00:28 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:32 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 00:52 hothraxxa: (very belatedly) yes, I'm still playing xnh, and I find myself spellcasting *less* even with wizard and priest, because you tend to start out with spells you can't cast yet 00:54 hothraxxa: I haven't noticed spells are easier to learn but once you get past a certain hurdle, yes, then it's easier to cast 00:54 hothraxxa: I don't think it's too easy, making it harder would feel like Just Another Nerf 00:55 hothraxxa: like all the 00:55 "I (developer) don't like this particular thing so nobody gets it" (case in point: pudding farming) 00:59 hey, cave spiders can spin webs now! and it says so when they do! 01:09 [hdf-us] [fh] abbie (kelvin) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 31104 points, T:6429, killed by a giant mimic 01:23 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 01:39 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:00 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:27 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: No route to host] 02:37 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 02:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:56 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:04 [hdf-us] [nh4] Matti (Robin) (Mon Hum Mal Law), 6941 points, T:597, killed by a jackal 03:36 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 04:03 -!- MysteryMyra has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 04:42 aosdict: If you see invisible, invisible monsters are still denoted as invisible 04:44 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:44 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:46 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:52 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:17 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:52 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 05:52 Bon and jour! 05:52 -!- mcw is now known as tubs 05:59 <[Demo]> so has anyone made caveman an illiterate role or tried to? 06:00 tried to, usually breaks down when I get the Sceptre of Might and want to fooproof it 06:00 Mate with my stupidity *all* my roles are illiterate. :) 06:00 I've only done one completely illiterate game and that was a valk 06:00 quest artifacts should come fooproof imho 06:01 <[Demo]> if i were to make caveman illiterate id have to add flintknapping amd mushroom gathering 06:02 [Demo]: Do you just want to make drughack? 06:02 "mushroom gathering" ;) 06:02 "vaping" 06:02 etc. 06:04 <[Demo]> well sure there would be bad mushrooms 06:04 <[Demo]> actually idk 06:04 <[Demo]> pretty sure mushrooms that would make you sense gold would be pretty bad 06:04 <[Demo]> i guess it would be pretty druggy 06:04 <[Demo]> oh well 06:05 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:16242 06:26 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:28 Heh, how come puddings don't do damage? 06:28 I accidentally make like 50 of them with my dull rusty knife 06:28 And now I can kill them for 100 million xp safely 06:34 -!- grumlin has joined #hardfought 06:35 https://i.imgur.com/vxPjLRf.png it may be getting outof hand now though... 06:39 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 07:03 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:07 raisse: there's a patch out for xnethack that i'll be compiling today, its supposed to give spellcasters enough power to cast their lvl 1 spells from the start 07:08 its a new version (0.1.1) so it wont affect any current games 07:11 yay! 07:15 raisse: There is one spellcasting system change in 0.1.1: skill acts as a cap instead of boosting your success% (since people didn't seem to have any trouble getting success% to reasonable levels) 07:16 it should make spellcasting harder in schools where you can't get much skill (allowing for better role balance; e.g. Barbs can't really do all that much 07:16 that's reasonable 07:17 making it harder across the board would really make me think it was Yet Another Nerf 07:21 nooo 07:21 rip barb casting 07:27 FIQ: assuming they keep their Skilled cap in attack spells, they'll still be comparatively decent at them. 07:28 Compared to, say, someone who can't get Skilled in attack. 07:28 grr, I *still* can't get used to applying boxes on the floor 07:28 apply should only work for things actually in your inventory 07:29 Did we conclude that there's no real way to satisfy everyone on that? 07:30 it was an artefact of combination menustyle, I think 07:30 and no way I'm going to stop using that 07:30 this fucks with ONE piece of muscle memory, and a different menustyle would fuck with DOZENS 07:31 but why did you make it so that you can apply someting not in your inventory? 07:31 because of how FIQ's getobj works in general, I think 07:33 Wait, actually if I just replace the call in apply_ok to floor_loot_ok, it no longer asks me for the box first. 07:34 Er, replace it with a return 0. 07:35 aosdict: it will also prevent you from looting containers from the floor with a, 07:35 which was *the entire point* of that feature 07:36 right, and this is why there's no way to satisfy everyone 07:38 raisse: apply was made able to handle floor items to simplify floor looting 07:38 <@Tone> Can you still use the loot command? 07:38 in non-full menustyle, the equivalent of "(whatever)," is "There is here, (whatever) it?" 07:38 @Tone yes 07:38 FIQ: I suppose you and raisse have incompatible philosophies - we want to be able to loot without typing #loot, vs apply should only work for in-inventory stuff 07:39 however in xnh you *can* do o. to loot 07:39 aosdict: That is inconsistent with every single other directional command 07:39 and I find that even worse 07:39 I added it in FIQHack *only* because 3.6.1 did, and I didn't want to fuck with people's muscle memory 07:39 How is that inconsistent? 07:39 but I don't like it 07:40 aosdict: It is a directional command, and you are basically giving it an object 07:40 also you have me to blame for 3.6.1 getting it 07:40 <@Tone> What is the issue with using apply as well? Does it cause an extra prompt if you are standing on a container? 07:40 I don't have you to blame. You came up with the idea. I didn't like it back then so I ignored it. You didn't merge it into 3.6.1 07:40 @Tone the problem is that for people with menustyle non-full 07:40 which uses the "traditional" prompts for floor items/features 07:40 you get a new prompt 07:41 consider eating 07:41 or dipping vs fountains 07:42 in NH3 besides SLASH'EM, you get a "There is x here, dip it/eat it?" 07:42 <@Tone> If you aren't standing on a container, is there any difference? 07:42 FIQ: I see o. as "open your current space", which arguably should maybe do something like trigger a trapdoor you're standing over, but I don't think the jump to "open something on the given space" is bad. 07:42 Actually, "open something on the given space" is wholly consistent 07:42 aosdict: o. means "open yourself" 07:42 what you're saying would be for o> 07:42 @tone anyway 07:42 FIQ: so if it were changed to o> would you say that is consistent? 07:43 with getobj, you instead get , (or alternatively . to allow SLASH'EM players to preserve muscle memory) 07:43 as an alternative in the general object list 07:43 for example 07:43 "What do you want to eat? [, d-f]" 07:43 as part of this 07:43 I made it possible to apply containers on the floor 07:43 to simplify looting 07:44 however, since new-style does the above, and old-style acts like the old prompts 07:44 this means that for those people, there is a new "There is a large box here, apply it?" prompt 07:44 when applicable 07:44 If you aren't standing on a container 07:44 things are no different than before 07:44 <@Tone> Ah 07:45 <@Tone> Seems like a pretty specific circumstance but I guess I'd have to try it 07:45 aosdict: For trap doors, definitely. For containers, not sure. I think it does make more sense, but it still feels wrong to me 07:45 -!- grumlin has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:45 @Tone raisse's issue stems from lack of autounlock 07:45 so the issue with raisse is that she now has to spend a keystroke she isn't used to to click past a box she isn't interested in looting 07:45 basically whenever a container is locked 07:45 and she wants to unlock it 07:46 she first needs to dismiss the "apply the container here?" prompt 07:46 well, usually I *am* interested in looting it, but if I know it's locked my first impulse is to use the key 07:46 because it will just say that is' locked and be done there 07:46 <@Tone> Ah I see 07:46 I don't feel I'm "using" the box, because it's not in my inventory 07:46 raisse: my point is, this is like 95%+ of the cases where you apply stuff when standing on a container 07:46 <@Tone> Yeah that does sound a little clunky 07:47 so if there was autounlock 07:47 Oh right, I forgot about the demand for autounlock. 07:47 yes, I also have to click past the box prompt when I want to grease something or whistle for the cat 07:47 everything should be OK 07:47 no? 07:47 probably yes 07:47 raisse: Sure, if you happen to stand on a container 07:47 But that's not very common 07:47 unless unlocking 07:48 what's the problem with typing #l? 07:49 in 3.6.1 you have to type #lo 07:49 it's not the absolute number of keystrokes, it's the visualisation 07:49 Being like 3 times the keystrokes? 07:49 I find it annoying, that's for sure 07:49 Also it asks for a direction 07:49 apply is strictly things in my inventory for me 07:49 not things on the floor 07:50 it doesn't ask whether I want to use the can of grease or the whistle or the stethoscope on the floor when I'm standing on my stash, either 07:51 that's because the only applyable-on-floor objects are boxes 07:51 well, containers 07:52 applying bag of tricks on the floor will bite you 07:52 just saying 07:52 so does looting 07:53 that is what a, *is* 07:53 is this a ploy to make xnethack more like fiq 07:53 ? 07:54 because, well, I don't think that's necessary 07:54 I am not a xnh dev 07:54 *an 07:54 then why is it done your way? 07:54 It didn't originate in FIQHack, you know that, right? 07:54 but NH4 07:55 It is done to prevent typos 07:55 With menustyle full, 'y' will always mean inventory letter y 07:55 never food on the floor 07:55 raisse: insofar as UI enhancements go, I... think you are in the minority there. 07:55 That is the entire point 07:55 FIQ: in fact I didn't know, I've mostly steered clear of variants precisely because what other people find convenient fucks majorly with my muscle memory 07:55 Most people would love for the xnh interface to be more like fiqhack. 07:56 raisse: You know, I added menustyle behaviour *precisely* for people like you 07:56 and I'd probably go back to 3.6.1 or something 07:56 who don't want their muscle memory being fucked with 07:56 if the interface became more like fiqhack 07:56 I suppose the apply change can be undone if aosdict prefers o> for quicker loot 07:57 But eh, I don't like it :P 07:57 I suppose we could do a hack to apply_ok that only allows lootables to be applied on the floor if menustyle is full... 07:57 aosdict: You know, like half of the reason I refactored getobj when I changed the behaviour was *to avoid the million special cases it had* 07:57 :P 07:58 But I suppose that since 3.6.1, and xnh, already has an established way to loot floor containers easier 07:58 there is less pressure to add new apply mechanics, which themselves are inconsistent (+raisse │ it doesn't ask whether I want to use the can of grease or the whistle or the stethoscope on the floor when I'm standing on my stash, either) 07:59 aosdict: what I am saying is, I think it's better to simply undo the floor looting feature than adding a hack 07:59 it wouldn't disturb me if a, applied a thing beneath my feet as long as I could also loot a box with #loot or unlock it with q. 07:59 (or even q, which would be easy(ish) to gte used to 07:59 ) 07:59 raisse: Yes, but that would also change all other similar prompts 07:59 such as eat 07:59 quaff 08:00 dip 08:00 you can't now quaff something on the floor, can you? 08:00 hmm actually that's all of them 08:00 You can quaff fontains 08:00 *fountains 08:00 eating from the floor is useful for heavy corpses 08:00 oh right, and sinks 08:00 right 08:00 raisse: The reason I bundled this with menustyle 08:00 is that I didn't want to add Yet Another Option 08:01 NH3 already has a bunch of redundant ones as-is 08:01 why is it so important to have apply use the same mechanic so boxes get confusingly included? 08:01 I mean, why can't we just have an apply that's only for things you're actually carrying? 08:01 raisse: This was before o> even was a thing 08:01 If I had designed getobj today 08:01 I didn't even know about o> 08:01 where o> is a thing 08:01 I would probably not have added it 08:01 I always use #l to loot boxes 08:02 Sure it doesn't affect *you* 08:02 but it affects others 08:02 who do care 08:02 okay, I'm the odd person out, I'll just stop complaining and pretend it doesn't annoy me 08:02 raisse: that wasn't my point at all... 08:02 my point is that o> doesn't make it *worse* for you 08:03 so thus you can continue to not care about o> existing 08:03 oh it looked like "stop pressing your point because everybody else likes the new situation" 08:03 raisse: I am saying that if I added getobj to 3.6.1 today 08:03 where o> did exist 08:03 I would not have added a, 08:03 (thus screwing up menustyle:non-full) 08:03 Logically, loot should be o, 08:03 should everybody just go and use menustyle:full? 08:03 Though #loo should remain supported to avoid breaking muscle memory. 08:03 jonadab: sure I can get behind that 08:04 I mean is that the preferred thing so the rest only exists for us dinosaurs? 08:04 raisse: I didn't realize that it would annoy menustyle:non-full people in first place 08:04 like #name still having the letter options that aren't in the menu? 08:05 Because I didn't anticipate the implication, with lack of autounlock especiall 08:05 y 08:05 I mean, do you-collective expect or require people to just use the default options instead of wanting esoteric non-standard stuff? 08:05 raisse: I anticipated people that used menustyle non-full was the same group of people who would oppose anything screwing with their eat/whatever prompts 08:05 I don't endorse any menustyle 08:06 That is why I combined the behaviour of "new" vs "old" getobj with menustyle 08:06 jonadab: o, sounds like "open pick up things" 08:06 aosdict: o, is open things on the ground. 08:06 raisse: The fact that it fucks with apply prompts is something I simply didn't anticipate 08:06 actually, q, sounds like "quaff pick up things" too. 08:06 aosdict: same as e, is eat things on the ground. 08:06 You don't seem to realize this, only assuming that I am out to fuck people over 08:06 #offer , is sacrifice things on the ground. 08:06 and force people to change their ways 08:06 jonadab: e, sounds like "eat pick up things" 08:06 Which is not true at all 08:07 aosdict: you mean just like o> sounds like "open go down"? 08:07 no, I don't assume you're out to fuck people over; I assume you're trying to make your own ideal game and everybody else is free to like it or not to play it 08:07 your argument makes no sense to me 08:07 which "you", me or aosdict? 08:07 aosdict: 08:08 raisse: I am trying to please as many as I can 08:08 I find "letter" "comma" for "do the letter thing to something on the floor" perfectly understandable 08:08 FIQ: I think I see . not as "self" but as "your space" and , for "pick up" 08:08 Since you are the *only* person I know who uses menustyle non-full in first place 08:08 and you aren't happy 08:08 clearly I didn't do it right 08:08 what I was trying to say is: I don't expect you to please me because I'm not happy with something everybody else is either happy with or doesnt' care about 08:08 because I'm not the Nethack Goddess 08:09 raisse: You are 1/1 of people who use menustyle nonfull 08:09 (even though I called myself "a minor celebrity" in my worldcon bio) 08:09 I added code to do special behaviour for menustyle nonfull 08:09 Doesn't that make it clear that I do care about people like you? 08:09 *of people I know 08:09 yes but note that I don't play fiq so what you do there doesn't affect me anyway 08:09 raisse: FIQHack doesn't even have menustyle in first place 08:10 I wanted to add new behaviour for people who find the new behaviour an improvement, while preserving the old behaviour for people who don't 08:10 I think with o. existing and #loot continuing to exist, I can safely remove apply_ok() affecting floor items and not annoy anyone. 08:10 as I said, I'll just stop complaining and you can stop putting yourself out trying to please me 08:10 Since the old behaviour isn't preserved here (apply being quirky), just remove the apply behaviour 08:10 since o> exists anyway 08:11 I do think it's a good thing in general that there are multiple ways to do something 08:11 aosdict: o. still looks dumb to me and I oppose o. messing with floor containers 08:11 o> doing ot makes sense though 08:11 *it 08:13 aosdict: maybe I should remove floor loot behaviour on apply on getobj "mainline"? 08:13 I don't think raisse is the only one who is going to have this problem... especially not if it is merged into 3.6.1 mainline 08:13 This is what I was doing right now, so if you want to do it upstream, yeah 08:14 if (obj->where != OBJ_INVENT && floor_loot_ok(obj)) \n return 0; is what I have 08:16 not needed 08:16 I'll just remove the entire floor_loot thing 08:16 it isn't used beyond this 08:16 and also flip getobj's allow_floor to FALSE 08:17 afk food 08:18 pushed 08:18 raisse: beta testers are supposed to have atypical settings. You would not BELIEVE how many more css bugs you find when you have your browser set up to use a dark background by default, just for instance. 08:20 the fact that deluminate is as complex as it it shows css people's ignorance of those with dark backgrounds.. 08:20 it has to jump through a bunch of hoops to make sites look sane 08:20 in dark background with bright text 08:22 !who 08:22 FIQ: [hdf-us] hilliance [nd] 08:22 FIQ: [hdf-eu] Raisse [xnh] 08:23 bhaak: how is the response for getobj? has there even been any? is there some specific complaints that I can address 08:31 FIQ: I'd say "not negative". it was just decided that it shouldn't go into 3.6.1 as there are ongoing preps for releasing 3.6.1. but nobody said anything against it on general principles 08:34 I see 08:34 ok 08:35 preps for releasing 3.6.1 confirmed! nice. I guessed as much from the recent doc/ commits. 08:41 re looting: i've always used l 08:41 numpad heathens :P 08:41 u for untrap 08:42 works for me 08:46 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 08:48 Would be awesome if 3.6.1 is released before June 1. 08:48 Though it's a shame they missed April 1, that is one of the better dates for announcing a release. Along with the anniversary of the previous release, which is always good. 08:49 But sometimes you just have to release when you _can_, i.e., when it's ready to go. 08:49 It's not worth waiting more than a few weeks to hit a magic date. 08:50 jonadab: but if they release it before June 1, we'll get people complaining about how there's no 3.6.2-dev in junethack!!!1!1 08:50 aosdict: Not if 3.6.1 _just_ came out, I think. 08:54 Well, delaying the release until just before June for this purpose would also be silly. 09:05 release mid june 09:11 FIQ: That would either A) annoy players when it's not included, or B) annoy the Junethack people when they have to scramble to include it mid-month. 09:11 If it's not ready before June 1st, I'd hold it until July 1st. 09:17 jonadab: that ws the point 09:17 release mid june 09:17 watc thechaos 09:17 Indeed. 09:18 Heh, we could organize several different variant developers, and have a save-breaking release *every week* during June! 09:18 That truly would be evil. 09:20 aha 09:20 *haha 09:21 that said it would just entil a rename 09:21 3.6.1dev wllbe part of junethack 09:21 it was last year 09:21 Sure. 09:22 this year will be the frstwhere all varants can be played on the same server 09:22 Not unless K2 hosts 3.6.0, will it? 09:23 unless larien contnues her dubious actions casing K2 to stop hosting slex I guess 09:23 Or are we going for more of a 3.4.3 / 3.6+ split? 09:23 jonadab: 3.6.0 and 3.6.1dev si the same 09:23 at least it ws last year 09:24 Junethack continues 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 to be the same variant, yes. 09:24 Err, *considers 09:25 yes I know 09:25 Probably all of 3.6.x, honestly. 09:26 aosdict: will xnh be in 09:26 hmm 09:26 with xn being a thing 09:26 I am no longer tht onenew weird variant 09:27 yay me 09:27 Heh. 09:27 also 09:28 CM nerf is coming 09:28 I want to trial it 09:31 we wont host 3.6.0 09:47 ._. is there a way to build libuncursed so it just has tty statically linked, rather than trying to dlopen it? 09:48 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) entered the Sokoban zoo, on T:13063 09:48 <@Tone> FIQ What makes your variants weird? 😄 09:53 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:53 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:04 FIQ: xnh should be in, I think bhaak is on board with the idea. 10:05 always remember, we had slashthem, too. the bar usually isn't high to participate. 10:11 tubs: Ask ais523 that 10:12 FIQ: I got it working, kinda, using it without aimake was the main issue! 10:12 But I bumbled through 10:12 tubs: FIQHack has a couple of "dummy" C files for libuncursed to be happy when using make 10:13 I also got Tangles to help me a while back to get libuncursed compilation working with the NH3 build process 10:13 for my curses thing 10:13 see the "dumbmake" directory in FIQHack 10:17 Thanks! I got it working, forgot to include tty.cxx *and* tty.c! 10:22 is the libuncursed from the nethack4 repo the canonical one or are there improvments elsewhere? 10:22 I just copied it from my nh4 build 10:32 -!- dtype has quit [Quit: ~] 10:32 bhaak: canoncial 10:33 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 10:33 *canonical 10:33 I asked ais the same a while back 10:33 -!- dtype has joined #hardfought 10:33 he told me the NH4 repo's libuncursed is definitive 10:33 the best xnh innovation: displacing peaceful creatures 10:33 that originated in FIQHack 10:33 you know, where you don't want xnh to steal features from ;p 10:34 no, you've misunderstood me (probably because I was annoyed which made me incoherent), I don't want xnh to completely copy it 10:34 I know what you meant, I was just messing with you 10:34 sorry if you took it badly 10:35 I should be sorry, not you! :-) 10:35 brb food 10:42 back 10:42 I didn't copy peaceful displacement from fiqhack 10:43 Hmm, ok 10:43 But it was there before xnh :P 10:45 !who 10:45 FIQ: [hdf-us] ttc1401 [slex] mightyquinn [sp] Tangles [4k] 10:45 FIQ: [hdf-eu] Raisse [xnh] 10:46 !whereis Tangles 10:46 FIQ: [hdf-us] Tangles [fh]: (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) T:130 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 10:46 FIQ: [hdf-us] Tangles [4k]: (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) T:16320 The Dungeons of Doom level: 13 10:46 according to Beholder, Tangles is playing 2 games at once 10:46 I am not trusting Beholder 10:47 btw Tangles, you should know one thing 10:47 HP regeneration is disabled in Gehennom 10:47 completely 10:47 have fun! 10:48 lol 10:48 <@luxidream> for FIQhack? wow that’s evil 10:49 FIQ - dgl unlinks from the existing whereis file once the game is over (died, saved, etc) 10:49 but the binary itself doesnt get rid of the whereis file 10:49 hence beholder picks up multiple ones for the same user 10:49 or more correctly, the game binary doesnt always kill the whereis file (sometimes it does) 10:50 this is true of pretty much every variant that uses whereis 10:50 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Elp Ang Mal Law), 59924 points, T:9058, killed by a monster (wereearthelemental), while listening to tender crapping noises 10:52 K2: but the whereis file has the info is it is a running game or a finished game 10:53 Oh wow, libuncursed poops on colours when using init_pair. 10:53 shouldnt be a finished game, only a running one 10:54 otherwise !whereis for K2 would say 'K2 is at work, 5th level of hell' 10:55 !whereis K2 10:55 bhaak: [hdf-us] K2 is not currently playing on this server. 10:56 lucky 10:56 sometimes the binary kills the file, sometimes it wont 10:56 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law) killed Tomoka Kayahara, on T:237 10:56 dgl is set to unlink from them on game end if the variant makes one 10:57 maybe some of these duplicates are from an ungraceful end 10:57 lost connection, game crash, etc 10:57 I mean, the binary shouldn't kill the file but update the file with the info that is suspended/ended 10:57 oh i see 10:57 so if the game is ended or suspended (saved, etc) there should be a flag in the file that states as such? 10:58 unnethack has a "playing" field 10:58 ok 10:58 so beholder needs to learn how to tell the difference 10:58 @luxidream oops, no 10:58 Tangles: I meant sylphs 10:58 that was there from the begining, so I guess most other variants should have that, too 10:58 if state != playing, do not report 10:58 or report as not playing 10:58 ... K 10:59 Tangles ^^ 10:59 *K2 10:59 I told you this quite a while back :P 10:59 no you didnt 10:59 with Un 10:59 yes i did 10:59 we discussed it yes 10:59 there is a "is the game running" flag 10:59 but you didnt lay it out plainly 10:59 hence I told you 10:59 you just didn't understand I guess 10:59 i probably had the dumb that day 10:59 anyway, this is for Un 11:00 FIQHack has no deletion mechanic whatsoever 11:00 due to how NH4's save system works 11:00 so it needs to rely on dgl killing it 11:00 dgl doesnt 'kill' it 11:00 err wait 11:00 you know what i mean 11:00 unlink it 11:00 yeah it does actually 11:00 yeah 11:00 *what I mean 11:00 unlink means del for dgl i think 11:00 yes 11:00 hmm 11:00 soooo 11:01 I assume Tangles was playing fh back before you added this for it 11:01 that's POSIX speak for "delete" 11:01 this may go back to it being a dgl issue 11:01 hence why Beholder has a stray whereis for it 11:01 perhaps 11:01 i'll have to look 11:01 see how old some of these whereis files are 11:02 tubs: Yeah uncursed has a bug with init_pair 11:02 I was hit by this when tinkering with it for NH3 curses 11:03 Simple to work round, I just call init_pair(512, 0, 0); and it allocs the array 11:03 http://home.fiq.se/silly_uncursed.txt 11:03 tubs: Heh, that's basically what I do 11:03 It gets confused about the allocated size and pairnum, so if your pairnum is 1 greater than before, it overwrites the previous pair 11:04 :) 11:05 tubs: anyway if you are going to add the background thing 11:05 please make it an option 11:05 I want to turn such behaviour off 11:05 and I assume I am not alone 11:07 Background thing? Oh to be transparent? Yeah will do! 11:10 FIQ: Hmm, I may in fact add that function for recursive spreading that takes 2 callbacks that I was talking about 11:10 ostensibly for webs but I can think of some other things that could work with it 11:11 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 9615 points, T:600, killed by an arrow 11:20 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:30 !who 11:30 K2: [hdf-us] Tangles [4k] 11:30 K2: [hdf-eu] Raisse [xnh] 11:32 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) entered the Rogue tribute level, on T:18447 12:28 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:10 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:20896 13:16 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:43 [hdf-us] [fh] Massif (knaveightt) (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 29079 points, T:2040, quit 13:51 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) polymorphed his first item, on T:23056 13:53 <@Winsalot> FIQ: playing around with curses rn and found out, that to enable terminal default background you just need to call use_default_colors() somehwere. 14:00 @Winsalot NH4 uses libuncursed 14:02 <[Demo]> is there a plan 9 nethack port? 14:12 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 14:15 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 14:17 [hdf-us] [4k] eggsdee (kek) (Mon Hum Mal Law), 2247 points, T:637, killed by a boulder 14:21 -!- grumlin has joined #hardfought 14:27 You plunge into an open grave! It's a little early for that, isn't it? 14:27 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 14:29 heh 14:29 i got that a lot on my priest quest last night 14:30 aosdict or somebody needs to make a gravestone reading "hold my beer" 14:31 i grepped the 3.6.0 source expecting to find that. didn't 14:31 i think i added that to grunthack 14:31 'here, hold my beer...' -- K2 14:32 * hothraxxa ^5 k2 14:32 bro dude! 14:32 hothraxxa: Well, I haven't committed the various-flavortext-strings stuff yet, so suggestions are still open 14:33 [hdf-us] [4k] kek (Mon Hum Mal Law), 4914 points, T:1016, killed by a rothe 14:33 i've long felt that chest and boxes in graveyards should be coffins, and pits should be graves 14:33 K2: perhaps the frequency of that is a little high if they're so common on the priest quest as to become not funny 14:40 hothraxxa :P 14:50 aosdict: it didnt bother me any 14:50 and if players dont like it they can always add a MSGTYPE hide line to their cfg 14:50 K2: yeah but TDTTOEish stuff isn't supposed to be so common you see it several times a game 14:53 <@luxidream> !rng try to kill OES | stay safe and sane 14:53 @luxidream: try to kill OES 14:54 <@luxidream> looks like I'm not doing any shopping 14:55 <[Demo]> ooh i wanna watch u die 14:55 <@luxidream> castle first 14:55 <@luxidream> no ludios, so I have no money to buy anything 14:55 <[Demo]> :( 14:55 <@luxidream> the one un game without ludios 14:56 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 14:56 <@luxidream> err, dyna 14:56 <@luxidream> can I bullwhip her and take thiefbane 14:57 making ludios appear every time is a bit difficult. I only cranked up the probability to 85-90%. i don't know if that's in dynahack already 14:57 <@luxidream> it is. it's always been the first vault below 11 I think 14:58 @luxidream yeah it can happen, and I think it's more common than it should 14:58 okay, yeah, then it is 14:58 hell, I was testing stuff in ludios the other day in fiqhack and it didn't even generate 14:58 and I have the same measures that un has... 14:58 actually it's below 10 in fh, but close enough 14:59 it also depends on how many additional branches you have 15:00 <[Demo]> tariru is on lvl 5 on yendor, so like very close to top and third imbuement i think 15:00 here's all new branches in fh: 15:00 IIRC, if you put it always into the first generated vault, it should be 95% in vanilla 15:00 <[Demo]> i think its nearly ascension run time 15:00 It's more likely that I've missed the 3rd stair and have to go all the way through the tower again now. 15:00 [Demo]: if he had done 3 of them, it would have warped him to Dlvl1 I think 15:01 <[Demo]> damn 15:01 <[Demo]> thats nice of it 15:01 Tariru: At least the return should go faster, right? 15:01 Most areas are cleared out after all 15:01 <[Demo]> is Yen 1 anything special? 15:01 Yeah, it should be a bit faster. 15:01 [Demo]: Yes, Yen 1 has the Elder Priest 15:01 I don't even think a branch can spawn there 15:01 <[Demo]> oh 15:02 Tariru: You don't want to fight that thing btw 15:02 Stay away 15:02 <@luxidream> why does Amy hate the elder priest 15:02 <@luxidream> if it's in her game 15:02 Is it worse than the dnethack one? 15:02 <@luxidream> ?? 15:02 <[Demo]> wayyyyy worse 15:02 @luxidream it killed her dnh run 15:02 <[Demo]> basically she made it how she views th dnh elder priest 15:02 <[Demo]> so like, the worst thing ever 15:02 <[Demo]> just cause shes bad 15:02 because she didn't bother looking up what it did 15:02 it is really easy to counter 15:02 <[Demo]> in dnh 15:02 yeah in dnh 15:03 <[Demo]> in slex... hope you got heels 15:03 you'd think that after using up LS 15:03 that she'd be more careful 15:03 NOPE 15:03 ok yeah I can see how the death can be annoying 15:03 but she was way overreacting IMO 15:04 <[Demo]> yeah and samurai even gets nice bow for killing him 15:04 <[Demo]> like chris designed all roles to have valid ranged attacks to kill him with 15:04 she didn't even wear free action 15:04 which I'm pretty sure was explicitly suggested to her 15:04 *before* she engaged with him 15:05 <[Demo]> yeah oh we;; 15:05 <[Demo]> well 15:06 I thought the geno bug is what larien would hate the most, because she kept complaining about it constantly afterwards, over and over, and still does to this day 15:06 but yeah it's clear that no, that's the elder priest 15:06 <[Demo]> right the geno bug was bullshit 15:08 huh, I expected decompiled C# to be less... readable 15:08 <@luxidream> it was fixed though 15:08 this thing kept variables and everything 15:08 @luxidream yeah it was fixed and yet she STILL COMPLAINED FOR MONTHS 15:08 and would bring it up 100% of the time whenever someone mentioned fiqhack, which is always fun when new players bring it up 15:08 <[Demo]> see amy needs to play more abusively 15:09 "don't play fiqhack, monsters will genocide you and it is bs and unavoidable" 15:09 <[Demo]> its a dangerous world out there and if u dont abuse it, it will abuse u and u wont even be able to think, oh well, i still abused it harder in the end 15:09 <[Demo]> especially with unstable variants 15:09 which is honestly what annoyed me the most 15:09 yes, real fun when you have people actively trying to drive away people from playing your game by spouting bullshit 15:09 <[Demo]> oh yeah that sucks 15:10 !who 15:10 K2: [hdf-us] Tariru [slex] hilliance [nd] hothraxxa [xnh] 15:10 K2: [hdf-eu] AmyBSOD [slex] Raisse [xnh] 15:12 -!- tubs has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:14 <[Demo]> oh wow hes fully imbued 15:14 holy shit 15:14 !lotg Tariru 15:14 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, Tariru! 15:14 Thanks. 15:15 Is there supposed to be a portal back now? 15:15 well, kind of: if you take the stairs back, you're deposited on level 100 of the tower and then the ascension run begins!!! 15:15 <[Demo]> thats always the best part 15:15 Rodney's harassment will be in full force from that point on 15:16 if you didn't get warped down right away, move a few times and it should trigger 15:16 Ah, there we go. 15:16 you also have a slotless amulet of life saving now, because you died less than two times on the whole way! 15:17 Nice. 15:17 If I die, which gets used first, the slotless saving or a worn amulet? 15:17 the worn amulet should get removed first, but I can check the source 15:18 huh, nope, the extra life is used up first 15:18 I'll change that in the next version 15:19 it should really be so that the amulet is used up first, because the 1-up is harder to lose (I think it only happens if, for some reason, you read a cursed scroll of resurrection) 15:21 !tell jonadab kind reminder that I'd offer to test your windows build of Nethack Fourk if you make a version without the installer *wink* :) 15:21 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 15:22 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 15:23 version 0.1.1 - any existing 0.1.0 will play out until finsihed (ascend/die/quit), then any new games thereafter will go on 0.1.1 15:23 *finished 15:23 b'bye spellcasting barbs 15:23 jonadab: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-04-10 15:21 EDT: kind reminder that I'd offer to test your windows build of Nethack Fourk if you make a version without the installer *wink* :) 15:24 what triggered that? 15:24 <[Demo]> im confused too 15:24 :) 15:25 * LarienTelrunya knows what triggered it :D 15:25 do share with the class 15:25 if unseen actions trigger beholder, i'd like to know 15:26 well, there's more than one way to make Beholder realize you're there 15:26 <[Demo]> hothraxxa what are your xnh status colors? 15:26 clearly. do go on 15:26 demo: see my rc 15:26 cause i dopn't really know 15:26 <[Demo]> is that somewhere i can steal easily 15:27 <[Demo]> cause wow its colorful 15:27 i blame aosdict 15:27 they're mostly from his rc 15:27 <[Demo]> oh yeah found it 15:28 hothraxxa: okay, one more hint: there is a way to contact Beholder outside of this channel. 15:28 they seem to work correctly in xnh. in 3.6.0 statuscolors didn't work 100% 15:28 <[Demo]> neat 15:28 LarienTelrunya: yeah i know, i do it myself. my point is, i didn't realize it would trigger a public message. that's not desirable 15:30 The message shows up where it was sent, not where it was triggered. 15:30 and tells us you're here 15:31 i don't believe it should do that 15:31 It's clearly different from how Rodney behaves. 15:31 Which may confuse some folks. 15:31 it's different from every other bot in my other channels 15:32 and as i keep saying, that's because this behaviour isn't desirable 15:32 Arsinoe can be set up to do it that way, if you tell her she's not supposed to speak in the channel where the trigger happens. 15:33 But I usually don't put her in channels where she's not supposed to speak, so it seldom comes up. 15:33 !rng mines end | sokoban 15:33 LarienTelrunya: sokoban 15:35 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 15:41 bhaak: The way to make Ludios generate IMO is, if you are generating the last ungenerated Dungeons level in the 11-Medusa range, try _really hard_ to make a vault. If that fails somehow, make a vault teleporter in an ad aerarium closet, except put the portal inside it. 15:47 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Depression, on T:143597 15:48 wow, is that the zorkmid strategy to see where you've been on the VS level? 15:48 Tariru: Teleportation no longer works at all now while you have the amulet. 15:48 Also beware the chaos monkey, he's rather dangerous. 15:49 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:49 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:38701 15:49 Oh and one more thing, cursed potions of gain level will send you down one level. Don't drink them :) 15:49 It still works on level 1 though, doesn't it? 15:49 Yes, so if you have one, that's a way of making sure you have the real amulet (because it now refuses to be named). 15:50 <[Demo]> https://i.imgur.com/HoTziET.png this is the image i use for the avatar of my irc to discord bot 15:50 <[Demo]> (the non soldier ant version) 15:50 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Sloth, on T:143628 15:50 <[Demo]> @le?chaose monkey 15:50 chaose monkey ~1~ chaos monkey (Y) | Lvl: 107 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 16 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison acid petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 99 | Generates: special | AC: -25 | Attacks: 10d10 cast spell, 10d10 cast clerical, 10d10 touch poly, 10d10 weapon item steal, 10d10 touch wither, 10d10 touch teleport | Alignment: -20 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, flies, tunnels, thick hide, regenerates, seeinvis, teleports, nopoly, stalker 15:50 <[Demo]> oops 15:51 ah, I see you figured out that automatic guns are good to use on astral elementals :) save some bullets for the astral plane, which has lots of those things 15:51 <[Demo]> what do the astral elementals do? 15:51 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Lust, on T:143641 15:51 their attacks (melee and engulf) have completely random effects, including but not limited to: death, famine, pestilence and disintegration 15:51 <[Demo]> zoinks 15:52 most of the time they'll do harmless stuff like fire, darkness etc., but the danger is that every attack type can theoretically be rolled 15:52 EPI: The difficulty figures for monster generation are doubled on Mondays. 15:52 well, they can't roll data delete :D 15:53 <[Demo]> slex should have dread seraph sepulchers 15:54 * aosdict tunes into Tariru's game, is taken aback by the color vomit 15:54 aosdict: awwwwww you don't like fleecy colors? 15:55 The colour serves as a good warning to how hideously awful those levels are. 15:57 oh, forgot to mention this: like some other variants (I think unnethack is one of those), the fully imbued amulet causes upstairs to spew out a regular stream of monsters; this can be useful if you forgot where the stair is and want to telepathy-locate it, because it's where all the monsters spawn constantly 15:57 <[Demo]> dnethack does that 15:57 <[Demo]> but after u piss of rodney 15:57 huh, what is that level? Pale Night's lair?! 15:57 <[Demo]> cause chris doesnt know what the amulet is 15:58 Does it cause random traps to spawn as well? 15:58 Yeah, I think it was Pale Night 15:58 <[Demo]> just like sepulchers go off after you piss of rodney 15:58 <[Demo]> not after u have the amulet 15:58 It got amnesia'd though 15:58 <[Demo]> because chris got killed by the elder priest when trying to figure out what the amulet was 16:00 <[Demo]> @le?yellow yeek 16:00 yellow yeek (h) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 12 | Res: poison acid | Confers: poison acid | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 7 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical, 1d6 non-contacting-beam poison-sting | Alignment: 6 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, infravisible 16:00 <[Demo]> what is a yeek 16:01 [Demo] have you told chris that an amulet looks like "? 16:01 Tariru: I'm supposed to deliver a message from a certain GoldenIvy to you, who says that you should save every 5 levels. While I consider that to be overly cautious, it's probably not a bad idea to save after going up a few dozen levels, to create a fallback save in case the unspeakable happens (which hopefully won't be the case) ;) 16:02 <[Demo]> there is a flag that gets set the first time you pick up the amulet, right? 16:02 Does the end game have a lot of stuff in it that can cause crashes then? 16:03 no, I'm just generally paranoid 16:03 <[Demo]> slex is a big old crash slam and party 16:09 slex doesn't crash all that much nowadays, but with a project this big, there's always the chance that I missed something 16:09 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Werebane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:29182 16:10 <[Demo]> i figure the end game gets played a lot less too 16:10 <[Demo]> so less tested 16:10 yeah, but that's probably the case in every variant :D 16:11 it's just that the amount is probably bigger in other variants because more people make it to the endgame 16:11 <[Demo]> ndnh acu endgame needs testing lol 16:12 the last time I was on slex's plane of water, it somehow crashed when entering the portal to astral, then I reloaded and somehow got a different crash upon entering it, which when restored loaded correctly with me on astral, and then I ascended; stupid me forgot to gdb the core dump though :( 16:12 all the previous slexcensions that didn't happen, so it may have been a specific monster 16:13 my suspicion is gremlins (there was a swarm of them on water) 16:15 <[Demo]> were they yeek gremlins? 16:15 nah, just standard ones, the kind that multiplies in water tiles 16:16 Tariru: IIRC I placed the upstair on that level somewhere to the east of the central structure but west of the shops 16:16 <[Demo]> whats a yeek 16:16 a yeek is some fictional race, similar to a goblin I think? 16:16 <[Demo]> when i google it i find some silly looking asian rapper 16:17 https://hunter033.deviantart.com/art/Rise-of-the-Yeek-307250070 16:18 and http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/File:Chara_378_yeek.png 16:18 <[Demo]> yeek! 16:20 Tariru: oh, sorry :( just peeked at my source and found that the stair is in the top left corner 16:20 but you found it :) 16:20 Yeah. I must have missed that one tile in the corner. 16:20 I went there first since I had a vague memory of it being there, but somehow missed it. 16:26 dont die Tariru! 16:26 save often! 16:27 <[Demo]> or do die 16:27 <[Demo]> with ur like two life saves 16:28 good thing there's no mysterious force sending you down in slex! 16:28 <[Demo]> whats spirits drawback? 16:28 the spirit race? they have some eating restriction, IIRC it's no corpses, only other types of food; also, they're slower 16:29 Can they walk through walls? 16:29 yes, permanently 16:29 very useful :) 16:30 back in the day, spirit archeologists used to be popular 16:31 <[Demo]> very good for avoid traps 16:31 oh, one of the recent slex version updates made it possible for traps to occasionally spawn in walls 16:31 the server version already has that feature 16:32 is Tariru on the ascension run? he has the amulet? 16:32 Yep, got the amulet 16:32 hell yeah 16:32 yes, only 80 more levels to go and then it's time for the planes! 16:32 seriously - save every level change 16:32 at least 16:33 <[Demo]> well hes had the amulet for a while 16:33 <[Demo]> but now he has the fully imbued amulet! 16:33 your words frighten and confuse me 16:33 <[Demo]> i had really awful dreams last night and they make me feel bad 16:34 I'm actually surprised I didn't dream of segfaults, but I did get a stomach ache from them (I wish that was a joke) 16:35 * K2 thinks of Demo having bad dreams that consist of cute furry kittens and rainbows 16:35 you got a stomach ache from segfaults? 16:35 <[Demo]> i had a dream i was too poor to gamble and another where i was taking weird hallucinogens 16:35 aosdict: yes, I really want slex to be free of that segfaulting crap, and when one crops up that I can't diagnose and therefore cannot fix quickly, it makes my stomach turn :( 16:36 then stop adding content ;) 16:37 K2: will do so very soon; in fact, I hope I can do one last savebreak next week and then focus on bugfixes until Junethack 16:38 <[Demo]> itll be interesting to see how slex and jnh interact this year 16:38 i.e. slex will enter save freeze (is there such a thing) very early, and feature freeze at the deadline we specified 16:38 <[Demo]> defund slex development! 16:39 of course, when junethack is over, I'll have at least two dozen pages of savebreaking stuff on my to-do list :D 16:41 <[Demo]> im still impressed by the chaos of slex 16:41 <[Demo]> i gotta track down the tshirt messages again 16:41 the ascension run maximizes the monster spawn frequency 16:42 Tariru: the upstair must be east, that red-highlighted tile 16:42 Good point 16:42 Wasn't paying attention there 16:42 that second downstair is probably a mimic 16:43 <[Demo]> it seems all the tshirt messages ive added are making fun of other variants 16:43 <[Demo]> oh well 16:44 wow, level 71... that must have been hell to clear out (I've greatly reduced the # of monsters for the next version because it was just insane) 16:45 <[Demo]> what is it? 16:45 <[Demo]> just monster shitstorm? 16:45 a special level I made; first you go through a trappy section and then there's huuuuuuge rooms filled with monsters 16:45 Yeah, it took a while. 16:45 careful, don't step on the accent glyphs near the upstair, they contain hidden nasty traps 16:45 I think it had one of those nazgul that stun you from across the map as well. 16:46 OUCH 16:46 <[Demo]> ndnh will never add levels that are just shitstorms of monsters 16:46 I had to use a mass murder scroll on it in the end. 16:46 a sporkhack nazgul? whoa that's one of the worst levels to have one of those appear on 16:48 <[Demo]> im confused how tariru is doing so well 16:49 Amy- looks like traps that you find whilst under the effect of the trap that stops traps showing up stay completely hidden even after the effect has expired. 16:49 Is that intended? 16:49 Yes. Those traps are completely impossible to make visible. 16:50 That's pretty evil. 16:50 I think you just broke my interhack principle gland 16:50 ahh the grave wall level :) 16:50 <[Demo]> not very fleecy 16:51 yeah, but possibly tactically interesting since you can decide which path to dig 16:51 is this Venonir's lair? 16:51 I think so 16:51 goin home see you all in a bit 16:51 stair is at 68,03 then 16:52 68,03? 16:52 i.e. a little cubbyhole in the northeast, with a diagonal grass path leading to it 16:52 those were the x and y coordinates on the map ;) 16:54 this "grass always becomes lava" has also been changed in the next version because it's IMHO rather stupid 16:54 <[Demo]> oh nice dnh level 16:59 stair is northeast 17:01 the map amnesia attack thankfully affects the current level only, and since you're not going to come back, it's mostly harmless ;) 17:02 <[Demo]> oh shit this is modified valk locate? 17:03 don't think it is, but not sure what it actually is 17:03 <[Demo]> oh damn it isnt its hollow 17:04 ah there's the upstair! 17:04 I'm fairly sure it's one of the bigroom variants I made 17:05 <[Demo]> do you have a graphical map editing tool? does anyone? why hasnt anyone made that? 17:05 one of the stairs must be a mimic :P 17:05 <[Demo]> or both 17:05 [Demo]: all done by hand 17:05 <[Demo]> why 17:06 <[Demo]> actually you know what, thats not even that weird, its slex after all 17:07 <[Demo]> yey a slethe level 17:07 isn't that also in dnethack, with an alhoon? 17:07 <[Demo]> yeah but comes from lethe patch so u gotta give it proper credit or whatever 17:07 <[Demo]> called it a dnh lvl would be ignorant 17:07 <[Demo]> even though thats the only reason i know and care about it 17:08 ah, yeah originally it's from the Lethe Patch 17:08 <[Demo]> who made the dispater lvl? 17:08 <[Demo]> or wait is that yeng 17:08 Tom Proudfoot 17:08 <[Demo]> ok so slashem 17:08 IIRC one of the slashem devs 17:08 it's nice to bypass all those goddamn fire traps with wallwalking :D 17:08 <[Demo]> yeah dispater lvl im familiar with is based off of that level 17:09 <[Demo]> not sure who made the dispater lvl in dnh 17:09 <[Demo]> but i really like it 17:09 <[Demo]> im thinking chris did 17:09 Tariru: careful, someone threw a nasty gray stone into your knapsack; it might be rather dangerous! 17:09 ah it's an interrupt stone 17:10 <[Demo]> whats that do 17:10 it means that quaffing, reading etc. take several turns and can be interrupted 17:10 <[Demo]> ah 17:10 <[Demo]> so it doesnt go off on interupt routines to u 17:10 oh, I somehow never thought about erasing those stupidstones with the bag of digestion! 17:11 It stops something from just throwing it right back at you. 17:11 Which can be annoying. 17:11 <[Demo]> everything you know about haskel; is something i know about interupt routines. how bout them? how bouth them apples huh? 17:11 yep :) usually I just stow them away in my bag (of holding) and never get them back out, but of course I sometimes scerw up 17:11 ... and sometimes I also scerw up my spleeing :P 17:12 Ugh, how did I hit a caps lock trap? 17:12 another gray stone? or it was really a trap 17:12 A trap this time, I think. 17:12 at least that one is harmless though 17:13 Unless I get the case of an item I pick up wrong. 17:13 oh, right 17:13 I'll just have to be careful. 17:13 It's not worth wishing a switcher for it. 17:13 [Demo]: I might eventually make a terminal based map editor similar to jonadab's tiletool editor. If I ever are going to make so many levels that I decide it's worth it to create an editor for them. 17:13 wow, having automatic switchers be the trap that is more common is actually extremely lucky 17:14 that happens only about 1 in 386 games (or, 1 in oh that sounds neat 17:14 It's only a +1 bonus though. 17:14 Not huge, but I guess it probably doubles it. 17:14 <[Demo]> where can i find jonadabs tiletool editor? 17:14 yeah, they're still rather rare 17:15 probably in one of his repos on github. look at https://github.com/tsadok 17:17 <[Demo]> oh wow autoswitched 17:17 :) 17:19 <[Demo]> why did it give the "you enter a weird room" message twice? 17:19 technically there's two weird-looking rooms, one to the north of the highway and one to the south; the highway itself is part of both of those 17:19 the endgame easily gets the most crashes in fiqhack 17:19 it's the one place in fiqhack where there's still the occasional crash when people play 17:19 well, astral 17:19 <[Demo]> i wonder if dnethack plane of water works now 17:20 <[Demo]> or if ill have to tweak it in ndnh 17:20 <[Demo]> thinking about it i think it actually does work now 17:20 Tariru: wrong stair, you're on the lab branch! 17:20 Good point. 17:20 <[Demo]> like slashem lab? 17:21 the placement of that stair alerted me to it; real stair is in the northwest corner 17:21 Tariru: I agree that you should really save upon entering End Game... 17:21 <[Demo]> with frankenstein 17:21 All the way up in the corner 17:21 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed greased fixed tinning kit (0:99)", on T:32245 17:21 Unless you feel like losing a bunch of progress 17:21 Again 17:21 actually, I'd save upon reaching the valley of the dead 17:21 Now I have to walk through this entire horrible level. 17:21 <[Demo]> id save every day 17:21 that's what I usually do 17:21 <[Demo]> have fun 17:21 <[Demo]> good thing i dont have to do it, i just get to watch 17:21 <[Demo]> its like playing slex but without the stress 17:21 Tariru: well, the highway is the safest route, it has the least amount of nastytraps and you also move faster while on a highway tile 17:21 ooh Gehennom 55 17:22 almost out of Gehennom 17:22 then things get easier, right LarienTelrunya? 17:22 until Tariru reaches End Game 17:22 yes, once you're out of Gehennom it gets much easier 17:22 cool 17:22 I guess endgame is the hardest part of slex though 17:23 but with the ridiculous stats Tariru amassed due to the sheer size of slex' dungeon, it might not be too bad 17:23 well endgame isn't all that much harder if you know what you're doing; you need a bunch of trap detection though 17:23 doesn't astral have instakill traps 17:23 that bypasses MR 17:23 instakill traps yes, but MR protects and makes them drain a couple max HP instead 17:23 ok 17:24 <[Demo]> what level is the end of gehennom? 17:24 51 is the valley 17:24 <[Demo]> oh wow 17:24 i.e. 1-50 = dungeons, 51-100 = gehennom 17:25 <[Demo]> is tariru the best nethack player or are huge vanilla streaks normal? 17:25 [Demo]: The 2nd largest streak is Adeon with 29 17:25 <[Demo]> only 29 lol 17:26 oh, that looks like Demogorgon's lair 17:26 <[Demo]> is that grunt demogorgon level? 17:26 yep 17:26 Yep, it was. 17:26 with Demogorgon :) 17:26 <[Demo]> does it come from sgrunt? 17:26 probably? 17:26 Yeah this originates in GruntHack 17:27 dynahack has it too but removed the guaranteed Demogorgon 17:27 <[Demo]> ndnh will probably end up with it 17:28 "big flying baby" :P it's supposed to be Nihilanth, the boss from Half-Life 17:28 K2: you around? 17:28 <[Demo]> hes otw home from work i think? 17:28 ahh 17:30 votd 17:30 <[Demo]> is that an un version? 17:30 mirrored 17:30 <[Demo]> with a river though? 17:30 <[Demo]> doesnt un do that? 17:30 actually no it's just different 17:30 boh still blessed? 17:30 yeah perhaps 17:30 also I'd probably save at this point 17:31 LarienTelrunya: saving is no use 17:31 backups run once every hour IIRC 17:31 which is why I asked if K2 was around 17:31 oh, really? it doesn't automatically create a .bak if you save and load? 17:31 so he could take a backup before Tariru enters the Planes 17:31 not iirc 17:31 ugh 17:31 we have that on esm; actually, a three-fold .bak routine 17:32 <[Demo]> amy i hope someone wins ur dumb impossible game that u cant even win 17:32 perhaps hdf has something like it 17:32 but I recall K2 explaining his backup system being a tiered thing 17:32 hourly, then every day and week, or something like that 17:33 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 17:33 huh? I don't really understand... so there's one hourly backup, ond daily one etc.? 17:33 something like that 17:33 I don't remember the details 17:34 ah, that awful castle with the stupid cursed graves 17:34 [Demo]: I mean, I kinda liked it when slex was only ascended by a single person, makes for a stronger point towards it not being practical to win by people 17:34 <[Demo]> im very confused right now 17:34 that said, if anyone would win slex besides LarienTelrunya, it would definitely be Tariru 17:35 <[Demo]> how? 17:35 <[Demo]> oh yey dnh lvl 17:35 hey a dnh format maze 17:36 is this medusa 17:36 or what 17:36 amnesia fun 17:36 <[Demo]> not enough statues 17:36 Not medusa, that was a water level 17:36 probably also a maze? it can't be mapped, apparently 17:36 Medusa and the castle are quite a ways apart in slex 17:36 <[Demo]> have we seen the castle yet? 17:36 yes 17:36 Yep, been through it 17:36 castle is always on 50 17:36 yes, it's above votd 17:36 <[Demo]> well i missed it lol 17:37 it looked nothing like a castle 17:37 <[Demo]> i was watching but didnt recognize it as the castle 17:37 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 7466 points, T:1743, quit 17:37 <[Demo]> amy should make xray vision more available 17:38 can you look for < 17:38 with a ball 17:38 <[Demo]> not in vanilla 17:38 <[Demo]> but this is slex 17:38 <[Demo]> probably not 17:38 aw 17:39 <[Demo]> man i have a lot of stuff i have to get done but i gotta watch this :P 17:39 afk for a bit 17:41 <@Jendic> I know precisely jack about the finer points of slex, how's tariru doing so far? 17:41 hdf backup schema is daily/weekly/monthly 17:41 <[Demo]> hes gonna win 17:41 <@Jendic> has anyone done that besides amy or will he be the first? 17:42 yeah I thought there weren't any hourly 17:42 @Jendic Amy is the only one who has ever ascended slex to date. 17:42 to do hourly correctly... i dont have that kind of available space 17:43 <[Demo]> amy hasnt even ascended this new super longer version of slex herself 17:43 well, i do sort of, but it would take a dent out of the space reserved for my growing movie/music collection on the NAS 17:44 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 17:44 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 574 points, T:298, killed by a monster (winged eel), while sleeping 17:46 <[Demo]> i wish i could play slex 17:46 <[Demo]> its like chinese, its too complex 17:47 <[Demo]> @le?cthulhu 17:47 Cthulhu (&) | Lvl: 106 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 18 | Res: sleep disintegrate poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 95 | Generates: unique | AC: -15 | Attacks: 4d6 cast clerical, 6d8 claw physical, 4d10 bite physical, 6d6 hug physical, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 0d0 gaze confuse | Alignment: 0 | Flags: swims, amphibious, breathless, thick hide, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker 17:51 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:52 LarienTelrunya: what are these levels? 17:52 @le?great cthulhu 17:52 Great Cthulhu (&) | Lvl: 100 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold disintegrate shock poison acid petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 127 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 100d4 claw physical, 1d10 gaze wisdom, 8d8 passive poison-sting | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, flies, swims, seeinvis, metallivore, nopoly 17:52 there was another one like this in Gehennom 17:52 <@Jendic> @le?pale night 17:52 Pale Night (&) | Lvl: 96 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 10 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 96 | Generates: unique | AC: -40 | Attacks: 4d4 gaze level drain, 4d4 gaze confuse, 4d4 cast spell, 4d4 breath acid, 4d4 passive sex | Alignment: -20 | Flags: flies, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, undead, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 17:52 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Pale Night, on T:147714 17:52 I like how great cthulhu's level is lower than cthulhu 17:52 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Lynkhab, on T:147715 17:53 great cthulhu is just a copy from dnh 17:53 cthulhu is a slex thing 17:53 yeah, figured 17:53 <[Demo]> ah 17:54 brb food 17:55 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 665 points, T:396, killed by a shotgun shell 17:59 [hdf-us] [nd] hilliance (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:32638 18:03 inb4 banishment 18:03 <[Demo]> does that work with the imbued amulet? 18:03 can't be banished with the amulet 18:03 FIQ: which levels do you mean? I was afk :( 18:04 LarienTelrunya: diagonal rooms with long corridors 18:05 hmm, I'll have to watch the ttyrec for that 18:06 you might have meant level 31; it's similar to level 55, but much less dangerous, i.e. just has a highway path and lots of farmland plus a bit of water 18:07 Tariru: we're getting close... what will we do when you reach the upstair on level 1? wait for K2 so we can ask him to create a backup as a fallback in the case of a crash? 18:08 When will K2 be back? 18:08 don't know :( 18:08 I'm guessing probably another day for that? 18:08 [Demo] said he was on his way home? 18:08 <[Demo]> he was just here and tlaking 18:09 20:51:48 @K2 │ goin home see you all in a bit 18:09 time is UTC 18:09 Oh cool, I'll wait a little then. 18:09 should be home pretty soon I think 18:09 I still need to sort out some last prepping for the planes too 18:09 that's now a little more than an hour ago 18:10 yeah, slex is like vanilla in that regard: once you go to the plane of earth, there's no return 18:10 what happened? 18:10 i've been back, just dealing with two 6 yr olds 18:10 well look who's here 18:11 K2: I think it'd be nice if you could take a backup of Tariru's save once he... well, saves 18:11 ah, good to see you K2! Tariru is about to enter the planes, and we're asking you to backup his save just to have a fallback in case it crashes (which it hopefully won't but just to make sure) 18:11 he is about to enter the Planes 18:11 sure 18:11 say when 18:11 <@Jendic> history in the making 18:11 Alright, now would be great! 18:12 <[Demo]> yey! 18:12 the savegame file is probably rather big by now, with all those dungeon levels 18:12 and they're all gonna get discarded... 18:12 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 2558 points, T:1221, killed by a monster (hell master) 18:12 rip 18:12 <@Jendic> rip indeed 18:13 <[Demo]> a game as unstable as slex should certianly have working recover! 18:13 ok its backed up 18:13 Awesome 18:13 [Demo]: it does!!! autorecover works fine 18:13 LarienTelrunya: would it be worth it to save before asc too? 18:13 brb 18:13 I recall a certain variant where doing this crashes the game 18:13 A certain variant rather close to slex genetically 18:13 Tariru I would save everytime you enter a new plane 18:13 FIQ: probably yes; I've never had it happen in slex, thankfully, but again I'm really paranoid 18:14 that other variant used a different version of dumplog, which probably had a bug 18:14 YANI: when you leave a Gehennom/tower of yendor level on slex, it's deleted from the save and you can never enter it again 18:15 <[Demo]> i feel like the game is gonna self destruct when he offers the amulet and then u have to fight amy as the final boss 18:16 haha, I do exist as a boss in the game, but I'm actually just one of the nemeses (gangster role to be specific) 18:16 heh, Amy defending her status lol 18:16 that heavy machine gun is going to become very useful in the astral plane where you'll be dealing with lots of astral elementals 18:17 also, hopefully you have a couple +3 bullets left for the annoying angel horde 18:17 <[Demo]> is it even that heavy of a machine gun? 18:17 yes, it's an artifact heavy machine gun, which really kicks butt! 18:17 rofl 18:17 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 18:17 <[Demo]> how much does it weigh? 18:17 and you carry that thing around? Wow, Arnie would be proud. 18:17 200, which is a lot in SLEX 18:17 @NetHack Tariru is about to enter Slash'EM Extended's Planes 18:17 <@Jendic> is this nethack or borderlands 2? 18:17 <[Demo]> wow 200 18:18 <@PyroL> wow 18:18 <[Demo]> that is a lot for slex 18:18 Tariru: don't disappoint ;) 18:19 !tell ais523 I found https://code-golf.io/, you may like it. no reputation system or anything afaict. sincerely, somebody from ppcg. 18:19 Will do, rikersan! 18:19 Tariru: i believe in you 18:19 ppcg? 18:20 no pressure Tariru... 18:20 <@Jendic> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmHeP9Sve48 18:20 another site I happen to be on 18:20 <@ahrimen> we're all watching you 18:20 ais has been there in the past but left due to disagreemnets with the way it was run 18:21 I didn't realize slex rogues got expert in hmg huh 18:21 er, firearms 18:22 Earth time 18:22 <[Demo]> slashem rogues get it 18:22 LarienTelrunya: is planes randomized 18:22 <[Demo]> they can start with a pistol 18:22 Tariru: okay, so: earth, air and fire all have 3 random item teleporters strewn around, you don't want to trigger those ;) 18:22 FIQ: nope 18:22 LarienTelrunya: but not water? 18:22 no, water doesn't 18:22 Water doesn't need to be any worse 18:22 can you find the traps with gold detection 18:22 it's because I couldn't get them to spawn due to the bubbles :P 18:22 lol 18:22 It's only 50% to find a trap 18:23 yes, or crystal balls or any of the other methods Tariru has available 18:23 Tariru: what's teh evil plate mail do in this run? 18:23 hmm 18:23 oh, and on the planes, thematic versions of the elementals occasionally appear 18:23 traps shouldn't be in solid rock, right 18:23 @Tome you need to livestream this 18:23 <[Demo]> someone record 18:23 @Tone rather 18:23 so Tariru can avoid Earth's trap by just walking in the walls 18:23 FIQ: the item teleporters shouldn't spawn inside walls, yes 18:23 Traps can spawn in rock, in slex 18:23 doesn't hdf save ttyrecs 18:23 <[Demo]> yes 18:23 Tariru: ah 18:23 <[Demo]> but thats different from a recording 18:24 rikersan: I t hink [Demo] meant livestreaming 18:24 *think 18:24 there will be a ttyrec no worries 18:24 kk 18:24 or just being more accessible (no need to fiddle with jettyplay/similar) 18:24 ah, wallwalking ftw :D 18:24 <[Demo]> right that 18:24 boh still blessed? 18:24 <[Demo]> more accessible 18:24 <[Demo]> then a bunch of split up ttyrecs 18:24 Yep 18:24 <@Tone> K2 haha well I did just tune in, but I'd have no idea how to do commentary for slex 😄 18:25 <@Jendic> get amy to do it 18:25 just do drugs 18:25 should sum it up perfectly 18:25 * LarienTelrunya remembers how she got her boh cursed on fourk's sanctum with no way to uncurse it save for getting something out of it, and stuff vanished of course :P 18:25 (don't do drugs) 18:25 @Tone just say 'i dunno wtf I am looking at, but this is awesome' 18:25 <@ahrimen> how do you get the ttyrecs? 18:25 @ahrimen https://hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tariru/ 18:25 <@ahrimen> ty 18:26 <[Demo]> wowo 18:26 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tariru/slex/ttyrec/ 18:26 typed that by hand, should be ok 18:26 air time! with -88 AC, air elementals shouldn't be too bad ;) 18:26 why is the air yellow 18:26 slex backgrounds 18:26 just slex things :D 18:26 is there acid fumes in hewre 18:26 What do the item teleporters do? 18:26 its piss 18:26 LarienTelrunya: wow you're evil 18:26 *here 18:26 item teleporters are also pin 18:26 ping 18:26 pink 18:27 Tarmunora_: teleport items away from your inventory 18:27 Tarmunora_: tele items out ofyour invent 18:27 or equipment 18:27 nah, the item teleporters are magenta and the portal is bright magenta 18:27 ah 18:27 Not the rudest slex trap, I guess 18:27 14 ppl watching 18:27 portal's x coordinates are from 57 to 78 18:27 i.e. it must be over to the east 18:28 same as vanilla I think 18:28 ah there it is! 18:28 nice msgspam 18:28 this is so tense 18:28 <[Demo]> heh 18:28 holy crap 18:28 tho tbf he beat amy's last one 18:28 Are there exactly 3 item teles, or is it 1d3? 18:28 no earth splat 18:28 should be exactly 3 18:28 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Wiz Ang Mal Law), 5394 points, T:1171, drowned in a moat by a giant rockfish 18:28 rikersan: huh? 18:28 rikersan: oh that was bullshit!!! 18:28 <[Demo]> howd she earth splat? 18:29 oh yeah 18:29 deathzap 18:29 <[Demo]> summon swarm? 18:29 great UI 18:29 <[Demo]> oh at herself? 18:29 FIQ: I wanted to finger of death Rodney, but spacebarred past the direction prompt. And the last spell I used was extra healing. DYWYPI? 18:29 bad auto-target when hitting esc at spell prompt 18:29 yeah 18:29 on FoD 18:29 if that was a variant she'd complain about it to this day 18:29 and tell how her variant is superior and doesn't do that 18:29 oh, I could still complain about that even now... but I fixed the issue on the next day by making the zap go in a random direction instead :P 18:30 FIQ: the finger of death selfzap on earth was bullshit!!!!!!!!!! the designer who committed that crime should go to hell!!!!! :P is that good enough? 18:30 you mean just like I fixed geno bug the same day I was made aware of it, within hours 18:30 and you still complain about it 18:30 <@Jendic> lol, a spellbook of dig deathdrop on air of all places 18:30 heh 18:31 <[Demo]> thats a lot of flayers 18:31 FIQ: sorry; I guess I'll drop the "complaining about genocide" thing 18:31 <@Tone> So what do these item teleportation traps do? Do you lose your inventory? 18:31 @Tone yeah your gear is teleported 18:31 <@Tone> And are they detected when a monster steps on them? 18:31 not all of it I assume 18:32 They randomly teleport a few items out of your inventory, and then you get to look for them again on the level. 18:32 I think 5% chance per item that it's teleported away 18:32 the biggest threat is actually stumbling into the next portal before you retrieved your stuff 18:32 LarienTelrunya: what is the gray ` 18:32 statues? 18:32 floor? 18:32 why is there a downstairs 18:32 FIQ: probably some weirdness with highlighting 18:32 <[Demo]> why are there so many flayers? 18:32 mimic likely 18:32 <[Demo]> thats a mimic 18:32 the downstair must be a mimic 18:32 [Demo]: army flayers 18:32 army = spawns in groups 18:32 <[Demo]> ah 18:32 i.e. army dwarves in mines 18:33 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 18:33 <[Demo]> are there any switcher monsters? 18:33 lol, Eden spawned :D [Demo]: is that your invention? 18:33 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Eden, on T:149087 18:34 @le?Eden 18:34 Eden ~2~ Helen (F) | Lvl: 7 | Diff: 17 | Spd: 6 | Res: disintegrate poison acid petrification magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 60 | Generates: unique | AC: -5 | Attacks: 2d5 weapon physical, 2d3 kick wither, 3d3 gaze random breath, 0d0 touch item steal | Alignment: -4 | Flags: omnivore, mindless, unsolid, thick hide, poisonous, metallivore, nopoly, stalker, covetous, lithivore, vegan 18:34 <[Demo]> owned 18:34 Beholder no... 18:34 too new for Pinobot :( 18:34 don't add new monsters all the time 18:34 then Pinobot would be more up to date 18:35 <[Demo]> why doesnt it read out of the git repo directly? 18:35 Tariru: what is your ascension turn limit 18:35 Pretty high 18:35 <[Demo]> how does that work? 18:35 ah 18:35 300K and something I think 18:35 Monspawn peaks at something like 150K though 18:35 <[Demo]> what happens if you go past it? 18:35 so plenty of time until that 18:35 <[Demo]> can you just not ascend? 18:35 you can but the game will rapidly spawn monsters 18:36 exceeding the limit means that random nasty stuff happens 18:36 ah I misremembered 18:36 monster spawn freq is maxxed for the entire ascension run anyway 18:36 LarienTelrunya: you should do FIQHack easy mode effects 18:36 lol :D 18:36 <[Demo]> fuego 18:37 <@Jendic> ignis 18:37 plane of endless message spam 18:37 heh, found right awya 18:37 *away 18:37 pretty close too 18:37 is that the portal just a few steps to the northwest? :) 18:37 <@Tone> Do crystal balls actually detect all traps? 18:37 @Tone 50% 18:37 in slex 18:37 Is the lava safe to fly over? 18:37 100% elsewhere 18:37 <@Jendic> 50% chance per trap apparently 18:38 <@Tone> ah, wasn't sure if that was just a gold detection thing 18:38 ahh 18:38 the Plane of Boredom 18:38 water has none of those awful item teleporters 18:38 <[Demo]> the plane of sparkle 18:38 <@Tone> Fire is very easy even in slex, I see 18:38 [Demo]: naw he's in water 18:38 not much sparkling here 18:38 <[Demo]> oh i missed it that was quick 18:38 yeah 18:38 portal was really close 18:38 <@Jendic> he got real lucky on the portal 18:39 ooh 18:39 time for astral 18:39 <@Jendic> and this is it! 18:39 Good luck 18:39 heh, flying over water works in slex! 18:40 <[Demo]> haaaa 18:40 Welp 18:40 SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT 18:40 RIP 18:40 bwahahahaha 18:40 boom 18:40 <@Tone> LOL 18:40 !who 18:40 FIQ: [hdf-us] No current players 18:40 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 18:40 Tariru: can you try to recover? 18:40 <@Jendic> WELP 18:40 <@Tone> :toneliGG: 18:40 So much for that 18:40 Could do, would it end up overwriting a save though? 18:40 see 18:40 Tariru: K2 made a backup, so worst case you'd be back at level 1 18:40 this is why telling K2 to save a backup was a good idea :P 18:41 And did anyone see what actually caused the crash? 18:41 buffer overflow 18:41 buffer overrun, somehow 18:41 Should have saved after each plane I guess. 18:41 you had entered astral 18:41 like i advised ;) 18:41 the level was showing 18:41 one sec 18:41 then the game died 18:41 K2: wait 18:41 let Tariru try to recover first 18:41 K2: let's try autorecover first 18:41 Yeah, just about to try that. 18:42 ouch 18:42 <@Jendic> and we're in business 18:42 <[Demo]> ok recovered to water, neat 18:42 Middle of water, not too bad. 18:42 Back on water, nice 18:42 <[Demo]> should you save and have k2 back it up? 18:42 K2: Can we take another backup here? 18:42 save when you're next to the portal I guess 18:42 -!- Lorskel has joined #hardfought 18:42 <[Demo]> cause itll probably crash again upon entering astral 18:42 Trickery. 18:42 * Tarmunora_ awaits another buffer overflow 18:42 tricky 18:42 WTF 18:42 yeah 18:42 <@Jendic> trickery? are those a thing in slex? 18:43 recovery failed 18:43 trickery shouldn't abort the game though 18:43 need to restore to backup 18:43 recovery too clever for its own good 18:43 <[Demo]> im letting it slide anyway 18:43 <[Demo]> lol 18:43 ok Tariru try again please i recovered 18:43 Ugh, did it manage to save or not? 18:43 * Lorskel twiddles thumbs 18:43 Tariru seems to be in Water 18:43 looks safe? 18:43 <[Demo]> christ 18:43 to save to backup 18:44 <[Demo]> it would suck to be anyone that had any stake in this 18:44 Tariru: please save when you're next to the portal, then K2 can take another backup 18:44 something must be wrong with slex's astral plane :( 18:44 and don't overwrite the old one 18:44 <[Demo]> i feel 4 u all 18:44 recovery might have fucked something up 18:44 It'll probably trickery again unless I go through it. 18:44 what, it gave a trickery when you saved? 18:44 <@Jendic> after the first recovery 18:44 @FIQ dont overwrite the old one? really? 18:44 you're so smart 18:44 K2: pls 18:44 its a good thing you're around ;) 18:45 something something E conduct savebreak 18:45 <@Tone> K2 is extra sassy tonight 18:45 <@Tone> 😄 18:45 <[Demo]> ooh wow 18:45 yay 18:45 SAVE IT 18:45 <[Demo]> it didnt crash 18:45 Well, no crash this time 18:45 astral loaded 18:45 whew did it load this time? 18:45 <@Jendic> hooray! 18:45 <[Demo]> uh oh 18:45 <@Jendic> TRICKERY 18:45 Uhhhhhh 18:45 What the hell 18:45 Dlvl 0? 18:45 GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 18:46 <[Demo]> dlvl 0 18:46 <[Demo]> what 18:46 UHHHHH 18:46 rip 18:46 <[Demo]> wow 18:46 did slex just send you to limbo 18:46 No inventory. 18:46 R I P 18:46 <@Jendic> RETURN TO PREVIOUS LEVEL 18:46 aosdict: looks like the save process failed? 18:46 Can we restore back to water? 18:46 <[Demo]> what even is this 18:46 wait 18:46 yeah one moment 18:46 argh, I have a terrible suspicion 18:46 dont do anything yet 18:46 did K2 restore his backup while Tariru was in Water? 18:46 puitting back all the levels, messing everything up? 18:47 *putting 18:47 <[Demo]> good lord this is entertaining 18:47 the game doesn't properly account for the removal of levels with index numbers >256 when you leave the dungeon, and then chokes when it can't find them 18:47 probably 18:47 so there's still a 256 limit enforced somewhere 18:47 Never trust EA 18:47 wow LarienTelrunya 18:47 see 18:47 *scream 18:47 this is why level extension is a bad idea 18:47 you'll break everything 18:47 in subtle ways 18:47 <[Demo]> hey amy if you find where that is I wanna fix it in ndnh and chris should fix it in dnh 18:47 did you really expect it to be that easy 18:48 Tariru i have a backup of when you were in water right before portal 18:48 yeah but I won't give up, I'll have to find out where that happens 18:48 and fix it 18:48 <[Demo]> thank god for k2 18:48 Alright, how should I try and get out of this game? 18:48 Just save, or hangup? 18:48 Tariru: I suggest the following 18:48 Did slex and dnh implement in the same way even? 18:48 just hangup 18:48 then let K2 load water 18:48 you can save this if you want its ok 18:48 then, assuming astral load 18:48 try to just ascend 18:48 saving is clearly broken 18:48 ^^ that 18:48 <[Demo]> wow 18:48 I'll just hang up I think... 18:48 if astral crashes, let K2 restore until it eventually loads... 18:49 And hope it doesn't trickery on saccing the amulet 18:49 It's probably best if I just rush through astral without saving on it? 18:49 no, once Tariru ascends 18:49 probably 18:49 probably :( 18:49 we should be good I think 18:49 Tariru: right 18:49 probably 18:49 So, hang up then? Or press y when it asks if I want to overwrite? 18:49 let me know when you're out Tariru 18:49 Tariru: doesn't matter, K2 will just overwrite the save anyway 18:49 it doesnt matter 18:49 also I don't think saving will work 18:49 Alright, hung up on it. 18:49 hence hangup 18:51 K2: ^ 18:51 Should I try resuming to get it to hangup save? 18:51 Since it'll try and do stuff when I resume. 18:51 also you may want to see if there's slex zombies in process lists 18:51 if it failed to save, it might have gotten stuck 18:51 I'll definitely have to fix this, and soon, or slex cannot be included in junethack... 18:52 ok 18:52 lets try again 18:52 LarienTelrunya: yeah this is what caused slth to be removed from jnh 18:52 so i have a backup of this point in time 18:52 <@Jendic> swiftest portal find yet 18:52 not exactly, but very similar 18:53 well, I have about a month to find the cause and fix it 18:53 so any trickery segfault bullshit, we just go back to plane of water 18:53 <[Demo]> no bof 18:53 yay astral loaded 18:53 <@Jendic> and here we go 18:53 !lotg Tariru 18:53 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, Tariru! 18:53 !lotg Tariru 18:53 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, Tariru! 18:54 Tariru: best use the sdd wand to find the traps 18:54 !rum Tariru 18:54 * Beholder throws Tariru a shot of dark rum, distilled by Announcy at 8 degrees Celsius. 18:54 Riders are buffed btw 18:54 and there's a bunch of other nasties in astral 18:54 oh yeah, arch-lichen in particular are teleport bait, don't fight them 18:54 but you should be good, you know what you're doing 18:55 -!- mcw has joined #hardfought 18:55 LarienTelrunya: but the most important issue here isn't the astral crashes 18:55 plenty of other variants has had issues where it crashes all the time 18:55 LarienTelrunya: ! Sorry for vanishing yesterday when you wanted me to help 18:55 well ok, one other in particular comes to mind 18:55 but recovery being broken really needs to be fixed 18:55 this is the most important issue 18:56 but recovery isn't broken! it works on esm and locally 18:56 yes but it doesn't work on hdf 18:56 so it is br oken 18:56 maybe the recovery tool somehow doesn't like hdf's folder structure? 18:56 *broken 18:56 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:149212 18:56 I'll look into it again 18:57 it sort of works 18:57 but you cant specifiy a player file 18:57 <@Tone> I never would have guessed that slex Astral is basically Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 18:57 i have to point it to the folder where the level files are 18:57 <[Demo]> well shit 18:57 [Demo]: ? 18:58 <[Demo]> it is rainbow road 18:58 Tariru: the arch-lichen is harmless as long as you don't let it attack you in melee 18:58 can wands of charging charge itself 18:58 yes, but only once 18:58 ah 18:58 like wands of wishing 18:59 rip 19:00 <@Jendic> Whoopsie! 19:00 wrong altar 19:00 got a helm of opposite alignment? 19:00 <[Demo]> how do you know its wrong? 19:00 isn't Issek neutral 19:00 Don't think so 19:00 Saw the priest name 19:00 <[Demo]> oh 19:00 Mog's chaotic 19:00 [Demo]: The high priest of Issek gets angry! 19:00 <[Demo]> yeah i wasnt watching was doing math, oops 19:00 wand zap clipped the high priest 19:00 <[Demo]> so used to dnh hinding the names 19:00 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:149234 19:01 [Demo]: all variants do 19:01 I guess it's a slex change 19:01 <@Jendic> except slex apparently 19:01 <[Demo]> does vanilla slashem? 19:01 Running low on bullets 19:01 idk, LarienTelrunya probably knows 19:01 Tarmunora_: what is that spell you keep using with silver rays 19:01 pretty much your char's signature spell at this point 19:02 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:149251 19:02 Uh, @Tariru instead maybe? 19:02 Solar beam 19:02 oops 19:02 yeah 19:02 ahh 19:02 good damage? 19:02 was that a death trap 19:02 Yep 19:03 isn't undead lich a bit redundant 19:03 I was just about to say that! 19:03 Perhaps in slex a regular lich isn't undead somehow. 19:03 You got dead lich, you got undead lich, you got lichen 19:04 oh god... finally 19:04 the neighors kid is gone 19:04 neighbors 19:04 <[Demo]> well you found your altar 19:04 hah 19:04 <@Jendic> this is it? 19:04 slex giving all it's got 19:04 for the record - i've been adminning while 2 6 yr old girls are screaming at me to watch them do their monana dance 19:04 for this last stretch 19:05 assuming he can get through the astral elementals 19:05 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Death, on T:149268 19:05 <@Jendic> must've missed the priest's name in the spam 19:05 that was Mog (neutral), right? 19:05 <[Demo]> yeah 19:05 oh Tariru is fleeing 19:05 so, full astral tour :( 19:05 left altar I guess 19:05 <[Demo]> so now u know its the last one 19:05 <@Jendic> 😄 19:05 <[Demo]> unless it isnt 19:05 <[Demo]> because slex 19:05 hah 19:05 <[Demo]> jokes on u slex never ends 19:05 <@Jendic> grand tour best tour 19:05 hah [Demo] 19:05 <[Demo]> honestly that would be a pretty good prank 19:06 <[Demo]> and no one would know 19:06 Tariru officially Captain Slow 19:06 after slex sac amulet, you go back to level 1? 19:06 @le? Astral elemental 19:06 astral elemental (E) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold disintegrate shock poison acid petrification magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: special | AC: 2 | Attacks: 4d4 touch random breath, 4d4 engulf random breath | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amorphous, phases, breathless, mindless, unsolid, regenerates, stalker, vegan 19:06 wow that's a low levle 19:06 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Famine, on T:149292 19:07 <[Demo]> whipping out the big guns 19:07 <@Jendic> why not? 19:08 I thought Tariru had already whipped out the big guns. Literally. 19:08 victory in sight 19:08 you can do it! 19:08 history in the making 19:08 <@Jendic> don'tchokedon'tchokeDON'TCHOKE 19:08 prepare for giant group nerdgasm 19:08 <@Tone> Only a keystone kop stands in their way 19:09 Kop blocked 19:09 there we go 19:09 <[Demo]> ha he died 19:09 Well fuck me 19:09 <@Jendic> WAAAAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!! 19:09 <[Demo]> by ascending 19:09 nice Tariru!! 19:09 legendary 19:09 <[Demo]> still a death 19:09 <@Tone> 'grats Tariru 😄 19:09 Do you want your possessions identified? 19:09 !!!!!!!! 19:09 <[Demo]> ur iinsane dude 19:09 <@nemoj> Congrats, Tariru! 19:09 <[Demo]> like ur actually insane 19:09 <[Demo]> like what 19:09 Congrats! 19:09 !gt Tariru 19:09 grats! 19:09 <[Demo]> that games not winnable 19:09 hdf scoreboard will actually have a zscore entry for slex 19:09 Gratz Tariru ! 19:10 <@Jendic> Tariru confirmed for GOAT 19:10 Longest NetHack streak in existence. Ascends slex on the first try. 19:10 let's hope DYWYPI doesn't crash 19:10 !goat Tariru 19:10 Tarmunora_'s goat runs up and headbutts Tariru in the arse! Baaaaaa! 19:10 FIQ: yeah that's what I'm afraid of 19:10 god that monster list 19:10 <[Demo]> im surprised it hasnt 19:10 why does the monster list list things you killed 0 of 19:10 <[Demo]> because they generated 19:10 aosdict: probably killed or created 19:11 1 asian girl :( 19:11 14 watchers 19:11 never forget 19:11 not bad 19:11 <[Demo]> who has the champagne? 19:11 and no other games, heh 19:11 K2: his 30th Planes was similar 19:11 * K2 has his rum 19:11 "You eaten 1375 times" 19:11 I have orange soda? 19:11 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha), 63204460 points, T:149309, ascended (with the Amulet) https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tariru/slex/dumplog/1520798174.slex.txt 19:11 !!!! 19:11 OFFICIAL! 19:11 YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT WORKED :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D 19:12 <[Demo]> yeyeyeyey 19:12 NICE 19:12 Nice. 19:12 Thanks everyone. 19:12 \o/ 19:12 but come on Tariru , not even 1bill points??? 19:12 Tariru: so how was slex overall 19:12 <[Demo]> wild 19:12 And especially K2 for fixing my game. 19:12 <@Jendic> !beer Tariru 19:12 @Jendic: It's your shout! 19:12 CONGRATULATIONS TARIRU!!!!!! You are the new champion of SLEX!!! Now ascend an ironman bleeder please. :) Just kidding! 19:12 FIQ: It was loooong. 19:12 !asc Tariru 19:12 aosdict: Tariru has ascended 1 times in 1 games (100.00%): slex:1 (100.00%) 19:12 wow, congrats tariru! 19:12 Tariru: my pleasure to assist 19:12 Tariru, you man. 19:12 <[Demo]> tariru are you a robot? 19:12 perfect quote, too!!! 19:12 The man. 19:12 Tariru: are you going to do a YAAP 19:13 if he doesn't LarienTelrunya will 19:13 FIQ: YA*F*AP! :D 19:13 I'm sure he will 19:13 she, even 19:13 <@Jendic> aw jesus that dumplog goes on for miles 19:13 <[Demo]> k2 doesnt have room for movies anymore because of that dumplog lol 19:13 lol 19:14 Yes, and answering no to the Show every monster you killed over 300 levels still makes the game show you every last one of them. 19:14 lol 19:14 LarienTelrunya: fix 19:14 FIQ: Not sure if I'm creative enough to write an interesting one. 19:14 Tariru: given how slex... is 19:14 so whats left? 19:14 FIQ: yes, on my to-do list 19:14 I'm sure it'll be fine anyawy 19:14 <[Demo]> im so confused 19:14 *anyway 19:14 it would be an interesting read 19:14 to see how slex played 19:14 <[Demo]> right 19:14 from one who never got past castle 19:14 Tariru is the only person in the known universe with a 100% slex ascension rate 19:14 <[Demo]> i want some insight into the circuitry 19:15 <[Demo]> also the only person to ascend the extra long new version of slecx 19:15 Also the only non-amy person to ascend slex? 19:15 also the only person besides the variant author to ascend it 19:15 I mean, LarienTelrunya will eventually get around to that. 19:15 <@Jendic> only person besides the dev to ascend, ever 19:15 !booze Tariru 19:15 * Beholder passes Tariru a fifth of booze, replicated by FCCBot at 2 degrees Celsius. 19:16 <@Jendic> !booze Tariru 19:16 * Beholder hands Tariru a shot of moonshine, distilled by FCCBot at 147 degrees Fahrenheit. 19:16 drink that shit 19:16 Tariru: you know what you have to do now? Make a bitching variant to force LarienTelrunya to ascend it!! 19:16 Tariru: my roommate (who's currently sitting next to me) says "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!" ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 19:16 I find the fact that there were no failed attempts more impressive than being "the only non-amy" 19:16 <[Demo]> im so confused still 19:16 <[Demo]> like how 19:16 <[Demo]> genuinely how 19:16 thats german for 'i just had a nerdgasm watching you ascend slex' 19:16 patience and determination 19:16 <[Demo]> it doest seem possilbe 19:16 [Demo]: aosdict: Maybe Tariru is the reincarnated spirit of all our failed attempts 19:17 aosdict: me too 19:17 especially with slex'... particular design goals 19:17 I did source dive a bit so that I wasn't completely blind. And I also massively overprepared for that endgame. 19:17 clearly LarienTelrunya didn't succeed there 19:17 what aosdict said 19:17 <[Demo]> right but still 19:17 it can still be won realibly by skilled people 19:17 <[Demo]> its still slex 19:17 :P 19:17 <[Demo]> the rng will still fuck you... i thought 19:17 first attempt, ascends 19:17 what if... Tariru IS the RNG? 19:17 <[Demo]> i guess slex isnt actually absolute shit when it comes to playability 19:17 <@Jendic> he is the GOAT 19:18 Tariru: so what now, are you going to streak? :P 19:18 lol 19:18 Hah. 19:18 Maybe. 19:18 oh god 19:18 ;D 19:18 he said maybe 19:18 <[Demo]> good lord 19:18 well, the absolute shit part is the one where it gives trickery segfaults on the planes, I definitely have to fix that 19:18 Tariru: you should go for kotw in junethack 19:18 nobody else would be able to pull it off and include slex 19:18 that's at the top of my to-do list now 19:18 I think it would take a lifetime to get a 60 game streak in slex though. 19:18 Tariru: dont attempt slex again until amy fixes all of the major bugs 19:19 K2: ^^ I'll have to do quite a bit of bug hunting now. 19:19 <[Demo]> im still so fucking confused 19:19 <@Jendic> K2: you kidding? he's just become her top beta tester 19:19 heh [Demo] 19:19 <[Demo]> shit just doesnt add up 19:19 [Demo]: RNG manipulation? 19:19 @Jendec I cant be on call that long to go through another slex asc ;) 19:19 err @Jendic 19:20 Tariru, impressive work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvUL28Skt6E 19:20 <[Demo]> i guess? 19:20 [Demo]: If you honestly suspect something is off, I encourage you to watch ttyrecs 19:20 <[Demo]> i dont know 19:20 <[Demo]> ive watched him play segments though 19:20 I assume it's all legitimate though 19:20 Given how he plays 19:20 <[Demo]> i have good faith 19:20 generally 19:20 I don't suspect something would be off, it's too long of a playthrough 19:20 oh hey Grasshopper - fire up a game of xnethack. aosdict included a fix especially for you ;) 19:20 <[Demo]> but im so confused how you do that well 19:20 yes, definitely legitimate 19:20 FIQ: it would take too much of the month to ascend slex, given it's so much longer now. 19:21 aosdict: yeah that is my suspicion 19:21 [Demo]: as I said, endless amounts of patience and determination 19:21 and playing skill of course 19:21 which is why I try to keep telling bhaak to get slex off multivariant trophies :P 19:21 LarienTelrunya: is the turn limit still in effect? 19:21 Unless you could play full-time. 19:21 Tariru - get a sponsor 19:21 <[Demo]> is that really how shit works? 19:21 well it's june... some might be on vacation 19:21 K2 Ok,ok, I'll do it just stop twisting my arm so hard.... :P 19:21 but why would you play nethack 19:21 in that time 19:21 lol 19:21 :P 19:21 Lorskel: Yes, his limit was 325050 and he ascended on 149309, so plenty of time left. 19:21 Nice, all I wanted to know. 19:22 [Demo]: FWIW I think slex might be the only variant hosted in junethack that *doesn't* have the RNG patches 19:22 to make RNG manip infeasible 19:22 K2: in irssi his nick shows up as "Grasshoppe". Just thought I'd mention it. 19:22 :P 19:22 hahah 19:22 I actually could have done that one wishless. 19:22 oh yeah LarienTelrunya 19:22 <[Demo]> did you switcher wish? 19:22 you should address that 19:22 Only wish I used was for a switcher, which I squandered. 19:23 <[Demo]> quality of life is important 19:23 FIQ: yes, I don't know how though 19:23 [Demo]: yeah but Tariru didn't even use it properly iirc? 19:23 Yeah, I used it after hitting an MC trap, but apparently getting your MC reduced to 0 isn't a nasty trap. 19:23 which is what he meant with squandere 19:23 d 19:23 <[Demo]> oh 19:23 <[Demo]> damn 19:23 LarienTelrunya: ask people around here for help, they should know what to do 19:23 I don't really know the details 19:23 okay 19:24 aosdict: the only grasshoppe i know plays nethack 19:24 but tomorrow, I should have gone to bed over an hour ago ;) 19:24 <[Demo]> yeah this was quite the event 19:24 in my irssi, he's grsshopper 19:24 er 19:24 grasshopper 19:24 Yeah in my irssi he's Grasshopper too. 19:24 for me he's 8+9Grasshopper 19:25 because grasshoppers are green 19:25 <[Demo]> im gonna go do some stuff and hope i return less confused 19:25 in this case a little red from swimming at the beach :D 19:25 <@Jendic> he's showing up as <@Grasshopper> 19:25 Tariru: anyway congrats mate, you've inspired me to play. 19:25 <@Jendic> Imma go get some food myself 19:26 okay, time for bed; Tariru: masterfully played! and thanks for your patience when the stupid crash bugs struck! K2: a thousand thanks for hosting slex, recovering the crashes and all the other nice things you do! everyone else: thank you too, I love you all! good night and may the RNG be with you! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 19:26 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:26 aosdict: did you pull the apply change in getobj 19:26 <@Jendic> G'night, amy 19:26 so raisse can be happy 19:26 Again. 19:26 gnite Amy 19:26 night Amy 19:26 god this rum tastes so good 19:27 !booze Tariru 19:27 * Beholder hands Tariru a pint of Bundy rum, distilled by the /dev/null/oracle at 49 degrees Fahrenheit. 19:27 @Tone next week i'm in FL 19:27 Thanks Lorskel. 19:27 gnite Amy! 19:27 I should probably be going to sleep soon myself, so thanks again everyone. 19:28 night Tariru 19:28 gnite Tariru and well played! 19:28 Now you just have to asc dnhslex 19:28 Night man 19:28 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:28 * Lorskel revs up 19:28 Tariru still hasn't ascended gh, sp, 4k, fh afaik 19:28 * Lorskel lost his configs 19:28 FIQ: yes 19:29 he has? oh ok 19:29 hm no... 19:29 FIQ: no, re: the getobj pull 19:29 <@Tone> K2 Nice! I'm still up for beers or whatever if you have some free time 19:29 oh lol 19:29 ok I see 19:29 cool 19:29 so K2 will get it once he updates xnh 19:29 @Tone hell yeah 19:29 to 0.1.1 19:30 we're on 0.1.1 now 19:30 ah 19:32 <@Tone> Cool, just let me know when 😄 19:32 https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/slex-zscores/ 19:32 @Tone we fly out on the 19th we'll be around hanging with friends for a few days before hitting magic kingdom 19:32 pm me your number before i leave 19:32 i'll call ya 19:33 we should do a livestream 19:33 see how many time si can die in 30 min 19:33 <[Demo]> 30 19:33 <[Demo]> u can tell cause its the number of minutes 19:33 heh 19:33 <[Demo]> also cause u like to play grunt 19:33 <@Tone> haha we can do a live stream if you really want to 😄 19:34 hell yeah! that'd be fun 19:34 <[Demo]> and the bulk of grunt play is death 19:34 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 19:37 :) 19:38 i 2 streaked grunthack once 19:38 <[Demo]> i streaked 2 deaths 19:38 <[Demo]> and then i gave up 19:38 rofl 19:38 <[Demo]> i was gonna prepare for junethack 19:38 <[Demo]> but i never got around to it 19:39 junethack is in 2 months 19:39 plenty of time left 19:39 <[Demo]> nope 19:40 K2: slex z-scores are missing nondefault roles/races 19:40 <[Demo]> i have so much irl shit i need to get done between now and june that i shouldnt play a single game of nethack 19:40 FIQ: feel free to add them 19:40 hmm 19:40 I am not going to I think 19:40 :) 19:40 K2: what would have happened if Tariru ascended one such role 19:40 i'd add just that one 19:40 ahh 19:40 heh 19:40 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Scorpius, on T:45242 19:40 -!- Lorskel has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:40 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Ran Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:45244 19:41 ok uno time! 19:41 <[Demo]> go fish 19:41 * FIQ gives K2 a +4 20:13 -!- mcw has quit [Quit: sleep] 20:21 [Demo]: https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/blob/master/tilesets/util/tiletool.pl 20:22 (This is the version that works with NH4. There's also a NH3 version floating around in my pastebin someplace, I think...) 20:22 <[Demo]> hmmm 20:23 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 20:23 Yeah, I think this might be the nh3 version: http://jonadab.jumpingcrab.com/pastebin/983.txt 20:23 There may also be a Slash'EM version _somewhere_. 20:23 Not certain about that. 20:23 -!- rikersan has quit [Client Quit] 20:24 Do note that tiletool.pl _assumes_ your terminal supports 24-bit color. 20:24 It would be possible to get it to fallback to 8-bit color mode, but I haven't bothered. 20:24 jonadab: Thoughts on Tariru's historic slex ascension? 20:24 aosdict: This is the first I've heard of it. 20:24 He ascended? 20:24 <[Demo]> you missed it by 30 minutes or whatever 20:25 <[Demo]> maybe an hr now 20:25 Is he going to go for a streak? 20:25 <[Demo]> he said 20:25 <[Demo]> "Maybe" 20:25 jonadab: Also, I sort of envision a similar tool for maps, which [Demo] wants. Not written in Perl though. 20:25 jonadab: proof: 20:25 !asc Tariru 20:25 aosdict: Tariru has ascended 1 times in 1 games (100.00%): slex:1 (100.00%) 20:25 aosdict: That wouldn't be terribly hard to do. 20:25 <[Demo]> im afraid for myself 20:25 I mean, I've already got soko2des.pl 20:25 Which is less interactive, but. 20:26 <[Demo]> i need to document my variant creator idea 20:26 <[Demo]> because its sinful 20:26 Yeah, I am thinking of something interactive. 20:26 <[Demo]> and i hate it and dont wanna talk about it 20:26 Where you can edit the map as you go, and it tries to show in color, and can export to a des file MAP. 20:26 Hmm. https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ascended.all.html <-- I don't see a Slash'EM Extended category there. 20:26 <[Demo]> i think one day ill make a web map editor 20:26 <[Demo]> hopefully that day is far 20:27 aosdict: Sure. 20:27 Makes sense. 20:27 Lots of games ship with a map editor. 20:27 Terminal based of course. 20:27 Sure. 20:27 No reason it shouldn't be. 20:28 I started work today on python code that I'll eventually use to test out new level gen algorithms. 20:28 <[Demo]> ugh 20:31 <[Demo]> https://pastebin.com/dehQskxX 20:34 [Demo]: Add a web-based tiles editor. 20:35 Bonus points if you implement it using an image map. 20:36 And have a "randomize" button that draws a random tile. 20:38 <[Demo]> i dont support the usage of tiles 20:39 <[Demo]> or the usage of web interfaces 21:06 -!- mpt| has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:11 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:37 -!- grumlin has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:41 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 21:41 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 21:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 21:44 Beholder updated (support for xNetHack 0.1.1) 21:49 <[Demo]> getting free shit is just getting debt 21:51 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:16 !tell tariru congrats!!! 22:16 Will do, Elronnd! 22:16 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 1554 points, T:3321, killed by a raven 22:17 ok so we will definitely have one 0.1.1 player now 22:17 \o/ 22:17 bouquet: get to Gehennom! It's much different now! 22:17 !who 22:17 K2: [hdf-us] No current players 22:17 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:17 hmm 22:17 yeah 22:17 one sec 22:23 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 22:23 -!- karatkievich.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 22:23 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 22:23 !ping 22:23 K2: Pong! 22:24 !who 22:24 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:24 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:24 hmm what am i missing 22:24 !who 22:24 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:24 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:35 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 22:35 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 22:35 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 22:35 !ping 22:35 K2: Pong! 22:35 !who 22:35 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] k2 [xnh] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:35 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:35 \o/ 22:35 i'm still on 0.1.0 22:35 CGB is on 0.1.1 22:38 So version bumps shouldn't really happen very often, is what I'm seeing. Too much confusion. 22:44 no its not too much confusion 22:44 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: No route to host] 22:44 i just edited beholder so it will handle version changes more gracefully 22:44 less editing 22:45 !who 22:45 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:45 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:46 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 22:46 -!- weber.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ aosdict's new variant xNetHack (beta) is now live! 22:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 22:46 !who 22:46 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] k2 [un] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:46 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:46 there we go 22:47 did some small tweaks on dgl side to correspond 22:47 easier now all the way around 22:47 !who 22:47 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] k2 [gh] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 22:47 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 23:03 !who 23:03 K2: [hdf-us] Luxidream [dyn] k2 [sp] ChiefGreyBush [xnh] 23:03 K2: [hdf-eu] k2 [dnh] 23:03 sweet 23:04 cleaning this up, found a small error with extrainfo for dnethack on the eu server 23:04 fixed that too 23:04 awesome 23:05 now i can go to bed 23:05 gnite :P 23:07 * aosdict zaps a wand of sleep at K2 23:30 [hdf-us] [dyn] one-eyed sam dating simulator (Luxidream) (Sam Hum Fem Law), 51006 points, T:40193, killed by Ashikaga Takauji 23:33 <@luxidream> I'm so bad at nethack 23:33 <@luxidream> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 23:33 yes, aaaaaaaaaaaaa would be a valid reason for losing at nethack a lot 23:36 <@Jendic> people need reasons now? 23:41 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 23:48 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 23:58 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 23:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ