00:00 your comments about the moon warranted a imgpost from the mooninites. 00:13 Is it just me, or is #nethack really inactive these days? 00:18 raisse: it's great, I was so happy that the overcast sky went totally clear 00:23 [hdf-us] [nh362] Gaelan (Sam Hum Fem Law), 2728 points, T:2247, killed by a gnome lord 00:26 Gaelan: party is at K2's house now 00:26 bouquet: ?? 00:27 #hardfought is K2's house 00:27 ah ok 00:27 (not physically anymore though) 00:27 Gaelan: I noticed it to and am suggesting that a lot of people migrated to #hardfought 00:27 %s/to/too 00:27 get it now 00:28 let me write a sonnet about it ;) 00:29 bouquet: ##nethack-variants didn't exist until after #hardfought, and it seems like once it existed as a nethack server willing to host all the variants, all the variant discussion and thus the bulk of game dev discussion got captured here 00:30 that's kind of how my poem was going to go, thanks. 00:46 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Vlad the Impaler, on T:61989 00:49 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 2841 points, T:4240, killed by a giant spider 00:53 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) killed the Watcher in the Water, on T:57551 00:59 -!- sqlmapp1n has left #hardfought 01:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu) murdered Catnip, his faithful kitten, on T:514 01:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 495 points, T:841, killed by a giant bat 01:13 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 cornuthaum", on T:62413 01:14 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed magic marker", on T:62420 01:24 nice catname 01:33 Karnac plays curses with perm_inv off. He deserved that. 01:35 <@carlarc> that's disgusting 01:35 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 01:35 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:35 <@carlarc> if you die while polymorphed amulets of life saving are used up right 01:39 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 01:39 carlarc: I think you unpoly first 01:39 -!- raisse is now known as Guest25296 01:40 -!- Guest25296 is now known as raisse 01:40 but then I hardly ever wear amulets of life saving (or polyself, for that matter) so I don't know from experience 01:42 -!- moony has quit [*.net *.split] 01:42 -!- tungtn has quit [*.net *.split] 01:42 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 01:42 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v tungtn] by ChanServ 01:42 <@luxidream> @carlarc you depoly, then lifesave 01:43 <@luxidream> Gaelan: I play perm_inv off fight me 01:43 -!- moony has joined #hardfought 01:43 consider yourself fought 01:44 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Juiblex, on T:55493 01:44 But seriously why? 01:44 <@carlarc> niiiice 01:44 <@carlarc> my plan is to poly into mindflayer, then if decap quaff vampire blood, then put on lifesaver 01:45 <@carlarc> luxi you don't use curses though 01:45 <@luxidream> I do 01:45 <@carlarc> oh 01:45 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 01:45 <@carlarc> didn't notice 01:45 <@luxidream> Gaelan: the empty space is where I put the speedrun timer 01:46 oh, fair 01:46 <@carlarc> smart 01:46 * Gaelan is a pleb who hasn't gotten past dlvl ~10 and couldn't dream of speedrunning 01:46 [hdf-us] [nh362] RedArrow (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1060 01:47 <@carlarc> hint: aim for the head 01:50 [hdf-us] [nh362] RedArrow (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 591 points, T:1540, killed by a dwarf 01:51 <@luxidream> Gaelan: have you tried playing valkyrie 01:51 pfft 01:52 Maybe I should, but where's the fun in that 01:52 ? 01:52 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) bribed Baalzebub with 106 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:56069 01:52 <@carlarc> you'll learn more if you actually survive up to the castle 01:53 <@carlarc> instead of trying and failing over and over with weak roles 01:53 <@carlarc> plus its more fun 01:54 <@luxidream> what is your favorite role right now? 01:55 if Gaelan doesn't think valk is fun, telling them it is doesn't make it so 01:56 I just play on random characters—probably makes ascending harder, but the variation is fun 01:56 But if I had to pick one I'd go wiz 01:56 argh! that wasn't a statue of a jackal, it was a live little dog, and it killed me 01:56 Which is admittedly not the best decision for a noob, but... 01:57 <@luxidream> wizard isn't terribly hard, it's also not terribly easy 01:57 perhaps it's a good idea to stick to wiz until you've learned enough to get to the castle 01:58 to avoid having to learn everything at once 01:58 <@luxidream> very popular role, favorite of many 01:59 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Three-fingered Inverurie the black marketeer on T:63178 02:00 monk is the dark horse role for actually having an easier than expected early game and a nice easing into spellcasting without it being necessary as much as wiz 02:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) destroyed the invisible Vlad the Impaler, on T:56913 02:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:56914 02:05 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible One-eyed Sam, on T:63290 02:06 <@carlarc> 😎 02:06 <@luxidream> looks like it went well 02:07 <@carlarc> a naga, a rust monster, and a centipede got inside the iron bar holes so i didn't have to worry about sam getting near 02:07 <@carlarc> i just spammed drain life 02:08 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Barefoot Akureyri the black marketeer on T:63320 02:08 <@luxidream> oh 02:08 <@luxidream> ez 02:10 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Four-toed Tapper the black marketeer on T:63442 02:11 <@luxidream> now if only sam could hire some people with a normal amount of limbs 02:12 <@luxidream> and other body parts 02:12 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Color-blind Donmyar the black marketeer on T:63482 02:12 <@carlarc> they all have some sort of disability apparently 02:12 <@luxidream> ok he qualifies 02:12 <@carlarc> except for one that's named "four limbed" 02:13 <@luxidream> if he's colorblind how does he tell the difference between items in his shop 🤔 02:13 <@carlarc> identify 02:13 <@carlarc> magic is the one true equalizer 02:13 <@luxidream> if he's colorblind he doesn't know which one is the identify spellbook 02:13 <@luxidream> 🤔 02:13 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed One-handed Kiltamagh the black marketeer on T:63512 02:14 <@luxidream> how does he wear the shield of reflection if he only has one hand?? 02:15 <@carlarc> oh my god 02:15 <@carlarc> i hate stone to flesh 02:15 <@carlarc> i muscle memoried all my rings into meat 02:15 strap it to the stump 02:15 <@carlarc> and my luckstone too 02:16 <@carlarc> oh one handed shopkeep didn't have a shield 02:16 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Four-limbed Sablja the black marketeer on T:63526 02:17 Either way, a shield's strapped to your arm anyhow. 02:17 <@luxidream> yeah, that guy's not disabled at all 02:17 <@luxidream> lucky he didn't get fired 02:18 I wonder how you get that nickname. Probably saw the theme going and went with it. 02:18 <@carlarc> pain in meaty form 02:18 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/536806711839686657/unknown.png 02:18 <@carlarc> only my regen ring made it out safe and sound 02:19 <@carlarc> rip levitation, conflict, slow digestion 02:19 <@luxidream> just loot the black market lol 02:19 <@luxidream> probably spares of all of those 02:19 <@carlarc> yeah but what about the sentimental value 02:19 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:57844 02:20 <@luxidream> sentimental value of nethack items? 02:46 <@carlarc> hmm 02:47 <@carlarc> should i get redundant +5 magic dragon scale mail or keep my +3 glowing acid scale mail 02:47 <@carlarc> my AC is -39 02:48 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:50 seems to be enough 03:22 [hdf-us] [nh362] Gaelan (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 179 points, T:342, killed by a giant mimic 03:22 It one-shot me. 03:23 <@carlarc> u probably shouldnt try to kite mimics until at least 20-25 hp 03:24 <@carlarc> archs have intrinsic speed so this is ur fault tho 03:24 <@carlarc> iirc they move/attack every 3 turns 03:24 <@carlarc> plan with that in mind 03:26 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 03:34 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 03:39 I've done it with 12. That's the point at which they won't one-shot you 04:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Gaelan (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 816 points, T:1719, killed by an invisible hill orc 04:06 c;mon 04:06 c'mon* 04:06 I mean, I guess it's karma (I was on the bones of Karnac, who I was giving a hard time about perm_inv) 04:06 also, they were punished when they died 04:07 presumably left something in their bones that the orc could make itself invisible with 04:16 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 04:16 -!- stennowork has quit [Changing host] 04:16 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 04:23 [hdf-us] [nh362] leonard (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 256 points, T:947, killed by a werejackal 05:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Wolfechu (Cav Hum Mal Law) genocided class T, on T:60339 05:04 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 05:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v LarienTelrunya] by ChanServ 05:10 The water nymph steals a cursed thoroughly rusty +0 helm of opposite alignment! 05:10 you're welcome to it, girl 05:24 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 05:27 -!- Gaelan has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 05:29 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:18 [hdf-us] [nh362] arnibald (Rog Hum Mal Cha) genocided class h, on T:53675 06:37 [hdf-us] [nh362] arnibald (Rog Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:53804 06:44 [hdf-us] [nh362] arnibald (Rog Hum Mal Cha) wished for "blessed magic lamp", on T:53942 07:01 rip wish 07:20 omg its cold 07:20 errrrmahgerd 07:22 -8 degree celsius here 07:22 but i figured something out! 07:22 if you wear a nice warm jacket, you don't get that cold! 07:22 a revelation 07:23 indeed 07:23 -10 F here...so thats 07:24 -23 C 07:24 :( 07:24 wait too cold 07:24 s/wait/way/ 07:24 its supposed to be -20 something F tonight 07:24 we go all that awesome snow! 07:24 *got 07:24 eh 07:24 i hate snow 07:25 most of the time 07:25 there is this sweet spot when the snow has fallen fresh, and the sun is shining 07:25 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 07:25 that is exactly the moment where snow is nice 07:25 heh 07:25 otherwise it's super annoying and uncomfortable 07:25 i like it 07:25 snow == no mud 07:26 no mud == me not constantly cleaning off my crazy dogs 07:26 snow turns into dirty cold mud very quickly 07:26 ;) 07:26 ok off to work, see you from there 07:26 hf 07:29 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:31 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2] 07:53 stennowork make it warm again 07:53 use your powers for good for a change 08:06 Yeah, muddy weather sucks. You can't go anywhere without getting really dirty. 08:06 I take freezing temperatures anytime. 08:09 ^ that 08:09 we have a 5th season in vermont. 'mud season' 08:13 Mud season is winter here. 08:18 alrighty. lets see what's new with nethack 3.6.2 08:18 i'm trying to make monday's 'update day' for vanilla 3.6.2 08:19 if i can remember to do it :P 08:20 latest commit is 'Make demon gating show a message' <---- I read that as 'Matt Damon gating show message' 08:20 * K2 wants to see Matt Damon as an NPC 08:20 the Shire calendar calls that "winterfilth" 08:20 bhaak! make that happen please kthx 08:23 last night a friend from Texas was sort of dumbfounded that weather could be cold enough to be dangerous 08:23 hah 08:24 cold in Texas is 50 degrees 08:24 Lol 08:27 last time i patched 362 was jan 8th 08:27 so yeah we're due 08:28 yay no merge conflicts 08:29 What do you do if there are conflicts? 08:29 resolve them 08:29 it might be something with Tangles livelogging, etc 08:29 Hm. 08:29 or msgtyp=alert 08:30 when devteam incorporated tangles curses fixes, it wasnt exact. that was a fair amount or merge work 08:30 err curses in general (not fixes) 08:30 Cannot imagine trying to resolve someone else's code. 08:31 It's annoying enough for my own. 08:31 I generally try my best to avoid conflicts in the first place. 08:31 i've gotten a lot better at it of late 08:31 sometimes I need help but lately its only been one or two things, and its been with TNNT and aosdict's code 08:34 NetHack 362-hdf updated (all servers) 08:35 yup, one merge conflict against TNNT code 08:35 src/attrib.c 08:36 it happens semi-frequently with TNNT because of all the achievement code 08:38 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 08:38 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:40 hmm... yeah I may need aosdict to look at this one. the change is different enough, i might screw up this achievement 08:42 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:52 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 09:26 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 09:30 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 09:41 K2: I'm fucking Matt Damon? 09:41 sounds like a hallucination message 09:41 are you? is he any good? 09:42 i heard he was mediocre... 09:42 :P 09:42 from who 09:42 you know... people 09:43 if I were fucking Matt Damon, I would only be one fuck away from Sarah Silverman. 09:43 sounds like a good deal, regardless if he's any good 09:44 sarah silverman looks like amy winehouse without drugs 09:44 hmm, is that an insult or not? 09:45 i'm going with 'not' 09:45 nah it's not 09:47 are Matt and Sarah a thing? 09:47 i didnt know they were together 09:47 matt damon is an incubus? 09:47 I don't even know who any of these people are 09:47 lol attie 09:47 american actors 09:48 ah. 09:49 carry on then. 09:49 damn she's a year older than me 09:49 i thought Sarah was younger 09:55 stennowork you play chess on lichess.org right? 09:56 i did, once, many years ago 09:56 been playing a fair amount lately. was getting tired of having my ass handed to me on a repeated basis by the chess program on my phone 09:56 oh yeah feel free to obliterate me 09:56 i need to make an account there 09:56 but not now, maybe tonight 09:57 heh no rush, just wondering if you still played there 10:02 UnNetHack updated (all servers) 10:02 ^ the Matt Damon build 10:03 i like matt damon as an actor 10:03 somehow he plays in all the cool movies 10:05 i do too 10:06 K2: you know how Jimmy Kimmel never has time for Matt Damon? 10:06 yeah... that's messed up 10:08 K2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSfoF6MhgLA 10:09 hahah 10:09 -!- Wolfechu has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:12 'hey Kimmel, how do ya like THEM apples?' 10:12 bwahahah 10:14 kimmel is one of the late show hosts i don't really like 10:15 come to think of it there is hardly one left that i like 10:15 what about Conan? 10:15 yeah conan is cool 10:15 seth meyer is also cool 10:15 but thats about it 10:15 samantha bee can be funny sometimes 10:16 colbert has gotten really really terrible 10:17 jimmy fallon was fun in SNL but is boring nowadays 10:17 I'm out of regularly watching them, I only watch bits on YT nowadays :) 10:22 i miss jon stewart from the daily show 10:22 yes, he was the god 10:22 and colbert report was just as good 10:22 stennowork i just won my first ever lichess game with a registered account! 10:23 \o/ 10:23 o7 gg 10:23 heh 10:23 k2_1971 is me 10:23 K2 was taken dammit 10:24 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:27 <@kritixilithos> oh cool, I can spectate you live :D 10:28 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 10:28 watch me manage my inventory, it's fascinating! 10:29 gogogo 10:31 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:34 ah nice, I had polycontrol 10:34 lower mines time i guess 10:35 K2, i should get +V too because i am nhqdb admin !!! 10:35 heh 10:41 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 9938 points, T:7044, quit 10:44 this is the third bag of holding this game 10:44 where's the swap chest when the desirable items are unequally distributed 10:53 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:55 what, there are no other K2s from 1971 out there? 10:56 better not be 10:56 still not +V smh my head 10:56 variant authors and devteam +v 10:57 being nhqdb admin literally makes me almost a part of the devteam 10:57 how can you not see this???1? 10:57 lol 10:59 I think that's the first I've seen someone insert 1s into a string of *question marks* (deliberately, obviously) 11:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:12271 11:00 it's called 'einselfing' in german 11:00 one-elevening 11:01 i guess it wasn't really appropriate for ? 11:01 ??/? 11:01 looks a bit stupid 11:01 ???!?? 11:02 !?!?!?!1111eleven 11:02 yeah like that 11:02 !?!?!!1111 11:02 it makes slightly more sense in German, as "elf" is much shorter than "eleven" 11:02 bhaak's got it 11:02 einself! 11:03 saw it first at FeFe 11:03 but i haven't read fefe in a few years now 11:03 it's a Usenet thing 11:04 although it's possible that it could have started in IRC as well 11:05 but as IRC is already quite easygoing with writing, it's much more of an expression of an outrage if you write sloppy in an Usenet posting 11:06 maybe it's in the hacker jargon? 11:06 unfortunately esr didn't include a search form 11:06 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:07 smoky booze 11:07 and the gnome king's wine cellar 11:07 unlikely. he's rather weak in including non US stuff, even throwing out stuff that he deemed no longer current. although hist hacker jargon file is no longer current as well 11:07 hm fair 11:08 stennowork: I get the feeling you should change your nick to stennoprocrastinate :P 11:08 gotta collect some energy for the stuff i have to do next 11:08 or stennomultitaskingwork? 11:09 or stennoitscompiling! 11:09 stennoenergycollectioninprogress 11:10 stenno5funbuckzforunlimitedlives 11:10 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:15351 11:11 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 11:11 pls ppl 11:12 read that as "forum limited lives" 11:12 forum LTD lives 11:19 anyway guess i'll turn in for the night. see y'all! 11:19 o7 11:20 gnite attie 11:24 How massively unpopular would it be, following Pinkbeast's and other's ideas that diluted potions should be less effective than a full-strength version, and make it so that a diluted healing potion (and extra, full) will never cause any max HP gain? 11:24 very unpopular 11:24 YANI ^ because it's a new take on it 11:25 also interested in @luxidream's input 11:26 i am ok with the 'less effective', but the not giving maxhp is stupid because that's why you do alchemy in the first place 11:26 FWIW my suggestion is that a diluted potion causes half max HP gain. 11:26 that sounds a bit faierer 11:26 fairer 11:26 This makes H->EH worthwhile, but not EH->FH. 11:27 why not eh->ef ? 11:27 rr 11:27 stennowork: I am not really a fan of how basically everyone should be saving up for alchemy 11:27 eh => fh ? 11:27 I might go so far as to say blessed diluted EH and blessed undiluted H should both give 2 max HP, making H->EH only desirable for actual healing. 11:27 stennowork: Because a diluted FH gives 4 max HP now, and the undiluted EH gives 5. 11:28 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 11:28 Pinkbeast, i was thinking about h => eh => hf 11:28 FH 11:28 god dammit 11:28 Pinkbeast: Was it also your idea that a stack of diluted potions should be useless for further alchemy, so H -> diluted EH is not further turnable into FH? 11:28 stennowork: The diluted stack of EH halves in quantity when becoming diluted FH. 11:29 aosdict: It should half in quantity; or, if the diluted potion is being dipped into, the number of dipped potions alchemised is halved. 11:29 Maybe I should write all this down. 11:30 Pinkbeast, aah ok 11:30 I wonder how that would be flavored. 11:30 "As the potions mix, water bubbles out and spills onto the floor"? 11:31 s/water/liquid/ ? 11:31 Or steam boils off? 11:32 stennowork: Ideally you would want it to indicate to the player that the loss is because there's a lot of regular water in your mixture 11:33 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 11:33 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:22842 11:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:23285 11:35 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 68443 points, T:23436, quit 11:36 <@luxidream> stupid purple liches 11:37 <@luxidream> aosdict: honestly? it's probably alright for balance, certainly better than Fourk's nerf 11:39 yeah i'm getting hooked on chess again 11:39 which is good 11:39 Good™ even 11:39 @luxidream good to know, but it seems like most players would hate hate hate it 11:39 also, I'm wary of just shifting the "thing everyone should do" from alchemy to nurse dancing 11:40 nurse dancing is only efficient up to a certain point 11:40 Well, the need for an overall cap on max HP gains is another question. 11:40 alchemy is always efficient 11:40 i would be fine with cap of 400 max hp 11:40 that's more than enough 11:40 at least in vanila 11:40 Level dependent - give those wraith corpses some actual utility, rather than just being a way to see more arch-lichen 11:41 stennowork: Yeah, but if everyone is suddenly facing the dilemma of toughing it out with their 120ish regular HP plus maybe some from natural healing pots, versus nurse dancing up to 200... 11:42 i always saw FH-alchemizing as a lategame thing anyway 11:42 I'm looking at this in the context of the late game 11:43 just before attacking Rodney 11:44 hmm 11:47 aosdict: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/games/alchemyproposal.txt is what I propose 11:48 you write quickly 11:48 I save time by not making sense 11:49 ... and by revising it with a series of afterthoughts, oops. 11:49 haha 11:51 vanilla' 11:51 s change to alchemy somewhat reduces the tendency to hoard potions 11:52 I mean, it's annoying but it does dissaude me from piling up 50 potions of extra healing and alchemizing them all at once 11:53 oh6: why? it only makes so many of them mix at once 11:53 but there's no serious risk in dipping a stack of 50 potions into 1 11:54 but there's no benefit either - you might as well dip when you have 9 11:55 Pinkbeast: doesn't it already take 2 turns to use a consumable out of a container? 11:55 well, 2 actions 11:55 aosdict: It does, but with a risk of destruction in the intervening turn. 11:55 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:7963 11:55 Let me clarify that. 11:57 <@carlarc> YANI: laminating film to fireproof/waterproof scrolls 11:58 Added "(ie, getting the benefit of the consumable immediately with no risk of it being destroyed, but still taking the time it would take to apply the container and then use the consumable)." 11:59 Pinkbeast: there's some analysis to be done regarding the dilution effect on the regular HP regain for duluted potions. 11:59 Let me run the numbers... 11:59 blessed potion of healing, undiluted, is 8d4 hp. If you upgrade that to xhealing, blessed diluted xhealing is 8d8/2 12:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 906 points, T:1237, petrified by a cockatrice corpse 12:01 An argument could be made that H->diluted XH should still be worth doing for healing purposes, just as XH->diluted FH is. 12:01 looks like 8d4 gives better returns than 8d8/2 12:02 meanwhile, undiluted XH to diluted FH is no contest 12:03 The XL-dependent element suggested below could correct that, but adding a note to the effect that probably wants looked at. 12:03 8d8 blessed -> 200 flat 12:03 so it would weirdly still be optimal to alchemize everything up to full healing 12:04 if you're chasing actual heals and not maxHP gains 12:04 I think that's fair enough - at least you come up with a lot fewer FH and they do less each. 12:05 djinn wishes in Un can't be for magical items, right? 12:06 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed tinning kit", on T:58170 12:07 stingy djinni :P 12:08 only wand of wishing wishes can be used for magical items 12:09 <{Demo}1> which is kind of the wrong direction to take things i think 12:09 in un? 12:09 its well-balanced in un. 12:09 <{Demo}1> yeah, its better than vanilla 12:09 <{Demo}1> but still not optimal 12:09 you can probably ascend wishless in un 12:09 <{Demo}1> i have a feeling the thing dnh is doing to balance wishes will be pretty balanced once the kinks are ironed out 12:10 <@luxidream> un makes shield of reflection nonmagical 12:10 <@luxidream> so you can poly for it easily 12:10 it's much more easy to ascend wishless in unnethack: many branchens, much stuff (1ES for example) 12:10 TANI: Potion of restore ability also cures most status ailments, like confusion and wounded legs. 12:10 I could reallyuse a magic marker, tbh. 12:10 nerfed DSM 12:10 Er YANI 12:10 bouquet, sheol has a guaranteed magic marker 12:10 that final boss is brutal, though 12:10 he has a weakness.. 12:11 <@luxidream> stenno: how strong is the executioner lol 12:11 @luxidream See, if it reflects a disintegration ray, I think it's gotta be magical. 12:11 <@luxidream> aosdict: this was made for balance purposes I think 12:11 I've got decent kit, but executioner freaks me out. 12:11 @luxidream he has a weakness :D 12:11 I'm at peace with Un's wish system. 12:11 <@luxidream> last time I was there I yoinked his weapon 12:11 <@luxidream> and he was really easy 12:11 even without yoinking 12:12 As a caveperson I don't think I can operate a whip well enough to yoink his weapon. 12:12 but that surely helps 12:12 I'll wizpractice it first, I think. 12:12 @?executioner 12:12 Executioner (@) | Lvl: 30 | Diff: 35 | Spd: 18 | Res: fire cold poison petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 60 | Generates: unique | AC: -2 | Attacks: 5d10 weapon physical, 5d10 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, swims, regenerates, seeinvis, nopoly, infravisible 12:12 you see it? 12:12 <@luxidream> I don't see sleep resistance 12:12 ! 12:12 :P 12:12 <@luxidream> or disintegration resistance for that matter 12:13 <@carlarc> very good MR tho 12:13 i think he has reflection 12:13 how about death rays? 12:13 not sure though 12:13 <@luxidream> I don't think he's reflecting 12:13 <{Demo}1> where is he? 12:13 <{Demo}1> what is his level? 12:13 <@luxidream> at least he's not wearing anything reflecting 12:13 <{Demo}1> oh nvm 12:13 {Demo}1, it's usually deeper than even the vibsquare 12:14 <{Demo}1> oh damn 12:14 <@carlarc> maybe probe him 12:14 anyway, no sleep res is his weakness as @luxidream saw 12:14 keep in mind that fighting is noisy in un though 12:14 <@luxidream> wait can you death ray him 12:15 don't think so, unless that was changed 12:15 you gotta hit him through MR60 though 12:16 so the idea would be sleep => paralysis => whack the shit outta him 12:16 and if you get him at the right spot, iirc he blocks a doorway so other monsters behind him cannot come into contact with you 12:17 <@luxidream> how much damage does he do if you try to 1v1 him 12:17 <@carlarc> just whack him with a potion 12:17 thanks for the tips. I'm going to practice on him later. 12:17 <@luxidream> that's what I want to know 12:17 why is it so that in un, fighting a beehive will only ever wake up bees that are up to 2 squares away from you? shouldn't the waking bees tell their other bee colleagues "hey! there's a samurai slaughtering our kin! ALARM!"? 12:17 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 740 points, T:1155, killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping 12:18 @luxidream a _lot_ 12:18 @luxidream especially when he has cleaver 12:19 you see his attacks 12:19 <@luxidream> 5d10 x2 + cleaver, speed 18 12:19 5d10 wea phys, 5d10 wea phys 12:19 actually (5d10 + cleaver)x2, right? 12:19 <@luxidream> wonder how beefy you would have to be to win in a straight up fight 12:19 <@luxidream> yeah 12:20 <@luxidream> is his cleaver enchanted? 12:20 don't know 12:20 but the chance for a nice random enchantment is pretty high at this depth anyway 12:21 to be fair, unnethack lets you beef up quite a bit 12:21 maybe not regarding maxhp, but regarding AC 12:22 <@luxidream> 76 damage 12:22 <@luxidream> average 12:22 <@luxidream> assuming he doesn't double you 12:22 per attack or per hit? 12:22 <@luxidream> per attack 12:22 nice 12:22 so lets assume -30AC, that would reduce 15 damage on average 12:22 so 60 dmg 12:23 <@luxidream> would't that reduce on each hit? 12:23 hmm right 12:23 yeah 12:23 45 dmg 12:23 <@luxidream> so he kills you in like 4 attacks 12:24 i think he has "oLS :D 12:24 but not sure~ 12:24 <{Demo}1> lets check 12:24 something nasty had "oLS, dunno if it was him 12:24 <@luxidream> I know cthulhu has guaranteed full healing 12:25 <{Demo}1> ok so his cleaver is +0-5 randomly 12:25 <{Demo}1> and erodeprood an blessed and he has a comr 12:25 ah it was comr 12:25 so no /oDeath right? 12:25 <{Demo}1> thats all he specifically gets 12:25 <{Demo}1> i mean he might get one 12:25 <{Demo}1> randomly 12:25 <{Demo}1> but not forced 12:26 <@luxidream> so that's 45 --> 50 damage 12:26 so no "oLS 12:26 <{Demo}1> no "oLS 12:26 <{Demo}1> thats for sam 12:26 then it was either a coincidence or i misremember 12:26 <@luxidream> wait that means you never have to wish for comr either 12:26 @luxidream, sheol is _very_ hard 12:26 <{Demo}1> interestingly enough, sam's gear can be +10 12:26 you want to have MR before that 12:27 <{Demo}1> er +9 oops 12:27 but it's not that difficult to get 12:27 <@luxidream> actually IDing magic dragon type is hard 12:27 my current standard strat collects all the gems in moria, and then sells them at 1ES and i can buy anything 12:27 <@luxidream> without polyself 12:28 <@luxidream> oh yeah because of unrefined mithril 12:28 <{Demo}1> priests have a 4.76% chance of spawning with a comr 12:28 {Demo}1, thats in vanilla too 12:28 <{Demo}1> didnt know that 12:28 <{Demo}1> thats cool 12:28 <@luxidream> the high priest can have it 12:28 <@luxidream> annoying 12:28 {Demo}1, not _that_ cool if you plan on kill- 12:28 that 12:28 @luxidream keep in mind that you can even get comr as soko reward in un 12:29 <@luxidream> nah you just get amulet of ESP cloak of displacement bag of holding 12:29 <@luxidream> every time 12:29 saltyboie 12:30 <@luxidream> pretty much :p 12:32 <@carlarc> i got a reflection amulet from soko 12:32 <{Demo}1> there should be an amulet of deflection 12:32 <@carlarc> also, i literally saw zero mithril in moria for some reason 12:32 <{Demo}1> that makes projectiles bounce off of you 12:32 <@carlarc> am i missing something 12:32 <{Demo}1> there is hella mithril on that one middle level 12:33 @carlarc it's dug in i think 12:33 <@carlarc> the one with mithril coats? 12:33 <@carlarc> oh 12:33 so gotta use object detection 12:33 <@carlarc> i'll take a objdet potion in then 12:33 the moria loot is difficult to get 12:34 keep in mind that the watcher of the waters drops a magic lamp 12:34 so you usually have to freeze and dig to get it 12:34 [hdf-us] [un] Luxidream (Tou Hum Mal Neu) killed Feyfer on T:1119 12:34 <{Demo}1> whats feyfer? 12:34 huh 12:34 what is - 12:34 <@carlarc> i'm -way- past that point don't worry 12:35 named 1ES monster? D: 12:35 <@carlarc> i just finger of death'd him then waded in with an amulet of magical breathing 12:35 aah nice 12:35 <@luxidream> shopkeeper 12:36 ah 12:36 <@luxidream> as expected tou shop ID is busted 12:36 <@luxidream> so I just wore poly rings and killed 12:36 <@luxidream> him 12:36 ez 12:38 <{Demo}1> murder is wrong 12:38 <@luxidream> but killing peaceful dwarves? totally ok 12:39 as long as you don't kill 1ES, it's fine 12:39 <@luxidream> why is killing oes morally wrong 12:39 because 12:39 don't question it 12:39 just accept it 12:40 <@luxidream> looks at all the dyna games wielding thiefbane 12:40 :v 12:40 <{Demo}1> but in dyna u can drown that dumb shk 12:40 oh in dyna 1ES probably doesn't have poison res yet? 12:41 <@luxidream> I don’t cheese her 12:41 <{Demo}1> what do you do? 12:42 <@luxidream> take a full wand of polymorph and fight her 1v1 12:42 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:42 <@luxidream> admittedly if I’m feeling lazy I steal thiefbane 12:42 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1145 points, T:1255, killed by a gnome 12:43 insolence and disrespect all around 12:43 <@luxidream> is OES your waifu or something 12:43 no 12:43 she is just a honorable person 12:44 and the game is probably broken once she is dead because you have infinite free stuff 12:44 near-infinite 12:44 <@carlarc> not really 12:44 yes really 12:44 <@luxidream> he’s right 12:45 <@carlarc> out of all my loot the most interesting thing i got was 2 magic markers and a replacement for the essential rings i turned into meat 12:45 <@luxidream> Well, you can’t say that I haven’t fought her in honorable melee combat 12:45 tons of scrolls and potions 12:45 probably a few polywands 12:45 maybe even a wow 12:46 <@luxidream> carlarc you also had a full kit and fully enchanted gear 12:46 <{Demo}1> what 12:46 <{Demo}1> "probably even a wow" 12:47 wow = wand of wishing 12:47 <@luxidream> maybe 12:47 <{Demo}1> I would disagree 12:47 <{Demo}1> how many items is it? 12:48 <@carlarc> didn't get one 12:48 <{Demo}1> what's the chance of a wow from a random item in the dungeons 12:48 <@carlarc> well i for one wouldn't risk going into sam with a full kit 12:48 <@carlarc> without* 12:48 <@luxidream> most of the time you don’t get one demo 12:48 wow chance is 0.5% of any wand 12:48 dunno how much the chance of a wand is 12:48 <@luxidream> source: like 70 dyna wins 12:49 but there are probably 20-30 wands at 1ES 12:49 This is why I don't like the black market. In order to keep anything balanced, the shopkeeper(s) have to be so ultimately buffed that only someone who can ascend can kill them, and it doesn't make any sense that someone so powerful would be living as a side figure and tending shop 12:49 aosdict, well the prices have been drastically raised 12:49 <@luxidream> Just make it one eyed moloch 12:49 isn't the black market special-cased to not generate any wishing items at all? 12:49 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 203 points, T:406, killed by a coyote 12:49 whats the standard markup, x50? 12:50 <@luxidream> Problem solved 12:50 LarienTelrunya, i def. found it in unnethack 12:50 stennowork: I'm approaching it from the point of kill all the shopkeepers and get their loot for free 12:50 maybe it was changed later? 12:50 <@luxidream> LarienTelrunya: it makes all wow 1:0 12:50 price is irrelevant 12:50 <@luxidream> And makes all magic lamps worthless 12:50 <@carlarc> hmmm 12:51 @Luxidream: ahh I see, same as slashem actually 12:51 <@carlarc> i got my stats reshuffled while trying to poly into a xorn to eat rings, and now i have 16 max strength 12:51 <@carlarc> is there a way to solve that without gauntlets of power 12:51 <@carlarc> or rerolling 12:51 <@luxidream> Eat giants 12:52 <@carlarc> i don't think eating giants increases you beyond your max strength? 12:52 <@luxidream> well you’ll go back to 18 12:52 <@carlarc> oh 12:52 aosdict, i am thinking of a great hero who settled down in the dungeons at some point 12:53 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 183 points, T:233, killed by an elven dagger 12:53 aosdict, i mean her shop is the biggest of them all, and she even has some underlings (in one layout) 12:53 YANI: why does restore ability when thrown at monsters heal them to max HP? That's ridiculous. Make it not do that. 12:53 wut 12:54 <@luxidream> Make thrown healing potion only heal a reasonable amount instead of full hp while you’re at it 12:54 stennowork: Also, no current implementation of the black market actually only allows just-ascend-already characters to kill 1ES. You can easily kill the black market staff in unnethack at a moderate level, which is game breaking 12:55 can you autokill pesty by throwing RestAb at him 12:55 pesty/death 12:55 aosdict, hmm 12:55 it requires some finesse at least 12:55 but yeah i get your point 12:56 <@luxidream> Honestly easier just to dig up all Moria 12:56 <@luxidream> And buy everything 12:56 <{Demo}1> whats the best way to kill sam? 12:56 yeah ^ 12:56 back in the days it was much easy to kill 1ES when she still wasn't poison res 12:56 <{Demo}1> i mean now 12:56 idk i didn't even try yet :bv 12:57 because i am a noble and honorable person 12:57 {Demo}1: I did the stand on the portal, attack someone, get surrounded by ironbars fence, life drain everyone until death 12:57 <@carlarc> that's the best solution 12:57 <{Demo}1> ah 12:57 <{Demo}1> nice 12:57 <@luxidream> Clearly this means bhaak should give her drain res 12:57 <@luxidream> :p 12:57 stennowork: I can't tell if :bv is supposed to be an emoticon or a vim command 12:58 <@carlarc> it has some caveats, like acid potions melting the bars 12:58 it's ":v" typo'd 12:58 actually ":v" could be a vim command ? 12:58 <@carlarc> i got around that by waiting for weak enemies to go inside the holes 12:58 probably is 12:58 @luxidream that's the problem. it's not good to have a cycle of exploit discovered -> exploit patched by buffing the shopkeeper EVEN MORE to prevent it 12:58 <@luxidream> This also wouldn’t work if walls went up around the portal instead of bars 12:59 unpopular opinion: we should have unrobbable shops like in crawl 12:59 <@luxidream> Like I said, I’m fine with replacing OES with a vending machine 12:59 <{Demo}1> wait so 1es is coming to xnh? 12:59 <{Demo}1> :P 13:00 @luxidream yeah vending machine is the crawl way of doing a shop 13:00 <{Demo}1> "vending machine" sounds like a good shk slur 13:01 {Demo}1: I have a very different take on it, and have less than zero intention to add the black market 13:01 <{Demo}1> yeah that was the joke 13:01 anyway time to go home 13:01 <@luxidream> Why isn’t the black market called “Sam’s Club” when hallu or something 13:01 in my junethack game I brought in a figurine of an archon and gave them a +9 long sword and a stack of potions of gain level 13:02 but that was just for the trophy - I'd already cleaned the shops out by letting green dragons breathe on the shopkeepers 13:02 <{Demo}1> in slashem you can play as lawful and get ur got to send u in a solar to kick sams ass 13:02 adding that as an unnethack YANI 13:02 -!- stennowork has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:02 <@luxidream> missed opportunity 13:02 <{Demo}1> god 13:02 <@luxidream> also Sam can decap archons in un lol 13:03 <@luxidream> I lost one trying that already 13:03 yeah, I lucked out there 13:04 <@luxidream> Actually I think bhaak already made that joke 13:05 <@luxidream> The “Kill Sam” trophy is called “No membership card” 13:06 <{Demo}1> ooh true 13:14 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 626 points, T:1403, killed by a magic missile 13:16 <@carlarc> i read somewhere that if your wis and int are above 45, you get a big bonus to eregen, is that true? 13:16 <@carlarc> i can't find it on the wiki 13:16 yes 13:16 <@carlarc> nice 13:17 <@carlarc> do you know how much? 13:17 energy regen goes from 1d3 to 1d4 when int+wis is 45 13:17 <@carlarc> nice 13:17 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 0 points, T:8, killed by a bolt of fire 13:17 so you go from 2 points on average to 2.5, which is significant if you have the eota 13:17 <@carlarc> shame elves in un can't wear helms of brilliance 13:17 <@carlarc> and rings of gain int only works until unpoly 13:17 why can't elves wear them 13:18 I don't think I've ever played an un elf 13:18 <{Demo}1> metal? 13:18 <{Demo}1> err, cold iron 13:18 <@carlarc> iron on exposed skin cuts off all health regen, even with ring of regen 13:18 <{Demo}1> cast healing 13:18 <@luxidream> overnerf tbh, elves are already pretty terrible 13:18 <@carlarc> hmm 13:18 <@carlarc> too lazy 13:19 what variants besides un and xnh remove unihorn restoring ability points? dyna? dnh? 13:19 <{Demo}1> dnh does 13:19 <@carlarc> fiq 13:19 <@carlarc> practically every single one 13:19 <@carlarc> i think 13:19 <@luxidream> dyna 13:19 <{Demo}1> does spl? 13:19 <@carlarc> at least the ones ive played 13:19 <@luxidream> no 13:19 <{Demo}1> does 4k? 13:19 <@luxidream> Fourk has a dumb system 13:19 <{Demo}1> not surprising :P 13:20 <@luxidream> Where the unihorn disenchants 13:20 <@luxidream> When it reaches -5 it disappears 13:20 <@carlarc> just like slex 13:21 <@luxidream> I don’t even care about the stats, I just want to cure sickness ok 13:21 <@carlarc> unihorns are extremely common though 13:21 <@carlarc> just carry 1 or 2 spare in your bag 13:21 <@luxidream> that’s what I did, still bothered me 13:22 slex's unihorn system is way better, it just has a low chance of disenchanting itself, and it doesn't fix petty stat points unless you already fixed all status ailments first ;) 13:22 i.e. it doesn't return an irrelevant percentage strength point when you're scurrying to get the illness cured 13:22 <@luxidream> see that’s better 13:23 well I'm working on a wiki article that's tangential to unihorns, not directly involving it, but thanks for the variants list 13:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 285 points, T:794, killed by a small mimic 13:38 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 13:40 @tone rock-blocked, really? :D 13:47 <@Tone> lmao 13:48 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 541 points, T:1501, killed by a jackal 13:48 <@Tone> Perhaps not my best title 😅 13:56 well it's creative :P 14:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 16 points, T:102, killed by a djinni 14:01 <@carlarc> how does karnac keep dying 14:01 <@carlarc> he's definitely incredibly determined 14:02 @luxidream 1ES design goal is to make her so OP that when you are able to kill her, you don't gain much from all the loot 14:02 <@carlarc> also wow, he died to a djinni in 100 turns 14:02 @luxidream just giving her drain resistance is not the solution. maybe portal jumping? or a monster that slips through the iron bars and teleports you away? 14:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 116 points, T:317, killed by a magic missile 14:09 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:68823 14:21 @catlarc more you play, (hopefully) the better you get 14:21 oops ^ @carlarc 14:21 [hdf-us] [un] carlarc (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:69380 14:21 maybe they're fairly new to nethack 14:22 or maybe they're drunk 14:22 or playing ninja nethack 14:22 the inaugural xnethack death on hardfought was to a djinni 14:22 or maybe it's their 6 yr old logged into their account 14:23 or they are merpish-like 14:23 <@carlarc> yeah but i'm fairly sure it doesn't take me that many deaths to get a good run going, not even like a month ago when i was far worse and only recently got back into nethack 14:24 <@carlarc> meh i'm being dumb 14:26 <@carlarc> goddamnit 14:26 <@carlarc> forgot wands of lightning can explode rings 14:26 <@carlarc> there goes my other set of essential rings 14:27 :/ 14:29 exploding rings is weakness leaving the body 14:30 i know this quote from somewhere 14:30 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:33 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 14:33 -!- Gaelan has joined #hardfought 14:34 the original quote replaces exploding rings with pain 14:34 no idea who from though 14:38 stenno i got my first smack-talking on lichess 14:38 *talker 14:38 haha 14:38 some guy from Belgium 14:38 YOU NOOB! 14:39 rated 100 points higher than me. didnt like that I started whupping his ass 14:39 "you just got lucky" doesn't work in chess 14:39 he said i was trash 14:39 i said ' i know right?' 14:39 then he resigned 14:39 should've answered 'at least i am better than you' 14:39 nah 14:40 my game speaks for itself 14:40 true 14:40 i said 'good game' 14:40 honorable K2 14:40 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:40 i try 14:40 of course this is sober me talking at the moment 14:41 [hdf-us] [nh362] eraserhead97 (Cav Dwa Fem Law), 1591 points, T:2700, killed by a raven 14:42 <@Tone> heh, there's definitely something amusing about trash-talking in online chess 14:43 i thought lichess was just a female lich 14:43 ^ that's awesome 14:43 FIQ get on it, you have gendered monsters already 14:47 aosdict: serious inquiry - are you going to make an object materials patch for vanilla? or should I just resign myself to picking through all your various commits when I incorporate it into evilhack? 14:48 is that worth the effort? 14:48 i mean patching object materials on vanilla 14:49 I'm inclined to say no 14:49 <--- sad face 14:49 not unless the devtam expressed interest 14:49 devtam 14:49 Evil Patch Idea: cursed identify scrolls misidentify the object in your inventory 14:51 K2: git log --graph object_materials may help for isolating those commits 14:51 thanks 14:52 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Jed Asg Mal Law), 100204 points, T:21658, killed by a monster (Keystone Kop), while praying unsuccessfully 14:54 [hdf-us] [fh] Stain (catthedd) (Val Hum Fem Neu), 29693 points, T:1809, killed by a dwarf lord, while praying 15:00 [hdf-us] [nh362] Bartlem (Pri Hum Fem Cha), 732 points, T:1481, killed by an iguana 15:03 YANI: Different message for pot of full healing if it doesn't heal you completely (so "You feel completely healed" is inaccurate) 15:03 * Gaelan curse-tested a whistle, discovered that it was cursed, but wanted to figure out if it was magic so I could know if it was worth keeping... 15:03 …and then hit w instead of a 15:04 v) a cursed whistle (weapon in hand) 15:04 it doesn't weld to your hand, does it/ 15:04 oh, it doesn't. I assumed it did 15:04 EPI: wielding anything cursed welds itself to your hand 15:05 Gaelan only weapons 15:05 weapons and tin openers 15:05 (i guess) 15:08 <@carlarc> tin openers do that? 15:09 <@carlarc> no, they don 15:09 did you just test it? 15:09 tin openers _sometimes_ behave like weapons 15:10 pickaxes do 15:10 <@carlarc> wiki says they don't, at least 15:10 <@carlarc> or at least doesn't say it 15:10 ah fair 15:10 <@carlarc> pickaxes are weapon-tools 15:10 hmm 15:10 <@carlarc> they're a special kind of tool 15:10 <@carlarc> https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Weapon-tool 15:12 wait i just saw the phrase 'marshall law'. isn't it "martial law"? 15:12 Yes. 15:12 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Mon Asg Mal Neu) killed Moldoux, the Defenceless Mold, on T:2485 15:12 ok 15:12 so a case of bone apple tea 15:13 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Mon Asg Mal Neu), 8270 points, T:2486, killed by a monster (great wyrm of power) 15:13 he's...done it again 15:14 [hdf-us] [nh362] Bartlem (Pri Hum Fem Cha), 263 points, T:872, killed by a small mimic 15:19 @carlac just source-dived, cursed tin openers will wield to your hand 15:19 weld 15:19 i will update the wiki article 15:19 wild 15:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:23 <@carlarc> weird 15:24 stenno: It's a weapon tool, yeah. 15:24 it's not a weapon tool 15:24 Tourists who start with one end up *wielding* it. 15:24 yes, but it's still not a weapon tool 15:25 Which is pretty much the silliest thing ever. 15:25 <@carlarc> you can't enchant it 15:25 No, true, you can't enchant it. 15:25 <@carlarc> that'd be funny though 15:25 blessed +7 tin opener of death 15:25 can you enchant a grappling hook? 15:25 <@carlarc> +7 blessed tin opener to open tins the turn before you press the command 15:25 Heh, tin opener of quietus? 15:25 <@carlarc> yes 15:26 ideas for a tin opener artifact - GO 15:26 <@carlarc> this is how you dig for mithril right? 15:26 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/537004956729868328/unknown.png 15:26 K2: grants hunger when carried 15:26 jonadab: using it on any tin lets you pick what kind of tin it is 15:27 and it has MR and reflection of course, because you know... its a tin opener 15:27 <@carlarc> The Tin Opener Of Opening 1% chance to replace bell of opening invoke to cast cooldownless knock, or wizard lock if cursed grants slotless slow digestion/nothing/hunger depending on BUC 15:30 jonadab: tin openers are super strange in nethack, i agree 15:30 slex has supermarket cashiers 15:30 that can get bonuses from wielding one 15:30 <@carlarc> that should be their quest artifact 15:30 jonadab: they are tools that sometimes behave like weapons but aren't weapon-tools 15:31 <@carlarc> for a fun time, go to the slex roles page and ctrl-f for "slow" 15:31 tin openers may not be enchantable, but they are Improved :) 15:31 <@carlarc> not sure why amy loves making roles slow 15:32 ITO REP 15:32 I think it's just you and me stenno 15:32 you mean here in #hardfought ? 15:33 indium tin oxide restricted epitaxy? 15:33 ito = improved tin openers 15:33 rep = represting 15:33 @carlarc: actually there are two slow roles in SLASH'EM too, undead slayer and yeoman; I just continued that tradition ;) 15:33 representing* 15:34 attie surely was in ito too 15:34 aha 15:34 oh6: thanks, I'll use that (your guess as to what stenno said would mean) as a scroll label for slex if you permit :) 15:35 when _was_ ito, come to think of it 15:35 GO TEAM ITO should be a random scroll name in xnethack 15:35 <@carlarc> yeah but slash has two roles, you have twenty! 15:36 PavelB too I guess, I don't really remember who else it was 15:36 @carlarc: SLASH'EM also only has 18 or so roles total, I have about 130 :D 15:36 stenno: re scroll label: meh no thanks 15:36 <@carlarc> good point 15:36 why not :v 15:37 here are the members https://junethack.net/clan/ImprovedTinOpeners 15:38 I want scroll labels to keep the atmosphere of the game, not amy-like obvious references to the community 15:38 ok fair 15:39 maybe it could be anagrammed. OG MEAT TOI 15:39 but why would a caveman be writing scrolls anyway 15:39 toi sounds greek 15:41 -!- Gaelan has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 15:41 YANI: Nonweapon skill magical writing. Affects your chances of writing unknown scrolls and spellbooks successfully. Trains really fast, like writing 4 scrolls is enough to get you from Unskilled to Basic 15:42 (the reason it's magical writing is because just writing in the dust a lot obviously shouldn't exercise it) 15:42 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: night!] 15:43 sounds a bit OP lol 15:43 -!- Gaelan has joined #hardfought 15:44 How long do hallucinogenic corpses last? 15:44 * Gaelan thought tinning made yellow molds safe 15:44 actually that'd be probably fine 15:45 aosdict: why it might be a bad idea: further gives advantage to starting with a magic marker imo 15:46 K2/Tangles: ^^ still need to get that "it" fix in for the livelog 15:46 Huh was I mentioned 15:48 okay I'm picking up and playing splice seriously for what is I think the first time 15:48 well evidently not that seriously since I'm an arc 15:48 It only becomes relevant when you get a marker, and I guess if you want to write unIDed scrolls you'll automatically spend the slot on it 15:48 <@carlarc> angel arc is fun 15:48 aosdict: that's something Amy needs to fix 15:48 Pinkbeast: well i would write already-known scrolls first 15:49 <@carlarc> you can make impassable islands since you can intrinsically fly over holes 15:49 stenno: Yes, likewise 15:49 K2: what? why? 15:49 oops 15:49 it's 362dev 15:49 i saw blue, thought slex 15:49 cheap ones which are still somewhat useful 15:49 yeah thats us 15:49 sorry Amy (i know she'll read this) 15:50 oh right, splice has sort-of-buggy obj materials 15:51 YASI: "buggy" as a material 15:51 This hallucination *does* end, right? 15:52 Gaelan: Yes. Meanwhile, enjoy all the funny messages you normally never see. :-/ 15:52 Yeah, the messages are great... but nothing else is 15:55 "Pierre eats a death maggot corpse." That sounds... unhealthy 15:56 [hdf-us] [un] Delraven (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 11145 points, T:4601, killed by a chillbug 15:58 [hdf-us] [nh362] Bartlem (Pri Hum Fem Cha), 636 points, T:2099, killed by a rothe 16:00 my pet is dumb as rocks. I pull him out of a pit and he immediately falls back in 16:00 !tell AntiGulp I wonder if any mechanic could be done involving angels/infernals and foodlessness. They shouldn't need to eat anything, really 16:00 Will do, aosdict! 16:01 !tell AntiGulp a level generated with some gold embedded in a tree 16:01 No worries, aosdict, I've got this! 16:02 <@carlarc> maybe to make up for it they need to be more religious 16:02 <@luxidream> because they aren't already broken 16:02 <@carlarc> praying often, big alignment penalties 16:04 I seem to have ridiculously low Str, but maybe I just rolled bad on my arc 16:04 a furnace, I forget what I can do here 16:05 <@carlarc> how much? 16:05 <@luxidream> you can drink lava out of it 16:05 yes luxidream besides that 16:05 <@carlarc> it's a garbage dump msotly 16:06 <@carlarc> afaik 16:06 vim src/potion.c 16:06 oops 16:07 ok so it can randomly bless the thing, or erodeproof it, but the dipped thing takes lava damage 16:09 You can drink lava out of it> doesn't this make you extremely dead? 16:09 yes 16:09 pills? bandages? phials? guess I'm source diving again 16:10 A friend of mine who used to be a vulcanologist described professional triumph in the field as saying "Oh, there's something in my eye. Oh, it's lava! Aaaargh!" 16:14 * aosdict grumbles at splicehack bundling whole tons of features into a single commit 16:14 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Val Asg Mal Law) killed the anachronist of sflicht, the former Insurgent, on T:6089 16:14 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Val Asg Mal Law) killed Thilo, on T:6106 16:15 * Pinkbeast looks innocent, like he's never smooshed two things into one commit 16:16 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:14732 16:16 lovely, I applied a medical kit and got deathly ill 16:17 [hdf-us] [spl] aosdict (Arc Ang Fem Law), 881 points, T:1160, poisoned by a bad pill 16:17 I thought applying the medical kit was how I got the pills out 16:18 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:18 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 16:19 <@luxidream> !rng use random ass cleaver I found on the ground | don't 16:19 @luxidream: use random ass cleaver I found on the ground 16:19 aosdict: worse is that its master is called 'Master' 16:20 !tell AntiGulp I know this came directly from SLASH'EM, but not really a fan of how applying an unidentified bag automatically makes me eat a pill that I wouldn't have normally chosen to eat 16:20 Will do, aosdict! 16:21 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) had Dragonbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:16408 16:23 <@carlarc> you can't get stuff from a medbag out 16:23 <@carlarc> read the article in the wiki 16:24 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 22478 points, T:18160, killed by a tengu, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:25 <@luxidream> or bump a floating eye and die instantly 16:25 <@luxidream> that's also fine 16:25 @carlarc Yeah, I'm not asking to be able to get the stuff out, but I have a problem with the lack of confirmation, since applying a bag usually is safe 16:26 M a mummy (dwarf mummy called k2) 16:26 weee found my own bones 16:26 <@carlarc> that's a fair point 16:29 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 16:31 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:1875 16:32 -!- elenmirie_ has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:35 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:4696 16:38 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Val Asg Mal Law), 22565 points, T:7921, secretion golem 16:38 being an elf in the mines is hard in splicehack 16:51 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 13618 points, T:10688, killed by an air elemental 16:53 <@luxidream> angery 17:07 <@carlarc> ughhh i hate how i can never get amulets of life saving because some random hill orc puts them on 17:07 <@carlarc> lame. 17:17 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Bar Gig Mal Neu), 13034 points, T:3572, killed by a monster (invisible ultra elemental) 17:18 [hdf-us] [nh362] Digger (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 3136 points, T:295, killed by an ettin zombie 17:25 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 17:27 <@strangefella> you can always polypile for more aols 17:28 <@strangefella> okay, not always 17:31 [hdf-us] [nh362] eraserhead97 (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 308 points, T:1004, killed by a dwarf 17:35 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 17:37 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2541 17:43 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Jed Asg Mal Law), 8497 points, T:3154, quit 17:46 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed wand of polymorph", on T:5457 17:46 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a master mind flayer, on T:5458 17:47 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law), 28153 points, T:5510, killed by a fire elemental, while helpless 17:52 [hdf-us] [fh] Durnehviir (nostromo) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 5825 points, T:37, quit 17:52 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Jed Asg Mal Law), 126 points, T:137, killed by a monster (monkey) 17:55 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1547 points, T:2315, killed by a giant bat 17:56 -!- moony is now known as ynoom 18:02 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:60865 18:03 [hdf-us] [slshm] Disruptor (Und Dop Mal Neu), 659 points, T:1414, killed by a wand 18:04 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed fixed ring of polymorph control", on T:3138 18:04 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a master mind flayer, on T:3143 18:05 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3583 18:05 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 18:08 -!- isha is now known as werekitten 18:11 [hdf-us] [slshm] Disruptor (Und Dop Mal Neu), 585 points, T:1234, killed by a fox 18:14 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:5574 18:15 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law), 27839 points, T:5592, killed by an ochre jelly 18:16 -!- werekitten is now known as isha 18:19 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 18:20 [hdf-us] [slshm] Disruptor (Und Dop Mal Neu), 1115 points, T:1646, killed by a hill orc 18:27 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:29 [hdf-us] [nh362] habib (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 142674 points, T:26879, drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel, while disrobing 18:31 <@carlarc> not the most common death 18:32 poor gal just wanted to put on her swimsuit and take a dip 18:38 in the Dungeons of Doom, nobody cares if you're skinny dipping 18:38 except Matt Damon 18:39 ^ fact 18:39 well, maybe she was skinny dipping. we don't actually know 18:39 ha, first scroll my angel finds is ELBIB YLOH 18:48 <@carlarc> potions of vampire blood are really useful for chaotics in un and slash 18:48 <@carlarc> since they poly you into a vampire 18:48 <@carlarc> that basically gives you life saving and two extra attacks 18:48 <@carlarc> especially because the form doesn't actually naturally revert 18:49 <@carlarc> only downside is less xp from the drain attack 18:52 [hdf-us] [nh362] fcloud (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (lich), on T:19763 19:05 <@carlarc> oh shit, just realized it also allows me to wear metal armor 19:05 <@carlarc> god damn 19:05 <@carlarc> as an elf 19:09 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:55801 19:09 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:55806 19:12 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:66875 19:16 @carlarc doesn't stop you from biting a c though does it? 19:16 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:56145 19:16 <@carlarc> hmm havent thought of that 19:17 <@carlarc> nope 19:17 <@carlarc> both slash and un stop vampires from biting c 19:18 <@carlarc> https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Vampire_(starting_race_in_UnNetHack)#Stoning 19:19 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) genocided disenchanters dungeon wide on T:62799 19:20 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:66903 19:21 hm, no livelog in un for performing the invocation 19:23 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) genocided mind flayers dungeon wide on T:66914 19:24 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) genocided liches dungeon wide on T:66915 19:24 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) genocided disenchanters dungeon wide on T:66916 19:26 <@carlarc> normal liches? 19:29 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) killed Baalzebub, on T:63349 19:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:56656 19:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:56658 19:38 is the only way to get across the water in Un's asmodeus lair with flying/levitation? 19:38 or ?oEarth a path or blast some cold? 19:39 <@luxidream> there's guaranteed ?oEarth 19:39 <@luxidream> but it's cursed 19:41 ya, it bonked me on the head 19:42 shame that there's not another mastermind passtune. I kind of like figuring that out 19:43 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 19:46 <@carlarc> by the time you get to asmo you should have plenty cold wands 19:47 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 19:48 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) killed Asmodeus, on T:64013 19:50 The door opens. Cthulhu drinks a potion of gain level {20}! Cthulhu rises up, through the temple's ceiling! 19:50 *facepalm* 19:50 <@carlarc> >looking at hotraxxa's game so i can see how he deals with cthulhu >cthulhu inmediately drinks cursed gain level 19:50 so now you need to chase him down on a less favorable level to get the amulet? 19:51 yeah 19:52 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the invisible Cthulhu, on T:67264 19:53 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed Cthulhu, on T:67268 19:56 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:67349 19:57 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 19:58 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed wand of death", on T:64657 19:59 I was just remarking to myself... "damn, I haven't had a /oDeath since the gnomish mines! I could really use one. 20:00 what happened in the mines? 20:00 I dodged a gnome with a wand of death and got it off him. Haven't seen one since, though 20:01 and I can't take on Rodney or Cthulhu without one. 20:01 oh i thought maybe you used one up or something 20:01 <@carlarc> damn, nice 20:01 well, I just found my 3rd wand of wishing so I had the presence of mind to wish one up. 20:02 <@carlarc> what does blessing a lamp/candelabrum do, exactly? 20:02 heh. a dragon in the dragon caves dropped a second wow for me 20:02 <@carlarc> only double the lifespan right? 20:02 fair game in Un. If they're going to be generated 1:# then I hope for more frequency. 20:03 i didn't know blessing a lamp changed its lifespan 20:03 bah. you can get by without a single wish, esp in un or dyna 20:03 <@carlarc> hmm 20:03 <@carlarc> wiki doesn't say it does 20:04 sure. I managed to build my ascension kit without wishes. That's my favorite challenge. 20:04 same here 20:04 i have wishes stashed but the only thing i need is my magic harp 20:04 I feel a diminished sense of accomplishment if I have to wish for bits of armor or weapons. 20:05 i have no scruples about that. i just don't unless it's necessary, but if it's convenient, i'll do it 20:06 it's rarely necessary 20:13 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 20:13 [hdf-us] [nh362] fcloud (Val Dwa Fem Law) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:22396 20:14 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:16 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 20:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v aosdict] by ChanServ 20:18 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:21 [hdf-us] [fh] Stain2 (catthedd) (Val Hum Fem Neu), 54084 points, T:9514, killed by a fire ant, while sleeping 20:34 <@carlarc> this is annoying 20:34 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/537082532882022430/unknown.png 20:34 <@carlarc> keep getting pestered by random uruk hai throwing crude arrows at me 20:36 !tell AntiGulp "The bugs are blown away!" should identify the wand, no? 20:36 Will do, aosdict! 20:40 [hdf-us] [un] bouquet (Cav Hum Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:67149 20:42 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:68686 20:54 [hdf-us] [spl] aosdict (Arc Ang Fem Law), 1958 points, T:1979, killed by a knife 20:56 -!- swashdev has joined #hardfought 21:02 -!- Gaelan has quit [Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…] 21:07 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed historic fixed magic harp named prop. of amy farrah fowler", on T:68759 21:08 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "uncursed historic greased fixed magic marker named prop. of bill watterson", on T:68761 21:09 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 21:09 <@carlarc> does historic actually make the items historic 21:09 absolutely 21:10 <@carlarc> :GWchadMEGATHINK: 21:10 <@carlarc> actually how do emotes show up in irc 21:10 my wished for items are all historic. there's a special museum for them 21:10 carlarc: They don't, a feature of IRC. 21:10 ... well, you see :foobarbaz: 21:10 and if an archeologist breaks any of them, well, alignment penalty 21:12 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 383 points, T:908, killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a monster's gaze 21:12 -!- aosdict has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:12 <@luxidream> YASI: if you ascend with statues, they automatically become historic on the final DYWYPI screen 21:12 -!- Gaelan has joined #hardfought 21:14 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 21:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v aosdict] by ChanServ 21:17 <@carlarc> oh that's great 21:17 <@carlarc> if they're named, they have a chance of appearing in delphi 21:17 <@carlarc> in future runs 21:18 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 362 points, T:867, killed by a gnome, while reading a book 21:23 [hdf-us] [fh] Stane3 (catthedd) (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 28368 points, T:1177, killed by a gnomish wizard's force bolt 21:32 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:69024 21:34 [hdf-us] [un] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) genocided electric eels dungeon wide on T:69025 21:35 -!- swashdev has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [SeaMonkey 2.49.4/20180711183816]] 21:36 aw fuck, i forgot about the gold detection nerf 21:36 <@carlarc> what is it? 21:37 in un and dyna, it doesn't work on the planes 21:37 <@carlarc> ah 21:37 <@carlarc> it does, it makes traps random glyphs 21:37 <@carlarc> there go those marker charges though, damn 21:38 i meant that you can't use it to detect the portal 21:39 <@carlarc> yeah 21:39 <@carlarc> wait 21:39 <@carlarc> you could quaff a potion of object detection and then read the confused scroll 21:39 <@carlarc> and cross-reference for any glyphs that didn't show up the first time 21:39 <@carlarc> wouldn't work on fire tho 21:40 or water, where i am 21:40 <@carlarc> why not 21:40 <@carlarc> water doesn't have traps does it 21:40 <@carlarc> oh i guess every tile is a trap 21:47 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 21:49 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 549 points, T:1851, killed by a kitten 21:57 YANI: Invoking Trollsbane will turn all trolls in a radius of 5 to stone. 22:00 <@carlarc> does zapping/casting cancel at monsters need to pass a MR check? 22:00 yes 22:00 <@carlarc> lame 22:00 <@carlarc> i think dnethack has that aos 22:00 <@carlarc> not for the bane but for some other artis 22:00 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 22:00 <@carlarc> oh it does petrify trolls in dn, nevermind 22:01 <@carlarc> downside is that it's still a morningstar, ew 22:01 YANI: If you dip for Excalibur while wearing a helm of opposite alignment to be lawful and it would succeed, the Lady of the Lake notices that something is wrong, grabs your sword and turns it into Excalibur, and emerges from the fountain to fight you. So you can still get Excalibur, but only by defeating her. 22:02 <@carlarc> that's fucking great 22:02 <@carlarc> she should take/remove your helmet though then 22:05 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:07 [hdf-us] [nh362] Karnac (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 604 points, T:1489, killed by a gnome lord 22:16 -!- hf_guest_97 has joined #hardfought 22:17 -!- hf_guest_97 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:20 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:9556 22:22 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2] 22:26 <@carlarc> hmm 22:27 <@carlarc> i have a really clever idea to kill the executioner 22:27 apparently he's susceptible to sleep. 22:27 <@carlarc> create sleeping gas traps next to the wall that contains him via breaking wands of sleep, guaranteeing he falls in them and falls asleep 22:28 <@carlarc> is there a spell that bypasses monster MR? 22:28 no? 22:28 <@carlarc> shame 22:28 He's only got MR of 60. That's not insurmountable. 22:29 sleep seems to be the go-to way to subdue him, though. 22:29 I like your trap idea. 22:29 Gonna fire up the wizard mode and test it 22:30 [hdf-us] [fh] Stane4 (catthedd) (Val Hum Fem Neu), 33783 points, T:2156, killed by a gas cloud 22:33 [hdf-us] [nh362] Grouchy (Bar Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:58463 22:35 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12781 22:39 !tell stenno I'm trialing the compromise mkclass fix (the one where the only change is to remove the rn2 factor that says "eh forget it we're just going to push forward into out of difficulty territory for no reason") and it seems to be working quite well 22:39 stenno shall be duly informed at the first opportunity, aosdict. 22:39 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 42526 points, T:14152, killed by a giant mummy 22:49 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Mon Asg Mal Neu) killed Tomoka Kayahara, on T:11862 22:50 [hdf-us] [slex] sflicht (Mon Asg Mal Neu) killed Merle, on T:11982 22:59 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:12 write a two line commit and then a forty line commit message 23:20 and then go back and edit it to fifty lines 23:30 !tell stenno https://github.com/copperwater/xNetHack/commit/e9a3ed9d474ab5bda8b90ac1ce0e9a0df852f5ee 23:30 No worries, aosdict, I've got this! 23:33 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3402 23:33 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3852 points, T:3530, killed by an orc-captain 23:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "2 blessed charging", on T:426 23:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:427 23:34 [hdf-us] [nh362] Luxidream (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 cloak of magic resistance", on T:442 23:37 <@luxidream> aaaaaaaaa 23:38 <@luxidream> I pissed off the watch, lost luck, then wasted all the wishes 23:38 <@luxidream> rip 23:38 <@LittleBilly> :roo7: 23:38 <@Gaelan> Early early WIP: browser NetHack UI 23:38 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/537128996928880640/Screen_Shot_2019-01-21_at_8.36.36_PM.png 23:40 The rendering is done in browser (tiles!), NetHack modified to communicate over JSON is running on a server (bones!) 23:46 [hdf-us] [nh362] eraserhead97 (Sam Hum Fem Law), 4016 points, T:3794, killed by a stone giant 23:46 neat 23:48 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 23:49 Gaelan: is this using vt_tiledata 23:49 or no, json 23:49 Yeah, it's a custom "window" port 23:49 if you can get the browser side working with vanilla vt_tiledata that will be a HUGE step forward 23:50 hardfought can host webtiles and ascend to its rightful status as the One True Server 23:52 vt_tiledata seems like a lot more work than a fairly isolated NH patch 23:54 the thing is, vt_tiledata has vanilla support and it's explicitly for webtiles 23:54 so 3.6.2 comes out, 3.7.0 comes out, it'll still all work