00:52 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:38 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:38 Beholder: which inexplicable crash do we have this time??? 01:38 !ping 01:38 LarienTelrunya: Pong! 01:38 huh, none? amazing 01:38 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:42 !tell Winsalot the alien lifeform message was a fake :D stunnopathy means that while stunned, most monsters on the level will be displayed. 01:42 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 01:44 !tell Winsalot the "you feel sinful" from triggering a trap reduced your alignment, yes, and it also increased your sin counter, which damages your max alignment and makes it more likely for hostile kops to spawn 01:44 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 01:55 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:05 Bonjourneroni! 02:07 morning mcw! SLEX 2.2.2 release is today! :D now I'm just waiting for Travis to tell me whether it builds, and then it's *bundlebundlebundle* time! 02:07 :-) 02:07 I have got absolutely nohing done the past couple of days 02:07 all been setting computer up at work 02:07 etc 02:10 Evil Patch idea: if a nymph steals one of your items, the game simply says "Something seems missing..." without telling you what item got stolen. 02:19 nymphs can be rage-inducing enough already :-( 02:23 <@Winsalot> Hey Amy. I think Im starting to appreciate slex 02:23 @Winsalot: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-27 01:42 EDT: the alien lifeform message was a fake :D stunnopathy means that while stunned, most monsters on the level will be displayed. 02:23 @Winsalot: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-27 01:44 EDT: the "you feel sinful" from triggering a trap reduced your alignment, yes, and it also increased your sin counter, which damages your max alignment and makes it more likely for hostile kops to spawn 02:23 :D 02:24 also *sigh* these merge conflicts are driving me insane 02:24 why can't I just say "ignore whatever I changed locally in those files and freaking pull from the remote"? 02:26 You can do 02:26 Auto-merging src/recover.cCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/recover.c 02:26 -!- krm_ has joined #hardfought 02:27 it says "Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result" but I don't want to commit anything, I just want to pull master! 02:27 Why do you want to do that? 02:27 Best thing to do: 02:28 git checkout -b amy_changes_for_today 02:28 git checkout -B master origin/master 02:28 git pull origin master 02:28 That will create a new branch with your changes 02:28 go back to the "clean" master branch 02:28 Then pull master 02:28 So you can then see what's in your special branch with 'git diff master..amy_changes_for_today' 02:28 ugh, I just deleted the entire folder and recreated it so I can set up the repository again 02:29 LarienTelrunya: you can always always do 'git checkout -B master origin/master' 02:29 now I need to figure out how to tell it to clone the repo in this folder though :P 02:29 ah, hmm 02:29 to repoint your current master to the origin/master's view of the world 02:29 Or at least, the view of the world the last time you did a fetch/pull 02:29 -!- krm has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:30 git clone https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended.git 02:30 apparently that works 02:33 !tell K2 SLEX 2.2.2 released. This is supposed to be the version used for Junethack, i.e. I won't be breaking saves for the next two months. It's the master branch in the slex repo. If you try to put it on hdf, please make sure the 2.1.7 saves don't get overwritten since Tariru has a far-progressed one :) 02:33 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:36 !tell K2 WHEREIS_FILE is defined in config.h now, you may want to change it to where you want it to be :) 02:36 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:51 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:51 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:59 @Winsalot If you want to be the first to playtest the brand-new SLEX 2.2.2, it is now playable on the em.slashem.me server :) 03:20 https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tubs/fec18d610cb4606151f541e1062f59ab/raw/da210a9c5a4e547f49566aeec3faa81e4a23a973/errs 03:20 Woo 03:21 We can validate everything except "optional" arguments 03:21 Which should be ok to do! 04:01 <@Winsalot> Im at work rn. Wouldnt be good is I started playing games :) 04:06 morning 04:06 FIQ: Message from K2 at 2018-04-26 22:09 EDT: see pm please 04:12 mcw: so K2 gave me a .crash file 04:12 it *does* contain a core dump but also a bunch of other stuff I'm not very interested in 04:12 seems to be an ubuntu thing? 04:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:12 do you know how to extract the core dump from it 04:14 googling seems to suggest using something called apport 04:14 which is neither in arch repos or in AUR lol 04:15 (the core dump is apparently in a base64-encoded, compressed, format) 04:17 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:18 FIQ: will reply when on bus 04:18 I have vague knowledge of apport 04:19 But need to head to work, will be back in 30mins or so 04:19 but I can't even find apport in repos lol 04:19 or AUR 04:19 I'm on arch, K2 seems to be on ubuntu 04:19 apparently .crash is an ubuntu thing? or possibly debian 04:41 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:46 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:55 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:14 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 05:14 Hi! 05:14 Hello puck_, Welcome to #hardfought 05:14 puck_: Message from K2 at 2018-04-26 22:10 EDT: provided your save to FIQ, thanks for letting me know 05:15 No problem. Thx, K2! 05:20 Lol! eu.hardfought.org ( blocked in Russia 05:21 Reason: 15.3 This legislation regulates the procedure for restricting access to sites on the Internet, containing information with calls for riots, carrying out extremist activities or participating in mass (public) events conducted in violation of the established procedure. 05:22 -!- puck_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:22 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 05:24 calls for riots, lol 05:24 -!- mcw[ork has joined #hardfought 05:26 Just look at this banner on website! https://imgur.com/R27PLyl It's so offensive and extrimist 05:27 FIQ: yeah it's a wanky Ubuntu thing 05:27 you could grab the python-apport and apport package 05:27 or just base64 decode the core dump manually 05:28 AWK should strip it out I think 05:36 mcw[ork: can I install that using pip? 05:36 python-apport isn't in repos 05:36 FIQ: hi. Can I turn off hints in fiqhack? I mean "seems vault is on the level" or "you gained poison resistance" etc 05:36 mcw[ork: the base64 consists of 3 parts encoded seperately 05:36 how should I even decode it? 05:37 puck_: yes you can 05:37 Cant find in options/ Is this verbosity or what? 05:37 message_hints 05:37 Ah, Just found. Thanks! 05:46 FIQ: you got docker or some other container engine? 05:46 Might be easiest to fire up an ubuntu container 05:46 -!- mcw[ork has quit [Quit: *poof*] 05:46 -!- mcw[ork has joined #hardfought 05:46 and use apport-unpack 05:46 10:46:30 05:46 It's OK, you're connected again :) 05:47 Err 05:47 kiwi is screwy 05:50 mcw[ork: Hmm I'll see what I can do @docker 05:50 The fact that I even need to do this is ridiculous... 05:50 Not blaming K2, but unbuntu 05:54 FIQ: tell me about it 05:54 FIQ: it's so wank 05:54 FIQ: apport is a complete ball ache even on ubuntu 05:54 It hijacks python exception handlers 05:55 I'm quite tempted to get an iMac for home 05:55 I'm enjoying the one at work more than I thought I would... 05:55 it's appleware 05:55 FIQ: no, it's not in pip because ubuntu is shitter 05:55 so you don't want it ;) 05:56 It's got a terminal for typing, a web browser for looking at naughty pictures, and a text editor. 05:56 What more do I need? \o/ 05:56 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:04 -!- mcw[ork has quit [Quit: *poof*] 06:12 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 06:14 you can get that with far less spending 06:31 <[Demo]> buy a cool used 10 year old thinkpad 06:38 mcw: perfect 06:38 http://home.fiq.se/apport_sucks.txt 06:48 !tell ais523 so I was thinking, is there a way as an "end user" of libuncursed to figure out what it thought of the client's unicode support? Considering it and handling stuff based on it is a rather $TERM-y way of doing stuff, but I figured if I were to create an unicode tileset at some point, it would be useful if I could tell the user "yo, your terminal isn't actually unicode-enabled" 06:48 Will do, FIQ! 06:50 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 06:55 why is the fiqhack crash even handled by apport in first place anyway 06:55 it's not from repos 06:55 I wonder if K2 tweaked something at some point 06:55 hi ais523, I'm struggling to figure out how to extract a core dump from a .crash 06:55 Bonus points for me not even using ubuntu 06:56 ended up resporting to setting up an ubuntu docker container 06:56 and even when I have done this 06:56 I *still* can't get what I want 06:56 http://home.fiq.se/apport_sucks.txt 06:59 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: sorry for my connection] 06:59 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 06:59 apport confuses me sometimes 06:59 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2018-04-27 06:48 EDT: so I was thinking, is there a way as an "end user" of libuncursed to figure out what it thought of the client's unicode support? Considering it and handling stuff based on it is a rather $TERM-y way of doing stuff, but I figured if I were to create an unicode tileset at some point, it would be useful if I could tell the user "yo, your terminal isn't actually unicode-enabled" 06:59 oh 06:59 hmm 06:59 It actually created stuff in the dir I specified 07:00 Despite the error... 07:00 Ok I think I have what I have 07:00 *what I need 07:00 most annoying is when it assumes a crash in an application running under valgrind (very very common, as one of valgrind's main purposes is diagnosing the reason for crashes…) is a crash in valgrind itself 07:02 ok brilliant 07:02 the core isn't even useful 07:02 oh well 07:02 at least I FINALLY managed to get the stupid file 07:02 my god 07:02 why is apport a thing 07:03 K2: Core is useless. Not really your fault, but could you look into launching krm_'s or puck_'s save under valgrind? 07:03 Even if this results in no crash, it probably meant an unitialized variable or similar, so the valgrind log would still be useful 07:04 K2: This is how I generally run valgrind: "valgrind --log-file=/tmp/valgrind.log --track-origins=yes" and then the log is at /tmp/valgrind.log 07:04 ais523: fiqhack apparently has a bug that reproduces on server but not on my desktop 07:04 this happens basically never 07:05 I'm just thinking how annoying figuring out crashes would be on a NH3 environment where this is the *standard* 07:06 FIQ: I thought libuncursed already checks for utf-8 support? 07:06 yes, it just doesn't expose that to the application using it 07:07 which is what I want 07:07 I have no idea of knowing if utf8 is available from within the process 07:07 FIQ: it's technically difficult to get uncursed to tell the program whether the terminal uses Unicode as it might not be using a terminal at all 07:07 the better API would probably be to expose whether the plugin claims to be able to render Unicode 07:07 ais523: Right, but it should be able to know if the output device can use utf8 07:07 which a terminal plugin wouldn't if the terminal were in CP437 mode 07:07 I don't care about the terminal per se, I assumed you realized what I meant 07:08 basically 07:08 I'm not sure how difficult or easy that would be 07:08 "can the user's client render unicode or not" 07:08 my guess is easy but tedious as I'd need to add a new hook to all the plugins 07:09 I guess there are a few cases where it might not be known at the time (e.g. ttyrec backends) but you can't do much about that 07:13 have you thought about spinning libuncursed into its own repository? 07:14 hi 07:14 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 07:14 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-27 02:33 EDT: SLEX 2.2.2 released. This is supposed to be the version used for Junethack, i.e. I won't be breaking saves for the next two months. It's the master branch in the slex repo. If you try to put it on hdf, please make sure the 2.1.7 saves don't get overwritten since Tariru has a far-progressed one :) 07:14 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-27 02:36 EDT: WHEREIS_FILE is defined in config.h now, you may want to change it to where you want it to be :) 07:14 there have been some intentions lately to enhance it. 07:14 bhaak: libuncursed2 will have its own repo 07:14 like 256 color mode. 07:14 I have started it, just haven't done much more than that 07:14 ais523: both bhaak and mcw has been interested in tweaking it 07:14 libuncursed1, that is 07:14 ais523: how many years before it will be public? :) 07:14 I have no objection to people spinning libuncursed1 into its own repo 07:14 especially mcw, I think bhaak was mostly interested as an end user of something mcw was working on 07:14 bhaak: no idea 07:15 mcw: ^ you could perhaps just make your own repo I guess 07:15 FIQ I wont have time to run valgrind until this weekend 07:15 my main issue is mental energy and time to work on it more than anything else, and that varies unpredictably 07:15 it could probably be completed within 50 hours or so of actual work on it 07:15 K2: Ok. That means that puck_ and krm_ will have to wait, I guess 07:15 which is unfortunate 07:15 no choice :/ 07:15 wake up, get dressed go back to the park 07:15 come back go to bed 07:16 (we're still at disneyworld) 07:16 it is fine 07:16 I am not demanding you help me with stuff 07:16 it's your stuff, you do things on your own time 07:16 ais523: have you seen that ncurses 6.1 added true color support? 07:16 well i want to help of course. plus i dont want you to beat me again 07:16 i still have fully healed from the last beating 07:16 lol 07:16 ;) 07:17 maybe if todays itinerary doesnt go so late i may have time 07:18 bhaak: no 07:18 we're flying home tomorrow so hopefully today isnt as long a day 07:18 Disney is more important than my save game, I totally agree :-) I can wait 07:18 but given how terrible curses' API is I'm scared to learn how 07:18 does it require you to set up a color pair for every character on the screen or something? :-D 07:18 Hmm, how did my alias grow an underscore? 07:18 krm_ thanks ;) dont worry we'll get your game fixed 07:18 krm_: likely you got disconnected and your client reconnected while the server thought the first connection was still active 07:18 ais523: I figured they'd just require you to setup color pairs for each individual rgb color 07:18 the underscore is added to prevent a nick clash 07:19 Color pairs itself isn't a terrible idea 07:19 -!- krm_ is now known as krm 07:19 having "virtual" dynamic colors 07:19 FIQ: it exists to be fully general with how terminals work 07:19 But the fact that it is the *only* way to do colors is dumb 07:19 as some have a settable palette, some you just specify the color 07:19 ais523: color pairs for every color combination you want :) 07:19 libuncursed2's approach is to have a palette that you can index indirectly via but you can also hardcode the color 07:19 the purpose of the palette is so that you can retroactively change a color you've already drawn, e.g. for the UI frame color change 07:20 ais523: and you have to do it with "*_extended_*" functions as the old API only had shorts. the new ones have ints :-) 07:20 the other day I added prototype logic to do color cycling just for fun 07:20 not committed, but to see how hard it'd be and how useful it could prove 07:20 ok we're off, will be back tonight 07:21 K2: hf 07:21 isn't nearly as distracting as I expected 07:21 color cycling on the terminal with libuncursed? 07:21 and could be useful in some cases 07:21 bhaak: yes 07:21 I didn't modify libuncursed, I just added dummy color cycling to see how it'd look like 07:21 intersesting 07:22 It was pretty easy to add 07:22 bhaak: somehow that's even worse than I expected :-D 07:22 you could increase the pallet if you wanted to this way, but I was personally thinking just to do it (and animations in general) for stuff like "the monster is sleeping" 07:22 make a player or monster color cycle their color to black and back when it's low on health <- see, easy to come up with a useful application 07:22 bhaak: exactly 07:22 stuff like that 07:23 I actually like that, it's probably less annoying than blink 07:23 my only issue stopping me from adding something like this 07:23 is that I will have to deal with NH4's display engine 07:23 and if it changes continuously it'd be less confusing than DCSS's elemental colors 07:23 which is very resistant to changes 07:23 * ais523 adds a mental note for libuncursed2 07:24 ais523: I got the idea from seeing the kind of thing Caves of Qud does in its display 07:24 It does this for a lot of things, and is pretty useful 07:25 stuff like monsters on fire, confused, regenerating, etc 07:25 Brogue does it for subtle clues 07:25 like "you just found a trap", it'll be very bright initially and then fade to the normal color over half a second or so 07:25 Right 07:25 brogue and cogminds does that similarily 07:26 use animations to highlight stuff going on in an "instant" 07:27 *cogmind 07:33 How to kill peaceful char and dont break moral code? I have ring of conflict and lare cat 07:33 )Im neutral) 07:34 I can't catch my cat and this char in te same room 07:34 s/te/the 07:35 You can't, directly 07:35 You have to use conflict, for example 07:35 [hdf-us] [fh] Clarembaut IV (puck) (Pri Hum Mal Neu) killed the healer of Bogdan, the former Empiric, on T:16229 07:35 Done! 07:36 Heh 07:36 There is another one 07:36 It has teleportis 07:36 This will be hard 07:36 If a monster has teleportitis and teleport control, it will abuse it to its fullest 07:36 lol bogdan 07:37 This was my character too :D 07:38 did it die to the other player monster 07:38 Didnt understand your question 07:38 did bogdan die to the other player monster on your screen atm 07:39 Ah, no, second char isn't my char 07:39 Its some valkyrie 07:39 yes 07:39 did the valkyrie kill bodgan 07:39 Umm. Nope, valkyrie still alive 07:39 when you played as bogdan 07:39 AAaaaah 07:39 did you die to the valkyrie 07:40 Nope, they from different levels 07:40 ah 07:40 For some reason Bogdan folowed me from other level 07:40 ahh 07:40 heh 07:40 he wanted to get another shot at the Amulet 07:40 :p 07:40 Bogdan died from nymph, which stoled all items 07:41 ahh 07:41 is the nymph still around 07:41 Nope, killed her 07:41 ahh 07:41 > valkyrie called ahrimen 07:42 How to check who it is? 07:42 Or we can't? 07:42 you just did 07:42 !lastgame ahrimen 07:42 FIQ: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/a/ahrimen/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-04-26%2004%3A33%3A31%2C%20ahrimen-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law%2C%20died.txt 07:43 > Farvel ahrimen the Valkyrie, killed by a healer called "Bogdan"... 07:43 the dump is from another game 07:43 Lol! 07:43 but yeah 07:43 My Bogdan killed someone 07:43 DANGER 07:43 hmm funny 07:43 that means that that ahrimen bones is probably in your game 07:43 Yes, she is stays in front of me 07:46 Yee. Ahrimen unlocked closed shop! 07:46 hahaha 07:46 Thanks, Ahrimen. Now I will kill you 07:46 I was trapped in that shop yesterday 07:46 Managed to teleport away 07:46 I wonder if he has knock 07:46 or just a key 07:47 Ill check her inventory 07:47 Just need to kill her 07:47 He or her? 07:47 Oh 07:47 no idea 07:47 I don't know ahrimen 07:47 He or she?* 07:47 don't shks always generate with a key in vanilla? 07:47 ais523: Ahrimen is a player monster 07:48 ah 07:49 i like shotgun shks 07:50 [hdf-us] [fh] Clarembaut IV (puck) (Pri Hum Mal Neu) killed the valkyrie of ahrimen, the former Fighter, on T:16499 07:50 Yeeehh 07:50 Why its written what I killed him, this is was my cat 07:50 epic 07:51 :D 07:51 FIQ: Ahrimen had key and lockpick and no wands 07:51 puck_: livelog doesn't say actual killer 07:51 ah 07:52 Oh 07:52 Im wrong 07:52 It had wands 07:52 But I dunno if there is knock. Ill check right now 07:52 if he had a key he probably used that 07:53 no reason to waste charges on wands 07:54 [hdf-us] [fh] Clarembaut IV (puck) (Pri Hum Mal Neu) killed the human zombie of ahrimen, the former Fighter, on T:16526 07:55 is this a super bones wild party? 07:57 Demo_: probably just zombie-revival 07:57 so do these kills count for pvp? 07:58 Damn. My cat now enslaved 07:58 I can't tame it, FIQ? 07:58 I mean with food 07:58 ais523: YASI: instead of proper struct and fields, create a hash table and have the field names as keys. Now you can create/destroy things without adding save logic for it :D 07:59 FIQ: you still need logic to deal with the fields not being there in previous versions 07:59 this is similar to structdesc, though (just run-time rather than compile-time) 07:59 Meh, just have a default value of zero 07:59 But yeah ok, you do need logic in case zero isn't a good starting point 08:00 > You displace your enslaved large cat 08:00 Damn. Now I have zombie-cat 08:00 Why it still alive after Zombie death? 08:00 Zombie-revival 08:01 That said it should be hostile 08:01 Assuming the zombie was 08:01 I thought, after Zombie death, all slaves die too 08:01 Ah. No 08:01 Perhaps they should 08:01 FIQ: I just tamed my hostile enslaved cat, this is why it not hostile anymore 08:02 Ah 08:02 Enslaved creatures should probably refuse to change owner 08:02 and die if the original dies 08:02 what did you retame it with? 08:02 if it's food that's probably inappropriate 08:02 if it's anything else I see no problem with this :-D 08:02 FIQ: yeah, add this feature 08:03 * LarienTelrunya reads a scroll of genocide! Wiped out all large cats. 08:03 that said, even if it's food, this is funny enough that it should probably be kept 08:03 LarienTelrunya: Heppened to @Winsalot 08:03 https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/8dh7kx/leprechaun_killed_my_pet_dog/?st=jghws9gd&sh=b72c92cc 08:03 Allthough you replied to it already 08:03 are there any circumstances under which a monster can genocide the player's natural form? 08:03 yeah, I guess if that happens, your pacifist run is hosed 08:04 ais523: Yes 08:04 Confused genocide 08:04 by a monster of the same role 08:04 (or race) 08:04 * puck_ all cats decreased their lives counter by one (default value was 9) 08:04 LarienTelrunya: Most pacifists use Archons. Archons can't be genocided 08:05 FIQ: that seems Evil Variant-tier evil 08:05 especially to Magicbane users 08:05 ais523: It is not a common occurence 08:05 Kuge the invisible monk throws a potion of confusion! The potion of confusion hits Eve the invisible samurai. Eve the invisible samurai reads a scroll labeled YOU DIED ON THE ASTRAL PLANE! Wiped out all samurai. Do you want your possessions identified? 08:05 Which is an understatement. It has yet to happen, ever 08:05 it's basically a tiny chance of an instadeath added every time you attack an intelligent monster with Magicbane 08:05 even if it never actually happens the possibility probably makes the game worse 08:05 ais523: Only the "wrong" intelligent monster 08:05 And it's easy to avoid those in particular 08:05 instadeath isnt cool 08:06 ah right, if you confuse a player-monster with your role 08:06 or a race-monster with your race 08:06 yes 08:06 confusing a Samurai will not potentially kill off Wizards 08:06 Also for race it needs to be the base form 08:06 perhaps player-monsters should be protected from friendly fire, as LarienTelrunya points out above? 08:06 ais523: yeah I mentioned several times that it's probably a bad idea, but apparently it won't get changed; using confuse monster is thus forever unsafe on FIQhack's astral plane if player monsters of your role are present 08:06 A confused gnome lord will geno gnome lords 08:06 that's what I meant by a race-monster 08:06 a monster that's actually just the base example of the race 08:07 IMHO monsters simply should not be able to read genocide and there's a good reason why they can't in vanilla :P 08:07 those are rare, I think, apart from "gnome" which is very common 08:07 ais523: The AI will not hit friendlies with stuff unlike vanilla 08:07 and dwarves 08:07 even if it can't detect them? 08:07 even if stunned? 08:07 Stunned isin't implemented yet in FIQHack, but yes that would allow it 08:07 Same with not seeing them 08:07 *isn't 08:08 (Monsters can be stunned in fiqhack like usual, but it's vanilla monster stunning which is like -2 to-hit) 08:08 FIQ: wat 08:08 you praise your variant as being fully symmetric yet the huge crippling disadvantage you get while stunned is not applied to stunned monsters??? 08:08 LarienTelrunya: A stunned monster will not move randomly 08:08 I assume this is simply a missing feature more than anything else though 08:09 LarienTelrunya: This is lack of implementation detail. I do intend to address this 08:09 But I need to figure out how to deal with always-stunned monsters 08:09 Which is why I've left it as-is 08:09 well, I'm curious if that means bats will be trivially easy to defeat :P 08:09 Yes, precisely 08:09 What I am considering here 08:09 FIQ: btw, the Reddit post in question points out a FIQHack bug: monster vs. pet genocide is channelized incorreclty 08:09 is to make intrinsically stunned monsters get a 20% stun rate 08:09 rather than 100% 08:09 why are you permastunned while being a bat, anyway? this makes no sense! there is zero logical explanation for that fact 08:10 ais523: What is a good channelization there? 08:10 correct color is probably "a monster used an instadeath attack but it wasn't targeted at you", there's a separate channel for that so that you can be alerted to the potential instadeath in your surrounding 08:10 I forget what it's called 08:10 it's a feature that simply is there, for unknown reasons, like the developers said "oh, this random monster class will be permastunned if you polymorph into it just because we feel like it!" 08:10 LarienTelrunya: A bat in vanilla isn't actually permastunned, but they will randomly walk in a random direction 08:10 It's.. weird 08:10 thats dumb 08:10 why is that the case 08:10 Let me fix this 08:10 Might as well 08:11 oh, I think I'm using fatalavoid for those 08:11 even though it doesn't fit exactly 08:11 LarienTelrunya: I think it's a pun 08:11 on "batty", perhaps? 08:11 ais523: does it force-tab? 08:11 "bats move randomly" shows up in quite a few other games 08:11 because that would be very annoying in case of blessed genocide 08:11 ais523: hmm 08:12 FIQ: force-more 08:12 ais523: hmm ok 08:12 not sure if I want to force-more for this 08:13 FIQ: see the comment at the start of gazemu 08:13 for my reasoning 08:13 that said, the monster is unlikely to have a /stack/ of geno scrolls so I don't know if the reasoning applies 08:14 perhaps we should have petfatal if it kills a tame monster? 08:27 !tell K2 pushed change: add proper stun/conf for monsters 08:27 Will do, FIQ! 08:27 this means confusion isn't nearly as bad for monsters too 08:29 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:32 "ESP vs "reflection vs "versus poison 08:32 I have no reflection right now 08:32 What to wear? 08:32 ais523: I was considering an option to color the player @Gho depending on HP. Do you think this is a good idea? 08:33 as long as we firmly keep a visible cursor on them (so that the player's location is clear), it's a good idea for a nonpolymorphed player 08:33 when polymorphed, it's both a) less important and b) more confusing, so we probably shouldn't use it there 08:34 ais523: My main issue is how to implement it 08:34 Hijack the display engine and bypass normal colors? 08:34 I can't think of an obvious way to implement it :-D 08:34 See 08:34 That is why I don't really like the NH4 display engine 08:34 It is very resistant to changes 08:34 it's a lot more flexible than vanilla's 08:35 * ais523 is reminded of hpmon 08:39 ais523: what if the player is riding 08:39 or invisible 08:40 for invisible you change the color of the I, I guess 08:41 riding is more awkward 08:41 there is no I 08:41 there is in AceHack 08:41 we should bring that back, I guess 08:41 not in NH4 08:41 (admittedly, I for an invisible player was at least half intended to work around a bug in vanilla's display algorithms…) 08:41 AceNitro4 08:42 is there any way to know that a tile is supposed to represent the player 08:42 Demo_: no 08:42 it's nicehack 08:42 nicehack is fiqhack easy mode 08:43 Demo_: no, I'm serious 08:43 FIQ: the display engine knows the cursor's location 08:43 the codename for NH4 before it became NH4 is nicehack 08:43 err, the player's location 08:43 apart from that no 08:43 and yes, nicehack was NH4's codename 08:43 ais523: yes, how can I get it 08:43 so I can override color 08:43 oh wow 08:44 NItro + aCE 08:44 if it wasn't clear 08:44 troahack 08:44 I think they're the parameters to draw_map 08:44 not sure though 08:44 this whole code is a mess :-( 08:44 ais523: maybe you understand why I don't like NH4's display engine now 08:44 there has been several cases where I go "ooh I want to add this" 08:44 FIQ: that's OK, I don't like it either :-D 08:44 and then conclude that I don't understand the display engine 08:45 to make it work 08:45 it's still got too much NitroHack in it 08:45 part of the problem is that I don't understand vanilla's display engine eitehr 08:45 for example, bringing back proper engulf colors 08:45 or this HP thing 08:45 or "passive" animations 08:45 in general, a good thing to think about is "how does this work in tiles?" 08:45 if there isn't an obvious way then it's probably hard to do in ASCII too 08:46 https://hastebin.com/amibotobok.sql 08:46 Why? 08:46 because the map storage format is very tiles-oriented 08:46 (this is true even in vanilla, FWIW) 08:47 ".sql" 08:47 Im neutral. Set is chaotic. I had no ring of conflict put on 08:47 :D 08:47 puck_: The cat is enslaved 08:47 It grudges living creatures 08:47 cats already do that 08:47 (It doesn't grudge you because you're its master) 08:48 they grudge everything 08:48 Demo_: lol 08:48 Uh 08:48 Okay 08:48 somehack should add pet personalities 08:48 puck_: It means that they will attack living monsters on sight 08:48 Even peaceful or tame ones 08:48 like pokemon natures or whatever 08:48 this situation is hilarious 08:48 don't change it :-D 08:48 ais523: Oh that part is working as intended 08:48 some will be crazy and fight shit and some will be very skitterish 08:49 It's the one way to bypass "pets don't attack peacefuls" 08:49 without conflict 08:49 oh, clever 08:49 im still mad about the time i pissed off the priest 08:49 and my yellow dragon still wouldnt fight him 08:49 Demo_: wimpy dragon 08:49 well the dragon died later 08:50 serves him right 08:50 maybe it was too lowlevel 08:50 ais523: did you hear about this one bizarre bug FIQHack had 08:50 I think it might have been caused by NH4's speed system change, but not sure 08:50 I have yet to be able to reproduce it 08:50 and nobody has seen it happen since 08:50 what happened? 08:50 FIQHack has had more than one bizarre bug :-P 08:50 Air was frozen 08:50 Like 08:50 oh, like in your favor? 08:50 Nothing would move 08:50 At all 08:51 nice 08:51 i love that shit man 08:51 I was looking at NCommander playing 08:51 rare elusive unknown super beneficial bugs 08:51 he was trying to confuse himself with a cursed unicorn horn 08:51 that seem more like myths than realities 08:51 which kept being unhelpful 08:51 Eventually I realized 08:51 "hey nothing on this plane has moved, at all" 08:51 and asked him about it 08:51 He had no idea why 08:52 one time my earth portal broke and i was sad 08:52 He cleared Air eventually once he detected the portal 08:52 the horn finally confusing him 08:52 And nothing had moved 08:52 As if the plane was frozen in time or something 08:52 I don't see how my speed system change could have made that happen, but then I don't see how it can happen full stop 08:52 was the turn counter increasing? 08:52 ais523: I have absolutely no idea 08:52 Yes it was 08:52 I should grab that save 08:53 and try to figure out what was going on 08:53 yeah im curious 08:53 I should see if the bug still is around 08:53 as in 08:54 if I can grab the save 08:54 rewind it back to Air 08:54 and see if monsters still isn't moving 08:54 and then debug the shit out of it if they aren't 08:59 But I like air being harmless :) 09:01 hmm 09:01 <@Tone> I imagine that could be recreated on other levels as well 09:01 <@Tone> A frozen Astral plane would be nice 😄 09:01 I think my reader of legacy compression gamestates isn't working 09:01 because this save took 4 minutes to load 09:02 <@Tone> YANI: Time stop spell 09:02 <@Tone> Possibly YASI 09:02 <@kritixilithos> I think dnh has an artifact that does something similar 09:02 FIQ: About animations: wouldn't they work poorly if playing on a server with more than about 80 ms of lag? 09:03 aosdict: I would make them optional, obvioulsy 09:03 *obviously 09:03 <@Tone> @kritixilithos cool, I figured that would probably be implemented somewhere by now 😄 09:03 And not really if it's stable 80ms 09:05 <@kritixilithos> just looked it up, it's called "The Garnet Rod" 09:05 note to self: magic chest is messing something up with ancient saves, investigate later 09:05 *chests 09:11 Demo_: The plane is still on lockdown 09:11 NCommander's pet isn't 09:11 but IIRC that was also the case when he played 09:12 Also 09:12 NCommander's pet started by summoning nasties 09:12 who promptly set off to pester stuff 09:12 The summoned monsters do move 09:30 NCommander: Monsters all have the "waits for the player to get close" flag 09:31 This is only set on monster generation if a monster has M3_CLOSE as a monflag 09:31 Which is generally covetous monsters and nothing else 09:31 * NCommander waits to see how I broke stuff 09:31 I don't know exactly why everything has this flag 09:32 But I suspect that the fact that you brought Yeenoghu to the Plane of Air is related 09:32 FIQ, he was more like a house guest that won't leave 09:37 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:37 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 09:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 09:46 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 7657 points, T:9605, killed by a gargoyle 09:51 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 09:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 10:07 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 10:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 10:14 -!- puck_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:21 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 10:31 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 10:48 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 431 points, T:923, killed by a lynx 10:48 <@Pavel> What's a Rhizotomist? 10:48 <@Pavel> Like IRL 10:50 apparently a spinal surgeon, according to wikipedia 10:50 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rhizotomist 10:50 <@Pavel> > Your tin opener is welded to your hand! 10:50 <@Pavel> Shite 10:50 aosdict: wiktionary gives a completely different definition 10:51 FIQ: Well, wiktionary's definition of rhizotomy agrees with that I said 10:51 @Pavel go kill vlad now 10:51 "A person who collects roots and herbs to make medicine" 10:51 How does this relate in any way to spinal surgery? 10:52 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rhizotomy 10:52 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 58 points, T:129, killed by a sewer rat 10:53 <@Pavel> aosdict: Jeez, I've never even been to Gehennom yet 10:53 <@Pavel> Is killing Vlad with a tin opener a meme or something 10:53 Yes 10:53 aosdict: That is etymology 10:53 specifically a thoroughly rusty thoroughly corroded -3 tin opener or similar 10:54 things like that came to be known as Vladsbanes 10:54 does a tin opener have an enchantment? 10:54 due to 3.4.3's Vlad being so wimpy you actually *could* kill him with such a thing. 10:54 FIQ: No, I was thinking of puddingbanes. 10:56 <@Pavel> YANI (EPI?): An item that has the $ symbol, called Pyrite, that functions like a loadstone. 10:58 3.6.1 vlad isn't quite that wimpy 10:58 if you try to use a vladsbane it will be a bit harder because he keeps running away 10:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 38 points, T:351, killed by a water demon 10:59 so in that sense wipmy, i guess, but i meant not so easy to kill 10:59 <@kritixilithos> I lost my best game to 3.6.1's vlad 11:01 -!- Guest7382 has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 11:03 <@Pavel> > The water nymph tries to rob you, but there is nothing to steal! 11:03 <@Pavel> :( 11:05 haha 11:06 <@Pavel> Cue benny hill theme as I try to track down a water nymph and bash it to death with my bare hands for half an our 11:06 <@Pavel> *hour 11:06 Well, you would eventually succeed, as long as there's nothing else spawning... which in xnh is more likely 11:07 <@Pavel> I'm on DLVL 1, I really should just restart 11:08 <@Pavel> At one point it just stopped trying to teleport away and let me get a few hits in for free but now it's back to unsuccessfully robbing me 11:09 <@Pavel> #&@F# 11:09 <@Pavel> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 11:09 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 149 points, T:1333, killed by a djinni 11:10 once I battled nymphs in unnethack's aphrodite level for at least half an hour RL time because Mr. Schwebäugler made them so obnoxious :P 11:10 and without about a hundred Elbereths I wouldn't have succeeded 11:10 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 11:11 djinni? 11:11 did the nymph get a djinni? 11:13 aosdict: xnethack doesn't have mysterious force, right? 11:13 yep 11:14 schweet 11:14 <@Pavel> I rubbed a lamp 11:14 <@Pavel> The run was honestly not worth keeping 11:15 <@Tone> I imagine in 3.6 you'd be risking level drains by fighting vlad with a vladsbane 11:15 Haha, you reproduced the very first game of xnh on hardfought 11:16 yay buffed vlad 11:16 i unnethack he's nasty too, he has a nasty lifedrain weapon 11:16 in* 11:16 <@Tone> I haven't fought 361 Vlad yet 11:16 <@Tone> Soon 11:17 he tele's to the upstairs lol 11:17 When I break up and distribute the wishes, Vlad is definitely getting one. 11:17 <@Tone> Yeah that sounds annoying 11:18 <@Pavel> YANI: When fountains dry out, they leave behind a dry fountain instead of dissapearing. Pouring a blessed potion of water on the dry fountain restores it and allows you to quaff/dip it one more time. 11:19 what do you mean with 'distributing the wishes'? 11:20 LarienTelrunya: think I didn't change the nymphs in any way. I just put in a place where they can gather, socialize and frolick :-) 11:20 bhaak: well you put a very high-level ubernymph on a rather shallow dungeon level! :D 11:21 not dumping 5-7 wishes on the player at castle, instead put one in the wizard tower, one in the fake wizard tower, one in vlad's, 1/2 at castle, maybe one with a demon lord... 11:21 er, that should read as "1 or 2", not one-half 11:21 @Winsalot: you're playing slex? you might want to play on the esm server, which has the new 2.22 version 11:22 <@Pavel> How frequently is Hardfought's xnh updated? 11:22 @Pavel When I have stuff I want to update it with. It's usually updated within a day of that (usually much faster) 11:22 hmm not sure if want 11:22 sounds fine-ish 11:22 i guess 11:23 I've been busy recently so don't have much new content at the moment 11:23 2-3 for the castle are enough probably 11:23 stenno: Basically, we don't want the player fully kitted out before they even enter the Valley. 11:23 3 is probably too much. 11:24 And these would be guaranteed wishes, not magic lamps. 11:24 aosdict: scrolls of wishing? illiterate conduct players will be very pleased! :D 11:25 LarienTelrunya: the nymph level has quite a range. you were slightly unlucky if it was close to the surface :) 11:25 LarienTelrunya: also "sometimes the best fight is no fight" 11:26 [hdf-us] [nd] Leggman (Arc Hum Mal Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:1324 11:27 LarienTelrunya: Possibly wands of wishing, with the caveat that getting *any* wish from a wand evaporates it. 11:27 This is then compensated by having a lot more than 1 guaranteed wand of wishing. 11:27 aosdict: heh, sounds like Elona wands of wishing, where they don't evaporate but always spawn with only one charge and cannot be recharged (no wresting in that game) 11:27 oh yeah i just realized that scrolls of wishing break illit 11:27 <@Winsalot> LarienTelrunya: what's new in that version? 11:28 hi Winsalot! lots of stuff, actually :D wait, let me link the changelog 11:28 I don't want to make illit imply wishless, but I also don't really care that much about preserving the relative difficulty of conducts. 11:28 Winsalot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/master/history2.txt - the version on hdf is currently still 2.1.7 11:28 make scrolls of wishing not break illit for some contrived reason 11:28 in order to play on the other server, ssh to slashem@slashem.me 11:28 you need to apply the scroll instead of reading it 11:29 bhaak: well... sometimes it spawns before you even reach sokoban and you happen to have an unhospitable mines with soldier ants, in which case the nymph level is blocking the only way forward 11:29 <@Winsalot> btw, is there an easy way to copy my slex options from hardfought to slashem.me? 11:30 <@Tone> 3 wishes at the castle is probably plenty for most games already 11:30 Winsalot: copy and paste the contents of https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/slex/winsalot.slexrc into the rcfile editor on the esm server ;) 11:30 [hdf-us] [nd] Leggman (Arc Hum Mal Law), 413 points, T:1828, killed by a wererat 11:30 (insert comment about nh4oid lack of user-editable rcfiles here, and yes I know security issues but still! :D) 11:33 <@Winsalot> omfg, is there a way to edit those options outside the terminal? 11:33 I'm afraid there isn't :( 11:33 <@Winsalot> Then how do I delete everything that is already there? 11:33 <@Winsalot> in a couple of clicks 11:33 it should be easy: hold down ctrl-K until everything is gone 11:34 <@Winsalot> Yup, thats faster than holding down delete 😃 11:34 :D 11:34 when you're finished, ctrl-O will save 11:35 <@Winsalot> Also, what's the option to see the weight that Im carrying 11:35 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 5781 points, T:7126, killed by an ettin mummy 11:35 OPTIONS=showweight,invweight 11:35 the first shows weight on the status line, the second shows it in the inventory 11:37 K2 should allow everyone ssh access into hardfought so we can scp our own config files over. this is not a bad security idea whatsoever 11:38 aosdict: well the problem is that putting certain stuff in the nh4 config files can apparently allow users to cause segfaults on demand, which is of course completely unacceptable 11:38 <@Winsalot> Also, your thoughts on diver role? 11:39 diver is relatively hard to play, but in this new version they can learn silent ocean if their trident skill is high enough, and it's rather useful 11:39 apart from that they're mediocre at best, with a weird skill set 11:40 LarienTelrunya: You can do that ingame too 11:40 NH4's autopickup parser has... problems 11:40 oh 11:40 If you remove all autopickup rules 11:41 and save the config 11:41 the game will immediately crash 11:41 and you will not be able to start up the game at all 11:41 ah, I remember that happening to me 11:41 until someone manually resets your config 11:41 shouldn't it be possible to track that down via gdb? 11:41 probably a null string or similar trying to be displayed? 11:42 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 11:44 dunno, haven't bothered atm 11:44 <@Winsalot> What about the heretic race? 11:45 heretic is fun, they can pray even while in Gehennom and convert (non-high) altars 11:45 are you going to play a heretic diver? :) 11:46 @4k?vampire 11:46 vampire (V) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 0 | Spd: 12 | Res: sleep poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 25 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 1 | Attacks: 1d6 claw physical, 1d6 bite level drain | Alignment: -8 | Flags: genocidable, flies, breathless, regenerates, poisonous, undead, stalker, infravisible 11:46 <@Winsalot> slex is hard as it is, no need to bother with hard races:) 11:46 well heretic isn't one of the hard ones ;) 11:46 <@Winsalot> but diver is? 11:46 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:47 <@Winsalot> So far I liked Chevalier role 11:47 not "hard", but not easy either; korsair is probably easier while being thematically similar to the diver 11:47 <@Winsalot> it's like a slightly buffed priest 11:47 <@Winsalot> and Burninator race was definetely very fun 11:49 ah, the priest has been buffed in this version; or rather, their ability to train the spirituality skill was buffed, they can now do it by identifying items or using turn undead successfully 11:50 <@Winsalot> form III (Soresu) Basic (max Grand Master) what's this? 11:50 Soresu is one of the 9 lightsaber forms 11:50 <@Winsalot> ew 11:50 Do you have a Pyromaniac role/race that's separate from Burninator? 11:50 it increases your AC if you use a lightsaber in combination with wearing a robe, and increases your carry capacity if you wear a robe regardless of lightsaber or not 11:51 aosdict: well, there's the flame mage role 11:51 <@Winsalot> does burninator even have something related to fire except name? 11:51 well, the burn status effect, but that's about it 11:52 if they gain the burnopathy intrinsic (from eating certain corpses), they can light enemies on fire with their melee attacks 11:52 huh what happened to the priest, did you quit? 11:52 <@Winsalot> yeah, I was just checking his skills 😃 11:52 ah 11:53 if you want to see all the skills that exist in the game, pick a mystic :D 11:53 <@Winsalot> are implants new? 11:53 yes, implants is an all-new item slot, mainly useful for those who either permanently are in a form without hands or polymorph into one 11:56 <@Winsalot> wow, just discovered that xfce terminal has tabs 😃 11:56 hmm 11:57 <@Winsalot> also, is trident really bad in slex? Cos I think it's pretty good as non-artifact in other variants or vanilla 11:57 if it wasn't for H.G. Wells, I wonder if time machines would be called chronoporters 11:57 trident is meh; there's also some stronger tridents but they're rare. Since you can reach legendary as a diver, they may actually be rather good later on. 11:57 as analogous to teleporters 11:59 Winsalot: graffiti is highlighted now; if you want to turn that off, add OPTIONS=!graffitihilite to the config file 12:01 <@Winsalot> also, is there a shortcut key for loot? 12:01 <@Winsalot> In NH4 I would just a, 12:01 yes, l (but only in numpad mode) 12:02 oh the graffiti hilite seems to be one of the options that only take effect when starting a new game; you'd have to turn it off in the options menu if you want to turn it off for this run 12:05 <@Winsalot> Btw, is there option to show how much xp I need till nex level? Cos now it seems to show my current total xp 12:05 unfortunately not, but I can show you the XP chart 12:06 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000, 10000, 20000, 40000, 80000, 120000, 170000, 220000, 270000, 320000, 380000, 440000, 500000, 560000, 620000, 680000, 740000, 800000, 860000, 930000, 1000000 12:07 and, fun fact: slex allows you to keep leveling up at XL30! you'll still officially be XL30 but your max HP and Pw can continue to go up :) 12:08 if you use curses 12:09 disable classic_status 12:09 @Winsalot 12:09 now it looks like Nethack Fourk :P 12:10 you mean NHH4 12:10 NH4 12:10 <@Winsalot> what's the equivalent option in config? 12:10 OPTIONS=!classic_status I guess 12:11 yes 12:13 by the way Winsalot, do you know about inventory item descriptions? i.e. that you can get the description of an item by opening the inventory and selecting an item's corresponding letter? 12:13 <@Winsalot> yeah 12:14 -!- rld has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:14 -!- rld has joined #hardfought 12:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v rld] by ChanServ 12:17 Winsalot: you can also #force the stupid door away :D 12:19 <@Winsalot> Btw, did you hear what happened to my burninator fire mage? 12:19 fell into lava IIRC? 12:19 <@Winsalot> The one that solved sokoban under your supervision 12:19 <@Winsalot> yeah. Stunned lava bath 😃 12:19 ouch! 12:19 <@Winsalot> but he survived 12:20 <@Winsalot> only lost the bag of holding and like the half of inventory 12:20 <@Winsalot> then died to a team while suffering from sliming 12:20 oh, the dumplog of that run shows you couldn't have fire resistance at all, so the lava wrecked your shit quite literally when you fell in (normally flame mages start with the resistance) 12:21 just one of slex's many charms 12:21 hothraxxa: you should play SLEX 2.2.2 too, it's brand-new! *bundlebundlebundle* :D 12:21 you can't find that out until the game is over, is that right? 12:22 you can find out in-game with enlightenment, but it's only a 10% chance every time that it will be displayed 12:22 i will, but it'll be in junethack 12:22 Tariru always has a bunch of wands of enlightenment with many charges to figure out all those internal things 12:22 yeah he would 12:23 a fire mage who can't have fire resistance, that's epi territory 12:23 well it *is* based on one of jonadab's EPIs 12:23 Winsalot: that bumpy wand is probably locking, as evidenced by it creating wall tiles 12:23 you hear someone cursing jonadab 12:26 LarienTelrunya: is it possible for any given game of slex to be completely impossible to complete? 12:26 like, no sequence of actions will win it? 12:26 ais523: Yes, for example by starting the game dead. It happened to me a couple weeks ago. 12:26 …come to think of it, that's technically possible in vanilla too 12:26 unless your pickup_types exclude weapons 12:26 (turning autopickup off does not work) 12:27 But you probably mean unwinnable scenarios; it might be possible to come up with a scenario where you have so many nasty trap effects active that even your TAS tools wouldn't be able to salvage it 12:27 Winsalot: oh you got an implant! those are rather dangerous to use; with low skill, you cannot take them off, and many of them autocurse anyway, plus they're very likely to resist identification. 12:27 well there are plenty of vanilla situations where you can't save the run even though you won't die for a few turns 12:27 normally related to lack of escape items 12:28 many implants give a specific property when worn, but it's hard to figure out what it is, and they also improve AC when worn 12:28 I assume it's frequently a bad one? 12:29 whats with the bundling 12:29 i don't get it 12:29 20% of all implants give a nasty trap effect when worn, so I guess one could say yes :P 12:29 stenno: *büschelbüschelbüschel* ♥ 12:29 haha 12:29 das macht auch nicht viel sinn! 12:29 :D 12:30 yani for slex: meat ring should be a ring appearance so that stone-to-flesh spell becomes more interesting 12:30 same for meat wands 12:30 bug_sniper: play SLEX 2.2.2! *bundlebundlebundle* 12:30 huh 12:30 meat rings are rings, aren't they 12:30 or are they food 12:31 stenno: usually it means that I'm hanging my long hair into somebody's face to make them more likely to do what I want them to :P 12:31 as in magical rings 12:31 aah ^_^ 12:31 alright 12:31 sadly, it has a 10 hour offset so I might do it later in the day 12:31 magical meat rings? 12:31 like meat as in the material? 12:31 meat ring of free action 12:31 but still magic? 12:31 haha 12:31 is that a thing in slex? 12:32 sounds like something grunthack would do 12:32 slex does have rings made of meat, which can be eaten for the usual chance of getting the intrinsic 12:32 nice 12:32 thats a really cool idea imo 12:32 but i am playing xnethack atm 12:32 have a good hum valk going 12:32 and just now in this new 2.2.2 version, it also has an option "eatingconfirm" that prompts for confirmation whenever you try to eat something that's not a comestible, so you don't accidentally eat something that you still wanted to use 12:32 with speed boots and two magic lamps, one if which i already used for a wish 12:32 lol 12:33 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?699 12:33 after all, you can play e.g. an incantifier in slex who is able to eat metal, and you don't want to accidentally eat your weapon 12:33 oh right 12:34 _also_ i might look into crawl again 12:35 maybe maybe 12:38 ais523: Are you including the RNG seed in this "any given game" state? Because you could get a game where you spawn in a corner, surrounded by jackals and newts, and the seed is bad so that no combination of actions will let you kill them and escape before dying 12:39 aosdict: well there are normally zero-time ways to advance the RNG seed 12:39 yeah isn't it strange that you can start the game with monsters in LOS 12:40 I don't think "unwinnable because of bad .nethackrc" counts as unwinnable 12:40 <@Tone> stenno: Did you hear xnethack had no mysterious force earlier and start a game? 😄 12:40 stenno: this is also why xnethack has had some complaints about "greeting mobs" 12:41 <@Winsalot> LarienTelrunya saw how I countained the contamination? 😃 12:41 @Tone i kinda knew it beforehand, just wanted to make sure. This is actually my second xnethack game :) 12:41 Pinkbeast: loads of people don't change pickup_types, turning autopickup off is normally considered sufficient 12:41 @Tone i think xnethack has a lot of really good ideas regarding a lot of stuff :P 12:41 because there's no mechanism to prevent monster spawns somewhere away from where the player is arriving on the level 12:41 Winsalot: huh? you mean how to cure it? pray on a coaligned altar, read a noncursed remove curse, or get amnesiaed 12:41 hm yeah 12:41 or pay a nurse, but that costs a lot of money 12:41 <@Winsalot> No, I found a plant and blocked the path with my wand 12:42 <@Winsalot> I mean power plant 12:42 oh, nice :D 12:42 you locked them up with that wand? 12:42 <@Winsalot> yeah 12:42 aosdict: i think i had that game in xnh 12:42 cool :) 12:42 <@Tone> stenno: Cool, I plan to play it after I ascend 361 12:42 <@Winsalot> those a re the moments that make nethack enjoyable 😃 12:42 aosdict: I might be an annoying bitch who complains about almost everything, but I like the greeting mobs idea in xnethack. :) 12:42 good luck! i just ascended 3.6.1 a few days ago 12:42 on NAO 12:43 hothraxxa: I agree that it's not fair the way it is, I just need to figure out how to fix it. 12:43 <@Tone> Thanks 😄 12:43 ais523: A lot of people don't do all kinds of things that lead to losing games, but I don't think that makes those games unwinnable; they are lost to player error. 12:43 well i don't see it as not fair, just a difference you have to be aware of 12:44 <@Tone> I have a pretty good game going on hardfought, although now I'm playing wishless polyselfless polyitemless 12:44 for now 12:44 unfortunately the xlogfile for 3.6.1-dev on NAO stopped just tracking games so its lost in the void 12:44 ooh wow 12:44 Pinkbeast: from my point of view, I think that ideally options settings would have no effect on how winnable the game was 12:44 wishless polyitemless is a nasty combination 12:44 i guess its a bit easier in 3.6.1 because of candle abundance 12:45 I consider those two to be half-conducts 12:45 as in, either by itself is pretty much no big deal 12:45 both together causes issues though 12:45 yeah 12:45 same with foodless atheist 12:45 i guess foodless alone is already really hard 12:45 he's doing that because he's playing on twitch and the audience keeps goading him 12:45 oh Tone its you lol 12:46 i should subscribe to you 12:46 oh right, you'd know that 12:46 ais523: I think I may be missing something here since surely eg pettype=none will have such an effect 12:46 <@Tone> Yeah they basically asked to see my remaining conducts and said "yes, do all if those" lol 12:46 :D 12:46 well then! 12:47 Pinkbeast: pettype:none is something that I don't really agree with as an option, it's somewhat different in nature 12:47 i was afk! 12:47 ok maybe not always 12:47 <@Tone> Stenno: Yeah it's me, Tone/greqrg. Sorry I thought you knew that 😄 12:47 well it took a while until it clicked 12:47 Tone = greqrg?! 12:47 i am already in weekend mode 12:47 so my brain runs on spare energy 12:47 LarienTelrunya: well "greqrg" is really hard to spell 12:48 LarienTelrunya = Amy = Bluescreen?! 12:48 :D 12:48 and probably to pronouce 12:48 <@Winsalot> Is there a way to disable autopickup in shops? 12:48 stenno = tufoop = chao? :o 12:48 some variants have that 12:48 @Winsalot play 3.6.1 12:48 3.6.1-dev should have it too 12:48 right 12:48 ais523: you can always accidentally tame a monster thanks to magic traps, no? 12:48 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?2376 (gogo downvoter brigade yay! :P) 12:48 <@Winsalot> not gonna play vanilla 12:48 hothraxxa: you could avoid moving when there's a monster within 2 squares 12:49 Winsalot: I think there's a hotkey that you can press to switch autopickup on and off at will, don't remember what it was though 12:49 3.6.1-dev is really nice (xnethack is better still) 12:49 yeah but i'm not tariru 12:49 hmm, now that sounds like a combat in its own right 12:49 *like a conduct 12:49 but 3.6.1-dev comes really close to NAOhack regarding the convenience stuff 12:49 so someone just announced another 3.6.1 variant out of the blue on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/8fcz8x/splicehack_a_361_variant/ 12:49 a challenger appears 12:49 LarienTelrunya: the reason why many of your qdb quotes get downvoted is because they aren't interesting or funny, even if they're factually correct 12:49 <@Tone> LarienTelrunya: Yes it's me 😄 I pretty much only use greqrg on irc and NAO nowadays 12:49 the ones that are funny are more likely to be upvoted 12:49 what someone developed a variant without telling us? the very nerve 12:49 actually wasn't a person talking about making a variant 12:50 <@Winsalot> how tf do I move the shopkeeper out of the way? 12:50 in #nethack or here 12:50 probably in #nethack 12:50 <@Winsalot> I cant leave his shitty shop 12:50 the online NetHack communities seem to be a small proportion of players 12:50 stenno: I don't remember anyone like that recently. 12:50 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:50 must've been a few days ago 12:50 Winsalot> Don't be holding any of his items or have a pickaxe out 12:50 LarienTelrunya: it doesn't just happen to you 12:50 just dropped a few sentences regarding that and it didn't sound anything near finished 12:51 see, e.g. #2382 recently, which isn't particularly offensive or anything (AFAICT), it's just not interesting 12:51 hmm who was the one who did the .des file hacking yesterday? 12:51 <@Winsalot> I don;t have any of his items 12:51 <@Winsalot> but he is not moving 12:51 i noticed that there must've been a person who downvoted the last 6 quotes or so 12:51 Winsalot: ugh, maybe an unpaid item somehow ended up underneath the shopkeeper? you can try to phase door (technique or scroll) out of the shop 12:51 stenno: That's mcw. 12:51 well that does look like an interesting variant 12:51 Who is not doing this. 12:51 aosdict: right 12:51 * Pinkbeast thinks #2382 is mildly amusing 12:52 mcw is trying to reimplement from scratch. 12:52 nethack? 12:52 in which language 12:52 I don't know why #2376 even exists. 12:52 istr something occurring like stenno describes 12:52 Winsalot: hmm... no idea why the stupid shopkeeper didn't move 12:52 stenno: C++ I think 12:53 tubhack. not sure how nethack-like that will end up 12:53 oh right tubhack was the name 12:53 it must've been in #nethack then 12:54 unfortunately my backlog doesn't go back a few days 12:54 i think somebody did pop in here and ask a few questions 12:54 omg I think I'm in love with splicehack and its creator ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ can it really be true? this guy is making a second SLASH'EM? :D 12:54 jonadab: can you check your #nethack logs for 'tubhack' for the last few days? 12:54 LarienTelrunya: I think it's aiming to have a lot more content but remaining more consistent in theme 12:54 so it's more like making a second dNetHack 12:54 stenno: /topic 12:54 dnethack <3 12:54 uh where's the license 12:55 oh #nethack nm 12:55 Helpful links "text here" 12:55 ok who decided that dat/ was a good place to put the license 12:55 gj K2 12:55 aosdict: it's in the same place in vanilla 12:55 and it's pointed to in the README 12:56 ok so it's NGPL meaning I can steal whatever I want from it :D 12:56 mcw did tubhack, right 12:57 oh, are you talking about tubhack? I thought you were talking about splicehack 12:57 yeah i got confused a bit 12:57 ais523: We're confirming that this person behind splicehack is not mcw. 12:57 however I would expect any NetHack derivative to be NGPL 12:57 yes 12:57 hm 12:57 what's k2 gonna do with all these new variants 12:57 wasn't there something about the ngpl 12:57 in the rare cases where it isn't, e.g. Pathos, you can expect at the minimum a long email discussion when I find out 12:58 all former devs have to agree to a license change? 12:58 If mcw reimplements everything from scratch, he should be able to license it however he chooses as he won't be beholden to anyone else's copyright 12:58 (Pathos decided to fix the licensing issue by diverging further from NetHack) 12:58 aosdict: also has to avoid exact copies of, e.g., the monster lists 12:58 having it inspired-by is OK if it isn't a copy 12:58 i hope he is able to implement sane windowports 12:58 stenno: yes, which could be difficult given that Izchak is dead (IIRC legally his estate could agree in his place) 12:59 DCSS actually did an agreement-of-all-devs license change a while back 12:59 I know because I was part of it 12:59 <@Tone> Being invisible would do it too @Winsalot 12:59 even though I only have something like two lines of code in DCSS 12:59 Winsalot: I'll be kind of afk for a while now (eating), but will check the chat intermittently, so if anything important comes up, ping me :) 12:59 ais523: I thought you only had to get approval of the explicit copyright holders, that being primarily Mike Stephenson. 12:59 oh nice 12:59 ais523: how's grunt doing? 12:59 stenno: I don't know 12:59 fair 13:00 aosdict: implicit copyright holders too 13:00 unless the amount of code used is so small that it's legally "de minimis" 13:00 most open source projects don't use copyright transfers (a notable exception is GNU, who do) 13:01 Isn't Pathos sort of an NGPL violation? 13:01 Pinkbeast: it was at one point 13:01 it's aiming to remove anything copied from NetHack in order to avoid t he violation that way 13:01 *the 13:02 Uh, if it's aiming to do that, isn't it still an NGPL violation? 13:02 I think it might be good for the game, as the licensing discussion let the author realise that diverging from NetHack would probably produce a better game anyway (as Pathos's internal mechanics are different from NetHack's) 13:02 Pinkbeast: well I'm not currently aware of any specific NGPL violations within Pathos; it wouldn't surprise me if some still existed, but if so I don't know what they are 13:03 I believe there is no copying of code (I was given a copy of Pathos's source code at one point to check for that), so the only potential issue is copying of data 13:03 ais523: My main concern then is that we'll be stuck with NGPL forever since there isn't enough impetus to move to something more standard before enough of the developers die and it gets intractable to obtain permission from _everyone_. 13:04 ais523: Ah, I didn't realise you'd seen the source. 13:04 aosdict: I expect NetHack to be stuck on NGPL forever 13:04 in fact, I expect that many current developers would disagree with a license change (although I am not one of them) 13:04 the way the devteam does things is… weird 13:04 how many changes would have to made to a nethack variant to not violate ngpl? 13:05 ais523: Out of curiosity, on what grounds would they disagree? 13:05 stenno: No code derived from NetHack 13:05 stenno: you would need to rewrite all the code, and you would need to avoid major portions of the monster, item, etc. lists being copied from the original 13:05 how about nitrohack/nh4? 13:06 There are some reasons to change, such as jonadab's complaints about useless merge conflicts from the file headers tracking "last edited" dates 13:06 well that still has all the monster and item lists 13:06 similar, except that NH4 has a dual license for some components 13:06 ah 13:06 those components would not need to be rewritten if the resulting version were GPL 13:06 Oh hey this splicehack changelog cites me and LarienTelrunya :D 13:06 NitroHack actually has a license contradiction within itself, although a fairly minor one (it's a couple of string literal changes away from being legal) 13:07 oh ouch lol 13:07 but as it was a small portion of the game anyway that was violating, I just rewrote that bit of code to make sure I was legal in that respect 13:08 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:58431 13:08 also, luckily, the violation only happens at compile time, not merely from having the source stored 13:09 meaning that I didn't have to delete the repo history 13:09 <@Winsalot> Amy I'm sliming 13:09 <@Winsalot> What to do? 13:09 fire! 13:09 <@Winsalot> pray maybe? 13:10 ais523: Well, if the devteam decided to relicense, it would only apply to future versions, right? Everything derived from 3.4.3 variants would remain under NGPL since you can't retroactively relicense it. 13:10 Everything derived from 3.4.3* (-variants) 13:10 aosdict: They can't force 343 variants to change from the NGPL, but they can permit them to do so. 13:11 Okay, yeah, that makes sense. 13:11 but even the devteam cannot just relicense the code, right? 13:11 aosdict: well, the NGPL is so buggy I'm not even 100% certain it's irrecovable 13:12 maybe a software lawyer should look at it at some point :D 13:12 most (all?) of the loopholes in the GPL that have been discovered over time also exist in the NGPL 13:12 so it doesn't actually give the author much protection 13:12 If you have consent from all copyright holders (apparently including implicit), you should be able to relicense. 13:12 maybe there are some loopholes the other way too 13:13 implicit copyright holders seem to include all official contributors 13:13 The NGPL is better now it doesn't start with explanatory text saying something different to the NGPL, at least 13:13 lol 13:13 aosdict: that isn't true in general due to the existence of exclusive licenses, but I assume the NGPL would be interpreted as non-exclusive 13:14 Winsalot: prayer will fix it, yeah, otherwise the scroll of cure would also help, or setting yourself on fire 13:14 jonadab brought up that there are probably copyright holders who are uncontactable due to being known only through emails that have since been deleted. I think there is a way out of being required to contact such people, though. 13:14 it doesn't actually /say/ it's non-exclusive, which most licenses would do to avoid arguments 13:14 aosdict: "orphaned works" 13:14 Also uncontactable due to being dead 13:14 it's an ongoing area of legislation 13:14 well someone go get the relevant Dutch copyright law then :D 13:15 somehow i am imagining a scene like when henry morton stanley found dr. livingstone 13:16 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:59164 13:18 aosdict: it's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directive_2012/28/EU but apparently nobody's entirely sure if it applies to software or not 13:18 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:59191 13:18 and it seems fairly unwise to rely on it given how limited it is (e.g. if the copyright holder turns back up, you lose your ability to use it) 13:22 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 13:28 Winsalot: wtf??? what happened there, why was the shopkeeper angry 13:28 <@Winsalot> i broke his door 13:28 oh :( rip 13:28 <@Winsalot> and then just spammed <- 13:28 <@Winsalot> and literrealy walked into him 😃 13:33 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:59600 13:33 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:59614 13:34 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:59635 13:39 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:42 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 13:45 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:59660 13:46 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:46 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 2583 points, T:3592, killed by a scroll of earth 13:46 afternoon homes 13:46 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 13:46 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:47 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:59686 13:49 <@Winsalot> LarienTelrunya: what does ! mean before item name? 13:49 Winsalot: it's either made of glass or ether, not sure which 13:49 check the description ;) 13:50 <@Winsalot> scrolls as well? 13:50 occasionally item materials are randomized in slex, yeah 13:50 what material was it? 13:52 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:52 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Death, on T:59767 13:52 <@Winsalot> didnt check 13:53 <@Winsalot> also, do different roles get different dunegon features? 13:53 ah it was ether 13:53 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Death, on T:59780 13:53 well, this is probably a replica of your quest home level, so in a way, yes: occasionally you get levels from your quest in random places 13:54 it's supposed to be a ship, with the 0 (heavy iron balls) being cannon balls that were shot into the ship :D 13:54 <@Winsalot> oh yeah, dual wielding tridents 😃 13:54 mcw: just to confirm, you are not the originator of a variant called "SpliceHack", are you? 13:54 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Death, on T:59798 13:54 <@Winsalot> Btw, if I dual wield tridents does base trident skill get trained? 13:55 yes, here in slex, dual-wielding will train both the skills of the weapons involved and also the dual-wielding skill, so you don't have to spend ages wielding only one weapon! 13:55 aosdict: I am not. 13:56 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Death, on T:59813 13:56 <@Winsalot> thank god! 13:56 aosdict: how comes? 13:56 <@Winsalot> well, actually thank Amy! 13:56 have fun killing the annoying semicolons with the dualtridents (they get damage bonuses against all ;-class monsters) :D 13:57 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3694362 points, T:59820, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hypnotist/nhdev/dumplog/1524600200.nhdev.txt 13:58 mcw: someone recently announced such a variant out of the blue 13:58 -!- nooodle has joined #hardfought 13:58 splicehack ♥ 13:58 since the only person we know who is working on a new variant is you, we were wondering (but pretty sure it wasn't you). 13:58 yasss 100% ascension rate via ascending my first game on the server. lol 13:58 nooodle: hypnotist? Congrats! 13:59 yup :) thank you. And it was illiterate 13:59 does !asc work here? 13:59 * aosdict needs to try and illit valk someday 13:59 an* 13:59 !asc hypnotist 13:59 aosdict: [hdf-us] hypnotist has ascended 1 times in 1 games (100.00%): nd:1 (100.00%) 13:59 nooodle: Congraturation! A winner is you! Now please ascend a jelly valkyrie in SLEX with ironman mode, please. :D Just kidding! 13:59 lol yessssss *dance* 13:59 !asc Tariru 13:59 LarienTelrunya: [hdf-us] Tariru has ascended 1 times in 1 games (100.00%): slex:1 (100.00%) 13:59 what's SLEX? 14:00 Slash'em Extended 14:00 krm: Message from K2 at 2018-04-26 22:09 EDT: thanks, i've provided FIQ with the only coredump I have regarding fiqhack. hopefully its helpful 14:00 SLEX is one of the many variants of NetHack that can also be played on the server. 14:00 don't listen to her 14:00 it's the porn variant 14:00 <[Demo]> slex is funny 14:00 ohhhh.... oh my. Well at some point I'll move onto that. Nethack does start to feel kind of easy once you're doing pacifists and illiterates and illiterate atheists, etc 14:00 There are also other fun variants like dnethack and Grunthack and Nethack Fourk, which all do their own unique changes to the game :) 14:00 nooodle: xnethack has a couple new conducts if you want to try those out :D 14:01 xnh is the best variant that is vanilla 14:01 but not vanilla 14:01 Like 14:01 are these variants "rebased" onto 3.6.1 dev yet? 14:01 <[Demo]> I don't like 3.6.1 14:01 xnh is basically enhanced 3.6.1? 14:01 rebasing onto 3.6.1 would be a huge job 14:01 Will anyone do it? 14:01 I think xnethack is the only 3.6.x variant right now? 14:01 I think the nh4 guys can legit say their codebase is better. 14:01 nooodle: xnh is a native variant of 3.6.1. 14:01 From their perspective 14:02 ooh... interesting 14:02 krm: As of a few hours ago, that is out of date. 14:02 The MYSTERIOUS splicehack? 14:02 I ♥ splicehack (despite not having played it yet) :D 14:02 Do tell aosdict? 14:03 i like 3.6.1... it's not really that different from the last version i played a lot, 3.4.3, i guess. But the minor changes there are feel like good changes to me? 14:03 aosdict: the author is "Computer Science and Psychology double major at Grinnell College." 14:03 That is definitely not me. :-) 14:03 * Menche ♥ 3.6.1 14:03 krm: https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/8fcz8x 14:03 it's just missing UTF8graphics >:( 14:03 i had a pet mind flayer eat a mimic corpse that was in the water, and then it mimicked a tripe ration, which *should* have caused it to stop flying and drown, yet it didn't drown. BUG 14:04 All tripe rations can fly if they haven't changed genders yet 14:04 ohhhhhhh *nods* 14:04 YASI: whenever something wrong like that or an impossible() happens, the game creates an x or a class monster 14:04 or s I guess 14:05 oh wait.... now I remember reading about SLEX. It's the one with all the traps that mess up your user interface so it omits things and lies to you, right? 14:06 nooodle: Yep. Tariru ascended it on the first try, by the way. 14:06 :O 14:06 And he might actually streak, since his current ongoing game is looking very promising. 14:08 not even you have streaked slex, have you? 14:08 <[Demo]> how far is he? 14:08 <[Demo]> does he have amulet yet? 14:08 aosdict: nope, I don't nearly have that level of consistency 14:08 [Demo]: halfway through Gehennom I think, so no amulet yet 14:08 <@Winsalot> Amy, I'm stuck 14:09 <@Winsalot> should I try swimming arount that castle? 14:09 Winsalot: oh :O get some waterproof container so you can swim without getting all your stuff rusted 14:10 the entrance to that castle-like structure is on the east side, which means that yeah, you need a way to cross water 14:10 [Demo]: my main man how's it hagning where is lokoban? 14:11 Winsalot: that wooden box will do, it's lightweight enough to carry and fully waterproof 14:11 put the tridents and every other rustable/blankable item in it before you start swimming 14:12 <@Winsalot> btw, both downstairs lead to different quest-like levels 14:12 <@Winsalot> wtf lol? 14:13 yeah that can happen; every "filler" level has a certain low % chance of being replaced with a level from your quest, apparently the RNG decided to do it to both 14:13 <@Winsalot> oh, so this one is mines level 14:13 yes 14:13 <@Winsalot> I guess main dungeon gets higher priority then 14:16 are you going to blank those potions? 14:16 oh, hopefully the amulet of magical breathing isn't made of rustable material! 14:16 ah, good, it's not 14:17 now the annoying thing is that the elves and other monsters in the "fortress" can snipe at you while you swim 14:19 <[Demo]> mcw lokoban is wildn man its still ass 14:20 <[Demo]> Haven't got around to making it less dumb 14:20 <[Demo]> or got good ideas 14:20 :( 14:20 I have fauith 14:22 <@Winsalot> the cursed -9 pair of hard shoes named Arrest Jet (being worn) thanks Amy! 14:23 Winsalot: heh, you could put every other rustable item away again and destroy those cursed boots by spending some time in the water 14:23 <@Winsalot> that's reasonable solutipon 14:24 or you can drop everything else and let the nymph steal it 14:25 or repeatedly kick that rust monster :P 14:25 but I guess the water method is faster 14:26 good thing you have magical breathing because otherwise the eel would have drowned you 14:26 however, killing that eel without a weapon will be difficult; can you use Elbereth? 14:26 ah you already killed it 14:28 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 14:29 Winsalot: I'd advise you to always carry around one of those boxes, since especially later on when you have a lot of items, they'll come in mighty handy 14:29 don't worry about the weight, you can carry a lot in slex :) 14:29 can you write in the mud or something? or is the bottom of water in slex particularly dusty 14:29 hothraxxa: nah, Winsalot was on dry land when the eel attacked 14:29 just checking 14:29 although, slex can generate random engravings on water tiles, so... :D 14:30 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:30 well that's different 14:30 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 14:30 theoretically you can even get a pre-placed Elbereth on a water tile! 14:30 <@Winsalot> btw, how powerful is wizard level? 14:30 Winsalot: one above master 14:30 <@Winsalot> and legendary? 14:30 every spell level reduces the Pw required for casting spells of that school 14:30 i have personally encased two books in plexiglas and installed them 15m underwater offshore maui 14:30 legendary is equivalent to wizard, but for weapon skills 14:30 so it can happen 14:32 krm: it was not helpful 14:32 need k2 to run valgrindfor me 14:33 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:33 <@Winsalot> how do I pay to invisible shopkeeper? 14:34 by finding a way to see him, which in this situation probably means "not at all"; also, bumping into him will anger him, which can cause a swift and painful YASD 14:34 if you can get see invis or telepathy or something, that would allow you to see him and thereby pay 14:34 . 14:34 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-04-27 08:27 EDT: pushed change: add proper stun/conf for monsters 14:34 LarienTelrunya i got your tell from earlier 14:35 i'll setup 2.2.2 this weekend 14:35 FIQ i have a bit of time, i'll run valgrind on krm's save now 14:35 hi K2! thanks :) for the time being it's playable on the esm server and I already pushed some bugfixes 14:36 thanks 14:36 K2: see dev chan 14:36 I told you how to there 14:36 to be useful for me 14:38 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:39 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:39 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 14:50 stenno: I get nothing. 15:01 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 15:02 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 15:05 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 15:05 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:06 jonadab: sorry i got confused earlier, thanks for looking anyway 15:08 <@Winsalot> fuck this sokoban shit lol 15:08 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/439503016220164109/slex_sokoban.png 15:08 yaaaaaaay that's the best sokoban level :D 15:08 <[Demo]> what the fuck you asshole 15:10 <[Demo]> that's more holes than all of sokoban 15:10 <@Winsalot> LarienTelrunya: anything I should know before I sit on opulent throne? 15:11 what is the point of the random rooms that can't be used for sokoban related things 15:11 Winsalot: put your gold away or it might be deleted, and be prepared for dealing with an audience 15:11 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:12 <@Winsalot> lol, learned enlighten spell and casting it told me only one thing: 15:12 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/439504069854494720/Screenshot_2018-04-27_22-11-58.png 15:12 <[Demo]> that can be fixed 15:13 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:21 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:25 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 15:28 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:29 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:34 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: see you all tomorrow! good night :)] 15:34 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 15:35 -!- stenno is now known as Guest54908 15:36 -!- Guest54908 has quit [Changing host] 15:36 -!- Guest54908 has joined #hardfought 15:36 -!- Guest54908 is now known as stenno 15:46 !who 15:46 FIQ: [hdf-us] hypnotist [nd] hothraxxa [xnh] 15:46 FIQ: [hdf-eu] Tariru [slex] 15:46 -!- oh6 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:47 has the splicehack guy joined yet? 15:48 don't think so 15:48 I've been looking through the commits 15:49 Who is the splicehack guy? 15:49 FIQ: see reddit 15:50 < dsummers> The little dog growls! "Halt! You're under arrest!" 15:50 oops failpaste, sorry 15:50 AnticlimaticGulp is their reddit name 15:50 "Monsters are capable of picking up corpses and sacrificing them at coaligned altars" 15:51 That is cool 15:51 stenno: The reason nobody listens to the Watch when they say that is they don't want to arrest you, they want you dead. 15:52 hah yeah thats right 15:52 YASI: the guard actually arrests you and you get teleported to a prison level 15:53 that could actually be cool 15:53 YASI: The guard restarts your game and you respawn as a Convict 15:54 hah 15:59 - Mysterious force now only affects you when you are hallucinating (you 15:59 suddenly hallucinate that you are playing vanilla Nethack!) 15:59 heh 16:01 - Monsters now use a much wider array of items. This includes wands of wishing. 16:01 is this grunthack-based I wonder 16:01 I approve of this change 16:02 ah no 16:02 it's simpler 16:02 they wish for a wand of death 50% of the time (dragons wish for 5k gold) 16:03 a figurine of an Archon 25% of the time 16:03 and a potion of gain level 25% of the time 16:06 - Upon performing the invocation ritual, all unique demons that have not yet 16:06 been generated will appear and immediately teleport to random levels in the 16:06 game 16:06 this is a cool idea 16:08 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:09 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:18 -!- AnticlimacticGul has joined #hardfought 16:19 -!- AnticlimacticGul has quit [Client Quit] 16:23 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 16:32 -!- AntiGulp has quit [] 16:34 FIQ: I'm writing up a list of the changes (sadly, the commit messages are very undetailed) 16:35 well, not a list *of* the changes, but my opinions thereof 16:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:38 -!- MysteryMyra has joined #hardfought 16:43 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:46 You consume rotten killer bee. You feel healthy. 16:46 -!- PavelB has joined #hardfought 16:49 nethack is hard ;-; 16:49 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:49 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:51 [hdf-us] [nd] fusillade (Ran Gno Mal Neu), 1469 points, T:4007, killed by a fire ant 17:01 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:04 !who 17:04 PavelB: [hdf-us] hypnotist [nd] hothraxxa [xnh] 17:04 PavelB: [hdf-eu] Tariru [slex] 17:04 -!- PavelB has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 17:04 -!- PavelB has joined #hardfought 17:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Ran Elf Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 7 arrows on an altar, on T:9481 17:14 hothraxxa: enjoy your buc and spe id of future arrows 17:14 i will1 17:14 ! 17:17 -!- PavelB has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Ran Elf Fem Cha), 6907 points, T:9768, killed by a soldier ant 17:22 or maybe i won't :( 17:25 team a strikes again 17:32 !who 17:32 K2: [hdf-us] hypnotist [nd] MiseryMyra [xnh] 17:32 K2: [hdf-eu] Tariru [slex] 17:36 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 17:37 -!- AntiGulp has left #hardfought 17:38 :O AntiGulp? 17:38 looks like he did join... for a secind 17:39 second* 17:41 * hothraxxa quietly bags his scroll of scare developer 17:43 so i learned something today 17:43 i learned that you should check the pockets of your swimming trunks before getting into the pool 17:44 got the electronic remote key thing for our rental car all wet ;) 17:45 aren't you right next to the ocean? why swim in a pool? 17:45 we're at disneyworld 17:45 disneyworld is inland a lil bit 17:46 the pools at the hotel resort are nice. plus they have a bar attached 17:46 besides, the ocean around florida is mostly shit (especially the gulf side) 17:46 hm I always thought orlando was coastal 17:47 <@Tone> Nah it's around 90 minutes to any beach 17:47 <@Tone> lots of lakes though 17:47 * aosdict opens a portal to minnesota 17:48 <@Tone> You can drive to a few different nice beaches, east or west coast, in about the same amount of time though, so at least there's some variety if you want to go to the beach 17:48 i always went to the pool after a dive to rinse off the salt 17:49 after living in hawaii for 6 yars, i'm picky about beaches 17:49 years 17:49 <@Tone> The beach is one of the things I miss most since moving actually 17:49 <@Tone> It was nice when it was only a 15-20 minute drive 17:49 k2: the beach in front of the condo we stayed at was wonderful 17:49 <@Tone> I'd go most weekends 17:50 hothraxxa: you lucky. must have been atlantic side 17:50 the gulf of mexico is just nasty 17:50 <@Tone> K2 Have you been to Miami beach? I think that's one of the nicer ones I've been to 17:50 huh? this was west maui 17:51 oh thought you were talking about FL 17:51 nah i think we went in the water maybe twice in florida 17:51 @Tone no i havent been to Miami beach 17:52 Maui has AMAZING beaches and the ocean water around it is just awesome 17:52 spoils you to most everything else 17:52 <@Tone> yeah I just meant in FL 17:53 <@Tone> I haven't really been to many beaches out of the state really 17:53 i havent been to any beach in FL on the atlantic side yet 17:53 but every single time i'v been to a beach that touches the gulf, its just yuck 17:53 K2: "yars" should be a unit of pirate time measurement :D 17:54 k2: yuck in what sense? 17:54 <@Tone> it's been a while since I've been on a Gulf Coast beach 17:54 just nasty dirty filthy water 17:54 <@Tone> They have that nice white powder sand 17:54 lots and lots of offshore oil rigs in the gulf 17:54 nasty dirty filthy _hobbitses_ 17:54 heh 17:54 yarp 17:54 like you i am quite picky about the water i enter 17:55 hothraxxa: I don't get how jonadab likes to swim in rivers. They're not particularly clean, on average. 17:55 depends on the river 17:55 <@Tone> I want to try some of the beaches near Daytona, Cocoa, New Smyrna 17:55 aosdict: depends on where you are. rivers around here are fairly clean 17:55 some of the smallers rivers and streams in VT are like glass 17:55 but they are ice cold 17:55 (Though if you find a mountain stream while hiking that's deep enough for swimming, those are fun) 17:55 yeah 17:56 hothraxxa: but Ohioan rivers? 17:56 well okay 17:56 i've seen a couple 17:57 i spent a month in cincinnati one week 17:57 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 17:57 aosdict: but even if there were a beach nearby, we wouldnt have time. we pretty much have our itinerary planned 17:57 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:12115 17:57 we spent most of today in the magic kingdom again 17:58 going back for dinner in a bit 17:58 mini-me got to meet/get picture taken with pretty much all of her favorite princessess 17:59 'daddy, I think Elsa is fake' why? 'I could see brown hair under her white hair. I think its a wig' 17:59 hahah 18:00 and i'm convinced the girl who was acting out snow white is on meds 18:00 ok we're off, see you later 18:01 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:02 <@Tone> See ya 😄 18:11 Speaking of which, is "Itinerant" a Tourist rank title? It should be, if not. 18:17 [hdf-us] [xnh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:29345 18:18 wait, the Grudge Patch is seriously only about 60 lines of code? 18:21 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Ran Elf Fem Cha), 1673 points, T:1516, killed by a bolt of fire 18:21 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5245 18:31 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:14177 18:34 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 speed boots", on T:14219 18:43 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) made her first artifact wish - "blessed greased +3 grayswandir", on T:14310 18:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:30395 18:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:30395 18:57 bug reproduction attempts was a huge failure 18:57 afk sleep 18:57 aosdict: it's in vanilla already, all the "grudge patch" does is add more grudges 18:57 anyway, afk 19:07 [hdf-us] [nd] hypnotist (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:16399 19:14 aosdict: Note that where I live, rivers do not have an upstream. 19:14 I have walked my dog across the Mississippi / St. Lawrence divide from here. 19:14 Well, not my current dog, a previous one. But. 19:15 So rivers are basically rainwater plus a bit of local mud. And the soil around here is mostly clay. 19:31 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 19:32 -!- AntiGulp has quit [Client Quit] 19:34 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:35 -!- riker has joined #hardfought 19:36 !tell NeroOneTrueKing your opaque mon fix seems to have broken long worms - any clue why? 19:36 Will do, riker! 19:47 !tell Chris_ANG bug? possible to ID amulets of LS or reflection by trying to put them on pets (youc an only select those 2 kidns) 19:47 Will do, riker! 19:47 -!- riker has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 19:53 -!- riker has joined #hardfought 19:53 !tell Chris_ANG strange attack error with dwarf queen polyform, probably something abotu the new offhand weapon rules for monsters 19:53 Will do, riker! 19:53 FIQ: does fiqhack have anything for monster-player symmetry of 2wep fighting? 19:58 -!- Menche_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:59 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 20:08 -!- riker has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:12 !tell @riker "The gnome wields 7 daggers!" :P 20:12 Will do, aosdict! 20:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Ran Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:11145 20:13 I guess I shouldn't have used !tell on that 20:14 -!- dell00 has joined #hardfought 20:18 -!- dell00 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:23 -!- dell00 has joined #hardfought 20:38 -!- dell00 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 20:55 -!- loli has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.1] 20:56 [hdf-us] [fh] K (krm26) (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 6980 points, T:276, killed by a gnome lord 21:21 [hdf-us] [nd] fusillade (Ran Orc Fem Cha), 924 points, T:2245, killed by a bolt of lightning 21:22 xNetHack is now officially based on NetHack 3.6.2-dev. 21:24 there isn't a 3.6.2-dev 21:24 well there will be in one commit unless you're jumping ahead to 3.7.0 21:24 we will be continuing to add bugfixes to the 3.6 branch but (unless something goes badly wrong) do not intend to release any more 3.6.x versions 21:25 3.6.2? 21:25 the next version will probably therefore be 3.7 21:25 does nethack have semver now? 21:25 with the 3.6.1-onwards patches being publicly available in the repo but not part of any public release 21:25 I have no idea :-D 21:25 ^_^ 21:26 really, the whole release process is really confusing 21:26 even when it was in full swing it was really unclear whether the thing was actually going to be released or not 21:26 we keep making attempts and then aborting them 21:26 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 21:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 21:26 I think we only finally commit to a release a day or two before it actually comes out 21:26 ais523: would 3.7 be not public until its release? Because that would seem like a huge step backward 21:27 but it's a gradual process, after a while people keep thinking "I'd better not make large changes, surely 3.6.1 is coming out soon" 21:27 aosdict: I'm in favour of having a public 3.7 repository 21:27 but we're still deciding how to set up git for 3.7 internally 21:27 we don't currently have a 3.7 branch 21:27 Like, I get that there might be some reason to have secret features, but... having them public opens dicussion about them, opens it up to balance testing and tweaking in public eyes, etc. 21:27 anyway those are my thoughts 21:28 yes, you don't have to convincem e 21:28 *me 21:29 i am excited about the non-public changes when nextversion will get released :D 21:30 OH WAIT! 21:30 .-. 21:32 totally missed that it was just released 21:32 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 7537 points, T:10139, killed by a gray unicorn 21:33 -!- Menche__ has joined #hardfought 21:34 of course, the fun thing here is that 3.6.1 is /already/ on hardfought 21:34 as this version isn't any different gameplaywise from -dev 21:34 (we updated the docs, that's about it) 21:35 (and that was done over the last couple of days, it wasn't some big hidden project) 21:35 yeah bhaak said as much a few days ago 21:36 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:36 [hdf-us] [fh] K (krm26) (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 35118 points, T:2905, killed by a killer bee 21:37 "Starting with the next major release, we will be dropping support for most K&R and pre-ANSI C features, including: * The Bitfield macro * K&R function definitions." !!!!!!!! 21:38 ais523: you simply MUST make the next release code public now 21:38 I think I can convince the devteam to make at least that bit public 21:39 realistically, the two most likely options are a) everything public, or b) everything public except for new branches, monsters, etc. 21:39 I'm not convinced of the merits of b) myself, but it may end up being chosen as a compromise option 21:39 I'd like to hear the arguments for b rather than a, yeah 21:40 -!- Menche__ is now known as Menche 21:40 Not sure what intellectual contortions are involved in keeping code private prior to public release...seems to mostly accomplish flatfooting variant authors 21:40 ^ 21:41 prevents you from doing major refactors and such, since you have no idea what changes are being done that would invalidate them 21:41 the argument is presumably so that it comes as a surprise to players, allowing them to try it out without spoilers and the like 21:42 But that is always voluntary, players who want to avoid spoilers can avoid them 21:42 I don't believe this is a valid argument as it'll be source-surfed within a few minutes anyway 21:42 but suspect that many devteam members do agree with it 21:42 if you're playing nethack unspoiled, you simply have to not look up the git repository :P 21:42 after this release I am thoroughly convinced of the need to keep release /timing/ secret, but that's not hard 21:43 Now, there is a real argument for a branch that is only available hosted to preserve source secrecy. Forcing data discovery through play is every bit as valid a challenge as illiterate conduct :-) 21:44 krm: yeah but that flies in the face of it being free software 21:44 if I ever write my own roguelike from scratch, I might start off by doing that (but might not) 21:44 Variants are gonna variant 21:44 I guess lots of people will play without source-surfing anyway 21:45 It was fun playing before wikis for sure 21:46 Other people (assuming there was some secret code dropped only at the release) will not play until they've dove in and figured out all its tricks 21:46 dived* 21:47 there are few players who thoroughly spoil themselves before playing 21:47 fwiw, if something is heavily spoiler-dependent we should probably let people spoil it, if it isn't, there's not much point in hiding it 21:53 huh who was the person who posted the reddit links 21:53 i thought it was someone from the devteam 21:53 apparently thats not the case? 21:54 paultwinner is a devteam member I think. 21:54 oh! 21:54 a german one, apparently :D 21:54 alright 21:54 good good 21:54 Paul Winner is a devteam member 21:55 Conspiracy theory: he's @Winsalot in disguise. 21:55 ^_^ 21:55 is @winsalot german too? ;v 21:55 :v* 21:56 paul winner is amy 21:56 well they do play on hdf-eu 21:56 (another theory) 21:56 hmm 21:56 btw, the funny thing about the release timing: the "old guard" of devs wanted this released for Junethack, and weren't sure how much lead time Junethack needed 21:57 whereas the newer devteam members knew but didn't correct them because we wanted a release :-D 21:57 lol 21:57 still, you have a month or so to get this onto the Junethack servers, that should be easily enough :-) 21:58 that said, a month probably wouldn't have been enough for /dev/null/nethack 21:58 i am not really involved in junethack anymore 21:58 should just take a few hours :P 21:58 (to add a new variant) 21:58 was 3.6.1 officially released? 21:58 yes 21:58 yes, a few hours ago 21:58 (skimming recent backscroll) 21:58 hah nice 21:59 a bit more enthusiasm pls 21:59 \o/ 21:59 !booze everyone 21:59 * Beholder throws everyone a cup of cafe latte, brewed by Arsinoe at 89 degrees Celsius. 21:59 \o/ 21:59 that… might be drinkable? 21:59 bah latte! 21:59 * stenno actually boozing IRL 21:59 !booze everyone 21:59 * Beholder tosses everyone a shot of suds, decanted by Rodney at 11 Kelvin. 21:59 that almost certainly isn't :-D 21:59 heh 22:00 ais523: the suds are made of liquid helium 22:00 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 22:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 22:01 its funny how anticlimacticgulb announced splicehack as a 3.6.1 variant at the same day as the actual 3.6.1 was released 22:01 was just thinking that 22:01 great timing if you want to fork off there and not continue pulling in dev commits 22:02 wait, crap, the boiling point of helium is 4.22 K 22:03 any ETA when the version will be playable on NAO? 22:03 stenno: well it could have been playable already if paxed updated more often ;-) 22:03 (backscroll) I'm also in favor of the 3.7.x branch being public. we'd run a n instance of it here on hardfought - best way to find bugs is to let people play it 22:03 :D 22:04 luckily there is hardfought! 22:04 \o/ 22:04 now i have to pause my xnethack game again 22:04 or maybe i hurry up and ascend it before its on NAO 22:05 -!- tacco| has quit [] 22:05 s/its/3.6.1/ 22:08 * K2 does the happy NetHack release dance of joy and wonderment 22:10 wow, I happen to be up in the middle of the night (too much conference and too much booze) and I see this floating by on twitter 22:11 * aosdict mutters something about K2's happy NetHack dance of reflection 22:11 but now I really need some more sleep 22:11 raisse: I thought you knew this was coming? 22:11 night, anyway 22:11 I guess I also knew it was coming but it was still a surprise 22:11 I'm on holiday, I'm not following stuff much 22:12 actually it was kind-of hilarious watching the devteam trying to put binaries together for the playtesters 22:12 with places like hardfought available 22:12 I've been out of various loops since mid-April 22:13 some of the playtesters were using it already 22:14 well, bed for me 22:14 night 22:14 I should be asleep too really :-) 22:15 gnite ais523 22:15 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: night] 22:18 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:24 gnite all 22:26 night 22:26 <[Demo]> gnite 22:31 -!- krm has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:34 -!- riker has joined #hardfought 22:34 -!- riker has quit [Client Quit] 22:49 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 23:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:31030 23:44 !tell tariru menche wants to know if you used elbereth 23:44 Will do, Elronnd! 23:56 K2: When will hardfought have official released 3.6.1? 23:56 jonadab: It already does, effectively. 23:56 -!- AntiGulp has joined #hardfought 23:56 AntiGulp: hi! 23:56 oh hey AntiGulp 23:56 aosdict: The menu says 3.6.1-dev though. 23:56 Hi! 23:56 Hello AntiGulp, Welcome to #hardfought 23:56 good timing for a variant announcement 23:56 Wait, isn't that the Slice guy? 23:57 jonadab: You and your semantics. 23:57 I haven't finished looking through his log yet. 23:57 My timing is impeccable apparently 23:57 :P 23:58 as you might now, hardfought already runs 3.6.1 with a few patches and also xnethack 23:59 s/now/know/ 23:59 I haven't had the chance to play xnethack yet, but the changes looked really interesting