00:03 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 00:06 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:08 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 00:23 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 00:23 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v aosdict] by ChanServ 00:25 did I miss anything 00:25 PavelB: what's the last thing I said 00:25 You missed nothing 00:26 you queried the bot for grape jelly 00:26 0.4.0 is the old 0.3.1 00:26 I didn't see that message 00:27 because I started off with one savebreaking update and then I decided to add more savebreaking stuff like polyinit mode 00:27 and then I realized amnesia removal + polyinit probably warrants a minor version bump... 00:29 Feels like freenode is having some server problems? 00:29 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicing a pile of gold, on T:12032 00:29 no, my own internet dropped 00:30 Not just you, a few people nipped out. 00:30 Also I got netsplit out 4 times in a row 00:31 well for me it was my own internet, I know because I tried to browse webpages in the absence of IRC and it didn't work 00:34 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 00:39 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 00:39 <@Luxidream> YANI: bantown. The watch are peaceful, but if you get within melee range they will drop a trapdoor under you 00:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:51 sounds like kicktown 00:52 bantown would be a black market that closes the portal when you leave after stealing 00:54 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 266 points, T:1100, killed by a dwarf 00:55 ha. I started a SLEX game and I'm in a 1 square room with no way out afaik 00:56 thank goodness for phase door 00:57 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:57 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 01:01 Can't tell if bug or feature 01:02 Although I suppose every bug in SLEX is a feature, so the real question is if the feature was intended or not. 01:04 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 01:06 does everyone in slex get phase door 01:10 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:10 Amy's not online so I guess we'll never know 01:15 I started with a scroll of phase door, but I'm playing an angel and I have phase technique. 01:15 not sure if that's angel specific or what 01:15 I think so in slex 01:25 [hdf-us] [slex] bouquet (Sam Ang Fem Law), 7347 points, T:1282, killed by a monster (stone giant) 01:28 -!- Elronnd has joined #hardfought 01:33 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 01:37 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:40 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:46 bouquet: of course everyone gets the phase door technique, and panic digging for that matter; the situation you encountered is exactly why everyone gets them :D 02:06 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 02:11 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:14 https://github.com/paxed/dgamelaunch/blob/master/nh343-simple_mail.diff 02:14 k2, is that what you do to make the mail daemon work? 03:07 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 03:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:12 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 03:15 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:15 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 03:27 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 04:01 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2] 04:08 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 04:12 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 04:20 -!- kashike0 has joined #hardfought 04:20 | _..._ 04:20 | .-' '-. 04:20 -!- kashike0 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 04:22 that didn't get very far 04:23 LE TOUC- 04:23 hrx 04:41 !tell Chris_ANG another crash bug: if you play a samurai and have "obscure_role_obj_names" set to TRUE and "menustyle" to traditional, trying to pick up items on a square that contains a dwarvish mattock persistently crashes the game. Backtrace: https://pastebin.com/raw/Mxe4PbAs (from dnhslex, but confirmed that it happens in regular dnh too) 04:41 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 04:42 !tell Chris_ANG The obscure role object names don't seem to work at all, too. The dwarvish mattock is supposed to be renamed to "dwarvish zaghnal" with that option turned on, but it still displays as "dwarvish mattock". 04:42 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 04:46 -!- ProzacElf_ has joined #hardfought 04:47 !tell Chris_ANG I found out why it happens: the code that replaces the item names incorrectly calls "Japanese_items" for the obscure ones too because you forgot to change the line ;) This commit fixes it: https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/commit/2c84ccb819a77608156bfd6cec05c3927725e289 04:47 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 04:48 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:08 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 05:14 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:16 -!- PeterQ has joined #hardfought 05:23 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:23 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 05:23 [hdf-us] [un] arnibald (Con Hum Fem Cha), 2139 points, T:3202, quit 05:23 -!- limbo23 has joined #hardfought 05:23 | ___ 05:23 -!- limbo23 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 05:34 -!- ProzacElf_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:59 -!- foamz4 has joined #hardfought 05:59 .. _ .. "".. 05:59 ,-... ..";";; / / ; ; \"'`. 05:59 .``"";;; ; ;;/ ; :;"';;/ ` 05:59 ..::. ;;;;;/ ; : .;""'"b;;,`. 05:59 . . ; ; ,,; : ." \;; ' 05:59 . ;,:/ ; : , . \;;` 05:59 . .. . : : ,, ; : , ,'""-. .-'| ;' PLZ... 05:59 -!- foamz4 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 06:09 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 06:14 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 07:04 -!- Monkeh16 has joined #hardfought 07:04                        ,' 07:04                      ,' 07:04                    ,;, 07:04                  ,'' ,',._ 07:04                ,',.''     '-. 07:04              ,'  /     _    _\ 07:04                 /':.  (o)  /__)      /\ 07:04                /':. .,_    |  |      \ \      07:04               |': ; /  \   /_/        \ \__ 07:04               /  ;  `"`"    }       _,'\ \ ', 07:04 -!- Monkeh16 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 07:10 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 07:11 how come we're seeing the spam now, did the spambots start to register with nickserv? 07:13 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:13 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 07:15 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:48 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:10 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 50833 points, T:11623, killed by a soldier ant, in explore mode 08:10 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:11 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 08:12 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Mal Law), 29901 points, T:14759, killed by a leocrotta 08:16 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 08:22 :/ 08:22 -!- acuzio22 has joined #hardfought 08:22 | __oooo 08:22 | // /. . o 08:22 | / / | . . o 08:22 -!- acuzio22 has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 08:22 !players 08:22 K2: [hdf-us] Tolemanes [fh] | [hdf-eu] PeterQ [dnh] Schmensch [nh361] | [hdf-au] No current players 08:23 I wonder why they're only breaking through in this channel. None of the other channels I'm in are suffering from it. 08:24 how popular are those other channels? (and #nethack still has quiet mode on) 08:24 well I guess #nethack is the larget 08:24 largest 08:24 i turned off quiet mode here when the spam died down 08:25 i may need to turn it back on, but so far the spambot activity is only sporadic 08:25 interesting to see what they appear to consider a lower limit for channel size... #nethack4 is still getting hit but the discord channels aren't 08:26 so i'm one step closer to dual isp at the house 08:27 was debating between ridiculously slow dsl or a satellite connection 08:27 Tangles suggested cellular 08:28 * aosdict imagines everyone trying to funnel all hdf connections through K2's DSL 08:28 found a great little enterprise class cellular router that can plug directly into a routers wan port, bought a sim card for it and tested it out 08:28 so now i just need to setup the yagi antenna on the roof and get it all setup 08:29 * K2 doesnt have dsl 08:29 great now "yagi antenna" is going to trigger my YANI parsing script :P 08:29 ;) 08:29 its just a 10GB per month hotspot account but as a fairover it'll suffice just fine 08:30 *failover 08:30 and latency will be a lot better than a satellite feed heh 08:36 -!- lorimer has quit [Quit: NAE TROOSERS] 08:36 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 08:45 YANI: Archeologists begin the game knowing all egg types. 08:58 I got 65 smoky potions from polypiling. Any bets on the # of wishes? 09:03 a few 09:04 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 09:05 1 from the 21st, gonna keep the others for later 09:12 because the djinni odds decrease over time it's really hard to pin down the distribution of wishes 09:12 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 09:17 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:23 I forgot about the decreasing odds 09:28 I've certainly had smoky fruit juice games where I've gone "no, I'll save these and see if the microscopic chance of a wish they represent turns out more useful than the microscopic chance of needing a bunch of extra holy water" 09:29 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:30 It's quite easy to convert them to holy water whenever necessary, so why not. And the chances are not that bad, even if there were already 4 it's still more than 1/25 per potion 09:31 or slightly less than 1/25, with 3 djinni it's slightly more 09:32 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 09:32 Sure. The utility of wishes has also dropped off quite a lot at that point, of course. 09:33 Yes, that's true 09:37 on the rare occasions I get smoky fruit juice I can't resist trying to turn as many other potions into juice as possible, because that's quite easy 09:38 Operation Smoky Potion Factory is a go <-- from last junethack :) 09:41 also horn of plenty + pyec = infinite-ish smoky potions 09:42 <[Demo]> i feel like a pyec 09:42 maybe horns of plenty should stop recharging at some limit that won't feasibly be reached unless you're trying to PYEC-farm it <-- YANI 09:42 pyec + HoP is one of the more exploitable combos in nethack imo 09:42 sounds good 09:43 why not just 7 like for wands 09:43 7 seems low enough to be reached in an actual game 09:44 sure but who really cares 09:44 thats still like, 25 usages or so? with uncursed charging 09:44 does anyone ever charge HoP with ?oCharging btw 09:45 I would be hard pressed to find a situation where I would. 09:45 see 09:48 Is PYEC+HoP more efficient than just farming death drops though? 09:48 less risky, less resources 09:48 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed the Ancient Brain, on T:34110 09:48 well horns of plenty don't involve combat and also explicitly produce potions / fruit juice potions 09:49 how do you farm death drops in 3.6.x? 09:49 gremlins? 09:49 stenno: presumably you just hang out on a level for a long time feeding off corpses 09:49 <[Demo]> giant farm 09:49 if you're deep enough to generate e.g. dragons you'll never go hungry 09:49 yes, for theists that works out quite well 09:49 giant + UT ? 09:50 and they also have the chance of artifacts 09:50 <@Tone> Talking about that fire giant farm again? 09:50 do mrevived monsters do death-drops? that seems stupid if they do 09:50 <[Demo]> presumably not? 09:50 smoky potion yield is too low for me to be much tempted unless it's something I'd drink and / or alchemize for anyway 09:50 hm probably not 09:50 whats athe fire giant farm? 09:50 <@Tone> You get something with summon nasties to summon them on a boulder stenno 09:50 yet another reason to add the death drop at monster generation time, not death time 09:50 i think i have been told but i already forgot 09:51 <@Tone> And you farm them with a polearm at a knight's move 09:51 oh hm 09:51 or just be unreasonably willing to work through wands of create monster and cursed scrolls of create monster and ugh I adopted a policy of not doing cursed scrolls of create monster any more for a reason 09:51 that sounds a bit elaborate to set up 09:51 <[Demo]> i found a cool bug in dnethack on accident 09:51 <@Tone> It's a somewhat intricate setup but can be fully automated 09:52 my point was just that if you want to "abuse" some NH mechanics you will always find a way to do it 09:52 and PYEC+HoP is kinda niche 09:52 <@Tone> Probably the most efficient way to farm that I've seen in 36x 09:52 yes but HoP + pyec is super straightforward 09:52 <[Demo]> where if rodney's summon effect cant create any monsters it crashes, somehow in my mind this was somehow related to this but i guess not 09:52 and this is for potion farming specifically as aosdict said already 09:52 yeah for 3.4 pudding farms or throne farms you didn't need to build elaborate setups 09:53 you *could* but it wasn't necessary to gain the benefits 09:53 <[Demo]> i bet vlads throne is good for farming? 09:53 -!- kritixilithos has joined #hardfought 09:53 was throne farming changed too in 3.6.x? 09:53 never did it 09:53 ever in any variant 09:53 <@Tone> There's probably a good way to set up an automated gremlin farm 09:54 [Demo]: it was and I did it once and it was mind numbingly tedious 09:54 <[Demo]> they lose maxhp 09:54 <@Tone> Never really looked into it though 09:54 gremlin farm should be easily setup-able 09:54 <[Demo]> in dnh plenty of demon lords have thrones in their lair so thats a fun farming time 09:54 i wonder how many gremlins you can create from a single c?oGeno 09:54 can someone do the mathes 09:54 <[Demo]> my 40 million turn in dnh guy is farming a throne where i last left off 09:54 stenno: when you summon an audience from a throne it has a possibility of being marked looted 09:54 you need a wish to get the PYEC unless tourist, if not neutral you also need a permanent conversion meaning you can't do it pre-quest, it might fail if too many artifacts were generated, ... 09:55 PeterQ: but from an anti farming standpoint, those aren't really relevant, so long as it's possible to get it and it's possible to do it once you have it 09:55 yeah, you have a chance of using up the throne 09:55 doesn't really matter how high the barriers are 09:56 but you can't fully prevent farming in NH no matter what, you can just increase the barriers 09:56 if there were a 0.1% chance of getting Awesome Farming Enabling Artifact, some players would still quit in any game that failed to get it because they think that they can only win through farming 09:57 <[Demo]> thats their fault for being dumb 09:57 <[Demo]> play stupid games win stupid prizes 09:57 in general that is a mindset that I personally try to discourage, and in 3.4.3 it was a much more prominent issue 09:57 "pudding farming sucks but I don't get enough gear to survive without it" 09:58 <[Demo]> if u think u need to farm to survive u a bitch and u should probably die 09:58 <[Demo]> i guess blood puddings arent that bad 09:58 <[Demo]> if they actually worked 09:58 <[Demo]> cause they would definitely kill off those that thought they needed to farm to survive if they didnt summon on like the second split 09:59 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:05 What about "farming" foocubi for levels? The level 14 requirement for the quest encourages this at least slightly 10:05 <[Demo]> remove the cap or give alternative content 10:05 sane variants either drop the level 14 requirement to something lower or fix the XP curve :P 10:05 <[Demo]> or fine, lower it 10:05 <[Demo]> i like what dnethack does 10:05 <[Demo]> for the most part it makes the quest a later in the game thing 10:05 <[Demo]> and gives you other shit to go do to get xp 10:06 the main foocubus farming, as far as I thought, was for maxPw 10:06 <[Demo]> while also making the curve pretty easy 10:06 * stenno never sexfarmed in nethack 10:06 <[Demo]> some people just enjoy farming 10:06 <[Demo]> i know i do 10:06 stenno: how prudish :P 10:07 * stenno only pudding farmed once in 4k to get my alignment back 10:08 [Demo]: but then the portal should be moved to a lower dungeon level, 10:08 i like the unnethack way of things where you can kill the quest leader to get admission 10:08 Otherwise it's just annoying to reach the quest and being unable to do it 10:09 anyway going to the laundromat bbiab 10:09 <[Demo]> tell that to anachrononauts 10:10 <[Demo]> a lot of quests have quest homes that are kinda their own segment of the game, even if small 10:10 <[Demo]> so you hit quest home, grab some good shit, then head off for castle or alignment quests and get some more xp and stuff 10:10 <[Demo]> then come back and actually do quest 10:11 but like killing quest leader is the highest alignment penalty in the game apart from outright conversion 10:11 <[Demo]> jonadab should add that to fourk 10:11 I like the change made in several variants that the home level is a place where you can resupply a bit 10:11 no i mean that is like in vanilla 10:11 anyway 10:11 once you fight off the besiegers of course 10:13 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 10:13 <[Demo]> dnh makes that very much the case, they even petsit for you there 10:13 petsit? 10:14 <[Demo]> you can leave your pet there and it doesnt lose tameness 10:14 wow really 10:14 <[Demo]> yeah, soko the same but there the pet is taking care of itself 10:14 <[Demo]> finding food in crates and stuff flavor wise according to chris 10:16 Strange, I remember a pet I left in sokoban going feral in dnh 10:17 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:22 <[Demo]> when did you do this? 10:22 <[Demo]> this change to soko is slightly newish 10:22 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Mal Law), 12105 points, T:10763, killed by a gnome, while unconscious from rotten food 10:22 <[Demo]> 3.15.1 i think 10:22 <[Demo]> before then it was only quest home 10:24 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:26 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 10:27 Less than two weeks ago, but maybe I'm remembering it wrong 10:27 It might also have gotten killed by other monsters on the map 10:28 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Client Quit] 10:30 <[Demo]> did it starve? 10:30 <[Demo]> cause the fix for that isnt in until next version of dnh 10:30 <[Demo]> which i still need to figure out what parts of i want to merge with ndnh cause it does a lot more than just fix that issue and good lord i dont wanna look at it 10:32 Not sure, either that or it got killed by some trolls on the level 10:32 But neither would happen if it goes feral, right? 10:33 <[Demo]> shouldnt unless it grudges some shit on the level naturally 10:33 <[Demo]> man im still annoyed by the dnh gehennom corpse change 10:33 <[Demo]> that shit is dumb 10:34 What changed? No more corpses in gehemnon? 10:34 <[Demo]> !tell Chris_ANG you should add corpses back to gehennom but have them give significantly reduced nutrition and flavor it in some way that matches gehennom like corpse whisps or eaten away bones or something 10:34 Will do, [Demo]! 10:34 <[Demo]> its been that way since 3.15.1 i think 10:34 <[Demo]> i didnt think hed actually do it when he was talking about it 10:46 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Rog Orc Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:36042 10:56 -!- stenno has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:59 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 11:00 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 11:00 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 11:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:06 how do i set gamemode in the options in splice again? 11:06 just OPTIONS=marathon ? 11:07 yep, that was it 11:09 oh nice, a junk shop. 11:13 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 11:19 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 11:20 Buenos dias! 11:31 <@Tone> :( 11:32 <@Tone> !lastgame 11:32 @Tone: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/m/mightyquinn/sporkhack/dumplog/1535112761.sp.txt | [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Raisse/nh361/dumplog/1535124356.nh361.txt | [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/dnethack/dumplog/1533813217.dnh.txt 11:32 <@Tone> !lastgame schmensch 11:32 @Tone: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/S/Schmensch/nh361/dumplog/1534940378.nh361.txt 11:35 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:13967 11:35 @sl?weeping eye 11:36 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:37588 11:43 You kill the legendary lichen! 11:45 YANI: Reading a ?oTP while confused grants teleport control for a while 11:46 conf ?oTP already does something 11:46 the current confusion effects on teleport go directly against that 11:46 "Being confused, you cannot control your teleport." 11:46 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:14359 11:47 PavelB: are you planning to use polyinit mode for anything fun 11:47 I'll probably polyinit as something as OP as possible and see how far I can get 11:47 * aosdict was trying out lots of silly polyforms 11:48 stenno: Yeah, but I thought that was a boring confusion effect 11:48 polyinit to gas spore? first monster attack kills you :D 11:49 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:38334 11:49 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) genocided class h, on T:38335 11:49 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) genocided class R, on T:38336 11:50 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) genocided class t, on T:38336 11:50 why do i find things that are named but that are not on the artifact list on the splicehack page 11:51 for example i found a bow named platypus destroyer 11:51 stenno: xnh and splice have both ported this feature from 4k 11:51 stenno: Some non-artifact items get cool names if they generate with an enchantment 11:51 so is there anything special about it 11:51 oh ok 11:51 weapons that have good qualities, like a good enchantment, get macho sounding names 11:52 platypus destroyer is goofy :P 11:52 It can also be erosion-proof but usually enchantment 11:52 ok cool 11:52 The more enchantment the higher the chance of fancy name 11:52 <@Aetyate> ouch.. that loss was hurtful to read.. 11:52 assuming antigulp copied my code, if it's randomly erosionproof, the weapon must be at +1 or higher. If not it must be at +2 or higher. 11:53 yeah but who needs an enchanted bow anyway 11:53 those who want to kill platypi 11:53 i already have a yumi which i am happy with 11:54 i am currently missing ya 11:54 was wishing for quantity of projectiles changed in xnh/spl ? 11:54 i guess i can also sell my Sling of Integrity 11:56 i un i can wish for 100 projecties 11:56 in vanilla only for 20 12:09 I didn't change wishing for quantity of projectiles. I assume splice hasn't either. 12:09 pity 12:09 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 12:10 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:14 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 12:14 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:38699 12:16 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +5 gauntlets of dexterity", on T:38759 12:17 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed mithril ring of levitation", on T:38764 12:18 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 12:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 12:19 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:20 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:23 [Demo]: The current plan is to have the Bell in the quest leader's inventory, so you can get it by killing him, at the expense of being irrevocably locked out of the rest of the quest branch. 12:24 So the game would be winnable, but you can't get your quest artifact if you do that. 12:25 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 12:27 -!- astag has joined #hardfought 12:28 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 12:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 12:29 -!- Grassy has quit [Client Quit] 12:36 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) genocided class J, on T:39258 12:38 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 12:40 jonadab: That still requires changing some vanilla behavior though, right? 12:41 AFAIK the minute you attack the leader without killing him, you're booted out forever. 12:51 do you _have_ to get it by killing the leader then? 12:51 i mean its a unique item after all 12:52 stenno: If you present the quest artifact to them, they'll give you the Bell 12:52 aah 12:57 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:3207 13:02 that sounds g 13:02 that sounds really good 13:11 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:11 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:15 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 13:20 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:20 [hdf-us] [dnh] Vis (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 253 points, T:336, killed by a water moccasin 13:21 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law), 165 points, T:567, killed by a boulder 13:24 aosdict: Possibly. Haven't looked into implementation yet. 13:25 And yeah, the idea would be that if you chat to your quest leader after defeating the nemesis, he gives you the Bell. 13:26 Probably with some flavor text about blah blah this may help you on your larger quest for the Amulet of Yendor blah blah blah. 13:35 Yes, you would have to edit that whole piece of quest text. And maybe a corner case for if your inventory is totally full and you can't take the Bell right now. 13:36 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:36 btw what is that about the quest text 13:36 what is really so difficult to change about it 13:36 aosdict: I'd be ok with putting the bell into a # slot, as happens with loadstones, if there's no other slot for it. 13:36 why is it so different than other dialogs 13:36 It's a unique item, so. 13:37 s/dialogs/verbalizations/ 13:37 stenno: The entire quest text system is convoluted and makes no sense and I haven't spent enough time studying it to figure out _why_ it's so difficult. 13:37 stenno: It's not difficult, just something you have to remember to do. Separately for each role. 13:37 Though for this purpose, yes, it would only be editing 13*N pieces of text. 13:37 ok 13:38 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:38 The issues I'm referring to are like when Chris_ANG tried to add some new maledictions and that caused everything to have to be renumbered 13:38 Oh, yes, adding more would be more of a pain. 13:38 (also maledictions shouldn't live there) 13:38 Editing is not such a big deal, though. 13:39 And yes, there's no earthly reason for those demon insults to be in the quest file. 13:39 They just... are. 13:39 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 13:39 -!- zjmc_ has left #hardfought 13:39 Also, a lot of other game messages, like the spiel about Marduk and Moloch at the start of the game 13:40 Yes, that should live in *a* text file. But not quest.txt 13:40 Oh, right, yeah, I forgot about that one. 13:40 What happens if you try to pick up a loadstone when you already have one in # 13:40 PavelB: You can get a max of three stacks of loadstones in three # slots. 13:40 Err, possibly up to six stacks in vanilla. 13:40 .-. 13:40 * aosdict played slex until I got tons of items on # and I didn't know how to use/quaff/whatever one specific # 13:40 (Because vanilla doesn't stack bknown with non-bknown.) 13:41 3.4 allowed unlimited boulders in #. 3.6 fixes this. 13:42 whats the bug description of that? 13:42 was that an official bug? 13:42 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 13:42 I don't remember the exact words, but it had "boulders" in it. I think "too many boulders". 13:43 HEre it is. C343-225. 13:43 "Hero can sometimes carry too many boulders." 13:43 See commits commit 53060e... and especially 8ead48.... See also commit 672c14... and maybe 86249e.... See also commit 8a1d07... 13:43 C343-225fixedHero can sometimes carry too many boulders. 13:43 yeah 13:44 oh that would be awesome if we could get a bug list with also the commits that fixed it 13:44 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Bugs_in_NetHack_3.4.3 13:45 There aren't commits listed for every bug, but a lot of them. 13:45 oh wow, nice 13:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Vis (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1074 points, T:1379, killed by a dwarf 13:47 stenno: PatR generally formats his fixes' commit messages as "fix #bugnum - bug title" 13:47 which would at least help with lookup 13:47 yeah 13:47 The commit numbers on the linked pages were determined by comparing the date that the bug went onto the list, with the dates of the commits. 13:48 (And the commit messages, for disambiguation, because the bugs tended to go onto the list in batches.) 13:48 linked *page 13:51 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law), 240 points, T:1354, killed by a small mimic 13:53 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 13:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] Vis (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1309 points, T:1075, killed by a priest of Thoth 13:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 13:57 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:7903 14:00 -!- kritixilithos has left #hardfought 14:00 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:01 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] Vis (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 427 points, T:880, killed by a little dog 14:08 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2] 14:16 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 14:21 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 speed boots", on T:15070 14:21 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:23 !tell AntiGulp this can't be right - 'Malcanthet introduces themselves to you as Emma. It caresses you...' 14:23 Will do, K2! 14:23 <@rikersan> probably the introduction code not being coded for uniques 14:23 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed Emma, on T:41041 14:23 rofl 14:24 my lvl 40 purple worm did that 14:24 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:8650 14:26 cute 14:26 Who is Emma 14:26 Oh wait, I see 14:26 also wouldn't it be 'malcanthet introduces itself to you...' 14:26 <@rikersan> it should be 14:27 i guess the code expects that any seducer has a gender 14:27 -!- MysteryMyra has joined #hardfought 14:27 K2: Is having a purple worm like an effective strat or do you just like doing it 14:28 yes 14:28 Is there a reason why purple worm? 14:29 purple worms are really good at eating other monsters 14:29 ilke instantly 14:29 bring a tame one to the valley of the dead 14:29 let it eat all the wraiths 14:29 be the envy of all your friends 14:30 <@rikersan> purple worms will instakill things with their engulf pavel 14:30 <@rikersan> this applies to the wraith eating thing as well, it gets a level per wraith and insanely strong 14:30 nice 14:30 <@rikersan> doesn't work on riders sadly 14:30 Status of the purple worm (neutral): Level 40 HP 255(320) AC 6, tame, fast. 14:30 I'm going to try polyinit as a purple worm whenever aosdict finished that 14:31 i need to poly it into something humanoid so i can give it this amulet of reflection 14:32 then whack on it to change it back into a purple worm of awesomeness 14:33 <@rikersan> does that work O_o 14:33 <@rikersan> and how does whacking help? 14:33 it doesn't work in vanilla 14:33 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:33 it would in Slash'EM and its derivatives, I think 14:34 Is it possible to complete the game without limbs 14:34 not sure, though, not an expert in Slash'EM 14:34 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 14:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 14:36 ais523: Is esolangs ever going to feature something other than BF? 14:37 PavelB: possibly, we just parked it on BF because updating the featured language is a lot of effort 14:37 maybe we shouldn't have started that initiative in the first place 14:38 Or write scripts to make it not a lot of effort 14:40 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:41458 14:40 lol go worm 14:41 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:41463 14:41 !whereis k2 14:41 PavelB: [hdf-us] k2 [spl]: (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) T:41452 Gehennom level: 34 14:41 Hmm, my plan to polyinit as a purple worm might not end well if I find a cockatrice 14:43 aosdict: Will I be able to polyinit as an archon? 14:44 <@Aetyate> poly into a cockatrice and turn everything to stone? 14:48 PavelB: worth noting that polyinit as a purple worm isn't actually that good, since *you* don't instakill by engulfing 14:49 D: 14:49 polyinit is allowed for everything that's polyable in the regular game. so no archons. but I'm not sure why archons are nopoly 14:49 <[Demo]> can u polyinit as non poly forms? 14:50 The code makes a lot of assumptions that the player won't be polyed into something that's not a valid polyform, and I have no intention of breaking those assumptions 14:50 Aww 14:50 ais523: any idea why archons aren't polyable? just too overpowered for regular play? 14:50 aosdict: Can you just print a warning or something, like "If you polyinit as you might break the game and that's your fault" 14:50 no 14:51 because I end up fixing the inevitable crashes anyway 14:51 if you want to tweak that in your own build, go ahead. it's in the polyinit code added to options.c (still not pushed) 14:51 just remove the if statement for polyok 14:52 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:41916 14:52 go worm 14:53 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:41918 14:56 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) made his first artifact wish - "blessed fixed the master key of thievery", on T:41946 14:56 muahahah 14:56 <@rikersan> go worm 14:57 cockatrices are wimpy and can't carry anything 14:57 not a good polyform 14:58 <@Tone> I'd probably pick an elemental of you wanted to go limbless 14:59 energy vortex would be fun 15:01 Is there a way to pass flags to configure.sh/make so I can do -DSCORE_ON_BOTL without editing any files 15:01 How does polying into a form with different kinds of attacks work? 15:02 aosdict: balance seems like the most likely reason 15:03 * PavelB disables the polyok check and polyinits as a mail daemon 15:03 wow, you hacked into my laptop to get the code? rude 15:03 :P 15:04 <@Tone> What do you mean by different attacks 15:04 <@Tone> Generally you just attack like the monster 15:04 I assume either something like a marilith or like a fire ant (different damage types) 15:04 like you bite *and* claw 15:06 Yeah, some monsters have multiple attacks they can do 15:07 <@Tone> They use all attacks 15:08 you can't choose not to bite if you have claw/claw/bite attacks, so you're at risk from c 15:09 well fuuuuuuck 15:09 orcus kills my purple worm with a wand of death 15:09 i get out my wand of undead turning to revive it 15:09 argh! 15:10 and my pet titan comes over and eats the corpse 15:10 aargh! 15:10 lvl 40 worm gone 15:10 this titan deserves WoD'ing by orcus too 15:10 for best results induce vomiting immediately 15:10 I think monsters have immediate digestion 15:10 fuckin bullshit 15:10 yes sadly, was joking 15:11 also monsters can't vomit 15:11 and even if *you* vomit, there's no actual result 15:11 [hdf-us] [spl] k2 (Wiz Inf Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:42116 15:12 i could tame the next purple worm i come across and then reverse geno some wraiths 15:12 that's always cool 15:12 do worms gain levels from wraiths they engulf or does that need actual corpses? 15:12 it counts 15:12 (that's the cool part, with VotD) 15:13 oh right, I remember being in the sanctum with 3 worms 15:13 raisse: they "eat" the corpse automatically I think 15:13 one ended up level 42 15:13 it can't rot away completely 15:14 no, because it's still alive (so in existence) when they engulf it 15:14 dammit 15:15 ah well 15:15 moving on... 15:17 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 15:17 hmm... just tamed a razor dragon 15:18 aosdict: Anyway, if balance is the reason you can't poly into an archon, it should be fine to polyinit as an archon, right? 15:18 <@rikersan> what breath does a razor dragon have? 15:18 i dunno 15:20 <@rikersan> oh, no breath, just bite and claws 15:21 no breath? then how do they smell 15:21 PavelB: I don't see a reason to ban any monster from polyinit, except possibly uniques as I'd expect that to be really buggy 15:21 * PavelB still wants to find out what would happen if you polyinit as a mail daemon 15:21 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:25 <@Luxidream> T:1 "I'm late!" 15:25 <@Luxidream> Do you want your possessions identified? 15:26 What does it say you were killed by 15:26 <@Luxidream> I was joking 15:29 Aww 15:29 <@Luxidream> @Tone air elementals are blind 15:29 <@Luxidream> Are you sure you want to play zen 15:30 <@Luxidream> @Tone are you sure you want to play zen 15:30 <@Luxidream> Oops I thought I was editing 15:31 Editing doesn't work over rld anyway 15:31 ah dammit 15:32 razor dragon was really a chameleon 15:32 booo 15:32 XD 15:32 <@Luxidream> yeah ik just the discord ping didn't come out right 15:33 <@Luxidream> raisse: I had to genocide cockatrices in my zruty ascension 15:33 <@Luxidream> Dynahack actually fixes this and withholds attacks that will kill you in polyforms 15:37 can you polyinit into nopoly? 15:37 in NH4 I don't think they're on the list that the options parser uses to parse the options 15:38 so it'll just complain about an unreadable line of the options file 15:38 i see, ok 15:41 Muad: awful! 15:47 ais523: nopoly monsters are banned' 15:47 -' 15:47 i wonder if that would actually introduce bugs 15:48 i know that unhandled monster AT/AD types are handled gracefully 15:48 but maybe there's other behaviour 15:49 stenno: There are probably nopoly monsters that have characteristics that aren't implemented for the player. Not sure exactly what (some obscure attack type or damage type perhaps?), but I imagine there's probably something. 15:49 <@Tone> @Luxidream you mean with the elemental poly forms? 15:50 how about long worms? 15:50 Are long worms nopoly? 15:50 i don't even know 15:50 I would guess you just wouldn't have any tail segments as a player longworm. 15:50 But that's a guess. 15:50 right 15:51 Polyinit long worm _tail_ would probably cause all sorts of fun bugs. 15:51 The wiki doesn't say you *can't* poly into a long worm 15:51 <@Tone> wouldn't be very long then... 15:52 @Tone Well, bear in mind, a dragon fits in one tile. 15:52 So "long" is relative. 15:52 <@Tone> This is true 15:52 <@Tone> Still short compared to other long worms though :P 15:53 <@Tone> Also you should get tame long worms when a monster splits you 15:53 polyinit into high priest 15:54 @Tone You can't be split unless you have multiple segments. 15:54 Hmm, can a tame long worm be split? 15:54 i wonder what happens if you polyinit into nazgul or erinyes 15:55 What happens if a long worm is teleported to a location where its tail can't fit 15:55 in case of long worms, expect crashes and other hilarious things 15:57 <@Tone> jonadab: yeah I know, just fantasizing about a day when I could actually be a true long worm in nethack 15:57 <@Luxidream> Tone: I think air E are typically used when you already have telepathy in speedruns 15:57 <@Luxidream> Since they're inediate it would be quite a challenge 15:57 yeah 15:58 <@Tone> Yeah I never considered whether they were blind or not 15:58 maud used air E for speedrunning 15:58 <@Tone> Can they open doors even? 15:58 and eoto i think 15:58 i guess you do /oDig or +oDig 15:58 or force bolt/striking 15:58 <@Tone> I was thinking earth ele to open doors with no limbs 15:58 <@Tone> Ah yeah force bolt and dig would work 15:59 <@Tone> It would be awful with no ring of regen too 15:59 maybe intrinsic regen 15:59 <@Luxidream> Also can't wear armor of any kind I think? 15:59 but how do you food 15:59 yeah no armor 16:00 <@Tone> Aren't they indediate? 16:00 <@Luxidream> And "don't be ridiculous" if you try to wear an amulet of reflection 16:00 you wear reflection before polyselfing i think 16:00 and then it works 16:00 @Tone yeah right 16:00 <@Luxidream> Polyinit 16:00 <@Tone> Yeah air eles at least keep their rings on when they poly 16:00 oh still talking polyinit, my bad 16:01 <@Tone> Can't put them on after though 16:01 thought we were talking 'normal' sub-3k speedrun 16:01 <@Tone> Ah 16:01 You can poly into a human or something if you polyinit 16:01 <@Luxidream> No you get intrinsic unchanging 16:01 <@Luxidream> no cheating 16:01 <@Tone> Does Maud only use air eles in no tele levels? 16:01 hmm 16:02 i think air ele on the whole asc run and planes 16:02 but not really sure tbh 16:02 Hmm, I wonder what fallout would ensue if I reported it to the Dev Team as a bug that you can throw a dagger or fire a beam diagonally between adjacent longworm segments. 16:02 jonadab: known bug 16:02 but that should be fixed.. 16:02 <@Luxidream> Teleporting costs a lot of pw 16:03 <@Luxidream> though 16:03 <@Tone> You use wands usually 16:03 <@Tone> Well 16:03 <@Tone> It depends on your resources 16:03 aren't you 'titis/intrinsic TC Anyway? 16:03 * stenno assumes stuffed bones 16:04 <@Luxidream> Might as well stuff wands 16:04 <@Luxidream> Hunger and pw cost isn't worth dealing with 16:04 <@Tone> oh stuffed bones would be easy 16:05 not sure what mauds bonesless record is 16:05 <@Luxidream> 2300 I think 16:05 <@Luxidream> Around there 16:05 bonesless? 16:05 sure about that? 16:06 oh yeah 16:06 2391 bones-free 16:10 <@Tone> I should watch that one 16:10 @Tone https://s3.amazonaws.com/altorg/ttyrec/Maud/2012-03-04.18:00:12.ttyrec.bz2 16:11 stenno: The problem with attacking that bug is, it has a passive confusion attack. 16:11 -!- L0S has joined #hardfought 16:11 _..._ 16:11 .-' '-. 16:11 / _ _\ 16:11 /':. (o) /__) 16:11 /':. .,_ | | 16:11 |': ; / \ /_/ 16:11 | |L | { 16:11 -!- L0S has quit [Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.))] 16:12 <@Luxidream> Tone it probably involves an early WoW 16:12 <@Tone> Apparently Maud has a 2251 boneless too 16:14 <@Luxidream> Does Maud have crazy runs without a WoW? 16:14 <@Luxidream> With just the castle wand 16:14 <@Tone> I'll let you know if I find one 16:14 <@Luxidream> Or are they unavoidably much slower 16:15 <@Tone> I think only having the castle wand would put you into a 5-8k turn range 16:15 <@Tone> Just a guess 16:16 <@Luxidream> man 16:16 <@Luxidream> where are all the floor wows 16:16 <@Tone> Maud took them all 16:16 haha 16:17 <@Luxidream> I believe it 16:17 <@Tone> Actually you know what, I haven't watched Maud's later ascensions but I bet they have some fast ones with no early wows 16:17 <@Tone> They started scumming a lot instead 16:17 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 16:18 yeah lots of startscumming 16:18 probably tonal + marker 16:18 <@Tone> So good wizard starting inventory and probably some lucky shops on the first few floors instead 16:18 <@Luxidream> Didn't Maud also have a really good realtime run 16:18 <@Luxidream> Around two hours 16:18 yeah 16:18 just because 'he tried' 16:19 like, once 16:19 2h2m 16:20 <@Tone> ha 16:20 <@Tone> yeah that's impressive 16:22 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 16:23 <@Luxidream> is excal enough of advantage to make valk still better than wizard with a wand of wishing? 16:23 well the advantage with valk is that you can tank so well during the whole game 16:24 you'd basically need mkot as cha or oof as neu wiz 16:25 and wiz can't either dmg nor tank 16:25 maud did just his normal gametime speedrun, just a bit faster 16:26 <@Luxidream> I guess +7 magicbane isn't just that good 16:26 is that a challenge, make a tank wizard? 16:26 i don't think that anyone else could do it like that 16:26 <@Luxidream> just isn't 16:26 how would you get mb 16:26 <@Luxidream> sacrifice obviously 😛 16:26 <@Luxidream> you know how I get mjollnir every game lol 16:27 so weird 16:27 <@Luxidream> I'm just trying to get holy water alright 16:27 i ascended a valkyrie spellcaster in xnh 16:27 then aosdict nerfed that 16:28 How'd he nerf it 16:28 <@Luxidream> I've ascended wizards in dwarvish mithril coats and shields of reflection. it's not really that glamorous 16:28 pavelb: ask him, i don't recall exactly 16:32 @Luxidream have you completed a speedrun of xnh yet 16:34 <@Luxidream> no I'm still too tilted 16:34 <@Luxidream> actually I will soon 16:34 !who 16:34 PavelB: [hdf-us] ahrimen [fh] | [hdf-eu] PeterQ [dnh] Vuin [nh361] | [hdf-au] No current players 16:34 <@Luxidream> not right this minute though 16:34 Remind me what it is you're tilted by? 16:34 <@Luxidream> getting a WoW then stepping on a sleeping gas trap 16:35 <[Demo]> fuck 16:35 <@Luxidream> dying at 1:35 after getting 2 altars wrong 16:35 Those aren't really xnh's fault though 16:36 <@Luxidream> that is true 16:36 1:35 16:36 not bad 16:36 hi 16:36 Hello bouquet, Welcome to #hardfought 16:36 <@Tone> Still incredibly frustrating lol 16:36 <@Luxidream> FIQ: I have 1:27 in NH4 now 16:36 was going to ask 16:36 if you have done a NetHack4 speedrun 16:37 is there a family tree of variants and their progenitors and decendants? 16:38 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:38 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:38 <@Tone> like an existing diagram? 16:39 that would be cool, esp if it included all the dead variants like nethack-- 16:39 <@Luxidream> time to use ms paint 16:39 <[Demo]> just pick some redneck family tree and relabel the cletuses as nethack variants and thats what it would look like 16:39 <@Luxidream> brb 16:40 I misread redneck as redhead and was confused 16:40 I am still confused after the correction 16:40 @Luxidream before you kill us all with an MS Paint abomination please consider using an actual tool like Graphviz: http://www.webgraphviz.com/ 16:40 PavelB: haha 16:40 <[Demo]> the joke is they like to fuck their family so its a mess just like nethack ha ha ha fuck 16:41 [Demo]: ah 16:41 very funny 16:41 so basically 16:41 incest? 16:41 if ais523 merges all the fiqhack stuff he's been talking about and then jonadab pulls that into 4k is that incest 16:41 <[Demo]> yes thats what poor rural americans are kind of known for a little in some regions 16:42 [Demo]: ah... lovely 16:42 isn't incest illegal 16:42 <@Luxidream> dynahack is the bastard child of un and nitrohack, with some grunthack and nethack 4 16:42 well I mean, if you want to marry your sister, more power to you 16:42 <[Demo]> depends where i think 16:42 but pregnancies should be illegal 16:43 <[Demo]> that would definitely be handled state by state 16:44 @Luxidream what about splice pulling xnh features 16:44 whoa what channel is this 16:44 hardfought 16:44 so... um... ya... Just wanted to keep it straight which variants are decendents of 3.4.* and which are based off 3.6.*. 16:44 it's a nethack channel, kind of 16:45 that's easy 16:45 <[Demo]> pretty sure only well known 3.6.x variants are splice and xnh rn 16:45 xnh and splice is 3.6-derivative 16:45 everything else isn't 16:45 <[Demo]> there are more that ive seen that are 3.6 based 16:45 [Demo]: I don't think there *are* any others, are there? 16:45 is NH4 based of 3.4? 16:45 <[Demo]> yeah i heard of one or two 16:45 yes 16:45 I mean there was that netguac thing that I'm not counting because it still lacks a single original commit 16:45 and FIQ, Fourk, and dnh are based off NH4? 16:45 dnh is 3.4.3 16:45 <[Demo]> dnh is based on 3.4.3 16:46 dnh meaning dynahack? 16:46 <[Demo]> dnh is great go play dnh 16:46 <[Demo]> dynahack is based on nitro 16:46 so a cousin of NH4 16:46 dnethack is based of 3.4 16:46 yes... appropriate term actually 16:46 see, a family tree (or bush) would sort this all out :) 16:46 3.6.0 is a 3.4 descendent, 3.6.1 is a 3.6 descendent 16:46 sure, but there was a distinct change in the coding for 3.6.1 16:47 there was? 16:47 a family bush? are we back to incest? 16:47 if so I didn't notice it 16:47 <[Demo]> probably so 16:47 like, you can't patch those old 3.4.3 patches against 3.6. 16:47 oh you mean 3.6.1 vs 3.4.3 16:47 hothraxxa: since when does a bush contain cycles 16:47 ya, that'd be more accurate 16:48 Paste https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Uf11SgXyGCzRJbcHeQ4TCw into http://www.webgraphviz.com/ and then tell me if I got anything wrong 16:48 <@Tone> Did hackamole or whatever end up being a real thing? 16:48 hackamole? 16:48 a sokoban alternative? 16:48 <@Tone> or was it guac hack? 16:49 <[Demo]> "NetHack" is meaningless 16:49 netguac, and no 16:49 <@Tone> wow I got it wrong twice 16:49 I think there was talk about switching styles from K&R to strict ANSI C? 16:49 [Demo]: what are these other 3.6 variants 16:49 ah yes, but thta would be for post-3.6.1 16:49 <@Tone> Was that some elaborate joke or something? 16:49 I think 16:50 <[Demo]> i saw one 16:50 <@Tone> or did the guy have actual intentions to make a variant 16:50 <[Demo]> i dont know if it was done? 16:50 <[Demo]> but someone was working on one 16:50 basically for 3.7 16:50 @Tone I doubt it. 16:50 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sE4ZNSES/Graph.png 16:50 aosdict: Fourk will eventually be straight up rebased onto FIQHack. 16:50 <[Demo]> i always get scared when i see new variants because they hurt my chances at ndnh being taken seriously because if there are too many new variants nobody will take any of them seriously 16:50 nice PavelB 16:50 Probably by starting from fh and cherry-picking the Fourk stuff I still care about. 16:51 jonadab: you could do that now you know, fh hasn't really been touched in months 16:51 Like I said, tell me if I missed anything or got anything wrong 16:51 PavelB: but that leaves out the whole 3.4 vs 3.6 vs 3.3 (slash'em) distinction 16:51 <@Luxidream> I wasn't done yet PavelB 16:51 <[Demo]> yeah bad misinformation 16:51 <@Luxidream> 😦 16:51 isn't bad misinformation just good information 16:52 <[Demo]> it over simplifies things 16:52 PavelB: dyna is unnitrohack 16:52 <[Demo]> therefore misinformation 16:52 bouquet: 3.6 isn't based on 3.4.3. It's based on 3.4.0. 16:52 Though it has most or all of the 3.4 changes also. 16:52 <[Demo]> wait what 16:52 <[Demo]> 3.6.0 isnt based on 3.4.3?? 16:52 it isn't 16:52 Not directly. 16:53 In terms of code history, it branched from 3.4.0 16:53 an interesting data point. 16:53 <[Demo]> neat 16:53 jonadab: did you see my suggestion 16:53 However, most subsequent commits went onto either trunk only, or both trunk and 3.4.x branch. (Trunk eventually became 3.6.) 16:53 <[Demo]> also i feel like the way slasthem is displayed is misinforming 16:53 FIQ: I did. 16:53 before 3.6 was released I was trying my darndest to patch 3.4.3 with some of the features I really liked. Probably should have tried it with 3.4.0. 16:53 I was _hoping_ to wait for complete xhity merge. 16:54 So as to not have to merge it later. 16:54 jonadab: I see 16:54 <[Demo]> it should branch out from slex but be higher up than it cause slex is still updated 16:54 Updated https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/xTjmjMn7/Graph.png 16:54 <[Demo]> and also i get paid in commission of slex extra lifes to slam on slashthem 16:54 [Demo]: grunthack is derived from nethack, but nethack has still been updated since 16:54 <@Luxidream> I only got this far 16:54 <@Luxidream> https://i.imgur.com/e9llRKU.png 16:55 <[Demo]> i like this one a lot 16:55 @Luxidream pretty 16:55 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 16:55 <@Luxidream> thanks 16:56 PavelB: you're missing some history with slash'em 16:56 wiki has details 16:56 PavelB: where is ndnh. does [Demo] get no justice 16:56 FIQ: Also, I have an existing unstable 3.5 branch that I should probably fix up and release at some point. 16:57 was that before the E nerf travesty 16:57 Err. 16:57 <@Luxidream> oh no the E nerf 16:57 I mean branch. 16:57 Sorry, got confused. 16:57 that's... different 16:57 <@Luxidream> I can't think of a single other game where people boycott a new version because it has something they don't like 16:57 as in "not even remotely close" 16:57 <@Luxidream> looks at RGRN 16:58 FIQ: It ends in .5 ok? 16:58 @Luxidream if E nerf was the only thing that made me personally dislike 3.6, I would have been awfully petty 16:58 besides, I like 3.6.1 E 16:58 I knew what I meant. I think. 16:58 3.6.0 E was much worse, they fixed that for 3.6.1 16:59 <@Luxidream> the thing I hate most about 3.6.1 is the money nerf 16:59 <@Luxidream> lmao 16:59 <[Demo]> its done pretty well 16:59 that you can't cheat with a magic money bag in a shop? 16:59 <[Demo]> no you just find less 16:59 <[Demo]> like a lot less 16:59 <@Luxidream> it's so annoying having to run around picking up everything just so I can buy things 16:59 <[Demo]> early on 16:59 basically 16:59 you find nothing 17:00 it's questionable flavor/gameplay balance 17:00 but you can still pickup gnome/dwarf gear and sell 17:00 so it really doesn't matter 17:00 FIQ: All the wiki seems to say is that it's based on 3.3.1 17:00 except it's much more tedious 17:00 PavelB: very well, read the SLASH article then 17:00 Actually I'm blind 17:00 <@Luxidream> it's annoying to make it to minetown with 30 gold in a speedrun 17:00 ah 17:00 <@Luxidream> and not be able to buy a magic lamp without selling things 17:00 here we go 17:01 Tom Proudfoot, one of the original authors of NetHack-- 3.0.10, combined NetHack-- 3.1.3 with the current version of NetHack Plus. The result was SLASH, which with the addition of the Wizard Patch became SLASH'EM. 17:01 <@Tone> Yeah the gold nerf hurts turn based speed runs a lot too 17:01 <@Tone> Although I guess you want to steal from shops if you can anyways 17:01 make sure to get all the dead variants in there, like UnNetHackPlus 17:01 <@Luxidream> how do you do that tone? wand of digging? 17:02 <@Luxidream> also nethack TNG 17:02 <[Demo]> nethack brass 17:02 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Category:Variants is a good starting point 17:02 unnethackplus is where monster lookup originates 17:02 slex stole it and called it a pokedex 17:02 dyna stole it but didn't call it something silly 17:02 fh stole it and didn't call it something silly 17:02 <@Luxidream> dyna has monster lookup? 17:02 <@Luxidream> huh 17:02 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed amulet of life saving", on T:15849 17:02 also, most of those articles in the variant category probably shouldn't be there 17:02 4k stole it from fh 17:03 and xnh likewise 17:03 @Luxidream press : when farlooking a monster 17:03 <[Demo]> dnh stole it from slex 17:04 slex monster lookup specifically (not the other ones) has issues 17:04 curses goes bonkers with it 17:04 Y'all are making me run out of screen space https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/sR08wI1D/Graph.png 17:04 I guess dnh has the same problem since it stole the slex implementation? 17:04 <[Demo]> yeah also used to crash if your terminal was too large and you werent using curses graphics 17:05 <[Demo]> not really sure i stay away from it 17:05 <[Demo]> i dont wanna touch anything that came from slex 17:05 so that is why amy keeps saying to use 80x25 17:05 <[Demo]> get nethack brass on there 17:05 or the game crashes 17:05 brass has some cool stuff 17:05 <[Demo]> weird skills 17:06 PavelB: can you color code it? 17:06 it's like ADOM 17:06 <[Demo]> like training was weird 17:06 no idea *why* it is like ADOM 17:06 but it is 17:06 aosdict: I *can* 17:06 What kinds of colors would you like 17:06 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:06 you could reuse Beholder coloring 17:06 you weren't kidding when you suggested there was some inbreeding 17:06 no, coloring should be based on group 17:06 thanks again, PavelB 17:06 <[Demo]> no, it was a good metaphor 17:06 like, all vanilla releases should be one color 17:07 there are really only 3 well-defined groups 17:07 <@Luxidream> FIQ: I just get "a jackal on an open door" 17:07 <@Luxidream> ? 17:07 <[Demo]> nh4 based isnt a well defined group :P 17:07 vanilla, NH4 and the slash family 17:07 <[Demo]> why not nitro based? 17:07 hm 17:07 yeah that's better 17:08 I'd say vanilla-based, nitro-based, slashem-based 17:08 and "everything else" - variants of vanilla 3.x that don't fit into anything else (grunt, d, xnh) 17:08 includes dyna too which is closer to NH4 than NH3 17:08 ais523: yeah, that, but make sure vanilla itself is its own thing 17:08 <@Luxidream> shouldn't I get a window with monster attacks, etc 17:08 @Luxidream you should 17:08 one sec 17:08 <@Luxidream> oh never mind I got it 17:09 <@Luxidream> you press ; not : 17:09 <@Luxidream> so the farlook button again 17:09 hm 17:09 yeah 17:09 weird, I thought it worked 17:09 but you can use / too 17:09 /, n, newt 17:10 <[Demo]> have any other nh4 variants or nh4 taken fh find? 17:10 NH4 definitely /wants/ FH find 17:10 but at this point it'd be easier to work backwards from FH as it's a fairly code-extensive feature 17:10 <[Demo]> i want it in everything ever 17:10 I'm surprised over how well it worked in the end 17:11 I mean, I wanted it forever and only started coding it once I knew exactly how I imagined it to work internals-wise 17:11 but still 17:11 <@Luxidream> I still want to be able to loot bags in spectator mode 17:11 magic chests still have issues 17:11 some of it is actually due to find, the features don't play nice together 17:11 but it has issues beyond that 17:11 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:33 17:11 nh4 is acehack + nitrohack 17:11 I should just have stolen the 4k implementation 17:11 erp, scrolled up 17:12 the first time a "I want to do the implementation myself" has backfired on me 17:12 the only reason I didn't implement find in NH4 is that I couldn't figure out how 17:12 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:34 17:12 someone found a wand of wishing early 17:12 ais523: who maintains nh4 nowadays? 17:12 Nah, that's wizard mode 17:12 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased ring of slow digestion", on T:35 17:12 <@Luxidream> fh speedrun incoming? 17:12 wizmode isn't enabled on server 17:12 stenno: me more than anyone, but mostly nobody 17:13 really? 17:13 right, fair 17:13 and if it would, it would say "in debug mode" 17:13 it's not 100% unmaintained, just very slow-moving 17:13 <@Luxidream> is there a problem with enabling wizmode on server? 17:13 bones 17:13 is probably the biggest problem 17:13 but even if you make it go away 17:13 <@Luxidream> but explore mode is allowed 17:13 it's... problematic 17:13 explorer mode doesn't make bones 17:13 <@Luxidream> and you can get god bones that way too 17:13 <@Luxidream> oh TIL 17:14 <@Luxidream> why does wizmode of all things make bones? 17:14 <[Demo]> for testing bones 17:14 you can ask if it leaves bones 17:14 with "problematic" I mean, sometimes I, and perhaps others, add random one-off features to test things 17:14 er, you get prompted if this game should leave bones 17:14 and forgetting to get rid of such features on server would be silly 17:14 wizard mode should probably have a separate bones pool 17:14 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 helm of brilliance", on T:46 17:14 those are really shitty wishes tbh 17:14 Well, then that player must have found 2 early wands of wishing yesterday as well 17:14 <@Luxidream> yeah 17:15 DSM isn't a bad wish 17:15 =oSD is... a really strange wish 17:15 <@Luxidream> HoB, slow digestion 17:15 =oSD is shit and HoB is shit too 17:15 And they wished for a +2 magic marker 17:15 yesterday 17:15 oh ouch 17:15 HoB isn't that bad if you have other things 17:15 @Luxidream it'd be irresponsible for an administrator to use wizmode and make bones where regular players could load them 17:15 thats a 0:2 magic marker 17:15 <@Luxidream> I think those items should be taken off the ascension kit page on the wiki 17:15 <@Luxidream> and gops 17:15 yeah, that's why I thought it was just someone testing things in wizmode 17:15 <@Luxidream> so many people on r/nethack and wherever vouch for them 17:16 <@Luxidream> even though they are bad 17:16 @Luxidream aosdict if a level is bones-eligible, you get to choose whether or not to make bones 17:16 in wizmode 17:16 r/rethack is questionable 17:16 Color coded graph https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/RwvS1z6i/graph.png 17:16 <@Luxidream> stenno: I went on today and someone told a player to wish for GDSM as a wizard 17:17 lol 17:17 ais523: fun fact: wizvision (or whatever the command was called) used to immediately crash the game in NH4 17:17 nice one PavelB 17:17 FIQ: NH4 has several wizard mode commands that immediately crash the game 17:17 put it on reddit 17:17 although that one's unintentional 17:17 crash as in segfault 17:18 not loading a crash handler 17:18 like panic 17:18 there's a wizard mode command to segfault 17:18 although I think it might be a client command rather than engine command 17:18 <@Luxidream> isn't there already #panic or something 17:18 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 17:18 #panic, #impossible, #desync, and the segfault command 17:18 so four 17:19 isn't it behind an ifdef 17:19 PavelB: maybe its sensible to list 3.4.3-NAO and the variants that used 3.4.3-NAO as base 17:19 notably dnethack 17:19 I don't know which are 343 and which are 343-NAO 17:20 hm 17:20 it isn't 17:20 but it requires wizmode 17:20 it's behind a wizmode check I think 17:20 despite being client-only 17:20 dnethack is 3.4.3-NAO 17:20 <@Luxidream> 343 NAO has some minor bugfixes 17:20 3.4.3-NAO and unnethack pulled from each other 17:20 <@Luxidream> is it really worth considering as a variant 17:20 I can't think of any possible legitimate use for a segfault command when you're /not/ debugging 17:20 @luxidream hell yeah 17:20 Is it though 17:20 and 3.4.3-NAO is definitely a variant 17:20 stenno: if you are going to include things that pulled from each other 17:20 you get a bush 17:20 and 3.6 is a derivative of it 17:20 @Luxidream have you played unpatched 3.4.3 17:20 easier to just say where it originally came from 17:21 yeah it gets a bit confusing 17:21 FIQ: why do I get prompted to save bones on DL1 then 17:21 @luxidream unpatched 3.4.3 is a hot mess of bullshit 17:21 I'm typically OK at playing unpatched 3.4.3, the main issue is watching my character's health 17:21 @luxidream 3.4.3-NAO has _tons_ of interface and convenience patches that made their way into 3.6.1 (thank eris) 17:21 it's very easy to not realise you're critically damaged 17:21 <@Luxidream> I wasn't aware, I only found nethack post 3.6.0 17:21 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:49 17:22 He learned his lesson 17:22 @luxidream do yourself a favor (or not?) and play unpatched 3.4.3 17:23 <@Luxidream> "If a lit, wielded, candle or potion of oil burns out, the game may crash." 17:23 <@Luxidream> what 17:23 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:23 are there even any unpatched 3.4.3 servers left now? 17:23 is there a way to do that anymore without building it yourself 17:23 jinx 17:23 hoepfully not 17:23 @Luxidream: "wielded item gets destroyed in bizarre way" is responsible for a very large number of bugs 17:24 as it often leads to a dangling uwep pointer 17:24 but the linux derivatives should have 3.4.3 unpatched in their repos 17:24 most notable debian 17:24 Ubuntu doesn't any more, just 3.6.0 17:24 also, Debian patched 3.4.3, mostly in minor ways though 17:24 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 17:24 Color coded, with a key, and with HDF and NAO variants https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/snf5T48D/Graph.png 17:24 hisashiburi, Tariru 17:25 Hi stenno 17:25 Tariru: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-07-05 05:54 EDT: Did you ever consider trying out DNHslex? It's a variant of dnethack playable on the em.slashem.me server, and if you were to ascend it, bhaak might be more likely to include it in next junethack ♥ 17:25 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.2] 17:25 PavelB: i think its fair to say that 3.6.1 is a merge of 3.6.0 and 3.4.3-NAO 17:25 xnethack and splicehack are not 361-hdf derivatives 17:26 all 3 comes from 3.6.2-beta (bleeding edge) 17:26 But they have things like the curses interface from hdf 17:26 well.. 361-hdf started out as 3.6.1 official but we recently moved over to bleeding edge 17:27 <[Demo]> i told u it was all an imbred mess 17:27 PavelB right, but both variants existed before 361-hdf 17:27 :O A CYCLE! KILL IT 17:27 I'm calling 3.6.x 3.6 and not distinguishing between the various 3.6.xs 17:28 Because I'm lazy 17:28 yeah that would be pointless 17:28 also you could list 3.4.3-devnull 17:28 3.6.0 --> 3.6.1-dev --> 3.6.1 official --> 3.6.2-beta (vanilla) 17:28 i'd still go (NAO + 360) => 3.6.1 17:29 3.6.1-dev --> 3.6.1-dev (hdf flavor) --> 361-hdf official --> 3.6.2-hdf (bleeding edge) 17:29 nothing's a derivative of -devnull though 17:29 K2: strictly speaking xnh and splice _are_ 361-hdf derivatives. They contain all that code, and make changes on top of it. 17:29 although I was considering adding some of the challenges to NH4 as alternate game modes, to keep them alive 17:29 no, 3.4.3-devnull is an end node 17:29 aosdict xnethack was created before 361-hdf 17:29 (is that the right name for that) 17:29 all three of us have borrowed code from each other 17:29 K2: yeah but it's since merged in all the changes made by it 17:29 haha 17:29 So like this? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/yqsczoYa/image.png 17:30 what code does 361-hdf take from xnh? none 17:30 when I had to endure unpatched 3.4.3 17:30 bugfixes maybe? 17:30 hrm no 17:30 I resorted to interhack 17:30 oh yeah interhack was a thing 17:30 i think we've borrowed a couple bits from xnethack 17:30 and.. 17:30 ebonhack ? 17:30 and if not, i'm about to 17:30 I used it on 3.6.0 too I think 17:30 last devnull 17:30 PavelB: 3.6 sure is bowlegged :P 17:30 (livelogging bits) 17:30 it had issues but worked mostly OK 17:30 Ok I GTG to a meeting so stick https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/HG7J6W8EGbsK1wEixzEQFA into http://www.webgraphviz.com/ to make adjustments, it's a really simple syntax 17:30 <@Luxidream> does ebonhack even work? 17:31 <@Luxidream> it's a tiles mod right? 17:31 think so yeah 17:31 * aosdict is not sure why 3.6 isn't just moved to the right of that graph 17:31 ebonhack is, technically, a terminal 17:31 maybe it requires vt_tiledata? 17:31 that interfaces with a vt_tiledata patch in the actual game 17:31 funny thing is, interhack even worked with NH4, in a way 17:31 right 17:31 oh btw do we have vt_tiledata in 3.6.1 17:31 if I emulated the NH3 UI 17:31 istr we have 17:32 but it had issues so it wasn't really playable 17:32 probably it was confused by uncursed 17:32 ok yard work time 17:32 bleh 17:32 like built-in vt_tiledata without an option to toggle 17:32 if no, i'd like to FR that.. 17:32 stenno: ooh, then webterm can have tiles in 3.6.1 17:32 yeah 17:33 i think its a sensible thing to do in anyway 17:33 helps with all kinds of parsing programs 17:33 short of a full-fledged binary or json windowport 17:33 also it should be a toggle 17:33 <@Luxidream> my past self from a year ago would be happy to hear this 17:33 vt_tiledata confuses some terminals 17:33 probably toggleable, yeah 17:34 brb smoking 17:34 <@Luxidream> how do I activate polyinit on xnh aosdict 17:35 @Luxidream you wait for him to push the update that adds 17:35 xnh has polyinit? 17:35 I thought that was a NH4 thing 17:35 *adds it 17:35 <@Luxidream> now it does 17:35 <@Luxidream> apparently 17:35 does it have all the kinks ironed out 17:35 <@Luxidream> I'd like to think my zruty ascension accomplished something 17:35 -!- tacco has joined #hardfought 17:35 Did either of you see what I just said 17:35 you can't just stack intrinsic unchanging and forced poly to make it work 17:35 there are other issues 17:36 <@Luxidream> idk I heard something about being a giant ant with 0 HP earlier 17:36 rehumanize+lifesaving 17:36 divine intervention 17:36 FIQ: I've solved those issues already with sentient arising 17:36 also, polyinit should really have some special rules compared to regular polymorph 17:36 the HP regen for example is just dumb 17:36 and lack of exercise/abuse 17:36 Also it should let you polyinit as an archon 17:37 <@Luxidream> no 17:37 <@Luxidream> just play archlich 17:37 PavelB: I'm not sure how much more stuff I'd like to add to 0.4.0 before telling K2 it's ready to go, but I could at least push the branch so you can build it. 17:37 I will find *all the bugs* 17:37 -!- tacco| has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:37 FIQ: I was mostly looking at fh's implementation when writing the polyinit code 17:38 aosdict: ah 17:38 <@Luxidream> FH implements it differently from NH4? 17:38 yeah I guess I took care of some problems 17:38 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:4242 17:38 @Luxidream not really, but fixes a few kinks 17:38 could just yolo-apply the 3.4.3 vt_tiledata patch to 3.6.1 17:38 not all of it I'm sure 17:38 does that generally work? 17:38 but some 17:38 dunno if it covers the regen thing, I don't remember editing anything around that 17:38 FIQ: NH4 polyinit is literally just intrinsic unchanging + forced poly, it was the easiest way to get something working 17:38 I'm aware that there are loopholes in this 17:38 stenno I tried and it didn't work. 17:38 bouquet: i see, pity 17:38 ais523: I tried to cover the loopholes and also make it a more fun experience 17:39 (i.e. let you regen HP in a sane way, and exercise/abuse properly) 17:39 The main weirdness with polyinit, to me, is that you still get Race_if stuff evaluated the same way. 17:39 my mistake was trying to apply stuff to 3.4.3 instead of 3.4, apparently as I learned in this discussion. 17:39 <@Luxidream> I'm kind of curious if you start with spells in FIQhack initpoly 17:39 <@Luxidream> since NH4 lets you cast monster spells 17:39 wot 17:39 OP 17:39 @Luxidream spells don't carryover in poly in fh 17:39 like are the nasties tame 17:39 <@Luxidream> yeah. you can touch of death people lol 17:39 Like a polyinitted bugbear (gnomish) healer could use uncursed touchstones as blessed 17:40 stenno: in NetHack4, summon nasties is disabled for non-hostile minsters 17:40 <@Luxidream> FIQ: yeah I know but let the player start with spells 😛 17:40 Hold on, you can't cast monster spells in vanilla? D: 17:40 <@Luxidream> it's not supposed to be a serious mode right? 17:40 kk 17:40 PavelB: you can #monster which is a specific monster attack 17:40 @Luxidream perhaps I could do the spell initialization thing monsters get for players in polyinit 17:40 It's not the same 17:40 nope 17:40 same for tame monsters btw 17:40 I got poly'd to an Arch Lich in the mines once. I one hit all of minetown after that. 17:41 i wonder if it now makes sense to tame the WoY 17:41 stenno: there's a hall of fame bug in which tame monsters were gating in hostile monsters 17:41 haha ow 17:41 which despite being flavourful (we're talking about demons here) and hilarious, was unexpected enough to be fixed 17:41 stenno: PavelB in vanilla, #monster doesn't exist for monster spellcasting 17:41 it's a grunthack feature 17:41 that several other variants took 17:41 yeah 17:41 including acehack 17:41 but in 3.6.1! 17:41 which is where NH4 got it from 17:41 oh wait 3.6.1 only covers breath attacks 17:42 for pets 17:42 same as 3.4.3 17:42 <@Luxidream> didn't that happen to me 17:42 <@Luxidream> in FH 17:42 and arrow things 17:42 @Luxidream didn't what happen 17:42 <@Luxidream> when yeenoghu gated in demogorgon in minetown attacking zombies 17:42 i think tame elf lord with elven bow and arrow gets _insane_ multishot 17:42 oh wait, didn't you get a demon lord tame to one of your pets once 17:42 like 7 + d4 or so 17:43 @Luxidream that's just the living+undead grudge 17:43 well in 3.4.3 you can call for hell-p 17:43 but thats also not really the same 17:43 <@Luxidream> no, he summoned hostile demogorgon while peaceful lol 17:43 ah 17:43 nice 17:43 i think that was the first time i read something on the wiki: find the strongest demon that could still gate in hell-p 17:43 and that, i thought, was the best polyform available 17:44 (i think its pit fiend but not sure) 17:44 at one point I buffed pit fiends in fh 17:44 because I wanted more casters that can't be genocided 17:45 so I made pit fiends spellcast 17:45 like the dnh ones do 17:45 <@Luxidream> because the monster spam at the time was insufficient 😛 17:45 stupid monster spellcasting :v 17:45 too stronk 17:45 nah, just for more casters 17:45 pls nerf 17:45 but yeah 17:45 it probably was before I nerfed summonstorms 17:45 <@Luxidream> spellcasting = monster spam 17:45 -!- Muad has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:46 <@Luxidream> FIQhack's endgame used to be like dynasty warriors 17:46 <@Luxidream> except everything didn't die in one hit 17:46 <@Luxidream> and actually hit you 17:47 this ad had a mouse pointer in it 17:47 took forever for me to figure out why I couldn't reach "skip ad" 17:47 on youtube 17:47 very sneaky 17:47 -!- astag has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law), 1346 points, T:5856, killed by a giant ant 17:49 -!- Muad has joined #hardfought 17:49 -!- asgard has joined #hardfought 17:50 * stenno recommends ublock origin to FIQ 17:50 I don't really like adblocking 17:50 I prefer the web being mostly free for the forseeable future 17:51 if adblocking had a blacklist, then perhaps 17:51 so I could adblock certain sites with ads making the site impossible to use 17:52 you can actually do that 17:53 you can install an ad blocker and not subscribe to any of the lists, making the list manually 17:53 although I tend to use other people's lists + add a lot of entries of my own 17:53 not just on adverts, also on anything else I find annoying 17:53 I used to use opera 17:53 before it went chrome-clone 17:53 it had a built-in element blocker 17:54 all-purpose, not just for ads 17:54 that was nice 17:55 ublock origin has two element blockers 17:55 one that just removes the element now, and the other which lets you create a rule to block it in the future (with an interface to define exactly what you mean by "it" here) 17:55 can I rightclick on something I don't like and make it go away forever 17:56 <@Tone> sort of 17:57 <@Tone> of have to click the plugin shortcut instead of rightclicking though 17:57 <@Tone> It's pretty intuitive because it highlights exactly what you are blocking 17:58 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 17:58 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 17:58 you have to choose the option from the plugin's menu 17:58 then it closes its own interface and things highlight as you hover them 17:59 which helps to select, e.g., a container rather than its contents (especially as the size of HTML elements is often somewhat unintuitive) 18:00 . 18:00 AntiGulp: Messages from LarienTelrunya and K2 have been forwarded to you privately. 18:00 ooh fancy 18:00 no more public message storms 18:00 but what if I like then public 18:00 kinky 18:01 * FIQ slaps stenno around a bit with a large FIQ-bot 18:01 not like that 18:07 ais523: sometimes I've considered buffing lycanthropy 18:07 give it more benefits and make it not completely unplayable 18:07 to be more useful to the player? 18:08 I’ve thought about that as well 18:08 either that, or at least not make it unplayable 18:08 <@Luxidream> AntiGulp: why not use the SLASH'EM changes 18:08 one thing I've considered is more predictable turning, and more benefits in human form 18:08 <@Luxidream> for your werewolf role 18:09 it obviously can't be full moon-based only, since that's only... well, once a full moon 18:09 (allthough I suppose you *could* make the moon phase impact how exactly lycanthropy works) 18:10 I’ve never liked SLASH’EMs poly system, killing werecreatures repeatedly and hoping they didn’t transform was always so frustrating. 18:10 shapeshifters should not rehumanize on death 18:10 they should simply just die 18:10 <@Luxidream> I meant letting them throw daggers 18:10 but regular polymorph should allow monsters to unpoly properly 18:10 <@Luxidream> and not break their armor 18:10 IMO nothing should rehumanize on death, not even the player 18:10 <@Luxidream> that kind of stuff 18:10 of course you would need to rebalance around this 18:10 ah 18:10 ais523: hmm 18:11 but that makes polytraps incredibly dangerous 18:11 even moreso than they already are 18:11 right, the balance there should be to ensure that the player is in a form that's at least playable 18:11 even if they have to run away and hide 18:11 until it times out 18:11 sessile forms should be prevented entirely 18:12 otherwise praying could work for the more crippling forms I suppose 18:12 I think you could probably nerf armour destruction from polymorph to compensate 18:12 that is something I've already considered doing 18:12 make it always fall off rather than breaking, for example 18:12 but it likely wouldn't be a full compensation 18:12 kinda like DCSS already does 18:12 <@Luxidream> carrying capacity is also a problem 18:12 make it unusable, stuck but ineffective 18:13 What about something like hybrid forms? 18:13 (SMOP) 18:13 <@Luxidream> a lot of polyforms go immediately to overtaxed 18:13 yes, I think you could scale carry cap 18:13 polymorph carrycap needs a rework IMO 18:13 a powerful form becoming immediately overtaxed and having to drop everything isn't a problem 18:13 a weak form doing so is 18:14 if you can't take off items you're wearing and they overtax you, that's a huge problem 18:14 I can see reducing carry cap for polyforms but still leaving it playable 18:14 the forms that go overtaxed right away are small 18:14 and armor doesn't fit them anyway 18:16 !wo 18:16 !who 18:16 FIQ: [hdf-us] Tolemanes [fh] bouquet [xnh] | [hdf-eu] PeterQ [dnh] | [hdf-au] No current players 18:16 FIQ: amulets? rings? 18:16 or are they light enough to not overtax something with carry cap 0? 18:16 <@Luxidream> are there things with carry cap zero? 18:16 come to think of it they should probably have weight scaling with the wearer's size, or at least rings should 18:17 nothing has carrycap 0 18:17 (whereas amulets should fall off very small monsters) 18:17 but yes 18:17 <@Luxidream> I know woodchucks are stressed just wearing a cloak of magic resistance 18:17 rings/amulets can burden some forms I think (bees) 18:17 but never overtax 18:17 I think there are some monsters that become overtaxed picking up an item with weight 1 18:17 I suppose loadstones could pose a problem 18:17 if you're smaller than the loadstone, that seems like a viable way to get rid of it 18:19 hmm 18:19 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 18:19 FIQHack rings of carrying boost carrycap by +50 per enchantment 18:19 I should verify that it can't go below 25 18:20 What happens if I have a magic chest in my inventory when entering the planes in DNH? 18:20 FIQ: YANI: As a counterweight to new moon effects and full moon luck, the chance of you catching lycanthropy is much much lower than it is now if it's NOT full moon, and at its regular rate during full moon. 18:20 aosdict: perhaps 18:20 PeterQ: content is inaccessible in the planes I think 18:21 ais523: for some polyforms, is it _ever_ going to be fun to be balefully polymorphed into certain forms? 18:21 Ok, thx 18:21 er redundnt 18:21 aosdict: figuring out how to solve a puzzle is fun 18:21 so the aim would be to ensure the polyforms weren't too generic and that there was no general solution for them 18:22 come to think of it, this would be a good way to make the polyforms more interesting when you're fighting against them as monsters, too! 18:22 aosdict: one thing I've considered is making lycanthropy and vampirism double-edged 18:22 as in, make them not be strictly bad things 18:22 FIQ: vampirism is excellent in vanilla 18:22 what's bad about it 18:22 fwiw, I've used lycanthropy to my advantage by summoning hordes of rats that chewed through my adversaries before they could get to me. 18:22 vampirism doesn't even exist in vanilla 18:22 It's a useful game mechanic. 18:23 I mean add the vampire race as a condition vampires can afflict 18:23 rather than, well, what it is in slex/un/dyna 18:23 ais523: So, basically, you're envisioning polytraps or other uncontrolled poly not being a random monster at all? 18:23 -!- AntiGulp has left #hardfought 18:23 Because if rehumanizing doesn't exist, then turning into a jackal or lichen or newt is a death sentence. 18:23 bouquet: Lycanthropy as-is has corner-case uses but is almost entirely harmful otherwise 18:24 totally! But that's the beauty of nethack. I had to make the best of a bad situation and I did so by summoning hoards of support. 18:24 I can see what you mean 18:25 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:25 My main issue with it atm is that it makes the game almost completely unplayable in a lot of cases 18:25 bouquet: But I bet you couldn't or didn't want to go very far from the pile of gear you couldn't carry as a wererat. 18:25 once my prayer timer was up I prayed it away, but it wasn't a death sentance. 18:25 aosdict: either limiting the list of monsters to the non-useless ones, or else buffing the useless monsters' ability as polyforms 18:25 A wererat is a completely useless form 18:25 It can carry what, 100 units? 18:25 aosdict: actually... I went all the way through sokoban constantly summoning a allies. Would have been impossible without a magic whistle, though. 18:25 And you turn every 500ish turns, on average 18:26 So the game becomes unplayable if you can't make it go away with prayer or other means 18:26 ais523: option b seems infeasible on account of there are always going to be some weak monsters that can't hold up to anything 18:26 aosdict: well you could give defensive options 18:27 so long as there's a path to surviving (summon ally) then I think all lycanthopic forms are good challenges to endure. 18:27 imagine a lichen that was capable of growing elsewhere on the level and was only wiped out if you killed every sprout 18:27 IMO it would be nicer if it was more predictable 18:27 that's not dangerous to the player at all, and it's a perfectly fine D:1 enemy 18:27 say, you turn every 1k turns, for 100 turns 18:27 wereblob would be a challenge if it existed, but wererat is the hardest. 18:27 but as a polyform it is at least probably survivable and might even get you useful mapping information 18:27 I've had times where I turn 18:27 wait, so you would exist in multiple places at once? 18:27 walk around until I unturn 18:27 pickup my gear 18:28 walk 5 steps 18:28 and turn again 18:28 it gets really annoying 18:28 aosdict: effectively, although probably one sprout would be the active one 18:28 FIQ: it might work better with a trigger, rather than random 18:28 say, you turn when you take damage 18:28 also most polyforms without hands are just aggravating, whether or not you get cool abilities 18:29 ais523: I was considering making it still time-based, but fully deterministic 18:29 kinda like how weres in mythology generally turn during full moons 18:29 full moons should definitely make the trigger easier 18:29 perhaps you transform upon taking >x damage, where x is calculated from your level and the phase of the moon 18:29 yes, having the moon impact lycanthropy would be neat 18:30 <@Luxidream> FIQ: are you adding un vampirism? 18:30 @Luxidream it's something I've considered 18:30 not something I have as todo 18:30 FIQ: if you're worried about wizmode bones, just cherry-pick my change that makes each mode have its own bones pool. Wizmode bones only load in wizmode, challenge-mode bones only in challenge-mode, normal mode bones only in normal-mode, etc. 18:30 <@Luxidream> I think it's cool, wonder if it would be curable though 18:30 ofc, monster werewolves would act the same way 18:30 jonadab: I am also worried over debug features making it into public servers usable 18:31 not the standard set of debug features 18:31 <@Luxidream> as it is dynahack segfaults when you're a lawful vampire trying to get crowned. wonder how un handles it 18:31 but what if I add some one-off feature to test something or whatever 18:31 and then forget to get rid of it 18:32 nitrohack has an account flag that controls who can wizard mode 18:32 also present in NH4 18:32 @Luxidream I also believe that if I were to add vampirism as an affliction 18:32 it would need to be harsher than the vampire race is 18:32 ais523: one thing I never understood is why you can look across a room and instantly recognize the @ as a werewolf, versus a wererat or werejackal. Shouldn't it just appear to be a human? 18:32 probably by not allowing regular food at all 18:33 aosdict: blame the code internals 18:33 <@Luxidream> the vampire race gets no regular food 18:33 since that particular problem is really only an earlygame problem 18:33 @Luxidream I mean, not being allowed to drain corpses at all 18:33 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 18:33 so, only drink living blood? 18:33 yes 18:34 basically 18:34 the vampire race in un 18:34 is almost nothing but positives 18:34 except for the food thing 18:34 something that no longer is a problem latergame 18:34 <@Luxidream> have you ever played it FIQ 18:34 I have several vampire ascensions 18:34 vampire regen confuses me. I know it's from D&D, but where did they get it from? 18:34 <@Luxidream> oh, I guess you know how annoying it is then 18:35 @Luxidream my point is 18:35 if I were to add vampirism 18:35 it would, logically come from vampires 18:35 vampires should only be able to regenerate in a coffin or something 18:35 vampires is not an earlygame enemy 18:35 by the time you meet them 18:35 <@Luxidream> mine's end 18:35 you can probably deal with their food issues 18:36 and then the rest of it is positives 18:36 <@Luxidream> but that particular mine's end isn't very balanced in the first place 18:36 except for corner-case things like silver 18:36 so I would need to make the food thing harsher 18:37 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 18:40 The only time I've ever starved after learning which corpses you're supposed to eat was playing as a vamprire one time 18:40 I have an un vampire ascension where slow digestion was silver 18:40 that was fun 18:40 <@Luxidream> potions of blood for days? 18:41 I don't remember how I dealt with it 18:41 It was... interesting 18:41 <@Luxidream> self polymorph also works 18:41 FIQ: Was this on hdf? Maybe we can find the ttyrec 18:42 https://ascension.run/userdata/FIQ/unnethack/dumplog/1466414115.html 18:44 why on earth do I have use_inverse enabled for 18:45 <@Luxidream> I see five empty wands of polymorph 18:45 <@Luxidream> so probably that? 18:45 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 18:46 pretty sure you can't polypile blood potions? 18:47 er, into that I mean 18:47 <@Luxidream> self polymorph into a form that can eay 18:47 <@Luxidream> *eat 18:47 ah 18:47 I don't think I pulled such a stunt 18:47 that's... not really something I'd do I think 18:48 and if it was, I'd have some permafood 18:48 <@Luxidream> do you consider it unscrupulous? 18:48 no 18:48 but I hardly ever polyself 18:48 I'm not aversed to it 18:49 it's just not something I regularly do 18:49 <@Luxidream> I see 18:49 <@Luxidream> I didn't start doing it until I had to either 18:49 also the polyself conduct is still active 18:49 just looked 19:14 -!- lords has joined #hardfought 19:16 -!- asgard has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:16 -!- lords has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:20 -!- stenno_ has joined #hardfought 19:25 -!- stenno_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 19:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law), 688 points, T:1771, killed by a little dog 19:31 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 19:49 <[Demo]> man i just did some advanced networking 19:50 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 20:01 -!- PeterQ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:02 2.5 hrs just to finsh the backyard. ugh 20:03 aaaaaaand now its dark 20:08 <[Demo]> am i wrong to assume that a securely configured access point shouldnt accept traffic from more than one address per client? 20:08 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:10 what do you mean by access point 20:11 <[Demo]> wireless 20:12 <[Demo]> nevermind i guess theres no way for it to know 20:18 <@FIQ> I used to use opera 20:18 fiq: have you tried vivaldi? 20:21 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 20:25 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:37 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:38 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 20:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v rld] by ChanServ 20:41 -!- Pavel has joined #hardfought 20:41 -!- Pavel has quit [Client Quit] 21:01 -!- mmmnootka has joined #hardfought 21:01 -!- mmmnootka has left #hardfought 21:01 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:07 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 21:12 my coworker decided to ask me what I was doing so I proceeded to tell him all about how amazing nethack was 21:12 i just realized it's been over an hour 21:14 I've been updating the graph a bit 21:14 it might go nicely on a wiki page 21:15 I was hoping someone would upload it somewhere 21:19 aosdict: Can you show the graphviz code for this updated graph? 21:19 [hdf-us] [xnh] Silver2195 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:20289 21:20 I'd rather not pastebin it till it's done, I'm going to do that when it's done anyway so what's the point 21:21 Did you actually figure out the Graphviz way to format graphs nicely so the overlapping lines aren't akward 21:21 'cause I know you *can* do that, but I'm really bad at it 21:21 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 21:22 no 21:22 the reason 3.6 looked weird is to be blamed on dnhslex 21:24 https://xkcd.com/2036/ 21:27 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:30 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:32 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:33 aosdict: You could probably make it look nicer just by swapping some things. It tries to preserve the order of things left to right in the order they first appear. 21:34 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 21:34 So if you moved the 3.6 stuff to the bottom, it would appear on the right of the graph and DNHslex wouldn't akwardly appear in the middle of it 21:44 -!- MysteryMyra has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 22:04 If that happened, there would still be a line crossing, except now between 3.4->3.6 and slex->dnhslex 22:07 Tangles_: Does `OPTIONS=align_status:left` get disabled automatically if your terminal isn't big enough? 22:14 * aosdict stops trying to edit the graphviz data in browser and switches to vim 22:14 That's a good idea 22:15 You could also prolly just `sudo dnf|apt|zypper install graphviz` 22:15 dnf? apt? zypper? 22:16 pacman will eat them all 22:19 I don't remmeber the pacman flags 22:19 I *think* it's -Syu but it's been a while 22:19 pacman -Syu just does a full system upgrade 22:19 if I wanted graphviz I'd do pacman -S graphviz 22:20 Right 22:20 I strongly suspect pacman was designed to be easier for developers than for users 22:20 Packaging for it is super easy 22:22 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 22:27 -!- tacco has quit [] 22:28 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:30 Hm, the graph is mostly free of glaring problems, but the edge between 3.4.3-nao and 3.6 is annoying. 22:30 Isn't 3.6 not derived from 3.4.3-nao so much as paxed just reimplemented a bunch of it? 22:32 You know more than me, I just listened to people sending instructions 22:32 I hadn't even heard of DynaHack 22:33 what did you think Beholder's [dyn] tag was 22:34 I never bothered to find out 22:34 It would be neat if the vanillas were a straight vertical chain, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27091591/graphviz-dot-vertical-alignment-of-nodes 22:35 I was working towards that 22:39 noice it fits on my screen that way 22:42 what was the original name for splicehack? anyone remember? not that it's relevant 22:42 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- Tarmunora__ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:46 there was also rumflump's fiqhack variant, fiddlehack, but not sure whether it got off the ground 22:46 oh hey netguac actually has some original commits, @Tone 22:47 not many, but more than zero 22:49 [hdf-us] [fh] Misty (Tolemanes) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 master key of thievery", on T:15934 22:50 !tell AntiGulp this FlamingGuacamole guy has apparently started work on their variant. from the looks of it, it's a kitchen sink variant. maybe you should recruit them for splicehack dev team? ;) 22:50 Will do, aosdict! 22:52 From what I see, there are 4 commits, one of which disables the other which doesn't work, one adds an artifact, and one makes magic missile it's on attack type for some reason 22:53 well don't discourage someone from trying, at worst they're a source of new ideas 22:53 LarienTelrunya, back me up here 22:53 I'm just saying it's to early to assume what kind of variant it is 22:55 eh, commit #4 is adding an artifact. either they're doing what AntiGulp did and futzing around just to see what works, or it's the sort of variant that adds a lot of stuff 22:56 I'm not going to add it to this graph though :P 22:57 It's not like xNH has no additions 22:57 Thiefstone e.g. 22:58 yeah, but the ratio of new [monsters/objects/artis/levels] to the total amount of changes is low 22:58 Are Thiefstones a significant part of xnh? I don't pick up gray stones in case it's a loadstone so I wouldn't notice 22:58 hmm, is that the proper metric for kitchen-sinkiness? 22:59 PavelB: a well placed one will solve a lot of stashing woes later in the game 22:59 Do you use them when playing? 22:59 yes 23:00 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Arc Hum Mal Law), 784 points, T:3292, killed by a fox, while frozen by a monster's gaze 23:00 new stuff to total changes isn't an easy metric to quantify - could spend some time nailing down the definition of what qualifies as a change, but still nobody would actually go count them 23:04 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:05 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 23:17 [Demo]: is ndnh released in any way shape or form? 23:21 PavelB: I think I'm done 23:22 Cool 23:23 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 23:24 https://pastebin.com/zx5RVFBS 23:24 remove the second xnethack->splicehack line, that was a testing line I forgot about 23:28 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:34 DNHslex is so annoying 23:38 now making one that color codes active variants 23:39 dunno if slashthem is actively played or not. 23:39 !tell LarienTelrunya does ESM host slashthem, or is it not really available anywhere except as a slex soviet? 23:39 Will do, aosdict! 23:41 aosdict: You can make the active ones have a collored buble outline 23:41 `[color=blue]` or whatever 23:43 I was just going to recolor the bubble backgrounds 23:43 The fill color already has meaning 23:46 yes, so like a second whole graph 23:46 easier to read imo 23:47 dear god, the amount of whinging in these old pre-3.6.0 pre-leak reddit/rgrn threads about who considers what to be the true heir of 3.4.3 23:47 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 23:48 What could it really be other than NH4 or maybe Un? 23:49 nethack4 didn't exist yet for a large part of the hiatus. 23:50 spork and d get some mentions, but the worst of it is from the people saying "no no no you're wrong I'll never accept a mere variant (usually un) to be the continuation of nethack" 23:51 I wonder what took them so long 23:51 Did anyone on the devteam ever say? 23:51 -!- introsp3ctive has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 23:52 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 23:52 -!- dell30 has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 23:55 -!- introsp3ctive has joined #hardfought 23:55 Were you here for any of it? 23:56 I started playing vanilla 3.4.3 around 2014 or so 23:57 I started playing around April I think? 23:58 I'm removing ndnh from this variant activity graph because it doesn't fit into any of the categories. afaik it is neither abandoned nor actively played