00:23 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 00:27 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:42 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:45 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 00:52 <@mtf> well? did tariru beat slex? 00:56 Yes 00:56 !asc Tariru 00:56 aosdict: Tariru has ascended 1 times in 1 games (100.00%): slex:1 (100.00%) 01:06 <@Jendic> Tariru is the official GOAT now. 01:12 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 01:28 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 01:59 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 208 points, T:699, killed by a coyote 02:00 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 35 points, T:231, killed by a sewer rat 02:02 wow 02:09 -!- Tarmunora__ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:13 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:17 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 588 points, T:1573, killed by a watchman 02:18 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:27 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:29 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 02:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:46 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:48 !tell K2 I'm just seeing something weird: on the watch menu, Grasshopper appears twice, with the games being listed as "xnh" and "xnh011", which both lead to the same game when selecting them 02:48 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:48 LarienTelrunya, sorry I just saved, got to do some washing! 02:49 haha, no problem, I just wanted to report the watch menu quirk ;) 02:49 was just noticing more starting spellbooks and a changed spellcasting system in xnh 02:58 because my wiz has only 16 intelligence, he can't even cast a single force bolt 02:58 not enough pw 02:59 wtf 02:59 that... doesn't seem right to me 03:01 well, I jusst fell into a pit and, on climbing out, got hit by a poisoned dart 03:01 from a dart trap 03:01 but amazingly I am not dead yet 03:01 HP:2(12) 03:01 wow :) already wanted to say DYWYPI 03:07 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 03:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 03:13 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 03:16 I think I've just found the tiniest armour shop ever 03:16 2x3 room with just 3 items in it 03:16 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:22 got some +0 leather and a cloak of displacement 03:22 is the latter ever useful when you have a MR cloak? 03:23 nope, unless I find myself against mundane monsters maybe 03:23 my pet stole it for me, so hey I liked the price 03:24 :D 03:28 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:34 Went up a level, now I can cast a spell! 03:34 yay! 03:39 might go try out a force bolt on those pesky G's and d's in the mines 03:51 !tell K2 I've figured out why that astral plane crash was happening: slex tried to make a player monster with a rank title that was too long. I'll try to devise a fix. 03:51 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 03:54 !tell K2 apparently it tried to copy a name that was 36 characters long, but which was erroneously stored in a buffer that can only hold 32 characters, to a new buffer that can hold 64 characters! no wonder we were getting a buffer overrun 03:54 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 03:55 also, hooray for having gdb :) 04:03 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:13 !tell K2 bugfix commits ready at slex-2.1.7 branch again. This should fix the error where entering the astral plane sometimes crashes the game, and I also tried another time to fix the issue where recover doesn't completely recover savegames. Sorry for all the bugs! But I'm trying to hunt them all down :) 04:13 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 04:16 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 04:19 <@Khor> xNetHack? :ThinkStare: 04:21 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:23 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 04:57 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:47 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 05:47 Aloha and good morning all! 05:49 mcw: how come you're not called tubs anymore? 05:50 LarienTelrunya: oops, on my Windows PC my username is mcw 05:50 Actually, maybe it is on my Mac too - it depends if I connect via irssi or the web thing! 05:50 -!- mcw is now known as tubs 05:51 * tubs is tubby again 05:51 :) 05:51 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:54 LarienTelrunya: Are you thinking of new ways to make slex more harder again? :) 05:54 English me good at 05:54 hahaha :D actually I'm planning to do some more stuff and then push the new savebreaking version, which will then stay save-stable until after Junethack 05:55 LarienTelrunya: oh yeah , I got a crash again on Mac, and I captured it in lldb 05:55 gah 05:55 Note: I was on 2.2 05:55 * LarienTelrunya really has enough of that segfaulting crap 05:56 is there a backtrace or something else that may help me figure out how it happened? 05:56 yeah 05:56 just running laptop now :) 05:57 do you remember what you were doing just before the crash? 05:57 <[Demo]> have we figured out why astral crashed? 05:57 It was on save 05:57 I was just bashing stuff with my 2h axe 05:57 [Demo]: yeah, we did 05:57 <[Demo]> i just woke upp and am so tired lemme try to read 05:57 oh ffffffs it aborted lldb when laptop went to sleep ._. 05:57 tubs: on save??? you mean you tried to save and it crashed mid-saving? 05:58 Yeah 05:58 well shiiiiit 05:58 I thought the days where the savegame error happened were a thing of the past 05:58 But bear in mind this is Mac + 2.2 05:58 how far in the game were you? 05:58 <@kritixilithos> FIQ: reads the transcript ppcg is code golf stack exchange 05:59 ah 05:59 what does pp stand for 05:59 LarienTelrunya: about dlevel 8 05:59 <@kritixilithos> ppcg = programming puzzles and code golf 05:59 ahh 05:59 LarienTelrunya: the message I got on save was: 05:59 <@kritixilithos> I met riker there 05:59 ​ 05:59 THIS IS A FATAL BUG. DO NOT TRY TO SAVE THE GAME, OR YOUR SAVEGAME FILE MAY BE 05:59 CORRUPTED. On a public server the problem can sometimes be solved by using a 05:59 staircase to return to a previously visited level. If nothing works, please contact 05:59 the admins. --Amy--More-- 05:59 So then I tried to use a staircase, but it aborted saying it couldn't find the level. 06:00 <[Demo]> why did tariru get sent to a black and white lvl 0? 06:00 that sounds as if something removed the level files?! 06:00 LarienTelrunya: I've never seen any issues on my windows or linux machines 06:00 [Demo]: same reason as tubs' problem, actually; a level file was missing for some reason 06:00 <[Demo]> and thats a failsafe? 06:00 in the case of Tariru that should be fixed with the recover.c update I pushed a few hours ago 06:00 LarienTelrunya: yeah, the weirdest thing was recovery failed, so I deleted the old game, then it found the save under that name anyway, and tried to load it. 06:01 Which worked until I either saved or used a staircase. 06:01 <[Demo]> is the going to the planes deleting level files a slex only thing? 06:01 tubs: have you tried to run 2.2.0 on win/linux? 06:01 [Demo]: I think all variants and also vanilla do that 06:02 <[Demo]> ok so having a branch after the planes is dumb 06:02 * LarienTelrunya really hopes she didn't create new fatal bugs in 2.2.0 06:03 LarienTelrunya: yeah, didn't play it a huge amount but didn't see anything nasty 06:03 so that "fatal bug" message never cropped up there? 06:04 <[Demo]> hmmm 06:04 <[Demo]> so it doesnt like to recover after deleting the levels because of an xchar issue? 06:05 [Demo]: not quite, but similar; apparently our fiddling around and the 256 limitation in recover.c caused the plane of air level to be no longer there, so the game couldn't find it and spazzed out 06:05 now with the 256 limitation removed, this should no longer happen as soon as hdf is updated 06:06 <[Demo]> weird 06:06 <[Demo]> trying to reproduce in ndnh 06:06 <[Demo]> would i need to visit a fuck ton of levels? 06:06 bear in mind that ndnh has different level index numbers and may not even have more than 256 in any given game 06:07 <[Demo]> oh, xchars are signed? 06:07 the weirdest part is that the recovery actually "works" (kinda-sorta) locally, even with the 256 limitation in place, because it leaves the 257+ index levels in the playground where the game will find them again 06:07 LarienTelrunya: correct, never seen that fatal bug before 06:08 tubs: so it might be an issue with the mac build in particular. Maybe you can play some more on the linux build to see if the error ever happens there. Is that version capable of generating core dumps too? 06:08 <[Demo]> so unless i like double the levels (i think ndnh is rougly at about 127 on average per game) i shouldnt have that issue? 06:08 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 06:09 [Demo]: ah right, there was that xchar issue I had in dnhslex, you should probably fix that, but the 256 limit probably won't affect you for a while 06:09 LarienTelrunya: I think so, and will do! 06:09 LarienTelrunya: you want me to run 2.2? 06:09 LarienTelrunya: and Monk/Angel would be best for just spamming through levels I assume? 06:10 tubs: yes, definitely, since you said the error happened on a 2.2.0 build on the mac. I absolutely have to know whether that version is generally buggy, and knowing that before I actually try to get it put on a public server would be rather useful ;) 06:10 *nods* 06:10 monk angel works, sure 06:10 * LarienTelrunya *really* hopes she didn't create a blasted savegame error in 2.2.0 06:11 <[Demo]> i like it when recover works 06:11 [Demo]: https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/commit/3bf646a47afe6c1d2a9e77c952456b24eee64ecd - it fixes both the xchar problem (the one that caused recover to not work at all and trash the save) and the 256 limit. 06:12 [Demo]: I think being below 256 might work out better than going above it 06:12 -!- jonadab has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:12 but NetHack assumes 127 in places... 06:13 FIQ: slex's astral plane crash was actually a long-standing, unrelated bug that could happen when a player monster had a title that's longer than 32 characters, which I fixed now. 06:14 LarienTelrunya: I am aware of that bug, yes 06:14 It can happen elsewhere as well 06:14 even in vanilla 06:14 You should really port NAO bug fixes to slex 06:14 yeah but that probably means sifting through thousands of commits 06:14 have fun! 06:14 :P 06:15 I'll take the easy way out and grep the source for occurrences of PL_NSIZ and similar things, and increase the sizes of those buffers when I suspect they might be too small. 06:15 that said, I'm curious to see what 3.6.x's mplayer.c does 06:16 or you know 06:16 you could just increase PL_NSIZ 06:16 3.6.x still uses PL_NSIZ and it's still 32... 06:17 yes, that is fine 06:17 if I were to increase it, the player would suddenly be able to give their character much longer names which would probably cause other problems 06:17 player names are still dgl-restricted 06:18 remember how Luxidream crashed one of the variants, I think it might even have been FIQhack, by using a long name containing certain characters? 06:18 that was actually completely unrelated to PL_NSIZ 06:19 ais523 botched his base64 implementation 06:19 really? but the name input field also uses a fixed-size buffer thought? 06:19 when computing length 06:19 *I thought 06:19 basically in certain cases, the null string terminator would be missing 06:20 which would likely (but not always) lead to a crash 06:20 fixing the base64 length computation fixed the problem 06:22 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 06:24 Well,LarienTelrunya , a shop with a locked door which I got teleported inside of may be the end of this test playthrough... 06:25 In minetown* 06:25 dude there's a phase door technique! :P 06:26 or is that on timeout? if that's the case, use scrolls instead of which you hopefully still have at least one 06:26 Ah, well, I put on my unknown gauntlets of teleportitis 06:26 Escaped 06:27 Then got cornered in an alley by a "General" swinging his absolutely-not-compensating-for-anything rocket launcher. 06:27 But yeah, I'd definitely have hit some issue or other on the mac build 06:27 what, you got a general so early? 06:27 From stealing 06:27 oh 06:27 so you died? rip :( 06:28 kicked a tree in a shop and the spellbook went into my inventory instead of the floor 06:28 So when I teleported out I got angried at 06:28 damn 06:28 <[Demo]> so if the player were to somehow load my levels after astral what would happen when they got to them again after the planes delete? 06:28 Looks like it might just be a mac thing, I wouldn't worry about it; I'm literally a magnet for bugs. 06:29 tubs: okay, let's hope so 06:29 thanks for testing! 06:29 Np :) 06:29 I wonder if there is a way to bind '.' to 's' so I don't anger eurynome.. 06:29 [Demo]: upon entering the planes, all levels that exist at that point are deleted, I think. So if you're supposed to return to them later, you must find the routine that deletes them, and prevent it from actually deleting them I guess 06:30 should be somewhere in the "transition from level 1 to plane of earth" code 06:31 oh, and the game not only deletes the level files, they also no longer show up if you access the dungeon overview 06:31 <[Demo]> you aren't ever supposed to visit them b4 the planes 06:31 though they will probably still show up with #overview 06:32 oh they're post-astral only? 06:32 <[Demo]> Yeah so they work 06:32 you tested and verified that they work? 06:32 <[Demo]> but I don't want them to be shitty and unstable in weird niche cases I haven't thought of 06:32 <[Demo]> yeah 06:33 and you tried various things, like going back and forth between them and repeatedly saving, or levelporting back and forth, or whatnot? 06:33 <[Demo]> yeah but not too frequently did I test them after planes 06:33 <[Demo]> usually would skip that step and go to them 06:34 in slex I've found that there's always the potential for corner cases, even if I think I thought of everything :P 06:34 <[Demo]> Yeah acu is so unplaytested that it definitely doesn't work 06:34 that astral crash was a case in point, giving some roles long titles for certain ranks caused that but I didn't know about it until today 06:36 <[Demo]> was that ever a vanilla problem? 06:36 <[Demo]> or are there no vanilla rank names long enough? 06:36 nope, probably because none of its rank titles are as long as stuff like "the one who doesn't like foreigners" 06:37 the buffer has a length of 32 and must hold a string of " the " 06:37 <[Demo]> ok 06:37 in the above case, the rank alone is long enough to cause a buffer overrun 06:37 <[Demo]> really hope my bot isn't forwarding my pinning messages 06:38 and this buffer size is set in mplayer.c where it creates player monsters for the astral plane; the actual christen_monst() function in doname.c uses a buffer with length 63, which is long enough 06:39 (for now :P) 06:39 <[Demo]> I think I will try to avoid long rank names 06:41 <[Demo]> so I agree that bug fixes make sense b4 jnh but slex binder should use the new dnethack binder quest levels at some point 06:42 (just looking at them) Chris and his constant insistence to use several MAP segments for a single level :D I'm wondering why that's even necessary? 06:43 also why does the locate level remind me of the noble goal level 06:43 <[Demo]> still better than barb quest for the millionth time 06:44 <[Demo]> you would need to modify the locate level to just stick the nemesis in the final room 06:44 wow, the dna levels look nice too 06:44 <[Demo]> not local dammit 06:44 <[Demo]> fucking final 06:45 since slex still needs some special levels for the new branches in 2.2.0, I might just go and steal some from dnethack's various quests and adjust them accordingly :D 06:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 06:45 tubs: play DNHslex! *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 06:45 * LarienTelrunya just realized she didn't use *bundlebundlebundle* in a long time :D 06:47 <[Demo]> Amy I'm not sure I've uve helped or harmed ppls views of vanilla slashem 06:48 well, me neither; while we do have some regulars on the esm server who play slashem, I don't know any of them since they never join the chat 06:48 <[Demo]> I wish vanilla slashem was more respected but if it wasn't for slex slashem as a whole might have just faded away completely 06:48 okay that was a lie, one or two of those players did appear in the chat when they needed a recovery 06:49 the thing with vanilla slashem is that it's no longer developed :( 06:49 LarienTelrunya: yes ma'am 06:49 LarienTelrunya: where do Igo? 06:49 tubs: hahaha, sorry, didn't want to make you shelve that promising dnh run if you'd rather keep playing that ;) 06:49 LarienTelrunya: that's a lie, I am 90% sure you bundlebundlebundled someone yesterday :p 06:49 LarienTelrunya: I dead 06:50 what? argh! rip :( 06:50 well, ssh to slashem@slashem.me with port 22 if you want to play dnhslex, but I guess you'd need to make an account and copy over your dnh rcfile 06:50 Not exactly a big task :p 06:50 <[Demo]> is the slashem on emslashem elronds work? 06:50 Unix SlashEM Version 0.0.7E7F3 - last build Sun Apr 10 18:12:36 2016. 06:51 LarienTelrunya: huh, looks like I already had an account there :) 06:51 tubs: yeah, the "tubs" account played regular nethack in june 2016, apparently 06:51 \o/ 06:52 Why can't I use vi to edit rc files? ._. 06:52 Student of Stones is the longest vanilla rank title 06:52 FIQ: ah, 17 characters, and there's certainly no mplayer.c name longer than 12, so vanilla never crashes that way 06:52 Jonathan is the longest player name 06:52 yep 06:53 27 is the max length 06:53 with this in mind 06:53 <[Demo]> thanks for checking fiq 06:53 tubs: sorry :( we decided to go with nano 06:53 <[Demo]> I was curious but on phone 06:53 LarienTelrunya: np *shudders* 06:53 no wait 06:53 30 06:53 I forgot "the" 06:53 so it' 06:53 LarienTelrunya: I managed to endure! 06:53 s just barely below the limit 06:53 the limit is 31 06:54 excluding the null pointer 06:54 tubs: great! now I'll be curious to see you play ♥ 06:54 so LarienTelrunya 06:54 don't use rank titles above 18 characters 06:54 <[Demo]> Ok I'm gonna up that things size 06:54 FIQ: my solution is much better, I'll just increase the size of that buffer 06:54 <[Demo]> out of paranoia 06:55 after all, mplayer.c uses the 31-size buffer and then copies that into christen_monst()'s 63-size buffer, so the mplayer.c buffer might just as well use the same size of 63 06:57 tubs: I'm curious to see how a dnethack grandmaster plays the binder, I have absolutely zero idea how to play one myself 06:58 LarienTelrunya: lol grandmaster \o/ 06:58 <[Demo]> I think none of my acu rank names are larger than 17 06:58 LarienTelrunya: I'm curious about the blue bg colour though, it is supposed to be where I've seen before but can't currently see right? 06:58 LarienTelrunya the watch menu shenanigans are my fault 06:58 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-11 02:48 EDT: I'm just seeing something weird: on the watch menu, Grasshopper appears twice, with the games being listed as "xnh" and "xnh011", which both lead to the same game when selecting them 06:58 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-11 03:51 EDT: I've figured out why that astral plane crash was happening: slex tried to make a player monster with a rank title that was too long. I'll try to devise a fix. 06:58 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-11 03:54 EDT: apparently it tried to copy a name that was 36 characters long, but which was erroneously stored in a buffer that can only hold 32 characters, to a new buffer that can hold 64 characters! no wonder we were getting a buffer overrun 06:58 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-11 04:13 EDT: bugfix commits ready at slex-2.1.7 branch again. This should fix the error where entering the astral plane sometimes crashes the game, and I also tried another time to fix the issue where recover doesn't completely recover savegames. Sorry for all the bugs! But I'm trying to hunt them all down :) 06:59 tubs: uhh, I guess? I just copied dnethack's code and added a few of my own stuff, but those blue backgrounds are from regular dnethack 06:59 thought that inprogress folder could be same for 2 versions of same variant 06:59 apparently that is not the case 06:59 K2: yeah, I was noticing it for different variants too ;) 06:59 LarienTelrunya: really? Huh, I don't see that on hdf - it's weird though because the corridors are the opposite (blue where you can see, white otherwise) 07:00 <[Demo]> turn off the shit that makes blue and black the same color 07:00 <[Demo]> why isn't lit_corridor set by default? 07:01 man does the dnethack binder ever suck :P he can't kill anything, and without level ups he probably won't learn new spirits! how the heck are you supposed to survive? 07:01 [Demo]: where is that shit at 07:01 LarienTelrunya: pet, 07:01 LarienTelrunya: in dnh if your pet is adjacent to a monster they won't melee you 07:02 yeah but how does that help? the pet will steal all the kills so you still won't level up 07:02 Eventually! :p 07:02 and you can use no weapon or anything because you lack all the skills 07:02 Or I'll bind one of these three 07:03 I think Eden just needs a tree 07:03 Then you get "powers" that you can use to kill stuff 07:03 Oh wait, Eden is a fountain, even easier 07:03 that's another annoying thing, you need to play with the wiki open to know how to bind the spirits 07:04 That whistle was lucky! 07:04 heh, it means that death is lurking behind the next corner with big, pointy teeth :P 07:04 tubs, Bin Hum Mal Gno, killed by an Anastasia's dancing shoe 07:04 Sweet rust monster 07:05 why is that good? 07:05 Wait what, why did it damage me? 07:05 in dnh they do 0 damage, so you can get tons of exp from them 07:05 there was a hobbit and he apparently cleaned your clock 07:05 rip :( 07:05 yolo again! 07:05 The black rats make this a lot harder :) 07:06 wtf you managed to bind a spirit? 07:06 Yeah, Amon just needs not an altar on the same level 07:06 Use the starting rusty knife to engrave 07:06 Amon is nice because he gives a headbutt attack 07:06 And firebreath 07:06 and the seal was not scuffed despite the stupid cat walking over it (which it always seems to do, I'm certain Chris coded it specifically so active seals are prime spots for your pets to step on) :P 07:07 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed greased fixed magic marker (0:99)", on T:33279 07:07 Yes, cats usually break them :D 07:07 I was scared a bit 07:07 dont have time to fix dgl right this second, will soon 07:07 Just remember to pick up trash daggers from the first few mobs and you can engrave fine usually. 07:07 its minor 07:07 Lol +3 shirt :D 07:08 Oh yeah you can kill yourself with fire breath real easy 07:08 what's up with this weird "can see down the whole length of a corridor"? I've seen that a lot in dnhslex 07:08 Amon gives darksight 07:09 ah so that's what it's called, I thought it was echolocation 07:09 But lightsight to drow 07:09 Making them actually playable! 07:09 Why are there faberge spheres but no tinker gnomes? 07:09 @d?tinker gnome 07:09 tinker gnome (G) | Lvl: 3 | Diff: 5 | Spd: 6 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 10 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 4 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical, 0d0 tinker tinker | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, infravisible 07:09 probably not deep enough for the latter to spawn 07:10 this is dnhslex, many things that can't spawn randomly in regular dnh can do so here :D 07:10 :D 07:10 Oh god spheres 07:12 wtf flying boots??? dnh has that? 07:12 Yeah replaces levi boots 07:12 Means there is even more choice for boot wearing 07:12 wow, that's uber pwnz0r! 07:12 Also fireworks cart is way harsh this early... 07:13 Explosion saps max hp 07:13 what, the fire breath doesn't even use Pw? WTF 07:14 25 turn cooldown 07:14 I love the powers, tubhack is going to be based almost primarily on that type of ability 07:14 the shopkeeper hates me because he can see my horns (a helmet would hide them) 07:14 ah the good old loot exploit, I wonder if Chris is going to fix that 07:15 oh, I wonder... 07:16 No it wouldn't work, would be fun to #equip to pets to let them steal stuff more easily 07:16 Wait this is an exploit? Is it not the same as just plain old pet stealing? 07:17 it's much easier to perform than regular pet stealing, since you don't have to get the pet out of the shop first 07:17 not sure if Chris considers it an exploit or "the way it's meant to be played" 07:18 but since dnhslex wants to stay true to the spirit of dnethack, I'm not going to change it :D 07:18 I think the main hack is it doesn't seem to reduce apport 07:18 Abandoned weapons place here somewhere! 07:19 wut? how do you know? 07:19 oh armories have level sounds??? 07:19 <[Demo]> shop theft is not a victimless crime 07:20 drip onto metal message 07:20 "you hear a ceiling tile fall" wtf I'd never have associated that with an armory 07:20 and "you hear iron oxidize" LOL??? 07:20 <[Demo]> it's a dilapidated one 07:20 Tiny daggers <3 07:20 <[Demo]> with pre rusty shit 07:20 <[Demo]> and rusty and corrosive monsters 07:20 but really good for getting magical equipment, and amazing exp early 07:21 Plus the puddings you can divide as a binder so your pet and you can farm exp 07:21 yeah I love the loot in armories in slex too, but it's always a race to rescue as much as you can before the rust monsters eat everything 07:21 https://i.imgur.com/vxPjLRf.png 07:21 Happened yesterday 07:21 you pudding farmer! :P 07:22 Omg, tiny daggers from a quickling, it is sooo cute :d 07:22 does the size of a weapon have an impact on its damage or accuracy? 07:23 Yeah, I think it loses 2 damage per size away from medium 07:23 quite the harsh penalty 07:23 So I think for multirolls it is great, large broadsword I *believe* does 2d6 over 2d4 07:23 Aye 07:25 Otiax is also useful in some way I guess? 07:26 Extra passive attack 07:26 And "open" does good damage if it hits 07:26 wtf, I thought that would open doors :P I guess it instead opens the chest of enemies, splintering ribs and shredding viscera? 07:27 Where did my kitty go 07:27 LarienTelrunya: both! You can #force locks, or "open" (25turn cd) enemies 07:27 haha 07:27 Like that. 07:27 looooooool 07:27 can I please see the message again? 07:28 okay, got it :) 07:28 this shall become a random message in slex! 07:28 "You open a door into the House Xorlarrin drow, releasing her vital organs!" 07:28 Where did my cat go? :( 07:28 I want to steal that white dragon shield... 07:28 level telep maybe? or a hole? 07:29 Prayer will work here but unbind Amon 07:29 Which isn't awful since I'm over the level1 hump 07:29 do you have alternatives? 07:30 so it seems the spirits give you lots of extra melee attacks but you constantly miss with all of them anyway due to general binder suckitude, I guess? :P 07:30 Buer is the king, he gives skills in martial arts and hungerless regen :-\ 07:30 Yeah, I think the mist tendrils have better chance to hit 07:31 and you play slow and kill stuff with powers 07:31 wtf the tendrils can even force doors 07:31 Where is my cat?? 07:34 what does the flak helmet do again? fire anti-aircraft missiles at flying enemies? 07:35 I think protects against acid rain or something 07:35 Should I zap this cat? 07:35 oh, are polymorphs permanent? 07:36 For not you, yes 07:36 I think! 07:36 then I guess it's worth a shot 07:36 hmm 07:37 are you trying to speed monster the devil? 07:37 Yeah, otherwise I'll get annoyed and ditch him 07:38 "extramission" wtf 07:38 sounds like a bonus level that you have to play through 07:40 Hah 07:41 Horned Devil is not M_STRONG right? 07:41 nope 07:42 Fortunately shopkeepers are shit in dnh, I think that was one of slashem's best ideas 07:42 [hdf-us] [nd] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:1393 07:43 Also please add #equip to every variant ever 07:43 haha 07:45 -!- Demo_ has joined #hardfought 07:45 is it normal to get messed up so badly by what would be popcorn monsters in slex? 07:45 so some acu names are 18 chars long 07:45 Dwarves are tough as shit, they have really good AC 07:45 But I think they only get one attack instead of two or something 07:45 decided its worth it to protect astral 07:46 Demo_: how did you do it? increase buffer size? 07:46 yeah 07:46 I guess astralscumming until you get "Jonathan the extremely long rank title" to spawn would take ages though :D 07:47 right 07:47 so the only reason why every binding has a dissed guise listed on the wiki is because shopkeepers otherwise won't trade with you? 07:48 and priests 07:48 cant buy protection from them if you are an outcast 07:48 LarienTelrunya: yeah 07:48 Oh yeah priests 07:48 I never buy protection because I am a complete scrub 07:48 the weird thing is he sold me the whistle 07:48 But not the scroll 07:48 man i hate radoban so much 07:49 dnhslex uses whatever dnethack uses for the protection formula, probably 400 * level 07:49 it isnt actually rad and just sucks 07:49 tubs: wtf, are you attacking the npcs on purpose? 07:49 Yeah to get my pet to attack them 07:49 I want their stuff 07:49 ah 07:49 Pets won't attack peaceful stuff 07:49 Which is soooo good 07:50 Demo_: what else does it have apparent from the forest fire level? 07:50 *apart 07:50 neutral quest is lvl 1 07:50 REMEMBER TUBS: DO NOT SAC THE PRIEST 07:50 basically a shit ton of gas spores 07:50 then baptism of fire 07:50 then... 07:50 idk 07:52 also weird how the shopkeeper first says "welcome, feel free to shop, chat, ask for services bla bla bla" and then "I don't have business with your kind here." when you actually try to do those things 07:53 Yeah I know, better to just tell you to fuck off, but at least you can still steal <3 07:53 i need some way to determine if the level im on is the one adjacent to the last level of soko 07:53 but idk how to do that 07:53 YASI for dnethack: if you're an outcast from having a visible seal binding, watchmen attack you on sight 07:54 vampires get attacked by the watch i think 07:54 well convicts certainly do 07:54 for vampires it might even be beneficial since they need nutrition 07:54 oh its convicts then nevermind 07:54 that makes sense 07:55 *nods* 07:55 Dual wielding watch captain, will wonders never cease!? 07:56 so basically i want the second to last level of radoban to be explosion boom boom boom land 07:56 heh, I guess monsters don't dual-wield in dnh 3.15.1? 07:56 not in 3.15.1 07:56 dnhslex is based on 3.15.2, so it may have stuff that's not present on the "official" dnh yet 07:57 ever walk into a tree and have it explode? 07:57 haha, is that a new trap in radoban? 07:58 i wouldnt call it a trap 07:58 Oops 07:58 what, so Otiax is the spirit of opening and dislikes locked things? 07:59 also, do you always lose a level if you unbind a spirit? 08:00 oh cool i figured out how to do something 08:00 Yes and yes 08:02 replace sokoban with lokoban 08:03 Ok, something has bugged 08:04 I have infinite carrying capacity? 08:04 Not infite, but what? 08:04 no amy made it big as fuck 08:04 cause shes bad at invent management 08:04 Ahh because slex 08:05 It's my favourite thing about slex :p 08:05 ugh, did I by mistake make the weight of magic chests so low that you can carry them? 08:05 I suck at invent management too 08:05 LarienTelrunya: no, even corpses and stuff are really light 08:05 I was wondering why I wasn't getting burdened while sacrificing 08:05 BUT IT IS GOOD CHANGE! 08:05 i too enjoy it lol 08:05 Grasshopper: Note that you can wield a spellbook to cut its Pw cost in half. 08:06 where does untrapping code live? 08:06 Grasshopper: However, I thought I fixed things so that starting wizards would be able to cast their level 1 spells... oops. 08:06 trap.c 08:06 thanks 08:06 what, the magic chest really weighs only 1001 even in regular dnethack? that... seems rather wrong to me, since it means you could carry it while not having anything else 08:07 or is that somehow hardcoded that you can only pick it up if it won't encumber you at all 08:07 Nah, you can carry it round intentionally 08:07 But it's more so that you can move it to your stash 08:07 ah 08:08 LarienTelrunya: how much does it weigh in dslexhack? 08:08 thinking of removing dex roll for disarming fire traps with water 08:08 still 1001 because I suck at modding forever :P I simply thought "ah, 7000 must be the weight, let's increase that to 25000 to make sure you can't carry it even with the new carry cap increase" but nope that's the value in zorkmids field lol :P 08:09 ooh so i can sell it for a lot 08:09 :D 08:10 !tell Chris_ANG there is a bug with the fire trap untrap code in that it only suggest potions of oil and not potions of water to untrap with 08:10 Will do, Demo_! 08:11 untrapping them with oil should actually spread the fire :P 08:11 hi 08:11 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 08:11 LarienTelrunya: so wait, what's the new carry cap? 08:11 weird 08:11 tubs: not sure about the exact number but it's definitely a lot higher 08:11 not sure why its only suggesting oil 08:11 Works for me LarienTelrunya 08:11 I really want a sac gift ._. 08:12 DNHslex updated :P now magic chests weigh four times as much and are back to their old zorkmid value again, won't affect games in progress though (saves have not been broken) 08:12 why does Kipawa attack the pets? 08:13 Because I attacked him 08:13 But the devil is just standing there like a lemon because he probably hit the floating eye :-\ 08:13 and they don't attack him back? are they retarded?! 08:14 I think the djinni was lower health 08:14 dnh changed pet combat so speed matters, which means mimics are no longer the bane of pets 08:14 Because the mimic only gets its attack every 4 turns or whatever, not just counterattack whenever the pet hits 08:14 ah, and rock/iron/whatever piercers are also less of a petkiller I guess 08:14 I might be lying but I am 90% sure that is true ^ 08:14 Yeah 08:15 Demo_: Do you know if the void minds sac own race? 08:15 Also shit, I could have murdered these guys myself, Malphas has my back re: murder 08:15 yes it does 08:15 okay I'll be off, but will probably be back in a couple hours; tubs: have fun and good luck with your run! 08:15 I may go do some coding of tubhack, I play better when I know people are watching! :p 08:15 Better = slightly less stupid 08:16 Demo_: thanks 08:16 well you're certainly a heck of a lot better than me, because I can't ever get anywhere with the binder 08:16 I think the main thing is to use the first knife 08:16 Which I only thought of after about 60 deaths :D 08:17 ;) 08:17 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:25 thinking of tubs makes me less hungry cause it makes me think of tubs of butter and eating tubs of butter is gross 08:27 it also makes me think of hippos for some reason 08:30 Demo_: Because I am a ferocious water beast? 08:30 idk 08:30 got my hterm viewer sucks so much 08:31 s/got/god 08:33 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed the Dark One, on T:36938 08:34 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:36948 08:37 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 08:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v jonadab] by ChanServ 08:40 jonadab do you know how getobj neardata works? 08:40 I don't. 08:40 Tangles: how's wizquest going 08:41 are you pious 08:41 if not.. rip 08:41 really confused right now how what its feeding in is having it only suggest oil potions 08:41 jonadab: when is 4k enhanced watchmode 08:41 Demo_: Note that I've been offline for the last several hours due to a power blink here. 08:42 FIQ: "eventually" 08:42 im enjoying the joy of ghetto hterm connection where i have to manually refresh the screen by trying to go to a nonexistent tmux pane every time i want a change to not just be blacked out 08:44 Demo_: Sounds like "fun" 08:44 nethack somehow doesnt have issues 08:44 but irssi and vim do 08:45 Demo_: what about curses NH3 vs curses NH4 08:46 i dont know im just working on notdnethack im not actually trying to play 08:47 Does Emacs work? 08:47 probably not unless it frequently calls to refresh the entire screen 08:47 I wouldn't be surprised if vim and Emacs were different in terms of dealing with a situation like that. 08:47 the only reason nethack works is because of how it updates the screen 08:48 Does nethack redraw the entire screen? 08:48 Actually, hmm, I'd be kind of surprised if vim and Emacs didn't BOTH have a key combo you can hit to redraw the screen. 08:48 tubs: When you do certain things. Like look at inventory. 08:48 it redraws the entire screen a *lot* 08:48 in vim it is Ctrl-R 08:48 this is what dgl relies on 08:48 No, Ctrl-L 08:48 to not have to playback the entire ttyrec 08:48 a la NH4 08:48 pre-enhanced watchmode 08:49 thanks tubs 08:49 np 08:49 might just be a bash thing actually 08:49 vi bros unite 08:49 works in irssi 08:49 and is way faster than waiting for tmux to force redraw 08:49 Ctrl-L I think refreshes irssi too yeah 08:49 also weechat 08:49 and emacs seem to redraw the screen as well but also does something else 08:49 not sure why 08:50 well this will speed things up by like a second per redraw 08:50 Demo_: wait, are your issues with tmux? 08:50 sometimes for me if a tmux window is attached on a smaller resolution than it was created in 08:50 weird stuff happens 08:51 no its not a tmux issue 08:51 and I have to redraw a bunch to fix it 08:51 bad connection and hterm is weird 08:51 ah 08:51 works fine with a good connection 08:57 What's hterm? 08:59 tubs: browser-based terminal emulator 08:59 kerio did some work on it a while ago to get it to the point where it can just about handle NetHack, mostly. 09:00 But it's not exactly Konsole. 09:02 Ahh, ok 09:02 I'm just using bash on windows at the moment, which has some quirks but overall works pretty well 09:03 All curses stuff work fine in it 09:03 you can in theory launch cmd inside it 09:04 but for whatever reason it breaks horribly 09:04 Pls no 09:04 *shudder* 09:04 (not the cmd process itself, it runs fine, just the terminal output... doesn't work) 09:04 tubs: ais or jonadab (I forgot who) made a .bat for compiling NH4 on windows 09:04 But... why would you? :p 09:05 actually maybe I was the one who did it 09:05 either way, I have a .bat 09:05 for compiling FIQHack on Windows 09:05 and because the computer I use has a really painful keyboard (it's a family computer, I don't use it otherwise) 09:06 I just ssh in via bash on windows 09:06 FIQ: no, I mean, why would you run cmd inside bash on windows? 09:06 and run cmd 09:06 and run the .bat 09:06 Oh ssh into a windows machine 09:06 I'm with you 09:08 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 09:08 -!- karatkievich.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 09:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 09:08 Beholder: never leave me again! 09:08 had to fix a minor faux pas on my part 09:09 he is back and that's all that counts :3 09:12 !who 09:12 K2: [hdf-us] Garzant [nh] hilliance [nd] kek [4k] Tangles [4k] Grasshopper [xnh] 09:12 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:13 !who 09:13 FIQ: [hdf-us] Garzant [nh] hilliance [nd] kek [4k] Tangles [4k] Grasshopper [xnh] 09:13 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:13 nooo I am not part of the list 09:13 play :P 09:13 I am... 09:13 look at watchlist 09:14 old xnh 09:14 yeah 09:14 why doesn't Beholder show it 09:14 right now beholder cant show both old and new version of same variant 09:14 hmm weird 09:14 thats what i was trying to do last night 09:14 i got it to work but 09:14 it screws up dgl 09:15 watch list in dgl rather 09:15 ah 09:15 so i reverted back 09:16 i am confident Tangles will figure a way to make it work in beholder. i tried a few things but my python skills are not good enough 09:17 well, it's not the nicest code to maintain.... 09:18 its easier to read than C imo 09:18 !whereis fiq 09:18 Tangles: [hdf-us] FIQ [fh]: (Hea Gno Mal Neu) T:9 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 09:18 !qho 09:18 lol 09:18 that is wrong 09:18 !who 09:18 Tangles: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] kek [4k] Tangles [4k] Grasshopper [xnh] 09:18 Tangles: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:18 heh 09:19 yeah right now FIQ is playing old xnethack 09:19 !whereis fiq 09:19 FIQ: [hdf-us] fiq is not currently playing on this server. 09:19 i have beholder pointed at new xnethack inprogress folder 09:19 !whereis FIQ 09:19 FIQ: [hdf-us] FIQ is not currently playing on this server. 09:19 well he was 09:19 yeah I am on xnh now 09:20 just wanted to delete the whereis 09:20 ah 09:28 k2: try that 09:28 k 09:29 hmm 09:29 wont that make beholder display xnh.old for those games? 09:30 Yes... is that a problem? You can call it whatever you like (as long as it's unique) 09:30 K2: need to fix another problem with starting Pw, wizards' is too low and healers' is perhaps too high, but not sure when I can get to it 09:30 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:31 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:31 Tangles: would it be possible for the tag to remain the same, regardless if old or new version? 09:31 * K2 is nit-picking 09:31 aosdict: ok 09:31 Yes, but that is more work, and gives less information. 09:32 you mean less info as in you dont know which version 09:33 yeah (although you should probably replace '.old' with a more meaningful version identifier). 09:33 I just was not sure what that should be. 09:34 ok yeah wizard starting Pw can be as low as 5 09:34 gnome wiz who fails both random rolls for more Pw 09:34 er, 6 because I think it uses rnd() not rn2() 09:34 but if you really prefer all the versions to come up looking the same, I can do that, it's just another level of nesting some things. 09:34 Tangles: would like to avoid changing the tag if at all possible. but if its too much work, dont have to do it 09:35 nah I'm pretty sure I know how to do it now. 09:35 ok. thanks 09:36 any game tag larger than 3 characters starts looking like unnecessary clutter to me 09:40 -!- grumlin has joined #hardfought 09:41 K2: pushed tweak to starting Pw 09:41 k 09:43 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 09:44 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 09:47 K2: Pushed beholder (variants can now have multiple inprogress dirs) 09:48 awesome, thank you 09:48 it is not well tested... 09:48 will do that right now 09:48 so your first edit, i tried something similar 09:49 but i was using () instead of [] 09:49 and then the other bits of course, no idea 09:49 that actually should not really matter - the () vs [] I mean. 09:50 but yeah then you need an extra loop in the right place to iterate over the list. 09:51 neat 09:51 * K2 once again wishes he had taken programming classes in high school 09:51 other than basic and fortran 09:52 Never too late K2 ! 09:53 tubs: actually, with the help of Tangles and others here, I've learned a fair amount of code manipulation over the past year or so 09:53 i know enough to be very dangerous (in terms of breaking shit) 09:53 :D 09:55 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 09:55 -!- livingstone.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 09:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 09:55 !who 09:55 Tangles: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] FIQ [xnh] 09:55 Tangles: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:56 I was going to say, it missed Grasshopper... but he's gone. 09:56 !who 09:56 K2: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] FIQ [xnh] 09:56 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:56 \o/ 09:56 CGB is new xnh 09:56 FIQ is old 09:56 heh. nice one chief :) 09:56 :P 09:56 that was the nickname my guys gave me on my 2nd tour 09:57 ok, so now i just need to add entries for other variants where there's old/new 09:57 only a handful 09:57 yeah I did not do that. 09:57 good. i can do the gruntwork 09:59 but yeah it's just a matter of adding all the different INPR+"stuff/" inside the [].... and you can go as many versions deep as you like (same with chaining the play_if_exist commands in dgl). 10:01 awesome 10:01 wasnt sure how far you could chain the play_if_exist statements in dgl 10:02 i typically just keep new and old 10:06 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 10:06 -!- livingstone.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 10:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 10:07 Tangles, yeah close to bedtime now (I'm in the Land of Oz right now) 10:07 !players 10:07 K2: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] Tangles [4k] FIQ [xnh] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 10:07 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 10:07 ok great 10:09 !players 10:09 K2: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] Tangles [4k] FIQ [xnh] 10:09 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 10:10 ok beholder updated for both servers 10:11 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Suddenly, Raisse disappears out of sight.] 10:11 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:29 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 10:53 jonadab: You are pushing to make all levels (particularly special levels) be 20 high instead of 21, correct? 10:54 Or you said something along those lines when I started making new quest levels. 10:55 -!- grumlin has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 10:55 xyes 10:55 -x 10:56 to allow reducing ROWNO to 20 10:56 Just to verify: this puts the valid y range at 0 through 19? 10:59 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:12 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:21648 11:12 don't believe her! 11:12 lies! 11:13 FIQ: What's jonadab's motivation for reducing ROWNO to 20 besides "very few levels use the 21st row"? 11:17 LarienTelrunya: doing Vlad soon! :o 11:17 yeah I'm watching :D 11:17 btw, diagonal squeezing spots are much less problematic in dnhslex 11:18 LarienTelrunya: oh no 11:18 Do you want your possessions identified? 11:18 LarienTelrunya: oh no no 11:18 oh there's an update for slex isnt there 11:18 LarienTelrunya: I did a stupid 11:18 LarienTelrunya: I thought I was fire res 11:18 LarienTelrunya: but tbh not a great luck re: spirits that run, still, should have been more patient 11:18 K2: yes, slex-2.1.7 branch, fixes the astral plane crash and once again tries to make recover work better 11:18 mmmmk 11:20 Slash'EM Extended updated (us and eu) 11:20 LarienTelrunya did you look at the scoreboard/zscore page on hdf website? 11:20 cool, thanks! if Tariru reaches the astral plane with his next char too, it should no longer give buffer overruns :) 11:20 yes :) Tariru is now officially the king of slex, being the only one who ascended it on hdf 11:22 only person to ever ascend it really 11:22 devs for their own games dont count 11:22 :D 11:22 well, at least there is a non-Amy slexcension now! 11:22 weeee 11:22 LarienTelrunya: what is shallow water? :x 11:23 tubs: apparently a new feature in dnethack 3.15.2; walking over it with iron boots can be very annoying, but you can probably dip stuff into it; Nethack Fourk has it too 11:23 Ah cool, that's actually nice 11:24 I want to implement that eventually as well 11:24 yup in Fourk you can dip things into shallow pools of water 11:25 tubs: wtf why were you deathly sick 11:25 Oh, I esc through a thing 11:25 You put an evil worm there 11:25 Those don't exist in dnh! 11:26 I need to not esc 11:26 "poisoned by a dark worm" apparently 11:26 (the bot on #em.slashem.me reports the deaths) 11:26 Sounds like a bad tequila 11:44 lol 11:48 aosdict: Actually, ais523 wants that. 11:49 Personally, I want to _increase_ ROWNO and COLNO. 11:49 ais' motivation is, he wants to show 3-line status area even in 80x24. 11:49 Whereas I want 80x24 to die in a fire. 11:51 * K2 prefers 80x24 11:51 its all about options 11:52 Have you seen what NetHack's map generator can do if you give it, say, 100x35 to work with? 11:53 I want players to be able to play on 80x24, since that is a widely used default. 11:54 Whether or not you want to introduce scrolling so the actual _map_ can be larger than that... that's up to debate. 11:57 I do disagree of some of ais' proposals along this line, such as constraining the inventory size, which has a large gameplay impact, to accommodate a certain terminal default size. 11:57 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Elp Ang Mal Law), 354 points, T:406, killed by an elven arrow 12:00 i'm not opposed at all to larger rows/columns 12:00 just dont take away players options 12:00 I have no serious objection to making the game capable of showing only part of the map when it won't fit, and scrolling it to keep the player character in the center. 12:00 some of us die hards like 80x24 12:00 But I'm not sure I want to do the UI code work to make it happen. 12:01 jonadab: The obvious objection is that you can't see the whole map at once, advantaging larger terminals. But you can let e.g. farlook get around this. 12:02 aosdict: Larger terminals already have an advantage, because you can see the inventory sidebar, things that are here, larger message area (which is _very major_ once you get past the early game and start routinely getting multiple messages per turn), etc. 12:03 I mean, even if you're not playing in a resizeable X window, even if you're playing e.g. on the Linux console, all major distros these days use one of the higher VGA text modes to display more than 80x24. 12:04 So unless we're going to support phones, and I have no intention of attempting that, the player always has the _option_ of making the terminal bigger. 12:05 (ais does want to support phones, but his ideas about that are very remote long-term stuff that will probably never actually materialize, because at the rate he's going he's not going to get 4.3.0 released before the heat death of the universe, let alone 4.4.) 12:14 by that point I expect we'll all be wanting to play roguelikes on our tricorders, utilizing a virtual HUD 12:15 but then even that will seem like old tech by then 12:15 which will be the appeal! 12:28 Now imagine playing roguelikes on the holodeck. 12:36 I saw that someone recently made a Minecraft world that procedurally generates random dungeons for you to traverse. Probably the closest approximation we'll get, in 2018. 12:36 neverwinter nights had an expansion module that did random dungeons 12:37 Random generation doesn't really make a game roguelike, though. SimCity had random generation. So did Civilization. So did Warcraft. 12:38 nethack and random dungeon generation go hand in hand 12:39 jonadab: Well, if you play it in hardcore mode, it's only missing turn-based gameplay as a major factor... 12:40 aosdict: Umm, no, just, no. 12:41 A) turn-based gameplay is far more important to roguelikes than e.g. permadeath. 12:41 B) So is random item appearance and the identification game. 12:41 C) and personally I am rather keen on the ability to run the game in a terminal. 12:42 <@Winsalot> You really think identification game is important to roguelike? 12:42 I do. 12:42 I have only the three requirements for a roguelike: permadeath, proc gen, and turn-based gameplay. Identification game isn't required. 12:42 The rest of the formula of the genre doesn't really work if all items are pre-identified. 12:42 Identification game is a big part of why a lot of roguelikes are *fun* 12:42 But it is not required. 12:42 <@Winsalot> Identification game is frustrating when you reach medusa without ever identifying identify scroll 12:43 I mean, I'm at most claiming that minecraft with procedural generated dungeons and permadeath is a roguelite. 12:43 <@Winsalot> Ong, roguelike vs lite discussion even here 12:44 aosdict: not sure what you mean, Minecraft has had random dungeons for years 12:44 "dungeons" 12:44 aka "a room with a spawner inside" 12:44 <@Winsalot> Im just saying, that I don't really enjoy identification game. That's why I used to start-scum priest to get spellbook if identify 12:45 FIQ: I'm referring to a specific world that someone recently created that procedurally generates dungeons. Not the game overall. 12:45 jonadab: B is a central stable, but a RL lacking B doesn't make it a non-RL 12:45 DCSS for instance could get away with removing B entirely 12:45 ADOM could probably get away with removing procedural generation. What's your point? 12:45 <@ahrimen> DCSS almost already doesn't ahve B 12:46 jonadab: No, it couldn't 12:46 DCSS identification game is so trivial that it might as well not exist 12:46 ADOM only even _has_ procgen in like one small area that I found so far. Unless you count random item generation. 12:46 ADOM isn't any less random than NetHack 12:46 ...? 12:47 ADOM has procgen everywhere except for special levels 12:47 Just like NetHack 12:47 Umm. 12:47 Then you start in a big set of special levels. 12:47 The towns are always the same, even. 12:47 Villages are special levels, yes 12:47 Just like the Town is in UnNetHack... 12:47 So is the whole world they're in, though. 12:47 But it's not like the game is crawling with villages 12:48 Everything but that one cave. 12:48 Oh sure, the overworld is always fixed 12:48 That is true 12:48 But the dungeons are procgen 12:48 small cave, unremarkable dungeon, puppy cave, village dungeon, caverns of chaos, infinite dungeon... 12:48 <@ahrimen> what a strange argument. 12:49 Ok, yes, I forgot about puppy cave. 12:49 Infinite dungeon is the one I meant. 12:49 jonadab: Have you evern been into the caverns of chaos? 12:49 It's the main dungeon 12:49 (I forgot about puppy cave because going into it is basically instant death.) 12:49 where you'll be for the vast majority of the game 12:49 <@Winsalot> Btw, FIQ, about making identify scroll/spellbook always identified at start of dungeon. I just think it would make the game less frustrating in situations, while not really making it much easier or having some significant negative effect. 12:49 oh man I love splatting hill orcs with force bolt... 12:49 I don't think I've found most of those others, no. 12:50 I was assuming most of the game was played in the overworld, that seemed to be the case so far for me. 12:50 @Winsalot Scrolls of identify is trivial to price-ID, they're the cheapest scroll in the game 12:50 Unless you farm the infinite dungeon all day. 12:50 jonadab: You spend a bunch of time in the overworld earlygame 12:50 generally 12:50 FIQ: An appropriate shop isn't guaranteed though. 12:50 doing the earlygame quests 12:50 Then you venture into the Caverns of Chaos 12:50 FIQ: Ok, so you're saying later in the game it has more procgen, and I just didn't get that far. 12:50 where you'll be for most of the rest of the game 12:50 I can believe that. 12:50 <@ahrimen> something nice about netHack is the identify mini game 12:51 jonadab: "later" is still pretty early though 12:51 basically 12:51 <@Winsalot> I know, I thing game identifies them automatically if I find them in shops. But sometimes shops don't have them, and I end up reaching DL10+ without identifying single item cos I'm afraid of amnesia scroll 12:51 the way I played the game I won, and most of my other games 12:51 I went to Terinyo (starting village) 12:51 FIQ: Well, that's relative. I got several hours into the game. 12:51 bought some food, talked to the people in there for the quests 12:51 Then I died of course. I mean, you know. 12:52 and my cat managed to eat 3 out of 4 corpses... 12:52 And yeah, I know Terinyo, that's one of the two towns I have found so far. 12:52 then I ventured into the Druid Dungeon 12:53 disposed of the boss in there (it's just 7 floors), pretty easy as a magic user 12:53 then I went back to Terinyo to claim my reward 12:53 after that I did a bunch of the puppy cave 12:53 and then once I was done with that 12:53 I ventured into the Caverns of Chaos 12:53 the main dungeon of the game 12:54 and didn't leave it until I had to do the Tower of Eternal Flames (way later in the game) 12:55 Grasshopper: In FIQHack, pets will stop eat eventually, being full 12:55 until they're hungry again 12:55 makes it much less annoying to deal with, since petkeeping doesn't mean an eternal race for corpses 12:56 aosdict: throw the scrolls then 12:56 that makes you "sell" them even to shops who don't care 12:57 and Izchak is guranteed 12:57 [hdf-us] [xnh] Grasshopper (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) became literate by engraving "aluminiumaluminium", on T:4315 12:57 no he isn't 12:57 grasshoppergrasshopper 12:57 aosdict: Bones doesn't count. You can disable that 12:57 Orctown. 12:57 If you get Orctown, you #quit 12:58 i dont 12:58 I do 12:58 that speaks volumes ;) 12:58 <@Winsalot> How are renegade priests different from other priests? 12:58 K2: I just don't like orctown 12:58 * aosdict expects Grasshopper to make it onto the top ten list so that we can start seeing proper statues of him on Medusa's Island 12:58 <@Winsalot> No penalty for killing them? 12:58 I don't feel that it adds anything to the game at all 12:58 i dont either 12:58 Thus I just #quit 12:59 but their are pros to orctown 12:59 there rather 12:59 I don't care if my asc rate goes to the shitter, or if people mock me for being bad 12:59 Feeling that it doesn't add anything to the game is something you take action on as a designer, not as a player. 12:59 I just don't find it fun to play 12:59 easy there 12:59 So I restart 12:59 Simple as that 12:59 no one was mocking you or saying you're a bad player ;) 13:00 K2: Right, I'm just saying 13:00 that I don't care what others think about me #quitting, I will do it anyway 13:00 however... i am suprressing the urge to make fun of you just a lil bit 13:00 :P 13:00 Heh 13:00 aosdict: I feel that orctown makes the game actively worse, is all 13:00 rage quit heh 13:01 K2: Yes, basically 13:01 FIQ you should give orctown a go in xnethack 13:01 its a bit more bearable 13:01 Or, you know 13:01 you can just remove orctown 13:01 heheheh 13:01 Nobody would be disappointed I'm sure 13:01 good thing you have your own variant then isnt it 13:02 Heh 13:02 * K2 looks at adding orctown to grunthack 13:02 * FIQ zaps K2 with a wand of striking! 13:02 lol 13:02 actually 13:02 mines.des 13:02 i wouldnt mind doing something unique 13:02 the wand unsuccessfully fight's K2's attempt to add orctown! 13:02 ^^ 13:02 fights& ugh 13:03 ** argh 13:03 Orctown is poo! 13:03 embrace the suck 13:03 K2: b1835cc65d23c033c800abfbc3b4f66b73cc8792 13:03 3.6.1 13:03 if you want to do it 13:03 omg FIQ... link please 13:03 err 3.6.x rather 13:04 https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/commit/b1835cc65d23c033c800abfbc3b4f66b73cc8792 13:04 git gud 13:04 thank you 13:04 ;p 13:04 heh 13:06 tubs: make a change.org petition 13:06 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:07 * LarienTelrunya likes orctown ♥ 13:08 FIQ: yes! 13:08 LarienTelrunya is weird. *pokes* 13:08 what's not to like? you get an altar, tons of corpses for conversion + sacfesting, can identify the wands of striking and magic missile for free, and possibly more! 13:09 oh and you can use the fountains without angering the watchman scum :P 13:09 "but my shops" "but my temple" 13:09 You don't get to kill watchsum 13:09 = "but my price id" "but my protection racket" 13:09 Also muh shops 13:09 well the very idea of price identification is repugnant to me, so... :P 13:10 you get an altar in other minetowns too 13:10 the only item I bother price-IDing in vanillaoid variants is usually the scroll of identify 13:10 Slex fixes that right? Just have a billion items. 13:10 LarienTelrunya: and magic lamp 13:10 [hdf-us] [xnh] Grasshopper (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping an octagonal amulet on an altar, on T:4858 13:10 Price ID is the only realistic way to bootstrap the identification of scrolls. 13:10 tubs: all items cost the max price in slex 13:10 Safely. 13:10 FIQ: I did not know that! 13:10 now you d 13:10 o 13:10 The more you know! \o> 13:10 And buying protection is important even if you are not doing the protection racket. 13:11 Apart from the barricaded general store, what xnethack does to orctown is drop a lot of the loot the Watch *would have* been carrying. 13:11 oh there's usually a temple somewhere in the main dungeon for protection; when you first reach minetown, your samurai usually won't have enough for a donation anyway (shhhhh! healers and tourists don't exist :P) 13:11 aosdict: thats a good idea 13:11 orctown means hG need to violate their alignment to even get *inside* minetown 13:11 hG? 13:11 or be lucky with wands of digging 13:11 Which can be nabbed by orcs, but you don't have to kill watchmen to get them. 13:11 dwarves and gnomes 13:11 Ah yeah 13:11 For a pickaxe? 13:12 mhm 13:12 *nods* 13:12 Though tbh your pet should be killing them anyway! 13:12 Unless you get unlucky 13:12 FIQ: Or get a potion of acid. 13:12 Or a wand of digging. 13:12 there's only one variant where the alignment loss matters, and even there the game can be salvaged, just kill some demons in Gehennom later ;) 13:12 aosdict: I mentioned digging already 13:12 acid... yes, you will definitely find one of those earlygame 13:13 And yeah, what tubs said, you definitely don't need to violate your alignment to get a pick if you have a capable pet. 13:13 it was a huge PITA to find acid when I was hunting unique deaths in devnull 13:13 never realized how rare they were until then 13:13 The alternative is to allow the orcs a way to get out of orctown. 13:13 I say pets, I usually abandon it on level 1 because pet ai kinda sucks 13:13 I guess it's improved in some variants 13:13 To tolerable levels ._. 13:14 yes 13:14 NH4 13:14 and 3.6.1 13:14 Also YASI: everyone who starts with a cat/dog should get 1 free tripe for free 13:14 Actually, FIQ: how about this: one or two orctown exits that are blocked by boulders? Orcs can't get through, but you can push them. <-- YANI 13:14 dnh <3 13:14 aosdict: sure 13:14 aosdict: that sounds good 13:14 unless they happen to get striking... 13:14 I find it unreasonably hard to get into orctown anyway 13:14 YANI: monsters can push boulders. They can do so to block you, or to reach you, or (evil patch idea) to screw up your Sokoban solving attempts. :P 13:14 not that I like orctown in first place, but... eh 13:15 LarienTelrunya: good luck writing the ai! 13:15 anything to make orctown less annoying 13:15 actually: FIQ: monsters pushing boulders in FIQhack when *bundlebundlebundle* :D 13:15 LarienTelrunya: the reason I haven't added this is to avoid players getting stuck 13:15 but it violates your "everything must be symmetrical" principle! 13:15 FIQ: players can squeeze. 13:15 aosdict: Squeezing should never be neccessary 13:16 cue LarienTelrunya saying "fiqhack monster squeezing when *bundlebundlebundle*" 13:16 unless the player did something stupid 13:16 aosdict: hahaha :D yeah that should definitely also be implemented 13:16 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:16 LarienTelrunya: FIQHack isn't actually aiming for perfect symmetry. Only... far better than current 13:16 fucking squeezing in mimic of the mines 13:16 There is certain situations where symmetry makes the game much worse 13:16 LarienTelrunya: It arguably makes more sense to do now than pushing boulders would. 13:16 I.e. newts or whatnot. 13:17 LarienTelrunya: FWIW, monsters will use striking on boulders 13:17 that are in their way 13:17 in FIQHack 13:17 except in SOkoban 13:17 *Sokoban 13:17 oh, was just about to ask about that 13:17 (whether they will do it in soko too) 13:17 FIQHack monsters actually never use earth 13:17 whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? 13:17 come on, they do so even in vanilla! 13:17 It is a nearly pointless action for them 13:18 and usually only makes things worse for them 13:19 they use it in dnh to screw you over 13:19 Screw you over how? 13:19 LarienTelrunya: I have considered making monsters use Earth in certain situations where doing so would still be useful. For example, if they're next to you and you're in a pit 13:19 oh, does the burying code exist in FIQhack? 13:19 i.e. the one where you can be buried? 13:20 It exists, but it's dormant still 13:20 like in vanilla 13:20 I would add Earth to the AI's list of stuff to use if I fully implement burying 13:20 FIQ: I've been blocked in in the mines before by an annoying dwarf 13:22 LarienTelrunya: if I add burying, I'm tempted to make giants able to spawn with pickaxes 13:22 and make them dig pits to lure hostiles in 13:22 hahaha :D 13:22 so they can throw boulders at them, burying them 13:23 didn't grunthack undormantify it 13:23 aosdict: it idd 13:23 make them spawn with drums of earthquake :P 13:23 *did 13:23 drums of earthquake is the one case where I can see making monsters able to be hit by divine anger 13:23 Seeya in a bit, dance class! 13:23 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:23 if it destroys an altar 13:24 oh that angers gods? 13:24 it should 13:24 it doesn't atm I think 13:25 Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes the dwarf from above! It reflects from the dwarf's amulet. Thoth is not deterred... A wide-angle disintegration beam hits the dwarf! The dwarf basks in the black glow for a while. The voice of Thoth booms out... "I believe it not!" 13:26 shouldn't the wide-angle disintegration beam disintegrate everything in a rather large area, maybe 11x11? :D 13:27 jonadab: EPI for brogue: disintegration gas. When ignited, burns in a "disintegration field" that disintegrates everything in it, every turn. So even if there is life saving in that game, you'll just die again unless you immediately move out of the field. 13:31 K2 FIQ LarienTelrunya I got orctown but no #quit for me... off to soko for food supply 13:31 \o/ 13:31 yay, orctown! 13:31 you notice your name in xnh Grasshopper? 13:31 I got a pet giant ant from an egg, so I named it "DV Ant" to reflect my personality 13:32 ummm, it has 2 "r"s? 13:33 no 13:33 but it has something to do with the second "r" :D 13:33 I think that's what I mean... :D 13:34 luck of the grasshoppe be with you 13:34 and so it is written in the Book of Grasshoppe 13:34 may the luck of the grasshopper be with you too hothraxxa 13:35 looking forward to seeing some fully-named statues soon 13:36 <@Winsalot> omfg, my fucking retard dragon didn't save me from that fucking vampire 13:36 oh, beautiful crescent moon rising over the pacific ocean (to the east of me) right now 13:36 ooops, battery... 13:37 heh 13:37 charging... 13:38 good thing you idnetified that scroll eh 13:38 hothraxxa, yeah lol 13:38 what race is your wizard? 13:39 human, ofc 13:39 oh. i prefer orc wizards 13:39 <@Winsalot> lol 13:39 my fave role, basic human wiz 13:39 trapper wizard in slex ftw :D 13:39 well give aosdict's spellcasting fixes a good run 13:39 orc wiz have a built-in int disadvantage which matters in the longer term 13:39 * hothraxxa engulfs LarienTelrunya 13:40 and I always assume that I won't die 13:40 Grasshopper: yes i know, that's what m akes them fun 13:40 I'm an optimist 13:40 * LarienTelrunya starts swinging her battle-axe named Cleaver at hothraxxa's interior! :D 13:40 :D smiley sunshine thoughts 13:40 dammit 13:40 i have an upset stomach 13:40 I'll bet 13:41 Grasshopper: i felt that the xnh wizard was op by mid-game 13:41 I see that failure rates have gone 13:42 Grasshopper: recently guaranteed that any wizard will start with >= 8 Pw 13:42 replaced by increased pw cost 13:42 aosdict, my game I started with pw:7 and force bolt cost 8 13:42 right, and once you have the eota, power is inconsequential 13:42 Grasshopper: that was before the fix 13:42 ok, thanks :D 13:43 Grasshopper: also, you can wield a spellbook to cast at 1/2 Pw. 13:43 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 13:43 or wield a staff, or a wand of nothing, yes? 13:43 yeah, sweet addition. Of course, that comes with natural disadvantages... 13:43 hothraxxa: different mechanics 13:43 wielding a staff matters I've notices 13:43 d 13:44 and there's robes 13:44 hothraxxa: wielding staff/wand or wearing robe makes it as if you have higher Int 13:44 aosdict should make all this stuff stack, so casting increases power 13:44 iirc it is either staff/robes/wand but they don't add 13:44 aosdict: yes i remember now 13:44 wielding spellbooks is after the calculated Pw cost 13:45 * LarienTelrunya just made the mistake of praying with two cursed luckstones in open inventory... *headdesk* I really should try to play better. 13:45 quoting hothraxxa: "xnh wizards are op by mid game" also hothraxxa: "all this stuff should stack so we can cast even MORE easily" 13:45 well i'm still playing the old system. i just started down though gehennom 13:45 wizards are usually op by mid-game anyway really 13:45 * hothraxxa whips out his tags 13:46 tbh, if you are playing well every role is op by mid-game in vanilla 13:46 hothraxxa: need to analyze if the Pw regen is too much right now and needs toning down 13:46 i predict that it is 13:47 * raisse likes orc and gnome wizards about equally, then human, with elf at a huge distance 13:47 i've been trying to get an orc wizard thought grunthack but i've died a lot 13:47 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:48 i had one really good one that got to mid-game and then met something with a vorpal blade 13:48 in vanilla the problem with regen (both HP and Pw) is that they suddenly pivot at a certain XL, from being terrible and only giving you a point every so often, to being massively powerful and giving you multiple points every few turns 13:48 yuck 13:48 i still hope i might find those bones 13:49 use ranged weapons.. 13:49 Grasshopper: things throw vorpal daggers at you :> 13:50 ranged weapons don't help much when you go downstairs and vorpla blade guy is right there 13:50 aosdict, how can you put a smiley at the end of that sentence!!!! :D 13:50 also, who knew the fucker had a vorpal blade? it wasn't a jabberwok 13:50 hothraxxa, dig 13:50 gh has vorpal jabberwocks 13:51 yeah 13:51 I tamed one once 13:51 pretty sweet pet, but who wants to get close enough to cast charm monster?? 13:51 anyway, there were two or three monsters and suddenly i'm dead. no warning a vorpla blade was about 13:52 and that is Grunt really 13:52 it is 13:52 i completely understand how k2 got hooked on it 13:58 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 13:58 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:02 the interior of a monster or a wand (a wand) 14:02 inbterior of a monster? 14:02 -b 14:02 is this xnh or 3.6.1? 14:03 uh 14:03 can't reproduce...? 14:04 using farlook 14:05 which monster 14:05 <[Demo]> yey bugs! 14:05 i am pretty sure it was on this minotaur i just bumped into 14:05 you got engulfed by a minotaur? 14:06 wut? 14:06 no. i quaffed od on this level. farlook showed this wand 14:06 <[Demo]> minotaur vore 14:06 oh, you mean that farlook is offering "the interior of a monster"? 14:06 yes 14:06 well yes, / can be the interior of a monster 14:07 ok. this is new to me 14:07 try farlooking a . 14:07 o an orc (invisible orcish barbarian called hothraxxa) 14:07 i've done this many times 14:08 No, try farlooking a . space 14:08 loves me some grunthack... 14:08 oh 14:08 floor of a room 14:08 if you select that space, it'll tell you all the things it *could* be 14:09 all the things that . can be 14:09 same for / 14:09 right. i know that. what i was asking about is the interior of a monster, which i have never seen before 14:09 Don't know what to tell you 14:10 i've farlooked wands a gazillion times and not once before has it ever told me it could also be the interior of a monster 14:10 Not anything I did 14:10 ok. that's what i was trying to clarify 14:11 when i say a gazillion times, that includes many times perviously in this game, so something changed 14:12 Don't know what to tell you, again 14:12 Nothing there should have changed. 14:13 just tested: happens in 3.6.1 too 14:13 Did it previously say the old "a wand or a wall"? 14:16 i think so 14:17 Dunno why. 14:17 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:27 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 14:41 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 14:46 -!- grumlin has joined #hardfought 14:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] Grasshopper (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 4526 points, T:7676, killed by a tiger 14:56 ah well that sucked 14:57 I thought a cursed scroll of teleport would work in soko but alas I was wrong 14:57 It doesn't? 14:57 apparently not 14:57 did it do nothing, or did you shudder for a moment? 14:58 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 14:58 iirc I shuddered 14:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:58 I mean, it would make sense that you can't levelport in Sokoban. 14:58 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 14:58 !lastgame 14:58 Grasshopper: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/G/Grasshopper/xnethack/dumplog/1523402810.xnh.txt 14:58 Grasshopper: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-04-11%2017%3A36%3A08%2C%20Winsometimes-Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha%2C%20died.txt 14:58 if you shuddered you *were* in fact levelported, but randomly to the level you were already on 14:58 "You feel very disoriented for a moment." 14:59 that's a normal failed teleport 14:59 is the exact message 14:59 "you shudder for a moment" is a levelport to the same level 15:00 knew I should've quit soko once I got some food 15:01 whats your initial impression of xnh Grasshopper? 15:01 very much like vanilla 15:02 oh wiki says you can't levelport in soko 15:03 reasonable 15:03 the only real difference I saw was in the starting spells and spellcasting in general 15:03 Grasshopper: wait till you see gehennom :D 15:04 I liked being asked before walking into holes/trap doors, but then wondered at why I "escaped" after choosing to do so 15:04 Grasshopper: normal vanilla for that one 15:04 sometimes that can be a killer 15:04 yeah, if you walk in you walk in 15:04 you have a higher chance to evade the trap if you know it's there 15:05 yeah, but if you choose to walk into it then you should cop it 15:05 and in the case of holes, it can mean life-or-death escape 15:05 yup 15:05 Hmm... I can see scenarios where players would be very angry at me for doing that. 15:05 In the case of holes in vanilla, you still have to hope you won't escape it. 15:06 And if you have multiple turns you can just #sit. 15:06 or > 15:06 (that's what I usually do to go down a hole I'm standing on) 15:06 and I assume that xnh is trying to be better than vanilla 15:06 The only change xnh makes here is in the interface to let you know that there is a trap there 15:06 Grasshopper: That's not really the *prime* goal. 15:06 I assume it works similarly for water/lava etc? 15:07 The prime goal is to experiment with various ways of addressing balance issues in the game. 15:07 Grasshopper: I initially made paranoid water, but later implemented NH4 water behavior. 15:08 Which is, if you don't know you will be safe from falling into the water due to flying/lev/known WW boots, trying to move onto water simply doesn't work. 15:08 Unless you use m to move deliberately. 15:09 And even then it'll prompt you for confirmation if you do have paranoid water on. 15:12 when I was a n00b, accidentally walking into water was v frustrating 15:13 That is another goal of xnh, removing things that outright frustrate players. 15:14 and yet. Lack of protection from doing stupid stuff makes you say, yes, this is the true nethack 15:15 I more or less agree with FIQ on it - prevent annoying things that can result from a typo, but allow the player to do stupid things. 15:15 A couple of years ago they had NH1.3.1 or something for Junenethack. I made it all the way to hell (as it was then) and only found my demise by navigating into water. No warning, no hand holding, just instadeath. 15:16 My reaction was... this is real nethack. 15:16 My second reaction was, goddammit. 15:16 Try again. 15:17 The only response you really can have as a veteran player! 15:17 Please don't take all the teeth out of nethack 15:17 the need for discipline is part of what makes the game 15:17 yes! 15:18 I sure hope you're not arguing in *favor* of being able to typo into lava though. 15:18 I'm not actually sure what that means 15:18 like I said, it is frustrating for noobs and we all need fresh blood to invigorate the game 15:19 blood... fresh... 15:19 typo 15:19 hm 15:19 deathmatch talk 15:19 I guess you could say that removing YAADs is another goal? 15:20 aosdict: https://abload.de/img/lavawarningtiuy1.png ;) 15:20 (from my current game) 15:20 just finished the mines, on to sokoban, this character is promising... The kobold zaps a spiked wand! The death ray hits you! 15:20 Yes, that happens 15:21 But take that away... 15:21 take luck away, take the phases of the moon away... 15:21 then you've got some generic game, haven't you? 15:22 nethack is nethack. Sometimes it screws you 15:22 then we weep and wail and scream at the rng. that is nethack 15:22 what does luck have to do with this 15:22 a pet peeve 15:23 what makes nethack, nethack? 15:23 can we ask that for once, please? 15:24 it sort of sounds like you're arguing for nothing to be changed ever since vanilla (or older versions) are the true nethack and changing it in any way makes it worse 15:24 no. 15:24 I am a great advocate of vanilla 361 15:24 as anyone who pays attention knows 15:24 many are not, and whinge infinitely about any change 15:24 raisse: *any* failed levelport produces that message 15:25 including ending up on the same level 15:25 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 15:25 I'm in a foul mood right now, and will endlessly engage, so bring it on 15:26 elenmirie: I'm not sure exactly what you want. but if you're in a bad mood I don't think it will get anywhere productive. 15:26 aosdict: I've happily played your variant through thick and thin, so having a go at me for being against any change is a bit unfair, perhaps 15:27 right, I will shut up now 15:27 good night! 15:27 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 15:28 wow 15:28 * Grasshopper blinks several times and pinches himself 15:28 ? 15:29 just making sure that I'm not dreaming 15:31 * Grasshopper waits patiently for the sun to rise over the ocean 15:32 ??? 15:33 I'm on a cliff looking east over the pacific at 5:30am 15:33 ...on irc? 15:34 ...yes 15:34 I don't think I've ever (consciously) been on an east coast to see that 15:34 Ugh, there's never any way to keep everyone happy. 15:35 raisse, the full moon rising over the ocean is even more amazing 15:35 If elenmirie thinks it's a fundamental part of the game that sometimes you just die and it can't be helped, then we have a difference in philosophy 15:35 aosdict: welcome to variant dev 15:35 right now there is a glow on the horizon 15:36 aosdict, my advice is to leave it alone 15:36 yeah, to thine own nethack-variant-philosophy be true, I guess 15:37 I didn 15:37 't play *any* variant for 20 years because I'm in the elenmirie camp 15:38 I'm just not angry because of real life right now (as she is) so I don't feel the urge to bitch 15:38 and as she herself admitted, she is in a grump 15:40 which is why she (wisely) quit, to come back again later (and welcome) I'm sure 15:40 I can see the blue in the water now 15:41 pictures don't get the experience across, I suppose 15:41 or I'd ask for some 15:41 and... green-yellow on the horizon 15:41 Grasshopper: incoming tornado, take cover? :P 15:41 I dropped my smartphone and the camera is borked anyway 15:43 oooh, vaguely grey-blue sky now 15:43 don't need pictures, you're very informative :-) 15:44 aosdict: i told you once before - you can't make everyone happy, so dont even try. just do the best you can and what you feel is right 15:44 looks like it'll be a ripper (good) day 15:45 light breeze, few clouds, sea not too rough or calm 15:46 K2: it's a bit more important right now because I have five people who I know playing my variant plus krm26, and I don't want to alienate one of them 15:46 i understand 15:47 but you still cant please everybody. gotta find that balance 15:47 as FIQ said, welcome to variant dev ;) 15:47 you can't please all of the people all of the time 15:48 green on the horizon has given way to orange-red 15:49 Grasshopper: why arent you running naked in the storm yet? 15:49 or swimming in the sea at sunrise? 15:49 I don't think I'd be able to resist 15:50 K2: I did that already yesterday and didn't want to be boring 15:50 I swam in the sea at sunset regularly when I lived in The Hague 15:50 oh 15:50 raisse, good idea... except I am slightly paranoid about rips at the beach 15:50 and it is a bit cold here, sun helps with your bravery when entering the water 15:50 (autumn) 15:51 but I *DO* like the idea of sunrise swims and have done them in Thailand a few times 15:52 even before the sun rises... which gets a bit creepy, especially when the sea-lice start to nibble on you 15:52 I took a break from swimming yesterday and went to the local botanical gardens with my beloved 15:53 I skipped swimming this morning because I have only one good swimsuit and it doesn't quite dry in a day and I want to take it to Spain 15:53 which was good as I'd been body surfing at a local beach the past few days and my 50+ yo body was complaining about aches and pains (esp shoulders from wimming in the surf) 15:53 swimming 15:54 My daughter and I both go caught in a nasty rip on the local beach last Sunday 15:54 did a sea centipede bite you as you swam out of the rip? 15:55 did it laserbeams on its frickin' head? 15:55 *have 15:55 I managed to swim out but was knackered, but my daughter was still trapped 15:55 I suppose you rescued her or you wouldn't be so cheerful now 15:56 she couldn't swim across it, so I talked her into swimming on top of a wave (gets you above the rip current) and was then able to reach her 15:56 nice 15:56 clever! 15:56 otherwise I would've needed help! 15:56 * raisse files that information away 15:59 oh man, sunrise is starting to really bloom 15:59 go to the light carol ann! 15:59 go to the light! 15:59 horizon clouds are blocking the actual sun, but it will be out any moment 16:00 uh oh it is 6am, time to get the swimmers on I guess 16:01 I love swimming here as the surf is much better than what you usually get in Thailand, although the water is much colder too 16:01 what temperature? 16:01 made it out of the hterm hood 16:01 ummm, I never take a thermometer 16:02 best guess? 16:02 cold, cold, cold... and eventually you get used to it and dive in, then all is OK 16:02 oh, sounds like the North Sea which is usually sort of 15-ish in summer 16:03 yes! 16:03 I swam in a bit of the Atlantic in Galicia and that was so much colder that I stopped feeling my legs 16:03 I was about to say maybe 15C or lower 16:03 Oh, I thought you were in Thailand. Where are you then? 16:03 when that happened I got out immediately because it made me panic 16:03 man i hate swimming 16:03 I'm in Australia, south-east coast 16:03 it said 16 on the sign but must have been 12 or less 16:04 for me swimming is the best sport ever 16:04 when I was in a coastal town they used to have community "polar bear swims" at the local beach at the crack of dawn 16:04 yes, for me too! 16:05 but yeah, too cold is dangerous 16:05 fortunatly spouse was on the shore with a big towel 16:05 need supervision 16:05 I'm counting it as one of the seas I've swum in 16:05 or at least friends 16:06 the North Sea, Waddenzee, Irish Sea, Atlantic 16:06 60+ guy got dumped and local surf beach when I was there 2 days ago 16:06 wanted to add the Baltic too but didn't have time to go to the beach when I was in helsinki 16:06 bloody would on head, sore neck 16:06 oh and Aegean (in greece) 16:06 eek! 16:07 waited with him until friend arrived with car to take him to get checked out 16:07 is it a gravel beach? 16:07 sand 16:08 waterlogged sand can be very hard too of course 16:08 very 16:08 man, so many mosquitoes... this place isn't even tropical! 16:09 finland isn't tropical either and that's full of them too 16:09 * jonadab once went swimming in the Olentangy River. There was snow on the ground at the time. 16:09 they only appear at morning/evening times really 16:10 and they all homed in on me as soon as I set foot on finnish ground, they love the taste of my blood apparently 16:10 I used to know a guy who had a T-shirt with a picture of a huge, nasty, blood-sucking mosquito on it, and the caption underneath read "State Bird of Alaska" 16:10 brilliant! 16:10 lol 16:10 but I'd cleverly brought the Indian-strength mosquito repellent and slathered myself with it 16:10 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) made her first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:51126 16:11 theyve been trying to bit my elbows while I've been typing... 16:11 bite 16:11 jonadab: we need to get you to an ocean 16:11 either the smell kept them away from my roommate too, or she didn't taste as yummy as me 16:11 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:51127 16:12 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased +2 speed boots", on T:51138 16:12 aosdict: I've been to the Atlantic on several occasions. 16:12 Not, admittedly, very recently. 16:12 jonadab: Also, are there a lot of mosquitoes in Alaska? I thought something like Florida would be more apt... 16:12 aosdict: The main thing mosquitos need is standing water. 16:12 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 16:12 I don't think temperature is especially important. 16:12 any marshy region breeds them like anything 16:13 So e.g. Florida has tons of them, Arizona doesn't. 16:13 and they can winter in frozen water as eggs or nymphs and defrost and develop further 16:13 I lived in western Michigan for three years in the very late eighties, and they had TONS of them. 16:13 if it doesn't dry out before it gets cold (as it tends to do in NL) 16:14 if it gets cold in NL at all 16:14 michigan is cold, right? 16:15 yes 16:15 especially UP 16:15 raisse: Only in the winter. 16:15 But that's also true of the part of Alaska, along the coast, where most of the population is. 16:16 There's a warm current that comes up from the Sea of Japan, similar to what the Gulf Stream does for England. 16:16 Now, if you go inland, to places like Fairbanks, then it's _actually_ a cold climate. 16:16 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 16:17 Too many Demo's 16:17 Well, relatively. Not Antarctica cold. 16:17 *prods* 16:18 Not Antarctica cold... Arctica cold! 16:19 Well, there's a considerable difference there. In Antarctica, 20 below is a _summer_ temperature. 16:19 <@rikersan> !tell Chris_ANG looks like bronze roundshields are still bugged (can't check atm but this build looks to be around a month old, but still dev .2), material is set wrong so they weigh a fuckton. just got mirrobright and my prist can't even pick it up 16:19 Will do, @rikersan! 16:19 Which is not true anywhere in Alaska. 16:19 metric or imperial fuckton? 16:19 <@rikersan> metric fuckton 16:21 rikersan: stuff weigh way too much! you should play dnhslex *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 16:22 lololol 16:22 Also guess who just found a bottle of port he didn't think he had anymore! 16:22 mmm port 16:23 * aosdict gives mcw a bottle of starboard 16:23 * raisse is drinking mediocre craft beer 16:23 aosdict: I'm not sure how to take that... but I don't think there is a *right* way to do it... 16:23 * mcw chortles 16:23 raisse: could be worse, could have... DUM DUM DUM: no beer! 16:23 yeah 16:24 tomorrow I'll be in catalunya, probably drinking wine 16:25 I think tonight I shall light the hookah and do some more tubhack. Though, I have made a terrible mistake with it. :( 16:25 I suffer from too much NIH. 16:25 You suffer from the National Institute of Health? 16:26 Also that, but no, not-invented-here syndrome. 16:34 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 gauntlets of power", on T:51145 16:34 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:51148 16:36 ndnh is getting shafted rn 16:36 breaking explosion display cause its already broken 16:36 like big explosions dont clean up properly 16:36 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed amulet of life saving", on T:51156 16:36 and forcing a doredraw() right after to clean it up forces a --More-- prompt before the explosion clears 16:36 and i have no idea why 16:37 [hdf-us] [nh] eskaypee (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 30 points, T:282, killed by a jackal 16:38 LarienTelrunya: I got pounded way harder in dnhslex, so I'm going to ping and pong between them 16:39 aosdict: not invented here I guess 16:39 oh 16:39 I didn't read the next line 16:39 lol 16:40 oh mcw is tubs 16:43 how do more prompts even work 16:43 what causes them 16:43 too much text...? 16:45 they like to happen when there isnt too much text 16:45 Sorry 16:45 -!- mcw is now known as tubs 16:45 dnh has a bug where i suspect there is a certain monster on the level and it makes more prompts happen after everything 16:45 lucky for me both mcw and tubs are bright cyan 16:51 I'm blue, dabadee dabadai! 16:51 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:51 Cyan is blue right? 16:52 *colourblind 16:52 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 16:52 yeah 16:53 Good thing I don't work in graphics! 16:56 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:57 ok so lokoban is getting pretty explodey 16:58 i need a good final level to steal 16:58 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [Quit: two forces in balance \\ ancient endless balance \\ then nothing] 16:59 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 17:08 tubs: ah, I see :) unfortunately I'm so extremely tired though (had to walk all the way to uni and back today because of goddamn strike), I have to get some sleep now. have fun playing, and hopefully one of your binder runs reaches the quest! :) 17:09 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Sleep-bundle-wing! ♥] 17:24 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:32 anyway, swell is low but nasty rips on beach, going to ride bicycle to nearby-but-further beach which usually gets good waves on crap days 17:33 I assume you were so taken in amazement at the actual sunrise that you forgot to keep updating us :P 17:37 oh sorry yes that finished happenning (sun is at about 20 degrees now), I went for a clifftop walk to local beach, decided against swimmming there (as concerned about conditions and nobody else was there) 17:38 so going to go for walk or bike ride to next beach 17:39 partly depends on whether the missus comes or not 17:42 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Elp Ang Mal Law), 38071 points, T:3949, drowned in a moat by a wereeel 17:42 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 17:46 reeeled in 17:50 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:52391 17:53 Grasshopper: how come you're on IRC when out looking at sunrises 17:53 I asked him this 17:53 not even I do that, and people like to complain about me being on internet too much when out lol 17:54 Demo_: Stacked Dozen from 4k 17:54 It's a sokoban level, but with a... gimmick 17:55 <[Demo]> 12 boulders on top of each other? 17:55 yes 18:00 <[Demo]> lokoban isnt sokoban 18:00 <[Demo]> its a replacement that focuses on being cool and not lame like sokoban 18:01 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:11 !players 18:11 K2: [hdf-us] redshirt [nd] k2 [xnh] 18:11 K2: [hdf-eu] tubs [dnh] 18:14 some stats after some days 18:14 Variant stats: 4k:19h 43m :: dnh:2d 16h 56m :: dyn:1d 2h 39m :: fh:1d 5h 30m :: gh:2m :: nd:3d 12h 37m :: nh:5h 40m :: nh4:4h 33m :: slex:2d 22h 28m :: sp:9h 6m :: un:6h 58m :: xnh:6d 10h 43m 18:14 one variant sees a bit more play than others 18:15 gh 2m 18:15 \o/ 18:15 1 of those 2m was me testing the variant tracker 18:15 :P 18:16 the other min was me doing same for recetn beholder/dgl changes 18:16 recent 18:16 hah 18:16 gh: the variant tracking test simulator 18:17 I'm surprised slex is that high 18:17 -!- MysteryMyra has joined #hardfought 18:17 I wonder if it will change now that Tariru doesn't have a game going 18:18 !tell LarienTelrunya given how unstable 2.1.7 apparently is/was, is it really a good idea to push a 2.2.0 before junethack? 18:18 Will do, FIQ! 18:18 !tell LarienTelrunya sounds like asking for trouble... 18:18 Will do, FIQ! 18:19 amy should start from scratch, rebase slex on either 3.6.1 or fiqhack 18:19 FIQ: Are you saving these results in a plot-friendly form? 18:19 K2: I don't see that happening at all tbh 18:19 agreed 18:19 Especially not FIQHack 18:19 aosdict: Sorry, no 18:19 Just tracking aggregates? 18:19 It's just a quick thing I threw up in 10min in anticipation for K2 and Tangles eventually making a superior version of it 18:20 <[Demo]> fiq should start from scratch and rebase fiqhack on slex 18:20 aosdict: It's just a list of variants and how much play they see, and each time someone is playing when the bot checks, it adds +1 18:20 Simple as that 18:25 -!- Tariru_ has joined #hardfought 18:27 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:55 [Demo]: agreed! 18:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:69632 19:12 [hdf-us] [nd] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7491 19:17 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 19:28 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:70400 19:47 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 19:51 -!- Tariru_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:55 w - polymorph 6 matter 66 76%-100% 19:55 i'm a barbarian and i can cast polymorph 19:55 heh 19:55 you're still on 0.1.0 though 19:55 by which i mean i have enough power to do so 19:55 your next game will be on 0.1.1 19:56 oh yes, this is all academic now 19:56 <[Demo]> or if your game crashes 19:56 <[Demo]> you wont get an autorecover option 19:56 <[Demo]> instead you will get pushed into 0.1.1 19:56 i can recover it 19:56 <[Demo]> and you will be sad 19:56 <[Demo]> forever 19:56 <[Demo]> or that 19:56 <[Demo]> or you can be sad 19:56 not realy. i accomplished what i set out to do long ago 19:56 <[Demo]> forever 19:56 if i can recover slex, i can recover anything 19:56 <[Demo]> ur missing out on an opportunity to be sad 19:56 <[Demo]> forever 19:56 !booze [Demo] 19:56 * Beholder throws [Demo] a schooner of moonshine, conjured by NotTheOracle\dnt at 118 degrees Fahrenheit. 19:57 do not taunt happy fun hothraxxa 20:02 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Pri Elf Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:39418 20:14 wooo 20:14 finally get MR after 40177 turns 20:20 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:32 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:40 <[Demo]> wow 20:53 <[Demo]> you still cant resist my magic ;) 21:01 lol 21:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:72946 21:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:72949 21:13 \o/ 21:18 vlad is a pain in the ass in 3.6.1 21:19 i had to let him hit me about six times before he stepped off the down ladder back to gehennom 21:19 if i'd hit him, he'd have gone down himself and i'd be chasing him all over the place 21:20 Covetous warping is probably a thing I am going to get rid of, except perhaps for the Wizard when you have the Amulet. 21:20 it's not that hard to deal with but it's a real annoyance 21:21 Eventually, I'll want some better system where monsters can have teleport control and can deliberately tele themselves. 21:21 And once Rodney is less of a threat because he can be run away from on no-tele levels, I can maybe give him things like "oLS and CoMR. 21:22 sure, that won't be annoying in the least 21:22 make him automatically cast double trouble on sight too 21:22 oh wait fiq already did that 21:25 Well, I do think *something* should be done so that it's not a fest of "So thou thought thou couldst kill - gak" 21:26 where he's a complete wimp as long as you have a death ray ready 21:31 -!- mpt| has quit [] 21:33 i didn't mean you shouldn't do it 21:33 ok don't do the double trouble thing, i think that's completely unfair 21:34 but ls and comr sure 21:36 This is a long way down the road in any case. 21:40 All my port has gone, and my date stood me up. Fun night, good times. 21:53 <@Tone> Sounds like that would have been a win/win either way 😄 21:54 Tone: Possible 21:57 -!- grumlin has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:59 <[Demo]> christ 22:06 Yeah? 22:07 <[Demo]> that sucks 22:13 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:53261 22:14 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed ring of free action", on T:53262 22:14 aosdict: YOu can make it somewhat more palatable to players by making it part of a general-purpose Rodney-inventory buff, which sometimes gives the player cool stuff, e.g., maybe one time he gets a COMR and a magic marker, maybe next time an amulet of reflection and a wand of polymorph, etc. And a candle every time. For more ideas see http://roguelikes.live/nh4-bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=147 22:15 Who is posting YANIs to the nh4 bug tracker? Do I start needing to keep track of those? 22:15 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) wished for "greased blessed fixed +2 helm of brilliance", on T:53266 22:16 aosdict: b_jonas used to post tons of YANIs to Trac, back in the day. 22:16 This one's quite old. 22:16 Also, who's running roguelikes.live? mtf? 22:16 Yes. 22:16 Like, he's the server admin? 22:16 But most of the bugs in the tracker are imported from the old Trac. 22:16 This one was filed in 2013. 22:16 [hdf-us] [nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a master mind flayer, on T:6328 22:16 Because I'm annoyed by that little crossed out padlock. @mtf any chance of getting HTTPS for roguelikes.live? 22:17 Oh, actually, I could probably do that, just forgot. 22:17 We can just use certbot, I suspect. 22:17 Let me have Arsinoe remind me in the daytime at some point. 22:18 Heh, reading through this, I can imagine Wizard farming becoming a thing 22:18 assuming you can pin him down somehow and drain his level, you could get an endless supply of Goodies 22:18 Eh, any character that can comfortably farm Rodney can also just go ascend. 22:19 It conflicts with my principle that you shouldn't be able to take an arbitrary number of actions while making no progress in the game. 22:20 Assuming some sort of nutrition overhaul, it'd probably be fine as long as he doesn't drop food. 22:20 NetHack has never attempted to adhere to that. 22:20 You've heard of extinctionist conduct, right? 22:21 Also, you can eat Rodney's corpse. And get useful intrinsics from it. 22:21 Doesn't have to be a nethack principle for me to want to incorporate it though 22:22 From what I remember, you see a lax nutrition clock (or any other clock) as an essential part of the game? 22:22 Yes. Have you read ais523's essay on headroom in roguelike games? 22:22 A tight nutrition clock would turn NetHack into Brogue, headroom-wise. 22:23 I don't think there needs to be a tight nutrition clock. 22:23 As I think I have said before. 22:23 Well, if it's not tight then it's lax, pretty much by the definitions of those two words. 22:23 But at some point, eventually, the food should run out, and you can't subsist on monster corpses alone. 22:24 No, there's a middle ground between vanilla nethack and a tight clock. 22:24 There's a whole continuum, in fact, it's not a binary choice. 22:24 Ok, yes, it could be tightened a little without making it tight or a problem, sure. 22:24 Just eliminating C rations would do that. 22:25 (Assuming you don't substitute something else in their place in soldier inventory.) 22:26 Chris_ANG and I think we have some elements of a fairly good way to tighten it up some. Namely, monster corpses' nutrition amounts are sharply reduced, and monsters never drop food (perhaps with some scattered exceptions). 22:26 I never claimed that it needs to be _as_ lax as in vanilla. 22:26 s/food/permafood 22:27 Reducing the nutrition value of monster corpses makes certain intrinsics much easier to get and, very notably, strength much easier to increase. 22:27 Which I think has a very much larger gameplay impact than hunger. 22:27 than the hunger clock, I mean. 22:27 jonadab: That's only if you actually *have* hordes of dragons or giants available. 22:27 You wanna remove dragons and giants from the game? 22:27 No, where are you getting that from? 22:28 Just trying to understand your position. 22:29 No, what I'm saying is that dropping corpse nutrition for e.g. dragons is not likely to be *that* relevant - how often are you actually facing multiple dragons of different colors that each confer intrinsics you still need? 22:29 Giants are the larger issue, I think. 22:29 But there's a reason players love tinning kits. 22:30 Which, granted, the fact that tinning kits exist allows the player to get _around_ the obstacle, already. 22:30 Giants are a problem in basically the Valkyrie quest, where they have a huge spawn rate. Outside of that I don't think they spawn frequently enough to make this a problem. 22:30 But I still think it has a larger impact on gameplay than the hunger clock. 22:30 Giants spawn in groups, though. 22:31 In vanilla, if you don't have a tinning kit, it's a real pain to increase strength more than once from any given group of giants. 22:31 And if giants *are* a problem, the fix is easy: drop the 50% chance of gaining Str to something lower. 22:31 I suppose. 22:32 Also, Giants are the larger issue, I think. <-- nice stealth pun 22:32 Dude, I'm not awake enough to knowingly make puns like that. 22:32 Absolutely an accident. 22:33 (Also, are giants actually larger than dragons?) 22:33 In summary, I'm not *too* concerned about the impacts of lowering corpse nutrition on giants and dragons, especially since, as you said, this is already circumventable. 22:34 I mean, I guess it's not a very large issue, but I just feel like the nutrition clock thing is an even less important issue. 22:35 Well, you want to go the opposite way from me with the nutrition clock. 22:39 True. 22:44 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 22:48 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: No route to host] 23:20 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 23:23 [hdf-us] [fh] ahrimen (Val Dwa Fem Law) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:2984 23:38 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought