00:00 -!- a_boudelia has joined #hardfought 00:00 -!- a_boudelia has quit [Client Quit] 00:03 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law), 42521 points, T:9654, killed by a rope golem 00:14 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law), 26387 points, T:1122, killed by a hill orc 00:32 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Scorpius, on T:32182 00:33 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Ran Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:32219 00:39 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 00:39 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Disconnected by services] 00:39 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 00:45 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 00:46 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 00:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 00:50 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:10 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:54 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:02 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 02:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 02:02 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Priest ### Mal ###) killed the ghost of °, the former Priest, on T:3336 02:14 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:22056 02:18 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Priest ### Mal ###) killed the ghost of Things tQ, the former Priest, on T:4360 02:22 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 6480 points, T:5132, blaze of fire 02:52 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 02:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Ran Elf Mal Cha) genocided class ;, on T:36504 03:05 !who 03:05 Mandevil\splat: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] Pimpus [xnh] 03:05 Mandevil\splat: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nh343] 03:05 Mandevil\splat: [hdf-au] Tangles [gh] 03:07 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:36962 03:13 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 03:14 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:24 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 03:24 -!- Menche is now known as Guest72063 03:24 -!- Guest72063 has quit [Killed (moon.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 03:24 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 03:42 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 03:42 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 03:51 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 194138 points, T:38672, killed by an Angel 03:55 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 03:56 -!- Menche has quit [Killed (weber.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 03:56 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 04:04 -!- nzy has joined #hardfought 04:04 here we go again 04:13 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 04:16 [hdf-us] [nh343] Nzy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 441 points, T:1079, killed by a gnome lord 04:26 [hdf-us] [un] richards (Val Hum Fem Law), 3363 points, T:2915, killed by a human mummy, while frozen by a monster's gaze 04:27 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 04:30 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:52 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 04:54 Junethack: New clan Liryax created! https://junethack.net/clan/Liryax 04:55 Junethack: New user Liryax registered! https://junethack.net/user/Liryax 04:58 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 04:58 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 05:01 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:06 Hello 05:06 Hello Tariru, Welcome to #hardfought 05:06 Tariru: Message from K2 at 2018-06-16 21:49 EDT: I've made your dynahack save available to FIQ, if anyone can help, he's it. just understand, fixing issues with dynahack and recoving saves is difficult to say the least. 05:07 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 05:10 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 05:13 Junethack: sprankton ascended a game of NetHack 3.6.1 on nethack.alt.org! 05:30 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 05:33 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:01 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 06:04 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:14 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:28 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:33 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 06:36 -!- Tariru_ has joined #hardfought 06:36 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:39 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has joined #hardfought 06:39 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:48 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 06:54 -!- tungtn has left #hardfought 06:55 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 06:59 !tell ais523 what the hell, why can't my character's name in nethack4 be longer? I thought you pulled the fix from FIQhack or Nethack Fourk? :( 06:59 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 07:01 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 07:01 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 07:01 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Ran Orc Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3355 07:04 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 07:07 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:21 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 32038 points, T:1883, killed by a little dog 07:23 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 07:23 yo ais523! you have a message from me :) 07:24 hi AmyBSOD\srn, Beholder 07:24 ais523: Message from AmyBSOD\srn at 2018-06-17 06:59 EDT: what the hell, why can't my character's name in nethack4 be longer? I thought you pulled the fix from FIQhack or Nethack Fourk? :( 07:24 I put some character limits on as an emergency security fix 07:25 ^^ what is the maximum length of my character's name? I wanted to call her "Princess Cathlette" but it complained that it was too long :( 07:25 12, I think 07:25 aww 07:25 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 25808 points, T:1254, killed by a dwarf 07:30 -!- Graznop has joined #hardfought 07:31 there was a "stop moving" wand in the sokozoo... good thing no intelligent monster got to it first 07:33 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 07:36 That doesn't sound very lawful. 07:36 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 07:37 Poor Kyzyl... running a liquor store in a rough neighborhood. Probably happens all the time. 07:39 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:39 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 07:40 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 07:40 <@Winsalot> AmyBSOD\srn: hi, does wand of remove resistance have permanent effects? 07:40 Winsalot: yes 07:40 it can remove other intrinsics too; one player did a spectacular SLEX ragequit because of it 07:40 <@Winsalot> fuck 07:40 so if it e.g. removed your poison resistance, you need to get it back by eating an appropriate corpse 07:41 also wtf how did you get disintegration resistance early? 07:41 !tell K2 I just pushed a fix for grunthack - restoring a save with unpaid items was crashing if perm_invent was on. It's possible other variants are affected too. 07:41 Will do, Tangles! 07:41 <@Winsalot> how screwed am I? 07:42 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/457872530020237334/hat_happened.png 07:42 <@Winsalot> Nah I am mystic 07:42 <@Winsalot> So I might have had it randomly from the start 07:42 Winsalot: you lost telepathy, invisibility and disintegration resistance 07:43 <@Winsalot> Hm, ragequit sounds nice now 😃 07:43 at least those are all not that impossible to get back; the ragequitter back then did so because he lost his doppelganger's intrinsic polymorph control 07:43 he said that he'd never play slex again, and so far he really didn't 07:43 <@Winsalot> who was it? 07:44 uhh, I'm not so sure if namecalling is appropriate 07:44 but he's in a clan that has 5 members 07:45 there's more to it but I prefer to not make that public 07:45 PM me if you want details ;) 07:46 Tangles: Oh, figures that in my wizmode game I created to test if this crash happens in xnh curses, Izchak has 3 magic lamps. Now I'll bemoan my lost opportunity all day. 07:46 hmm, this sounds like a headroom argument, but I thought slex was aiming for higher than vanilla, so it's weird to see a player quit due to considering the headroom too low 07:47 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: sorry for my connection] 07:47 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 07:47 <@Winsalot> nah, I looked at bot 5 ppl calns and didnt recognize any names 07:47 anyway, I'm saving and restoring with lots of unpaid items and not seeing any crash... they're all TOOL_CLASS though 07:47 <@Winsalot> both* 07:47 ais523: actually, he could just have slipped on a ring of poly control or drained itself below the level where doppelgangers get that intrinsic or 07:47 yes, there are solutions 07:47 you remove a lot of that sort of thing from the game, though 07:47 e.g. the inventory weight cap, there are solutions to that too 07:48 yup, okay, now it crashed 07:48 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 29624 points, T:1727, killed by a straw golem 07:48 so that sort of issue existing seems out of character with your general style in other respects 07:48 ? having a bigger carry cap should actually increase the headroom since it allows you to have more stuff with which to handle various situations 07:48 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 6727 points, T:153, killed by a fox 07:49 <@Winsalot> but in the end I think that all the evil things fit quite nicely into slex. 07:49 :D 07:49 AmyBSOD\srn: no, that's my point 07:49 a larger carry cap is a headroom-increasing feature that lets you be over-overprepared if you want to, and a convenience feature that helps to reduce feel-bad moments 07:49 someone should make a "max headroom" easter egg or something 07:49 ah, yeah 07:50 and yet something like a wand of remove resistance is the exact opposite of that, screws over some character concepts and is inconvenient to fix 07:50 it's an EPI :D 07:51 basically, the otherwise high headroom is what allows slex to not become unplayable despite the EPIs; there's usually things you can do to mitigate the bad effects caused by the EPIs 07:51 Winsalot: wow is that "bubbleorctown"? ♥ 07:51 hmm, so the intended behaviour is "this game repeatedly screws you over but you should be powerful enough to handle it"? 07:51 yes, more or less 07:52 ais523: you should play it at least once, then you can probably form a more educated opinion ;) 07:52 *bundlebundlebundle* 07:54 Tangles: Uhhhh..... xnh already has the if (!restoring) statement on that update_inventory() call, but I still got a crash when restoring a game with unpaid inventory items... 07:54 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 07:54 ais523: if you only hear player's complaints of "omg slex has , it's so unfair!", it will feel as if those things were happening in-game all the time, which isn't really the case ;) 07:54 AmyBSOD\srn: well, something like 5-10% of the /death messages posted by Beholder/ offend me 07:55 so I assume I'm going to be offended many times per game 07:55 aosdict\ito: There may be other places besides setworn() that need the check, but the crash I found todat was definitely that one. 07:56 I have played vanilla Slash'EM a bit and didn't really like it 07:56 ais523: what, so many?! I've looked over the latest ones and it has stuff like: killed by a monster (annoying desert enemy) killed by a monster (troll), while praying unsuccessfully killed by a monster (vampire lord), while frozen by a paralysis trap killed by a disintegration beam poisoned by a gray patch 07:56 the other option is to move the check into update_inventory() but that's inside the windowport, so would have to be done for all windowports with the perm_invent window. 07:57 or maybe it could go further down in display_pickinv() or somewhere, but that would probably require a deeper understanding of the issue :) 07:58 I suggest if you're still getting the crash, check where update_inventory() is being called in the backtrace. 07:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Ran Orc Fem Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:8974 08:01 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 27953 points, T:1281, killed by a rothe 08:06 Tangles: you want the backtrace? 08:07 sure 08:07 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 08:08 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 08:09 https://pastebin.com/raw/jJhca2ag 08:10 ah right... that's logically the other place. 08:10 setuwep() 08:10 kind of counterpart to setworn() 08:10 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:11 I should add that to the gh fix for completeness. 08:14 ok that's pushed too. 08:14 go Grasshopper!! 08:32 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Ran Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12204 08:33 argh picked up a loadstone because I thought it was the luckstone 08:33 where are all those nymphs when I need them? 08:34 No HW? 08:34 nope 08:34 not even plain water 08:34 * Pinkbeast really must get this Valk home before the end of the month 08:34 never mind, something tripped a poly trap and became a water troll and killed me 08:35 Maybe even play a game that's not 3.4.3 ahem 08:35 I'm playing 3.4.3 orc barb now because it's easier than 3.6.1 priest 08:35 Me not you 08:35 oh right, you have a 3.4.3 valk going 08:36 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 08:36 I have splatted fourish 3.4.3 Valks, a heroic achievement :-( 08:36 YASI to annoy Amy: limit the character name to three letters, like old arcade game high score lists. 08:37 jonadab: At least AMY fits 08:37 "Rai" is actually a valid short form of "Raisse" in the language it comes from :-) 08:38 I could live with being "PB " 08:38 I normally use my initials "a5" if I need to abbreviate my nick further 08:39 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 08:40 jonadab: Also limit the character name to uppercase. 08:40 JON, AOS, RAI, AIS, AMY 08:40 jonadab: heh, in Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal the character's name is really limited like that :D 08:40 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:42 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:42 -!- aeoi has joined #hardfought 08:43 -!- Tariru_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:46 -!- aoei has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:48 yay +5! 08:48 I occasionally use my RL initials "IRD" 08:49 or my RL hypocoristic "IRA" 08:49 \o/ 08:49 K2: Message from Tangles at 2018-06-17 07:41 EDT: I just pushed a fix for grunthack - restoring a save with unpaid items was crashing if perm_invent was on. It's possible other variants are affected too. 08:49 -!- ykkie has joined #hardfought 08:49 ok 08:51 of course the one that I wanted enchanted came as +0 08:51 GruntHack updated (all servers) 08:51 thanks K2 08:51 no thank you ;) 08:52 early gh wand of wishing! 08:52 lol dragonhide is so OP 08:52 you will get cancelled though throughout the game 08:52 losing enchantment 08:53 so having the dragonhide is somewhat necessary 08:53 -!- aeoi has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:54 yeah 08:54 K2: I actually only had one of my pieces of gear cancelled in my latest game iirc (by Demogorgon), and neither of my +7 weapons. 08:54 lots of luck right there 08:54 i've had games like that also, hardly anything got cancelled 08:55 and then other games where all my stuff was being cancelled repeatedly 08:55 side note - my new Roomba, 'Carl' is awesome 08:55 watching him right now 08:56 faster than our old one 'Andrew' 08:56 and its cleaning patterns seem to be more intelligent 08:57 i love Carl 08:59 K2 how much do your dogs shed? 08:59 this time of year, a lot 08:59 still blowing out their winter undercoats 09:01 hmm.. TIL greased gloves are not what you want. 09:01 having two german shepherds... having a roomba is a must if you dont have time to vacuum everyday 09:02 and Carl just buzzed my phone letting me know he docked successfully hahah 09:02 dtype: the new roomba's can interface with alexa FYI 09:03 AmyBSOD\srn: rnf is shorthand for "random fraction". it's easier to express probabilities. if rnf(1,5) {} means 1/5 chance (= 20%) of executing the block. IMO much easier readable than the inverted logic of if (!rnd(5) {} or god forbid something like if (rnd(5) <= 2) {} which would be if (rnf(2,5) {} 09:03 bhaak: ah, I see 09:03 well, your rnf function totally screws over the player because killing Cthulhu causes the amulet to teleport away! AAAAAAAHHHHHH 09:03 what the hell were you thinking when you designed that 09:04 that it doesn't work as designed as Cthulhu will fetch the amulet for you when he reforms 09:04 he added a bit more of a challenge it looks like Amy 09:04 K2: more like an evil patch idea :P 09:04 I mean, what the hell! when you kill him for the first time, the amulet should drop at the ground where he died... 09:05 but instead, every single time I killed him, the amulet would teleport! 09:05 I understand that it's meant to nerf the "drop amulet if you want to cast" strategy, but... 09:05 K2: yeah thinking of getting one... just the one black lab here but we have to vacuum every day it seems like 09:05 bhaak: was hast du zu deiner Verteidigung zu sagen? :P 09:05 bhaak: I think at least one roguelike (DCSS?) calls that x_chance_in_y 09:06 AmyBSOD\srn's philosophy is "EPIs for me, none for thee". 09:06 aosdict\ito we bought our first roomba about 5 years ago (model 880) thing is a workhorse. picks up dog hair and dirt and dust like no other 09:06 AmyBSOD\srn: you were unlucky. it's random. that it teleports away three times is hilarious. ich habe mir einen Ast abgelacht 09:06 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 11219 points, T:9252, poisoned by a rotted bugbear corpse 09:06 :P 09:07 yeah Demo did too, he was watching 09:07 had to get a new one because its motor is wearing out and one of its bumpers gets stuck now 09:07 but i moved it for upstairs carpet duty as there are no bumps or humps it has to try and climb over 09:07 luckily, Cthulhu somehow didn't resurrect after I killed him for the third time; in fact, I guess the game glitched there, as the cloud was gone and Cthulhu was nowhere to be seen, so I could look for the amulet and find it in a nearby pit 09:08 or is there a limit to the # of times he can resurrect? 09:08 the model 890 is just as good if not better and it has new features 09:08 the 900 series are the best but they are a lot more expensive 09:10 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 09:13 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:14 ais523: yeah, I know that by now. but it is a bit verbose, if you had statistics, and the naming wouldn't fit to the rest of the rn functions 09:14 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Red Mal Cha) killed Garland, on T:20031 09:17 there's an argument to be made that naming random number functions with "rn" and a random character is not very good for readability 09:18 if you're happy memorising names/patterns, "2>rn2(5)" isn't that hard to learn as a syntax for "2 in 5" 09:19 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 09:19 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:19 it isn't even any longer than "rnf(2,5)", they're both 8 characters long 09:23 yaaaaaay my ring of conflict killed the stupid watch captain in minetown and now his long sword is mine! :P 09:26 well, but are you sure it is '2>rn2(5)'? and not '2>=rn2(5)'? or even '2>rnd(5)' or '2>=rnd(5)'? 09:26 yes 09:26 and I'm astonished you aren't 09:26 (although 2>=rnd(5) would work too) 09:27 are you sure everybody would be as sure as you and I? 09:27 it's easier to remember that then remembering what rnf does 09:27 because either you have to learn what rnf and rn2 each do individually 09:27 I would disagree there. naturally. otherwise I wouldn't have added that function 09:27 or else, you have to learn what rn2 does, and /either/ learn that specific pattern with rn2 /or/ reason it out 09:28 so with the rn2 version you have strictly more ways to learn what it means 09:28 there are only two ways for a nonnegative integer to be less than 2, so 2> gives you two possibilities 09:35 lol nice round number :) 09:36 what I learned in school when we had combinatorics is that I shouldn't rely on reasoning with probabilities. 09:37 robust code is code that works without having to think about or looking up stuff that the programmer could confuse 09:37 you can use combinatorics to reason about probabilities, the other way round is harder 09:37 rnf(2,5) maps easily to 2/5 whereas with 2>rn2(5) has at least 2 potential pitfalls. the yoda ordering and the choice of the random method 09:38 rn2(5)<=2 would the usual way to write such statements 09:38 no it wouldn't 09:38 and are you all allergic to spaces 09:38 because that's 3 chances in 5 09:38 aosdict\ito: the lack of whitespace makes it easier to read because it's conceptually one unit 09:38 placing whitespace is used to let people know when things are conceptually separate 09:40 see, that's just the kind of oversight I meant. by inverting the expression, I made a mistake 09:40 bhaak: you just seem to have an addiction to <= 09:41 in C it's usual to use conventions to avoid off-by-one errors, e.g. indexes start at 0, and the upper end of a range is always exclusive 09:41 you can think of rn2(5) as picking a random index for a five-element array 09:41 so rn2(5)<2 says that the index is within the range formed by the first two elements 09:41 the fact that some languages start arrays at 1 has probably set the world of programming back several years by causing people to be confused about such things on occasion 09:42 You feel that Amaterasu Omikami is well-pleased. The voice of Amaterasu Omikami booms: "Hark, mortal!" "To enter the castle, thou must play the right tune!" 09:42 when you get that effect twice you're told the tune 09:42 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 09:42 it was an interesting attempt at a reward that wasn't just a trinsic or item 09:42 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 09:42 yeah I know, but I never use the passtune anyway 09:42 but it didn't really work because the Mastermind puzzle likewise needs no trinsics or items 09:42 wand of striking is much safer ;) 09:42 (you need a tonal instrument to start it but you need one to make use of the tune anyway) 09:43 yeah and funnily enough most of the tonal instruments (bugles) are behind the drawbridge :P 09:44 actually I think this helps me understand why I don't like the Mastermind puzzle 09:44 unique to basically anything in NetHack, it relies purely on player skill, not character skill 09:45 even something like Sokoban requires you to work around monsters while you're solving it, and having a stronger character makes that easier 09:45 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:45 yeah, without the monsters I could do the vanilla sokoban levels while blindfolded now 09:46 does magic mapping work on non-premapped Sokoban levels in slex? 09:46 it should work 09:46 good 09:46 ais523, there isn't much of a penalty for solving the mastermind inefficiently 09:46 none of them are flagged "nommap" 09:46 that's another example of using character skill to help solve the puzzle 09:47 jilles: yes, that's another issue with it 09:47 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:47 fwiw, I think that no matter what solution (other than removing it) is used for Sokoban, it's important to integrate it more into the rest of the game 09:48 btw I usually use the drawbridge to kill the monsters easily (particularly L and R) 09:48 for example I think I'd altogether remove cheating penalties, and instead adjust the level layouts to make the easiest forms of cheating less beneficial 09:48 hmmmmmm... what if there was a "helloban" branch, i.e. a more difficult version of Sokoban in Gehennom? :D 09:48 one idea I've had is Sokoban rooms in the main dungeon, rather than as a branch 09:48 perhaps putting those in Gehennom would make sense, at least if it used a level generator where they didn't look out of place 09:50 EPI: mazeoban. It's a Sokoban branch in Gehennom that is mandatory to complete the game, and has full-screen mazes similar to regular Gehennom but with lots of holes and boulders. And very long boulder return paths. And undiggable unphaseable walls. And is no-teleport and no-levelport, of course. 09:50 ais523: YANI: The passtune can also be used to open drawbridges in demon lairs in Gehennom / later in the game (assuming some are added), but they don't give you any feedback of gears/tumblers; you have to learn the passtune at the castle to take advantage of them in the later levels 09:50 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:24601 09:50 aosdict\ito: and the Valk quest? 09:50 does not address the problem with player skill, but makes it a little more useful 09:51 (to close them, they're open by default) 09:51 ais523: I suppose, though that one usually happens pre-castle 09:51 AmyBSOD\srn: better, not all the walls are undiggable and you have to dig the diggable ones to solve the puzlze 09:51 lol nice one :) 09:51 and there's no indication which ones are diggable? 09:51 one of the first levels added to the Evil Variant was a maze of diggable walls inside undiggable walls 09:51 hahaha :D 09:52 with DECgraphicisation chosen in a way that has no bearing on reality 09:52 shame you don't have the source code of the original evil variant anymore 09:52 what makes you think I don't have it? 09:52 what, you do??? I'd like to have it then *buuuuuuuuuuundlebundlebundlebun-dle-ling!* ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 09:53 wow, I just found the directory it was in and then closed my terminal by mistake, I guess my terminal is trying to stop me looking at it :-D 09:53 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 09:53 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 09:53 haha, sounds like it must be truly evil then! 09:54 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:54 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:54 -!- raisse is now known as raisse\splat 09:57 AmyBSOD\srn: wow, this code is terrible, I can see why I didn't post it :-D 09:57 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 09:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 09:57 I can write up a complete list of features though, they shouldn't be hard to reimplement 09:58 ais523: that would be very nice, then I'd check them for possible inclusion in slex :) 09:58 good thing slex has an evilvariant mode, so I can constrain the most evil ones to that 10:00 I 10:00 ~ 10:00 Whoops, sorry. 10:00 I wonder if the 3G signal is good enough to play nethack (perhaps not given the above confusion) 10:00 ais523: this was before version control I assume? 10:01 aosdict\ito: I'm not sure if it was /before/, but it intentionally didn't use it 10:01 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:01 right, of course, because it's evil 10:03 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 10:12 AmyBSOD\srn: btw, where did you pop up at the castle? on the island with the small building or the island with the boulders? 10:12 boulders? 10:12 I popped up on an island surrounded by lava 10:12 yeah but which one? 10:12 coordinates were something like 45,07 or so 10:13 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 10:14 hmm, I thought you could appear there when coming back up 10:14 *you couldn't 10:14 it was no problem because I had an amulet of flying and a wand of cold, but I wanted to throw it out there because not every character will necessarily have those tools at that point 10:15 I'm not too happy with the design of the lava castle anyway 10:17 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 10:18 the problem is of course not that you can't cross it but that you might be stuck there and can't go down :-) 10:19 if you come back up on the right hand side you can always go back down and search for a means to cross the lava. on that side, you can even get to the upstairs with just a mean of digging 10:20 the easiest fix is probably to just make one lava tile to solid ground, so it is no longer an island 10:23 AmyBSOD\srn (and anyone else interested): http://nethack4.org/pastebin/evil-variant-changelog.txt 10:23 there are some changes there that I'd forgotten about 10:24 but in general it wasn't really very started, there isn't much there 10:24 ais523: yaaaaaaay many thanks! I'll put it to good use ♥ 10:24 I'm not sure there are any good uses for that :-D 10:24 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 10:25 (this was reverse-engineered from the source diff) 10:25 interestingly, I'm not even sure if the mixing of tabs and spaces was an intentional attempt to be evil, I only noticed on the diff 10:25 ais523: what, it doesn't actually remove wands of wishing? 10:26 that would take effort 10:26 part of the original vision of the Evil Variant was to be coded as lazily as possible 10:26 e.g. the floating eye mimic code is mostly a copy-and-paste of the floating eye code 10:26 heh...found it! 10:27 I originally got my start in programming nethack by going through the list of EPIs and implementing them. Unfortunately I don’t have the code anymore but it was fun to make 10:27 EVI: if the code were under version control, each successive commit must reindent all files by +1 or -1 space in the indent level, except for lines which are indented only with tabs, for which another tab is added. 10:27 This has the added bonus of git blame being rendered absolutely useless. 10:27 Perfection 10:28 AntiGulp: did you ever try to play it? :-D 10:29 aosdict\ito: it's worth noting that the Evil Variant didn't add any monsters, just overwrite existing ones 10:29 AntiGulp: was the tail end of that phase the early days of splicehack? 10:29 I wish this train 10:29 to avoid changing the number of things that exist, which is normally a dangerous operation in patching 10:30 * aosdict\ito gives Pinkbeast a blessed +2 train. Wish granted! 10:30 's brakes made less of a burninating smell when the brakes come on 10:30 part of the concept was that it was (conceptually) written by someone who was used to binary patching things where they don't have the source 10:30 the plan was to release it as a patch against the binary 10:30 Yup, that’s where monster wishing came from (still gotta remove that…). I tried to play it, but some of the patches, like all things dropped on the floor by the player being ruined, made it nearly unplayable. 10:31 it wouldn't surprise me if monsters could wish in FIQHack 10:31 Pinkbeast: your train is probably cursed, use the one aosdict\ito gave you 10:31 or at least lubricated with cursed oil 10:32 GAH I'd forgotten NetHack autopickups stuff you dropped 10:32 not the true NetHack 10:32 EPI: Autopickup cannot be turned off, and autopickup types is randomized when entering the dungeon 10:33 slightly more evil and slightly more playable at the same time: autopickup types are randomized whenever you save and restore 10:33 oooh 10:33 that way you could at least scum for a decent autopickup configuration 10:33 C'mon just give me fire res already (maybe I should go and get crowned) 10:34 any EPI that only adds annoyance and tedium is beyond E. 10:34 squarely in the realm of No Fun. 10:34 raisse\splat: none of these are intended to be good ideas 10:34 or remotely fun 10:35 some are funny even if not actually fun 10:36 Amnesia removes pickup types because you forget you wanted them 10:36 OK, that's fairly funy 10:36 *funny 10:36 that's actually funny 10:36 that’s funny 10:36 and it's arguably no more of an interface screw than the other effects of amnesia… 10:37 does amnesia affect #overview? I know it was suggested 10:37 ais523: at least in slex it does, and I got the overview patch from either bilious or another variant where it was also like that 10:37 if it doesn't, at least you know where the shops and altars are so you can look for them again 10:38 well, if you're playing an "extensive game" of NetHack where you spend a lot of time grinding 10:38 you normally end up with the levels memorised anyway 10:40 Something that's much easier in NetHack, I dunno why 10:40 it's because in NetHack a) the shape of the levels actually matters and b) they fit on the screen 10:40 in a game like DCSS the interface disorients you because you only see a small amount at a time, and there's rarely a reason to return to a cleared area 10:41 AntiGulp: Due to me looking up stuff on bilious to help with a dnh alchemist patch, I've found quite the treasure trove of historical YANIs. Most good ones will probably eventually make their way onto the archive, but you might be interested anyway. 10:41 There's something to that but my train just arrives 10:41 NetHack doesn't have cleared areas (other than special levels) and you always have your bearings 10:41 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 10:42 aosdict\ito: I would be interested! I’ve delved through bilious quite a lot, and there’s some cool stuff on there (wand of the infinite kitten, anyone?) 10:42 well, my original search term was "malcolm". take it from there 10:42 AntiGulp: a wand of infinite kittens seems problematic in NetHack 10:42 given what the player is likely to /do/ with an unlimited supply of monsters 10:43 yaaaaaay nethack4 gamestate corrupted when I dropped my bag of holding on the altar 10:43 at /best/ we can expect the kittens to be tamed (probably using kitten corpses) and used as slave labour to die in futile ways fighting legions of demons 10:43 ais523: meh, it's just marketing. the book of infinite spells doesn't have infinite spells either. 10:43 ais523: Trust me, it’s worse than that. It fills the entire level with kittens on ONE ZAP. I have no idea why it was made. 10:43 Like it’s funny, but also makes the game a mess 10:44 AntiGulp: there is a trap in slex that fills every open square on the current level with hostile monsters :D 10:44 AntiGulp: that seems pretty useful on Astral 10:45 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 10:46 AmyBSOD\srn: aaaaaaaaaagh whyyyyyy 10:47 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:48 because it's fun :) 10:50 it's only fun until it happens to you? 10:50 because if I judge by the way you reacted to the small obstacles in unnethack ... ;-) 10:50 heh, if you have the right equipment you might even be able to survive! 10:50 * ais523 starts wondering what a variant designed to maximally annoy AmyBSODsrn would look like 10:51 ais523: I got the feeling this junethack that several such variants do in fact exist :P 10:51 I don't plan to make it (it's the sort of thing I'd consider making and then reject), I'm just curious 10:51 un definitely has to be one 10:51 ais523: first, it would contain a bunch of the nasty things from slex, because apparently only slex is allowed to have such things without annoying her 10:51 aosdict\ito: given the way that slex is balanced I can sort-of understand that? 10:52 the player is overpowered in slex and it knows it 10:52 so it contains a number of things to try to give a challenge 10:52 put the same concept in a more balanced variant and it might not work 10:52 anyway, I feel like a maximally annoying variant would be very similar to NerfHack, a theoretical variant that contains _only_ nerfs 10:53 ah right, sporkhack is definitely designed to maximally annoy me and then some 10:53 like, seriously... you can't get anywhere in spork, at least if you're Amy :P 10:53 aosdict\ito: 3.6.0? :-D 10:53 (assume we're comparing to 3.4.3-nao, not 3.4.3-vanilla) 10:53 expert skill katana with 15 STR takes 5 hits for a bugbear... *scratches head* 10:53 3.6.0 buffed, um. 10:54 Skill slots 10:54 You get an extra one when you're crowned 10:54 ah right 10:54 that seems pretty small as buffs go, given that only spellcasters tend to have spell slot pressure as it is 10:55 for all skills slots or only the one of the weapon you're wielding while being crowned? 10:55 (I designed FIQHack's wand skill partly in an attempt to add more skill slot pressure to non-casters) 10:55 in fiqhack I spent three skill slots on polearms so I could actually kill the swarming electric eels at medusa 10:55 bhaak: probably to the overall cap 10:55 aosdict\ito: that sounds like a good thing for the game's balance 10:56 ais523: what, so you're the evil figure that made the wand destruction patch??? you demon spawned from hell :P the wand destruction patch is definitely also designed to annoy me 10:56 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:56 AmyBSOD\srn: it's intended to make wands less dangerous to the player in the earlygame and more dangerous in the lategame 10:56 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:57 -!- raisse is now known as raisse\splat 10:57 well... lightning explosions and death fields are ultra annoying 10:57 AmyBSOD\srn: did you not know the primary source was http://nethack4.org/blog/wand-balance.html 10:57 and likewise, more powerful in player hands in the late game 10:57 AmyBSOD\srn: if you want another reason to curse ais523, he's the reason quicktravel is broken in unnethack :-D 10:57 FIQHack's version isn't identical to mine but it's close 10:57 and you can't turn off the explosions once you're skilled enough, even if in the given situation the beam would be better 10:57 bhaak: yes but it isn't broken in AceHack :-D 10:57 where you took the patch from 10:57 in fact, once you're skilled enough to get wand explosions, you're not even safe from your own wand zaps anymore despite the amulet of reflection! 10:57 it just has a latent bug that happens to be suppressed by other code in AceHack 10:57 bhaak: really? he shall fix it then :D 10:58 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:58 I think it's fixed in NH4? 10:58 ais523: no, it's broken there, too 10:58 yeah, it's fixed in nh4 10:59 code taken from AceHack is kerio's fault even if I wrote it, I decided this a while ago :-D 10:59 the easiest way to see the bug is having a mimicked mimic interferring with quicktravel. a side effect of the autotravel code 10:59 (yes, I know fault doesn't work like this) 11:00 you can't have kerio, he's the junethack scape goat already 11:01 seriously, though, it's unlikely any bugs presentely in AceHack will get fixed within AceHack 11:01 I only have limited time for NetHack development as it is 11:01 and am mostly focused on vanilla and on NH4 11:01 and on the TAS 11:01 ais523: gah why do I get interrupted by "You have a hard time getting all of it down"? in vanilla I would have been able to eat this blue dragon whole 11:01 if I continue now, will I die? 11:02 isn't the current AceHack maintainer Adeon? so it's his fault 11:02 AmyBSOD\srn: the original intent was that you'd die if trying to intentionally overeat 11:02 as that just seems like a bugfix 11:02 however people got angry at me 11:03 so IIRC I changed it into something that makes no sense but was less eveil 11:03 *evil 11:03 I can't remember the details though 11:03 gah 11:03 so in the case of doubt I have to leave the corpse here now? 11:03 still, the /only reason/ people think it's safe to finish eating something you started even if massively satiated is that vanilla works that way for some reason 11:03 in vanilla it wouldn't interrupt me in the first place as long as no monster walks up! 11:03 AmyBSOD\srn: I have a standing offer in tournaments to rewind any game that dies as a consequence of eating something that would have been safe to eat in vanilla 11:04 really? does K2 comply with that? 11:04 I don't think so 11:04 (it's easier to rewind if you leave it on the DYWYPI screen, though) 11:04 man why did you even make it so that the "hard time getting it all down" interrupts you, just remove that interrupt and you'll have the (working) vanilla behavior 11:04 i will only rewind games on the event of a crash 11:05 and then as few turns as possible 11:05 preferrably one 11:05 AmyBSOD\srn: if you say that you don't know how NH4 works internally 11:05 removing the interrupt would have zero effect on how the behaviour works, interrupts are entirely client-side 11:05 ...what? I don't understand :P 11:05 you can just press ctrl-a to continue any multi-turn action after being interrupted; when you /aren't/ interrupted the client is basically sending ctrl-a every turn 11:05 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law), 25778 points, T:2000, killed by a hobgoblin, while fainted from lack of food 11:05 so if you want the effect of "just remove the interrupt", just press ctrl-a 11:06 oh that worked! my health currently felt amplified and I'm not dead :P 11:06 K2: I had to add the policy of restoring games where the player died due to a bug because NH4 has been quite buggy at times 11:06 but it's OK for other servers to have other policies, I guess 11:07 AmyBSOD\srn: NH4 has a somewhat different engine to vanilla, /especially/ when it comes to multi-turn actions 11:07 ais523 that's understandable 11:08 as long as you're consistient 11:08 it took us a while to get prayer working at all 11:08 K2: well my stance is that if I die, that's it and I have to start over, so no clashes with your policy there :D 11:09 i've lost a couple promising games of my own on hdf due to death bugs (mainly grunthack or sporkhack) 11:09 but we've fixed most of those 11:09 the still suffocating afetr being regurgitated was nasty 11:09 *after 11:10 how do you even fix intrinsic strangulation? 11:10 its very important that the server op hold themselves to the same standard, or better 11:11 at one point, slex had a "funny" bug where fire traps did excessive damage, meaning that triggering one would almost always end the game regardless of the player's HP; I quickly fixed that though ;) 11:11 what FIQHack trap was it that worked like that? 11:11 ais523: grunthack had a bug to where if you were engulfed by a gelcube, you'd still continue to suffocate even after getting out of it 11:11 aosdict\ito provided a fix 11:11 oh, it was the u?oE 11:11 intrinsic strangulation can only be fatal 11:11 being hit by infinitely many boulders 11:11 raisse\splat: presumably a gremlin hit could work if you were very lucky 11:11 hahahh THAT bug 11:12 and would magical breathing override it? 11:12 Mandevil lost a very promising game due to that one 11:12 ais523 perhaps? was never in a position to find out 11:12 AmyBSOD\srn: YANI: race that starts with intrinsic strangulation and an amulet of magical breathing 11:13 killed by the first nymph or monkey that comes along 11:13 heh, don't you die to strangulation anyway even while polymorphed into something unbreathing? 11:13 well, maybe 11:13 that doesn't seem out of character to the rest of slex 11:13 AmyBSOD\srn: oh right, there are even separate messages I think 11:13 they could curse the amulet of magical breathing so monkeys don't steal it 11:13 so that'd need changing 11:14 * AntiGulp considers force patching a large 3.4.3 patch against 3.6.x because why not 11:16 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 11:18 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 11:19 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:19 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Quit: explodes into confetti] 11:24 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 11:27 -!- elenmirie\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:28 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie\splat 11:29 ais523: Still here? 11:29 yes 11:30 YANI: (in response to aosdict\ito's YANI archive discussion of the Alchemist): empty phials are a stackable item, you can dip a stack of phials into a potion to get phials of that potion, phials can be thrown or drunk for splash damage effects, potion effects are balanced so that splash damage is useful against monsters for combat but not useful on the player for beneficial effects 11:30 ais523: I was going to say, I agree - while I generally sing the praises of DCSS the levels are awkwardly large and I think autoexplore is mostly patching over that issue - I want autoexplore in NH only because of the way it doesn't distinguish "solid rock" from "unseen space" 11:30 NH4 lets you distinguish 11:30 it's in the options somewhere 11:31 I sort of expected at least one "ah, not in variant XYZ" reply ;-) 11:31 DCSS's levels are actually only three times as large as NetHack's 11:32 although they tend to contain a higher proportion of squares you can stand on 11:32 I don't think that's quite true because vaults and the level generator pack them tighter - oh, you're ahead of me 11:32 Angband, now, there are some big levels :-) 11:33 yeah, nethack's levels on average are much more compartmentalized than DCSS 11:33 levels like Vestibule are a good place to understand the difference between DCSS and NetHack level sizes 11:33 as it's fairly easy to explore out while maintaining your bearings 11:33 who designed this weird priest movement code in nethack4? the priest constantly moves onto my square 11:33 Which vestibule, ours or yours? ;-) 11:33 DCSS's 11:33 I've been like twice but I see what you mean 11:33 AmyBSOD\srn: it shouldn't be possible for monsters to move onto the player's square 11:34 well this priestess of Raijin just did so, repeatedly 11:34 temple in the main dungeon if it matters 11:38 are you invisible? 11:38 well I'm dead now because there was a lieutenant with a wand of death all of a sudden 11:38 this sort of thing would normally cause some sort of spectacular muxy-related issue but maybe our protections against that have finally worked 11:38 but yeah I was invisible 11:39 maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan 11:39 the only thing I can think of is that the priest was trying to look for you and guessed a little too well, but the priest should have bumped into you in that case, not stood on your square 11:39 random death rays are way too common, this is the second game I lost to one in this tournament 11:39 AmyBSOD\srn: but you complained about the wand balance patch earlier! 11:40 there's literally nothing you can do (zero-headroom) if the game doesn't give you reflection or MR before you meet someone who randomly has a wand of death 11:40 Marvinishly approach all tool-users off the 8 axes 11:40 ais523: in the wand destruction patch I'd be dead too because lieutenants are skilled enough to make death fields, which even ignore reflection 11:42 my skill at easy variants is good enough now that I can usually ascend once I have poison res and a way to ward off wands of death, and I'm always perpetually terrified of a random wand of death if I don't have the latter... which turns out to be the case every other game 11:42 AmyBSOD\srn: my intention was that high-skilled wand-using monsters only turned up in the lategame 11:42 perhaps the issue is that FIQHack sets monster skill caps too high? 11:43 (also, "nothing you can do" is negative-headroom; zero-headroom is when there's exactly one thing you can do) 11:43 the issue is that there's no way to know in advance that there is an intelligent monster with a wand of death, so every intelligent monster is basically a random chance that your game is over 11:44 in light of that, I seriously wonder how you pull off a 61-win streak without getting randomly wand of deathed anywhere in between 11:44 Pinkbeast: "ah, not in any variant with draw_rock" 11:45 50% of all games are autowin mode once you finish Sokoban, but the remaining 50% usually turn into "arrgh why doesn't the game seem like giving me anything to resist death rays before the castle?" for me 11:45 AmyBSOD\srn: one possibility is to avoid areas with large numbers of intelligent monsters before you ge MR/reflection 11:45 and then it's a pure roll of the dice; did I get lucky that no such monster spawned or not? 11:45 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:45 well in this case I wasn't even at the castle yet; merrily strolling along on level 19 or so and the lieutenant appeared out of the blue and BANG you die 11:46 what's the monster wand hit chance formula like? 11:46 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:26885 11:46 if (playername == AmyBSOD) hit = TRUE; 11:46 :P 11:46 I've only been killed by a midgame soldier with a wand of death once 11:46 Pinkbeast: I did make some feeble attempts at making "unexplored" render as a black ? or something, but never got anywhere. 11:46 the next game I found the bones, it missed me with both the zap and the reflection and I took it 11:47 aosdict\ito: it's surprisingly difficult in the vanilla engine 11:47 it looks like you'd just have to change a couple of parts of it but when you do, everything fails spectacularly (e.g. columns not lining up) 11:47 I've had three very annoying wand of death deaths recently (2 in junethack), one on the quest goal 11:47 I'm guessing there's some optimisation somewhere that's interfering 11:47 YANI: guaranteed amulet of lifesaving that's accessible fairly early 11:48 maybe in Mine's End? then there might actually be a reason to go there other than the trophy 11:48 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 11:48 slex fixes the wand of death problem by making it so that most of the time it only reduces the player's max HP instead of killing them outright 11:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +5 helm of brilliance", on T:26885 11:49 seems like you would probably want a new branch, or move Vlad to the Mines, rather than trying to shoehorn an amulet of life saving into Mines' End 11:49 AmyBSOD\srn: but it can still kill the player outright? just less often? 11:49 yes 11:50 Evil Variant YANI: upon entering Gehennom there is a 2.9% chance that the game just unrecoverably ends 11:50 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law) genocided watchmen, on T:3043 11:50 ow my yani parser 11:50 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:51 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 11:51 Mandevil\splat: is there a way to filter the scoreboard for death reasons? I want to see how many promising games I lost to wands of death 11:52 this is seriously starting to feel way worse than the random bullshit slex can fling at you, because at least in slex your death comes in different flavors, whereas in vanilla you're always at risk of randomly being declared dead unless you have MR or reflection 11:52 ais523: death,count(*): 1) killed by a death ray,4580; 2) shot himself with a death ray,293; 3) shot herself with a death ray,243; 4) shot himself with a death ray (with the Amulet),6; 5) shot herself with a death ray (with the Amulet),5; 6) killed by a death ray (with the Amulet),2 11:52 that's not way worse, it's just different 11:53 if you're suddenly and irreconcilably dead, you're dead 11:53 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +5 t-shirt", on T:26888 11:53 FWIW I consider the problem here to not be "death rays can randomly kill you" but "death rays start to appear at a depth before you have a realistic chance of countering them" 11:54 …which implies that /oD should be a /delayed/ instadeath that can be fixed by prayer or an appropriate consumable 11:54 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 11:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 11:54 would be more interesting in player hands then too 11:54 Or Sporkishly not completely fatal 11:54 "If the monster's difficulty is 8 or more, there is a 1/35 chance that the item will be a wand of death." 11:54 so 1 in 35 lieutenants that get an offensive item will be able to instakill you 11:54 YANI: /oD causes a delayed instadeath that requires consumables or prayer to fix, both ways (i.e. mvu and uvm) 11:54 D&D eventually made all instant-death effects into damage-dealing effects ("necrotic" damage, typically). Obv, the downside of this is that everything is just HP damage. 11:57 remember that in 1.3d, entering hell without fire resistance was an instadeath 11:58 my friend had a dnd 5e campaign where we also had stress 11:58 u would get stressed by seeing weird things 11:58 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law), 30641 points, T:3240, killed by a watch captain 11:58 bhaak: Thankfully your odds of making it to hell were limited 11:59 Pinkbeast: if I look at jt's games, it's apparently not so difficult :-) 11:59 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:59 winny: Sounds like Call of Cthulhu style Sanity? 12:01 yes that sort of thing 12:01 bhaak: Ah! I'm thinking of Hack 1.0.3. Ahem. 12:01 (where the dungeon collapsed with considerable frequency) 12:01 he 12:02 although I fixed lots of bugs in 1.3d for the tournament 12:03 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed magic marker", on T:26916 12:04 bhaak need rc cfg for 1.3d :P 12:04 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:26919 12:05 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "uncursed fixed magic marker", on T:26934 12:06 K2: as a quickfix I could add an achievement "played 1.3d without a config file"? 12:06 aosdict\ito if you're still thinking of pulling the trigger on a roomba - I just finished online chat with support at iRobot, customer support is *awesome* 12:06 [hdf-us] [fh] icebox (IceBox) (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +2 cloak of magic resistance", on T:44169 12:06 gonna get the older 880 refurbished 12:07 K2: oh no, not on the edge of a decision right now 12:07 just letting you know. customer support is a Big Dealâ„¢ 12:08 <@Tone\ootc> <@AmyBSOD\srn> in light of that, I seriously wonder how you pull off a 61-win streak without getting randomly wand of deathed anywhere in between 12:08 <@Tone\ootc> Easy, the wand of death has to miss 😛 12:08 You know, why *is* wizard lock called that? Why not just "lock" or "locking"? 12:08 Anyone know 12:08 @Tone\ootc the win streak was Tariru, not Amy :) 12:08 <@Tone\ootc> Is it because it creates doors? 12:08 because its magical locking? 12:09 It's that way in red-box D&D 12:09 did a search on wizard lock 12:09 ... and I don't know why that is but I'd hazard a guess it's because Gygax had a bit of a thing for verbose spell names a la Jack Vance 12:09 <@Tone\ootc> bhaak: ha, I know. I was quoting her 😄 12:09 there's a 'wizard lock & safe co.' in pennsylvania 12:09 well it's magical opening too, but it's not called "wizard knock" 12:10 I put on my robe and wizard lock & safe 12:10 oh, I misread 12:10 <@Tone\ootc> Tariru did have a wand of death ray miss him about halfway through that streak I believe 12:11 <@Tone\ootc> Honestly, it's pretty rare that I see a wand of death outside of Orcus 12:11 and a nasty encounter with the k with the wand of lightning 12:11 <@Tone\ootc> yeah, the other attack wands tend to be more common but equally as deadly 12:11 Samurai quest I wouldn't do without MR 12:12 <@Tone\ootc> I'm usually more worried about polytraps and purple L at the castle if I don't have MR 12:12 <@Tone\ootc> well, polytraps are usually more inconvenient than deadly 12:13 Tone: That's also a concern, but you reach a point where you've just got to suck it up and do the Castle. 12:13 Whereas the Quest can be put off until I _do_ have MR. 12:13 <@Tone\ootc> I usually go straight to it if I don't have MR 12:14 <@Tone\ootc> I just like to have an escape option in case there are purple L 12:16 Polytraps certainly _can_ be deadly. 12:17 <@Tone\ootc> Yep, I just didn't mean to imply that they were more deadly than a wand of death 12:17 You turn into an iguana, 3 HP, you can't actually pick up your gear and move to a more defensible location, so the first mon that comes along is going to kill your iguana form and then probably you while you scramble to recover your gear. 12:17 <@Tone\ootc> but they are far more common so they are usually on the front of my mind 12:17 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 12:18 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has joined #hardfought 12:19 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed spellbook of magic mapping", on T:29598 12:19 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 12:20 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:21 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:22 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:40 AmyBSOD\srn: Yes, it is possible to search the NHS database, not by external user, though. 12:41 ah I see 12:46 So sleepy, playing 2 moves between yawns 12:51 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 12:54 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:59 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:10 [hdf-us] [fh] icebox (IceBox) (Val Dwa Fem Law) defeated the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45798 13:16 AoR Sokoban - more use but more annoying :-/ 13:17 the Sokoban rewards balance against each other in a really weird way 13:23 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 13:25 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:26 For a long time, I thought "turn undead" meant "make something become undead" 13:26 This is my confession 13:27 that's why the wand revives corpses 13:34 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 13:40 ais523: no, that's un-(turn dead) 13:41 it doesn't make corpses _into_ undead, though that's a good YANI for variants that support anything being zombified... 13:42 [hdf-us] [fh] icebox (IceBox) (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:47205 13:54 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 13:55 I always get Sokoban 2a :c 13:56 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:59 Traveling in NH4 based variants also seems to push rocks in Sokoban sometimes 13:59 Which makes me sad 14:02 sorry :-( 14:02 I think running into boulders in NH4 does something weird like the boulder gets pushed but the player stays where they were before they pushed it 14:26 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 14:28 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:33 -!- dizzylizzy\ito has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:33 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 14:36 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 14:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 14:38 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:42 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 14:46 <[Demo][srn]> genocide juiblex dungeon wide 14:47 [Demo][srn] impressive low turn count for croesus 14:48 <[Demo][srn]> i hate speed running so much 14:48 <[Demo][srn]> its just a concept of who can brute force luck harder 14:48 <[Demo][srn]> but thanks 14:52 K2: UnNetHack updates to make Amy happy. save and bones compatible 14:53 <[Demo][srn]> wow 14:53 <[Demo][srn]> how was that issue not complained about severely previously? 14:57 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 15:00 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:00 the boulder pushing or the travel interruption due to immobile monsters? 15:01 <@Tone\ootc> Demo I was watching your ttyrec, it looked like you could have potentially done it in like 200 turns even 15:01 <@Tone\ootc> The Croesus death I mean 15:01 <[Demo][srn]> how? 15:01 <[Demo][srn]> i couldnt cross the water 15:02 <@Tone\ootc> Can't you jump in and end up on the other side? 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> the door didnt exist 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> it was hidden 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> and fire wand just bounced off 15:02 <@Tone\ootc> I figured you'd get striking from a solider 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> no 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> there wasnt any 15:02 <@Tone\ootc> I didn't watch that far though 15:02 <@Tone\ootc> ah 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> so i had to go all the way to neutral quest 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> and they had one there thank god 15:02 <[Demo][srn]> or i was gonna go to soko 15:03 <[Demo][srn]> and grab an earth scrol 15:03 <@Tone\ootc> I guess you used up all your luck landing in that vault 😄 15:03 <[Demo][srn]> oh that wasnt luck 15:03 <[Demo][srn]> that was hrs worth of persistance 15:03 <[Demo][srn]> and a few drinks 15:03 <@Tone\ootc> ha, close enough 15:04 <@Tone\ootc> I think 2k or whatever you ended up with will be really hard to touch 15:04 <@Tone\ootc> and yeah at a certain point all of these speed games come down to luck 15:04 <[Demo][srn]> its annoying 15:14 <@lapis> What did you dip into the neutral quest for? 15:14 <[Demo][srn]> wand shop 15:14 <@lapis> Ah right 15:15 <[Demo][srn]> secret door detection, wishing, striking, or cold would have worked 15:15 <[Demo][srn]> cause i had a wand of fire from soldiers 15:15 <[Demo][srn]> i know a better way to do the run but it would require hitting that luck again 15:16 <@lapis> I got a pretty early run into ludios but one of the dragons wiped me 15:28 You are covered with a seemingly harmless goo. # ha, never seen that before 15:28 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 15:31 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 15:39 <[Demo][srn]> kill them all 15:41 ais523 │ it wouldn't surprise me if monsters could wish in FIQHack 15:41 they can 15:44 ais523 │ raisse\splat: presumably a gremlin hit could work if you were very lucky 15:44 First, a temporary trinsic is a timer 15:44 Second, outside FIQHack, intrinsic removal is a list of specific ones 15:46 so if you could stay alive (by being unbreathing, or life saving, or whatever) until the strangulation times out you're home safe 15:47 Unbreathing doesn't prevent strangulation 15:47 Life saving does, of course 15:47 How many times are you going to have to life save to wait that out though? 15:47 unbreathing only changes the messages you get from strangulation 15:48 Tariru: One? 15:48 As I said 15:48 it's a timer 15:48 when it ticks to 0 15:48 you die 15:48 but then the timer is no more 15:48 unbreathing doesn't prevent strangulation? 15:48 stenno\ito: No 15:48 til 15:48 It does print different messages, though 15:48 could be considered a bug/flaw 15:48 Since you don't die due to lack of oxygen 15:48 No, it's deliberate 15:48 blood vessels constricting? 15:48 Yes 15:48 oslt? 15:49 That 15:49 mh ok 15:49 your blood not being able to reach your brain 15:49 ok i guess 15:49 That being said, IMO, mindless monsters should be immune to strangulation completely 15:50 <[Demo][srn]> mindless and unbreathing 15:50 Yes 15:50 i guess mindless are mostly unbreathing anyway 15:51 <[Demo][srn]> hopefully 15:51 monsters without a head don't have a neck either 15:51 raisse\splat: Zombies do have heads 15:51 those that go "somehow, you miss the foo wildly" when you whack them with vorpy 15:51 but puddings don't 15:51 you should be able to behead them anyway - with no further effect 15:52 "The gnome zombie picks up its head." 15:52 haha 15:52 raisse\splat: Well, I was referring to the fact that only those mindless unbreathing monsters who have heads is relevant 15:52 that would be great imo 15:52 haha 15:52 nice 15:52 yeah 15:52 perhaps a YAFM for vorpy? 15:52 Junethack: Achievement "Walk In The Park" unlocked by Tariru! 15:53 Junethack: Achievement "Hemi-Stoner" unlocked by Tariru! 15:53 Junethack: Achievement "Backpacking Tourist" unlocked by Tariru! 15:53 here it comes 15:53 Junethack: Achievement "Prince of the World" unlocked by Tariru! 15:53 Junethack: Tariru ascended a game of UnNetHack on eu.hardfought.org! 15:53 uh only prince yet 15:53 <[Demo][srn]> wow 15:53 noob 15:53 even i can do that 15:53 let's see you do it then 15:54 i already did it 15:54 ah right 15:54 2011 and 2012 and so on 15:54 Fort Ludious, hmmm 15:54 oh I thought this time around and I missed it because I've had some really busy days this month 15:54 yeah for me its really busy too 15:55 did anyone besides stth get kotw 15:55 Tariru might get it this year since he ascended slex 15:55 no 15:55 yeah 15:55 I'm still probably a bit behind to get KoTW 15:55 you've ascended half 15:55 Especially with my Dynahack crashing in Gehennom. 15:55 and it's halfway through the month 15:55 and you have already cleared off slex 15:55 the longest one 15:56 100-level asc run with mysterious force sounds like super shit 15:56 yeah I'm not sure if I can help with the dyna run 15:56 I've only got one weekend left though. 15:56 nitro saves aren't fun to restore 15:56 One and a half. 15:56 Can dynahack games be rewound? 15:56 in theory 15:56 I seem to remember that happening a while back. 15:56 but the problem is 15:56 * stenno\ito pages tungtn 15:56 dynahack's save system is the same one as was used in NetHack 4.2 15:57 and it fails all the time 15:57 <[Demo][srn]> i am a medusa killing master 15:57 meaning you have to figure out how to "fix" the save 15:57 usually with residual corruption 15:58 have you ever tried to fire up a dynahack save in replaymode 15:58 it usually fails miserably 15:58 Not tried it before myself. 15:58 Did you see what was causing it to crash? 15:58 because it relies on the diffs/etc 15:58 I can't reproduce a crash if I can't properly load the save 15:58 Huh, I can restore it on the server every time. 15:59 It just crashes again when I enter the valley. 15:59 hmm really 15:59 that's... unusual 15:59 <[Demo][srn]> asmo is there or something 15:59 one sec 15:59 ok so I tried to load your save again Tariru 15:59 in case I misremembered 16:00 and forgot to look into it 16:00 "The recorded commands seem to be invalid. Replay will use diffs instead." 16:00 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 16:00 and then it loads 16:00 huh 16:00 I guess i forgot then 16:00 but 16:00 Tariru: the save loads fine 16:00 It'll crash the instant I enter the valley though. 16:01 oh 16:01 hm 16:01 And there's no way to bypass the valley. 16:01 yeah it does 16:01 sorry 16:01 I am stupid 16:01 I just assumed too much 16:01 ok I will look into it 16:01 since the save apparently loads 16:01 which isn't how this usually goes 16:01 Wait, does dynahack have the bug where you can levelport on a steed that is carrying the amulet, or was that fixed? 16:01 does dynahack have the votd portals? 16:01 yes, branchport skip works 16:01 I couldn't find them when I was there. 16:01 you could use that if you want to 16:02 but I want to fix the bug too 16:02 Question is, whether I have a neutral altar available to me. 16:02 Tariru: its branchport though, not levtele 16:02 right 16:02 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:02 <[Demo][srn]> do you have eota? 16:03 <[Demo][srn]> and a sadle? 16:03 Plus artiwishing the eye would probably take me longer farming wishes than it would ascending a new game. 16:03 No, I'd have to wish them both. 16:03 <[Demo][srn]> damn 16:03 urgh 16:04 I wonder if there were any backups before the crash. 16:04 i guess you can't pudding farm in dynahack 16:04 maybe gremlin farming then? 16:04 Probably not, since I was playing fast. 16:04 I think I'd just start a new game if I didn't get it with my wand of wishing. 16:04 hmm 16:05 this binary is compiled without debugging symbols 16:05 I guess I'll have to recompile... 16:05 ah you have wow wishes left 16:05 I have 1 wish left. The wand came at 1:1 16:05 And presuming dynahack is like unnethack, you can't reliably wrest. 16:05 you can in dyna 16:07 There's a magic lamp at Sam's too, which should be good for a saddle. 16:08 <[Demo][srn]> wow i hijacked the medusa yellow dragons eggs 16:08 <[Demo][srn]> and got my own dragons 16:09 bhaak: ok thanks 16:16 what's my best bet to ascend if i'm new? 16:16 hmm 16:16 <[Demo][srn]> read as many spoilers as u can and absorb as much knowledge as possible 16:16 done that 16:16 nzy: Dwarven valk 16:16 stil doing 16:16 howcome dwarven valk? 16:17 so stronk? 16:17 Again in English? 16:17 so strong? 16:17 easy excalibur, peaceful mines, op quest arti 16:17 high carry capacity, high HP growth 16:17 fair doos 16:18 dwarf valk can start with maxed carry cap and i think its the only role/race combo that can do that 16:18 (St:18/Co:20) 16:18 that's str + con = 34 right? 16:18 or somet like that 16:18 i thought 38 16:19 For the purposes of this calculation, a strength of 18/01–18/31 maps to 19, 18/32–18/81 maps to 20, and 18/82–** maps to 21.[4] Gauntlets of power still count as strength 25, but because of the cap, this extra strength may not be of use. (It will always be of use for elves, whose strength + constitution is otherwise capped at 18 + 16 = 34 16:19 valgrind was sadly never known for lightning speed 16:19 wait what? carry cap depends also on con? 16:19 <[Demo][srn]> if you're bad at early game but good at mid and late dnh has a role that basically lets u bypass early game 16:19 TIL 16:19 bhaak: .-. 16:19 and loading Tariru's dynahack save in valgrind takes like half an hour 16:19 haha 16:19 bhaak: yes 16:20 (str+con)*25+something iirc 16:20 or *50 maybe 16:20 no it's 25 16:21 Your current carrying capacity is given by the formula (25 * (Str + Con)) + 50 16:21 with a max of 1000 16:21 ahh 16:21 FIQ: I feel sorry for your potato :( 16:21 +50 in the end 16:21 zid: my desktop isn't that bad 16:21 giving 38 as the max 16:21 but this is a dynahack save 16:21 have you seen how long it can take to load a nethack4 save 16:21 dynahack saves are like that 16:21 but worse 16:21 much worse 16:22 when the nh3 save portion is missing 16:22 and i don't think arc can start with St:18/Co:20 16:22 well, I only looked at every string in the code, not at every line of code :) 16:22 that would be a hilarious arc 16:22 just that a dynahack save actually loading in first place without failing miserably is quite an achievement 16:22 archaeologists are well known for carrying entire dinosaurs around 16:22 <[Demo][srn]> yeah 16:22 zid: true 16:22 so the speed is never noticed 16:22 how would they come into the museum otherwise, duh 16:22 oh ffs valgrind can you FINISH LOAD 16:23 it has been 16:23 10 minutes 16:23 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:30007 16:23 now i wanna visit londong again 16:23 natural history museum was awesome and imperial war museum too 16:23 how lewd 16:23 zomg 16:23 london* 16:23 FIQ: the core dump doesn't give any hint? 16:23 paging dr freud 16:23 long dong johnson 16:23 bhaak: well I gdb-ed a bit 16:24 I have come to the conclusion that it is trying to run the AI on some memory that is certainly not a monster 16:24 and I am trying to figure out why 16:24 hence valgrind 16:24 gimmie a bt full 16:24 and a github link 16:26 i worked like 60 hours this week 16:26 and i don't even live in the USA so we have workers rights here 16:26 stenno\ito: And didn't get enough dongs 16:26 so now they're on your mind 16:26 never enough dongs 16:26 http://ix.io/1dHE 16:27 https://github.com/tung/DynaHack 16:27 -!- nzy has quit [] 16:27 <[Demo][srn]> how, other than magic, does valgrind work? 16:28 [Demo][srn]: Wraps malloc/free 16:28 FINALLY 16:28 valgrind is done loading 16:28 my god 16:28 [Demo][srn], it keeps extra information about every byte of memory 16:28 maybe the level is filled with monsters for some reason 16:28 re-spaces everything with guard pages to detect overflows, and disables read/write on pages and handles reads/writes in the page fault handler 16:29 valgrind is great, unless you're using something nitrohack-derived 16:29 so having spectre protections enabled probably slow down valgrind a lot, thinking about it 16:29 http://ix.io/1dHI 16:29 now let's see if I can figure out the problem 16:29 is this the first visit to the VotD? 16:29 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 16:30 zid, it's actually implemented by interpreting the machine code, adding checks to it and JITting that 16:30 yea you've got at least a double free 16:30 No, it was coming back up after chasing Asmodeus up there. 16:30 * zid fogets how hard it is to find files in github 16:31 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 16:31 It might be Asmodeus trying to warp to the stairs and failing. 16:32 I have no idea. 16:32 so how does sobj end up screwed in seffects I wonder 16:32 that shouldn't be possible 16:32 no it is possible 16:32 seffects is scrolleffects? 16:32 useup(sobj) is before 16:32 it's used on 1302 16:32 stenno\ito: yes 16:32 ahh 16:32 zid: but I'm not certain this is the problem 16:33 it's *a* problem :P 16:33 it is possible that this happened during load 16:33 yes, of course 16:33 just saying 16:33 I will fix the bug anyway 16:33 looks like that scroll is buggered 16:33 useup is in the callstack of the double free 16:34 and that bum object was created at levelgen 16:34 well, level load 16:34 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 16:35 <[Demo][srn]> so what is happening/ 16:35 not knowing the codebase, my next stpe would just be to instrument the level load and save code to add sanity checks and pray I found it, so I'll leave you to it 16:35 wonder which scroll it is 16:35 cursed tele? 16:35 an identify scroll, supposedly, but it may have been corrupted into one 16:35 because it was re-using old memory it shouldn't have 16:35 oh ouch 16:36 ok there, bug fixed 16:36 now let's see if valgrind finds more fun 16:36 which means I will have to load the save 16:36 again 16:36 <[Demo][srn]> what bug? 16:36 what was th fix, out of interest? 16:36 in valgrind 16:36 fun 16:36 sobj = NULL; 16:37 and then if (sobj && sobj->otyp == SCR_IDENTIFY && ...) 16:37 <[Demo][srn]> ah 16:37 <[Demo][srn]> so monster ai? 16:37 nothing to do with monster AI 16:37 <[Demo][srn]> where is that code in? 16:37 which is why I assumed it was unrelated to the AI bug that causes the crash 16:37 <[Demo][srn]> oh 16:37 which so far seems to be correct 16:37 since the crash still happens 16:37 so tariru reading ?oID corrupted the memory? 16:37 no 16:38 [Demo][srn]: the bug I fixed was an unrelated use after free bug 16:38 Remove landmines from Fort Ludious 16:38 now I will just have to reload under valgrind again 16:38 and see if it finds other fun things 16:38 if it doesn't, then I'm not sure what to do 16:39 Tariru: if you have a neutral altar in the dungeon, I suggest using branchport skip if you want dynahack over with 16:39 if not, I guess you could do other variants when I try fixing this 16:39 <[Demo][srn]> could the bug you fixed ever realistically happen? 16:39 ok, now loading 16:40 now let's see how long valgrind takes 16:40 [Demo][srn]: It shouldn't have caused any issues 16:40 stability wise 16:43 <[Demo][srn]> hmm 16:49 <[Demo][srn]> damn 16:49 loaded 16:49 <[Demo][srn]> oh cool 16:49 <[Demo][srn]> whats it say now? 16:50 the same thing 16:50 what 16:50 why 16:50 I will look into this later 16:50 afk for now 16:53 4.3k turns creosote kill? 16:53 not too shabby 16:53 i was expecting 6k min 16:54 anyway bedtime 16:54 <[Demo][srn]> mine is 2k but im trying to get it down to .2k 16:54 <[Demo][srn]> good night 16:54 hope i can finally play a bit next weekend 16:55 i guess that having a job and no time to play is better than having a lot of time to play but no job 16:55 <[Demo][srn]> yeah 17:02 Gah gained a level since I last bought protection 17:03 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 17:05 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:12 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 17:16 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:20 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:32 Hooray, 0 for 3 on thrones! 17:33 I'm about 2 in 80 17:34 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 17:37 -!- Menche__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:44 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:47 hooray 17:53 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:53 XL 14 at last 18:09 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:19 [hdf-us] [gh] Tmasher (Val Elf Fem Law), 1660 points, T:2389, killed by a water demon 18:24 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 18:42 <[Demo][srn]> xnh should be a breeze? 18:43 xnh is a sneeze 18:44 <[Demo][srn]> sneezin and breezin 18:44 shooting soe asmo outside of the swamp 18:45 <[Demo][srn]> i want some asmo shooting me at like t1 18:46 I want a black guy for my gang 18:47 <[Demo][srn]> bang bang 18:47 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:32182 18:49 <[Demo][srn]> juiblaxin 18:50 -!- ykkie has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:53 <[Demo][srn]> welp 18:53 <[Demo][srn]> we tried 18:53 <[Demo][srn]> that's a wrap 18:53 <[Demo][srn]> theres ootc's win 18:53 I tried so many times for that 18:54 I kept getting fucking hostile titans throwing boulders filling my pits, and werejackals on the square I landed on and shit 18:54 everything that could go wrong did go wrong 18:54 <[Demo][srn]> !lastgame toneLive 18:54 [Demo][srn]: [hdf-us] (sorry, no dump exists for nh361:toneLive) 18:54 [Demo][srn]: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/t/toneLive/dnethack/dumplog/1529017753.dnh.txt 18:54 [Demo][srn]: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/t/toneLive/nethack4/dumplog/2018-06-17%2022%3A51%3A33%2C%20Tone%20IV-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha%2C%20died.txt 18:56 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 18:56 -!- Menche has quit [Disconnected by services] 18:56 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 18:58 <[Demo][srn]> wow i accidentally put a wand of cancellation in my x sesison 18:58 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) bribed Baalzebub with 209 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:32476 19:02 <[Demo][srn]> why is ttyplay so shitty? 19:05 [Demo][srn]: are you familiar with the other ttyplayers? 19:05 myfavorite is still ipbt even though it's getting old 19:06 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Asmodeus, on T:32919 19:06 with termplay maybe as second choice 19:06 <[Demo][srn]> do either of them blow up your xsession if you accidentally try to play back a gzip compressed file with them? 19:06 ipbt has a number of annoying parsing bugs in, though 19:07 it definitely wouldn't blow up your xsession, though 19:07 it tends to notice very quickly if you give it something that isn't a ttyrec 19:07 jettyplay can play gzip-compressed files directly (bzip2, too) 19:08 although it's suffering from Java's steady breakage-over-time nowadays 19:08 <@Tone\ootc> jettyplay is what I use 19:08 <@Tone\ootc> I like how I can play frame by frame using the arrow keys in jettyplay 19:08 I like that jettyplay can play those input keys-enhanced ttyrecs 19:08 I need to rewrite it in libuncursed or something 19:08 if only the actual input key ttyrecs were common 19:08 <[Demo][srn]> i might use ur jettyplay then 19:08 <[Demo][srn]> just out of laziness 19:08 jettyplay is really overengineered, it's the project I practiced Java on back when I used to teach it 19:09 what are the most annoying ipbt parsing bugs? 19:09 I've never seen any obvious bugs when looking at ttyrecs but I don't think I really stress it with anything exotic 19:10 most annoying for me is that it parses 256-color codes but doesn't know how to render them 19:10 so they just come out in white 19:10 oh I see 19:10 even though many of those codes have a fallback to 16 colors 19:10 wait 19:10 which nethack support 256 colors 19:10 I wasn't using it for NetHack at the time 19:11 ipbt should be sufficient for NetHack as long as you didn't record on screen (maybe even then) 19:11 it may be that termrec recordings work and ttyrec recordings don't, termrec is better about storing relevant context in the recording 19:12 I don't care if jettyplay is overengineered, it works, and much better than ttyplay 19:12 I've usually used TERM=xterm when I've wanted least problematic output 19:12 I don't know if it's actually least problematic 19:12 had trouble with bot when TERM=screen 19:12 not sure what it does differently 19:12 TERM=xterm should be pretty good on the basis that most terminals pretend to be xterm regardless of whether or not they're actually compatible with it 19:13 so if they didn't understand at least its most common codes, the terminal developer would notice pretty quickly 19:13 also, a consequence of this is that the xterm terminfo entry is very generic and simple 19:13 at least on Linux (on some versions of BSD it apparently doesn't support color at all) 19:14 [hdf-us] [nh361] jmcunx (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 280 points, T:1022, killed by a gas spore's explosion 19:15 <[Demo][srn]> is jettyplay slow to read ttyrecs? 19:15 I think it reads them concurrently 19:15 i.e. you get to watch before the ttyrec has been completely parsed 19:16 it's been a long time since I looked at it last but going by my vague memory I think this is how it worked 19:16 <[Demo][srn]> ok so the fact that it keeps rapidly increasing the memory used number and nothing is happening means it isnt workng 19:17 if it's compressed it has to decompress it before it starts working 19:17 the memory used always increases rapidly until it hits some large number and then suddenly drops, that's just how Java workss 19:17 *works 19:17 you should add .zst compression support 19:17 but yes, jettyplay will read ttyrecs in the background apart from that 19:17 bring in the buzzword compliance of 2018 19:17 atm I only support uncompressed, zip and bzip2 19:17 <[Demo][srn]> how do i make it do what the s key does in view mode? 19:18 strip out unusal encodings? 19:18 there's an encoding submenu under the view menu that lets you set the encoding it expects 19:18 that's not 100% the same but close enough 19:18 <[Demo][srn]> the autodetect doesnt seem to work too well 19:18 some recordings are easier to detect than others 19:19 ttyrecs don't necessarily contain information that you'd expect them to, like encoding and terminal size 19:19 <[Demo][srn]> it only offers autodetect and latin-1 19:19 <[Demo][srn]> the other two are greyed out 19:19 UTF-8 being greyed out means that the recording isn't valid UTF-8 19:19 IBMgraphics/CP-437 shouldn't be greyed out though, unless the recording has an annotation in it stating that it's in UTF-8 19:20 <[Demo][srn]> https://i.imgur.com/RI0vPjP.png 19:20 that looks like IBMgraphics 19:20 <[Demo][srn]> well that option is greyed out 19:20 I wonder if this recording is in IBMgraphics but incorrectly claims to be in UTF-8 19:21 <[Demo][srn]> both utf8 and ibmgraphics are greyed out 19:21 Jettyplay won't override an encoding header 19:21 <[Demo][srn]> hmm 19:21 but it also won't decode invalid UTF-8 as UTF-8 for obvious reasons 19:21 <@Tone\ootc> ais523: By the way, yesterday was my first time playing NH4 and I think it's a really nice variant. I might start recommending it to new players over vanilla since the UI is friendlier. 19:22 <@Tone\ootc> I didn't realize it was mostly unchanged gameplay-wise 19:22 @Tone\ootc: that was the basic idea behind it 19:22 <[Demo][srn]> it breaks the interface 19:22 unfortunately I'm not convinced it's friendly /enough/, even though it's better 19:22 [Demo][srn]: you mean fixes the interface :-P 19:22 <[Demo][srn]> nitro interface is all weird and makes me feel confines 19:22 <[Demo][srn]> confined and theres lines and sharp rectangles and its horrible feeling 19:23 <[Demo][srn]> well ok ttyplay cant handle it either 19:23 <[Demo][srn]> im convinced ttyplay is malware 19:23 ttyplay is basically just cat with timing information 19:23 it uses your terminal to decode the ttyrec via literally sending the recorded terminal codes to it 19:24 this can go anywhere from "apparently looks fine" to "spectacularly broken" 19:24 btw, a real terminal can't handle IBMgraphics that claims to be UTF-8 either :-P 19:24 probably I should add a way to override encoding claims, though, but I doubt I'll do any more work on Jettyplay 19:24 <[Demo][srn]> so nethack4 is broken? 19:25 hmm, I wonder if this is a jettyplay bug 19:25 NH4 sends "please write Unicode" then tests to see if it worked 19:25 if it didn't, it sends "OK, ignore that, please interpret this as IBMgraphics instead" and sends IBMgraphics from then on 19:26 but maybe Jettyplay can't handle the encoding change 19:26 it's supposed to be able to, but that code path would have been rarely tested pre-NH4 so maybe it doesn't work 19:26 handle as in run everything through iconv? 19:26 that said, in that situation I would expect ttyplay to work if your terminal was the right size 19:27 zid: it has its own character decoding code 19:27 That sounds like a recipe for trouble :D 19:27 iconv doesn't work too well on ttyrecs because a) they contain a mix of text and binary and b) if you split them into frames first to avoid that, sometimes UTF-8 characters are split from one frame to the next 19:27 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 19:27 -!- Menche has quit [Killed (orwell.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 19:27 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 19:27 well you wouldn't just feed it a ttyrec no 19:28 does the ttyrec end up with telnet codes in it, out of interest? 19:28 no, telnet strips those out before ttyrec sees it (assuming you're playing locally) 19:28 the possible exception would be if you connect to a telnet-based server using netcat 19:28 but very few people do that, and I'm not convinced it'd even work 19:28 * ais523 tries 19:29 I don't think it does 19:29 it doesn't 19:29 dgamelaunch etc will hang not knowing your term size 19:29 beucase nethack wants to query the tty 19:29 and yes, dgl appeared to send some telnet codes and then hang 19:31 come to think of it, jettyplay probably doesn't have a proper Ecma-35 character set decoder 19:31 I wrote one of those very recently and it was quite complex, even though I only handled IBMgraphics, DECgraphics, Unicode, ASCII 19:32 I'd just use iconv :P 19:32 iconv doesn't work at all 19:32 ugh, I just pasted like the last screenful or so of IRC into bash 19:32 oh looks like it doesn't natively support dec/ibm 19:33 unless it does under a different name 19:33 like a CPnumbers 19:33 it supports IBMgraphics under CP437 19:33 the thing is, though, that DECgraphics works by repeatedly changing between multiple encodings 19:33 ah nice >_< 19:34 how does that work in practice, someone has to alert my terminal of the encoding change, and I don't recall that being in VT-100 or whatever.. 19:34 it's in Ecma-35, which Ecma-48 (i.e. VT-100 codes) references 19:35 the way Ecma-35 works is that the 256 possible octets are split into four regions (C0, G0, C1, G1) 19:35 each of which can have an encoding set individually 19:35 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 19:36 so for DECgraphics, for example, you normally put ASCII in G0 and the DEC special characters set in G1 19:36 ah I see it, ES CN, ESC O etc 19:37 the thing is, though, that most terminals try to interpret the high-bit-set octets (i.e. C1 and G1) as Unicode, so you do the switching either by putting DEC special characters into G0 temporarily, or by pretending to be a 7-bit connection sending codes to set and clear the top bit (i.e. the terminal equivalent of caps lock) 19:37 "The standard says that in 8-bit environments these two-byte sequences can be merged into single C1 control code in the 0x80–0x9F range.[14]:5.4.a However on modern devices those codes are often used for other purposes, such as parts of UTF-8 or for CP-1252 characters, so only the 2-byte sequence is used." 19:37 this means that there are at least three different ways to do DECgraphics, and all three are buggy on at least one terminal 19:38 It might be useful to just rip all this crap out of nethack, do everything in utf-8, and just have a style? 19:38 the decoder I had to write ended up having three different modes, one for a true Ecma-35 configuration, one for UTF-8, and one for single-byte character sets that were using C1 for additional characters even though Ecma-35 says they're not technically allowed to 19:38 style: box drawing, ascii, etc 19:38 oh, plenty of terminals don't handle UTF-8 correctly 19:38 just to add to the fun 19:38 <[Demo][srn]> yeah like gnome-terminal 19:39 I use Terminal it's my waifu 19:39 gnome-terminal's quite good at UTF-8, at least the simple cases 19:39 <[Demo][srn]> acutally wait it might have been vt-100 codes it was having issues with 19:39 <[Demo][srn]> nevermind 19:39 I mean terminals which try to interpret the input as single-byte no matter what 19:39 <[Demo][srn]> like flashes and beeps and stuff 19:39 gnome-terminal's main issue is echoing everything it doesn't understand 19:39 which makes autodetecting what it supports very easy, but means that basically nothing degrades gracefully 19:40 perhaps the best option would be a code to switch between echoing and swallowing of unknown codes 19:40 that way you could autodetect but also get graceful fallback (if swallowing was the default behaviour) 19:41 I kind of like the 'echo things you don't understand' thing, for some reasons 19:41 but not as someone who'd want to write a nethacky thing 19:41 it's better if you have a program communicating with the terminal that really knows what it's doing, but that isn't usually the case 19:41 you have to send a lot of cursor position requests to stay on the ball 19:42 oh because the garbage may have shifted the cursor around in unexpected ways? 19:42 well, it also screws with the screen 19:43 the cursor movement is the main method you have to figure out that it echoed 19:43 additionally, if you don't realise that that happened you'll start writing things in the wrong place 19:43 Burn it all. 19:43 We'll start over 19:43 I can't wait for the global nuclear war that EMPs all this awful tech 19:43 occasionally you can figure out whether codes are supported via other means, e.g. you can ask the terminal for palette entry 255 19:43 if you get a sensible response you'll know it supports 256-color mode 19:44 zid: I prefer incremental improvement to the scorched-earth approach 19:44 That's how you get into messes like this :p 19:45 someone incrementally improved ascii to dec, ascii to utf, vt-100 to vt-101, etc 19:45 it's become less of a mess quite recently for some reason 19:45 I have a feeling that someone other than me is going around to terminal manufacturers and bugging them to become more consistent with each other 19:46 also, there's UTF-1 which is consistent with Ecma-35 but nobody uses it, so you can go and blame whoever popularised UTF-8 instead for that particular mess 19:46 ais523: I dunno _how_ recently, but I think a lot of them are secretly the same under the hood 19:46 (I think UTF-1 was one of the earliest Unicode encodings – the name certainly implies that – but I hadn't heard of it at all until I started looking into this) 19:46 I'll be happy enough if the entire universe switches to utf-8 forever for all things 19:46 Pinkbeast: there are a lot of libvte-based terminals 19:46 afaik utf-8 even purposefully avoids 0xFF so that it goes over telnet transparently and other cool things 19:46 I stopped testing them individually after a while 19:53 [hdf-us] [fh] icebox (IceBox) (Val Dwa Fem Law) defeated the high priest of Moloch, on T:49349 19:59 "I wonder what Terminal uses, I'll just update my VM real quick then poke around", 107 updates to go :P 20:13 -!- greqrg_ has joined #hardfought 20:17 -!- greqrg has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:57 [hdf-us] [fh] Nu (krm26) (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:17816 21:14 -!- tacco| has quit [] 21:25 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 2438 points, T:2534, killed by a kitten, while fainted from lack of food 21:36 man, I'm not a fan of how rgrn YANI threads are like: "Here's a cool new idea X!" "Slash'EM has Y, which is a little bit like X, so this idea isn't original and we shouldn't discuss it!" 21:44 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 21:48 <[Demo][srn]> haha 21:49 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:14 [hdf-us] [gh] antigulp (Wiz Elf Fem Neu), 337 points, T:484, killed by an orcish wererat 22:24 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 22:33 [hdf-us] [gh] antigulp (Mon Hum Fem Law), 758 points, T:1461, killed by a potion of acid 22:35 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:33611 22:42 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:47 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 22:49 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 22:53 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pimpus (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 5287 points, T:4321, killed by a fire ant 22:56 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 23:03 [hdf-us] [nh361] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 540173 points, T:34703, killed by Vlad the Impaler 23:12 <@Tone\ootc> 😦 23:14 -!- greqrg_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:16 does splat have the vlad death yet? 23:17 and I just realized that sentence makes absolutely zero sense out of context :D 23:19 <[Demo][srn]> splat has it all 23:20 <[Demo][srn]> so does ootc 23:20 <[Demo][srn]> im not sure how to do a quick asmo 23:29 Dig. 23:29 <@IceBox> for 23:29 I can clear castle in 2k turns, after that it's just wishing for some armour to do votd and digging a bit more 23:30 <@IceBox> ah you were supposed to say "victory" it's cool we'll get it next time 23:47 "Vlad is known to be weak. Giving Vlad an automatic cursed scroll of teleport would encourage using creative solutions to defeat him, because otherwise you would have to track him through the entire dungeon." 23:47 bwahahahahaha I'm sure that sounded like a good idea back in 2006 23:51 okay like 5 hours later, I checked, xfce4-terminal does infact use vte