00:02 I thought it was really hard to get +5 in vanilla? and that's why most people try for 2 or 3? 00:02 yep 00:03 soooo how does it benefit to wish for it and only get +0 and have to enchant? 00:03 in grunthack always wish for +5 00:03 hey you might get lucky :P 00:03 it is just about whether you focus solely on the wish itself, or rather on the effort required to enchant it to max 00:03 reason: you'll probably get cancelled anyways, so go big while you can and wish for dragonhide where you can 00:03 that's awesome. I just noticed that he was playing 3.4.3. Wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something 00:03 it's no different between Grunt and vanilla in that regard 00:04 if you want to enchant big, go for shirts and armour first 00:04 even though i only got +5 on one of the items i wished for, i'm still AC -42 00:04 as cancellation will not penetrate your cloak afaik 00:04 so, I got for a T-shirt of brilliance +5 00:05 yeah, but in vanilla you probably WON'T get cancelled asking for +2. I've never played Grunthack 00:05 I'm very excited to be trying all these games now though! Really enjoying xnethack so far 00:05 go for not got, but yes I've gotten a +5 dragonhide T-shirt of reflection before 00:06 woot, potion of holy water 00:06 ok, back to the demon party 00:07 stupid grimtooth 00:07 just missed the orb twice 00:08 ahh from bones? 00:08 nope 00:11 3.6.1 seems to have more shopkeeper names 00:12 Like, there is "Gyantse", which is taken from a place in Tibet 00:12 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:41290 00:12 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:41302 00:13 You read: "Luck of the Grasshopper... NOT!". 00:13 on a grave 00:13 lol 00:13 :) 00:13 !who 00:13 Grassy: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] noty [spl] IceBox [fh] k2 [gh] Tarmunora [dnh] monstergrin [dnh] hypnotist [nh361] bouquet [nh361] 00:13 Grassy: [hdf-eu] zid [nh343] 00:13 Grassy: [hdf-au] andypea [nh361] 00:13 ah fiqhack-ing 00:14 no grunt 00:14 grunting 00:14 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) had Excalibur thrown at him by some watery tart, on T:3402 00:14 hah ^ 00:16 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:22 dragonbane woo 00:22 and grayswandir at least 00:28 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:42001 00:34 ah, Gyantse has a health food store 00:34 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 00:35 at the soko entrance level, good idea 00:35 turn 39942, ring of levitation 00:36 \o/ 00:39 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:40 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:42662 00:40 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:42663 00:45 TIL gain level raises your hp/pw 00:45 even at level 30 00:49 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) entered Gehennom for the first time, on T:40074 00:54 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:6539 01:03 [hdf-us] [nh343] dizzylizzy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 33581 points, T:10895, killed by an ettin mummy 01:04 what a stinky dumdum 01:04 K2 I didn't find my first blindfold until turn 42000ish 01:07 ;) 01:08 Haha, massive unnethack pet shop 01:08 ...when I'm XP1 and I'm on Dlvl 2 01:08 all the figurines are appropriate for that, grid bugs and jackals 01:10 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 01:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 01:12 Elronnd\srn: Still here? 01:13 Never mind, I'll be back in 30 minutes. 01:19 hmm 01:19 about to explore gehennom and i forgot to fooproof my BoH 01:19 will need to be careful 01:19 no more ?oEW 01:19 and no marker 01:20 -!- NeroOneTrueOOTC has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:20 -!- NeroOneTrueOOTC has joined #hardfought 01:21 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9947 01:24 found a marker! 01:26 [hdf-us] [un] dizzylizzy (Ran Gno Fem Neu), 2865 points, T:2419, killed by a snake, while reading a book 01:27 why does nethack hate reading 01:29 zid: nice farm you got there :) 01:29 This is gonna be a bitchin' game 01:38 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:41521 01:40 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:41573 01:41 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has joined #hardfought 01:52 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:42284 01:54 [hdf-us] [nh13d] dizzylizzy (Elf Mal), 125 points, T:175, imp 01:55 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:42382 02:01 !tell rikersan\srn well dnhslex's repository is public, all Chris would have to do is take a look at the various commits that I authored, but if he doesn' 02:01 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 02:01 !tell rikersan\srn t do that, well, I dunno... 02:01 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 02:02 !tell bhaak you really should have admitted dnhslex into the tournament, seeing as regular dnethack is rather crashy right now, including having crashes that dnhslex fixed :P 02:02 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 02:03 and I will also reiterate that overzealous savegame deletion and savegame corruption are the work of SATAN and need to die in a fire :P 02:04 !tell Chris_ANG Please stop treating dnhslex as if it was the plague and pull my bugfixes. Thanks! :) 02:04 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 02:06 hi 02:06 Hello bug_sniper, Welcome to #hardfought 02:07 AmyBSOD\srn, in slex, I sacrificed something and the altar turned lawful. I'm chaotic. 02:07 I might have angered my god too 02:09 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:42721 02:09 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) picked up the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:42721 02:19 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:42957 02:19 !tell AntiGulp sea horses spawn on land. also, a merfolk spawned hostile, i killed it, it counted as murder 02:19 Will do, noty! 02:21 argh I forgot to rewield magicbane after wielding (and dropping) a pickaxe, and was bashing at it ineffectively with my bare hands 02:22 bug_sniper: yeah that can happen; if "the altar rotates", that does not anger your god. 02:22 I'd say my fingers twitch to "wield 'a'" what could best be described as *obessively* 02:22 rotating altars? 02:22 that sounds like it should only be a hallucination effect 02:23 yasi: allow any slashem extended monster to spawn in regular nethack during hallucinations 02:24 as in, you're really fighting it 02:25 and if you die, you instead get shocked back to your senses and wake up 02:27 sheesh, Chris really didn't pull the bugfix at all... just looked at his code and the old bug is still there 02:27 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 02:27 which means that whenever you get a segfault, there's a chance for the entire game to go to savegame corruption hell 02:28 if I had such a bug in slex, everyone and their mother would be bugging me until I fixed it :P 02:29 !tell Chris_ANG *Please* pull https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/commit/3bf646a47afe6c1d2a9e77c952456b24eee64ecd to fix that corruption-on-recovery bug. If you don't, dnethack segfaults will be a roll of the dice. Will your game recover successfully or be doomed to savegame corruption hell? If it decides to do the latter, there's nothing the player can do. 02:29 Will do, AmyBSOD\srn! 02:34 there goes our clan score... congratulations elenmirie\splat 02:34 Thanks Amy! 02:35 do you have a "turn off annoying real life" switch that allows you to have enough time to ascend so many times? I want one of those too :D 02:35 <@luxidream> amy are there shopping carts in slex 02:36 <@luxidream> black market needs them 02:36 heh, not currently 02:37 hehe, Amy, not really, more like a "stay up way too late" switch :) 02:38 yeah I do so too, but it's not such a good idea if I have to get up at 6:10 AM the next day 02:38 no, it isn't! and yet we do it anyway... 02:41 <@luxidream> isn't it earlier for you non-US people? 02:41 <@luxidream> I'm really staying up late here lol 02:41 Junethack: elenmirie ascended a game of NetHack4 on eu.hardfought.org! 02:42 it's now close to 9 AM for me 02:42 it is early now, but I stayed up too late since june started :) 03:05 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:15895 03:12 [hdf-us] [dyn] Hanged Man (Luxidream) (Con Hum Mal Cha), 107279 points, T:45504, killed by a marilith 03:55 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:02 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 04:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 04:23 Damn, my titan got ported out. 04:33 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 04:38 Evil Patch idea for 3.6.x: the High Priest of Moloch can offer the amulet of Yendor to Moloch and end the game. This causes the player character to die instantly even with life saving, of course. 04:38 Because Moloch then becomes so powerful that he instantly goes ahead and snuffs out the life of everyone who isn't a follower of him. 05:04 -!- farfar has joined #hardfought 05:14 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 05:24 Reflection doesn't work against lightning in Un/Dyna? 05:25 I got totally wrecked by my own resurrected pet electric dragon. 05:30 IIRC it's only dyna where it got changed, but I might be mistaken 05:44 [hdf-us] [xnh] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 9146 points, T:11424, killed by a blue jelly 06:04 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:23 -!- Tangles_ has joined #hardfought 06:23 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles_] by ChanServ 06:23 [hdf-us] [nh343] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 10782 points, T:6029, killed by a werewolf 06:24 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:51 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:59 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:16 <@Winsalot> AmyBSOD\srn: btw my Burninator Diver never died. He quit. He continues his life in the surface world, telling the stories of slex horrors to his children. Eventually he will die of old age, but he will aleays live in my heart. I think it's beautiful. 07:16 @Winsalot: aww I hoped you'd continue that run :( 07:26 <[Demo][srn]> slex kills 07:40 lol, can't believe I just got a fountain wish 07:40 didn't get +5 though :C 07:49 -!- APic has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:51 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 07:54 hi 07:54 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 07:55 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:00 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +5 dragonhide t-shirt of clairvoyance", on T:43040 08:01 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed magic marker", on T:43041 08:01 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "uncursed fixed magic marker", on T:43041 08:03 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +3 thirsty silver katana", on T:43042 08:04 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed magic marker", on T:43043 08:07 goodbye 08:07 ;) 08:08 where ya goin? 08:08 was testing Beholder 08:08 lol 08:08 hah 08:09 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 163898 points, T:40705, petrified by a chickatrice 08:20 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 647 points, T:1860, killed by a gnome lord 08:23 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 08:33 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 13520 points, T:13188, poisoned by a soldier ant 08:34 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Geryon, on T:43599 08:44 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 1059 points, T:2867, killed by a crossbow bolt 08:45 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:43855 08:50 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:00 smoky polymorph :-) 09:00 Junethack: New user wierton registered! https://junethack.net/user/wierton 09:05 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Mal Law), 685 points, T:2124, killed by a giant bat 09:09 Junethack: New user farfar registered! https://junethack.net/user/farfar 09:10 Status of Demogorgon (chaotic): Level 50 HP 6(200) AC -17, can't move. 09:10 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Demogorgon, on T:44462 09:25 \o/ 09:26 the Bell of Opening is apparently not magical 09:45 that feeling when a chameleon transforms into a master lich and almost ruins your day in sokoban 09:55 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45108 09:55 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45111 09:55 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) picked up the Book of the Dead, on T:45112 10:00 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:02 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) performed the Invocation, on T:45438 10:03 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45453 10:08 Junethack: Achievement "Sightseeing Tour" unlocked by Tangles! 10:10 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45565 10:14 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 458 points, T:1196, killed by a gnome 10:16 FIQ: How can I find the location of the magic chest in Minetown? 10:17 I don't see anything in mines.des... 10:17 If it's the same as in Fourk, there should be a ( on the map. 10:18 I see no such thing 10:18 This is Grotto Town, and there *is* a line OBJECT: '(', "chest", (73,19) 10:18 but there's no similar chest for the other minetowns 10:19 That is probably just a regular chest. 10:20 Unless fh is doing something _very_ different. 10:20 Yeah, since grotto town does already have that. 10:21 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the elven high priestess of Moloch, on T:45644 10:21 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) picked up the Amulet of Yendor, on T:45646 10:23 NOOOOO there's not even one unlocking tool in the tool shop! 10:23 oh wait, credit card, just kidding 10:24 I wonder what APR Stewe offers... 10:28 ring of protection (wooden) 10:28 uh-oh :P 10:34 [hdf-us] [nh343] dizzylizzy (Pri Hum Fem Cha), 618 points, T:903, killed by a system shock 10:35 FIQ: Why does it say "You hear bubbling water. There must be a fountain on the level." after I've already discovered two fountains on my own? 10:36 jonadab: For the record, the magic chest is just to the left of the minetown altar in grotto town. 10:40 [hdf-us] [nh13d] dizzylizzy (Fig Mal), 100 points, T:223, the ghost of rustmonster 10:44 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 10:44 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 10:45 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:46527 10:47 [hdf-us] [un] dizzylizzy (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 796 points, T:630, killed by a gnome 10:48 Voltaire should hit me up for writing a story about how much of a DISASTER that was 10:48 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 24 points, T:27, killed by a sewer rat 10:48 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:46775 10:49 What wouuld you guys say is the best race for a wizard? 10:50 human because neutral, same as all classes :P 10:50 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:4798 10:50 [hdf-us] [un] dizzylizzy (Bar Orc Fem Cha) shouted "What is this system s'posed to even do!!", on T:432 10:50 elven 10:50 Whoaaaaa 10:50 elf is 2nd best 10:50 boost to int and wis 10:50 that's bananas 10:51 because chaotic 10:53 Thanks 10:53 aosdict\ito: That's where it is in Fourk. 10:54 jonadab: Little weird that it doesn't appear in the des file anywhere. 10:55 -!- MisteryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:56 <@kritixilithos> zid: I feel chaotic makes elf easier 10:56 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has joined #hardfought 10:57 <@kritixilithos> well s/easier/better/ 10:57 chaotic only gets you mkot 10:57 but loses you eyes/eye/orb 10:57 eyes are less important on a wizard, though, I still love them though 10:58 as a n00b, any tips for a player who just started? :P 10:58 <@kritixilithos> well you get the eye anyways (in case of wizard) 10:58 yea, use diagonals to walk, eat everything that is edible, learn how fast various monsters are - you can often hit them entirely for free 10:59 ah okey 10:59 farfar: Play as a dwarven valk, the have the easiest time 10:59 Pavel\ito: thx! 11:00 Quaff from all the fountains in the first few levels, this will cause you to die a lot but eventually you'll get lucky and get a wish. 11:00 yea, any valk is stronk 11:00 at which point you should wish for blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail 11:00 Or gray dragon scale mail 11:01 nope, silver 11:01 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law), 1747 points, T:5894, killed by a raven 11:01 <@kritixilithos> and rub any lamps you see, could be a magic lamp giving you a wish 11:01 at which point, you should renounce playing dwarf, play human, and wish for the eyes of the overworld ;) 11:01 A lot of people prefer MR to reflection 11:01 yes, but sdsm is special 11:01 farfar: Pavel\ito's advice for fountain spamming is bad and does not help you learn how to play effectively 11:01 it's reflection that survives polytraps also 11:02 which are the main reasons to have MR 11:02 <@kritixilithos> I always play as wiz so gdsm is useless to me :P 11:02 late-game gearsets almost always include SDSM 11:02 and it feels baaad to wish up gsm twice 11:03 aosdict\ito: 0/10 fountain quaffing has gotten me much farther than what some might call "playing sensibly" has. 11:03 Pavel\ito: It also builds up expectations that you should be getting at least one wish in the early game, which is not the case 11:04 <@kritixilithos> aosdict\ito: "does not help you learn how to play effectively" that's why I give up on early lucky wishes, I grew to dependent on them 11:04 fountain quaffing is metagaming, sacrificing dozens of characters until you get the one that receives a wish 11:04 aosdict\ito: It does in Fourk. 11:04 <@kritixilithos> I grew too depeendent on sdsm, and that's why my best games are with early wishes 11:04 Eh, they ususally survive until the next fountain if you follow the "Run away in a straight line" tactic 11:04 that said, I fountain quaff with characters that are going badly already, because why not? 11:05 FIQ: Huh? Wearing an identified amulet versus poison doesn't show me as having poison immunity? 11:05 aosdict\ito: oh I'd be interested in seeing what you think of FIQhack's poison resistance, I have very negative experiences with it 11:05 negative as in "wth I still lose strength when eating poisonous corpses despite the resistance" 11:05 I've found that rubbing every lamp you see doesn't help you survive at allll. Especially as a human, a magic lamp's infinite light source is SO much more useful than an early wish 11:05 AmyBSOD\srn: Well I already got burned once this game by doing just that 11:06 But if you're going to have partial resistances, stuff like that has to be expected 11:06 aosdict\ito: ah, so it's indeed not just me seeing things, it's a reality :( 11:06 wondering whether you really need double poison resistance to be immune to the stOOpid strength loss 11:06 "The giant mimic mimics a chicken for the moment!" wut? is that the mimic equivalent of turning to flee? 11:07 aosdict\ito: good to know 11:07 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 11:08 [hdf-us] [nh361] SkydiveMike (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 1797 points, T:3890, killed by a water demon 11:11 AmyBSOD\srn: I've only come across one object property so far, thirstiness on a stack of daggers. It's been pretty great. 11:11 I suspect nerfing resistances 11:12 Should probably have to also involve nerfing the things the resistances are to. 11:12 aosdict\ito: hopefully the enemies won't figure out that they can throw them back ;) 11:12 > Blecch! Rotten food! You feel healthy. 11:12 Because a lot of Nethack is "have a resistance or instantly die horribly" 11:12 FIQ: feature request: object properties in encyclopedia 11:13 ahh, the wonderful world of a 343 variant soko zoo 11:13 Lymia: slex will do the great in/extrinsic split in a future version and it will be great, in fact it'll set a gold standard for all other variants, even those that currently already have such a mechanic, because slex will do it better!!!!!!!!oneoneone 11:14 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:47303 11:14 rip free lv1 instrinsic MR 11:14 :P 11:14 hey, you'll still have that MR as an angel, it will just no longer be that powerful, but it'll still prevent death rays from killing you instantly 11:14 sokobag 11:14 nice 11:15 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) made his first wish - "Blessed Fixed Greased +2 Silver Dragon Scale Mail named Fountain Quaffing is Great", on T:773 11:17 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:19 !tell FIQ the magic chest in Sokoban still shows up as "empty" even though I had filled the Minetown one with loot in the meantime 11:19 Will do, aosdict\ito! 11:20 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 11:20 maybe it IS empty... until you open it! 11:20 dun dun DUNNN 11:21 don't want to mix up your stuff with other spelunkers' stuff... maybe it's fingerprint-activated and only opens the proper wormhole when you touch it 11:23 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1447 points, T:1586, killed by a soldier ant 11:24 aosdict\ito: Please fix badfruit error 11:24 what? 11:24 The one where at the end of the game it repeatedly prints Bad fruit #1? 11:25 -!- nooodle has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:25 I can't reproduce anything like that 11:25 I get it a lot 11:26 is it only in games where you have loaded bones? 11:26 Doesn't seem to be 11:28 Also, the termrec seems hella broken 11:28 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2v5dm5ux/image.png 11:29 almost certainly a curses thing 11:29 curses really is an apt name, isn't it 11:29 curse the curses interface! :D 11:30 How did the *termrec* die 11:30 probably because it's using weird escape codes or something? 11:31 <@Winsalot> AmyBSOD\srn: I have a staircase inside a shop 11:31 -!- lorimer has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:31 Go down the stairs, obviously 11:31 @Winsalot: great! shoplifting made easy! :) 11:32 <@Winsalot> will shopkeeper get angry? 11:32 yes, if you leave the shop with unpaid goods he will 11:35 <@kritixilithos> :o what if the shop continues to the upstairs 11:36 That's a cool idea 11:38 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) entered the planes, on T:48905 11:38 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:48905 11:41 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 11:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 11:42 FIQ: wargs look radioactive haha 11:47 Shopkeepers are for murdering. 11:47 :o 11:48 <@Winsalot> How smart would it be to enchant heavy iron ball? 11:48 except that one guy who's cool because he can price id my goods. 11:48 @Winsalot: hmm... it does d24 base damage, so if you have the flail skill and enough carry capacity to use it, I guess it can be useful 11:48 AmyBSOD\srn: do you know whether fiqhack bags of tricks are supposed to produce tame monsters 11:48 <@Winsalot> Yeah, and it's badass 11:49 aosdict\ito: FIQhack changes quite some things about monster summoning, but so far I only knew that the scroll of create monster became a scroll of summoning that creates temporary pets 11:49 maybe bags of tricks are the same now 11:49 looks like this altar is useless then till I find a ring of slow digestion and can wait for normal spawns 11:50 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 1089 points, T:2015, killed by a dwarf, while unconscious from rotten food 11:50 I mean, I can sacrifice food, but the lack of hungerless casting means I want to keep all the food I can get 11:57 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Pestilence, on T:49378 12:01 time for a break 12:01 ;) 12:01 K2: how many ascensions within 24 hours will splat get this time? :D 12:02 1 billion dollars 12:03 muhahahaha 12:03 * K2 puts his pinky finger to the edge of his mouth 12:03 I saw someone stockpiling games 12:03 cheating bastards 12:03 (aka using strategy) 12:03 heh 12:07 aosdict\ito: you can also sacrifice gold 12:07 FIQ: Message from aosdict\ito at 2018-06-07 11:19 EDT: the magic chest in Sokoban still shows up as "empty" even though I had filled the Minetown one with loot in the meantime 12:11 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 12:19 -!- Muad\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:20 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 135 points, T:70, killed by a water demon 12:21 <@Winsalot> Wtf is this rng 12:21 <@Winsalot> Every second level is maze 12:21 <@Winsalot> and then there are sokoban levels in dungeons of doom 12:21 @Winsalot: can you ctrl-X? 12:21 what are you playing? 12:21 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 50 points, T:90, killed by a wand 12:21 <@Winsalot> Oh 12:21 ah, specialist hybrid race 12:22 <@Winsalot> I was hybrid all along πŸ˜ƒ 12:22 <@Winsalot> what is my diagnosis? 12:22 the random unwanted hybrid races are a bug and can be deactivated in the next version, but unfortunately not in this one :( 12:22 <@Winsalot> How bad is it? 12:22 specialist means that random filler levels are replaced with completely random special levels 12:22 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 18 points, T:73, killed by a newt, while frozen by a potion 12:22 <@Winsalot> not too bad 12:22 <@Winsalot> also, if random hybrid races will be disabled, how will curses users even play hybrid races? 12:23 <@Winsalot> Please add this to next patch as well 12:23 you can already choose the hybrid races you want by adding them to the rcfile! 12:23 OPTIONS=hybridspecialist for example 12:23 <@Winsalot> I tried 12:23 oh, and it doesn't work? 12:23 <@Winsalot> I dont think it worked in curses 12:23 damn 12:23 <@Winsalot> maybe I just set the wrong options 12:23 wait, I'll test it with my account 12:24 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 324 points, T:160, killed by a kobold lord 12:24 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 4 points, T:35, killed by a water moccasin 12:25 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:21, killed by a djinni 12:25 boo 12:26 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 174 points, T:318, killed by a falling rock 12:27 @Winsalot: it works for me 12:27 <@Winsalot> oh 12:28 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 181 points, T:190, killed by a gas cloud 12:28 <@Winsalot> Amy wtf is this room I am? 12:29 an egg room; they'll hatch if you don't prevent it 12:29 <@Winsalot> hatch into what? 12:29 random oviparous monsters, probably 12:31 <@Winsalot> if they hatch while in my inventory, will they be tame? 12:32 anyone knows how to configure marathon mode in splicehack? 12:32 @Winsalot: 50% chance if you're male and carrying the egg when it hatches 12:32 and 100% if it's a dragon egg, regardless of your gender 12:32 <@Winsalot> And If im female? 12:33 then the non-dragon eggs have little to no chance of spawning tame 12:33 <@Winsalot> wtf 12:33 <@Winsalot> how does this work? 12:33 how does what work? 12:35 <@Winsalot> shouldn't being female and having motherly instincts increase the chance of tame monsters hatching from eggs? 12:36 what about fathering instincts? 12:36 it's more about game balance than reality 12:36 @Winsalot: they probably know that you're not their mother 12:36 female heroes usually poly into female monsters and only female monsters can ay eggs 12:36 lay 12:36 Illfated: A challenge mode where the dungeon difficulty is automatically upped by 50. 12:37 but this avoids the reality that they needed to find a mate, we have just ignored that 12:37 well, NH has ignored it 12:38 Dlvl:1 $:0 HP:999(999) Pw:2(2) AC:6 Xp:1/0 T:1 12:38 its on :v 12:38 who allows such a cheater mode to be played in the tournament? :P 12:39 i don't know yet if its cheater mode or not 12:39 its not straightforward 12:42 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:43 thankfully there is a wiki page for splicehack 12:43 <@Winsalot> Anything good in Sea brantch> 12:43 @Winsalot: it didn't generate in your game, it got replaced with a random special level 12:43 that said, there wouldn't have been trophies there anyway 12:44 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 12:44 <@Winsalot> Oh 12:44 <@Winsalot> Is it also single level brantch> 12:44 <@Winsalot> ? 12:44 yeah 12:51 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 12:52 -!- dizzylizzy\ito has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:58 -!- Muad has joined #hardfought 13:02 [hdf-us] [nh361] TLar (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 108 points, T:409, killed by a boiling potion 13:15 -!- dizzylizzy\ito has joined #hardfought 13:15 -!- Borto has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:19 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 13:22 Slash'EM Extended updated (all servers) 13:23 K2: unfortunately, it seems it doesn't start on eu! 13:23 Program initialization has failed. Report this error to Amy (Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki) so it can be fixed. You can also contact the admins on the #em.slashem.me IRC channel (Freenode) Report error to "wizard". CANNOT OPEN QUEST TEXT FILE quest.dat. 13:23 same error on us 13:24 i get a different error 13:24 Cannot open dungeon description - "dungeon" from "nhshare" file! 13:24 didn't we have that error once already? 13:24 you hopefully used the slexjunethack222 branch? 13:25 i may have to do a full compile and not just an update 13:25 this will take a few min 13:25 because the current master branch is the savebreaking 2.23 13:25 i'm not on master branch 13:25 i checked out slexjunethack222 13:26 ah, and you're on commit 894eacb? 13:26 commit 894eacb8377918cce3c1052d1aa319e35de3b31e 13:26 Author: AmyBSOD 13:26 Date: Wed Jun 6 19:34:20 2018 +0200 13:26 The Amy is the antichrist :D 13:26 yep that's the one :D 13:26 it was just one file that updated 13:26 yeah 13:27 i have noticed that with your variant, i sometimes have to make clean and recompile from scratch to get a working build 13:27 Junethack: New user MintChip registered! https://junethack.net/user/MintChip 13:27 huh, weird 13:27 and the list of warning during compile is massive 13:28 [hdf-us] [nh361] dracunos (Val Dwa Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping 7 daggers on an altar, on T:6744 13:28 you should probably try to clean those up at some point before adding anything else new 13:29 just noticing... there are no more travis builds being made by github for slex? 13:29 is that because of their "end of an era"??? 13:29 bbl, food is ready 13:30 Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.2.2 (894eacb) - last build Thu Jun 7 13:25:46 2018. 13:30 ^ hdf-us 13:30 yeah full recompile 13:39 EU and AU servers re-updated also (finally) 13:41 <@escargott'em> 3.6.1-hdf doesn't support menucolors? 13:41 it should 13:41 it certainly does 13:42 <@escargott'em> It's not working and there's no errors either, I just copied it over 13:42 @escargott'em whats your username when playing? 13:42 [hdf-us] [nh343] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 5917 points, T:4590, killed by an exploding wand 13:42 @escargott'em whats your username when playing? 13:43 and which server 13:44 menucolors should work if set up correctly in the rc file. 13:44 Except in 1.3d of course. 13:44 thats what i want to check 13:44 (And Zap'M.) 13:44 need a username ;) 13:44 Right. 13:47 <@escargott'em> https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dracunos/nh361/dracunos.nh361rc 13:47 <@escargott'em> Found it.. Sorry, at work 13:47 thx 13:47 no prob 13:48 I forget, are there other variants that have derived undead? 13:48 Chris_ANG: Message from @rikersan\srn at 2018-06-06 18:42 EDT: I thought you fixed hte overzealous save deletion :/ 13:48 Chris_ANG: Message from AmyBSOD\srn at 2018-06-07 02:04 EDT: Please stop treating dnhslex as if it was the plague and pull my bugfixes. Thanks! :) 13:48 Chris_ANG: Message from AmyBSOD\srn at 2018-06-07 02:29 EDT: *Please* pull https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/commit/3bf646a47afe6c1d2a9e77c952456b24eee64ecd to fix that corruption-on-recovery bug. If you don't, dnethack segfaults will be a roll of the dice. Will your game recover successfully or be doomed to savegame corruption hell? If it decides to do the latter, there's nothing the player can do. 13:49 @escargott'em - try adding OPTIONS=menucolors to your cfg 13:49 Chris_ANG: fiqhack 13:49 FIQ: Are werewolves drain resistant? 13:49 Ok, thought so. 13:49 <@escargott'em> Oh yeah, haha, thanks 13:49 I guess they are, monster lookup says that 13:50 I made a derived undead wiki page, with space for other variants (https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Derived_undead) 13:50 also, see https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/nh361/k2.nh361rc for some examples. mine definitely works 13:52 <@escargott'em> It's good, thanks k2 13:52 "The large cat eats a leprechaun corpse. The large cat suddenly disappears!" 13:52 fiqhack problems 13:52 glad to help. have fun ;) 13:52 <@escargott'em> I guess I copied it over but didn't see the options line hidden in there 13:56 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 1442 points, T:2170, killed by a dwarf king 14:01 K2: thanks for updating, it works now :P (and I accidentally froze my terminal...) 14:01 err I wanted to use :D 14:04 Note: GitHub Services are being deprecated. Please contact your integrator for more information on how to migrate or replace a service with webhooks or GitHub Apps. 14:05 this sounds bad... 14:05 Oh joy. 14:05 no wonder the travis service is no longer working 14:05 <@kritixilithos> cough microsoft cough 14:06 Junethack: New user leviyatan registered! https://junethack.net/user/leviyatan 14:06 move to gitlab? 14:07 dunno 14:07 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 14:08 AmyBSOD\srn: "pull my bugfixes" she says. Maybe if they were in pull requests like normal people.... :P 14:09 (I have you set up as a remote now, so I can cherry pick off your branch) 14:09 *branches 14:09 uhh, pull requests are so complicated, they require me to clone the entire repo just for a single change! or is there an easier way? 14:10 @Winsalot: wtf you died??? how did that happen? 14:11 [hdf-us] [fh] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 21805 points, T:1126, killed by a dwarf queen 14:14 <@Winsalot> Blood dragon fucked me up 14:15 <@Winsalot> After I levelported to DL50 πŸ˜ƒ 14:15 oh, banishment? 14:15 <@Winsalot> by reading some scroll 14:15 warping probably 14:15 which is basically a scroll of "banish the reader" 14:15 AmyBSOD\srn: No clue, actually. Looks like it can be handled in a browser fairly easily? 14:16 Doesn't actually matter too much anymore, since I added your repo as a remote. 14:17 ah, how do you do that? I might want to add other repos as remote to my own ones too but have no idea how 14:17 I can now see your branches in my Visualize All Branch History view, which lets me easily cherry pick commits. 14:17 git remote add NAME URL 14:18 For example 14:18 git remote add dnhslex https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex.git 14:18 ah nice! thanks! 14:18 * AmyBSOD\srn writes it down 14:19 After doing that you have to restart your Git Gui (if it's open) so that it notices the new remote. 14:19 alright 14:20 Then fetch from that remote, after which the remote's branches should show up when you Visualize. 14:20 and is there also a way to set the default branch to compare my own to? like, I have "devel-3.15.2" as my default branch in dnhslex, but I'll probably want to pull 3.16.0 eventually 14:20 and then I need to set it up so that by default, it tries to compare against dNAO 3.16.0 14:20 UnNetHack updated (all servers) 14:23 Hm. Not sure. 14:24 [hdf-us] [fh] Lews Therin Telamon (aosdictj) (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 55119 points, T:12103, killed by an ogre lady, while praying 14:24 what 14:24 Probably when you switch to 3.16.0 it will change automatically. 14:24 anhur was pleased with me 14:24 Chris_ANG: ah, good :) 14:25 It probably compares like branches to each-other by default. 14:25 FIQ: You shouldn't misdirect players by giving them a message that their god is pleased with them and then have their prayer fail. 14:26 * aosdict\ito starts grunthack game, finds an apron of POWER in the second room 14:28 K2: does gh have statuscolors? 14:28 yes 14:28 any examples I could steal? yours? 14:28 they all do save 1.3d and zapm 14:28 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 14:28 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:28 yes go ahead 14:28 oh right 14:28 lemme find it 14:29 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/gh/k2.ghrc 14:35 [hdf-us] [gh] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1805 points, T:2306, killed by a dwarvish soldier 14:39 don't you just love it when the first words spoken to you in the dungeon are "Velkommen, scum." 14:40 "You see on Massis: an orcish helm (being worn) priced at 17 zorkmids" 14:40 his hat is for sale? 14:43 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 14:47 [hdf-us] [un] rebatela (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1652 points, T:2068, killed by a giant spider 14:48 aosdict\ito: Everything is for sale if you're rich enough 14:53 K2: I did not know up till now that gh pets will happily pick up and carry around cursed items 14:53 now I have cursed =oTele 14:54 hmm 14:54 i didnt know that either 14:55 i dont usually start with a pet 14:55 argh it doesn't render the : 14:55 #shout wtf is a slex 14:55 !whereis AmyBSOD 14:55 AmyBSOD\srn: [hdf-us] AmyBSOD is not currently playing on this server. 14:55 AmyBSOD\srn: [hdf-eu] AmyBSOD [slex]: (Ran Anc Mal Cha) T:32343 Fort Ludios level: 24 14:55 K2: I have a 300 zorkmid ring, but because _that_ might be cursed polymorph, I don't want to wear it. 14:56 right now I'm sitting in a vault watching my alignment go down the toilet as I wait to be randomly teleported again 14:58 I guess that is one thing I should't eat :D 14:58 jackals are fine to eat, just make sure to eat 'em fresh 14:59 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 32660 points, T:4569, killed by an elf zombie 15:02 Muad: GO TEAM TIN 15:03 being improved tin openers does not mean we have to try to tin the Riders! 15:03 [hdf-us] [nh361] dracunos (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:8525 15:03 yes pls do not tin the things 15:04 [hdf-us] [nh361] SkydiveMike (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 807 points, T:3159, killed by a giant bat 15:05 <+aosdict\ito> K2: I did not know up till now that gh pets will happily pick up and carry around cursed items 15:05 i've played a fair amount of gh and have never seen this 15:05 possibly because pets always die almost immediately 15:05 hah 15:05 well I was stealing rings from a shop via pet, and it was one of the rings he brought out 15:05 maybe he cursed it 15:06 and then my pet starved to feralness while I was sitting in the vault, so yeah, they die fast :-) 15:06 usually the zombies get them 15:06 yisss use that dead cockatrice babyyy 15:07 ugh, THIS is why xnethack exploding doors only happen deep in the dungeon 15:07 in my gnome healer ascension, i had a pet for a long time, then i threw it tripe and it choked to death 15:07 also, pls levitate, falling while wielding one is no good? 15:07 and are not the sole kind of trap 15:09 hah. i was wielding a c corpse in my last game and almost forgot to put on my ring. i took two steps, remembered, put it on, took another step... guess what? 15:09 you float over a spiked pit 15:09 in the sanctum 15:10 Vorpy! 15:10 wow 15:10 Fudge 15:10 that sucks 15:10 can I like, throw some hugs your way 15:11 don't (i was wielding a cockatrice corpse) 15:11 I can't even get your bones :'( 15:11 oh right, thanks for the heads up 15:11 frickin' Marvin 15:11 i had visited the second altar just a few turns before dying 15:11 you got the medusa kill at least right? :P 15:11 can "marvin" be the generic asshat that kills you when your game is goin' real real fine? 15:12 medusa killed herself 15:12 <@Tone\ootc> dizzylizzy\ito: There are no traps on Astral, so no real reason to levitate with a rubber chicken 15:12 good good 15:12 <@Tone\ootc> Anywhere else in the dungeon, yeah don't move an inch without levitating πŸ˜„ 15:12 rld: I guess that my stoning in the sanctum has put me off not levitating, astral probably is much safer in that regard 15:13 <@Tone\ootc> (and even then, watch out for sinks) 15:13 a knight wielding vorpal blade? 15:13 <@Tone\ootc> Yeah I still do it out of paranoia 15:13 sounds like a good knight weapon 15:13 <@Tone\ootc> Most of the time 15:13 dizzylizzy\ito: Marvin's already taken (famous nethack player) 15:13 ooh +3 iron shoes 15:14 murdering peaceful dwarves = worth it 15:14 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 15:14 i got -5 dwarven mithril a couple games back 15:14 ...worth it 15:14 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:14 wow nice 15:14 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:14 did not even know -5 could be generated 15:15 dizzylizzy\ito: I got a +9 silver sabre once 15:15 <@Tone\ootc> I wonder how many amazingly enchanted weapons I have passed up because I don't formally ID them 15:16 all of them 15:16 <@Tone\ootc> Yeah :( 15:16 I id'd it because the guy wielding it was nearly impossible to hit, he had almost full +7 gear :P 15:16 muad :( 15:17 <@Tone\ootc> uh oh 15:19 zid: on astral? 15:19 +7 to +9 enchantments are common there 15:22 woohoo I'm freeeeeee from cursed teleportation 15:25 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +3 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance and reflection", on T:3139 15:25 \o/ 15:26 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3270 15:27 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 2505 points, T:1574, poisoned by a rotted elf corpse 15:28 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:46, killed by a fox 15:30 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 245 points, T:212, killed by a hobbit 15:31 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:31 K2: feature request: add the o. behavior to grunthack so my muscle memory can be appeased 15:34 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 15:37 I found a bag containing only 6 rocks. 15:37 ballast? 15:38 dice bag 15:39 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 478 points, T:1183, killed by a giant bat, while fainted from lack of food 15:39 my word, I hate grunt's lack of safe water and random scattering of water all over the mines 15:39 <@rikersan\srn> yea 15:39 @rikersan\srn: Message from AmyBSOD\srn at 2018-06-07 02:01 EDT: well dnhslex's repository is public, all Chris would have to do is take a look at the various commits that I authored, but if he doesn' 15:39 @rikersan\srn: Message from AmyBSOD\srn at 2018-06-07 02:01 EDT: t do that, well, I dunno... 15:39 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:7, killed by a fox 15:39 hit g by accident, now all my scrolls and spellbooks are blank, all my potions are diluted except acid which blew up in my face, and my AC got worse by 3 points due to rust 15:39 <@rikersan\srn> oh shoot 15:40 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Pri Gno Mal Neu), 92 points, T:42, killed by a kobold 15:40 <@rikersan\srn> does grunthack have like max blanking on it 15:40 <@rikersan\srn> *on 15:41 I dunno if water damage hits more stuff than in vanilla 3.4.3, but it's almost certainly more than vanilla 3.6.1 15:41 <@rikersan\srn> I've fallen into water mutliple times in a row (trying to blank stuff) nothing happened before 15:42 yeah in xnh at least it's really hard to get something, anything, to wet 15:42 perhaps I should dial it back up since it has protections against typoing into water 15:46 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 15:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 15:50 <@rikersan\srn> !tell AmyBSOD thank you so much for making chris pull that from dnhslex bundlebundlebundle 15:50 Will do, @rikersan\srn! 15:50 <@rikersan\srn> !tell AmyBSOD\srn thank you so much for making chris pull that from dnhslex bundlebundlebundle 15:50 Will do, @rikersan\srn! 15:51 [hdf-us] [nh361] SkydiveMike (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 695 points, T:1639, killed by a bolt of lightning 15:58 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 15:58 <@IceBox> at what stage in the game should i take a break to start trying to ID whatever i currently have 15:59 <@IceBox> just finished soko, got magic res and reflection, searching for poison res before i go much deeper 15:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] SkydiveMike (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1011 16:03 <@Tone\ootc> @IceBox Any time you find an appropriate shop, you'll want to price ID whatever you can 16:03 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:04 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 16:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v rld] by ChanServ 16:04 <@Tone\ootc> Yeah it's a slightly advanced strategy, I wouldn't expect every new player to start price IDing things right away 16:05 <@Tone\ootc> You can engrave test wands right after you find them 16:05 <@Tone\ootc> And you don't really want to test scrolls and potions by using them, like you might have to in other games 16:05 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:05 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 4612 points, T:3644, killed by a Woodland-elf, while fainted from lack of food 16:05 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 16:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v rld] by ChanServ 16:06 <@IceBox> yeah i'm fine using spoilers for price ID'ing...but kinda stuck for when you actually read the scroll, haha 16:06 <@Tone\ootc> Scrolls of identify are easy to find due to their low price, bless those and identify stuff like that 16:06 <@luxidream> you're playing FIQhack, so crowning also gives you half acid and knowledge of your special spell 16:06 <@Tone\ootc> If you know a ring or armor isn't cursed, you can try it on to sometimes identify it 16:06 heyy what is this rld business? 16:06 I'm having a hard time following 16:07 <@Tone\ootc> We're on discord dizzy 16:07 is it "relay daemon"? 16:07 ohhhh neat ok 16:07 <@luxidream> what is this IRCBot business? πŸ˜› 16:07 <@Tone\ootc> The irc channel is mirrored here 16:07 hawt 16:07 Muad: "roguelikes discord" 16:07 <@IceBox> is holy water the only (or best) way to bless 16:07 <@Tone\ootc> The best, yep 16:07 holy water is by far the best 16:08 <@luxidream> what about confused remove curse 16:08 it's so random 16:08 <@luxidream> :c 16:08 <@luxidream> cool way to get holy water I guess 16:08 <@IceBox> haha alright so my goal will be to find holy water before messin with these scrolls 16:09 <@IceBox> ID'ing is just tricky AF in nethack, haha 16:09 <@Tone\ootc> Poor ol' confused remove curse... only used by atheists to get holy water, then quickly forgotten about 16:09 I don't have to carry around a tin opener named Improved in grunthack, because it's pre-improved-tin-opener-patch, right? 16:09 <@luxidream> I've had to use it a number of times to get unholy water 16:09 <@luxidream> after drying up every fountain in the dungeons trying 16:09 <@Tone\ootc> @IceBox Holy water is easy to get once you find a coaligned altar 16:09 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 16:10 <@IceBox> cereal? guess i gotta read up on that 16:10 <@IceBox> i've got like 4 of those lying around πŸ˜‰ 16:10 <@Tone\ootc> Yeah it's good for that @luxidream 16:10 <@Tone\ootc> I never really seek out unholy water though 16:10 <@Tone\ootc> As useful as it can be 16:10 <@Tone\ootc> Do you want the spoiler @IceBox? 16:11 <@Tone\ootc> It's probably worth reading up on altars and prayers in general though 16:11 <@Tone\ootc> Keep in mind that FIQhack overhauled the sacrifice system 16:11 <@IceBox> yeah i'm spoiling it right now 16:12 <@IceBox> yeah i learned that the curses interface is pretty darn close in nethack, so might make the switch to vanilla 16:12 <@luxidream> oh are you limiting yourself on spoilers? sorry 16:12 <@IceBox> i am not limiting myself 16:12 <@IceBox> spoil away 16:12 <@Tone\ootc> Any successful prayer on an altar will bless any potions on the altar, in addition to any normal effects the prayer would have 16:13 <@luxidream> *potions of water 16:13 <@Tone\ootc> Co-aligned altar* 16:13 [hdf-us] [nh361] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4667 16:13 <@Tone\ootc> Sorry yeah I meant potions of water 16:13 <@Tone\ootc> I'm on my phone, trying my hardest over here :P 16:14 <@Tone\ootc> And yeah I've seen some really nice looking curse interface setups in vanilla 361 lately 16:15 <@luxidream> honestly if you're playing nh for the aesthetic you're doing it wrong 16:15 <@luxidream> but that's just my opinion. I like my curses too 16:22 K2: remind me whether gh autotravel actually avoids water? 16:22 it does avoid water/lava 16:25 gah typoed into water AGAIN 16:25 K2: petition to apply xnh water movement to grunthack 16:25 -!- nooodle has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:25 nethack shouldn't be a game of finger coordination 16:28 <@escargott'em> <@aosdict\ito> nethack shouldn't be a game of finger coordination But that's the whole game! 16:28 <@escargott'em> May as well play cookie clicker at that point 16:28 aosdict\ito petition denied 16:29 grunthack is evil 16:29 yeah but to ruin your whole pile of scrolls and spells because of one typo... 16:29 <@escargott'em> Nethack, a battle of wits, player vs their fingers 16:29 and will stay that way 16:29 yup, welcome to grunthack 16:29 K2: what about disabled players who hit the wrong keys frequently 16:29 i dont discriminate 16:29 <@escargott'em> The only problem I see with it is that it forces you to play slowly 16:29 we all get treated equally 16:30 <@escargott'em> Otherwise I think it's fine that mistyping can end the game 16:30 <@IceBox> oh yeah i'm not playing for the aethetics @luxidream i just like a few QoL improvements 16:30 <@IceBox> being able to see my inventory at all times, for one, is nice as a new player 16:30 aosdict\ito just so you know, FIQ has already tried to get me to make grunthack less evil. he did not succeed 16:31 <@Tone\ootc> Can I get a patch that prevents me from dipping my bag of holding into water? πŸ˜… 16:31 in fact i have plans to make it slightly more evil for next summer 16:32 <@escargott'em> All you need is a warning when you first start the game `Are you SURE you want to continue playing Nethack? (y/N)' 16:32 <@luxidream> it's nice for any kind of player 16:32 hah 16:32 well thanks for indirectly reminding me that beholders are a thing 16:32 <@Tone\ootc> I kind of want to try curses now 16:32 :) 16:33 <@escargott'em> Curses? 16:33 dont worry you wont see them quite so early 16:33 <@luxidream> then people who use vikeys and try ot move diagonally down at the beginning of the gamd will instantly lose 16:33 <@Tone\ootc> It's the fancy interface that make nethack look a little nicer @escargott'em 16:33 <@escargott'em> I thought all of nethack used curses 16:33 nope 16:34 well... a lot more variants use it now as of last year 16:34 thanks to Tangles and FIQ 16:34 and nh4 based variants always had it 16:34 <@Tone\ootc> K2 Was curses fixed in 361 or is that part of the hdf patch? 16:35 @Tone\ootc Tangles ported curses over to 3.6.1. only 361-hdf, xnethack and splicehack use it 16:35 @escargott'em Confusingly, even the non-curses-interface tty port uses a rendering library called ncurses. 16:35 <@Tone\ootc> Ah, cool 16:35 <@Tone\ootc> I've seen a lot of people playing vanilla with it 16:35 yeah 16:35 its neat 16:35 <@Tone\ootc> So I'd say that was a welcome improvement πŸ˜„ 16:35 i generally dont use curses, but i gave it a spin all the way to ascension on 361-hdf 16:36 <@escargott'em> Wait... Old Curses/ncurses is different from new curses? 16:37 <@escargott'em> Ncurses is Linux only iirc 16:37 <@Tone\ootc> @escargott'em https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Curses_interface 16:37 <@escargott'em> Is curses Linux only? 16:37 <@Tone\ootc> That's what we're talking about ^ 16:38 <@escargott'em> So it's just the name of the interface, not the library used to render? 16:38 <@Tone\ootc> Apparently it's both 16:38 the curses interface, AND the tty interface, both use libncurses. 16:38 <@escargott'em> Oh :p 16:38 I have no idea what the Windows port uses, but it's not that. 16:39 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:40 * raisse\splat points at the interface and curses 16:44 -!- rebatela has joined #hardfought 16:45 <@IceBox> @Tone\ootc you should totally use curses for your stream. I'm sure you dont need anything from it 16:45 <@IceBox> but as a streamer people could A.) see your inventory and B.) call out things if it might help and such 16:46 yea permanent onscreen inventory seems good for a strim 16:47 <@Tone\ootc> That's a good idea actually 16:47 were you the guy we were making fun of for saying things funny 16:48 <@Tone\ootc> Yes lol 16:48 <@Tone\ootc> I challenge you all to say aloud everything you come across in nethack :P 16:49 sure 16:49 as long as I am allowed to call vrocks vee rocks 16:49 <@IceBox> tone's pronounciation of things is about 67% the reason to watch. It's not even that he says things weird, he just has no fear about attempting to say whatever's on screen 16:49 <@Tone\ootc> Start with rothe and work your way up 16:49 <@IceBox> just watch him play Qud too, and the weird ass shit in that game 16:50 I think vrock is actually vrak 16:50 but fuk dat 16:50 <@Tone\ootc> I totally got trolled by someone before I even bought Qud 16:50 <@Tone\ootc> They told me it was pronounced kuud 16:50 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:6172 16:50 <@IceBox> hahaha yeah kuud was pretty funny, you got punk'd 16:51 <@IceBox> like cooed 16:51 <@Tone\ootc> Yeah lol 16:51 <@Tone\ootc> If I didn't watch the trailer I'd still be saying that 16:51 I'd say kuud like cooed anyway 16:51 how else you guna say it 16:52 it's not ku'ud or kud or anything 16:52 K2: is it intended that random wall segments in the mimic of the mines are colored brown (some of which are the secret doors and others of which aren't?) 16:52 <@Tone\ootc> zid: It's spelled Qud and pronounced Cud 16:52 <@Tone\ootc> I just said kuud as a poor phonetic there 16:52 that is also how I would pronounce qud :P 16:53 <@Tone\ootc> haha fair enough 16:53 aosdict\ito no. the colored walls patch was applied to grunthack awhile back, but grunthack actively changes the wall colors from light to dark based on if you can see them, light sources, etc 16:53 I think your intuition is just very poor 16:53 its a minor bug 16:53 rip 16:54 you'll notice other minor color bugs also (monster will change to light grey is stepping over a pile of objects) 16:54 *if 16:54 that happened when we applied the hilite piles patch way way back 16:55 never got around to addressing it 16:55 sporkhack has it too, same patch 16:55 ok off to get the kid 16:55 back later 16:56 <@escargott'em> It's kud 16:56 <@escargott'em> The guy who made up the word is wrong or trolling 16:56 <@escargott'em> It's a long con 16:57 It can't just be arabic? 16:57 <@escargott'em> Damn junethack, I haven't seen tone play coq enough 16:58 <@Tone\ootc> I'm taking a nethack break to play tonight @escargott'em 16:58 <@escargott'em> Nice, what time 16:58 <@escargott'em> Please use TrueTimeβ„’, pst 16:58 <@Tone\ootc> 7-10 EST 16:59 <@Tone\ootc> 4-7 PST 16:59 You mean GMT 16:59 <@escargott'em> Gmt stands for generally misinformed time 16:59 <@escargott'em> Pst stands for Proper standard time 17:08 K2: Third minor color bug (which is also in xnh because there's no good way to fix it): a thrown object animation always renders as the base material of that object, regardless of what its actual material is. 17:15 @Tone if you're in america, who's using EST? 17:15 or PST? 17:18 what the heck, spork minetown guard. how am I to get through your city if I can't pick that lock? 17:18 i wonder if zapping a wand of opening will anger them now (they already warned me once) 17:18 Muad: unless spork refactored the doormask, that door is now trapped 17:19 so I can't open it even if the guard doesn't see me? 17:20 you can forcebolt the door out of sight (at least I did and they didn't object) 17:20 not shop doors of course 17:20 what if i #untrap it 17:20 if you need to dig into a shop, use the wall, that's cheaper 17:20 Muad: if you successfully untrap it, the guards mystically forget that they ever warned you about it :-) 17:21 it's the door that leads to the >.. i untrapped it and the door blew up 17:21 all is well 17:21 I don't think I've ever untrapped a door in my life (or my nethack career, which is a subset of that) 17:21 could well be the first time i did that 17:22 I actually did refactor the doormask in xnh, but that trapped/warned conflation remains. 17:29 a - ) a staff of escape 17:29 what is that, pray tell? 17:29 sporkhack 17:30 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:30 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:30 when you hit something with it, you automatically escape the dungeon 17:31 so that would be unique then 17:32 (I was joking, I have no idea what that does) 17:33 good EPI though 17:37 hothraxxa, i forget. i might guess it's a teleport wand that automatically targets yourself, maybe? 17:38 aosdict\ito: i totally believed you 17:38 i'm bitterly disappointed now 17:38 hothraxxa, oh it's a quarterstaff of the "spell school staves" group, so i guess it boosts your escape spells 17:38 ahhhh 17:39 aosdict\ito: I think I've found a bug 17:39 is it a grid bug? 17:39 xan 17:39 because xnethacks has lots of those 17:39 nope 17:40 trying to sacrifice a lieutenant corpse 17:40 There is a K-ration here; sacrifice it? [ynq] (n) y 17:40 You can't sacrifice that! 17:40 ... 17:40 I wonder why it asked 17:40 <@luxidream> its sentient 17:40 (I only pressed 'y' to see what would happen) 17:40 <@luxidream> turning into FIQhack 17:40 did you try to sacrifice it - ok 17:41 probably getobj patch shenanigans again 17:45 Junethack: funcrunch ascended a game of NetHack 3.6.1 on nethack.alt.org! 17:46 FIQ: getobj patch weirdness: corpse_ok returns 1 for non-corpse food, causing menustyle combination users to be prompted to sacrifice them (whoops, accidentally posted in #nethack) 17:48 oh it's combination menustyle again 17:48 well, I'm not sure why corpse_ok returns 1 for non-corpses in the first place 17:48 I still feel I'm evil for using that 17:48 menustyle is just a casualty of it picking up on "nonzero return value? prompt it!" 17:48 (there was the lieutenant corpse as well, of course, and I sacrificed that, and Anhur was happy) 17:48 all glory to Anhur 17:49 he blessed my 21 potions of water 17:49 nice, I want Tyr to bless my 11 potions of water (thanks grunthack...) at the moment 17:49 the comment in corpse_ok is /* allow the user to try, but discourage it */ 17:50 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:50 which I read as having been written with only menustyle full in mind 17:50 (now we're talking about xnethack anyway: one thing I love is spiders spinning webs everywhere) 17:51 well, as long as you know you can fight them to cut through them 17:51 otherwise they're annoying 17:51 yes but not too annoying 17:51 vanilla spiders are just another monster, it makes them distinctive 17:51 and that is a Good Thing 17:52 also enemies get caught in the webs 17:52 there were like 3 different crash bugs that came from spiders spinning webs 17:52 clearing out a leppy hall I was very glad of the posse of cave spiders in the next room 17:53 all the leppies got immobilised long enough for me to kill 17:53 and I could send all the gold to my soko stash with the blessed thiefstone I wished for :-) 17:54 yeah more often than not it seems like I'm wishing up a thiefstone 17:55 if you know the logic for where it decides to pick a location, you can sometimes coerce it to generate in a very favorable spot 17:55 in my last game I got one to settle down a couple squares from an altar 17:55 mine is in the middle of the large room in soko1 17:56 when a cat carried the chest away, it put the stuff in the original spot, not in the chest 17:56 which fazed me at first 17:56 yes 17:56 it's not attached to an object 17:56 would it put stuff in a different chest if you put it in that place? 17:56 <@Tone\ootc> aosdict\ito: Whenever I give times as EDT it seems to confuse people 17:56 objects are fickle and can be moved off level or destroyed 17:57 or a bag even? 17:57 raisse\splat: yep 17:57 <@Tone\ootc> So I just say EST all year and people know what I mean anyways 17:57 it either dumps them in a container on that space, or on the floor if there aren't any 17:58 it made a chest 17:58 but I had a large cat at the time and it wasn't too heavy for her to move 18:01 i discovered that cats are only half as strong as dogs 18:02 i did not know this 18:02 makes sense i suppose 18:02 although the largest cats are a lot bigger than the largest dogs, just saying 18:02 raisse\splat: oh, if one is created and it finds a spot, it will make a chest there 18:02 if one doesn't exist 18:03 I didn't know that either! I thought cats and dogs were equivalent except that kittens move around more 18:03 (than puppies/little dogs) 18:03 i had a cat that refused to pick up a bag that the dog would pick up so i looked into it 18:04 housecat, dog 18:04 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DM9cV1fF518/maxresdefault.jpg 18:04 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Apport 18:05 wow yes 18:05 (I usually don't micromanage apport) 18:05 while it probably should be referenced there, there should be a better place to find the pet carrying capacity 18:06 like, on the pet page 18:06 actually i steal enough to be interested in micro-managing apport 18:06 thank Anhur for (a) generating soko 2b, not 2a, and (b) not rotating or flipping the level 18:07 I tend to just stand in the doorway and throw any handy food to the cat 18:07 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:45557 18:07 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:45559 18:07 that works 18:07 gah, should really go to bed now 18:08 <@escargott'em> Down with splat, up with c! 18:08 blaspheme! 18:10 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45833 18:12 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:13 while splat and ootc are beating each other up, ITO will sneak through to first place 18:13 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:45979 18:20 <@escargott'em> @IceBox#1383 join ootc, we need you 18:20 <@escargott'em> @IceBox 18:20 <@escargott'em> Weird 18:21 <@escargott'em> This tournament is basically made for new players 18:23 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:46423 18:24 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:46425 18:26 "Using Magicbane you try to open the tin. Your dagger slips from your hand. You succeed in opening the tin." 18:26 something very wrong with that 18:27 well you can open tins without tools 18:29 <@escargott'em> Yeah how does that work anyway 18:36 K2: Are wraith corpses safe to eat in grunt, or can they give food poisoning? 18:44 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:46609 18:45 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:46800 18:49 aosdict\ito: porque no los dos? 18:49 because giving food poisoning makes them not safe to eat 18:50 oh no 18:50 * aosdict\ito finds an elven mithril chain mail 18:50 why is grunt so unforgiving 18:50 yeah, they come pre-rotted 18:50 "The Clint Eastwood of Nethack variants" 18:51 ISTR that you might get lucky and eat your very rotted wraith corpse and gain a level... but more likely, it counts as undead so poisons you. 18:53 Hm. I'm at the end of Sokoban... but I already have reflection, magic resistance, AND a bag of holding. Which do I pick? 18:54 <@IceBox> haha i was thinking of joining up @escargott'em, lets see how this decent valk run turns out for me 18:54 Is it really just pick-your-polyfodder? 18:54 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:10841 18:57 aosdict\ito wraith corpses in gh can poison you 18:57 not always though 18:58 yeah, so not safe 18:59 unless you have a cure handy, which I didn't 18:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:48363 19:02 <@escargott'em> Nesting bags of holding 19:02 <@escargott'em> Live dangerously 19:03 I like that twoweaponing swords in grunt can lead to messages like "You hack the foo! You slash the foo!" 19:04 taking "hack-n-slash" to the ultimate level 19:04 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) had war hammer named Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:11477 19:04 not even silver, Tyr? 19:05 [hdf-us] [gh] aosdictj (Val Hum Fem Law) had long sword bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:11511 19:05 not even an artifact, Tyr? 19:10 haha 19:11 Is there a good combat use for /oCancel? Do they help negate a monster's innate abilities or does it just zero their wands and blank their scrolls and potions? 19:12 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:12 they negate some monster abilities 19:15 [hdf-us] [nh361] Leggman (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9036 19:20 wand of cancellation works great on nymphs 19:20 can prevent dragons from using their breath attack 19:22 I prefer if dragons use their breath attack generally 19:22 I'm more likely to resist/reflect it than claws 19:22 i zap disenchanters with them if I don't have anything better 19:23 yea I zap cancel at disenchanters 19:24 rust monsters I generally just smack innaface but don't let them hit me back 19:33 it cancels the disenchanter's disenchanting attack!? I did not know this! Is it 100% successful on a hit or some calculation involved? 19:34 dumb dwarf dug out all my gems in booze's end 19:34 any use cases for the planes I should consider? 19:35 bouquet: It just makes them standard.. R shaped monsters ;) 19:35 disenchanter has 0 monster MR so it always works 19:35 dang, I shouldn't have wasted a ?oGeno on them, then. 19:36 also minotaurs have 0 MR so you can always sleep them 19:37 hm. the sleep ray can miss, though?' 19:37 right, try sleep him so you can bounce it :P 19:37 i guess the cancellation can't miss though 19:37 err position 19:37 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) entered the Planes, on T:50002 19:37 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:50003 19:37 that was quick 19:38 most people just immediately zap death at him 19:38 right, right 19:38 he actually took a turn to do it for some reason :P 19:39 <@IceBox> So does dipping a potion consume it? Like holy water and oil? 19:39 most of the time 19:39 if you dip something into holy water, the holy water is consumed 19:44 -!- Tariru has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:45 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 19:47 <@IceBox> K maybe it's obvious but the wiki wasn't super clear on that point. Same for oil and lamps? 19:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:50237 19:48 if you get something out of it, it's consumed 19:48 poly, oil, water, alchemy, etc 19:48 why does grunthack not display Hallu on the status line all the time 19:49 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:50256 19:51 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:50293 19:51 I like the idea of hallu not showing 19:51 the character not knowing he's hallucinating 19:51 yeah, that's cool 19:52 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Famine, on T:50334 19:53 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Famine, on T:50349 19:55 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Famine, on T:50401 19:55 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:50421 19:56 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:50436 19:57 [hdf-us] [nh361] bouquet (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 2805940 points, T:50482, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bouquet/nh361/dumplog/1528057673.nh361.txt 19:57 go team slexy nymphs! 19:57 or whatever 20:00 I'd like to thank the plane of water for delivering the portal within 100 turns. 20:04 Junethack: bouquet ascended a game of NetHack 3.6.1 on www.hardfought.org! 20:04 -!- tacco| has quit [] 20:13 [hdf-us] [nh361] TLar (Pri Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:6976 20:16 grats bouquet! 20:16 nice congrats bouquet 20:17 play 3.4.3 and never not cross it in under 100 :P 20:17 water is the fastest plane for me a lot of times 20:17 ..or the longest, at random 20:18 put on an amulet of water breathing and go swimming 20:18 make sure to grease up first! 20:22 <@IceBox> Grats bouquet! 20:31 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) made his first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:17734 20:36 -!- a_boudelia has joined #hardfought 20:43 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) wished for "3 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:17825 20:43 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) performed his first genocide (class h), on T:17826 20:43 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) genocided class L, on T:17826 20:43 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) genocided class ;, on T:17828 20:45 hmm. I have wererat lycanthropy. does that immunize me against werewolf lycanthropy, or could I get double-lycanthropy 20:50 i think you're immune 20:51 but I am not 100% sure 20:53 -!- rebatela has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:56 You can't get double-lycanthropy. IDK off the top of my head if you can swap, but I think not. 20:57 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:18118 20:57 thanks 20:58 clearly we need nethack hepatitis so you can collect them all 20:58 [hdf-us] [nh4] UNLEASH THE (Luxidream) (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 73728 points, T:28253, killed by a rock troll, while fainted from lack of food 20:59 <@luxidream> !lastgame 20:59 @luxidream: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-06-08%2000%3A58%3A12%2C%20UNLEASH%20THE-Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha%2C%20died.txt 20:59 @luxidream: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/j/jt/xnethack/dumplog/1528402710.xnh.txt 20:59 @luxidream: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/sporkhack/dumplog/1528380554.sp.txt 21:08 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 21:13 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:30 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:38 !lastgame 21:38 bouquet: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-06-08%2000%3A58%3A12%2C%20UNLEASH%20THE-Pri-Elf-Fem-Cha%2C%20died.txt 21:38 bouquet: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/k/kernelrain/nh361/dumplog/1528238635.nh361.txt 21:38 bouquet: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tangles/sporkhack/dumplog/1528380554.sp.txt 21:38 !lastgame bouquet 21:38 bouquet: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bouquet/nh361/dumplog/1528057673.nh361.txt 21:39 hmmmm file not found 21:40 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 21:47 its there 21:47 looking at it 21:48 ascended as Bouquet the Lama 21:53 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:22309 21:54 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:55 lama. Baaaaaaaa 21:55 -!- elenmirie\splat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:55 -!- elenmirie\splat has joined #hardfought 21:58 score does t i clude all my gems in my bag. 22:00 yup 22:01 how do you not see it? 22:04 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) wished for "blessed amulet of reflection", on T:23429 22:05 I mean, usually my final score shows the stuff that went into calculating it. Gems are usually listed there. 22:06 right before "and 0 pieces of gold" 22:06 hmm i see that now 22:06 you had the gems in inventory 22:06 dod 3.6.1 stop counting gems? 22:07 did 22:07 my xnh ascensions counted them for sure. 22:07 and that's from the same code base. This is my first 3.6.1 ascension 22:08 maybe it counted them /silently/ 22:08 this may be important - curse mode or regular tty? 22:08 *curses 22:09 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 22:09 curses 22:09 curses it too awesome. 22:10 I don't care for myself so much, but since it's junethack people might need to know. 22:11 yeah curses for 3.6.1 is kind of a big deal 22:11 minus the kind of 22:11 I blew through the planes pretty quick (<500 turns) so there's a save right before I left the dungeon 22:11 ok 22:11 have you played since? 22:12 nope. 22:12 lemme grab it 22:13 ok got it 22:13 Junethack: New user lalo_landa registered! https://junethack.net/user/lalo_landa 22:13 we've been trying to get official/devteam support for curses; IIRC something went wrong but I can't remember what 22:13 it's probably fixable though 22:14 If there's a bug, yo I'll find it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it... 22:14 ice ice baby 22:15 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:24934 22:16 ... 22:16 what just happened 22:16 ? 22:16 no vanilla ice! 22:16 lol 22:17 thanks bouquet now that song is in my head 22:21 ais523: I had some discussion with nhmall on this a couple of weeks ago. There are still some unfinished bits in the code (mainly to do with status window), and of course there's the current issues with sortloot and perm_invent, which are a fairly big deal. 22:24 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 86 points, T:71, leprechaun 22:24 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:25603 22:25 also he was trying to get the code to build with PDcurses on Windows. I think it was partly working but he could not get the perm_invent to display. 22:25 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 50 points, T:24, imp 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 59 points, T:11, exploding rune 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 50 points, T:26, acid blob 22:28 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 188 points, T:245, orc 22:28 -!- a_boudelia has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.1] 22:32 Junethack: New clan fweep created! https://junethack.net/clan/fweep 22:32 Junethack: New user fweep registered! https://junethack.net/user/fweep 22:35 [hdf-us] [xnh] Tmasher (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Lord Surtur, on T:24330 22:35 [hdf-us] [xnh] Tmasher (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:24332 22:37 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 453 points, T:1212, demon 22:39 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 89 points, T:281, hobgoblin 22:40 does hardfought keep logs on the amount of times I've tried to log in as zid not nethack 22:44 Finally got it, like 10 wishes, heh 22:44 gnite all 22:46 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed the invisible Mephisto, on T:26553 22:47 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 710 points, T:1536, snake 22:47 -!- a_boudelia has joined #hardfought 22:48 whoops.. accidentally enchanted my gloves to +8 22:49 yay! 23:00 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:27400 23:06 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 244 points, T:568, leprechaun 23:15 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 1049 points, T:1661, orc 23:15 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:27908 23:15 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:27909 23:20 Mandevil\splat: ;-; I'm here now 23:23 Elronnd\srn: Great. 23:23 Elronnd\srn: What's up with Spork/Grunt on ESM? 23:23 Elronnd\srn: I see NHS isn't updating these. 23:25 probably that I replaced the files, so they shrunk, so checks to see if they grew failed 23:25 junethack had the same problem 23:25 Elronnd\srn: What happened to the content? 23:25 Elronnd\srn: Did you just delete it? 23:25 yeah 23:25 I mean, it's still around, just not publicly accessible 23:26 And why did you do it in the first place? 23:26 I updated grunt and spork, didn't think to symlink the logs to the same place (I do that with slex) 23:26 Anyway, NHS needs all its sources available -- somehow. 23:27 Elronnd\srn: Could you please do something like create directory 'history' and host your archival xlogfiles? 23:27 sure 23:30 you'll have to wait until amy gets on, but once she does, they'll be at em.slashem.me/xlogfiles/grunthackold and sporkhackold 23:31 Fine, let me know then. 23:32 That said, I am not very pleased that you're making my job more difficult. 23:32 You've just created two more data sources for me that I will need to keep around forever. 23:33 OK, going to work now. 23:33 [hdf-us] [spl] noty (Sam Ang Mal Law) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:28950 23:41 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:44 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 23:46 yasi: scroll of evil patch: imports a randomly selected slashem extended commit into the current process's instruction memory 23:46 that would be incredibly hard to implement 23:47 applying patches out of order is something that today's computers really struggle with, and is sometimes hard even for a human 23:47 correct, and that's the majority of what makes it yet another stupid idea 23:47 no, it was a pretty silly idea despite that :-D 23:48 and even if that was possible, superzapping it into the memory and understanding where everything goes is almost as hard 23:49 oh no, you just save the game, restart the process, and reload 23:50 yeah, I guess you're right 23:50 but that means kicking you out while the game recompiles 23:51 no 23:56 Oh hell archon 23:57 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 98 points, T:321, imp 23:57 anyone want a demonebane 23:58 [hdf-us] [nh13d] rustmonster (Pri Mal), 90 points, T:181, imp