00:04 [hdf-us] [nd] TheDiaz (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1275 points, T:3690, killed by an ape 00:04 And it shows what happened to me lol 00:04 -!- emar has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:17 [hdf-us] [nd] TheDiaz (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 407 points, T:1027, killed by a dagger 00:30 -!- TheDiaz has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:33 K2: Tangles: apparently !lastasc is a little bugged? Tarmunora did "!lastasc Kame" and the us server returned properly (nothing) but the eu server gave an elenmirie ascension. 00:53 [hdf-us] [nh4] kek (Ran Gno Mal Neu), 1955 points, T:38, quit 00:58 -!- Elronnd is now known as we 00:58 [hdf-us] [fh] Blue (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 37115 points, T:7949, killed by a giant spider 00:58 -!- we is now known as Elronnd 01:06 [hdf-us] [fh] Blue (Val Dwa Fem Law), 10005 points, T:195, quit 01:09 [hdf-us] [fh] Blue (Val Dwa Fem Law), 18610 points, T:429, quit 01:37 [hdf-us] [fh] WHITE (Blue) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 17274 points, T:393, killed by a magic missile 01:37 hi 01:37 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 01:37 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:38 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:39 [hdf-us] [fh] White (Blue) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4680 points, T:23, escaped 01:50 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:00 [hdf-us] [fh] Valk (Blue) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 33129 points, T:2293, killed by a hill orc 02:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:47 !tell K2 there's a SLEX 2.1.8 now, but it's not ready for the server, as a lot of stuff is only half-working, so please don't put it on hdf yet ;) If any hotfixes need to be done, I'll use the 2.1.7 compatibility branch that I just created. 02:47 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:50 [hdf-us] [fh] Shira (Blue) (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 19992 points, T:1014, killed by a dwarf 02:50 [hdf-us] [fh] Obi (Blue) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4521 points, T:7, quit 02:52 !tell FIQ Something seems to be wrong with FIQhack's watchmode, I was just trying to watch "Obi (Blue)" and repeatedly got this message: Configuring terminal, please wait.┬á┬á (those weird glyphs were displayed) and then it went back to the watch menu. After some attempts I got to watch the game but then I hit q and was somehow able to quit their game, as if I were playing... 02:52 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:53 [hdf-us] [fh] Freezer (Blue) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1384 points, T:24, quit 03:06 [hdf-us] [un] Blue (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3833 points, T:2803, killed by a rope golem 03:08 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:15 LarienTelrunya: if it kicks you out as you enter, that means that their game is pending completion 03:15 FIQ: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-27 02:52 EDT: Something seems to be wrong with FIQhack's watchmode, I was just trying to watch "Obi (Blue)" and repeatedly got this message: Configuring terminal, please wait.┬á┬á (those weird glyphs were displayed) and then it went back to the watch menu. After some attempts I got to watch the game but then I hit q and was somehow able to quit their game, as if I were playing... 03:15 as in, DYWYPI 03:15 ah 03:15 the q thing is just coincidence I think, Blue escaped earlier 03:15 so it was actually them using quit 03:15 yes 03:16 by the way, I found out why slex-curses segfaults when hitting spacebar on the "how do you want to start playing" prompt, but I don't know how to fix that 03:16 probably a bug 03:16 I never finished up that code fully before giving you a patch 03:17 int result = selected[0].item.a_int; 03:17 that's the line that gdb gives as the place where it crashes 03:17 ah 03:17 I need to learn how NH3's menu system works 03:17 it's different from NH4 03:18 LarienTelrunya: actually, there's another case where the game kicks you out as you enter watchmode 03:18 I'd guess it is the line that makes the game prompt you for a selection, and hitting space returns something weird 03:18 if there is a segfault 03:19 hitting space probably never allocates selected[0] 03:19 yeah, and then "result" tries to become something uninitialized and crashes 03:19 probably I need to look at the return value from the menu call 03:22 LarienTelrunya: I am about to introduce another change you will inevitably complain about in FIQHack 03:22 yaaaaaay :) 03:22 what is the change? 03:22 http://home.fiq.se/attr_table.txt 03:22 slex's pager.c can always need a few more messages, and maybe I'll also add scroll labels 03:22 consistent HP gains/losses 03:23 from level up 03:23 what, you mean they're no longer randomized? 03:23 and applying con/wis changes to HP/Pw retroactively 03:24 well, if you're going to pull a Nethack Fourk there and make it so that increasing max HP becomes difficult or even impossible then yes, I will complain :P 03:24 that isn't part of this change 03:24 speaking of which, I absolutely have to add a message to slex about fourk's ******** extra healing thing 03:24 I might nerf max HP gains at some point, but that's unrelated 03:24 (and something I'm not sure is a good idea) 03:25 4k's extra healing mechanics is rather stupid 03:25 I don't mind the nerf per se 03:25 but the weay i tworks is silly 03:25 it means optimal strategy is to drink blessed extra healing ASAP 03:25 and it's better to drain yourself before doing it, if you can 03:25 because it caps out at 250, getting harder over time 03:25 that... sounds even more retarded than I thought it was 03:25 a flat 250 number 03:25 it doesn't care about your level 03:26 or other things 03:26 at all 03:26 so Wizards gain much more than dwarven Valkyries 03:26 meaning getting yourself a high max HP early with EH longterm give you more HP 03:26 than if you use extra healing later on 03:27 ... 03:27 *way it works 03:27 * LarienTelrunya shakes her head 03:28 I think I told jonadab that I found this mechanic silly at some point 03:28 Not sure if I did, if I didn't, I do so now 03:28 :P 03:28 well I'd tell him too, but since he takes anything I say about fourk with a huge shaker full of salt... 03:29 That makes sense, since you author a variant whose view on balance he strongly disagrees with 03:29 He also doesn't really take suggestions I make that happens to be based off dNetHack seriously 03:29 for similar reason 03:31 @luxidream I know you like doing HP alchemy, you might find the info above on 4k max HP mechanics useful 03:31 if playing 4k 03:32 LarienTelrunya: did you know that FIQHack 4.3.0 (not development versions) had a rather major nerf to nurse dancing by accident? 03:32 nope, what did you do? 03:32 well 03:32 any monster in FIQHack at a sufficient level, even non-casters, has a chance to generate with spells 03:32 hahaha 03:32 this includes nurses 03:32 "The nurse casts drain life!" I guess? 03:32 yeah 03:33 in 4.3.1, they've one of few monsters that is part of the list mostly reserved for uniques 03:33 with a special spell list 03:33 (healing and extra healing IIRC) 03:34 but if you get a nurse that doesn't have offensive spells, you can still dance normally? or do they eventually learn drain life over time? 03:34 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/FIQHack/Monster_spellcasting#Nurses 03:34 no you can dance normally then 03:34 EPI: nurses have a low random chance of learning a random spell every turn. So if you nurse dance a lot, eventually she will learn magic missile or something. 03:35 as with all monsters (and players) 03:35 alternate EPI: all nurses have AT_MAGC AD_MAGM, so in order to nurse dance, you first need to survive their barrage of spells until they run out of Pw. 03:35 they can learn spells by reading books 03:35 but non-casters only do this if they're at least XL14 03:36 well do nurses count as casters? they do know healing spells after all... 03:36 assuming they don't fail the int check 03:36 and the healer role is a spellcaster :D 03:36 yeah but not nurses 03:37 healers aren't flagged as casters 03:37 YANI: the game needs non-magical tools that can be used to heal wounds. Why is all healing in the game magical in some way? We want bandages and stuff :D 03:37 so they don't get the extended spell list like casters get 03:38 monk, priest and wizard 03:38 are the roles marked as casters 03:38 what, monk is a caster and healer is not? wtf 03:38 monk can cast spells better than healers can... 03:38 healers can really only cast healing spells well 03:39 arguably they should probably be marked as a caster thoguh 03:39 hmm, weird 03:39 *though 03:39 so they get an extended spell list 03:39 and can properly cast their healing spells 03:39 wait am I seeing that correctly? vanilla healers can learn no other spell schools besides healing??? 03:39 correct 03:39 that shows how rarely I play healers in vanilla 03:40 they do however have the best casting capabilities in the game besides Wizards 03:40 "natural" casting abilities, I mean 03:40 in slex, healers can advance 7 spell schools to expert, no wonder slex healers seem super-powerful by comparison (I ascended one and it was a lategame powerhouse) 03:40 so they can usually easily cast the lower level spells of other schools 03:41 when other roles struggle 03:43 the main reason why I can't play casters in vanillaoid variants is the "don't wear metal armor" restriction 03:43 it seems that even a single piece of armor makes almost all spells impossible to cast, no matter how good my stats or skills are 03:44 it's a little better in dnethack but most of the time my failure rates are still too bad :P 03:47 if barbariain dwarf was possible in FIQHack 03:47 you'd get 15 HP per level at 25 con 03:47 *barbarian 03:48 * LarienTelrunya mutters something about arbitrary role/race/gender/align restrictions :D 03:50 (and I guess you'll mutter something back about lawful anachrononono-nonononos :P) 03:53 <@luxidream> FIQ I usually nurse dance 03:53 <@luxidream> But I assume that’s also nerfed 03:53 * LarienTelrunya used to work in a clinic; wanna dance with me, Luxidream? ♥ 03:53 @luxidream Probably, I don't know the details there 03:54 LarienTelrunya: no, that's demo 03:54 but try to ascend one 03:54 I dare you 03:54 you are allowed to use wizard mode 03:54 if you save the future 03:55 !tell Chris_ANG You should be able to pray as an Anachronaut who saved the future 03:55 Will do, FIQ! 03:57 FIQ: ascending a lawful anachrononono works in wizard mode :P "You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Ptah... An invisible choir sings blablabla..." 03:58 look at the description 03:58 of the ascension 03:58 well I have no idea what the "save the future" thing is about, for me ascended is ascended :D 03:58 ascending without saving the future counts as an escape 03:58 not an ascension 03:58 WTF 03:59 why did you think I explicitly said "you must save the future" 03:59 ok since you seem ignorant about the problem 03:59 dnethack is teh uber wierdo :P 03:59 let me spell it out for you 03:59 to properly ascend ana 03:59 you need to destroy the lawful altar 03:59 on astral 03:59 do you now see why ana can't be lawful 03:59 ... great 04:00 well, what if you use a helm of opposite alignment to become chaotic? would that work? 04:00 <@luxidream> why does destroying the law altar save the future 04:00 <@luxidream> What is the Ana plot 04:00 but then you don't ascend lawful 04:00 which was my point 04:00 yeah but the game would still be properly winnable when starting a lawful ana :P 04:00 but yeah that would work 04:00 but be really dumb 04:01 @luxidream in Ana's world, an illithid god (think mind flayer) destroyed all other gods 04:01 well, if dnethack makes it so that the lawful ana has to become chaotic in order to be allowed to win then that's the way it works :P 04:01 this is also why they can't pray 04:01 their plot is to go back to the past 04:01 (hence anachronaut) 04:01 use their quest artifact 04:01 <@luxidream> Easy, genocide mind flayers 04:02 and destroy the lawful altar on astral 04:02 genocide doesn't work in the quest or Planes 04:02 in dnh 04:03 <@luxidream> Extinct mind flayers. If there are no illithids how are they going to ruin the future 😛 04:03 why would one want to live in a future where there's only mind flayers? are we doomed? like, how many years in the future is it supposed to be? 04:04 <@luxidream> mind flayers are also chaotic in nethack 04:04 also why can't the ana eat normally, I really don't want to live in a future where you have to live on synthetic protein pills or something 04:05 @luxidream lawful in D&D 04:05 chris likes to take stuff from D&D 04:06 LarienTelrunya: please bring up your concerns with Chris_ANG 04:07 LarienTelrunya: did you also mess with binder alignment 04:07 nope, binder is still gnostic 04:08 ah 04:11 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 04:11 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 04:15 Morning world. 04:16 LarienTelrunya, in D&D, mind flayers/illithid come from a future where they already took over the world :/ 04:16 ah, I see (never played D&D) 04:18 there should totally be a limb damage system in nethack and a way to specifically target the enemy's tentacles and cut them off :P 04:18 LarienTelrunya, well I'm fairly sure it started with an Illithid scienist ascending into demigodhood after facing a close-to-impossible challenge to recover some amulet ;) 04:18 hahaha :D 04:18 wait, I ascended an illithid scientist in slex! is that what you're referring to? it was my first slexcension, too! 04:19 Yeah, that was it. 04:19 :D 04:19 And doomed the human race to servatiude! 04:19 ...what have I done 04:19 LarienTelrunya, as for limb damage, Dwarf Fortress and ASCII gore. I had a legendary hammerdwarf that managed to completely break a goblin into all its component parts with one swing. 04:20 (course, DF being DF, you can find all 20-28 teeth and even target attacks against a specific molar ...) 04:21 heh 04:22 FIQ: did you see https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/commit/dfdaf8eec8b7ef29d908ad93520b9420e7adf724 yet? :D (there's also 32 other commits I pushed today, some of which with new messages, scroll labels etc.) 04:55 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:56 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 04:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 04:58 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 05:16 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 05:23 -!- theRaisse has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:24 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 05:47 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 05:47 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 06:02 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 06:05 YASI: since the encyclopedia mentions that cockatrices can be defeated by weasels, logically weasels should exist in the game and their corpses should unstone you when eaten. But unlike lizards, they will rot away. And in the process, let's make it so that lizard corpses don't cure petrification anymore. :P 06:05 <[Demo]> no 06:05 s/YASI/EPI 06:06 <[Demo]> lizards are just scaly weasels 06:06 EPI: the encyclopedia mentions that "Its breath is so venomous that it causes all vegetation to wither." So, logically, the cockatrice should be able to breathe petrification. 06:10 sure, go ahead 06:17 <[Demo]> its not like changes to slex would actually affect play that much 06:17 <[Demo]> err players 06:18 <[Demo]> ud still be #1 06:18 <[Demo]> and with all the filler monsters the odds ud see a real cockatrice to breath at you and fuck you up seem kinda low 06:20 that's kind of the way slex monsters are balanced, actually: make the dangerous ones rare enough that you'll not run into them all the time 06:26 over the years, I came to dislike content that people rarely see 06:26 this means bugs are lurking longer 06:26 umm 06:26 so apparently 06:26 you gain HP on level up when polymorphed 06:26 and also, content players don't encounter is like content that isn't there 06:27 fair enough 06:27 you do NOT lose HP on level down when polymorphed 06:27 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 06:27 this means that for those willing to forego LS, they can polyself into an elvenking and spam drain life + level up to get an obscenely high HP easily 06:28 LarienTelrunya: Gorgons exist in ADOM 06:28 They breathe petrification 06:28 I was about to say "isn't that the level drain issue" 06:29 FIQ: wait, is that a vanilla 3.4.3 bug?! 06:29 how come no one detected that yet? 06:29 I figured I introduced sume stupid bug in FIQHack 06:29 but it's also in 4k 06:29 I will double check 3.4.3 too 06:29 * LarienTelrunya double checks whether the bug exists in slex 06:29 actually I don't have a 3.4.3 install here 06:30 but I do have a wizmode-enabled grunthack 06:30 grunthack is basically vanilla for this purpose 06:30 if it's there, it's certainly in 3.4.3 06:30 if it isn't, well, it might still be in 3.4.3 06:30 LarienTelrunya: I'm quite sure there's an entry on the buglist for it 06:30 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Polyself_bug 06:31 nope, in slex there's no such bug; polymorphed my XL7 character (55 base HP) into some beetle, zapped draining at myself a couple of times, then killed myself with a wand of fire, 21 max HP after unpolymorphing 06:31 bhaak: yeah but that's a different bug, it involves "feeling like a new woman" and having your HP doubled 06:31 yeah 06:31 which slex also fixes, incidentally :P 06:31 it's i grunthack 06:31 *in 06:32 bhaak: that's a different bug, yeah 06:32 this bug is a bit different 06:32 yeah, this is with self-poly 06:32 it's the fact that if you lose levels while polymorphed 06:32 you don't lose max HP 06:33 <[Demo]> if it works in vanilla, shit dude 06:33 <[Demo]> quality find 06:33 it works in 3.4.3, I have my doubts about 3.6.0 (because it refactored HP gain/loss in general) 06:33 unlike, say, vorpalbug 06:33 <[Demo]> heh 06:34 oh, 3.4.3's losexp() function is indeed quite weird 06:34 let me test 3.6.0 06:34 er 06:34 3.6.1 dev 06:34 really 3.6.1 with my getobj patch, but I don't think it has an imapct here :-) 06:35 just tested 3.6.1 06:35 <[Demo]> does it work? 06:35 it doesn't reproduce there 06:35 <[Demo]> damn 06:36 <[Demo]> Wonder if my iron hook bug still works there 06:36 oddly it gives me a different max HP on a 1->30->1 cycle though 06:36 I don't think that happens when not polyselfed 06:36 let me check 06:36 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/exper.c - line 142-147 make it seem like it should be working... 06:36 well, unless newhp() somehow returns zero 06:36 yeah 06:36 it doesn't 06:37 so for some reason, the behaviour is different 06:37 bhaak: possible that drain for gain still works in 3.6.1 when polymorphed... but that's not nearly as a bad of a bug 06:37 LarienTelrunya: 3.4.3 simply doesn't update polymorphed HP 06:37 when losing levels 06:38 uhp(max) vs mh(max) 06:39 oh you mean polymorphed max HP, I thought you referred to the max HP in natural form not reducing while you're polymorphed 06:39 no 06:39 that would be even worse 06:39 so to exploit this, you'd need to have unchanging? 06:39 that's why I gave the caveat 06:39 "if you're willing to forego LS" 06:39 (the only kind of amulet that has no alternative) 06:40 <[Demo]> some variants offer alternatives? 06:40 and I suggested elvenking because it's actually a normal form 06:40 no downsides at all besides lack of LS and attibute exercise 06:40 well then, slex does indeed have the bug too, but it'll be squashed very soon :P 06:41 <[Demo]> sounds like a feature to me 06:41 [Demo]: dNetHack has Jack 06:41 Closest thing to an alternative you have 06:41 slex has 1-ups, which are basically intrinsic slotless amulets of life saving (and yes, you can have several :D) 06:41 <[Demo]> Ok yeah that wouldn't realistically work sadly 06:42 <[Demo]> someone should do an ascension with this bug 06:44 <[Demo]> Oh wait I meant unchanging alternatives not life saving 06:44 NH4 has polyinit 06:44 dNetHack probably has a spirit for it 06:45 (but that is risky @dNH) 06:45 <[Demo]> I'm thinking alignment thing? 06:45 <[Demo]> don't know 06:45 xnethack has sentinence transfer 06:45 <[Demo]> what 06:45 <[Demo]> what the fuck is that 06:45 <[Demo]> that sounds cool 06:45 but xnethack doesn't matter because it doesn't have the bug 06:45 it's not nearly as cool as I made it sound like 06:45 sorry 06:46 <[Demo]> is that like worm that walks in dnh? 06:46 but it's what I see it as 06:46 <[Demo]> oh 06:46 no but like 06:46 when you raise from the dead as a non-ghost 06:46 [Demo]: unchanging alternatives? slex offers a cloak of unchanging ;) 06:46 you may potentially get to keep playing 06:46 with intrinsic unchanging 06:46 *rise from the dead 06:46 <[Demo]> Oh god 06:46 yes, this includes green slime 06:46 have fun! 06:47 for other creatures, you can get help from your god to get it solved 06:47 actually, even your god might be able to help 06:47 for green slime too 06:48 <[Demo]> Oh neat 06:48 unless aosdict accounted for it 06:48 FIQ: slex actually has the "play on as a permanent green slime" too, but only if you have polymorph control at the time of death, otherwise it's game over ;) 06:48 green slimes doesn't have hands 06:48 so praying would be a major trouble 06:48 forcing a depoly 06:48 and undead can pray to lawful gods 06:48 they'll get smitten 06:48 but also depoly 06:52 <[Demo]> Ok who wants to do a dnh several thousand hp orc of the age of stars? 07:02 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:19742 07:09 -!- emar has joined #hardfought 07:16 \o/ 07:16 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-27 02:47 EDT: there's a SLEX 2.1.8 now, but it's not ready for the server, as a lot of stuff is only half-working, so please don't put it on hdf yet ;) If any hotfixes need to be done, I'll use the 2.1.7 compatibility branch that I just created. 07:16 ok 07:27 -!- theRaisse has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:27 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 07:49 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Ran Elf Fem Cha) polymorphed her first item, on T:21287 08:03 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 18812 points, T:10801, killed by a warhorse 08:04 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 08:08 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:33 FIQ: There was in fact a bug where you could pray while permaturned into an undead and your god would rehumanize you and you would keep the intrinsic unchanging. If you try that now, your god will succeed in dessicating your body but fail to actually renew your life, which just kills you. 08:34 As green slime, apparently I put some check in that stops prayer from doing this as well, but I can't remember it. 08:38 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) reached the bottom of the Mines, on T:4542 08:52 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 08:55 feeling like death warmed over sucks 08:56 :/ 08:56 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) was given their Quest, on T:8741 08:57 FIQ: Hmm, maybe I should re-allow that, since it amounts to a lawful alignment benefit. 08:58 Since the "Walk no more, perversion of nature!" is only for lawfuls (and a 10% chance for neutrals which should probably be removed) 09:00 Status of the gray dragon (lawful): Level 14 HP 22(22) Pw 20(20) AC -1. 09:00 I don't think monsters are getting any decent HP growth 09:01 Well, you're not going to be able to make it completely symmetric, monsters don't have races or roles. 09:01 aosdict: Sure 09:01 But they're getting far less than they should 09:01 Atm I have a generic RoleAdvance, for monsters 09:02 /* Generic advancement for monsters */ 09:02 #define HPADV {4,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9} 09:02 #define ENADV {0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4} 09:02 But monsters are supposed to start out with 12 con by default 09:02 meaning the dragon would have 4 + 4*14 HP 09:02 last time I checked, 4 + 4*14 isn't 22 09:03 (Values are slightly fuzzed, to provide for variety monster-wise, but not to that extent) 09:03 Actually, let me disable that 09:03 maybe that's where things go wrong 09:04 Yeah that's more like it 09:04 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 09:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:06 so the fuzzing was the culprit 09:06 ? 09:06 yeah 09:06 I screwed up the code there 09:08 OK so I think the internals is ready 09:08 Now I just need to improve some numbers HP/Pw growth-wise for some monsters 09:16 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 2428 points, T:4093, killed by a gold golem 09:17 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 09:17 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:24 [hdf-us] [dnh] Tmasher (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:5998 09:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the Master of Thieves, on T:9896 09:36 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 09:54 K2: FIQHack updated. New HP/Pw growth system; see http://home.fiq.se/attr_table.txt for how it works 09:55 FIQ: Did this end up entailing defining more constants than previously existed? Not that that's a problem, just wondering. 09:55 FIQ ok cool 09:55 i'll get to it soon 09:57 Considering that the old HP/Pw growth system was completely scrapped, I anticipate that I will likely have to do some number changes 10:14 aosdict: feel free to fix my wikitables into actual wikitables, I don't know how they work 10:15 Eh it would take me at least half an hour which I really don't have right now. 10:16 all good 10:16 just if you wanted to 10:16 it's fine as-is 10:17 yani: mass naming corse possission "probably cursed" 10:17 *corpse 10:18 I think I would probably split it into a HP and a Pw component, because while having them together is doable you would have to have a lot of nasty colspans. 10:19 I also want to plot these as a function of Con/Wis. But I also don't have time for that. 10:27 LarienTelrunya: that is disgusting, also "while while" 10:28 yeah that error will be fixed 10:29 aosdict: To be fair, even SLASH'EM had toilets 10:29 Toilets yes. Vulgarities, not so much. 10:29 wtf, in dnethack even a ring mail doesn't grant more AC than a leather armor??? 10:30 Ring mail is in that large category of armor that I basically never use ever, because any role that needs AC that bad would be burdened. 10:31 well I'm playing dnhslex so no burdening, but I still don't wear it because leather armor gives less spellcasting penalty (not that my cavedwarf had any spells, but still) 10:32 hey I found another and it's +1! this is actually better than the leather armor :P 10:32 jonadab: I don't think anyone's come up with a suitable (no pun intended) solution for this problem yet. 10:45 aosdict: Indeed. dtsund's proposal for DSM, combined with the dnethack extra-properties for various scale colors, and FIQHack's extrinsic immunity vs intrinsic partial resistance, solves the problem of all ascension kits armor being one of two things (SDSM or GDSM). But it does not address the early game. 10:46 jonadab: It does... 10:46 SLASH'EM allows you to take a dump, as per above 10:46 It exercises constitution 10:48 also, FIQHack reduces weight of several of the "useless" armor pieces 10:48 Yes, but "take a dump" is a (mostly) socially acceptable euphemism. 10:48 It's considered G-rated. 10:49 (Which words are considered too vulgar for polite company is an important aspect of the culture of a language...) 10:49 jonadab: I used it, yes, but SLASH'EM makes it explicit... 10:49 it's slex, it doesn't even try to be G-rated :P 10:49 Just like in slex 10:49 There is literally no difference 10:50 here 10:50 Ah. 10:55 SLEX: Proving that you can make an R rated ASCII game. Or possibly NC-17 10:56 Probably just R. I think. 10:56 But yeah, definitely not gonna be G or PG. 10:57 Not with casual references to human trafficking for sexual exploitation. 10:57 And such. 10:59 I mean, the occasional use of non-family-friendly words like "shit" can slide into a PG rating. E.T. got away with it, for example. 11:00 But if the protagonist keeps a leashed Asian girl? I think not. 11:12 [hdf-us] [nd] TheDiaz (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 21 points, T:203, killed by a goblin 11:14 jonadab: dtsund-DSM only solves the ascension kit problem if you are okay with all ascension kits including foo-scaled something, which is rather subjective. 11:14 But yes, the early game is problematic. 11:15 Particularly because if you're OK with spellcasting being blocked, you still basically are hoping only for mithril. 11:15 I think when combined with making the various colors of scales useful by adding extra properties to them, I am ok with ascension kits generally having scaled something. 11:15 And if you aren't, well then you're going to have to find a studded leather armor and live with it. 11:15 But yeah, early game is a whole nother kettle of fish. 11:16 I'm tempted to say that part of the problem is the heavy armors being _too_ heavy. 11:16 In practice, nobody can carry them until late enough in the game that they've got mithril anyway. 11:21 Like Chris_ANG and I have been talking about regarding corpse nutrition, it would probably be okay if they were given a pure-gameplay rebalance at the expense of flavor. 11:22 But I would prefer first a system which decreases the effective weight of worn armor. 11:23 The problem isn't necessarily that nobody can carry the heavy armors, it's that the player a) wants to max their AC but b) wants to carry around as much loot as possible because stash management is boring. 11:23 Especially in the early game, it's boring. 11:28 And armor weight has a direct effect on the maximum loot you can tote around. 11:29 True. 11:31 And _usually_, the player will opt for carrying around more loot and have a weaker defense instead of having a strong defense but not much room to carry stuff. See: plate mails. 11:32 In the early game, plate mail typically makes you burdened even if you carry NO loot. 11:32 Apart from essentials like your weapon. 11:52 <@riker> hm, a lot of roles get skill in flail 11:52 <@riker> I wonder what the skill that the most roles have is? 11:55 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:01 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Ran Inc Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1204 12:07 <@riker> what's a good priority for a ranger to wish pre-quest? 12:07 <@riker> I'd like to get the quest done as soon as possible for the infinite arrows 12:08 <@kritixilithos> riker: everyhting in your inventory is green 12:08 <@riker> oh 12:08 <@riker> tha'ts my menucolors 12:08 <@kritixilithos> oh, you have uncursed as green too 12:08 <@riker> I set uncursed things to be green, blessed cyan 12:08 <@riker> gold yellow and cursed red 12:08 <@kritixilithos> I was wondering how you have everything blessed 12:08 <@kritixilithos> >_> 12:09 <@riker> lol 12:10 <@riker> hm, tough choice: weapon, robe, or armor? 12:17 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:21 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:23505 12:26 <@riker> rip 12:50 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha), 39473 points, T:2361, killed by a soldier ant, while frozen by a spellbook 12:52 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 12:52 in the nhqdb admin interface, many quotes with amy are assumed to be duplicates 12:52 i think its just because she says 'hahaha :D' so often 12:55 I find most of the slex quotes on the qdb to be either banal or unfunny 12:55 Often both. 12:55 and yet they somehow manage to get more votes than other quotes 12:55 She probably harrasses and/or bundlebundlebundles the people in #em.slashme.me until they go vote for them all. 12:55 * jonadab is not cynical at all. 12:55 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 12:56 well i will 'ok' every quote in the queue unless its blatantly racist or sexist or the like 12:56 and then the users can decide 12:56 or ones that are really nonsensical 12:57 like "oh I thought you meant nethack fourk not 4000 [zorkmids], lol so funny" 12:58 Well, that has the merit of not being blatantly racist or sexist. 12:59 yeah idk why that gets so many upvotes 12:59 maybe its similar to /r/programmerhumor 12:59 Perhaps someone subscribes to the Adam Sandler school of comedy. Any comment that's inane or meaningless is automatically hilarious. 13:00 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:01 on an unrelated note, i have vacation time now 13:01 until next week thursday i think 13:02 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:11 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:15 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 29338 points, T:14270, killed by an iron piercer 13:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] Elysium (Sam Hum Mal Law), 93 points, T:125, killed by a kobold 13:18 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 13:20 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 13:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 13:36 [hdf-us] [gh] guiltypanacea (Mon Hum Fem Cha), 1314 points, T:781, killed by a gnomish lord 13:37 -!- dograt has joined #hardfought 13:48 [hdf-us] [dnh] Elysium (Sam Hum Mal Law), 3837 points, T:2081, poisoned by a rotted gnome corpse 13:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 2500 points, T:2578, killed by a yeti 13:55 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 14:06 -!- jared55 has joined #hardfought 14:14 -!- theRaisse has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 14:15 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 14:17 !who 14:17 stenno: [hdf-us] cpittman [nh4] Tariru [slex] Jared55 [fh] Kame [dnh] 14:17 stenno: [hdf-eu] winsalot [fh] 14:17 how's your slex experience, Tariru ? 14:18 It's been quite fun so far. 14:18 Nothing terribly unbalanced has happened. 14:18 thats surprising 14:18 I really like the fact that you can select inventory items and monsters for a summary of what they do. 14:19 It would be extremely difficult otherwise, given how many new items and monsters there are. 14:20 oh yeah 14:20 there's this pokedex thing right 14:21 Yep. 14:22 Lets you know what sort of attacks monsters have, so you don't get hit by some nasty passive attack or whatever. 14:23 its too chaotic for my taste altogether tbh 14:23 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 Tie-Dye Shirt of Shambhala", on T:12767 14:23 just a mishmash of all the things 14:27 stenno: huh, wait, since when are you the operator of nhqdb? I thought it was ilbelkyr? 14:28 <[Demo]> slex is god tier retarded its great 14:28 i always was 14:28 i think my account was suspended for some time 14:29 i think we restarted the qdb the first time in 2011 or so 14:30 and at some point the old admins didn't care anymore or w/e and i took over again 14:30 ah, I see 14:30 maybe... a year ago? maybe less 14:30 thanks for approving the quotes I sent in :) 14:30 half a year maby? 14:30 <[Demo]> thanks for approving the quotes where im saying dumb shit 14:31 <[Demo]> like in the background 14:31 you really have to say sexist, racist etc. things for me not to approve it 14:32 <[Demo]> the slexqdb is just chatlogs 14:32 <[Demo]> because slex has no standards on what it accepts and therefore it has everything 14:32 there was an old qdb before i was in the community 14:32 and then we restarted it first and some quotes are still from the really really old qdb 14:33 the top quote is def. from the oldest one 14:34 thats why there are some many march 1, 2013 quotes, because we dumped them into the system from the old instances 14:35 this is my personal #1 btw https://nhqdb.alt.org/?1580 14:35 <[Demo]> whoever looks at these and clicks on the + and - buttons has shit taste 14:39 shrug 14:39 too old to really judge people by the sense of their humor :P 14:40 <[Demo]> ur never too old to judge people for anything 14:40 <[Demo]> when im old im just gonna judge people for everything and theyll just have to accept it cause ill be a crotchety old person 14:40 sounds like a plan 14:41 !who 14:41 LarienTelrunya: [hdf-us] cpittman [nh4] Tariru [slex] Jared55 [fh] Kame [dnh] 14:41 LarienTelrunya: [hdf-eu] AmyBSOD [slex] winsalot [fh] 14:43 * LarienTelrunya likes applying her beaked polearm :) 14:58 <@Tone> ha, yeah that's a good one stenno 😄 14:59 ^_^ 15:05 to eat the tengu corpse or nah 15:06 only if you have =oTC 15:07 [hdf-us] [fh] Agent_White (Blue) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 6730 points, T:74, quit 15:10 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 15:10 jared55: Yes, eat tengu. Best way to get teleport control. 15:10 teleportitus here i come 15:11 Although, some players wait until XL12 (unless they have a ring of teleport control). 15:11 <@Winsalot> @mtf met your bones just now. Fucker stole my stormy and almost killed my with wand of sleep 15:11 <@mtf> ohhh epic\ 15:11 <@mtf> which bones? lol 15:11 <@Winsalot> idk, some 11 lvl dude with grayswandir on level with minotaur 15:12 At least he didn't have wands of sleep, create monster, and lightning. 15:12 <@mtf> ugh that mother fucker 15:12 <@mtf> yea he died when I took off my armor to BUC test it 15:12 <@mtf> he has a GDSM and grays! 15:12 <@mtf> which makes me wonder, do bones files start with equip exactly like the previous char? Meaning, would that char not be wearing any armor? lol 15:12 <@Winsalot> Good, I had no wishes so far, so GDSM will be useful 15:13 <@mtf> ah shit are you playing eu 15:13 <@mtf> I wanna watch 15:13 @mtf Not sure if equipped/not-equipped state is preserved or not. 15:13 <@Winsalot> maybe FIQhack mobs are smart enough to equip BIS armour they have 15:13 It might be. 15:13 <@Winsalot> yeah, im eu 15:13 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 15:13 <@Winsalot> but Im afraid of fighting you now, cos sleep ray fucks me up 15:13 But yes, FIQHack monsters are probably smart enough to know when armor is well worth equipping. 15:14 <@Winsalot> Escaped with wand of diffing 15:14 <@Winsalot> digging* 15:14 <@Winsalot> I guess I could use ring of conflict to let the nminotaur kill you again 😃 15:14 <@mtf> ok I'm watching now 15:14 <@mtf> lel 15:14 <@mtf> yea going back up might be scary 15:14 <@mtf> but the reward is well worth it... 15:15 <@mtf> +5 mace should do pretty good dmg 15:15 <@mtf> no idea if 30 def is good 15:15 <@mtf> is that -20 AC? 15:15 Def = 10 - AC 15:15 <@Winsalot> yup, with no DSM 😃 15:15 So yes, 30 Def is -20 AC. 15:15 <@mtf> that's real good 15:15 <@mtf> I think conflic + your poly should be more than enough 15:16 <@mtf> just burn E with lightning and poly the mino 15:16 <@mtf> and try to avoid standing in line of that sleep wand 😛 15:16 E won't help against the player monster. 15:16 <@Winsalot> lightning is empty 15:16 <@mtf> ah damn 15:16 And GDSM, if he equips it, will block poly, won't it? 15:16 <@Winsalot> poly 0:0 btw 15:16 <@mtf> he should be more worried about the mino than the PM 15:16 <@mtf> cause that PM, while having good gear, doesn't have any enchantments 15:16 Even in FIQHack? 15:16 Ah. 15:17 <@mtf> well no, it's just that that's my bones and I remember the gear 😛 15:17 <@ahrimen> in FH how do i see intrinsics? isn't there a quick way and not just through ^x, a? 15:17 Ctrl x, yes. 15:17 Or enlightenment of course. 15:18 <@ahrimen> ^x IS the way? I thought there was a quicker way. But ok 15:18 In 3.x enlightenment is the only way. 15:18 <@mtf> @ahrimen you normally can't tell what intrinsics you have without insight (that means wand/potion of enlightment, or talking to the oracle). In FH you can see what intrinsics you know you have with ctrl-x, a... this list is not accurate 15:18 Or taking notes as you acquire them. 15:18 <@ahrimen> ahh interesting 15:19 <@mtf> @Winsalot hmmm if the PM hasn't put on that GDSM you could try deathing him 15:19 <@mtf> and maybe deathing the mino is the way to go 15:19 <@Winsalot> nah, tried deathing mino, but he was unaffected 15:19 <@Winsalot> somehow 15:19 <@Winsalot> maybe he equiped that GDSM 😃 15:19 <@mtf> OH RIGHT 15:19 <@mtf> that mother fucker 15:19 <@mtf> has reflection!!!! 15:19 <@mtf> that's why he killed me 15:19 <@mtf> I tried to sleep him 15:19 <@mtf> and it bounced off 15:21 <@mtf> missed him 15:21 <@mtf> seems weaker, damn 15:21 <@mtf> he put it on 15:21 <@mtf> wait what 15:21 <@mtf> BUGGG 15:22 <@Winsalot> omfg 15:22 <@mtf> FIQ: 15:22 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/428272519708016651/unknown.png 15:22 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:22 <@mtf> bug bug bug 15:22 <[Demo]> mtf thanks for exisiting in a midly entertaining state 15:22 <@mtf> just in the mesage obviously 15:22 <@mtf> demo: lol wait, what? 15:23 <[Demo]> a lot of the shit u say is funny enough and its like oh good great quality yeah 15:23 <@mtf> lol I love that my bones is running away 15:23 <@mtf> demo: haha thanks man 😛 It's not too hard when you're talking about things you're passionate about 15:23 <@Winsalot> FUUUUUUCH 15:23 <@Winsalot> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 15:23 <@mtf> and I love roguelikes 15:23 <@mtf> WAIT WHAT 15:23 <@mtf> I look away for one second wins!!! 15:23 go mtf! 15:23 <@mtf> fuuuuuuuuuuuuu 15:23 <@Winsalot> fuck this stupid whip 15:24 <@Winsalot> FIQ, please remove whip! 15:24 <@mtf> rofl 15:24 <@mtf> I'm sorry man, I left a bunch of archaeologist bones during my quest for victory 15:24 <@Winsalot> (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 15:25 <[Demo]> epic pvp win 15:25 <[Demo]> nice one mtf 15:25 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/428273429028929537/unknown.png 15:25 <[Demo]> winning that fiqhack pvp 15:25 <@mtf> lol my pvp game is strong 15:26 <@mtf> I don't understand, why did he hit you 100 times 15:26 <@mtf> I guess he did zap speed monster, and was probably fast 15:26 <@mtf> were you burdened? 15:26 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:26 <@Winsalot> nah, I wasn't 15:27 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:27 <@Winsalot> really weird 15:27 <@mtf> yea it really is 15:27 <@Winsalot> @FIQ 15:27 <@mtf> I'm not sure 15:27 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses, on T:15542 15:27 <@mtf> did you have any speedd? 15:27 <@Winsalot> !lastgame winsalot 15:27 @Winsalot: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-08%2013%3A21%3A02%2C%20Mourne-Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha%2C%20died.txt 15:27 @Winsalot: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-27%2019%3A23%3A38%2C%20Losesalot-Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha%2C%20died.txt 15:27 maybe he zapped a wand of inertia (i.e. slow monster) :P 15:27 <@mtf> very fast is... well, quite fast 15:27 <@mtf> I don't think I saw winsalot get hit with slow 15:28 <@Winsalot> you definetely zapped yourself with speed 15:29 <@Winsalot> But does it make you hit faster? 15:29 <@mtf> oh yea 15:29 <@mtf> being very fast vs regular speed is a big difference 15:29 <@Winsalot> oh 15:29 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/428274403797630976/unknown.png 15:29 <@mtf> so 20 to your 12 15:29 <@mtf> meaning he was almost twice as fast as you 15:30 <@Tone> I think FIQ may have tweaked the speed formulae @mtf 15:30 <@mtf> oh yea I guess that's probably true 15:30 <@luxidream> bullwhips are a bit too strong in FH imo 15:30 <@Winsalot> Does speed affect attack as well as movement? 15:30 <@Tone> That mtf got at least 7 actions in, that sounds like a lot no matter what the speeds were 15:30 <@luxidream> they ignore AC 15:31 <@mtf> @Winsalot speed affects everything about your character 15:31 <@mtf> @luxidream huh, do they... that makes them a lot more potent 15:31 <@Tone> Speed is how many actions you get per turn @Winsalot 15:31 <@Winsalot> oh, now I get why boots of speed are considered important lol 15:31 <@luxidream> yeah. I curse my weapon in FH lategame because I don't want it yanked out of my hands a few dozen times 15:31 <@Tone> Which in most situations just means how often you get an additional action on a turn 15:31 @luxidream uh? 15:31 <@mtf> @Winsalot above all else (other than instakill preventers), speed is the most important intrinsic (and def the most important extrinsic) 15:32 bullwhips aren't stronger than in vanilla... 15:32 oh you meant on monsters 15:32 same there though... just that monsters actually use them in FIQHack 15:32 <@luxidream> yes, but their more frequent use makes them rather dangerous 15:32 it's the same chance of success, just that they, yeah, actually use them 15:33 <@luxidream> why should the success chance be independent of AC, and greasing the weapon for that matter 15:33 <@mtf> is it independant of grease? 15:33 <@mtf> I had thought greasing prevents bullwhipping pretty well 15:34 <@luxidream> I could be wrong on that point, but there's very little way to beat it 15:35 <@luxidream> realistically they never see use in vanilla because they're out prioritized by so many weapons 15:35 <@mtf> I don't see anything wrong with having bullwhip be effective in FH 15:35 <@mtf> getting disarmed is a very normal roguelike mechanic 15:36 <@mtf> it's up to the player to have situational awareness and realize that a bullwhip could be around 15:36 and cursing to avoid getting disarmed is a very nethack mechanic 15:36 <@mtf> and to plan effectively to deal with that 15:36 <@luxidream> was winsalot lategame though 15:36 <@mtf> no, he was early game fighting my bones file 15:36 <@mtf> which was an arc 15:36 I could see making grease reduce the chance of success 15:37 but overall I think it's good as-is 15:37 btw @luxidream @Winsalot I tinkered with the HP/Pw growth, if you saw 15:37 it might generate too low numbers atm 15:37 or too high 15:37 <@mtf> I managed to capture the exact moment @Winsalot died in a picture: https://i.imgur.com/MDdbSfE.png 15:37 most likely too low I think 15:37 <@luxidream> for players? 15:37 <@luxidream> or monsters 15:37 probably needs refinement 15:37 but I think the system itself is good 15:37 both 15:38 overall monster impact isn't big 15:38 I tried to replicate vanilla numbers there mostly 15:38 <@luxidream> how much less HP for players? 15:38 just that it will be a bit more consistent 15:38 <@luxidream> am I going to have a level 10 wizard with 20 HP 15:38 it wasn't intentionally made to be less, but I Think it ended up being a bit less 15:38 *think 15:38 no, not that bad 15:38 one sec 15:38 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/FIQHack/New_HP_growth 15:38 <@Winsalot> @mtf , nah, this was me when I died 15:38 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/428276711663337472/Screenshot_2018-03-27_22-38-11.png 15:38 <@mtf> lool 15:39 and yes 15:39 I did adjust the speed system 15:39 but only marginally 15:39 <@luxidream> oh, is the amount you get consistent now 15:39 <@luxidream> interesting 15:39 no 15:39 it isn't 15:39 oh 15:39 you meant the growth 15:39 yeah 15:39 (thought you meant speed) 15:40 anyway, I adjusted speed randomization to give more appropriate randomization when polyselfed 15:40 and instead of an average of +4 (fast) and +8 (very fast), it's 4/3 (fast) and 5/3 (very fast) 15:40 this was made so that monster and player speed was a bit more consistent 15:40 (monsters still don't get speed randomization) 15:41 <@luxidream> I like the consistency. eases the frustration of rolling 2 HP as a caster or something of the sort 15:41 overall, no real impact on players that aren't polymorphed 15:41 @luxidream my biggest concern is the numbers atm 15:41 <@luxidream> and later it matters less anyway 15:41 I think they might be too small, etc 15:41 at least HP-wise 15:42 <@luxidream> have you compared them with vanilla averages? 15:42 <@luxidream> I think just looking at bar it is lower than in vanilla 15:42 <@luxidream> they usually get over 100 HP 15:42 bar was highest in vanilla, it remains highest here 15:42 <@luxidream> naturally 15:43 HP is combined for both race and role 15:43 <[Demo]> HP = role + race 15:43 <[Demo]> and thats ur total hp for the whole gae 15:43 a human barbarian gets +8HP per level 15:43 <@luxidream> orcs got a buff 15:43 <[Demo]> and then u die 15:43 <@luxidream> oo 15:43 yeah that was by design 15:43 they gets shat on too much 15:43 this nymph made everything invisible SOB 15:44 <@luxidream> I think they're great in vanilla, but that's just me 😛 15:44 <@luxidream> favorite race 15:44 they start with poison resistance and infravision 15:44 they have no other qualities 15:44 well ok 15:44 <[Demo]> they can eat themselves 15:44 to be fair, they already got a buff in FIQHack 15:44 indirectly 15:44 because they get poison *immunity* 15:44 the only race that gets an immunity 15:45 <[Demo]> elves dont get sleep immunity? 15:45 <@luxidream> elves should get sleep immunity 15:45 <[Demo]> not cool 15:45 I LIKE YOUR NEW HP/PW CHART fiq 15:45 oops 15:45 forgot i had caps on 15:45 <[Demo]> me too just because k2 is so enthusiatic about it 15:45 <@luxidream> why else would I play an elf 15:45 but yeah, their attribute caps, which is the biggest longterm difference apart from alignment restrictions, is the worst of them all 15:45 lol [Demo] 15:45 elves get sleep resistance 15:45 <@luxidream> attribute caps don't matter, you can cast finger with 16 int 15:45 maybe I should make it resistance at 1-3 and immunity at 4+? 15:46 <[Demo]> hey k2 im curious how much random networking bullshit do u know? 15:46 personally i would have put valks at +7 hp instead of +6 15:46 K2: you like OP valks huh 15:46 [Demo] some, but i'm no expert. yet 15:46 they already have above-average HP growth 15:46 well they are tanks 15:46 <[Demo]> u happen to know about different QoS protocols? 15:46 cant cast for shit 15:46 K2: also, +6 is at 25 con 15:46 not many will reach that 15:46 realistically you're looking at +3 or +4 (for dwarves) 15:47 [Demo] no i dont :/ 15:47 <[Demo]> ok ur lucky then 15:47 <[Demo]> cause it sucks and is dumb 15:47 <@luxidream> arguably elves have the worst stat caps. 16 con and 18 str sucks 15:47 can you link your chart again FIQ? 15:47 <[Demo]> ur not missing out on anything cool at all 15:47 <@Tone> Poison res/immunity is also somewhat indirectly nerfed in fiqhack as well because there is no poison instadeath, right? 15:47 @luxidream anyway, what I was considering was changing the cutoff values to 4-5/6-7/8-10/11-13/14-16/17-19/20-24/25 15:47 <[Demo]> elves suck yeah give them immunity 15:47 <[Demo]> replace elves with rock giants 15:47 <@Tone> That's the main reason prioritize it in vanilla 15:47 moving the "latergame threshold" one notch higher 15:48 in the tables 15:48 I think it'd give more appropriate values 15:48 but it needs testing I think 15:48 geez elves get 16 con? 15:48 <[Demo]> elves fucking suck my dude 15:48 I thought it was 18 for some reason 15:48 <@luxidream> elves are traaaaash 15:48 but yeah I knew about the str 15:49 FIQ: you have valkyries on the same hp generation level as healers 15:49 <[Demo]> give valkyries flight 15:49 and rogues 15:49 and knights 15:49 <[Demo]> just cause its OP 15:49 K2: no, healers are higher 15:49 and cavemen 15:49 atm 15:49 <[Demo]> add caveninjas 15:49 <[Demo]> they are like cavemen but stealthy 15:49 ok slight difference 15:49 i see it 15:49 <@luxidream> FIQ, I'd totally want to help you test this but I have a physics midterm tomorrow 15:49 K2: look at the 16-18 row 15:50 that is the important one atm 15:50 <@luxidream> probably after that 15:50 @luxidream ok 15:50 i just fogured given the valkyries nature, they'd be closer to barbarians 15:50 *figured 15:50 K2: considering moving things up, making 19-21 the "latergame row" 15:50 (turning it into 17-19) 15:50 ah 15:50 hey i'm just nitpicking 15:50 it would screw over elves because apparently their con cap is 16 15:50 overall i like it 15:50 but meh :P 15:52 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 15:52 [hdf-us] [fh] Jared (Jared55) (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 41491 points, T:4357, killed by a white unicorn 15:54 [Demo]: if I were introducing abilities 15:54 I'd probably give valks the ability to invoke temporary flight 15:57 -!- jared55 has quit [Quit: *poof*] 15:57 REDBULL IN INVENTORY 15:57 gdamn 15:57 <@mtf> @luxidream ew midterms, so glad I'm not in college anymore 15:57 <[Demo]> yo i bought a bunch of jolt colas the other day 15:57 <[Demo]> like 10 of em 15:57 <[Demo]> from dollar general cause they stock that shit now 15:57 i'll pay you a dollar if you drink a 6 pack in one sitting 15:58 <[Demo]> no they were a dollar a pop not worth it 15:58 <@mtf> Poison res/immunity is also somewhat indirectly nerfed in fiqhack as well because there is no poison instadeath, right? @Tone yes and no... poison res is still really useful because it sometimes prevents str loss... It's more nerfed because poison immunity exists now 15:58 <@mtf> poison immunity, though, is extremely useful 15:58 <[Demo]> id probably die anyway 15:58 <[Demo]> like im already probably gonna die 15:58 <[Demo]> so if i did that the odds would go up 15:58 <@mtf> dude jolt cola 15:58 <[Demo]> so like two probably = a super probably 15:58 <@mtf> why not just drink surge 15:59 <@mtf> or mix them together and create the ultimate energy soda 16:00 lol jolt 16:00 is that still around 16:01 <@Tone> Is str loss more "permanent" in FIQhack than vanilla right now? 16:01 yes and no 16:01 <@Tone> Can't remember if unihorns were nerfed 16:02 1: str loss is usually not permanent, but unihorns no longer cure attribute loss 16:02 2: str loss can be permanent, rarely (and even more rarely with resistance) 16:02 <@Tone> Ah, cool 16:04 <[Demo]> u need to add gyms to fiqhack 16:04 <[Demo]> where u can work out 16:04 [backscroll] FIQHack player monsters, especially bones, seem to be scaled sort of like bosses. In that they bring the player's odds of survival much closer to or even lower than 50/50 than a typical monster encounter. 16:05 aosdict: that was the intention, however I think bones player monsters is too dangerous atm 16:05 need to solve that somehow 16:05 perhaps make them "meditate", similar to demon lords and whatnot, until hurt 16:06 <[Demo]> good idea 16:06 <[Demo]> i support 16:06 <[Demo]> i also havent fought a fiqhack player monster in my life 16:06 <[Demo]> so you should definitely not take advice from me 16:07 @Winsalot found @mtf 's rogue level bones I think 16:07 <@mtf> oh? 16:07 which is past the point where I would consider early player monster shenanigans a bit too much 16:07 <@mtf> noh you mean earlier 16:07 <@mtf> no he found my arc bones 16:07 yes 16:07 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Mon Elf Fem Cha), 31887 points, T:2022, killed by a giant bat 16:07 in the rogue level 16:08 !lastgame Winsalot 16:08 FIQ: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-08%2013%3A21%3A02%2C%20Mourne-Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha%2C%20died.txt 16:08 FIQ: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/w/winsalot/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-27%2019%3A23%3A38%2C%20Losesalot-Pri-Hum-Mal-Cha%2C%20died.txt 16:08 <@mtf> wasn't in the rogue level 16:08 hmm 16:08 yeah that isn't the rogue level 16:08 I thought it was the one where you died to an Aleax 16:08 judging by turncount 16:08 <@mtf> this is the game where I died on like level 10 16:08 but guess not 16:08 <@mtf> from a fucking minotaur with reflection 16:08 ooh 16:08 heh 16:08 <@mtf> while I had taken off all my armor to BUC test it 16:08 wait what 16:09 how did he die to a naked player monster? 16:09 <@mtf> lol yes 16:09 <@mtf> that was my key mistake 16:09 they have 10 AC 16:09 <@mtf> well he def put it back on 16:09 oh, fair 16:09 <@mtf> cause when wins zapped him with death it didn't kill him 16:09 plenty of time to do that 16:09 "my god why would I have removed this for" 16:10 but what happened to the minotaur 16:10 that seems if anything a much bigger concern 16:10 than the arc 16:10 perhaps it was a chameleon 16:10 <[Demo]> they should make chamonkeys 16:10 @mtf so in your stream, you had a shimmering dragon 16:10 <[Demo]> that shift into different species of monkeys 16:11 did you revive this? 16:11 was it from an egg? 16:11 aosdict are you SURE you didnt mess with blessed magic lamps and wishes? 16:11 i'm 0/3 now 16:11 <@mtf> FIQ: ok let me answer your questions lol 16:11 <@mtf> dunno where the minotaur went tbh 16:11 K2: still 80% 16:12 just checked 16:12 <@mtf> but it could have been a chameleon? I guess? 16:12 <@mtf> so my shimmering dragon 16:12 fucked up 16:12 <@mtf> that came when my large cat stepped into a poly trap 16:12 make sure your lamp is actually blessed 16:12 no shit 16:12 i'm not new to the game 16:12 <@mtf> K2 make sure to bless that magic lamp 16:12 <[Demo]> bless ur luckstone 16:12 <@mtf> I know you don't usually do that 16:12 @mtf yeah I see but 16:12 it retained displacement 16:13 luck doesnt affect magic lamp success/failure rate 16:13 which is a bit weird 16:13 <@mtf> FIQ: oh yea, you mean when it changed forms later? yea 16:13 it likely means that the game considered shimmering dragon its original polyform 16:13 and I was trying to figure out why it would do this 16:13 <@mtf> for some reason displacement stuck for the rest of the pet's life 16:13 if you revive it 16:13 <@mtf> well, wait 16:13 that happens 16:13 <@mtf> my dragon did die 16:13 ahh 16:13 <@mtf> and I revived it with undead turning 16:13 yeah that is why then 16:13 when revived, the game loses track of its real original polyform 16:14 this is a quirk 16:14 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:14 I intend to address this when I get around ot implementing real polymorph 16:14 for monsters 16:14 *to 16:14 and now i cant get petless conduct either ugh 16:14 <@mtf> ah gotcha 16:14 <@mtf> makes sense 16:14 (shapeshifters is a special case) 16:14 djinni is tame... bleh 16:15 <[Demo]> segfault 16:15 thats cheating [Demo] 16:15 <[Demo]> yeah 16:15 <[Demo]> thats the spirit 16:16 heh 16:16 [Demo]: this isn't dnethack anyway 16:16 no segfault cheating 16:16 <[Demo]> thats my favorite thing about dnh 16:16 <[Demo]> its a game of exploitation 16:18 <@mtf> exploits are lame 16:18 <@mtf> always have been 16:18 <@mtf> always will be 16:19 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:6458 16:20 <@mtf> K2: nice, remember to bless that! 16:20 <@mtf> ... 😛 16:20 um 16:20 how do i do that? 16:20 FIQ? do you know?? 16:21 this is my first game ever, can you help me? 16:22 <@mtf> I think you have to drop it and then throw holy water at it 16:22 wield it and pray to your god on an altar 16:22 works in dnethack 16:22 <@mtf> you get holy water by filling up empty bottles from sinks 16:22 no, you have to kick it at holy water 16:22 <[Demo]> go to vlads at the top of the mines and grab the holy water 16:22 I like how both me and [Demo] gave dnh solutions 16:22 <@mtf> lol 16:22 * K2 prays to jesus 16:23 <[Demo]> i like how dnh adds making holy water method by just providing it 16:23 <@mtf> actually, if you strip completely naked, leave one holy water in your inv, and then jump into the castle moat, you can turn the entire moat holy\ 16:23 aosdict 3 blessed magic lamps, 3 no wishes 16:23 <@mtf> then you can just throw your luckstone in 16:23 [Demo]: I don't like it 16:23 wtf over 16:23 that said I abused that holy water for my TZ speedrun 16:23 <[Demo]> that only works for priests mtf 16:23 what did you DO 16:23 to basically gurantee a blessed magic lamp earlygame 16:23 <@mtf> demo: oh true 16:23 @mtf YANI for if empty bottles are ever implemented in a non game breaking way: you can dip them in sinks and if you get the potion effect, it will fill it with that random potion! 16:24 Other empty-bottle YANI: weight should be 1. 16:24 <@mtf> that'd be neat 16:24 <[Demo]> add a room 16:24 <@mtf> but tbh... why the hell can't we just dump out the potions 16:24 <[Demo]> like a special room thats a party room 16:24 <[Demo]> with a lot of empty bottles 16:24 <[Demo]> and maybe a corpse lol 16:24 <@mtf> like, is the cork only openable if you want to drink or dipt it? 16:24 <@mtf> dip* 16:24 some of them filled with booze 16:24 suggest it for amy 16:24 But first we'd need to figure out some way to make lots and lots of water NOT an easy gateway to mass-blessing. 16:24 <[Demo]> dude ive suggested like 5 bullshit ideas to amy in the last hr 16:25 <[Demo]> well actually i like the chamonkey one 16:25 aosdict: 1+1=2 16:25 <@mtf> YANI: wand of nothing, when pointed at potions, should empty them 16:25 FIQ: That has seriously huge implications if you apply it to water. 16:25 Also, still allows you to mass-bless water, only slower, right? 16:26 1 holy + 1 uncursed = 2 holy 16:26 <@mtf> wanna make it not gamebreaking? easy, do what ADOM does... you can't dip for water. The only water you get in a game is what you find dropping in the game 16:26 I have no problems with this @ implication 16:26 Actually what I really mean is 1+1=1... 16:26 @mtf flavouring the random water in the game as useless saltwater? 16:27 The idea behind 1+1=2 is that you don't use up any of the potion mass, and the result is two identical diluted potions. 16:27 <@mtf> sure 16:27 aosdict: yes, I know, I suggested the idea in first place 16:27 :P 16:27 but it gets weird with holy water 16:27 logically it should create diluted holy water.. 16:27 Transferring this to holiness would mean you now have two semi-holy potions of water. 16:27 yeah 16:28 maybe a probability distribution skewed towards losing the holiness? Like 25% it blesses both potions, 25% nothing happens, 50% the holiness becomes too diluted and both become uncursed? 16:28 YANI ^ 16:29 25% nothing happens is useless 16:29 players will just try again 16:29 ok, 1/3 and 2/3 then 16:29 <[Demo]> give priests a bonus 16:29 yeah 16:29 <[Demo]> priests always holy 16:29 @ aosdict 16:29 <[Demo]> priests dip their finger in water and wow its holy 16:29 <[Demo]> priests water enema wow holy 16:29 <[Demo]> priest piss water wow holy 16:29 note that it must be at least 50% 16:29 <[Demo]> i wanna be a priest 16:29 double-holy can't be above 50% 16:30 or statistically (and very tediously!) you'd be able to mass-bless pots 16:30 in a very slow process 16:30 * aosdict researches real-life opinions on the theological effects of diluting holy water 16:30 double-dog-holy 16:31 [Demo]: In SLASH'EM, priests have a bless ability IIRC 16:31 I have no issues with making this an ability for them in FIQHack, probably as long as they're in good standing with their god 16:33 <[Demo]> yes they do 16:33 <[Demo]> add techniques 16:33 K2: your RANDOM SHOUTING today made me laugh 16:33 I intend to, but I want to ensure that they a re balanced 16:33 *are 16:33 I will not add gnome tinker ability 16:33 heh 16:33 At least not the SLASH'EM version of it 16:33 i had caps on, was labelling some ports on this switch config (web ui) 16:34 nintendo switch config 16:34 my predecessors apparnetly did not believe in labels 16:34 <[Demo]> everyone knows if the interfaces arent labeled in all caps then its lying 16:34 <[Demo]> thats how u can tell 16:37 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed Croesus, on T:19124 17:02 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:07 [hdf-us] [fh] BUFF DEDEDE (Luxidream) (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 30006 points, T:1962, burned by a dwarf's fireball 17:08 meta knight is OP 17:11 <@luxidream> hey FIQ my cat isn't gaining health 17:11 <[Demo]> it probably is just diseased 17:13 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the ghost of guiltypanacea, the former Initiate, on T:8416 17:14 [hdf-us] [dnh] AVividLight (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 298 points, T:894, killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 17:17 [hdf-us] [fh] I CAN HAZ HP PLZ???? (Luxidream) (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 21924 points, T:1273, killed by a giant bat, while sleeping 17:19 <@luxidream> FIQ, was your intention also to nerf pets 17:22 * hothraxxa finishes backscroll 17:22 22:48 < aosdict> hothraxxa: I think I may have an answer to your levitation problem 17:22 you do indeed, and it's your fault 17:23 wrong RNG function used 17:23 !tell K2 pushed a fix to pet HP growth 17:23 Will do, FIQ! 17:23 it wasn't a problem, to be clear, just a not of a preceived inconsistency 17:23 oh because you probably copied my xnhrc? 17:23 note 17:23 @luxidream work-around for now: pets will only gain experience from killing higher-level things 17:23 bingo 17:23 and even then only sometimes 17:23 i didn't study it carefully 17:24 also pushed a change that reduces the Pw fuzzing monsters get 17:24 to the same as HP (0.75x-1.25x) 17:24 i realize now that i didn't get a lot more agile going downstairs when burdened after all 17:25 also, i was 0 for 2 with really actually truly blessed magic lamps in my orc wizard game 17:25 I promise I have not touched djinni odds 17:27 1/3125 is the odds for this if anyone wonders 17:27 for 0/5 tame djinnis from blessed lamps 17:28 i usually don't use a magic lamp wish, but i will make it a point to try in this game if i ever find a magic lamp 17:29 btw 17:29 has anyone found minesflayers in fiqhack 17:29 like, ever 17:29 ? 17:29 I think a lack of minesflayers is another result of the bug that makes dragons not appear 17:29 @v?mind flayer 17:29 mind flayer (h) | Lvl: 9 | Diff: 13 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 5 | Attacks: 1d4 weapon physical, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int | Alignment: -8 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, flies, seeinvis, infravisible 17:30 <@luxidream> @FIQ never 17:30 It is possible for them to appear starting on dlvl13 17:30 <@luxidream> but they're fairly rare even in vanilla 17:30 So I think the last few levels, on an unusually deep Mines, can have them 17:30 But never otherwise 17:35 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Ran Inc Mal Neu) was given Cleaver, on T:3474 17:36 <@luxidream> 30 HP wolves 17:36 <@luxidream> dang 17:36 [hdf-us] [fh] HAI (Luxidream) (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 41431 points, T:1689, killed by a gnome lord 17:36 <@luxidream> welp, no way I was surviving that 17:36 @v?wolf 17:36 wolf (d) | Lvl: 5 | Diff: 6 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 4 | Attacks: 2d4 bite physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, infravisible 17:36 Hit Dice 5 17:36 -!- mpt| has quit [] 17:37 So they get 5d8HP 17:37 in vanilla 17:37 5-40, avg 22 17:37 <@luxidream> what is the average in FH? 17:37 -!- mpt| has joined #hardfought 17:37 <@luxidream> could have been bad RNG 17:38 HP advancement number 4 17:38 starting HP 4 17:38 no wait 17:38 13 con... meaning 5, not 4 17:38 level 5 17:38 so 25 + 4 17:38 29 17:38 hm 17:39 I should perhaps set their con at 12 17:39 it's 13 atm 17:39 monster generic con I mean 17:39 hmm 17:39 <@luxidream> I had some trouble, but I am a healer with no pet 17:39 ok I think the problem is that monster level starts at 0 17:40 <@luxidream> 15 HP giant bats trashed me 17:40 Nude petless pacifist healer? 17:40 so they effectively has 1 level more than players 17:40 zen paci is the sickest combo 17:40 Worse than petless pacifist? 17:40 let me address this 17:40 _probably_ worse, idk 17:40 I gave them 1 more because it starts at 0 17:41 but I think assuming a start of 1 gives better numbers 17:41 FIQ: how did you fix minesflayer? 17:41 this means level 0 and 1 monsters would have the same starting HP 17:41 i am really interested 17:41 stenno: I didn't 17:41 because i - 17:41 oh 17:41 And it isn't even intended 17:41 <@luxidream> so they have 14 con now? 17:41 @luxidream 13 17:42 <@luxidream> okay 17:42 anyway I'll leave their con alone 17:42 I'll just remove their extra level 17:42 for HP/Pw calculation 17:42 I think a lack of minesflayers is another result of the bug that makes dragons not appear 17:42 <@luxidream> plans to modify that for specific monsters in the future? 17:42 FIQ: ^ what bug is that? 17:42 I think Minesflayer _specifically_ is not deliberate as such, but occasional out-of-depth monsters is clearly deliberate, especially when a .des file asks for a specific mlet. 17:42 yes 17:43 IMO, the real solution to Minesflayer is to introduce some intermediate h that are tougher than dwarves but not as horrible as flayers. 17:43 but its still capped to XL and DL 17:43 Either that, or move flayers to another mlet. 17:43 yes, that would fix it 17:43 or just allow 'dwarf' in the .des file :P 17:43 i mean idk why there is a random h in the mines des file anyway 17:43 The problem is the huge jump from the top-level dwarf to mindflayer. 17:44 Which is quite sudden, but it's the _next monster up_. 17:44 did i ever share the notes i made about minesflayers 17:44 The random h in the .des was probably intended, by the person who made the .des, to possibly be a dwarf, possibly a dwarf lord, maybe even is there such a thing as a dwarf king? Yeah. 17:44 yes 17:44 stenno: I think so, a while back? 17:45 ais has notes about it too. 17:45 <[Demo]> i wanna see 17:45 sec 17:45 @luxidream Pushed a fix. Now, monsters don't randomly have an extra level 17:46 This effectively decreases the average HP of every monster by 5 17:46 <[Demo]> nice 17:46 @luxidream eventually I want to give monsters proper starting attributes 17:46 so whats everyones pastebin of choice 17:46 Yeah, dwarf king is difficulty 8, mind flayer is _theoretically_ 13 but probably deserves to be higher than that. 17:46 or attributes in general 17:46 <@luxidream> hastebin.com 17:47 luxidream: mine too 17:47 but FIQ doesn't like it 17:47 ah well 17:47 So there really should be something in h in the 9-12 range. Probably a couple of somethings. 17:47 fiq has probably already read it 17:47 read what? 17:47 I use fiq.se btw 17:47 well, home.fiq.se 17:47 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Aphrodite, on T:11219 17:48 stenno: ah, no, I haven't read any notes about mind flayers 17:48 dwarf berzerker, perhaps. With a Wesnoth-like the-fight-cannot-stop-until-one-of-you-is-dead mechanic. 17:48 here is my javascript 'port' of minesflayer generation https://hastebin.com/jemigedowo.js 17:48 <[Demo]> oh god a javascript port 17:48 <[Demo]> thats very funny 17:48 its really easy to read 17:48 hastebin :( 17:49 lol 17:49 can't rad it 17:49 *read 17:49 ok, ok 17:49 stenno: ok so you have read the monster generation code 17:49 <@luxidream> what's wrong with hastebin FIQ 17:49 tell me 17:49 how do i upload to fiq.se 17:49 how is it supposed to work 17:49 create a text file with what you want to write/paste 17:49 then copy it to /srv/http 17:49 i have that 17:49 :-) 17:49 >_> 17:50 @luxidream hard to read for me with that background 17:50 you can copy/paste the stuff on hastebin 17:50 not w/o line numbers 17:50 stenno: anyway 17:50 generation code 17:50 <@luxidream> fiq: click "just text" 17:50 how is it supposed to work 17:51 FIQ: it is explained in the comments 17:51 @luxidream thanks 17:51 that link is tiny 17:51 stenno: my idea is 17:51 if I understand how it is supposed to work 17:51 <[Demo]> its so funny its javascript 17:51 I can take the current code 17:51 scrap it 17:51 and write new code that is 50% the size 17:52 that is how I usually do stuff in fiqhack 17:52 the code is all over the place 17:52 also there is this mkclass function 17:52 in NH4 17:52 the relevant function is mkclass 17:52 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Ran Inc Mal Neu), 32947 points, T:6447, killed by a minotaur 17:52 which I assume is used for generation of letters 17:52 it has an explicit flag 17:52 "in depth" 17:52 that it forces to be on 17:52 is there a good reason for this 17:52 I think this is why minesflayers never happen 17:52 nor dragons 17:53 etc 17:53 yes, but that is not used for .des generation 17:53 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Mister Admonisher, on T:64635 17:53 ... 17:53 naturally 17:53 <@riker> is there a minotaur on the quest home in vanilla? 17:53 then what is? 17:53 @riker quest home of what 17:53 <[Demo]> no its an ettin 17:53 <@riker> rangers 17:53 it uses a different, quite convoluted way of finding a monster 17:53 <@riker> I just got kiled by oone 17:53 <@luxidream> nh4 quest has it 17:53 <@riker> ok 17:53 <@luxidream> don't wake it up 17:53 <@riker> it's definitely in the dnao source 17:53 <@riker> yep too late 17:54 <[Demo]> stenno do u have this shit visualized? 17:54 <@riker> smh 17:54 FIQ: https://hastebin.com/raw/jemigedowo 17:54 stenno: mkclass in NH4 just calls rndmonst_inner 17:54 [Demo]: i was working on that 17:54 with G_INDEPTH 17:54 <@riker> +0 cleaver wasn't gonna cut it 17:54 <@riker> since i had like 6 dex 17:54 rndmonst_inner is not a function in 3.6.0 i think? 17:54 this is basically a blueprint for another paper i was writing 17:55 which was all nice with nice illustrations 17:55 but for now its just a bit of markup and a 17:55 <[Demo]> uh hmm 17:55 <[Demo]> i want graphs 17:56 the comments in the function generation_chance explains the algo in pseudocode 17:56 // [s] [[ HELPFUL ILLUSTRATIONS AND IMAGES]] 17:56 still WIP :P 17:57 <[Demo]> if u run it through babel with the helpful illustration placement text to actual image translator ull be done 17:57 haha 17:57 ok so 17:57 if I am reading this right, G_INDEPTH means "ignore out of depth restrictions" 17:57 pool_chance has another explanation 17:57 that seems backwards 17:58 in NH4 that is 17:58 so that'd mean that there are minesflayers in nh4 too 17:58 ok lemme try to explain the algo shortly 17:58 hmm 17:58 so each monster of 'h' class has a generation frequency, right 17:58 between 1 and 3 17:59 another thing here 17:59 or should i not explain :P 17:59 <[Demo]> i wanna hear 17:59 its basically written in the file 17:59 <[Demo]> i cant read 17:59 NH4 claims that it no longer cares about player level but rather only cares about dungeon depth 17:59 <[Demo]> crap that doesnt work 17:59 mkclass cares about both 18:00 This implies that dungeon depth is what is used for difficulty calculation 18:00 This is not true 18:00 Rather, it uses (dungeon depth) - 10 18:00 as difficulty modifier 18:00 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 18:00 for the player's "XL" 18:00 <[Demo]> why hasnt slex disabled difficulty 18:00 mkclass in vanilla 18:00 (capped at 1) 18:00 oh strange 18:00 <[Demo]> and let all monsters spawn everywhere 18:01 meaning that NH4 generally makes easier monsters than vanill 18:01 a 18:01 very significantly so earlygame 18:01 similar as for pacifist play 18:01 hmm i remember ais mentioning that 18:01 no wonder FIQHack earlygame is easier 18:01 <[Demo]> easyhack 18:01 @luxidream ^ 18:01 <[Demo]> dielategamehack 18:02 until you reach Dlvl11, it creates monsters as if you're XL11 18:02 err XL1 18:02 until you reach Dlvl12, even 18:02 since 11-10 is 1 18:02 <[Demo]> what 18:02 <[Demo]> wow 18:02 wut 18:03 1481 /* Determine the level of the strongest monster to make. The strength 18:03 1482 of the initial inhabitants of the level does not depend on the 18:03 1483 player level; instead, we assume that the player level is 1 up to 18:03 1484 D:10, and dlevel - 10 thereafter (to estimate a lower bound). */ 18:03 but thats mkclass? 18:03 No 18:03 That is rndmonst_inner 18:03 ah 18:03 Which is called by mkclass 18:03 <[Demo]> uh 18:03 and every other monster generation function 18:03 uhm ok 18:03 (apart from stuff like revgeno) 18:04 basically, normal monster generation 18:04 and stuff like special levels 18:04 <[Demo]> so if im xlvl 1 im gonna have the same shit spawn on lvl 1 as lvl 10? 18:04 [Demo]: the point is 18:04 NH4 doesn't factor in your XL *at all* 18:04 I knew this already 18:04 <[Demo]> what 18:04 <@luxidream> so it wasn't my imagination 18:04 But I assumed it used Dlvl 18:04 <[Demo]> im confused 18:04 as your XL 18:04 <@luxidream> when I said monster spawns were easier 18:04 (up to 15 or something because XL doesn't go that far) 18:04 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:04 <@luxidream> ? 18:05 <[Demo]> so the first 11 levels will always be the same for monster generation? 18:05 [Demo]: no, like 18:05 if you're XL1 18:05 or XL30 18:05 the game will generate equally hard monsters 18:05 on level gen 18:05 <[Demo]> right ok 18:05 yeah the minesflayer stuff will be useless for the nh4 variants then 18:05 That seems ok to me _at level gen_. 18:05 <[Demo]> whats the thing about the -10 though? 18:05 and it will do it as if, in NH3, you are XL1 18:06 up to dlvl12 18:06 <@luxidream> wow I should stop playing easy mode then 😛 18:06 where it treats your XL as Dlvl-10 18:06 <@luxidream> what's the deal with this @ais523 18:06 he isn't here 18:06 <[Demo]> im really ocnfused 18:06 you can !tell 18:06 i can !tell that he's not here 18:06 <[Demo]> so say im on dungeon level 8 and a bunch of rothes spawn 18:06 <[Demo]> would i have the same odds on dlvl 1? 18:06 sorry I have been contradictory because I said that it applied to all generation, which is wrong 18:07 no idea where I got that from 18:07 it applies to level gen 18:07 *any* level gen 18:07 but only level gen 18:07 yeah so that'd prevent minesflayer 18:07 [Demo]: ok let me make a pastebin 18:07 that explains the thin 18:07 g 18:07 as they can only occur on level gen 18:07 <[Demo]> ok good cause im confused as hell 18:07 <@luxidream> so dragons are rip on ludios because of this as well 18:07 <@luxidream> ? 18:08 I think that's a separate issue. 18:08 wait right 18:08 Introduced when fixing the NH4 minesflayer bug. 18:08 how does healer quest work then 18:08 Which in turn was introduced when doing multi-rng. 18:08 Healer quest is the same issue as Ludios. 18:08 i thought this was the reason because of out of depth generation 18:08 <@riker> wow tariru is destroying slex 18:09 <@riker> afaict he's 53 levels into gehennom 18:09 <@riker> loaded up with nice gear 18:09 <[Demo]> what 18:09 this was the reason why mkclass is so silly in vanilla 18:09 <[Demo]> jesus christ 18:09 <[Demo]> is someone that isnt amy actually going to ascend that godforsaken game? 18:09 <@riker> maybe? 18:09 Can he _streak_ it though? 18:09 THAT would be impressive. 18:09 <@riker> he's cleared the alignment quests too I think 18:09 if you go into healer quest early enough in nh4, no dragons should be spawning 18:09 or maybe just baby dragons 18:09 <@riker> oh woah he has a wand of wishing 18:10 http://home.fiq.se/levelgen.txt 18:11 <@riker> insane max hp too, not sure what armor/weapons he's currently using 18:11 @luxidream yeah the dragon thing in ludios is a seperate bug 18:11 which I think was introduced when ais attempted to fix the NH4 minesflayer bug 18:11 NH3 if faced with impossible generation will just generate out of depth monsters 18:12 correct 18:12 NH4 will generate monsters other than the ones you asked 18:12 and now i understand it 18:12 thats indeed the problem 18:12 because mkclass in nh3 _allows_ for those dragons to be generated 18:12 and minesflayer are a consequence of this 18:12 I am not sure what the perfect solution here is 18:13 stenno: Indeed. 18:13 if minesflayer is a feature, perhaps it should re-roll up to 5 times 18:13 easy: just remove the random h from the .des file : 18:13 :P 18:13 if it's considered a bug 18:13 or ignore depth in the quest levels, but not in the mines 18:13 re-roll up to 100 times, then sequentially iterate through them until a valid one is found, if there is still nothing, generate the easiest monster 18:13 because mkclass _can_ create monsters in-depth 18:14 FIQ: IMO, in an impossible situation where all monsters in the class are out of depth, _if it's specified in the .des file as that class_, a monster in the class should be generated, but one of the lowest-difficulty ones. 18:14 So e.g. on the healer quest, baby dragons. 18:14 that is what I suggested, yes 18:14 if minesflayer is considered a bug 18:14 If the .des file wants _adult_ dragons specifically, it should say so. 18:14 if it's considered a feature, it should re-roll a few times 18:14 to minimize the occurence, but not eliminate it 18:14 minesflayer must be a bug 18:15 an oversight 18:15 stenno: Were you around for the NH4 minesflayer bug? 18:15 !tell ais523 why is NH4 and all its derivatives generating far easier monsters than vanilla for the entire earlygame? 18:15 Will do, FIQ! 18:16 hmm not sure 18:16 maybe, but i don't remember 18:16 I wasn't 18:16 I don't know the detai 18:16 ls 18:16 I know they used to be too common 18:16 No idea how much 18:16 Short version: after multi-rng went in, people kept reporting "I keep getting flayers in the Mines" as a bug. We said "that happens in vanilla too", for a while. 18:16 But eventually it became obvious that it was happening much TOO often. 18:16 jonadab: I was trying to find the commit that fixed it 18:17 Like, average at least once per game, maybe more. 18:17 But failed 18:17 FIQ: git blame that section of the code. 18:17 jonadab: I don't know the section 18:17 Ah, let me look then. 18:17 That was kinda why I wanted to find the commit 18:17 To see what sections of code I want to look at 18:18 but maybe the changes to mkclass were exactly the fixes to minesflayer? 18:19 FIQ: I think it might be eee69012 18:21 stenno: The first big change was for multi-rng. 18:21 And then yeah, the second was to fix the minesflayers-basically-every-game bug. 18:21 The latter may have been slightly overzealous. 18:21 i wonder what provoked that bug 18:22 ok so rndmonst_inner 18:22 It was a logic error when merging two sections of code for multi-rng, not realizing the importance of an apparently minor difference between them. 18:22 oh ouch 18:22 Yes, rndmonst_inner (which is what mkclass calls). 18:23 FIQ: but even if the _devteam_ considers minesflayers a feature (which i cannot imagine), _you_ as variant devs should know better and remove this out of depth abomination :P 18:24 (regarding a statement you made earlier) 18:24 stenno: I don't want lacking ludios/castle dragons 18:24 This is the main thing I want to fix 18:24 oh its an open bug? 18:24 haha 18:24 please can you just wizmode and see how the healer quest looks like when you're XL 1 18:24 And I am trying to figure out what I need to look at 18:24 Actually 18:25 yeah you're definetely on the right track 18:25 XL shouldn't even matter 18:25 Why is it mattering 18:25 This is a bug in itself 18:25 that reminds me, I wanted to run a level statistics with monster output to see how many OOP monsters there are in the early game 18:25 XL does matter in vanilla 18:25 but it was removed in nitro and/or nh4? 18:26 unnethack likes to spawn herds of giant spiders on dlvl 2 ;) 18:26 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-03-27 17:23 EDT: pushed a fix to pet HP growth 18:26 bhaak: op monsters will only happen in the mines, and that will only be minesflayer 18:26 bhaak: I think in Nitro, yes. 18:26 stenno: I meant unnethack, not vanilla 18:26 Hmm, removing XL from the difficulty equation entirely would be interesting and flavorful... 18:26 hmm but still there 18:26 Thaler originally intended to generate all dungeon levels at game start. 18:26 In order to allow seed tournaments to give players the same levels. 18:27 He never quite got that far, though, and NH4 ended up solving this with multi-rng. 18:27 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 18:27 i think you will only get OOD monsters when you have a monster letter in a .des file 18:27 http://home.fiq.se/xl1.png 18:27 http://home.fiq.se/xl14.png 18:27 http://home.fiq.se/xl30.png 18:27 FIQ: whats the fix for pet HP? they generate more or less now? 18:27 Healer quest on XL1, XL14, XL30 18:27 stenno: that's what currently is the supposed reason for unnethack. I just want to make sure 18:27 K2: They actually gain HP when killing monsters now 18:27 Allowing them to level up 18:27 bhaak: fair enough 18:27 neat 18:28 FIQ: I'm getting 404. 18:28 me too 18:28 jonadab: yeah, and unnethack did it, too. in a different way. but ignoring monsters. 18:28 sorry 18:28 is that the healer quest levels? 18:28 fixed links: 18:28 http://home.fiq.se/hea_xl1.png 18:28 http://home.fiq.se/hea_xl14.png 18:28 http://home.fiq.se/hea_xl30.png 18:28 haha! 18:28 as predicted 18:29 not even baby dragons 18:29 but it makes no sense 18:29 stenno: did you get a German 404 as well? 18:29 NH4 is supposed to ignore your XL 18:29 on level gen 18:29 bhaak: no 18:29 It even has a comment claiming this 18:29 <[Demo]> whats a german 404? 18:29 bhaak: i guess your browser translated? 18:29 And, well, it doesn't 18:29 <[Demo]> that sounds painful 18:29 Clearl 18:29 y 18:29 stenno: I thought I had English preference configured 18:29 [Demo]: a VIERNULLVIER 18:29 YANI: wyverns or similar that use the D glyph but don't have breath attacks. 18:30 !tell ais523 Also, your XL is supposed to be ignored on level gen. It isn't 18:30 Will do, FIQ! 18:30 [Demo]: a not found page in German 18:30 wyverns are in unnethack :P 18:30 stenno: Lack of baby dragons has to do with alignment, I think 18:31 [hdf-us] [slex] Tariru (Rog Ang Fem Cha) killed Demogorgon, on T:65858 18:31 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 18:31 strange that there is one D anyway 18:31 <[Demo]> wow 18:31 <[Demo]> i might was tariru 18:31 lol Tariru 18:31 the madman 18:31 is conquering slex 18:31 on his first run 18:31 the absolute madlad 18:31 <[Demo]> im concerned 18:31 I call rng abuse 18:32 FIQ: why is there an orange D anyway then :v 18:32 stenno: what do you mean 18:32 does it use adj_lev ? 18:32 @v?orange dragon 18:32 orange dragon (D) | Lvl: 15 | Diff: 20 | Spd: 9 | Res: sleep | Confers: sleep | MR: 20 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: -1 | Attacks: 4d25 breath sleep, 3d8 bite physical, 1d4 claw physical, 1d4 claw physical | Alignment: 5 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, thick hide, oviparous, seeinvis 18:32 hea_xl14.png 18:33 oh hm 18:33 hmm yeah that is pelicular 18:33 orange dragon is difficulty 20 18:33 if NH4 blindly followed the usual depth rules 18:33 it would be too hard 18:33 for healer quest 18:33 at xl14 18:33 with NH3 rules 18:33 what DL is home:1 actually 18:33 and xl(whatever) 18:33 maybe there is a screw up? 18:33 with NH4 rules 18:33 and DL doesn't get calced correctly? 18:34 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "6000 gold", on T:14308 18:34 quest portal is on dlvl12 this game 18:34 so home:1 should be depth 12 18:34 dlvl-wise 18:34 nh3.4.3 would generate anyway because there is D in mkclass 18:34 and mklass for .des ignores depth 18:35 er 18:35 ignores in-depthness 18:35 to a certain extend 18:35 NH4 also seems to ignore depth 18:35 to a certain extent 18:35 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:35 Just less so 18:35 I'm confused, is anyone explaining an existing system or proposing a new system where for all random monster generation, XL is not part of the equation, only level difficulty is? 18:35 nh4 is _supposed_ to ignore XL apparently 18:35 aosdict: I am trying to figure out what is wrong with NH4 monster generation 18:36 It doesn't follow either NH3 or its own rules according to comments 18:36 can you give me a link to the function? 18:36 wonder if it still uses adj_lev 18:36 (which concerns XL) 18:36 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tsadok/nethack4/master/libnethack/src/makemon.c 18:36 Because I'll throw that in as a YANI if it doesn't exist anywhere, that intrigues me 18:36 ctrl+f mkclass 18:36 thx 18:37 aosdict: That is how NH4 is supposed to work 18:37 And I think it does, except for .des mkclass which seems to be completely broken 18:37 But surely not with that level_difficulty - 10 modifier? 18:37 You don't want it to generate difficulty 0 monsters on floors 1-10. 18:37 oh it has some hardcoded stuff for quests 18:37 That is how NH4 works, according to a comment. I assume it to be true, apart from the bugginess 18:38 aosdict: Well, basically, it creates a "fake" XL 18:38 which is Dlvl-10 18:38 (capped at 1) 18:38 that sounds like ais 18:38 So dlvl1 generates difficulty 0-1, dlvl2 0-1, dlvl3 0-2, dlvl4 0-2, dlvl5 0-3... etc 18:38 and then uses the vanilla difficulty formula of averaging them? 18:39 yeah 18:39 hm i wonder what qt_montype does then 18:39 * K2 grabs some popcorn and watches the discussion 18:39 takes dlev and rng 18:39 aosdict: This explains why FIQHack is easier than vanilla 18:39 <@riker> k2 ikr 18:39 And NH4 would also be easier than vanilla for that matter 18:40 So if you're on level N where N > 10, difficulty = 2N+10 / 2? 18:40 wut 18:40 there must be a bug 18:40 (FIQHack even moreso due to guranteed lit mines, which basically removes all sense of difficulty when combined with the bizarre NH4 level gen rules) 18:40 aosdict: 2N-10 / 2, rather 18:41 Er, yes. 18:41 But XL isn't a factor. 18:41 correct 18:41 FIQ: do i see correctly that 18:41 ptr = qt_montype(dlev, rng); 18:41 wtf is qt_montype 18:41 in rndmonst_inner has almost no effect? 18:42 gets a quest monster 18:42 Ok, so not a YANI since the concept exists, just deciding how to curve the max monster gen difficulty with respect to level difficulty. 18:43 And nethack4's would be a line that gets steeper after difficulty 11. 18:43 aosdict: btw, N-5 gives the same result 18:43 and is much easier math 18:44 (after dlvl10) 18:44 i don't see the quest bias being used actually 18:45 against the soft checks 18:45 Not sure I like that arbitrary pivot point, perhaps a better curve could be found. 18:45 there is a comment that it does 18:45 but its not there 18:45 qt_montype gets you a quest monster based on the hard coded monsters or classes in your role 18:45 or maybe i am just dumb 18:45 stenno: rn2(7) goes through 6/7 of the time 18:45 yes 18:45 so unless the monster generation fails due to the checks in the while 18:45 it should go through 18:45 but it has no effect afterwards 18:45 ? 18:45 i mean it doesn't exit afterwards 18:46 ptr is returned eventually 18:46 in the while (--tryct) 18:46 yes but by then it ran all the hard checks and soft checks 18:46 you mean the checks it also runs for every other suggested monster? 18:47 oh hm 18:47 I think the soft checks mentioned are the usual restriction you run through when a random monster is generated 18:47 yeah nm 18:47 yes 18:47 but on the quest level you want a few specific monsters 18:47 i overlooked the return ptr 18:48 ah 18:48 bhaak: it merely just does the hard checks 18:48 before returning ptr 18:48 like, things you really don't want to return 18:48 genocided monsters and such 18:49 well, it's a bit a peculiar way of handling the special case of wanting a few specific monsters 18:49 this method does 3 not so related things 18:49 blame ais 18:50 pick a quest monster, pick a random monster if it didn't pick a quest monster, and validate the monster 18:50 lets see what qt_montype does 18:50 in vanilla first 18:50 I keep reading qt_montype as "cute montype" 18:51 qt_montype in vanilla calls mkclass lol 18:51 i _assume_ strongly that thats not the case in nh4 lol 18:51 stenno: note that the issue also exist in fort ludios 18:51 [Demo] its fun 18:51 not just the quest 18:51 just to clarify 18:51 and i'm helping beta test 18:51 <[Demo]> its also fun for me to make fun of 18:51 that it isn't quest-specific 18:51 yeah 18:51 <[Demo]> which is what i just did 18:52 <[Demo]> so im getting my satisfaction 18:52 lemme see nh4's implementation of qt_montype then 18:52 dont hate 18:52 questpgr.c 18:52 is where i tis 18:52 *it is 18:52 uhm 18:53 it 18:53 it calls mkclass.. 18:53 is it the same? 18:53 in both NH3 and NH4 18:53 well in nh4 a rng function gets passed 18:53 https://github.com/tsadok/nethack4/blob/1adeec9fe8e442627d7d0df3520a16a27d37043c/libnethack/src/questpgr.c 18:53 hm 18:54 well I think there is a problem here 18:54 let's see 18:54 so rndmonst_inner 18:54 calls qt_montype 18:54 which calls mkclass 18:54 so mkclass calls rndmonst_inner which calls qt_montype which calls mkclass 18:54 yes 18:54 which calls rndmonst_inner 18:54 and so on 18:54 stack level too deep!! 18:54 until it rolls better 18:54 until an RNG check fails 18:54 right 18:54 thats a potential crash bug 18:55 if i read it correctly 18:55 I mean, sure, in theory 18:55 someone with actual C skills might want to read that again 18:55 But not really in prpactice 18:55 well stack overflow, no? 18:55 Well yeah 18:55 If you keep failing 1/7 RNG checks 18:55 Which, yeah, ok, you will for a while 18:55 But not indefinitely 18:55 well but in any case 18:55 that cannot be intended as such 18:56 stenno: your words confuse and frighten my primitive brain 18:56 Right 18:56 It's dumb 18:56 !tell ais523 More issues: rndmonst_inner -> qt_montype -> mkclass -> rndmonst_inner -> ... 18:56 Will do, FIQ! 18:56 i think that most people in this channel have better ideas a) about programming and b) about nh3 and nh4 source code :P 18:57 than me, K2 18:57 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 18:57 -!- deadnoob has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:57 stenno: I don't know NH3 code well at al 18:57 l 18:57 But in any case 18:57 Do you understand why I asked you how it worked in NH3 now? :P 18:57 :D 18:57 that was really fun 18:57 heh 18:57 I wanted to scrap the current logic and just rewrite it based on the premise of how it works in NH3 18:57 everyone here is a better programmer than me 18:57 (not the code, I've seen enough NH3 code to know that that wont end well) 18:58 (to be honest, the things that ais did to mkclass look just as terrible as in nh3) 18:58 but differently terrible 18:58 K2: don't worry. you can handle weapons better than anybody in this channel. 18:58 K2: maybe with the exception of Adeon and me :-} 18:59 huh? 18:59 hahahah 18:59 and K2 can also handle wands 18:59 adeon is in USA 18:59 because as we all know 18:59 still? 18:59 soldiers are skilled wand users 18:59 i am confus 18:59 :-) 18:59 we could out that to the test 18:59 *put 18:59 oh in switzerland people might carry arms too, right 18:59 like they can keep their weapon after military service 19:00 I can shoot an apple from the head of anybody's son 19:00 haha 19:00 * stenno hears the willhelm tell overture 19:00 I guess Adeon will give me his water soaked laptop to prove that. 19:00 how often do you shoot bhaak? 19:00 * stenno thinks of that absurd sex scene in clockwork orange 19:00 huh, did you meet? 19:01 hah clockwork orange 19:01 maybe at a rl conference? 19:01 where he had the speedrun? 19:01 ultra violence! 19:01 * stenno thinks of _one_ of the several absurd sex scenes of clockwork orange 19:01 i havent watched that movie in forever 19:01 same 19:02 K2: truth be told, I haven't for a while. when I was discharged, I had to return my weapon as I didn't shoot enough privately :-) 19:03 yeah 19:03 its a perishable skill 19:03 did Adeon buy weapons in the US? :o 19:03 last time i shot anything was back in november 19:03 but I was surprisingly good. must be the blood of the hunter I got from my father 19:03 he will have to answer my questioning when he's around 19:03 nice 19:04 stenno Adeon is not a US citizen correct? 19:04 i think he's still finnish 19:04 * K2 pokes Adeon 19:04 also idk if he's still there 19:04 he should not have been able to then (legally) 19:04 oh wait 19:04 I come from a long line of hunters. also, from a long line of hunters that threatened to shoot each other. but haven't done so, otherwise I wouldn't come from a lone line of hunters 19:04 he is in ireland right now, right 19:04 no. SF 19:05 ah 19:05 lol bhaak 19:05 oh there is a project he did a year ago or so, gotta ask him about that 19:05 when the sno wmelts and the weather improves, we'll start shooting again 19:06 this is the newest addition to my small collection 19:06 https://www.hinterlandoutfitters.com/images/2015new/longguns/large/83739.jpg 19:06 sigsauer 516 patrol 19:07 Block reason: Access from your Country was disabled by the administrator. 19:07 LOL 19:07 rofl 19:07 look up the make/model i just posted, in desert tan 19:07 can't have these pesky germans on the servers 19:07 isn't sig even a swiss gun 19:07 swiss company 19:08 yes 19:08 yes 19:08 that's a similar model that we have in the army 19:08 https://www.gunfactory.ch/langwaf/223_semiautos_sigsauer.htm 19:08 why did i think that you have steyr aug in the army 19:09 oh austrian, not swiss 19:09 my bad 19:09 i have an aimpoint laser dot sight on mine as well as a flashlight attachment 19:09 K2: wtf do you shoot with these things? Aliens? 19:10 afghans 19:10 sorry 19:10 <[Demo]> lol 19:10 paper targets lately 19:10 its a personal weapon so it'll never be allowed to go with on an official deployment 19:10 oh with _your_ weapon, i thought with the army weapons 19:10 i'll be issued an M-4 19:10 sorry, that came around even more shitty than it was intended 19:10 stenno: sadly no 19:10 heh 19:11 no worries 19:11 the us military has a contract with Colt 19:11 standard M-4 19:11 like m4a1 ? 19:11 M-16 is still in use also 19:11 yes 19:11 oh wow 19:11 the germans got a new gun a few years ago but apparently its shit 19:11 G36 19:11 m4a2 or a4 usually 19:11 <[Demo]> arent germans supposed to not have shit guns? 19:12 G3 was shit too i think 19:12 the govt keeps saying they are shopping for a replacement of the m-4 but i'll believe it when i actually see it 19:12 also note that i am not at all knowledgable in weapons, i just played counterstrike 19:12 lol 19:12 and watched lord of war 19:12 K2: portable mini nuke pellets 19:12 make a gun firing those 19:12 that is the extend of my expertise regarding guns 19:12 K2: the SIG 550 is the one that the regular soldiers get issued. 19:12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_SG_550 19:13 lucky... 19:13 * K2 loves sig sauer 19:13 my 9mil is a sig also 19:13 P2022 19:13 as if the swiss would actually participate in a war :P 19:13 and i want a P320 compact 19:13 I know absolutely nothing about guns 19:13 haven't held one ever rl 19:13 *irl 19:13 ii have a pistol from the spanish civil war 19:13 probably a good thing FIQ 19:13 K2: we regularly shoot with that thing on targets that are 300 m / 325 yards away. 19:14 nice 19:14 stenno: you have to bring the war to our door step but then we'll participate :) 19:14 when we qualify at the range its out to 300m 19:14 bhaak: noted!! 19:14 thankfully the US military deals in meters 19:14 ooh nice 19:15 more civilized than the rest of the country 19:15 by necessity 19:15 rest of our allies play in meters, so.... 19:15 heh 19:15 I can see that 19:15 the stupid things we did with that rifle. taking it apart and together in 2 minutes 19:15 hhaha 19:15 i remember having to do that as a private 19:15 !who 19:15 FIQ: [hdf-us] cpittman [nh4] Grasshopper [nd] k2 [xnh] hothraxxa [xnh] 19:15 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 19:15 repeatedly 19:16 but i can dress down an m-4 in my sleep now 19:16 still 19:16 the really awkward thing is that this thing has a mount for a bayonet 19:16 oh by the way... i was promoted last week, moved over from infantry to signal 19:16 so my going on patrol and getting into trouble days are over 19:17 <[Demo]> yey 19:17 <[Demo]> so u wont die and we will get to keep playing nethack? 19:17 <[Demo]> and ur family will be happy 19:17 <--- course manager for cyber securuty training site 19:17 <[Demo]> hell yeah 19:17 yeha my wife is happy actually heh 19:17 so now they want you to put cable into the ground to provide radio? :) 19:17 so next deployment i'll be a fobbit 19:17 bhaak basically yes ;) 19:18 or i'll be in charge of a buch of soldiers doing just that 19:18 *bunch 19:19 <@riker> spellbook on ground 19:19 <@riker> next to scroll 19:19 <@riker> "hm, that would be nice if that was a book of ID. I can ID that scroll instead of fucking up my rogue" 19:19 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:19 <@riker> it's ID 19:19 <@riker> scroll was earth, I was planning on read-id'ing it and it would have killed me 19:19 <@riker> ok then 19:20 my gun http://i.imgur.com/8327Vk2.jpg 19:20 bhaak: my promotion puts me at the equivilant of 'Adjutant Unteroffizier' 19:20 pistol* 19:21 <[Demo]> oh wow thats a cool one 19:21 stenno... you lucky... 19:21 of course it doesn't work anymore 19:21 <[Demo]> damn 19:21 still 19:21 thats very nice 19:22 yeah 19:22 its in my vitrine usually 19:22 how do you say that in english 19:22 showcase 19:22 brb 19:24 K2: ah. those have several ^ on their rank insignia. we always pictured them as "small brain, big asshole" :-) 19:30 raise your hand if you read K2's message as "so next deployment I'll be a hobbit" 19:31 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 4721 points, T:1410, killed by a gnome lord 19:32 lol 19:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1686 points, T:147, killed by Ms. Manlobbi, the shopkeeper 19:34 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 3281 points, T:171, zapped herself with a wand 19:34 defend the shire against saruman and grima 19:36 -!- captain42 has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 19:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 198 points, T:84, killed by a hobbit 19:39 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1794 points, T:183, killed by a small mimic 19:41 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 368 points, T:307, killed by a gnome lord 19:42 i could consider going to bed at some point 19:42 but i dont _have_ to! 19:42 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 701 points, T:243, killed by a gnome lord 19:42 because i have vacation time tomorrow! 19:49 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu), 6065 points, T:1354, killed by a dwarf, while praying 19:50 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu), 100 points, T:61, killed by a fox 19:53 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu), 587 points, T:1043, killed by a gnome lord 19:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu), 860 points, T:951, killed by an acid blob 20:01 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Rog Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:5399 20:03 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1912 20:05 [hdf-us] [slex] TheDiaz (Fir Hep Fem Cha), 17 points, T:81, petrified by a petrification trap 20:06 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Sam Hum Fem Law), 307518 points, T:70167, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/c/cpittman/nethack4/dumplog/2018-03-28%2000%3A06%3A31%2C%20cpittman-Sam-Hum-Fem-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 20:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Val Hum Fem Neu), 3019 points, T:2215, killed by a water moccasin 20:07 -!- captain42 has joined #hardfought 20:08 grats 20:08 well i will sleep now 20:11 -!- hf_guest_10374 has joined #hardfought 20:12 -!- hf_guest_10374 has quit [Client Quit] 20:21 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Rog Inc Mal Cha), 29347 points, T:7541, killed by a hill orc 20:44 [hdf-us] [xnh] bouquet (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:25480 20:44 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:45 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 20:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 20:45 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 20:50 [hdf-us] [dnh] noty (Hea Inc Mal Neu) killed the Dagon, on T:40682 21:00 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 21:03 -!- deadnoob_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:04 [hdf-us] [dnh] noty (Hea Inc Mal Neu) killed the Bael, on T:41377 21:07 -!- deadnoob_ has joined #hardfought 21:09 aosdict: fobbitt is slang based off of hobbitt, its a soldier who never leaves the wire and stays in the FOB 21:09 [hdf-us] [dnh] noty (Hea Inc Mal Neu) killed the Zuggtmoy, on T:41662 21:09 bhaak hahahahah 21:10 yeah the higher up in rank I go, the more worried i get 21:10 i dont want to become 'that guy' 21:12 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:12 [hdf-us] [nh4] Kame Sucks (fatheals) (Mon Hum Mal Law), 28029 points, T:1808, killed by a jackal 21:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 2517 points, T:570, killed by a kitten 21:34 [hdf-us] [nh4] Ryan Legros (fatheals) (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 11471 points, T:597, killed by a grid bug 21:36 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 2177 points, T:535, killed by a rothe 21:37 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1658 points, T:169, quit 21:37 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +3 atma weapon", on T:3 21:38 lol wut 21:38 turn 3?? 21:40 -!- mpt| has quit [] 21:42 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 21:42 aosdict 21:42 -!- stenno is now known as Guest81654 21:42 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:42 every - single - xnethack game i've played and made it to sokoban, its a BoH 21:42 and thats quite a few games 21:43 you've nerfed magic lamps and the sokoban prize 21:43 i'm convinced 21:44 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Mon Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:11194 21:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 3695 points, T:999, killed by a giant bat 21:46 -!- Guest81654 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:52 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 2226 points, T:527, killed by a kobold mummy 21:53 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 622 points, T:326, killed by a coyote 21:54 I live in US 21:54 I've never even touched a gun 21:54 so bhaak would definitely snipe me 10/10 21:54 but I'm good at hiding 21:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1810 points, T:208, killed by Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper 21:54 I played a lot of pubg 21:55 if you are in a bush you are basically invisible 21:57 also I think it's harder for foreigners to buy guns in california anyway 21:57 but it's possible 21:58 K2: I added advanced machine learning algorithms that determine whether you're likely to finish sokoban or not, and if it thinks you are, it turns the prize into a boh. So for all your games where you died before reaching sokoban, the prize was an amulet. 21:59 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 21:59 can't you just turn the price into boh or amulet based on if the player already has boh or amulet or other source of reflection 21:59 in a way you always get the less useful prize 22:00 also put black dragon in the reflectionban 22:14 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha), 5162 points, T:4404, killed by a gold golem 22:26 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 750 points, T:1066, killed by a gnome 22:27 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2715 22:29 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 22:29 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 9455 points, T:2829, killed by a gnomish wizard 22:40 [hdf-us] [nh] Blue (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1777 points, T:1710, killed by a succubus 22:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 839 points, T:1086, killed by a yeti, while praying 23:34 [hdf-us] [fh] Uteris (Blue) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 32788 points, T:2065, killed by a gnomish wizard's force bolt