00:01 <@FIQ> or were you only counting ambiguous 3-letter codes for the same variant 00:02 nah I mean, that'd be dumb, but I there's probably not much risk of that happening 00:02 except maybe in slex 00:02 but the existence of slex does make clashes with other variants more likely 00:05 * aoei blinks 00:06 I just started slex on hdf. I have a terminal of nonstandard size, subsantially more than 25 .. maybe double that 00:06 in height, i mean 00:06 slex race choice thing says: "page 1 of 5" 00:06 role* 00:07 <@FIQ> you're using curses interface or tty? 00:07 <@FIQ> they would display a diffferent pagecount 00:08 idk they seem to be legit pages though 00:08 altho the 5th page is one entry 00:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Sam Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Ninja, on T:3694 00:08 "! - Quit" 00:09 <@FIQ> in curses you see both roles and races at once and can specify stuff freely 00:09 <@FIQ> but the window is smaller 00:09 interesting 00:10 do i just enable something in the slex rcfile to have that ? 00:10 <@FIQ> OPTIONS=windowtype:curses 00:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:3822 00:10 but anyway slex appears to have 160ish playable roles 00:11 <@FIQ> the role selector is actually an unfinished reimagining of a role selector I made at one point, which was speedily implemented on slex because the old role selector in curses crashed with slex' amount of roles 00:11 hah 00:13 oh wow there are even more races than roles 00:13 on selx 00:14 about 255 in fact 00:14 that is mental 00:14 <@FIQ> I wonder if that's a hard limit 00:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:4305 00:14 maybe the index type is set to char? 00:17 <@riker> i believe nothing woudl stop amy from adding more races/roles if she was really trying 00:17 slex is way too complicated for nhs 00:17 <@riker> she's already changed max lvls away from the 127 cap, she'll do the same to role/races if needed 00:18 yeah 00:18 and if its just a few things that are currently supposed to be char 00:18 she can probably change those too 00:18 but i dread to think of it 00:19 im almost tempted to quietly remove slex entirely from the scoreboard 00:19 but this might make some people unhappy 00:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] novimatrem (Val Hum Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3169 00:19 some things im definitely not gonna bother implementing though 00:20 like the race/role combinations for the page that tracks who ascended which combination first 00:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:6618 00:21 can do it for splicehack and maybe dnh tho 00:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered a temple, on T:6903 00:29 <@FIQ> iirc mandevil used to incorporate role/race combinations using the same rule system as dnh itself 00:29 <@FIQ> but then chris wanted things to be needlessly complicated over time 00:29 <@FIQ> in the end Mandevil just resorted to a lookup table 00:31 yeah, you're probably referring to exclusion rules that apply to certain races or roles vs explicitly defining each allowed combination 00:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] novimatrem (Val Hum Fem Law) entered a shop, on T:3444 00:31 it's done for vanilla and some of the others like that 00:32 DNH and EH have a full list of allowed combinations 00:32 SLEX has a statement written by Mandevil about no way in hell are we gonna try and track this 00:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] Menche (Kni Hum Mal Law), 176 points, T:2016, killed by a wand 00:33 the comment begins "slex is special ..." :^) 00:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] novimatrem (Val Hum Fem Law), 2541 points, T:3446, quit 00:34 <@riker> where are these comments aoei? 00:34 aoei, are you going to be a variant developer? 00:34 well, much of this stuff is defined in cfg/nethack_def.json 00:35 bugsniper: dunno about that, i am now developing the scoreboard 00:35 oh, I see 00:35 there was that one time when I made a python script to list the slex races and roles for a scoreboard 00:35 and I made a very small EvilHack patch (4 lines of code), but K2 rejected it anyway 00:35 bugsniper: if you still have it it may be of some use to me 00:36 tho tbh I might just do as little as possible with slex 00:44 will there be dogs in hats 00:45 well yes, but not in EvilHack 00:45 AntiGulp is interested in the doggo hats patch for SpliceHack, however 00:46 <@riker> does spl have mean Z? 00:48 no idea 00:48 it might be that she just likes doggos with hats 00:49 no, splice doesn't have evilhack's zombies 00:50 evilhack is like a halloween version of nethack 00:50 FIQhack updated (all servers) 00:50 ^ FIQ 00:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] aximili (Mon Hum Mal Neu) attained the rank of Student of Waters, on T:16927 00:51 K2, how about jack-o-lantern chests containing candles 00:51 and pumpkin seeds as a new food item 00:51 <@riker> on friday the 13th, 3.7 just becomes evilhack 00:52 evilhack needs ghosts to form from dead enemies 00:53 and vampire clouds that turn monsters into vampires 00:59 -!- Mencherino has joined #hardfought 00:59 -!- dtype_ has joined #hardfought 01:01 -!- dtype has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:01 -!- dtype_ is now known as dtype 01:02 -!- Menchers has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:06 -!- Heliokopis has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:07 -!- elenmirie_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:08 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 01:20 -!- Mencherino is now known as Menche 01:38 [hdf-us] [nh343] FlopsyBunny (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3894 01:41 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v LarienTelrunya] by ChanServ 01:42 aoei: waaaaaaat you want to remove slex from the scoreboard??? why? I thought you liked me :( 01:42 LarienTelrunya: Message from amateurhour at 2020-08-28 16:45 EDT: YASlexI: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Flimeart93.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F02%2Fmermaid_feet.jpg 01:43 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:44 just because it has many roles and races?! also there is no cap of 255 to my knowledge, it just so happens that that's the current amount but more are planned 01:46 hey, I do like you, it just bugs me that it's very difficult to treat all variants the same way if slex is included 01:46 what exactly is the problem though? I don't get it, slex is on the scoreboard and everything seems to be working fine 01:46 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 01:46 but I also don't want to make a huge table of race/role/align combis for the definitions for stuff like the first-to-ascend page 01:47 yeah i mean its fine really, im not gonna remove it 01:47 but im probably never gonna implement certain pages for slex 01:47 yeah I wouldn't expect that anyway, especially since one day there will be even more roles and races :D 01:48 I don't doubt it :P 01:48 and what was that with the three-letter codes, you said something about clashes with those? 01:48 there's 3 letter abbreviations used all of the nethack/variants scene for races, roles, genders and alignments 01:49 and they're somewhat integral to a lot of things already coded in the scoreboard, it would appear, so if some of them start overlapping it might possibly lead to issues 01:50 Inf being a race in EvilHack, and a distinct role in SpliceHack is probs fine 01:51 idk how much of the 3-letter code space Slex has already filled 01:51 I guess you have claim to quite a chunk 01:51 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:53 you mean that some codes can mean more than one thing? in slex you could play a "FemFemFem" 01:53 but that shouldn't be a problem since the position in that string indicates whether it is a role, race, gender or alignment 01:54 I'd be more concerned with dnethack's weird formatting where it says "Nbn-Nob Elf Fem Cha" or something, i.e. extending the string for role to something that is longer than 3 characters 01:54 yeah true, it would just bug me a little 01:54 but if you tried comparing roles across different variants 01:54 and two variants had the same abbreviation for different roles 01:54 that might be a bit annoying 01:54 heh, there's also the case for two variants using different abbreviations for the same race 01:55 yeah that's also quite frustrating, do some of them already do this? 01:55 slex has had illithids for a very long tile, abbreviated "Ill" of course... but then evilhack came along, added its own illithid, and somehow had to abbreviate it "Ith" 01:55 Oh I see 01:55 slex also has yuki-onna, of course abbreviated "Yuk", but in dnethack they're abbreviated "Swn"??? are they swans?! 01:55 TermIll 01:55 Andrio: yea I was gonna say 01:55 might vaguely confuse people 01:55 maybe that's why K2 wanted Ith 01:58 we probably just have to accept that everyone invents their own wheels, just like branch staircase coloring, altar coloring and monster recoloring are always very different across the various variants that do so :P 01:59 maybe, but keeping names/abbreviations unique and avoiding off-target contextual meanings like illness is good design convention IMO 02:00 on the other hand, good UX design is can be at odds when the goal is maximum player suffering 02:01 <{Demo}2> omg 02:01 <{Demo}2> amy is it the morning? 02:02 heh yes, I didn't want to log on at all but then I saw in the log that slex would maybe be removed from the scoreboard so I had to chime in :P will have to leave in 10 minutes 02:02 oh no :( 02:02 i didn't mean it! 02:02 i am sorry i distracted you with something you felt was urgent 02:04 haha no problem 02:04 do you have a morning tour today 02:05 wait its already saturday 02:05 unfortunately I have an all-day tour today and it's gonna be super stressful 02:05 boo 02:05 there are no weekends or holidays, every day is a work day for me :P 02:05 yea i was about to say o wait they also have trains on the weekend duh 02:06 take one büscheln for your journey 02:06 yaaaaaaaay *sweetheart bundle!* ♥ 02:06 c: 02:06 maybe I get lucky and meet many bundle girls with block heels that can be interviewed today? ;) 02:07 cross my fingers for ya 02:07 thanks! :) 02:08 <{Demo}2> its 2:08, and the moral of the story, is tullamore dew is cool 02:09 <{Demo}2> maybe ill play some dyna tomorrow idk 02:10 8:08 here 02:11 alright gotta go, depending on how tired I am when I get home I might not even log on again but go directly to bed (and not pass go, not collect 200 zorkmids :D) 02:11 -!- eggandhull has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:11 oki, cya 02:11 bye guys! bundleling! ♥ 02:11 <3 02:11 *hug* 02:11 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 02:16 -!- eggandhull has joined #hardfought 02:20 -!- eggandhull has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:26 -!- eggandhull has joined #hardfought 02:30 -!- eggandhull has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:36 -!- eggandhull has joined #hardfought 02:40 -!- eggandhull has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:44 <{Demo}2> oh well 02:46 playin any dyn there {Demo}2 02:47 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 746179 points, T:38893, petrified by a cockatrice 02:49 <{Demo}2> uhh no 02:49 <{Demo}2> I'd splat so hard 02:50 -!- drunkmonkey has joined #hardfought 02:50 !players 02:50 drunkmonkey: [hdf-us] gt [slshm] aximili [nh370] MaxLunar [slex] FlopsyBunny [nh343] | [hdf-eu] No current players | [hdf-au] No current players 02:51 <{Demo}2> bad combo of caffeine and booze = no sleep 02:54 -!- drunkmonkey has quit [Client Quit] 03:06 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Clk Fem Cha), 273 points, T:372, killed by a blast of fire 03:07 {Demo}2: i rly meant 2 play sum dyna today, but i got caught up in another project ^^; 03:07 maybe ill join u tmr :) 03:09 <{Demo}2> tomorrow is in a few hours or so 03:10 <{Demo}2> another project is probably better than playing dyna 03:10 <{Demo}2> nobody ever plays dyna cause they r content in life, unless they do 03:14 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Clk Fem Cha), 1554 points, T:887, killed by a monster (Crone Lilith) 03:16 i rly like it [in theory]! 03:17 i like the combo of save-files + autoexplore + mostly-vanilla + convict patch 03:18 im 2 tired rn tho, ill ramble if i dont stop now 03:27 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Clk Fem Cha), 2647 points, T:727, quit 03:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] XYS (Rog Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:3719 03:32 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:40 -!- eLtMosen has joined #hardfought 03:40 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Changing host] 03:40 -!- eLtMosen has joined #hardfought 03:47 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 03:50 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Clk Fem Cha), 2027 points, T:502, killed by a boulder 03:52 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:56 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 2070 points, T:214, quit 03:59 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) was given Spineseeker, on T:7934 04:04 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 2614 points, T:1634, killed by a wand of striking 04:09 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 2990 points, T:745, quit 04:09 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) was given the Holy Moonlight Sword, on T:8338 04:12 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 695 points, T:178, à„Ÿòÿ 04:14 -!- bugsniper has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:16 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 57 points, T:514, killed by a monster (water demon) 04:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] XYS (Rog Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:5293 04:22 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 2608 points, T:1353, killed by a monster (angry watch captain) 04:24 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3059 04:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] XYS (Rog Hum Mal Cha) had Sting bestowed upon him by Kos, on T:5684 04:32 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 4934 points, T:1234, zapped herself with a wand 04:32 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:3475 04:33 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1599 04:33 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:37 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Vis' ghost, the former Field Worker, on T:1986 04:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Minetown, on T:4275 04:47 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:4971 04:51 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1679 points, T:5474, killed by a rothe, while fainted from lack of food 05:03 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Minetown, on T:1451 05:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu) destroyed dvorkian's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:4636 05:07 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:5413 05:12 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 05:14 [hdf-au] [nh343] FlopsyBunny (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:8616 05:22 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:24 [hdf-us] [nh343] FlopsyBunny (Val Dwa Fem Law), 6498 points, T:8922, killed by a bolt of lightning 05:28 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 05:33 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:33 !tell AntiGulp doggos with hats now in SpliceHack https://imgur.com/a/JffX0aF 05:33 No worries, aoei, I've got this! 05:35 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:57951 05:36 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:57955 05:48 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 05:53 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:01 -!- amateurhour has joined #hardfought 06:23 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:15363 06:27 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) destroyed Lich, the Fiend of Earth, on T:15470 06:27 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) killed Kary, the Fiend of Fire, on T:15497 06:28 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:28 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:29 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 06:29 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) killed the invisible Garland, on T:15628 06:30 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) destroyed Chaos, on T:15645 07:03 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha) killed Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind, on T:15771 07:03 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu) entered the Bigroom, on T:7686 07:05 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Rog Bat Fem Cha), 487302 points, T:15946, drowned in a moat by a Kraken, the Fiend of Water 07:09 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1598 07:11 oof 07:16 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) was given the Marauder's Map, on T:1130 07:16 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 tensa zangetsu", on T:3200 07:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] gargor (Bar Hum Fem Neu), 14855 points, T:10311, killed by an orange dragon called Idefix 07:29 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 07:32 <@microlance> truly oof. as it only had 80 hp left i thought i would survive for one more turn, instead of doing something like teleing away. 07:33 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:41 argh that bugbear had Frost Brand 07:41 perhaps from bones 07:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:6942 07:51 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:3229 07:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 257 points, T:1261, killed by a little dart 08:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:22 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the high shaman of Moloch, on T:10096 08:26 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 8406 points, T:8018, killed by a gnome lord 08:29 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 godhands", on T:6903 08:30 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Lungorthin, on T:10458 08:32 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 286 points, T:1060, killed by a coyote 08:34 -!- j6p has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 08:39 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 977 points, T:2276, killed by a bugbear, while frozen by a potion 08:44 [hdf-eu] [un] fxenakis (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 4672 points, T:8461, killed by a white unicorn 08:50 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:00 [hdf-eu] [evil] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Mal Law), 11581 points, T:12153, killed by an air elemental of Camaxtli 09:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Axus, on T:14157 09:12 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 1498 points, T:2419, quit 09:15 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Minetown, on T:2305 09:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Oona, on T:15071 09:19 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 1076 points, T:1062, quit 09:30 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 09:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) was given their Quest, on T:16658 09:34 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 722 points, T:2327, killed by a grid bug, while reading a book 09:34 -!- tommo has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 09:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3042 09:41 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Lord Surtur, on T:17412 09:46 [hdf-us] [slex] XYS (Val Dwa Mal Cha), 23705 points, T:6028, killed by a gas spore's explosion 09:49 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 09:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2215 points, T:3685, killed by a water moccasin 09:54 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:59 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:640 10:04 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Cha), 326 points, T:750, killed by a Keystone Kop 10:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 931 points, T:1762, killed by a Woodland-elf 10:11 [hdf-us] [xnh] XYS (Val Dwa Fem Law), 662 points, T:829, killed by a killer bee 10:24 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 556 points, T:2666, killed by a giant rat 10:34 -!- eLtMosen has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:40 -!- j6p has joined #hardfought 10:43 <{Demo}2> blade dancers destroyer 10:52 <{Demo}2> !rng dyna ndnh 10:52 {Demo}2: ndnh 10:54 [hdf-eu] [slex] amateurhour (Mon Fai Mal Law), 356 points, T:536, killed by a monster (caster druid) 10:55 what's your favourite role/race combo in ndnh Demo? 10:55 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) read a Discworld novel, on T:1866 10:57 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 784 points, T:6148, died of starvation, while fainted 10:59 <{Demo}2> etherealoid has proven a lot of fun 10:59 <{Demo}2> but combo, hmm, idk 10:59 <{Demo}2> barb eth was a lot of fun 11:00 <{Demo}2> salamander acu is fun as well 11:00 <{Demo}2> building all sorts of stupid arenas for boss fights 11:00 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed naoky's ghost, the former Skirmisher, on T:2428 11:01 <{Demo}2> I still need to ascend salamander rebel (shared sal con/rog pantheon and quest) 11:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] klintos (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:14879 11:06 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Bartlem's ghost, the former Field Worker, on T:2971 11:07 huh eth sounds reall cool 11:07 can see how pairing with barb would be good 11:07 not many downsides to have bab abilities always active 11:08 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) consulted the Oracle, on T:1925 11:11 <{Demo}2> yeah, eth counters the hp regeneration block from one of the styles cause it already has no hp regen 11:12 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Minetown, on T:3341 11:12 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered a temple, on T:3341 11:13 [hdf-eu] [dnh] fxenakis (Mon Bat Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1267 11:15 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) reached Minetown, on T:3344 11:16 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered a temple, on T:3358 11:16 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3445 11:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:11, killed by a water moccasin 11:21 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 11:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v AntiGulp] by ChanServ 11:23 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +3 dragonhide boots of flying", on T:15365 11:26 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:15646 11:31 hothraxxa: how well does purple worms work in nh4? 11:31 with the nh4 mvm melee changes 11:36 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:5315 11:44 hothraxxa: grats on the asc 11:45 [hdf-us] [nh4] hothraxxa (Ran Hum Fem Cha), 254116 points, T:54676, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/nethack4/dumplog/2020-08-29%2015%3A45%3A00%2C%20hothraxxa-Ran-Hum-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 11:45 gratz hothraxxa !! 11:45 woooo gg 11:45 thanks all 11:45 fiq: same as in vanilla 11:46 <{Demo}2> purple rain but with capital W 11:46 so that's 3 in a row, next up is an arc so likely the streak will break 11:47 purple Wain 11:48 hm. actually i am not sure what changes you mean, maybe it's not the same but i don't notice any differences 11:50 <{Demo}2> frost brand... :S 11:53 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:6997 11:58 [hdf-us] [dyn] saveblender (Demo) (Sam Hum Fem Law), 8231 points, T:8156, killed by a wand 11:58 <{Demo}2> game crashed 11:58 <{Demo}2> after i died 11:58 <{Demo}2> some buffer overflow 11:59 ha 11:59 needs moar fuzzing 12:00 [hdf-eu] [nh370] spontiff (Hea Gno Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming an orange dragon, on T:33086 12:04 <{Demo}2> dont fuzz dyna 12:04 <{Demo}2> you'll wanna dyna 12:05 gottem 12:05 dyna car crash 12:06 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) attained the rank of Student of Stones, on T:9181 12:07 [hdf-us] [ndnh] Demo (Rog Sal Fem Cha), 861 points, T:1342, killed by a snake 12:08 hothraxxa: the reason purple worms work so well in vanilla is because monsters don't attack your pets on their own initiative 12:08 unless conflicted 12:08 only as retalaion 12:08 *retaliation 12:08 but they can't retaliate if the purple worms has eaten them 12:09 -!- Heliokopis has joined #hardfought 12:09 {Demo}2: nice terminal dimensions 12:09 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9335 12:09 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:4669 12:11 -!- VaderFLAG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:11 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:14 {Demo}2: what is True Neutral in ndnh? 12:15 also which adventure mines would you suggest for eth monk? 12:15 adventure branch* lol 12:15 <{Demo}2> for eth i like to go swamp for the speed ring 12:16 <{Demo}2> fiq, figured out why the save game is still there 12:16 <{Demo}2> didnt sighup during end, sigsegvd 12:16 <{Demo}2> no wait sigabrt 12:17 when doing an engulf attack my glyph moves to the left one square 12:18 <{Demo}2> whack 12:18 -!- eggandhull has joined #hardfought 12:18 <{Demo}2> it does some greasy shit on my terminal sometimes, not really sure why, never had it that greasy 12:19 <{Demo}2> instead of trying to figure out why it was doing that i was just gonna hope it wouldn't when i rewrite for upstream dnh 12:19 pray the bugs away, valid strat 12:20 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had Sting bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:10399 12:21 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] amateurhour (Mon Eth Mal Neu) entered the adventure town for the first time, on T:1387 12:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:11627 12:32 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:5824 12:33 !who 12:33 Heliokopis: [hdf-us] Demo [dyn] Thidwick [nh370] dgoddard [xnh] naoky [xnh] | [hdf-eu] amateurhour [ndnh] spontiff [nh370] Raisse [nh370] fxenakis [dnh] | [hdf-au] No current players 12:34 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 12:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a titanothere, on T:12499 12:36 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Quit: *dissolves into golden butterflies*] 12:36 [hdf-eu] [dnh] fxenakis (Mon Bat Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:7813 12:37 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) attained the rank of Adept, on T:5394 12:38 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:5611 12:44 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) genocided master mind flayers, on T:19537 12:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:6176 12:46 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered the Big Room, on T:14052 12:47 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 1242 points, T:3002, killed by a boulder 12:49 fiq: i've used purple rain in all of my nh4 ascensions, i think. i've never noticed any difference due to that. it looks like 12 of 15 survived in this game so not much effect there 12:51 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) entered a temple, on T:6727 12:52 [hdf-us] [xnh] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 46380 points, T:15673, killed by an Uruk-hai, while paralyzed by a monster 12:57 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) was given their Quest, on T:20647 13:12 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 1208 points, T:2214, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 13:12 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) read a Discworld novel, on T:1177 13:15 {Demo}2: does attacking barehanded as eth use martial arts? 13:16 nvm it finally trained to where I can #enhance so it must do 13:17 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Blackbeard's Ghost, on T:21684 13:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 333 points, T:1160, killed by a manes 13:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 105 points, T:299, killed by a sewer rat 13:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:58847 13:22 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:23 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) received Mjollnir from The Lady, on T:24616 13:27 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] amateurhour (Mon Eth Mal Neu) killed Kroo the Kobold King, on T:2482 13:31 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur from a strange woman laying about in a pond, on T:7748 13:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 67 points, T:158, killed by a jackal 13:31 just realised that they can't wear gloves so can't wear premium heart lol 13:32 so this is gonna be a weak lil punchyboi 13:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:4133 13:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) attained the rank of Thaumaturge, on T:4574 13:35 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Mother Hydra, on T:23456 13:36 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Father Dagon, on T:23471 13:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:7946 13:44 [hdf-eu] [dnh] fxenakis (Mon Bat Mal Neu), 163413 points, T:14060, killed by a chiropteran mummy 13:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 8585 points, T:14073, killed by a vampire, while frozen by a monster's gaze 13:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:8586 13:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:7786 13:53 -!- VaderFLAG has joined #hardfought 13:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:4593 13:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) entered a temple, on T:4645 13:55 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 13:58 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:60275 13:59 -!- bugsniper has joined #hardfought 14:03 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:60330 14:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) attained the rank of Investigator, on T:5133 14:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:12 -!- tommo has joined #hardfought 14:12 o/ 14:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:60808 14:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) genocided class V, on T:60809 14:15 -!- Bliss56 has joined #hardfought 14:18 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed MHL's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:10070 14:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) consumed animal products (cream pie) for the first time, on T:9563 14:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] lacca (Mon Hum Fem Cha) attained the rank of Student of Winds, on T:61896 14:27 [hdf-us] [dnh] bagun (Kni Hum Mal Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1256 14:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 330 points, T:855, killed by a small mimic 14:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:10900 14:39 [hdf-us] [dnh] bagun (Kni Hum Mal Law) was given Rhongomyniad, on T:1668 14:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:13792 14:42 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:42 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 14:42 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (rust monsters), on T:10716 14:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) entered Sokoban, on T:11113 14:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 510 points, T:1656, killed by a dwarf 14:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:15410 14:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) consulted the Oracle, on T:11040 14:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 105 points, T:884, killed by a jackal, while unconscious from rotten food 14:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] bagun (Kni Hum Mal Law), 8451 points, T:2216, killed by an acid paraelemental, while praying 15:02 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) defeated the Master of Thieves, on T:28340 15:03 [hdf-us] [nh4] hothraxxa (Arc Hum Fem Law), 31553 points, T:3065, killed by a magic missile 15:04 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] amateurhour (Mon Eth Mal Neu) completed Lokoban, on T:5058 15:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Kni Hum Fem Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:4072 15:07 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:12685 15:07 <@riker> how would you rate your lokoban experience amateurhour 15:10 i r8 8/8 15:10 no idea what to do for the third floor other than just tank it 15:11 <@riker> you can avoid some of the blasts but yeah i think that's it lol 15:12 [hdf-us] [dnh] bagun (Kni Hum Mal Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1173 15:12 <@Sig> EPI: Every turn you take in Sokoban there's a chance you get a popup asking you to rate your Sokoban experience. No matter what you select you're asked to provide written feedback. 15:13 it's nice how quick and easy lokoban is apart from that I guess 15:13 didn't realise at first that final floor had less boulders needed 15:13 and didn't need any boulders at all for the other floors 15:14 <@riker> isn't the first one just gas spores & pits 15:14 it was just gas spores 15:15 <@riker> YANI: a game init mode that just places you in sokoban, where the downstair to the main dungeon is. you can't leave by any means, no monsters or items spawn, no hunger clock, it's just boulders & pits/holes 15:15 <@riker> so you can mess around with faster/cleaner solutions if you want without having to play there 15:15 that doesn't sound that bad 15:16 compare with sokosolver race in slex 15:16 <@riker> nethack soko turncount speedruns 15:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 2765 points, T:3812, killed by a rothe, while sleeping 15:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha) destroyed Bliss56's ghost, the former Cutpurse, on T:2328 15:22 -!- VaderFLAG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:23 [hdf-eu] [ndnh] amateurhour (Mon Eth Mal Neu), 35266 points, T:6349, killed by a quaton, while frozen by a monster's gaze 15:23 d'oh 15:23 why didn't I wear my lifesaving amulet 15:23 what a doofus 15:23 eth is really fun 15:27 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:33 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses, on T:24453 15:34 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) read the necronomicon for the first time, on T:24455 15:35 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased bag of holding", on T:7292 15:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] tsingi (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 59 points, T:205, killed by a jackal 15:37 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 15:37 [hdf-us] [dnh] bagun (Kni Hum Mal Law), 9251 points, T:2124, killed by a watch captain, while sleeping 15:38 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 15:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v AntiGulp] by ChanServ 15:38 -!- shadowcat has joined #hardfought 15:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 1756 points, T:3431, killed by a dwarf king 15:42 [hdf-us] [spl] shadowcat (Bar Inf Fem Cha), 197 points, T:436, killed by a rabid rat 15:43 -!- rebatela has quit [Read error: No route to host] 15:47 [hdf-us] [spl] shadowcat (Bar Orc Fem Cha) murdered Taffy, her faithful kitten, on T:1071 15:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 138 points, T:681, killed by a jackal 15:48 [hdf-us] [spl] shadowcat (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 340 points, T:1071, killed by a volatile mushroom's explosion 15:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Student of Stones, on T:14003 15:51 [hdf-us] [spl] shadowcat (Bar Inf Fem Cha), 111 points, T:459, killed by a falling rock 15:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Raisse (Pri Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a rothe, on T:10224 15:58 -!- shadowcat has quit [Quit: shadowcat] 15:59 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 492 points, T:1303, killed by a baby purple worm 16:00 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 38 points, T:145, killed by a water demon 16:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Mon Hum Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:14445 16:00 hmmm 16:00 <@bubbles> hmm indeedly 16:00 hmmmm 16:01 I think enhanced watchmode is the most straightforward way to do multiplayer NH implementation-wise 16:01 piggybacking on it, I mean 16:02 [hdf-us] [dyn] Vikinot (Plik) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1160 points, T:2171, killed by a dog 16:03 I wonder if there's a really clever way to handle multiple players playing through different 'times' 16:04 like how Achron does it with 'time waves' 16:04 what do you mean? 16:04 but without players themselves having the ability to time travel 16:05 I mean like if two players started at time 0, they'd obviously do different things at different rates 16:05 needs to sync up every so often 16:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 248 points, T:970, killed by a gas spore's explosion 16:08 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:10 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Quit: ZZAZZ] 16:13 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vis (Arc Hum Mal Law), 608 points, T:923, killed by a giant ant 16:16 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) averted death, on T:26032 16:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 667 points, T:2504, killed by a wand 16:17 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:26139 16:21 oh I see what you mea 16:21 mean 16:21 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 16:22 otherwise every turn would be hell, waiting for both players to do something lol 16:22 yeah 16:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 339 points, T:1268, killed by a giant bat 16:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 266 points, T:2954, killed by a land mine 16:30 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Tou Hob Mal Neu) had a leather armor entrusted to him by The Lady, on T:11500 16:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] tsingi (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 255 points, T:1300, killed by a large kobold 16:33 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 16:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v LarienTelrunya] by ChanServ 16:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:7510 16:40 aosdict: would it be evil to give fire giants in the valk quest skilled fireball spell? :P 16:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) attained the rank of Kunoichi, on T:3056 16:51 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 1660 points, T:3399, killed by a large dog called BARKY 17:03 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased bag of holding", on T:27140 17:09 -!- AlbertB has joined #hardfought 17:11 FIQ: maybe? I see more of a flavor issue with my interpretation of most giants being big and stupid (and therefore, not really skilled spellcasters) 17:12 compromise idea: when they throw boulders the boulders are on fire 17:12 :^) 17:12 Hi, I somehow messed up some configuration, I guess. Neither far look nor travel show any cursor to highlight the position. Far look does change the description if I move the invisible cursor. Doas anybod know what option I do have to change to get my cursor back? I am on eu.hardfought.org NetHack 3.7. 17:13 did you accidentally send a terminal command that hides it? 17:14 I am not sure. I'll try to log out and close my terminal and open a new one. 17:16 amateurhour: haha 17:16 I think you were right. New terminal workes fine now. Thank you! 17:16 aosdict: fair 17:16 can never remember the precise signal that enables/disables it 17:17 faster to close terminal and open new one than to google it 17:17 :P 17:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1919 17:25 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed fossil stone", on T:28101 17:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:3351 17:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) entered a temple, on T:3381 17:41 amateurhour: conducts thing is fixed -- sorta 17:42 there's still some fakenews going on with the nudes who aren't nude, someone has a 15-conduct because of that atm 17:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3446 17:42 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:42 lol rip that guy, his 6 conduct run isn't even top 150 17:42 but nice that it's looking a lot better 17:42 yeah it was odd there were 5s up there 17:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) destroyed gargor's ghost, the former Bandit, on T:13624 17:44 i did a hacky fix and not the "proper" way: asked the db for 200 and printed 150 after the post-processing and resorting 17:44 ideally the db should give the right numbers and order 17:50 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 17:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] dpmdpm (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 0 points, T:64, killed by a jackal 18:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) polymorphed his first item, on T:14733 18:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 5891 points, T:5262, killed by a lynx 18:13 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) averted death, on T:35173 18:14 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 18:16 [hdf-us] [dnh] tori (Val Hum Fem Neu) read the necronomicon for the first time, on T:29301 18:18 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) wished for "fossil dark", on T:30189 18:18 !who 18:18 FIQ: [hdf-us] Tommo [dyn] post163 [nh370] Frozty [nh370] Urc [nh370] Bliss56 [nh370] oh6 [nh370] tinklebear [nh370] hothraxxa [nh4] tori [dnh] groovejumper [fh] | [hdf-eu] HarmathZsolt [slshm] AlbertB [nh370] microlance [dnh] | [hdf-au] No current players 18:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:14867 18:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] AlbertB (Mon Hum Fem Law) entered the Bigroom, on T:10957 18:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) attained the rank of Exhumer, on T:15231 18:26 silver dragons should have laser breath :P 18:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Field Worker, on T:4104 18:27 ya! or money breath >:) 18:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Camaxtli, on T:15714 18:27 laser breath because reflection 18:28 FIQ: if you're hallucinating in vanilla they can have laser breath :) 18:28 s/vanilla/xnh 18:28 not sure if vanilla merged hallublasts 18:28 ouch, jumped in and am spectating groovejumper atm 18:28 he seems to have found out that yellow dragons can be a surprise the hard way 18:28 first breaeth almost killed him in a giant field of acid 18:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) consumed animal products (homunculus) for the first time, on T:4201 18:31 oy 18:32 tommo: https://github.com/copperwater/xNetHack/blob/master/src/mthrowu.c#L31 18:32 <3_<3 18:32 -!- AlbertB has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 18:32 wowww 18:32 i should totally do a permuhallu run 18:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:16416 18:37 FIQ: i got my pet lich to quest home, i think that means ive got the dyna crash incoming 18:38 as long as i can take it 18:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased bag of holding", on T:17043 18:40 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 18:40 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) defeated Medusa, on T:36369 18:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 1459 points, T:4539, killed by a gas spore's explosion 18:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2477 18:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 speed boots", on T:17164 18:44 -!- elenmirie_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:48 aosdict: no zapm breaths? I'm disappointed :P 18:48 (zapm has bugs, viruses, megabytes and a 4th I forgot as breaths) 18:49 I never played zapm 18:49 don't expect me to know everything you do 18:49 aosdict: that is fair 18:49 which is why I clarified :P 18:50 fun fact: unnethack actually has magma breath 18:50 that I knw 18:50 knew 18:51 stone dragons have it 18:51 <{Demo}2> play zapm 18:52 zapm is where I got the idea of spell maintenance from 18:52 it doesn't have spell maintenance per se, but it has spells that give a passive trinsic or similar 18:53 which basically reduces charisma (used as "pw" in that game) when in use 18:54 [hdf-us] [dyn] Tommo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 4650 points, T:10797, killed by a boulder 18:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a pair of iron shoes on an altar, on T:3679 18:55 aright nvm i got cocky 18:55 how do you get killed by a boulder 18:55 what happened? 18:57 !lastgame tommo 18:57 FIQ: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tommo/dynahack/dumplog/2020-08-29%2018_54_45%2C%20Tommo-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law%2C%20died.txt 18:57 tommo: how did a boulder kill you after recovering health? 18:58 must have been a really heavy boulder 18:58 either way, rip 18:59 <{Demo}2> he didn't recover health 18:59 <{Demo}2> his hp wasn't low enough 18:59 <{Demo}2> but got the restore ability boon 18:59 [hdf-us] [un] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) genocided master mind flayers dungeon wide on T:27774 19:01 I was inspired and just added about 20 new hallublasts to the queue 19:04 [hdf-us] [nh4] hothraxxa (Arc Hum Fem Law), 34722 points, T:3178, killed by a giant ant 19:04 {Demo}2: oh 19:04 whoops 19:06 aosdict: should tooled horns really work on intelligent monsters? 19:07 I can understand the reasoning behind it working on unintelligent ones, but not intelligent ones 19:07 weak-willed intelligent ones certainly 19:07 isn't it based on monMR? seems like that's a good proxy 19:07 loud sound scary 19:07 ^ -- minotaurs 19:08 what should it do on players 19:08 also for bugles it's the sound of a battle-ready army 19:08 amateurhour: bugles do not scare things 19:08 it'd be smart to be a little afraid of that 19:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:19264 19:08 they do in vanilla 19:08 but I get you're probs not talking vanilla 19:08 also I think tooled horns work on deaf monsters, so yeah 19:08 only tooled horns and (noncharged) drums do 19:09 amateurhour: well I'm not, but I'm fairly sure bugles don't scare monsters ta all 19:09 it just makes soldiers angry 19:09 and the watchmen 19:09 then you would be wrong 19:09 :) 19:09 bugles have same scaring power as tooled horn in 3.6 19:09 (and later) 19:09 oh 19:09 interesting 19:09 didn't know 19:09 I thought this wasn't a new thing 19:09 aosdict: that makes no sense 19:10 makes them rather OP considering how easy you get them (but don't tell the devteam as I like it) 19:10 @ tooled horns working on deaf monsters 19:10 my journey through the water plane consistents of me just stood in place tooting the bugle 19:10 by which I mean deaf intrinsically 19:10 like, gelcubes don't have ears 19:10 big vibrations scary 19:11 imagine being a gelcube and having your entire body wibbling 19:11 go make a vanilla patch for it, it's not a high priority of mine 19:12 [hdf-us] [un] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) genocided liches dungeon wide on T:28429 19:12 are knights still blocked by monsters when jumping? 19:12 they ought to be able to jump over monsters 19:13 <{Demo}2> lmao 19:13 smop 19:13 as per the source material 19:13 aosdict: really? why? 19:13 <{Demo}2> that sounds not balanced 19:13 to me that sounds like a simple thing 19:13 hurtle_step() is not to be trifled with 19:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Camaxtli, on T:19726 19:13 FIQ do you just air out miscellaneous complaints sometimes 19:14 aosdict: haven't you noticed that already? 19:14 like, I'm not sure where any of this goes or translates into some action 19:14 I sometimes have a tendency to flit between stuff when I'm unsure what to d 19:14 o 19:16 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:37368 19:21 [hdf-us] [un] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed +2 reflecting dragon scale mail", on T:28795 19:22 [hdf-us] [un] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "greased blessed +2 fireproof cloak of magic resistance", on T:28801 19:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:6164 19:24 [hdf-us] [evil] amelie (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 5600 points, T:5043, killed by a fire ant, while sleeping off a magical draught 19:25 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed eyes of the overworld", on T:37385 19:29 [hdf-us] [ndnh] nabru (Nob Vam Fem Cha), 324 points, T:846, killed by a gas spore's explosion 19:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:4206 19:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) entered a shop, on T:4232 19:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] OhNoNotAgain (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:17021 19:35 [hdf-us] [ndnh] nabru (Bar Eth Fem Neu), 3388 points, T:1881, killed by a giant spider 19:36 [hdf-eu] [fh] FIQ (Val Dwa Fem Law) let a goblin genocide elf mummies, on T:218 19:36 good for you, goblin 19:36 <@riker> priorities 19:37 that count against genoless? 19:37 can genoless be broken against your will? 19:37 no 19:38 monster geno doesn't break the conduct 19:38 but if there's no elf mummies how will there be any elf children? 19:38 evilhack similarly doesn't break wishless if a monster wishes for things 19:38 so you can get some good items by throwing the wand of wishing at an enemy 19:39 it could backfire of course... 19:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:973 19:41 don't they always first wish for a blessed figurine of an archon in evil 19:41 p sure it's random 19:41 I mean, that's good if you can kill them before they use it 19:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Mon Hum Fem Cha), 1372 points, T:2900, killed by a magic missile 19:42 https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/blob/master/src/muse.c#L3612 19:43 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 19:43 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Client Quit] 19:44 hibye antigulp 19:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) consulted the Oracle, on T:2351 19:47 baaah burger place put mayo on this even when I asked them not to 19:48 [hdf-us] [evil] amelie (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) destroyed elenmirie's ghost, the former Heretic, on T:4346 19:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] Frozty (Mon Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:20935 19:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:2907 19:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3043 19:51 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Axus, on T:30683 19:53 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 6348 points, T:2331, quit 20:00 [hdf-eu] [fh] FIQ (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +3 blue dragon scale mail", on T:5192 20:01 -!- Bliss56 has joined #hardfought 20:01 lol 20:01 bugbear almost killed me by blowing up a wand 20:01 he did kill a bunch of other things 20:03 lag + sokoban is not a good combination 20:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) entered a temple, on T:4561 20:03 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Oona, on T:31526 20:04 shit 20:04 sokoban 2a 20:04 why do people hate that one so much? 20:04 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 1635 points, T:2861, killed by a monster (terracotta soldier) 20:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Kni Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:9625 20:06 because it's so easy to fuck up 20:07 like I just did 20:07 <@Sig> Amateur: it’s the only non-floor 4 puzzle I still need a guide on, I think. 20:07 by a typo, no less 20:07 it's the only floor I need a guide on 20:07 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 263 points, T:181, killed by a monster (river moccasin) 20:07 I have managed it without a guide once 20:07 but it's easier to just read the guide 20:07 re: my boulder death - health recovery when praying wasn't registering in that game 20:08 nbd 20:08 <@Sig> It also just sucks cause it isn’t 2b, which is easy 20:10 there 20:10 wrested a wand of striking to solve my stupid typo 20:10 typos are so fun 20:10 I know that feeling 20:11 just botched Sokoban because of a typo, too 20:11 :| 20:11 had to break a boulder and read one of the scrolls of earth 20:11 it annoys me that the wiki article for soko2a is differently formatted 20:13 [hdf-us] [slex] MaxLunar (Nin Esp Fem Cha), 4022 points, T:951, quit 20:14 alright, attempt #2 at crashing dyna, here we go 20:14 is it just me 20:14 or does 2a not actually have any legitimate solution for unrestricting the level? 20:14 what do you mean? 20:14 when you've solved the level 20:15 there's a boulder near the stairs that you can't unstick 20:15 ? 20:15 no it's totally doable 20:15 then wiki is wrong 20:15 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Sokoban_Level_2a 20:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) averted death, on T:6707 20:15 I'm referring to this part: The level is now finished, but you will still need to move the A or C blocks to walk between your finishing position (as well as the stairs up) and the stairs down. How to fix this depends on which direction you approach the blockage from as follows: 20:15 im p sure ive seen adeon do it in a run 20:16 you can unstick them but only by jumping into a hole before you fully solve the level 20:16 otherwise, boulders A, C and F in the wikipage I linked cannot be fully unrestricted 20:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 11751 points, T:6797, killed by a panther 20:17 my vague memory says you can solve it without jumping down and all boulders free 20:17 but I don't remember exactly how 20:17 my memory may be wrong 20:17 I regularly solve 2a without jumping down or pinning any boulders in unfreeable spots 20:17 I remember thinking that I usually don't want to solve it that way, the stucky boulder way is faster 20:17 but sometimes just feel perfectionist 20:17 https://nethackwiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=97945 20:18 linked to in the wiki article 20:18 my usual solution pins a couple boulders but i was surprised 2 watch adeon's solution 20:18 oh hey hehe 20:18 also has the superior formatting 20:18 https://nethackscoreboard.org/firstasc.spl.html <-- idk if the results are correct, but this is a thing now 20:19 coool 20:19 looks sorta legit 20:19 i think dnh is still missing loads tho 20:19 amateurhour: oh I missed that 20:19 since I tend to skip the first part of the 2a guide which I know by heart 20:19 so hoanwan replaces it with a shorter solution that doesn't leave all boulders free 20:20 is that suggesting that there's been no monk ascensions? aoei 20:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) attained the rank of Joshu, on T:9579 20:20 there was some variant in slashem I think where I shamelessly abuse going down the holes to come back from other side 20:20 well it does sort of look like that 20:20 and yeah I vastly prefer the old formatting 20:20 amateurhour: challenge for you then? 20:20 no idea why it was changed 20:21 surely someone would have done one? you sure all spl ascs are there? 20:21 unless there are servers I don't know about we should have them... 20:21 it's only changed for that one article as well FIQ, really frustrating 20:22 I don't mind the new solution since it clearly says that it leaves boulders stuck 20:22 but I dislike the formatting 20:22 amateurhour: there do not appear to be a large number of splicehack ascensions in the database genreally 20:23 Adeon: if someone came up with the fastest soko strats would you memorise them for runs? 20:23 38 apparently 20:23 probably not 20:23 I'm not dedicated enough to go memorize this stuff 20:24 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 35019 points, T:3830, killed by a large dog 20:25 what a noob 20:25 (/S) 20:25 :D 20:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:5183 20:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) entered a temple, on T:5199 20:30 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) became the Pirate King, on T:32853 20:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) entered a shop, on T:5233 20:31 aosdict: hmm the replacement solution doesn't actually leave boulders stuck in 3.6 since solved levels get the sokoban rules lifted 20:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Field Worker, on T:5502 20:32 [hdf-us] [dyn] me3 (dragonspeaker) (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 1793 points, T:2567, killed by a giant beetle 20:32 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Lich, the Fiend of Earth, on T:32915 20:34 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Kary, the Fiend of Fire, on T:32943 20:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) became literate by reading Night Watch, on T:5371 20:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) read a Discworld novel, on T:5371 20:39 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Kraken, the Fiend of Water, on T:33115 20:41 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind, on T:33194 20:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1998 20:43 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed Garland, on T:33265 20:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1078 points, T:2237, killed by a large mimic 20:44 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Chaos, on T:33282 20:47 !tell K2 pushed a fix: monsters no longer get angry at someone hasting them or making them invisible 20:47 K2 shall be duly informed at the first opportunity, FIQ. 20:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:11688 20:50 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 23140 points, T:1288, killed by a kitten 20:50 [hdf-eu] [fh] FIQ (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed magic mirror of merlin", on T:9380 20:52 <@riker> YASI: occasionally, as you pick up your quest artifact, you'll get the message "you feel something in your hands, and then it disappears!" 20:52 <@riker> this is due to another adventure wishing for the artifact, and receiving it. i'ts not like you can just make a new copy of it every time somebody wants one 20:52 <@riker> *adventurer 20:54 in evilhack the owner of the artifact appears alongside the artifact 20:55 so you'd get warped into their game 20:55 sudden two player 20:55 why is this labelled as a YASI, that sounds great 20:55 K2 get on it 20:56 i wonder if it could be coordinated on the server >:) 20:56 <@ShadowFountain> !pom 20:56 @ShadowFountain: The moon is waxing gibbous; full moon in 3 days. 20:56 instead of a fictional disappearing chance 20:58 hm I wonder if this guy was on the akmyrun 20:58 *ammyrun 20:59 nah 20:59 too crappy armor 21:01 [hdf-eu] [fh] FIQ (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the ghost of groovejumper, the former Peregrinatrix, on T:10417 21:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] Urc (Arc Gno Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:23242 21:04 amyrun? is that the one with new shoes on every level? 21:06 there are shoes on every level plus 100 extra floors randomly for no reason 21:07 <@riker> i think they're definitely for a reason 21:07 <@riker> even if tha'ts sadism 21:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed fixed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:6182 21:08 amateurhour: the 100 extra floors is just for when you get the amulet in slex 21:08 there's other required branches too in addition to vanilla 21:08 the keys for vlads, the extra branch in the quest, anything else? 21:09 -!- tommo has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 21:10 the silver bell also has a special branch 21:10 idr if the book or candelabrum has 21:10 but the silver bell need to be "imbued" to work 21:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Raisse's ghost, the former Acolyte, on T:17278 21:11 in my current xnh testing environment I named a roomful of jackals Jekyll and this is highly funny to me for some reason 21:11 <@riker> i'm so proud of you 21:11 if you're low levelled you should hyde 21:11 @?water elemental 21:11 water elemental (E) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 6 | Res: poison petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: sheol gehennom dungeons | AC: 2 | Attacks: 5d6 claw physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: swims, amphibious, mindless, vegan 21:11 - The Bell of Opening has to be imbued in the Bell Caves, which is accessed by finding a portal on the Quest that leads to the Subquest, and finding the downstair to the Bell Caves there. Without imbuing it, none of the invocation tools work, so this is a mandatory step to complete the game. Also, the Amulet of Yendor has to be imbued by visiting three one-level branches in the Yendorian Tower, which is 21:11 accessed by finding a portal on Moloch's Sanctum. As long as the Amulet is not fully imbued, ascension is impossible. 21:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) attained the rank of Magician, on T:17440 21:12 the yendorian tower is the 100-floor branch iirc 21:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered a shop, on T:17552 21:13 this was introduced in version 2.1.2 21:14 yes, Tariru streaked with that in the game 21:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1864 21:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:18098 21:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 25162 points, T:12908, killed by an air elemental 21:18 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Investigator, on T:7931 21:18 heh, apparently watchmode's watch counter has some sort of timeout 21:19 I jumped and watched groovejumper's game for a bit earlier and then forgot about it 21:19 that was around 3h ago 21:19 that terminal session is still actively watching, but the amount of watchers read as 0 :P 21:19 probably like netflix has "Are you still watching?" 21:19 nabru: except I can still interact with the process 21:20 ah, I see 21:20 it just doesn't count me as watching 21:20 I think enhanced watchmode might be confusing it 21:20 leaving the process running despite the dgl watch stuff having timed out 21:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a succubus, on T:3387 21:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Fighter, on T:3461 21:24 -!- sebastia1toby has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:24 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:8111 21:25 -!- sebastiantoby has joined #hardfought 21:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4260 21:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3544 points, T:4269, killed by an invisible troll 21:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered a temple, on T:21434 21:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:9143 21:44 [hdf-eu] [dnh] microlance (Pir Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Hmnyw-Pharaoh, on T:37704 21:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed oh6's ghost, the former Novice, on T:2097 21:47 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 21:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2377 21:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 2149 points, T:2686, killed by a gnome lord 22:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1547 22:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (master liches), on T:11031 22:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] MHL (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:26553 22:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bliss56 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 1261 points, T:1589, killed by a gnome lord 22:13 hi 22:13 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 22:13 K2: Message from FIQ at 2020-08-29 20:47 EDT: pushed a fix: monsters no longer get angry at someone hasting them or making them invisible 22:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) attained the rank of Brigand, on T:11522 22:13 so i watched 'Bill & Ted Face the Music' last night 22:14 they should have left it alone 22:14 1st two were really funny and just fine 22:15 Keanu Reeves has done so many serious/dark movies now, he cant be funny anymore 22:15 kinda painful to watch him try 22:15 although there were a few moments that were chuckle-worthy 22:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] ApocalypseBird (Mon Swn Fem Cha), 1327 points, T:2064, escaped 22:18 -!- urban has joined #hardfought 22:19 <{Demo}2> its out? 22:20 -!- urban has quit [Client Quit] 22:20 yup, as of last night. not in the theaters, but you can either rent or buy it through various sources 22:20 i watched it via amazon prime 22:20 <{Demo}2> oh 22:21 -!- amateurhour has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 22:33 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 41136 points, T:4385, killed by a werewolf 22:41 [hdf-us] [nh343] FlopsyBunny (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:4218 22:45 Slightly EPI: add some mimics to orctown, because there would have been mimics in the shops and the orcs didn't bother them as they looted 22:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1339 22:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] aximili (Mon Hum Mal Neu) had Vorpal Blade bestowed upon him by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:23501 22:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law) read a Discworld novel, on T:2588 23:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3936 points, T:3234, killed by an invisible stalker 23:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Thidwick (Arc Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:11374 23:09 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 30337 points, T:1632, killed by a rothe 23:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] aximili (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Master Kaen, on T:25163 23:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] aximili (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:25166 23:18 [hdf-us] [nh370] Leggman (Val Hum Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:7278 23:20 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 31118 points, T:1516, killed by a soldier ant 23:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 16911 points, T:13514, killed by a blast of fire 23:24 [hdf-eu] [nh370] novimatrem (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed oh6's ghost, the former Aspirant, on T:1867 23:27 [hdf-us] [slex] nabru (Ass Ill Fem Cha), 5223 points, T:1111, killed by a bullet 23:30 -!- Bliss56 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] novimatrem (Val Hum Fem Law), 1289 points, T:2325, killed by a killer bee, while helpless 23:39 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 32884 points, T:2170, killed by a pony, while praying 23:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Bar Hum Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:12443 23:48 [hdf-us] [xnh] every (Ran Orc Fem Cha) averted death (killed by a minotaur), on T:44213 23:49 -!- sebastia1toby has joined #hardfought 23:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] tsingi (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 139 points, T:480, killed by a gnome king 23:52 [hdf-us] [xnh] every (Ran Orc Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:44247 23:52 -!- sebastiantoby has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:55 [hdf-us] [xnh] naoky (Val Dwa Fem Law), 846 points, T:2505, killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food 23:55 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) killed the ghost of Heliokopis, the former Conjurer, on T:1744 23:56 [hdf-us] [fh] Heliokopis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 34636 points, T:1784, killed by a human zombie called "Heliokopis"