00:03 Manticores are terrifying. 00:06 [hdf-us] [dyn] Nunya (vergessen) (Con Orc Mal Cha), 109 points, T:795, killed by a newt 00:08 "thou hast done me well" sounds wrong. Like ursula le guin's example of "whithersoever thou goest there also I goest" 00:08 s/done me well/done well 00:14 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: *poof*] 00:28 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) killed the Master of Thieves, on T:39831 00:44 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:44 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:29 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:45 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:61791 02:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:27 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:27 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:36 Elronnd: but "thou hast" is actually the correct form 02:36 ^ /me 's evil twin 02:36 er 02:36 * raisse 's evil twin ^^ 03:11 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:62645 03:12 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:62657 03:36 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:63403 04:09 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:34 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:59 heh 05:00 deadly gas spores 05:11 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:14 !lastgame Demo 05:14 FIQ: Message from aosdict at 2018-04-01 19:15 EDT: With the way movement points are allocated, putting a "did you move" check on the code that grants you bonus actions means that you could theoretically walk up to something, having just banked a bonus action or two, and hit it a few times. 05:14 FIQ: Message from aosdict at 2018-04-01 19:16 EDT: However, it doesn't work to put this check on the code that deducts movement points either - because then bonus movement points due to polyself will be removed as well whenever you do something that isn't move. 05:14 FIQ: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/D/Demo/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-30%2021%3A03%3A30%2C%20nerfhowbadiam-Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20died.txt 05:32 -!- tubs has joined #hardfought 05:32 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 05:34 !who 05:34 FIQ: [hdf-us] Grasshopper [nd] 05:34 FIQ: [hdf-eu] winsalot [fh] tubs [dnh] elenmirie [xnh] Raisse [xnh] 05:34 ah 05:42 ah 05:43 ? 05:43 I haveno idea, I'm hungover and not thinking straight. 05:44 ah 05:50 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:55 The watchman is killed! You hear someone beseeching Huhetotl. 05:56 temples are nice 05:56 this is a crossaligned temple (and anyway I'm a priestess) 05:56 (of Quetzalcoatl) 06:22 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:32 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:32 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 06:42 Elronnd: 343-statuscolors would forever lock the variant into being Linux-only and tty-only. 06:43 Well, my branch of the variant. 06:56 :o An Arch-Lich mask and a ring of polymorph. 06:56 Fun times ahead! 07:02 Elronnd yeah I can have a look 07:03 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:05 <@Winsalot> So wands can have negative number of charges now? 07:06 <@Winsalot> bug? 07:06 yes 07:06 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/430322152940634112/Screenshot_2018-04-02_14-06-23.png 07:06 not a bug 07:06 <@Winsalot> how? 07:06 if its a negative value, you can never recharge it 07:07 <@Winsalot> oh, ok 07:07 was cancelled most likely 07:07 <@Winsalot> yeah, I canceled the dude who was carrying it 07:13 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:14 not true 07:14 cancelled wandscanbe recharged 07:14 must be a fh only thing 07:14 no... 07:15 also, zapping monster wll not cancel their inventory 07:16 hmm 07:18 might as well be forever 07:18 i wouldnt waste a scroll of charging on most wands that were -1 07:19 tat s becuseyou wouldn't use it if it was 0 either 07:22 <@Winsalot> So, Im at the wizard's tower. Still have 2 wishes 07:22 -!- APic has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:22 <@Winsalot> Really nervous because before this the furthest I ever got was castle 07:22 <@Winsalot> Don't even know what to expect in those planes 07:23 when I ascended 07:24 my prevous bestwas sokoban 07:24 <@Winsalot> nice. 07:25 <@Winsalot> watching MTF's ascension right now, to be prepared πŸ˜ƒ 07:25 heh 07:25 <[Demo]> when I ascended my previous best was choking to death on an owlbear corpse on dlvl3 with the amulet 07:25 @mtf would behappy to know 07:27 <@Winsalot> Does FIQhack not let you choke on food? 07:27 <@Winsalot> Because it never happened to me 07:27 it does 07:27 but NH4 issafer 07:27 <[Demo]> it makes it a hell of a lot harder 07:28 <@Winsalot> btw, Im thinking about wishing for summon nasty spell 07:28 you only choke if you take a 1st bite while oversatiated 07:28 <@Winsalot> not sure if it's a good idea, but I know it's a fun one 07:28 and you will always know when you are close to, or at, that point 07:29 because you will aveahard time gettng down something 07:29 you can go on with tht food then, it s safebut the next one mght kill 07:30 <@Winsalot> btw, will I be fine with 130 HP? 07:30 <@Winsalot> MTF had 300 πŸ˜ƒ 07:30 that is really low 07:30 <[Demo]> yeah 07:30 Oh no. 07:30 phase spidersare assholes 07:30 Yes. 07:30 ht and run and high AC 07:31 teleports alloverthe place 07:31 There were 4 of them on a river level and I couldn't find the upstairs. 07:31 I was doing not terribly for once :( 07:31 <[Demo]> i have had some really bad experiences with phase spiders 07:31 <@Winsalot> I guess I need intristic teleport control then 07:31 <[Demo]> like spending half an hr trying to fight them off with cosmos and shape the wind 07:31 if you want easymode while learning dnh 07:31 <[Demo]> and flying over a river 07:31 play half dragon monk 07:32 <[Demo]> half dragon monk isnt even that easy compared to some of the things u can do 07:32 <[Demo]> like ana inc 07:32 <[Demo]> or inc binder 07:32 <[Demo]> well 07:32 ana s weird 07:32 <[Demo]> inc binder is a bit harder cause u gotta know things 07:32 at least mon hlf uses normal nethck mechanics 07:32 <[Demo]> yeah, fair 07:32 <[Demo]> hlf are slow though 07:33 <[Demo]> 10, not 12 07:33 I like pets! 07:33 but monks 07:33 <[Demo]> and that could be pain 07:33 Troubadooooor 07:33 are reallystrongerlygme 07:33 like 07:33 outside dnh craziness 07:33 Tbh it's not the difficulty of the role, it's the lack of thinking and pausing on my part :) 07:33 monk earlygame is the easiest 07:33 <[Demo]> i dont fuck with the bard role 07:34 <[Demo]> need an easier way to tame at the beginning of the game 07:34 I got a magic harp early-ish 07:34 and Half Dragon means you get a good pet throughout 07:34 tubs: dnh and fh are best for pet wrangling 07:34 good thing you play dnh 07:34 <[Demo]> i would argue dnh is best because you can actually interact with their armour and such 07:34 I'm quite liking dnh, it feels like nethack, but with more stuff. 07:34 <[Demo]> i am really glad fh lets u desaddle ur steed 07:35 Not like a totally different game 07:35 demo 07:35 But I am super bad because I have 0 patience, still, I have fun so! 07:35 you can control pet equipment in fh 07:35 <[Demo]> oh you can now? 07:35 not directly 07:35 but yes 07:36 they will prefer what you throw them 07:36 <[Demo]> i found some strange bug with dnh pet item catching but i forgot it 07:36 and if you want escape items 07:36 you can stuff wht you wanttem to use na bag 07:37 and give them 07:37 <[Demo]> my pets are never the most intelligent 07:37 healing items 07:37 remove curse 07:37 you can even let them enchant ther stuff 07:37 <[Demo]> genocide 07:37 FIQ: I don't think the ramifications of declaring "all speed applies only to movement, all non-movement things zero your movement points" is a workable system. 07:38 aosdict: PMD uses it 07:38 what is PMD 07:38 Mystery Dungeon 07:38 Oh, do you have to use conflict to get pets to attack always-peaceful in dnh? 07:39 yes 07:39 <[Demo]> yes 07:39 or anger them 07:39 I suppose I could just live with "all non-movement things cancel out magical speed bonuses", despite the fact that that's slightly abuseable 07:39 <[Demo]> unlike fh 07:39 <[Demo]> where if you anger them the pet is still retarded 07:39 <[Demo]> and wont fight it 07:39 If I anger and the pet kills it's not murder right? 07:39 it will 07:39 <[Demo]> isnt murder. 07:39 ut level restrctons still apply 07:39 <[Demo]> fiq what is the base level of a green dragon? 07:40 <[Demo]> and what is the base level of an aligned priest? 07:40 The other option is adding extra stats to track whether your extra actions come from speed trinsics or from polyself. 07:40 same as vanilla 07:40 <[Demo]> does it matter that the dragon came from poly? 07:41 @v)green dragon 07:41 @v>green dragon 07:41 <[Demo]> like he was a little dog or something but got the poly into a green dragon 07:41 ffs 07:41 anyway idk 07:41 why 07:41 <[Demo]> he wouldnt fight the priest 07:41 <[Demo]> even after i threw a rock at mr priest and he started trying to kill me 07:41 <[Demo]> and he was perfectly healthy 07:42 @v?green dragon 07:42 green dragon (D) | Lvl: 15 | Diff: 20 | Spd: 9 | Res: poison | Confers: poison | MR: 20 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: -1 | Attacks: 4d6 breath drain str, 3d8 bite physical, 1d4 claw physical, 1d4 claw physical | Alignment: 6 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, thick hide, oviparous, seeinvis, poisonous 07:42 @v?aligned priest 07:42 aligned priest (@) | Lvl: 12 | Diff: 15 | Spd: 12 | Res: shock | Confers: nothing | MR: 50 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 4d10 weapon physical, 1d4 kick physical, 0d0 cast clerical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 07:42 poly mght matter 07:42 cannot check atm 07:42 <[Demo]> ok 07:42 on phlne 07:43 were you riding him 07:44 <[Demo]> nope 07:45 ok 07:45 I don't want to complain, but if I had to, screw you Huan Ti! 07:45 <[Demo]> stormhelm is great :P 07:45 <[Demo]> I can see wanting premium heart though :P 07:46 Aye, Hammerfeet are pretty poo though right? 07:46 <[Demo]> yes but they could be useful early game 07:46 <[Demo]> just to kick shit away from you 07:47 True 07:47 <[Demo]> unfortunately monks dont get a kick attack like they should in dnh 07:47 <[Demo]> might try to ghetto that onto ndnh 07:49 I found a blade dancer's dagger in a shop, which is somewhat exciting, but I am absolutely terrified of the new K in dnh so I'm not sure if I am going to steal it. 07:49 <[Demo]> you'd die at this point and it wouldnt do you any good 07:49 <[Demo]> that weapon sucks, useless for a monk 07:49 The spear is ok isn't it? 07:50 ime vampires can deal wth K from level 1 07:50 <[Demo]> I could see using the spear early game with some roles maybe 07:52 <[Demo]> hmm, i need to figure out how to get AT_KICK player attacks to act the same as kicking shit as the player 07:53 symmetry 07:53 :) 07:54 <[Demo]> fuck 07:54 <[Demo]> dokick.c is a thing 07:54 yes 07:55 <[Demo]> guess im doing a bit of a kicking rework 07:56 I still get the d(dex/2) bonus in dnh though right? 07:56 And I guess that is 2x from the Hammerfeet 07:56 Which means it's like.. d7+d6 x2, which isn't *terrible* 07:57 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) entered the Rogue tribute level, on T:11743 08:00 <[Demo]> hmm it seems chris already reworked kicking 08:02 Blah. I take it back though, hammerfeet are quite interesting, it seemed like the knockback robs the enemy of movepoints, so if you get them into a wall you can just smash away at them without them responding. 08:02 Like foot-jousting. 08:02 Fousting. 08:07 <[Demo]> "You miss the grid bug. You kick the grid bug. You kick the grid bug. You kill the grid bug! You kill the grid bug! dmonsfree: 1 removed doesn't match 2 pending--More--" yey i forgot a break 08:08 <@Winsalot> master wand of secret door detection is reliable way to find portals? 08:08 yes 08:08 <@Winsalot> nice 08:08 <@Winsalot> thank god 08:09 <@Winsalot> This problem solved then 08:09 you ahve to be in range though 08:09 (I don't know what the range is, exactly, but the wiki will) 08:09 <@Winsalot> "master Reveals hidden things on the entire level " 08:09 if the wand balance patch is in use, master wand skill shows everything on the level 08:10 <@Winsalot> range is entire level πŸ˜‰ 08:13 <[Demo]> i hate ghettoing shit 08:14 <[Demo]> so what level of martial arts should grant a bonus kick attack? 08:14 <[Demo]> grand master? 08:16 <[Demo]> "You hit the leprechaun! You kick the leprechaun. The leprechaun is thrown backwards by the force of your blow! Your cold-iron shoes sear the leprechaun's flesh!" yey 08:21 it could read my Elbereth the first time, but not the second 08:23 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 08:25 -!- Tariru_ has joined #hardfought 08:28 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:29 <@Winsalot> btw, does magic missle work on Death? 08:29 afaik yes 08:38 <[Demo]> nice 08:38 <[Demo]> that's ur best armour right there 08:39 I'll never complain ever again. 08:39 Does two-weaponing while not wielding anything do more damage as a monk? 08:40 I like it that touchstones are in the hardware store 08:43 <[Demo]> yes, you get to hit twice 08:46 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 08:46 <[Demo]> whats uarm? 08:48 I think uarm is your body armor?\ 08:48 <[Demo]> ahhhh yeah 08:48 uarms is shield, uarmh is helm, uarmg is gauntlets... 08:49 <[Demo]> ok this works well enough as in it hasnt crashed yet therefore it works 08:50 YASI: if you are wielding a bow and have arrows quivered, you can #nock one, which spends a turn and doesn't fire it, but causes the next fire command to not use up a turn. 08:51 But it doesn't multi-fire, the free shot just fires the one nocked arrow. 08:51 And by "free" I mean sunk cost. 08:52 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:55 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 09:01 <[Demo]> why does the shitty explode code work the way it does 09:01 <[Demo]> like typing done by a modulus 09:01 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:05 jonadab: thinking about adding random rooms to the maze generation code, do you think it'd be better to place them first and generate the maze around them, or slap them down on top of the generated maze? 09:05 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 09:09 <[Demo]> that's some slex shit to do 09:18 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 09:20 aosdict: Depends what effect you want. Note that if you slap them on after, you disrupt the maze and either create loops (if you put a corridor around the outside of the room or put entrance doors everywhere possible) or make the maze discontinuous. 09:20 Yeah, generating before the maze seems like the way to go, probably. 09:21 I think before I actually start coding anything, I'm going to have to go through mkroom.c, mklev.c, and mkmaze.c adding documentation to each function because oh god why is there nothing telling anyone what they actually do. 09:23 Hmm, should probably do that in my 361-dev fork so I can make it a pull request. 09:23 aosdict: you're reading 1.x code 09:23 one of the oldest parts in the codebase 09:23 <[Demo]> ha get 1.xd 09:23 <[Demo]> i will never touch that shit 09:23 while plenty of places has been "modernized" over time 09:23 level eneration hasn't really 09:23 FIQ: because nobody knows how to refactor it perhaps :-) 09:24 <[Demo]> nh4 does im sure 09:25 no 09:25 the code is almost completely untouched in nh4 09:25 or completely, not sure 09:25 <[Demo]> oh wow 09:25 well 09:26 indentation changed 09:26 since NH4 made all indentation consistent 09:26 but other than pure formatting changes 09:26 nothing else changed 09:26 4k, un and spork 09:26 has messed with that code 09:27 the explosion code? what's the matter with it? 09:29 explode.c has a more consistent indentation than most of the code 09:30 bhaak: I am talking about level gen code 09:30 Not explosion code 09:32 <[Demo]> Im talking about the explosion code and how it seems to limit to only 10 types of explosions the way it is set up 09:32 The maze gen code is particularly hard to follow. 09:32 Oh no. I am just awful. 09:32 Well, no, actually, the special level (des/lev) code is much harder to wade through. 09:33 Room/corridor code is not too bad. 09:33 Relatively speaking. 09:33 ironic. 09:35 but maze code should be the simplest to follow... 09:35 pretty sure maze generation is far eaiser than room and corridor generation 09:36 jonadab: how did the adjustment of the rldev post go 09:39 [Demo]: you are referring to (abs(type) % 10) ? something like that is used in several places. there's possible places where type is a negative number. assuming a specific ordering of things, no compilation error if you change it and such shit. 09:41 I think the abstype thing is an artifact of buzz 09:42 it looks almost like that but the types don't match 09:42 <[Demo]> buzz? 09:42 <[Demo]> it would be a bitch to change it all 09:42 <[Demo]> guess who doesnt feel like doing that? :P 09:43 buzz has "magic missile, fire, cold, sleep, death/disintegration, lightning" 09:43 explode has ..., oh, you are right. it has "magic missile, fire, cold, [missing], disintegration, lightning" 09:44 i didn't notice that the case statement for sleep was missing. 09:45 [Demo]: well, the right way to do it would to refactor it first. so that it no longer needs a certain ordering of ints but something type safe. 09:45 [Demo]: someone on the nh4 team (might've been dtsund, might've been coppro, I forget which) attempted to rewrite buzz() at one point. Did not finish. 09:46 <[Demo]> why would i waste time refactoring :P 09:47 a good refactoring is worth its time :-p 09:47 [Demo]: Right, what you need to do, is fix the bug where a thrown weapon can pass unimpeded between two diagonally adjacent long-worm segments. 09:47 if you never wanna change that code, then of course you don't need to 09:47 THat is clearly the most important thing. 09:49 <[Demo]> that is a very serious issue 09:50 <[Demo]> why refactor when i can just ghetto in special casing 09:53 -!- jonadab has quit [Quit: leaving] 09:53 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 09:53 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v jonadab] by ChanServ 09:58 <[Demo]> what should be done to healer to make it less ass? 09:58 bleeding 09:58 make it *cause* bleeding 09:59 bhaak: I may have asked you this before, but would the DT consider a pull request that just adds documentation in the form of comments above functions? 09:59 <[Demo]> thats not very healy 10:00 <[Demo]> i think im gonna go for a really wild mix of various healer shit from various games 10:02 aosdict: I think you already asked but I'm not sure if or what I answered. but I think that would be accepted 10:03 <[Demo]> oh hmm chris gave healers a quarterstaff to start with 10:04 <[Demo]> i dont like that 10:04 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3427 10:05 I love "some watery tart" 10:05 :) 10:08 <@Winsalot> so this Rodney, do I wanke him up gently, or with a wand of death? 10:09 give him a gentle tap with a quarterstaff of mercy 10:11 heh 10:11 monty python for the win 10:11 How come I am burdened when I mount my large pseudodragon even though I'm unburdened when I'm walking? 10:11 [Demo]: give healers a stack of blessed eucalyptus, and buff pets. 10:11 jonadab: I don't think [Demo] is going for class differentiation or balance here 10:11 <[Demo]> they arent a pet role 10:12 <[Demo]> i think im gonna go for a pacifist role actually 10:12 Healer is *the* pet role. 10:12 <[Demo]> not in dnh 10:12 Which, yes, also makes it the pacifist role. 10:12 <[Demo]> they are gonna be like slashem koalas in ndnh i think 10:12 <[Demo]> at least earlier game 10:12 Oh, dnethack. Dunno. 10:12 tubs: that may be a bug 10:12 <[Demo]> late game they should be fine with the staff and all the self healing they can do 10:13 <[Demo]> and the pets they can build up 10:13 <[Demo]> tubs ive talked to chris about this 10:13 <[Demo]> fuck him and fuck his riding policy 10:13 <[Demo]> basically dnh uses your steeds carrying capacity as yours when you ride it 10:13 <[Demo]> which means you can get unlucky and get a particularly bitchy giant eagle 10:13 <[Demo]> and it isnt even usable as a steed 10:13 <[Demo]> chris says it isnt a bug 10:13 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Durin's Bane, on T:19776 10:17 Ah so I justr need to #loot all its junk maybe... *tests* 10:18 No, even worse. 10:19 Ugh; the grown up forms aren't even strong (currently large pseudodragon) 10:20 <[Demo]> no its junk doesnt matter for its carrying cap you get 10:20 <[Demo]> its fucked and sick and twisted and really fucks over anyone that thinks they are gonna ride 10:21 Is the cap random or something? 10:22 I thought it was based on size and MB_STRONG (and maybe flying)? 10:24 <[Demo]> flying doesnt help unfortunately, might be size based idk 10:24 <[Demo]> its something chris did that makes no sense 10:24 <[Demo]> and he doesnt want to accept that it makes no sense 10:24 <[Demo]> and its a pain in the ass 10:24 <[Demo]> therefore i have to be a dick about it 10:25 Well I'm in your camp, doubly sucks because I'm a knight. 10:25 Should at least special case starting steed ._. 10:27 <@Winsalot> Can I throw away bell, book and candelabrum once I enter sanctum? 10:27 Polymorph doesn't last forever in dnh right? 10:28 <[Demo]> for whom? 10:28 <[Demo]> items and monsters it lasts forever 10:28 <[Demo]> yourself, no, not unless you have unchanging 10:29 [Demo] or tubs - if you have the know-how, perhaps look at the dnh code, and put forth apull request that fixes the code so steeds assist with your carrying capacity 10:30 that would probably go over a lot better than 'fuck this blah blah blah' 10:30 <[Demo]> i dont want results, i want to be angry 10:30 <[Demo]> but yeah good idea 10:30 [Demo]: so would zapping my large pseudodragon with a polywand be a or? 10:30 <[Demo]> I wouldn't 10:30 <[Demo]> just tame some random ass dog or cat with food and zap that 10:31 Is ki-rin still the go-to late game steed? I found a magic lamp. 10:31 <[Demo]> giant eagle is 10:31 <[Demo]> but the problem is steeds arent for late game in dnh 10:31 <[Demo]> like honestly that lance is real nice but you are really limited to carrying capacity if you decide you want a steed 10:32 Ah 10:32 -!- Blastin_in has joined #hardfought 10:33 Will have some fun 10:33 Will die anyway because I have no pause button :) 10:35 -!- Blastin_in has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:40 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:95973 10:41 <@Winsalot> @FIQ have segfault on eu-hardfought. 10:42 <@Winsalot> Used summon nasty inside sanctum on vrok. 10:51 FIQ ^^ 10:52 Did something just crash? 10:52 My game just ended and couldn't be recovered. 10:52 one sec 10:52 server is fine, prob just your specific game 10:53 lemme try and recover 10:53 @Winsalot - I sent FIQ a pm with a link to your saved game 10:54 tubs you play on eu server correct? 10:54 this is 2018, does nethack really need to be doing >> 1 to divide numbers by 2 10:54 Yessir. 10:54 aosdict: think of the cycles!!!1 10:54 ok... heh was looking on us server 10:55 tubs: any compiler worth its salt will optimize / 2 into >> 1 anyway :) 10:55 I hoped my "!!!1" was enough to show my sarcasm :x 10:56 tubs - no recover files, however there's a backup of your last save 10:56 april 1st 8:30pm UTC 10:56 Good enough for me! Thanks. :) 10:56 Wait that is ages ago? 10:56 last night 10:56 Eh, leave it, will start again, but now I hate steeds so it's OK. 10:57 you dont want to continue your game? 10:57 even if its back a ways? 10:57 That is about 50 characters ago! :p 10:57 oh geez 10:57 I am really, really bad at this game. 10:58 Still enjoy it though 10:58 learning curve for dnethack is high compared to vanilla 10:58 I'm terrible at vanilla! Took me 4 years to ascend for the first time. 11:00 pff, 4 years. 11:01 there are people that needed decades to ascend for the first time 11:01 took me about 20 yrs on/off 11:01 <[Demo]> dnethack learning curve is funny 11:01 <[Demo]> it exists 11:02 <[Demo]> but u only need to climb the first bit and u can skip the rest with how op some shit is 11:02 and my 2 ascensions playing local i dont really count, because I save-scummed the hell out of those games 11:02 so really, my 1st ascension on NAO is truly my first legit ascension 11:03 <[Demo]> i ascended vanilla slashem before vanilla nethack 11:04 Trying to recreate my glory days. Alas. 11:05 I quite like vanilla slashem (other than doppelgangers), but I find slex too "overwhelming" if that makes sense? 11:05 thats putting it lightly 11:06 <[Demo]> slex is nuts 11:06 <[Demo]> i like vanilla slashem doppelganger 11:06 Just feels so much stronger than any other race. 11:07 <[Demo]> yeah its fun 11:09 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed can of grease", on T:23013 11:10 bhaak: the hardest part of this is going to be forcing myself not to refactor stuff while I'm looking at it 11:10 mz_move. It's a macro that should really be a function. And it can call panic! 11:11 <[Demo]> ha 11:12 <[Demo]> i would never refactor anything ever 11:12 kernel planic? 11:18 <@mtf> @Winsalot hey cool man πŸ˜„ You watching the arc win? I had a lot of fun with that game 11:18 <[Demo]> should healing explosions make a blast? 11:20 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Marvin, on T:97274 11:20 <[Demo]> @le?Marvin 11:20 Marvin (X) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 13 | Spd: 10 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d3 weapon drain con, 1d1 touch shock | Alignment: 0 | Flags: metallivore, nopoly 11:21 <[Demo]> very dangerous 11:21 <@mtf> healing explosions should totally make a blast 11:21 <@mtf> but a healing blast 11:21 <[Demo]> sorry i meant noise 11:21 <@mtf> oh 11:21 <[Demo]> just seems like it wouldnt be very loud? 11:21 <@mtf> well, yea 11:21 <@mtf> all explosions are loud 11:22 <[Demo]> giving healers crossbows and syringes that cause healing explosions 11:22 <[Demo]> that pacify things that get caught in them 11:22 <[Demo]> so now they can not be shit 11:23 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:44123 11:26 <@april_fools_name_here> YASI: 'healing blast' spell, it's basically just fireball but with healing instead of fire 11:26 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 11:27 <[Demo]> im thinking of letting extra healing do healing blasts at skilled and up 11:27 <@rikersan> I think that's a bad idea 11:29 <@rikersan> YANI: extra healing, cure sick/blind are now the same spell (and lvl 6) 11:30 <@kritixilithos> do shopkeepers get angry at you for casting healing on them? 11:30 <@rikersan> extra healing is basically now a unicorn horn (that cures sliem as well) 11:30 <@rikersan> nope kritixi 11:30 <@rikersan> just tested 11:31 <@rikersan> go tubs go 11:32 <[Demo]> god this is dumb 11:32 <@Tone> Extra healing already cures blindness even 11:33 <@Tone> Cure blindness is borderline useless 11:33 <@Tone> I'm not sure if I've ever used it 11:33 <@rikersan> yeah 11:33 <@rikersan> I've already suggested that be merged into extra healing 11:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:45871 11:34 <[Demo]> extra healing has its place 11:34 <@rikersan> but cure blindness doesn't 11:34 <[Demo]> so does restore abil in variants that nerf unihorn 11:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45872 11:34 <[Demo]> merge cure blindnessand cure sickness 11:34 <[Demo]> cure malady 11:34 <[Demo]> acts like unihorn 11:34 <[Demo]> without the restoreabil 11:35 healing only cure others' blndness 11:35 K2: not at home 11:36 ok 11:36 <@rikersan> [YANI for the collector] 11:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:621 11:38 <[Demo]> hmm this syringe healing pacifying thing probably breaks the healer protection racket 11:41 <@rikersan> yes 11:45 xnh makes cure blindness not randomly generate (this is a stopgap measure) 11:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 7630 points, T:1580, killed by a bolt of lightning 11:45 <@rikersan> i got the priest tho 11:46 <[Demo]> good job 11:46 <@rikersan> ty demo <3 11:54 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha) received Orcrist from Huan Ti, on T:1617 11:54 great gift 12:03 <@rikersan> !lastgame tubs 12:03 @rikersan: [hdf-us] No last game for tubs on this server. 12:03 @rikersan: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tubs/dnethack/dumplog/1522682271.dnh.txt 12:03 <@rikersan> rip 12:03 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:45885 12:05 rip indeed, I had a shield of reflection too, but no 1h weapon with it :( 12:05 <@rikersan> rip 12:07 -!- mpt| has quit [] 12:14 <[Demo]> i like how ndnh changes are just reused code 12:14 <@rikersan> demo is there an online version of ndnh? 12:15 no 12:15 it is still a baby 12:16 notredyfor thebig and scary world 12:16 of nethack servers 12:16 <[Demo]> yeah 12:17 <[Demo]> we're still trying to turn crossbow bolts into syringes over here 12:20 <[Demo]> ok now ive balanced healer in a way so stupid no one else would or ever will do it 12:20 <@rikersan> how.. 12:20 <[Demo]> they start with a crossbow bolt and some syringes 12:20 <[Demo]> when they shoot shit with a syringe it does fuck all damage 12:20 <@rikersan> crossbow bolt and some syringes? 12:20 <@rikersan> or a crossbow 12:20 <[Demo]> it also causes a healing explosion 12:21 <[Demo]> crossbow oops 12:21 <[Demo]> no crossbow bolts 12:21 <[Demo]> but when shit gets caught in the explosion it is pacified 12:21 <@rikersan> huh 12:21 <[Demo]> like made peaceful 12:21 <@rikersan> is amy here 12:21 <[Demo]> so they shoot shit with their crossbow syringes and they get turned peaceful in the blast 12:21 <[Demo]> but thats not all 12:22 <[Demo]> cause the healer can also take crossbow bolts they find laying around 12:22 <@rikersan> !tell LarienTelrunya so how long is gehennom exactly in slex? I want to know how much longer tariru needs to keep doing this >_> 12:22 Will do, @rikersan! 12:22 <[Demo]> and turn them into syringes 12:22 <@rikersan> how? 12:22 <[Demo]> #monster 12:22 <@rikersan> dipping into pot of helaing? 12:22 <@rikersan> oh nice 12:22 <[Demo]> choose s option 12:22 <[Demo]> pick some bolts 12:22 <[Demo]> get to do it for free 12:22 <@rikersan> sounds like a use for #technique really 12:22 <[Demo]> theres no techniques 12:22 <[Demo]> this is dnh 12:22 <@rikersan> ik 12:22 <[Demo]> i keep trying to use #technique 12:23 <[Demo]> when testing it 12:23 <@rikersan> lol 12:24 <[Demo]> anyway i cant imagine how easy this is gonna make the protection racket 12:27 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Wendy O. Koopa, on T:99653 12:27 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots", on T:46867 12:27 <@rikersan> @le?wendy o. kooba 12:27 wendy o. kooba ~1~ Wendy O. Koopa (@) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 33 | Spd: 16 | Res: sleep disintegrate poison petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 2d6 weapon physical, 2d6 kick physical, 2d6 trample amulet steal, 2d6 spit level drain | Alignment: -13 | Flags: omnivore, phases, nopoly, stalker 12:28 <[Demo]> i think slex goes 100 deep 12:28 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 12:28 <[Demo]> get the amulet 12:28 <[Demo]> then climb up the wizards tower another 100 to get shit imbued 12:28 <[Demo]> then go back down and then back up and then win 12:28 <@rikersan> is it exactly 100? 12:28 <@rikersan> hm ok 12:28 <[Demo]> I think 12:28 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed crystal pick", on T:46873 12:29 <[Demo]> whats a crystal pick? 12:29 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed rustproof +2 Magicbane", on T:46873 12:30 -!- Winsalot has joined #hardfought 12:31 <[Demo]> im kind of surprised by the lack of artifacts named after tf2 weapons in modern variants 12:31 My solution to the protection racket is to scale protection costs based on how many times you've already purchased protection. 12:31 -!- Winsalot has quit [Client Quit] 12:31 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 12:32 [Demo] crystal pick is unnethack/dynahack only 12:32 lighter faster much stronger fooproof pick 12:33 you can either obtain one by clearing sheol or by wishing for it 12:34 <[Demo]> ahh lighter 12:34 great weapon for an arc if they get an early wish 12:35 they do a lot of damage and are one handed 12:35 <[Demo]> oh nice 12:35 <[Demo]> offhand for grays? 12:35 sure 12:35 <[Demo]> hmm how do i justify adding a crossbow artifact for healer 12:36 <[Demo]> oh wait they dont even get a first sac gift 12:37 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:46340 12:39 go hothraxxa! 12:40 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: *poof*] 12:40 -!- tubs has joined #hardfought 12:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Famine, on T:46364 12:43 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Death, on T:46382 12:45 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) averted death, on T:100094 12:48 [hdf-us] [un] ranlhach (Tou Hum Mal Neu) killed Durin's Bane, on T:47946 12:49 I just built a tower for my own little wizard! :3 12:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2728847 points, T:46396, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/xnethack/dumplog/1521998502.xnh.txt 12:49 \o/ 12:50 well that was weird 12:50 Congrats :) 12:50 ty 12:50 Mortal, thou hast done well! 12:50 my altar had no attending high priestess of tyr 12:50 there was a high priestess but not one of tyr's 12:50 i suspect one of my works got her 12:51 er worms 12:51 Possible. 12:51 also, on the plane of water, i dropped a scare monster scroll and just waited 12:51 EPI: that blanks the scroll. 12:51 It really should. 12:51 dropping anything in plane of water gets it wet 12:52 well the portal wasn't showing up 12:52 so i looked down... 12:52 and i was standing on it 12:52 no idea how long 12:52 wut 12:52 but that shouldn't happen 12:52 can happen, I think 12:53 well it was on the other side of the plane when i entered 12:53 if the bubbles merging randomly moves you onto the portal, I don't think it checks that 12:53 yeah i'd call that a bug 12:53 it'd be a 3.6.1 bug in that case 12:53 certainly 12:53 I assure you I am NOT touching the bubble code. 12:53 *cough*fix&pr*cough* 12:54 aww c'mon you know you want to 12:54 noooope 12:54 anyway my dwarf valk could cast taming at the end 12:54 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:54 i didn't but i could have 12:55 after i reached about xl14 i just read all uncursed spellbooks. not a one failed and i was only in:13 most of the time 12:56 i even learned cancellation 12:56 valks don't gain much power as they level up, but i used mm a lot 12:58 aosdict: What you should do is make the bubbles on the Plane of Water be lit, and the non-bubble areas not be lit. 12:59 Or, rather, make the light outside the bubble fade 3-5 turns after the bubble leaves that tile :-) 13:01 <[Demo]> i think im gonna pull another unique retard move 13:01 <[Demo]> im gonna combine some 3.6.0 shit with some slashem shit 13:01 i'm not sure there's any fixing water. it just plane sucks. 13:01 [hdf-us] [slex] Tmasher (Zyb Ven Fem Law), 5804 points, T:2996, killed by a shotgun shell 13:03 hah 13:03 plane sucks 13:04 <[Demo]> i wonder how overpowered it is to be able to pacify demogorgon with the weapon you start with 13:07 [hdf-us] [slex] Tmasher (Und Wis Fem Neu), 538 points, T:492, killed by a monster (cat zombie) 13:16 hothraxxa: You should try to make a spellcasting barb and tell me whether it's too easy. 13:17 hothraxxa: The only Planes that really work as designed are Air and possibly Astral. 13:17 I've yet to see a Planes Overhaul proposal that I really completely agree with; but it's clear that something is needed. 13:17 Though it should be considered a lower priority than Gehennom. 13:18 hmm, isn't anyone playing xnh barbarians? 13:19 <[Demo]> barbs are objectively bad 13:19 <[Demo]> why? they probably arent. i just wanted to say they were. 13:19 If barbarians can spellcast too easily, I might drop their base spellcasting bonus into the negatives. 13:20 Currently it's 0. 13:21 i'm 2 for 13 with barbarians 13:21 i don't really recall much about them 13:22 Currently, they are basically vanilla: valks with Cleaver instead of Excalibur and cold resistance. 13:22 <@Winsalot> @FIQ , sorry to bother, but when are you gonna be home? Really want to continue my ascension run 13:24 cleaver + poison resistance, no? 13:24 and ir if i go with orc 13:24 Oh yeah that too. 13:27 <@rikersan> rip tubs 13:27 <@rikersan> !lastgame tubs 13:27 @rikersan: [hdf-us] No last game for tubs on this server. 13:27 @rikersan: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tubs/dnethack/dumplog/1522688875.dnh.txt 13:27 Picked up a lodestone, but was kinda mad at myself for the ice paramental :( 13:28 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:28 Not my proudest moment. 13:29 -!- oh6_ has joined #hardfought 13:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6_] by ChanServ 13:31 No, that was my least proud. 13:32 <@rikersan> hey tubs if you like dwarf nobles 13:32 <@rikersan> try dwarf knights 13:32 <@rikersan> much more fun quest but you do have hte align penalties 13:32 <@rikersan> (smaug and bolg, QA is amazing) 13:32 I don't like knights because steeds are so awful. 13:32 <[Demo]> digout is cool 13:32 hey hackers 13:32 <@rikersan> dwarf knight doesn't use one tubs 13:32 <@rikersan> start with a dog/cat 13:33 <[Demo]> pickaxe you can invoke to place random lit dynamite all over the level 13:33 i need help rekindling my enjoyment in nethack 13:33 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law), 1083 points, T:2983, killed by a giant bat, while praying 13:33 it's been awhile since i've played nethack for more than 5 minutes on an old save 13:33 But isn't the whole knight's schtick that you are riding? 13:33 <@rikersan> yep 13:33 <@rikersan> dwarf knight isn't tho 13:33 I will try one after this! 13:33 <[Demo]> have u ever seen a dwarf on a horse/? 13:33 <@rikersan> you're retaking the lonely mountain 13:33 <@rikersan> (and then fighting bolg) 13:33 <@rikersan> dwarf noble is mines of moria 13:34 <@rikersan> iirc your quest leader for dwa kni is thorin oakenshield 13:35 Ahh cool 13:38 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Firingnir, on T:102122 13:39 <@rikersan> @le? Firingnir 13:39 Firingnir (&) | Lvl: 60 | Diff: 72 | Spd: 16 | Res: fire disintegrate poison petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 4d10 weapon lava, 4d10 weapon lava, 4d10 hug lava, 4d10 passive lava, 4d10 breath fire | Alignment: -20 | Flags: omnivore, seeinvis, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous 13:41 I keep forgetting I can #loot pets to grab the stuff they picked up, I love that feature. 13:41 <@rikersan> yep 13:41 <@rikersan> in shops too! 13:41 <@rikersan> free stuffs 13:43 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha) received advice from The Oracle, on T:7705 13:44 <[Demo]> man ndnh is actually getting productive shit pushed to it today 13:44 <[Demo]> how wild 13:44 <@rikersan> i'm so happy for you 13:44 <[Demo]> time to make vampire less impossible to play 13:45 <[Demo]> by taking a slashem concept of ice/flame mage alternate forms 13:45 <[Demo]> and getting those froms from 3.6.0 13:45 <@rikersan> no please 13:45 <[Demo]> so u can turn into a wolf and eat meat 13:46 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:8365 13:46 <[Demo]> oh cool i have no idea how to do this 13:47 <[Demo]> not sure how to get starting race 13:48 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:48 <[Demo]> !whereis Tariru 13:48 [Demo]: [hdf-us] Tariru [slex]: No details available 13:50 <[Demo]> wait Role_if can handle that what 13:51 dnh vampire race seasy 13:51 and OP 13:51 <[Demo]> really 13:51 <[Demo]> maybe im just bad at it? 13:51 yes 13:51 yes 13:51 <[Demo]> i only ever play ana vamp though 13:51 <[Demo]> so that might be the reason 13:51 tinningg kit 13:52 <[Demo]> u dont just get a tinning kit 13:52 <[Demo]> its a big travel to get one and if u dont go fast enough u starve 13:52 <[Demo]> or die otw there cause ur bad 13:52 oh you dont 13:52 ok 13:52 then yeah 13:52 <[Demo]> uh hmm 13:52 ana V might be hard 13:53 <[Demo]> now i gotta play a damn dnh guy 13:53 if you don't get a Tinning Kit 13:53 <@rikersan> fiq yeah it's hard af without tinning 13:53 <[Demo]> oh shit you do wtf 13:53 <@rikersan> it's pretty easy if you grind the miens for one 13:53 @Winsalot easter midday with relatives 13:53 <@rikersan> you can sometimes eke a living on gnomes 13:54 <[Demo]> man how am i just so bad 13:54 [Demo]: what a noob 13:54 <[Demo]> ok so 13:54 <[Demo]> ah fuck it 13:54 <[Demo]> its getting the forms 13:54 <[Demo]> for "flavor" 13:55 <@rikersan> which ones/ 13:55 <@rikersan> fog cloud and vamp bat? >_> 13:55 <[Demo]> no, wolf and vamp bat 13:55 <[Demo]> fuck fog cloud 13:55 <@rikersan> lol 13:55 <@rikersan> idea 13:55 <@rikersan> you get each form at a level 13:55 why wolf 13:55 <@rikersan> xp lvl 5: fog cloud 13:55 <[Demo]> thats a thing 13:56 wolves are dumb 13:56 <[Demo]> i thought about doing that rikersan 13:56 <@rikersan> 10: vamp bat (but buffed maybe?) 13:56 <@rikersan> 15: wolf 13:56 <[Demo]> wolces can eat corpses 13:56 also 13:56 <@rikersan> bruh you can call me riker 13:56 vamp race already has bat form 13:56 <@rikersan> i don't get pings from rikersan so 13:56 <@rikersan> :p 13:56 <[Demo]> oh shit true 13:56 <[Demo]> what no it doesnt 13:56 <@rikersan> yes it does 13:56 it does 13:56 <@rikersan> any polytrap makes you a vamp bat 13:56 <@rikersan> literaly just zap or quaff poly 13:57 <[Demo]> thats dumb 13:58 dnh is dumb 13:58 <[Demo]> thats from slashem though or wherever 13:58 -!- oh6_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:58 no 13:58 vanilla 13:58 <[Demo]> ok thats the wherever 13:58 <[Demo]> thats just where slashem got it from 13:59 Dwight time 13:59 After I get some foods. 13:59 <[Demo]> tubs i feel like youd like anachrononaut 13:59 I am scared that it is *too* different? 13:59 he's winding you up, tubs 13:59 I am not clockwork!!! 14:00 <[Demo]> anachrononaut is just a game of vocabulary 14:00 <[Demo]> once you get the vocabulary down (knowing what the dumb new items do) its pretty easy 14:01 jonadab: ...no? 14:01 slex has statuscolors, yet it works on windows (the main dev uses exclusively windows!) and said statuscolors work fine in curses mod3e 14:01 *mode 14:02 yes 14:02 but partilly 14:03 unless using my curses tweaks 14:04 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 14:08 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha), 49686 points, T:10162, killed by an ochre jelly 14:10 rikersan what is this? Am I even a knight if I can't cast spells? :o 14:11 <@rikersan> yes 14:11 <@rikersan> you are 14:11 <@rikersan> since your quest artifact isn't hte same anymore but it's still amazing 14:11 <@rikersan> so you're a tank now not a paladin 14:12 I see! 14:12 I have an axe so I guess it's all ok. 14:12 <@rikersan> AND MY AXE! 14:14 Oh oh 14:14 <@rikersan> oooh nice 14:14 I have no idea what to do now. 14:14 <@rikersan> LIMITED MOON 14:14 <@rikersan> blessed fixed +3 full limited moon 14:14 <@rikersan> make sure you include 'full' 14:15 <@rikersan> it's a silver artifact battleaxe, does 2d12 to all, 2x damage and silver 14:15 <[Demo]> barb is kinda op as fuck 14:15 <[Demo]> oh well 14:15 <[Demo]> like i should nerf barb in ndnh 14:15 <[Demo]> but like do i really wanna do that 14:15 Will chaotic not blast me? 14:15 <@rikersan> it will 14:15 <@rikersan> but only when you wield it/pick it up 14:15 <@rikersan> well, actually what lvl are you 14:15 <@rikersan> >_> 14:16 1! 14:16 <@rikersan> oh damn 14:16 <@rikersan> hm 14:16 <[Demo]> fuck, i dont know if i actually want to add a wolf form 14:17 <@rikersan> tubs may be a good idea to wait a bit until you're a decent level (to wish limited moon) 14:17 <@rikersan> since you definitely want that (depiste chaotic) 14:17 Indeedly. 14:17 Is there anything I should wish for in the meantime, DSM or an artifact armor? 14:17 <@rikersan> but you can wish the rest of your gear now, save your 2nd artiwish? 14:17 <@rikersan> your QA is an arti armor 14:18 <@rikersan> so maybe not armor 14:18 <@rikersan> I'd say +3 greased fixed speed boots, maybe tie-dye shirt of OP 14:18 <@rikersan> ooh maybe helping hand 14:19 <@rikersan> lawful grappling hook 14:19 for the curse blocking? 14:19 <@rikersan> and wards 14:19 <@rikersan> and actually yeah 14:19 <@rikersan> do that 14:19 <@rikersan> since you need one for your quest level 14:19 Ah like an athame 14:19 <@rikersan> (the black arrow is randomly placed in the laketown water) 14:19 <@rikersan> (you can use object detection to find it, fly over it and 'a'pply the hook downwards to fish it out) 14:20 <@rikersan> :D 14:20 I assume /oW is the same as in vanilla, i.e. it is now 1:2? 14:20 <@rikersan> well 14:20 <@rikersan> did you already recharge it 14:20 Yeah 14:20 <@rikersan> oh, did it start 0:1? 14:20 Ya 14:20 <@rikersan> but yes it would be 1:2 now 14:20 <@rikersan> 3 wishes left, 1 artiwish 14:20 So speed boots and maybe gauntlets of power? 14:20 <@rikersan> actually I'd say speed boots and maybe cloak of MR 14:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:21 Yeah MR will help with blasting damage right 14:21 <@rikersan> mines can fuck you up without mr (polytraps) 14:21 <@rikersan> tha'ts true yeah 14:21 <@rikersan> speed, MR, then save the wrest for limited moon I guess 14:21 <@rikersan> GREASED 14:21 <@rikersan> MAKE IT GREASED 14:21 <@rikersan> TUBS 14:21 <@rikersan> aw rip 14:21 <@rikersan> oh well you won't need it greased for a bit 14:22 Ah greased 14:22 Blah 14:22 <@rikersan> rip 14:23 I can smell a gnome wiz summoning a shocking sphere. 14:23 I can smell it 14:23 <@rikersan> lol 14:23 <@rikersan> do you have a bag? 14:23 smelling the future would be a very interesting ability 14:23 <@rikersan> niceeeee tubs 14:23 <@rikersan> thsi game wants you to ascend 14:24 Pressure ._. 14:25 <@rikersan> :p 14:25 WTF? dlevel 5 and 3 co-aligned altars already 14:25 <@rikersan> tubs blasting does 2d10 (with mr), so you can probably wrest now 14:26 Balls 14:26 <@rikersan> oh my god tubs 14:26 <@rikersan> are you serious 14:26 Just found another artifact... 14:26 <@rikersan> I'm speccing you :p 14:26 <[Demo]> what is it 14:26 <@rikersan> so uh yea 14:26 "RRod of the Ram" 14:26 <[Demo]> i cant figure out how to sepc 14:26 Is that a good one? 14:26 <[Demo]> oh 14:26 <[Demo]> thats a shit one yeah 14:26 <@rikersan> not really 14:26 <[Demo]> not too useful 14:26 <@rikersan> neutral mace that does knockback 14:26 <@rikersan> useful as a nymph-killing weapon tho 14:26 <@rikersan> (when your main is stolen) 14:26 <@rikersan> anyway probably wrest for limited moon now 14:27 <@rikersan> also, take off your cloak/boots and BUC those on teh altar 14:27 what is a limited moon? you only show one butt cheek? 14:27 <@rikersan> yes 14:27 <[Demo]> absolutely 14:28 <[Demo]> dude 14:28 <[Demo]> you didnt specify full 14:28 <[Demo]> holy shittn rip 14:28 <@rikersan> RIP 14:28 <@rikersan> !pom 14:28 @rikersan: The moon is full for 1 more day. 14:28 It is full moon today 14:28 <[Demo]> ohhhh 14:28 <@rikersan> OH THANK GOD 14:28 <[Demo]> nice 14:28 :D 14:28 <@rikersan> demo we both cringed right there I think 14:28 <@rikersan> n1 tubs 14:28 <[Demo]> i would never trust the moon phase to be accurate ever 14:28 So it does 2d12 x2? 14:28 +d20 silver 14:28 <[Demo]> does a fuckload i dont know enough you dont need to know, just watch shit die 14:28 <@rikersan> yes 14:28 <@rikersan> it's the most damaging weapon I think 14:29 Also note my skills how I picked it up before putting on my [mr 14:29 <[Demo]> i think the annulus does more? 14:29 <[Demo]> not sure 14:29 <@rikersan> don't think so 14:29 <[Demo]> well either way annulus is much better a weapon because its one handed and doesnt need u to have max pw to do dmg :P 14:30 <@rikersan> that's true 14:30 <@rikersan> i didn't realize that tho lol 14:30 <@rikersan> limited moon is great for dwa kni 14:30 <@rikersan> they are restricted ins pells 14:30 <@rikersan> *spells 14:30 <@rikersan> :D 14:31 You can't say I'm lucky, I got it at +0! 14:31 <[Demo]> so twilight is prety gay, right? 14:31 >_> 14:31 <@rikersan> why do you ask demo... 14:31 <[Demo]> and im pretty sure thats where wolf form for vamps in 3.6.0 came from 14:32 back home 14:32 going to look at your save @Winsalot 14:33 ok 14:34 !tell K2 Fix issue with summon nasties 14:34 Will do, FIQ! 14:34 *Fixed 14:38 All greased up! 14:39 <[Demo]> fiq ur really messing me up over here 14:39 ? 14:40 <[Demo]> I really thought i was gonna add something great for vamp but its like man, wolves are dumb 14:40 I told you 14:40 It's a really silly form 14:40 A vampire isn't a werewolf 14:40 <[Demo]> what kind of vampire form eats meat? 14:40 Bat 14:40 none 14:40 that's kinda a thing they don't do 14:41 <@rikersan> ^ 14:41 <@rikersan> tha'ts kinda the point of being a vampire 14:41 <@rikersan> tbh demo I think all you need to do is pull chris's curse changes 14:41 <@rikersan> maybe tone down silver dmg to player vamps as well 14:41 <[Demo]> nahhhhhh 14:42 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods, on T:102994 14:42 <[Demo]> see the problem is i cant actually figure out how to add a lot of shit from chris's changes so its like nah i dont really need that 14:42 <@rikersan> @le?Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods 14:42 Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods (&) | Lvl: 91 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 24 | Res: cold sleep disintegrate poison acid petrification magic drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: unique | AC: -10 | Attacks: 5d20 hug wisdom, 5d20 hug drain int, 2d10 bite drain str, 2d10 bite drain con, 12d12 breath random breath, 10d10 gaze masterblaster | Alignment: -12 | Flags: omnivore, flies, phases, regenerates, nopoly, demon, stalker 14:42 <@rikersan> damn 14:44 [hdf-us] [nh4] Diaz (TheDiaz) (Val Hum Fem Law), 27207 points, T:1464, killed by a plains centaur 14:44 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Aldinach, on T:103016 14:44 <@rikersan> oh nice 14:44 <@rikersan> @le? Aldinach 14:44 Aldinach (&) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 34 | Spd: 20 | Res: disintegrate poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: unique | AC: -20 | Attacks: 1d4 claw poly, 1d4 claw poly, 1d4 cast item steal | Alignment: -14 | Flags: swims, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 14:44 <@rikersan> @d? Aldinach 14:44 Aldinach (&) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 30 | Spd: 20 | Res: poison acid drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: unique | AC: -20 | Attacks: 1d4 claw poly, 1d4 claw poly, 1d4 cast item steal | Alignment: -14 | Flags: swims, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 14:51 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:54 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Baeran, on T:103348 14:54 <@rikersan> @le? Baeran 14:54 Baeran (&) | Lvl: 18 | Diff: 28 | Spd: 18 | Res: fire sleep disintegrate petrification drain | Confers: fire sleep | MR: 95 | Generates: unique | AC: 2 | Attacks: 2d12 weapon fire, 6d6 kick sticky, 4d4 hug fear | Alignment: 10 | Flags: omnivore, thick hide, nopoly, demon, stalker, lithivore 14:56 <[Demo]> time to sift through ndnh commit messages and try to put together a meaningful changelog to make it actually playable 15:01 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) killed Orcus, on T:66355 15:06 Heh, just went str 15->18/02 from a single spinach 15:06 <@rikersan> nice 15:06 <@rikersan> lol tubs reminder, elbereth is useless in dnh :p 15:06 <@rikersan> doesn't even exercise anything 15:06 <[Demo]> yooo i should add this great thing i had a dream about 15:06 <[Demo]> not if ur an elf 15:07 <@rikersan> he's dorf 15:08 Muscle memory 15:08 I screwed this sokoban up so bad ._. 15:08 Bye by eluck! 15:09 <@rikersan> wands of tele work 15:09 <@rikersan> also note that amulets of reflection won't work on smaug 15:09 <@rikersan> scrolls of resistance will tho 15:10 <@Tone> That Shub-Niggurath sounds insane 15:10 <@rikersan> yes 15:11 Let's not get ahead of ourselves, quest is miles away! 15:12 Did they disable monster gen for sokoban> 15:12 <@rikersan> no 15:12 <@rikersan> only gens in teh last room th 15:12 <@rikersan> tho 15:13 <[Demo]> i somehow got it to ghetto off in the void using something similar to soko 15:13 <[Demo]> on the first level of soko with no last room there is no monster gen 15:15 hi 15:15 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 15:15 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-04-02 14:34 EDT: Fix issue with summon nasties 15:15 ok 15:15 I hate mimics ._. 15:15 At least I could just get to that one 15:15 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: *poof*] 15:16 <@rikersan> lol 15:16 -!- tubs has joined #hardfought 15:16 sokoban? 15:16 <@rikersan> yep 15:16 <[Demo]> fuck sokoban 15:16 <@rikersan> ^ 15:16 <[Demo]> im gonna remove it right now actually 15:16 <[Demo]> wait shit i should replace it with some sort of trial by fire kinda deal 15:16 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 15:17 @Winsalot ^^ 15:17 <[Demo]> i dont even know what trial by fire even means, it just sounds cool 15:18 <@Winsalot> Oh yeah 15:18 <@Winsalot> time to die! 15:18 <[Demo]> whats the most radical and gnarly thing in nethack? 15:18 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Stella, on T:104344 15:19 <@rikersan> @le?stella 15:19 Stella (;) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 18 | Spd: 12 | Res: disintegrate petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 70 | Generates: unique | AC: 2 | Attacks: 2d7 weapon physical, 2d8 kick rot, 5d5 touch wrap | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, swims, amphibious, mindless, nopoly, stalker, vegetarian 15:20 Erf, why would my ogre mage pet go invis when I don't have see invis? 15:21 <[Demo]> cause its stupid 15:21 <@rikersan> tubs: reasonsβ„’ 15:21 <@rikersan> bagoban? nice 15:22 No, got the bag from random drop in mines 15:22 Got "oR now 15:22 <@rikersan> ah nice 15:23 <@rikersan> not gonna name teh amuelt? loll 15:23 <@rikersan> *lol 15:23 Named! 15:24 <[Demo]> yo, rolling boulder traps and landines are pretty cool, right? 15:25 <@rikersan> !tell LarienTelrunya yasi: the shub-naguth black goat dude can spawn in soko, behind a door, asleep (reference to monty hall) 15:25 Will do, @rikersan! 15:26 <[Demo]> whats a good name for a sokoban replacement branch based on being cool? 15:26 <@rikersan> cooloban? 15:26 <@rikersan> pushyrocky? 15:27 <@Winsalot> " You notice a black glow surrounding you." 15:27 <[Demo]> i want something with both radical and gnarly in it that isnt too long 15:27 <@Winsalot> What exactly is the cause of this 15:27 <[Demo]> rodney 15:27 <[Demo]> u killed him 15:27 <[Demo]> hes haunting u 15:27 <@rikersan> he cursed yer stuffs 15:27 <@Winsalot> btw, thanks FIQ 15:27 <@Winsalot> ok 15:27 As long as it isn't replaced by another by-rote bit Demo 15:28 Otherwise it is just Wikiban :( 15:28 <[Demo]> no its just gonna be explosions and cool shit 15:28 <[Demo]> and then the last level will be a fight or something idk 15:28 <[Demo]> first level might just be pet day care 15:29 <[Demo]> so just no pits, no boulders 15:29 <@rikersan> tubs if yuo don't mind lugging a mummy wrapping, you can eat stalker corpses while invisible to get see invis 15:29 <@rikersan> find a temp means of invis (or a perm one) and eat the corpse 15:30 Yeah I had a ring, was tempted 15:30 Omg pet day care with no taming timeout would be so good. 15:31 <[Demo]> thats how it works in dnh 15:31 Even if you had to pay to collect the pet later whatever the price like 1zk/10 turns or something 15:31 Ah 15:31 <[Demo]> for free 15:31 I like free! 15:31 <[Demo]> me too 15:31 How do I get past these sunflowers? 15:31 <[Demo]> are they scorching you or blinding you? 15:31 <[Demo]> should just be able to melee them? 15:32 <@rikersan> cursed light scroll or wand of darkness maybe 15:32 <@rikersan> they don't do anything in the dark 15:32 <[Demo]> shadowlander's torch 15:32 Will ignore for the moment. 15:32 This is the bit where I usually die 15:32 the mini-castle thing 15:33 <@rikersan> NO 15:33 <@rikersan> oh thank god I thought that was the master mind flayer room 15:33 No I found that out once the hard way!!! 15:33 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:47666 15:34 Oh no he is loose!!! 15:35 <@rikersan> run 15:35 <@rikersan> you have speed boots 15:35 Wait is tubs at R'lyeph? 15:35 !who 15:35 FIQ: [hdf-us] TheDiaz [nh4] ttc1401 [slex] Tariru [slex] Wolfechu [nd] nowayhome [un] krm26 [xnh] bouquet [xnh] hothraxxa [xnh] 15:35 FIQ: [hdf-eu] winsalot [fh] tubs [dnh] 15:35 oh eu 15:35 <@rikersan> no, neu quest 15:35 <@rikersan> entrance 15:36 Ahh that's what that is 15:36 Oh that's the auton room 15:36 <@rikersan> master mind flayer and some deep(er) ones 15:36 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:48236 15:36 <@rikersan> he escaped tho 15:36 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:48236 15:36 <@rikersan> the portal is around hte outside tubs 15:36 err floor 15:36 <@rikersan> in the trees/pools area 15:36 not room 15:36 law quest has the chaotic zoo 15:36 <@rikersan> yea 15:36 <@rikersan> tubs: good luck! 15:36 <@rikersan> (leaving now) 15:37 Thanks for thehelp, good night! 15:37 @d?phase spider 15:37 phase spider (s) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 13 | Spd: 12 | Res: poison | Confers: poison | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: -3 | Attacks: 2d8 bite drain dex, 2d4 claw teleport, 2d4 claw teleportation | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, phases, conceals, oviparous, teleports 15:37 tubs: they can appear at your depth and level 15:37 enjoy 15:37 Thanks :D 15:38 14 or 12 for quest in dnh by the way? 15:38 not sure 15:39 Oh no 15:39 I did a bad. 15:39 @Winsalot welcome to FIQHack endgame 15:39 enjoy the CM spam 15:40 I am crying a little bit now. 15:40 <@Winsalot> Yeah, I will spam charm monster back at it πŸ˜ƒ 15:40 that's what I don't like about dnh 15:40 sudden deaths 15:40 out of nowhere 15:40 Monsters hit hard! 15:40 Though to be fair I was in the crypt 15:40 Didn't think he'd hit *that* hard 15:41 @Winsalot if you haven't artiwished and have spare wishes, consider MKoT 15:41 half physical damage would help you a lot with that crappy HP 15:41 max HP that is 15:41 <@Winsalot> Hm, have no wishes right now 15:41 also lategame reflection is kinda eh in fh 15:41 [hdf-us] [slex] ttc1401 (Pok Ang Mal Law), 55348 points, T:5548, killed by a monster (Vlad the Impaler) 15:41 I'd wear LS myself, but I love LS 15:41 most others don'Γ€t 15:41 *don't 15:42 <@Winsalot> LS? 15:42 life saving 15:42 <@Winsalot> Yeah, I can spare this amulet 15:42 <@Winsalot> have 2 15:42 could always put reflection back on if it procs 15:43 <@Winsalot> Is master mind flayer untaming my pets? 15:43 possible 15:43 monsters can use charm monsters too 15:43 *charm monster 15:45 <@Winsalot> oh, I forgot that I have ring of conflict lol 15:45 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 15:45 <@Winsalot> don't want to use it just yeat with so many pets around 15:48 @tubs: Quest should be minimum 14 except for bard(troubadour) who can use a lvl>=14 pet to enter instead 15:48 <[Demo]> or gnranger 15:49 thanks! 15:50 Right, gnr is either 7 or no limit, forget which 15:51 And some you just don't want to try until a higher level (ana, drow noble, etc) 15:52 <[Demo]> i think its 7 15:52 nah ana is totally safe 15:52 easy quest 15:52 <[Demo]> yeah i was gonna say that 15:52 <[Demo]> as long as u got telepathy its the easiest 15:52 <[Demo]> just think to urself how ur gonna win and send that message out 15:52 <[Demo]> and then they all let u through and u win ur sword gun 15:54 <@Winsalot> So again, how do I remove cancellation is FIQhack? 15:54 <@Winsalot> When I cant pray 15:54 drink noncursed gain energy 15:54 read noncursed charging while confused 15:55 pray 15:55 step onto a magic trap 15:55 <[Demo]> drink a red bull 15:56 Try respawning 15:56 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: *poof*] 15:56 <[Demo]> make it so when u burn an aols cancellation goes away 15:57 -!- tubs has joined #hardfought 15:57 Stupid mac, disconnects me every two seconds 16:03 Why was he hostile to me? :( 16:03 Definitely wasn't my bones file, I don't think... 16:08 <@Tone> Probably someone else's bones 16:08 <@Winsalot> Btw, is there some artifact weapon that has cancellation effect? 16:09 Magicbane? 16:09 <@Winsalot> Supposted to be some staff 16:11 <[Demo]> yeah magicbane is a staff in fiqhack 16:12 <@Winsalot> oh, then it makes sense 16:12 <@Winsalot> OP weapon 16:13 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 16:13 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:16 <@Winsalot> if enemy has reflection, can I still poly him? 16:16 -!- tubs has quit [Quit: *poof*] 16:17 yes 16:17 reflection doesnt protect against poly 16:17 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:18 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:28 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha) became literate by reading a tin label, on T:3639 16:29 It reads: "Extra-Mushy Pea Soup". 16:29 You consume pureed floating eye. You feel a strange mental acuity. 16:30 and here i was all pissed off because i just killed two floating eyes and neither of them left a corpse 16:30 now if i just had a blindfold or towel 16:32 -!- Tariru_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:40 <@Winsalot> Yahooo 16:40 <@Winsalot> time to run! 16:44 <@Winsalot> @FIQ , another crash. But hardfought UI doesn't do crazy this time, so I'm not sure if it's segfault or something else 16:44 fire up watchmode 16:44 don't load the save 16:44 err 16:45 fire up fiqhack I Meant 16:45 *meant 16:45 <@Winsalot> just did 16:45 yeah segfault 16:45 thanks 16:45 !tell K2 need @Winsalot's save again, sorry 16:45 Will do, FIQ! 16:45 ok 16:45 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-04-02 16:45 EDT: need @Winsalot's save again, sorry 16:45 <@Winsalot> thanks for your effort guys πŸ˜ƒ 16:46 <[Demo]> nethack4 is unstable 16:46 * FIQ slaps [Demo] around a bit with a large FIQ-bot 16:46 <@Winsalot> because its newer and better 16:46 <[Demo]> i just threw that one out there for fun 16:46 FIQ - same link as before 16:47 got it, ty 16:47 ok leaving to get the kiddo 16:47 be back in a bit 16:47 <@Winsalot> me 2 afk for a while 16:47 <[Demo]> im gonna go peel lemons 16:48 !tell K2 pusahed a fix 16:48 Will do, FIQ! 16:48 *pushed 16:48 @Winsalot ^ 16:48 heh i'm walking out the door 16:48 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-04-02 16:48 EDT: pusahed a fix 16:49 i'll update when i get home 16:49 ok 16:49 see you the 16:49 n 16:49 <[Demo]> fix my attitude 16:49 take 1 min to fix bug 16:49 wait 1 h for update 16:49 :P 16:49 <[Demo]> yoooooooooooooo you know whats rad? 16:49 <[Demo]> slashem neutral quest 16:51 hahah 16:51 yeah that's perfect for you 16:51 lots of explosions 16:51 <[Demo]> thats gonna be level 1 of radoban 16:57 <[Demo]> ok cool, now to figure out what level 2 is 17:00 <[Demo]> does the level compiler thingy support generating items lit? 17:01 don't think so 17:03 <[Demo]> hmm 17:03 <[Demo]> oh gay 17:03 <@rikersan> !who 17:03 @rikersan: [hdf-us] Grasshopper [nd] bouquet [xnh] 17:03 @rikersan: [hdf-eu] tubs [dnh] 17:03 <[Demo]> i thought i could get rid of soko 2a by commenting it out 17:04 <[Demo]> im silly 17:04 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 5012 points, T:6805, killed by an ogre 17:05 <@rikersan> doens't the afk manager kick people if they've been afk for 15 minutes 17:05 <@rikersan> tubs i s afk for 50 lol 17:05 <@Winsalot> FIQ, when those crashes happen, do you edit the save, or does the whole game get recompiled? 17:05 <@rikersan> https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Hardfought 17:05 <@rikersan> lol 17:05 <@rikersan> cc k2 might want to add a bit to that 17:05 @Winsalot I fix the bug 17:05 Then your save loads as it should 17:06 NH4 writes your commands to the save, and diffs gamestates between turns 17:06 If a segfault happens, your last command has been written to the save 17:06 But not the diff 17:06 So when you reload, the game will proceed to perform the commands again 17:06 Instantly rashing the game 17:06 *crashing 17:06 This is why NH4 crashes are nearly 100% consistently reproducible 17:07 When I fix the bug causing the crash 17:07 the game will proc your commands, as usual 17:07 but since there's no crash bug... yeah 17:07 it loads 17:07 <[Demo]> why wont soko 2a die? 17:07 <[Demo]> i hate it 17:07 *no crash bug anymore 17:07 <[Demo]> why wont it ie 17:07 <[Demo]> ive commented it out in the des file 17:07 <[Demo]> and deleted its lev file 17:07 <@rikersan> why demo 17:07 <[Demo]> yet it persists 17:07 <[Demo]> cause fuck soko 2a , it has no place in radoban 17:08 <@rikersan> lol 17:08 @Winsalot the NH4 save system has allowed me to basically always be able to easily track down what caused the bug 17:08 which is like 90% of bug fixing 17:08 <[Demo]> im fairly concerned that it wont die 17:08 so then I just need to fix it 17:08 so every crash 17:08 leads to a more stable game 17:08 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 17:08 unlike NH3 17:09 <[Demo]> does anyone know how nh3 levels work 17:09 as mostly seen in dNetHack 17:09 magic 17:09 <[Demo]> like... i commented it out and it still exists 17:09 <[Demo]> and i deleted its .lev file 17:09 <[Demo]> and its like what 17:09 <[Demo]> where is this ghost level coming from 17:09 you need to recompile the nhdat 17:09 <[Demo]> you're dead 17:09 <[Demo]> oh 17:09 <[Demo]> how do i force that? 17:09 no idea 17:09 <[Demo]> delete it? 17:09 I don't dev NH3 17:09 that might do it 17:09 <[Demo]> yeah ill delete it 17:10 or rename it 17:10 less destructive 17:10 <[Demo]> just moved it somewhere 17:10 <[Demo]> looks like it didnt work 17:10 <[Demo]> ehhh but game isnt crashing and is loading 17:11 <[Demo]> ah nope rip 17:11 <[Demo]> well i mean the level is gone but something somewhere still thought it was ok to roll for it 17:12 !tell ais523 perhaps the welcome feature would make more sense to put MOTD-like stuff at 17:12 Will do, FIQ! 17:12 removed easy mode advertisement 17:12 easy mode will remain, for now 17:13 it's a red herring in a sense btw 17:13 it does a bunch of weird shit 17:13 april fools thing 17:14 it will progressively make your character more OP but eventually start summoning Archons and such 17:14 Oh, _fun_. 17:14 but you have plenty of time to ascend before then 17:14 an event every 2k turns, only at turn 20000 does things like that start to happen 17:14 and it gets worse over time 17:15 So it's really speedrun mode. 17:15 "I suggest you all give it a go, maybe it suits you better than you think. Even for those who can already play the game well normally, it could provide for a fun speedrun mode." 17:15 Speedrun mode with free buffs. 17:15 from the reddit post 17:16 at first you just died 17:16 <[Demo]> ok soko 2a is dead 17:16 at T:20k 17:16 <[Demo]> thanks 17:17 but that was a bit mean 17:17 for people who had invested in the game 17:17 so I changed it 17:23 <@Winsalot> Anyway, I guess the fix isn't active yet 17:24 <[Demo]> so i wanna do a baptism of fire level 17:24 <[Demo]> what does that entail 17:24 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:46 @Winsalot yeah k2 isn't here 18:07 <@rikersan> winsalot edits don't show up on the irc side 18:13 @le?obowoman 18:13 obowoman ~3~ cow man (h) | Lvl: 14 | Diff: 16 | Spd: 7 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 25 | Generates: special | AC: 0 | Attacks: 2d12 butt physical | Alignment: -10 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, infravisible 18:14 <@rikersan> tariru: what are you doing waiting? 18:14 Waiting for power 18:14 hi 18:14 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 18:15 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 18:15 @Winsalot ^^ 18:17 just moved roughly a cord of wood by myself. my back isnt up for those shenanigans anymore 18:17 * K2 piurs himself a stiff drink 18:17 pours dammit 18:17 piurs sounds like something ostentatious and fancy 18:19 Idea: polymorph the wood to form a wood golem, have it walk to where you want it, then have it disassemble itself into the proper pile. 18:19 @le?mina majikina 18:19 Mina Majikina (E) | Lvl: 28 | Diff: 39 | Spd: 24 | Res: cold sleep disintegrate petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 50 | Generates: unique | AC: -5 | Attacks: 5d5 non-contacting-beam cold, 3d4 cast spell, 5d5 non-contacting-beam physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, stalker, vegan 18:20 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:21 aosdict that would have saved me about an hours worth of work. and back pain 18:21 make it so number one 18:22 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed the invisible Mina Majikina, on T:106444 18:22 YANI: "Animate monster" spell that if you cast it at a pile of objects with the right total weight of the correct material, it turns them into a tame golem. 18:36 YASI+SMOP: an ability that allows you to swap minds with a monster 18:37 once FIQHack monster data and player data is symmetric enough, I kinda want to do this just to show that I can 18:37 maybe a wizmode thing 18:53 -!- ProzacElf_ has joined #hardfought 18:57 -!- ProzacElf_ is now known as ProzacElf 19:03 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 1558 points, T:2474, killed by an orc-captain 19:05 !who 19:05 Tarmunora: [hdf-us] Grasshopper [nd] bouquet [xnh] hothraxxa [xnh] 19:05 Tarmunora: [hdf-eu] winsalot [fh] 19:23 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:48288 19:28 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 3264 points, T:7550, killed by a bolt of lightning 19:29 no, killed by a wand exploding because it was hit by a bolt of lightning 19:30 i'd already found a bag of holding, a magic marker, and a magic lamp :( 19:30 nice bones for someone but watch out for the dwarf with the wand of lightning 19:38 -!- mpt| has quit [] 19:41 :( 19:41 oh and look out for the pit 19:42 i fell in and couldn't get away 19:45 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 19:46 aosdict: i found my first open door trap. as I suspected, you can't check for open door traps 19:56 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Croesus, on T:21375 20:32 hothraxxa: Hmm, you should be able to. Maybe there's a door_is_closed() there I forgot to remove. 20:33 when i check, it says the door is safely open, is that what should happen? 20:34 Ah, that's vanilla behavior and I did forget to remove that case. 20:34 ok, glad we caught it 20:35 btw what is the syntac for setting individual paranoid confirmations in my rc? 20:35 syntax 20:35 However, I'm going to say that if I make a trap that appears as an empty doorway and when you walk through it it creates and locks the door behind you, that should be undetectable. 20:36 hm. not sure why 20:36 thing is i waste a loot of time in xnh checking for door traps. it's as bad as grunthack. now you're adding open doors 20:36 I'm probably not going to make such a trap though. 20:37 (I will add the equivalent for open doors.) 20:37 granted i only need to check them if i try to close them, but usually when i'm closing a door it's a bad time to check for traps 20:38 in my previous game i found three door traps before dl3 20:38 Need to figure out some way that isn't interface-terrible to allow using the s command on doors (and boxes too.) 20:39 this minetown sucks. why did you nerf minetown? 20:40 K2: pushed a fix to door #untrap 20:41 cool 20:42 hothraxxa: if you wanna save your game real quick, gonna compile a patch that addresses the door trap bit you observed 20:42 done 20:53 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 20:53 that normally doesnt take that long... notcied some changes to include/config.h 20:53 noticed rather 20:53 hothraxxa good to go 20:54 thanks 21:00 aosdict: did this new update also include the 'cleaver tidbit' commit from march 21st (3.6.1. dev) ? 21:00 I ask because I received an error using cleaver against a long worm which generated an entry in the paniclog 21:01 but that commit from 3/21 may have addressed it 21:01 <[Demo]> ooh nice 21:02 K2: yes, I pulled from vanilla recently 21:02 ok 21:03 K2: the config.h stuff was a merge conflict involving livelog 21:03 er dumplog 21:03 yeah i saw it 21:04 i manually added the new 6 lines 21:20 aosdict: did something change in the last hour? I logged out about 60 min ago, logged back in and dungeon features aren't colored. ) and % are white when they're usually colored. So are monsters. 21:21 or is this a sokoban thing? 21:21 i patched xnh recently 21:22 but that shouldnt have affected dungeon colors 21:25 [Hothraxxa the Bandit ] St:18/10 Dx:15 Co:18 In:7 Wi:7 Ch:8 Chaotic 21:25 You begin to memorize the runes. You learn the "drain life" spell. 21:25 ya, weird. All color is gone. 21:25 a - drain life 2 attack Inf 100% 21:25 but i knows her 21:37 status colors is working, but dungeon colors are all gone. 21:37 except engravings. 21:41 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:48502 21:41 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:48528 21:42 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Pestilence, on T:48544 21:43 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Death, on T:48584 21:43 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Death, on T:48603 21:44 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:48637 21:45 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Val Dwa Mal Law), 3350114 points, T:48662, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/W/Wolfechu/nhdev/dumplog/1519048913.nhdev.txt 21:47 K2: possibility of messing up sysconf, or something? 21:47 sysconf wasnt touched 21:47 ah shit 21:47 it was lol 21:48 fuuuck why does that happen 21:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 59489 points, T:18313, killed by a lynx 21:49 that means no dumplog for that game 21:49 gdammit 21:49 fixing 21:50 is that in regard to Wolfechu's ascension or my color thing? 21:50 bouquet_: wait why do engravings show in color (I reproduced this locally) 21:50 ...why 21:50 ugh 21:50 color thing and krm26 last game 21:51 weird, huh? 21:51 the hardcoding of the color in mapglyph can't be it, because branch stair color is disabled properly 21:52 therefore I expect when I added S_engraving, there was some piece of code somewhere I didn't know about updating 21:52 should I quit playing for a while until you sort it out? 21:53 it won't affect you 21:53 especially since you *WANT* color 21:53 *NEED* 21:53 in your current game you should be able to set color in the options menu normally 21:53 whevs. I'm just reporting it. I'm glad I'm not going crazy. 21:55 so it was just that the option got unset? Or was there some other issue? 21:55 oh shoot 21:55 it *was* in mapglyph.c 21:56 bouquet_: Somehow, the sysconf got messed up when K2 reinstalled 21:56 fixed on hdf us 21:56 * bouquet_ shakes fist at K2 21:56 moving on to eu 21:56 the sysconf that has a default option of "color:off" 21:56 !who 21:56 aosdict: [hdf-us] bouquet [xnh] 21:56 aosdict: [hdf-eu] No current players 21:56 i dont understand why sysconf reverted back to default 21:56 K2: has hdf ever been completely dead? 21:56 I mean, recently. 21:57 yeah, usually around 1-3 am or so 21:57 my time 21:57 and its a monday 21:57 aosdict: why does 3.6.1 sometimes set sysconf back to default 21:57 i dont know why 21:57 bouquet_: thanks for pointing out the engraving color when color was off thing, that was a bug 21:58 K2: neither do I. I'm certainly not changing it. 21:58 i know 21:58 My pleasure. I suck at C, but I'm a great tester so I got that going for me, which is nice. 21:58 there were no changes to it in the last pull 21:59 K2: in my install script there's a cp sys/unix/sysconf command 21:59 but it's -n 22:00 er, not install script, in the output of make install 22:00 K2: not going to push this mapglyph fix right now, it would only affect people playing with !color 22:00 probably some condition where if certain include files or makefiles are edited, the sysconf reverts 22:01 ok 22:01 eu sysconf fixed 22:01 !who 22:01 K2: [hdf-us] bouquet [xnh] 22:01 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 22:03 !lastgame krm26 22:03 K2: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/krm26/xnethack/dumplog/1522675230.xnh.txt 22:03 oh good 22:03 dumplog is there 22:07 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 22:09 never seen this before: "You feel a change coming over you, but it peters out." 22:10 I don't have any means of polycontrol on. 22:10 hmm me neither 22:10 could it be I'm wearing lenses and a pyrolisk gazed at me? 22:12 no idea... never seen that msg before 22:14 3.6.1 I think 22:14 oh whoops that's actually xnh 22:15 potion of polymorph vapors 22:50 [hdf-us] [dnh] innmalint (Arc Dwa Mal Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2556 22:51 <@rikersan> !lastgame tubs 22:51 @rikersan: [hdf-us] No last game for tubs on this server. 22:51 @rikersan: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tubs/dnethack/dumplog/1522699066.dnh.txt 22:51 <@rikersan> k2: request for beholder command, current run for player (even if not playing atm) 23:01 <@Entitas> So on the IRC side am I ID'd as Entitas or Entitas#0594 23:03 @Entitas if you want to join IRC "properly", use https://webchat.freenode.net 23:03 type whatever as nick 23:03 and channel... well, where you want to go 23:03 <@Entitas> Yes I know 23:03 (there's dedicated clients too, I linked webcaht for ease of setting up) 23:03 <@Entitas> i'm not the brighest but i've had my share of Internet Relay Chat in the past 23:03 ahh 23:04 well I figured you had never used IRC before 23:04 with that question 23:04 sorry 23:04 discord IDs are completely unrelated after all 23:04 <@Entitas> Well I ask because on the Discord side I don't see how the bot outputs my nick and message. 23:04 Oh 23:04 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:28095 23:05 <+rld> <@Entitas> Well I ask because on the Discord side I don't see how the bot outputs my nick and message. 23:05 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:28097 23:06 aosdict: polymorph vapours ought to give a brief polymorph, or at least cause some change 23:07 with that kind of message 23:08 <@Entitas> genderswap 23:09 [hdf-us] [nd] vergessen (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 18 points, T:281, poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 23:10 !who 23:10 FIQ: [hdf-us] vergessen [nd] innmalint [dnh] k2 [xnh] 23:10 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 23:15 -!- khoR_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:15 K2: server FR: ability to track how much play each variant sees by server realtime (i.e. not xlog, NH4 doesn't give proper stats there) 23:15 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 23:15 hardly important, but would be interesting to see the stats 23:16 i've thought about asking Mandevil to do something similar on the NHS 23:17 show overall (by variant) and then by server 23:17 K2: the way I figured you could do this, if you were actually interested in such stats, would be to take note on the amount of players of each variant once a minute or so 23:17 and count that as 1min 23:17 good way for variant authors to see how much play their work gets and where 23:17 would miss players who play for 30s inbetween checks 23:17 but I don't think that is common :P 23:17 hmm 23:18 that wuld be neat 23:18 would 23:18 K2: the way I currently track variant play is kinda shit 23:18 I thought of a way I could get better stats, but that gives NH4 variants unfair advantage 23:18 (realtime field in xlog also counts offline time in NH4) 23:18 hmm 23:18 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 23:18 hence why I just asked you instead 23:19 the NHS could at least just tally up # of games played per server and/or variant 23:19 that is kinda what I do atm to track activity 23:19 I open up the recent tabs of all variants 23:19 scroll down to 100th game 23:20 and note the date of play 23:20 but it is kinda shitty of a metric 23:20 for example 23:20 @Winsalot startscummed *a lot* of Priests earlier and suicided 23:20 (which NHS doesn't count as a startscum) 23:20 completely messing up that stat 23:20 and tubs played like 20 games of dnh and died within a day 23:21 (and in general, dnh has >50% tubs games) 23:21 it's quirks like this 23:21 that makes raw amount of games a bad metric 23:21 (don't worry @Winsalot , escaping and quitting like you do now does count as a startscum and NHS properly excludes those games) 23:24 <@Entitas> Not even just the 30s-in-between-checks player, the time played would still get inaccurate over time if it's an every-minute ping. There'd be some weird rounding for minute 1, then seconds are always ignored. 23:24 <@Entitas> I don't think anyone cares about that level of precision, but with enough pings and plays it'd add up. 23:25 @Entitas but it should average out 23:25 some player who played for 10s within a ping period would get 1min 23:25 someone else who played 1min 50s would also get 1min 23:25 so it should be mostly accurate 23:25 not *perfect* but good enough 23:26 <@Entitas> That's fair. Now who wants to do the stat game to see How Many Seconds On The Minute Players Are Likely to Start And Stop Playing Nethack? 23:26 lol 23:26 <@Entitas> Let's just take this to maximum depth here 23:27 clearly K2 should just do a check every 1ms :P 23:27 <@Entitas> "players are more likely to ragequit from 36-44 seconds, but if they get past that there is a 82.114% chance they will complete the minute" 23:27 meh I just figured that dgl wasn't really set up to do this kind of tallying 23:27 hence why I suggested a simple 1 time/min ping 23:28 <@Entitas> Yeah, I'm just pointlessly diving us into worthless nitpickery, sorry. 23:28 :) 23:28 it would also allow K2 to get some server metrics 23:28 which I bet could be fun 23:29 <@Entitas> Okay, new plan: Ping every second, then discard the seconds and record by the minute. 23:29 ok so 23:29 you know i am not the script guru around here 23:29 [hdf-us] [nd] vergessen (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 395 points, T:1523, killed by a hobgoblin, while frozen by a monster's gaze 23:29 I'm not one to do those kind of scripts... not sure how much help I could be 23:30 Just ask Tangles , not like he's busy or anything :P 23:30 heh 23:30 <@Entitas> When the bot announces deaths I just imagine people having a water cooler conversation and there's violence and horrible screams off in the background 23:30 i'll prob hit him up at some point, but its low priority 23:30 heh 23:30 K2: Yeah sure 23:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:29261 23:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Rog Hum Fem Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon her by Kos, on T:21738