00:02 -!- cnetPursuit has joined #tnnt 00:41 $time 00:41 K2: 2020-10-31 00:41:31 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 23:18:29 00:41 less than 1 day muhahahah 00:44 holy crap... the realization just hit me that it's so close 00:47 <@riker> time marches on 00:58 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 01:06 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #tnnt 01:09 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:13 -!- Sakusen has joined #tnnt 01:30 -!- noims has joined #tnnt 01:37 and time is still marching on @riker 01:37 <@riker> for whom the bell of opening tolls? 01:44 -!- cnetPursuit has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:45 -!- cnetPursuit has joined #tnnt 02:10 <@Sig> @Contains milk. Would up having to make a whole new Reddit account, lol. /u/SigHack333 02:12 -!- spicycat has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 02:35 -!- spicycat has joined #tnnt 02:38 -!- noims has left #tnnt 03:11 -!- bebing has joined #tnnt 05:02 -!- telegarn has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:07 <@Contains milk.> @Sig Nice. Sending you a PM now. Also gonna need your hardfought name to invite you to the clan. 05:12 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 05:15 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Client Quit] 05:26 <@Sig> HDF username is Sig 05:27 <@Contains milk.> oh good I don't have to admit I snooped on your past messages and found a screenshot with your name in it 05:27 <@Contains milk.> :P 05:45 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 05:47 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Client Quit] 06:15 <@Sig> Lol 06:18 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 06:43 $time 06:43 abudhabi: 2020-10-31 06:43:02 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 17:16:58 09:17 -!- tromix has quit [Quit: ..bye bye!] 09:18 -!- spicycat has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:18 -!- tromix has joined #tnnt 09:52 -!- tromix has quit [Quit: ..bye bye!] 09:53 -!- farkaan has joined #tnnt 09:53 -!- farkaan has left #tnnt 09:54 -!- tromix has joined #tnnt 10:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:30 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #tnnt 10:33 are we there yet?are we there yet?are we there yet? 10:36 "Location: European Union (London, UK)" server info needs updating ;) 10:36 Haha 10:37 They are still in EU I believe? 10:38 nah, havent been since january 10:39 Oh right. 10:39 Still in the Single Market and Customs Union. 10:53 !time 10:53 $time 10:53 Mandevil: 2020-10-31 10:53:10 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 13:06:49 11:04 -!- amateurhour has joined #tnnt 11:07 meh... European "region" I guess Brexit hasn't affected ping times afaik ;) 11:08 its still Europe its just not exactly EU 11:08 idk 11:08 i dont care anymore 11:08 stop talking about brexit 11:08 im over it. officially 11:09 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 11:16 $time 11:16 amateurhour: 2020-10-31 11:16:15 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 12:43:44 12:26 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 12:35 -!- Souljazz has joined #tnnt 12:37 hey ;) may i join the unfoog clan? 12:38 wow... hi Souljazz! 12:39 i'll send an invite :) 12:39 has been a while :) 12:39 -!- telegarn has joined #tnnt 12:39 jesus unfoog has more than doubled then this year 12:39 welp 12:39 well, i'm more suprised about the comeback of eit 12:39 Souljazz: invite sent! 12:40 think i'll have to create a login at hardfought first 12:40 you seem to have one already 12:40 at least I found you on the tnnt page 12:40 oh cool 12:40 ah, i do indeed :) 12:41 welcome back! :D 12:41 cool, thanks! :=) 12:41 when was the last time you played nethack? 12:41 ive been messing around a bit in the past weeks in the nao web client, but without much success 12:42 but it should come back eventually ;) 12:42 \o/ 12:44 is this where everyone meets these days or is it just for the tournament? 12:44 i'm here only during tournament times. #hardfought has more activity afaik. 12:45 otherwise some are still in #nethack.de (though it's quite dead these days) 12:48 -!- Kontroller has joined #tnnt 12:48 yeah. i miss the old days. i was nowhere as everpresent as everyone else, but it was good fun :) 12:48 sup Kontroller :) 12:48 nawt much 12:48 I do miss the young days more. 12:48 less than 12 hours to go 12:49 what version will the tournament be played on? 12:49 3.6.x 12:50 and i cant play that on hardfought beforehand? i see only 3.4.3 and 3.7.0 12:50 3.6.6 specifically 12:50 though there are tournament additions, it's not pure vanilla 12:50 yeah hdf doesn't have 3.6.x, NAO does though 12:51 ok 12:51 -!- schnippi has joined #tnnt 12:51 3.6.x is only about security fixes in .x, isn't it? 12:51 hi schnippi :) 12:51 not that practicing with 3.7 in the like 11h remaining will be that different really 12:51 yo schnippi 12:51 hi Schnippi ;) 12:51 ok ill give 3.7 a try ;) 12:52 hey hey 12:52 Kontroller: 3.6.3 contained the last new gameplay features, then 4,5,6 were security fixes. 12:53 3.6.6 does NOT have all the problems of 3.6.0. 12:54 can i activate use of numpad for moving in the setup file? i cant remember exactly how to do that 12:54 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options#number_pad 12:54 Don't even know which problems were to be addressed, save the "materialize through demounting". 12:56 thanks deki :) 12:59 huh...new dungeon features ive never seen before! 13:05 -!- spleen has joined #tnnt 13:18 -!- cnetPursuit has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in] 13:19 -!- cnetPursuit has joined #tnnt 13:20 -!- joes has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:20 -!- joes_ has joined #tnnt 13:20 -!- joes_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:20 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 13:36 hiho schnippi 13:36 $time 13:36 tacco\unfoog: 2020-10-31 13:36:18 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 10:23:42 13:48 -!- HalNovek has joined #tnnt 13:54 -!- Sakusen has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:55 <@Tone> Kontroller: Only the last few versions, probably back it 3.6.4 (?), have been security fixes with essentially no gameplay impact 13:55 <@Tone> back to* 13:55 <@Tone> oh I just saw aosdict already said that :) 13:55 <@Tone> Missed it scrolling on my phone 13:57 -!- HalNovek has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 13:57 -!- HalNovek has joined #tnnt 14:09 -!- spleen has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:26 hi schnippi - got your email and just replied to it 14:27 go team unfoog! 14:30 $time 14:30 K2: 2020-10-31 14:30:35 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 09:29:24 14:30 errmahgerd 14:30 single digit hours to go 14:31 phew :D we're almost there! 14:32 so this is weird 14:32 prior tournament times, there was always some weather event knocking out power and/or internet right around now 14:32 today its nice and sunny (chilly, but sunny) 14:33 RNG is messing with me 14:34 you have jinxed it now K2 14:36 maybe i reversed jinxed it 14:37 Croesus, when is the next storm going to hit? 14:37 $time 14:37 amateurhour: 2020-10-31 14:37:07 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 09:22:52 14:37 because i am expecting it and have openly talked about it, the RNG is like 'oh no you didn't' and is granting me nice weather 14:38 -!- HalNovek has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:39 $time 14:39 abudhabi: 2020-10-31 14:39:33 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 09:20:26 14:55 -!- spicycat has joined #tnnt 15:44 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:54 -!- joes has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:12 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #tnnt 16:33 <@nabru> $time 16:33 @nabru: 2020-10-31 16:33:24 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 07:26:36 17:16 -!- BilldaCat has joined #tnnt 17:29 -!- snes-nh has joined #tnnt 17:29 Happy Halloween!# 17:30 happy halloween! 17:31 ayy snes-nh 17:31 You have been invited :P 17:31 :partypopper: 17:31 $time 17:31 amateurhour: 2020-10-31 17:31:41 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 06:28:18 17:33 the village I'm in has organised a no-contact trick or treat event for the kids 17:34 where participating houses have pumpkins carved with clues that make up a code word 17:34 that they take to the final spot and get a load of sweets 17:34 K2: Thank you! :) 17:36 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:37 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 17:38 amateurhour: That's mint! 17:40 it's an epic idea, glad someone thought of it 17:40 Aw man, I should've just carved a c or L into a pumpkin 17:40 <@Tone> Yeah that sounds like a great idea 17:40 yeah, really good idea 17:41 <@Tone> ha, carve out V, Z, M pumpkins :) 17:41 hah, nice 17:41 scary pumpkins! 17:42 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:46 are you going to go for an epic conduct game again Tone? 17:47 -!- telegarn has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:48 -!- telegarn has joined #tnnt 18:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/503281133438369792/772158146080407602/image0.png 18:00 <@riker> $time 18:00 @riker: 2020-10-31 18:00:57 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 05:59:03 18:01 * aosdict surreptitiously reaches over and flips the display to read 00:05:59 18:03 <@ichbinmiah> GET YOUR NAPS IN NOW OLD PEOPLE 😄 18:03 <@riker> k2 ^ 18:04 heh 18:04 <@riker> :) 18:20 @ichbinmiah I hope, given your previous majora's mask references, you are currently streaming the final 6 hours music on loop 18:20 heh, started an NAO game for a little bit of practice 18:20 dlvl 4 wand of wishing in a shop 18:21 though perhaps they'd be better saved for the last hours of the tournament 18:21 -!- Souljazz has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:23 nao feels so laggy after getting used to the nice eu hardfought server 18:23 <@riker> have you considered moving to the US? 18:24 <@riker> we have dumb politicians & diabetes 18:25 and no national health care to help with the diabetes 18:25 you make it sound really tempting 18:26 but I think it'd be more simple to repeatedly complain till K2 gives in and adds an eu NAO 18:26 that's not his call 18:26 oh, I thought he was one of the admins now 18:26 he's an admin but not an owner of nao 18:27 fair enough 18:28 -!- Souljazz has joined #tnnt 18:30 idk what to do till it starts, nao is a bit too laggy 18:33 <@dexsg> is it blasphemy to suggest offline play? 18:33 in this particular channel, offline play is a mite pointless :) 18:35 <@dexsg> just as a lagless warm up on 3.6 18:35 <@dexsg> gotta remember what it feels like to be scared of mindflayers 18:36 oh. that'd make sense 18:36 but then amateurhour would only be able to claim without evidence that he found a dlvl4 WoW 18:45 @riker I got my nap. too bad tnnt starts past your bedtime kiddo 18:45 <@riker> lol 18:45 :) 18:45 <@riker> $time 18:45 @riker: 2020-10-31 18:45:49 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 05:14:10 18:45 <@riker> it's a true shame that i have to go to sleep at 5 pm 😔 18:46 lil ones need their sleep 18:46 wow it's only been 45 seconds since I last checked 18:46 <@riker> lol 19:21 -!- spleen has joined #tnnt 19:44 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 19:49 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:50 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 20:00 $time 20:00 K2: 2020-10-31 20:00:31 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 03:59:29 20:00 less than 4 hours 20:00 \o/ 20:01 full moon tonight. i feel lucky! 20:02 wewp 20:02 so what's the plan for everyone? starting race/role? 20:02 me, i'm gonna start with monk. will make Master Po happy 20:02 chaotic monk for me first 20:02 i think i'll role neutral monk 20:02 orc wizard for this old old OLD guy 20:02 roll 20:02 role 20:02 raaul 20:03 that is the most popular one 20:03 <@luxidream> orc wizard 20:03 i want the great orc, and i've been playing orc wizards in unnh, so 20:03 start there 20:04 nice 20:04 <@luxidream> orc wizard for smash ultimate 20:04 can't believe they got minecraft steve and not orc wiz 20:05 <@luxidream> we need a roguelike fighting game though 20:05 <@luxidream> ultimate roguelikes vs roguelites 20:05 npc death match ftw 20:11 <@dexsg> random random random random 20:11 <@dexsg> let rng take the wheel 20:14 -!- spicycat has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:19 <@a little bit of magic> It seems I won't be joining for TNNT after all. Even the AU server is too unplayable. 20:19 -!- farkaan has joined #tnnt 20:20 :( 20:20 Alas, no online wins for me :| 20:21 I don't play much of NH either way. Haven't touched it in a year almost... so it's not all that bad I guess 20:22 what's your ping time? 20:22 Once you get a few wins with the more interesting classes (wiz, arc, etc.), it kinda starts to feel a bit samey 20:22 Between 150-200 I think 20:22 you can fix the sameness thing by playing variants 20:22 I tried playing for a while but I ended up with double keypresses and other frustrating issues 20:23 variants are a lot of fun, I've been playing those since June 20:23 Like sometimes it'd take a while to register a keypress 20:23 it's probably variable, that's what kills it 20:23 I've played SlashEM and Unnethack back in 2012 I think... and that's it 20:23 Not really a variants guy myself 20:23 but you could be 20:24 Unless it's NetHack4, I loved NH4. Still the best version all around, for me 20:24 so far my favourite variant is dnethack, though I've not played any of the nh4 variants 20:24 hothraxxa: yea SlashEM was fun 20:24 xnethack, for instance. really similar to vanilla but improved in many ways 20:24 I know about xNH, I think aosdict is the dev 20:24 nh4 is the easiest variant of all. it's a lot of fun 20:25 yes he is 20:25 i had a 7 streak in nh4, that should tell you something 20:25 <@a little bit of magic> How do discord messages appear over on the IRC? 20:25 Huh nice 20:25 have you tried dnh hothraxxa? 20:25 only in june. i fin it too alien 20:26 do you mean 'how are they sent over' or 'how do they visually appear? 20:26 I was just checking how they look like over here 20:26 dnh is huge... too much stuff in there to get used to personally 20:27 it's not so bad, most of the new stuff is all optional content 20:27 farkaan: if you liked unnethack you could try dynahack, it's based on unnh 20:27 I'd like to try SlashEM again though, it was a fun romp and it wasn't that hard to get used to iirc 20:27 farkaan: Just wait until you run into a trap that will flip your screen or something. 20:28 farkaan: That will take some getting used to. 20:28 in slashem? 20:28 Nah I didn't like Unnh one bit back when I tried it. Nerfed wishes and the nymph level were enough to make me hate it 20:28 Oh, the unextended Slash'EM 20:28 farkaan: Nymph level is optional. 20:28 I never knew 20:28 But still, I like my regular wishes 20:28 farkaan: And nerfed wishes make for much more interesting game. 20:29 farkaan: Instead of wishing for optimal outfit. 20:29 How is the nymph level optional (as of a year or two ago)? 20:29 xnh is really nice though 20:29 you do learn how to get along without wishes 20:29 aosdict: It's completely avoidable, you do not need to enter. 20:29 When I last played unnethack in junethack it was slap in the main dungeon 20:30 aosdict: No, it's not. 20:30 aosdict: It's in the "Town" side branch. 20:30 amateurhour: yea it is, I agree with most of the changes which is rare for me 20:30 I dunno Mandevil, I just encountered it out of the blue in the main dungeon 20:30 Mandevil: aosdict is right. you are thinking of dynahack 20:31 Oh. 20:31 Hm. 20:31 Right. 20:31 yeah dungeon.def still has it in the main dungeon 20:31 I guess it used to be in the Town branch, but later moved to main dungeo. 20:31 i just ran into it with my recent deceased orc wizard 20:31 nope, I looked at the commit it was introduced in, it was in the main dungeon from the beginning 20:31 dynahack makes it a level below the town 20:31 Ah. 20:32 I don't play Un much. 20:32 Do people still play 3.4.3 for the patches? 20:32 That reminds me, SlashEM and similar older variants must be way outdated by now 20:32 Most of the 3.4.3-nao patches are in vanilla by now. 20:32 Slash'EM is like 10 years since last update? 20:32 If you're referring to other patches... not really? 20:32 Or even more? 20:33 i play 3.4.3 because it's in junethack 20:33 What's junethack? 20:33 that's the june tournament 20:33 NetHack in June 20:33 Alright 20:33 it's the variants tournament 20:34 some would say, beta testing for variants 20:34 but it's lots of fun to play 20:34 What are the big variants as of now? FIQ and xNH? 20:35 As in still in active development 20:35 evilhack 20:35 xnh, dnh, eh, spl 20:35 slex :^) 20:35 yeah^^ 20:35 dnh is still developed? i'm surprised 20:35 i think jonadab is still working on fourk 20:35 ndnh too, I think 20:36 did anyone mention gnollhack? 20:36 * hothraxxa ducks 20:36 lol 20:36 you did 20:37 i liked it 20:37 you ascended it! 20:37 lol 20:37 i did 20:37 i played easy mode though 20:37 so did tangles 20:37 IRC is all plaintext right? No markdown? 20:37 yep, IRC is pure text 20:37 full price, yep 20:37 in a tournament that allows it, why wouldn't you 20:38 hothraxxa: precisely 20:38 if no extra points for hard mode, play easy 20:38 they have some interesting ideas 20:38 -!- introsp31 has joined #tnnt 20:38 There are a lot more people in here compared to the discord irc 20:39 I played it for my 200 turns or whtever, but that was about it 20:40 farkaan: the tournament starts in a few hours, so the buzz is strong 20:40 $time 20:40 Mandevil: 2020-10-31 20:40:18 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 03:19:42 20:40 And I reckon there are even more over at the official NH irc? 20:40 240 woah 20:41 there are several active NH channels, the most general being #nethack and #hardfought 20:41 I thought #nethack was only for NAO 20:41 respectively the channels for the NAO server and the hardfought server 20:41 correct 20:41 But apparently it's the official one 20:41 is it? 20:41 when did it get official? 20:42 elenmirie_: the tournament creator would say, beta testing for variants :) 20:42 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:42 elenmirie_: I told them that in another channel 20:42 elenmirie: I'm not entirely sure 20:42 #nethack is the official channel of the NetHack project 20:42 ok, TIL 20:42 it is not the official channel of NAO 20:42 it's the unofficial channel of NAO 20:43 * elenmirie_ feels ignorant 20:43 I also learned this today 20:43 you should not have enscribed on that altar 20:44 oh shit, I've pissed off my god again 20:44 We're part of the lucky 10k https://xkcd.com/1053/ 20:44 aosdict: ## means a channel is unaffiliated with the official project right? 20:44 yeah! 20:44 lucky 10K 20:44 Like ##linux for example 20:51 yes, that is my understanding of how Freenode wants channel names to work 20:52 <@mtf> $time 20:52 @mtf: 2020-10-31 20:52:14 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 03:07:46 20:52 <@mtf> how exciting 20:52 <@nabru> yay, only 3 hours 20:52 <@Theyflower> Will there be swapchest again this year? 20:55 How long will it go on for? 20:56 @Theyflower no changes to the gameplay from last year so yes 20:56 @Theyflower yes 20:56 farkaan: well it's the *November* NetHack Tournament so... 20:56 Ah 20:56 <@dexsg> hmm there's a Friday the 13th this month 20:56 <@dexsg> bonus points for unlucky ascensions? :P 20:57 that would be cool but no one thought of that until now 20:57 Don't think the luck debuff has that much of a bearing on the game itself 20:58 shoot it's nearly half past 2 here.. goodnight folks 20:58 -!- farkaan has left #tnnt 20:58 <@dexsg> goodnight! 20:58 <@nabru> 'night 21:13 hi 21:18 hi FIQ, ready for tnnt? 21:34 yes 21:41 -!- introsp31 is now known as introsp3ctive 21:47 $time 21:47 tacco\unfoog: 2020-10-31 21:47:53 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 02:12:07 21:48 soon 21:49 hey squolly, missed you earlier. still doing well? 21:52 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:59 hey tacco\unfoog! sure, you too? :) 21:59 lets rock this years tourney! 22:00 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/503281133438369792/772218387241107456/two_hours.jpg 22:00 $time 22:00 deki: 2020-10-31 22:00:39 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 01:59:21 22:05 good luck unfoog 22:05 yeah all fine on my end, life keeps advancing. 22:06 hah yea, lets go! <3 22:06 we kept jumping over eachother last year in points, it was really tense 22:07 you might curbstomp us this year though, heh 22:09 good luck amateurhour :) 22:09 yes, last year was fun :D 22:10 didnt we only have like 4 ppl in unfoog last year? cant remember 22:10 yeah lol, 5 I think 22:12 tried to get my corworkers interested in nethack, but its a hard sell 22:14 psh nethack has such an easy barrier to entry. only need to read the wiki for a few days then spend several months fumbling around and dying all the time 22:38 <@nabru> or just go all in and learn as you die 22:41 <@nabru> $time 22:41 @nabru: 2020-10-31 22:41:52 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 01:18:07 22:44 -!- Sakusen has joined #tnnt 22:54 -!- TheGame20 has joined #tnnt 23:03 less than 1 hour 23:03 -!- Anerag has joined #tnnt 23:03 aww yiss 23:09 -!- MaryHadalittle has joined #tnnt 23:10 -!- deki is now known as deki\unfoog 23:12 <@mtf> getting close 23:19 I still need a clan to join. Wont start playing for a few hours, have something I have to do for work before I can start playiing 23:21 $time 23:21 K2: 2020-10-31 23:21:47 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:38:13 23:21 \o/ 23:23 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 23:30 <@riker> $time 23:30 @riker: 2020-10-31 23:30:57 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:29:03 23:34 less than 30 min woooo 23:37 <@Theyflower> $time 23:37 @Theyflower: 2020-10-31 23:37:29 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:22:31 23:37 -!- spicycat has joined #tnnt 23:38 HYPE 23:38 \o/ 23:38 ... DIRGE 23:38 <@riker> did you find a way to sneak dirge into tnnt 23:39 so what is everyone going to jam out to when they start playing 23:39 <@nabru> I will have to fumble my way with yuhjklbn keys, since I am travelling and on my laptop with no numpad 23:39 <@nabru> my proper keyboard is at home 23:40 <@PsyMar> SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS 23:41 hopefully I don't blow up a BoH after my artifact weapons go into it this year 23:41 GL amateurhour, catching some Zs before tomorrow's attempts :) 23:42 aosdict - vanhalen on the playlist 23:42 <@riker> i'm gonna go take a break and eat, i have no strong feeligns about starting immediately 23:42 -!- snes-nh has quit [] 23:42 <@riker> i'll probably listen to rush when i come back though, in the mood for that 23:42 nice 23:42 * K2 likes Rush 23:42 <@nabru> Rush is a good choice 23:42 rush is rad 23:42 queue up 'The Big Money' 23:42 <@riker> it goes well with nethack 23:42 indeed good choice 23:42 * elenmirie_ likes Rush too 23:42 <@riker> why do you all like rush 23:43 gonna pay tribute to VH 23:43 <@riker> i sound like a hypocrite 23:43 * K2 pours one for Eddie 23:43 because we are cool froods 23:43 <@riker> but like, still, this is a statistically odd --- hm, point elemirie 23:43 <@nabru> because we all have good taste? Rush, NetHack etc...? 23:43 <@riker> lol 23:44 heh 23:44 $time 23:44 K2: 2020-10-31 23:44:24 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:15:36 23:44 omgomgomg 23:44 gomgomgom 23:45 <@PsyMar> is there a tournament website? 23:45 https://www.hardfought.org/phpBB3/gallery/image/2516/source 23:45 https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/index.html 23:45 @PsyMar yes 23:45 ^ that 23:45 <@ichbinmiah> https://ecard.enter-media.org/widgets/2175408/?title=Stream+starting+timer&line=The+2020+November+Nethack+Tournament%21&size1=6&color1=FFD000&font1=2142822&offset1=-120&line2=Numbers&size2=20&color2=FFD000&font2=2162535&offset2=10&line3=Text&size3=5&color3=FFD000&font3=2142820&offset3=120&css=2170984&month=Oct&day=31&year=2020&hour=19&min=00&countlang=en&webm=2139380&frame=1 23:45 K2's been saving these image galleries all year 23:45 <@PsyMar> also, some appropriate music for tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVSpfQHEsNY 23:45 @ichbinmiah lol awesome 23:46 <@PsyMar> I love how wrong that is 23:46 https://geryon.feralhosting.com/ykstort/archaeologist.mp3 23:46 <@PsyMar> someone got dst wrong 23:46 <@PsyMar> should I assume that'st he indiana jones theme 23:47 <@PsyMar> also any clans need someone 23:47 <@PsyMar> oh hey OOTC2 is short 23:47 I'm also clanless and looking to join one.. playing as thegame20 this year 23:47 pls come back @ShivanHunter 23:48 -!- schnippi is now known as schnippi\unfoog 23:48 oh i better state this here... 23:48 [19:39] <@K2> ALL - the dgamelaunch config is edited to allow tnnt games to start right at midnight UTC. that means you cant already be logged in and then try to play 23:48 [19:40] <@K2> you want to log in a second after midnight UTC 23:48 <@riker> $time 23:48 @riker: 2020-10-31 23:48:55 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:11:04 23:49 <@riker> so log in in 11:03 23:49 <@riker> er, :05 23:49 <@riker> got it 23:53 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 23:54 <@nabru> $time 23:54 @nabru: 2020-10-31 23:54:13 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:05:46 23:54 <@Contains milk.> oh boy oh boy 23:54 :D 23:54 heheh 23:55 Isn't Croesus supposed to be announcing these things? 23:55 certain things 23:55 like, a 1 hour to go, 30 minutes to go, etc 23:55 it should countdown a few seconds before 23:55 i cant remember 23:55 it definitely counts down close to end 23:57 <@ichbinmiah> will entertaining deaths and milestones be listed here or over in #hardfought ? 23:58 here 23:58 $time 23:58 aosdict: 2020-10-31 23:58:26 UTC. 2020 Tournament begins in 0d 00:01:33 23:58 :) 23:58 good luck and have fun all 23:58 eat your last meal, smoke your last cigarette 23:58 <@nabru> Thanks! 23:59 eeeeeee 23:59 I haven't even decided what role I want to do 23:59 45 seconds 23:59 <--- neutral monk 23:59 gl hf all :) 23:59 let rngesus take the wheel aosdict 23:59 you too tromix 23:59 gl hf! 23:59 <@ichbinmiah> may all your lamps be magic and your potions blessed smoky 23:59 good luck hardfought indeed 23:59 <@Contains milk.> trophy for first game started? 23:59 :)