00:00 [hdf-eu] [gh] FIQ (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:43395 00:00 -!- chao has joined #hardfought 00:00 [hdf-eu] [gh] FIQ (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 3011690 points, T:43413, ascended 00:00 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/F/FIQ/gh/dumplog/1624899713.gh.txt 00:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by reading the fortune inside a cookie, on T:6498 00:00 <@luxidream> congrats FIQ 00:00 yaaaa 00:00 congrats fiq 00:00 <@Earth Traveler> Go Team @ ! 00:01 thanks 00:01 that's my 6th, and final, ascension 00:01 I don't have the time to do any more since there's less than 24h left :P 00:01 <@Earth Traveler> c'mon, ascend FIQhack real quick :p 00:01 brevishack 00:01 funny, fiqhack was the one variant I played that I wasn't able to ascend 00:02 I have a dnh game i need to ascend before the end of the tourney 00:02 I don't even have an end game armor or weapon kit built yet 00:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:7177 00:04 Junethack: LordSeth ascended a game of NetHack 3.6.6 on nethack.alt.org! 00:04 -!- chao has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:05 huh, grunt doesn't list genocided or extinct monsters 00:05 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in six variants" unlocked by FIQ! 00:05 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in six variants" unlocked by FIQ! 00:05 Junethack: FIQ ascended a game of GruntHack on eu.hardfought.org! 00:05 beholder and L 00:05 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended six variants" unlocked by FIQ! 00:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:8286 00:08 huh 00:08 I don't know why I quit my first xnh game lol 00:08 but if I hadn't, I would have ascended my first xnh game in junethack 00:08 oh well :P 00:09 [hdf-us] [spl] Misha (Val Wer Nbn Neu), 244 points, T:934, killed by a giant mimic 00:09 splice is hard and i am bad 00:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:9163 00:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed bag of holding", on T:9184 00:10 <@Shadow_Rider> yay 00:11 <@princessSpicycat> fiq - is grunthack still hard after you wish up a few dragonscale items? 00:11 amount of games played for each variant (I stopped after ascending): 2 (xNetHack), 4 (NetHack4), 5 (Fourk), 9 (GnollHack), 13 (DynaHack), 17 (GruntHack). I also played 14 FIQHack games and didn't ascend any of them 00:12 [hdf-us] [spl] Misha (Rog Wer Nbn Cha), 128 points, T:251, killed by a serval 00:12 that's a far better winrate than I expected myself to have tbh 00:13 Not nearly as good as @luxidream though :P 00:13 whose winrate is what, 50%? 00:13 <@luxidream> lol 00:13 <@luxidream> I went for unique deaths 00:13 Ahh 00:13 <@luxidream> my winrate is not nearly that high 00:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Woman-at-arms, on T:9735 00:13 @luxidream But what if you hadn't? 00:13 <@luxidream> probably not that high either 00:13 as in, do you know what your avg winrate is 00:13 with regular play 00:13 ahh ok 00:14 Oh well, I'm happy with my 9-10% winrate 00:14 <@luxidream> on my speedrunning account with valkyries it was about 25% 00:14 Much higher than I expected tbh (I assumed it was like 5%) 00:14 <@luxidream> with startscumming 00:16 <@Shadow_Rider> luxi scroll up to see my awesome luck at it again 00:16 <@luxidream> are you wasting time typing here after getting good luck? 00:17 <@Shadow_Rider> eh im too lazy 00:17 <@Shadow_Rider> it was a double throne 00:18 <@princessSpicycat> lux splats a lot iirc 00:19 <@princessSpicycat> play fast, play hard, leave no corpse 00:19 <@princessSpicycat> er, play fast play young 00:19 <@princessSpicycat> *correction 00:21 I could add the 3.7 trophies for next year I guess 00:22 considered pulling in some 3.6+ changes in general 00:23 the ones I either have nothing against (for increased parity) or the ones I think are good 00:26 <@princessSpicycat> yeh, some variants have pretty dang few trophies 00:26 <@princessSpicycat> the ones that involve a challenge are pretty cool, not wild about the "walked around for a bit" trophies 00:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:14020 00:30 <@Earth Traveler> i've found the vibrating square... 00:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 holy charging", on T:14279 00:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 cursed genocide", on T:14282 00:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Warrior, on T:14899 00:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) genocided class L, on T:42860 00:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:15234 00:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:15236 00:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:15902 00:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed partly eaten chickatrice corpse", on T:16119 00:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:16124 00:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Swashbuckler, on T:16339 00:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:16467 00:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) bribed Asmodeus with 115 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:16660 00:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:16684 00:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed ring of levitation", on T:16705 00:53 https://junethack.net/user/FIQ 00:53 ^ backscroll 00:53 FIQ you startscummer you 00:54 -!- chao has joined #hardfought 00:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:17066 00:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) attained the rank of Nomad, on T:43404 00:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class e, on T:17120 00:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:17236 00:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:17404 00:58 -!- chao has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:17406 01:04 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by Cuchullain! 01:04 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in three variants" unlocked by Cuchullain! 01:05 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Nob Hum Mal Law), 391 points, T:468, killed by a small mimic 01:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:18089 01:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:18098 01:07 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Pero Pero, on T:115 01:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:18370 01:08 Artifact specs: +5 to-hit and double damage, autocurses, occasionally spawns shit traps and you trigger them even if you fly. Wielding it causes diarrhea and 01:08 thirst and prevents you from being kicked in the nuts or ripped into your breasts. Neutral. 01:08 great artifact 01:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:18435 01:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:18438 01:09 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha), 1645 points, T:149, killed by a monster (invisible Shaktari), while vomiting 01:09 basically startscum but nice unique death 01:09 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:09 <@Joanna> Lol yea 01:09 <@Joanna> Pog. 01:09 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 helmofoppositealignment", on T:18597 01:10 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:18604 01:13 @le?null 01:13 null (░) | Lvl: 0 | Diff: 2 | Spd: 0 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 0 | Attacks: 0d0 weapon physical, 0d0 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, breathless, mindless, oviparous, nopoly 01:14 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Nob Hum Mal Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1413 01:14 K2: 2 quits 01:14 scummer 01:14 pretty sure they were because I was confused on whether I started the games in june or not 01:17 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 01:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 shield of reflection", on T:20155 01:17 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed the invisible Linus the Cat, on T:784 01:18 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:20165 01:19 -!- chao has joined #hardfought 01:21 can we have an official "destroy all doors" conduct? 01:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:20556 01:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:44362 01:21 make it part of the extinctionist/genocide route 01:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:44363 01:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:20567 01:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law) put Death down for a little nap, on T:20620 01:23 i mean you can even genocide @ if you poly and ascend right after 01:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Val Dwa Fem Law), 931330 points, T:20636, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Ride/nethack/dumplog/1625024489.nh.html 01:25 The monster trait that is more common: monster shoes (AmyBSOD loves those!) (freq bonus 2). 01:25 wtf amy whats going on with that sentence? monsters that are shoes? monsters that want shoes? monsters that just wear them? 01:25 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed the Kisuke, on T:1266 01:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) performed the invocation, on T:44544 01:31 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed the Akane, on T:1965 01:33 Junethack: tinklebees ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 01:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:44819 01:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:44822 01:35 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Nob Hum Mal Law), 7954 points, T:3776, killed by a shattered potion 01:39 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Anja, on T:2690 01:40 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:43 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed the invisible The Boar of Everholt, on T:2939 01:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:31260 01:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:31261 01:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) genocided class ;, on T:57785 01:48 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 01:55 [hdf-au] [nh370] Orcranger (Kni Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2013 01:55 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Sally, on T:3461 01:59 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Elif, on T:3774 02:02 [hdf-au] [nh370] Orcranger (Kni Hum Fem Law), 931 points, T:2367, killed by a gnome 02:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) killed Asmodeus, on T:46420 02:06 [hdf-eu] [slex] Muad (Bar And Fem Neu), 80231 points, T:9322, zapped herself with a wand 02:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:31852 02:06 <@Earth Traveler> welp, time to kill Rodney 02:10 go go go 02:10 we are counting on you 02:12 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in four variants" unlocked by Muad! 02:12 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in four variants" unlocked by Muad! 02:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) entered the Planes, on T:46589 02:21 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in five variants" unlocked by owfnteiawyuftn! 02:21 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Madeleine, on T:5532 02:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed Yeenoghu, on T:60117 02:22 <@Earth Traveler> oh pet dragons can use breath attacks now 02:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:60119 02:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:60121 02:24 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Amandine, on T:5767 02:27 "A stone that curses itself and causes monsters to make noises." - isnt that a good nasty stone 02:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful wraith, on T:60152 02:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:32735 02:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:60154 02:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:32738 02:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) entered the Astral Plane, on T:46993 02:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:47000 02:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu) killed Famine, on T:47059 02:38 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Martti Ihrasaari, on T:6955 02:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful orc zombie, on T:60310 02:40 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 02:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:60316 02:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:60317 02:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] dimsum (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 19 points, T:224, killed by a falling rock 02:41 <@Earth Traveler> sheesh i'd forgotten what a mess the sanctum could be 02:42 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Stooge Larry, on T:7281 02:42 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 02:42 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Stooge Curly, on T:7292 02:43 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Stooge Moe, on T:7454 02:44 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Chirin, on T:7502 02:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] cathartes (Cav Gno Mal Neu), 2854744 points, T:47102, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/c/cathartes/nethack/dumplog/1624771745.nh.html 02:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed ring of conflict", on T:33433 02:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 cloak of protection", on T:33456 02:50 <@Earth Traveler> why is the mysterious force still in the game?? 02:51 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Thuy-Han, on T:7900 02:51 <@princessSpicycat> inertia 02:51 Because the DevTeam works in mysterious ways. 02:51 <@princessSpicycat> spite 02:55 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Pero Pero, on T:8155 02:55 again?! 02:59 Junethack: cathartes ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 03:01 That'll be my last ascension for the glory of NoOnyo. It gets us 2 ascensions in 24 hours thanks to Bartlem also. 03:01 <@Earth Traveler> i don't give a crap about how much of my surroundings my clairvoyance found! 03:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:33913 03:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:33934 03:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) entered the Planes, on T:62086 03:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful purple worm, on T:62087 03:07 <@Earth Traveler> what a time for a fatfinger 03:08 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Arthur Dent, on T:9719 03:08 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 03:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful winged gargoyle, on T:62087 03:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:34061 03:08 rip 03:09 -!- aoei is now known as Rust 03:13 -!- Sgeo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:15 -!- amateurhour has joined #hardfought 03:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:34220 03:16 <@Earth Traveler> kinda funny none of my pets seem to have any trouble moving without levitation or flight... -_- 03:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:34224 03:19 -!- ssnufd has quit [Quit: Client closed] 03:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed ring of free action", on T:34508 03:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] dimsum (Arc Gno Mal Neu), 571 points, T:1454, killed by a giant ant 03:27 -!- chao has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:33 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed Tomoka Kayahara, on T:11502 03:35 -!- cathartes has quit [Quit: fly away] 03:36 [hdf-us] [nh343] MAlischka2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 185 points, T:739, killed by a small mimic 03:43 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha), 136281 points, T:12083, killed by a monster (shark), while helplessly knocked out 03:43 dammit nastytraps 03:44 [hdf-au] [dnh] Drake (Pir Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1198 03:45 <@Earth Traveler> plane of fire, more like plane of 17000 messages per turn 03:45 I press esc to skip everything in that plane 03:46 <@Earth Traveler> well i'm relying on the spell for my levitation, so that isn't a smart option for me >.> 03:46 haha, true 03:53 <@Shadow_Rider> I blind myself sometimes to get rid of messages 03:54 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 03:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v LarienTelrunya] by ChanServ 03:55 waaaaaaaaaaaat the curses interface can simply override terminal color settings? 0/10 :P 03:55 LarienTelrunya: Message from Umbire at 2021-06-29 23:25 EDT: Acknowledged - I appreciate being informed if I'm wrong, but don't hesitate to correct my errors as well. 03:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:35475 03:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) entered the Astral Plane, on T:62669 03:56 LarienTelrunya: i swear if you tried to do that in slex i would have inserted a mitm proxy to filter out these escape codes 03:58 lol NetSysFire I don't speak that technical lingo :P anyway, monster shoes are e.g. "Madeleine's calf-leather sandal", i.e. sentient shoes that can move around and attack you 03:58 you've played more than just a few games, surely you've seen them by now? 03:58 i dont know 03:58 theres too many monsters 03:58 and mitm proxy = something that sits inbetween the server (hardfought in this case) and my client 03:59 something thats the man in the middle (mitm), it can snoop on stuff and also modify it 03:59 you've probs seen them, they're typically unbalanced and kick your ass in some bad way 03:59 like a shoe that stunlocks you with its gaze that's got like difficulty 2 so can appear really early 03:59 lol when you typed "mitm" I thought "mhitm", i.e. the source file that governs monster-versus-monster attacks :P 03:59 imho the message in the enlightenment screen could be clarified 04:00 also your death to Shaktari was not a unique death of course 04:00 inb4 wontfix 04:00 how the hell am I supposed to "clarify" that?! 04:01 "The monster trait that is more common: monster shoes (AmyBSOD loves those!)" 04:01 that just doesnt make sense in a grammar kind of way 04:01 should be "monsters that are shoes" 04:01 or something 04:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class R, on T:35576 04:01 why not? a monster shoe is a shoe that is also a monster ("monster" being used as an adjective here) :P 04:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed Pestilence, on T:62687 04:02 its because it says its the *trait* 04:02 "monster shoes" isnt exactly a trait but "monsters that are shoes" is 04:03 gah you nitpicker! :P 04:03 hey, the devils in the details 04:04 well, literally since i usually play as a devil 04:04 !lastgame NetSysFire 04:05 LarienTelrunya: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/N/NetSysFire/slex/dumplog/1625029757.slex.txt | [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/N/NetSysFire/nethack/dumplog/1618390869.nh.html 04:05 wow you had lots of status effects: Paralyzed Bleed Vomit Conf Blind Fear Numb Burn Dim Stun Hallu 04:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) averted death (killed by a priestess of Huan Ti), on T:62708 04:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful ettin, on T:62709 04:06 @le?Shaktari 04:06 Shaktari (&) | Lvl: 63 | Diff: 70 | Spd: 12 | Res: fire disintegrate poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: unique | AC: -4 | Attacks: 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical | Alignment: -18 | Flags: seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, infravisible 04:06 NetSysFire: what do you mean "damn nasty traps", the only nasty trap effect you had active at that point was the "monsters make noises" one 04:07 1 is too many 04:08 LarienTelrunya: no the katarina one 04:08 lol NetSysFire how did you get Moldoux as a pet? scroll of boss companion? 04:08 the one constantly farting in my face 04:08 and yes 04:08 heh that is a feminism trap 04:08 <@Shadow_Rider> Is there any reliable way to avoid nasty traps and such 04:08 no 04:08 oh wait yes 04:08 you #quit 04:08 <@Earth Traveler> yes, don't play Slex 04:09 <@Earth Traveler> also: I did it! 04:09 don't worry there's an item that can cure nastytraps effects 04:09 it spawns at a rate of like 1/100000000 04:09 and is single use 04:09 <@Earth Traveler> and only guaranteed when blessed, and it evaporates 04:09 <@Shadow_Rider> So these things are unavoidable? 04:09 <@Shadow_Rider> Why do you guys even play 04:09 just don't stand on them 4head 04:10 Shadow_Rider: of course not, if there was, everyone and their mother would use it and all the effort I put into coding effects for those traps would go to waste! :P 04:10 <@Shadow_Rider> Lol 04:10 lol 04:10 this is slex, you're *supposed* to have to struggle with nasty trap effects! you're not meant to get a free pass and just sail smoothly all the way to ascension, it's supposed to be a bumpy road :P 04:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 2049724 points, T:62722, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/S/StatueSurfer/nethack/dumplog/1624535246.nh.html 04:10 searching doesn't really work btw, not only is searching nerfed but often nastytraps just cannot be found 04:10 grats earth traveller 04:10 <@Earth Traveler> phew 04:11 <@Shadow_Rider> Yay StatueSurfer! 04:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:35610 04:11 <@Earth Traveler> got lucky that it was the first altar i found 04:11 not luck, pure instinct 04:11 <@Shadow_Rider> So like the 5 ppl who have actually slex 04:12 3 people 04:12 <@Shadow_Rider> actually won slex 04:12 <@Shadow_Rider> Did they suffer through nasty effects? 04:12 Amy, Tariru, and porkman 04:12 <@Earth Traveler> and amy barely counts, she hasn't ascended in like 3 years 04:12 Tariru ascended in 2018 as well 04:13 <@Earth Traveler> yeah but it's Tariru 04:13 but porkman ragequit after Amy removed all their strategies 04:13 it doesn't count when exactly someone ascended, but whether it was longslex or not (for Tariru and porkman it was, for me it wasnt) 04:13 <@Shadow_Rider> Sheesh 04:13 Amy: puts things in game 04:14 Porkman: uses things in game 04:14 Amy: surprised pikachu face 04:14 <@Shadow_Rider> So you just live with these unavoidable effects until the end? 04:14 they wear off after some time 04:14 <@Earth Traveler> no they wear off after 2000 turns 04:14 but it's kinda BS the time period 04:14 the timeout uses rnz 04:14 <@Shadow_Rider> Oh 04:15 and the average timeout increases with level difficulty, so early on they may wear off after a few hundred turns, triggering one in gehennom may well afflict you with 10k+ turns of the effect 04:15 if it was guaranteed to be like 500 turns tops I'd think they were kinda fun 04:15 <@Shadow_Rider> Ok well that feels playable at least 04:15 but like 10k turns of movement being rotated 45 degrees 04:15 <@Earth Traveler> a 10000 turn nasty trap sounds playable?? 04:15 or unable to use your invent 04:15 the sole reason why i play slex is stockholm syndrome 04:15 or every message being replaced with gibberish 04:15 <@Shadow_Rider> 10k seems a bit much 04:15 it's just not fun, might as well quit 04:15 10k is just an example value, as I said it uses rnz. so it could also randomly roll 50k :P 04:15 yeah, way too much 04:16 whats longslex? 04:16 <@Shadow_Rider> Isn’t there something to prevent you from taking too many turns as well 04:16 <@Earth Traveler> only sometimes 04:16 <@Earth Traveler> if you get afflicted with bleedout 04:17 well, theres a limit for ascension 04:17 it's the term Amy uses for the insanely stupidly long length of slex now NetSysFire 04:17 <@Earth Traveler> which i think only hits bleeders but there's probably some BS way to get hit by it 04:17 it didn't used to be this long, it changed in 2018 04:17 longslex is the current version of slex; at version 2.20 or so, I figured out how to break the "127 dungeon levels max in the damge" limit, and that's when I considerably increased the overall length of the game 04:17 if you take longer than the limit you get some nasty effects iirc 04:17 damge lol how did I typo "dungeon" that badly 04:18 <@Earth Traveler> wait i thought slex was only 100 floors 04:18 <@Earth Traveler> "only" but still 04:18 hell no 04:18 gehennom starts at dlvl 50 ish (51) then there's 50 floors of gehennom 04:18 in gehennom you have to find sheol somewhere randomly 04:18 in sheol (25 floors) Vlad's is somewhere 04:18 <@Earth Traveler> oh no... 04:18 after you get all the invocation stuff you go to get the amulet as normal 04:19 <@Shadow_Rider> How far have you gotten amateurhour 04:19 then you have to imbue the amulet of yendor by finding 3 side branches in a 100 floor branch 04:19 i think floor 86 04:19 I died in sheol 04:19 i got to floor 114 once, but by banishment 04:19 well, branchported out then died 04:19 <@Earth Traveler> imbue the amulet? seriously? 04:19 yup 04:19 you have to imbue the bell as well 04:20 there's a subquest within the quest that's like 15 floors long, find the stairs to the bell caves in there 04:20 then escape from copy of quest nemesis 04:20 <@Earth Traveler> that's ridiculous 04:20 the monster took my own wand of banishment and i ended up being banished into a feminism meeting in the void on dlvl 114 04:20 <@Shadow_Rider> I’ll stick to my vanilla for now :/ 04:20 anyways my point is that slex isn't hard it's just BS and because it's so long it increases the chance of the game-ending BS happening to you :P 04:21 but it can be fun 04:23 heh, in some future version I'm planning to add a new semi-mandatory 15-level branch that'll be found in another new 20-level branch, randomly :P 04:23 but why 04:23 haha I knew you'd ask that! 04:23 <@Earth Traveler> if i didn't know better i'd think this was a made-up parody of vanilla nethack's length 04:24 <@Shadow_Rider> Is there magic mapping tho 04:24 you think you're gonna magic map up to 175 floors? 04:24 with what 04:24 <@wheals> doesn't nh4 use the color override thing amy mentioned? 04:24 <@Shadow_Rider> Oh so there’s no spell I’m guessing 04:25 idk about the spell, could never find it 04:25 and never got wishing wand at the castle (scammed) 04:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "Gauntlets of power", on T:35626 04:25 <@Shadow_Rider> Wish worthy imo 04:25 <@Shadow_Rider> Oh why not lol 04:25 some of the castle variants don't have it 04:25 the magic mapping spell is n-e-r-f-e-d :P it only maps the player's proximity, and even then every square in that radius only has 1 in 7 or so chance of being revealed by each cast 04:25 <@Earth Traveler> there's so many spells in slex your odds of finding one you want are roughly zero 04:25 wand of magic mapping is useless too 04:25 <@Shadow_Rider> Figured 04:26 <@Earth Traveler> i see you come from the school of thought that the players are the enemy 04:26 <@Shadow_Rider> Magic mapping would make the endgame not tedious and hard so 04:26 wouldn't want anyone to have fun playing 04:26 nah I just don't want those evil little creatures known as "players" to easily shortcut past all the intended difficulty :P 04:26 slex poses obstacle to the player, player engages their brain to overcome to the obstacle, player's strategy is removed :P 04:27 <@Earth Traveler> i believe i suggested last night that slex was not a game, but a piece of postmodernist art designed to see how much suffering someone will endure in pursuit of petty goals 04:27 <@Shadow_Rider> Can I get a count of everyone who plays slex that enjoys playing it? 04:27 <@Earth Traveler> 1 04:28 <@Shadow_Rider> All y’all hating and complaining all the time 04:28 I'll beat it eventually I think 04:28 <@Shadow_Rider> You can do it 04:28 idk, maybe that's too optimistic 04:28 <@Earth Traveler> why put yourself through that 04:28 I want to ascend a monk in every variant eventually 04:28 <@Shadow_Rider> When you get too close Amy will add those new branches 04:29 amateurhour: better get going soon, before version 2.72 hits :P 04:29 idk why but it feels like 'completing' the role or something if you get me 04:29 <@Earth Traveler> amy will probably add a 0.1% chance the high priest of moloch has a fake amulet and that one of rodney's incarnations is actually carrying the real one 04:29 <@Shadow_Rider> Amy what does a typical slex dev session look like 04:29 haha shadow rider I can answer that 04:29 lol Shadow_Rider I know what you're expecting 04:29 <@Shadow_Rider> Lol hit me 04:30 Amy moves over to her windows xp dev machine, opens wordpad 04:30 in fact I *am* in a slex development session right now 04:30 thinks long and hard about which things the players are enjoying 04:30 right now I'm adding some of the stuff that was just posted, as gravestone inscriptions :D 04:30 adds a few more guards in some if statements to make sure positive effects happen less frequently 04:30 e.g. the postmodernist art quote 04:30 creates 123432 new monsters and traps 04:31 hits ctrl+s 04:31 goes to buy some shoes irl 04:31 :D 04:31 <@Shadow_Rider> I love it 04:32 infrequent reminder to update your OS to something sane Amy 04:32 lol 04:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed bag of holding", on T:35652 04:34 [hdf-us] [nh343] MAlischka2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 3200 points, T:3236, killed by an owlbear 04:34 surprised no one suggested that I supposedly take drugs before starting slex development sessions 04:36 at least the wiki info for slex is improving a lot 04:36 traps and branches pages for example are pretty useful now 04:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:35757 04:45 -!- cccrow has quit [Quit: cccrow] 04:46 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 04:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:36453 04:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "amulet of life saving", on T:36845 04:51 -!- cccrow has quit [Quit: cccrow] 04:52 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 04:52 [hdf-au] [un] PeachMuffin (Ran Orc Fem Cha), 371 points, T:1004, killed by a death ray 05:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) entered the Astral Plane, on T:36030 05:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] ichbinmiah (Kni Hum Fem Cha), 1075110 points, T:40513, ascended 05:01 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/i/ichbinmiah/nethack/dumplog/1624028343.nh.html 05:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:36045 05:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] nopsled (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 1540068 points, T:36069, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/n/nopsled/nethack/dumplog/1624687855.nh.html 05:04 <@ichbinmiah> ^5s nopsled 05:04 <@ichbinmiah> grats! 05:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:38072 05:08 Junethack: ichbinmiah ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on eu.hardfought.org! 05:08 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in two variants" unlocked by nopsled! 05:08 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in two variants" unlocked by nopsled! 05:09 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in two variants" unlocked by nopsled! 05:09 Junethack: nopsled ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 05:09 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended two variants" unlocked by nopsled! 05:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:38871 05:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:38994 05:19 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha), 1666 points, T:903, killed by a monster (Andor Drakon) 05:19 yeah yeah i have been fountain quaffing 05:19 but i always try to get see invis early 05:20 -!- entuland has joined #hardfought 05:20 in slex, intrinsic stealing isn't that uncommon, so you may also lose see invis later 05:22 -!- dk657 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 05:28 goddammit, found another bug that works in the player's favor 05:28 at least it's also fixed in 2.72 now 05:29 -!- tacco has joined #hardfought 05:35 [hdf-us] [nh343] MAlischka2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 1127 points, T:2204, killed by a pony 05:36 LarienTelrunya: https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/blob/29142d3ecb361e963f93fd0e7df3b71290ed8290/src/do.c#L710 whats up with this weird indentation here? 05:36 -!- jannis has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:36 dunno, but it looks weird 05:37 -!- Xjs has joined #hardfought 05:37 You attune yourself with the magical energy. The RNG decides to curse-weld an item to you. F - a conical hat named Vitamin B {2}. 05:37 great 05:39 lol, who needs to know what items are anyway :P and on the bright side, you'll have ESP! 05:40 found a remove curse and removed the hat 05:40 haha 05:42 what was your motivation when adding this child butt or however it was called monster to the game? 05:42 @le?child butt 05:42 child butt ~3~ child boar (q) | Lvl: 1 | Diff: 2 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 7 | Attacks: 1d7 butt physical, 1d1 non-contacting-beam physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, infravisible 05:42 no 05:42 @le?children butt 05:42 children butt (P) | Lvl: 1 | Diff: 3 | Spd: 5 | Res: cold disintegrate poison acid petrification | Confers: poison | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d1 butt physical, 0d0 passive drain luck | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, amorphous, breathless, mindless, vegetarian 05:42 yeah this 05:42 lol, well originally there was a monster called "ass", which was stationary and could fart; eventually I decided to add more varieties of it 05:43 also one does not simply defeat the ass :P 05:44 -!- dk657 has joined #hardfought 05:45 -!- eady has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:46 also i found a bug 05:46 a real one this time i promise 05:47 X Doubt 05:47 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 05:47 i saw in the source code that a potion of salt water melts you if you are an elona snail. but there is the snail monster 05:47 @le?snail 05:47 snail (w) | Lvl: 1 | Diff: 4 | Spd: 2 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 5 | Generates: special | AC: 8 | Attacks: 1d1 bite physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, mindless, oviparous 05:47 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 05:47 doesnt seem to be affected by salt water 05:47 lol why would that be a bug, seriously man... 05:48 the weakness to salt is specific to players playing the snail race; if you polymorph into a snail, you don't have that weakness 05:49 but if you polymorph into e.g a vampire you get the silver weakness 05:49 so why wouldnt you affected by that 05:49 @le?elona snail 05:49 elona snail (b) | Lvl: 1 | Diff: 4 | Spd: 2 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, nopoly, vegan 05:49 because it's special-cased :P 05:50 * NetSysFire headbutts a palm tree, a bunch of faces fall down 05:51 you've said too many times that "this time i found a real bug for sure promise", so from now on I'll default to saying "no, it works as intended" :P 05:52 next time you'd better be damn sure that the thing you report really is a bug! 05:53 how can i be sure its a bug? its probably allllll wontfix 05:53 is the indentation and trait thing a bug at least? 05:54 no, you could be sure if you had understood the slex design philosophy, but for that you basically need to become Amy, which no one has managed so far :P 05:54 well the indentation thing is a weirdness, but "bug", well does it affect the game? :P 05:55 <@Earth Traveler> totally wrong, netsysfire, amy will rapidly remove any bugs that help the player 05:55 hey Amy what's the bug in the player's favour that you just found 05:55 yes, since you are expected to read the source code in order to play the game since the documentation is lacking :p 05:56 haha amateurhour :P was going to commit soon, but well, the bug was that ceramic equipment wouldn't dull below +0 even though it should 05:56 sounds like a feature of ceramic material 05:56 makes it different from other materials 05:56 rofl 05:56 how? no material can be dulled below +0 05:56 except for ceramic 05:56 you sure you know how dulling in slex works? 05:56 making it unique 05:57 wait, no material can be dulled below +0? 05:57 ceramic will be unique if it can dull below +0 as intended, which will be the case once the bug is fixed 05:57 oh, I thought it was the other way around 05:57 did you ever see an item dull below +0? (don't confuse it with disenchantment) 05:57 I don't engrave so no 05:57 <@Earth Traveler> naturally, the way amy makes things unique is to make them worse than everything else 05:57 ceramic is meant to be a crap material 05:57 amateurhour: isn't related to engraving at all 05:58 oh, what are you referring to? 05:58 you can have literal tar as a material and ceramic is supposed to be worse? 05:58 dulling is the effect of equipment losing enchantment when you use it in combat; since you never use weapons, it happens only for your armor, as in "Your robe dulls." and then it's +0 instead of +1 05:58 -!- bugsniper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:58 never seen that before in my life 05:58 * amateurhour doesn't read messages 05:59 lol 05:59 anyway, this effect of dulling happens rarely when weapons hit enemies or armor blocks an attack 05:59 <@Earth Traveler> amateurhour going for RL illiterate conduct :p 05:59 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 05:59 supposed to be so that things can dull down to +0; platinum stops at +1 (because it's a good material) and ceramic can dull all the way down to -10 06:00 -!- fakepass has joined #hardfought 06:03 bleh, found yet another bug, this time one that affects lycanthropic elemental mages 06:03 oh? 06:03 the game gives them a prompt to try polymorphing into a dragon even when they can't, and saying yes will then poly you into your wereform (bug) 06:04 do you want them to be able to poly into a dragon still? 06:04 yes 06:04 nice 06:04 easybabyhack 06:05 I'm kidding, that totally makes sense to allow 06:05 heh, the dragon polymorph is on a timer so you can't just do it indefinitely, but the new change for 2.72 will be that lycanthropic races (including the akthiefisdead) have a timer for their polymorph ability too :P 06:05 including lycanthrope? 06:06 the role I mean 06:06 yeah 06:07 something that would be epic for slex is a page that listed what the roles/race actually get 06:08 <@Earth Traveler> please obviously that would make the game way too easy, in fact the wiki has too much info already, brb deleting all slex pages 06:08 lol 06:08 well if you try reading the current roles list on the wiki for example 06:08 you wouldn't get the impression that Secret Advice Members are kinda epic 06:09 you'd just think 'oh they get some cool items at the start I guess' 06:09 so you'd not try it 06:09 <@Earth Traveler> and that's exactly what amy wants 06:10 no she wants people to play so she can laugh in their face at complaints 06:10 :P 06:10 -!- Graznop has joined #hardfought 06:11 similarly it makes the trollor race sound epic 06:11 > A trollor has a 75% chance of auto-reviving on death if they're at least XL 3, which makes them a great choice for beginner players. 06:11 well it is a very useful ability 06:11 sounds epic, but auto-reviving trashes your stats and/or wipes your invent 06:12 your max hp gets shafted 06:12 #quit 06:12 no how many times it doeasn't trash your inventory! it only drains two levels 06:12 what's the one that trashes your invent? 06:12 you're *still* confusing it with the rodneyan perilous life saving 06:12 rodneyan 06:12 rodneyan should probably say that it's a difficult race, because players keep mistaking it for easy mode, which it is not 06:12 does rodneyan on the page say that life saving deletes your stuff? if not, I should edit it 06:13 it doesn't mention it at all 06:13 wtf 06:13 okay, I guess I'll have some editing to do 06:13 there's so many things missing from role and race pages :P 06:13 -!- Xjs has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:14 still, troll is an easy race because the alternative to "lifesave and lose 2 XLs, one of which you'll instantly regain by killing the thing that killed you" would be that your game ends for real 06:15 my experience when trying trollor is having like 0 max hp 06:15 for rodneyan on the other hand, dying means you lose everything (all items and spells), majorly screwing you over 06:15 and instantly dying rapidly and helplessly 06:15 well if you keep dying, then those level drains will indeed trash your max HP 06:15 -!- Xjs has joined #hardfought 06:15 so protip: don't die all the damn time :P 06:17 just dont die 4Head 06:17 I mean they don't get much maxhp from level up 06:17 think I had something whack like 45 max hp at level 10 06:18 what role? monk? 06:18 yeah 06:19 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:44222 06:21 commits pushed! please tell me how uber suxx0r they are :D 06:21 without even looking, they're bad 06:21 :) 06:21 lol that's an understatement 06:22 wow nerfed monks using disarm 06:22 wait, you could use that with bare hands? 06:23 no idea I never used it :P 06:23 in my experience it always required a weapon but somehow didn't make sure that uwep was defined before using it in a function 06:24 Disarm is a technique in SLASH'EM. It is available to all roles and races upon reaching skilled in any weapon skill. It is necessary to use a weapon to disarm a foe; bare hands and martial arts skills cannot be used to disarm foes and do not grant the technique. 06:24 and in slashem it additionally has no timeout (wtf) 06:24 8 06:24 oops 06:24 so if you're proficient enough, you can just try repeatedly until it works 06:24 that seems fine? you use a turn trying it 06:25 downsides for spirit race 06:25 it times out if it succeeds 06:26 I think that's reasonable. It's not super powerful 06:26 usually monsters will just pick their weapon back up, but you get a turn's respite 06:27 well in slex the timeout is rnz(5000) now, and it requires a weapon that's at least +1, which will lose one point of enchantment if successful :P 06:27 eh 06:27 that makes it pretty much useless :P 06:27 so basically any slowing attack that hits a spirit can cause inertia that wears off twice as slowly? 06:27 yeah that sounds useless haha 06:28 amateurhour: yeah (re: inertia) 06:28 spirits are undead, they're meant to be sluggish. 06:28 did you nerf spirit just because I like them? 06:28 :P 06:29 nah because races with intrinsic phasing are so powerful that they need nerfs 06:29 I think redguard is probably the best race really 06:29 then again there might be some epic races that idk about because the wiki undersells them 06:29 eth/ico are crippled enough IMHO that they don't need additional downsides, but spirits were far too strong 06:30 ico would be good if MC wasn't so important 06:30 <@Earth Traveler> i mean, people could win the game with spirits! and we can't have that :p 06:30 eth can poly to wear stuff 06:30 it's worse than that Earth Traveller 06:31 someone DID ascend as a spirit 06:31 wondering why you insist on playing ico if you could be eth 06:31 because ico is closer to the spirit (hah) of the original etherealoid 06:31 which btw is epic in ndnh 06:31 so incredibly fun to play 06:33 it's a damn shame that like apparently every decent slex player that isn't Tariru (well he's way better than decent), you seem to be married to one single role; would be great if a player of your skill level tried out different ones and maybe scored a surprise ascension with a less overused one 06:33 my skill level? im just an amateur 06:34 Tariru ascended a fencer, which is a role that I've never seen anyone else play ;) 06:34 * amateurhour looks up fencer on the wiki 06:35 wiki might undersell them because they don't sound that interesting 06:36 besides melee-only roles are hard in slex 06:36 everything has a passive that makes you want to commit die 06:37 who's saying "melee-only"? just because your other skills aren't that great doesn't mean that you're completely unable to e.g. cast spells 06:37 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:37 the wiki makes it sound like it 06:39 ??? it only says they're good with one-handed swords 06:39 yeah, no info about anything else, what do they get? 06:39 in slex, every character should diversify at least a little instead of trying to be a one-trick pony 06:39 can they use range weapons? no mention 06:39 do they get spellcasting? no idea 06:39 the name sounds very weapon focused 06:40 dagger skill at master, so that's a potential ranged weapon 06:40 not gonna source dive to check if roles are secretly good... 06:40 lol 06:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 357 points, T:1227, choked on a floating eye corpse 06:40 they also have all lightsaber forms 06:40 wow 06:42 only spell school they can skill is healing though 06:42 secretly epic role then 06:43 lol just because of the lightsaber forms? 06:43 back when Tariru ascended it, lightsaber forms actually weren't a thing in slex yet 06:43 might be a better lightsaber user than jedi 06:44 haha here's a surprise: fencers don't actually have the lightsaber skill. :P 06:44 doesn't need lightsaber specifically 06:44 just a beamsword or whatever they are 06:44 the other weapons 06:44 yes, if you get lucky to find one 06:45 what other roles are secretly epic? 06:45 huh? how would I know 06:46 spacewars fighter? 06:46 topmodel? 06:46 spacewars fighters because they can always enter green cross? :D 06:47 the spacewars fighter does have all the lightsaber forms too, as well as tons of weapon skills 06:47 topmodel has good intrinsics while wearing heels but a rather odd skill set 06:48 [hdf-au] [dnh] Drake (Pir Inc Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:13820 06:48 what's the timeout on research? 06:49 hey spacewars fighter sounds epic (it has a wiki article) 06:49 rnz(5000) if it works, rnz(2000) if "nothing in your pack sounds familiar" 06:51 so does topmodel actually, sounds great 06:52 doesn't mention their highheels skill 06:52 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3035 06:52 the article was probably written when that wasn't a thing yet 06:53 I'll try a topmodel in lunch break 06:53 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu) entered a shop, on T:3099 06:53 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu) entered a temple, on T:3145 06:53 yaaaaaaay ♥ please ping me when you do, I'll still be here for a couple hours today (got a late shift in the evening) 06:54 I already know kicking was nerfed so it won't be as great as it should be 06:54 :P 06:55 are you going to mock me for keeping vegan conduct? :P 06:56 yes, although topmodels get some help from the game because they burn nutrition at a slower rate the more hungry they are 06:56 the wiki says they have to be vegetarian 06:56 or bad 06:56 yes, but if I play them, I don't care about the stupid conduct and just decide that meaty corpses are tasty :P 07:00 oh and as a topmodel you also may not overeat (i.e. eat while satiated) or likewise bad 07:00 who does that anyway 07:00 me :P 07:01 in fact I even sometimes do that in real life, although I probably shouldn't 07:01 I don't think eating meat for a reduced chance of an intrinsic that doesn't prevent much damage is worth it 07:01 depending on how bad the penalties are 07:02 can just wait for vegan sources to show up 07:02 apparently the penalty is just a random rotten food effect, so usually some status effect 07:07 [hdf-us] [nh343] MAlischka2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 643 points, T:1547, killed by a giant bat 07:09 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "Blessed fixed +2 staff of aesculapius", on T:7233 07:10 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 9339 points, T:7317, killed by a hill orc 07:14 -!- ssnufd has joined #hardfought 07:20 that sounds fine then? 07:20 yeah, it's not really crippling 07:22 what's their first sac gift? 07:22 ??? no specific one 07:22 some nice artifact heels perhaps? 07:22 oh 07:22 extra scammed 07:23 their quest artifact is a pair of leather peep-toes :D 07:23 are they high heels? 07:23 of course 07:24 example image of what they could look like: https://cdn.rebelle.com/2b/2b41cc367f93dba49e3dcbdc3b0e3032_283115820180618-40-hxzqt5.jpg?width=1600&height=1600 07:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3700 07:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:47638 07:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:47643 07:28 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Arc Hob Mal Law) had a dusty cloak entrusted to him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:18289 07:29 could imagine flats with the same description of course 07:29 yeah I guess, but the ones in slex are high-heeled 07:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:32165 07:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:32167 07:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:4607 07:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] rebatela (Mon Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:5054 07:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) genocided shocking spheres, on T:32436 07:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 11057 points, T:5733, killed by a gargoyle 08:02 [hdf-eu] [nh370] evh (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 873 points, T:2080, killed by a giant spider 08:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:29710 08:07 [hdf-us] [nh343] MAlischka2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 4543 points, T:2300, killed by a dwarf 08:08 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in four variants" unlocked by evh! 08:08 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in three variants" unlocked by evh! 08:21 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 08:21 -!- stennowork has quit [Changing host] 08:21 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 08:24 [hdf-eu] [gh] Gandelf (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 1386 points, T:924, zombified by a gnomish zombie 08:26 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed amulet of life saving", on T:30412 08:28 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 08:28 wow Amy the topmodel's skills are epic 08:28 lol 08:29 WHAT you're not only playing stupid weaponless conduct but also picked ico again??? 08:30 I'm not doing weaponless, I'm rushing martial arts to test out kicking 08:30 ahour have u tried amys acu adaptation? 08:30 is it disappointing? 08:30 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 5696 points, T:4263, killed by a soldier ant 08:30 it is interesting 08:30 it has nothing to do with real acu 08:30 but is still interesting 08:31 slex acu is awesome :D 08:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 shield of reflection", on T:30740 08:31 what is its quirk again? I can't even remember 08:31 I know its kind of like slex binder's quirk 08:32 it's "build your own char", done by using restricted skills, then the most-used such skill will be unrestricted upon leveling up 08:33 -!- cccrow has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 08:34 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 08:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 234 points, T:463, killed by a hobbit 08:34 [hdf-eu] [nh343] evh (Sam Hum Mal Law), 9023 points, T:3238, killed by a watch captain 08:36 the starting pet is good 08:36 bit weird that I'm riding a human but ok 08:36 [hdf-eu] [dnh] evh (Con Orc Mal Cha), 12 points, T:83, killed by a jackal, while praying 08:37 you're playing slex and finding that weird??? 08:37 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in five variants" unlocked by evh! 08:37 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 08:42 oh and let me guess, once again you're not going to use ranged weapons at all :P 08:42 trying to get skilled marts asap 08:42 sigh 08:43 dangertown but the walls aren't real 08:43 worksasintended :D 08:43 dywypi to the dragon in 3... 2... 1... 08:43 hahahahaha 08:44 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 122 points, T:330, killed by a dwarf 08:45 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the invisible Thoth Amon, on T:32017 08:45 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:32019 08:45 [hdf-eu] [slex] amateurhour (Top Ico Fem Cha), 3786 points, T:1356, killed by a shuriken 08:46 I think as not-an-ico topmodel would be great 08:46 yes indeed, you should play something other than ico :P 08:46 crazy how many great skills they get 08:46 well if I play as any role I think would be good with it you'll nerf them :P 08:46 what's your favourite non-ironic race? I'll do one of that 08:47 uhh don't think I have any real favorites, unless you count stuff like levelscaler or ironman 08:47 what's a role you play as when you're trying to ascend and not trying to speedrun getting every nasty effect in the game? :P 08:48 race sorry 08:48 trying to ascend??? I've not done that in a long while... barbarian I guess 08:48 eh, most of the races without downsides will do for that, nord for example 08:49 'cold resistance and sturdy' 08:49 what's sturdy referring to? 08:49 relatively good HP growth and high soft cap for con 08:50 [hdf-eu] [slex] amateurhour (Top Nor Fem Cha), 8 points, T:7, slipped while mounting a monster (a saddled thieving girl called Esruth) 08:50 wtf what are you doing 08:50 [hdf-eu] [un] evh (Hea Hum Mal Neu) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:1241, rt[0:13:17] 08:51 wasn't sturdy enough 08:51 NEXT 08:51 hopefully that armor isnt cursed 08:52 hahaha are you actually trying to use it? 08:52 hey why is my steed acting derpy, I'm the one that's stunned :^) 08:52 rofl 08:53 [hdf-au] [nh370] Orcranger (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 365 points, T:886, killed by a bat 08:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:51831 08:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 210 points, T:2379, killed by a gnome lady 08:55 lunch break almost over sorry 08:55 aww 08:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:51892 09:00 -!- cccrow has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 09:00 [hdf-au] [nh370] Orcranger (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 314 points, T:1033, killed by a hobbit, while sleeping 09:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 111 points, T:296, killed by a water moccasin 09:02 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 09:02 !time 09:02 qt: Wed Jun 30 09:02:57 2021 EDT 09:03 what's the june thack time zone? 09:03 [hdf-eu] [un] evh (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 745 points, T:1958, killed by a boiling potion 09:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 217 points, T:351, killed by a gnome 09:05 gotta prepare a meal now anyway, so I'd not have much time to watch 09:06 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in six variants" unlocked by evh! 09:06 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in four variants" unlocked by evh! 09:07 bleep bloop there is approximately 10 h 52 m 50 s until the tournament ends! 09:08 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) bribed Asmodeus with 61 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:33464 09:09 I wonder who will be the last person to ascend before jnh ends 09:10 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 1389 points, T:2129, killed by a myconid warrior 09:12 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:33816 09:14 [hdf-us] [evil] mung (Mon Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:17750 09:15 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) bribed Baalzebub with 336 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:34079 09:15 [hdf-us] [evil] mung (Mon Hum Mal Cha) destroyed the invisible elenmirie's ghost, the former Novice, on T:17776 09:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) murdered his faithful killer bee, on T:1113 09:19 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a Mordor orc, on T:3044 09:19 [hdf-eu] [evil] joes (Con Hum Fem Cha), 1200 points, T:2072, killed by a mountain dwarf 09:20 -!- joes has joined #hardfought 09:22 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:3565 09:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:34447 09:25 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in two variants" unlocked by joes! 09:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:54229 09:29 !booze 09:29 * Beholder hands nabru a shot of Jamaican rum, acquired by Arsinoe at 347 Kelvin. 09:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Orcranger's ghost, the former Rhizotomist, on T:3414 09:32 -!- joes has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:4926 09:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3860 09:36 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law) has been given Excalibur, and now enjoys supreme executive power, on T:4984 09:37 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:5175 09:38 [hdf-us] [evil] mung (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a bone-carved staff entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:19576 09:39 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 572 points, T:2074, killed by a pony 09:40 [hdf-eu] [gh] Gandelf (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 2560 points, T:3498, killed by a hill orc's bolt of cold 09:41 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:38316 09:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 6831 points, T:4370, killed by a gnome queen 09:44 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) read a Discworld novel, on T:1399 09:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) put Death down for a little nap, on T:38330 09:45 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 09:45 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) murdered Smut, her faithful kitten, on T:1541 09:48 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 1725 points, T:2400, killed by a wombat 09:49 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a two-handed sword bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:6753 09:50 fuck this ive lost all the candles 09:52 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming an Elvenking, on T:36795 09:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 946 points, T:987, killed by a bugbear 09:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] Saxtheowl (Val Dwa Fem Law), 971602 points, T:56564, quit 09:52 :/ 09:52 !lastgame Saxtheowl 09:53 nabru: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/S/Saxtheowl/nethack/dumplog/1624962586.nh.html 09:53 next Junethack for me :p 09:59 gogogo attie 10:00 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) entered a shop, on T:3387 10:00 taking a break and considering my options, stuck in the doorway and death got up *again* 10:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] acegiak (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 539 points, T:1133, burned by molten lava 10:00 gonna run out of FH at this rate 10:00 did they really make death turborevive in 3.7? and if so, how much faster is it compared to vanilla? 10:00 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law), 9791 points, T:6962, killed by an uninjured pyrolisk 10:00 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) consulted the Oracle, on T:3540 10:00 no, but there is a hilarious bug regarding teleportation 10:00 hilarious and also deadly 10:01 oh? 10:01 its complicated 10:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:37112 10:01 anything I need to avoid doing? 10:01 it might happen whenever you zap wand of teleportation 10:01 normally, teleporting riders would be a bad idea because they almost always teleport right next to you if you try 10:02 time to finish evilhack before the end of junethack 10:02 Death does revive faster now stennowork 10:02 so there is a chance that due to a bug, if a teleport ray beam hits an item and the item gets teleported, the ray will then get transported to the new location 10:03 oh ok 10:03 s/ray/beam/ or w/e it is 10:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 294 points, T:620, killed by a gnome 10:03 so you basically teleport the teleport 10:03 lol 10:03 that does sound hilarious 10:03 and if there's a dead rider in the new way, it will revive and teleport next to you 10:04 i think it was qt who found that bug and as such can possibly give a better explanation 10:04 that has to be fun to watch 10:04 to play perhaps not as much :P 10:04 it has caused some deaths during speedrun race 10:05 your explanation was good stenno 10:05 you can see it in action in one of luxidream's videos 10:05 when the teleport 'beam' teleports an object, the beam continues on from the new location of the object 10:05 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dggAJiZM1Kc&t=14939s 10:06 this was the explanation I wrote on github https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/issues/423#issuecomment-858843993 10:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 571 points, T:597, killed by a dwarf 10:07 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] Graznop (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 4152 points, T:1433, killed by a hobgoblin 10:07 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:4499 10:09 interesting 10:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 218 points, T:355, killed by a hobbit 10:10 well I really regret not wishing for a c corpse now 10:11 if I could get death to leave me alone long enough... 10:12 that bug hasnt been fixed yet has it 10:12 the tele bug on astral w/ riders 10:12 the issue is still open 10:12 dunno if that means something though 10:13 did that bug get introduced by some quirky change in 3.7 or has it always been there? 10:13 3.7 10:13 hmm 10:13 we would have noticed it much earlier 10:13 -!- Sgeo has joined #hardfought 10:13 how could I turn that into a fun slex nastytrap... :P 10:14 oh LarienTelrunya i know 10:14 make g.bhitpos random 10:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed partly eaten chickatrice corpse", on T:38342 10:14 rm -rf slex/ 10:14 haha K2 10:14 i'm serious 10:14 or for you, deltree something 10:15 deltree -y C:/slex 10:15 http://bash.org/?105841 10:15 oh come on, death is back again already 10:15 I am regretting all my life choices here 10:15 whats his respawn rate now? 10:15 LarienTelrunya i was thinking of replacing slex with gnollhack. what are your thoughts? 10:15 idk wasn't counting turns 10:16 K2: that would make me very sad :( 10:16 got it. done 10:16 :D 10:17 but it's the third time he revived since T:38330 when beholder announced it, and now it's T:38350 10:17 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Kni Elf Fem Law), 1053 points, T:1044, killed by a rothe 10:17 oof 10:17 so we can assume ~10 turns 10:17 i would guess its an rnz call 10:17 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 6982 points, T:6607, killed by strangulation 10:17 i go this "bad fruit in disorder" error when dying :c 10:18 thats a great error message 10:18 in grunthack i guess 10:19 [hdf-us] [evil] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) destroyed VeryWiseFrog's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:4049 10:20 YASI: eating a fruit that has caused the "bad fruit" error message will always result in "Bleech! Rotten food!" 10:22 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 996 points, T:1256, killed while stuck in creature form 10:22 -!- chriswork has joined #hardfought 10:22 oh holy shit the 3.7 devs implemented the dyna "lololololol you have to one-shot Rodney or the game crashes looooool" bug? 10:23 er wut? 10:23 -!- chriswork has quit [Changing host] 10:23 -!- chriswork has joined #hardfought 10:23 https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/issues/422 10:23 -!- stennowork is now known as Guest6781 10:23 -!- chriswork is now known as stennowork 10:24 !players 10:24 stennowork: [hdf-eu] attie [nh370] Wertik [nh370] Dewzmint [nh370] mobileuser [evil] | [hdf-us] ssnufd [nh370] Karnac [nh370] nabru [nh370] acegiak [nh370] Tommo [gh] sadburger [fh] qt [spl] ligang [spl] luxor [slshm] post163 [evil] sluggoman [evil] Saxtheowl [evil] hothraxxa [dyn] | [hdf-au] No current players 10:24 -!- Guest6781 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:24 Rodney has always been working properly in the planes unless you played dynahack, but apparently 3.7 managed to introduce the bug too :P (and then apparently fixed it) 10:24 fixed in a day 10:26 sigh, and the wrong altar after all that 10:26 got a wish for hooa? 10:27 (if its not the neutral altar) 10:27 the wrong altar for that even 10:27 merp 10:27 the wrongest altar 10:27 lololol actively developed game had bug fixed within a day :P 10:27 its surprising still 10:28 well I can't stop smh'ing my head at the way 3.7 is developed, to me it seems like the typical development session goes like this: "hey I have this great idea that is also a pun!" "awesome, let's put it into the game regardless of whether it's actually good for gameplay!" 10:28 well 10:29 we have an infrastructure now where player-testing the latest development version is simple 10:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:33023 10:29 i think its a good idea to bring in risky-er ideas and let them playtest on hdf 10:29 stennowork: https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/commit/472906284699b9affccdce264e383b3474d62300 10:29 and in this case, "hey I have this great idea, how about making death resurrect even faster because he does so in the discworld novels too!" "awesome, let's put that in, I mean none of us devs ever got that far so we don't know how that works for gameplay but it'll certainly be fine!" 10:29 Amy are you talking about Nethack or SLEX 10:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:33098 10:31 amateurhour, errrr that commit 10:32 ah i see now 10:32 so its at least 6 turns 10:32 at most 67 10:32 no explanation for why Death specifically revives faster 10:32 and the code seems wrong? 10:32 /* Riders have a 1/3 chance per turn of reviving after 12, 6, or 3 turns. 10:32 paxed: have you ever been on the astral plane in a real game? ;) 10:33 if (!rn2(3)) 10:33 seems its 2/3 and not 1/3 10:33 oh no 10:33 never mind 10:33 its 1/3 10:33 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:2315 10:33 Death revives faster cuz it's a quirk of that particular rider 10:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:33119 10:34 I'm confused 10:34 maybe I've played way too much dnh but don't riders usually revive after like 30 or so turns? 10:34 or fewer 10:35 sure 10:35 code doesn't say otherwise 10:35 it used to be at least 12 10:35 oh 10:35 that makes sense 10:36 [hdf-us] [evil] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 4724 points, T:5198, killed by a bolt of cold 10:36 yeah 30 is a way overestimate 10:36 now its at least 6 10:36 time moves so much slower in the Astral plane 10:36 it really does 10:37 [hdf-us] [spl] qt (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 1210 points, T:2852, killed by a white unicorn 10:38 I mean, death was kinda less threatening before, I think he was due a buff 10:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful wraith, on T:33202 10:38 death was most threat cause he's immune to death ray 10:38 death was also nerfed considering conflict 10:39 riders can now be affected by conflict if you are high level 10:39 but I wasn't prepared for it, and now goodbye half my maxhp ;_; 10:39 D: 10:39 guess I should put my ring of conflict on 10:40 yeah, you aren't invisible for that reason in the first place 10:40 bit of a scary move next to a high priest tho 10:40 yeah but I was hungry so I avoided it 10:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:33266 10:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:33269 10:42 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:41466 10:42 ow 10:42 HP:76(99) 10:42 I strongly dislike this 10:43 hopefully you can leave death behind you on your way to the next altar 10:43 if I'd known I'd have gone for Pestilence instead 10:43 I am trying but there are so many ants in my way 10:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:41527 10:44 I guess I can try to teleport them away and hope I don't end up with Famine next to me or something 10:45 i had the same problem trying to get a seat at the family reunion 10:45 so many aunts in my way 10:46 maybe I should've just gone for the escape in celestial disgrace... 10:46 I believe in u attie u got this 10:48 I also believe. 10:48 I don't 10:49 the choice-to-regret timer has also been shortened it seems 10:49 [hdf-us] [evil] Saxtheowl (Inf Orc Mal Una), 44 points, T:165, killed by a sewer rat 10:49 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:41916 10:50 do I try to kill death again (would require wielding a different weapon) or try to escape (requires making room) 10:50 either of these seems like it takes too many turns 10:50 escaping seems better 10:51 I vote run 10:52 Maybe around the back of the temple to increase chance of getting & stuck? 10:52 I was running already and death caught up to me in the doorway 10:53 I can either stone what's in my way or risk zapping teleport 10:53 both take a turn 10:55 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2519 10:56 Yay! 10:57 Gain level for a few more hp? 10:58 hmm 11:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) put Death down for a little nap (5 times), on T:38412 11:01 wasn't even me this time 11:02 where to next 11:02 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:42265 11:03 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:42278 11:03 any other altar, at worst you can hooa wish 11:03 next altar means win 11:03 Famine then I guess 11:04 [hdf-us] [evil] toon (Tou Gno Fem Neu) murdered Rolba, her faithful little dog, on T:20 11:06 -!- Xjs has quit [Quit: Good night.] 11:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:38424 11:07 [hdf-us] [evil] toon (Tou Gno Fem Neu), 79 points, T:433, killed by a bear trap 11:08 <@Dewzmint> how is it that behoder bot won't show what my char does on eu hardfought ? 11:09 <@Shadow_Rider> Are you playing rn? 11:09 <@Shadow_Rider> !who 11:09 @Shadow_Rider: [hdf-eu] Dewzmint [nh370] Wertik [nh370] attie [nh370] evh [dyn] | [hdf-us] ssnufd [nh370] acegiak [nh370] oarisetnhdyubnjk [gh] Tommo [gh] arkanoid [xnh] toon [spl] luxor [slshm] Saxtheowl [slshm] krm26 [evil] sluggoman [evil] tinklebear [evil] hothraxxa [dyn] | [hdf-au] No current players 11:10 <@Shadow_Rider> !whereis Dewzmint 11:10 @Shadow_Rider: [hdf-eu] Dewzmint [nh370]: (Pri Hum Mal Law) T:1 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 11:10 <@Shadow_Rider> Have you done anything that would send a message? 11:10 [hdf-us] [spl] toon (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 222 points, T:267, killed by a fox 11:10 <@Dewzmint> like shouldn't he atleast show if i die or is there a turnnumber i have to pass 11:10 <@Dewzmint> also doesn't obtaining/naming sting count ? 11:11 <@Shadow_Rider> There might be a default min turn count? 11:11 <@Shadow_Rider> If you know how to use IRC you can set the min turncount that is shows your messages to 0 11:12 wait which variant are you playing? 11:12 ah nh370 11:12 <@Dewzmint> just 3.7 no variant 11:12 ok chaotic altar 11:12 <@Shadow_Rider> gg? 11:12 do I try to wrest the wow or bless the magic lamp 11:12 <@Shadow_Rider> Bless lamp first 11:12 bless magic lamp 11:12 <@Shadow_Rider> Faster 11:12 yeah 11:13 wresting in astral is not really a good strategy anymore 11:13 you don't have enough time for wresting anymore 11:13 Fingers crossed x 11:13 I locked the door so I have a little bit of quiet for now at least 11:13 riders unlock doors 11:13 <@Shadow_Rider> PauseChamp? 11:14 [hdf-us] [xnh] whatever (Ran Elf Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:15 11:14 -!- qt is now known as Dewzmint 11:14 !setmintc 11:14 Dewzmint: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for dewzmint removed. 11:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed +2 helm of opposite alignment", on T:38445 11:14 -!- Dewzmint is now known as qt 11:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Law) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:38448 11:14 <@Shadow_Rider> There ya go 11:14 <@Dewzmint> oh thanks 11:14 w00t 11:14 <@Dewzmint> now i can see me die 11:14 Pause and savour the moment! 11:15 <@Shadow_Rider> Apply the WoW 11:15 eh 11:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:34377 11:16 -!- wvc has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:16 <@Shadow_Rider> Don’t get beat by ssnufd 11:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] attie (Kni Hum Fem Cha), 1124613 points, T:38448, ascended 11:16 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/a/attie/nethack/dumplog/1622563134.nh.html 11:17 w00t 11:17 what's ssnufd? 11:17 go team 4HM 11:17 is that the inactivity termination? 11:17 gratz attie!! knew you could do it 11:17 Congrats! Go team 4HM 11:17 wait who's getting beat 11:17 YOU 11:17 anyway, time to go home and leave ssnufd confused 11:17 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 348 points, T:1279, killed by a dwarf 11:17 oh you meant I shouldn't dither so long that someone else manages to ascend in the meantime 11:17 <@Shadow_Rider> Yay! 11:18 that is probably sound advice :D 11:18 congrats attie 11:18 -!- stennowork has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:20 [hdf-us] [evil] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 6342 points, T:5234, killed by a bolt of lightning 11:21 gratz 11:21 -!- Xjs has joined #hardfought 11:21 -!- Xjs has quit [Client Quit] 11:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] dimsum (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) murdered her faithful little dog, on T:1486 11:23 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by attie! 11:23 Junethack: attie ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on eu.hardfought.org! 11:24 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by attie! 11:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) genocided class ;, on T:34521 11:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered the Astral Plane, on T:34537 11:27 congrats attie 11:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:34545 11:30 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1771 11:31 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) had Luck Blade bestowed upon him by Mars, on T:33395 11:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] acegiak (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 968 points, T:1488, killed by a killer bee 11:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful giant beetle, on T:34572 11:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed helm of opposite alignment", on T:34577 11:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) used a helm to turn lawful, on T:34580 11:36 congrats ssnufd! 11:36 [hdf-eu] [dyn] evh (Ran Orc Fem Cha), 8235 points, T:4386, killed by a horse 11:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Mal Law), 737146 points, T:34580, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/ssnufd/nethack/dumplog/1624926837.nh.html 11:36 Congrats ssnufd! 11:37 !streak 11:37 ssnufd: [hdf-us] ssnufd Max[nh370]: 2 (2021-06-27 - 2021-06-30)(current). 11:39 [hdf-us] [spl] ligang (Kni Hum Fem Cha), 71797 points, T:31774, killed by a lynx 11:39 <@Shadow_Rider> 👀 gg ssnufd 11:40 how did i not engrave elbereth once LOL i dont even believe that 11:40 gratz ssnufd ! 11:40 thank you all 11:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2712 11:42 -!- mobileuser has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:42 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in seven variants" unlocked by evh! 11:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 612 points, T:2715, killed by a poisonous corpse 11:44 ᛤ <-- is this character visible for you or is it just a box 11:45 looks a bit like an asterisk on my screen 11:46 asterisky for me too 11:47 it is supposed to look like this https://0x0.st/-pFp.png 11:47 it does look like that 11:47 anyway I own ᛤ.com and I'm trying to think of something to do with it 11:47 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) murdered Backup, his faithful little dog, on T:34489 11:48 make it the domain of fleecy-colored lines, and show various ᛤ glyphs in all kinds of colors there! :D 11:48 kinda looks like a spider web, make a spider website 11:48 [hdf-us] [fh] Shenay (sadburger) (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the ghost of Tam, the former Initiate, on T:3418 11:48 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 4954 points, T:3006, killed by a gnome lady 11:49 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:5752 11:51 https://unicode-table.com/en/16E4/ 11:52 host a nethack server there but crank up the number of web-laying spiders without telling anyone 11:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 242 points, T:464, killed by a bat 11:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1336 11:54 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 11:57 -!- chao has joined #hardfought 11:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2308 11:58 -!- qt has quit [Quit: brb] 12:00 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 12:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 61 points, T:496, killed by a falling rock 12:06 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:6783 12:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 3844 points, T:3403, killed by a blast of frost 12:20 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:45219 12:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:45220 12:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) attained the rank of Investigator, on T:4149 12:24 -!- bugsniper has joined #hardfought 12:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered Sokoban, on T:4795 12:28 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:8015 12:28 amateurhour: a spider website... or a web crawler? ;) 12:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2325 12:30 [hdf-us] [un] nopsled (Wiz Vam Mal Cha) entered Minetown, on T:1278, rt[0:22:50] 12:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered the Astral Plane, on T:45610 12:32 [hdf-us] [un] nopsled (Wiz Vam Mal Cha), 1813 points, T:1374, killed by a hill orc, while praying 12:32 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] Graznop (Bar Hum Mal Neu) consulted the oracle for the first time, on T:2165 12:36 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 12:36 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed cockatrice corpse", on T:45614 12:37 nice choice 12:37 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:45637 12:39 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law), 39402 points, T:4669, zombified by an elf zombie 12:39 [hdf-us] [gh] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 44299 points, T:8098, killed by a shark 12:39 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha) averted death (killed by Famine), on T:45685 12:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Wertik (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 804158 points, T:45689, killed by Famine (with the Amulet) 12:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:2942 12:41 [hdf-us] [un] Tommo (Pri Hum Fem Neu), 678 points, T:932, killed by Mr. Chicoutimi, the shopkeeper 12:41 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in six variants" unlocked by K2! 12:41 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in two variants" unlocked by Tommo! 12:41 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in five variants" unlocked by Tommo! 12:42 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in three variants" unlocked by nopsled! 12:42 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in three variants" unlocked by nopsled! 12:42 [hdf-us] [un] nopsled (Wiz Vam Mal Cha), 716 points, T:1000, killed by a wand 12:42 [hdf-us] [dyn] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 13485 points, T:22709, dissolved in molten lava 12:43 -!- chao is now known as stenno 12:43 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] Graznop (Bar Hum Mal Neu) entered the adventure town for the first time, on T:2821 12:44 -!- tacco has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:45 <@Shadow_Rider> any way to modify autopickup exceptions in game? 12:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) attained the rank of Conjurer, on T:3145 12:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) consumed animal products for the first time, by eating a floating eye corpse, on T:3147 12:48 <@luxidream> yea shadowrider 12:48 -!- tacco has joined #hardfought 12:48 <@kuo> should be in the options, I think it prompts you for new filters iirc 12:49 <@Shadow_Rider> found it 12:49 [hdf-us] [4k] Tommo (Arc Scu Fem Neu), 5220 points, T:465, killed by a plains centaur 12:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:7952 12:52 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Rog Elf Fem Neu), 775 points, T:1703, killed by a sewer rat 12:54 [hdf-eu] [spl] attie (Val Ang Nbn Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1669 12:55 [hdf-us] [xnh] whatever (Ran Elf Fem Cha) reached Minetown, on T:4299 12:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:3973 12:56 [hdf-us] [dnh] nopsled (Ana Elf Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:991 12:56 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 12:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) had Excalibur thrown at them by some watery tart, on T:8816 12:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] whatever (Ran Elf Fem Cha) entered a temple, on T:4513 13:03 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 872920 points, T:29960, rt[1:59:37], wc[11 days, 20:21:38], ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/setseed/dumplog/1624048931.seed.html 13:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Luxidream (Bar Hum Mal Law), 604039 points, T:38098, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack/dumplog/1624571283.nh.html 13:04 [hdf-us] [evil] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) destroyed the invisible rebatela's ghost, the former Novice, on T:1699 13:04 [hdf-us] [nh4] lol (Luxidream) (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 224890 points, T:23457, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2021-06-30%2017%3A04%3A22%2C%20lol-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 13:04 [hdf-us] [nh4] lol (Luxidream) (Ran Orc Fem Cha), 224574 points, T:46104, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2021-06-30%2017%3A04%3A40%2C%20lol-Ran-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 13:05 <@luxidream> i don't have too many this year 13:05 <@princessSpicycat> 🎺 🎉 13:05 [hdf-us] [nh4] lol (Luxidream) (Bar Hum Fem Law), 252312 points, T:33428, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2021-06-30%2017%3A05%3A24%2C%20lol-Bar-Hum-Fem-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 13:06 gratz u took ootc from first to first 13:06 -!- luxidream has joined #hardfought 13:06 !setmintc 1 13:06 luxidream: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for luxidream set to 1 13:06 <@luxidream> these I don't have time or motivation to finish 13:06 <@princessSpicycat> "just" 30 ascensions, including finally making it all the way through DNH 😉 13:07 [hdf-us] [slshm] Luxidream (Val Dop Fem Neu), 441489 points, T:27073, quit 13:07 [hdf-us] [evil] Luxidream (Pri Ith Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming an ice nymph, on T:38730 13:07 <@princessSpicycat> i was thinkin about increased interactivity in TNNT 13:08 <@princessSpicycat> like when someone ascends, a mail daemon hits every other active player in the head with a boulder 13:08 lol 13:08 <@princessSpicycat> or you could spend a wish to put a bunch of water moccasins in the swap chest 13:08 <@princessSpicycat> that pop out on the next player 13:09 [hdf-us] [evil] Luxidream (Pri Ith Mal Cha), 260158 points, T:38802, killed by a woolly mammoth 13:09 <@princessSpicycat> or an in-game #booze to send one of your fruit juices or booze pots to a random player 13:10 [hdf-us] [sp] Luxidream (Bar Elf Fem Cha), 303823 points, T:32078, quit 13:10 you coulda finished them outside of june, aren't they variants you've not done before? 13:10 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law), 26836 points, T:1457, killed by the Oracle 13:10 <@luxidream> they have medusa kills on them 13:10 it's not gonna change anything 13:10 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in fourteen variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:10 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in thirteen variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:10 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in fourteen variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:10 Junethack: luxidream ascended a game of NetHack4 on www.hardfought.org! 13:10 oh I guess you care about the personal medusa trophies 13:11 <@princessSpicycat> it changes the numbers! 13:11 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in thirteen variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:11 rather than clan count of medusa kills 13:11 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in fifteen variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:11 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in twelve variants" unlocked by luxidream! 13:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:12029 13:11 luxi hasnt ever ascended evilhack 13:11 Junethack: luxidream ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 13:11 its too hard for him 13:11 Junethack: luxidream ascended a game of NetHack4 on www.hardfought.org! 13:11 were you camping ascensions in case teamsplat had a bunch of them coming? 13:11 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:9106 13:11 Junethack: luxidream ascended a game of NetHack4 on www.hardfought.org! 13:11 Junethack: luxidream ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 13:12 <@luxidream> that game was ascendable K2 13:12 not anymore :P 13:12 hah 13:12 you say that 13:12 <@Shadow_Rider> oh is it time 13:12 <@princessSpicycat> some of us (not lux) were worried that 6 in one day was too low of a bar to beat, ammy 13:12 esp in evilhack, it aint over til its over 13:12 <@princessSpicycat> go go Rider! 13:12 [hdf-us] [seed] Ride (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1245362 points, T:49654, rt[4:31:05], wc[1 day, 1:42:01], ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Ride/setseed/dumplog/1624980647.seed.html 13:13 <@princessSpicycat> amateurhour also did you see my great shame 13:13 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/859843984892624916/unknown.png 13:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 818794 points, T:20297, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/shadowrider38/nethack/dumplog/1624738714.nh.html 13:13 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Bar Hum Fem Law), 525440 points, T:39931, rt[4:00:04], wc[2 days, 1:46:06], ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/shadowrider38/setseed/dumplog/1624894028.seed.html 13:13 I thought that was you farming them secretly on an alt 13:13 [hdf-us] [nh4] Ride (shadowrider38) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 225518 points, T:36449, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/shadowrider38/nethack4/dumplog/2021-06-30%2017%3A13%3A39%2C%20Ride-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 13:13 so isn't it your great pride? 13:14 <@luxidream> right but I didn't get to stick around and find out if I would have died or not 🙂 13:14 <@luxidream> maybe next time 13:14 you had 7 hrs 13:15 speed you play you could have tried to ascend both that evilhack and sporkhack game 13:15 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) attained the rank of Swashbuckler, on T:58545 13:15 <@luxidream> in evil I would have had to farm up a polymorph item 13:15 oh wait, you're only fast on the easier variants 13:15 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Man-at-arms, on T:9583 13:15 my bad 13:15 <@luxidream> to try and get the wishing wand 13:15 <@Shadow_Rider> lol K2 13:15 <@luxidream> either that or scroll of charging 13:15 :P 13:16 <@luxidream> Bh 13:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 486 points, T:971, killed by a gnome lady 13:16 <@luxidream> since soldiers just use the wow right? 13:16 <@luxidream> anyway didn't sound fun 13:16 they can but they dont alwways get into the chest 13:16 <@princessSpicycat> ammy, no i mean i overshot by 1 death 13:16 in fact it doesnt happen often 13:16 <@princessSpicycat> the goal 13:16 oh 13:16 got it 13:17 <@luxidream> how is it any different from grunt 13:17 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:9634 13:17 <@luxidream> where they get into the chest like 100% of the time 13:17 @luxidream, evilhack is hella fun. you are just challenge-adverse :) 13:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:4683 13:17 its not 100% of the time in grunthack either 13:17 <@luxidream> I gave it a good effort 13:17 you can be lucky and the soldiers in the room won't have a key 13:17 OR 13:17 in grunthack its worse, first thing a monster will wish for there is scrolls of charging 13:18 it can be in a crystal chest cuz K2 loves those and wants to marry them 13:18 nah, just date 13:18 K2 only wants more branches in evilhack so they can add more crystal chests to the game :^) 13:19 * K2 makes all containers in evilhack crystal chests 13:19 :P 13:19 if playername == amateurhour, boh == crystal chest 13:19 Junethack: shadowrider38 ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 13:19 Junethack: tinklebees ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 13:19 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended two variants" unlocked by shadowrider38! 13:19 Junethack: shadowrider38 ascended a game of NetHack4 on www.hardfought.org! 13:20 Junethack: shadowrider38 ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 13:20 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by tinklebest! 13:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in one variant" unlocked by tinklebest! 13:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in one variant" unlocked by tinklebest! 13:20 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by tinklebest! 13:20 <@princessSpicycat> nice job tinklebees 13:20 Junethack: tinklebest ascended a game of NetHack 3.6.6 on nethack.alt.org! 13:21 gratz all, it's been a really fun junethack 13:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 cloak of protection", on T:9960 13:21 <@luxidream> i won dnethack 13:21 bah that enlightenment from the oracle didnt count as consultation 13:21 <@luxidream> I'm proud of that 13:21 yay! 13:22 guess i have to quit my splicehack game 13:22 at some point i lost the candelabrum and then i just stopped playing 13:22 <@princessSpicycat> does DNH also have the thing where you should grind up to level 30? 13:23 <@luxidream> it just happens 13:23 grind? you get xlvl 30 for basically free just playing 13:23 haha 13:23 <@princessSpicycat> ah ok 13:23 [hdf-eu] [spl] stenno (Val Ang Nbn Law), 690357 points, T:22537, quit 13:23 shit, just cut out the exp altogether. start at exp level 30 13:23 <@princessSpicycat> noticed most of y'all's ascs are xp 30 13:23 I did fourk, 1.3d, dnhslex, and gnollhack for the first time, and got the furthest I've ever gotten in slex 13:23 so really happy about that 13:24 <@princessSpicycat> wut'd you play in 4k & gnoll? 13:24 monk 13:24 <@princessSpicycat> oh right 13:24 <@princessSpicycat> naturally 13:24 <@princessSpicycat> you've got role-monk colorblindness 13:24 gotta 'complete' monk haha 13:25 <@luxidream> the problem is 13:25 <@luxidream> the more you play monk in slex the more amy nerfs it 13:25 yeah haha 13:25 <@luxidream> so you have to play something else to throw her off the trail 13:25 martial arts was just nerfed 13:25 and kicking was nerfed 13:25 <@princessSpicycat> wait has monk gotten nerfed even without you ascending? 13:25 of course 13:25 <@princessSpicycat> lolllllll 13:26 <@princessSpicycat> maybe you have to play something else andpoly into monk 13:26 also my favourite race just got a nerf 13:26 :') 13:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:13574 13:28 what did you think of dnh luxi? 13:28 <@princessSpicycat> maybe everything that's usable will get nerfed so you're forced to play one of the roles that leaks radiation out of its ears 13:28 <@luxidream> dnh is really fun 13:28 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in three variants" unlocked by stenno! 13:28 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in three variants" unlocked by stenno! 13:28 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in three variants" unlocked by stenno! 13:28 <@luxidream> can you grab that 3.6.x patch where pressing enter no longer sends you to the bottom of the map 13:28 <@luxidream> then it would be perfect and I would play it all the time 13:29 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 665 points, T:1888, killed by a pony, while dragging an iron ball 13:29 I have literally never had that happen to me, I didn't even know that was a thing 13:29 <@princessSpicycat> "implemented the infernal race! it starts with a lot of really good intrinsics and skills, but to balance that out, it can't move, it just sits there on the D1 stairs eating a pile of shoes" 13:29 because enter is J 13:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) attained the rank of Exhumer, on T:14005 13:30 @luxidream i think you can configure putty to not send those 13:30 <@luxidream> stenno: the problem is you do need to press enter 13:30 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law), 28703 points, T:1601, killed by a rabid rat 13:30 <@luxidream> to get through multiline messages 13:31 and to submit wishes and stuff 13:31 ctrl+J* 13:32 <@luxidream> https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/commit/a64a2f85f44231b1c740413202769e59b3eab677 13:33 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) endured an absurd aquatic ceremony, and now wields Excalibur, on T:59110 13:33 oh is it just curses 13:33 that might explain how I've not had it happen 13:33 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law), 26179 points, T:801, killed by a rothe 13:33 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 315 points, T:1087, killed by a little dog 13:34 <@luxidream> pressing enter in tty makes you run down 13:34 <@luxidream> it's only prevented in curses 13:34 <@luxidream> in 3.6.x 13:34 :thonk: 13:34 how have I not done this 13:34 lol 13:34 i think its a putty issue 13:35 <@luxidream> how is it a putty issue stenno? if I change it to something else I don't have an enter key anymore 13:36 <@luxidream> I have to press ^J 13:38 <@Shadow_Rider> does polymorph work on genetic engineers? 13:38 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:1155 13:38 @luxidream maybe this is related https://documentation.help/PuTTY/config-telnetnl.html 13:39 -!- luxidream2 has joined #hardfought 13:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:6180 13:39 [hdf-us] [fh] K2 (k2) (Cav Hum Mal Law), 26490 points, T:1973, died of starvation, while fainted from lack of food 13:40 <@luxidream> yea 0 MR 13:42 <@Shadow_Rider> i went for cancel which im guessing works 13:42 I'll open a PR with that for dnh luxi, it happens in 3.7 for tty apparently 13:42 whack, maybe it never happened to me because vikeys 13:42 oh 13:42 -!- luxidream has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:44 what kind of strange bug is that then lol 13:44 it happens for non-vikeys? 13:44 <@luxidream> no 13:44 [hdf-us] [4k] k2 (Val Hum Fem Neu) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:413 13:44 <@luxidream> does not happen for numpad 13:44 <@luxidream> control+J does nothing for them 13:44 ah ok 13:46 can't reproduce on hdf 13:46 oh never mind i am dumb 13:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 594 points, T:1879, killed by a giant bat 13:46 just disregard everything, i totally misunderstood 13:46 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 13:47 well I mean luxidream uses fake-numpad 13:47 so moves their hand past enter a lot, right? 13:47 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in six variants" unlocked by K2! 13:47 wait 13:47 in vikeys with putty translating numpad into vikey movement 13:47 [hdf-us] [4k] k2 (Val Hum Fem Neu), 6009 points, T:1334, killed by a bolt of lightning 13:47 <@luxidream> no I actually mash enter instead of using esc 13:48 huh 13:48 <@luxidream> bad habit from 3.6.x 13:48 <@luxidream> it's slightly safer when it comes to polymorph prompts I think 13:48 amateurhour: you could reproduce? 13:48 <@luxidream> go to 3.4.3 13:48 <@luxidream> hit enter 13:49 yeah stenno 13:49 <@luxidream> watch as your character runs down 13:49 <@princessSpicycat> oh yeah 13:49 <@princessSpicycat> happens for me too 13:49 <@princessSpicycat> i guess i just never hit enter 13:49 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Rog Elf Fem Neu), 881 points, T:2232, killed by a gnome king 13:49 haha that must be how I've not triggered it either 13:49 <@princessSpicycat> except in prompts 13:49 <@princessSpicycat> yeah when in doubt i mash escape 13:50 <@princessSpicycat> maybe sometimes space 13:50 <@princessSpicycat> but some roguelikes make space do something 13:50 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in seven variants" unlocked by K2! 13:50 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in seven variants" unlocked by K2! 13:51 rip K2 13:51 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 305 points, T:754, killed by a gnome lady 13:52 whats thet fix for that? can i just naively check if the previous character of the input was ctrl? 13:53 wait that doesn't even make sense i think 13:53 * stenno vanives 13:53 vanishes even 13:54 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 13:55 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:13218 13:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:19156 13:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "2 holy charging", on T:19169 13:58 <@Shadow_Rider> that could have been a sad momeny 13:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed bag of holding", on T:19174 13:59 [hdf-us] [nh4] K2 (k2) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 25570 points, T:1565, killed by a bat 14:00 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1322 14:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1689 14:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 1008 points, T:1398, killed by a large mimic, while praying 14:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] Frozty (Hea Gno Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:7634 14:05 -!- qt has quit [Changing host] 14:05 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 14:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) genocided disenchanters, on T:13753 14:08 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1526 14:09 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in eight variants" unlocked by K2! 14:09 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in eight variants" unlocked by K2! 14:12 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Fem Law), 2174 points, T:2118, killed by a jaguar 14:14 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) wished for "Blessed +3 fixed premium heart", on T:39990 14:15 K2: I find it interesting that you died from zombification in fh of all things, given that fh is basically a much weaker version of Grunt zombies 14:15 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) wished for "Blessed +3 fixed greased tie-dye shirt of shambhala", on T:39999 14:16 NetSysFire: slex monster deaths are filtered out from unique deaths, because there's so many monsters in slex that it'd render the challenge of unique deaths meaningless 14:16 hah 14:18 @Earth Traveler you can do msgtype=stop for the levi running out messages, I think they stop advancing the message buffer even after you've pressed esc 14:18 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in nine variants" unlocked by K2! 14:18 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in nine variants" unlocked by K2! 14:18 fiq not really 14:18 in fiqhack, zombie barely touches you, zombie sick 14:19 !tell LarienTelrunya yeah I considered throwing that code out but I assumed there was a reason for it (perhaps needed for pdcurses? I don't know) 14:19 No worries, FIQ, I've got this! 14:19 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Fem Law) consulted the Oracle, on T:1285 14:20 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Fem Law), 914 points, T:1303, killed while stuck in creature form 14:20 please rate my website https://entrez.cc/ 14:20 I have worked really hard to incorporate some of the best full stack web 2.0 blockchain features 14:20 11 out of 10 14:20 0/10 not as good as ᛤ.com 14:21 however i am reporting you for obvious child labor law violations 14:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:21 using babies to do your coding for you... smh 14:21 i am the baby 14:21 yeah thats what they all say 14:24 [hdf-us] [xnh] whatever (Ran Elf Fem Cha) destroyed Raisse's ghost, the former Evoker, on T:5859 14:24 -!- spontiff has joined #hardfought 14:24 qt i have a similar pic of mini-me like that 14:25 but i wasnt exploiting her coding skills 14:26 sure: "it wasn't exploitation, I paid her in hugs! it was a mutually agreed-upon free market transaction" 14:27 -!- spontiff has quit [Client Quit] 14:30 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:26099 14:31 [hdf-us] [fh] Shenay (sadburger) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 54878 points, T:5639, killed by an ettin mummy 14:31 [hdf-eu] [gh] spontiff (Val Dwa Fem Law), 428 points, T:947, killed by an iguana, while fainted 14:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) destroyed Karnac's ghost, the former Adept, on T:2593 14:36 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Nbn Law), 912 points, T:1245, killed by a giant beetle 14:38 [hdf-eu] [nh370] jt (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) genocided class ;, on T:37687 14:38 K2 | LarienTelrunya i was thinking of replacing slex with gnollhack. what are your thoughts? 14:39 go ahead ;) 14:39 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 14:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Magician, on T:9170 14:40 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed the invisible high priestess of Moloch, on T:26183 14:40 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) picked up the Amulet of Yendor, on T:26186 14:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] jt (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered the Astral Plane, on T:37752 14:42 attie | I mean, death was kinda less threatening before, I think he was due a buff 14:42 disagree, I always avoided Death if I could 14:42 he did not need to be made stronger 14:43 [hdf-eu] [nh370] jt (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible Famine, on T:37769 14:44 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] whatever (Ran Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:7365 14:45 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Tyr, on T:14965 14:47 stenno | at some point i lost the candelabrum and then i just stopped playing 14:47 jettyplay? 14:47 too late 14:48 iirc there were several other issues with my character too 14:48 <@luxidream> stenno: the problem is you do need to press enter 14:48 ...use the spacebar 14:48 well there are things enter does that spacebar does not 14:48 i cant just remap enter to spacebar and call it good 14:49 [hdf-eu] [nh370] jt (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1765188 points, T:37787, ascended 14:49 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/j/jt/nethack/dumplog/1624806361.nh.html 14:49 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:41482 14:49 K2: zombies in fiqhack only make you terminally ill if you stay around 14:49 it sets a 100-turn timer and wears off naturally unless it reaches 50 14:50 further hits decrease it by 10 14:50 oh stenno did I tell you I was accepted to ESA 14:50 nethack will be played at a major speedrun marathon 14:50 wow congrats 14:50 that will be epic 14:51 best of luck 14:51 thats on july 24? 14:51 yea 14:51 I play on the 27th 14:51 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:41565 14:52 what's ESA 14:52 K2: I'd rather you not mock people for not wanting to play your variant 14:52 cool shit 14:53 qt: https://esamarathon.com/schedule/ 14:53 luxidream2: looking forward to seeing you splat ;) 14:53 esa is some european speedrun thing 14:53 kinda like adgq 14:53 european speedrunner assembly 14:53 *agdq 14:53 covertmuffin, michflowerpower 14:53 second biggest event, next to gdq 14:53 big names 14:54 bigjon lol 14:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:15069 14:54 hm wasn't there drama between bigjon and gdq 14:54 yep 14:54 hm 14:54 I ascended all variants I played except for one this year 14:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) killed the elder priest of Moloch, on T:41661 14:55 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 shield of reflection", on T:15072 14:55 I wasn't able to ascend fiqhack 14:56 FIQ: I'll have backups 14:56 hopefully they will go unused 14:57 nice one FIQ 14:57 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in seven variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 14:57 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in six variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 14:57 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in six variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 14:57 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Warrior, on T:15329 14:57 Junethack: jt ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on eu.hardfought.org! 14:57 stenno: who is covertmuffin 14:57 the irony of the one variant I fail to ascend being my own isn't lost on me 14:58 :) 14:58 hoist by your own petard, FIQ :D 14:59 -!- ssnufd has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:59 -!- Hekik has joined #hardfought 15:02 luxidream2: i know him from wc3 15:02 apparently he does other things too 15:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) attained the rank of Excavator, on T:22037 15:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:15829 15:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:15832 15:06 -!- antigulp has joined #hardfought 15:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v antigulp] by ChanServ 15:07 . 15:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) entered the Planes, on T:42726 15:07 Sick, no messages 15:08 hi antigulp 15:08 hi antigulp, I had this dumb idea to add synchro and xyz summoning for cartomancer 15:09 [hdf-us] [nh343] KaiHerd (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 903 points, T:1043, killed by a giant bat 15:10 FIQ what? 15:10 not mocking anyone 15:10 Hi! 15:10 Hello antigulp, Welcome to #hardfought 15:11 -!- spleen has joined #hardfought 15:11 luxidream2: I mean I haven't ported the Cartomancer code to the rewrite yet, so now would be the time... the time for NETHACK ON MOTORCYCLES. 15:11 oooo motorcycle steed 15:12 <@princessSpicycat> chucking razor cards / grenades from the back of a noble purring carburetor thingy 15:12 lol where did that even come from fiq? you making shit up just to troll? 15:13 <@princessSpicycat> mock might be a strong word / mistranslation 15:13 I think it's referring to jokingly suggesting luxidream wasn't good enough for evilhack 15:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "2 blessed genocide", on T:23486 15:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:23488 15:13 or scared to play it 15:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) genocided class e, on T:23488 15:13 or what have you 15:14 ah 15:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:16356 15:14 <@princessSpicycat> probably he means like, the negging for scummers and not playing evil 15:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 466 points, T:1281, killed by a gnome 15:14 FIQ, please grab a dictionary and look up the word 'sarcasm' 15:14 <@princessSpicycat> er, ninja'd 15:14 -!- ssnufd has joined #hardfought 15:15 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Val Ang Nbn Law), 622 points, T:551, killed by trying to drink lava 15:15 you have done this to a much more significant extent in the past wrt E use and startscumming 15:15 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) destroyed Famine, on T:42943 15:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the Minion of Huhetotl, on T:23578 15:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:23579 15:16 I don't like you jibing people for playing in ways you don't like 15:16 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in eight variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 15:16 i can joke around with whoever i want FIQ. I dont remember you being the authority on that 15:17 what the hell is up with you today? just out of the blue 15:17 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:17 "nah it's just a prank bro" is an awful excuse for the record, esp when it's not made clear to the person you're talking to 15:18 -!- spontiff has joined #hardfought 15:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha) destroyed Pestilence, on T:42997 15:18 alright FIQ. i'm done with the trolling 15:19 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Pir Inc Fem Cha), 5098410 points, T:43046, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/D/Demo/dnethack/dumplog/1624928553.dnh.txt 15:20 congrats Demo 15:20 !booze Demo 15:20 * Beholder passes Demo a schooner of grappa, fermented by demogorgon at 3 degrees Fahrenheit. 15:20 i will take up the torch of trolling now 15:20 gratz Demo! 15:20 don't worry k2 I will continue your legacy 15:20 no more dnh 15:20 i bet he used the E word a lot. 15:20 june is over 15:20 you still have time to bust out a dnh speedrun 15:20 congrats Demo 15:20 gz Demo 15:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "cursed marker", on T:24682 15:21 no I don't ahour 15:21 if ana elf counted, maybe 15:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:16693 15:21 can't do full on elf ana yolo :'( 15:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 500 points, T:476, killed by an uninjured newt 15:22 what's a budget elf ana that could work? 15:22 <@princessSpicycat> gz @Tone 15:22 ana dwarf 15:22 <@princessSpicycat> (for the elf ana ban) 15:22 <@princessSpicycat> amateurhour scurriers in fourk! 15:22 hah 15:23 [hdf-us] [gh] Cuchullain (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 415 points, T:574, killed by an iguana 15:24 <@princessSpicycat> we have a round-robin of sorts in play 15:24 <@princessSpicycat> one person found a WoW, one got it to castle, and now newer folx are at the helm to ascended 15:25 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) genocided class L, on T:16815 15:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Pri Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2767 15:25 huh, does the NH4 derivatives really not have the bell of opening trophy 15:25 weird 15:25 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in seven variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 15:25 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in nine variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 15:25 Junethack: Demo ascended a game of dNetHack on www.hardfought.org! 15:25 oh they do 15:25 sort of 15:25 it's just in a different place 15:25 grats demo 15:25 [hdf-us] [gh] Cuchullain (Tou Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:967, killed by an iguana 15:26 and it's "defeated the quest nemesis" instead 15:27 [hdf-eu] [slex] jt (Arc Ang Mal Law), 5717 points, T:1739, killed by a monster (winged gargonome) 15:27 -!- Amyflueschlie has joined #hardfought 15:28 Yo amateurhour, secret hint: you might like the combatant role's skill set. 15:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Pri Hum Mal Law) entered a temple, on T:3036 15:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Sting bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:10717 15:32 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:27089 15:32 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:27090 15:33 nice 15:34 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in five variants" unlocked by jt! 15:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:26599 15:34 the comment seems to be a lil bit of a lie, doesn't get grandmaster high heels 15:34 but does in sexy flats 15:34 oh no it does 15:34 I am blind 15:34 :) 15:35 -!- qt has left #hardfought 15:35 I'll definitely try them out later maybe tomorrow 15:35 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 15:35 I have a cloak now 15:35 sick 15:35 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) destroyed elenmirie the elf zombie, and former Student of Stones, on T:36721 15:36 gratz? I usually get one from the first dwarf in the mines 15:36 lol 15:37 :) 15:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Pri Hum Mal Law), 3437 points, T:4096, killed by a Woodland-elf 15:38 K2: where's your evilhack cloak?? 15:39 gonna do a hardfought cloak 15:39 just havent gotten around to it 15:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:18063 15:40 hey ahour what role/race game should I start in dnh while I still get to pick the chaos? 15:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law) had Grayswandir bestowed upon him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:3141 15:41 monk half dragon 15:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:27551 15:41 -!- Amyflueschlie has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 15:41 [hdf-us] [gh] Cuchullain (Wiz Elf Mal Neu), 681 points, T:1583, killed by a garter snake 15:42 -!- Amyflueschlie has joined #hardfought 15:42 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:18338 15:44 it's ridiculous that dnh lets you pick the quest during a particular month and not otherwise, that just shouldnt be the case. :P 15:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 speed boots", on T:27962 15:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) destroyed spleen's ghost, the former Plunderer, on T:4249 15:44 can you do that locally by setting the system clock to june too? 15:44 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Arc Hob Mal Law) had a curved sword entrusted to him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:20437 15:45 anyway gtg now 15:45 -!- Amyflueschlie has quit [Client Quit] 15:46 does ndnh have different chaos Demo? chaos 1 in ndnh 15:46 for etherealoid barb 15:46 no 15:46 hmmmmmm 15:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:11092 15:47 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a long sword bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:9452 15:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) bribed Asmodeus with 11 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:28274 15:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed ring of levitation", on T:28300 15:47 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3667 15:48 maybe a binder for an infinite hp run i wanna do 15:48 that requires chaos 2 15:48 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 3096 points, T:3668, killed by an owlbear 15:48 but id probably splat it early game 15:48 you got time to splat a few times 15:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:28532 15:48 I need to just stop playing 15:48 [hdf-us] [evil] post163 (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 283 points, T:2431, killed by a hobbit 15:49 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:27248 15:49 I don't think you've been playing too much enough 15:49 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:19055 15:50 how many ascs do I have this june? 15:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:28831 15:51 I have a 343 game sitting early in hell 15:51 I'm gonna #quit 15:51 before 8 15:52 looks like 9 dnh ascs wow 15:52 -!- luxidream2 has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 15:53 plus 2 kinda dnh ascs 15:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:29007 15:53 Player in disorder (burnout) - perhaps you'd better #quit. 15:53 what the fu k 15:53 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in six variants" unlocked by Cuchullain! 15:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:29011 15:53 am I ok 15:53 maybe I should see a doctor 15:53 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed partly eaten chickatrice corpse", on T:27254 15:53 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] Graznop (Bar Hum Mal Neu) completed Lokoban, on T:6704 15:55 luxidream: are you doing an asc storm at the end of jnh this year? 15:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:29225 15:55 i think he already did a mini one 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:29258 15:56 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) had Dragonbane bestowed upon him by Mars, on T:37318 15:56 but it was only 3 so I have to make fun of him for it 15:56 @luxidream ^ 15:56 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Mad Hum Fem Neu), 166 points, T:308, killed by a grid bug, while praying 15:57 what year was it where he did something like 30 in a row and the usernames spelled out a story 15:57 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:27265 15:57 all in order 15:57 I remember 3 years ago he put on a hell of show 15:57 oh idk 15:58 i bet its on the nhqdb 15:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Cav Dwa Mal Law), 600 points, T:2153, killed by a newt, while frozen by a floating eye's gaze 16:01 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Mad Hum Fem Neu), 362 points, T:389, killed by a dwarf 16:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:29891 16:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:29900 16:02 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in one variant" unlocked by tinkleblasted! 16:02 -!- spleen has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:02 -!- VaderFLAG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:03 <@luxidream> Demo: I had a funny idea but it would take over 50 ascensions 16:03 <@luxidream> Which I was not feeling up to you this year 16:03 <@luxidream> up to* 16:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed ring of conflict", on T:29962 16:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Dewzmint's ghost, the former Acolyte, on T:1338 16:04 [hdf-us] [evil] Cuchullain (Inf Gia Mal Una), 1325 points, T:2078, killed by a dingo 16:04 !lastgame dewzmint 16:04 nabru: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/D/Dewzmint/nethack/dumplog/1625080466.nh.html 16:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:29968 16:05 so we aren't getting a luxi asc storm 16:05 who knows 16:05 you never know 16:05 there's still 3 hrs 55 min 16:05 maybe he will get inspired to ascend twice in 3 hours 16:05 I could pull some bullshit 16:05 but I'm not feeling like it 16:06 feel very ill idk why. it hit suddenly 16:06 i dont like being rushed personally 16:06 Demo :( 16:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:30083 16:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:30085 16:06 hmm 16:06 !tea Demo 16:06 * Beholder delivers Demo a schooner of white tea, fermented by NotTheOracle\dnt at 2 degrees Celsius. 16:06 ah, too cold 16:06 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:27296 16:07 I wonder why the "describe what?" thingy doesn't use the wish parser 16:07 I wanted to give him a cup of warm tea 16:07 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:07 for object data 16:07 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 16:07 -!- ssnufd has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:07 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dewzmint (Pri Hum Mal Law), 1108 points, T:2046, killed by an invisible gnome lord 16:09 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:27316 16:09 bhaak: do you know if there's a reason beyond just "it didn't happen" that MONSTERCOLORs didn't make it into vanilla? 16:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed acegiak's ghost, the former Field Worker, on T:1767 16:10 [hdf-us] [ndnh] KaiHerd (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 10555 points, T:5137, burned by molten lava 16:11 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in seven variants" unlocked by Cuchullain! 16:11 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] Graznop (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 30481 points, T:6916, killed by a gas spore's explosion 16:12 I was considering looking into the possibility of adapting the tileset engine into a possible config file where you can define what everything looks like in text mode 16:12 [hdf-us] [dyn] Cuchullain (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 3130 points, T:3493, killed by a large cat 16:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:31269 16:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:21299 16:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] k2 (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 716 points, T:993, killed by a crossbow bolt 16:14 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed helm of opposite alignment", on T:27331 16:14 [hdf-us] [evil] mung (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:25490 16:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:21302 16:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) polymorphed his first object, on T:32161 16:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed ring of polymorph control", on T:32167 16:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a master mind flayer, on T:32169 16:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) made his first artifact wish - "blessed magic mirror of merlin", on T:32174 16:17 [hdf-eu] [nh343] zHz (Pri Hum Mal Law), 1675452 points, T:27334, ascended 16:17 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/z/zHz/nh343/dumplog/1623461988.nh343.txt 16:17 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:21415 16:17 -!- ssnufd has joined #hardfought 16:17 [hdf-us] [gh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 39791 points, T:12676, killed by a scorpion 16:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at them by some watery tart, on T:2236 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in fourteen variants" unlocked by Graznop! 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in eight variants" unlocked by Cuchullain! 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in ten variants" unlocked by K2! 16:20 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mad Hum Mal Cha), 362 points, T:450, killed by a jackal 16:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] k2 (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 525 points, T:944, killed by a hill orc 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by zHz! 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in one variant" unlocked by zHz! 16:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in one variant" unlocked by zHz! 16:21 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by zHz! 16:21 Junethack: zHz ascended a game of NetHack 3.4.3 on eu.hardfought.org! 16:21 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 16:21 [hdf-us] [slex] Hekik (War Nor Mal Neu) killed the ghost of twiggets, the former Space Sergeant, on T:12363 16:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3790 points, T:2556, killed by a soldier ant 16:22 go team a! (and two magic lamps I never got to use because NO ALTARS TO BLESS THEM) 16:23 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mad Hum Mal Law), 105 points, T:493, killed by a fox 16:24 [hdf-us] [nh370] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 485 points, T:531, killed by a giant ant 16:25 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Rog Hum Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2762 16:25 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 2263 points, T:2791, killed by a gnome lord 16:25 [hdf-us] [nh343] Demo (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "Blessed figurine of a woodchuck named carl", on T:29898 16:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) attained the rank of Thaumaturge, on T:6815 16:25 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:21539 16:25 [hdf-us] [nh343] Demo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 530480 points, T:29899, quit 16:25 [hdf-us] [fh] Cuchullain (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 14784 points, T:1895, escaped 16:26 cashing in my chips 16:28 -!- antigulp has quit [Quit: Later, alligator!] 16:28 -!- Antigulpgal has joined #hardfought 16:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Antigulpgal] by ChanServ 16:32 [hdf-us] [evil] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) rejected atheism by offering a mountain dwarf corpse on an altar of Anhur, on T:4054 16:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Rog Vam Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1169 16:33 -!- Antigulpgal has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:33 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) destroyed krm26's ghost, the former Reconnoiteress, on T:38113 16:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] spontiff (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed fixed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:4932 16:37 [hdf-us] [nh343] Bartlem (Ran Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a hobbit, on T:4275 16:38 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "the holy fixed +3 Sceptre of Might", on T:2998 16:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 396 points, T:1147, killed by a rothe 16:39 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in eight variants" unlocked by elenmirie! 16:39 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in nine variants" unlocked by Cuchullain! 16:39 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in four variants" unlocked by Demo! 16:40 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in four variants" unlocked by Demo! 16:40 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in four variants" unlocked by Demo! 16:40 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3465 16:46 time to get mini-me 16:46 Evil Patch Idea: When potions in your inventory get shattered, suffer splash effects (as if a potion was thrown at you) instead of vapor effects. "The uncursed potion of polymorph shatters! It splashes all over you! You transform into a lichen! The cursed potion of gain level shatters! You rise through the ceiling." 16:47 if i'm not back in time for the end, great games everyone, hope you all had fun with junethack this year 16:47 Cheers K2, thanks 16:49 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) genocided class ;, on T:24311 16:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 helmofoppositealignment", on T:32252 16:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:32257 16:50 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 16:51 -!- antigulp has joined #hardfought 16:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v antigulp] by ChanServ 16:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 1859 points, T:8039, killed by a lynx 16:53 Object materials YANI: Make the patch tiles compatible by dynamically generating alternate tiles for items of different materials. Almost certainly impractical, but potentially interesting. 16:53 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 16:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:32572 16:54 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:5629 16:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Rog Vam Fem Cha) was given Plague, on T:6316 16:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:32594 16:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 1044156 points, T:32611, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Ride/nethack/dumplog/1625067943.nh.html 16:55 Congrats, Ride! 16:55 <@Shadow_Rider> thank you antigulp! 16:56 congrats ride 16:57 <@Shadow_Rider> let's see if there's time for one more 16:57 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:24702 16:57 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:24711 16:58 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 16:58 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in one variant" unlocked by tinkleblast! 16:58 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in one variant" unlocked by tinkleblast! 16:58 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by tinkleblast! 16:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed fixed The Master Key of Thievery", on T:13571 17:00 [hdf-eu] [sp] Graznop (Bar Dwa Mal Neu), 2711 points, T:1702, killed by a wolf 17:00 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Valkyrie ### Fem ###) stole 9560 zorkmids of merchandise from the walking cane of Rhaeader on T:1861 17:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:24966 17:01 Junethack: tinklebees ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on www.hardfought.org! 17:02 [hdf-eu] [gh] Gandelf (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 12 points, T:23, killed by a kobold wererat 17:04 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] bhaak (Kni Hlf Mal Law), 548 points, T:2281, killed by a parrot 17:04 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Rog Vam Fem Cha), 30802 points, T:6686, killed by an ogre king 17:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible high priestess of Moloch, on T:25089 17:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:25093 17:06 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1961, rt[0:03:43] 17:06 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1180 points, T:1977, [0:03:47], killed by a soldier ant 17:09 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:10 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:1839, rt[0:03:38] 17:11 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) endured an absurd aquatic ceremony, and now wields Excalibur, on T:2147, rt[0:04:36] 17:12 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2688, rt[0:06:01] 17:13 !pom 17:13 Grasshopper: The moon is waning gibbous; new moon in 9 days. 17:14 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:3261, rt[0:07:34] 17:14 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:14 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:14 <@princessSpicycat> this'll be rather fast if Rider makes it 17:14 @le?mi-go operator 17:14 mi-go operator (F) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 12 | Spd: 10 | Res: cold poison acid | Confers: poison | MR: 20 | Generates: special | AC: 2 | Attacks: 1d8 sting drain int | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, flies, breathless, seeinvis, poisonous, vegan 17:15 <@princessSpicycat> oh, i'm 2 hours off 17:15 <@princessSpicycat> well, Rider will make it, then! 17:17 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law), 80463 points, T:8754, drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel 17:19 rip 17:19 !8ball try again? 17:19 Rust: Without a doubt 17:19 yeah obv 17:19 was it a sudoku 17:19 or was it a real rip :( 17:19 i decided boldly to cross medusa with my water walking boots on 17:20 and then walked next to eel (dumb mistake) 17:20 and then hit a key again before noticing it wrapped me 17:20 ouch 17:20 D: 17:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in three variants" unlocked by aoei! 17:20 i thought i had taht on MSGTYPE=stop but i guess not? 17:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in three variants" unlocked by aoei! 17:20 <@princessSpicycat> speed makes bleed 17:21 <@princessSpicycat> flying makes dying 17:21 hey luxidream you can skip part of the asc run in 343 I think 17:21 <@princessSpicycat> the boldly sleep coldly 17:21 it was titan medusa and i also coulda dug but i kinda figured i'd cross, didnt really mean to go next to eels in the first place they were electric and coulda dusted my rings/wands 17:21 amateurhour: are you talking about branchport skip? 17:21 luxi knows about that 17:22 wasn't thinking about that, that's probably better 17:22 which part were you talking bout tho :o 17:22 is that the one where you branchport with a monster that has the amulet? 17:22 [hdf-us] [dnh] nopsled (Ana Elf Fem Cha) consulted the oracle for the first time, on T:2353 17:22 yeah you need saddle and to be on a mount that is carrying the amulet 17:22 like a steed or so- 17:22 ah yeah 17:22 yes 17:23 can go from sanctum to soko like that, in principle 17:23 lol 17:23 that's epic 17:23 i wanted to try it for 343 tc run 17:23 but i have yet to do so 17:23 guess you need the eye for that 17:23 yea 17:23 so wizard or wish I guess 17:23 wish for it as neutral or be wizard 17:23 yeah 17:23 wiz is best for tc anyway 17:23 gonna drink water 17:24 and try one more time to beat 343 17:24 good 17:24 stay hydrated 17:24 that run was not a bad attempt tbf 17:24 i #quit one game, then got to Medusa in about an hour 17:24 in 8kish turns 17:24 !timeleft 17:24 still got over 2 hours 17:24 i believe 17:24 ascend then 17:24 Only 2 h 35 m 16 s until the tournament ends! 17:24 2.5 h and change 17:24 i can try Demo 17:25 still got a shot here :3 17:25 short break tho 17:25 then run it back 17:25 mite be rekt at work tomorrow LOL 17:25 but whocares 17:25 oh here's a macho weapon name 17:25 "a - a dwarvish short sword named The Torture Master" 17:25 i played too much dnh 17:26 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:6570, rt[0:19:32] 17:26 The Torture Master sounds like a bad porn movie 17:26 or some low-quality horror movie 17:28 <@princessSpicycat> antigulp still around? 17:29 hey Demo there's still a low effort dnh trophy you can get 17:29 1000 turns with each of the new races/roles 17:29 [hdf-us] [un] picaresquieu (Pri Elf Fem Cha) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:2120, rt[0:46:02] 17:30 theres still a shit load of low effort trophies i could get 17:30 heres the thing 17:31 im too powerful 17:31 [hdf-eu] [sp] Graznop (Val Dwa Fem Law) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:2526 17:31 haha, true 17:32 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:27260 17:33 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:27261 17:33 [hdf-eu] [evil] spontiff (Val Dwa Fem Law), 9297 points, T:10024, killed by a giant leech 17:34 [hdf-eu] [sp] Graznop (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3457 points, T:2621, killed by a gray unicorn 17:35 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fireproof +5 boots of speed", on T:59613 17:36 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1968 17:36 -!- zjmc_ has joined #hardfought 17:36 heading to sleep, good job with all the games everyone junethack was a blast \o/ 17:36 -!- amateurhour has quit [Quit: zzz] 17:38 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Valkyrie ### Fem ###) killed the ghost of , the former Knight, on T:7197 17:38 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:27443 17:39 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed fixed ring of conflict", on T:27446 17:39 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in fifteen variants" unlocked by Graznop! 17:39 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Tou Hum Fem Neu) was given Tensa Zangetsu, on T:5765 17:40 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:12183, rt[0:33:51] 17:40 fuck bazaartown https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/389212978030968832/859911267506323506/unknown.png 17:40 worse than orc town 17:42 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 60942 points, T:12405, [0:36:01], caught herself in her own ball of lightning 17:43 -!- spontiff has quit [Quit: Client closed] 17:46 Aw Rider 17:46 ooh bummer 17:46 [hdf-us] [un] picaresquieu (Pri Elf Fem Cha) entered Minetown, on T:3558, rt[1:03:09] 17:47 [hdf-us] [un] picaresquieu (Pri Elf Fem Cha) entered a shop, on T:3581, rt[1:03:28] 17:47 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) put Death down for a little nap, on T:27597 17:47 [hdf-us] [un] picaresquieu (Pri Elf Fem Cha) entered a temple, on T:3666, rt[1:04:17] 17:48 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:1751, rt[0:03:59] 17:49 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:49 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2253 points, T:2598, [0:05:43], poisoned by a water moccasin 17:51 [hdf-us] [slex] sohlman (Pri Dra Mal Neu), 4338 points, T:1320, killed by a monster (crappy brat), while sleeping 17:51 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 17:51 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) put Death down for a little nap (5 times), on T:27646 17:52 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:59737 17:52 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:59741 17:53 @le?schinda 17:53 schinda (c) | Lvl: 5 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 8 | Res: disintegrate petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 8 | Attacks: 4d5 weapon physical, 4d5 kick disarm, 0d6 passive frenzy | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, stalker 17:55 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) has been given Excalibur, and now enjoys supreme executive power, on T:2143, rt[0:04:18] 17:55 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:59777 17:55 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) put Death down for a little nap (10 times), on T:27713 17:56 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 17:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:14576 17:57 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2914, rt[0:06:54] 17:57 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:27751 17:58 Junethack: New user justfinitelycraig registered! https://junethack.net/user/justfinitelycraig 17:58 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2553 17:59 [hdf-eu] [nh370] deki (Val Hum Mal Law), 2156776 points, T:27772, ascended 17:59 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/d/deki/nethack/dumplog/1622927173.nh.html 17:59 grats deki! 18:00 thanks! :) 18:00 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:3748, rt[0:09:26] 18:01 GG 18:01 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in thirteen variants" unlocked by deki! 18:01 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by deki! 18:01 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in ten variants" unlocked by deki! 18:01 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by deki! 18:01 Junethack: deki ascended a game of NetHack 3.7.0 on eu.hardfought.org! 18:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Leggman (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 675 points, T:1046, killed by a gnome lady 18:02 -!- fakepass has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:02 congrats deki 18:04 "There is moorland here. Something is engraved here on the water." 18:04 * Hekik squints 18:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] argluar (Val Dwa Fem Law), 972 points, T:2584, killed by a giant bat 18:05 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:5658, rt[0:15:10] 18:05 [hdf-us] [un] picaresquieu (Pri Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4016, rt[1:10:14] 18:07 -!- luxidream2 has joined #hardfought 18:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:14710 18:07 [hdf-us] [nh343] habib (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:24427 18:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed amulet of life saving", on T:14716 18:08 -!- gpotvin has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:08 -!- lacca[m] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:09 -!- lacca[m] has joined #hardfought 18:09 [hdf-us] [nh343] habib (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed sunsword", on T:24431 18:09 -!- gpotvin has joined #hardfought 18:10 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:7800, rt[0:19:46] 18:10 [hdf-us] [nh343] habib (Val Dwa Fem Law), 461357 points, T:24433, quit 18:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] desertgreg (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:4000 18:11 [hdf-us] [seed] shadowrider38 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 11051 points, T:8005, [0:20:33], killed by an invisible stalker, while praying 18:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] desertgreg (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) attained the rank of Thaumaturge, on T:4195 18:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 903 points, T:2481, killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food 18:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] desertgreg (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:4309 18:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Leggman (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1670 18:17 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Valkyrie ### Fem ###) killed Wizard of Yendor, on T:11390 18:17 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:5140 18:19 [hdf-us] [slex] sohlman (Sla Myr Mal Law), 351 points, T:623, killed by a monster (invisible armorsmith dwarf) 18:19 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:60027 18:19 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Valkyrie ### Fem ###) killed Wizard of Yendor, on T:11554 18:19 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:60028 18:19 [hdf-us] [slex] Hekik (War Nor Mal Neu), 142781 points, T:14865, killed by a tail spikes 18:20 well that was a slex run, rip 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in two variants" unlocked by habib! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by habib! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in two variants" unlocked by habib! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in two variants" unlocked by tinklebest! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended two variants" unlocked by tinklebest! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in two variants" unlocked by tinklebest! 18:20 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in two variants" unlocked by tinklebest! 18:23 [hdf-us] [nh4] UniDuck (Cav Hum Mal Law), 225104 points, T:63806, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/U/UniDuck/nethack4/dumplog/2021-06-30%2022%3A22%3A38%2C%20UniDuck-Cav-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 18:24 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Valkyrie ### Fem ###) killed Wizard of Yendor, on T:12146 18:24 -!- antigulp has quit [Quit: Later, alligator!] 18:24 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:44574 18:27 Wizard O. F. Yendor 18:27 [hdf-eu] [slshm] Graznop (Val Dwa Fem Law), 428 points, T:385, killed by a hobbit 18:27 [hdf-eu] [nh13d] jt (Val Fem), 176948 points, T:12436, escaped (with amulet) 18:29 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in one variant" unlocked by UniDuck! 18:29 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in one variant" unlocked by UniDuck! 18:29 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by UniDuck! 18:29 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by UniDuck! 18:29 Junethack: UniDuck ascended a game of NetHack4 on www.hardfought.org! 18:29 <@princessSpicycat> one duck ran amok 18:30 <@princessSpicycat> the victory, was done and stuck 18:31 <@princessSpicycat> from yonder pond, a bargain struck 18:31 <@princessSpicycat> "from cave to castle, with one woodchuck, bring lawfulish action and lots of pluck" 18:32 Junethack: jt ascended a game of NetHack 1.3d on eu.hardfought.org! 18:32 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 18:32 <@princessSpicycat> whoa, 1.3d win 😮 18:33 <@princessSpicycat> does nethackscoreboard track those? 18:33 Ye 18:33 <@princessSpicycat> i ain't never seen it! 18:33 Ammy got one earlier iirc 18:33 yee 18:33 <@luxidream> grats jt 18:33 <@luxidream> what is teh secret to 1.3d 18:34 <@princessSpicycat> well i'll be wiggled 18:34 <@princessSpicycat> grats jt and amateurhour 18:38 -!- luxidream2 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1738 points, T:2312, killed by a water demon 18:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on Dlvl:39, on T:44884 18:39 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:44895 18:39 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] Leggman (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3296 18:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:44906 18:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Bar Orc Mal Cha) was given Atlantean Royal Sword, on T:6317 18:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed ring of conflict", on T:44965 18:45 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming an Elvenqueen, on T:22133 18:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 862 points, T:2485, killed by a burning scroll 18:48 congrats jilles 18:49 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:22424 18:50 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:8426 18:51 [hdf-us] [nh343] StellaSchnella (Val Dwa Fem Cha), 74703 points, T:8476, killed by a minotaur 18:52 that mino came outta nowhere D: 18:52 rip last jnh run 18:52 <@riker> get dunked on 18:52 im done 18:52 its be real tho 18:52 thanks y'all 18:55 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:45100 18:55 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:45102 18:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 58 points, T:185, killed by a bear trap 18:56 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) killed the modron monodrone, on T:2764 18:58 !setmintc 5000 18:58 NetSysFire: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for netsysfire set to 5000 18:59 j - a finalized scroll labeled AMYBSOD DOES NOT KNOW C {0}. 19:01 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in two variants" unlocked by aoei! 19:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:7, killed by a water moccasin, while praying 19:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (giant eels), on T:22628 19:06 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Rog Elf Fem Neu), 2995 points, T:5867, killed by a giant mimic 19:10 -!- luxidream2 has joined #hardfought 19:12 [hdf-us] [fh] Tam (sadburger) (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the ghost of Tam, the former Conjurer, on T:2698 19:13 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed sunsword", on T:22810 19:13 The monster trait that is more common: monsters whose attacks cause really bad effects (freq bonus 2). 19:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) destroyed post163's ghost, the former Evoker, on T:3058 19:15 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed sunsword", on T:22828 19:15 45 minutes left 19:15 who is gonna ascend? 19:15 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:22829 19:16 I think I remember in some late junethack someone registered all their ascensions at the last minute 19:16 but clan EIT isn't doing their thing anymore as far as I nmow 19:16 *know 19:16 <@Shadow_Rider> is that going to be you Adeon 19:16 nope 19:16 I must confess 19:17 that I have not played barely any games during june 19:17 and I am not good enough to ascend in 45 mintues 19:17 [hdf-us] [slshm] oh6 (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 8131857 points, T:71823, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/o/oh6/slashem/dumplog/1622736956.slashem.txt 19:17 luxi is known to slam down 40 dyna ascs in the last end of the shit 19:17 but he isnt doing that this year 19:17 <@Shadow_Rider> yay oh6! 19:17 when devnull had their forums open I loved the clan EIT shittalk 19:18 I think it was something like 19:18 congrats oh6!! 19:18 "dear clan unfoog" 19:18 "I'm sorry your noobs can't even figure out how to solve sokoban" 19:18 "jesus h. izchak" 19:19 something along those lines 19:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] habib (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 87212 points, T:22834, choked on a food ration 19:20 <@Shadow_Rider> noooo habib whyyy 19:20 [hdf-us] [fh] Tam (sadburger) (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 42382 points, T:3093, killed by an owlbear 19:21 google told me to not eat undercooked potatoes wtf 19:21 thats so stupid 19:21 <@habib> suicide, no time to ascend it @Shadow_Rider 19:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Thaumaturge, on T:4046 19:22 congrats oh6, so fare you are winning for final asc 19:22 <@Shadow_Rider> ik i'm just kidding 19:22 <@habib> I died with my trusty Sunsword lain on top of my body 🙂 19:23 <@habib> bloated, over-satiated body 19:23 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) attained the rank of Collector, on T:46970 19:23 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:46971 19:23 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Rog Elf Fem Neu), 597 points, T:1802, killed by a sewer rat 19:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 184 points, T:870, killed by a dwarf 19:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) consulted the Oracle, on T:4286 19:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) murdered her faithful horse, on T:5213 19:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] jmcunx (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 2990 points, T:4677, killed by a yeti 19:30 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in two variants" unlocked by habib! 19:30 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour: finish a game in two variants" unlocked by oh6! 19:30 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in one variant" unlocked by oh6! 19:30 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in one variant" unlocked by oh6! 19:30 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended one variant" unlocked by oh6! 19:30 Junethack: oh6 ascended a game of Slash'EM on www.hardfought.org! 19:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:5508 19:33 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) genocided class ;, on T:47127 19:33 [hdf-us] [dyn] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Cha), 305902 points, T:48272, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/dynahack/dumplog/2021-06-30%2019_33_41%2C%20hothraxxa-Val-Dwa-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 19:34 <@Shadow_Rider> wp hotraxxa! 19:34 ty 19:35 first time i ever used the hoa to ascend. aosdict will disown me 19:35 -!- qt has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:35 wow congrats 19:35 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 19:36 now hoth is winning 19:36 final June asc 19:36 <@luxidream> An invisible crowd boos, and you are hit by tomatoes 19:36 [hdf-us] [nh343] Bartlem (Ran Hum Mal Neu) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:5027 19:37 <@princessSpicycat> "here, beneath this Sunsword, is the final resting place of... well, you can clearly see the body yourself. 19:37 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:61881 19:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:4318 19:37 <@princessSpicycat> it takes up one and a half tiles and that's not even counting the stinking cloud around it. Rest in Peace!" ((makes the sign of the c-ration)) 19:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on the Plane of Water (for the 5th time), on T:47249 19:38 not sure how june is ending and not sure if im happy about it 19:38 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:61906 19:38 i really like independence day as a holiday and june has to end for it to happen 19:38 <@princessSpicycat> in a blistering heat wave 19:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Fire Brand bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:5628 19:39 Junethack: Achievement "Globetrotter: get a trophy in ten variants" unlocked by hothraxxa! 19:39 Junethack: Achievement "Anti-Stoner: defeated Medusa in five variants" unlocked by hothraxxa! 19:39 Junethack: Achievement "Diversity Ascender: Ascended five variants" unlocked by hothraxxa! 19:39 Junethack: hothraxxa ascended a game of DynaHack on www.hardfought.org! 19:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) attained the rank of Thaumaturge, on T:6782 19:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:6794 19:42 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:47404 19:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:47415 19:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:7976 19:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered a temple, on T:8024 19:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered a shop, on T:8081 19:47 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) genocided class v, on T:61996 19:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a werejackal, on T:8324 19:51 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) genocided class ;, on T:62014 19:51 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) genocided class S, on T:62015 19:51 grassy is contending for final june asc? 19:51 !lotg 19:51 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, Demo! 19:52 i wonder if someone has a few tucked away for last min 19:52 * K2 looks at @luxidream 19:53 9min left 19:53 nope 19:53 I'm out 19:53 i could have had one 19:53 but i slammed it around 4? or so? 19:54 could have let it sit but if id forgot to asc it id be fucked 19:54 i have a 1/4 of the game barb dnh and a 1/15 of the game barb eth ndnh 19:54 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha) averted death, on T:5552 19:54 already #quit my 343 instead of rushed asc 19:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Dragonbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:11861 19:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1679 19:54 could have totally ascended it with the 4 hour window or whatver 19:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:5700 19:55 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:62094 19:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:12659 19:55 luxidream2 you make me sad 19:55 [hdf-eu] [slex] NetSysFire (Gla Dev Fem Cha), 34575 points, T:5558, killed by a monster (Azmodan) 19:56 wanted to see 30 asc in a row telling a story 19:56 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:56 -!- cccrow has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 19:56 next year 19:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:15115 19:58 50 asc 19:58 for his idea 19:58 -!- cccrow has joined #hardfought 19:58 just dont use dynahack heh 19:58 nope 19:58 never touching dyna again 19:58 why no 19:58 save shredder? 19:59 maybe FIQ will fix it 19:59 you do know by next year fiq will have rewritten dyna to use nh4 style saves ;) 19:59 fix what? 19:59 oh 19:59 dynahack 19:59 hey next year brevishack will be in the tournament in some form somehow 19:59 30 seconds 19:59 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed fireproof magic harp named stratocaster", on T:62104 19:59 ive gotten hit up way too many times to not let it happen 19:59 uhhh 19:59 Grasshopper hurry up lol 19:59 10s 19:59 1 minute uh oh 19:59 fuck 19:59 rip 20:00 not gonna make it 20:00 irip 20:00 8 20:00 gg hoth won 20:00 june is over go home 20:00 or if ur k2, have fun with all the updates 20:00 no kidding 20:00 370-hdf and setseed tonight 20:00 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Death, on T:47516 20:00 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 20:01 servers could use reboots too 20:01 i did a game with +108 inc damage 20:01 that was fun 20:01 can we use seeds on setseed again 20:01 i never really got the chance or figured out how to do full proper abuse of my best wish machine yet 20:01 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ ¤ public irc logs available on website ¤ ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ Junethack 2021 has ended, good games everyone! - https://junethack.net 20:01 i guess ill report a couple dnh bugs maybe or something 20:01 oh wait june is over so i can share a big one that affects every non nh4 variant 20:01 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:62116 20:02 -!- qt has quit [Quit: bye] 20:03 -!- qt has joined #hardfought 20:03 also I can't wait to try dnethack now that I'm not constantly running towards the bottom of the screen anymore 20:03 wait wtf why isnt it working on vanilla naymore 20:04 k2, hang up on this prompt on a save you dont care about https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/389212978030968832/859947450017775626/unknown.png 20:04 and let me know what happens 20:04 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Famine, on T:62161 20:04 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) put Death down for a little nap, on T:62161 20:04 ok 20:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) murdered her faithful sewer rat, on T:6745 20:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law), 9412 points, T:6771, petrified by a chickatrice 20:06 as a server admin, i hope this explains some shit 20:06 "where did my game go wtf" 20:06 if some1s net dropped while loading a save, rip 20:08 Junethack: Junethack 2021 has ended! Thanks for playing! 20:08 found this towards the end of june, didnt wanna say anything cause i didnt want panic 20:08 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Law) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:62189 20:09 appears to affect any variant you can get a more prompt on while restoring save file 20:09 hmm 20:09 that would be all 3.x based then i imagine 20:10 appeared so to me 20:10 it doesn't work with curses UI 20:10 i couldnt get it in any nh4 based 20:10 ah 20:10 <@princessSpicycat> hell yeah brevishack 20:10 Demo: it wouldn't due to how NH4's save system works 20:10 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:47605 20:10 <@princessSpicycat> i was actually thinking about brevis earlier today 20:10 DynaHack is also safe 20:10 well fiq, its a black box to me 20:10 while dynahack's save system is problematic, the way it works does protect it from these kind of issues in particular 20:10 i lost a game this june to this bug in dnh 20:11 but it was like, barely a game 20:11 and i was more impressed that id found a cross variant save shred 20:11 also this bug isn't unknown per se 20:11 maybe that exact one, but 20:11 NH3's save system is known to have problems with game termination in the middle of a save or load 20:12 its just so funny to me that theres a more prompt mid restore you can hang up on and totally destroy the save 20:12 <@princessSpicycat> it's kinda funny how, most nethack variants take an incredibly long game, and make it longer. and some DCSS variants take a relatively quick roguelike and make it even shorter 20:13 <@princessSpicycat> only brevishack goes in the other direction, trimming the fattier roguelike 20:13 Demo: you can also use it to hide startscums 20:13 [hdf-au] [nh370] Grassy (Val Dwa Mal Cha), 1754087 points, T:62219, ascended 20:13 https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/G/Grassy/nethack/dumplog/1624076271.nh.html 20:13 very good point fiq 20:13 <@princessSpicycat> well, i guess autoexplore variants also speed up nethack 20:13 er, not that particular one 20:13 but there's another one I know of 20:13 that you can do it with 20:13 thats against the rules of jnh i think tho 20:13 I chose not to elaborate on it because I don't think there's a viable fix 20:13 the rules of jnh are very weird 20:14 i can have a literal wish machine and get +108 dmg bonus but i cant abuse memory corruption bugs to make a +108 dmg weapon or call done(ASCENDED) (fair) 20:14 i cant use hangups to hide deaths but i can use hangups to ???? something worse???? 20:14 i like rules like that 20:14 they make it more fun 20:15 Demo: uhh the first case is fair 20:15 because that's not so much about balance as it is about things that can harm the server 20:15 yeah not being allowed to call done(ASCENDED) is fair 20:15 the memory corruption thing is fair to disallow 20:15 also if anyone could do that on k2's systems i would LOVE to see a writeup 20:16 because sure, you can do "harmless" stuff like get OP stuff 20:16 cause aslr and pie make that so tricky 20:16 mostly the pie 20:16 but you can also do far more nasty stuff 20:16 to the server 20:16 DoS, etc 20:16 -!- K2 has quit [Changing host] 20:16 -!- K2 has joined #hardfought 20:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+ov K2 K2] by iridium.libera.chat 20:16 if u wanna do bad things to k2's servers id recommend looking elsewhere than nethack 20:16 K2: cool cloak 20:16 also die if u wanna do that k2 is awesome 20:16 Demo: my point is that the memory corruption thing isn't disallowed because it allows OP things 20:16 but because it can do real harm to the server 20:17 yeah 20:17 +Demo | i cant use hangups to hide deaths but i can use hangups to ???? something worse???? 20:17 what is "something worse" here? 20:17 idk so i put question marks 20:17 [hdf-us] [xnh] Ardub (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 3115072 points, T:47623, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/A/Ardub/xnethack/dumplog/1624900384.xnh.html 20:17 GG 20:19 grats ardub 20:19 did K2 just get a cloak of protection 20:19 yeah 20:19 whois me 20:20 * NetSysFire polymorphes into a black dragon 20:20 can anyone replicate the hangup destroy in 3.7? 20:21 I tried in 3.7, nope, can'rt replicate it 20:21 *can't 20:21 i swear i did 20:21 have a save with some meat 20:21 and see if you can get a more prompt 20:21 it might require some meat 20:21 OK, will try to 20:23 I think the one way to completely eliminate sighup shenanigans is to store a copy of the game state as it was before the last inputted player action 20:24 -!- zjmc_ is now known as jmcunx 20:24 like nh4 saves? 20:24 log the player action itself for that turn 20:24 and on SIGHUP, restore the previous one + the log of what the player just did 20:24 if anyone here who has a registered account with libera wants a hardfought cloak (irc) just ask 20:24 fiq i dont want u on the dt cause it would ruin ur agency but also i want the dt on you 20:24 (so the palyer can't "undo") 20:24 K2: give me one 20:24 no 20:24 :P 20:25 k 20:25 -!- entuland has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:25 i want a cloak idk what it is but if it has any chance of giving any MC ill take it 20:25 also i dont use this account for anything but nh severs for now 20:25 Demo: what do you mean? 20:26 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1464 points, T:1246, killed by a mastodon 20:26 what format you want FIQ? it would typically be hardfought/member/FIQ 20:26 ur too good for the dt because vanilla isnt where its at right now 20:26 K2: it is up to you to decide on the format I think? 20:26 yeah. you ok with that? 20:26 that fear that the new dt would be rejected back during the leak is my second favorite thing to happen with vanilla development 20:26 do whatever you think is best 20:26 sure, go ahead 20:26 my favorite is that we get to watch it happen live on github 20:26 but I think user is more appropriate maybe? 20:26 idk 20:27 hdf generally refers to "users" 20:27 as opposed to members 20:27 if we could get hardfought/player it would be cool 20:27 id consider myself a hdf member 20:27 as in i play an antagonist and protagonist role alternating enough that im part of the plot 20:27 at one point I had prgmr/customer/fiq on freenode 20:27 so clearly it doesn't *have* to be member 20:28 maybe hardfought/player and hardfought/dev? 20:28 member makes the most sense i think 20:28 i like member 20:28 (don't know whether it's possible) 20:28 cause it feels like oldschool hdf stuff ive seen 20:28 nabru it is but i'd like some sort of conformity from the start 20:28 I like the idea of variant dev cloaks 20:28 ah, I understand 20:28 but that's more appropriate for @nethack/ I think 20:28 what FIQ said 20:28 hmm 20:29 i just need some magic cancellation cause im not trying to get poison instadeathed on libera 20:29 i could cloak Beholder too 20:29 and cloaks are known to give MC 20:29 lol Demo 20:29 anyway I'll see how easy it would be to implement my sighup idea 20:30 on 3.7 20:30 anyway if the sighup on save load is an issue in 370 as i thought it was when i tested? and supporting server play to that degree is in scope of what they do, it's probably worth reporting as a bug 20:30 ^ that 20:31 -!- jmcunx has left #hardfought 20:31 it's definitely something k2 cares about more than probably anyone 20:31 give me some ideas for hardfought/variant-dev/ 20:32 basically what I want to do is to store a copy of the gamestate each time the game requests a command from the player 20:32 just 'dev' implies hardfought dev 20:32 and then if SIGHUP ever happens, run a sighup handler 20:32 that saves the game *from the copy* as opposed to the main game state 20:34 the potential problem here is that it basically means essentially performing a game save on every turn 20:34 and I wonder if there's a reason the game doesn't already do this 20:34 disk interactions 20:34 SLOW 20:35 not so much nowadays 20:35 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Elf Mal Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:4361 20:35 -!- tacco has quit [] 20:35 ssd's fast 20:36 also at that point, why not go further? instead of saving the backup copy upon sighup, just save to disk right away 20:36 so that if the game crashes, you don't even need recover 20:37 how many iops are default aws ssds? 20:37 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:38 Demo: I mean this is really no different than what NH4 already does 20:38 in essence 20:38 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 20:38 software needs to stop touching my diskl 20:38 actually i dont care at all i just think its a fun stance to take 20:38 demo it varies 20:38 but even the slowest one is hundreds of times faster than the fasted hdd 20:39 prob a factor of 1000 20:39 *fastest 20:39 the way I'd do it on NH3 is probably to do the saves to a backup file as opposed to the main file and then rename the backup file once it's saved 20:39 i would say i dont use hdds anymore but the stupid chip shortage + proof of space coins jacked ssd prices a bit 20:39 then when you press S and confirm, the game just terminates 20:39 since it has already saved 20:40 I bought a new laptop with a SSD before the chip shortage thing 20:40 honestly i like having saves 20:40 and my older one had an SSD bought many years ago 20:40 the only HDD in my house is an external HDD 20:40 [hdf-us] [nh343] Bartlem (Ran Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:9807 20:40 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Elf Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed +5 dragonhide speed boots", on T:4569 20:40 ssd prices this year are still better than 2 years ago 20:40 best ssd prices ive seen were last black friday 20:40 3 years ago now 20:41 then the only other thing you'd want to do is to make the sighup handler create a sighup file or similar 20:41 that details the action you performed 20:41 so that it can be repeated upon restore 20:41 to prevent undo 20:42 now this only works well if the RNG is consistent 20:42 or you can do something like 20:42 honestly, nh4 > nh3.6 20:42 sorry, nh3.6.0 20:42 quaff a fountain with every msgtype for fountains 20:42 and then sighup if you didn't get a wish 20:43 you can use a really short width instead if it doesnt support msgstop 20:43 setw force-width 20; setw force-height 24; 20:43 for tmux 20:43 vanilla has msgtype nowdays 20:43 oh 20:44 yeah that sounds like miserable cheating 20:44 but glad it exists nonetheless 20:44 and sounds fairly bottable? idk? 20:44 you misunderstand 20:44 are msgs sent before fountain results happen in all cases? 20:44 current vanilla doesn't allow this 20:44 ah 20:44 right it has some weird shit 20:44 but if I made the sighup work like I described above 20:45 and the RNG isn't 100% consistent 20:45 it would work 20:45 what did modern vanilla do for sighup handling? 20:45 weird shit 20:45 it is allegedly way less traditionally abusable 20:45 it doesn't really work well tbh 20:45 like ok it works for the general case since most people sighup in a normal place 20:45 but consider things like xnh wish prompts 20:46 which utterly refuse to be dismissed without proper input 20:46 I don't think it handles sighup well 20:46 can u infiniwish? 20:46 no 20:46 I don't know what happens 20:46 but nothing good I'd reckon 20:47 isn't there a way to play xnh in explore mode 20:48 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Elf Mal Cha), 4913 points, T:5208, killed by a dwarf queen, while praying 20:48 i have no clue 20:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:16136 20:49 fiq what do you know about skipping gehennom with the portal and the wizard tower? 20:50 any 3.x based variant can be played in explore mode 20:50 I don't think the portals work when carrying the Amulet 20:50 in 3.6/3.7? 20:50 if they do, you can use enexto 20:50 k2, dnh removes it, some others might 20:50 fiq, you dont have to in 343 nao at least (and dnh) 20:51 polyself into a piercer and fill the witower with monsters 20:51 you can tele the amulet out of the tower 20:51 neat 20:51 idk if 3.6 or 3.7 changes this 20:51 but there are esier ways in 343 20:51 *easier 20:51 branchport skip 20:51 thats patched in dnh 20:51 idk if teleing the amulet out of wiztower is patched in 36 37 20:51 never tested 20:51 neat trick 20:52 ahours idea, ive just been the one to execute 20:52 didn't think of it but yeah that should totally work 20:52 i got stuck there 20:52 and was gonna enexto out 20:52 cause i thought i could cursed gain level out but nah 20:52 nah 20:52 and he was like "lol try teleing the amulet" 20:52 that's obvious 20:52 haha 20:52 i dont know if it should be fixed 20:52 its pretty fucking cool 20:52 and SO nethack 20:52 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) had a magical pair of glass combat boots entrusted to her by Anhur, on T:31877 20:52 I mean so is branchport skip 20:53 branchport skip is too meta 20:53 this is only worth it in some gehennom spawns 20:53 in un you don't even need to teleport the amulet 20:53 it will teleport itself :) 20:53 costs potentially infinite obj det 20:53 true 20:53 still gotta find it 20:53 yeah 20:53 and hope it doesnt land in moat 20:54 and have enough tele to get it out of tower 20:54 not sure if nh 36 37 limits obj teleports inside tower to inside tower or not 20:54 if it did, i wouldnt be shocked 20:55 my favorite skip is the one in the 343 tas? 20:55 deferred_goto? 20:55 yeah 20:55 heh 20:55 tbh surprised they missed that one 20:55 it's one of the more obvious ways 20:55 another insane bug potential space NOBODY has properly explored, the dochug loop 20:56 stores the next monster ptr before running the current monster 20:56 incase the current monster does shit that gets it moved to migrating list 20:56 but, if the current monster gets the next monster moved to migrating list, uh oh 20:56 then we are running monster movement on the migrating lsit 20:57 (there is some check that the monster has its mspeed or whatever determines if it gets a turn set properly and i think on the migrating list they usualyl dont get thsi?) 20:57 and i dont know if there is a way in vanilla for a monster to put another monster on the migrating list? 20:57 not dochug loop but higher 20:58 -!- krm26 has joined #hardfought 20:58 Demo: vanilla NetHack does everything it can to prevent monsters from teleporting out of the level outside the player's turn for this reason 20:59 a lot of variants add shit that makes this explicitly possible 20:59 in fiqhack, I check if the monster's dungeon level changed after every AI action 20:59 and if it did, I restart the AI loop 20:59 and while it is incredibly rare for monsters to migrate the next monster after them on the chain, it is possible 20:59 which works due to how NH4 refined the movement system 20:59 and usually the results arent that bad i think? 20:59 (so everyone's turn order remains the same as it should be) 20:59 but it has a lot of potentially to set up targeted insane situations 21:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 447 points, T:1926, killed by a Mordor orc called Aiulaakh of Goraun 21:00 it has enough safety checks that i think when it starts trying to do shit with dudes on the migrating_mons list, it just returns? 21:01 cant recall, its been months since ive looked at any of this 21:05 this is likely present in slex 21:08 trying to think of how it could be present in slashem 21:08 knocking back monsters into traps is a good way to do it, literally banishing them is another way 21:08 slashem has neither 21:09 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:33177 21:10 if April showers bring mayflowers, what do june bugs bring? 21:10 july patches 21:12 well this is odd 21:12 never seen this before 21:12 did a merge of latest 3.7 commits to 370-hdf 21:12 only one conflict 21:12 CONFLICT (file location): sys/winnt/sysconf added in HEAD inside a directory that was renamed in 183e31ef142acb992975fb00fef11acfa80281fa, suggesting it should perhaps be moved to sys/windows/sysconf. 21:12 omgconflict 21:13 good thing you have so much experience resolving nh merge conflicts from evilhack upstream merges 21:16 microsoft needs to get rid of shit nt kernel and finally release their windows that is based on linux kerne; 21:18 then it wouldnt be windows 21:19 it would be windows if they put their logo on it 21:19 that conflict, it was just that sys/windows/sysconf doesnt exist, for whatever reason it didnt delete it 21:21 Embrace, extend, extinguish 21:24 only one actual conflict with setseed 21:24 easy 21:25 K2: how do I start a variant in explore mode? 21:25 need to get this priest ascended, but I'm not going to get it done by the end of June. 21:27 i dont think you can start in explore mode and get the starting wow in most variants on hdf but some you can shift+x and enter it? 21:27 aw 21:27 it was the starting wand I wanted to investigate something with 21:27 the ones that dont rebind that to tweowep 21:28 <@luxidream> you can start in explore mode in vanilla? 21:28 nice? 21:28 how? 21:28 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) killed Scorpius, on T:40706 21:28 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:40706 21:29 <@luxidream> OPTIONS=playmode:explore 21:29 <@luxidream> I used it to do the luxplorer sub hour test run 😛 21:29 yeah that 21:29 epic knowledge 21:29 thanks 21:30 NHS should ignore those games 21:30 it sets a flag in the xlogfile 21:30 when you play in other modes othern than normal 21:30 playmode:wizard :) 21:30 NH4 does the same thing 21:31 explore mode should still not prompt for if I want to keep the save 21:31 even in server 21:31 honestly nh4 is the real nh4, its just a shame it kinda kills the classic tty view by default 21:31 -!- Anerag has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:31 Demo: I've considered reimplementing it 21:31 -!- Anerag has joined #hardfought 21:32 if it didn't do that, there's an alright chance that vanilla development wouldn't be happening the way it is now 21:32 which i guess is for the best? 21:32 the thing I like most about NH4 is the UI though 21:33 which is why I strived to replicate it in NH3's curses interface with the perm_ivnent and such 21:33 saving of options is nice 21:34 I'm not scared to edit nethackrc files for sure, but it's nice to tweak an option in game and have it stick 21:34 btw you know what would be nice? 21:34 if it was possible using MSGTYPE to substitute a message with another 21:35 ADOM has it for its msgtype equivalent 21:35 that sounds dangeorus 21:35 why? 21:35 someone copies a config, then you get a lot of "what does this message mean? It's not on the wiki" 21:36 more about copying weird strings into buffers 21:36 at least that's what I can think of 21:36 -!- VaderFLAG has joined #hardfought 21:36 Hekik: to be frank I'd blame the user in that case 21:36 for copying things they don't understant 21:36 *understand 21:36 sure 21:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:7253 21:38 370-hdf and setseed are updated with latest 3.7 commits 21:38 just need to update servers 21:38 -!- Hekik has quit [Quit: Goodnight all] 21:41 !who 21:41 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players | [hdf-us] Pebble [nh370] spleen [nh370] KrO2 [dnh] kelvin [fh] krm26 [evil] rebatela [evil] tinklebear [evil] | [hdf-au] No current players 21:44 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Ran Gno Mal Cha) destroyed elenmirie the elf zombie, and former Student of Stones, on T:41799 21:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Enchantress, on T:16782 21:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 70 points, T:1092, killed by a poisonous corpse 21:51 [hdf-au] [seed] omghax (Mon Hum Fem Cha) entered the Dungeons of Doom [random seed] 21:51 -!- luxidream2 is now known as luxidream 21:52 d 21:52 !setmintc 0 21:52 luxidream: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for luxidream set to 0 21:52 !setmintc 99999 21:52 Demo: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for demo set to 99999 21:53 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Dungeons of Doom [random seed] 21:53 <@luxidream> hey K2 can we get seeds working again 21:53 yeah i'm updating servers as we speak 21:54 neat 21:58 <@Shadow_Rider> Is there a seed you had in mind? 21:58 tried to merge dnh compat onto ndnh2 with the changes in the last week and i managed to get it working locally but i cant push to remote cause i cant type my password 21:59 why not 21:59 muscle memory in my head just broke and im blanking 21:59 its ok i stood up and walked in a circle and it came back and i pushed 21:59 <@luxidream> are you ok 21:59 heh 21:59 !who 21:59 K2: [hdf-eu] FIQ [fh] | [hdf-us] Helios [nh343] Pebble [nh370] ssnufd [nh370] oh6 [nh370] spleen [nh370] arnibald [gh] kelvin [fh] krm26 [evil] elron [evil] | [hdf-au] No current players 22:00 <@luxidream> maybe you should take a break 22:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:4, poisoned by a little dart 22:00 so 370-hdf is updated on hdf-au and eu 22:00 setseed is updated on all three 22:00 you can use seeds again 22:00 <@luxidream> yaaay 22:01 I'm calling it a night 22:01 gonna watch 2 and a half men and then go to sleep 22:01 <@Shadow_Rider> Wait would esa be against you using set seed? 22:01 <@luxidream> I would ask 22:01 <@luxidream> I think common practice for randomizers is for another player to give the runner a seed 22:02 <@luxidream> that is known to be good, but that the runner is not aware of 22:02 <@luxidream> I'm prepared to run random seed though 22:02 <@Shadow_Rider> Interesting 22:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha) attained the rank of Brigand, on T:10316 22:03 <@Shadow_Rider> another player finds a double WoW seed for luxi to use 22:03 you play valk dwa? 22:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] spleen (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 21524 points, T:10322, killed by a tiger 22:03 or what 22:04 <@luxidream> yeah 22:04 <@luxidream> I'm not courageous enough to do a bid war incentive on the role choice 22:04 <@luxidream> not nearly skilled enough for that 22:04 aint noone 22:04 370-hdf being updated in 3 min on hdf-us, please save any current games 22:04 <@Shadow_Rider> Lmao k2 that scared me 22:04 :) 22:05 same lol 22:05 <@Shadow_Rider> The voice of K2 rings out 22:05 I'm gonna make a better more modern dgl alternative before 2030 if no one else does 22:05 :) 22:05 <@Shadow_Rider> And then you would have to set up saves for all 13 roles lmao 22:05 The voice of K2 booms out... "Thou hast angered me." 22:05 !who 22:06 K2: [hdf-eu] FIQ [fh] | [hdf-us] oh6 [nh370] arnibald [gh] kelvin [fh] KarlJarl [nh13d] krm26 [evil] elron [evil] | [hdf-au] No current players 22:06 <@luxidream> well I can do that 22:06 t-minus 1 min 20 sec 22:06 <@luxidream> good practice 🙂 22:07 22 sec 22:07 !who 22:07 @luxidream you could do one on your name? 22:07 K2: [hdf-eu] FIQ [fh] | [hdf-us] oh6 [nh370] arnibald [gh] kelvin [fh] KarlJarl [nh13d] krm26 [evil] elron [evil] | [hdf-au] No current players 22:07 if you aren't playing on server 22:07 NetHack 370-hdf updated (all servers) 22:07 games can commence 22:08 <@Earth Traveler> what's new with this version? 22:08 <@Shadow_Rider> Mostly got reset to original 22:08 there's a month worth of devteam updates 22:08 they invented 591 new instadeaths 22:08 <@luxidream> what do you mean FIQ 22:08 <@Earth Traveler> lol 22:08 everything from the month of june 22:08 <@Shadow_Rider> K2 and bhaak messed with setseed and stuff too 22:08 they added eating glop making you a glopper 22:08 <@luxidream> I will have backups 22:08 [hdf-us] [nh13d] KarlJarl (Cav Mal), 154 points, T:469, homunculus 22:08 @luxidream oh true, I Forgot that 22:08 Setseed updated (all servers) 22:08 can't change the name on those 22:08 ^ seeds work again 22:09 <@Shadow_Rider> Turn off nopet and make that an incentive 22:09 <@Shadow_Rider> The pet that gets abandoned immediately 22:09 <@luxidream> that would be kinda sad 22:10 [hdf-us] [fh] shn (kelvin) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 17619 points, T:1539, killed by a Mr. Nenilukah, the shopkeeper 22:10 <@luxidream> someone would pay good money for that dog, expecting it to last through the end of the game 22:11 <@Shadow_Rider> I dare you to play on server and turn mail on 22:11 <@Earth Traveler> provided it was polyed into a vampire lord anyway 22:11 <@Shadow_Rider> I’ll pay good money to see that 22:11 <@luxidream> bad idea 22:11 how can I see messages that have scrolled back beyond the normal viewable range? 22:11 spiders spins webs again 22:11 <@luxidream> I bet out of the thousands of people watching 22:11 <@Shadow_Rider> :0 22:11 <@luxidream> at least a few of them know how to use mail 22:12 <@Earth Traveler> every time i watch lux's games anyway it looks like a modem is continuously vomiting on my screen 22:12 <@Shadow_Rider> I think it’s a great idea 22:12 <@luxidream> cryogreg: try control+p 22:12 k 22:12 <@luxidream> statuesurfer: you should press s 22:13 <@luxidream> while you're spectating 22:13 <@luxidream> should make it look normal eventually 22:13 also vanilla has autoswap now 22:13 rld, that worked, thanks. 22:13 <@Earth Traveler> hm okay 22:13 or a more limited version of it at least 22:13 <@luxidream> I'm luxidream 22:13 <@luxidream> rld is the bridge bot 22:14 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Dungeons of Doom [chosen seed: workyplzsadface] 22:14 <@Earth Traveler> and i'm statuesurfer because the bot won't use my channel nick for some flipping reason 22:14 it used to 22:14 it was really annoying 22:14 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law), 39 points, T:183, [0:00:26], killed by a sewer rat, while praying 22:14 <@Shadow_Rider> Terrible 22:15 people would have all sorts of weird characters in their names 22:15 making them impossible to ping 22:15 <@Shadow_Rider> That’s not going to look impressive at esa 22:15 <@Shadow_Rider> Dying in less than half a minute 22:15 <@Earth Traveler> you realize it's nearly impossible for irc users to ping discord users anyway 22:15 welp, run's over, pack up boys 22:15 <@luxidream> I just have to win in 1:30 22:15 it used to be possible 22:15 it was blocked later on because someone can't figure out bot privs 22:15 <@luxidream> I can die as much as I want 22:16 it was removed because of @ everyone pings 22:16 @Earth Traveler you sure? 22:16 K2: pinging people with space never worked 22:16 <@Earth Traveler> yeah that didn't ping me 22:16 boo/hiss 22:16 but @luxidream dosn't work either 22:16 it used to, however 22:16 nope 22:16 <@Earth Traveler> yeah because you need our 4 digit discord IDs 22:17 no 22:17 it was removed deliberately 22:17 because people abused it 22:17 @luxidream#5629 22:17 @Earth Traveler#7825 22:17 because discord is dumb and allowed bots more leeway than regular users 22:17 so people could abuse it and ping @everyone 22:18 Boooooooooooooo. 22:22 not bots but webhook backed messages 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed the Dark One, on T:18699 22:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] ssnufd (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:18705 22:28 hm 22:28 I think I'm going to steal a gnollhack enlightenment feature 22:30 code or idea? 22:30 https://home.fiq.se/improved_enlightenment.png 22:30 not code 22:31 the following: 22:31 * listing more stuff in general on enlightenment screens 22:31 * listing the source of various traits/intrinsics/etc 22:31 * listing what you will get on level up 22:32 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Dungeons of Doom [chosen seed: 1im7EcKOdVKYDzVKY4/E11GqgF4CWr8z6/zkaM42ykU] 22:35 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Dungeons of Doom [random seed] 22:35 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Dungeons of Doom [random seed] 22:35 !setmintc 100 22:35 luxidream: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for luxidream set to 100 22:37 !setmintc 200 22:37 Demo: [hdf-au][hdf-us][hdf-eu] Min reported turncount for demo set to 200 22:37 <@Earth Traveler> lol 22:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Bar Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2593 22:39 !players 22:39 cccrow: [hdf-eu] FIQ [fh] | [hdf-us] StatueSurfer [nh370] ssnufd [nh370] KrO2 [dnh] sohlman [slex] krm26 [evil] elron [evil] tinklebear [evil] Luxidream [seed] | [hdf-au] No current players 22:40 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) stole 3989 zorkmids worth of merchandise from Chicoutimi's general store, on T:2422, rt[0:04:57] 22:43 -!- klintos has joined #hardfought 22:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Bar Hum Fem Neu) attained the rank of Bandit, on T:3011 22:43 let's see here, failure to connect to new server using irssi 22:44 let's try NickServ 22:45 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) endured an absurd aquatic ceremony, and now wields Excalibur, on T:4362, rt[0:10:21] 22:45 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:4371, rt[0:10:29] 22:46 ok that worked 22:46 now to try irssi again 22:46 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:4669, rt[0:11:33] 22:50 !who 22:50 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players | [hdf-us] Pebble [nh370] StatueSurfer [nh370] KrO2 [dnh] sohlman [slex] krm26 [evil] tinklebear [evil] Luxidream [seed] | [hdf-au] No current players 22:50 Hi. 22:50 Hello Umbire, Welcome to #hardfought 22:50 <@Earth Traveler> sheesh everything i've eaten this game has been "rotten food" 22:51 -!- davek has joined #hardfought 22:51 a ha! 22:51 wait, davek? 22:51 \o/ 22:51 grrrr. 22:51 try again 22:51 -!- davek has quit [Client Quit] 22:51 lol 22:52 -!- klintos_ has joined #hardfought 22:52 maybe? 22:52 I have to quit the other one I think. 22:52 -!- krm26 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:52 If so, you gotta ghost the old connection 22:52 Or /msg NickServ regain rather 22:53 -!- klintos has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:53 -!- klintos_ is now known as klintos 22:53 eh? EH? 22:53 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:6739, rt[0:18:23] 22:53 now I can keep this open in my twitch window :) 22:54 but first... reboot 22:54 -!- klintos has quit [Client Quit] 22:54 dNetHack updated (all servers) 22:57 uh oh 22:59 -!- bugsniper has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1269 23:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Sting bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:23991 23:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 545 points, T:1316, killed by a dwarf 23:03 -!- klintos has joined #hardfought 23:04 howdy howdy howdy 23:04 'lo 23:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) attained the rank of Magician, on T:26806 23:06 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:06 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:10 we got the bots? 23:10 !help 23:10 klintos: https://www.hardfought.org/nethack 23:10 !ping 23:10 klintos: Pong! 23:10 !potion Umbire 23:10 * Beholder tosses Umbire a tall glass of acid, prayed over by Arsinoe at 477 Kelvin. 23:11 Now that just won't do. 23:11 !tea K2 23:11 * Beholder passes K2 a mug of darjeeling tea, decanted by demogorgon at -13 degrees Celsius. 23:11 frosty 23:11 * Umbire polyselfs into a black naga 23:11 There we go. 23:11 i'll take the acid off your hands 23:11 too late for tea here 23:11 !tea 23:11 * Beholder pours Demo a cup of Earl Grey tea, decanted by TheresaMayBot at 205 Kelvin. 23:12 ice 23:12 !lastgame nh370 23:12 klintos: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/h/habib/nethack/dumplog/1622847477.nh.html | [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/P/Pebble/nethack/dumplog/1625104855.nh.html | [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/G/Grassy/nethack/dumplog/1624076271.nh.html 23:12 klintos o/ 23:13 !booze everyone 23:13 * Beholder passes everyone a glass of the hard stuff, replicated by FCCBot at -16 degrees Celsius. 23:13 drinks on the house! 23:16 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:14105, rt[0:41:24] 23:16 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:14106, rt[0:41:28] 23:17 what's "seed"? 23:18 [hdf-us] [nh370] StatueSurfer (Bar Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:5742 23:18 <@Earth Traveler> starts your 370 game with a fixed seed 23:18 <@Earth Traveler> but more importantly it times you 23:18 aosdict: " You are at full Strength AND have no lost levels AND are at full HP AND your max HP is no more than 10 times your XL." why would you be ineligible for max HP gain only if your max HP is *below* 10*XL? 23:18 <@Earth Traveler> so lux is doing it to practice speedrunning 23:18 I assume that is supposed to be above 10*XL? 23:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] Ride (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:30631 23:20 'cause he need practice 23:20 pffft 23:20 <@Earth Traveler> earlier we saw him die to a sewer rat less than 200 turns in 23:21 <@Shadow_Rider> its a lot of pressure i can imagine 23:22 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (shocking spheres), on T:16375, rt[0:46:40] 23:23 -!- qt has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 23:23 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:16837, rt[0:48:11] 23:23 -!- cathartes has joined #hardfought 23:25 -!- rebatela has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 60 points, T:318, killed by a fox 23:30 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "holy ring of levitation", on T:17801, rt[0:55:35] 23:32 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:18115, rt[0:56:41] 23:33 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "cursed marker", on T:18494, rt[0:58:12] 23:34 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:18599, rt[0:59:02] 23:35 [hdf-au] [nh370] cccrow (Rog Hum Mal Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1440 23:36 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided class L, on T:19043, rt[1:01:08] 23:37 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:19150, rt[1:01:45] 23:37 what? pet can pickup cursed items? 23:37 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:19153, rt[1:01:49] 23:38 got jebaited by my pet 23:39 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:19752, rt[1:04:14] 23:39 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:19762, rt[1:04:20] 23:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] Pebble (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 189 points, T:1123, killed by an electric shock 23:41 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:19924, rt[1:05:45] 23:41 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:19992, rt[1:06:09] 23:43 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:20232, rt[1:08:36] 23:43 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:20234, rt[1:08:38] 23:44 [hdf-au] [nh370] cccrow (Rog Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:2038 23:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] yoyodyne (Bin Hlf Mal Non) consulted the oracle for the first time, on T:3843 23:46 cccrow: Depends on your pet 23:46 ?? 23:47 Tame undead/vampires can step on cursed items iirc 23:47 Also keep in mind autocursing items may not always start out as cursed 23:47 pet cat pick it up 23:47 t. had a blessed +1 HoOA 23:47 What was it that you picked up? 23:47 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:47 hat 23:47 conical 23:47 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:48 [hdf-us] [dnh] yoyodyne (Bin Hlf Mal Non), 2361 points, T:4018, killed by a crow, while praying 23:48 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) bribed Baalzebub with 69 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:21490, rt[1:13:14] 23:48 dunce cap autocurses, does it? 23:48 ohh 23:49 i see 23:49 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) bribed Asmodeus with 217 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:21663, rt[1:13:48] 23:49 thanks, should have look it up in the wiki 23:49 that's new to me 23:50 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "3 cursed gain level", on T:21841, rt[1:14:50] 23:52 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:23053, rt[1:17:06] 23:52 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:23102, rt[1:17:18] 23:54 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:23392, rt[1:19:07] 23:55 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Pestilence, on T:23437, rt[1:19:48] 23:56 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "the helm of opposite alignment", on T:23479, rt[1:20:59] 23:56 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:23482, rt[1:21:02] 23:56 [hdf-us] [seed] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Cha), 564832 points, T:23482, [1:21:04], ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/setseed/dumplog/1625106919.seed.html 23:56 <@Shadow_Rider> gg 23:56 <@Shadow_Rider> that was scary for a moment 23:56 indeed 23:56 I made the mistake of not charging tele beforehand 23:56 let's not do that 23:57 also I tried to bless speed, but dipped in the wrong order 23:57 making sickness 23:57 <@Shadow_Rider> 0:1 wow tho 23:58 <@Shadow_Rider> im assuming you are practicing the commentary at the same time? 23:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] dpmdpm (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Magician, on T:14049 23:58 <@luxidream> I will have Tone's help with that 23:59 <@Shadow_Rider> oh thats cool 23:59 <@luxidream> so I can (mostly) focus on the run 23:59 <@luxidream> especially if things get bad 23:59 <@luxidream> also I should actually nurse dance