00:02 !lastgame 00:02 aosdict: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dgoddard/nh361/dumplog/1530588345.nh361.txt 00:02 aosdict: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/stenno/sporkhack/dumplog/1530542899.sp.txt 00:02 aosdict: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/M/Mishka/nh343/dumplog/1530409541.nh343.txt 00:02 seems like an arch-lich out of nowhere. either a chameleon or a polytrap 00:04 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Priest ### Mal ###) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:1393 00:07 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 1538 points, T:1714, centaur 00:19 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:73108 00:43 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:74204 00:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] IceBox (Bar Orc Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3481 01:02 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:75801 01:03 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 50 points, T:15, gnome 01:03 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:75814 01:05 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed Orcus, on T:75876 01:06 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:75948 01:06 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:75958 01:17 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 2498 points, T:2163, blaze of fire 01:21 YANI: use one of the free level flag bits for fountains to represent a dried-up fountain, which could be rendered as a white/gray {. Water can be restored to a dry fountain by standing on it and ??? (reading scroll of water? praying? ritual spell? smashing a potion of water?) 01:25 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 01:28 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 01:28 -!- stenno is now known as Guest45108 01:32 -!- Guest45108 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 01:34 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:35 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 01:37 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:37 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 01:39 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:46 That's already in the YANI archive :P 01:54 aosdict: re your fountain refill idea: in Elona that can be done by dipping a potion into the fountain, which is used up in the process 01:54 LarienTelrunya: Message from @rikersan at 2018-07-02 13:46 EDT: why exactly did you propose to mandevil? aren't you gay anyway 01:55 !tell rikersan yes; something something cheering about the bitching bitch being kicked :P 01:55 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:06 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed Yeenoghu, on T:79336 02:08 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:79448 02:08 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:79453 02:08 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:79462 02:15 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:17 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:79714 02:17 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:79716 02:19 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:79748 02:24 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:80176 02:27 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:80407 02:39 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:81230 02:41 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:81439 02:42 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered the Planes, on T:81497 02:42 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:81499 02:42 aosdict: "Magic traps' taming effect is changed to pacification, due to petless conduct shenanigans." wtf, I would expect the majority of games to not be petless... penalizing all normal players because of some obscure conduct that no one plays? :P 02:52 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:81876 02:54 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:81928 02:56 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:81960 02:56 "Option to make the confirmation letter "Y" instead of "y" so that you don't accidentally hit people when moving in the "y" direction." unnethack should implement that instead of the tedious yes/no :P 02:56 bhaak: ^^ 02:56 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:81975 02:57 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:81990 02:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:82035 03:00 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:82051 03:00 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Death, on T:82069 03:01 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 4920586 points, T:82084, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hypnotist/nh361/dumplog/1530301103.nh361.txt 03:02 !asc hypnotist 03:02 nooodle: [hdf-us] hypnotist has ascended 18 times in 43 games (41.86%): nh361:18 (45.00%) 03:02 congratulations nooodle! go team nymphets! :D 03:03 ty. :) yeah, if only i were faster 03:07 LarienTelrunya: what about "chat with peaceful when moving into them"? 03:07 bhaak: that causes you to lose a turn, which can be deadly if you're chased by a soldier ant and the watchman walks into your fleeing path 03:08 I wouldn't implement it as losing a turn :-) 03:08 ah 03:08 well, it's implemented in dnethack and Nethack Fourk, but you do lose a turn there 03:08 chatting is in almost all cases a simple text flavor thing in nethack 03:09 I can't think of a reason it should cost a turn. 03:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] monstergrin (Ana Elf Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:41497 03:11 the only thing I could think of would be that this might be a way of extracting the RNG state. but using a proper RNG is the solution for that anyway 03:19 -!- nooodle has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:32 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:32 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 03:35 "Fire vortices uniquely among whirly engulfers don't make your lamp go out when they engulf you; they keep it ignited." might add "and turn it on if it is currently unlit" 03:36 that'll be annoying if you have like six separate candle stacks 04:01 LarienTelrunya: but shouldn't ot then also should deal fire damage as every other fire emitting thing? burning scrolls, boiling potions, burning armor, etc.? 04:02 bhaak: it probably should 04:03 I wouldn't call it stupid, it would be a change for more realism. 04:04 but NHINRL and it depends if you agree to "realism > gameplay" or "gameplay > realism" :) 04:04 heh, if you want realism, many things that can currently be survived should probably be deadly 04:04 e.g. monsters with sufficiently sharp swords would be able to decapitate you, even if the sword is not vorpal 04:05 Evil Patch idea: monsters with katanas have a chance of decapitating you on a hit. 04:05 that's not real realism, that's hollywood realism :-p 04:41 -!- Anerag has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:00 -!- Anerag has joined #hardfought 05:06 -!- Anerag has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:06 -!- Anerag has joined #hardfought 05:29 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:30 -!- Anerag has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.x-git-37-ad7e447b - https://znc.in] 05:39 -!- Anerag has joined #hardfought 05:40 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 05:46 -!- Borto has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:23 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [*.net *.split] 06:23 -!- hothraxxa has quit [*.net *.split] 06:28 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 06:51 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:02 "Option to make the confirmation letter "Y" instead of "y" so that you don't accidentally hit people when moving in the "y" direction." unnethack should implement that instead of the tedious yes/no :P 07:02 Doesn't slex use 'yes' confirmation 07:03 but not in those places that drive LarienTelrunya mad :-D 07:09 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:53 !tell LarienTelrunya I've heard one too many complaints from people who unintentionally broke polyselfless conduct to want to start up new complaints about unwanted taming. especially since there's no way to prevent that effect. 07:53 Will do, aosdict! 07:55 FR: NetHack breaks the assumption "you don't chose a cat, cats chose you" 07:59 imagine Webmant or someone trying to play a seriously petless game, getting to asmodeus and then bang oops I hit an undetected magic trap while next to a monster. Better start aaaaaalll over. 08:00 !tell LarienTelrunya also, disadvantaging, ha. you have plenty of other nerfs to complain about in xnethack besides a marginal side effect like this 08:00 Will do, aosdict! 08:43 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 08:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 08:51 [hdf-us] [nh4] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 30934 points, T:2171, poisoned by a killer bee 08:54 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 08:59 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 08:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13847 09:22 !tell lorimer thanks for the info. and I fixed the demonbane 1st sac gift for priest bit 09:22 K2: Message from AntiGulp at 2018-07-02 23:12 EDT: Doors are not supposed to be gray, that actually looks like it was an issue in the patch I used. Fixed it. 09:22 Will do, K2! 09:24 SpliceHack updated (all servers) 09:31 !tell ais523 this is a response to your reddit comment: if one did implement the most ascs in 24 hours trophy as requiring both start and end to be within the 24 hour period, there would probably be complaining among players who can ascend reliably but not fast. Maybe the window would have to be expanded to 72 hours or something. 09:31 Will do, aosdict! 09:36 -!- nooodle has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:48 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:55 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 10:06 <@Tone> I don't think that would be a very popular trophy 10:10 72 hours would be feasible for most people, yes 10:10 -!- remirol has joined #hardfought 10:10 -!- lorimer has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:11 raisse: You sure like playing under pressure. 10:11 3 days means that if something interrupts me IRL, I might not make it. 10:11 no, I strongly *dis*like playing under pressure, and 3 days means that for me too but it's about 100 times more likely that I'll make it in 3 days than in 1 day 10:14 <@escargott'em> I still think people who are the worst at the game should get the most points, it's unfair to us bad players 10:14 <@Tone> I meant that the 24 hour one probably wouldn't be popular 10:19 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 10:28 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:30 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:10054 10:35 <@escargott'em> That announcement seems unnecessary :p 10:36 -!- Guest45108 has joined #hardfought 10:46 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 11373 points, T:13078, killed by an owlbear 11:02 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 11:02 <@IceBox> yeah there's no way i could do a 24 hour asc, but i could definitely contribute to a 72 hour time limit 11:06 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 11:10 YAN(S)I: Clothing can be layered, but doing so causes penalties to dexterity. 11:14 YASI: You can set your character's gender as nonbinary, but this doesn't do anything except make you ineligible for both the male egg-hatching benefit and the female egg-laying benefit. 11:15 Strangely enough, I’ve been trying for a while to add a nonbinary gender option, but adding additional gender options always seems to cause a lot of bugs. 11:19 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 11:21 -!- Guest45108 has quit [Changing host] 11:21 -!- Guest45108 has joined #hardfought 11:21 -!- Guest45108 is now known as stenno 11:21 does somebody know if the spork patches that k2 installed yesterday are already rolled out on the server? 11:22 can't you check with the v command/ 11:23 yes but that woudl require me to start a new game in the first place :P 11:23 ok fine I'll start one 11:24 naah 11:24 Unix SporkHack Version 0.6.5 (git 2b13f8f) - last build Mon Jul 2 16:36:28 2018. 11:24 is that UTC? 11:24 lol 11:24 oh wait i guess you login to the US server 11:24 that should be correct then 11:24 hdf-us yes 11:25 right, that should be the one then 11:25 -!- nooodle has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:27 <@Tone> Time to throw things at iron bars 11:27 lol 11:31 <@rikersan> braces 11:31 @rikersan: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-07-03 01:55 EDT: yes; something something cheering about the bitching bitch being kicked :P 11:32 oh good, xnethack introducing glass stuff that could shatter didn't cause any crashes when hitting iron bars 11:33 because its fixed in 3.6.1 11:42 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 11:43 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:48 i think i will change my wishing strat 11:48 going mkot before gauntlets of force 11:49 <@rikersan> what do those gauntlets do? 11:49 <@rikersan> knockback on hit? 11:51 <[Demo][srn]1> stunning blow 11:51 <[Demo][srn]1> always 11:51 <@rikersan> huh 11:51 <[Demo][srn]1> fist jousting 11:51 knockback too 11:53 <[Demo][srn]1> it's just fist jousting 11:54 does jousting have knockback? 11:54 <[Demo][srn]1> yes 11:55 <[Demo][srn]1> jousting does extra dmg tho, don't think staggering blows do 11:55 oh the normal stunning blow does knockback too 11:55 but in spork it can be more that one square 11:56 thats funny with phasing monsters like ghosts, you punch them out of the room and into the walls usually 11:57 <[Demo][srn]1> Yeah dnh has that with some things and it is amusing 11:58 oh i remember the first artiweapon i got in dnh 11:58 some sword that does knockback and makes enemies explode lol 11:59 <@rikersan> tobiume 11:59 <[Demo][srn]1> tobiume probably 11:59 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah 11:59 <@rikersan> it's garbage but funny 11:59 <@rikersan> i'ts kinda sad how garbage it is tbh 11:59 stunning blow on each hit is nice, but does spork fix the problem of monster stun not really doing all that much 11:59 <@rikersan> I'd love to see that merged into fire brand and then frost brand get maybe sode's stuff 11:59 <[Demo][srn]1> Yeah it's a shit weapon 12:00 <@rikersan> ^^ demo what do you think of that 12:00 its super strong in spork 12:00 <[Demo][srn]1> Yeah fire and frost brand are pretty bad in dnh 12:00 <[Demo][srn]1> are they unchanged? 12:00 you can just punch monsters into a corner and then repeatedly punch them 12:00 and they can't do shit 12:01 <@rikersan> yes I think demo 12:01 <@rikersan> yep still the same 12:01 oh apparently enchanting gloves adds the enchantment to the damage 12:01 flat 12:01 <[Demo][srn]1> remove frost and firebrand then 12:01 <[Demo][srn]1> and merge their one unique feature into those two 12:01 <@rikersan> yeah 12:01 <[Demo][srn]1> might do that in ndnh 12:02 <@rikersan> !tell Chris_ANG idea: remove frost/fire brand, and give the 2x damages to tobiume and sode no shirayuki? Demo's idea 12:02 Will do, @rikersan! 12:02 wot 12:02 /* Red make Zog MAD! Zog hit harder. */ 12:03 if (uarm && (uarm->otyp == RED_DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL || uarm->otyp == RED_DRAGON_SCALES)) { 12:03 tmp += rnd(6); 12:03 }y 12:03 <@rikersan> who is zog 12:03 apparently the player, when they wear red dsm 12:03 oh right DSM has bonuses in spork 12:03 <@rikersan> ok 12:03 <[Demo][srn]1> wtf is spork 12:04 <@rikersan> ndnh's spiritual precessor? 12:04 <@rikersan> *predecessor 12:05 <[Demo][srn]1> no I hate spork 12:06 <[Demo][srn]1> Oh wait 12:06 <[Demo][srn]1> I hate ndnh too 12:07 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 12:07 <@rikersan> oh shit.jpg 12:07 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:08 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 12:09 <@luxidream> Hey that’s better than FIQs red DSM 12:09 <[Demo][srn]1> what does his do? 12:09 <@luxidream> Someone get him on this 12:09 <[Demo][srn]1> fire immunity is strong 12:09 <@luxidream> infravision warning see invis 12:09 <@luxidream> pretty trash 12:10 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:15452 12:10 <[Demo][srn]1> infra vision is rad 12:10 <@luxidream> it’s bad compared to blue and orange dsm 12:10 <@luxidream> speed and free action 12:11 <@luxidream> damage boost would give it a niche at least 12:11 <@rikersan> it should at least grant slime protection 12:12 <@rikersan> that's what it odes in dnh 12:15 GithuI just wasted an entire 20 minutes of my life trying to search for a commit in the splicehack repo on github before GH informed me you can't search in forked repos 12:16 PavelB yeah, I also found that out the hard way. What commit are you looking for? 12:16 I already found it (locally). I'm trying to port trees to xnh. 12:17 <@rikersan> git clone and grep are your friends 12:17 <@rikersan> also, that should go away (the no search thing) once enough commits are made 12:17 <@rikersan> since I konw slex is searchable despite being forked from slashem 12:17 `git log --all --grep='Tree'` 12:17 `git show d6ea9dc8c333e19de3ede3b591d471f0908a8b04` 12:18 @rikersan that menas forked from a github repo. Obviously all the variants are some kind of fork. 12:18 <@rikersan> no I know 12:18 <@rikersan> I know there's a slex repo forked form something 12:18 <@Tone> Slime protection makes sense, that's a neat feature 12:19 <@rikersan> huh apparently not 12:20 on github SlashEM-Extended/SlashEM-Extended is not a fork 12:20 I joy I just realized I only have the Windows machine I use for work with me 12:20 Time to install WSL I guess 12:22 AntiGulp: btw the mktree function comment still says /* Put a furnace at m.x, m.y */ 12:22 <@escargott'em> Yeah you have to clone it and search yourself, it's weird 12:22 I should reeaaaaaally refactor mktree. 12:23 <@escargott'em> I mean you don't even need to designate your repo as a fork in github, it seems so arbitrary to not allow searching 12:23 Wow. WSL installs a lot faster than I remember. 12:23 AntiGulp: refactor? how? 12:23 it's a pretty minimal function 12:24 Maybe not refactor, but at least review. I copied a lot of it from mkfurnace when I didn’t have as good an understanding of the code as I do now, and I want to check it. 12:25 If it says `if(!rn2(30)) mktree`, does that mean 1 in 30 rooms will have a tree or 1 in 30 floor tiles? 12:26 PavelB: That depends on where that is invoked and what mktree() does 12:27 AntiGulp: hm one refactor I can think of is merging mkfountain, mksink, mktree etc into one function and just pass the terrain as a second argument, since they have incredibly similar logic 12:27 Well, there's only one place where it has that and AntiGulp should know what it does 12:27 lemme open up my copy 12:27 PavelB: this is inside a for loop iterating over each room on the level. so each room has a 1/30 chance for 1 tree in it. 12:28 What aosdict said. Loops through rooms, so 1/30 rooms. 12:28 `Retrieving: git-2.17.1-1.3.x86_64.rpm ........ [not found]` 12:28 go home openSUSE you're drunk 12:28 AntiGulp: actually I already did that refactor, I merged them into mkfeature 12:28 how is git not a package 12:29 DNS problems? 12:29 I might steal that code, it’s bothered me how they’re all split up into practically identical functions 12:29 also suse lol 12:29 WSL doesn't give me a lot of options ok 12:30 It was either Suse or Debian, and I can't stand Debian. All the packages are like *years* behind. 12:30 then.. use different repositories? 12:30 unstable and the like 12:30 `Program 'git' is present in package 'git-core'` 12:30 but why tho 12:30 could even just use the ubuntu repos 12:31 Suse is rpm based 12:31 ew 12:31 I could use the fedora repos I suppose 12:31 i had my problems with centos 12:31 That's because centos is crap 12:31 Their repos don't even have python 3 yet 12:31 AntiGulp: d2e73aaa 12:32 depends on which repos you use 12:32 thanks 12:32 of course you would need to add in trees and furnaces 12:32 for example, centos repos have... git 12:33 There should be able to be more than one tree per room 12:33 Limiting it to one is a bit silly 12:33 They do tend to grow next to each other 12:33 :P 12:34 They also tend to grow in sunlight so perhaps analysis from real-world biology is not a useful guide here 12:34 There should still be more trees 12:34 optimally most trees do not grow right next to each other, they would crowd each other out 12:34 Ok, screw this, I'm installing Debian. suse wsl is horribly, horribly broken. 12:35 might want to look at unnethack level generator 12:35 Oh hey, they have Kali linux too. (Not that I'm going to use Kali) 12:37 -!- winny has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 12:38 PavelB: You can look into the dungeon growth patch on bilious. I didn’t implement it for various reasons, but it does have some interesting stuff relating to tree growth. 12:39 Wait, "bilious"? I'm pretty sure that word has something to do with vomiting. 12:40 -!- winny has joined #hardfought 12:41 …apparently the nethack patch database is rather unfortunately named 12:43 Wow, no one seems to be writing 3.6 patches 12:45 Yeah. I implement stuff from there fairly regularly, and it’s always a lot of work updating everything to be 3.6 compatible. 12:47 bilious has to do with bile 12:47 PavelB: ... AntiGulp and I are writing 3.6 patches 12:47 we're like the main authors of them 12:48 and Tangles 12:48 I should really seperate some of my code and put it on the database 12:48 Well obviously, of the several hundred patches on the db only 3 support 3.6 12:49 I'm gonna give up on WSL for now and try to make my own tree patch later 12:50 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Quit: explodes into confetti] 12:53 I suppose eventually I should separate out the object materials stuff and patchify it. That's one reason why it's still its own branch. 12:58 PavelB: also, early in my nethack programming, waaay before xnethack was a thing, I made a patch and submitted it to bilious... nothing happened and it never got posted and I never heard anything back. 12:59 Oh that sucks. What did it do? 13:00 it was an attempt to port some Oz lore by making gnomes terrified of eggs 13:00 Hah 13:01 https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=6505 13:01 I doubt I'll add it to xnethack now, it seemed a bit too slash'em-y 13:01 Well those timing seem way off 13:02 Don't lots of people spend, like, decades trying to win? 13:02 9h doesn't seem too bad 13:03 I mean, yeah, once you're already super good and have dedicated a large portion of your life to it, it's somewhat reasonable. 13:03 this is surprising, no data https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=161 (abuse, and old good bungie game) 13:03 oops, not bungie? 13:03 PavelB: Surely it is self-evident that the time is for a single win, not to get to the point of getting a single win. 13:04 I don't think that's the point of howlongtobeat.com 13:04 to be fair howlongtobeat doesn't really clarify 13:04 I'm more curious about how they decided what "Main+Extras" is and how it's different from extinctionist Completionist (not very, I guess?) 13:05 The point is to know how much of a time commitment a game will requires so that you can make informed decisions about what games to play. 13:05 nethack is also different from a lot of other non-roguelikes in that even if you have total information about the game you're still going to need to develop some skill to be able to win. 13:05 PavelB: A brief glance at other games suggests that none of the submitters of times think that. 13:05 which could take any amount of time. 13:06 Pinkbeast: IDK, I've used it a *bit*, I just cleared Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for the first time recently (amazing game btw) and it took me roughly as long as the site led me to expect. 13:07 there are a lot of datapoints that seem accurate, but nethack seems like a stupidly difficult game to fit into those datapoints and not look outrageous 13:07 PavelB: Did you have to practice to clear it, though? For a game where your first playthrough tends to be to the end with perhaps minimal loss of time to restoring saves, the distinction doesn't arise. 13:07 But when I look at games one _does_ have to practice, I tend to find the time is one playthrough, not "learning time plus one playthrough" 13:08 oh boy 13:08 i have FF XIII and it says here it takes 50 hours to finish the game 13:08 i don't think i'll ever finish that game 13:08 XC2 isn't exactly the *hardest* game, that's true. 13:09 aosdict: I'm still trying to figure out what the strategy to nethack is. Like, even if I startscum to get early wishes from fountains to get good loot early, I still can't seem to get very far, and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. 13:10 man this website is crap, i can't share links to searches because it's all done via AJAX without any url slugs 13:10 well startscumming for early wishes means you're not really learning how to survive in the early game 13:10 Also, play to win _this_ game, not _a_ game - startscumming is useless in that context 13:11 I don't do it all the time, but what I meant was that even if I do, it doesn't actually get me any farther. 13:11 PavelB: Play a dwarven Valk. Dip for Excalibur about as soon as possible. Pet-test all the armour in the mines. Read all the spoilers, and maybe look at the wiki if you like. Profit. 13:11 I do. 13:11 I really do. 13:12 But I always get near the end of the quest and get completely destroyed by several gazzilion enemies mobbing me at once regardless of what equipment I got 13:12 Try scaring them with scare monster or a horn or Elbereth? 13:12 The quest? Ants and giants? A dwarven valk should steamroller those, especially since it's entirely made of choke points. 13:12 Can you link some recent deaths of the type you're talking about? 13:13 PavelB: apparently XC2 is 70 hours? 13:13 Took me around 90 but I did a bunch of sideqeusts 13:13 dang, that's some dedication 13:14 Pinkbeast: I play locally a lot. I mostly find myself playing at school, where the firewall blocks ssh connections. I don't know if I have any deaths at the quest on hdf. 13:15 winny: The gameplay is, well, boring, but I really liked the story and characters, I had to see how it ends. 13:16 Now that the school year is over I suppose I should start playing on hdf more 13:16 Well, if you can produce a dump we'll look at it and if you can't, well, it's a mystery to me how a spoiled player can die on the valk quest to anything but a drawbridge, to be honest. 13:16 (or hilarious typo death, yes) 13:16 i remember my first quest as valk i got the artifacts no problem 13:16 I think I've dies to an invisible Lord Surtur at least a couple times 13:17 but i thought i was in far-look, but instead i moved my toon into lava 13:17 i think i had a teleport scroll but it burned up instantly 13:17 i think i had escape items that would have saved me, but didn't really think it over 13:18 Surtur gets 2d10, 2d10, 2d6; with decent AC that just shouldn't be an issue. (And he respects Elbereth, if you're an Elbereth-user...) 13:18 for 50 turns i was stick in the ground because i hada frost wand, so i dug myself out, and fell into lava again, at least twice because i was at a loss what to do 13:18 Gah, I *always* forget E is a thing as soon as I need to save my life 13:19 tbh not a big fan of elbereth unless im playing a weaker role 13:19 winny: I never use it under any circumstances, personally. 13:19 <[Demo][srn]1> how safe is hiking in the heat in the mountains and drinking? 13:19 i find it sort of hard to use right honestly 13:19 drinking... alcohol? not very safe 13:20 <@escargott'em> I've never used Elbereth 13:20 [Demo][srn]1: sounds bad, because you'll be perspiring, and alcohol will dehydrate you further, and you will be away from civilization if anything bad were to happen to anybody in your group 13:20 <[Demo][srn]1> ok 13:20 <@escargott'em> If I did I would burn it with a wand probably 13:21 <[Demo][srn]1> it sounds like a bad combination on paper but im not sure about practice 13:21 [Demo][srn]1: I recently read that if you drink cold water, it'll "trick" your body into thinking it's colder than it really is, so you'll sweat less and overheat faster, so it's better to drink warm water. Idk if that's true or not. 13:21 I mean, a dwarvish mithril-coat and the starting shield alone gets you to AC 0, a few accessories should easily get you to -5 or so (and this is with all your gear except the shield +0), this is bouncing half of those 2d10s... 13:22 While I wouldn't recommend the combination, drinking weaker alcoholic drinks like beer does not dehydrate you overall. 13:22 <@escargott'em> I know people who hike and do really active stuff and they drink a lot.. But they are young and used to it 13:22 <@escargott'em> Most likely you won't die or anything, you might just not have a good time if you are dehydrated 13:22 <[Demo][srn]1> im in the age range where i should be able to survive most not too bad decisions 13:22 <@escargott'em> It's really hard to stay properly hydrated unless you exercise regularly 13:23 Wouldn't recommend> also, I mean, I dunno if this is a little walk on a quiet forest trail with a few beers (fine) or scrambling up some rocky slope in the middle of nowhere while slugging rum (probably not fine) 13:23 <[Demo][srn]1> ah 13:23 tbh i wouldn't unless you're an experienced hiker 13:23 or if you get drunk when camping that's a lil different 13:23 <@escargott'em> Just bring a blunt instead :D 13:23 yeah i second the blunt 13:24 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah ok net fun seems like it would go down if i dehydration was an issue 13:24 <[Demo][srn]1> thanks 13:24 [Demo][srn]1: Again, drinking beer does not produce net dehydration - just less effective than water. 13:24 Don't drink tea or coffee either. 13:24 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:24 <@escargott'em> Supposedly studies show that coffee hydrates you more than it dehydrates you 13:25 Same goes for ordinary coffee, yes. 13:25 i'm a big fan of getting drunk in safe environments, that is for example if ur underage don't goto parties, just drink with trusted friends, yadda; or otherwise drink not in public because bars are weird 13:25 Don't drink *strong* tea or coffee, sorry. 13:25 Pinkbeast: The length of the hike in hours is probably more relevant than its strenuousness. 13:25 winny: If you're underage, don't drink. At all. 13:25 wisconsin 13:25 <@escargott'em> Yeah, if you're under 21 don't drink, or you will have serious problems 13:26 PavelB: Eh, won't do 'em any harm, particularly in countries with a silly drinking age like 21 13:26 <@escargott'em> Unless you're in a place where legal age is 18, then change that to 18 13:26 im not underage fwiw, just saying everybody here drinks too much, esp underage 13:26 escargott: ha! :-) 13:26 it's not uncommon for families to let their kids drink under supervision 13:26 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 13:27 <@escargott'em> It's a good way to keep kids off beer, worked for me, I still hate the taste of beer 13:27 don't really think it's a good idea but `wisconsin' 13:27 winny: everybody here = wisconsin, or #hardfought? 13:27 <@escargott'em> A sip of champagne never hurt anyone 13:27 no im just saying they're ridiculous here 13:27 <[Demo][srn]1> wisconsin sounds boring as hell 13:27 <[Demo][srn]1> not sure what else there would be to do there but drink :P 13:27 u wouldn't be wrong 13:27 [Demo][srn]1: eat cheese? :D 13:28 <@escargott'em> Everyone loves cheese 13:28 There's also the problem of potentially being arrested 13:28 Which would definitely suck 13:28 <@escargott'em> They only have cheddar there though 13:28 get DUIs that don't mean much until your third count (`wisconsin') 13:28 it's the single most popular cheese in the world! 13:28 <[Demo][srn]1> i met some people from wisconsin the other day and told them they sounded like canadians 13:28 ahahaha did they smile 13:28 winny: DUI is one thing, underage DUI is another. 13:28 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah they did 13:28 unlike alcohol, cheese is entirely legal to bring on hikes regardless of age 13:28 ^ i like that idea 13:29 <@escargott'em> Cheese is actually really great for jokes 13:29 <@escargott'em> Hikes 13:29 wait... alcoholic. cheese. 13:29 But jokes also. 13:29 PavelB: Eh? Seems to me in both cases the problem there is drunk driving, not the age of the idiot. 13:29 <@escargott'em> Full of protein and sugar and stuff.. It just tastes bad when it warms up 13:29 <[Demo][srn]1> if wisconsin hasnt invented that yet then im sure france has 13:29 <@escargott'em> Well there's wine cheese 13:29 @escargott'em I assume you've seen Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch. 13:29 <@escargott'em> But that's mostly for flavor 13:29 <@escargott'em> I don't recall that 13:30 <@escargott'em> Not at a convenient place to watch a clip anyway 13:30 YAI: cheese 13:30 If you get a DUI while under the drinking age your license is instantly supended for a year or until you're 21, whichever is sooner, iirc. 13:30 <[Demo][srn]1> just dont DUI? 13:30 Pity it's not forever, but so? 13:30 <@escargott'em> Convenient enough to play nethack on my phone at work but not convenient enough to watch a short video :D 13:30 [Demo][srn]1: basically yes, that's the only true solution 13:31 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:31 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 13:31 If you're not 21 there's plenty of stuff you can drink at parties that isn't alcoholic. Better safe than sorry, IMO. 13:32 * PavelB is surrounded by empty root beer cans 13:33 Only in America would anyone think it makes sense to be able to die for your country but not have a pint beforehand. 13:33 <[Demo][srn]1> at least prohibition ended 13:34 <@escargott'em> Yeah only in America.. And a bunch of other countries 13:35 If I somehow get drafted into the army I will do everything I can to get kicked out as soon as possible. 13:35 <[Demo][srn]1> it used to be easy to get kicked out 13:35 <@escargott'em> They don't really kick you out anymore 13:35 right, we still have obligation to civil service if the draft is reinstated 13:35 I can just not get out of bed in the morning 13:35 PavelB: Easier in the good old days when all you had to do was smooch a boy/girl as appropriate # FTAOD I don't actually think the prohibition was good 13:36 What are they gonna do 13:36 <@escargott'em> Well, there are a couple things you can do to get kicked out, but it's much harder, they will put you in jail before they kick you out for most stuff 13:36 Better than fighting a war 13:36 Jail you and eventually shoot you? 13:36 <@escargott'em> Like not getting out of bed, they will literally imprison you 13:37 Pinkbeast: You don't get capital punishment for being a lazy fuck 13:37 <@escargott'em> It's easy to get kicked out with like a dishonorable discharge though, but that messes up other career options in the future 13:37 <[Demo][srn]1> id roll with a draft 13:37 Again, better than fighting in a war 13:38 <[Demo][srn]1> just play along until u meet someone that can get u doing tech shit for them or whatever 13:38 <@escargott'em> Your best option is to study for the test and pick a non combat job in the air force 13:38 i'd just go live in UK since i have citizenship of both 13:38 I suppose I could go live in Russia 13:38 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 13:38 if they do anything too dickish to get me i can always renounce citizenship, but rather not ever do that 13:38 Wait no I forgot 13:38 They have mandatory service 13:39 <[Demo][srn]1> just break ur legs 13:39 Tech shit> I remember seeing Joe Haldeman at the '05 Worldcon explaining that when he was drafted for Vietnam, he expected, having a mathematical background, to end up counting boots in a quartermaster's office, or something. 13:39 <[Demo][srn]1> then ur not fit for combat 13:39 I literally can't go to Russia for the next couple decades 13:39 Instead he was sent into the field to do demolitions, because doing demolitions with Vietnam-era technology demands that you can do linear algebra in your head while people are shooting at you, and this is a rare skill. 13:39 He was not overcome with joy. 13:40 <[Demo][srn]1> haha 13:40 There are draft exemptions in the US for students iirc so as long as I stay in Uni I should be safe for a while 13:40 <[Demo][srn]1> i think a draft would be pretty funny 13:41 <[Demo][srn]1> just the cultural impact would be amusing 13:41 <[Demo][srn]1> a comedic amount of chaos 13:41 <@escargott'em> One thing that I learned that makes sense is the draft actually ends up pushing more anti war 13:41 yeah no shit 13:42 who the hell wants to get drafted 13:42 <[Demo][srn]1> no one or they would have already enlisted 13:42 I cannot imagine the circumstances in which the US would bring back conscription, given they seem to have a supply of bodies sufficient for their utterly astronomical military spending already. 13:42 will we have another weather underground doing crazy shit 13:42 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah i agree pinkbeast seems very unlikely in the next few decades 13:42 <@escargott'em> You initiate the draft and suddenly thousands of voters have drafted family members they don't want to die so it tends to increase votes toward anti war politicians 13:42 ... I mean, unless some kind of crazy fascist demagogue gets to be President and does it just because... oh, wait 13:43 <@escargott'em> That's why a lot of anti war people support the draft 13:43 <[Demo][srn]1> ah 13:43 I'm not a patriot, at all. It just doesn't make sense to me why someone would enlist. 13:44 did America add women to the draft yet? because I know they were cleared for full military service 13:44 <[Demo][srn]1> recruiters do a good job selling it 13:44 <@escargott'em> I joined a non combat job and got tons of free experience and training 13:44 <[Demo][srn]1> to their demographic 13:44 PavelB: Because systematic factors in your society have arranged that your job options are a) that or b) drug dealer. 13:44 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 13:45 <[Demo][srn]1> you can't do both? :P 13:45 <@escargott'em> And I still do the job now, and I'm getting paid 2k per month to go to school for free, and I'm doing pretty well with no college degree and stuff, own a house, etc 13:45 [Demo][srn]1: I think if you do both the drugs are more of a side hobby 13:45 <[Demo][srn]1> haha 13:45 <@escargott'em> Military veterans also get a really good home loan option, lots of stuff 13:45 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah see thats a good deal 13:45 [Demo][srn]1: I'm pretty sure a lot of people *do* do both. I've read drugs are a huge problem in the military. 13:45 <@escargott'em> But the main draw is free college education and free job training 13:46 I wonder if it would be impolite to ask K2 about it 13:46 <@escargott'em> I knew people that did drugs 13:46 <[Demo][srn]1> "what was ur favorite drug in the military?" 13:47 Not about drugs, about why he joined 13:47 <@escargott'em> It's a bunch of kids that just got a bit of freedom and are grouped with a bunch of other kids 13:47 <[Demo][srn]1> oh lol 13:47 <@escargott'em> Of course drugs are an issue :p 13:47 <[Demo][srn]1> would be cool to meet someone making drugs in the barracks or whatever 13:47 <@escargott'em> Dorm life is fun at times, too.. Dorm life in college these days is reserved for rich people :p 13:48 8:54 AM january 2004, our platoon is driving our humvees from kuwait to northeastern iraq, about a 400+ mile movement 13:48 8:55 AM day two, we hit a nasty duststorm 13:48 8:55 AM private K2 is driving the lead vehicle 13:48 8:55 AM my platoon leader is up front with me leading the convoy 13:48 8:56 AM he asks if i'm hungry, i say yes, so he breaks down an MRE for me so I can keep my eyes on the road (or what we could see) 13:48 8:56 AM he gives me the wheat snack bread 13:48 8:56 AM he didnt notice and i didnt notice that it was covered in mold 13:48 <@escargott'em> I think I've met one person who did the dorm thing in college 13:48 8:56 AM took a bite, started chewing and then prompty puked all over the steering wheel, the dash and part of the windshield 13:48 8:57 AM somehow the package for it was cut open just slightly, enough for mold to set in 13:48 8:57 AM i havent eaten a wheat snack bread since 13:48 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:48 <[Demo][srn]1> see that sounds like fun 13:48 <[Demo][srn]1> in some sense 13:49 <[Demo][srn]1> like through the misery there is some underlying fun 13:49 <@escargott'em> The bread in mres are hard as rocks anyway :p 13:49 <[Demo][srn]1> it seems like theres a lot to complain about and complaining about things is inherently fun 13:49 DigiPen Institute tries to provide apartments for out-of-state students but it's mostly a "you're on your own" kind of situation 13:50 [Demo][srn]1: Also explosions are cool 13:50 <@rikersan> @escargott'em what branch did you join? 13:50 <@rikersan> I know k2 was army 13:50 <@escargott'em> Air Force 13:50 <@rikersan> ah nice 13:51 <@rikersan> I'm considering joining that or the coast guard instead of college, I think it would be pretty neat 13:51 <@rikersan> what was your job? 13:51 @escargott'em so did you end up with a tech job like you mentioned or were you actually a pilot? 13:51 <@escargott'em> Four years is nothing, you'll meet tons of people and do interesting stuff that you wouldn't experience otherwise, get tons of benefits 13:52 <@escargott'em> Very few air force people are actually pilots, and they are officers 13:52 <[Demo][srn]1> but do the air force got bitches? 13:52 <@escargott'em> I did medical equipment maintenance 13:52 <@rikersan> yeah pavel I don't think you get to be a pilot unless you really want lol 13:52 <@escargott'em> If you want to be around women join the medical field 13:52 <@rikersan> what about hot guys 13:53 <@rikersan> like k2 13:53 <@escargott'em> Air Force is often kinda like a normal job when you're not deployed, depending on the field of course 13:53 <@escargott'em> Coast Guard might be pretty intense 13:53 <@rikersan> I'd rather do CG I think 13:53 <@rikersan> I like boats 13:53 <[Demo][srn]1> wonder if the combat positions, especially for like marines or army, still have stigmas against homosexuality and if they treat gays badly 13:54 <@rikersan> isn't it still don't ask don't tell 13:54 I just want to write software 13:54 <[Demo][srn]1> no thats gone 13:54 <[Demo][srn]1> obama got rid of it 13:54 <[Demo][srn]1> in the way that lets u be openly gay not in the way that doesnt let u be secretly gay 13:54 <@rikersan> pavel: DJ was very sucessful in getting a nice job like that and he didn't even do college 13:54 <@rikersan> from ppcg 13:54 <@rikersan> still hasn't iirc, ask him about it 13:54 <@rikersan> demo: I don't know how to interpret that 13:55 I don't particularly care if I'm writing software for the millitary, mind you 13:55 <@escargott'em> I got out right before the don't ask thing went away 13:55 <@escargott'em> I knew one lesbian that got kicked out right before the rule change, sadly 13:55 <[Demo][srn]1> damn 13:55 <@rikersan> what if that was amy /s 13:56 <@rikersan> and that's why she's angry with the world 13:56 <@escargott'em> Pavel, you'll need a college degree, probably a bachelor's, and join as an officer to do cs in military, I believe 13:56 I'm aiming for a masters in CS 13:57 <[Demo][srn]1> like a 5 yrs masters or like a properly long one? 13:57 Like a properly long one 13:57 <@escargott'em> And remember, in the army you have your normal job, and also your combat job, so being an army programmer might not keep you out of combat.. It's different in the air force though 13:57 <@rikersan> I think army/marines is a definite nope 13:57 <[Demo][srn]1> how bad is basic training? 13:57 Specifically, DigiPen offers a degree in Computer Science and Realtime Interactive Simulation 13:57 <@escargott'em> And all sorts of random people in different jobs get tasked to drive vehicles, which is pretty dangerous 13:58 <@rikersan> basic traning isn't for officers I don't think 13:58 <@escargott'em> Basic training isn't that bad, it's just extremely sleep deprived 13:58 <[Demo][srn]1> for how long? 13:58 <@escargott'em> Mine was only 6 weeks, now all branches do 8 I think 13:58 <[Demo][srn]1> damn 13:59 I feel like that's not long enough to teach someone how to army 13:59 <@escargott'em> And now they give you a card you can whip out to give the military training instructor a time out or some shit :D 13:59 <@escargott'em> Something crazy like that, I don't know if they kept it 13:59 <[Demo][srn]1> oh so its pussified 14:00 <@rikersan> good way to put it demo 14:00 <@rikersan> you have such a way with words 14:00 <@escargott'em> The thing is it always depends on your trainer 14:00 <[Demo][srn]1> ah 14:00 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming an orc-captain, on T:20633 14:00 Having a tech job in army doesn't seem that bad, but I *do* want to complete a masters first. 14:01 <[Demo][srn]1> around here private sector is the way to go for tech jobs 14:01 <[Demo][srn]1> but if u can get the clearance in the military you can work for the megaspooks 14:03 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 14:03 -!- stenno is now known as Guest50037 14:03 Around here, I got options. 14:03 We have MS, Nintendo of America, and Amazon, but also Boeing and Lockheed Martin 14:03 <@rikersan> "megaspooks"? 14:03 <@rikersan> WA right 14:03 <@escargott'em> The military pays civilian contractors quite well, plus amazing benefits, for some jobs 14:04 There's also a smaller company that I don't remmber the name of next to where I live that designs rocket engines 14:04 <@escargott'em> And it's almost impossible to be fired from what I hear :p 14:04 <[Demo][srn]1> booz allen, government contractors like those 14:04 -!- Guest50037 has quit [Changing host] 14:04 -!- Guest50037 has joined #hardfought 14:04 -!- Guest50037 is now known as stenno 14:08 My Grandfather used to design missiles for the soviet union from around the 1970s. Got a medal handed to him personally by Kruschev at one point. 14:08 He then went on to design missiles for the russian federation. 14:08 He retired two years ago. 14:08 <@rikersan> pinko commies >:U 14:08 <[Demo][srn]1> so he made inferior missiles? 14:09 <[Demo][srn]1> everyone knows the US has the best missiles :P 14:09 They do *now* but the soviets were leading the way for a while 14:09 <[Demo][srn]1> treason 14:09 soviets won the space race after all 14:09 <[Demo][srn]1> treason 14:10 <@rikersan> "Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and 'smart!'" ~~ US leaders 14:10 <@rikersan> this clearly shows US superiority 14:10 My dad almost completed a degree in aerospace engineering intending to do the same thing, but in his last year computer science sorta became a thing at his university and he transfered instead. 14:10 and the us american space program is basically based on a nazi they imported from germany 14:10 "As provided by good old Americans like Dr Wernher von Braun" oh stenno beat me to it 14:10 He went on to be on the lead developers for MS Flight Simulator 2003 14:11 <@rikersan> oh dang 14:11 <@rikersan> my grandad was a racist fuck who was dishonrably discharged from the navy for beating the shit out of somebody 14:11 <@rikersan> now i feel sad 14:11 <@rikersan> :p 14:12 <@rikersan> (true story, nobody liked him) 14:13 <[Demo][srn]1> if hes dead yet did he die and leave any money behind? 14:13 I get a lot of stories from my dad from that time period actually. He ported Nethack over to a lot of Soviet mainframes and I think a couple of his patches made their way into upstream 14:13 <[Demo][srn]1> oh wow 14:14 <[Demo][srn]1> thats badass 14:14 <@rikersan> demo 1 yes he ded 2 lol no just my alzheimers grandma 14:14 <[Demo][srn]1> holy shit soviet mainframe nethack 14:14 None of them are there anymore though, they all got deprecated 'cause you know no one uses those sytems anymore 14:18 I was not aware nethack was deprecating *any* platform it had previously run on until 3.6.1. 14:18 Mm, I might be wrong. 14:18 PavelB, stenno tbf, it was not just ONE nazi and their heart wasn't in it anyway. they just went with the ones that enabled them to shoot for the moon 14:19 <@rikersan> OOC quote of the day 14:19 I defintely know he wrote a couple of GCC patches that got accepted, 'cause he likes to tell me about how the email containing said patch took three weeks to travel from Moscow to Stallman 14:19 <@rikersan> > it was not just ONE nazi and their heart wasn't in it anyway. 14:19 @rikersan qdb material? :D 14:20 not much nethack context though tbh 14:20 <@rikersan> you do it discord has weird formatting 14:20 yeah stenno's right 14:20 <@rikersan> stenno: so? it's still funny and from a nethack channel :p 14:20 qdb? 14:20 <@rikersan> maybe bash.org then idk 14:20 maybe should put it on bash.org instead yeah 14:21 > Warning: The web page you tried to visit is blocked because it was identified as a risk to your PC or device, the Microsoft corporate network, and a violation of Microsoft Enterprise IT Policy. 14:21 > User: 14:21 > Web Page: bash.org/ 14:21 > Category: questionable 14:21 Uh, what's bash.org? 14:21 hey, I wouldn't know what I would have done if I would have been in theoir shoes 14:21 off all the what-ifs there are, I only know that I would kill baby hitler 14:21 <@rikersan> nhqdb is a nehtack quote thingy of funny shit that people say about nethack 14:21 wow MS blocks bash.org? :D 14:21 <@rikersan> run by paxed, nao's admin 14:21 i guess its nsfw after all 14:21 <@rikersan> bash.org is what nhqdb is based on, its' like that but irc in general 14:22 hunter2 14:22 HARRRRR 14:22 WORDS OF PRAISE FOR FISH FOOD 14:23 there are even a few nethack-related quotes on bash 14:23 <@rikersan> oh damn bash.org is down 14:23 not for me 14:23 oh damn 14:23 lol mysql 14:23 <@rikersan> ikr 14:23 <@rikersan> oh shit TIL bash.org has a quake server 14:24 I've only encountered two sites that MS blocks so far, 4chan and bash.org 14:24 "Sorry, the MySQL daemon appears to be down.1" 14:24 So that's why I was a little concerned about bash.org's contents 14:24 the updated to MariaDB and forgot to change the connection string!!!!11eleven 14:24 <@rikersan> there's some MS hate on it probably 14:25 <[Demo][srn]1> /a/ tier ascii art in quotes? 14:25 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1520 points, T:1962, killed by a gnome 14:25 <@rikersan> pavel, some highlithgts from bash.org/?top 14:25 <@rikersan> HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! try pressing the the Caps Lock key O THANKS!!! ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE NOW!!!!!!! fuck me 14:25 <[Demo][srn]1> wait im thinking of d 14:27 @rikersan "elevening" things is just a PPCG thing, right? 14:27 <@rikersan> no fucking clue 14:27 <@rikersan> think so 14:27 elvevning? 14:27 like spinal tap? 14:27 <@rikersan> nah like abuse of admin powers 14:27 PavelB: you should see if MS blocks slash'em extended's github :P 14:27 It doesn't block GH 14:28 <[Demo][srn]1> its missing out 14:28 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 100 points, T:259, killed by Mr. Njezjin; the shopkeeper 14:28 it was a joke 14:28 they even own github now 14:28 indeed 14:28 Technically not until 2019 14:28 stenno: https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/28946359#28946359 14:28 apparently triggering a mass migration to gitlabs 14:29 Actually, the extra attention around github lead to a net *gain* in GH users. 14:29 <@rikersan> I don't get why ms is buying github 14:29 <@rikersan> like, I didn't htink it made that much money 14:29 So Google couldn't 14:29 <@rikersan> ah 14:29 <[Demo][srn]1> lol probably 14:29 Google offered them 3 billion dollars 14:29 *4 14:29 <@rikersan> that makes more sense tbh 14:29 <@rikersan> I was kinda sus of why they would buy it 14:29 And MS is like, no. Fuck no. 14:29 <[Demo][srn]1> yo id sell anything at that price 14:29 <@rikersan> like 'what do you plan to do with it' 14:29 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 76 points, T:4, killed by a water moccasin 14:30 <@rikersan> demo: what about a briefcase with 5 billion inside? 14:30 MS has some nice things on github to be fair 14:30 vscode 14:30 <@rikersan> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 14:30 MS is very developer-friendly in recent years 14:30 yeah they changed 14:30 <@rikersan> I mean I have win10 installed on my comp so I can't really complain 14:30 they are embracing FOSS now 14:30 Not just VSCode, .NET Core and PowerShell and whatnot 14:30 I don't like Windows but I use a ton of MS technologies on Linux 14:30 yeah the whole .NET stuff 14:30 no more mono needed 14:31 *mono needed sometimes 14:31 winforms and stuff 14:31 <@rikersan> I dualbooted on my mac just to play windows only steam games tbh 14:31 <@rikersan> no regrets 14:31 I have a gaming computer with windows and laptop with linux 14:31 I use PowerShell as my login shell 14:31 Trust me on this guys, PowerShell on Linux is infinitely more usable than PowerShell on windows 14:31 i will probably install windows 10 sooner or latr 14:32 <@rikersan> what os are you running now 14:32 maybe when i buy my next laptop 14:32 OSX 14:32 <@rikersan> oh nice 14:32 and win10 at work 14:32 <@rikersan> latest version? 14:32 OSX > Windows 14:32 The software that is. 14:32 The hardware that it comes on is shite. 14:32 yeah 14:32 the hardware is really good too 14:32 <@rikersan> yeah its' good 14:32 its just way too expensive 14:33 s/way// 14:33 <@rikersan> it's great stuff if you compare it to non-gaming gear imo 14:33 yep 14:33 <@rikersan> like, it's better than most non-top-of-the-line shit 14:33 For the price of a Mac that thermal-throttles trying to render the desktop I could buy the gaming machine of my dreams 14:33 top notch display, periphery, CPU 14:33 <[Demo][srn]1> just get u an old thinkpad 14:33 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:33 <@rikersan> yes you're not wrong pavel 14:33 <@rikersan> but i've never had issues with that or needed to 14:33 <@rikersan> but if anybody wants i can give them a rip of os x 10.11 on a usb :p 14:34 <@rikersan> still have it after reinstalling the OS 14:34 * stenno is really happy with the performance 14:34 Also: 4k display, no active cooling, AMD graphics, nothing can go wrong with this --some guy at Apple 14:34 * stenno plays minecraft with 6GB ram and is happy 14:34 amd graphics? 14:34 <@rikersan> ^ 14:35 <@rikersan> I mean I turned down graphics on some games 14:35 <@rikersan> like civ 14:35 <@rikersan> but I've never needed to go full potato 14:35 stenno: Pretty sure there was a model with an AMD gpu 14:35 And you know, AMD is pretty well known for having super high thermal output and energy consumption 14:35 <@rikersan> I have one with AMD 14:36 <@rikersan> radeon r9 apparently 14:36 ah yeah apparently they released one earlier this year 14:36 <@rikersan> this is from 2016 14:36 i have the good old intel chipset lol 14:36 Intel Iris Graphics 540 1536 MB 14:36 <@rikersan> same 14:36 <@rikersan> but apparenlty I have an amd card too 14:36 <@rikersan> this doesn't sound rigth 14:36 mine is from ok 14:37 no it doesn't lol 14:37 Basically, Apple released a imac that would literally overheat if you tried to render the *desktop* for too long 14:37 <@rikersan> wonder if tha'ts a side effect of having win10 installed and it reading wrong or smth 14:37 Since they din't put in any fans and attached a 4k display 14:37 <@escargott'em> That's what you get for trying to render desktops 14:37 <@escargott'em> What kind of madman are you 14:37 <@rikersan> lol 14:37 haha 14:37 * stenno doesn't have any major heat issues with his laptop 14:38 <@rikersan> ^ 14:38 > when you use arch and haven't figured out how to setup wayland/x yet 14:38 <@rikersan> I've never used arch 14:38 <@escargott'em> I bought a 600 dollar laptop and I'm really happy with it 14:38 <@rikersan> only mint 14:38 <@rikersan> is arch good? 14:38 Arch is hard 14:38 <[Demo][srn]1> arch is a meme 14:38 can't remember when i last used a non-headless linux 14:38 <@escargott'em> It runs everything so far except some racing game 14:38 <@rikersan> lol 14:38 You start with a kernel, zsh, and a package manager 14:39 <@escargott'em> Lubuntu is where it's at, if you need anything more than plain old perfect debian 14:39 i'd use ubuntu 14:39 <@rikersan> oh on a side note: I recently learned the importance of manual backups/inventories of your shit 14:40 <@rikersan> since turns out time machine (os x backup thingy) doesn't like backing up /usr/local 14:40 I could never use Debian or Ubuntu 14:40 <@rikersan> so I lost all my nice packages 14:40 Their packages are all fucking ancient 14:40 but next laptop will either be another macbook or yeah, a lenovo thing if it has good hardware 14:40 <@rikersan> pavel: really? 14:40 Yeah 14:40 <@rikersan> I thougth ubuntu was regularly updated 14:40 @rikersan [backscroll] I'd sell a briefcase containing $5B cash if it meant I could instantly get the $3B into my bank account. I'd probably get hit by a bus rushing it over to the bank. 14:40 <@escargott'em> I just bought my fiancee a lenovo yoga 14:41 <@escargott'em> Sooner or later whatever manager you use you will run into a bunch of outdated shit 14:41 @rikersan they backport security patches a lot of the time but in general you're always a year or two behind 14:41 * aosdict uses Arch, and is fine with it 14:41 i don't care about a good graphics though 14:41 <@escargott'em> Anyway, the yoga is great, it flips and all this stuff, touch screen, decent specs.. But no numpad! :O 14:41 Arch is great if you know how to use Linux 14:42 so i have to find a laptop with great hardware but not a good graphics card 14:42 Like, *really* know how to use Linux 14:42 <@rikersan> fuck numpad 14:42 because i don't want to pay for something i'm not really going to use anyway 14:42 <@rikersan> numpads should be burned this earth 14:42 vikeys is where its ad 14:42 at 14:42 <@rikersan> unless you're a fucking accountant you don't need one 14:42 <@rikersan> sincerely, a numpad hater 14:42 <@rikersan> (I do'nt even like vikeys that much, I just hate numpad) 14:42 <[Demo][srn]1> https://i.imgur.com/iipf00g.png master laptop 14:42 <@escargott'em> There are like ten roguelikes I play that require numpad 14:42 <@rikersan> my tf2 movement binds are vikeys tho 14:43 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 368 points, T:473, imp 14:43 <@escargott'em> And being able to loot, jump, kick, and h.. Hibble.. More quickly is great in nethack 14:43 <@rikersan> > hibble 14:43 <@rikersan> what 14:44 stenno: If you want to drop a couple grand for a realy nice laptop, go for lenovo. If you want something a bit cheaper, here's my reccomendation: https://www.amazon.com/2017-HP-13-AC013DX-Touch-Screen-Refurbished/dp/B071V7MXC3 14:44 <@escargott'em> Refurb laptop? :O 14:44 Lenovo makes excellent high-end laptops 14:44 @escargott'em I did say cheaper 14:44 <@escargott'em> Modern laptops already only last like three or four years 14:44 i want something with a bleeding edge CPU and at least 12 GB RAM but the graphics card can be onboard 14:44 <@rikersan> pavel: side note, this is basically what TNB used to be like before too many new people came in and the older people left (random cool shit) 14:45 <@rikersan> I think you missed that era 14:45 Then go for Lenovo 14:45 <@escargott'em> That's not hard to find, stenni 14:45 @rikersan No I didn't. And it sucks. 14:45 <@escargott'em> I was looking at lots of laptops and found quite a few with great gaming specs but had crappy onboard graphics 14:45 That's an oxymoron 14:45 <@escargott'em> There were just tons of sales on laptops a few weeks ago 14:45 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:3484 14:46 Graphcis are the most important consideration for a gaming machine 14:46 *Graphics 14:46 and i hope it will be half the price of an apple laptop or else 14:46 <@escargott'em> Laptops have gotten so much cheaper 14:46 because everyone and their mom is giving me shit about how expensive all that is 14:46 <@escargott'em> Unless you need something really light and thin 14:47 stenno: Lenovo won't be half the price, it'll be quadruple the performance though. 14:47 <@escargott'em> If you're okay with like five pounds, like an inch and a half thick, you'll find some great deals 14:47 If you want something with Apple specs, you could probably get something half the price though, yes. 14:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) rejected atheism by offering a gnomish wizard corpse on an altar of Thoth, on T:3757 14:48 * PavelB is currently saving up for an absolutely collosal $3k ThinkPad 14:48 i want to spend like 1k euro 14:48 i think 14:48 at most 14:48 a bit cheaper would be nice 14:49 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:3861 14:49 Lenovo isn't cheap. It's high-end. See the amazon link I sent you earlier, though, it looks like what you're looking for. 14:49 <@escargott'em> Maybe there's some deals for the 4th 14:49 i want high end, just like apple 14:49 <[Demo][srn]1> https://www.ebay.com/bhp/lenovo-t420-used 14:49 > high end 14:49 > apple 14:49 huh 14:50 <@escargott'em> I would never but a used laptop, personally.. Or any battery using device 14:50 no, don't want refurbished 14:50 <[Demo][srn]1> just buy a new chinese aftermarket battery 14:50 <@escargott'em> Like my devices you last like 4 to 6 years :p 14:50 [Demo][srn]1: I could give you my old t420 for free 14:50 A couple, actually 14:50 <[Demo][srn]1> id take it lol 14:50 i'd like the same battery life that i get from my mbp 14:50 <@escargott'em> Modern laptops and devices don't have removable battery anymore 14:50 but thats probably not possibl 14:50 It has a battery life of 30 seconds and is generally shit. 14:51 Don't get a t420 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah sounds like u arent looking for a t420 14:51 Especially not a used t420 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> get a meme ultrabook 14:51 not going to get a used one 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> they are all the same so it doesnt matter 14:51 <@escargott'em> So you have to go through all this trouble to change the battery, and usually the 'brand new' replacement battery doesn't last for shit 14:51 ultrabooks are still a thing lol? 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> ultra thin 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> and ultra battery 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> the meaning has changed 14:51 <[Demo][srn]1> from 7 inch shit to normal sized shit but thin 14:52 oh i was thinking of a netbook, yeah 14:52 <@escargott'em> You gotta decide what kind of laptop too 14:52 13" is fine 14:52 <[Demo][srn]1> i wish netbooks were still a thing 14:52 good enough for me 14:52 <@escargott'em> They flip and shit now, touch screen is more popular 14:52 <[Demo][srn]1> just get a dell xps 13 or whatever 14:52 yeah but dell 14:52 <@escargott'em> If you're not getting a tablet hybrid, don't waste money on touch screen you'll never use 14:52 dell is expensive 14:52 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah fuck vmware 14:53 <@escargott'em> 12g ram will be hard to find, but many come with one stick of 8gb you can add another to yourself 14:53 ram is so expensive for apple notebooks man 14:53 its not even funny anymore 14:53 https://www.amazon.com/2017-HP-13-AC013DX-Touch-Screen-Refurbished/dp/B071V7MXC3 14:53 Kaby Lake i7, M.2 SSD, decent screen, shit graphics, ~750 euro 14:53 <@escargott'em> Laptopmag was my favorite review site after all my research I did 14:53 nice 14:53 yeah but refurbished 14:54 So what? 14:54 eh anyway 14:54 It's as good as new 14:54 i'm not going to buy it now anyway 14:54 <@escargott'em> Yeah the battery is good as new :p 14:54 <[Demo][srn]1> my friend bought a refurbished spectre 14:54 <[Demo][srn]1> actually shit he had to fight them over a couple of dead pixels i think 14:54 stenno: That listing has been up for like a year now lol 14:54 It's not going away 14:54 <@escargott'em> The lithium battery, which has a shelf life that doesn't even matter if you use it or not, good as new :p 14:55 its july now, so i'd like to have a 2018 notebook 14:55 <@escargott'em> Lithium only lasts a couple years, whether you use it, leave it plugged in, whatever 14:55 If you get a refurbished laptop they generally replace the battery though 14:55 already seeing myself buying mpb anyway 14:55 mbp even 14:55 <@escargott'em> That's good in theory 14:56 <@escargott'em> But in practice, for myself, every time I've replaced a battery it was far from as good as the original battery 14:56 <@escargott'em> Whether it's hardware or software or whatever, it seems to consistently be the case 14:56 <@escargott'em> Battery based devices I will always buy new 14:56 <@escargott'em> Except cars :p 14:57 My old t420s would last a solid 5 minutes on battery before I tried to give it a GPU upgrade 14:57 keyword "tried" 14:57 that reminds me of a time where i really didn't have any money 14:57 and i had the shittiest of all notebooks, without a HDD even 14:58 It was amazing when it was new 14:58 [backscroll] after that lenovo hardware-spyware fiasco I don't trust them enough to buy their products anymore 14:58 I just couldn't be bothered to transfer all my data over to a new device until I finally destroyed it 14:59 I borrowed a laptop for while that I decided to try Linux on since I was only going to have it for a little bit 14:59 I like it, and stuck with Linux 15:00 aosdict: I will never use any software that comes with a computer I buy. I'll always reinstall the OS. 15:01 Anyway, I'm off to grab some % 15:03 PavelB: yeah but the spyware was at the hardware level IIRC, you couldn't remove it 15:03 Ah well, don't really care what companies do to collect my data 15:05 <[Demo][srn]1> hmmm wonder how badly recursive calls on arti_invoke would go 15:05 <[Demo][srn]1> yikes 15:07 did things explode and burn 15:07 <[Demo][srn]1> im looking into things before trying 15:08 <[Demo][srn]1> i think if i just have it make a food ration and set the oartifact to whatever i want and run it through then destroy it everything could potentially work? 15:09 i don't even want to know 15:10 <[Demo][srn]1> it might sound like the ghettoist way to do it but its a lot better than the options that dont work? 15:11 What are you trying to accomplish 15:11 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:12 <[Demo][srn]1> reusing different invoke effects depending on the state of an artifact 15:12 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 15:15 <[Demo][srn]1> hmm i think it works? 15:16 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8039 15:17 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 15:21 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon him by Thoth, on T:8698 15:21 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 15:25 [hdf-us] [nh361] dgoddard (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 17715 points, T:8828, killed by a horse 15:28 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:29 Well, lunch break didn't last very long 15:29 I just had the single most horrible tomato soup in my life 15:30 <[Demo][srn]1> damn 15:30 Fortunatly it came with a massive piece of bread that's probably going to sustain me for the rest of the day 15:30 Should have called it bread with a side of crappy soup 15:31 <[Demo][srn]1> what amuses me is how much some places manage to sell grilled cheese for 15:33 YANI: Dipping a carrot into a potion of water makes carrot soup. 15:34 (reading backscroll) PavelB ask away 15:35 Well, why *did* you join the army? 15:35 FYI - i'm still serving, hit 15 years back in january, been infantry that whole time until just a couple months ago (switched to IT) 15:35 <@rikersan> demo: are hte neutral quest artis and all in 3.16.0? 15:35 Also I think [Demo][srn]1 wants to know if you did any drugs 15:36 why? because i wanted to make a difference. i remmeber it all very clearly 15:36 <[Demo][srn]1> yes rikersan 15:36 <@rikersan> cooo thanks demo 15:36 and the health insurance 15:36 heh 15:36 i was 31 when i signed up 15:36 <[Demo][srn]1> ahh 15:36 <@rikersan> pavel: he did all the durgs 15:36 <[Demo][srn]1> so post 911? 15:36 well 30, but turned 31 before i went to basic 15:37 yes, after 9/11 but before we went back to iraq 15:37 <@rikersan> yes 15:37 <@rikersan> since 71 + 30 = 2001 15:37 i sgned up oct 2002 and shipped january 2003 15:37 <[Demo][srn]1> i figure there was a lot of enlisting after 9/11 15:37 Yeah that makes sense 15:38 <@escargott'em> Damn they let you in as enlisted that old? :D 15:38 yup 15:38 only 4 months basic training and then off you go? 15:38 back then you could be 42 15:38 <@escargott'em> Lucky found a wand of wishing right before castle 15:38 bhaak 5.5 months 15:38 and then 6 months later was boots on the ground 15:38 <@escargott'em> So if I haven't identified charging I have to waste a wish on it?! :O 15:38 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:38 K2: ah, with "shipped" you meant started training? 15:39 surprised none of you have really dug around the photo gallery on hardfought website 15:39 i put a ton of pics from iraq up there 15:39 I just learned there *is* a photo gallery 15:39 bhaak yup 15:39 there's a photo gallery? 15:39 When did HDF start? 15:39 oct 22nd 2000 15:39 So not too long before, huh 15:39 it's even in the menu! my eyes never looked further than the IRC entry 15:39 https://www.hardfought.org/history/ 15:41 i should do another history update now that hdf made it past one year for running nethack 15:41 <@escargott'em> Wait there's more to hard fought than nethack? 15:41 <@escargott'em> But why, nethack is the best and only content you need! 15:41 <@Tone> @escargott'em If you want to recharge your wand, yeah 15:42 <@Tone> The last game I played I didn't find a scroll of charging all game 15:42 <@escargott'em> 2 blessed greased fixed scrolls of charging then 15:42 <@Tone> If I'm in a comfortable position sometimes I'll wait to see if one turns up 15:42 <@escargott'em> Can scrolls even be protected from fire 15:42 <@Tone> Greased fixed is unnecessary 15:42 <@Tone> Not in vanilla 15:43 <@escargott'em> I'm going to grease and fix everything and there's nothing you can do to stop me! 15:43 @escargott'em I used to run a counterstrike/quake server 15:43 from the beginning 15:43 <@Tone> Actually grease might protect them from water damage? 15:43 then a few other titles over the years 15:43 K2: Yeah, I think it's pretty cool how hdf offers a place to play *all the variants* 15:43 had a good run with team fortress 2 15:43 Speaking of which, I recall you mentioning you would take a look at adding Slash 'Em and PRIME after jnh 15:43 <@escargott'em> I have a dcss server, never had more than a couple people in there though 15:43 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Pir Hum Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1331 15:43 PavelB yeah, options are good 15:44 PavelB yeah 15:44 <@escargott'em> Since it doesn't actually have dcss, only forks :p good way to keep the bandwidth down 15:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Pir Hum Mal Neu), 3103 points, T:1361, killed by a gnome lord 15:44 not til i get back from annual training though 15:44 <@escargott'em> Prime would be cool 15:44 so end of this month at the earliest 15:44 <@escargott'em> Are you a weekend warrior now? 15:44 yup 15:44 vermont army natl guard 15:44 since 2009 15:45 was active duty 03 to 09 15:45 <@escargott'em> That's when I got out of the air force 15:45 <@escargott'em> I only did 4 15:45 and did some full time with the guard here 15:45 how far in rank did you make it to? 15:45 <@escargott'em> E4 15:46 yeah in the AF its a lil hard to advance in rank 15:46 <@escargott'em> !time 15:46 @escargott'em: Tue Jul 3 15:46:09 2018 EDT 15:46 same with marines 15:46 TIL GCC used to try to run NetHack if it could detect undefined behaviour at compile time 15:46 <@escargott'em> I didn't have it to bad, I just never took the e5 test 15:46 active duty infantry, you promote fast 15:46 i made E6 in 4.5 yrs 15:47 (is that good?) 15:47 <@escargott'em> They do some weird stuff with slots too 15:47 and then stay e6 for years heh 15:47 <@escargott'em> If there are slots then it's easy, otherwise you're screwed 15:47 PavelB it can be 15:47 if you're ready for it 15:47 No clue what E menas 15:47 *means 15:47 enlisted 15:47 pay grade 6 15:47 e6 is a pay grade 15:47 it equals rank of staff sergeant in army 15:48 <@escargott'em> Once you hit 4 you have to do more and more managerial stuff 15:48 oh dont get me started 15:48 <@escargott'em> At 5 and above you are essentially a manager or a supervisor 15:48 <@escargott'em> But you're still doing your day to day job too usually 15:48 PavelB so (US military) enlisted pay grades E1 to E9 15:48 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Mon Hlf Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:625 15:48 officers O1 to O10 15:48 and WO 1 to 5 15:48 (warrant officer) 15:49 well 15:49 Wo1 15:49 nm 15:49 yeah when you hit sergeant you're managing troops 15:49 and as you go up its less hands on 15:50 Does anyone actually call you a "grunt" or is that a hollywood thing? 15:50 as a master sergeant (E8) i'll still grab a broom and clean up... earn my keep 15:50 PavelB hah sometimes! 15:51 grunt = infantry 15:51 not all solders are infantry 15:51 and people wonder why i gravitated so quickly to grunthack ;) 15:52 heheheheh 15:52 I frequently have the thought that joining the army wouldn't be a bad idea 15:52 But A) I have no interest in serving my country 15:52 and B) I don't want to die 15:52 <@escargott'em> Do you know what happens when you assume 15:52 <@Tone> 😄 15:52 :P 15:52 <@rikersan> !tell Chris_ANG maybe turn down the avg diff for zombie group spawns, it sucks to get like 10 gnome kings or what not on mines 3 15:52 Will do, @rikersan! 15:52 <@escargott'em> The sayings in the military are the best 15:52 PavelB thats not uncommon 15:52 and what @Escargott'em said 15:53 i remember the first time i heard 'oh snap!' 15:53 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 6596 points, T:8803, centaur 15:53 or 'shut your cock-holster' 15:53 the list goes on and on 15:53 <@escargott'em> I think you had different sayings than us :D 15:53 <@Tone> lmao 15:53 lol 15:54 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 15:54 <@escargott'em> We also had a ton of women in medical, so that's probably part of it 15:54 <@escargott'em> When you get people of a similar group together they tend to be more free with their words 15:54 oh yeah... no women allowed in combat arms until just recently 15:54 all dudes 15:54 fyi - never play gay chicken with an infantry soldier 15:54 unless you're already gay and want to lose 15:55 Overall, think it was worth it? 15:55 PavelB fuck yeah it was 15:55 i wouldnt be where i am now unless I had joined 15:55 <@escargott'em> The gay jokes were pretty excessive in the military 15:55 <@escargott'em> It's like we had to joke about it even more because it wasn't allowed or something 15:56 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Mon Hlf Mal Neu), 7778 points, T:2140, killed by a raven 15:56 <[Demo][srn]1> so they probably wont beat u up if ur gay if ur chill? 15:56 only the closet homosexuals 15:56 <@rikersan> plot twist 15:56 <@rikersan> literally everybody in teh military is gay 15:56 <@rikersan> and they just don't want to admit it 15:56 hah 15:56 Honestly pretty much all of my notions about the millitary come from playing way to much rainbow six so I'd probably be hella dissapointed if I enlisted 15:57 <[Demo][srn]1> im just wondering if anywhere in the us but the deep south is in the business of beating up gay people 15:57 <@escargott'em> It's like anything, of course you could end up in a squad or whatever with assholes 15:57 <@escargott'em> But most people are just generally decent people 15:57 homestly, almost all of my hilitary buddies didnt have a problem with gay people serving 15:57 *military 15:57 they had more issue with women being infantry more than anything else 15:57 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah i figure when ur thrown into a shitty situation like combat u probably dont give a fuck about things like that 15:57 [Demo][srn]1 exactly 15:57 <[Demo][srn]1> its probably a pretty unifying experience 15:57 <@rikersan> k2: why not women? 15:58 you got more important shit to worry about 15:58 <@escargott'em> I remember in basic training one dude would run around naked and do the helicopter 15:58 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:58 <@escargott'em> He'd walk right up to people and do it randomly 15:58 @rikersan the 'logic' is that women cant endure the rigors of combat like their male counterparts can 15:58 <@rikersan> ah 15:58 i dont subscribe to that 15:58 <@rikersan> I see 15:59 having said that, i dont think women infantry should serve with males. yet. and here's why: 15:59 <@escargott'em> There an issue with distraction too 15:59 you'd know wouldn't you 15:59 <@escargott'em> And cheating on deployment is already a huge issue 15:59 you're going to have 1) some men be overly protective of the women, 2) some guys hitting on and trying to sleep with the women, 3) group 1 getting jealous of group 2 and 4) some will outright try to rape them 16:00 unit cohesion will collapse 16:00 along with any kind of mission success 16:00 already seen it happen under different scenarios 16:00 sure, but you could still have gender segregated units, right? 16:00 <[Demo][srn]1> damn 16:01 <@rikersan> !tell Chris_ANG fyi, drain for gain still exists with con 18+ 16:01 Will do, @rikersan! 16:01 <[Demo][srn]1> wait how exists? 16:01 i would not be opposed to an all female infantry company 16:01 <[Demo][srn]1> like exists how hard? 16:01 let them get some experience 16:01 without the men complicating things 16:02 <@escargott'em> There are armies that have men and women though 16:02 [Demo][srn]1 what do you mean? 16:02 <[Demo][srn]1> talking to rikersan sorry 16:02 <@rikersan> he's talking to me don't worry k2 16:02 @escargott'em yup, but not american armies 16:02 oh 16:02 <@rikersan> demo: try wizmode + ogresmasher and #levelchange 16:02 <[Demo][srn]1> ok 16:02 israelies have it down 16:02 <@rikersan> oh nvm it only exists on orcs? 16:02 they have fully integrated militia 16:03 and virtually no issues relating to it afaik 16:03 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 16:03 but their mindset/upbringing is different from US 16:03 we have a ways to go in that regard unfortunately 16:04 <[Demo][srn]1> seems to exist to me 16:04 <[Demo][srn]1> not hugely 16:04 <[Demo][srn]1> but a little bit like 10 or so max hp from 1 to 30 and back 16:04 <[Demo][srn]1> with 13/25 con 16:04 the IDF does have cases of sexual assault 16:04 <@rikersan> well I get +250 from 1-30 16:04 <@rikersan> as an orc with 23 con 16:04 <[Demo][srn]1> wow 16:04 <@escargott'em> I think every military has serious rape issues 16:04 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:22039 16:04 sure 16:05 K2: So what would you say was your favorite part of it all? 16:05 favorite? 16:05 <@escargott'em> Lots of money for no college debt/risk 16:05 IDK 16:05 I'm just curious 16:06 <@escargott'em> Friends, that you can actually keep in touch with these days 16:06 I'm sure you have stories that ended better than the wheat snack bread one 16:06 and also you die sometimes 16:06 and kill others 16:06 what a life 16:06 probably the bonds and friendships that have made over the years, the camaraderie 16:06 <@escargott'em> That risk can be mitigated if you make certain choices 16:06 the shared experiences 16:06 <[Demo][srn]1> hell yeah 16:07 like, i kinda want that, but again, I don't want to die 16:07 PavelB: he has jalapeno cheddar cheese stories that end better 16:07 lol 16:07 PavelB not every military job is combat arms 16:07 in fact most arent 16:07 <@escargott'em> You can get shared experiences and camaraderie in college too though 16:08 <[Demo][srn]1> i figure the ones that build the best relationships are active duty deployment though? 16:08 and as far as stories go... hah 16:08 so many... 16:08 Do you still get weapons training even if you don't go into a combat role? 16:08 i cant type it all out 16:08 <@escargott'em> Depends on the branch 16:08 PavelB yes, (for army anyways) you're a soldier first no matter what your MOS or job is 16:08 <@escargott'em> In the air force everyone is trained on the.. M.. Something 16:09 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 16:09 M16 16:09 or do they just AF a pistol? 16:09 *give 16:09 <@escargott'em> But I never shot a gun in my life and I think we just did it for one day, or maybe a couple 16:09 heh 16:09 <@escargott'em> Actually I had shot a gun, now that I think 16:10 i'm proficient on a number of weapon systems 16:10 <@escargott'em> It was a rifle, m16 probably 16:10 <[Demo][srn]1> i want handgun training but i dont think the military is necessarily the best way to do that :P i think that might come with a few strings attached 16:10 <@escargott'em> You probably won't be trained with hand guns in the military.. At least not the af 16:10 <@escargott'em> And honestly, at least as far as af is concerned, you'd probably get better training at a range 16:10 army doesnt really do handgun training either unless you actually need it 16:10 focus is more on rifle 16:11 PavelB if you ever wanted to serve, join the air force. its the most civilian out of all branches 16:11 and deployments are shorter too 16:11 <@escargott'em> Air Force medical job, guaranteed job 16:11 yup 16:11 <@escargott'em> Even if you get deployed you go to a hospital 16:12 air force and navy have a lot of jobs that can translate to covilian work 16:12 <@escargott'em> So instead of getting shot at you get to watch little kids with their arms blown off and stuff I hear 16:12 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon him by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:22251 16:12 and army does too, more so now than before 16:12 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:13 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 16:13 <@escargott'em> Whatever you do, to your research and make a strong plan 16:13 <@escargott'em> Whether it's military or college or whatever, either way it can go really well or really badly 16:14 well... as with most things, its what you make of it 16:14 <@escargott'em> Do something that will actually allow you to get a career 16:14 <@escargott'em> Lots of people go to college or military and when they get out they can't find a job 16:14 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah deal with a lot of those 16:15 Right. Definitely getting a masters in CS. Not so much for the job I want but because I really really like programming. 16:15 <@escargott'em> Look up actual job listings, look at what degrees they are asking for, or if they often accept military training and experience 16:16 I don't know what to do after that though. K2 was 30-something when he enlisted, after all. 16:16 <@escargott'em> That degree should be pretty useful 16:16 <[Demo][srn]1> and expensive :P 16:17 Realistically I think a tech job would better at paying off said degree than a millitary job 16:17 -!- Tarmunora__ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:17 the world cup is so stupid 16:17 Although come to think of it, I have no idea how much they pay you in the army 16:17 <@escargott'em> You can look it up 16:17 Yeah 16:17 <@escargott'em> But it's hard to quantify the millions of benefits 16:18 <@escargott'em> And the pay depends on your z ip code 16:18 you can make some decent money full time military 16:18 but you gotta put the time in 16:18 <@escargott'em> But you're getting a degree 16:18 <@escargott'em> Officers get paid very well 16:18 and if you already have a 4 year degree, look at going the officer route 16:19 Wait, why does it depend on where you live? You end up living somewhere entirely different once you're in, right? 16:19 BAH 16:19 basic allowance for housing 16:19 it varies on zipcode 16:19 <@escargott'em> Yeah, in la and new York, 2k per month just for housing 16:19 trick is to find a place thats less than what you get for BAH 16:19 <@escargott'em> In other states it is far far less, can make a huge difference 16:19 @escargott'em BAH was crazy good in hawaii 16:20 Well I live in the Seattle where the housing situation is rather bad 16:20 <[Demo][srn]1> is there anywhere on the west coast that isnt incredibly expensive or incredibly shitty? 16:20 <@escargott'em> You don't get to pick where you go though, that's true 16:20 https://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/payentitlements/military-pay-charts.html 16:20 tfw living in milwaukee and 735/mo and it feels expensive 16:20 <@escargott'em> Well there only three states on the west coast :p 16:21 rld: what about alaska! 16:21 <@escargott'em> I think it's all pretty expensive 16:21 <[Demo][srn]1> california is as big as a state thats really a bunch of states disguised as one 16:21 But given you live on a base somewhere, why does it matter what housing costs where you use to be? 16:21 PavelB oh you think you'll stay home state if you join? hahaha 16:21 <@escargott'em> You don't get bah when you're in a dorm 16:21 only true if you go guard 16:21 or reserves 16:21 <[Demo][srn]1> is it cold up in washington? 16:22 <@escargott'em> It's not bad I don't think 16:22 <[Demo][srn]1> that shit looks like as high up as maine 16:22 The temperature doesn't change much 16:22 <@escargott'em> And the diving is great 16:22 In Washington? 16:23 Diving? 16:23 <@escargott'em> Just the west coast in general 16:23 <@escargott'em> Probably need a dry suit for Washington 16:23 <@escargott'em> But colder areas tend to have more visibility.. I'm sure Washington has some great spots 16:23 hah forgot about this one - https://www.hardfought.org/phpBB3/gallery/image/1321 16:23 Pro tip: Interested in diving? Don't go to WA. 16:24 whooo boy 16:24 <[Demo][srn]1> man i didnt realize how small maryland was 16:25 K2: Did you ever fire an rpg or are there specialists for that? 16:25 <@escargott'em> I live in the desert now, no more scuba 16:25 US army doesnt have rpg's 16:25 we have whats called an AT-4 16:25 and its a one shot only 16:25 and yup 16:25 <[Demo][srn]1> did u ever get to raid like alqaeda weapons caches and recover their rpgs or is that just not shit that happens? 16:26 oh man 16:26 i've been on so many fuckin raids.... 16:26 prob over 150 16:26 woah 16:26 and almost ALL of them bad intel 16:26 <[Demo][srn]1> that sounds very dangerous 16:26 lol 16:26 <[Demo][srn]1> the last place id wanna be of the enemy's is where they keep their weapons 16:27 so on my second tour in iraq, our platoon was a designated 'time sensitive on target' unit 16:27 <[Demo][srn]1> how didnt u die? 16:27 intel would get info on a bad guy or weapons cache or whatever 16:27 <@escargott'em> Is that like jit 16:27 Bad intel as in nothing there or as in you did not expect there to be that much resistance and then there actually was 16:27 and we had X amount of hours to get to it 16:28 <[Demo][srn]1> that sounds like it would be a lot of fun, suck a lot, and be very dangerous all at once 16:28 PavelB bad intel as in wrong locale or they were tipped off etc 16:28 a few times we got to rappel in from blackhawks 16:28 but only a few 16:28 <[Demo][srn]1> wow 16:28 nice 16:29 we mostly rode in on humvees or humped it on foot 16:29 honestly guys, it sounds cool 16:29 but it gets old real quick 16:29 <[Demo][srn]1> im sure it sucks dick 16:29 <[Demo][srn]1> like yep time to go do that shit again 16:30 the first time we raided a complex from blackhawk, the birds dropped us in a field a couple meters away from the objective 16:30 the field was about 2 ft deep of wet sloppy mud 16:30 i get out and start to lead my team to the woodline, i look back and my #2 had fallen flat on his face and everyone behind him was like a domino effect 16:31 shitshow 16:31 hahah 16:31 *couple hundred meters 16:31 heh 16:31 but yeah most of doors we kicked in, just a bunch of scared women and kids and old men 16:32 for every 50-60 places we'd hit, one would be worth the effort 16:32 <[Demo][srn]1> thats gotta be weird 16:32 we can only go by the info we get 16:33 <[Demo][srn]1> the women, kids, and old men ever cause issues? 16:33 sometimes 16:33 but nothing that required lethal force 16:33 thank goodness 16:34 <[Demo][srn]1> i guess they are probably pretty used to getting their shit fucked up by militaries 16:34 <[Demo][srn]1> whoeversi t may be that day 16:34 no one gets used to it 16:34 it sucks but if we get word there's a guy making bombs out of such and such a village, we're gonna do what we have to do 16:34 imagine that would happen in the USA 16:35 lots of people have weapons, so they'd all be declared enemy combattants or w/e its called 16:35 imo its worse in the USA 16:35 cops have less restraints nowadays 16:36 its not all cops in all states, of course all you hear about are the ones that go wrong 16:36 but overall the mood has changed 16:36 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah ive talked to some cops complaining about how the new ones are so much less disciplined 16:37 but at the same time... dont do shit that would make the cops want to raid your house 16:37 My drivers ed instructor was a retired SWAT sniper, told a few stories 16:37 <[Demo][srn]1> and how they are so much less reluctant to fall back on "the tried and true method" (fists) 16:37 <@escargott'em> You'll get sued 16:42 K2: You mentioned earlier that with a college degree you can apply to be an officer, but that feels kinda weird 16:42 Like, wouldn't you not be very good at commanding soldiers if you've never actually been in their position? 16:43 see... i've been an OCS (officer candidate school) instructor for the last 4+ years 16:43 <@escargott'em> You'll get lots of management training at least 16:43 i've thought about that 16:44 <@escargott'em> But either way, you want to be a good manager it takes experience.. Being a manager :p 16:44 theres pros and cons to being brand new vs already having experience as an enlisted soldier 16:44 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 16:44 but, leaders are definitely made, not born 16:45 granted, it requires a certain mindset and drive 16:45 but if you have that, i can make you into a good 2LT 16:46 having a degree means that you have the intelligence and work ethic to at least make the attempt 16:47 In that sense, I don't suppose it actually matter much what the degree is, does it 16:47 Probably won't be too applicable either way 16:47 for the most part yes 16:47 if you went medical branch, your degree matters 16:47 or JAG 16:48 otherwise it could be a 4 yr degree in adv basket weaving 16:48 <@escargott'em> I still haven't done medusa apparently 16:48 i remember a series in the 90s called JAG 16:48 <@escargott'em> But I'm at 60k turns :D 16:48 heh 16:49 stenno the lead female actor in JAG... daaaaamn 16:49 i remember that show 16:49 <@escargott'em> Okay I have like.. Four wishes left, what should I use them on 16:49 * stenno was too young to have such opinions on females 16:49 <@escargott'em> I would love teleport control :p 16:49 Wait, what's JAG? 16:49 but it was fun to watch 16:49 <@escargott'em> But there doesn't seem to be a good way to get that besides luck 16:49 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JAG_(TV_series) 16:49 @escargott'em - blessed fixed figuring of a woodchuck named Carl 16:49 *figurine 16:50 PavelB lawyer stuff 16:50 Ah 16:50 <@escargott'em> I need gauntlets of strength and speed boots to replace these jumping boots 16:50 @escargott'em ring of tele control yeah? 16:50 <@escargott'em> And I'm about to do castle and get another wand of wishing soon 16:50 <@escargott'em> I don't want the ring :( I want the sexy tengu super power 16:51 <@escargott'em> Oh five wishes with wresting 16:51 Can you wish for wizard of yendor corpses 16:51 Those give a higher chance, apparntly 16:51 <@escargott'em> Tengu, rod, and ilithids 16:52 <@escargott'em> They are all kinda low chance iirc 16:52 master key of thievery if you're chaotic 16:52 <@rikersan> really, mind flayers? 16:52 From NHWiki: 16:52 Acquiring 16:52 Teleport control can be acquired extrinsically by: 16:52 wearing a ring of teleport control 16:52 carrying the Master Key of Thievery 16:52 or intrinsically by: 16:52 reaching experience level 17 as a wizard or monk 16:52 polymorphing into a tengu 16:52 eating a tengu (17%) or the Wizard of Yendor (25%). 16:52 eating a ring of teleport control 16:52 <@rikersan> didn't know they gave tele control 16:52 PavelB next time just paste a link ;) 16:52 kk 16:52 england just won a panelty shooting at a world championship for the first time 16:53 ever 16:53 <@escargott'em> Oh wait that's telepathy for the illithids 16:53 I'm just amazed russia's doing so well 16:53 stenno - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Bell_(actress) 16:53 we usually suck 16:53 thats who i remember from JAG 16:54 hehe 16:54 i just remember the main dude 16:54 TBH I almost don't want Russia to win because everyone would immediatly start crying about cheating 16:54 kinda hard to cheat in soccer yeah? 16:54 <@escargott'em> Inflate the ball with nitrogen! :O 16:54 for the first time in 52 years they won a penalty shootout 16:55 in 17 world cups 16:55 K2: I've already seen people accusing the team of using illegal steroids, even though steroids make you heavier and therefore perform worse. 16:56 stenno wow 16:57 PavelB: ...there are plenty of performance enhancing steroids 16:57 the 1954 german side was accused of taking methamphetamine 16:57 could never really prove it though (and back then doping wasn't illegal anyway) 16:57 aosdict: They don't help for soccer generally. 16:58 did the power of christ compel them? 16:58 :P 16:58 idk whats even going on this WC 16:59 my favorites belgium and croatia are still in 16:59 i read some conspiracy theory how the fsb gave the german team some weak poison to make them perform like crap 16:59 which, "apparantly", is the only way the could lose so bad 16:59 it has shown in the test matches already that they played crap 16:59 it wasn't really a surprise 17:00 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 17:00 No 17:00 It wasn't 17:00 It sucks hearing about all the plots the russians supposedly have though 17:01 well it is really unexpected 17:01 and this unexpectedness and an affinity to certain conspiracies 17:01 will make those 'theories' flourish 17:02 its like everything else 17:04 as soon as there's a gap of knowledge or intel people will just make shit up 17:04 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 17:05 I don't actually care about sports that much 17:05 I mostly know about the WC since the thing is that I use Google and my dad uses Bing, and we compete to see who gets the push notification about goals and matches sooner 17:06 i am a big football fan since the 90s 17:06 but somehow it changed in recent years 17:06 I watch a lot of professional Dota 2 and Rainbow Six Siege 17:07 not that much into e-sports anymore 17:07 i watch a lot of sc1 and sc2 back then 17:08 now mostly speedrunning 17:08 I went to the Dota internationals last year, which was great because the stadium is near where I live, but this year they moved to Canada :( 17:10 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 17:10 I just learned C# has this operator called `nameof`. You give it a symbol, and it tells you the string representation of it. So `nameof(foo)` evaluates to `"foo"`. I'm trying to figure out what the purpose of it is. 17:11 debugging? 17:11 metaprogramming 17:11 How would that help with either of those though 17:11 It just returns its contents in quotes 17:12 it returns the name of the variable 17:12 Why type `nameof(foo)` when you can just type `"foo"` instead? 17:12 <@escargott'em> You'll see 17:12 <@escargott'em> It's easier to understand once you've run into the problem it's trying to solve 17:13 <@escargott'em> I assume it works with objects and stuff too? 17:13 <[Demo][srn]1> that's a pretty javascripty thing to offer 17:13 metaprogramming is mostly not a good idea though 17:14 we did some things at my old job 17:14 C# has decent metaprogramming capabilities 17:14 reflection 17:14 It is 17:14 *does 17:14 nameof just seems pointless 17:15 <@escargott'em> It is in theory if you are coding everything really well 17:15 @escargott'em What do you mean by "works with objects"? Something like this doesn't work: 17:15 > nameof(new Object()) 17:15 (1,8): error CS8081: Expression does not have a name. 17:15 https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1077340/Talking-About-nameof-Operator 17:16 <@escargott'em> Sometimes your not directly working with a variable name 17:16 <@Tone> Do you speed run any games stenno? 17:16 Well, if it doesn't have a name, `nameof` won't help you. 17:17 @Tone only nethack, but not even really that anymore 17:17 <@escargott'em> Sometimes the variables you're getting might be generated while it's running or something, I don't know 17:17 @Tone but the mario games look great for speedrunning 17:17 and maybe at some point the kaizo hacks 17:17 No, it literally will only give back the exact symbol that's in the parens 17:17 PavelB: read the article 17:17 <@luxidream> stenno: what was your best RTA ever in nethack? 17:17 luxidream 2h17m on NAO 17:18 <[Demo][srn]1> wow 17:18 <@Tone> I used to casually speed run Mario 64 17:18 thats realtime, not wallclock time 17:18 <@Tone> Like 15 years ago lol 17:18 <@Tone> Mega Man X too 17:18 <@Tone> I just liked those games 17:18 <@luxidream> that's impressive 17:18 <@luxidream> wish hardfought tracked realtime 17:18 i have a 3.6.0 ascension that was probably faster but realtime is broken in 3.6.0 so i don't know 17:19 <[Demo][srn]1> 3.6.0 still sucks 17:19 also i won devnull realtime trophy like 3 times in a row or so 17:19 <[Demo][srn]1> whats ur favorite stimulant? 17:19 [Demo][srn]1: What's wrong with 3.6.0? 17:19 <[Demo][srn]1> the bats die funny and elbereth makes me sad 17:19 <@Tone> Real time means you can save or do I have those backwards? 17:19 i think that only adeon (naturally) and tariru are consistently faster than i am 17:20 @Tone yep 17:20 <[Demo][srn]1> is tariru just adeon under a different name? 17:20 idk what @luxidream did in their first game 17:20 the first dynahack game 17:20 it was very fast iirc 17:20 2h30 or so 17:20 PavelB, this is so if you rename foo to bar, the string will follow along 17:20 <@luxidream> 2h 37 17:20 right, very good 17:20 <[Demo][srn]1> how do u do dyna so fast? 17:20 <[Demo][srn]1> is there a gimmick or just get good? 17:21 <@luxidream> I also did 2h32 during last year's devnull 17:21 <[Demo][srn]1> sounds like just get good 17:21 2h30 is about the best that i can do normally 17:21 Chris_ANG - another dnethack update imminent? :) 17:21 <[Demo][srn]1> dammit k2 trying to parse my screen u got me excited 17:22 lol 17:22 <[Demo][srn]1> i saw words and i didnt realize the order 17:22 i guess you can sort the 'ascended games' table here by realtime https://scoreboard.xd.cm/players/s/stenno.all.html 17:22 <[Demo][srn]1> hes got a lot of local commits im waiting for him to push to devel 17:22 <@luxidream> I didn't know Tariru regularly ascends <2 hours 17:22 i get email updates on commits 17:22 he has a few of those on NAO 17:22 Same, for xnh 17:22 i think 2 2h ascs 17:23 but of course adeon is still on another level 17:23 K2: Working on getting the stuff currently in the pipeline onto the repository. 17:23 Chris_ANG: Message from @rikersan at 2018-07-03 12:02 EDT: idea: remove frost/fire brand, and give the 2x damages to tobiume and sode no shirayuki? Demo's idea 17:23 Chris_ANG: Message from @rikersan at 2018-07-03 15:52 EDT: maybe turn down the avg diff for zombie group spawns, it sucks to get like 10 gnome kings or what not on mines 3 17:23 Chris_ANG: Message from @rikersan at 2018-07-03 16:01 EDT: fyi, drain for gain still exists with con 18+ 17:23 <@Tone> I'll probably mess with realtime speed runs at some point 17:23 <@Tone> I'm getting a little faster now that I've been playing more consistently 17:23 <@Tone> I'm talking like 8 hour ascensions though 😄 17:23 <[Demo][srn]1> idont understand how u get so fast 17:23 <[Demo][srn]1> what do u do 17:23 unfortunately the scoreboard.xd.cm is missing the nethack.eu ascensions which are lost 17:23 had some sub-2h30 ascensions there too 17:24 there was a nethack.eu? 17:24 yeah 17:24 gah 17:24 <@escargott'em> How many cursed geno do you think I can get from one marker 17:24 so xlogfile saved at all?? 17:24 the german community was very good 17:24 no, xlog is lost 17:24 marvin, stth, squolly 17:24 <@luxidream> demo: press buttons fast 17:24 <@escargott'em> How many charges does a poly marker get vs a wish marker? 17:25 <@luxidream> also press fewer buttons 17:25 yeah few and fast 17:25 <[Demo][srn]1> why has no1 that does sub 3hrs put together some sort of guide? 17:25 <@luxidream> because stenno has really low turncounts too 17:25 !who 17:25 PavelB: [hdf-us] monstergrin [dnh] Eleven [nh361] 17:25 PavelB: [hdf-eu] No current players 17:25 PavelB: [hdf-au] Grasshopper [nh361] 17:25 its pretty straightforward 17:26 maud did it once lol 17:26 <@Tone> @escargott'em both are random I think, up to 99 17:26 <[Demo][srn]1> where is it 17:26 maud was like regularly ascending sub-3k turns 17:26 and at one point we told him 'just do it fast' 17:26 and he did it fast and got like sub-2h10 17:26 <[Demo][srn]1> my idea of fast is just pressing the keys harder 17:27 <@Tone> Demo Have you watched how some of the speed runners play? 17:27 <[Demo][srn]1> with a fedora? 17:27 <@Tone> You usually sacrifice in-game time for real-time 17:27 <@Tone> doing really inefficient movements with fast travel and stuff 17:27 <[Demo][srn]1> i already do that casue im lazy 17:27 yeah you play a lot with shift-HJKL 17:27 <[Demo][srn]1> i already play that way 17:28 and run into walls all the time 17:28 <@luxidream> you don't have to learn vikeys 17:28 <@luxidream> point still stands though 17:28 haha 17:28 yeah sure 17:28 <[Demo][srn]1> i think i play mechanically pretty fast 17:28 just the uppercase movement, idk how you'd do those on numpad 17:28 <[Demo][srn]1> but not strategically? 17:29 lots of muscle memoery 17:29 super quick price id 17:29 <@luxidream> on numpad it's (g)o and (G)o 17:29 <[Demo][srn]1> i cant do price id 17:29 <[Demo][srn]1> that fucks me over 17:29 only price id scrolls and rings 17:29 (basically) 17:29 imma get some icecream and then i can show you a little bit if you like 17:30 <@Tone> you could use something like interhack to price ID I'd think 17:30 <@rikersan> what flavor? 17:30 we had blackberry choc chip last night 17:30 mmmm 17:30 perfect on a hot as balls day 17:30 i usually do sokoban even in a speedrun unless i found reflection source and boh already 17:31 <[Demo][srn]1> are you americaning for the 4th k2? 17:31 that costs 15 minutes 17:31 heh 17:31 sort of 17:31 our girl scout troop is doing a float in local parade 17:31 <[Demo][srn]1> thats americaing 17:31 and we're doing a lemonade stand too 17:31 <[Demo][srn]1> thats pretty american 17:31 in fact i have to leave in just a bit to go help decorate 17:32 ice cream flavor is ben&jerry's "home sweet honeycomb" 17:33 PavelB: I'm not sitting on any more xnh commits. They're pushed and live on the server. 17:33 Like, two days ago. 17:33 Yeah, but there'll be more eventually 17:33 And I want to know about it 17:34 lol 17:34 i bet xnethack got a lot of play during jnh 17:34 aosdict you have a fan 17:34 I don't really intend to sit on commits often; junethack is really the only time. 17:34 stenno it did 17:34 stenno: it actually got exactly 361 games :D 17:34 oh lol 17:35 K2: I just have some kind of deeply-ingrained hatred of out-of-date software. Everything on my computer needs to be on the latest version available, and prefereable the prerelase version if possible. 17:36 hmmm 17:36 thats risky 17:36 <[Demo][srn]1> i love out of date software 17:36 <[Demo][srn]1> if i know it works 17:36 @luxidream fyi here is the devnull overviews https://scoreboard.xd.cm/devnull/years.html 17:36 you've never survive as a sysadmin 17:36 @luxidream whats your fastest vanilla rta btw? 17:36 I have systems break relatively often, but I just live with it 17:37 reinstall and move on 17:37 I write scripts to get everything reinstalled as quickly as possible 17:37 <@luxidream> stenno: pretty sure it was the thing I did for devnull. It was in one session iirc 17:38 nice nice 17:38 wait when you say RTA do you mean in one session 17:38 <[Demo][srn]1> PavelB enjoy this great out of date software by only a little bit but just enough to annoy you https://i.imgur.com/EWL0myW.png 17:38 or just 'realtime' 17:39 I would never use Ubuntu if I can avoid it 17:40 -!- greqrg is now known as toneLive 17:40 Fedora Rawhide is the way for me 17:40 because i suck at 'wallclock' time 17:40 always need a few breaks 17:40 !setmintc 0 17:40 toneLive: Min reported turncount for tonelive set to 0 17:41 !setmintc 0 17:41 stenno: Min reported turncount for stenno set to 0 17:41 0 is the default, right? 17:41 <@luxidream> I'm a little confused 17:41 should be 17:42 <@luxidream> realtime is the time spent in game? 17:42 <@luxidream> and wall clock is time elapsed since the start, right? 17:42 @luxidream 'wallclock time' = difference between endtime and starttime, 'realtime' = realtime xlog field which doesn't count breaks 17:43 so if i play 1 hour, make a 1 hour break, and then play another hour, i have 3 hours wallclock time and 2 hours realtime 17:43 Lol, I have two part-time jobs and I'm getting paid for 8 hours of vacation for both of them tommorow 17:43 junethack was wallclock time, whereas devnull (and everything else) is realtime 17:43 <[Demo][srn]1> realtime seems much less grueling 17:43 because it just reads the xlog realtime 17:43 man wallclock time is hard 17:44 <@Tone> you can stop to think with realtime too 17:44 <@luxidream> okay, makes sense. I usually finish my games in one session, so it usually ends up about the same 17:45 <@luxidream> or, I've been doing that recently. don't think I did that much in the past 17:45 yeah the thinking part is really what makes it easier 17:45 i should try it too 17:45 it seems like the proper way to do it tbh 17:46 of course you still have to memorize your loot and stuff because you have to save your game 17:46 but its nice for considering wishes and the like 17:47 <@luxidream> okay, so is Adeon's roughly 1 hour ascension realtime, then? 17:47 <@luxidream> I doubt it would make much of a difference, I just want to know 17:47 speedruns should clearly be measured in user time :P 17:48 <@Tone> If it was recorded on NAO then I would think so, yes 17:48 it wasn't on NAO 17:48 but yeah, it was realtime 17:48 but adeon plays in one session anyway 17:48 <@Tone> fwiw he said that game took over a month and 1000s of attempts I think 17:48 yep 17:48 i remember it 17:49 he was really pissed though that he didn't get sub-1h lol 17:49 <@luxidream> wonder how many WoWs he found on DL 1 17:49 he found a single wow 17:49 and a few days(?) later did 1h20 without WoW 17:49 also keep in mind that he casually did 1h30 during a live convention 17:50 he can very consistently ascend sub-2h and he's the only player who can do so 17:50 <@luxidream> stupid good 17:50 -!- toneLive is now known as greqrg 17:50 it takes a few months of grinding 17:51 honestly the biggest problem is the castle 17:52 so on the grind runs you usually dfv to the castle and then see if you can beat it, and if not, you start agian 17:52 and you reach castle in ~15m 17:52 a video of the ttyrec is on youtube somewhere 17:53 Do speed runs generally involve just digging straight down with a pickaxe or does that not work out very well 17:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZzRkJk_Vuw 17:53 PavelB: adeon does that 17:53 it only works out in the grind runs really though 17:53 or if you found early wow 17:54 oh lol i just saw he found two wows on DL:1 17:54 <@Tone> may as well skip the castle at that point lol 17:55 eh its not that you have infinite resources and its easy to get 17:56 <@luxidream> that corridor movement is top notch 17:57 <[Demo][srn]1> i think a fh healer with phasing could be done incredibly quickly 17:58 dwarf valk is just so op in vanilla that its almost a must 17:58 oof and early exca is just so good 17:58 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah half phys has gotta be so damn useful in that endgame 17:58 <@luxidream> does human valk make a significant difference in your opinion 17:59 dwa has infravision 17:59 thats the main selling point i'd say 17:59 i play human just because i'm used to it 17:59 if i'd play dwa i'd probably same-race sac or shit like that 18:00 ah damn its midnight already 18:00 no speedrunning today but maybe tomorrow 18:02 <@luxidream> I guess Adeon can't kill the shopkeeper because luck is an issue? 18:02 <@luxidream> stenno: aw 18:02 You want peacful mines, right? 18:02 <@luxidream> I'd like to watch if you do it sometime 18:02 <@Tone> luck would probably reset by the time you needed to wish for anything 18:02 <@luxidream> my turncounts are too high and I could definitely learn a thing or two 18:02 i will poke you but you should already have an idea when you win in 2h30 18:02 <@Tone> or in a speed run you could just wait 18:03 oooh i am in the speedrun video :D 18:03 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIB0y_kwFuY 18:03 thats adeon ^ 18:03 and i am in a list at 1:49 :3 18:04 <@luxidream> haha 18:04 <@luxidream> where even is the roguelikes con 18:04 <@Tone> California 18:04 <@luxidream> oh, that's a bit far for me 18:04 <@Tone> Near SF I think? 18:05 <@Tone> I don't remember the exact venue 18:05 <@luxidream> maybe someday 18:05 <@Tone> it's more for developers 18:06 so those were exactly the two runs (the one training run and this one) that kicked me out of NAOs top 10 18:06 but i have 120ms ping to NAO so its a bit different anyway, right, RIGHT? 18:07 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 18:07 <@Tone> 😄 18:07 IRDC moves about a lot, we went when it was in London some years ago 18:08 adeon only had 70ms ping to NAO at that run 18:08 anyway 18:09 <@Tone> ooh just found my bones 18:09 <@Tone> good, I liked that starting inventory 😄 18:10 <@luxidream> >full ascension kit and 50 cursed potions of gain level 18:10 <@Tone> not quite 18:10 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:10 <@Tone> but it had some nice speed run tools which is what I've been experimenting with 18:12 on which server are you playing? 18:12 <@Tone> ring of poly control would be 👌 18:12 <@Tone> I'm on eu right now 18:12 <@Tone> been playing my throwaway games over here for whatever reason 18:12 <[Demo][srn]1> hmm my nao ping is like 14 18:12 > 120x34 18:12 ah fair 18:12 my eu ping is like 30ms which is just fine 18:13 <@Tone> lol what's wrong with that term size :P 18:13 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:13 <@luxidream> wonder if there's a reason why adeon doesn't esc out of battle spam 18:14 <@rikersan> "You start slowing down" 18:15 <@luxidream> I don't see any cockatrices 18:15 are you watching the live play or the ttyrec? 18:15 <@luxidream> ttyrec 18:16 maybe it was just faster for him at that point 18:18 <@luxidream> also need to hone my mastermind skills 18:18 <@luxidream> good to know 18:21 the speedrun stuff in SF was at github headquarters 18:21 which is downtown SF 18:22 and pretty close to where I live 18:22 I would not have been there if I had to travel 18:22 <[Demo][srn]1> oh so u escaped europe? 18:22 <@rikersan> "escaped" 18:22 <[Demo][srn]1> ur right, california isnt much better 18:23 they pay huge salary for engineers in california 18:23 I'm a simple man 18:23 you give me lots of money I relocate for you 18:23 <[Demo][srn]1> haha 18:23 to be fair I don't intend to live here permanently 18:23 my vague plan is to save bunch of money and then move somewhere cheap and do whatever I want 18:24 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah thats probably the best way to do things, i think i might wanna try to pull something like that off 18:25 <[Demo][srn]1> does the cost of living there not hurt that much? 18:25 heh, I get pinged by "NAOs" 18:25 I thought I fixed that 18:25 the cost of living is crazy but the crazy salary makes up for it 18:25 my rent is around 3000 dollars a month 18:25 <@luxidream> what 18:25 so I end up still saving a lot more than I would at a comparable job at home in finland 18:25 yes you read that right 18:26 what kind of place is it 18:26 in korea my rent was around 100 dollars a month 18:26 1 bedroom apartment 18:26 nothing too special about it 18:26 well the specialness is that it's located in the middle of extremely expensive city to live in 18:27 <[Demo][srn]1> gonna assume huggggeee salary so yeah, guess your plan will probably work 18:27 right.. how big? 18:27 I can maybe pull square meters hold on 18:27 just divide sqft by 10 18:28 615 square foot 18:28 ~60 square meters 18:28 kitchen + living room + one small room + bathroom 18:28 sf is the most expensive city in the world to live in 18:28 even more expensive than hong kong 18:28 hong kong has lots of subsidized housing i think 18:29 I think there are some places on the planet that are even more expensive but you can probably count them with your fingers 18:29 Everywhere in the west coast is either super expensive or sucks 18:29 <@Tone> London probably 18:29 <@Tone> but yeah SF is hella expensive 18:29 i mean as a city 18:29 like the average of rent per sq ft 18:29 I also have rent control 18:29 the rent is now 3600 dollars if I moved in now 18:30 but this means my rent can't suddenly increase 18:30 does that mean rent can never go up? 18:30 it does go up but very little 18:30 does it work for, say, decades 18:30 much slower than market rate 18:30 if there are no housing bubbles that burst it probably works out 18:31 <[Demo][srn]1> one day SF will burst but by then i figure ull have left for cheap living and doing whatever 18:32 i've calculated that i'd need a few millions to living the life i want to live here in germany without having to work 18:32 i think like 2-3 million or so 18:33 probably nothing that will happen 18:34 one of my long time coworkers got fed up with SF after one year and moved to berlin 18:34 not unlikely but quite unlikely 18:34 still works for the company but remotely from germany 18:34 but probably doesn't get SF-like wages 18:34 that may not be such a bad decision 18:34 I think berlin is one of the last large advanced cities in europe that are not crazy expensive to live in 18:34 berlin is really expensive nowadays too if you want to live in a decent area 18:34 nope 18:34 try Leipzig though 18:35 its not crazy like london 18:35 <[Demo][srn]1> is berlin still socioecinomically divided along where the wall was? 18:35 the general cost of living is rather cheap though 18:35 not anymore 18:35 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 18:35 <[Demo][srn]1> ok figured it would smooth out faster than the whole country 18:35 now all the quartiers that were cool and alternative in the 90s are now gentrificated 18:36 Adeon: the rent has skyrocketed in berlin in the last 10 years 18:37 apparently 13.5% increase from 2005 to 2010 18:38 leipzig is really now what berlin was at the end of the 90s and early 2000s 18:38 are there any large cities in europe that don't have rapid increases in cost of living and are not in, say, belarus 18:38 regarding alternative scene and general cost of living 18:38 Adeon: i have looked a bit 18:39 apparently reikjavik is really expensive too, annoyingly 18:39 belarus has large cities? 18:39 but yeah, Leipzig would be my recommendation of a city to live in in germany and probably in europe 18:39 or prague 18:39 or krakow 18:40 but i don't speak czech or polish so 18:40 large city for me is >500k people 18:40 I'm sure belarus has at least one 18:40 hah: 18:40 eipzig today is an economic centre, the most livable city in Germany, according to the GfK marketing research institution and has the second-best future prospects of all cities in Germany, according to HWWI and Berenberg Bank. 18:41 oh yeah Minsk is like a million people 18:41 I was just making a joke 18:42 we will visit dublin next month but as we figured out, everything is expensive there too 18:43 Adeon: hurry up with your money making though, idk how long it will still be cheap in leipzig 18:45 [hdf-us] [nh361] IceBox (Bar Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:13889 18:48 I dunno what Leipzig is like the other 52 weeks of the year 18:48 *51, damn 18:51 <@luxidream> !tell K2 if I play NH4 or an NH4 variant, how do I get my wallclock time? 18:51 Will do, @luxidream! 18:51 @luxidream startdate and enddate are in xlogfile 18:52 <@luxidream> thanks, must have never noticed 18:52 <@luxidream> would be a nice thing to have on scoreboard 18:53 ... but based on my experience, Leipzig is entirely full of drunken goths 18:53 lol 18:53 Pinkbeast: thats only for the single week you have been there 18:53 because there's the wave gothic festival 18:53 stenno: It could be, could be not - I dunno 18:53 haha 18:54 But I've been ten times and it was like that so I reckon it's probably always that way. ;-) 18:55 have you always been there during the festival 18:55 By a curious coincidence, yes 18:56 Whitby as well, Whitby's always full of drunken goths when I go 18:56 But that's twice a year so I think it's even _more_ likely that Whitby is like that all year round 18:57 I think you just have an unusual tendency to notice drunken goths 18:58 PavelB: You don't have to work very hard to notice them during WGT 18:58 interestingly enough, both of the times when i was in leipzig it was also at the same time as the WGT 18:58 accidentally 18:59 stenno: Actually coincidentally in your case? :-) 18:59 yep 18:59 ooh 18:59 you have been there on purpose? 18:59 i see 18:59 stenno: If I've been ten times and it was always during the WGT, I'm probably lying when I say it's a curious coincidence. ;-) 19:00 ... especially if I go to Whitby twice a year and it's always during the Whitby Goth Weekend 19:00 well then 19:00 i guess 19:01 so what you're saying, is that you're a contributor to the drunken goth stastic, if I'm understanding you right? 19:02 PavelB: The evidence is purely circumstancial 19:02 i was hanging around with the punks in my adolescense so i somehow got in touch with the whole scene every now and then 19:02 but never was too much interested in it apart from certain specific aspects 19:02 <@luxidream> !setmintc 0 19:02 @luxidream: Min reported turncount for @luxidream set to 0 19:02 <@luxidream> whoops 19:03 hehe 19:05 <@Tone> damn, I just destroyed the castle wand haha 19:07 <[Demo][srn]1> ugh i did that in a jnh run 19:07 <[Demo][srn]1> it was BAD 19:07 <[Demo][srn]1> right after getting it and wishing gop 19:07 <@luxidream> did you force the lock 19:07 <[Demo][srn]1> tested them with mjoll and yeahhhh 19:08 <@luxidream> or did it wrest first time 19:08 <@Tone> I forced the lock with a pick axe 19:08 <@Tone> didn't have an unlocking tool 19:08 Hang on, it's astonishingly unlikely to have no key, pick, or credit card by the Castle. 19:08 <@Tone> I thought the pickaxe was a "prying" force, not a smashing one 😄 19:08 <[Demo][srn]1> not if ur going fast? 19:08 <@Tone> yeah this is turn 2k 19:08 <@Tone> I skipped most of the dungeon 19:09 <@luxidream> I guess picking up an uncursed bladed weapon 19:09 <@Tone> lesson learned, pick up loot from a soldier or something 19:09 <@luxidream> is more of a priority than you anticipated? 19:09 <@Tone> probably a dagger in the mines is the best option actually 19:09 <@Tone> yeah definitely 19:09 <@Tone> I mean, what are the chances that the wand is breakable 😅 19:09 <@Tone> I've smashed the chest plenty of times like that 19:09 <@Tone> any chance is too high though 19:10 <@Tone> lesson learned 19:10 The chest trap odds are not all that good. Hitting the 1/111 chance of wresting first time, that's bad luck. 19:10 if you try speedrunning, i'd recommend to not try dfv from the beginning 19:11 oh as a wiz 19:11 so i guess you scum for tonal 19:11 <@Tone> not always 19:11 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:11 <[Demo][srn]1> tonal is such a big deal its funny 19:12 What's a tonal? 19:12 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 19:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v rld] by ChanServ 19:12 <[Demo][srn]1> tonal instrument 19:12 tonal instrument for the castle 19:12 <[Demo][srn]1> one you can play notes on to open the drawbridge (and close it and kill) 19:12 <@Tone> My 2k turn Asmo game I didn't have tonal but got to the wand 19:12 <[Demo][srn]1> haha you wasted time using skill 19:13 <[Demo][srn]1> when there was a perfectly good skillless grindy way to do it 19:13 <@Tone> I had a marker that game though so I wrote geno and geno'd all the soldiers 😄 19:13 oh yeah adeons 1h2 run he forgot to skill long sword iirc 19:13 haha 19:13 <@Tone> lmao 19:13 anyway really sleepytime now 19:13 <@Tone> I could see that being easy to forget about if you miss the message 19:13 <@Tone> 'night stenno 19:13 good luck with your running 19:13 night 19:14 <@luxidream> night stenno 19:14 o7 19:15 <@escargott'em> night 19:15 <@Tone> btw I was going for a turns speed run 19:15 <@Tone> I'd run valk to if I wanted realtime 19:15 <@Tone> too* 19:18 <@luxidream> tone: you might want to go !bones, in case you forget to on a real run 19:19 <@Tone> Yeah I probably should 19:20 <@Tone> I think playing with bones makes certain accomplishments less noteworthy 19:20 <@Tone> They are definitely fun for speed runs though 19:20 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:25073 19:26 there's some irony in Tone not going for tonal all the time 19:26 <@Tone> ha! 19:27 <[Demo][srn]1> lol 19:30 <@escargott'em> is cancelling the only way besides the obvious to get these levitation boots up to +0? 19:32 yeah 19:33 i think so 19:33 enchant armor and cancellation. yep that's about it 19:33 <[Demo][srn]1> lethe water :P 19:33 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:33 <[Demo][srn]1> disenchanter 19:33 <[Demo][srn]1> drain life 19:33 <[Demo][srn]1> oh wait no 19:33 <[Demo][srn]1> im dumb 19:39 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Croesus, on T:24911 19:40 Mind you, it'd be kind of cute if disenchanters and drain life always worked towards 0 19:40 <[Demo][srn]1> i was thinking of lethe elemental passive maybe? 19:41 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (disenchanter), on T:24964 20:16 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:26634 20:17 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:18 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 20:23 <@escargott'em> what are the rules for monster generation? 20:23 <@escargott'em> Pretty much anywhere out of direct sight they can be placed? 20:23 <@escargott'em> and in direct sight near stairs? 20:23 Only the first of a pack is out of LOS, so sometimes orcs and the like pop into view. 20:30 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 20:31 I dunno about any special rule for stairs, which is not to say there ain't one. 20:32 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:35 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:36 [hdf-us] [nh361] IceBox (Bar Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:14744 20:42 <@lapis> I think everyone has seen monsters spawn in from the soko stairs 20:44 <[Demo][srn]1> thats a dnh thing 20:49 -!- Schrubber has joined #hardfought 20:51 -!- Schrubber1 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:52 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:01 hi 21:01 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 21:01 K2: Message from @luxidream at 2018-07-03 18:51 EDT: if I play NH4 or an NH4 variant, how do I get my wallclock time? 21:01 <@luxidream> i figured it out 21:01 what was it 21:02 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 21:02 <@luxidream> start/end times are in the dumplog apparently 21:05 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 21:06 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 21:08 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:10 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:17 <[Demo][srn]1> when is mcdonalds gonna bring back super sizing? 21:18 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:18 you should prob ask that in #mcdonalds 21:18 <[Demo][srn]1> but i want crackpot theories 21:19 like probably when the next election comes they're gonna say they will bring it back if trump gets elected 21:19 after all, trump eats mcdonalds a lot doesn't he? 21:19 yup 21:19 some kind of sinister connection between them 21:19 <[Demo][srn]1> they brought in the grand mac shortly after his inauguration 21:19 <[Demo][srn]1> and it make me so happy 21:20 our mcd came up with McVegan.. and it's surprisingly good! 21:20 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah that is surprising that anything actually good came from there 21:23 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Mon Elf Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +5 dragonhide robe of reflection", on T:6 21:23 hah got the +5 21:23 <[Demo][srn]1> wowowoow 21:23 <[Demo][srn]1> healing potion? 21:23 <[Demo][srn]1> good lad 21:23 fountain! 21:24 you keep getting +5s 21:24 its because i have this: 21:24 !lotg K2 21:24 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, K2! 21:24 <[Demo][srn]1> thats nuts dude 21:24 i'll be dead within 1000 turns 21:24 <[Demo][srn]1> just like dont or whatever 21:24 <[Demo][srn]1> good luck 21:24 thanks 21:25 my ac is -8 21:25 <[Demo][srn]1> yeah thats pretty good 21:26 <[Demo][srn]1> i feel like a dnh monk that gets to startscum for a wish and grabs premium heart would be pretty strong 21:26 well this monk i rolled, i didnt get the statis or starting spell i wanted 21:27 but here's this fountain in starting room 21:27 figured what the hell 21:27 *stats 21:27 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) was crowned "The Hand of Elbereth" by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:25732 21:29 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 21:32 -!- Tarmunora__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:32 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:32 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:33 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "the blessed greased fixed ORB of DETECTION", on T:28695 21:37 -!- tacco| has quit [] 21:53 not used to having reflection this early 21:53 <[Demo][srn]1> gotta play more dnh elf anas :P 21:54 <@escargott'em> nice.. I think I poly'd a wand of light into a 1:14 wand of death 21:55 <@escargott'em> does the wand only kill the first thing it hits or does it penetrate? 21:55 <@escargott'em> should I save this ring of warning in case my orb of fate gets stolen? 21:56 <@escargott'em> how often do the covetous creatures take your stuff? 21:56 escargott: https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Wand#Direction.2C_beams.2C_and_rays 21:57 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 21:57 Covetous: sometimes, but unless you have a very pressing need for warning, no - you'll get the Orb of Weight back soon enough. 22:01 gnite all 22:02 <[Demo][srn]1> gnite 22:02 <[Demo][srn]1> shit i should sleep too or something 22:02 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:02 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 22:03 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 22:06 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:14 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 22:19 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 22:23 <@escargott'em> ring of levitation.. nice, so I can just ditch these levitation boots now? 22:24 <[Demo][srn]1> yep 22:26 -!- Xz has joined #hardfought 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) genocided class L, on T:29772 22:26 how can i download and play dnethack offline on windows? 22:26 <[Demo][srn]1> mingw 22:28 will that let me build an exe so i can link to it on steam 22:28 <[Demo][srn]1> yes 22:29 Is the binary updated? 22:29 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) genocided class P, on T:29774 22:30 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 22:30 <[Demo][srn]1> hell no 22:31 Demo are u a dnethack dev 22:31 [hdf-us] [nh361] samiam (Sam Hum Mal Law) genocided class h, on T:29779 22:31 No 22:31 He does ndnh tho 22:32 Only real Dev is Chris but Nero and I help out 22:32 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:33 <[Demo][srn]1> lets see if i can even build it on windows 22:33 im installing mingw now 22:35 okay i think ive got it installed 22:36 <[Demo][srn]1> hmm not sure if it works 22:36 <[Demo][srn]1> got it to build with mingw but it shits its pants after choosing character 22:36 ah so most dnethack players are on linux? 22:36 <[Demo][srn]1> yes 22:37 Or possibly on hardfought 22:37 <[Demo][srn]1> or mac idk 22:38 Mac OP 22:38 <[Demo][srn]1> you could go for windows 10 ubuntu integration 22:38 <[Demo][srn]1> and just build dnao 22:40 <[Demo][srn]1> wait i think the vm i built it on is sharing files with another vm with ida on it so maybe i can attach ida to the game and figure out where its crashing? 22:40 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 4095 points, T:3031, killer bee 22:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] monstergrin (Ana Elf Fem Cha), 3101130 points, T:48226, killed by touching The Silver Key 22:44 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Chromatic Dragon, on T:31050 22:44 <[Demo][srn]1> jesus christ 22:44 <[Demo][srn]1> what 22:44 <[Demo][srn]1> oh he was escaping 22:45 Rip 22:45 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:31059 22:47 -!- a_boudelia has joined #hardfought 22:53 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 22:56 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:56 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 22:56 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed Shaman Karnov, on T:31542 23:03 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 23:16 -!- Xz has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:18 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:18 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )] 23:18 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:35 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:36 <@IceBox> is hdf down right now or did i do something funny to my game? 23:36 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/463911052460032011/unknown.png 23:37 <@escargott'em> I think that means your game process won't stop? 23:38 <@escargott'em> I've gotten it a long time ago, I just waited a while and it fixed itself, can't remember if I lost any progress 23:39 <@IceBox> it's been about 2 hours since i saved/quit. Probably better if i dont play much more tonight anyways haha 23:39 <@escargott'em> might need to message the server admin, then 23:40 <@IceBox> that's K2 right? 23:41 <@escargott'em> No idea, but if so he just went to bed a few hours ago 23:41 <@IceBox> !tell K2 not sure if it's just my game but i'm getting a fcntl lock on /nh361-hdf/var/perm when i try to load my 3.6.1 game on hardfought us. 23:41 Will do, @IceBox! 23:42 <@escargott'em> anyway, it's definitely not time for a break 23:42 <@escargott'em> it's time to start a new character in a new fork 23:42 <@IceBox> haha but i really wanted to get this barb rollin 23:43 <@IceBox> just rubbed a lamp for some GDSM 23:43 <@escargott'em> eww 23:43 <@escargott'em> sounds like street lingo 23:43 <@IceBox> all the kids are doin it man 23:44 <@IceBox> do the same odds exist for blessed magic lamps at all times, like always 80% chance for wish? 23:44 <@IceBox> cuz if so i've got ANOTHER magic lamp 23:44 keep one for light 23:44 pls 23:44 <@escargott'em> I think it's only smoky potions that chances lower the more djinns have been created? 23:45 I don't personally really like using my last magic lamp 23:45 Since infinite light source is so useful. 23:45 <@escargott'em> I dunno, I find so many lamps and stuff 23:45 <@IceBox> ah yeah that's the drac 23:45 There's plenty of finite light. 23:45 <@IceBox> yeah i'm gonna keep this one if i can Lymia 23:45 <@escargott'em> I end up stashing them after while, because I get more lamps and stuff than I use 23:45 <@IceBox> but luxidream is always giving me a hard time for it 23:46 <@escargott'em> I would just use it 23:46 <@IceBox> i think that's the common suggestion 23:46 <@IceBox> if i dont find a weapon or convert an altar soon i'm gonna have to 23:46 <@IceBox> this +0 orcish short sword is not going well 23:56 -!- Menche_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:56 -!- Elronnd has joined #hardfought