00:04 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Mon Hum Fem Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon her by Huan Ti, on T:23085 00:14 !tell aosdict blesses ?removecurse doesn't uncurse the whole inventory in xnh by design or bug? 00:14 Will do, bouquet! 00:21 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Rog Hum Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a pony, on T:3658 00:22 dizzylizzy: I believe the only option that's changed between 361 and xnh is the addition of the permanent halluctionation option 00:25 !who 00:25 PavelB: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] amelie [nh361] bouquet [xnh] 00:25 PavelB: [hdf-eu] No current players 00:25 PavelB: [hdf-au] No current players 00:25 !wereis bouquet 00:25 !whereis bouquet 00:25 PavelB: [hdf-us] bouquet [xnh]: (Mon Hum Fem Cha) T:23971 The Dungeons of Doom level: 18 00:27 bouquet: I made no changes to blessed remove curse, it should function as in vanilla. 00:27 aosdict: Message from bouquet at 2018-05-28 00:14 EDT: blesses ?removecurse doesn't uncurse the whole inventory in xnh by design or bug? 00:28 aosdict I don't think I ever had it NOT uncurse all my inventory in vanilla. Have I always been lucky? 00:29 It _should_ uncurse all your inventory. 00:29 What happened that didn't do that? 00:30 I had some cursed armor (worn), daggers, and an amulet which remained cursed. About a dozen other things uncursed. 00:31 it's in my current ttyrec. 00:31 dunno if that helps 00:35 what turn? 00:38 ok see it 00:39 what do you think? Did I do something weird? 00:39 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 00:40 everything _looks_ normal 00:41 only think I can think of is I'd only price-id'd it. 00:41 but still, that's never been a factor afaik 00:44 I am not able to reproduce 00:45 and the code is clear: if blessed, uncurse everything in inventory chain 00:46 oh well. 00:46 You saw it, though? 00:47 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 00:47 must be a weird corner case. I'm pretty sure my alignment is very good and I'm in good favor with my deity and my luck is high. 00:50 none of those matter 00:51 Maybe it has to do with the amulet itself? 00:51 did you try saving and restoring and seeing if the inventory wasn't updating right? maybe it's a curses bug? 00:51 Are there any autocursing amulets? 00:51 PavelB: No, the worn cursed armor also stayed cursed. 00:51 A dwarvish helm has nothing special about it. 00:52 It being a curses bug makes sense 00:52 oh right, I'm using the hardfought curses ui. Maybe it's that? 00:52 It often takes a while for my stuff to appear cursed after I get "This water's no good!" from a fountain. 00:53 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 11331 points, T:5781, killed by a sasquatch 00:53 PavelB I went back and watched the ttyrec of my fountain quaffing that caused the cursing and it was immediate. 00:53 Not always, but it's delayed a lot of the time 00:53 Sometimes certain items instantly appear cursed and others I found out are cursed after a few turns 00:54 thanks for looking and confirming that I'm not totally crazy. 00:54 gotta split, l8r 00:55 bouquet: If you restore the game and it's still really not cursed, then that still seems to be an engine bug. What happens if you try to remove the still-cursed armor? 01:02 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 01:05 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 01:07 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:14 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 01:24 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:36 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 01:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 01:39 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 01:48 <@luxidream> odds of cthulhu dodging eight consecutive death charges? 02:08 @luxidream Non-zero. 02:13 [hdf-us] [dyn] fuck thisgame (Luxidream) (Kni Hum Mal Law), 338298 points, T:43689, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/dynahack/dumplog/2018-05-28%2002_13_27%2C%20fuck%20thisgame-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 02:18 Congrats, @luxidream 02:19 <@luxidream> thanks! 02:40 -!- stenno has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:08 <@Jendic> grats luxi! 03:11 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:21 Junethack: New user stenno registered! https://junethack.net/user/stenno 03:21 Junethack: New user bhaak registered! https://junethack.net/user/bhaak 03:24 Junethack: New user attie registered! https://junethack.net/user/attie 03:33 Junethack: New clan IvoryTower created! https://junethack.net/clan/IvoryTower 03:33 Junethack: New user Luxidream registered! https://junethack.net/user/Luxidream 03:33 Junethack: New user not_bhaak registered! https://junethack.net/user/not_bhaak 03:33 Junethack: New user bez registered! https://junethack.net/user/bez 03:33 Junethack: New user noty registered! https://junethack.net/user/noty 03:41 Junethack: New user Mandevil registered! https://junethack.net/user/Mandevil 03:41 Junethack: New user Elronnd registered! https://junethack.net/user/Elronnd 03:42 Junethack: New user Jendic registered! https://junethack.net/user/Jendic 03:50 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 03:50 Junethack: New user elenmirie registered! https://junethack.net/user/elenmirie 03:50 -!- captain42 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:53 Junethack: New user winsalot registered! https://junethack.net/user/winsalot 03:54 Junethack: New user mexicanstriker registered! https://junethack.net/user/mexicanstriker 03:55 Junethack: New clan Karsklan created! https://junethack.net/clan/Karsklan 03:56 Junethack: New user youshum555 registered! https://junethack.net/user/youshum555 04:07 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 04:15 Junethack: New user Muad registered! https://junethack.net/user/Muad 04:15 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 04:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:18 Junethack: New clan teamsplat created! https://junethack.net/clan/teamsplat 04:18 Junethack: New user Raisse registered! https://junethack.net/user/Raisse 04:35 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 04:43 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 04:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 04:45 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:47 Junethack: New user PsyMar registered! https://junethack.net/user/PsyMar 04:55 if only becoming literate was that easy :) 05:00 submitted to the qdb 05:11 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:26 Junethack: New user Minoru registered! https://junethack.net/user/Minoru 05:33 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 05:35 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:37 -!- PsyMar has joined #hardfought 05:38 -!- PsyMar has left #hardfought 05:39 <@PsyMar> hi. ping me when the tourney starts 05:39 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:39 @Winsalot: are you planning to join a clan? I'd like to have you in mine :) 05:39 @PsyMar: alright, will do :) 05:45 Junethack: New user vaffanculo registered! https://junethack.net/user/vaffanculo 06:11 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 06:20 -!- stennowork has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:26 -!- stennowork has joined #hardfought 06:26 -!- stennowork is now known as Guest19576 06:27 -!- Guest19576 has quit [Changing host] 06:27 -!- Guest19576 has joined #hardfought 06:28 -!- Guest19576 is now known as stennowork 06:41 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:41 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 06:45 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 06:54 Junethack: New user jonadab registered! https://junethack.net/user/jonadab 07:10 -!- tacco| has quit [] 07:13 Junethack: New user Rschaff registered! https://junethack.net/user/Rschaff 07:15 Junethack: New user Tangles registered! https://junethack.net/user/Tangles 07:24 Junethack: New user groovejumper registered! https://junethack.net/user/groovejumper 07:33 Junethack: New user ym registered! https://junethack.net/user/ym 07:33 Junethack: New user drunkenshtein registered! https://junethack.net/user/drunkenshtein 07:36 Junethack: New user engelson registered! https://junethack.net/user/engelson 07:42 [hdf-us] [dyn] WAKE ME UP INSIDE (Luxidream) (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 2351 points, T:2338, killed by a gnome 07:44 <@kritixilithos> you have woken up in heaven 07:44 i think i will focus on xnethack this tourney mostly 07:44 either that or 3.6.1 07:54 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha), 13824 points, T:818, killed by a small mimic 07:55 Junethack: New user zHz registered! https://junethack.net/user/zHz 07:55 Junethack: New user etai registered! https://junethack.net/user/etai 07:56 -!- captain42 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:02 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 08:03 <[Demo]> man the number of un trophies this year is hilarious 08:04 <[Demo]> what's is everyone's jnh itinerary? 08:09 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 08:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 08:09 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:11 I never ascended jnethack :-} 08:12 <[Demo]> i think im gonna do a dnh binder run and then have to play un 08:14 Junethack: New user Grasshopper registered! https://junethack.net/user/Grasshopper 08:14 Junethack: New user spline registered! https://junethack.net/user/spline 08:15 [Demo], mostly xnethack and 3.6.1 08:15 [Demo], but i will try to get trophies in all variants and ascend half of the variants 08:15 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 08:16 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 08:16 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:17 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 08:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 08:17 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 08:17 <[Demo]> i think im gonna go for demogorgon in dnh 08:18 <[Demo]> the problem is im not sure how to force him 08:19 <[Demo]> i can definitely force a win against him 08:21 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha), 28533 points, T:2398, killed by a bolt of lightning, while praying 08:25 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:25 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 08:25 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 08:30 !tell k2 pushed fixes for some small but annoying curses bugs to 3.6.1 08:30 Will do, Tangles! 08:32 ok 08:32 K2: Message from Tangles at 2018-05-28 08:30 EDT: pushed fixes for some small but annoying curses bugs to 3.6.1 08:32 o/ 08:32 <[Demo]> hmm might not be able to force a win against demo after all 08:33 \o 08:33 How's it going K2? 08:33 going alright... just woke up :P 08:33 heh 08:33 no work today (memorial day holiday) 08:33 how are you? 08:33 Oh it was a holiday here today too! 08:34 I have been away visiting my folks. 08:34 whats the holiday in australia? 08:36 <[Demo]> emu rememberance day 08:37 NetHack 3.6.1 updated (all servers) 08:37 ^^ curses fixes 08:37 Why do we need to remember emus? 08:37 It's not like the bastards are extinct. 08:37 [Demo] you hit a nerve 08:37 lol no 08:38 <[Demo]> ppl arent extinct and we still try to remember them 08:38 Tangles nemesis animal is apparently the emu 08:38 (mine is the parrot) 08:38 <@Tone> 🤔 08:39 didn't you lose a war against emus once 08:39 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War 08:41 stennowork: How do you even know this stuff? 08:41 lol is that really a thing? 08:42 its like the great chipmunk battle in vermont from 1803 08:42 Tangles, QI 08:42 I mean, yes we lost to a bunch of angry-looking flightless birds, but to be fair, we were outnumbered. 08:42 Outnumbered and outflanked :) 08:43 <[Demo]> can we get a nethack tribute level for that? 08:43 And outpecked :) 08:43 <[Demo]> big room but its emus 08:43 <[Demo]> and they aren't having your shit 08:44 [hdf-us] [nh4] hai (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 61189 points, T:14729, killed by a bolt of cold 08:45 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 08:46 !tell aosdict Tangles pushes some fixes for curses 08:46 Will do, K2! 08:46 !tell AntiGulp Tangles pushed some fixed for curses 08:46 Will do, K2! 08:47 https://goo.gl/images/y99mq3 08:48 <[Demo]> pretty sure emus cant be worse than canadian geese 08:48 <[Demo]> truly the must uncanadian thing with canadian in its name 08:48 oh yeah geese are nasty. 08:48 good lord Tangles 08:49 all birds are nasty actually 08:49 <[Demo]> does australia have its own goose variant? 08:49 direct descndants of dinosaurs 08:49 <[Demo]> that is like, really bad 08:49 I don't actually know if we have native geese. 08:49 black swans are evil bastards. 08:49 that sparrow looking all cute on your bird feeder is actually thinking of 12 different ways it can kill you 08:50 <[Demo]> k2 ducks are pretty chill 08:50 peacocks are really bad 08:51 geese are terrible 08:51 geese and swans 08:51 fucking assholes 08:51 <[Demo]> theres a homeless duck that lives with the homeless ppl near a sandwich shop i go to a lot 08:51 as a kid i got bitten by a swan once 08:51 <[Demo]> and the homeless duck is pretty chill 08:52 <[Demo]> thankfully we dont have swans here 09:00 K2: what are the curses fixes? 09:00 aosdict: Message from K2 at 2018-05-28 08:46 EDT: Tangles pushes some fixes for curses 09:01 aosdict, what did you do 09:01 stennowork: created improved tin openers earlier since I couldn't find you. Anyone else registered that needs an invite? 09:01 aosdict there's a few, look from may 25th to present - https://github.com/NHTangles/NetHack36/commits/hardfought 09:01 aosdict: THey are also in the curses branch which may be easier for you to merge. 09:02 aosdict, can i please be the admin of my clan, that would be nice 09:02 stennowork: "promote to admin" is a thing, right? Can I give you admin and then relinquish it myself? 09:02 try it 09:02 lol 09:03 well I don't see such a thing, despite remembering it 09:03 an alternative would be disbanding the clan and i create it new and invite you and the others 09:04 <[Demo]> then it would be a lie 09:04 <[Demo]> and would need to be improved improved tin openers 09:04 ^ 09:04 no, 09:04 ok disbanding 09:04 done 09:04 alright, thanks 09:04 <[Demo]> +2 tin openers 09:04 -!- hop has joined #hardfought 09:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hop] by ChanServ 09:05 aosdict, you are just aosdict right? 09:05 Tangles: Is this at all related to bouquet's weird issue yesterday where a blessed scroll of remove curse didn't uncurse everything? 09:05 stennowork: yes 09:06 greqrg, whats your junethack player name 09:06 dizzylizzy: PavelB: need to rejoin ImprovedTinOpeners 09:07 aosdict: no 09:07 different kind of curses? 09:08 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:09 It just prevents autocomplete of wizmode commands (so #l will autocomplete to #loot, for example), and fixes a couple of weird things that happen when you try to select a count from a stack, like d12x or whatever. 09:11 <@Zanza ( PC )> When you dip for Excalibur you need to be over level 5 ( character level not dungeon ), and lawful correct? 09:12 yes 09:12 lvl 5 or higher and lawful 09:12 long sword only (katana wont work) 09:12 <@Zanza ( PC )> Gotcha 09:13 the oracle level is generally regarded as the best place to dip for excalibur 09:13 Junethack: New clan ImprovedTinOpeners created! https://junethack.net/clan/ImprovedTinOpeners 09:13 <@Zanza ( PC )> So as far as weapons go there is no strength requirements only skill requirements which increase with use 09:13 yes 09:13 <@Zanza ( PC )> oracle level... going to have to look that up 09:14 its around dungeon level 5-7 or so 09:14 the oracle is surrounded by 4 fountains 09:14 oracle is peaceful 09:14 <@Zanza ( PC )> Oh yes I remember that now 09:14 <@Zanza ( PC )> Ok so if I am a valk, I look at #enhance and I don't see any bow skills. Does that mean no matter how much use I will never get skilled/basic etc with it? 09:15 <@Zanza ( PC )> Also as a Valk if I just found a warhammer on spawn it would be a good idea to use it as with a Valk I can get to Expert per the wiki 09:18 regarding warhammer - depends. the first sacrifice gift for a valk is mjollnir 09:18 so if your plan is to use it, yeah not a bad idea 09:18 <@Zanza ( PC )> oh thats pretty neat 09:19 <@Zanza ( PC )> Seems it has better stats than excalibur 09:19 if you dont see a skill on your enchance list, it means you cant train that weapon or ability at all 09:19 excalibur > mjollnir 09:19 mjollnir is great for early and even midgame, but excalibur overall is a better weapon 09:20 <@Zanza ( PC )> Huh maybe I just got surprised by the 1d24 in the wiki. However it doesn't give overall approx damage like it does for excalibur ( 2-18 ) etc 09:21 [hdf-us] [nh361] Zanza (Val Dwa Fem Law), 47 points, T:279, killed by a jackal 09:25 Well, looks like it's now a priority for everyone to play unnethack to max out the number of trophies 09:28 if you're good, it's only 13 games to catch em all 09:30 yeah but this is junethack not juunnethack 09:30 heh I like how seamlessly you can add "un" 09:31 -!- captain42 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:32 Junethack: New user jmcunx registered! https://junethack.net/user/jmcunx 09:32 Junethack: New user deepy registered! https://junethack.net/user/deepy 09:32 <@Zanza ( PC )> I like the idea of using a towel as a weapon 09:32 <@Zanza ( PC )> haha 09:32 <@Zanza ( PC )> Just snapping goblins with a wet towel 09:33 <@Zanza ( PC )> Crit right to the eye 09:33 <[Demo]> if i was bhaak i would have done that shit with un years ago 09:46 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 09:46 <@Zanza ( PC )> So if I am level 2 and have splint mail and elven mithril coat. It would be better to go with the mithril as the lower weight would mean lower food consumption even though it has one less AC correct? 09:49 go with the elven mithril 09:49 along with lower weight, you get a bump in MC 09:49 <@Zanza ( PC )> What about selling stuff to the shop? Seems that carrying stuff would really just cause you to have more hunger killing you faster potentially and the sell to the shop is always pretty low 09:51 Junethack: New user deathdrive83 registered! https://junethack.net/user/deathdrive83 09:51 depends how badly you need to $$$ 09:52 <[Demo]> nethack isnt about having money 09:52 <[Demo]> its about spending it 09:53 <[Demo]> cause money isnt gonna stop that damn out or range poly trap created jabberwock from killing you 09:55 Lower weight does not mean lower food consumption. 09:55 <@Zanza ( PC )> Really? I thought food consumption took into account overall weight 09:56 <[Demo]> oh cool i broke bow multishot *somehow* 09:59 Evil Patch Idea: having or seeing food makes you hungry. 09:59 <[Demo]> sounds like a slex race 09:59 <[Demo]> fatass 09:59 Even if it's a lizard corpse you're carrying. 09:59 Makes you want to eat it. 09:59 Zanza if you're burdened or stressed, etc that takes more turns per move which can make you become hungry in a shorter amount of time 10:00 but its the turns taken, not the weight per se 10:00 ^ yes, it does have an indirect effect, but not as long as you stay unencumbered 10:00 Junethack: New user Azulare registered! https://junethack.net/user/Azulare 10:02 [Demo]: I always wanted uniques to be trackable on xlogfile, just never coded up my idea on how to do it. then slex wanted to add a few achievements, and I thought "oh god, not another 'incorrect bit set' hunting session", so I pitched my 'generic achievements' PoC to Amy and was motivated enough to add it to unnethack as well :) 10:05 <[Demo]> oh neat 10:05 <[Demo]> is it working how you wanted it to? 10:06 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 10:06 may have a look at that for grunthack and sporkhack 10:06 for next year of course 10:08 [Demo]: yes. although if slex would track every unique it has, K2 would need to add a few petabyte-sized disks to his servers :-) 10:10 <[Demo]> what annoys me is unique monsters that aren't unique 10:12 <[Demo]> how many cubic meters are nethack loadstones? 10:13 petabyte 10:13 hah 10:15 <[Demo]> uh oh 10:19 Junethack: New user Jinnora registered! https://junethack.net/user/Jinnora 10:19 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:25 -!- captain42 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:26 stennowork: I'm planning on playing under the OotC banner again this tournament 10:28 Junethack: New user Tone registered! https://junethack.net/user/Tone 10:30 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has joined #hardfought 10:39 greqrg: noooo! 10:40 they're already going to win, why make it even more magnified? 10:41 greqrg, nou :< 10:42 fair enough 10:42 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 10:42 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ New server in Sydney, AU - one step closer to world domination :) 10:42 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 10:43 OotC? 10:44 Order of the Cockatrice 10:46 I feel like that name just isn't as exciting as "SlexyRobberNymphets" or "ImprovedTinOpeners" 10:47 Junethack: New user bouquet registered! https://junethack.net/user/bouquet 10:48 hmm 10:49 oh right 10:49 !setmintc 10:49 K2: Min reported turncount for k2 removed. 10:55 [hdf-us] [nh13d] k2 (Hea Mal), 50 points, T:73, leprechaun 10:55 \o/ 10:55 ey Beholder where's my Baalzebub kill 10:56 i may have reset him when that event happened 10:56 they're already going to win 10:56 beholder now announces nethack 1.3d deaths (thanks Tangles) 10:56 what kind of attitude is that :v 10:56 FR: 1.3d livelog 10:56 (joking) 10:57 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 10:57 <[Demo]> ootc might win this year but that won't happen next year 10:57 !tell bhaak any way to have 1.3d log 'killed by a(n) ' instead of just the event? 10:57 Will do, K2! 10:58 <[Demo]> the secret plan is to bring all of the non ootc members closer together this year so next year its megaclan time and ootc dies to sheer force 10:59 [Demo]: if you broadcast what the secret plan is, it's not all that secret anymore... 10:59 <[Demo]> thats the joke 10:59 <[Demo]> its not a real plan or a real secret 11:00 the secret is within the 'secret' annoucement 11:00 its code known only be a select few 11:00 by 11:00 aosdict: hmm I do like to think that there's a little more parity than that among the top clans 11:00 well istr that last jnh it was Luxidream = game over for everyone else 11:01 K2, re: killed by an, i don't think that is possibl 11:01 e 11:01 Luxidream should join the nymphets *bundlebundlebundle* :) 11:02 I guess that is pretty accurate actually 11:03 stennowork why not? its possible with other variants 11:03 K2, i think its how nethack 1.3d actually expresses the killer 11:04 ok 11:05 K2, like, there is also the killer: "drowned in a moat by a giant eel" and stuff 11:05 yup 11:06 Junethack: New user HotSauce registered! https://junethack.net/user/HotSauce 11:06 mmm hotsauce 11:06 -!- kritixilithos has joined #hardfought 11:11 yeah, what he said 11:11 bhaak: Message from K2 at 2018-05-28 10:57 EDT: any way to have 1.3d log 'killed by a(n) ' instead of just the event? 11:12 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 11:12 or "visit to hell" or "dead cockatrice" 11:14 Junethack: New user AntiGulp registered! https://junethack.net/user/AntiGulp 11:15 AntiGulp: do you want to be part of the nymphets? *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 11:15 How many clans are there even? 11:15 AntiGulp: Message from K2 at 2018-05-28 08:46 EDT: Tangles pushed some fixed for curses 11:15 AntiGulp: Nooo they're too powerful already 11:15 AntiGulp: https://junethack.net/clans 11:16 PavelB: shh! the clan that is too powerful is called ootc :P 11:16 <[Demo]> yeah join srn 11:16 AntiGulp, you have to join improved tin openers! 11:16 LarienTelrunya: ootc doesn't even exist yet 11:16 Also ^^ 11:16 -!- stennowork is now known as stenno\ito 11:16 IvoryTower members: Bhaak and not_bhaak. I’m cracking up 11:16 <[Demo]> we have slime molds 11:16 I second Improved Tin Openers 11:17 -!- LarienTelrunya is now known as AmyBSOD\srn 11:17 brb making clan called "the caprines" to defeat tin openers 11:17 augh there's an archon in vlad's 11:18 Thanks AntiGulp 11:18 wooooo 11:19 AntiGulp: man, srn could have used your playing skill so we can compete with the others... 11:19 !tell rikersan why are there two of you in jnh 11:19 Will do, kritixilithos! 11:19 -!- PavelB is now known as Pavel\ito 11:19 I have 2 lifetime ascensions lol, and my fastest is 27k turns. I’m meh 11:20 <[Demo]> but u can presumably play splicehack 11:20 this is true 11:20 Don't worry, I have 0 lifetime quest completions. 11:20 ok so Improved Tin Openers definitely has a lock on the 3.6.1 game 11:20 I'm hoping to contribute some unique deaths though! 11:21 -!- AntiGulp is now known as AntiGulp\ito 11:22 lol 11:23 :) 11:23 I feel like we need a flag for the Improved Tin Openers 11:23 time to face 3.6.1 Vlad 11:23 Junethack: New user cxxr registered! https://junethack.net/user/cxxr 11:23 <[Demo]> i wonder if ill even play 3.6.x based things this june 11:24 K2 I’ll pull in the curses updates. Crossing my fingers for a mostly crash-free tournament. 11:24 sounds good 11:25 but no worries if there are, i'll be around to recover 11:25 oh FYI all - I have drill june 1st thru 3rd, so I'll be offline most of that time 11:25 drill = military training with national guard for those not in the know 11:26 "crash-free", sounds boring 11:26 btw nice team you got there bhaak 11:26 bhaak: add trophies for getting a panic, segfault or game freeze :D 11:27 <[Demo]> are you drilling or getting drilled? 11:27 AmyBSOD\srn: devnull had that, but we can't as it isn't logged in the xlogfile 11:28 that's the existential crisis of junethack. what is not in the xlogfile, doesn't exist 11:28 parse livelogs ;) 11:28 i doubt that a crash is a livelog event? 11:28 it isnt 11:29 but things exist in the livelog that dont necessarily exist in the xlogfile 11:29 but, not all servers use livelogging 11:29 so moot point 11:30 <[Demo]> so it turns out that setting a newly generated potnetial stack of flintstones quantity to 1 isnt how you get only 1 of them 11:30 i guess you could write an external script that appends a crash message to livelog after the process died 11:30 there's always the paniclog 11:31 kritixilithos: IvoryTower contains the whole universe - the set of all things that are bhaak combined with the set of all things that are not bhaak 11:31 kritixilithos: it's the best team! maybe not regarding play ... 11:31 i make that publically accessible for various variants to benefit the variant authors 11:32 and 3.6.1 official improved the paniclog for public server use 11:32 what's wrong with Beholder? He's not announcing xnethack 11:32 Junethack: New user QQQQQ registered! https://junethack.net/user/QQQQQ 11:32 yes >:( 11:33 huh 11:33 quintuple quantum mechanics 11:33 <@Winsalot> So, who is gonna invite me to their junethack clan? :) 11:33 or five cats sitting next to each other 11:33 <[Demo]> join slexy robber nymphettes! 11:33 aosdict: haha, but if the ivory tower ∊ universe, then it also contains teh entire universe? it must contain itself :O 11:33 Winsalot: join us!!! you should already have an invitation :) 11:33 yes it is 11:34 I'm about to kill Vlad, assuming he doesn't escape. So we'll see in a minite. 11:34 minute 11:34 weird... perhaps when we updated the bot while ongoing games were active, its not picking those up 11:34 @Winsalot you should join the Improved Tin Openers 11:34 maybe save and reload 11:34 hm, well I just killed Rodney and then got the amulet 11:34 ok 11:35 for the unique deaths trophy, would "killed by a X named AB" and "killed by a X named ABC" coutn as different 11:35 ? 11:35 kritixilithos, cantor would like to have a word with you 11:35 ok killed him 11:35 Winsalot: the slexy robber nymphets are the best clan, we have our own channel and there's lots of really chilly players around! you want to be part of us too! ♥ 11:35 kritixilithos, no 11:35 you didnt save/reload did you 11:35 aosdict 11:35 no 11:35 We have our own channel too! 11:35 We even have a flag! https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/hYNNKTmY/image.png 11:36 * AmyBSOD\srn feels obligated to create a flag for the nymphets :P 11:36 is there a central listing of which players are on which clans 11:36 it is on the website 11:36 AmyBSOD\srn: Please do, then we can ask bhaak to allow uploading clan logos 11:36 :) 11:36 ooh, yes! 11:37 is there some rule that forces the candles in vlad's tower to be not the same type 11:37 i want to be on a clan that only has people who believe the eyes of the overworld shouldn't cure permanent blindness 11:37 aosdict: I know right?? I've never seen 7 of one type 11:37 wait that’s a thing??? 11:38 I have seen 7 in one stack, but usually it's less 11:38 well I know the amount is 4d2 11:38 nooodle: if you're still looking for a clan, know that the nymphets would be pleased to let you join :) 11:39 elenmirie: Actually, yes! The tower.des specifies one stack of wax and one stack of tallow. 11:39 no, nooodle joins ito 11:39 oh right 11:39 AmyBSOD\srn: TIL nymphet is a real word 11:39 nooodle: the OotO confer astral vision. of course it cures blindness 11:39 whichever clan has the least amount of toxic masculinity, which might be the nymphets 11:39 that's silly, vlad should invest in some better candles 11:39 *confers 11:39 this time I got 6 wax and 7 tallow (cursed) 11:40 K2: then i'm not going to be on your clan 11:40 kritixilithos: yes, it's from the Lolita novel 11:40 ok 11:40 lemme see if i'll lose any sleep over that 11:40 ... nope 11:40 oh you haven't even registered yet 11:40 :) 11:40 nooodle... we may have the most female players :) 11:40 I'm not sure though 11:40 nooodle: the eyes of the overworld are overpowered in my opinion and should be nerfed (and actually are nerfed in slex), so... join us ♥ 11:40 oh god 11:41 amybsod said the magic words, haha 11:41 <[Demo]> man i love how stupid jnh is its great 11:41 besides i think i might know amy in real life 11:41 lol 11:41 nooodle, are you german? 11:41 nooodle: wtf? that would be quite interesting to find out 11:41 Junethack: New user funcrunch registered! https://junethack.net/user/funcrunch 11:41 oh funcrunch 11:41 want 11:41 your username on junethack? I can't see a "nooodle" on the list 11:42 look for hypnotist 11:42 oh, no, nm, but I was at the latest roguelike celebration in SF 11:42 oh ok 11:42 on NAO i was "aioli" 11:42 where adeon did the realtime speedrun? 11:42 mmm, nooodles and aioli... 11:42 roguelike celebration in san fierro? sorry, I didn't attend that 11:43 san francisco i assume :D 11:43 yup san francisco at github headquarters 11:43 and got to meet thomas biskup so there was at least one german 11:44 nice 11:44 Junethack: New user winny registered! https://junethack.net/user/winny 11:44 ey winny want to join ITO? 11:45 what a slaughterfest 11:46 <[Demo]> its just so silly 11:47 Junethack: New user hypnotist registered! https://junethack.net/user/hypnotist 11:47 nooodle: I sent an invitation to hypnotist :) 11:48 elenmirie lemme know if beholder still isnt annoucing your game events 11:48 stepping away for a bit 11:48 ok K2 11:48 thanks 11:49 i step away from the IRC to breathe in 11:49 @amybsod thank you :) accepted 11:49 yay! welcome to the team! 11:49 why are there 55 people in #hardfought but only 31 people in #Junethack 11:51 ah right need to rejoin that 11:52 oops same 11:52 <[Demo]> hmm guess ill add junethack to my ghetto bot and hope it doesnt break 11:52 bhaak: please let us design banners for our clans that will be displayed on the junethack page :) here's the one for SlexyRobberNymphets: https://abload.de/img/slexyrobbernymphetsf3unx.png 11:52 K2: just killed Rodney again, and no Beholder 11:53 AmyBSOD\srn: What does *bundlebundlebundle!!!* mean? 11:53 <[Demo]> jesus christ thats great 11:53 Yep 11:53 Pavel\ito: hahaha :) it means "I brush your face with my beautiful long hair to get you to do what I want you to do" :D 11:54 I made the ITO one in 5 minutes in GIMP, I'm *super* bad at any form of drawing. 11:55 well I'm not that great at drawing either, but I did make all the slex-specific trophy images with MS Paint (and now also this banner) 11:55 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:56 lmao 11:56 <[Demo]> hmm guess ill add junethack to my ghetto bot and hope it doesnt break 11:56 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 11:56 i gotta hurry up and finish my games from before june 11:56 <[Demo]> its a good banner cause it looks like the trophy images 11:56 [Demo], did your ghettobot break 11:56 <[Demo]> no i restarted it 11:56 ah fair 11:56 <[Demo]> with <#450687825222828072> added 11:57 whats that 11:57 <[Demo]> oh dammit discord broke it 11:57 <[Demo]> oh well 11:57 elenmirie ok 11:57 <[Demo]> \<#450687825222828072> 11:57 #junethack 11:57 nope 11:57 <[Demo]> yeah that i tried 11:58 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 11:58 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ New server in Sydney, AU - one step closer to world domination :) 11:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 11:59 !ping 11:59 K2: Pong! 12:00 !who 12:00 K2: [hdf-us] ttc1401 [slex] hypnotist [nh361] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] cxxr [xnh] aosdict [xnh] 12:00 K2: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nh361] HotSauce [nh361] elenmirie [xnh] 12:00 K2: [hdf-au] No current players 12:03 i reset all three beholders 12:03 so we'll see if that fixes the Things™ 12:04 <[Demo]> if ur in oriental asia is the australia server faster or the europe one? 12:04 i would think the AU server, but its all in how your connection is routed 12:05 short answer: dont know 12:05 AU is best, i'm pretty sure 12:05 <[Demo]> where do the oriental isps route through? 12:05 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 4172014 points, T:79639, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hypnotist/nh361/dumplog/1527195474.nh361.txt 12:05 attie, ^ ? 12:05 second character in a row to ascend who was born blind. :p :p 12:05 congrats nooodle! 12:05 thank you. 12:05 grats 12:06 grats nooodle! 12:06 <[Demo]> wow nice 12:06 but failed to keep the blind conduct. But next time I'll knopw 12:06 <[Demo]> your vision clears 12:06 well done nooodle! may you score plenty of ascensions during the tournament too! :) 12:06 <3 12:06 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 12:06 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:08 [hdf-us] [xnh] cxxr (Val Hum Fem Law), 1791 points, T:3036, killed by a werewolf 12:16 Junethack: New user 910rd registered! https://junethack.net/user/910rd 12:16 Junethack: New user jedijinnora registered! https://junethack.net/user/jedijinnora 12:17 K2: SpliceHack has been updated with changes to curses, additional tips, and a few junenethack-specific engravings. Also cartomancers now start with 60 shuriken so they’re semi-viable. 12:18 <[Demo]> "a - 111 tiny gold pieces" uh oh 12:19 -!- AntiGulp\ito has quit [Quit: explodes into confetti] 12:21 ok great 12:21 -!- kritixilithos has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:23 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 12:24 K2: I'm about to kill Rodders again 12:24 ok watching 12:25 Junethack: New clan SmileMold created! https://junethack.net/clan/SmileMold 12:26 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has joined #hardfought 12:28 this latest update to the bot, nothing was changed in regards to livelogging 12:28 hmm 12:29 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has quit [Client Quit] 12:31 anything you want me to try? 12:31 no its ok 12:31 xlog reporting appears to work still 12:32 SpliceHack updated (all servers) 12:32 am I still being logged? 12:32 checking 12:33 yes 12:33 last entry was about 6 min ago 12:33 killed the WoY 12:33 ok, cool 12:34 Junethack: New user btimofeev registered! https://junethack.net/user/btimofeev 12:34 Junethack: New clan demilichens created! https://junethack.net/clan/demilichens 12:34 Junethack: New user Menche registered! https://junethack.net/user/Menche 12:35 ok i see the error 12:36 if username==elenmirie then ignore? 12:36 heh 12:36 its a change we made so nethack 1.3d xlogfiles could be reported 12:36 its affected livelogging somehow 12:38 -!- kritixil1thos has joined #hardfought 12:38 -!- kritixil1thos has left #hardfought 12:38 hah, found a thiefstone workaround for it not working on nonmagic items - you merely need to stick the nonmagic items in a magical container like a boh 12:38 heh its affected livelogging across the board 12:38 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 12:38 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:41 gotta thank this vlad tower archon for getting Demonbane for me, since it's even more awesome than in vanilla 12:42 aosdict: Are you planning to patch that out or are you keeping it? 12:42 Pavel\ito: the thiefstone thing? no, it's a clever idea, doesn't work on stuff like the Amulet (because they won't go into containers), and bags of holding are rare anyway. 12:43 Junethack: New user cevn registered! https://junethack.net/user/cevn 12:43 I only had the opportunity to do it because I found a random boh in orcus-town 12:44 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 12:44 AmyBSOD\srn: you know I'm a lazy bastard 12:46 bhaak, FR: each /home page has a button "looking for a clan", if the user clicks it, their name will appear on a special "users looking for a clan" page 12:46 stenno\ito: you know I'm a lazy bastard 12:47 lol 12:47 that's meta stuff, that needs to be done outside of junethack. next you want me to set up a forum per clan for communication :-p 12:47 hmm fair enough 12:47 where's the spirit of outsourcing as much as possible? 12:47 <[Demo]> heh 12:48 but Amy's banner idea could be done with leveraging gravatars 12:48 <[Demo]> isnt that really old stuff? 12:48 <[Demo]> i havent heard of gravatar in a while 12:49 aosdict: sweet!! 12:49 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:50 sweet what 12:50 [Demo]: it's still working 12:50 aosdict: sweet ITO clan fix 12:51 sorry only just got home from work 12:51 bhaak: doesn't gravatar only accept images up to a certain rather small size? 12:51 AmyBSOD\srn: couple hundred pixels on a side, isn't it? should be enough 12:51 https://de.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ 12:52 "You may request images anywhere from 1px up to 2048px" 12:52 * stenno\ito loads up a single pixel 12:52 uploads* 12:52 Gravatar also give some nice defaults, if nothing has been set 12:53 oh, so my 200x300 clan image would fit? 12:53 https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/28dcb69509a65feb969fc70c85744871?d=retro 12:53 sure but where would expect that size to be shown? 12:54 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 12:54 -!- tolkien.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ New server in Sydney, AU - one step closer to world domination :) 12:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 12:54 bhaak: wait, you just made that image for your clan? wow that was quick 12:54 no, gravatar made that for me 12:54 ah 12:55 remember the other inofficial motto of junethack "we don't do what others can do better as a half assed job " 12:56 <[Demo]> junnethack 12:56 [Demo]: Gravatar is owned by Wordpress now, so it's unlikely to go away soon. 12:56 <[Demo]> oh neat 12:56 \o/ 12:57 elenmirie livelogging is back 12:57 oh, cool! 12:57 thanks 12:57 bhaak: looks like a dwarf fortress icon 12:57 <[Demo]> wait if i cant edit options for nh 1 how do i comment in my junethack username? 12:58 lets see if 1.3d xlogfile events still work 12:58 aosdict: by changing the d parameter, you can get a set of different defaults: identicon,monsterid,wavatar,retro, or robohash 12:58 I think retro fits the junethack theme best 12:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] knavery (Rog Orc Mal Cha) was chosen to steal souls for the Glory of Kos, on T:24733 12:59 whew ok cool 13:00 <[Demo]> what 13:00 <[Demo]> leprechaun 13:00 somebody's playing 1.3d 13:00 poor person 13:00 thats one of my test accounts 13:00 <[Demo]> its worse than grunt 13:00 <[Demo]> balance wise 13:00 [Demo] do not mock the original nethack 13:00 blaspheme! 13:01 <[Demo]> im playing it rn so i will get my just desserts 13:01 vanilla isn't a flavor, it's an admission of defeat 13:01 so what flavor would grunthack be... raspberry? 13:02 <[Demo]> wishberry 13:02 When'd 13d get added? 13:02 few days ago 13:03 we had it in 2011-2013 or so? 13:03 and now it got revived 13:05 I remember it last year 13:05 huh? 13:05 sure? 13:06 <[Demo]> why are poisonous monsters that drain strength so strong in shitty roguelikes? 13:06 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 24776 points, T:716, killed by a gnome lady 13:06 <[Demo]> like rogue 13:06 <[Demo]> and nh 1.3d 13:06 <[Demo]> and zapm 13:06 > Calling zapm shitty 13:06 because there's no easy way to regain those drained stats? 13:06 <[Demo]> it just happens so fast 13:07 <[Demo]> and then you;re fucked 13:07 AmyBSOD\srn: the banner would also have to be square 13:08 oh, so 300x300 13:08 [hdf-us] [nh13d] Demo (Nin Mal), 692 points, T:1130, shopkeeper 13:09 tsk tsk 13:12 wow I correctly remembered my old gravatar login and password :D 13:12 [hdf-us] [nh13d] Demo (Hea Mal), 196 points, T:288, death ray 13:13 yay elenmirie 13:13 "This gravatar may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence." I wonder if that's true... after all, SLEX has been proving in the past that even ascii can be not safe for work :P 13:13 woot elenmirie! 13:13 \o/ 13:14 -!- hop has quit [Disconnected by services] 13:14 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 13:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 13:16 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 21744 points, T:572, killed by a crossbow bolt 13:16 [hdf-us] [nh13d] Demo (Fig Mal), 201 points, T:316, falling object 13:16 bhaak: https://de.gravatar.com/userimage/3952473/230cea02d4c16962165e51674770b095.png?size=300 - so, is there a chance for you to display that on the slexy robber nymphets clan page? *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 13:18 <[Demo]> are the objects permimic nymphs or nymph loot? 13:19 the ! is a potion of object detection, the ( is a mirror, the [ is a pair of sexy heels and the " is the Amulet of Yendor :D 13:19 <[Demo]> are the trees dryads in disguise? 13:20 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 15529 points, T:304, killed by a gnome lord 13:20 heh, they're actually a reference to unnethack's Aphrodite level, which has trees IIRC 13:20 fucking aphrodite 13:20 actually 13:20 she has awesome loot 13:20 i think guaranteed 300zm rings 13:20 <[Demo]> is the @ rodney or is it the gang scholar quest leader? 13:20 grats elenmirie 13:20 @ could be Rodney 13:22 Junethack: New user hothraxxa registered! https://junethack.net/user/hothraxxa 13:22 What does the BSOD in AmyBSOD\srn stand for? 13:22 blue screen of death, of course (my PC occasionally gives BSODs) 13:22 hothraxxa: Join the Improved Tin Openers! ^⍵^ 13:23 i think it's funny I can't read spellbooks in 1.3d 13:24 <[Demo]> shift + x 13:24 hothraxxa: join the slexy robber nymphets! ♥ 13:25 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:27 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:27 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:28 [Demo]: i luv u 13:29 I thought hothraxxa was promised to teamsplat 13:30 That's K2's clan, right? 13:31 lol It's got all the #hardfought ops 13:31 its not my clan 13:31 its just the clan i'm a member of 13:32 teamsplat is the hardfought clan, you will only gain membership if you always use purple rain on the astral plane :D 13:35 <[Demo]> you arent cool unless u name ur purple rain friends squirmy and then start naming after matrix sequels 13:36 I'll get to the astral plane some day 13:36 I name all of my purple worms 'Carl' 13:36 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:36 <[Demo]> what kind of carl? 13:37 just Carl 13:37 [hdf-us] [nh13d] dizzylizzy (Val Fem), 2968 points, T:2682, owlbear 13:37 K2: You should add us.hardfought.org 13:38 as alias for www.hardfought.org 13:38 not a bad idea 13:38 should I poly myself into a gold golem to get free levelport back to my stash? 13:39 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3009 13:39 or the other way around 13:39 That is up to you, aosdict 13:39 <[Demo]> nobody else knows how portkey stones work 13:40 Hmm 13:40 Yeah they're basically portkeys 13:41 Junethack: New user FIQ registered! https://junethack.net/user/FIQ 13:41 us.hardfought.org created 13:41 I got highlighted in 5 channels 13:41 K2: cool 13:41 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 3453 points, T:3361, poisoned by a quasit 13:42 Junethack: New user graydot registered! https://junethack.net/user/graydot 13:42 So what clan is FIQ joining? 13:42 <[Demo]> hes with teamsplat 13:43 huh? I thought FIQ was with the cockatrices 13:43 I am overprepared for this asc run. Time to make an end of it. 13:43 <[Demo]> oh he mught be 13:43 <[Demo]> that could b it 13:43 <[Demo]> i know hes in one of the two good ones 13:44 Can you start a run before jnh and only finish it after it starts to have it count? 13:45 AmyBSOD\srn: The clan does not exist yet 13:45 But yes, I am 13:45 Pavel\ito: does not count 13:45 otherwise you could park all the ascensions you wanted 13:45 [Demo]: I actually asked for a splat invite last year 13:45 I was rejected 13:46 <[Demo]> wait they have standards? 13:46 I took it in stride and crushed everyone 13:46 or not really, but my one 30s-from-deadline ascension did make the diffference between splat being #1 and #2 :P 13:46 <[Demo]> nice 13:46 <[Demo]> way to overthrow teamsplat 13:46 I thought the strat with clans was to just have as many people as you can get 13:46 FIQ: my clan wouldn't reject you ♥ 13:46 AmyBSOD\srn: I have former clanmates in ootc 13:47 oh, I see 13:47 And we already have an established community 13:47 I want to join them again 13:47 just like last year's junnethack and devnull 13:48 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "the blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:8189 13:49 [Demo]: I think splat is a group of very old NetHack friends 13:49 So it's understandable 13:49 <[Demo]> ok yeah 13:53 jonadab are you going solo this year or did you want to play with teamsplat again? 13:54 jonadab should join the nymphets to level the battlefield and mix things up :) after all, without him slex wouldn't be what it is now 13:59 hi i'm AmyBSOD, you should join my clan because 14:00 :D 14:00 hey, recruiting members is part of the tournament :D 14:01 K2: you should join my clan because I love you! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ *kiss* *swarming swing bundle* 14:01 dunno, guess I'm just used to the reasons being a bit more granular 14:02 I feel like joining srn should require reading its mission statement first 14:03 What is it's mission statement? 14:03 K2: It remains to be seen whether I will be actually participating this year. Have something else I have to finish up first, not sure I will have time. 14:03 Definitely not making decisions about clan affiliation yet. 14:04 gotcha 14:04 May be late to the party, if I can participate at all. 14:04 yeah understandable 14:04 jonadab: if you are going to participate, know that the nymphets' doors are always open for you :) 14:05 I have a feeling that the mission statement is literally just "bundlebundlebundle" 14:06 Pavel\ito: thanks, that is the official mission statement now :D 14:07 I still don't get what that means tho 14:07 to preserve your sanity: dont go there 14:09 ,_, 14:09 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 3032 points, T:3795, killed by a horse 14:11 Hmm, junethack lists 343 as 3.4.3-nao, but doesn't mention our 361 is 3.6.1-hdf 14:14 <@Winsalot> so what do I have to do as a part of a clan in junethack? Just play normally? 14:15 Winsalot: more or less, yeah, but the more ascensions, trophies, unique deaths etc. you get, the better it will be for our clan score :) 14:15 Ascend with different race/role combinations 14:15 Die in odd ways 14:16 most unique deaths is really fun 14:16 there are just so many weird ways to die 14:19 Is it possible to die of trickery on a public server? 14:19 you can try 14:20 Pavel\ito: nao had a trickery death in 2009 14:20 Junethack: New clan orderofthecockatrice created! https://junethack.net/clan/orderofthecockatrice 14:21 oof 14:21 uh-oh, the cockatrices are attacking 14:22 Do the individual gods count as unique deaths when they smite you? 14:23 probably not 14:23 also, the individual monsters in slex don't count as unique deaths either, it will always count as "killed by a monster" (but individual monsters in other variants probably still count as unique deaths) 14:23 Why's that? 14:24 slex has 18k monster species, it would make unique deaths really silly if every species could give a unique death 14:25 woah 14:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:10088 14:28 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 14:28 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:34 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 37671 points, T:2062, killed by a soldier ant 14:34 K2, see my reply re: hterm tiles https://old.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/8mofcn/registration_to_the_annual_junethack_tournament/dzpxr8t/ 14:37 replied, thanks Menche 14:39 Junethack: New user jhane registered! https://junethack.net/user/jhane 14:40 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 14:43 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a jackal, on T:4781 15:09 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:5392 15:12 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:18 Junethack: New user bzizizi registered! https://junethack.net/user/bzizizi 15:19 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 15:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 15:22 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:14280 15:23 <@Koumakan> How rare would you say it is to find "a runed broadsoard named orcrist" in the starting room 15:32 You kill Poes! :O :O 15:33 Koumakan, iono, kinda rare? 1 in 0000 maybe? 15:33 50,000 * 15:33 <@Koumakan> well as an orc, thats fun 15:33 -!- Elronnd is now known as Elronnd\srn 15:34 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping a potion of unholy water on an altar, on T:8428 15:34 [hdf-us] [nh13d] k2 (Tou Mal), 50 points, T:244, hobgoblin 15:35 aosdict: u have a clan yet? 15:37 Raisse, thank you for making sure my game had firebrand and snickersnee. :D :p 15:37 Junethack: New user vevais registered! https://junethack.net/user/vevais 15:40 ew 15:40 nethack4.org uses password auth for ssh 15:40 So? 15:40 does anybody actually use nethack4.org 15:41 testing my simple dgamelaunch client and noticed it's the only onethat requires ssh auth, debating wether i will add support for that or not 15:42 it looks slightly less than trivial to support https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12202587/automatically-enter-ssh-password-with-script 15:44 nooodle, I ascended with Poes a little while ago 15:44 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 15:44 so she is a veteran 15:45 !who 15:45 Grasshopper: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 15:45 Grasshopper: [hdf-eu] No current players 15:45 Grasshopper: [hdf-au] No current players 15:46 Junethack: New user Koumakan registered! https://junethack.net/user/Koumakan 15:48 I unfortunately killed poes before i realized who it was 15:53 oh 15:53 i see it's not dgamelaunch anyway 15:54 Coo, it's not! Someone liked to reinvent the wheel 15:54 !who 15:54 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 15:54 K2: [hdf-eu] Grasshopper [nh361] 15:54 K2: [hdf-au] No current players 15:54 Pinkbeast: will you play in junethack? if yes, it would be excellent to have you in my clan ♥ 15:55 Pinkbeast: no it's all fine - just didn't realize it wasn't so therefore i shouldn't support it 15:55 winny: you can use the 'expect' in order to feed the password to ssh 15:56 yeah, there is also this tool - sshpass 15:56 I don't know, to be frank. At the moment I'm fixing bugs in Crawl. (I wrote them). If I get too fed up with that I might play in junethack 15:56 but it turns out any effort defeats the purpose, since it doesn't appear to allow automatic logic to your nethack4 user 15:56 s/logic/login/ 15:57 But if I fix my bugs quickly I'll probably carry on and write some more bugs. 15:57 otoh, nh4.org isn't dgl, so you'd have to rewrite anything 15:57 but french users might thank you for supporting a server with such low ping 15:57 i don't think i can support it 15:58 well, not reliably 15:58 yeah, nethack4 kinda wants to take over your terminal and do everything itself instead of trusting you. You *can* support it, it's just hard and you'll end up basically writing an entire terminal library 15:58 maybe i can just write the username\npassword\n to stdin 15:58 nope 15:59 does it support environment variables like dgl does? 16:00 not sure, don't see anything about that 16:00 doesn't matter if it does or not, the entire client still wants a terminal and will probably fuck everything up if it doesn't have one 16:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:03 i'm giving it a terminal 16:03 so i don't think that'll be a problem 16:06 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 16:12 still looks a wee bit tedious lol 16:15 Junethack: New user Wolfechu registered! https://junethack.net/user/Wolfechu 16:20 !who 16:20 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 16:20 K2: [hdf-eu] HotSauce [nh361] Grasshopper [nh361] 16:20 K2: [hdf-au] No current players 16:22 i guess i will play most variants blind 16:23 <[Demo]> when in doubt, play it like vanilla 16:23 yeah i am kinda good in variant play in general 16:23 !who 16:23 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 16:23 K2: [hdf-eu] HotSauce [nh361] Grasshopper [nh361] 16:23 K2: [hdf-au] No current players 16:23 and i am somewhat up to date regarding some of them 16:23 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:23 \o/ 16:23 works! 16:24 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 16:24 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 16:24 but playing a variant is much different 16:27 I think we have 3.6.1 + variant covered pretty well 16:28 Given we have aosdict for xnh and AntiGulp for splicehack 16:31 [hdf-us] [nh361] knavery (Rog Orc Mal Cha) polymorphed his first object, on T:29687 16:32 i am not bothered 16:32 <[Demo]> i know so little about un 16:33 <[Demo]> for how much i should know 16:33 !who 16:33 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 16:33 K2: [hdf-eu] HotSauce [nh361] Grasshopper [nh361] 16:33 K2: [hdf-au] k2 [nh13d] 16:33 I'm not really there, game dropped out 20 minutes or so ago 16:33 it will be fun to play unnethack and dnethack again 16:34 also interested in slicehack a lot 16:34 i hope its not too buggy 16:34 <[Demo]> splice and xnh i should be able to play a vdfl the same as vanilla roughly? 16:34 Junethack: New user EricTheEchidna registered! https://junethack.net/user/EricTheEchidna 16:35 prickly 16:35 wonder if Eric is an Aussie 16:36 xnh is more or less vanilla 3.6.1 but without the annoying stuff 16:36 <[Demo]> and with portkeys and weird magic 16:36 splice is 3.6.1 with mystic scarabs :D (shame they got nerfed) 16:36 the hardfought website now shows number of players connected and playing across all three servers 16:36 local is immediate, remotes are updated once a minute 16:37 NEAT 16:37 <[Demo]> yey 16:37 !who 16:37 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] hypnotist [nh361] 16:37 K2: [hdf-eu] HotSauce [nh361] Grasshopper [nh361] 16:37 K2: [hdf-au] k2 [nh13d] 16:37 thats why I've been spamming !who last several minutes heh 16:37 K2: can you configure CORS for the api? 16:37 dont know what that is 16:37 K2: cool, but if I click on the https://www.hardfought.org/plr.php?player=k2 link it gives "page not found" :D 16:38 i know 16:38 baby steps 16:38 wanted listing of all players on all servers working first 16:38 then focus on the little things 16:38 :) 16:38 K2: can you give a link to the list? 16:39 https://www.hardfought.org/nh/index.php 16:39 thx 16:39 links for player names i broken fyi 16:39 *is 16:40 oh i guess there is no api then 16:40 all rendered in the backend 16:40 well 16:40 its the same code NAO uses 16:41 K2: ah, that's why it looked so familiar :) 16:41 https://github.com/altorg/nao-server/tree/master/www 16:41 thats what the hdf scoreboard is based off of 16:41 i just modified it a bit 16:44 ok player links work from main webpage but it needs work 16:45 just a kludge fix for now 16:45 amelie the neutral female human valkyrie was last seen in Sokoban on turn 17023 and with 0 points 16:45 it works :) looking good! 16:45 thx heh 16:46 wow and the page has links to all sorts of other info about the player in question! 16:46 er 16:46 but you'll notice it's tied in to their 361 profile 16:46 with 0 points? :P 16:46 omg the player stats even has fleecy-colored "svg pies"! ♥ 16:46 thats the kludge 16:47 fleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecy :) 16:47 i dont have an overall bit for that yet 16:48 ok yard work, bbl 16:48 o7 17:03 Junethack: New user Stiv registered! https://junethack.net/user/Stiv 17:04 -!- Guest60591 has joined #hardfought 17:09 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:19374 17:15 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 17:15 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:16 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 17:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:22193 17:35 -!- greqrg_ has joined #hardfought 17:38 -!- greqrg has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:40 -!- Guest60591 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:41 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 17:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:42 Junethack: New user Eleven registered! https://junethack.net/user/Eleven 17:42 xnh has silver darts?? yisss 17:43 Junethack: New user puck registered! https://junethack.net/user/puck 17:44 <@Winsalot> Hm, maybe I should hop over to FIQ's clan. After all his variant is my favorite 😃 17:45 cut clumpy grass gone from yard 17:45 mission complete 17:45 commence operation drink rum 17:45 Winsalot: nooooooou! stay with us! 17:45 the nymphets need FIQhack ascensions! 17:46 Junethack: New user Beholderp registered! https://junethack.net/user/Beholderp 17:47 <@Winsalot> hm, there must be someone besides me? 17:47 <@Winsalot> Also, If i play fh, I will probably go with monk, which I heard is really hard 17:47 my first and only fh ascension was a monk 17:48 <@Winsalot> it's possible that I won't ascend at all 😃 17:48 not sure if anyone in our clan is good at FH; I certainly am not 17:48 but the game has changed a fair amount since then 17:48 [hdf-us] [xnh] dizzylizzy (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:3001 17:48 :o 17:48 woo dizzylizzy 17:48 mojo time 17:48 Winsalot: even if you don't ascend, you'd probably score some important trophies, and therefore we need you! :D FIQ's clan will get a FH ascension anyway because, well, FIQ developed it ;) 17:49 TANI: if your deity grants you mjollnir, at some point in the game Thor will come looking for his lost hammer... 17:49 YANI dammit 17:49 Junethack: New user Saeniel registered! https://junethack.net/user/Saeniel 17:49 <@Winsalot> Does FIQ even play his own variant? 17:49 FIQ plans to ascend everything except slex this year... 17:49 sometimes 17:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] dizzylizzy (Val Dwa Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3134 17:50 rofl 17:50 too bad you cant dual wield artifacts 17:50 YANI: same thing for excalibur, except its king arthur 17:50 <@Winsalot> in some variants you can. Right? 17:50 grunthack only afaik 17:50 <@Winsalot> in slex maybe 17:51 dnethack apparently allows you to dual-wield excalibur with orcrist 17:51 this is some bonkers luck I'm having 17:51 slex allows you to dual-wield all artifacts (well, one-handed weapon artifacts :D) 17:52 <@Winsalot> Yeah, I might also try to ascend dnethack. Though it might be very hard 17:53 <@Winsalot> Cos I never played it before 17:53 dnethack is rather tricky IMHO, but I did somehow get to the sanctum last year 17:54 dnethack is really difficult to ascend on your first tries 17:54 at least that was my experience 17:54 i doubt that i can ascend it during junethack 17:55 damn it's gotten so late again 17:55 junethack is sleep deprivation time :P 17:55 this was my first ever serious try at dnethack - https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/dnethack/dumplog/1503634436.dnh.txt 17:56 it ended porrly 17:56 poorly 17:56 FFS 17:56 You hit it. It hits! It hits! It misses! It hits! It hits!--More-- :( 17:56 dizzylizzy: We have silver everything! 17:56 well silver a lot of things 17:57 i'd be interested in a silver longsword 17:58 dizzylizzy: Also, because you're Law, I'll point out that Demonbane is always silver. 17:58 ooooh 17:58 that's pretty sexy 17:58 this multitude of material types is hard to wrap my head around 17:58 -!- Cassieopeia_ has joined #hardfought 17:59 !who 17:59 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] SkydiveMike [nh361] knavery [nh361] amelie [nh361] dizzylizzy [xnh] 17:59 K2: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nh361] Grasshopper [nh361] 17:59 K2: [hdf-au] No current players 18:00 aosdict: 80x24 doesn't seem to work, it keeps moving the map to accomodate 18:00 is that normal? 18:04 in curses mode? 18:04 I think so. 18:05 i played my game in 80x25 18:05 because it needs to eat up more space with the box drawing chars 18:05 but the game is still 78x21 18:05 -!- AmyBSOD\srn has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:05 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 1314 points, T:3061, killed by a hill orc 18:05 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:07 aosdict: was curious if u wanted to be in a clan for junethack, since the tribute tournament was fun with the clan I was in with you and company 18:08 Junethack: New user mighty registered! https://junethack.net/user/mighty 18:08 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 23 points, T:210, killed by a kobold 18:08 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 18:09 The banana was secretly a cockatrice corpse! You turn to stone... 18:10 Wat 18:10 How 18:11 nice 18:11 Slex? 18:13 winny: was that clan lettuce? 18:13 hm wait 18:13 https://www.hardfought.org/devnull/clans/Fellowship%20of%20the%20=.html 18:13 for last devnull i made clan pile of poo 18:13 ah ok 18:14 loved that 18:14 the symbol... rofl 18:14 AmyBSOD invited me to her clan, but i won't be playing much slex, so i don't think i should join 18:14 winny: wanna join clan Improved Tin Openers then? aosdict is in there too 18:14 Eh, she invited me and she knows SLEX isn't my cup of tea 18:15 Pinkbeast: did you join up? 18:16 slex is a liiiittle much for me 18:16 hmm stenno\ito i think i'd be interested, yeah 18:16 winny: No; I have no idea if I will even play during junethack. 18:16 winny: weren't you in lettuce previously? 18:16 I'd say it has everything and the kitchen sink, but vanilla nethack has kitchen sinks already 18:16 -!- AntiGulp is now known as Antigulp\ito 18:16 aosdict: i don't think so, for 2017 tribute tournament? maybe i left and joined yours, but it's been awhile and i forgot lol 18:17 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed Lord Surtur, on T:26877 18:17 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:26879 18:17 dizzylizzy: also Amy has been disparaging other variants as "not a kitchen sink variant" when they walk back even a small change. not everything has to be as irreversible as in slex. 18:17 tbh i'd be down to join either ImprovedTinOpeners or teamsplat 18:18 Shurely "not an 8000 kinds of shoe variant" 18:18 I like my kitchen sink nice and clean. Cleanish, anyway. 18:18 my kitchen sink could use a good bleach soak 18:18 [hdf-us] [nh361] SkydiveMike (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 776 points, T:2178, killed by a watchman 18:19 stenno\ito: hook me up :3 18:19 did already 18:19 oh nm 18:19 nice clan picture 18:19 lol 18:19 Slexy's is fun too 18:23 I wonder if Tariru will participate 18:23 [hdf-us] [fh] ShittyBird (mighty) (Mon Hum Mal Neu) genocided arch-liches, on T:1345 18:23 we will see 18:24 Did he last year? 18:25 he was in my clan last year iirc 18:25 lets see 18:25 either devnull or junethack, can't really remember 18:26 Mm 18:26 Hopefully he's in your clan this jnh :P 18:26 must've been devnull 18:32 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:34 [hdf-us] [fh] ShittyBird (mighty) (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 36947 points, T:2362, killed by a human mummy 18:36 [hdf-us] [nh361] knavery (Rog Orc Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (class ;), on T:30881 18:41 -!- Antigulp\ito has quit [Quit: explodes into confetti] 18:43 !lotg Grasshopper 18:43 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, Grasshopper! 18:44 "Splat! You hit the Wizard of Yendor with a petrifying egg!" 18:44 Go Team Splat! 18:45 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach2 (Con Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed shield of reflection", on T:42907 18:45 !who 18:45 bug_sniper: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] k2 [gh] cassiopeiastar [nh361] amelie [nh361] knavery [nh361] ranlhach2 [un] 18:45 bug_sniper: [hdf-eu] Grasshopper [nh361] 18:45 bug_sniper: [hdf-au] No current players 18:46 woo go team splat! 18:46 So are you teamsplat people going to make a clan logo? 18:46 perhaps 18:49 'Matty swallows the Wizard of Yendor. "Burrrrp!"' 18:49 Status of Matty (neutral): Level 38 HP 304(304) AC 3, tame, eating, fast. 18:50 "fast" is relative, of course. Fast for a trapper 18:50 go Matty 18:53 aosdict: I think a useful word might be "discerning" 18:54 or "aware of and wanting to amend imbalances" 18:54 [hdf-us] [nh361] knavery (Rog Orc Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:31362 18:54 I like that xnethack maintains its relationship to the vanilla upstream, it makes testing features for potential future inclusion possible 18:54 at least that's the feeling I get from it 18:54 still getting used to all these materials 18:55 The fact that xnh keeps up with upstream is the reason I play xnh and not vanilla 18:56 I don't care how cool your mod is, I won't use it if it means being behind vanilla 18:56 or irrevocably 'ahead' of 18:57 it'll be weird ascending a non-vanilla variant 18:57 I guess I should stay away from xnh this junethack then, heh 18:57 :o why!! you'd be ace at it for sure 18:57 (and you're on my team!) 18:57 Actually, my current game of it is quite slow. 18:58 and I am in the process of convincing myself that I don't need to polypile some more, just Get On With It. 18:58 Get On With It, Nerd! == GO WIN 18:59 I don't even know how much I'll be able to play, worst case I get hit with a flood of bug reports 18:59 best case, more like 19:00 bug reports are nice :) 19:01 yeah but then I can't actually play 19:01 the NetHack Cross-Variant Summer Beta-Test? 19:02 nethack is always in beta 19:02 hell, life in general is a beta test :) 19:04 I already have a backlog of several bug reports... should probably focus on them 19:04 but I just booted up the old NES I have and am playing legend of zelda... 19:07 [hdf-us] [dyn] Chaotic Stupid (Luxidream) (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 977416 points, T:50959, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/dynahack/dumplog/2018-05-28%2019_07_46%2C%20Chaotic%20Stupid-Rog-Orc-Mal-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 19:09 -!- zjmc_ has joined #hardfought 19:11 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3936 19:13 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 2236 points, T:4001, killed by a hill orc, while fainted from lack of food 19:17 [hdf-us] [nh361] jmcunx (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 262 points, T:1442, killed by a bat 19:18 I'm on the Plane of Boredom (water) 19:18 you genocided v? 19:25 yeah 19:25 gotta put them vortices in their place 19:25 it becomes more of an issue with pets 19:25 on air plane I can see that 19:26 energy vortices can be nasty 19:26 pew pew pew 19:26 and the fire ones can kill pets quickly on Fire 19:26 and also they were just in the way so I geno'd them 19:26 I've got a tun of blessed genocide scrolls 19:27 well, 5 left I think 19:27 [hdf-us] [dyn] VAMPIRES SUCK ASS!!! (Luxidream) (Wiz Vam Mal Cha), 6315 points, T:2322, killed by a leocrotta 19:29 of which I've just converted 3 of into *cursed* genocide scrolls 19:30 <[Demo]> aws is dumb 19:32 <[Demo]> why am i getting emails like this when there are no months with over 750 hours? https://i.imgur.com/1YwGk9S.png 19:32 85% of 19:32 just a warning 19:32 <[Demo]> yes but why warn me of something impossible to happen? 19:32 is that a challenge 19:33 <[Demo]> it actually happened once 19:33 <[Demo]> maybe half a year ago 19:33 <[Demo]> and they sent out an apology email to the a bunch of ppl it affected 19:33 <[Demo]> oh it was january 19:34 what category of AWS would a nethack server be under? 19:35 <[Demo]> EC2 instance im sure they dont offer DGLAAS 19:35 haha 19:38 Grasshopper: that's a crapton of worms 19:38 like, holy quacamole 19:38 <[Demo]> squirmy army! 19:39 dizzylizzy: it's a teamsplat requirement 19:39 <[Demo]> its in the terms of service 19:40 ohh I see! 19:41 see, this is why I was asking about ITO team goals 19:41 seems pretty laissez faire 19:41 <[Demo]> ive already decided the srn goals are to be retarded and have fun 19:42 <[Demo]> and im sure amy has some similar idea to that 19:42 dizzylizzy: You must carry the first tin opener you find with you for the rest of the game. This way, if you die, the person who finds your bones can identify your clan. 19:42 name it "New and Improved!" 19:42 <[Demo]> oh god 19:43 and preferably as corroded as technical limitations permit 19:43 or just rustproof 19:44 <[Demo]> Grasshopper good call on the spinach 19:44 [hdf-us] [un] LoadedDice (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 1293 points, T:598, killed by a wand 19:46 "The trapper corpse glows iridescently. 19:46 " 19:46 Matty lives again! 19:47 [hdf-us] [nh4] jewnethack (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 38108 points, T:3575, killed by a white unicorn 19:47 -!- tacco| has quit [] 19:48 <[Demo]> what the hell is all this extra shit ur doing grasshopper? 19:48 worm party 19:49 <[Demo]> doing shots with the worms? 19:49 that was Matty 19:50 <[Demo]> shots with the worms and matty 19:50 <[Demo]> oh wait nice kill matty 19:50 <[Demo]> how do u make it to ur high altar and have any will to care enough about hp? 19:51 <[Demo]> see that's what happens when you do all that extra shit 19:51 "The door swings shut, and locks! Matty swallows Death." 19:51 <[Demo]> you could have ascended with your man matty but no 19:52 " 19:52 Matty vomits violently and drops dead!" 19:52 "The purple worm eats a trapper corpse." 19:52 /oUT 19:52 <[Demo]> it was all in one turn 19:52 not anymore... 19:52 oh well 19:52 until that point, Matty was busy eating 19:52 <[Demo]> do they not get to come if they are busy eating? 19:52 maybe I forgot to check that last turn with the steh 19:52 steth 19:52 they don't come 19:52 <[Demo]> damn 19:53 <[Demo]> thats a big deal to miss out on 19:53 yeah sux a lot 19:53 <[Demo]> if i were the pet id just stop eating 19:53 happens like when you go through portals too 19:53 <[Demo]> makes sense for portals and stairs 19:53 <[Demo]> but for an immortality with a god? 19:53 <[Demo]> uhhh i think thats an ok time to stop eating 19:53 yes, dev team, please look at that issue 19:53 <[Demo]> free matty 19:54 wait, the pet doesn't *ascend* with you if it's busy eating? 19:54 <[Demo]> oh thank god 19:54 <[Demo]> yeah im gonna change that in ndnh now cause thats dumb 19:54 -!- dizzylizzy is now known as dizzylizzy\ito 19:55 aosdict, that's right 19:56 wishless conduct! 19:57 ... and so it was written in the Book of Grasshopper 19:58 I still want to add you as a god so the game can literally say that at the beginning 19:58 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:58 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 19:59 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:04 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:05 <[Demo]> whoever wrote the part of the wiki article that describes difficulty of knights in dnh sounds like they havent played the game 20:07 Junethack: New user Corn_Dog registered! https://junethack.net/user/Corn_Dog 20:14 <[Demo]> https://i.imgur.com/K3YlaIJ.png this looks like it oughta be a mazewalk... 20:15 Junethack: New user conoro registered! https://junethack.net/user/conoro 20:16 [hdf-us] [nh343] jmcunx (Sam Hum Mal Law), 5992 points, T:3611, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted panther 20:16 <@Poorly Cropped Corn Dog> hey im corn dog 20:16 !tell winny test 20:16 Will do, winny! 20:16 <@Poorly Cropped Corn Dog> magic 20:16 !tell K2 i just saw the post about the forums being shut down - never used them - but it occurs to me that maybe you could create a subreddit specifically for HF to document some important discussions that fall between blog posts and (ephemeral) irc discussions 20:16 winny: Message from winny at 2018-05-28 20:16 EDT: test 20:16 Will do, winny! 20:24 Junethack: New user cirus registered! https://junethack.net/user/cirus 20:29 <@rikersan> !tell LarienTelrunya can I still be in slexy robber nymphets if I plan on genociding 'n' almost every game? 20:29 @rikersan: Message from kritixilithos at 2018-05-28 11:19 EDT: why are there two of you in jnh 20:29 Will do, @rikersan! 20:30 <@rikersan> !tell kritixilithos @kritixilithos I have 'rikerw' and 'rikersan' on hdf, so I can have 2 games going (in addition, one has curses set and the other doesn't). I'm planning on only using rikersan but just in case I'm including both, no reason why not really (not like amy the clan admin cares) 20:30 Will do, @rikersan! 20:30 <[Demo]> riker amy genocided herself last jnh so probably yes 20:30 <@rikersan> LOL 20:31 <[Demo]> wait no 20:31 <@rikersan> !tell kritixilithos @kritixilithos also join amy's clan we are cool 20:31 Will do, @rikersan! 20:31 <[Demo]> it was a ninja 20:31 <[Demo]> oh yikes 20:31 <@rikersan> lol 20:31 <[Demo]> if u genocide n i think we're fiqd 20:31 <@rikersan> ouch 20:31 <@rikersan> at 'fiqd' 20:31 <[Demo]> which is where u get genocided by a monster of ur own type 20:32 <[Demo]> cause it got confused somehow 20:32 <@rikersan> yeah I got that 20:32 <[Demo]> and then amy gets mad about it forever 20:32 <[Demo]> and its still funny 20:32 <@rikersan> I think f iq doesn't find it amusing either 20:32 <@rikersan> :p 20:34 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 31172 points, T:1498, killed by a hobbit, while praying 20:34 <@Beholderp> anybody play nethack that want to get a clan goin for the 2018 junethack tournament?! 20:34 <@rikersan> you don't really need to post in all 3 channels just fyi 20:34 <[Demo]> no 20:34 <@rikersan> and there's already a bunch made 20:34 <@Beholderp> Bleeeh 20:34 <@rikersan> figure out if there's one you want to join, then ask 20:34 <@Beholderp> K 20:35 <@Beholderp> Sorry 20:35 <@rikersan> (except for OOC and teamsplat I'm fairly certain those don't accept new people) 20:35 <[Demo]> join slexy robber nymphettes! 20:35 <@rikersan> np 20:35 <@rikersan> I mean 20:35 <[Demo]> beat the elites! 20:35 <@rikersan> on one hand yes do it 20:35 <@rikersan> on the other hand why would you 20:35 <[Demo]> down with the establishment 20:35 <@Beholderp> Lol 20:36 <@Poorly Cropped Corn Dog> i would rather make my own since i am nowhere near competitive enough to want to join a clan 20:36 <@rikersan> @Poorly Cropped Corn Dog join slexy robber nymphettes then 20:36 <@rikersan> it's basically the catchall 20:36 <[Demo]> yeah its casual 20:36 <@rikersan> since amy accepts all the things 20:36 <[Demo]> its fun if u want to yell and get excited and fun if u want to just chill 20:36 <@Beholderp> Ight 20:36 <@Beholderp> Sounds fun 20:37 <@rikersan> anybody know what demon lords/princes were present in 1.3d? 20:37 <@rikersan> i.e. applicable to junethack 1.3d 20:37 <[Demo]> hopefully not yengy :P probably none 20:37 <[Demo]> idk if those were even in hell? 20:37 <@rikersan> nope, there's some 20:37 <@rikersan> at least it's listed 20:37 <@rikersan> (on the wiki page) 20:37 <[Demo]> no 20:37 <@rikersan> it doesn't list which tho, and the link just links to the general page which has nothing afaict 20:38 <@rikersan> tfw dipping excalibur in 1.3d makes a long sword +5 automatically 20:38 <@rikersan> I like this 20:38 <[Demo]> i see none in the source 20:38 <@rikersan> oh really? 20:38 <@rikersan> kk 20:39 <@rikersan> hm, that doesn't mention anything about HARD tho 20:39 <[Demo]> HARD? 20:39 <@rikersan> the wiki page for 1.3d lists demon princes and lords IFF a compiletime def is set 20:39 <@rikersan> > if HARD defined at compile time 20:40 <[Demo]> well they arent in monst.c then 20:40 <@rikersan> which source code tho 20:40 <@rikersan> there may be a different source code thingy 20:40 <@rikersan> (that junethack uses) 20:40 <@rikersan> I'll figure out who's running junethack and ask them later but not tonight 20:41 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:20539 20:43 Junethack: New user nalzok registered! https://junethack.net/user/nalzok 20:44 @rikersan - i think the nethack 1.3d sources used on hf are on either k2 or Tangles github 20:44 <[Demo]> yeah id check tangles github 20:45 winny: its bhaak 20:45 K2: Message from winny at 2018-05-28 20:16 EDT: i just saw the post about the forums being shut down - never used them - but it occurs to me that maybe you could create a subreddit specifically for HF to document some important discussions that fall between blog posts and (ephemeral) irc discussions 20:45 as stated in the wiki article for NetHack 1.3d, the original sources don't compile 20:46 [hdf-us] [nh13d] Demo (Arc Mal), 83 points, T:312, homunculus 20:46 K2: sorry, what's bhaak 20:46 <[Demo]> the maintainer of 1.3d 20:46 oh :) 20:46 he maintains the 1.3d version that we have 20:46 are using 20:46 looking for link 20:47 sheit, didn't realize the devnull tribute website was perl powered 20:53 [hdf-us] [nh13d] Demo (Val Fem), 825 points, T:1051, orc 20:55 [hdf-us] [nh343] jmcunx (Kni Hum Mal Law), 1657 points, T:2441, killed by a giant bat, while frozen by a monster's gaze 20:56 https://bitbucket.org/bhaak/nethack-1.3d-revived 20:56 lol couldnt find it at first 20:57 <[Demo]> hey k2 if i run demobot should i do it on nao? 20:57 i wouldnt run it at all honestly 20:58 but yeah not here for the tourney, it uses a lot of cpu and i dont know how many ppl will play here at same time 20:58 i expect more than last year since we've been around for a bit now 20:58 winny - a hardfought subreddit? heh 20:59 <[Demo]> why not run it on ascrun? 20:59 i dunno, i dont think that's needed 20:59 <[Demo]> but i dont wanna play vanilla 20:59 [Demo] if you want to run it on ascrun and kerio doesnt mind, go for it 20:59 bots are allowed for junethack right? i think it just has to be id'ed as a bot 20:59 what's demonbot and why does it use so much cpu 21:00 is that a nethack bot 21:00 its BotHack 21:00 does it do a lot of bruteforce searching 21:00 i kinda want to write a bot 21:00 <[Demo]> its some guys nethack but i run sometimes under the name demobot (or dont anymore) 21:00 demobot is the name demo gave his bot when it played 21:00 maybe in racket, but probably too slow 21:00 i ran it for a bit (hdf-bot) 21:00 <[Demo]> has to be id'd as a bot? 21:00 fun for awhile but gets old 21:00 <[Demo]> i guess ill ask bhaak 21:01 https://junethack.net/rules 21:01 <[Demo]> rules say i can do it 21:01 yup 21:01 <[Demo]> so yeah kerio will be my victim 21:02 <[Demo]> cause its not like anyone will be playing on ascrun anyway 21:02 no, ascrun still has a loyal following 21:02 kerio been around for a long time 21:02 <[Demo]> really? 21:02 yeah 21:02 <[Demo]> well i dont know them so they dont exist to me 21:03 lmao at that 1.3d README. The UUCP addresses, the default config for Pyramid 98xe, the plea to keep bug report code fragments as small as possible, due to every hop along the path paying for the transmission. 21:04 OLD school 21:07 love that last commit Tangles lol 21:08 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 21:08 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ New server in Sydney, AU - one step closer to world domination :) 21:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 21:08 The beholder one? Just calling it like it is. 21:08 yeah 21:09 bhaak's been making commits to this 1.3d source since 2011 21:12 looks like he copied livelog code from unnethack, so maybe that will "just work" with beholder as it now is. 21:12 about to find out 21:12 just updated beholder 21:12 thx for the fix 21:13 It'll put ### in for race and gender in the livelog messages, as there's a bunch of places I'd have to special-case it otherwise. 21:14 bastard! 21:14 the hobgoblin 21:15 I may improve on this if I get time, but honestly I'd rather be racking up clan points for #teamsplat once the month rolls over, unless there's anything critical (or very, very annoying) that needs fixing. 21:16 its fine for now 21:16 play and have fun ;) 21:16 reap what you've sown 21:19 I should document more of the curses options, too. Popup_dialog now seems to work if you're into that. Perhaps some editing of the wiki is in order. 21:20 popup_dialog... will have to try that 21:20 AntiGulp has already merged your curses fixes 21:23 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Val Gia Fem Neu) had katana bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:4884 21:24 !ping 21:24 aosdict: Pong! 21:26 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Val Gia Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a werewolf, on T:5101 21:29 well 21:29 at least i cant break any armor 21:33 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Val Gia Fem Neu) had long sword bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:5659 21:35 lol. K2 the giant she-wolf. AwooooOOoooOOooo! 21:36 lol 21:37 * Tangles is reading livelog.c from bhaak's 1.3d distro... 21:37 I think I can add some more stuff to beholder based on this. 21:38 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 historic speed boots", on T:24574 21:39 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Val Gia Fem Neu) had silver war hammer named Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:6321 21:39 hah 21:43 Best rename yourself to Huginn or Muninn. 21:49 oh wait those are his ravens 21:49 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) wished for "the blessed greased fixed historic bag of holding named Burdenbane", on T:24917 21:50 geri or freki then 21:50 lol burdenbane 21:50 <[Demo]> play ndnh, u can fight huginn and muninn or tame them. if u kill them they drop their own respective dagger, thought and memory which can be twoweped together by anyone and have a special int/wis drain attack 21:52 hah, there's a comment in teleport.c where it makes the noteleport checks 21:52 /* Disable teleportation in stronghold && Vlad's Tower */ 21:52 must be quite an old comment 21:52 <[Demo]> stronghold? 21:52 castle 21:53 <[Demo]> ahh 21:55 You see here a glass pick-axe. 21:55 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 22090 points, T:487, killed by a magic missile 21:55 object material fail 21:56 hah, I prevented silly things like that in xnh 21:56 <[Demo]> Oh did you? 21:56 though, come to think of it, I didn't prevent broad picks... 21:56 <[Demo]> yeah 21:56 <[Demo]> sheol is from un, right? 21:58 yes 21:58 <[Demo]> I've always wanted to play through sheol 21:58 <[Demo]> outside wiz mode 21:58 A glass pickaxe doesn't make less sense than a glass sword, imo 21:59 <[Demo]> glass is sharp 21:59 <[Demo]> you can slice 21:59 <[Demo]> you don't slice with a pick 21:59 <[Demo]> can someone make a splicehack variant called slicehack? 22:02 Junethack: New user pheonixace registered! https://junethack.net/user/pheonixace 22:02 <@luxidream> it's just the same thing except without piercers 22:03 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Val Gia Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed the eyes of the overworld", on T:7068 22:03 <[Demo]> heh 22:03 no, piercers are renamed to slicers 22:03 rock slicer, iron slicer, etc 22:03 <[Demo]> I found a nethack level I drew many years ago 22:03 woot 22:03 <[Demo]> it's really dumb and I want nothing to do with it anymore but it made me laugh 22:03 now i haz teh magic resistance 22:04 just need to find me some reflection 22:04 ok bed time, good place to stop 22:04 gnite all 22:04 <[Demo]> gnite 22:04 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:05 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 22:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 22:07 -!- Pinkbeast has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:16 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Val Hum Mal Neu), 290874 points, T:34001, petrified by a Medusa 22:18 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 11 points, T:63, killed by a bear trap 22:19 -!- Pinkbeast has joined #hardfought 22:23 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 491 points, T:2005, killed by a brown mold 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1423 points, T:1607, killed by a fire ant, while praying 22:26 [hdf-us] [nh361] hypnotist (Rog Orc Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:27149 22:30 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has joined #hardfought 22:37 Is this server www.hardfought.org or eu.hardfought.org? 22:37 both 22:37 -!- greqrg_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:37 and au.hardfought.org and us.hardfought.org too 22:37 all under the same admin 22:37 Awesomesauce. 22:37 is www.hardfought.org == us.hardfought.org? 22:37 yes 22:38 but there are technically four domains as of several hours ago 22:38 hardfought is on three continents 22:40 -!- mcw has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:40 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 22:41 -!- captain42 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:41 -!- nooodle has quit [*.net *.split] 22:42 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 22:42 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 22:44 -!- elenmirie has quit [*.net *.split] 22:44 -!- Mandevil has quit [*.net *.split] 22:44 -!- Announcy has quit [*.net *.split] 22:44 -!- tungtn has quit [*.net *.split] 22:44 -!- khoR has quit [*.net *.split] 22:45 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+vov elenmirie Mandevil Announcy] by card.freenode.net 22:45 -!- mcw has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:46 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 22:46 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- aosdict has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- bug_sniper has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- Menche has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- K2 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- APic has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- Tangles has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- eady has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- attie has quit [*.net *.split] 22:46 -!- lorimer has quit [*.net *.split] 22:47 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 22:47 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 22:47 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v aosdict] by card.freenode.net 22:48 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- K2 has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- attie has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+oo K2 Tangles] by card.freenode.net 22:48 -!- APic has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 22:49 -!- NewbProgrammer10 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:50 -!- FIQ has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- dizzylizzy\ito has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 22:50 -!- [Demo] has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Demo__ has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Adeon has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- honu has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- bug_sniper has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Menche has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- K2 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Tangles has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- eady has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- attie has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- lorimer has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- aosdict has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- elenmirie has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Mandevil has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Announcy has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- tungtn has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- khoR has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- captain42 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- nooodle has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- hothraxxa has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Tarmunora has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- irina|log has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- NCommander has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Guest13947 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- jilles has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- dograt has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- dtype has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Pinkbeast has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- bouquet has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- shpingrlde has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- winny has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- deki has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- jonadab has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Lymia has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- hpardis has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- mcw has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- ProzacElf has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Pavel\ito has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- rld has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- oh6 has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- bhaak has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Mekkis has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- Elronnd\srn has quit [*.net *.split] 22:50 -!- noty has quit [*.net *.split] 22:51 -!- FIQ has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- dizzylizzy\ito has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- attie has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- K2 has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+ooov FIQ Tangles K2 aosdict] by card.freenode.net 22:51 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Pinkbeast has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+vovv Announcy Mandevil elenmirie rld] by card.freenode.net 22:51 -!- Elronnd\srn has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- shpingrlde has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- jilles has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- winny has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- deki has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- dograt has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Pavel\ito has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- irina|log has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+vvvv hothraxxa shpingrlde oh6 irina|log] by card.freenode.net 22:51 -!- Lymia has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- NCommander has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- dtype has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Guest13947 has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- bhaak has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Mekkis has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v jonadab] by card.freenode.net 22:51 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Demo__ has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- Adeon has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- [Demo] has quit [Write error: Broken pipe] 22:51 -!- [Demo]1 has joined #hardfought 22:55 Woah, just got a ton of system messages 22:57 What happened? Every channel I'm in got a flood of users disconnecting/reconnecting. 22:57 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Hum Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (master mind flayer), on T:4756 22:58 [hdf-us] [fh] Zee (krm26) (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 35060 points, T:1547, killed by a bolt of cold 23:01 Pavel\ito: check your global notices 23:01 routing changes, apparently 23:01 Oh hmm 23:01 I don't *think* I got disconnected at any point 23:02 nah, just different freenode servers getting disconnected 23:02 that's what a netsplit is like 23:02 hooray for distributed systems! *jazz hands* 23:03 I'm to young to understand your outdated communication protocols 23:03 Earlier today I got to learn what Usenet is 23:07 -!- stenno\ito has joined #hardfought 23:11 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 5492 points, T:5509, killed by a gold golem, while praying 23:12 -!- stenno\ito has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 23:16 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:19 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 2058 points, T:3472, poisoned by a rotted rothe corpse 23:25 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:43 [hdf-us] [nh361] amelie (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (master mind flayer), on T:4175 23:45 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 91 points, T:251, killed by a black pudding 23:50 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:55 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 186 points, T:461, killed by Ms. Manlobbi; the shopkeeper 23:59 [hdf-us] [nh361] cassiopeiastar (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 82 points, T:438, killed by a goblin, while sleeping