00:00 MrSpike (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 284 points, T:887, killed by a gnome lord 00:01 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 275 points, T:632, killed by a gray unicorn 00:04 YANI - TNNT is in November and US Thanksgiving holiday is in November, cockatrices should drop "gizzard of yendor" and it counts as tripe. 00:04 Submitting this as a bug... 00:04 qoil (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 518 points, T:1636, killed by a dwarf zombie 00:05 We can add "gizzard of yendor" as a (additional) fruitname pretty easily, but that would be "Mmm, that was a yummy gizzard of yendor!" 00:07 Speaking of - I have strong feelings against changing the corpse eating message to say it tastes "okay" instead of "terrible", for flavor reasons. We don't need to bikeshed about it here I just want my opinion known :) 00:11 I agree wholeheartedly 00:11 DAUM XNAHT ! 00:11 =) 00:12 i had to write 4 of those earlier today (enchant weapon) 00:12 -!- v00d00 has joined #NetHack 00:12 [EU] [D]: Xea (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 15128 points, 8030 turns, killed by a death ray 00:13 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2307 points, 2980 turns, killed by a soldier ant 00:14 habib79[m]: The reason is that they don't want new players thinking you should never eat corpses. 00:14 [US] [D]: dingotron (Bar-Hum-Mal-Cha), 5280 points, 2722 turns, killed by a jaguar, while frozen by a monster's gaze 00:14 (particularly when there are already an interesting assortment of ways to die by eating corpses) 00:14 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 1825 points, T:1711, killed by a killer bee 00:15 when I just started playing nethack, I died so many times from eating corpses 00:15 Oh my character is hungry, lets just go back to thos emonsters I killed a while back... 00:16 No I get it. But... "Really attack the floating eye?" (And we're bikeshedding...) :P 00:17 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2546 points, 2564 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt, while fainted from lack of food 00:17 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 134 points, T:255, killed by a wand 00:18 lordjoe (Mon Hum Fem Law), 652 points, T:947, killed by an elf zombie 00:18 Just of all the hills to choose to die on... 00:18 -!- kralcyor has joined #NetHack 00:19 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 220 points, T:305, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted dwarf 00:19 I'm more butt-hurt that Snip Tool used to open when you clicked on it into a new snip. Now it opens and you have to click "New". Like you were going to open Snip Tool and do something besides a new snip. 00:21 "I want to open Snip Tool to change it's settings!" Said nobody ever, and it's settings don't include setting it to not default to a new clip. 00:22 never heard anyone be so upset over Snips, whatever those are 00:22 [EU] [D]: noims (Ran-Gno-Mal-Neu), 21976 points, 13155 turns, killed by a giant mummy 00:26 Muad: The "Snipping Tool" is Microsoft's answer to the convenient screenshot utilities every other desktop introduced in the late nineties. Debuted in Vista. 00:27 Vista? *makes cross sign* never used that 00:27 Also present in Seven and Ten. 00:27 gosh 00:27 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1112 points, T:2724, killed by a dwarf king 00:27 Required to use that OS at work against my choice. 00:27 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 752 points, T:1089, killed by a rabid rat 00:27 The Snipping Tool is genuinely decent, for what it is. 00:28 that sounds like slavery 00:28 It was Jonadab... :) 00:28 It's not _remarkable_, because like I said, every other desktop environment already had the equivalent since forever. 00:28 But you know. 00:29 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #NetHack 00:29 It's a large improvement of the Windows XP and earlier method of "Open MS Paint, minimize, set up your screenshot, prtsc, bring up Paint, paste, ..." 00:29 *over 00:29 [US] [D]: tsingi (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1026 points, 2127 turns, killed by a coyote 00:29 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 421 points, 1402 turns, killed by a wererat 00:30 Jona - agree 100% 00:30 Can't use BSD, can't use Solaris. Must use MSFT but my entire job is SSHing to things. 00:31 I save screenshots automatically to my Onedrive, it is pretty neat. I also use the snip tools for specific windows or areas though. 00:31 And I've adopted a "pics or it didn't happen" mantra at work. I don't want you to type in an e-mail what the error was or the output was. If you take a screenshot you can't lie to me about what it said. 00:32 [US] [D]: Graydot (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 369475 points, 28077 turns, petrified by a cockatrice 00:33 habib79[m]: I think three of my users know how to take a screenshot. 00:33 The youngest ones. 00:33 Digital natives. 00:34 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1627 points, 1343 turns, killed by a dwarf 00:34 Normally I get pieces of paper with error messages hand-written on them. 00:34 The good news is, when they bother to write it out by hand, they write the exact words. 00:34 So there's that. 00:34 (Usually.) 00:35 When they just _tell_ me about it... 00:35 [R] Clan Read Worm advances to rank 16! 00:36 My organization's acronym begins with L... I have suggested we make available the Advanced Reconnaissance Tool. The LART. That will run a bunch of commands redirected to a textfile. Like netstat -rn and ipconfig /all. L.A.R.T. If only that stood for something else :) 00:38 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 772 points, T:1505, killed by a gnome 00:42 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 00:42 Jonadab I've watched some of your stuff on Youtube - I think a Fourk run. I appreciate you putting those online and hope you do some more in future. 00:42 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 288 points, T:716, killed by a brown mold 00:42 [US] [D]: bebing (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 14415 points, 9891 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 00:43 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 15888 points, T:15641, killed by a watch captain, while sleeping 00:43 jithrae (Sam Hum Mal Law), 27559 points, T:17585, killed by a winged gargoyle 00:43 jithrae reaches #358 on the top 2000 list. 00:43 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 86 points, T:159, killed by a kobold zombie 00:44 [US] [D]: tsingi (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 203 points, 805 turns, killed by a giant rat 00:45 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 00:51 PineappleTrees (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1603 points, T:3858, killed by a dwarf lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 00:52 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 2754 points, 4548 turns, killed by a dwarf 00:52 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4867 points, 6963 turns, killed by a killer bee (and 92 other games not reported) 00:53 pjm (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 797 points, T:1296, killed by a kitten 00:56 Nestorix (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 2318 points, T:2891, killed by a crossbow bolt 00:58 [US] ShivanHunter has 100 consecutive games less than 100 turns. 00:59 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 2396 points, T:3918, killed by a giant beetle 01:03 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 410 points, 1280 turns, killed by a small mimic 01:03 [US] [D]: bebing (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 94 points, 229 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 01:04 [R] Clan Read Worm advances to rank 15! 01:05 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 62 points, T:475, killed by a fox 01:07 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 2781 points, T:4341, killed by a giant ant, while praying 01:10 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 199 points, 489 turns, killed by a falling rock (and 75 other games not reported) 01:11 -!- AimHere has joined #NetHack 01:12 TOURNAMENT MILESTONE: 5000 games played. 01:12 habib79[m]: I was thinking of streaming some EvilHack at some point. 01:13 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 547 points, T:1084, killed by a gnome 01:14 I keep hoping one of the people who plays dnethack a lot will do some Let's Plays of it. 01:14 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 3246 points, 4751 turns, killed by a gnome 01:15 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 14450 points, 7394 turns, killed by a soldier ant 01:17 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2623 points, 2933 turns, killed by a wolf 01:19 klindahl (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1734 points, T:2776, killed by a kobold lord 01:20 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 571 points, 1099 turns, killed by a gnome 01:21 [US] [D]: malor (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 487 points, 968 turns, killed by a hobbit 01:22 nonmi (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:87, killed by a kobold 01:27 -!- tachoknight_ has joined #NetHack 01:28 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 863 points, 1762 turns, killed by a hobbit, while praying 01:28 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 411 points, 1606 turns, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 01:30 DeadEspeon (Ran Gno Mal Neu), 715 points, T:1804, killed by a baby crocodile, while sleeping 01:34 [US] ShivanHunter has 100 consecutive games less than 100 turns. 01:37 [US] [D]: tsingi (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1795 points, 2269 turns, killed by a purple worm (and one other game not reported) 01:38 jonadab: Maybe ask malor? 01:38 Seems to be the most usual dnethack player. 01:38 mvanity (Pri Hum Fem Law), 1881 points, T:1730, killed by a killer bee 01:39 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 160 points, 478 turns, killed by a small mimic (and 162 other games not reported) 01:41 Kromagnucus (Val Hum Fem Law), 5271 points, T:6092, killed by an exploding potion 01:41 Kromagnucus reaches #1138 on the top 2000 list. 01:42 [US] [D]: malor (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1119 points, 2140 turns, killed by a rothe 01:44 -!- Guy has joined #NetHack 01:44 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2373 points, 2550 turns, killed by a soldier ant 01:46 [US] [D]: tsingi (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 387 points, 943 turns, killed by a dwarf, while unconscious from rotten food 01:46 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1629 points, 2869 turns, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 01:48 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 176 points, 659 turns, killed by a small mimic 01:52 MrFred (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 12642 points, T:10562, killed by an energy vortex 01:52 MrFred reaches #565 on the top 2000 list. 01:52 ccritter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 6652 points, T:8346, killed by a giant mimic 01:52 ccritter reaches #954 on the top 2000 list. 01:54 !time 01:54 Sun Nov 3 01:54:04 UTC 2019 02:02 [EU] [A]: spontiff (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 3428362 points, 57331 turns, ascended 02:02 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/spontiff/tnnt/dumplog/1572683580.tnnt.html 02:02 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1420 points, 3173 turns, killed by a garter snake, while frozen by a monster's gaze 02:03 [Tr] spontiff now has Most Achievements in One Game and Highest Scoring Ascension! 02:03 [R] Clan TeamGirlAndShoes advances to rank 3! 02:03 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 789 points, 1691 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt (and 13 other games not reported) 02:04 [US] [D]: malor (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2279 points, 2144 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a fire ant 02:04 [US] [D]: arnibald (Ran-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1870 points, 3894 turns, killed by a rothe, while frozen by a monster's gaze 02:07 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 02:15 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 3554 points, T:5234, killed by an ape 02:15 Rourke2 reaches #1573 on the top 2000 list. 02:15 [US] [D]: shadowcat (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1478 points, 2900 turns, killed by a human zombie 02:15 [US] [D]: jmcunx (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3968 points, 4060 turns, killed by a mumak 02:16 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1510 points, 3409 turns, killed by a bolt of cold 02:17 [US] [D]: Smugzug (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 3843 points, 5154 turns, killed by a snake, while frozen by a monster's gaze 02:20 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 970 points, 1450 turns, killed by a rabid rat (and 81 other games not reported) 02:22 [US] [D]: fionna (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 7585 points, 7492 turns, killed by a soldier ant, while praying 02:22 -!- lorimer has joined #NetHack 02:22 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 186 points, 659 turns, killed by a gecko 02:24 [US] [D]: Smugzug (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 65 points, 287 turns, poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 02:24 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 2861 points, T:4551, killed by a djinni, while fainted from lack of food 02:32 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1695 points, 3505 turns, killed by an orcish arrow 02:34 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 742 points, 2236 turns, killed by a giant spider 02:36 [US] [D]: malor (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3733 points, 2969 turns, killed by a gray unicorn 02:38 -!- Tangles has joined #NetHack 02:39 [US] [D]: superdav42 (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 394 points, 1113 turns, killed by a little dog, while fainted from lack of food 02:41 Reddit: alt.nethack tilesets https://redd.it/dqunte 02:42 jithrae (Sam Hum Fem Law), 2684 points, T:2617, killed by a killer bee 02:42 jithrae reaches #1971 on the top 2000 list. 02:43 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 02:46 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 815 points, 2640 turns, killed by a magic missile 02:47 -!- Tux[Qyou] has joined #NetHack 02:54 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 270 points, 1135 turns, killed by a homunculus, while sleeping 03:07 [US] [D]: eraserhead97 (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 46076 points, 12625 turns, killed by a death ray 03:11 [US] [A]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1971034 points, 40461 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/j/jonathanhanes/tnnt/dumplog/1572655367.tnnt.html 03:12 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 7107 points, T:8711, killed by a Mordor orc, while praying 03:12 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1556 points, 1962 turns, killed by a hobgoblin (and 6 other games not reported) 03:18 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 2928 points, 4876 turns, killed by a gray unicorn 03:20 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 875 points, T:1172, killed by a small mimic 03:21 -!- Tangles has joined #NetHack 03:23 -!- f1reflyylmao has joined #NetHack 03:24 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 329 points, 1051 turns, killed by a little dog 03:27 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 9293 points, 7168 turns, poisoned by a rotted snake corpse 03:28 [US] [D]: bebing (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2465 points, 3285 turns, killed by an orcish arrow 03:29 -!- joshisanonymous has joined #NetHack 03:31 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 1371 points, T:2063, killed by a housecat, while praying 03:40 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 5241 points, 6501 turns, killed by a soldier ant 03:43 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 1331 points, T:3474, killed by a giant ant 03:48 MrFred (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 3760 points, T:4182, killed by a lynx 03:48 MrFred reaches #1516 on the top 2000 list. 03:48 [US] [D]: arnibald (Ran-Hum-Mal-Neu), 9838 points, 5722 turns, killed by a panther 03:53 -!- SilverCheshire has joined #NetHack 03:54 chordbug (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 4783 points, T:5303, killed by a fire ant 03:54 chordbug reaches #1234 on the top 2000 list. 03:55 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 03:57 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2154 points, 4227 turns, killed by a warg, while praying 04:00 [US] [D]: fionna (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 464 points, 1968 turns, killed by a small mimic 04:01 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2405 points, 5990 turns, killed by a hobbit, while frozen by a monster's gaze 04:02 [R] Clan Read Worm advances to rank 13! 04:02 [US] [D]: fionna (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 95 points, 472 turns, killed by a boulder 04:06 BEHiker92W the kraken that grabbed you, was it in a pool or on dry ground? 04:07 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 202 points, 1157 turns, killed by a wand 04:07 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 5378 points, T:4092, killed by a Green-elf 04:07 Ikivm reaches #1120 on the top 2000 list. 04:07 ah wrong channel 04:20 [US] [D]: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 64417 points, 17775 turns, killed by a lieutenant 04:21 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 517 points, 1321 turns, killed by a kitten 04:21 -!- Sixxcoins has joined #NetHack 04:22 -!- rschaff has joined #NetHack 04:23 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 146 points, 536 turns, killed by a falling rock 04:25 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1220 points, 2409 turns, killed by a rabid rat 04:25 I'm on my quest, and i'm on the second floor where theres ice, and another room in the middle.. 04:25 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 04:25 with pools and lava inside the pools. 04:25 standing right next to an area that is entirely black.... 04:26 its not identified as water, or lava, or ice, or a wall, or anything.... I'm not blind.... 04:26 entrance is on the left 04:26 The wall? 04:26 i guess its a wall... 04:26 get ready for a fight 04:26 i just dont remember this from before 04:26 It's solid stone. 04:27 ok.. so I dont need to worry about eels or anything... coming from that particular space 04:27 think of it as a side of a hill that you can't cut through 04:27 thanks much! 04:27 yeah, the Valkyrie quest doesn't have eels, I'm pretty sure. 04:27 no 04:28 * rschaff tunes in 04:28 [AU] [D]: Amester (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 366 points, 609 turns, killed by a wand 04:28 No? 04:28 now i see it cleared out 04:28 sort of 04:28 didn't pay much attention to this the last 2 times.. had me concerned. 04:28 Andrio: sorry, was saying you're right the valk quest has no eels 04:30 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 1679 points, T:2599, killed by a hill orc 04:31 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 202 points, 1006 turns, killed by a large kobold 04:39 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 234 points, 1149 turns, killed by a hobbit 04:41 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 1317 points, 1761 turns, killed by a giant ant 04:42 -!- ArthurStrong has joined #NetHack 04:42 Wondering, if there is a channel dedicated to interactive fiction? 04:43 nethack? 04:43 NetHack is a game, kinda like Diablo, but much better -- the name refers to hacking monsters, not computers. See the join message for more information. 04:43 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 04:44 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 71 points, 136 turns, killed by a kobold zombie (and one other game not reported) 04:46 I mean, it's some kind of interactive fiction. 04:51 goldspot (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 639 points, T:1767, killed by a horse 04:54 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 04:56 [AU] [D]: ShadowOnigiri (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 482 points, 1436 turns, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted kitten (and one other game not reported) 04:58 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1773 points, 2861 turns, killed by a priest of Anhur 04:59 [AU] [D]: Sparrow (Cav-Gno-Mal-Neu), 472 points, 1574 turns, poisoned by a rotted brown mold corpse 05:00 -!- SilverCheshire_ has joined #NetHack 05:02 [US] [D]: superdav42 (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5318 points, 7704 turns, killed by a gnome king 05:09 Kromagnucus (Val Hum Fem Law), 2238 points, T:2392, killed by a killer bee 05:10 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2421 points, 3691 turns, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 05:13 -!- smeger2 has joined #NetHack 05:25 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 1465 points, 3023 turns, killed by a straw golem 05:28 cuckolas (Val Dwa Fem Law), 412 points, T:1580, killed by a small mimic 05:28 -!- smeger1 has joined #NetHack 05:29 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2015 points, 4313 turns, killed by a soldier ant (and 51 other games not reported) 05:29 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 05:30 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1549 points, 2903 turns, killed by a Woodland-elf 05:31 -!- wpaleobao has joined #NetHack 05:34 -!- ArthurStrong has left #NetHack 05:35 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 4704 points, T:4724, killed by brainlessness 05:35 FeAchalien reaches #1256 on the top 2000 list. 05:42 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 334 points, 855 turns, killed by a hobgoblin 05:43 [US] [D]: k2 (Arc-Hum-Mal-Law), 12 points, 153 turns, poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse 05:44 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3163 points, 6972 turns, killed by a raven 05:54 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 46971 points, T:14927, killed by an invisible fire giant, while frozen by a potion 05:54 MrFred (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1029 points, T:2414, killed by a dagger 05:55 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 947 points, 1401 turns, killed by a kobold mummy 05:56 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 06:00 Current Day as of 2019-11-03 06:00 UTC: Games: 785, Asc: 2, Scum: 693. 390054 turns, 6078222 points. 4d 09:01 gametime. (38%Wiz), (57%Hum), (39%Cha), (55%Mal), 27d 17:59 remaining. 06:03 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 1577 points, T:2719, killed by a snake 06:03 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 06:07 -!- Eloc has joined #NetHack 06:09 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 436 points, T:848, killed by a giant ant 06:10 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 06:11 rschaff (Sam Hum Mal Law), 3518340 points, T:46781, ascended 06:11 rschaff reaches #22 on the top 2000 list. 06:22 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 487 points, T:1120, killed by an arrow 06:23 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3084 points, 4210 turns, killed by a fire ant 06:24 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 06:32 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 495 points, 1372 turns, killed by a rothe 06:32 [US] [A]: BEHiker91W (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1898586 points, 34498 turns, ascended (and 9 other games not reported) https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/B/BEHiker91W/tnnt/dumplog/1572645594.tnnt.html 06:32 [EU] [D]: elenmirie (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 486 points, 1471 turns, killed by a wolf 06:33 [Tr] BEHiker91W now has Most Achievements in One Game! 06:33 [R] Clan Kitten Lovers MEOW! advances to rank 4! 06:35 -!- raisse has joined #NetHack 06:44 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 06:50 -!- ibispi has joined #NetHack 06:52 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1326 points, 2828 turns, killed by a fire ant, while praying 06:53 -!- Belinnon has joined #NetHack 06:54 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 06:55 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 254 points, 927 turns, killed by a small mimic 06:57 Tunet (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 125 points, T:580, killed by a bear trap 06:59 [US] [D]: fionna (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 584 points, 3098 turns, killed by a pony 07:04 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 07:07 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 07:09 AlecA (Val Dwa Fem Law), 57522 points, T:15661, petrified by a cockatrice 07:09 AlecA reaches #256 on the top 2000 list. 07:09 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 2864 points, 8315 turns, killed by a soldier ant 07:12 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 200 points, 246 turns, killed by a falling rock 07:15 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1870 points, 3304 turns, killed by a dwarf lord 07:16 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:19 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 6771 points, T:3937, killed by an air elemental 07:19 FeAchalien reaches #941 on the top 2000 list. 07:20 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:21 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:23 -!- nyxkn has joined #NetHack 07:23 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:29 -!- irrenhaus3 has joined #NetHack 07:30 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 07:30 jheoaustin (Val Hum Fem Law), 676 points, T:1486, killed by a gnome 07:30 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 8576 points, 9057 turns, killed by a djinni 07:31 -!- theRaisse has joined #NetHack 07:31 -!- lorimer has joined #NetHack 07:32 -!- igemnace has joined #NetHack 07:32 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:33 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:34 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 2100 points, 2245 turns, killed by a giant ant 07:36 -!- Gaelan has joined #NetHack 07:39 jheoaustin (Val Hum Fem Law), 370 points, T:1197, killed by a kitten, while reading a book 07:43 Tunet (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 1166 points, T:1779, killed by a jackal, while frozen by a monster's gaze 07:46 -!- C5OK5Y has joined #NetHack 07:47 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 106 points, 294 turns, killed by a goblin 07:52 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2759 points, 3814 turns, killed by a killer bee 07:54 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 07:54 az740 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 468 points, T:2969, died of starvation 07:54 -!- tachoknight_ has joined #NetHack 08:00 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 08:02 Enkindle23 (Arc Hum Mal Neu), 3946 points, T:4537, killed by a winter wolf, while praying 08:02 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 845 points, 1916 turns, killed by a gray ooze (and one other game not reported) 08:03 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1696 points, 5705 turns, killed by a snake 08:04 Tunet (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 328 points, T:1000, killed by Mr. Akhalataki; the shopkeeper 08:04 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 2089 points, 3310 turns, killed by a rothe, while praying 08:06 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 155 points, 659 turns, killed by a giant rat 08:07 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 213 points, 661 turns, killed by a goblin 08:09 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 166 points, T:343, killed by a dagger 08:10 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 08:10 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 27824 points, 10496 turns, killed by a crocodile (and 13 other games not reported) 08:12 [US] [D]: MHL (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 628 points, 1744 turns, caught herself in her own ball of cold 08:12 jheoaustin (Val Hum Mal Law), 2343 points, T:3227, killed by a soldier ant 08:15 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 5747 points, 4374 turns, killed by a mumak 08:17 -!- igemnace has joined #NetHack 08:17 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 341 points, 1667 turns, killed by an iguana 08:20 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 08:25 -!- Guest19303 has joined #NetHack 08:27 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1903 points, 2203 turns, killed by a dwarf (and 23 other games not reported) 08:28 -!- merleke has joined #NetHack 08:29 [US] [D]: BEHiker91W (Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha), 767 points, 1748 turns, killed by a wand 08:31 MeWoden (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 798 points, T:1262, killed by a rock mole, while fainted from lack of food 08:35 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 189 points, 266 turns, killed by a gnome (and 90 other games not reported) 08:36 [US] [A]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Law), 773892 points, 41034 turns, ascended (and 2 other games not reported) https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/tnnt/dumplog/1572761811.tnnt.html 08:38 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 2493 points, 2985 turns, killed by an owlbear 08:44 -!- Newami has joined #NetHack 08:45 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1397 points, 1315 turns, killed by a dwarf (and one other game not reported) 08:47 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 08:52 -!- spontiff has joined #NetHack 08:53 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 866 points, 3176 turns, killed by a wererat 08:57 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 2549 points, 2375 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt (and 23 other games not reported) 08:59 -!- C5OK5Y has joined #NetHack 08:59 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5102 points, 8827 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a leocrotta 09:00 -!- tse_ has joined #NetHack 09:01 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 1041 points, 2138 turns, killed by a fire ant (and 2 other games not reported) 09:02 -!- Mushroomi has joined #NetHack 09:03 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 09:05 -!- Renter has joined #NetHack 09:05 -!- SegFault has joined #NetHack 09:06 -!- Aniem has joined #NetHack 09:06 -!- Learath2 has joined #NetHack 09:08 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 619 points, 1591 turns, killed by a rabid rat 09:12 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 548 points, 2425 turns, killed by a pony 09:12 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2572 points, 2727 turns, killed by a dog, while fainted from lack of food 09:14 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 311 points, 872 turns, killed by a gnome 09:16 -!- joes has joined #NetHack 09:19 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 09:20 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 9132 points, 4421 turns, killed by a hell hound (and 9 other games not reported) 09:20 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #NetHack 09:21 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 598 points, 2545 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 09:25 [US] [D]: ansic (Ran-Hum-Fem-Neu), 60 points, 184 turns, killed by a little dog called Sirius (and 2 other games not reported) 09:32 MrFred (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1773 points, T:2247, killed by a werewolf 09:34 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 185 points, T:307, killed by a bat 09:36 [US] [D]: ansic (Ran-Hum-Fem-Neu), 234 points, 1326 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 09:37 [US] [D]: EndlessMike (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1006 points, 3354 turns, killed by an orc shaman, while fainted from lack of food 09:39 -!- eLtMosen has joined #NetHack 09:40 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 09:41 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 992 points, 1657 turns, killed by a little dart (and 22 other games not reported) 09:42 -!- Guest19303 has joined #NetHack 09:44 [EU] [D]: spontiff (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 200 points, 3139 turns, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 09:45 -!- Sgeo has joined #NetHack 09:49 [US] [D]: ShivanHunter (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 983 points, 1420 turns, killed by a gnome lord (and one other game not reported) 09:52 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2348 points, 3744 turns, killed by a rothe (and one other game not reported) 09:53 am i understanding this correctly? I just target my ring with a wand of charging, and it will change it's enchantment value? 09:53 is it a one per one thing? 09:55 If you can find a wand of charging, sure. 09:55 Though there's a chance it'll blow up. 09:56 so, i charge it, and get a plus one... if I charge it again, plus 2.... 09:56 er... a total of 2 09:56 If you use a blessed scroll of charging, it can add more than one point. 09:56 good to know 09:56 thanks so much 09:56 No problem. 09:57 wavewhyse (Sam Hum Fem Law), 37 points, T:257, killed by a sewer rat 09:58 [EU] [D]: khamul (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 179485 points, 27769 turns, killed by a rock troll 10:00 [EU] [D]: spontiff (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1818 points, 1429 turns, killed by a xorn 10:04 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 654 points, 2424 turns, killed by the wrath of Thoth 10:06 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 968 points, 1370 turns, killed by a gnome lord (and 3 other games not reported) 10:10 [AU] [D]: djm2000 (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2414 points, 3245 turns, killed by an owlbear 10:11 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 10:14 ??jabberwock 10:14 sorry abouthat 10:16 [EU] [D]: Dins (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 276 points, 1027 turns, killed by a housecat called Poes 10:16 what unknown creature causing me dread would be found in the water at Medusa's place? 10:19 Giant eels? 10:19 oh, not so bad 10:20 IIRC the only water creature that can reach 5 on warning is the kraken 10:20 oh... theres a kraken here, then 10:20 krakalickous 10:20 cious 10:20 Kraken normally don't show up that early. 10:21 possibly a bones file? 10:21 i may go back up there... but theres a jabberwock giving me some trouble. 10:21 Can Medusa have bones? 10:22 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 1424 points, T:3941, killed by Ms. Pakka Pakka; the shopkeeper 10:23 not sure... checking 10:25 doesnt say no bones can be on a medusa file, but it does say medusa will never be left in a bones file 10:25 errr.. medusa floor 10:26 grrr.. my brain is slower than my fingers. 10:26 it says medusa will never be left in a bones file. 10:26 So, shes here... must not be a bones file 10:29 -!- evh has joined #NetHack 10:31 lordK (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 8286 points, T:5834, killed by a carnivorous ape 10:31 lordK reaches #806 on the top 2000 list. 10:32 [EU] [D]: Dins (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 249 points, 1174 turns, killed by a goblin 10:36 MeWoden (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 5637 points, T:6781, killed by a bolt of cold 10:36 MeWoden reaches #1079 on the top 2000 list. 10:37 -!- stenno\proc has joined #NetHack 10:37 I can use my Orb of Fate from any level of the dungeon? Just not the Astral or Elemental planes? 10:38 besides soko 10:38 [EU] [D]: Xea (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 262 points, 741 turns, killed by a bat, while sleeping 10:41 [EU] [D]: Xea (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 54 points, 321 turns, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted guard 10:42 Yes, though in some branches you can only level teleport within that branch. 10:43 thanks much 10:44 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 10:44 -!- zhangoke has joined #NetHack 10:44 [EU] [D]: Dins (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 374 points, 1448 turns, killed by a housecat called Poes 10:46 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 420 points, 2229 turns, killed by a giant bat 10:49 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 370 points, T:1066, killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a potion 10:51 Oh noes 10:51 [EU] [D]: Xea (Pri-Elf-Mal-Cha), 613 points, 1709 turns, killed by a gnome 10:53 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 334 points, 1211 turns, killed by a hobbit 10:56 -!- tr0mix has joined #NetHack 10:59 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 574 points, T:854, killed by a gnome, while sleeping 10:59 tromix (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 2232 points, T:2634, killed by a dwarf 11:11 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3122 points, 7142 turns, killed by a fire ant 11:11 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 932 points, T:1560, killed by a gnome lord 11:12 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 67 points, 182 turns, killed by a fox 11:16 MrSpike (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 147 points, T:993, killed by a bat 11:17 -!- Haudegen has joined #NetHack 11:18 tromix (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 66 points, T:403, killed by a newt 11:19 -!- ProzacElf has joined #NetHack 11:27 merpish (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 357 points, T:785, killed by a sewer rat 11:33 -!- AimHere has joined #NetHack 11:37 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 45 points, T:323, killed by a falling rock 11:39 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 596 points, 1707 turns, killed by a rock piercer 11:39 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Mal-Law), 168532 points, 15080 turns, killed by a death ray 11:39 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 53 points, T:350, killed by a goblin 11:43 -!- raisse has joined #NetHack 11:47 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 2118 points, T:2804, killed by a boiling potion, while sleeping off a magical draught 11:48 Just meet an actual gnoem with a death wand 11:48 met* 11:57 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #NetHack 11:58 apparently it didn't kill you 11:58 -!- PyroLagus has joined #NetHack 11:59 Why can't I pickpocket enemies 11:59 I'm displeased 11:59 I'm not a murder hobo 12:00 Current Day as of 2019-11-03 12:00 UTC: Games: 1119, Asc: 4, Scum: 961. 666870 turns, 9211786 points. 7d 03:53 gametime. (47%Wiz), (56%Hum), (35%Neu), (59%Mal), 27d 11:59 remaining. 12:02 The wand missed, but I also have MR. really nice to have for me at this point 12:08 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 384 points, 1446 turns, killed by a hobbit 12:09 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 415 points, T:852, killed by a poisonous corpse 12:15 -!- igemnace has joined #NetHack 12:17 -!- truculent has joined #NetHack 12:20 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 6382 points, 8676 turns, killed by an elven arrow 12:27 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 12:31 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 3457 points, T:4778, killed by an invisible stalker 12:31 atorox reaches #1630 on the top 2000 list. 12:31 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 12:33 tetsurin (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 302 points, T:965, killed by a dwarf zombie 12:35 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 6644 points, 11445 turns, killed by a mumak 12:37 -!- Haudegen has joined #NetHack 12:44 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 79 points, T:212, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 12:45 [US] [D]: ansic (Ran-Hum-Fem-Neu), 114 points, 828 turns, killed by a magic missile 12:51 [US] [D]: ansic (Ran-Hum-Fem-Neu), 96 points, 714 turns, killed by a coyote (and 2 other games not reported) 12:54 [US] [D]: LoneWolf (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 318 points, 918 turns, killed by a giant bat, while jumping around 12:57 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 808 points, 2061 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt 12:58 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 13:01 merpish (Val Hum Mal Law), 587 points, T:524, killed by an invisible wererat 13:02 -!- phorbin has joined #NetHack 13:03 [EU] [D]: niddler (Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha), 169 points, 534 turns, killed by a magical explosion (and 2 other games not reported) 13:03 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 13:04 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1226 points, 3121 turns, killed by a plains centaur 13:06 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 148 points, 395 turns, killed by an arrow 13:07 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 1072 points, T:1484, killed by an Uruk-hai 13:07 -!- amateurhour has joined #NetHack 13:09 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1693 points, 3327 turns, killed by a giant beetle 13:16 [US] [D]: LoneWolf (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 370 points, 2275 turns, killed by a bat 13:17 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 630 points, 982 turns, killed by a dwarf, while praying 13:22 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2139 points, 3373 turns, killed by a bugbear 13:25 -!- xtarget has joined #NetHack 13:26 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1127 points, 1339 turns, killed by a gnome 13:26 jankins (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 1257 points, T:3323, killed by a bolt of lightning 13:27 -!- hdf-guest-89 has joined #NetHack 13:28 !players 13:28 13 players: beholder, Bonden, Dylgear, eqqol, Incaendo, inlawBiker, jankins, merpish, MrSpike, nowis, oatmeal2, pots164, ubiquity 13:30 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 362 points, 638 turns, killed by a wand 13:30 !lg * version=3.6.3 conduct=pac gmax=death 13:31 hdf-guest-89: death,count(*): 1) quit,37469; 2) escaped,26907; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,959; 4) killed by a riding accident,348; 5) killed by a scroll of genocide,255; 6) killed by kicking a wall,160; 7) killed by a fox,143; 8) killed by a water moccasin,138; 9) killed by a system shock,119; 10) killed by a jackal,118 13:32 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 13:33 [US] [D]: LoneWolf (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 332 points, 1226 turns, killed by a rabid rat 13:34 !lg * conduct=pac gmax=death 13:35 !lg * version=3.6.3 conduct=food gmax=death 13:35 hdf-guest-89: You've got a query in the queue already. 13:36 hdf-guest-89: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1392639; 2) quit,1366663; 3) killed by a jackal,4940; 4) killed by a fox,4250; 5) killed by a water moccasin,3920; 6) killed by a sewer rat,3365; 7) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2474; 8) killed by a falling rock,2368; 9) killed by a water demon,2363; 10) killed by a goblin,2017 13:37 -!- zariski has joined #NetHack 13:39 -!- simmarine has joined #NetHack 13:40 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1305 points, 1640 turns, killed by a giant bat 13:40 -!- Grasshopper has joined #NetHack 13:42 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 137 points, 227 turns, killed by a giant mimic 13:42 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 2749 points, 4109 turns, killed by a jaguar 13:44 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 190 points, 464 turns, killed by a hobbit 13:45 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2020 points, 2564 turns, killed by an Elvenking 13:48 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 32463 points, T:12058, killed by an invisible ogre king 13:48 eqqol reaches #331 on the top 2000 list. 13:48 who's the Croesus bot? 13:48 -!- spontiff has joined #NetHack 13:49 I think the Croesus bot announces deaths related to TNNT. 13:50 -!- thomasross_ has joined #NetHack 13:50 TNNT? 13:50 The November NetHack Tournament. IRC: #tnnt - https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/ 13:50 [EU] [D]: niddler (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 325 points, 1666 turns, killed by a black pudding 13:50 awesome, I was wondering if there was a tourney this year 13:50 I haven't participated in a while 13:51 !lg * class=Kni gmax=death 13:51 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 497 points, 1453 turns, killed by a coyote, while sleeping 13:51 hdf-guest-89: death,count(*): 1) quit,15940; 2) escaped,7205; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,5073; 4) killed by a riding accident,2005; 5) killed by a gnome lord,1665; 6) killed by a small mimic,1482; 7) ascended,1442; 8) killed by a wand,1358; 9) killed by a water moccasin,1241; 10) killed by a gnome,1177 13:51 -!- krid has joined #NetHack 13:52 [US] [D]: JohnKeel (Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha), 201 points, 577 turns, killed by a small mimic 13:53 -!- krid has left #NetHack 13:55 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 743 points, 1896 turns, killed by a fire ant 13:56 !lg conduct=pac class=Kni g=death 13:57 hdf-guest-89: death,count(*): 1) quit,9344; 2) escaped,5179; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2474; 4) killed by a riding accident,924; 5) killed by kicking a wall,230; 6) killed by a water moccasin,95; 7) killed by a jackal,89; 8) killed by a fox,80; 9) killed by a water demon,77; 10) slipped while mounting a saddled pony called Rainbow Dash,62 13:58 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 18298 points, T:13386, quit 13:58 merpish reaches #443 on the top 2000 list. 14:00 greetings 14:00 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 162 points, 969 turns, killed by a giant rat 14:01 [EU] [A]: Anerag (Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2891972 points, 44525 turns, ascended 14:01 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/A/Anerag/tnnt/dumplog/1572709897.tnnt.html 14:01 anyone on? 14:02 [R] Clan TeamGirlAndShoes advances to rank 2! 14:03 -!- Smiley has joined #NetHack 14:04 -!- tonehack has joined #NetHack 14:06 -!- hdf-guest-90 has joined #NetHack 14:07 !lg * turns=1 g=death 14:07 [EU] [D]: niddler (Arc-Dwa-Fem-Law), 269 points, 1194 turns, killed by a fox 14:08 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1338471; 2) quit,1227629; 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,1279; 4) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1180; 5) zapped himself with a wand,738; 6) killed by a system shock,359; 7) killed by a bolt of cold,349; 8) killed by a bolt of lightning,340; 9) killed by a bolt of fire,334; 10) zapped herself with a wand,295 14:08 -!- SmileyG has joined #NetHack 14:09 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 533 points, 1435 turns, killed by a little dog 14:10 is there anyway to know if the orb of fate is ready to teleport? 14:12 I want to use it in a pinch as an escape item.... but... sometimes it says that the orb is ignoring me 14:13 invokeable artifacts have a timeout 14:13 is there a safe number to remember? 14:14 you can't know if it's ready without trying 14:14 that's probably on the wiki, I never know any numbers 14:14 so it could be 100 turns, or 500 turns? 14:14 which part of "I never know any numbers" don't you understand? :-) 14:14 I read something about 180ish... 14:15 i was typing that at the same time. 14:15 Why was my valk at 66 max hp at lvl10 14:15 as I said, it's probably on the wiki 14:15 masi: did you hit a fire trap at any point? that will mess with your maxhp 14:15 Maaayyybee 14:15 What is this bullcrap 14:16 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 10494 points, 7491 turns, killed by a mumak 14:16 Tonttu2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 548 points, T:1554, killed by a dwarf 14:16 What a disgusting mechanic 14:17 does teleporting from a different source, wand, ring, scroll... affect the cooldown of the orb? 14:17 no, it's got its own schedule 14:17 The wiki doesn't mention it, but I'm about to go to Minotaur land... so Im a bit nervous. 14:17 thanks much 14:18 also the Orb doesn't do intra-level teleport, only levelport, so teleporting with a wand, ring or non-cursed/confused scroll wouldn't affect it anyway 14:19 Sixxcoins: minotaur tip: they don't have any monster MR so are very susceptible to sleep rays, taming, and such 14:19 thanks much... 14:20 Make em sleep and then bash their ballz 14:20 Im thinking about taming this minotaur, but.. theres another Blue Giant just past it.... probably tame the minotaur, and the other giant will kill it 14:20 well, i actually have some really unreliable wands right now... 14:20 used em a couple times, havent had any luck with identify scrolls.... 14:21 hopefully they have charges. 14:21 pots164 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 86 points, T:195, killed by a falling object 14:21 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 2228 points, T:4837, poisoned by a killer bee 14:22 [US] [A]: eitwinston (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 2265128 points, 43013 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/e/eitwinston/tnnt/dumplog/1572642871.tnnt.html 14:22 How do you do the quick navigate to stairs movement 14:23 underscore 14:23 then the greater than sign 14:23 _> 14:23 Nice 14:24 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 119 points, T:152, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 14:24 umm.... dropping down from medusa...can I expect that to put me at the entry area of the castle? 14:24 or might it deposit me anywhere 14:25 guess ill find out 14:26 With stairs youll end up on the left hand side 14:26 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 564 points, T:327, killed by a riding accident 14:27 put me on the left hand side as well... 14:28 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 419 points, T:792, killed by a werejackal 14:28 [US] [D]: Nobbs (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 230 points, 795 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 14:29 oh, that minotaur wasnt so bad this time 14:31 Eyridon (Val Hum Fem Neu), 32 points, T:637, killed by a jackal 14:31 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1152 points, 2524 turns, killed by a bat, while fainted from lack of food 14:34 -!- jessek has joined #NetHack 14:34 Eyridon (Val Hum Fem Neu), 19 points, T:130, poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse 14:35 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 359 points, T:1517, killed by Yeenoghu, while being terrified of a demon 14:35 [US] [D]: phorbin (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 18435 points, 9819 turns, killed by a bolt of fire 14:37 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 4623 points, T:9659, killed by a giant ant 14:37 wingnut583 reaches #1284 on the top 2000 list. 14:37 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 0 points, T:2, killed by a falling rock 14:44 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3133 points, 3650 turns, killed by a gnome king 14:45 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 635 points, T:2834, killed by a giant ant 14:47 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1184 points, 2382 turns, killed by an Uruk-hai 14:48 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 172 points, 634 turns, killed by an acidic corpse 14:48 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 5 points, 119 turns, killed by a sewer rat 14:49 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 106 points, T:509, killed by a small mimic 14:50 fragmites (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 1702 points, T:2093, killed by a wererat 14:50 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 14:55 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 330 points, 1051 turns, killed by a dart, while praying 14:58 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 216 points, 650 turns, killed by a newt 14:58 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 394 points, T:1786, killed by a gas spore's explosion 15:02 [EU] [D]: niddler (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 225 points, 1507 turns, killed by a pony called Destroyer 15:03 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 108 points, T:934, killed by a black pudding 15:04 Hi! Everyone doing alright? 15:04 I'm gonna do the monk quest for the first time, hope this goes well. 15:05 FeAchalien (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 10980 points, T:12612, killed by a mumak 15:05 FeAchalien reaches #633 on the top 2000 list. 15:05 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1157 points, 1965 turns, killed by an Uruk-hai, while sleeping off a magical draught 15:06 good luck 15:08 Thanks! 15:08 So many Xorns 15:12 [US] [D]: richards (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 39 points, 202 turns, killed by a falling rock 15:13 Hi Inc. Good luck 15:13 Inc, I may need your advice, if youll be on 15:13 sure 15:13 but... enjoy your quest for a while... i have some maintenance to do 15:14 -!- j6p has joined #NetHack 15:18 Wow Master Kaen hits hard 15:19 !lg conduct=ath g=death 15:20 is there a way to see whats in a pile without standing ON the pile? 15:20 !rmlg 15:20 hdf-guest-90: Too late. 15:20 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1461069; 2) escaped,1416150; 3) killed by a jackal,32235; 4) killed by a sewer rat,24417; 5) killed by a small mimic,21912; 6) killed by a fox,21301; 7) killed by a water moccasin,19003; 8) killed by a dwarf,18256; 9) killed by a wand,16085; 10) killed by a gnome lord,15999 15:21 There is possibly a dead cockatrice in a pile that sits on a beartrap... that location also has my daggers 15:21 I'm afraid that the bear trap will somehow cause me to touch the cockatrice 15:21 !lg * conduct=illiterate g=death 15:22 @Sixxcoins just leave the floor until the corpse rots away 15:22 sounds like a plan. 15:22 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1418107; 2) escaped,1393109; 3) killed by a jackal,24464; 4) killed by a sewer rat,18599; 5) killed by a fox,16273; 6) killed by a small mimic,14587; 7) killed by a water moccasin,12612; 8) killed by a dwarf,10559; 9) killed by a gnome lord,9605; 10) killed by a goblin,9131 15:23 !lg * conduct=foodless g=death 15:24 fragmites (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 2913 points, T:3822, killed by a rothe, while sleeping 15:24 [US] [D]: richards (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 303 points, 1314 turns, killed by a kitten 15:24 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1420298; 2) escaped,1407781; 3) killed by a jackal,19956; 4) killed by a sewer rat,14399; 5) killed by a fox,13097; 6) killed by a water moccasin,10892; 7) killed by a goblin,7247; 8) killed by a water demon,6712; 9) killed by a falling rock,6576; 10) killed by a small mimic,6528 15:25 !lg * role=hea g=death 15:25 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,24388; 2) escaped,15961; 3) killed by a jackal,2557; 4) killed by a sewer rat,2044; 5) killed by a hobbit,2020; 6) killed by a fox,1890; 7) killed by a giant bat,1850; 8) killed by a small mimic,1604; 9) ascended,1453; 10) killed by a dwarf,1421 15:25 !lg * role=kni g=death 15:25 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,15940; 2) escaped,7205; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,5078; 4) killed by a riding accident,2008; 5) killed by a gnome lord,1665; 6) killed by a small mimic,1482; 7) ascended,1442; 8) killed by a wand,1358; 9) killed by a water moccasin,1241; 10) killed by a gnome,1177 15:27 !lg * maxlvl=1 g=death 15:28 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1543784; 2) escaped,1447032; 3) killed by a jackal,24539; 4) killed by a sewer rat,17690; 5) killed by a fox,16124; 6) killed by a water moccasin,13046; 7) killed by a goblin,8815; 8) killed by a water demon,7890; 9) killed by a falling rock,7874; 10) killed by a newt,6319 15:28 !lg * maxlvl=1 g=death role=Kni 15:28 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,12586; 2) escaped,6771; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,3811; 4) killed by a riding accident,1396; 5) killed by a jackal,500; 6) killed by a water moccasin,369; 7) killed by kicking a wall,335; 8) killed by a sewer rat,302; 9) killed by a fox,296; 10) killed by a water demon,270 15:29 !lg * maxlvl=1 g=death turns<10 15:29 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1376873; 2) quit,1336470; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1689; 4) killed by a scroll of genocide,1429; 5) killed by a water moccasin,1212; 6) zapped himself with a wand,1144; 7) killed by a jackal,810; 8) killed by a system shock,771; 9) killed by a riding accident,668; 10) killed by a sewer rat,626 15:30 -!- krid has joined #NetHack 15:32 -!- Eloc has joined #NetHack 15:32 !lg * g=death skip=93 15:32 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 94) killed by an imp,3738; 95) killed by a raven,3710; 96) killed by an acidic corpse,3572; 97) killed by a guard,3470; 98) killed by a troll,3449; 99) poisoned by an orcish arrow,3449; 100) killed by a scroll of earth,3397; 101) killed by a housecat,3343; 102) killed by a human mummy,3322; 103) killed by a yeti,3319 15:32 !lg * g=death skip=84 15:33 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 85) killed by a minotaur,4219; 86) killed by an electric shock,4193; 87) petrified by a cockatrice,4093; 88) killed by a werewolf,4075; 89) killed by a gargoyle,3844; 90) killed by a jackal, while helpless,3823; 91) killed by a panther,3819; 92) killed by a black unicorn,3794; 93) killed by a snake,3766; 94) killed by an imp,3738 15:33 [US] [D]: tsingi (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2572 points, 4040 turns, killed by touching Excalibur 15:33 !lg * g=death skip=74 15:33 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 309 points, 1308 turns, killed by a gecko, while praying 15:33 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 75) killed by a dart,4844; 76) killed by kicking a wall,4750; 77) killed by a blue jelly,4731; 78) killed by a dingo,4587; 79) killed by a bugbear,4548; 80) killed by a giant beetle,4502; 81) killed by a homunculus,4376; 82) killed by an iguana,4366; 83) killed by a gold golem,4328; 84) poisoned by a rotted kobold corpse,4296 15:33 !lg * g=death skip=64 15:33 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 65) killed by an ape,5458; 66) killed by a water elemental,5457; 67) killed by a large mimic,5441; 68) killed by a kobold,5407; 69) killed by a plains centaur,5186; 70) killed by a dagger,5174; 71) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,5086; 72) killed by an Uruk-hai,4964; 73) killed by a death ray,4896; 74) killed by a gecko,4892 15:34 !lg * score=0 g=death 15:35 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1446475; 2) escaped,139735; 3) killed by a jackal,2873; 4) killed by a water moccasin,2538; 5) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2170; 6) killed by a fox,2011; 7) killed by a sewer rat,1821; 8) killed by a scroll of genocide,1631; 9) killed by a water demon,1512; 10) killed by a system shock,1464 15:36 [US] [A]: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Cha), 1036316 points, 32929 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/E/Entitas/tnnt/dumplog/1572705803.tnnt.html 15:36 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1739 points, T:2130, killed by a wand 15:46 [EU] [D]: niddler (Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha), 362 points, 1297 turns, poisoned by a rotted brown mold corpse 15:49 -!- joes has joined #NetHack 15:50 [US] [D]: atcarr (Arc-Dwa-Mal-Law), 539 points, 1514 turns, killed by a watchman 15:56 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 9587 points, 8959 turns, killed by a fire ant 15:58 [EU] [D]: joes (Sam-Hum-Fem-Law), 106 points, 252 turns, killed by a small mimic 15:59 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 540 points, 2569 turns, killed by a kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food 16:03 [AU] [D]: Andrio (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 357 points, 1402 turns, killed by a grid bug, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:03 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 82 points, 220 turns, killed by a water demon, while sleeping off a magical draught 16:04 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 17 points, T:184, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 16:07 -!- patterson has joined #NetHack 16:08 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2686 points, T:5098, killed by a queen bee 16:08 eqqol reaches #1987 on the top 2000 list. 16:09 [EU] [D]: spontiff (Mon-Hum-Mal-Law), 23910 points, 8999 turns, killed by a winged gargoyle 16:09 !lg * turns=1 g=death 16:09 inlawBiker (Kni Hum Fem Law), 2884530 points, T:41223, ascended 16:09 inlawBiker reaches #38 on the top 2000 list. 16:09 !rmlg 16:09 hdf-guest-90: Too late. 16:09 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1338479; 2) quit,1227636; 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,1279; 4) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1182; 5) zapped himself with a wand,738; 6) killed by a system shock,360; 7) killed by a bolt of cold,349; 8) killed by a bolt of lightning,340; 9) killed by a bolt of fire,334; 10) zapped herself with a wand,295 16:09 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 123 points, T:318, killed by a jackal 16:12 !lg * turns=2 g=death 16:12 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,38008; 2) escaped,16725; 3) killed by a riding accident,613; 4) killed by a system shock,146; 5) zapped himself with a wand,126; 6) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,111; 7) killed by a gas cloud,105; 8) killed by a potion of holy water,102; 9) caught himself in his own burning oil,81; 10) zapped himself with a spell,76 16:13 !lg * role=Kni conduct=pacifist 16:13 hdf-guest-90: points,name: 1) 29264,27B6; 2) 10710,27B6; 3) 10135,PeptoBisquick; 4) 8194,efot; 5) 8079,efot 16:14 !lg * role=Kni conduct=pacifist g=death 16:14 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,9344; 2) escaped,5179; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2477; 4) killed by a riding accident,926; 5) killed by kicking a wall,230; 6) killed by a water moccasin,95; 7) killed by a jackal,89; 8) killed by a fox,80; 9) killed by a water demon,77; 10) slipped while mounting a saddled pony called Rainbow Dash,62 16:14 [EU] [D]: niddler (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 229 points, 1847 turns, killed by a purple worm 16:15 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 61653 points, 19623 turns, choked on a fire giant corpse 16:15 -!- thomasross has joined #NetHack 16:16 [EU] [D]: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 381 points, 1964 turns, killed by a hobbit 16:20 -!- Bloax has joined #NetHack 16:22 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1409 points, T:3181, killed by a hobbit 16:25 [US] [D]: Dulce (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 3040 points, 7424 turns, killed by a small mimic 16:30 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3014 points, T:4019, killed by a killer bee 16:30 eqqol reaches #1829 on the top 2000 list. 16:31 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 16:32 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 7005 points, 5640 turns, killed by a leocrotta, while praying 16:32 tromix (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 797 points, T:1842, killed by a gnome lord 16:34 [US] [D]: richards (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3331 points, 2817 turns, killed by a giant spider 16:34 -!- TheGame20 has joined #NetHack 16:34 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 125 points, 331 turns, killed by a scroll of earth 16:35 [R] Clan Smile Mold advances to rank 15! 16:35 [US] [D]: Tmasher (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 3620 points, 2954 turns, killed by a soldier ant 16:35 [EU] [D]: niddler (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 116 points, 361 turns, fell onto a sink 16:36 [EU] [D]: tacco (Mon-Hum-Fem-Neu), 9674 points, 3895 turns, killed by an energy vortex 16:39 [US] [D]: GaulGallant (Pri-Hum-Fem-Neu), 659 points, 2449 turns, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:39 [US] [D]: sflicht (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 661 points, 2040 turns, killed by a kobold lord, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:41 [EU] [D]: bragi (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 454 points, 1387 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 16:42 Aidenor123 (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:49, killed by a fox 16:43 tromix (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 13 points, T:112, killed by a jackal 16:43 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 197 points, T:1233, killed by a coyote 16:45 [EU] [D]: niddler (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 69 points, 298 turns, killed by a water moccasin 16:49 [US] [D]: sflicht (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 1193 points, 3244 turns, killed by a kitten, while fainted from lack of food 16:50 [EU] [D]: niddler (Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha), 99 points, 342 turns, poisoned by a rotted newt corpse 16:52 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 510 points, T:2011, killed by a gnome, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:53 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 10635 points, T:5598, killed by a fire elemental 16:53 Lia reaches #649 on the top 2000 list. 16:54 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Cha), 2914 points, 2381 turns, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:55 [US] [D]: Tmasher (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 642 points, 1289 turns, killed by a small mimic 16:57 -!- ShadowWraith has joined #NetHack 16:58 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 411 points, 801 turns, killed by a rock piercer 16:58 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 16:59 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 7439 points, T:10544, killed by a soldier ant 16:59 wingnut583 reaches #878 on the top 2000 list. 17:01 guest99987 (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 5198 points, T:3474, killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping off a magical draught 17:04 Aidenor123 (Arc Hum Mal Neu), 114 points, T:960, killed by a newt, while fainted from lack of food 17:05 jheoaustin (Val Hum Fem Law), 8 points, T:14, killed by a water elemental 17:05 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 544 points, T:1812, killed by a jackal 17:08 [EU] [D]: joes (Ran-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2322 points, 4348 turns, killed by a raven 17:09 DeathOnAStick (Val Hum Fem Neu), 10915 points, T:4139, killed by an Elvenking, while sleeping 17:12 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 38896 points, 23376 turns, killed by an ogre king 17:13 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 296 points, T:1217, killed by a giant bat 17:18 !lg * maxlvl=3 g=death 17:18 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,19114; 2) killed by a small mimic,12303; 3) killed by a dwarf,10425; 4) killed by a gnome lord,9609; 5) killed by a wand,8378; 6) killed by a hobbit,8043; 7) killed by a giant bat,7793; 8) killed by a gnome,7222; 9) killed by a gas spore's explosion,6969; 10) killed by a bat,5672 17:19 !lg * maxlvl<3 g=death 17:19 [US] [D]: Tmasher (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 524 points, 2016 turns, killed by a pony 17:21 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1572439; 2) escaped,1451062; 3) killed by a jackal,37716; 4) killed by a sewer rat,28053; 5) killed by a fox,25605; 6) killed by a water moccasin,20658; 7) killed by a small mimic,15286; 8) killed by a goblin,13778; 9) killed by a water demon,12777; 10) killed by a falling rock,11247 17:21 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 17:21 !lg * maxlvl<4 g=death conduct=pac 17:23 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1392582; 2) quit,1363754; 3) killed by a jackal,4732; 4) killed by a fox,4063; 5) killed by a water moccasin,3780; 6) killed by a sewer rat,3203; 7) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2475; 8) killed by a water demon,2291; 9) killed by a falling rock,2216; 10) killed by a goblin,1954 17:25 !lg * turns<44 g=death 17:26 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1395217; 2) quit,1373614; 3) killed by a jackal,3741; 4) killed by a water moccasin,3503; 5) killed by a sewer rat,2573; 6) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2371; 7) killed by a fox,2188; 8) killed by a water demon,1883; 9) killed by a falling rock,1633; 10) killed by a scroll of genocide,1506 17:27 [EU] [D]: ToneHack (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 60 points, 116 turns, killed by a succubus 17:33 jheoaustin (Val Hum Fem Law), 910 points, T:3205, killed by a water moccasin 17:35 -!- sauvin has joined #NetHack 17:35 Ikivm (Val Hum Mal Neu), 2392 points, T:3031, killed by a wand 17:37 [EU] [D]: ToneHack (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 178 points, 288 turns, killed by a small mimic (and 2 other games not reported) 17:39 [US] [D]: richards (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 265 points, 486 turns, killed by a gnome lord 17:41 I'm struggling to figure out the best way to use Elbereth for survival or combat in 3.6.2 17:41 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 151 points, T:390, killed by a tower of flame 17:43 I'm trying to get a Tourist going... navigating my way around packs of ants in the early game seems to be a matter of luck: I can't stack Elbereths, so I incur the ~27% risk of miswriting it far more frequently than in 3.4.3 17:43 karmakamikaze (Val Dwa Fem Law), 560 points, T:2207, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 17:44 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1522 points, T:4354, killed by a manes 17:45 -!- rchase has joined #NetHack 17:45 lynn, you should be able to hit giant ants with the +2 darts 17:45 also don't forget your camera 17:45 !lg * turns<13 g=death 17:45 [EU] [D]: thorsb (Kni-Hum-Fem-Law), 4357 points, 5173 turns, killed by a soldier ant 17:45 [EU] [D]: bragi (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 911 points, 1269 turns, killed by an exploding chest 17:45 I can't tell if it's safe to fire darts from on an Elbereth square; I assume I get a -5 alignment penalty but I never see "You feel like a hypocrite." 17:45 and try to have something for soldier ants once the average of xl and dl reaches 6 17:46 it's not safe 17:46 !lg chordbug g=death 17:46 Enkindle23 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1852 points, T:1917, killed by a black unicorn 17:46 you probably didn't get a penalty because your attack already smudged the Elbereth 17:46 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1381724; 2) quit,1346653; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1922; 4) killed by a water moccasin,1646; 5) killed by a scroll of genocide,1442; 6) zapped himself with a wand,1165; 7) killed by a jackal,1149; 8) killed by a system shock,836; 9) killed by a sewer rat,767; 10) killed by a water demon,767 17:46 I see 17:47 oh, and tactics, of course 17:47 I usually have nothing good by the time soldier ants start showing up... 17:47 try to avoid fighting groups in the open if at all possible 17:47 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 9098 points, 6241 turns, killed by an energy vortex 17:47 -!- raisse has joined #NetHack 17:47 note that the Mines have few corridors 17:47 lynn: death,count(*): 1) killed by a fire ant,1; 2) killed by a soldier ant,1 17:48 [US] [D]: sflicht (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 14386 points, 10506 turns, killed by an invisible watch captain 17:50 the worst thing about soldier ants is they always seem to show up just as you're cruising along, feeling good about things 17:50 [US] [A]: iyarkonan (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2652030 points, 47139 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/i/iyarkonan/tnnt/dumplog/1572639390.tnnt.html 17:51 [R] Clan teamsplat advances to rank 4! 17:51 [R] Clan Kitten Lovers MEOW! advances to rank 3! 17:53 eqqol (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3893 points, T:5357, killed by a rothe 17:53 eqqol reaches #1484 on the top 2000 list. 17:54 -!- topdownjimmy has joined #NetHack 17:54 [US] [D]: Entitas (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 11897 points, 8253 turns, killed by a giant mummy 17:55 tromix (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 514 points, T:1710, killed by a crocodile 17:58 [EU] [D]: ToneHack (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 1509 points, 2350 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt (and 24 other games not reported) 17:58 Dylgear (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 14536 points, T:12083, killed by a forest centaur 17:58 Dylgear reaches #520 on the top 2000 list. 17:59 [EU] [D]: niddler (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 851 points, 2393 turns, killed by a carnivorous ape 17:59 [EU] [D]: joes (Cav-Hum-Fem-Neu), 682 points, 1227 turns, killed by a rabid rat 18:00 Current Day as of 2019-11-03 18:00 UTC: Games: 1306, Asc: 8, Scum: 1055. 1096897 turns, 18348152 points. 10d 18:56 gametime. (44%Wiz), (60%Hum), (43%Neu), (54%Mal), 27d 05:59 remaining. 18:00 [R] Clan The Would-Be Kings advances to rank 7! 18:01 [US] [A]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Law), 727313 points, 48445 turns, ascended (and 18 other games not reported) https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/tnnt/dumplog/1572772887.tnnt.html 18:01 pots164 (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 4 points, T:173, killed by a falling object 18:04 atorox (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 2530 points, T:3322, killed by a gnome 18:07 [US] [D]: karibou (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 1762 points, 3514 turns, killed by a crocodile (and one other game not reported) 18:07 [R] Clan The People of Roy advances to rank 19! 18:07 Enkindle23 (Val Hum Fem Law), 3242 points, T:1940, killed by an owlbear 18:07 Enkindle23 reaches #1734 on the top 2000 list. 18:14 [US] [A]: Lettuce (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2572086 points, 49524 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Lettuce/tnnt/dumplog/1572622590.tnnt.html 18:16 congrats Lettuce! 18:17 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 934 points, 2707 turns, killed by a blue jelly 18:20 Jizosaves (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1756 points, T:2899, killed by a werejackal 18:23 -!- Haudegen has joined #NetHack 18:24 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1363 points, T:3646, killed by a rothe 18:24 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 302 points, 860 turns, killed by a large mimic 18:27 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 646 points, 702 turns, killed by a dwarf (and 3 other games not reported) 18:31 [EU] [D]: bragi (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 527 points, 1863 turns, killed by a rothe 18:31 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 156 points, 388 turns, killed by a small mimic (and one other game not reported) 18:31 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 477 points, 2285 turns, killed by a manes 18:33 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha), 1699 points, 3146 turns, killed by a horse (and 22 other games not reported) 18:33 -!- eLtMosen has joined #NetHack 18:33 -!- eLtMosen has joined #NetHack 18:33 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 186 points, 236 turns, killed by a small mimic (and one other game not reported) 18:34 Enkindle23 (Val Hum Fem Law), 1839 points, T:1611, killed by an explosion 18:35 [US] [D]: Luxidream (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 42 points, 107 turns, killed by a falling rock (and 3 other games not reported) 18:35 [US] [D]: Merlek (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3420 points, 6329 turns, killed by a rope golem (and one other game not reported) 18:38 Darkwing (Cav Hum Mal Law), 9088 points, T:14764, killed by a troll 18:38 Darkwing reaches #752 on the top 2000 list. 18:41 Almost drowned myself trying to dig down through Medusa's Island :S 18:41 -!- raisse has joined #NetHack 18:42 cuckolas (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1578 points, T:3701, quit 18:42 Well, you *are* a student of waters. 18:42 Enkindle23 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 401 points, T:1022, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted watchman 18:43 :D 18:44 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 16 points, T:168, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 18:47 !lg * score<20 g=death 18:48 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 3033 points, 4903 turns, killed by a water moccasin, while praying 18:49 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1484006; 2) escaped,1417654; 3) killed by a jackal,7115; 4) killed by a sewer rat,4968; 5) killed by a water moccasin,4683; 6) killed by a fox,4673; 7) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2894; 8) killed by a water demon,2879; 9) killed by a falling rock,2844; 10) killed by a goblin,2462 18:50 !gamesby pots164 18:50 pots164 has played 14329 games, between 20190511 and 20191103, highest score 2494, died 7788, lifesaved 1, quit 3265, escaped 3276 times 18:53 Enkindle23 (Val Hum Fem Law), 230 points, T:945, killed by a wand 18:54 !lg * class=Kni g=death 18:54 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,15940; 2) escaped,7205; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,5084; 4) killed by a riding accident,2009; 5) killed by a gnome lord,1665; 6) killed by a small mimic,1482; 7) ascended,1443; 8) killed by a wand,1358; 9) killed by a water moccasin,1241; 10) killed by a gnome,1177 18:54 (Just be careful when you're a student of stones.) 18:55 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 460 points, 1544 turns, killed by a grid bug, while frozen by a monster's gaze 18:57 digging down worked i found cursed -1 levi boots outside the castle 18:57 now I can fly 18:59 -!- bobbyd has joined #NetHack 19:00 -!- SilverCheshire has joined #NetHack 19:00 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 430 points, 1557 turns, killed by a rabid rat 19:04 !lg !pots164 score=0 g=death 19:05 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,1443226; 2) escaped,139734; 3) killed by a jackal,2860; 4) killed by a water moccasin,2538; 5) killed by a fox,2004; 6) killed by a sewer rat,1818; 7) killed by a water demon,1512; 8) killed by a system shock,1326; 9) killed by a falling rock,1291; 10) killed by kicking a wall,1226 19:05 !lg !pots164 class=Kni g=death 19:05 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,15930; 2) escaped,7197; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2501; 4) killed by a gnome lord,1663; 5) killed by a small mimic,1480; 6) ascended,1443; 7) killed by a wand,1358; 8) killed by a water moccasin,1241; 9) killed by a gnome,1173; 10) killed by a giant bat,1065 19:06 !lg !pots164 conduct=pacifist g=death 19:07 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1389385; 2) quit,1363421; 3) killed by a jackal,4926; 4) killed by a fox,4240; 5) killed by a water moccasin,3920; 6) killed by a sewer rat,3360; 7) killed by a water demon,2363; 8) killed by a falling rock,2362; 9) killed by a goblin,2012; 10) killed by a newt,1695 19:08 !lg !pots164 conduct=pacifist g=death version=3.6.3 19:08 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,35630; 2) escaped,25037; 3) killed by a water moccasin,138; 4) killed by a fox,138; 5) killed by a jackal,110; 6) killed by a falling rock,109; 7) killed by a water demon,93; 8) killed by a goblin,86; 9) killed by a sewer rat,75; 10) killed by the wrath of Thoth,57 19:08 !lg conduct=pacifist g=death 19:09 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1392651; 2) quit,1366686; 3) killed by a jackal,4940; 4) killed by a fox,4251; 5) killed by a water moccasin,3920; 6) killed by a sewer rat,3365; 7) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2479; 8) killed by a falling rock,2369; 9) killed by a water demon,2363; 10) killed by a goblin,2017 19:10 rschaff (Sam Hum Mal Law), 23006 points, T:10682, killed by a jabberwock, while praying 19:11 !lg conduct=pacifist g=death version=3.6.3 19:11 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,37492; 2) escaped,26919; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,964; 4) killed by a riding accident,351; 5) killed by a scroll of genocide,256; 6) killed by kicking a wall,160; 7) killed by a fox,144; 8) killed by a water moccasin,138; 9) killed by a system shock,120; 10) killed by a jackal,118 19:13 !lg conduct=weaponless g=death class=Kni 19:13 hdf-guest-90: death,count(*): 1) quit,9366; 2) escaped,5179; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2464; 4) killed by a riding accident,924; 5) killed by kicking a wall,230; 6) killed by a jackal,86; 7) killed by a fox,80; 8) killed by a water demon,76; 9) killed by a water moccasin,65; 10) slipped while mounting a saddled pony called Rainbow Dash,62 19:13 rschaff (Val Hum Fem Law), 25 points, T:49, killed by a fox 19:14 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 4137 points, T:4187, killed by a watch captain 19:14 Ikivm reaches #1411 on the top 2000 list. 19:14 ludios (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 1434 points, T:5134, killed by a kobold mummy, while fainted from lack of food 19:14 rschaff (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:50, killed by a sewer rat 19:15 -!- theRaisse has joined #NetHack 19:19 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 1159 points, T:4469, poisoned by an orcish arrow 19:19 rschaff (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 461 points, T:893, killed by a gnome lord 19:25 pots164 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 176 points, T:137, killed by kicking a rock 19:26 -!- ProzacElf has joined #NetHack 19:26 Ikivm (Val Hum Mal Neu), 222 points, T:786, killed by a wand 19:38 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 19:39 [US] [D]: BEHiker91W (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 190 points, 1275 turns, killed by a dwarf, while fainted from lack of food 19:40 -!- theRaisse has joined #NetHack 19:41 [US] [D]: Leggman (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 3785 points, 4418 turns, killed by a soldier ant 19:42 -!- nyxkn has joined #NetHack 19:43 -!- tachoknight_ has joined #NetHack 19:52 -!- fstd_ has joined #NetHack 19:54 it seems I can erase Elbereth in 0 turns by engraving, choosing "no", then pressing Esc on the engraving prompt 20:00 Enkindle2323 (Val Hum Fem Law), 157 points, T:226, killed by a gas spore's explosion 20:01 Enkindle2323 (Val Hum Fem Law), 0 points, T:26, killed by a sewer rat 20:08 Dayes (Val Hum Fem Law), 777 points, T:2385, killed by a contaminated potion 20:08 Enkindle2323 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 280 points, T:587, killed by a giant bat 20:13 [US] [D]: Merlek (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 4448 points, 4512 turns, killed by a mumak 20:13 -!- theRaisse has joined #NetHack 20:18 [US] [D]: karibou (Rog-Hum-Fem-Cha), 4402 points, 4968 turns, killed by an ettin zombie, while sleeping 20:18 [R] Clan The People of Roy advances to rank 18! 20:19 orleaf (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 187 points, T:793, killed by a gas spore's explosion 20:28 !lg * conduct=atheist role=Kni g=death 20:28 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,12485; 2) escaped,6401; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,4260; 4) killed by a riding accident,1709; 5) killed by a gnome lord,906; 6) killed by a small mimic,901; 7) killed by a jackal,757; 8) killed by a wand,728; 9) killed by a gnome,655; 10) killed by a water moccasin,618 20:28 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1308 points, 2956 turns, killed by a gnome lord 20:29 !lg * conduct=atheist turns<101 g=death 20:30 post163: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1399691; 2) quit,1389928; 3) killed by a jackal,7581; 4) killed by a water moccasin,5526; 5) killed by a sewer rat,5398; 6) killed by a fox,4713; 7) killed by a water demon,3224; 8) killed by a falling rock,3043; 9) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,2961; 10) killed by a goblin,2383 20:31 !lg * realtime<10 g=death 20:32 [EU] [D]: niddler (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 501 points, 1277 turns, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 20:33 post163: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1319623; 2) quit,1135439; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1250; 4) zapped himself with a wand,711; 5) killed by a scroll of genocide,662; 6) killed by a riding accident,637; 7) killed by a jackal,513; 8) killed by a water moccasin,439; 9) killed by a system shock,400; 10) killed by a bolt of cold,375 20:34 -!- rast- has joined #NetHack 20:45 [US] [D]: Merlek (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 3230 points, 4413 turns, killed by a rothe 20:45 -!- rchase_ has joined #NetHack 20:49 -!- rast has joined #NetHack 20:51 [EU] [D]: niddler (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 181 points, 1309 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion 20:51 !lg * g=deaths skip=68 20:52 post163: No matches for that query. 20:52 g=killer 20:52 !lg * skip=68 g=death 20:53 post163: death,count(*): 69) killed by a plains centaur,5186; 70) killed by a dagger,5174; 71) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,5093; 72) killed by an Uruk-hai,4964; 73) killed by a death ray,4896; 74) killed by a gecko,4892; 75) killed by a dart,4844; 76) killed by kicking a wall,4750; 77) killed by a blue jelly,4731; 78) killed by a dingo,4587 20:55 -!- rast- has joined #NetHack 20:58 !lg * g=death 20:58 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,1649676; 2) escaped,1455904; 3) killed by a jackal,46920; 4) killed by a dwarf,40889; 5) killed by a soldier ant,40621; 6) killed by a small mimic,37039; 7) killed by a sewer rat,36227; 8) killed by a gnome lord,34359; 9) killed by a wand,34135; 10) killed by a water moccasin,33933 21:02 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 362 points, 940 turns, killed by a sewer rat 21:02 [US] [D]: Merlek (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 442 points, 1292 turns, killed by a potion of acid 21:04 [US] [D]: saso (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 723 points, 3535 turns, killed by a white unicorn 21:04 qoil (Bar Hum Fem Neu), 551 points, T:652, killed by a homunculus 21:09 Seschet (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 392 points, T:1018, killed by a giant bat 21:13 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 60 points, 329 turns, killed by an electric shock 21:14 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 25952 points, 19726 turns, killed by an owlbear 21:14 -!- Hrundi_V_Bakshi has joined #NetHack 21:16 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 26 points, 235 turns, killed by a sewer rat (and one other game not reported) 21:18 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 140 points, 149 turns, killed by an electric shock 21:20 -!- Arkaniad has joined #NetHack 21:21 [EU] [D]: niddler (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 38 points, 154 turns, killed by a black pudding 21:21 [EU] [D]: swegen (Ran-Elf-Mal-Cha), 34418 points, 14540 turns, killed by a touch of death 21:23 how does one suppress the climb up/down the stairs message in th rc file? 21:25 -!- Gustavo6046 has joined #NetHack 21:26 [US] [D]: gnoll1gog (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 1207 points, 2654 turns, killed by a fire ant 21:27 [R] Clan Smile Mold advances to rank 14! 21:29 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 78 points, 165 turns, killed by a wand (and 6 other games not reported) 21:32 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 32 points, 293 turns, killed by a black pudding (and 13 other games not reported) 21:34 -!- Haudegen has joined #NetHack 21:36 [US] [D]: spleen (Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha), 9406 points, 8315 turns, killed by a gargoyle 21:38 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 456 points, T:1467, killed by a crossbow bolt 21:38 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 57 points, T:38, killed by an arrow 21:39 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 236 points, 815 turns, killed by a gecko 21:40 rschaff (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 1159 points, T:3720, killed by a wolf 21:43 -!- Grasshopper has joined #NetHack 21:44 -!- Gustavo6046 has joined #NetHack 21:44 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 712 points, T:510, killed by an Uruk-hai 21:47 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 308 points, 713 turns, killed by a hobbit 21:51 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 29 points, 244 turns, killed by a succubus 21:51 -!- TAS_2012v has joined #NetHack 21:52 -!- cruelnoise has joined #NetHack 21:52 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 6754 points, 6483 turns, killed by a giant ant 21:52 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 51 points, 293 turns, killed by a black pudding 21:53 rschaff (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 2099 points, T:1830, killed by a mastodon 21:53 rchase: MSGTYPE=hide "You (descend|(climb|fly) (up|down)) .*" 21:54 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 151 points, 312 turns, killed by a water demon 21:54 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 15 points, T:116, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 21:57 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 190 points, T:281, killed by a fox 21:58 pots164 (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 23 points, T:111, killed by kicking a rock 21:59 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 21:59 pots164 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 151 points, T:116, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 21:59 [US] [D]: jonathanhanes (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 195 points, 741 turns, killed by kicking an altar 22:00 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 75 points, T:117, killed by a riding accident 22:02 pots164 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 25 points, T:141, killed by a riding accident 22:03 pots164 (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 72 points, T:169, killed by a falling object 22:04 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 1000 points, T:719, killed by a large mimic 22:05 jankins (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 1615 points, T:2734, killed by a Woodland-elf 22:06 -!- Bugpowder has joined #NetHack 22:07 -!- hdf-guest-56 has joined #NetHack 22:09 [US] [D]: Kame (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 6958 points, 8489 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a fire vortex 22:11 melisande (Sam Hum Fem Law), 5156 points, T:4530, killed by a gray unicorn 22:11 melisande reaches #1180 on the top 2000 list. 22:13 !lg * conduct=atheist version=3.6.3 g=death 22:13 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,40397; 2) escaped,27660; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1497; 4) killed by a jackal,867; 5) killed by a dwarf,838; 6) killed by a fox,791; 7) killed by a small mimic,678; 8) killed by a sewer rat,663; 9) killed by a gnome lord,659; 10) killed by a gnome,655 22:14 [US] [A]: hothraxxa (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 1415382 points, 34239 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/tnnt/dumplog/1572619137.tnnt.html 22:15 [R] Clan teamsplat advances to rank 3! 22:15 !lg * conduct=foodless version=3.6.3 g=death 22:15 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,38784; 2) escaped,27400; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1329; 4) killed by a riding accident,558; 5) killed by a jackal,457; 6) killed by a fox,445; 7) killed by a sewer rat,350; 8) killed by a water moccasin,334; 9) killed by a goblin,310; 10) killed by a falling rock,284 22:16 -!- BEHiker91W has joined #NetHack 22:19 !lg * realtime<4 g=death 22:20 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 1449 points, 2605 turns, killed by a crossbow bolt 22:20 [EU] [D]: niddler (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 2875 points, 3291 turns, killed by a dingo 22:20 Why do cats mimic tripe after eating a mimic? Does everything just mimic their hearts' desire 22:21 If so, why do I mimic gold, and not booze? 22:21 -!- tachoknight_ has joined #NetHack 22:21 post163: death,count(*): 1) escaped,1139836; 2) quit,810716; 3) killed by a riding accident,388; 4) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,311; 5) killed by a water moccasin,146; 6) zapped himself with a wand,143; 7) killed by a scroll of genocide,139; 8) killed by a scroll of earth,92; 9) killed by a system shock,80; 10) killed by a water demon,70 22:22 !lg * turns<4 g=death version=3.6.3 role=Wiz 22:22 Muad: excellent question. Nethack seems to be making some assumptions 22:22 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,29475; 2) escaped,14148; 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,255; 4) killed by a bolt of cold,105; 5) zapped himself with a wand,101; 6) killed by a bolt of lightning,92; 7) killed by a bolt of fire,87; 8) zapped herself with a wand,81; 9) killed by a scroll of earth,79; 10) killed by a system shock,75 22:22 !lg !pots164 turns<4 g=death version=3.6.3 role=Wiz 22:22 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,27671; 2) escaped,12565; 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,32; 4) zapped himself with a wand,27; 5) killed by a bolt of cold,13; 6) killed by a bolt of lightning,13; 7) killed by a bolt of fire,12; 8) killed by a system shock,12; 9) killed by an unsuccessful polymorph,9; 10) killed by a falling rock,7 22:23 !lg !pots164 turns=1 g=death version=3.6.3 22:23 post163: death,count(*): 1) quit,32794; 2) escaped,22677; 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,29; 4) zapped himself with a wand,25; 5) killed by a bolt of cold,11; 6) killed by a bolt of fire,9; 7) killed by a system shock,9; 8) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,9; 9) killed by a bolt of lightning,9; 10) killed by an unsuccessful polymorph,7 22:24 !lg pots164 turns=1 g=death 22:24 post163: death,count(*): 1) escaped,3264; 2) quit,3262; 3) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,795; 4) killed by a scroll of genocide,410; 5) killed by a bolt of cold,161; 6) killed by kicking a wall,160; 7) killed by a scroll of earth,141; 8) killed by a bolt of fire,138; 9) zapped herself with a wand,130; 10) zapped himself with a wand,126 22:25 !lg !pots164 turns=1 g=death version=3.6.3 skip=2 22:25 post163: death,count(*): 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,29; 4) zapped himself with a wand,25; 5) killed by a bolt of cold,11; 6) killed by a bolt of lightning,9; 7) killed by a bolt of fire,9; 8) killed by a system shock,9; 9) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,9; 10) killed by an unsuccessful polymorph,7; 11) shot himself with a death ray,3; 12) killed by a scroll of earth,2 22:25 !lg !pots164 turns=1 g=death skip=2 22:25 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 2434 points, 3841 turns, killed by a large dog, while praying 22:26 post163: death,count(*): 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,869; 4) zapped himself with a wand,613; 5) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,389; 6) killed by a system shock,268; 7) killed by a bolt of lightning,219; 8) killed by a bolt of fire,197; 9) killed by a bolt of cold,189; 10) zapped herself with a wand,167; 11) killed by a scroll of earth,133; 12) shot himself with a death ray,83 22:27 merpish (Val Hum Fem Law), 13160 points, T:7245, killed by a fire elemental 22:27 merpish reaches #560 on the top 2000 list. 22:31 Lia (Pri Hum Fem Law), 7850 points, T:4803, killed by a wolf 22:31 Lia reaches #855 on the top 2000 list. 22:32 !lg turns=1 g=death skip=2 22:32 post163: death,count(*): 3) killed by a scroll of genocide,1279; 4) slipped while mounting a saddled pony,1184; 5) zapped himself with a wand,739; 6) killed by a system shock,360; 7) killed by a bolt of cold,350; 8) killed by a bolt of lightning,340; 9) killed by a bolt of fire,335; 10) zapped herself with a wand,297; 11) killed by a scroll of earth,274; 12) killed by kicking a wall,160 22:33 !lg g=death skip=20 22:33 post163: death,count(*): 21) killed by a hill orc,15832; 22) killed by a gas spore's explosion,15584; 23) killed by a magic missile,15391; 24) killed by a falling rock,15042; 25) killed by a kitten,14893; 26) killed by a bolt of fire,14096; 27) killed by a bolt of lightning,13601; 28) killed by a bat,13535; 29) killed by a bolt of cold,12088; 30) killed by a little dog,12067 22:34 levik (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 4078 points, T:5518, killed by an imp 22:34 levik reaches #1432 on the top 2000 list. 22:46 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Arc-Hum-Fem-Neu), 256 points, 1245 turns, killed by a hobbit 22:51 Nockpoint (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 118 points, T:554, killed by a newt 22:53 [EU] [D]: Graznop (Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu), 368 points, 502 turns, killed by a falling rock 22:56 BilldaCat (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1095 points, T:1016, killed by an arrow 22:57 [EU] [D]: deki (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 3395 points, 2970 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a winged gargoyle 22:59 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 628 points, T:2663, killed by a couatl 23:01 OutpostOmega5 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 3748222 points, T:56944, ascended 23:01 OutpostOmega5 reaches #19 on the top 2000 list. 23:05 Nockpoint (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 345 points, T:818, killed by a dwarf 23:08 -!- Suga_H has joined #NetHack 23:12 -!- BEHiker92W has joined #NetHack 23:13 [EU] [D]: Kontroller (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 9882 points, 6520 turns, killed by a troll 23:18 -!- Newami has joined #NetHack 23:20 Battlehaven (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 5548 points, T:4468, killed by a killer bee 23:20 Battlehaven reaches #1109 on the top 2000 list. 23:21 wingnut583 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 237 points, T:1112, killed by a hobbit 23:21 Ikivm (Val Hum Fem Neu), 10813 points, T:7463, killed by a falling rock 23:21 Ikivm reaches #646 on the top 2000 list. 23:26 Rourke2 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 3041 points, T:3499, killed by a gnome lord 23:26 Rourke2 reaches #1833 on the top 2000 list. 23:27 fated (Ran Elf Fem Cha), 361 points, T:1853, killed by a queen bee 23:29 rchase (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1918 points, T:2671, killed by a mumak 23:29 [US] [D]: bouquet (Wiz-Hum-Fem-Neu), 2470 points, 4061 turns, killed by an orc mummy 23:32 Water demons? Not scary. This one only managed to throw a murky potion on the ground (missing me by 2 squares) before dying 23:34 BilldaCat (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 17251 points, T:4580, killed by a minotaur 23:34 BilldaCat reaches #465 on the top 2000 list. 23:35 Fletchius (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 125697 points, T:24111, quit 23:35 Fletchius reaches #187 on the top 2000 list. 23:40 -!- BEHiker91W has joined #NetHack 23:42 truculent (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 275034 points, T:27540, killed by Master Kaen 23:42 truculent reaches #143 on the top 2000 list. 23:43 Is it normal for the last but one level of the monk quest to have no down stair? I don't remember that from previous time(s) through the quest. 23:44 -!- patteroni has joined #NetHack 23:48 surely not, keep looking 23:48 there's certainly a downstairs to Kaen's 23:49 There wasn't. I read an uncursed scroll of magic mapping, cast clairvoyance from the center of each of the three rooms, and zapped a wand of secret door detection in each room. No sign of a down stair. 23:50 -!- Cyberork has joined #NetHack 23:50 So I dug down, MK quaffed a cursed potion of gain level, I went up the upstair (coming out in a spot in one of those three rooms), and got killed. 23:57 weird! 23:57 oatmeal (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 423 points, T:1457, killed by a dwarf 23:58 the spot you arrived in was an empty square, then? 23:58 -!- zhangoke1 has joined #NetHack 23:58 Yes. 23:59 If that's not supposed to happen, I guess I'd better go file a bug.