Clan ItExplodes! advances to rank 25! 17:56 [US] shadowcat (Bar Hum Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:445 17:56 take that, whoever is now somehow behind me! 17:56 [US] [Q]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2243 points, 183 turns, quit (and 31 other games not reported) 17:57 gj Wooble 17:57 i think the maud playing is not maud 17:57 LOL. Is that Maud being bored? :D 17:57 It could be 17:57 Muad is probably Maud 17:58 :/ 17:58 no 17:58 [US] ThatBenGuy (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Werebane bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:5972 17:58 U MUAD? 17:58 muad is muad and maud is maud 17:58 Muad is just a dune fan 17:58 if i faked being Maud i would do it on EU cuz i'm not good at lying 17:58 muadweeb is one of my WoW characters :D 17:58 AB5NI, hah nice 17:58 maud is currently 6k turns in, in sokoban, solving the puzzle being burdened 17:59 i think i withdraw my invitation 17:59 sounds legit 17:59 Muad: :D 17:59 LOL 18:00 Current Day as of 2020-11-04 18:00 UTC: Games: 856, Asc: 5, Scum: 476. 1053406 turns, 11546687 points. 9d 08:27 gametime. (49%Wiz), (41%Hum), (47%Cha), (66%Mal), 26d 05:59 remaining. 18:00 actual maud would have ascended twice in 6k turns 18:00 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:14576 18:00 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:8792 18:00 [EU] [D]: microlance (Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha), 895 points, 2030 turns, killed by a giant ant, while praying (and 5 other games not reported) 18:00 tell me about it, stenno. I wonder if marvin and berry are still around sometimes 18:01 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Bar-Hum-Fem-Cha), 608 points, 2003 turns, killed by a hobbit 18:01 for some reason i thought that berry was adeon 18:01 but i forgot why 18:02 I would imagine that a lot of devs are here playing, and they don't want everyone knowing who they are..get bugged about stuff and all. 18:03 Can't say that I'd blame them 18:03 vanilla devteam? 18:03 yeah 18:03 i still believe berry is going to return on nov 30, join my clan, and maxint all 13 roles in a day. 18:03 well you can check #nethack-dev , they hang out there :D 18:03 Wooble: pff 18:03 Wooble, LMAO 18:04 Wooble: but, didn't parad0xx show up a few weeks ago? 18:04 stenno: I missed him I guess. 18:04 but if he joins and ascends 20 tourists all the better 18:04 46 days ago 18:04 Ah...didn't even know they had such a channel. I don't think they'd want to hear my input, though. I'd want them to add A.I. and stuff :D 18:04 hehe 18:04 what even is time anymore tho 18:05 [EU] Flugkiller (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:24886 18:05 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9440 18:05 [US] [D]: spleen (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1525 points, 2926 turns, killed by a boulder 18:05 I feel like i'm totally pulling my weight with my 2 unique stupid deaths. 18:05 Everything I'd want to add would be TONS of code, and I'm sure they don't want to hear that noise lol 18:05 who was the other one 18:05 thewumpus 18:06 Their response would probably be: YOU do it as a fork LMAO 18:06 [Ac] spleen just earned Civilized Cooking. 18:06 AB5NI: you can provide pull requests 18:06 github.com/nethack/nethack 18:06 things changed a bit :) 18:07 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:07 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:16588 18:07 I'm not sure I could do it, though. I take EXTREMELY power drugs because of my condition. My cognitive capabilities are not what they use to be :/. My brain now drifts too much. Ah, well - it was fun while it lasted. 18:07 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "the blessed platinum yendorian express card", on T:5959 18:08 i guess it is like that when time passes 18:08 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 2328 points, 3753 turns, killed by an ogre 18:08 We all get old..shrug 18:09 indeed 18:09 well you people are much more oldschool than me :D 18:09 i only came into the scene in like 2010,20111 18:09 -1 18:09 In my prime, I would have been all over it, but at that part of my life, I was WAY too busy being a workaholic, and I wouldn't have the time to do it..go figure LOL 18:09 also the codebase is... uh 18:10 I think the devteam already put a lot of work into modernizing it 18:10 but, uh 18:10 yeah..#define this that everywhere makes it a bit difficult to read, but that's how they had to do it, of course. 18:11 [US] [D]: arnibald (Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha), 7741 points, 7142 turns, killed by an invisible stalker 18:11 i miss some of the enhancements of 3.7.0...like attacks stopping if you're holding down the rest button too long...I've died a couple of times that way. 18:11 [EU] microlance (Tou Hum Fem Neu) averted death (killed by a giant bat), on T:6229 18:11 as have I, shadowcat 18:11 also asking if you want to step on a trap after you've found it. 18:12 which is why I now use n 55 s 18:12 Is the Castle wand guaranteed to have any particular amount of charges, or can it be 0:0? 18:12 Thankfully in 3.7.0 unihorn and ?oSM is nerfed lol 18:12 abudhabi: it will be between 0:1 and 0:3 inclusive 18:12 so yes it will always have at least one charge and up to three 18:12 stenno: nerfed, as in how? 18:13 Thanks, stenno. 18:13 AB5NI: in 3.7.0, unihorn doesn't restore stats anymore. Also scroll of scare monster doesn't work against uniques lol 18:13 There's basically no reason not to immediately blessed charge it, right? 18:13 doesn't restore stats...dang it! lol 18:13 abudhabi: if by that you mean charge it once its 0:0, then yes 18:14 I don't want to accidentally wrest it. 18:14 unless you already have what you need and can save it up for later 18:14 [EU] microlance (Ran Elf Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:9 18:14 And I'm out of ID scrolls. 18:14 well the chance of wrest at a single try is like 1/121 i _think_ 18:14 there is a little risk 18:15 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3 points, 255 turns, killed by a newt 18:15 But is there any chance of explosions or whatnot if I charge the Castle wand right off the bat, without having used it yet? There's no limit to the amount of charges or something? 18:15 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 860 points, 2336 turns, killed by a small mimic 18:15 [US] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:59458 18:15 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Cyclops, on T:35387 18:16 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) became Venus' Envoy of Balance, on T:20725 18:16 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed fixed magic marker", on T:27522 18:16 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:35388 18:16 no, you have to charge it once its empty, otherwise you are wasting a wish 18:16 [Ac] arnibald just earned Beast Master and Father Figure. 18:16 i think it can have at most 3 charges 18:16 so you will always waste wishes if you charge it before it is 0:0 18:16 OK. 18:17 or to say it different, charging a wand of wishing with a (blessed) scroll sets the charges to 1:3 18:17 Well, I just wished for a marker, so I'll just write myself ID. 18:17 [US] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:59477 18:17 sounds good 18:17 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) murdered Freddie, her faithful little dog, on T:362 18:18 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 349 points, 1184 turns, killed by a spotted jelly 18:19 [EU] [D]: microlance (Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha), 568 points, 1339 turns, killed by a wand, while praying 18:20 [US] [D]: spleen (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 494 points, 1553 turns, killed by a small mimic 18:21 -!- jeremiahL has joined #tnnt 18:22 [US] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed rustproof +2 gauntlets of power", on T:59478 18:23 <@nabru> $who 18:23 @nabru: [EU] stenno Flugkiller swegen amateurhour Nidan Kontroller p0werm0de AbuDhabi tromix microlance | [US] widmerpool BifphWombat allanb eitlarry oh6 Grouchy Bliss56 shadowcat spleen arnibald Luxidream joes ThatBenGuy Leggman UniDuck Maud rancat ToneHack Wertik CeleryHall jonathanhanes CurlyBrace nabru hothraxxa haldisse | [AU] No current players 18:23 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13715 18:24 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:11743 18:25 [EU] microlance (Sam Hum Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:1992 18:25 [US] ThatBenGuy (Sam Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur, on T:7165 18:25 [EU] microlance (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed microlance's ghost, the former Field Worker, on T:2079 18:27 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed amulet of reflection", on T:11770 18:28 [US] [D]: spleen (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 263 points, 921 turns, killed by a magic missile 18:28 -!- spleen has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:28 i thought Cleaver couldn't corrode.... 18:30 found Cleaver on level 5 - turned out to be cursed -2. 18:30 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1082 points, 2711 turns, killed by a gnome 18:31 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) murdered Madonna, her faithful kitten, on T:808 18:31 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 337 points, 808 turns, killed by a water moccasin 18:32 shadowcat: Still great! 18:32 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1139 points, 1062 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 18:32 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:7698 18:33 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided mind flayer, on T:27552 18:33 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class L, on T:27553 18:33 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class ;, on T:27555 18:33 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 34 points, 626 turns, killed by a fox 18:34 shadowcat: If it's gifted by your god, it's fooproof. So it's fooproof in most situations players encounter it. 18:34 ah...that's why. it wasn't gifted. it was just random in the dungeon 18:34 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 gauntlets of power", on T:27556 18:35 <@nabru> Yep, a while ago I found Grayswandir laying around, chilling in the dungeon 18:36 [Ac] nabru just earned Get Your Gas Mask. 18:36 The Really Cool Shirt has all the functions of a luckstone, right? 18:36 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a baby blue dragon, on T:24990 18:36 i found Mjnollir in a second level shop. fortunately, there was also a wand of teleport. :) 18:36 <@nabru> 😄 18:38 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Grayswandir bestowed upon him by Lugh, on T:19616 18:40 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed fixed magic marker", on T:27561 18:40 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 277 points, 408 turns, killed by a giant bat 18:40 [US] joes (Rog Orc Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:7423 18:41 <@luxidream> $lastasc 18:41 @luxidream: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stenno/tnnt/dumplog/1604491337.tnnt.html | [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/ToneHack/tnnt/dumplog/1604274514.tnnt.html | [AU] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/tnnt/dumplog/1604189879.tnnt.html 18:41 "It is about time!" The djinni vanishes. 18:41 second try 18:42 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed stenno the Enchanter in a deathmatch, on T:26161 18:42 [EU] stenno (Ran Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:3573 18:42 ;_; 18:42 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) killed stenno the Enchanter in a deathmatch, on T:33709 18:42 i am getting beatien up 18:42 stahp lol 18:42 [EU] Flugkiller (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:26288 18:44 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 784 points, 1150 turns, killed by a rock piercer 18:45 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:26696 18:47 [US] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:8599 18:47 [US] [D]: HalNovek (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2928 points, 5750 turns, killed by a rabid rat 18:47 [US] [D]: BifphWombat (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1680 points, 3084 turns, killed by a hill orc 18:47 [US] [D]: joes (Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha), 5064 points, 7736 turns, killed by a soldier ant (and one other game not reported) 18:49 [US] shadowcat (Val Hum Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2864 18:49 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 456 points, 793 turns, killed by a fall onto poison spikes 18:49 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "holy wand of polymorph", on T:27360 18:50 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed rustproof +2 silver spear", on T:28211 18:50 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed amulet of life saving", on T:15882 18:50 <@Kanra> Do deathmatch oponents' bag of holding keep everything it had originally? 18:50 ok it took me 4 games but now I've been killed by a woodchuck. 18:50 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1122 points, 2678 turns, killed by a magic missile 18:51 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:15885 18:51 [Ac] joes just earned 5 new achievements. 18:51 [Ac] HalNovek just earned Curse the Darkness and Civilized Cooking. 18:51 [Ac] BifphWombat just earned Pet Whisperer, A Little Light Larceny, and Death onna Stick. 18:51 time to go back to work. 18:51 -!- shadowcat has quit [Quit: shadowcat] 18:51 -!- joes_ has joined #tnnt 18:51 -!- joes has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:52 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed +2 fireproof boots of speed", on T:15886 18:52 -!- joes_ is now known as joes 18:52 [EU] stenno (Ran Elf Fem Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:5295 18:52 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) polymorphed her first object, on T:27627 18:53 [US] Grouchy (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed +2 rustproof helm of brilliance", on T:15910 18:53 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:27711 18:53 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) genocided class h, on T:27712 18:54 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 18:54 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) wished for "2 holy charging", on T:27775 18:54 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed shadowcat's ghost, the former Skirmisher, on T:553 18:54 <@nabru> $lastgame shadowcat 18:55 @nabru: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/shadowcat/tnnt/dumplog/1604514672.tnnt.html 18:56 [EU] [D]: SamusSnonk (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1706 points, 2571 turns, poisoned by an orcish arrow 18:56 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 18:57 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:28013 18:58 [US] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed nabru's ghost, the former Skirmisher, on T:835 18:58 -!- joes has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:59 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:59 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:10104 18:59 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) wished for "marker", on T:28231 19:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 19:00 UTC: Games: 30, Asc: 0, Scum: 5. 62415 turns, 33493 points. (32%Val), 26d 04:59 remaining. 19:01 [EU] eigentLich (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:3662 19:02 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:18916 19:02 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:36095 19:03 [EU] eigentLich (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) destroyed shadowcat's ghost, the former Pillager, on T:3768 19:05 -!- HalNovek has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:05 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) destroyed snes' ghost, the former Warrior, on T:36200 19:06 [EU] [D]: SamusSnonk (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 72 points, 448 turns, poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 19:06 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 19:07 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Scorpius, on T:29559 19:07 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:29561 19:08 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:10095 19:08 [US] nopsled (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots", on T:7317 19:09 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:10153 19:09 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 19:11 [US] nopsled (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) made her first artifact wish - "blessed orb of fate", on T:7323 19:12 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 615 points, 2326 turns, killed by a rabid rat 19:12 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) bribed Asmodeus with 7 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:30305 19:12 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 2981 points, 2880 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 19:12 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:30380 19:13 [EU] [D]: SamusSnonk (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 46 points, 356 turns, killed by a scroll of earth 19:14 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 156 points, 601 turns, killed by a dwarf 19:14 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) bribed Baalzebub with 1 zorkmid for safe passage, on T:30802 19:14 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 19:15 [US] [D]: nabru (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 4981 points, 3086 turns, killed by a soldier ant 19:16 [Ac] nabru just earned Predictably, Nothing Happens. 19:16 [Ac] qt just earned Curse the Darkness. 19:16 [Ac] Dx34 just earned Curse the Darkness. 19:16 [EU] stenno (Ran Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9083 19:17 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:28407 19:17 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 252 points, 861 turns, killed by a small mimic 19:17 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:31121 19:17 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:31126 19:17 [US] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of identify", on T:18387 19:17 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Orcus, on T:31195 19:18 [EU] [D]: stenno (Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha), 20787 points, 9159 turns, killed by a dwarf king 19:18 ffs 19:18 elves so squishy 19:19 maybe i should go mkot instead of DSM as first wish 19:19 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:44709 19:21 [US] [D]: bouquet (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 433 points, 1002 turns, killed by a little dog 19:21 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:31979 19:21 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:31980 19:22 VoTD is so much better with drain resistance. 19:22 indeed 19:22 I bet Vlad will be, too. Last time he drained me like four times. 19:22 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:32054 19:23 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:32224 19:23 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:32226 19:25 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:12196 19:26 another thing that's really nice to have in the valley is protection from shape changers 19:26 so you can kill the vampire( bat)s only once 19:26 are they vampires then, or vampire bats? 19:26 i assume vampires 19:26 with ProtSC 19:27 what they start out as, sometimes bats but in the valley there are a lot of vampires too 19:27 but it keeps them from reconstituting 19:27 oh ok 19:27 [US] wooble (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:6816 19:27 yay Wooble! long time no see 19:27 i thought they would always start out as their non-vampire form 19:28 frankly I'm not sure, you're probably right 19:28 hey raisse 19:28 fair fair 19:29 The mountain nymph stole a blessed bag called bag of holding containing 97 items. 19:29 >:( 19:30 I hate that when it happens 19:31 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had Sting bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:1861 19:31 or steal your wand of sleep, zap you with it, and rob you of everything 19:31 [US] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (disenchanter), on T:1881 19:31 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:34558 19:33 [US] eitbo (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8067 19:34 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered the Planes, on T:35756 19:35 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed the Oracle, on T:11752 19:36 joes: Thanks for the grease. 19:36 -!- Souljazz has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:36 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed magic harp", on T:35319 19:36 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 3257 points, 5933 turns, killed by a gnome lord 19:37 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 24 points, 157 turns, killed by a guard 19:37 abudhabi: you're welcome, I had another 19:37 [US] [D]: Glord (Arc-Gno-Mal-Neu), 332 points, 3222 turns, killed by a hobbit 19:37 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Pestilence, on T:35990 19:37 [US] post163 (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful kitten, on T:1 19:38 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 33 points, 277 turns, killed by a falling object (and one other game not reported) 19:38 [US] Luxidream (Ran Hum Fem Neu) wished for "helm of opposite alignment named rngesus plz", on T:36009 19:39 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 79 points, 366 turns, killed by a newt 19:40 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:20154 19:41 [US] [A]: Luxidream (Ran-Hum-Fem-Law), 616898 points, 36012 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/tnnt/dumplog/1604510033.tnnt.html 19:41 [Ac] Raisse just earned Pilgrim. 19:41 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 268 points, 157 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:41 gj @luxidream 19:41 <@luxidream> thanks stenno 19:41 can we get sub-1h30 19:42 [US] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:10095 19:42 [US] [D]: Dx34 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 139 points, 422 turns, killed by a gnome lord 19:42 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1569 points, 5900 turns, killed by a dwarf lord 19:42 maybe not during the streak lol 19:43 <@luxidream> that takes work 😛 19:43 <@luxidream> my clanmates are also using dwarf valk for other duties 19:43 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 12 points, 125 turns, killed by a water demon 19:44 So we have to be content with lackadaisical 2h30 19:44 [US] [D]: post163 (Hea-Hum-Fem-Neu), 251 points, 724 turns, killed by a sewer rat 19:45 [US] bouquet (Rog Hum Fem Cha) murdered Unikitty, her faithful kitten, on T:3626 19:45 <@luxidream> I feel like your expectations are too high 19:45 <@luxidream> :p 19:45 gratz luxidream 19:46 [Ac] Luxidream just earned Diamond in the Rough and The Art of the Deal. 19:46 [Ac] qt just earned It's Called That For a Reason and Recharged. 19:46 [Ac] post163 just earned Pygmalion. 19:46 [US] [D]: bouquet (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 2078 points, 3759 turns, poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse, while frozen by a potion 19:46 j/k j/k :P 19:46 i see you did your 5-streak thingy again 19:47 guess its time for me to finally learn aklys mechanics 19:47 <@luxidream> if I'm not going tiltmonkey or playing at 2 am I can hopefully win 19:48 man i hate playing dwarves somehow 19:48 I took a valk straight to minetown, what should I wish for? 19:48 mines are so stupid and you cannot geno h 19:49 joes: sdsm usually 19:49 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) consumed animal products (fortune cookie) for the first time, on T:12198 19:49 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 993 points, 1658 turns, killed by a hobbit 19:49 [EU] Nidan (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming an ice troll, on T:5963 19:51 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 447 points, 2744 turns, killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 19:51 [Ac] qt just earned Gullible. 19:51 [US] [D]: noahnoah55 (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 241 points, 619 turns, killed by a boulder (and one other game not reported) 19:51 joes: i.e. 'blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail' 19:51 stenno: alright thanks, that's what I was thinking 19:52 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #tnnt 19:52 [EU] Flugkiller (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:30541 19:52 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) was chosen to steal souls for the Glory of Kos, on T:23470 19:53 all right, now we're cooking 19:55 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:29760 19:56 [Ac] Jes just earned Pet Rescue. 19:56 [US] [D]: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 12325 points, 4953 turns, killed by a giant zombie 19:57 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) destroyed qt's ghost, the former Sightseer, on T:12601 19:57 [EU] [D]: stenno (Cav-Dwa-Fem-Law), 641 points, 1459 turns, killed by a pony 19:58 ,while being blinded by a magic trap 19:58 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:29908 19:58 [US] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:20846 20:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 20:00 UTC: Games: 81, Asc: 1, Scum: 52. 0d 10:18 gametime. (66%Hum), 26d 03:59 remaining. 20:01 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class R, on T:29921 20:01 [Ac] dgoddard just earned Tin Foil Hat. 20:01 [US] Jes (Ran Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 grey dragon scale mail", on T:1469 20:01 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a silver dragon, on T:14863 20:02 tromix the burninator 20:02 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Mitra, on T:2310 20:02 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Magic marker", on T:34427 20:03 [US] BilldaCat (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:1 20:03 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots", on T:20991 20:04 [EU] p0werm0de (Bar Orc Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping an elven dagger on an altar, on T:4093 20:04 BilldaCat, Killer of Kittens 20:04 Adjama is uninterested in the premium rocks i want to sell him 20:04 my cav has like cha 6 20:04 goddammit stenno they're minerals 20:04 Adjama the Philistine, Unappreciative of Rocks 20:05 lmao 20:05 omg monkeytown 20:05 .. #quit 20:05 heh 20:06 so annoying 20:06 [R] Clan Smile Mold advances to rank 18! 20:06 and then it has like 2 delicatessen and thats it 20:06 seriously 20:06 bad monkeytown is worse than orctown 20:06 4 wand shop .. cmon, one time 20:07 bah 20:07 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:1432 20:08 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1010 points, 4161 turns, killed by Mr. Annootok; the shopkeeper, while sleeping 20:08 $who 20:08 tacco\unfoog: [EU] p0werm0de Flugkiller tacco stenno Paiki amateurhour elenmirie Nidan AbuDhabi tromix lacca swegen SamusSnonk Raisse | [US] BilldaCat Wertik eitbrad eitbo jonathanhanes widmerpool joes Grouchy rancat Bliss56 NuSlayer oh6 CeleryHall tinklebear Lettuce ThatBenGuy Graydot Maud Glord arnibald noahnoah55 Jes haldisse NOP habib CurlyBrace hothraxxa Luxidream | [AU] No current players 20:09 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) was crowned "The Hand of Elbereth" by Lugh, on T:22070 20:12 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:30456 20:13 [US] joes (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:4037 20:14 orctown 20:15 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:22147 20:15 [US] [D]: post163 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 138 points, 197 turns, slipped while mounting a saddled pony (and one other game not reported) 20:16 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) had Werebane bestowed upon her by Mitra, on T:9546 20:16 [US] CurlyBrace (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) became Thoth's Envoy of Balance, on T:34610 20:17 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed spellbook of polymorph", on T:21203 20:19 [US] joes (Val Dwa Fem Law) consumed animal products for the first time, by eating a hill orc corpse, on T:4515 20:20 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:19153 20:20 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:10908 20:20 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 244 points, 1096 turns, killed by an invisible dwarf (and one other game not reported) 20:21 [EU] Nidan (Val Dwa Fem Law) averted death (killed by a mumak), on T:7053 20:21 [US] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:12620 20:22 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging named lol", on T:2401 20:22 well, well 20:22 BilldaCat: look what i got 20:22 >:| 20:23 stop taking my wands! 20:23 nice! how many charges 20:23 speed run time? 20:23 0:1 now, so 0:2 originally 20:23 nah lo 20:23 its a cav 20:23 [US] BilldaCat (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:1 20:23 [US] Maud (Rog Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:12785 20:24 i'm taking it out on my pet 20:24 have to think of a build now 20:24 :/ 20:24 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:31399 20:24 i guess its the standard 20:25 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 380 points, 1060 turns, killed by a wererat 20:25 sdsm, speed boots, mmom, [oProt 20:25 [US] eitlarry (Hea Gno Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:36194 20:25 [US] habib (Pri Hum Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:33584 20:26 i've found well over 200 wands so far, should have had a 63.3% chance of hitting a WoW by now 20:26 grr 20:26 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon her by Huan Ti, on T:2779 20:26 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Cha), 72 points, 210 turns, killed by a falling object 20:26 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:28436 20:26 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:16249 20:26 BilldaCat: during my failruns yesterday night, i got like two magic lamps from minetown in ~30 runs 20:27 yeah i usually do ok in minetown but it's just not worth it when scumming 20:27 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) consumed animal products for the first time, by eating a floating eye corpse, on T:3039 20:27 [EU] Nidan (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed qt's ghost, the former Investigator, on T:7405 20:27 last resort wand i'll go for is the soko wand, then quit 20:27 yeah minetown takes too long to get to 20:27 it's more getting back out that's the problem 20:27 digging down is fast 20:27 well yeah true 20:27 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:28444 20:27 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 3152 points, 2116 turns, killed by a gnome 20:27 it's inconvenient anyway 20:28 yeah, and not really enough loot in terms of raw #s to be worth it 20:28 shops too small 20:28 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 0 points, 186 turns, killed by an arrow (and 2 other games not reported) 20:28 <@SamusSnake> How are your clans doing? 20:28 $clanscore H!M 20:28 stenno: HEY! MOONA - Score: 782 - Rank: 2 20:28 3.8 needs bigger minetown shops, i demand more selection when shopping 20:28 rank 2! 20:28 pretty decent so far 20:28 <@SamusSnake> Nice 20:28 BilldaCat: black market :P 20:29 the biggest shop of them all 20:29 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed silver dragon scale mail", on T:2403 20:29 loool 20:29 forgot the +3 20:29 <{Demo}> RIP 20:30 might aswell #quit 20:30 it's +4 anyway stenno cmon 20:30 isn't that from aoei in the nhqdb 20:30 yep https://nhqdb.alt.org/?173 20:30 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fireproof +3 cloak of protection", on T:21420 20:30 lol 20:30 [EU] p0werm0de (Kni Hum Fem Law) murdered Snake, her faithful pony, on T:2657 20:31 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a master mind flayer, on T:15784 20:31 unfortunately i actualy just got +0 20:31 [US] [D]: noahnoah55 (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 1269 points, 1764 turns, killed by a gnome lord, while fainted from lack of food 20:31 [US] [D]: BilldaCat (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 388 points, 118 turns, killed by a giant mimic (and 77 other games not reported) 20:31 once again i have failed to loot a leash 20:31 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 speed boots", on T:2414 20:31 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 cloak of protection", on T:2417 20:32 man all +0 20:32 only ac:-3 20:32 yeah just quit 20:32 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) made her first artifact wish - "blessed magic mirror of merlin", on T:2468 20:32 [EU] SamusSnonk (Val Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3916 20:33 [US] wooble (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) averted death (killed by a ghoul), on T:8375 20:33 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 413 points, 724 turns, killed by a gnome lord 20:34 [US] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:13430 20:35 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed rustproof fixed fireproof +3 gauntlets of dexterity", on T:21424 20:35 [EU] [D]: SamusSnonk (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1809 points, 3964 turns, killed by a crocodile 20:35 apart from the wow i have 4 iron skull caps and 4 keys 20:36 [Ac] noahnoah55 just earned Wash it Clean. 20:36 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class P, on T:32009 20:36 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:28616 20:37 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:32067 20:38 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:18392 20:40 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) bribed Asmodeus with 360 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:47361 20:41 [US] [D]: nimsumzero (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3369 points, 4964 turns, killed by a dwarf 20:41 [Ac] SamusSnonk just earned The Words of the Prophets and Distinction Without Difference. 20:41 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 2034 points, 4527 turns, killed by a giant ant 20:42 [US] eitbrad (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed the invisible Vlad the Impaler, on T:30453 20:42 [US] eitbrad (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:30455 20:42 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "magic marker", on T:21457 20:44 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Mitra, on T:21025 20:44 [US] eitbrad (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (master mind flayer), on T:30459 20:44 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) was crowned "The Hand of Elbereth" by Mitra, on T:22318 20:45 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:47895 20:45 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) destroyed BilldaCat's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:15691 20:45 -!- spleen has joined #tnnt 20:45 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1409 points, 1954 turns, killed by a gnome 20:46 [Ac] p0werm0de just earned Pet Whisperer. 20:46 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) made his first wish - "greased extinguished unlit very historic thoroughly blessed historic unlabeled historic very +5 gray dragon scale mail named wait till rodney sees me in this", on T:25245 20:48 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:49 -!- joes has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:51 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 57 points, 147 turns, killed by a sewer rat (and 2 other games not reported) 20:51 [US] post163 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) murdered her faithful kitten, on T:1 20:51 [US] [D]: post163 (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 20 points, 270 turns, killed by a system shock 20:52 [US] Qwesti (Hea Hum Mal Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping a uranium wand on an altar, on T:3315 20:56 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) genocided disenchanter, on T:23100 20:58 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:28725 20:58 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:23181 20:58 soko zoo has a troll, pyrolisk, wumpus, invis stalker, succubus and a few other nasties 20:59 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:28727 20:59 oh dear stenno 20:59 guess i am not getting my 50% boh chance 20:59 [EU] [D]: Nidan (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 10495 points, 8947 turns, killed by a bolt of lightning 20:59 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:37185 20:59 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:37188 21:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 21:00 UTC: Games: 210, Asc: 0, Scum: 187. 0d 10:34 gametime. (57%Wiz), 26d 02:59 remaining. 21:00 [US] jonathanhanes (Kni Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:23247 21:00 [US] Luxidream (Pri Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:24488 21:00 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Huan Ti, on T:6995 21:01 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:37194 21:01 [Ac] Nidan just earned 13 new achievements. 21:01 -!- Nidan has joined #tnnt 21:03 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) bribed Baalzebub with 241 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:49867 21:03 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Gno-Mal-Neu), 3193 points, 5254 turns, killed by a mumak 21:05 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Werebane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:24241 21:05 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:7618 21:05 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed bag of holding", on T:6112 21:05 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Master Kaen, on T:22675 21:06 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:22700 21:06 [Ac] Jes just earned Beast Master and Father Figure. 21:06 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 21:06 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) was chosen to take lives for the Glory of Anhur, on T:24457 21:07 [US] [D]: SkippitoFriskito (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 36 points, 635 turns, killed by a bear trap 21:07 ah yes death finger 21:07 [US] eitbrad (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:30897 21:07 [US] jww (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:3609 21:08 the middle finger of death 21:09 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:34224 21:09 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:34226 21:11 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:20016 21:13 -!- spicycat has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:13 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:20111 21:14 brandbrand 21:14 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 316 points, 1205 turns, killed by a small mimic 21:15 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:15 one for gehenom and one for the planes :P 21:15 [US] [D]: jww (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1749 points, 4213 turns, killed by a soldier ant 21:16 [US] eitbrad (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class ;, on T:31091 21:16 [US] [D]: SkippitoFriskito (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 316 points, 1608 turns, killed by a water moccasin 21:19 [US] [D]: noahnoah55 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 165 points, 634 turns, killed by a small mimic (and one other game not reported) 21:19 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:51153 21:20 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:51170 21:21 [Ac] noahnoah55 just earned New Lease on Life. 21:21 [Ac] jww just earned A Little Light Larceny, Pet Whisperer, Best Friends Forever, and Got No Talent. 21:21 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed the Dark One, on T:25468 21:21 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:25473 21:21 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 21:22 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9709 21:22 [US] [D]: Jes (Pri-Elf-Mal-Cha), 945 points, 1518 turns, killed by a human zombie 21:25 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:8021 21:26 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 423 points, 861 turns, killed by a dwarf 21:26 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) genocided class ;, on T:38244 21:26 [US] [D]: SkippitoFriskito (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 768 points, 1569 turns, killed by a bolt of cold 21:26 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) genocided class R, on T:38245 21:26 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Pri-Hum-Fem-Law), 92393 points, 29020 turns, killed by a death ray 21:26 f 21:27 [EU] jt (Rog Orc Mal Cha) killed Croesus, on T:31316 21:28 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:41643 21:30 [US] SrinivasSamJespe (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed ardl's ghost, the former Skirmisher, on T:6806 21:31 [Tr] Luxidream now has Longest Streak! 21:31 [Ac] Luxidream just earned How Much Wood?, Curse the Darkness, and Fill 'Er Up. 21:32 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:25958 21:34 -!- eLich\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:34 -!- eLich\unfoog has joined #tnnt 21:34 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:26060 21:35 hmm i see that luxidream killed my character in a deathmatch, and that was _before_ they even went down to medusa 21:35 so it cannot be an endgame fight 21:36 $lastasc 21:36 stenno: [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stenno/tnnt/dumplog/1604491337.tnnt.html | [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/tnnt/dumplog/1604510033.tnnt.html | [AU] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/tnnt/dumplog/1604189879.tnnt.html 21:36 should i just try it? i have no idea what happens 21:36 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon him by Lugh, on T:18402 21:37 https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/jo5iyy/tnnt_2020_the_yasd_reddit/ 21:37 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 555 points, 1615 turns, killed by a gnome lord 21:38 i read this here https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Deathmatch 21:39 [US] widmerpool (Pri Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4690 21:39 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:9963 21:40 [US] Graydot (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed spellbook of magic mapping", on T:26297 21:40 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Anu, on T:51487 21:41 nice thread K2. unfortunately I have no YASD to share as of yet 21:42 i guess i have a minor one 21:42 all my deaths are very pedestrian 21:44 how would you call the area to the left of the castle drawbridge? castle maze ? 21:45 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12974 21:45 [US] [D]: SkippitoFriskito (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1003 points, 2679 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 21:46 aosdict :P 21:47 [EU] [D]: p0werm0de (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 256 points, 1124 turns, killed by a wand (and 2 other games not reported) 21:48 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:19068 21:49 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:50 [US] eitbo (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:15211 21:50 [US] SrinivasSamJespe (Sam Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a small mimic, on T:7671 21:50 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:18765 21:51 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 7722 points, 7645 turns, killed by a burning scroll 21:52 -!- eLich\unfoog is now known as elich\unfoog 21:52 i was never been killed by a burning scroll before... 21:53 [US] zoya (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:17832 21:54 huh, that's a nice unique death 21:56 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 21:56 [Ac] eigentLich just earned They're After Me Lucky Charms. 22:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 22:00 UTC: Games: 17, Asc: 0, Scum: 2. 59674 turns, 109844 points. (33%Bar), 26d 01:59 remaining. 22:00 <@luxidream> aosdict: why do all these games have a different streak bonus? 22:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/503281133438369792/773667934806868028/unknown.png 22:00 [US] NOP (Bar Orc Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:6983 22:00 :< 22:00 <@luxidream> I thought it was supposed to apply retroactively 22:01 ah damn i cannot conf myself with tripe if i am caveman 22:01 caveperson* 22:02 50 might be booze i guess 22:02 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 22:03 -!- jonathanhanes has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:03 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:39434 22:03 -!- jonathanhanes has joined #tnnt 22:03 [EU] [D]: eigentLich (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha), 54 points, 575 turns, killed by a dagger 22:05 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:30513 22:06 [EU] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:15010 22:06 [US] [D]: eitwinston (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 7469 points, 7221 turns, poisoned by a snake 22:07 -!- bebing has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:07 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 4507 points, 2003 turns, killed by a long worm 22:07 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 22:09 [US] Tmasher (Kni Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:4837 22:10 -!- Menchers has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:10 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed greased bag of holding", on T:19848 22:11 [Ac] eitwinston just earned 007. 22:11 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:22192 22:12 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:30609 22:12 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:40061 22:12 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:38455 22:12 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:40066 22:13 [US] Luxidream (Mon Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:1618 22:14 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13266 22:14 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:19881 22:14 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 5043 points, 1702 turns, killed by a wand 22:15 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 553 points, 2356 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 22:17 [US] Glord (Arc Gno Fem Neu) rejected atheism by consulting with the priestess of Camaxtli, on T:3610 22:18 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:40371 22:19 -!- Souljazz has joined #tnnt 22:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 22:20 [US] eitwinston (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:1379 22:20 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) wished for "2 cursed scrolls of genocide", on T:20331 22:21 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:20332 22:21 [EU] amateurhour (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:28908 22:21 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered the Planes, on T:31168 22:25 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) killed the Master Assassin, on T:29360 22:25 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) killed the Cyclops, on T:40173 22:25 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:29362 22:25 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:40662 22:25 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 4716 points, 2870 turns, killed by a fire ant 22:26 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:40664 22:26 [US] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a dart on an altar, on T:4737 22:26 [US] ichbinmiah (Hea Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:40178 22:27 [EU] [D]: SamusSnonk (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 956 points, 1164 turns, killed by a bolt of lightning 22:27 -!- Souljazz has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:28 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:18319 22:29 [EU] [D]: lacca (Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha), 68896 points, 16925 turns, killed by a death ray 22:29 [US] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fireproof +2 speed boots", on T:18320 22:29 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Nidan's ghost, the former Fighter, on T:14438 22:30 [US] Qwesti (Hea Hum Mal Neu) averted death (killed by a dwarf lord), on T:3568 22:31 [Ac] lacca just earned 14 new achievements. 22:31 [R] Clan Smile Mold advances to rank 17! 22:31 [AU] Arahael (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:37360 22:31 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:41007 22:32 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:10778 22:32 [US] habib (Pri Hum Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:33881 22:33 [EU] SamusSnonk (Val Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful little dog, on T:484 22:35 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) genocided class ;, on T:31280 22:35 [US] [D]: qt (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 280 points, 790 turns, killed by a water moccasin, while reading a book 22:35 [US] Glord (Arc Gno Fem Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:4299 22:36 [US] Glord (Arc Gno Fem Neu) killed for the first time, on T:4306 22:36 [US] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:4263 22:36 [EU] p0werm0de (Sam Hum Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a kabuto on an altar, on T:4994 22:37 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:24072 22:39 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Ogresmasher bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:42655 22:40 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 22:40 [US] [D]: Qwesti (Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5064 points, 3689 turns, killed by a Kop Lieutenant, while praying 22:40 [US] [D]: Jilvane (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 108 points, 429 turns, killed by a magic missile 22:40 ah fuck it, purple L 22:40 [US] habib (Pri Hum Fem Law) bribed Asmodeus with 12 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:34267 22:41 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 227 points, 1043 turns, killed by a hobbit 22:41 [Ac] Qwesti just earned 6 new achievements. 22:41 [US] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:5821 22:41 now this 300 zm scroll _has_ to be geno or else i am pretty sccrewed 22:41 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:11389 22:41 lmao 22:41 nice 22:42 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 115 points, 291 turns, killed by a grid bug 22:42 this is still a suicide mission though 22:45 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) bribed Asmodeus with 300 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:38964 22:45 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:11498 22:45 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:46 man so dooed 22:46 [US] skossar (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9314 22:46 [Ac] Jilvane just earned The Birds and the Bees and Spam, Spam, Spam. 22:46 [US] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7408 22:47 You kill the minotaur! 22:48 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 447 points, 1074 turns, killed by a magic missile 22:48 [US] [Q]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 17434 points, 8004 turns, quit (and one other game not reported) 22:48 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed Famine, on T:31503 22:48 [US] habib (Pri Hum Fem Law) bribed Baalzebub with 20 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:34537 22:48 [US] Urc (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:2191 22:49 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) had Dragonbane bestowed upon him by Anu, on T:54617 22:50 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 108 points, 590 turns, killed by a little dart 22:51 [Ac] Luxidream just earned Make your Mark. 22:51 [US] [D]: qt (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 81 points, 305 turns, killed by a falling rock 22:53 hmm so 22:53 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Trollsbane bestowed upon him by Lugh, on T:21291 22:54 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "magic marker", on T:11690 22:54 [US] ThatBenGuy (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13257 22:55 [US] [D]: eitmobius (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1644 points, 2521 turns, killed by a magic missile 22:56 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:21515 22:56 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:42918 22:57 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (10 times), on T:42919 22:58 [US] [D]: eitwinston (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 5190 points, 3067 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 22:59 damn its midnight again already lol 23:00 Hourly Stats at 2020-11-04 23:00 UTC: Games: 27, Asc: 0, Scum: 8. 0d 09:02 gametime. (74%Hum), 26d 00:59 remaining. 23:01 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Trollsbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:17820 23:01 [US] [D]: Jilvane (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 431 points, 2216 turns, killed by a gecko, while frozen by a monster's gaze 23:01 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:24883 23:01 [Ac] eitmobius just earned 007. 23:01 [Ac] eitwinston just earned Pet Rescue, Neutralized, and Make your Mark. 23:01 [US] hothraxxa (Rog Orc Mal Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Kos, on T:30528 23:02 [EU] tromix (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed fireproof +3 cloak of magic resistance", on T:24885 23:02 -!- amateurhour has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:03 [US] oh6 (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:55761 23:03 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:39372 23:03 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed ring of teleport control", on T:11695 23:03 [EU] tacco (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "4 dilithium crystal", on T:31528 23:03 -!- snes-nh has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 23:04 grats tacco\unfoog \o/ 23:04 thanks! <3 23:04 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:20286 23:04 go team unfoog! 23:04 still takes me 3days for one run.. im not gonna be a speedrunner any time soon :D 23:05 $gt unfoog 23:05 boo 23:05 [EU] jt (Rog Orc Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:35386 23:06 croesus/beholder need better command vocabularies 23:06 [EU] [A]: tacco (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2175650 points, 31529 turns, ascended 23:06 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tacco/tnnt/dumplog/1604261401.tnnt.html 23:07 -!- bebing has joined #tnnt 23:09 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 257 points, 714 turns, killed by a system shock 23:10 [US] UniDuck (Cav Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a stone giant, on T:23239 23:11 [Ac] tacco just earned 71 new achievements. 23:11 [R] Clan unfoog advances to rank 9! 23:11 yea! 23:12 [US] [D]: Onion (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 177 points, 786 turns, killed by a newt 23:13 -!- Menchers has joined #tnnt 23:14 [US] Qwesti (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by a giant beetle), on T:2465 23:15 [US] [D]: Qwesti (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2183 points, 2470 turns, killed by a giant ant 23:16 I killed a bat, who dropped a hat 23:16 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "unholy marker of magic", on T:11898 23:16 [EU] p0werm0de (Sam Hum Fem Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:8067 23:17 -!- tromix has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:20 <@luxidream> $whereis habib 23:20 @luxidream: [US] habib : (Pri Hum Fem Law) T:35490 Gehennom level: 45 23:20 [US] [D]: Onion (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 86 points, 236 turns, killed by a poisonous corpse 23:21 [Ac] Qwesti just earned Never Saw It Coming and Those Who Came Before. 23:21 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:43758 23:21 so I know that everyone likes to rag on the spell of detect food 23:21 but it allowed me to train up divination so I could cast identify 23:24 [EU] AbuDhabi (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed figurine of an incubus", on T:43777 23:25 [US] [D]: nekochan (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 555 points, 1987 turns, killed by a pony 23:25 Bah. Turned out hostile. 23:25 Oh, well. 23:26 [US] Bot (Hea Gno Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11266 23:27 [EU] [A]: AbuDhabi (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 3163512 points, 43779 turns, ascended 23:27 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/A/AbuDhabi/tnnt/dumplog/1604422773.tnnt.html 23:28 [US] qt (Tou Hum Mal Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4549 23:28 [US] aosdict (Rog Hum Fem Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:38586 23:28 grats abudhabi ! 23:28 Thanks! 23:29 -!- tsingi has joined #tnnt 23:29 grats abudhabi 23:29 -!- noims has joined #tnnt 23:29 [US] Urc (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:5700 23:31 [US] aosdict (Rog Hum Fem Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:38676 23:31 [Ac] AbuDhabi just earned 67 new achievements. 23:31 [R] Clan Order of the Chickatrice advances to rank 10! 23:31 [R] New clan registered - team can't! 23:31 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) bribed Baalzebub with 900 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:39949 23:32 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:33 [EU] Paiki (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:19772 23:34 [EU] jt (Rog Orc Mal Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:36418 23:34 [US] Jes (Ran Orc Mal Cha) murdered Cocoa, his faithful little dog, on T:1030 23:34 [US] mwrynn (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1852 23:35 [US] bebing (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:37590 23:35 holmavik has a shop with 12 mimics in stock 23:35 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:21717 23:36 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) genocided class h, on T:21722 23:36 [US] filthy (Val Dwa Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a +1 long sword on an altar, on T:3972 23:37 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 57125 points, 20130 turns, killed by a giant mummy, while reading a book 23:38 [US] [D]: Onion (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 423 points, 2295 turns, killed by a small mimic 23:39 augh I one-shotted a coaligned unicorn 23:39 [US] eitm9l (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12131 23:39 [US] [D]: Tommo (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 226 points, 398 turns, killed by an exploding wand 23:40 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Grayswandir bestowed upon him by Lugh, on T:23566 23:40 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Chromatic Dragon, on T:13227 23:41 [EU] stenno (Cav Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:13270 23:41 [EU] [D]: Paiki (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 212 points, 626 turns, killed by a hobbit 23:41 [Ac] Tommo just earned Stop, Thief! and You're About To Die, You Scrub. 23:41 [Ac] Paiki just earned Make your Mark. 23:41 J - a mace named The Sceptre of Might. 23:43 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 2451 points, 2301 turns, killed by a dwarf lord 23:44 [US] [D]: Jes (Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha), 217 points, 157 turns, killed by a hobbit 23:45 [EU] jt (Rog Orc Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:36859 23:46 [US] NuSlayer (Kni Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:23863 23:46 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 120 points, 560 turns, killed by a sewer rat 23:48 hm hm 23:48 [US] jackofclubs (Bar Orc Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9938 23:50 [US] Wertik (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Orcus, on T:40394 23:52 [US] Jes (Ran Orc Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed fixed rustproof +4 magicbane", on T:137 23:52 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 16 points, 137 turns, killed by touching Magicbane (and one other game not reported) 23:53 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) genocided class R, on T:22390 23:53 [US] qt (Tou Hum Mal Neu) polymorphed his first object, on T:8423 23:53 this one wont be sub-20k 23:53 [US] CeleryHall (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:22396 23:54 -!- tsingi has left #tnnt 23:55 [US] [D]: Jes (Ran-Orc-Mal-Cha), 123 points, 401 turns, killed by a sewer rat 23:55 [US] Glord (Arc Gno Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:9313 23:55 [EU] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:44416 23:56 [EU] [D]: tacco (Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha), 87 points, 326 turns, killed by a small mimic 23:57 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Dark One, on T:45126 23:57 [US] allanb (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:45128 23:57 [EU] noims (Rog Orc Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:22240