00:22 HAHA, the side quest is so neat. Got the very cool t-shirt. THX a lot dev-team! 00:26 \o/ 00:26 that was fun to make 00:26 devteam quest is from first year 00:33 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 00:39 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 00:43 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:52 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 01:00 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Quit: *dissolves into golden butterflies*] 01:16 -!- luxidream is now known as spookidream 01:45 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 01:47 [tnnt] copperwater pushed 4 commits [+0/-0/±9] https://git.io/JeuV7 01:47 [tnnt] copperwater 06dc5c4 - NPC can't receive scrolls of missing code 01:47 [tnnt] copperwater f093620 - Devteam quest: better failure case for unaccounted-for scroll 01:47 [tnnt] copperwater fcafd8a - Transient objects won't get autopickedup 01:47 [tnnt] copperwater a1b81f8 - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:tnnt-devteam/tnnt 01:52 [tnnt] copperwater pushed 1 commit [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JeuVb 01:52 [tnnt] copperwater a482549 - Also track bonesless conduct in the xlog conduct field 01:59 \o/ 02:05 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 02:16 !who 02:16 K2: [EU] No current players | [US] Bartlem | [AU] No current players 02:17 i dont think i'll wipe the xlogfiles yet 02:18 all the achievements are in right order now, we're not adding anymore... if any ach issues arise, they should be easy(ish) to address 02:18 its all getting wiped in less than 2 days anyways :) 02:18 time to update game servers 02:21 TNNT updated (all servers) 02:22 ^ bugfixes and tweaks 02:25 -!- cherryh.freenode.net changed the topic on #tnnt to: The November Nethack Tournament - TNNT 2019 is coming :: https://redd.it/dbtsy4 :: Public BETA is now open for play, please report any bugs or issues 02:25 -!- mode/#tnnt [+v Croesus] by ChanServ 02:31 -!- tonehack has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:36 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:41 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 02:42 [tnnt] k21971 pushed 1 commit [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/Jeuw8 02:43 [tnnt] k21971 5ccbf3f - Define SCORE_ON_BOTL 02:47 TNNT updated (all servers) --> again 02:47 ^ showing score in-game now works 02:47 didnt break saves 02:48 BEHiker91W you got mentioned in that commit ;) 04:27 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 05:30 -!- AntiVirus has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:47 -!- spookidream has quit [Quit: Really quit? (Y/N)] 06:59 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:10 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 07:28 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 07:52 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:11 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #tnnt to: The November Nethack Tournament - TNNT 2019 is coming :: https://redd.it/dbtsy4 :: Public BETA is now open for play, please report any bugs or issues 08:11 -!- mode/#tnnt [+v Croesus] by ChanServ 08:11 -!- K2 has joined #tnnt 08:11 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o K2] by ChanServ 08:19 -!- JonathanHanes has joined #tnnt 08:29 -!- eLtMosen has joined #tnnt 08:29 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Changing host] 08:29 -!- eLtMosen has joined #tnnt 08:42 -!- JonathanHanes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:03 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 09:34 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 10:04 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:10 Hatching an egg counts for 'Beast Master'? 12:12 ok so right now, the achievements on the website are all wrong simply because we updated the achievements list for the scoreboard and the bit fields had to be plugged in the middle of the array, not the end of it 12:12 so after a certain point its all whack 12:14 it'll all be fine once the xlogfile is wiped and we start the tournament 12:14 ah 12:14 debated on doing that last night but we're so close to go time, didnt bother 12:14 checking achievements in-game is fine 12:14 Is that why 'A Little Light Larceny' doesn't seem to be working? 12:14 right 12:14 Nope. 12:14 no? 12:15 I had my armour stolen 12:15 It's not marked as complete. 12:15 lemme think 12:15 Maybe it doesn't count armour? 12:15 Because that uses a different sequence where the nymph makes you take it off first. 12:15 aosdict gimmie an assist please, i have the dumb this morning 12:16 hmm that ach should have been triggered by the nymph stealing anything 12:16 I don't think hatching an egg counts for beast master 12:17 because there's a separate achievement for that 12:17 ah 12:18 https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnnt/blob/829e760e4244df29334888559355cb24620531bc/src/steal.c#L164 - the achievement check probably needs to be added here. 12:18 hmm yeah 12:18 https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnnt/blob/829e760e4244df29334888559355cb24620531bc/src/steal.c#L445 - or here 12:19 wait, hatching an egg does count for beast master apparently 12:19 heh 12:19 we made so many achievements, we cant keep track of it all 12:19 heh. 12:20 this is probably a bug. unintended. 12:20 we're at 250 now 12:20 * aosdict sees if summoning a pet with create familiar also triggers this 12:20 that does not 12:25 The Stop Thief! achievement on the web page displays as just 'Stop.' 12:25 heh. should be easy fix 12:26 that reminds me of a joke - 'your mama's house is so nasty, the welcome mat just says 'well... ?'' 12:27 was funnier in my head 12:27 Heh. Thief shows okay on #achievements 12:27 i see it 12:28 ahhh i see why 12:28 'thief' somehow made it into the description field 12:29 Thief. 12:29 because of the comma in the ach name... 12:29 ^ aosdict that would have been pulled over by the ach to json script, meaning its wrong in the game code too maybe 12:29 ah 12:29 damn commas 12:31 there, all better 13:24 -!- merleke has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 13:34 -!- AntiGulp has joined #tnnt 13:36 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Client Quit] 15:56 -!- jonathanhanes has joined #tnnt 16:23 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:57 -!- klintos_ has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:50 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 18:00 -!- AntiVirus has joined #tnnt 18:13 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:44 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #tnnt 18:44 any chance of a browser based connection? i might have limited access through port 22 in the next months 18:45 tnnt supports web play (and even web tiles play) 18:45 https://hardfought.org/hterm 18:47 ^ that 18:47 is it not on the TNNT website or am i blind? anyway thats awesome, thanks! 18:47 thanks aosdict beat me to it :P 18:48 tacco\unfoog there's the 'how to play' section on the main tnnt page, but i should add mention of hterm capability 18:48 hterm + tiles actually 18:49 yeah if its really not there you should, might be a lower hurdle for new people 18:49 yup good call 18:49 focus on the big things, sometimes miss the little ones 18:50 well im hyped, last year was pretty much perfect already 18:50 hterm is great to get past work firewalls err i mean in case your terminal has issues 18:50 :D 18:51 yeah me too! cant wait for kick off 18:52 !time 18:52 K2: 2019-10-29 18:52:08 UTC. 2019 Tournament begins in 2d 05:07:51 18:54 told the better half i'm headed home early on halloween to be around for go time 18:54 i got The Look™ 18:54 * K2 is used to The Look™ 18:54 what time will it be where you are? 18:55 8pm EST oct 31st :) 18:55 * raisse is NOT going to stay up to catch the exact start, I'll start in the morning 18:55 I'm not a fast enough player to get the first ascension anyway (if I could even ascend my first game) 18:56 hah me neither 18:56 not - even - close 18:56 30k turns in under 12 hrs is a speedrun for me 18:56 we all know it's going to luxidream anyway 18:56 yep 18:56 someday someone will come by and give luxi a run for his money 18:56 we should just accept reality and call that the luxidream trophy 18:57 ... 18:57 DIRGE 18:57 oh hey, idea :) 18:57 \o/ 18:58 stenno used to be a decent speedrunner 18:58 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:00 luxi has a time zone advantage over stenno 19:00 -!- merleke has joined #tnnt 19:00 yes, it would mean that stenno had to stay up half the night (not that he's been averse to that in the past) 19:00 exactly 19:04 we all get older, i will miss the starting hour as well 19:04 for luxi its 7pm CST go time 19:05 oh that's wonderful (if you don't have evening commitments on a wednesday) 19:05 so 2/3 ascensions before bedtime, providing he doesn't stay up late 19:05 er 2-3 19:05 yeah 19:05 we should have a pool 19:06 the luxipool 19:06 number of asc, lowest turncount, fastest time 19:07 * K2 just had another idea 19:07 what is it? 19:07 we do the poll 19:07 whoever wins, they get a custom made tnnt t-shirt 19:07 as in, for Real™ 19:07 * raisse volunteers to design it 19:08 heh wooo 19:08 I designed my own nethack shirt, after all, and that turned out really cool 19:08 -!- eLtMosen has joined #tnnt 19:08 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Changing host] 19:08 -!- eLtMosen has joined #tnnt 19:09 not Really Cool, seeing that it has the same text every time someone reads it 19:09 this would be the Really Cool Shirt then 19:09 ^ that 19:09 gah 19:09 yes! 19:10 so you may as well pre-deliver it to luxi when you go visit him in november 19:10 luxi can't play 19:11 ? 19:11 the kind of pool i meant means that we all make predictions on how he does, so he can't participate 19:11 Oh, this is the winner of the pool. 19:11 ideally he can't even find out who predicted what 19:13 thats easy 19:13 i have people either email me or private message me their guesses 19:13 i maintain the poll 19:14 the real Really Cool shirt should be black with rainbow print 19:14 luxi pays me 1000 dollars to fix the poll 19:14 we all win 19:15 :P 19:17 wouldn't luxi be disinterested in the outcome of the poll? what does he get in exchange for paying you to fix it and playing differently some ways than he usually would 19:18 eternal fame! oh wait, he's already got that 19:20 glory? 19:21 an extra really cool t-shirt no one knows about? 19:21 maybe he gets the Really Cool Pants 19:21 (of excellence) 19:21 the only nethack player who actually wears pants! 19:21 there aren't any pants in nethack... that WOULD be a prize indeed! 19:21 \o/ 19:22 of course if you wear the Really Cool Pants *and* the Really Cool Shirt, you have +10 extra AC! 19:22 not that luxi needs that 19:22 and it turns into the Really Cool Jump Suit 19:23 K2, let me cut you off: we're not going to add pants slot armor to TNNT just so we can implement The Really Cool Pants 19:23 w/ accessories 19:23 but... 19:23 ah CMON 19:24 :P 19:24 * K2 changes bag of holding to read 'gucci handbag' 19:25 10% chance of spawning with a chihuahua inside 19:25 The Really Fashionable Tote 19:25 fun fact - 'Totes Adorbs' is a real t-shirt message in evilhack 19:25 lol 19:25 :) 19:27 brb 19:27 RL anecdote: last Saturday we had a choir event and I was carrying all the books in my backpack (the one K2 has seen with the vegetation print) and when I arrived I took out one book after another and people were looking at me as if I was Mary Poppins 19:28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AivZSC9J3Rs 19:35 hehehe 19:35 mary poppins should be a quest nemesis 19:35 imagine that 19:38 with a bag of *extra* holding 19:40 tourist quest nemesis, let the master of thieves not moonlight in the tourist quest any more but concentrate on being the rogue's quest leader 19:41 quest artifact: the Carpet Bag 19:41 four times as effective as a normal BoH 19:42 but people will miss the PYEC 19:42 oh yeah 19:42 that'd still be neat 19:43 Carpet Bag confers MR when carried 19:43 and possibly half spell damage too 19:43 every now and again a random object may spawn in it 19:44 if cursed, a random monster pops out of it like a bag of tricks 19:44 like, a big angry monster 19:45 yes! from the nasties list 19:57 4 times as effective as boh wow 19:58 that's a lot of junk 19:58 yes, for the ultimate packrat 20:08 -!- merleke has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com] 20:09 I don't like you messing with the tourist quest >.> 20:09 or the pyec 20:09 *evil eyes* 20:10 mary poppins could have her own branch 20:10 with penguins 20:10 and engravings of monsters that come to life 20:10 I forget what else was in that movie, I never liked it much as a kid 20:12 maybe some kind of evil chimney sweep monster 20:13 that sweeps your chimney 20:13 and has a terrible imitation cockney accent 20:15 I admit that Bert has a terrible accent but I think he's chaotic neutral rather than evil 20:16 jonathanhanes: cursed levitation, people rise to the ceiling and have a hard time getting back 20:32 -!- merleke has joined #tnnt 21:01 <@luxidream> I’m passing out candy at the weather center on Thursday 21:06 <@luxidream> so I’ll be starting late 21:06 <@luxidream> nudges stenno 21:07 forecast for 8 PM Thursday has the whole northeast in heavy rain 21:10 so maybe I'll have candy to spare 21:17 k2: tnnt is going offline for 24 hours before the tournament right? 21:51 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:52 jonathanhanes yup 21:52 have 26 hours to complete this run :0 21:54 -!- Bliss56 has joined #tnnt 21:57 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 22:03 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:06 -!- tonehack has joined #tnnt 22:20 -!- Noims has joined #tnnt 22:37 -!- Noims has left #tnnt 22:40 how to play using tiles/web access is up on the TNNT main page 22:53 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 23:25 -!- jonathanhanes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:33 -!- AntiGulp has joined #tnnt