00:22 FIQ: according to the interhack principle, any traps you learn the real identity of, or already know the identity of, should be shown as their real identity while you are hallucinating. Similar for certain objects and monsters. But that seems incredibly pedantic and flavor-breaking. Thoughts? 01:38 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 01:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 01:39 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:45 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:51 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 16839 points, T:481, killed by a gnome queen, while praying 02:53 . 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 18:52 EDT: hitting 'y' on the main menu gave me "Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] Access to /dgldir/userdata/rikerw/unnethackplus/rikerw.unplusrc denied (2)." 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 18:54 EDT: followed by the game freaking the fuck out (weird rendering, chose a role for me twice (???? it started the game and then when I tried to move restarted as a diff role/race), then it wouldn't let me do any extended command) see ttyrec? fixed when I closed my terminal and relogged in 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 19:10 EDT: request: QA aritwish for dnhslex 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 19:20 EDT: positively ID'ed the fact that explosiosn (gas spore or cart) hitting another monster crash it. I just watched a firework cart explode a gnome and it crashed rigt after. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! said explody things don't always explode when I kill them, only when monsters kill them looks like? 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 19:21 EDT: anyway I haven't tried to recover my save since I actually want it to survive.... please let me know if it is safe to do so 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from Chris_ANG at 2018-03-15 19:58 EDT: Re itchiness oddness: known bug, fixed in dev. 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 22:13 EDT: getting a "Waiting for access to record." error whenever my game dies (not quit but die). tries 60 times and then exits to main menu? 02:53 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 22:13 EDT: SLEX on hdf 02:54 !tell riker create a dnhslex config file by using the editor, that should make the error message go away (it happens because it doesn't automatically create such a file) 02:54 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:55 !tell riker no idea why hdf doesn't have access to record, certainly not me doing stuff since it worked earlier and slex didn't get changed for two weeks or so, it may be a permissions problem on the server 02:55 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:56 !tell riker okay, I got a backtrace on that firework cart crash, will pastebin it for Chris 02:56 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:58 Chris_ANG: I got a backtrace from riker's firework cart crash, apparently it happens when other monsters are caught in the firework explosion. Here: https://pastebin.com/raw/RwnMNTU3 - maybe that can shed some light on the cause 02:59 might be trying to double free a monster pointer or something? 03:02 !tell riker sadly, it seems that the dnhslex savegame is corrupted again, just like last time; I tried to open it on my account and got a trickery followed by SIGILL 03:02 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 03:09 [hdf-us] [slex] BSOD2 (Con Akt Fem Neu), 0 points, T:56, killed by a monster (man eating plant) 03:11 it only happens on hdf-us, so it's a problem with the record file there I suppose? 03:12 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:17 LarienTelrunya: You should be able to open other peoples saves in wizard mode. Wizard mode never trickeries. 03:18 And yeah, probably a double free of the firework cart. 03:18 It's hard to tell with half the addresses missing >:( 03:19 well if I open it in wizard mode, I get "Restoring saved game... Saved game was not yours. Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] q" arrrrrrrrrgh stupid cheating protection I'm gonna remove your fat ugly ass from this world :P 03:19 I don't think I've ever seen that thing before, it is not a useful feature :/ 03:21 LarienTelrunya: Ur doin it wrong. Wizard mode allows that. 03:21 Hm... 03:21 oh, the problem is that I can't immediately start it in wizard mode 03:21 actually, I can't use wizard mode on the server at all it seems :( 03:22 Ah, well, there's that problem, then. 03:22 Can you just download the save? 03:23 not sure, but probably possible in theory 03:24 It's definitely a better way to work with things. I was asking if the interface/your permissions were such that you were able to download it. 03:25 well permissions-wise it's not a problem, I've officially been promoted to the rank of main em.slashem.me administrator... but I'm not familiar with the server, so I don't know how to download the save off it :P 03:26 How are you communicating with the server? 03:27 logging into it via putty, using my admin key 03:28 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:28 PSCP then, I think. 03:28 also why can't I pull from your dNAO repo into dnhslex? it says "devel-3.15.2 is up to date with Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/devel-3.15.2" 03:29 https://it.cornell.edu/managed-servers/transfer-files-using-putty 03:29 Sounds like you successfully pulled. 03:30 What branch are you developing on? 03:30 ah, no, I forgot to sync, I did now and that made it possible to "merge 23 commits from Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/devel-3.15.2" 03:30 dnhslex uses devel-3.15.2 as its master branch 03:31 aww, merge conflict in monst.c and objects.c 03:32 oh you changed the AC value of crystal plate mail 03:32 Nerf bats raining from the sky. 03:32 ah and the crystal helm too 03:35 also wth is a pointiff crown :P 03:36 LarienTelrunya: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/473440979553415348/ 03:38 is that from the baroque era? :) 03:38 It's whatever the flip is on this guy's face: 03:38 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/darksouls/images/2/28/Pontiff-sulyvahn.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160621165847 03:39 wow some of the eladrin sure got buffed in those commits 03:40 dnhslex allows eladrin to spawn anywhere at random, so those suddenly got much more dangerous :P 03:41 "crow-winged half-dragon" is a unique?! sure sounds like a standard monster to me 03:42 yaaaaaay sync conflict resolved and updated dnhslex pushed :) due to the addition of new monsters this breaks saves though 03:43 Weap->xwep is a nerf, and Phys -> Energy may be a nerf or a buff depending on if the PC resists that energy. 03:43 ah, I see 03:43 also I got an error yesterday when I farlooked a marilith, apparently the pokedex doesn't know about some of their attack types 03:43 Oh, probably. 03:44 AT_MARI: Marilith arms. 03:44 yeah, that was probably the one, there were 4 instances of "BUG: noninitialized description of attack_type" or whatever the message says 03:47 -!- LarienTelrunya_ has joined #hardfought 03:47 The crow-winged half-dragon might make more sense when the maps for fem-HlfDragon-Noble are created. 03:48 ah, I see 03:49 Also, if you enabled that combo already, it is now broken. 03:49 Since it is expecting maps that don't exist. 03:50 :( I guess other types of nobles might be broken too, i.e. all those that are for some weird reason unplayable in regular dnh? :D 03:51 chirpoteran noble? incantifier noble? clockwork noble? 03:51 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:51 -!- LarienTelrunya_ is now known as LarienTelrunya 03:51 Those will use the "primary" noble quest, the human/vampire/incant quest. 03:52 At least, I think incant is enabled in dnh. 03:52 ah, so the half-dragon is specifically unplayable now but the others work? 03:52 Yep 03:52 ok 03:53 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Rog Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:18096 03:59 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 35604 points, T:3551, killed by a bolt of lightning 04:17 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:26 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:26 [hdf-us] [nh4] Mary (Robin) (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 11387 points, T:260, killed by a jackal 04:29 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:34 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 04:34 -!- stenno has quit [Changing host] 04:34 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 04:35 [hdf-us] [nh4] Mikko (Robin) (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 7483 points, T:826, killed by a jackal 04:38 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:56 [hdf-us] [nh4] Heikki (Robin) (Ran Orc Mal Cha), 18732 points, T:1131, killed by a fox 05:18 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:24 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 05:33 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 05:44 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 46105 points, T:3197, killed by a bugbear 05:52 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 05:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 06:05 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:06 aosdict: Yes, taking the Interhack principe to its extreme leads to some gameplay losses 06:07 For example: cancel into BoH doing anything bad at all (it still does in NH4), traps as you mentioned, hallucination with objects you've already looked at, passive monsters (not just floating eyes) 06:08 It is a good policy, but following it blindly is a bad idea 06:34 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 06:35 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:43 -!- Grassy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:09 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 07:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 07:48 whee! 07:49 the minetown general store had a pre-blessed magic lamp :) 07:49 I've stopped killing orc wizards, I'm now killing tourists. 07:49 yay, tourists! 07:50 mostly because in each one of my last 3 games I've found a silver saber that I couldn't use 07:50 lol, yeah 07:50 the place is always awash with them when you don't need them 07:50 even a silver spear in a shop! 07:50 (which is my favourite for cav) 07:59 sweet! 08:06 !tell aosdict savebreaking isnt an issue so long as I know that an update being put out will do that ahead of time. I can setup a multiversion script for it on the dgl side. so savebreak away, just give me a heads up prior to. and yes I need to compile and send you my list of ideas :P 08:06 Will do, K2! 08:07 do speed boots still make you very fast in xnh? 08:07 si 08:07 ok 08:08 gracias 08:08 jonadab: please bring back amnesia ;) 08:08 trying to forget something? 08:10 without amnesia, the identification game basically disappears later on because you know everything! 08:11 EPI: amnesia should not only make you forget items and scramble their randomized appearances, but also jumble their ordering in your pack so you can't remember what they are by seeing in ttyrecs what the identified item in that slot was. 08:12 Ultra Mega EPI: amnesia is hit or miss, doing something like a 95% chance that your item identifications are unaffected and the remaining 5% you forget absolutely EVERYTHING. Plus in the latter case it also scrambles their appearances and jumbles the order of items in your inventory and containers. 08:13 anyway, gotta go now, bbl :) 08:13 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: amnesia is a fun game mechanic in nethack!] 08:15 I'm gonna try and forget that 08:20 !tell LarienTelrunya talk to me please when you return about the record issue in slex. found something interesting i've never seen before 08:20 Will do, K2! 08:26 -!- aagbsn287 has joined #hardfought 08:26 -!- aagbsn287 has quit [Client Quit] 08:32 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 08:59 K2: pushed paranoid trap improvements 08:59 aosdict: Message from K2 at 2018-03-16 08:06 EDT: savebreaking isnt an issue so long as I know that an update being put out will do that ahead of time. I can setup a multiversion script for it on the dgl side. so savebreak away, just give me a heads up prior to. and yes I need to compile and send you my list of ideas :P 09:17 ok cool 09:30 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 09:36 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 09:37 K2: hmm, what did you find about the record issue? 09:37 LarienTelrunya: Message from K2 at 2018-03-16 08:20 EDT: talk to me please when you return about the record issue in slex. found something interesting i've never seen before 09:38 in the main slex folder where files like logfile, xlogfile and record exist, there was a second file called record_lock 09:38 its data mirrored that of record 09:38 YANI: Itinerant merchants who offer you one of several trades if #chatted to. Generate randomly on either the upstairs or downstairs of a level, path to the opposite stairs, and disappear from the game once they reach them. Generated with the requisite inventory to make all their trades. Tougher than shopkeepers, and if you kill one, no more will ever spawn. 09:38 file permissions were fine on record as they always have been 09:38 hmm, I guess that happens during the (normally tiny) timeframe when the game is writing to the record file? 09:38 so what condition would happen to cause record_lock to be generated? 09:39 never seen it before 09:39 maybe a slex process was trying to access record and then faulted somehow, so it never released the record file lock? 09:39 is it a vanilla thing that all variants share, or is this an amy/slex thing? 09:39 it's probably either a slashem thing or indeed a vanilla thing 09:39 i.e. I certainly didn't make it behave that way 09:39 ok 09:39 i killed the record_lock file 09:39 i could log in, play, save no problem 09:40 aosdict heh thats a neat idea 09:41 ugh there's still something wrong though 09:41 I just tested, and upon using #quit I got: slex: malloc.c:2394: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == initial_top (av) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= MINSIZE && prev_inuse (old_top) && ((unsigned long) old_end & (pagesize - 1)) == 0)' failed. 09:41 that was on hdf-us 09:42 i was able to #quit no issues 09:42 hdf-us 09:42 was that a new game for you or an existing one? 09:42 well if you quit before the 100 turn mark, it doesn't go on the highscore list 09:43 i see 09:43 one sec 09:43 ugh, now I quit at T:103 and get "Waiting for access to record. (59 retries left)." again 09:43 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Law), 33273 points, T:2646, quit 09:43 probably that weird malloc error happened during accessing the record file, creating that record_lock, and now that it's there, the game cannot access it anymore 09:43 hmm i get this on game end 09:44 Waiting for access to record. (59 retries left). 09:44 yeah 09:44 hmm 09:45 I'm wondering, maybe there's a very long entry in the "record" file and it chokes on that, throwing the assertion 09:45 at the end of retries it says 09:45 I give up. Sorry. 09:45 Perhaps there is an old /slex-2.1.7/record_lock around? 09:45 so thats how its being generated 09:46 yeah, with record_lock not in place, it tries to access record as normal but then somehow faults (see that assertion I posted), and then record_lock is there, leading to all subsequent games getting the "waiting for access" thing 09:46 and my guess is that the "record" file itself has something that is faulty, maybe a very long line that is longer than the buffer 09:46 HEY! I think that's also why loli was getting crashes! 09:47 i'm looking 09:47 his crashes happened when he went to a new dungeon level, and probably that level had graveyards or cockatrice nests, which likewise try to access the highscore file and probably the stack smashing happens because it tries to read a line that's longer than some buffer! 09:49 is the "record" file publicly visible? if not, pastebinning it could enable me to find the faulting line :) 09:50 http://termbin.com/hdx12 09:51 2.1.7 44221 1 54 87 -5 110 1 20180313 20180313 5 Dea Ang Fem Cha dolores,killed by a monster (hallucinogen-distorted burning fern sprout), while praying unsuccessfully Conduct=4223 09:51 2.0.9 22035 2 10 10 -3 110 1 20171028 20171027 5 Gla Ang Mal Cha rikersan,killed by a monster (undead wild talent called rikersan), while frozen by breathing a potion Conduct=383 09:51 those seem to be the longest two lines 09:51 the second one has been there since end of october last year 09:51 the second one is older and caused no issues; the first one may be just one or two bytes too long to fit in the buffer and therefore causes the crashes 09:52 is this buffer something slex controls? 09:52 yes, but unfortunately I don't know where its size is set or I'd make it bigger 09:52 let's see how long the faulting message is 09:53 hmm, 180 characters, it seems 09:53 counting spaces? 09:53 yes 09:53 ok 09:53 goddammit PC! stop lagging! 09:54 gah do I have a laggy PC :( 09:54 ... if it were reacting to my clicks, I'd be much farther now 09:55 yep, 180 characters 09:55 maybe topten.c sets the buffer? 09:56 hmm there's DTHSZ, which is 100 09:56 dolores,killed by a monster (hallucinogen-distorted burning fern sprout), while praying unsuccessfully Conduct=4223 09:56 ^^ that string must probably try to fit into a buffer that has a length of 100 09:56 hmm but somehow it's 114 characters in length 09:56 maybe the conduct part uses a different buffer 09:57 dolores,killed by a monster (hallucinogen-distorted burning fern sprout), while praying unsuccessfully 09:57 ^^ is 101 bytes in length, I'm pretty sure that's the reason and setting DTHSZ to a higher value should fix it 09:57 one moment, I'll issue a fix 09:58 ok 09:58 <@Tone> TIL apparently sasquatches get a bonus to kicking 09:58 vanilla was obviously never meant to have such a long death message ;) 10:00 K2: okay, I've pushed a commit to slex master; if you update slex, please delete record_lock and then I'll test whether it helped :) 10:00 ok 10:01 if my theory is correct, the crash should go away unless someone manages to produce a death message that's 50 characters longer than loli's 10:06 error on even starting a game now. 10:07 wait one, doing a clean install 10:13 ok so i can start a game at least 10:13 lets test 10:13 Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.1.7 (4b5f860) - last build Fri Mar 16 10:07:06 2018. 10:13 so far everything seems to be working 10:13 now to get my test char killed :D 10:14 ok seems your tweak worked 10:14 [hdf-us] [slex] BSOD2 (Wan Sli Mal Cha), 28 points, T:163, zapped himself with a wand 10:14 yep :) fantastic! thanks a lot! 10:14 np 10:14 what did you set the buffer to? 10:14 now I can tell loli that the crash is gone :)) 10:14 150 (was 100) 10:15 ok 10:15 updating slex on eu server 10:15 :) 10:21 LarienTelrunya you should pick FIQ's brain on how he suppresses warnings in make during a build 10:22 Slash'EM Extended updated (us and eu) 10:22 ok... how? 10:22 um 10:22 * LarienTelrunya polymorphs into a mind flayer and tentacles FIQ :D 10:22 ask him? 10:22 brb 10:23 !tell FIQ is there a specific method you're using to suppress warnings in make during a build? if so, I'd be interested in it to silence the hundreds of warnings slex gives during compile ;) 10:23 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 10:27 K2: ? 10:27 FIQ: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 10:23 EDT: is there a specific method you're using to suppress warnings in make during a build? if so, I'd be interested in it to silence the hundreds of warnings slex gives during compile ;) 10:28 FIQHack has no warnings on compilation 10:28 That's how I "suppress" them 10:28 ^ that 10:28 :D 10:28 oh 10:32 ugh, can chiropterans in dnethack even wear anything? i.e. does the game ever generate "large" sized armor randomly or am I out of luck? 10:36 wtf why does a chiropteran "feel a deep kinship" to a coyote corpse?! 10:42 FIQ: help! my chiropteran can't wear anything! is wishing the only way to get equipment with the correct size? 10:42 upgrade kits can be used by non-clockwork to resize armor to your size 10:42 ah ok :) 10:42 is it one use per kit? 10:42 yes 10:43 thankfully they're relatively common, so hopefully I'll find a few before the lack of armor gets me killed 10:43 equal rate as keys I Think 10:43 *think 10:44 does the "shadowlander torch" do anything interesting? 10:45 IIRC it's a reverse torch 10:45 creates an area of darkness 10:45 oh, it generates darkness? :D 10:46 not very useful unless you're a drow 10:46 but it's a magical tool 10:46 so there's that 10:46 ah, polypiling fodder 10:48 !tell Chris_ANG is it intentional that the skill screen doesn't tell me how many slots I have left? if not, feature request: show how many slots I have left :) 10:48 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 10:51 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:51 @d?chiropteran 10:51 No such monster. 10:51 wut 10:59 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:64433 11:00 wooo 11:00 LarienTelrunya pinobot is messed up somehow 11:00 observe 11:00 @v?unicorn 11:00 unicorn ~3~ Norn (@) | Lvl: 20 | Diff: 23 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d8 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 11:00 ? 11:00 thats not a standard unicorn 11:01 well vanilla has no monster named "unicorn", it only has monsters named white/gray/black unicorn, respectively ;) 11:01 @v?white unicorn 11:01 white unicorn (u) | Lvl: 4 | Diff: 6 | Spd: 24 | Res: poison | Confers: poison | MR: 70 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 2 | Attacks: 1d12 butt physical, 1d6 kick physical | Alignment: 7 | Flags: genocidable, herbivore, infravisible 11:01 bah 11:01 and it uses some algorithm (forgot the name) to find the closest match 11:01 haha 11:01 look aosdict... 1d12 butt 11:01 :P 11:02 K2: you want a unihorn update? Cause I got a unihorn update. 11:02 fuck yeah 11:02 pushed 11:02 lay it on me 11:02 hah 11:03 no longer fix attributes, but do 1d8/1d10 11:03 errrrmahgerd 11:03 is it still one handed? 11:04 (total change from vanilla: damage is still down from 1d12/1d12 but it's one handed and has the passive thing) 11:04 oh neat 11:04 bare handed only for passive use though correct? 11:04 yep 11:04 ok 11:04 did not change that 11:04 yeah this is decent 11:04 and makes !oRA more valuable to boot 11:05 welp 11:05 wizmode testing game 11:05 first room wand of wishing 11:05 :( 11:05 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 11:06 heh 11:06 ok brb will update gotta fix this thing at work real quick 11:10 . 11:10 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 10:48 EDT: is it intentional that the skill screen doesn't tell me how many slots I have left? if not, feature request: show how many slots I have left :) 11:20 You hear something rumbling in the ceiling. 11:20 say whut? 11:20 is this 3.6.1 or xnethack? 11:20 xnh 11:20 ah. what's it mean? 11:20 something triggered a door trap that drops a boulder 11:20 aha 11:20 I sure hope you're an archeologist 11:21 i am a healer. why would being an archeologist help? 11:21 because they are good at evading boulders 11:21 ah 11:21 (this is not a thing but I want to make it a thing) 11:22 Anyway, if something else triggered the trap and not you, congratulations, there's a monster staggering around somewhere with 1d20 damage. 11:24 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 11:24 it wasn't me 11:25 i did, however, get my towel wet again from one of your buckets of water 11:25 somehow i never seem to be able to disarm a door trap 11:30 heh, at least the towel is designed to get wet 11:39 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 11:39 ^^ the unihorn patch 11:40 so now because of this, do healer scalpels still need to be buffed? 11:40 oh hothraxxa 11:40 you need to save and then restart 11:41 otherwise next time you try to use your unihorn, may cause issues 11:41 ok 11:42 K2: They should probably still be better than 1d3/1d3. 11:43 Don't really have a problem with leaving them as is for now. 11:43 Until I do implement a bleeding-out status and give scalpels that. 11:44 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 40033 points, T:2303, killed by an owlbear 11:52 <@riker> amy you still here 11:52 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 02:54 EDT: create a dnhslex config file by using the editor, that should make the error message go away (it happens because it doesn't automatically create such a file) 11:52 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 02:55 EDT: no idea why hdf doesn't have access to record, certainly not me doing stuff since it worked earlier and slex didn't get changed for two weeks or so, it may be a permissions problem on the server 11:52 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 02:56 EDT: okay, I got a backtrace on that firework cart crash, will pastebin it for Chris 11:52 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-16 03:02 EDT: sadly, it seems that the dnhslex savegame is corrupted again, just like last time; I tried to open it on my account and got a trickery followed by SIGILL 11:56 -!- Announcy has quit [Killed (orwell.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 11:56 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 11:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Announcy] by ChanServ 11:58 -!- Tangles_ has joined #hardfought 11:58 I don't suppose anyone knows where riding skill is initialized :/ 11:58 <@riker> > <@LarienTelrunya> oh you changed the AC value of crystal plate mail 11:58 <@riker> chris I want to hug you across the internet 12:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:01 Chris_ANG: dnethack YANI: a disfiguring poison that drains Cha. 12:01 aosdict: oooooh a bleeding out function 12:01 what game had that... it was one of the MMO's i used to play 12:02 (Found it. weapon.c, the check is based on if your starting pet is a pony, I was expecting checks based on role) 12:02 the blade was coated in a poison that prevented you from clotting 12:02 warfarin 12:02 so you'd take another 2d8 or whatever damage due to blood loss 12:03 -!- FIQ has quit [*.net *.split] 12:03 -!- Tangles has quit [*.net *.split] 12:03 hothraxxa did you save and reload? 12:03 i sure did 12:03 ok good 12:03 implementing that on the monster side may involve some refactoring though (monsters don't actually have timeouts for status conditions currently) 12:03 if unihorn throws any errors please let us know 12:03 i was in the middle of a mob of summoned nasties 12:03 what exactly changed re the unihorn? 12:03 its now 1d8/1d10 12:04 oh that is nice 12:04 but restore ability function is gone 12:04 its still one handed 12:04 and has the bare handed passive apply function 12:04 what? i hate you aosdict 12:04 bahaha, no way to please hothraxxa 12:04 just keep a couple !oRA handy 12:04 i dipped tyhem all 12:04 its what i do when playing unnethack 12:05 me too 12:05 crap and here i was using restore ability as my forgotten spell :( 12:05 major issue in this game is no teleport control. wastes huge amounts of turns 12:06 you have uncontrolled teleportitis? 12:06 so walking back up to get the spellbook is a problem 12:06 no i don't get teleportitis until i have the ring 12:06 blessed scroll of teleport will give you a controlled horizontal teleport, if that helps 12:06 then i eat tengu 12:06 yeah i know, but i want to levelport 12:07 i'm at turn 66338 12:07 getting close to twice my normal turn count 12:07 the castle is downstairs 12:08 surprised that i only got a demilich 12:08 aosdict: have you added elbereth tracking? 12:08 no. K2 has a bargain to fulfill 12:09 even if I did it would only apply to new games 12:09 it will be fulfilled soon 12:09 ok lunch break bbl 12:13 clearly it can't apply to games in progress 12:18 -!- FIQ has joined #hardfought 12:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o FIQ] by tolkien.freenode.net 12:19 I'm leaning more toward the conduct being all monsters that were actually scared via Elbereth or scare monster - if the conduct is only _engraving_ it, you can take advantage of it where it's already engraved. 12:33 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:36 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:58 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:02 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:14 <@riker> aosdict: what's k2's bargain? 13:14 <@riker> also, I think that would be a more appropriate conduct 13:15 the bargain is that he gives me a list of YANIs that apparently have never been seen before 13:15 <@riker> uh 13:15 <@riker> ok 13:27 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "3 blessed greased partly eaten scrolls of charging named murgatroid", on T:67608 13:29 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:30 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "uncursed historic rusted magic marker named mc escher", on T:67610 13:39 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:67757 13:42 hey murgatroid lets go-o-o (lets go-o-o) 13:44 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 13:45 heh 13:46 wikiwikiwikiwiki (shut up!) 13:46 aosdict: bug. i have a scroll in my inventory but when i apply my magic marker, i get What do you want to write on? [*] 13:47 (i can write the scroll) 13:47 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 13:48 Blank scroll? 13:48 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:52 aye 13:53 I think that's a 361 thing 13:53 if the scroll is unidentified, then it doesn't automatically recognise it as writing paper 13:53 you can still type the inventory letter though 13:54 it was an identified blessed blank scroll 13:54 oh, then it's a bug, yep 13:54 <@riker> try reading it? 13:55 can you not type the inventory letter? 13:55 <@riker> maybe it's a flag set by read-ID'ing, and not formally ID'ed 13:55 not in 361 it isn't... 13:55 sure i can type the letter. it works 13:55 unless aosdict tinkered with it 13:55 I didn't 13:56 can't reproduce, magic marker offers my identified scroll of blank paper as an option for writing 13:56 in both vanilla nhdev and xnh 13:56 <@riker> is the marker ID'ed? 13:56 shouldn't need to be 13:57 it is 13:57 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:57 let me try another scroll 13:57 if you identified unlabeled scrolls as blank paper, why are they still showing as "unlabeled scroll"? 13:58 good question... 13:58 ohhhh 13:58 <@riker> n1 13:58 i've buced these but not id'ed them 13:59 EPI: each scroll of blank paper must be individually formally identified before you can write on them. 13:59 YANI: remove "unlabeled scroll" as a description, instead have no description, everyone automatically knows that an unlabeled blank scroll is, in fact, blank paper. 13:59 Also, EPI: scrolls of blank paper don't stack. 14:00 <@riker> EPI: nothing stacks 14:00 <@riker> rogues and rangers cry out in despair 14:00 EPI: that plus 21-item limit 14:00 Actually, Brogue has a 26 (IIRC) item limit, and stacks of n count as n items. 14:01 Err, except for items that are _generated_ as a stack, which is only darts and javellins. 14:01 And those don't stack if you pick up two stacks of them. 14:01 Only with the ones they were originally generated with. 14:02 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 14:02 so, while wearing speed boots, if I zap myself with a wand of speed monster, I get "your legs get new energy" 14:02 is that supposed to happen? 14:03 <@riker> that sounds right 14:03 <@riker> didn't xnh change speed monster to very fast speed temporarily 14:03 yes 14:03 <@riker> that's the right msg, dnh and slex have that and it says that? 14:04 so I guess it's giving me that, which has no practical effect but if I took off my boots I would still be very fast for a bit 14:04 ok, that makes sense... 14:04 <@riker> what's the issue? 14:05 just trying to understand what's happening, no issue 14:05 elenmirie if you're already maxed out on speed, and you zap yourself with a speed monster wand or drink a potion of speed, you'll get the 'leg get new energy' msg 14:05 <@riker> ah 14:06 *legs 14:06 or leg if you're missing a leg 14:06 lol 14:06 :P 14:06 the pirate version 14:06 It's possible to be missing limbs in the Evil Patch, as well. 14:06 <@riker> imho that's one of the best simple changes you can make 14:06 "Your peg-leg gets new energy." 14:07 <@riker> makes the wand actually useful more than once / for things like valks > lvl 7 14:07 yes 14:07 your nubs get new energy 14:07 I've come to not like the speed intrinsic in general 14:08 <@riker> eh, I like monsters having different speeds thouhg 14:08 seems like the speed system should be more fleshed out than no speed -> intrinsic speed -> extrinsic speed 14:08 <@riker> and I feel like things like soldier ants would wipe the floor with everything if the player didn't have intrinsic speed 14:08 Well, a lot of players _don't_ have intrinsic speed, until they find some one-shot item (potion of speed in xnh) that gives it to them permanently. 14:10 aosdict: Have you seen how speed works in Fourk? 14:10 <@riker> !tell ChrisANG why the heck doens't !oSpeed auto-id on quaff >> 14:10 Will do, @riker! 14:10 jonadab: No. 14:10 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG why the heck doesn't !oSpeed auto-id on quaff 14:10 Will do, @riker! 14:11 aosdict: short version: racial base speed, intrinsic speed, temporary speed, extrinsic speed, and temporarily being slowed (e.g., by a spider's attack) all stack. 14:13 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:14 That's good, but I think I'd like it to get even more granular, such as temporary speed can be applied multiple times to make you really fast, but then it declines down one point of speed at a time. Or you can find different speed boots that give you different speed bonuses. <-- YANI 14:14 slight speed decrease if you're satiated 14:15 cuz i know after thanksgiving dinner i'm moving slow as molassess 14:15 <@riker> yani: speed boots and GoP now can both be enchanted to +7, and apply +enchantment value to their relative stats 14:15 where's the couch 14:15 <@riker> or they apply a raw +3 and then +enchantment but enchant to +5 14:15 <@riker> er, +2 14:17 aosdict: Hmm, I wouldn't mind being able to stack multiple hits of temporary speed, sure. 14:17 Or maybe how much faster it makes you depends on the time out -- when it's about to time out, it only gives you like 1 extra movement point per turn. 14:18 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:19 Yeah, that would be a good idea for implementing it. 14:20 -!- oh6 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:23 aosdict: Maybe combine that with showing current movement rate in the status area, as Fourk does. If there's room. 14:23 Yes, that would be required. 14:23 If there's not room, I bet I can think of something less important that can be omitted to make room. *cough* score *cough* 14:24 <@riker> tbh I think everybody could gain from adding fiqhack's ui changes 14:24 Well, on an 80-column terminal there isn't enough score to show the myriad statuses anyway. 14:24 <@riker> including the resizable terminal thing 14:24 s/score/room/ 14:25 <@riker> I'd definietly play more xnh if that was added 14:25 what resizable terminal thing 14:25 aosdict: NH4 prioritizes the stati so that more immediately urgent ones show even if it means pushing some less important things out. 14:26 There's a certain amount of subjectivity to this, but in practice what NH4 does for it is good enough, IMO. 14:26 It means something like sliming is always going to have preference over something like being hungry. 14:38 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:39 YASI: give the Oracle an additional passive attack that summons several nymphs. 14:40 * stenno approves 14:40 :) 14:43 YASI: give Izchak a passive attack that has a 5% chance to summon Demogorgon. 14:47 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 14:51 i strongly recommend that aosdict (and any other developer) study fiq's ui changes and implement as many as possible 14:52 fiqhack is in a separate league when it comes to making the game better for the player 14:52 hothraxxa: Or just fork from FIQHack in the first place? 14:52 heh. well those who can 14:52 jonadab: Yeah but then you're stuck with a 3.4.3 base. 14:52 aosdict: Honestly, xnethack is a lot closer to 3.4.3 than FIQHack is. 14:53 true 14:53 I mean, I am glad that there is a 3.6 variant. 14:53 But. 14:54 after you play any of the nh4 variants you realize how clunky the vanilla ui is 14:54 xnethack is in a unique position, too, where it _wants_ to be close to vanilla. 14:54 Because of guiding-principle-for-the-variant reasons. 14:54 hothraxxa: the problem with ui improvements is that they are not fun to implement. I just spent the last day on a paranoid trap UI improvement, not really that great 14:54 there's no reason i can think of to maintain shitty 3.6 ui 14:55 3.x ui doesnt bother me 14:55 well aosdict, i've spent my life telling developers that 'difficult to implement' is a lousy excuse 14:55 but FIQ's ui improvements are cool 14:55 esp in watchmode 14:56 k2: you really don't mind unpacking and repacking everything when you drop them on an altar? 14:57 which i realize isn't original with fiq, it's just an example of shit that 3.6 makes you do 14:57 not really 14:58 hothraxxa: That's not really a good example, actually. 14:58 ok you think of a good one 14:58 How about all the gratuitous typo-prone yes/no prompts? 14:59 sure. them too 14:59 Which NH4 generally deals with in better ways in most cases, like using m prefix. 14:59 jonadab: well we have paranoid_confirmation for that. 14:59 Or e, 14:59 aosdict: Oh, sure, make it more tedious, that's the right fix. 15:00 is it 3.6.1 that extends the options for paranoid_confirmation or is that xnethack? 15:00 Wait, what does NH4 do when you want to move into water or whatever? 15:00 aosdict: Move onto water with the m prefix. 15:00 it won't let you unless you insist 15:00 hothraxxa: Both, I think. 15:00 aosdict: Eat from the floor with , 15:00 etc. 15:01 jonadab: No, I mean what happens when you try to move normally into water, without m. Is it like trying to move into a wall (no message or effect)? 15:01 aosdict: Yeah, it says you can't swim and tells you to use m. 15:01 it won't let you unless you insist 15:01 I did have to supplement Fourk to make it ID water-walking boots the first time, and not require m for walking on water if you're wearing identified water walking boots. 15:02 Anyway, if someone (hothraxxa) wants to compile a list of UI improvements that don't involve the curses interface, I'll look into implementing them. 15:02 So you don't have to m-move repeatedly. 15:02 one thing i'd like to see xnethack do is door/container unlocking handling like what unnethack does (and i think fiqhack/fourk also do) 15:02 gets rid of some of the tedious steps 15:02 Because providing UI improvements is a Good Thing for a variant. 15:02 curses interface would be a windowport for 3.6, if you do it. Not a change to the standard port. 15:02 what k2 said there 15:03 K2: I don't remember what unnethack does. What does it do? 15:03 Doesn't even 343-nao have auto-open door? Or am I confusing it with something else? 15:03 jonadab its more 15:03 Oh, you mean autounlock? 15:03 yes 15:03 Ah. 15:03 Right, ok, yes, that's a step beyond. 15:04 Might not actually work that well with xnh door traps 15:04 best way i can explain it is - play unnethack and see for yourself. you'll like it 15:04 oh if the door is trapped, you'll get zinged 15:04 there is a prompt 15:05 YANI: "automatic search" option: automatically searches every other action unless there's something going on that would interrupt a multi-turn action. 15:05 !rng use scroll of wishing to show that slex can be exploited | use scroll of wishing to show that slex can be exploited | use scroll of wishing to win slex 15:05 Elronnd: use scroll of wishing to show that slex can be exploited 15:06 [hdf-us] [slex] Elronnd (Wiz Rod Mal Neu) wished for "2 cursed scrolls of genocide", on T:206 15:06 jonadab: We need better search mechanics. An automatic search option sounds like a band-aid. 15:06 jonadab: IMO the best approach for someone like aosdict is to either 1: pester me to finish curses interface (main reason I haven't is that I don't actually play 3.6 and thus have little motivation for my own sake) 15:06 or 2: port it himself 15:06 2 is not happening. 15:07 the main issues with the vanilla UI is that the tty interface is awful 15:07 every other UI problem can be made as minor patches on top 15:07 but this is the main problem 15:07 FIQ: Since I really use only the tty interface when playing, can you give me some examples of how it is so awful? 15:08 * K2 pesters FIQ to finish curses interface 15:08 aosdict: no inventory sidebar 15:08 single-line message display (this is easily the worst part) 15:08 If ais would ever find some time to work on libuncursed2, he could probably finish a basic working version of it in a long weekend, given his past patterns. 15:08 not nearly as clear indicators for status problems 15:08 FIQ: these are things that happen only in a large terminal 15:09 And the libuncursed2 windowport of 3.6 into the bargain, like as not. 15:09 (statuscolors addresses this somewhat, but I still prefer NH4 here, recolor the frame and HP bars) 15:09 Which would obviate the old curses port. 15:09 aosdict: I consider playing NH4 in 80x24 to be a terrible experience 15:09 Not worse than NH3, mind you 15:09 Just... not better 15:09 Single-line message are should die in a fire. That is HORRIBLE. 15:09 * K2 plays nh4 in 80x24 15:09 --More-- --More-- --More-- 15:09 tada! 15:09 jonadab: escape! 15:09 isn't message system overhaul some meme by now 15:10 Elronnd: That's a good way to die. 15:10 Ok, so it sounds like the answer for anyone wanting UI improvements who wants to play in a 80x24 terminal is, get a larger terminal? 15:10 stenno: ? 15:10 aosdict: No 15:10 jonadab: how? 15:10 I merely listed the main benefits of NH4 in my opinion 15:10 FIQ: https://nhqdb.alt.org/?706 15:10 Elronnd: Failure to see messages is dangerous. 15:10 There is a ton of UI improvements beyond this 15:10 But it doesn't require you to rebase on to NH4 15:10 as jonadab suggested 15:10 (well, FIQHack) 15:11 Both NH4 and FIQHack has a lot of small improvements that add up 15:11 Better movement behaviour, for example 15:11 Well, mostly. Not counting the uim snaffus. 15:12 For example with movement: paranoid works, but isn't perfect, stopping you outright and having you press m works much better IMO 15:12 jonadab: Those are bugs, not UI fixes 15:12 True. 15:12 ^ Also, less cruel floating eye behaviour (controversial!) 15:13 Autoexplore 15:13 I wouldn't advocate NH4 floating eyes. Granted, I don't like 3.6 floating eyes. 15:13 urgh, I hardly play NH3, it's easier to list what I miss when I actually play a NH3 derivative :P 15:13 Fourk floating eyes are... mediocre, so probably an improvement. But I like FIQHack floating eyes even better. 15:13 oh yeah 15:13 Is anyone willing to compile a list of these small improvements that add up and would work in tty, because having them drip-fed is not really the best way for me to remember all of them 15:13 items on the ground prompts 15:14 as for FIQHack-specific improvements... I think the changelog has them 15:14 it has basically everything 15:14 FIQ: Yes, but mixed in with other stuff. 15:14 jonadab: True 15:16 aosdict: are you the xnethack def? 15:16 *dev 15:17 he is 15:19 aosdict: when i get some time i'll look at fh changelog and list the ui improvements for you 15:19 right now, i'm cleaning out this valley. it's pretty smoky and stinky down here 15:20 also asshole demilich kept summoning mobs 15:20 why doesn't xnethack have more horns? 15:20 was i imagining that that a variant had a preferred weapon/armor type for specific classes? 15:20 * hothraxxa needs a horn 15:21 like if barb uses twohander they do extra damage oslt 15:22 stenno: in your head I Think 15:22 *I think 15:22 hm ok 15:22 skills is a good way to implement this 15:22 currently they have little to no impact 15:22 oh yeah 15:22 i don't dare to say it but un changedd that too 15:23 in un, unskilled has a hard to-hit cap of 25% or so? 15:23 which makes c corpse on astral much less attractive 15:24 insta-stoning is gone in many variants 15:24 oh. 15:24 is it delayed then? 15:24 same as for the player 15:24 right 15:24 I am compiling a list of features I like in NH4 atm 15:24 sounds reasonable 15:24 QoL-wise 15:24 you're the right one for the job, fiq 15:25 was that the interhack stuff you were taalking about lately 15:25 No, I think that would be ais 15:25 because acehack did embrace that philosophy a bit 15:25 stenno: Not related, mostly 15:25 kk 15:26 like floating eyes and amnesia 15:26 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:27 hothraxxa: can you ping me with the list too? 15:28 i would, but if fiq is doing a list i'm not sure i need to 15:29 ah 15:29 I'm not sure if I can remember everything 15:30 I can't think of more NH4 changes I like QoL-wise 15:30 I am probably missing several 15:30 I don't play NH3 much at all 15:30 unlike hothraxxa 15:30 well show me your list and i'll see what else i can add 15:31 the problem i have with any variant is that i try to forget a lot of it as soon as i start playing another one 15:31 hothraxxa: if you want more horns, give me YANIs for them 15:31 hahaha that was just a comment on my current game 15:31 by this time i've usually had a horn for ages 15:31 and seen others 15:32 urgh, I Forgot that sprunge was broken 15:32 one sec 15:32 http://home.fiq.se/nh4qol.txt 15:32 is there any specific occasion to compile this list now? 15:33 me pestering about it? 15:33 aah :) 15:33 FIQ: use ix.io 15:33 I think it's by the same guy 15:33 FIQ: hm where's this 3.6.1 floor interaction patch, I could just merge it 15:33 xd.cm :) 15:33 Elronnd: Thing is, I use the online editor a bunch 15:33 we have a variant in its infancy and we're trying to help the developer make it as good as it can be! 15:33 and ix.io doesn't have one 15:33 aosdict: one moment 15:34 aosdict: if you are interested and a have a few months time, i can tell you whata i like about un and to some extend dnethack 15:34 http://home.fiq.se/nh/getobj.html 15:34 FIQ: what online editor? Does (did) sprunge have one? 15:34 probably said most of it several times already 15:34 oh right, you wrote it :) 15:34 Elronnd: yes 15:35 go to sprunge.us 15:35 oh 15:35 (the homepage still works) 15:35 but you can easily make a similar thing for ix.io 15:35 click "this form" 15:35 Elronnd: but it isn't nearly as conveneitn 15:35 *convenient 15:35 for sprunge, I can go to sprunge.us 15:35 click this form 15:35 and there you go 15:35 hothraxxa: I suppose I'm currently trying to balance my development time between stuff I want to implement and stuff other people want implemented 15:35 I've done this a lot 15:35 I can't do this for ix.io 15:36 sprunge is not working, hasnt in months 15:36 termbin is nice 15:36 K2: yes, I know 15:36 FIQ: literally just bookmark 15:36 data:text/html,

15:36 stuff other people want implemented, especially if it doesn't affect gameplay, is very good for making people like xnh 15:36 Elronnd: I don't use bookmarks 15:36 like, at all 15:36 me neither 15:36 somethin with an api would be nice 15:36 idk, make a userscript to inject that into ix.io 15:36 aosdict: not trying to alter your priorities, this wold just be a suggested to do list 15:36 could even integrated into irc here lol 15:36 stenno: ptpb.pw I think has an api 15:36 Elronnd: hmm yeah, that could work 15:37 aosdict: I embraced this strategy for FIQHack 15:37 as you may have noticed 15:37 actually what about gist :P 15:37 (assuming this is just about a pastebin) 15:37 ergh never mind 15:37 stenno: thing is, I like the raw text of sprunge 15:37 pastebins tend to have annoying fluff 15:37 oh look a spellbook of restore ability 15:37 that gets in the way 15:38 i guess 15:38 and be hard to read as a result 15:38 yeah 15:38 like, for example, pastebin.com 15:38 the very first thing I do when I want to look at one 15:38 yeah pastebin is shit 15:38 is click on the raw button 15:38 I subconciously know where it is 15:38 * stenno thinks hastebin.com is nice 15:38 does hastebin even have a raw button at all? 15:39 doesn't really need it :P 15:39 isn't it the one with the annoying blue 15:39 its not that annoying imo :v 15:40 but i see you don't like it lol 15:40 but you gotta admit that its API is minimal 15:40 err 15:40 its UI 15:42 Yes, it's much better than non-raw pastebin 15:42 But I prefer raw for text snippets 15:42 No fluff 15:42 Etc 15:42 This is why I used sprunge for everything 15:42 Not just stdout piping 15:43 you should use 0x0.st for everything 15:43 or ix.io 15:43 they're also raw :3 15:43 Yes, I need to get in my head to not go to sprunge.us 15:43 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 15:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 15:43 (or catbox.moe) 15:43 Just... I've used it for years 15:43 Old routines die hard 15:43 Also I need to figure out a good setup for ix.io 15:44 hothraxxa: Did you even look at my list? 15:44 You asked for it :P 15:44 why do you have to go to sprunge.us? Can't you make a M-x paste command in emacs to upload to a random pastebin from a list? 15:44 yes i did. sorry i got distracted 15:44 hothraxxa: No problem 15:44 Elronnd: For "casual" writeups of stuff, I've generally just used the online form 15:45 But yes, I could probably just switch to using emacs trivially 15:45 doo eet 15:45 There isn't any real *problem* here 15:45 It's just that i need to kill my old routine 15:45 Because sprunge is dead 15:45 * Elronnd has a :Sprunge command from a random script he found that uses ix.io as a backup whenever sprunge.us is down. So I haven't had to change my workflow at all 15:45 Perhaps look into removing sprunge? 15:45 Seems like it'd cause a delay 15:46 like 15:46 remove the sprunge lookup 15:46 keep the command itself 15:46 eh, that's too much work 15:46 because muscle memory 15:46 hmm 15:46 maybe I can make an userscript that replaces the "this form" link in sprunge 15:46 to ix.io 15:46 then I don't need to change my routine at all :D 15:46 lmao 15:46 I also have 'ix', 'paste', 'load', and 'sprunge' aliases in my zshrc to upload to ix.io, 0x0.st, catbox.moe, and sprunge.us, respectively 15:46 s/aliases/functions 15:47 I should probably get rid of sprunge 15:47 I used to use wgetpaste 15:47 before sprunge was a thing 15:47 wazzat? 15:47 FIQ: if you want a webform you could use lpast.enet 15:47 it was a script that piped input to pastebin.com 15:47 and make a userscript to forward sprunge.us to lpaste.net automatically 15:47 hothraxxa: horn of summoning, horn of lightning, horn of Africa? 15:48 horn of Gondor 15:48 jonadab: should I make elves able to use E on the player? 15:48 aosdict: That sounds like an artifact horn of summoning. 15:48 scaring the player, causing him to flee uncontrollably? 15:48 * aosdict doesn't like stuff that takes away the player's agency 15:48 isn't it more than fair? 15:48 FIQ: I can think of several situations where a fear mechanic might apply to the player, if you can work out exactly what it would do. 15:48 :-) 15:49 I t hink in slex the player can be afraid 15:49 yeah it reduces to-hit 15:49 a plausible effect 15:49 jonadab: My idea for a fear mechanic is that you are afraid of a certain monster, and can't attack it. 15:49 I think it's stolen from somewhere 15:49 YANI: ^^. 15:49 (because it actually makes sense) 15:50 i thought about something like being stunned 15:50 only that if you move it will be a random direction away from the monster 15:51 hey FIQ is your github getobj_floor branch up-to-date with the getobj patch file? Would prefer to do a git merge rather than use patch. 15:53 aosdict: think so yes, but if not, the git is more up to date 15:53 (the patch is based off the git commits) 15:53 so either way it's fine for you 15:54 but pretty sure they're synced 15:54 I tried to test it as good as I could, because I didn't want to be that one guy whose patch was incorporated into mainline and introduced heaps of bugs 15:54 I'm sure there might be some, but they should hopefully be minor 15:55 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:55 I did try to use patch, the only failed merge was in potion.c where I changed some code 15:56 but would rather have nice git merge conflict <<<<< and >>>>>> 15:56 ok 15:56 yeah just use my git branch 15:56 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 15:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 15:57 aosdict: feel free to tell me if you find bugs 15:57 since ais hasn't gotten back to me on the getobj thing, I have no idea if it was rejected or if he is still having issues with it 15:58 !tell ais523 Sorry for pestering you about this, but what happened with getobj? Was it rejected? Just want to know the status on it, and if I should bother potentially tweaking the code if bugs are found (aosdict is looking into potentially merging it into xnh) 15:58 Will do, FIQ! 16:05 !tell K2 pushed a fix: ported a xnethack change to looting 16:05 Will do, FIQ! 16:06 to deal with future muscle memory 16:07 oh yes can we have 3.4.3 looting 16:07 I just made o[<>.] the same as #loot 16:07 Because it was merged into 3.6.1 16:07 To allow people relying on 3.6.1 muscle memory to keep it for FIQHack 16:07 oh.. 16:08 stenno: What do you mean with 3.4.3 loot? 16:08 the whole looting stuff works a bit different in 3.6 16:08 the loot menu 16:08 Oh yeah that 16:08 You don't like it? 16:08 I ported the 3.6 loot menu because someone asked for it 16:09 just because i'm not used to it, guess 16:09 to FIQHack 16:09 i asked for it 16:09 stenno: Well, the buttons you use in 3.4.3 still work fine... 16:09 it's superior 16:09 It doesn't interfere with muscle memory 16:09 there was something with empty containers maybe? 16:09 it has stash and reversed both 16:09 Oh I see what you mean 16:09 I didn't port that part 16:10 I made it identical to 3.4.3 in behaviour except for the extended menu 16:10 Because that's what was asked for 16:10 And I didn't want to change gameplay 16:10 i see nothing wrong here with the loo menu for empty containers 16:10 +t 16:10 hothraxxa: IIRC it implies it has content 16:10 when it doesn't 16:11 3.4.3 doesn't do that 16:11 just the : look inside bit 16:11 which is silly, but the rest is all good 16:11 Yes... That is what I am talking about 16:12 i - put something in 16:12 r - put in, then take out 16:12 s - stash one item into the large box 16:12 FIQ: there appears to be a getobj call -- oh wait, never mind 16:12 aosdict: ? 16:12 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 16:12 failed to compile because of a getobj call xnh added 16:12 ah 16:12 let me just fix that... 16:13 Hopefully the logic for the routine makes sense enough 16:13 It was slightly tweaked 16:13 There is comments describing the parameters 16:13 takeoff_ok should be fine for a choice of armor to destroy, shouldn't it? 16:14 Maybe? It might not list armor under other armor 16:16 -!- emar has joined #hardfought 16:16 That should be fine, it's consistent with how destroy armor currently works 16:16 ok 16:17 takeoff_ok allows you to select any armor or accessory 16:17 but will only "encourage" (explicitly list, or with '?') outermost worn armor 16:17 (not accessories) 16:17 ah so it might not be suitable since it allows accessories? 16:17 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:17 or else I have to check for ARMOR_CLASS afterward 16:18 aosdict: well what did you use pre-getobj? this is similar to the previous behaviour I think 16:18 just that I threw out all the special casing from getobj itself 16:18 and relied on callbacks isntead 16:18 Previously it used the only_armor[] array. 16:18 aosdict: it allows any accessory and any armor 16:18 but will only encourage worn outermost armor 16:19 basically I replicated the old behaviour 16:19 which prints appropriate error messages, etc 16:19 rather than outright disallowing "illegal" pieces 16:19 Ok, there's already code in place that ensures it's worn armor. Good foresight, me. 16:19 aosdict: ok so you need to design a new callback in this case 16:19 I guess 16:19 ah, nvm then 16:21 yeah so if you pick something illegal it'll just go with the random thing it already selected. 16:21 ok 16:22 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:22 aosdict: getobj callbacks work like this: getobj will query the callback for: inventory (always), bare hands (NULL, always), &zeroobj (if enabled in the getobj() call, for dungeon features), floor objects (if enabled in the getobj() call), and the callback either returns 0 (not valid at all), 1 (valid, but not encouraged -- displays in "*" but not "?"), 2 (valid and encouraged) 16:23 FYI 16:23 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2805 points, T:2450, killed by an orc mummy 16:24 ok so in this case all worn armor would return 1, but only outermost armor would return 2 and be encouraged. 16:24 if that is the appropriate selection you think, yes 16:25 basically I didn't try to change what assumptions the game let the player make 16:25 even though I sometimes disagreed with 3.6 16:25 Well, I suppose it implies you can't destroy armor being covered by some other armor, which you actually can. 16:26 ? will not recommend it but * will show it. 16:26 (in a lot of cases, I would remove "1" selections alltogether, for example when dealing with armor removal) 16:26 because it makes no sense to select a piece that isn't even worn to remove 16:26 but the game allowed it previously, so... 16:26 aosdict: it depends on what you want to show to the player 16:27 if all worn pieces are allowed, it sounds like it should return 2 for all worn pieces and 0 for the rest? 16:27 otherwise you'd mislead 16:27 but that is just my opinion 16:27 and if only outermost pieces are allowed it should return 2 for only outermost pieces and 0 for the rest 16:27 yes, IMO 16:28 neither of which is directly provided by any of the *_ok() 16:28 so just make a new one 16:28 if (obj && (obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR)) return 2; return 0; 16:28 simple as that I think 16:29 That, or I could change equip_ok() so that inaccessible equipment returns 0. 16:29 mhm 16:31 aosdict: actually, since equip_ok allows accessories, I think you're better off making a new one like above 16:38 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG hlf cav don't get a martial arts bonus (bare hands instead, despite reaching master) -- should (read: can) they? (please?) 16:38 Will do, @riker! 16:39 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:39 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:39 Beholder: hi 16:39 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2018-03-16 15:58 EDT: Sorry for pestering you about this, but what happened with getobj? Was it rejected? Just want to know the status on it, and if I should bother potentially tweaking the code if bugs are found (aosdict is looking into potentially merging it into xnh) 16:40 FIQ: re getobj, I'm waiting for a good moment to bring it up again 16:40 ok 16:40 now wouldn't be too bad but I'm too tired to make an argument in favour right now 16:40 I will assume it is pending approval (well not really but you get my point) until you explictly tell me otherwise, I guess 16:40 so I don't have to ask you every now and then :D 16:40 <@riker> YANI: remove hallucination from the game 16:41 aww, but it's responsible for most of the best messages 16:41 maybe I will get back and ask about it in a year 16:41 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 16:41 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 16:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v theRaisse] by ChanServ 16:44 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 444 points, T:983, killed by a crossbow bolt 16:45 just bought 3 rubik cubes for ~80 british poundd 16:45 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 16:47 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "3 groovy pink flamingos of enlightened butternuts", on T:69521 16:47 :) 16:47 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-03-16 16:05 EDT: pushed a fix: ported a xnethack change to looting 16:48 ok 16:48 oops 16:49 hothraxxa: what 16:49 i finally poly up a ring of teleport control. i carefully make unholy water and curse 9 teleport scrolls, then i read one of them 16:49 forgot to put on the ring 16:50 stenno: hmm, I didn't think you were in the UK, so that's an interesting choice of currency 16:50 also it sounds from the price like those are fairly high-quality cubs 16:50 *cubes 16:50 luckily landed only 3 levels below where i wanted 16:51 ais523: no, just the shop that sells them is in the UK 16:51 apparently there is no german online shop for these cubes 16:51 and yes 16:51 oh whew, I just walked right through a door and was like "what did I mess up with doors THIS time", forgetting that I am a xorn 16:51 my colleague is aa speedcuber 16:51 aand i am an amateur speedcuber 16:52 colleague has a 13x13x13 worth like 700 pounds, its insane 16:53 My best time is bit under 5 minutes I think :) 16:53 I am a slow cuber. 16:53 (but that was back in eighties). 16:54 oh 16:54 my time is 2 minutes 16:54 my colleagues time is like 20 seconds 16:54 FIQ: found a bug, need to figure out where it's coming from 16:55 http://ukcubestore.com/store/p535/GAN_356_Air_SM_Magnetic.html here's the one 16:56 notice the screenshot artifact 16:56 ? 16:57 first image has a 1000x1000 ... something 16:57 image size i guess 16:58 This is the one we had: http://twistypuzzles.com/museum/large/01291-01.jpg 16:58 I think that's the original one. 16:58 thats a bit older 16:58 oh yeah that might be 16:59 thats actually the one my dad has 16:59 and its german product apparently 16:59 I don't think so. 16:59 We bought in in then Czechoslovakia. 17:00 if it was W. German, it wouldn't be available. 17:00 Pretty sure it's hungarian made. 17:00 uninitialized buffer, looks like 17:00 well it says something german on the thing 17:00 Yeah, might have been made for export. 17:00 yeah 17:00 here's the 4x4x4 i ordered 17:00 http://ukcubestore.com/store/p533/MoYu_AoSu_GTS_Magnetic_4 17:01 here's the 2x2x2 17:01 http://ukcubestore.com/store/p546/GAN_249_V2M__%282nd_generation_Magnetic%29_2%2A2%2A2_Stikcerless.html 17:03 stenno: Actually the text on that page says "all were made in Hungary" 17:03 aah ok 17:03 hm hungary was warszaw pact 17:04 i wonder if those were just imported normally into the west 17:04 Yeah, but all the social countries were eager to make hard currency. 17:04 socialist 17:04 right 17:04 And there was precious few opportunities for that. 17:04 So the Cube must have been a huge boon. 17:05 s/was/were/ 17:06 i was in the east a few times as a baby but of course i don't really remember 17:06 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 17:07 we still have the immigration stickers on my first passport so thats cool 17:07 visum stickers 17:07 Oh nice :) 17:07 Those are pretty little pieces of history now. 17:07 yeah! 17:07 aunt lived in west berlin 17:07 -!- hothraxxa_ has joined #hardfought 17:08 so we had to pass through DDR 17:08 My parents were finally allowed to travel to West Germany in 1989. 17:08 And when they went, it was actually two weeks after the Velvet Revolution. 17:08 oh yeah but by then it was over anyway 17:08 What irony. 17:08 Yeah. 17:08 The upside that they got Deutsche Marks on cheap. 17:08 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:09 i get so many goosebumps from genschers speech on the balcony 17:09 or like 17:09 idk its so insane 17:09 There was a system that you were alloted some amount of hard currency with good exhcanger ration. 17:09 ratio 17:09 lol i get goosebumps just from thinking of it 17:09 -!- hothraxxa_ is now known as hothraxxa 17:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 17:09 yeah they actually made a lot of cash with the exchange rates 17:10 After the iron curtain fell, you could buy the money freely, but at much less favorable rate. 17:10 Anyway, from that trip I have got my Atari 1040ST computer. 17:10 :D 17:10 FIQ: hmm when I'm standing over a fountain and #dip, should the ? menu show me only the potions in inventory, or should the fountain be listed? 17:10 great 17:11 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Sam Hum Mal Law) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:2231 17:12 :o 17:12 yay livelog eventss 17:12 all the silly ones 17:13 if you want an opinion, you list the fountain and don't prompt separately like 3.6.1.currently does 17:14 The * menu doesn't list the fountain either. 17:14 aosdict: The ? menu only lists the inventory 17:14 Same with * 17:14 You need , for that 17:14 The reason is the potential for letter clashes 17:15 do like slex and use # 17:15 JUST KIDDING! 17:15 D: 17:21 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Sam Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:2383 17:29 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Sam Hum Mal Law), 37209 points, T:2668, killed by an orc shaman's force bolt 17:30 rip 17:32 that makes no sense 17:32 did he not wear the DSM 17:33 force bolt is beam 17:33 oh nm 17:33 gray 17:34 maybe something in fiqhack is different? 17:37 maybe the DSM got destroyed somehow? 17:37 that'd be really bad luck 17:37 nah, I was wearing it on my death 17:38 oh hey 17:38 wasn't aware you were here, sorry 17:38 lol 17:38 gray DSM is meant to block force bolts, that's why we're so confused 17:38 at least in vanilla 17:38 maybe there's no 100% MR in vanilla 17:39 do we have dumplogs in fiqhack? 17:41 it can produce them, so as long as the server's configured appropriately to serve them, we should 17:42 !dump emar 17:42 aw 17:43 FIQ: should I be able to dip or otherwise interact with floor objects while levitating? 17:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] stinkboy (Val Dwa Fem Law), 272 points, T:901, killed by a coyote 17:43 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/e/emar/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-16%2021%3A29%3A07%2C%20emar-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20died.txt 17:43 looks like the GDSM was indeed not equipped 17:43 ah 17:44 no obvious reason why is visilbe in the dumplog though 17:44 For future reference, !lastgame emar should have done the trick 17:44 it sort of looks like you're supposed to be able to dip into fountains specifically 17:44 wait was _not_ equipped? 17:44 I got the link from Mandevil's scoreboard, and indeed, not equipped 17:44 maybe because they shoot water into the air? 17:45 what ddod you mean with: 17:45 ais523> no obvious reason why is visilbe in the dumplog though 17:45 stenno: like, no messages about armour being removed by a foocubus or the like 17:45 ah, right 17:45 emar: you forgot to wear it :P 17:46 to be fair succubus at that stage is rather unlikely 17:47 does wearing a new armor while already wearing armor just remove the worn armor? 17:47 in NH4 variants it'll unequip the old one and equip the new one 17:47 if they use the same slot 17:47 if you get interrupted midway you may end up with neither worn 17:48 you can change the multistage_equip option if you never want armour to be unequipped implicitly 17:48 !lastgame emar 17:48 Tarmunora: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/e/emar/fiqhack/dumplog/2018-03-16%2021%3A29%3A07%2C%20emar-Sam-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20died.txt 17:49 I think that's probably what happened, because I ditched my splint mail for it 17:49 ouch 17:49 it's more embarassing than anything else 17:50 ais523: do you know if branchport skip is still possible in 3.6.x ? 17:50 was just thinking about it again recently 17:50 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:34657 17:50 stenno: I don't; it wouldn't surprise me if it worked and it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't work 17:51 fair 17:51 I think it's not possible anymore 17:51 aw that'd be a pity 17:51 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:34657 17:51 <[Demo]> man i saw a great bumper sticker on a truck today 17:51 <[Demo]> "drinkin beers and shootin queers" 17:52 um wut 17:52 -- 17:52 that sounds unhinged 17:52 do you know what 'queers' mean 17:52 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 17:53 * stenno waits for some sort of pointe that reverses this 17:55 i read something awesome too 17:55 emar: Turns out that confusion running out inturrupted 16 turns worth of armour changing on turn 2400, from your TTYrec 17:55 killing homophobes is fun and also keeps the environment clean 17:55 Tarmunora: :/ 17:56 :\ 17:56 FIQ: so this getobj patch uses vanilla behavior if menustyle != full? 17:58 confusion running out probably isn't the sort of thing that should interrupt armour change 17:58 although I guess it does that in vanilla too 17:58 well, it's an occupation 17:59 (this is the sort of bug that I could easily have introduced by mistake but I don't think I did) 17:59 aosdict: yes, being interruptible if a monster turns up makes sense 17:59 Well I'm asssuming it was that and not the zombification disease wearing off 17:59 but it shouldn't be interrupted by, e.g., reaching full health 17:59 aosdict: yes 17:59 like you'd want wait and search to be 18:00 aosdict: No @ levi 18:00 Oh yeah, fountains 18:01 I think I tried to keep vanilla behaviour 18:01 Which allowed you to interact with fountains despite levi 18:01 bleh 18:02 FIQ: I think it should still show floor items on the menu under , - where's the letter conflict there? 18:03 None 18:03 But it doesn't atm 18:03 I should probably add that 18:03 well if you're going to I won't bother atm :) 18:03 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1478 points, T:1444, killed by a water moccasin 18:05 aosdict: doesn't , in a menu select all items onscreen? 18:06 Oh, yes it does. 18:06 Ugh. 18:06 hm 18:06 nvm then 18:06 It should definitely be shown as something though. 18:07 . also selects all items so can't be used 18:07 -!- stenno has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07 -!- tungtn has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07 -!- Mandevil has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07 -!- winny has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07 -!- jonadab has quit [*.net *.split] 18:07 > will navigate between pages so can't be used 18:07 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 18:07 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 18:07 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 18:07 -!- winny has joined #hardfought 18:07 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 18:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+ov Mandevil jonadab] by tolkien.freenode.net 18:08 for some reason the name "Orwell" for a online chat server seems a little... Orwellian 18:09 you think so? 18:09 Just remember everyone, Big Bro is watching 18:09 given that 1984 was a critic of totalitarian systems 18:10 sure, yes 18:11 and animal farm too for that matter 18:13 I think that's exactly what I mean, even though the author was in fact warning us of these potential dystopias 18:14 yeah i get you 18:14 was just arguing for the sake of it 18:14 sorry 18:14 arguing stuff is good, gets the issues out 18:17 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1879 points, T:1726, killed by a dog 18:20 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 133 points, T:238, killed by a fox 18:33 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:42 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 18:45 aosdict & Elronnd: https://hastebin.com/ihugipeyox.pas 18:49 hothraxxa: ada > pascal 18:51 algol 68 18:53 hahaha i didn't notice or care. it's a convenient place to dump and people crapped on pastebin and mentioned hastebin, so i used that. my work here is done 18:53 ye but why .pas 18:53 that's for pascal code 18:53 and ada > pascal 18:53 it selected it i didn't 18:53 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:54 Suuuuuuuuure 18:54 the last time i wrote pascal was around 1987 18:55 for me it was end of the 90s 18:55 lemme see 18:55 I learned pascal at some point from the Oh! Pascal! book 18:55 fpc didn't like the pointer syntax 18:55 then I moved on to c. Much better language 18:55 when i was using it, it was the best choice that ran on a pc 18:55 2003 i probably wrote my last delphi program 18:55 turbo c came along a little later 18:56 I came around long after gcc and clang 18:56 i used turbo c for a few years 18:56 and I'm very happy not to have suffered without them 18:57 and while you're right about c being better than pascal, c is actually a shitty language 18:57 get out 18:57 c. k&r c 18:57 C is showing its age by now, it's a portable way to get the low-level code you want on processors that don't exist any more 18:57 gnu11 ftw! 18:57 *cough*boundscheckinggarbagecollection*cough* 18:57 and modern processors work quite differently 18:58 hothraxxa: ye but boehm 18:59 i'm not sure what you said there 18:59 boehm gc 18:59 aka black magic that garbage collects c 18:59 oh, i see 19:00 hothraxxa: well, in terms of garbage collection, many programs don't benefit it 19:00 take something like NetHack; you normally want to /react/ to, say, a monster dying 19:00 so deallocating it at the same time is no big deal 19:00 sure 19:01 garbage-collection typically only helps when you have lots of immutable objects that can disappear without anyone caring 19:01 which is very common when you're programming in a functional style, less so in a data-oriented style though 19:01 just for perspective: i started my career as a systems internals assembly programmer on ibm s360s 19:01 in 1969 19:15 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Cav Gno Mal Neu), 33513 points, T:2147, poisoned by a giant spider 19:16 thats when my dad started programaming too lol 19:18 My dad used to program a little (really simple stuff) in BASIC, but these days he won't even copy a file without help. 19:19 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:08 What changed? 20:15 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Ran Orc Mal Cha) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:4621 20:16 [hdf-us] [fh] emar (Ran Orc Mal Cha), 34455 points, T:4632, killed by a spotted jelly 20:20 hi 20:20 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 20:21 -!- Tariru_ has joined #hardfought 20:21 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 20:21 heya Tariru_ 20:22 Hello 20:22 Hello Tariru_, Welcome to #hardfought 20:22 heh 20:23 hey 20:23 Hello stenno, Welcome to #hardfought 20:23 aloha 20:23 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 20:23 salut 20:23 Hello stenno, Welcome to #hardfought 20:23 its multilingual 20:23 hallo 20:23 Hello stenno, Welcome to #hardfought 20:23 bonjour 20:23 Hello stenno, Welcome to #hardfought 20:23 ahoj 20:23 got him 20:24 noooo 20:24 to be fair its colloquioal (sp) 20:24 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:34 -!- Tariru_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:46 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:47 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 20:51 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 20:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 20:54 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:54 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 21:01 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:11 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 21:24 -!- MiseryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:32 שלום 21:32 Beholder: heloo 21:48 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 21:51 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:51 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 21:57 * aosdict wanders onto Medusa's Island with all the ravens, all the ravens promptly drown 21:57 oops 21:58 how did that happen :| 21:58 bug in flying code? 21:58 probably messed up something I did in a refactor moving a lot of checks like (is_flyer() || is_floater() || is_clinger()) to a unified macro 21:58 luckily none of it is pushed 21:59 aah ok 21:59 that must've looked funny 21:59 "The raven drowns. The raven drowns. The raven drowns. [27x]" 21:59 waait 22:00 is the 27x actually in the msgwindow? 22:00 no 22:00 also there weren't 27, I made that up 22:00 ah ok 22:00 ok 22:10 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 22:38 :) 22:50 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 22:57 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:10 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 23:23 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 48398 points, T:10501, killed by a soldier ant 23:23 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:23 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:30 lol, found Ludios by dropping down a hole and landing in a vault 23:30 Now I wish I'd picked up that cockatrice corpse a few turns ago 23:38 nvm, found another cocky 23:50 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 49829 points, T:4912, killed by a fire ant 23:52 K2: pushed some updates 23:53 I got polymorphed into a mimic and then a cockatrice came over and stoned me, but I still managed to get killed by something else first 23:53 for those wanting NH4 water behavior, they can now have it; for those who are a little more paranoid, paranoid swim makes it a little harder 23:58 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 25615 points, T:1450, killed by a sewer rat, while fainted from lack of food