00:00 now going to bed, hope nothing else breaks 00:02 ok thanks 00:03 <@riker> night aosdict 00:03 <@Pavel> YANI: A dungeon branch where the floors are filled with toxic gas so in order to progress you need to bring a ton of healing stuffs as you constantly take damage. The deeper you go the denser the gas gets and the more damage you take, and the more useful loot you can get 00:04 <@Pavel> (Injures on contact not inhalation so the breathless intrinsic doesn't help) 00:05 <@riker> that's not a bad idea for slex 00:05 <@riker> mind if I ping amy? 00:05 <@riker> she might be able to turn that into a useful nasty trap effect 00:06 <@Pavel> Sure 00:06 <@Pavel> Oh, like a trap that fills a floor with gas? 00:07 <@Pavel> That's even better. You have to escape the floor in time 00:08 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya trap idea: slowly fills floor with stinking cloud / other poison gas. if slex doens't ahve contact gas (stinking cloud but breathless doesn't matter / poison resistnace doesn't matter), that should apply there as well. credit to pavel 00:08 Will do, @riker! 00:12 [hdf-us] [slex] guiltypanacea (Bul Bas Fem Law), 69 points, T:102, killed by a monster (rabbit), while praying unsuccessfully 00:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:42643 00:16 <@Pavel> !tell LarienTelrunya Adding on to what Riker just said, the idea is that after triggering the trap you have to leave that dungeon floor as fast as possible before the gas kills you. If you ever need to go past that floor again, you'll have to bring lots of healing capability as it will continuously deal a lot of damage to you. It should mark the floor as "Filled with toxic gas" in the dungeon overview. 00:16 Will do, @Pavel! 00:19 huh, Beholder copies the colors too when you do that 00:19 I assume that it works the other way round too, i.e. if I !tell with an @, it'll wait for the Discord user to speak and then relay the message 00:20 <@Pavel> I can't see colors in Discord, other than the blue that Discord highlights all names in 00:20 ais523 correct 00:21 <@Pavel> Which IRC channel is this? I can't actually see from discord. 00:22 #hardfought on freenode 00:22 -!- Pavel has joined #hardfought 00:23 <@Pavel> TY 00:23 ;) 00:23 :O 00:23 <@Pavel> Hmmm 00:23 <@Pavel> !tell Pavel foo 00:23 Will do, @Pavel! 00:23 !tell Pavel foo 00:23 Pavel: Message from @Pavel at 2018-03-15 00:23 EDT: foo 00:23 Will do, Pavel! 00:24 <@Pavel> o/ 00:24 @Pavel: Message from Pavel at 2018-03-15 00:23 EDT: foo 00:24 <@Pavel> :P 00:24 <@Pavel> It's really smart 00:28 Tangles has done a fantastic job with Beholder 00:28 -!- Pavel has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:29 <@Pavel> The discord integration is awesome I have to wonder why you all still stick to irc ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 00:29 -!- Pavel has joined #hardfought 00:31 Pavel: a lot of us are older. set in our ways I suppose 00:32 IRC is great and all but being able to tell people things when they're not online without !tell is nice. 00:33 this channel is logged and those logs are available publically, so there's that 00:34 Pavel: going the other way round, being able to be told things when you're not online is annoying 00:34 -!- Pavel has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 00:35 I tend to go on IRC only when I'm willing to be distracted 00:35 <@Pavel> Well, if you go offline on discord it won't distract you until you come back online 00:36 <@Pavel> But you'll be able to see all the things that could have distracted you earlier 00:36 <@Pavel> Although yeah with logging that's a bit moot 00:36 pros and cons to both systems 00:36 i think some of the capabilities discord has are cool 00:36 but i like irc 00:37 <@Pavel> I wonder what IRCBot does if I send through a custom discord emoji 00:38 -!- Pavel has joined #hardfought 00:38 <@Pavel> :punguin: 00:38 <@Pavel> Nothing intresting apparantly 00:39 nope, its not set up for that 00:39 !commands 00:39 K2: available commands are !help !ping !time !pom !hello !booze !beer !potion !tea !coffee !whiskey !vodka !rum !tequila !scotch !goat !lotg !d(1-1000) !(1-50)d(1-1000) !8ball !rng !role !race !variant !tell !source !lastgame !lastasc !asc !streak !rcedit !scores !sb !setmintc !whereis !players !who !commands 00:39 ^ if interested 00:40 <@Pavel> Why are there so many drinks 00:41 <@Pavel> !booze 00:41 * Beholder pours @Pavel a pint of the sauce, fermented by TheresaMayBot at 14 degrees Fahrenheit. 00:41 because we're all alcoholics 00:41 ;) 00:42 !pom 00:42 ais523: The moon is waning crescent; new moon in 1 day. 00:43 -!- loli has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1] 00:47 <@Pavel> !rng 00:47 @Pavel: !rng thomas richard harold ; !rng do dishes|play nethack ; !rng 1-100 00:49 <@Pavel> !sb 00:49 @Pavel: https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/scoreboard (HDF) or https://scoreboard.xd.cm (ALL) 00:51 -!- Pavel has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 00:57 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided class h, on T:44104 00:58 <@Pavel> If I'm playing as a vampire, how do I make a Bite attack? 00:58 you will automatically 00:59 <@Pavel> Do I have to unwield my weapon? 01:00 <@Pavel> Also, wow, entire two dungeon levels with no monsters. 01:09 @Pavel no you dont have to unwield 01:09 <@Pavel> Ok, thanks 01:10 <@Pavel> Everything dies before I can bite it :( 01:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:44594 01:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:44598 01:17 <@Pavel> Any suggestions on what monster I should genocide? I'm xplvl 4, dlvl 5 01:17 this early? is the scroll in inventory or did you read-ID it?# 01:18 early game, a is a good choice 01:18 if it's still in inventory (and you have a container), save the scroll until something's about to kill you and genocide that (assuming the genocide won't catch you too) 01:18 <@Pavel> Read ID 01:18 <@Pavel> :P 01:18 do you know the scroll's BCU? 01:18 because cursed-genociding something dangerous is typically not a good idea 01:19 <@Pavel> This is Unnethack, it'll either kill all monsters on the current floor or behave as vanilly U 01:19 <@Pavel> *vanilla Uncursed 01:19 in 3.4.3 the standard genocide if you're worried that the scroll might be cursed is kraken 01:19 and I suspect that works in Un too 01:19 <@Pavel> Cursed in Un isn't a problem 01:19 (they're dangerous late-game so good to be out of your way, but if the scroll's cursed they'll arrive on land and it's easy to run) 01:19 <@Pavel> It'll just kill all monsters on the current floor and do nothing else 01:20 ah right 01:20 wait til you can bless it 01:20 <@Pavel> Uncursed is same as vanilla and Blessed is same as Uncursed 01:20 you can wipe out one type of monster permanently then 01:20 given that it's already been read, it's hard to think of a single monster that's likely to kill you early-game 01:20 soldier ants 01:20 or killer bees 01:20 there are lots of types of monsters that could potentially land the kill and it's hard to guess which 01:21 soldier ant is a decent guess for 3.4.3-derived variants 01:21 the alternative is to genocide something that's highly likely to cause problems later, as opposed to slightly likely to kill you soon 01:21 master lich and master mind flayer are often chosen for that purpose off a one-species genocide 01:21 <@Pavel> I'm a noob and won't get that far :P 01:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:44815 01:22 <@Pavel> Oh, I should also consider the fact that it would be best to genocide something that doesn't leave corpses I can suck for blood 01:22 <@Pavel> Hmmmm 01:23 <@Pavel> Maybe some kind of zombie 01:23 is Z even genocidable? 01:23 it's a rare enough choice that I don't actually know 01:24 <@Pavel> Yeah, Z is genocidable according to the wiki 01:24 <@Pavel> I'm gonna go for soldier ant 01:24 <@Pavel> ._. that was anticlimactic 01:25 <@Pavel> It was cursed and wiped out all soldier ants on the level 01:30 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:45041 01:30 <@Pavel> Killed by attacking a shopkeeper while blind. Figures 01:30 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:45047 01:31 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45060 01:32 <@Pavel> This xnh guy is doing pretty well 01:32 <@Pavel> Wait no 01:32 <@Pavel> The name is k2 01:33 <@Pavel> Dur 01:33 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 43476 points, T:15093, killed by a leocrotta 01:34 <@Pavel> Is there a way to set config for games you're spectating? K2's config is a messed up display on my terminal. 01:34 <@kritixilithos> Press s 01:35 <@kritixilithos> Until it fixes itself 01:35 <@Pavel> Ok thanks 01:35 <@Pavel> What does s even do, that took forever 01:36 <@kritixilithos> Idk, I only discovered it through hterm 01:37 it cycles through various encoding filters 01:37 that take input encoded one way (i.e. for the player's terminal) and re-encodes it a different way (i.e. for the viewer's terminal) 01:37 the reason you have to keep spamming it is that dgamelaunch doesn't understand what encodings either of the two terminals need… 01:38 <@Pavel> I wonder if I can get it to cycle to curses display 01:38 <@Pavel> Doesn't look like it 01:38 I don't think so, it isn't intelligent enough to be able to move characters on the screen (and in fact can't see into the game internals at all) 01:38 curses is an outright different set of rendering code 01:40 NH4 watchmode (thus FIQHack, Fourk, etc.) works quite differently, that /does/ render the game separately (and thus you can do things like use a different terminal size or view settings); the code for integrating that with dgamelaunch comes from FIQHack 01:40 <@kritixilithos> Why does spectating at the alt server behave differently? 01:41 <@Pavel> Is anyone spectating k2 right now and could they tell me where he is right now 01:41 <@Pavel> I've only ever been in the first ~7 levels of the dungeons of doom 01:41 <@Pavel> And the first level of gnomish mines 01:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45343 01:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45441 01:46 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45615 02:01 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:47146 02:02 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) entered the Planes, on T:47194 02:02 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:47195 02:04 <@Pavel> I wish you could record games because I want to watch k2's and I need to sleep 02:06 the server records a ttyrec of every game 02:06 available for playback by anyone 02:06 <@Pavel> Oh really! Cool! 02:06 finding old games is normally a bit harder than finding current games but it's doable 02:07 <@Pavel> Is there like an id of the current one I should write down or something 02:08 <@Pavel> Although it looks like he's almost done lol 02:09 yeah almost there 02:09 I don't know how hardfought organises ttyrecs, but if it's anything like NAO, you can see a list of ttyrecs by a particular user 02:09 and the more recent ones are shown at one end of the list so finding a recent game is just a case of watching them to see where it starst 02:09 (dgamelaunch starts a new ttyrec with every login, not with every game) 02:11 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided class ;, on T:47439 02:11 i started gzipping ttyrecs a few months ago, i need to see if the hdf scoreboard tracks them correctly 02:11 using the same system NAO has (slightly modified) 02:12 -!- Pavel has joined #hardfought 02:15 <@Pavel> @K2 Best of luck! 02:15 -!- Pavel has quit [Client Quit] 02:16 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:16 thanks @Pavel! 02:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Death, on T:47682 02:22 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:23 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Death, on T:47695 02:24 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Pestilence, on T:47731 02:25 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Pestilence, on T:47745 02:26 <@Pavel> WOO 02:26 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law), 2934346 points, T:47755, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/xnethack/dumplog/1520913924.xnh.txt 02:26 \o/ 02:26 <@Pavel> Congradulations! 02:26 thanks ;) 02:27 <@Pavel> You made that look really easy :( 02:27 not quite heh 02:27 <@Pavel> One day I might just be able do half as well 02:27 i was slimed twice, cant believe it 02:27 <@Pavel> What does sliming do? 02:27 Pavel it took me about 20 yrs on/off before my first ascension 02:28 C/d 02:28 <@Pavel> Woah 02:28 if you are attacked by a green slime and it slimes you, the only way to cure it is with fire 02:28 it has rarely happened to me, and it happened twice this game 02:29 first time in forever heh 02:29 <@Pavel> Ah 02:29 <@Pavel> So how often do you succeed at ascension now? 02:29 lets see 02:30 and keep in mind, local games (offline) dont count 02:30 https://scoreboard.xd.cm/players/k/k2.all.html 02:30 and I dont think Mandevil is tracking xnethack yet, so this recent game wont show on that link 02:31 <@Pavel> Got it 02:31 <@Pavel> So this was still an exceptionally good run 02:31 we fairly decent yeah 02:32 other than dying to a green slime heh 02:32 lucky i had amulet of life saving on 02:32 *was 02:32 <@Pavel> Maybe I should try xnh 02:32 its not too far off from vanilla 3.6.1 02:32 <@Pavel> I've been playing Un for the past two days and Vanilla before that 02:32 unnethack is difficult 02:33 especially in the late game 02:33 <@Pavel> The nethack in my Distro's repos didn't come built with curses support so I figuired that if I was going to build one from source I'd just pick one and farily arbitrarily decided on Un 02:33 if you try xnethack keep in mind its very new, beta stage 02:33 ah i see 02:34 so Tangles (one of the hdf admins here) has added curses support for a fair amount of the NH3 based variants we host 02:34 and made a ton of improvements 02:34 FIQ helped him also 02:34 <@Pavel> I think I'll try xnh. I have this weird aversion to stable software, you see. 02:35 and then NH4 and its variants have that type of display capability already 02:35 heh 02:35 we've had xnethack up for... 6 days? maybe 7? 02:35 we've found (and aosdict has fixed) a good number of bugs already 02:36 <@Pavel> I play a lot during breaks at school, where the firewall blocks all ssh connections, so I guess I'm gonna build it from source 02:36 oh i have a solution for that 02:36 where are you located? 02:37 <@Pavel> US/Washington State 02:37 ok 02:37 https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/hterm-us/ 02:37 try that 02:37 K2: I have xnethack tracking ready for deployment, I just haven't had time to actually do it yet. 02:38 Pavel i take no responsibility for your GPA suffering ;) 02:38 <@Pavel> Oh yeah that'll probably work 02:38 Mandevil awesome 02:38 <@Pavel> Not like I have much better to do during CS class 02:39 <@Pavel> The binary make install produces is called xnethack and not nethack right? Don't want name conflicts. 02:39 Who in the US is called "Pavel" ;-) 02:39 Not very american name. 02:39 Pavel the binary is still called nethack 02:39 <@Pavel> You guys should change that 02:40 aosdict ^^ 02:40 <@Pavel> @Mandeivil Yeah, I'm Russian. 02:40 aosdict is the variant author 02:40 <@Pavel> got it 02:40 @pavel ah, get it. 02:41 <@Pavel> Hold on, there's not a Makefile or configure script. 02:42 <@Pavel> D: 02:42 look in /sys/unix 02:43 <@Pavel> Thanks 02:44 ok i gotta get to bed stayed up way too late 02:44 gnite all and @Pavel have fun ;) 02:44 <@Pavel> Same 02:44 <@Pavel> Good night! 02:44 <@Pavel> Should have gone to bed two hours ago and will probably stay awake another two building xnh 02:56 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 02:56 -!- stenno is now known as Guest98851 03:01 -!- Guest98851 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:05 <@Pavel> !tell aosdict Hey, you're in charge of xnh right? Could you make it so the building produced a binary called xnethack and not nethack so that it doesn't conflict with vanilla or other variants? 03:05 Will do, @Pavel! 03:14 <@Pavel> !commands 03:14 @Pavel: available commands are !help !ping !time !pom !hello !booze !beer !potion !tea !coffee !whiskey !vodka !rum !tequila !scotch !goat !lotg !d(1-1000) !(1-50)d(1-1000) !8ball !rng !role !race !variant !tell !source !lastgame !lastasc !asc !streak !rcedit !scores !sb !setmintc !whereis !players !who !commands 03:15 <@Pavel> !tell aosdict actually, I think it's already called that and I was building it way wrong? In which case ignore me 03:15 Will do, @Pavel! 03:19 <@Pavel> [CC] dgn_lex.c dgn_comp.l:10:10: fatal error: dgn_comp.h: No such file or directory #include "dgn_comp.h" ^~~~~~~~~~~~ 03:19 <@Pavel> :( 03:28 <@Pavel> Unnethack completely reworks the make file generation system 03:28 <@Pavel> It's actually sane 03:32 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Val Hum Fem Law), 220 points, T:531, killed by a small mimic 03:44 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 03:44 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 03:44 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Val Hum Fem Law), 854 points, T:759, killed by a lynx 03:50 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:57 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 03:58 -!- stenno is now known as Guest30141 04:02 -!- Guest30141 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:31 Pavel: which is surprising as the build system is coming originally from slashem 04:42 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Val Hum Fem Law), 1682 points, T:1581, killed by a gnome 05:37 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:45 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 05:51 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 05:55 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:55 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 06:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 06:09 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 06:10 argh soko 06:11 should have teleported it away, I'd just picked up the wand 06:15 -!- jonathanhanes has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:27 lol What K2 means by: FIQ "helped" with the curses code... FIQ rewrote large chunks of the curses code from scratch. I just did a few bits round the edges, and maybe a couple of ports to different variants. :P 06:30 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:34 hrm, a ranger with Cleaver 06:56 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 06:57 Oh and I see K2 ascended xnh! Congrats :) 06:57 (also to elenmirie for yesterday - that was quick!) 07:15 thanks Tangles! 07:18 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:18 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 07:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 07:19 -!- Announcy has quit [Killed (hitchcock.freenode.net (Nickname regained by services))] 07:19 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 07:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Announcy] by ChanServ 07:21 Tangles: I still want to rewrite the leftover code I haven't touched some day... 07:22 I have some work locally for it, but haven't touched it for some time 07:27 -!- Grasshopper has quit [*.net *.split] 07:34 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 07:44 -!- oh6_ has joined #hardfought 07:44 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6_] by ChanServ 07:45 -!- honu has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:54 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a baby blue dragon, on T:25089 07:57 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08:01 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 08:08 -!- honu has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:09 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 08:17 -!- honu has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:26 @riker [backscroll] You generally don't need to tell Amy about ideas, she reads the wiki page updates immediately anyway. 08:26 aosdict: Message from @Pavel at 2018-03-15 03:05 EDT: Hey, you're in charge of xnh right? Could you make it so the building produced a binary called xnethack and not nethack so that it doesn't conflict with vanilla or other variants? 08:26 aosdict: Message from @Pavel at 2018-03-15 03:15 EDT: actually, I think it's already called that and I was building it way wrong? In which case ignore me 08:26 K2: [backscroll] Congratulations! 08:27 K2: [backscroll] Ah, and I see you found slimes a bit more threatening than usual 08:28 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 08:28 no wonder I couldn't kill this dwarf, he was wearing +3 mithril and a +1 helm 08:28 also boots and a shield 08:29 K2: [backscroll] hmm, the binary should be called xnethack... did I edit a makefile and not commit it a long time ago? 08:29 boots also +3 08:31 !tell @Pavel wait, you can't build because it can't find dgn_comp.h? Wut? 08:31 Will do, aosdict! 08:36 aosdict: what did you do to slimes? i dont recall seeing any monster changes in your changelog 08:36 or maybe i just dont remember 08:36 they now have an engulfing sliming attack 08:37 yeah! I noticed the engulf bit 08:38 oh btw, mandevil added xnethack to his scoreboard 08:39 seriously though, I cant remember the last time I had to worry about being slimed. probably years ago 08:39 and then BAM twice in the same game :P 08:40 and i noticed when arriving at astral plane, I had more waiting for me than just my deity gift pet 08:41 believe it or not, that's one of the first changes I made to nethack, back when I was just dipping my toes in modifying the code, before I even had any ambitions to do more than make several different patches 08:41 (the green slime thing) 08:41 neat 08:41 Uh, I don't think I changed anything else about Astral? 08:41 i kinda want to steal that for grunthack. its an appropriate type of evil update 08:42 regarding astral, maybe it was just RNG at play 08:43 what exactly was waiting for you 08:44 K2: grats on xnh ascension! 08:44 K2: now you should be the first person to ascend xnh with one of its unique conducts (or elenmirie) 08:44 heh... what are the unique conducts again? 08:44 thanks elenmirie! you as well, dunno if I had a chance to tell you 08:45 first ever! 08:45 ty! 08:45 aosdict: a bunch of angels, plus the summon_nasties types 08:46 elenmirie: petless and artifactless 08:46 and please please please aosdict add E word conduct 08:46 ah 08:46 i ascended without the E word but it doesnt state as such :/ 08:46 so, the invocation items don't count as artifacts, right? 08:46 right 08:47 but quest artifact would correct? 08:47 nor does the Amulet 08:47 I would imagine quest artifact would 08:47 but yeah, for artifactless you have to pick up the Bell of Opening but leave the quest artifact wherever it was dropped 08:47 right 08:47 elenmirie: Invocation items ARE NOT artifacts in NetHack. 08:47 elenmirie: That's why you can actually #name them. 08:47 yeah, I can never keep that straight 08:49 Even if they did count as artifacts, I'd make a special exception to artifactless conduct for them. (Same as 3.4.3 reading the Book for illit.) 08:51 Mandevil: can you make a 'first to ascend' page for xnethack please? 08:52 races/roles are identical to vanilla 08:52 K2: There is one. 08:53 Uh/ 08:53 Thanks for adding xnh to the scoreboard, Mandevil. 08:53 Yeah, forgot to update the config. 08:53 aosdict: You're welcome. 08:54 K2: It will appear with the next update. 08:55 cool thanks 08:55 so, if you get gifted a weapon, you to leave it on the altar, or I guess kick it into a corner 08:56 that could be dangerous 08:56 I better trigger that manually. 08:59 elenmirie: I think there's technically an exception for kicking an artifact. Let me test. 08:59 Does artikicking blast you? 09:00 *now*, of course, my wand of teleportation had run out 09:00 If yes, then it should count as touching :) 09:00 I don't *think* it does 09:00 OK, first-to-ascend is there. 09:00 (it was a dwarf's wand of teleportation, and he mostly used it up trying to get away from me) 09:00 woot! 09:00 \o/ 09:00 raisse :/ 09:02 man, Lugh, c'mon, give me something, anything... 09:02 how many black unicorns can you possibly want 09:02 all of them 09:03 Lugh thunders: every black unicorn in this dungeon! 09:03 Als 120 of them? 09:03 All 09:03 Or all 255 of them? 09:03 Or the whole infinity of them? 09:04 that is for you to figure out, mortal! 09:04 ok good he gave me sunsword 09:04 confirmed, kicking an arti does not break the conduct 09:04 ok, thanks 09:05 perhaps should change the message to "You have never held an artifact" 09:05 (kicks the Orb of Fate with a gusto!) 09:05 The Orb of Fate shatters into a thousand pieces! 09:05 ouch hah 09:05 Ouch! That really hurt! 09:05 Not sure if this is a NetHack msg...? 09:06 close enough 09:07 did you know that (in 3.6.1 at least) there are 14 different "goto ouch;" statements 09:08 lots of ways to hurt yourself in nethack... 09:08 nice, paxed ported a xnh change 09:09 Which one? 09:09 wow 09:09 "o." is equivalent to #loot 09:09 the devs are watching 09:09 that's a nice one 09:09 my fingers thank paxed 09:11 Isn't there ctrl-l? 09:12 Ctrl-l is a move command in vikeys. 09:12 you need to have numpad enabled 09:12 Which I do :) 09:13 * K2 doesnt like vi 09:13 but i am forced to use it to do any work on an old redhat server here at work 09:13 * Mandevil is missing vikeys compatibility module 09:14 K2: no nano ? 09:15 * jonadab started using Emacs originally on Debian 1.3.1 09:15 which is likely older than the version of RedHat on your server. 09:18 well that went south quickly... hit a levelport trap which took me to DL7, then a lep read cursed create monster 09:21 #DyingIsFun 09:23 jonadab: nope no nano, and the OS is so old, the update server for it was discontinued last year 09:23 i could probably manually add it 09:23 but vi is fine 09:24 forcing me to use it will sharpen my knowledge of how to use it 09:25 That didn't work out for me. 09:25 :) 09:26 And after all, everone knows that the one true editor is joe. 09:27 never used it 09:28 notepad++ to rule them all! 09:28 :P 09:28 Joe was the editor I started to use when I installed my first Linux back in 1994. 09:29 And it will be my editor that I will write my last words into! 09:30 And the name is also self-referential acronym for extra cool: joe's own editor 09:32 heh 09:34 It is not so easy to open this tin. You succeed in opening the tin. It smells like foxen. 09:34 aosdict^^ 09:34 hehehe 09:34 foxen? 09:34 * aosdict blames 3.6.1 09:34 its a new experimental monster. elenmirie found an easter egg 09:34 Is that valid plural of fox? 09:34 no 09:34 its a hybrid fox lichen 09:34 Ah. 09:34 reproduced in vanilla 09:34 ok, I'll put that in as a bug 09:35 on 3.6.1 09:35 I mean, what's the bug then? 09:35 incorrect pluralization of "fox" 09:36 Ah, k2 is pulling my leg. 09:36 Still, I wonder how such a bug gets in. 09:37 well there are words for which "en" is the correct plural ending 09:37 Hm, like which ones (that exist in NetHack)? 09:38 trying to think of one 09:38 I guess "ox" is not a NetHack monster. 09:39 That reminds me... crawl has monster named "hippogrif" 09:39 And in some old versions it was pluralized as "hippogrives". 09:39 That was funny. 09:40 now, maybe that should be hippogriffen :D 09:40 yeah, it's reminiscent of oxen, but as you say there are no oxen in nethack 09:40 Mandevil you thought I was serious about the foxen? :P 09:40 K2: Yeah :) 09:40 there are bits of pluralization and other language code that aren't actually used 09:41 anyway the tin contained fox soup 09:41 I expect some dev was just trying to enumerate all the corner cases they could think of 09:41 Some of it is specifically there to accommodate fruitnames. 09:41 Oh right. 09:41 You want correct pluralization of user-defined fruits. 09:42 e.g., apparently a player set fruitname to lotus and then wrote in that the plural was wrong. 09:42 Seriously, who thinks this is n-complete problem? 09:42 To solve all possible fruitnames, you'd need a complete dictionary of fruitnames. 09:42 Hmm, should any monsters, besides incorporeal ones, be immune to physical traps like dart and falling rock traps? 09:42 Yes. 09:43 aosdict: Not sure, maybe stone golems? 09:43 Also ghosts should be flaying-resistant. 09:43 golems are not incorporeal. 09:43 Anything mindless should be flaying-resistant. Are ghosts mindless in NetHack? (The lore is... inconclusive.) 09:43 They are not mindless. 09:43 And they are regularly flayed by flayer-form players. 09:43 Ah. 09:43 Nah, golems get hit by the traps, ideally they would just have high enough damage reduction to make it not matter. 09:43 Which I find particularly silly. 09:44 Maybe the rule should be mindless _or_ non-corporeal monsters are immune to flaying? 09:44 a - knock 1 matter Inf 76%-100% 09:44 heh 09:44 aosdict: Wood golem hitting a fire trap should burn to a crisp :) 09:44 the "Inf" is under "Pw2 09:44 "Pw" 09:44 Mandevil: I'm writing a function for monster trap immunity, no other effects. 09:44 Also I think that happens already. 09:45 elenmirie: That means you don't have enough Pw to cast it at your current failure rate :-) 09:45 yeah, consider I'm a not-very-bright samurai wrapped in metal armour... 09:46 I only learned a spell because I like getting confused 09:46 ^ that 09:46 Does using a forgotten spell to confuse yourself require Pw? 09:46 i do that as soon as possible with all my non spell casting types 09:46 jonadab no 09:46 And the question I really want to ask is, why not? Shouldn't it? 09:46 but in hindsight, it should cost you at least one power unit per spell level 09:46 -!- Tmasher has joined #hardfought 09:47 the question you should ask yourself is why would it matter? 09:47 jonadab: We need more resarch for that. How magic exactly works etc. 09:47 Mandevil: I mean from a gameplay/balance perspective, primarily. 09:48 It's free confusion. 09:48 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) heard a rumor from The Oracle, on T:13758 09:49 I don't think it matters whether it's completely unlimited or there is some limit. 09:49 Huh, floaters can technically trigger squeaky board traps if they don't have M1_FLY. 09:49 by the time you want it, you have plenty of power, even as a non-caster 09:49 typically 09:49 ^^^ 09:49 elenmirie: Unless you're a valk. 09:49 Oh, hmm, I suppose so. 09:49 even if valk, you don't need to do it much 09:49 Or valk after encounter with an energy vortex. 09:50 caveman even moreso 09:50 well, yes, an energy vortex could mess you up 09:50 20k turns in, everyone has enough power 09:50 yes, generally 09:50 Hmm, so next question, do we want to rebalance Pw so that non-casters have difficulty getting enough of it to do anything that requires it? 09:51 the energy vortex thing is possible but really we're talking extremely rare now 09:51 jonadab: It's the case already. 09:51 jonadab: Given how slowly it regens. 09:51 jonadab: I like being able to take a class that doesn't commonly cast and try to let it cast some spells. 09:51 By "anything" I don't mean "use it in combat where time matters" 09:51 aosdict: I use spell of identify as every class except Bar and _maybe_ Cav. 09:52 aosdict: I like that too. But it's quite difficult. 09:52 aosdict: Try to get caveman who actually can cast their special spell! 09:52 aosdict: I dare you! 09:52 I've spoken to at least one plalyer who uses magic missile as a Barbarian, but that's just silly antics as far as I'm concerned. 09:52 Exactly. 09:53 Given that alchemy is nerfed, it's now even harder. 09:53 Mandevil: That's because dig is level five, which is an insanely high level for a spell that is basically just faster pick-axe. 09:53 I have in the past had casting barbarians 09:53 but that requires some luck with finding things and/or strategic wishing 09:53 I once had a valk who could cast remove curse. 09:53 Barbarians at least get basic in attack spells. 09:53 Valks aren't bad at spell casting. I mean, not _good_, but not bad either. My valks always cast ID and remove curse. 09:54 jonadab: Their Pw is pitiful. 09:54 Pw doesn't matter for ID and remove curse. 09:54 Well, regen rate doesn't matter. 09:54 It does if you have 50% fail rate. 09:54 Because they're utility spells. 09:54 So you can just wait around. 09:54 At your stash. 09:54 Yes, waiting around is so fun. 09:54 333s 09:54 333s 09:54 I love wasting thousands of turns. 09:54 heh 09:55 gah 09:55 Kill monsters, kill monsters, kill monsters. 333s333s333s 09:55 Cast again. 09:55 See? No big deal :-) 09:55 I always try to make the game speedy. 09:55 (and failing, but I AM trying). 09:55 * aosdict feels justified in removing +oID 09:55 aosdict: :) 09:55 I once had a Samurai with 98% fail on one and 99% fail on the other spell, id and remove curse, don't recall which was which, and a ton of bones loot to process. 09:55 oh, xnethack orctown 09:55 aosdict: Stick it to jonadab :) 09:55 elenmirie: have fun getting into the shop 09:56 hm, maybe I come back later 09:56 That was the game I ascended after like 160k turns :-) 09:56 no spell of identify messes with polypiles 09:56 I'm still a bit wimpy now 09:57 i'll gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today 09:58 Just one tuesday, or all your tuesdays for the rest of your life? 09:58 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:58 Mandevil: joe is only for people named "Joe", though 09:59 vi is only for people with six fingers on each hand 10:00 those Unix editors have rather specific target groups 10:00 hm think I found another vanilla trap bug/inconsistency 10:00 no, that's emacs, plus you need a prehensile tail 10:00 the player can trigger rolling boulder traps while floating or flying. Monsters can't. 10:01 [hdf-us] [gh] Tmasher (Mon Elf Mal Cha), 2086 points, T:2757, zombified by a kobold zombie 10:04 -!- Tmasher has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:07 the black unicorns are getting revenge for me sacrificing about 50 of them earlier 10:10 apparently! 10:18 oh, this seems new: Really step onto that rolling boulder trap? [yn] (n) 10:18 Yes, I added paranoid trap. Currently working on a FIQHack-like improvement. 10:20 <@Pavel> Is anyone here good at building xnethack Or nethack in general I'm guetting some build errors from make install 10:20 @Pavel: Message from aosdict at 2018-03-15 08:31 EDT: wait, you can't build because it can't find dgn_comp.h? Wut? 10:21 @Pavel does make all work, before you try to make install; 10:21 s/;/?/ 10:21 <@Pavel> Actually, make install once has a different error, running it again leads to not being able to find dgn_comhp.h 10:21 <@Pavel> make all succeeds 10:22 My build process consists of sitting in the top level and running "make all && make install" 10:22 <@Pavel> I don't have the && I just run them seperatly 10:22 Well, that should be fine. 10:23 <@Pavel> right 10:23 <@Pavel> ._. make all just failed 10:23 <@Pavel> That's never happened before 10:23 Are you building for a non-linux/non-unix platform? 10:23 <@Pavel> No, this is linux 10:24 <@Pavel> I'm going to resetup the makefile 10:24 and you ran setup.sh hints/linux? 10:25 <@Pavel> I modified hints/linux to make the prefix /usr/local and to set chown and chgrp 10:26 <@Pavel> also ln /usr/bin/bison /usr/local/bin/yacc 10:26 what errors is make install failing with 10:27 <@Pavel> After running setup.sh again, make is failing with [CC] dgn_lex.c dgn_comp.l:10:10: fatal error: 'dgn_comp.h' file not found #include "dgn_comp.h" ^~~~~~~~~~~~ 10:27 <@Pavel> *make all 10:28 And you do in fact have dgn_comp.h in the include directory? 10:28 <@Pavel> $ find . -name dgn_comp.h ./sys/share/dgn_comp.h 10:29 <@Pavel> I don't know if that's the correct spot for it 10:29 uh, there should definitely be one in include/ 10:29 <@Pavel> Oh 10:29 <@Pavel> Well there isn't 10:29 <@Pavel> I guess I'll try recloning 10:30 No wait, it's not on the remote either. 10:31 <@Pavel> ._. 10:31 That implies it should be getting generated by something but isn't. 10:33 <@Pavel> Yeah 10:33 What happens if you cd to util/ and run make? 10:34 <@Pavel> Already recloned, haven't configured yet, one sec 10:34 <@Pavel> $ make make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pavel/git/xNetHack/src' touch ../src/config.h-t make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pavel/git/xNetHack/src' [CC] makedefs.c [CC] ../src/monst.c [CC] ../src/objects.c [CC] makedefs.o 10:36 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Val Hum Fem Law), 8560 points, T:4124, killed by a black pudding, while helpless 10:38 <@Pavel> @aosdict I think I see where it's failing to generate. make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pavel/git/xNetHack/util' yacc -d dgn_comp.y sed -e 's#"y.tab.c"#"dgn_yacc.c"#' -e 's#y.tab.c:#dgn_yacc.c:#' y.tab.c > dgn_yacc.c \ && rm y.tab.c sed: can't read y.tab.c: No such file or directory make[1]: *** [Makefile:358: dgn_yacc.c] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pavel/git/xNetHack/util' make: *** 10:38 [Makefile:193: dungeon] Error 2 If I run make all again, this error doesn't occur, but presumably something is still being generated wrong. 10:42 Wait, did you say you're using bison instead of yacc? 10:42 <@Pavel> Right 10:43 <@Pavel> But actually, that was me running setup.sh wrong 10:43 <@Pavel> I ran it from it's own directory rather than the repo root 10:43 It's supposed to work from its own directory I think. 10:43 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:44 <@Pavel> But I get different results 10:44 Did you change the YACC = yacc and LEX = lex lines to the commented out YACC = bison -y and LEX = flex ones? 10:44 (in hints/linux) 10:45 <@Pavel> Oh, hints/linux has no such lines. I just created a link to bison called yacc. 10:45 Really? There should be lines in there that start with YACC= and LEX= 10:45 <@Pavel> Nope 10:46 Oh wait, I mean sys/unix/Makefile.utl. 10:46 <@Pavel> Ah 10:47 <@Pavel> I've done that, I'll tyr building again 10:50 You feel that Tyr is well-pleased. A copy of xNetHack appears at your feet! 10:53 <@Pavel> \o/ 10:53 <@Pavel> It doesn't obey my .nethackrc 10:53 <@Pavel> Is it looking for a .xnethackrc? 10:53 it looks for .xnethackrc 10:54 <@Pavel> I'm just going to link them together, shouldn't cause problems 10:54 <@Pavel> I was wrong 10:54 depends on which version your .nethackrc is 10:54 is for* 10:54 <@Pavel> It's for vanilla 10:55 <@Pavel> But. I didn't build with curses support. 10:55 Yeah but which version? 10:55 Which version of vanilla?* 10:55 <@Pavel> latest 10:55 a plain .nethackrc is probably compatible only with 3.6.1 10:56 <@Pavel> Well actually I've been using for unnethack too. I don't have a lot of complex stuff in there. 10:56 esp if you have things like status hilites set up 10:56 <@Pavel> It's failing because I didn't build with curses support 10:56 <@Pavel> How do I do that? 10:56 <@Pavel> Oh, yes I do hilites. 10:56 You mean like OPTIONS=windowtype:curses? 10:56 <@Pavel> Yeahh 10:56 Doesn't exist in 3.6.1 or xnethack. 10:56 <@Pavel> D 10:57 <@Pavel> Wait, really? 10:57 <@Pavel> Huh 10:57 <@Pavel> I know for a fact that Nethack 3.6.1 for Windows comes with Curses 10:58 uh oh, black unicorn 10:58 really 10:58 the curses interface? that would be news to me and the devteam 10:58 yeah that would 10:58 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 10:58 it'd be GREAT if 3.6.x had curses 10:58 I mean, nethack uses the curses _library_, which isn't the same thing as the curses interface. 10:58 -!- stenno is now known as Guest40993 10:59 <@Pavel> Pretty sure yeah 11:00 <@Pavel> My friend downlaoded it from the website last week, so it should be the latest version. 11:00 <@Pavel> He plays with tiles, but he showed me the terminal mode, and it looks exactly like the curses interface 11:01 You can't download 3.6.1 from nethack.org, it's not released yet. It should only be accessible by compiling it yourself. 11:01 <@Pavel> Ah 11:01 Like K2 does here on hardfought. 11:02 well 11:02 xnethack is basically the same in that regatd 11:02 regard* 11:02 Tangles maintains the dev build as he has some of his own code thrown in 11:02 like livelogging and extrainfo 11:02 <@Pavel> So basically, we're waiting for someone to write a curses patch for 3.6.1? 11:03 yes 11:03 ais523 wants to make it its own windowport. 11:03 if its going to happen at all, it'll prob be Tangles/FIQ 11:04 -!- Guest40993 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:04 <@Pavel> Huh, I spawned with a credit card next to me. I 11:04 <@Pavel> I've never found a credit card before 11:04 read it! 11:05 <@Pavel> It reads: "Yendorian Express - Mithril Card" "7400 13193641 0080". You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol. 11:05 <@Pavel> I don't know what to do with this information 11:05 <@Pavel> I'm kinda a noob 11:06 its just for grins and giggles 11:06 read a gold piece sometime, or a t-shirt 11:06 Murder on the Yendorian Express 11:09 <@Pavel> Fountains aren't appearing as blue for me... 11:10 @Pavel don't give credit card info! :p 11:10 now I can cause you a huge zorkmid debt 11:10 <@Pavel> Does You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol. even mean anything 11:10 yes, the level has a vault 11:10 a sealed off 2x2 room with some zorkmids in it 11:11 <@Pavel> Ah 11:13 <@Pavel> I have so many unidentified potions I want to quaff >.< 11:13 <@Pavel> But I also read-id'd an id scroll just now that identified all of them! What luck! 11:14 <@Pavel> Can you do anything useful with a potion of booze? 11:17 yes 11:18 you can confuse yourself, which is useful when readign certain scrolls for their effects 11:18 *reading 11:18 <@Pavel> Ah 11:20 aosdict: YANI drinking an uncursed or blessed potion of booze increases your HP and attack to-hit bonus for a brief period while being 'drunk'. dwarves should especially benefit over other races 11:21 cant tell you how many times i've felt 'bulletproof' while drunk 11:23 <@Pavel> Maybe rather than actually increasing your HP, it could function like Left 4 Dead temporary HP. It'll keep you alive longer, but when the effect where's off you lose hp equal to the amount you gained when the effect started. 11:23 <@Pavel> The idea being that you find actual healing items in that time. 11:24 <@Pavel> Since being drunk wouldn't actually protect you, it would just act more like a painkiller that'll allow you to keep fighting even with greater injuries sustained. 11:24 right 11:25 @Pavel assuming this is xnh, you can pour excess potions down a sink to get their vapor effects which identifies most of them 11:26 <@Pavel> It is, and neat. 11:26 (this is triggered by #dip while standing on a sink) 11:27 <@Pavel> Does this actually id it or should I name it/remember the description? 11:27 I like the temp HP idea... you're being a good source of YANIs 11:28 <@Pavel> Maybe wen it wears off it leaves you at at least 1 hp 11:28 :P 11:29 <@Pavel> I had another YANI earlier for a spell that gave you the DnD kind of temporary hitpoints. I suppose those could be called overheal. 11:32 aosdict: I have some other ideas for xnh that could help set it apart from most everything else. some are things already implemented in other variants (and some of which you've already grabbed), some are other ideas I dont recall ever seeing in a variant 11:32 Most potions self-identify except for ambiguous ones (gain ability/restore ability, all healing potions, confusion/booze, blindness if you're already blind, water in most cases, acid in a few cases, see invisible if you don't already have it, fruit juice if you can't smell) 11:32 i need to compile a list and send it your way 11:32 gcc k2s_idea_list.txt 11:33 <@Pavel> Or Stick it in a GitHub gist for all of us 11:33 yeah 11:34 Not a bad idea. They'd probably find their way to the YANI page in any case, though (well except stuff that other variants already have) 11:34 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:36 <@Pavel> How about an item that gives 100 temp hp for 2d4 turns 11:37 whoa 11:37 100hp? 11:37 that's a lot 11:37 <@Pavel> A kind of "I just need one more turn' panic button 11:37 I sort of like the idea that temp HP drains away continuously until it's gone (same as the temp Pw idea from yesterday) 11:37 you can already buff yourself with blessed potions of extra/full healing 11:37 permanently 11:37 <@Pavel> Yeah 100 is probably a lot 11:38 (bonus ease of programming: then you only have to store temp HP in one place, rather than temp HP and its remaining duration.) 11:38 <@Pavel> 35 is probably more reasonable 11:38 <@Pavel> Well you have to store drain rate 11:39 Nah, that can be a constant 1/turn or 2/turn. 11:39 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:39 <@Pavel> I suppose 11:39 aosdict: maybe instead of a hp buff spell, have an attack damage buff spell. spell of protection is already defensive in nature (harder to hit, take less damage when you do get hit), so having an offensive buff makes more sense imo 11:39 this was brought up yesterday, yes 11:40 <@Pavel> Big difference between 100 hp over 2 turns and 30 hp over 30 turns though. 11:40 the challenge would be making it accessible to melee classes but not OP for spellcasters. 11:41 <@Pavel> Make it a potion 11:42 hah 11:42 that's called a 5th of jack daniels 11:42 or tequila 11:43 YANI: A temporary damage buff at the expense of a temporary accuracy penalty. Possibly booze should do this. 11:44 make it slight damage + hp buff - cause that's what drunk does 11:45 but yeah at expense of accuracy 11:45 and you're already confused as it is 11:45 <@Pavel> Temp hp if that's implemented 11:45 right 11:46 and then a special case for dwarves 11:46 Perhaps being confused is enough downside (but ehh, it's sort of trivial to take care of with a unihorn...) 11:46 EPI: Using a unihorn wipes out any temp HP you have. 11:46 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 11:48 <@Pavel> Could keep track of how much booze you drink and increase tolerance + poison resistance 12:24 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:29 [hdf-us] [4k] Jeff (Ssach) (Arc Hum Mal Law), 2886 points, T:666, killed by a gas spore's explosion 12:30 <@Pavel> YANI: A ring or amulet that causes you to pay for spells with Hp insteaf of Pw. 12:30 <@Pavel> If cursed, doubles the cost for spells and doesn't prevent you from casting a spell when you don't have enough Hp, causing you to die (relevant especially if not id'd). 12:30 <@Pavel> If blessed, causes all sourced that increase Pw, including passive regeneration, to apply to Hp as well 12:36 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 12:37 <@kritixilithos> YANI: every digit of pi engraved next to each other (on separate tiles, but laid out horizontally or vertically) will give you one more cream pie, however this can only be done once 12:38 "every digit of pi" 12:38 I'll implement this when nethack has infinite memory 12:38 <@kritixilithos> then s/every/for every/ 12:39 <@kritixilithos> :P 12:47 <@Pavel> I just got "This newt corpse tastes okay." and not "This newt corpse tastes terrible!" 12:48 <@Pavel> Anyone know why that might be? 12:48 <@Pavel> (xnh) 12:49 3.6.1 12:49 don't know why it was change 12:49 d 12:49 <@Pavel> Oh 12:49 <@Pavel> Huh 12:50 you might be an orc or a caveman? 12:51 <@Pavel> Dwarven Valk 12:52 <@Pavel> :( kitten killed by rock trap 12:53 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 227 points, T:645, killed by a gas spore's explosion 12:53 <@Pavel> :( 12:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 50 points, T:67, killed by a grid bug, while praying 12:57 <@Pavel> I read-id'd a scroll that summoned like 15 monsters 13:02 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 321 points, T:411, killed by a goblin 13:02 The door opens. But it swings closed again! You hear the lock click by itself! 13:02 <@Pavel> While blind 13:02 Pavel: probably cursed create monster 13:02 those can be dangerous 13:03 <@Pavel> Yeah 13:03 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:05 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 13:06 elenmirie: self-locking doors aren't really that useful right now since you can just kick them down, unfortunately. 13:06 true 13:06 I guess it could be awkward if you were trying to be quiet, and didn't have an unlocking device 13:06 Perhaps they'll be better once I implement them for open doors :) 13:07 <@Pavel> YANI: Different kinds of doors. Particuarly reinforced doors that can' t be kicked down. 13:07 EPI: evil shopkeepers who rig their doors to shut and lock themselves once you step into the shop. 13:08 <@Pavel> Until you buy something 13:08 @Pavel actually, that's where all the door trap stuff came from initially, me wanting to refactor doors so there could be iron doors 13:08 <@Pavel> Oh huh 13:08 Except some people pointed out that iron (indestructible) doors wouldn't actually make for great gameplay. 13:09 I'd still implement it, except the display code is terrible and I would need to define a whole new set of door symbols to let them be colored cyan. 13:09 <@Pavel> Is there a trap door that turns into a mimic when you try to open it? There should be a trap door that turns into a mimic when you try to open it. 13:10 I'm not aware of anyone intentionally trying to open trapdoors... wouldn't most people just avoid it? 13:10 <@Pavel> Isn't the idea that you don't know it's trapped 13:10 well, there can be a mimic that imitates a door, that already happens occasionally 13:10 Or do you mean mimics that hang out in doorways and disguise themselves as doors, which yes, vanilla has those. 13:11 <@Pavel> Nice 13:13 <@Pavel> Could have a trap door which just leads to a closet containing a trapdoor 13:13 That is possible, yes. Since some closets generate trapdoors in them. 13:15 aosdict: yesterday i detected a trap on a door. it was a hot doorknob that burned my gloves. twice. 13:15 my dex 18 failed me, i should add 13:15 You tried to untrap it? 13:15 yeah 13:15 I didn't change the formula for that 13:15 <@Pavel> When you're hallucinating, traps should just appear as ^ that changes colors right? 13:16 The door opens. A bucket of water splashes down on you! 13:16 no i didn't think you had. it's probably not relevant but in case it is 13:16 <@Pavel> Becuase I'm hallucinating and this rolling rock trap is changing symbols 13:16 oh woops 13:17 It changes symbols to other furniture though, right? 13:17 i thought setting it off would disarm it, but it went off again when i walked through the open door 13:17 I missed the closed for inventory sign 13:17 hothraxxa: yeah, of the two knob-based traps, the hot knob is nastier in part because it doesn't remove the trap by setting it off 13:17 now I'm a murderer 13:17 elenmirie: wait, was a shop door trapped? 13:17 <@Pavel> Yes 13:18 no, I missed the sign and kicked it down 13:18 <@Pavel> Is that an xnethack change? 13:18 No, shop doors aren't trapped. 13:18 it was All My Fault 13:18 (Though they could possibly be, with some of the non-destructive traps, but I haven't added any code to do that.) 13:18 ok so how do two knob traps work again? 13:18 oh well, I may be a murderer, but I'm a rich murderer 13:19 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 13:19 -!- stenno has quit [Changing host] 13:19 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 13:19 I think it's reasonable that a shopkeeper would make sure he doesn't murder his customers just by walking into the shop. 13:19 ...come to think of it, nethack shopkeepers would totally do that 13:19 lol 13:19 <@Pavel> Is traps changing symbols while hallucinating to other kinds of furniture intended? 13:20 Yeah it's vanilla behavior 13:20 <@Pavel> A recent change? I could have sworn it used to just have a ^ that changes colors 13:21 new vanilla behaviour I think... 13:22 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 297 points, T:965, killed by a kobold 13:23 <@Pavel> The hp display went away 13:23 <@Pavel> It showed my max hp, but I couldn't see current 13:23 hothraxxa: see https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/XNetHack#Trap_changes for the full list 13:24 all right why wasn't i informed of the existence of this wiki page? 13:24 <@Pavel> I want to see if the hp actually went away or if I was being stupid, how can I see the ttyrec? 13:24 it's only existed for a few days :P 13:25 wow, that bucket of water trap blanked pretty much all my bagged scrolls 13:25 @Pavel go on hardfought.org and go to the nethack userdata folder 13:25 find yourself under P 13:26 elenmirie: fortunately i've been grunthacking and so checking doors for traps has become instinctive. unfortunately it doesn't always work out 13:26 best to step back and force bolt the thing 13:26 yes, I need to get that habit again 13:26 ms valk 13:27 ah, team a 13:27 hothraxxa: a very nice thing to add would be a way to be certain there are no traps on the door. But nobody's managed to come up with a system that works yet. 13:27 <@kritixilithos> stethoscope? 13:27 i've checked doors 4-5 times in gh and gotten burned 13:28 or blasted or whatever 13:28 I also don't want it to be optimal play that you have to check every door. Ugh. 13:28 no 13:28 that would be tedious 13:28 as a healer, i like the stethoscope idea 13:29 Perhaps all trapped doors and some non-trapped doors warn you 13:29 . 13:29 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 00:08 EDT: trap idea: slowly fills floor with stinking cloud / other poison gas. if slex doens't ahve contact gas (stinking cloud but breathless doesn't matter / poison resistnace doesn't matter), that should apply there as well. credit to pavel 13:29 LarienTelrunya: Message from @Pavel at 2018-03-15 00:16 EDT: Adding on to what Riker just said, the idea is that after triggering the trap you have to leave that dungeon floor as fast as possible before the gas kills you. If you ever need to go past that floor again, you'll have to bring lots of healing capability as it will continuously deal a lot of damage to you. It should mark the floor as "Filled with toxic gas" in the dungeon overview. 13:29 "This door looks like it might be trapped. Check it for traps? [yn]" 13:30 oh here's just the person who knows all about traps 13:30 and if you answer no, ask "[Interact] with it anyway? [yn]" 13:30 but that could be tedious too 13:30 1) step back 2) force bolt/striking/digging 13:30 Pavel: hmm that sounds like it would be hard to implement... the development version of slex has a poison-themed branch, but the rate at which it damages the player is lower than the natural healing rate 13:32 you want tedious? don't find a container until after you've been to mine's end. you lug that shit all ove r the place. that's tedium 13:32 soko had the amulet 13:32 YANI: put a randomly generated sack somewhere in Minetown. 13:33 i used a large box for a while 13:33 once i reached st 18 13:33 i'm over 45k turns and i haven't found medusa yet 13:34 !tell Chris_ANG "You continue your efforts to memorize the spell. The spellbook is warded with a cartouche of the Cat Lord." shouldn't it say "You continue your efforts to learn the ward"? 13:34 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 13:39 <@Pavel> The HP counter really did dissappear! 13:40 <@Pavel> A kobold hit me and it went away! 13:40 one of the many ways slex makes it more fun to play 13:41 too bad Pavel isn't playing slex though 13:41 <@Pavel> I'm super new 13:41 <@Pavel> I'd rather not be too overwelmed 13:41 still 13:42 <@Pavel> Are there any conditions under which the hp counter dissappears? Like a status where you don't know your own health? 13:42 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:42 Shouldn't be. 13:43 <@Pavel> So I t would seem I found some bug. 13:43 What turn was this on? 13:43 <@Pavel> Very near the end 13:43 Pavel: black color, and your terminal probably doesn't display black 13:43 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 13:43 you set statuscolors such that very low HP are displayed black 13:43 <@Pavel> Oh 13:44 <@Pavel> My terminal isn't black 13:44 <@Pavel> It's solarized 13:44 <@Pavel> But maybe it doesn't draw black anyway 13:44 it might still have problems trying to display the black color though 13:45 which means that other black things are probably invisible too 13:45 <@kritixilithos> that always happens with pet jaguars for me 13:47 <@Pavel> Yeah 13:47 <@Pavel> Is there a way to fix that? For black items. 13:47 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon her by Lugh, on T:26858 13:48 ok, confirmed that it was black. 13:48 I recommend red&inverse instead. 13:48 known 3.6 problem 13:48 For black stuff, try the use_darkgray option 13:48 <@Pavel> Thanks 13:48 it'll change black stuff to blue 13:49 <@Pavel> And not dark gray? 13:49 <@Pavel> Huh 13:49 http://nethack.org/v360/bugs.html see C360-7 13:49 Black = dark gray, technically? Maybe I'm getting it wron 13:50 <@Pavel> > use_darkgray > Use bold black instead of blue for black glyphs (TTY only). Boolean option. 13:50 Er, so !use_darkgray then. 13:51 <@Pavel> yeah 13:51 Workaround: set OPTIONS=!use_darkgray to use dark blue instead. 13:52 i have not found a nethack colour scheme that works without tweaking my terminal colours 13:53 use_darkgray notwithstanding 13:53 <@Pavel> I had to change my font 13:54 <@Pavel> I was using a font with code ligatures 13:54 <@Pavel> Which worked excellently in Nethack 13:54 3.6.1? 13:55 <@Pavel> 3.6.0 13:55 <@Pavel> That was sarcasm 13:55 <@Pavel> There was a ligature for .. 13:55 <@Pavel> Everything was drawn so weird 13:55 this is only my second 3.6.1 game, so sometimes i get confused by those changes as opposed to xnethack changes 13:56 i hope that will change NOW THAT I KNOW ABOUT THE WIKI PAGE 13:56 [hdf-us] [fh] Misery Myra (MiseryMyra) (Val Hum Fem Law), 3508 points, T:61, quit 13:56 :o 13:56 <@Pavel> OTIONS=!use_darkgray doesn't seem to work 13:57 well no P 13:57 <@Pavel> Ok there we go 13:57 <@Pavel> We good 14:05 <@Tone> heh 14:05 <@Tone> btw @Pavel the irc folks can't see discord block font here, if you didn't know 14:06 <@Pavel> It helps my own sanity 14:06 <@Tone> That's fine 14:06 <@Pavel> Besides, why wouldn't you be using a monospace font for irc :P 14:07 <@Tone> I've seen people use it as quotation text then start typing but you can't see the separation on the irc side so it makes no sense 14:07 <@Pavel> I assumed they could see the backticks 14:07 <@Tone> Nope 14:10 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:12 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 14:15 hothraxxa: would you perhaps like the game to say "xnethack, copyright blah blah blah, build date blah blah, HEY CHECK OUT THE WIKI PAGE HERE"? 14:16 an excellent idea, aosdict! i'm glad i made you think of it! 14:17 the heck, how do I draw a ward in dnethack? engraving doesn't seem to do it :( 14:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 759 points, T:1518, killed by a rothe 14:18 <@Pavel> I am not good at this game 14:18 doesn't it say each time you resume a savegame 14:18 ctrl+w i think 14:18 thanks 14:18 the wiki says "If your character knows any of these warding signs, you will be asked if you wish to engrave a warding sign whenever you engrave." but that just doesn't happen 14:20 I think it used to be like that 14:20 but was really annoying 14:20 yeah but writing actual words in the dust is completely useless because Elbereth does nothing 14:20 and I need to scare off these chillbugs because they're killing me 14:22 what is a chillbug 14:22 wow the sextuply reinforced sign quickly lost four of those reinforcements :( 14:22 @u?chillbug 14:22 chillbug (x) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 13 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold poison acid | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: sheol | AC: 0 | Attacks: 6d5 bite physical, 6d5 bite physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, flies, poisonous 14:22 ^^ that 14:22 @d?chillbug 14:22 No such monster. 14:22 ... 14:22 well, dnhslex 14:22 Adeon: please update dnethack 14:22 thats adeons monstser 14:22 LarienTelrunya: please tell what variant you're playing to minimize confusion, thanks 14:22 i think they share HP or something 14:22 FIQ: just did ;) 14:23 @u?crystal ice golem 14:23 crystal ice golem (') | Lvl: 28 | Diff: 33 | Spd: 9 | Res: cold sleep disintegrate shock poison magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: sheol | AC: -10 | Attacks: 10d13 weapon physical, 10d10 breath random breath | Alignment: 0 | Flags: breathless, mindless, thick hide, poisonous, nopoly, vegan 14:23 can't be tamed 14:23 so it's evil 14:24 ah man now i almost wanna play unnethack again 14:24 stenno: play dnhslex! *bundlebundlebundle* it's dnethack but with the unnethack monsters in it! ;) 14:24 whats the slex about it 14:24 in the fineprint 14:24 ;p 14:24 this is the changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/devel-3.15.2/history.txt 14:24 dnethack with unnethack monsters? 14:25 sounds ok 14:25 sounds a bit too easy 14:25 <@kritixilithos> pavel: but messaging through nethack is cooler :) 14:25 are the dnethack monsters sstill in it? 14:25 sure, there's no removals 14:26 ah i see 14:26 so its bassically dnethack with more monsters :P 14:26 it also adds monsters from spork, fourk and slashem 14:26 aah 14:27 and adds slex mechanics 14:28 hence the name 14:30 <@Pavel> Can a rolling rock trap trigger twice? 14:31 <@kritixilithos> yes 14:32 unless you move the boulder 14:34 <@kritixilithos> pavel: pets are really useful in the early game 14:35 <@Pavel> It keeps getting lost by itself 14:35 <@kritixilithos> personally I find it worth it to keep it along 14:36 <@kritixilithos> you get to know which armour/weapons are not cursed, and you have an ally in battle 14:40 <@kritixilithos> did xnethack make it harder to find money? 14:41 <@Pavel> How do I deal with ghosts? I seem to keep missing this one 14:41 <@Pavel> Oh damn nvm 14:41 <@kritixilithos> you have to kick ghosts 14:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 711 points, T:2110, killed by a giant bat 14:41 FIQ: you're familiar with dnethack, so I guess you know what the crescent moon axe does; is it good? my valkyrie can reach expert skill with it 14:41 <@Pavel> Good to know for future reference? 14:42 <@kritixilithos> but I think your hitting accuracy should improve if you are in a higher level 14:44 <@Pavel> Well, another try 14:47 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:48 <@Pavel> What scroll is "Your hands begin to glow red"? 14:48 confuse monster 14:48 confuse monster 14:48 <@Pavel> ty 14:50 -!- honu has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:55 LarienTelrunya: too new for me 14:55 oh, okay 14:55 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 14:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 14:55 actually no, it existed when I played 14:55 riker told me the moon axe was good, so I'm using it, but I have trouble hitting stuff 14:55 but I never used a moon axe 14:55 !pom 14:55 LarienTelrunya: The moon is waning crescent; new moon in 1 day. 14:55 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 14:55 basically, it generates depending on the current moon phase 14:56 making it weight and damage differently 14:56 I think the full moon axe is the strongest type, but not sure 14:56 ah, and I guess waning isn't that great 14:57 I'll switch back to the orcish spear, although that's not very good either 14:57 (neutral orcish valkyrie ftw :D) 14:58 ah damn, Chris made it so that a wand of speed selfzap doesn't give intrinsic speed anymore 14:59 <@kritixilithos> IIRC a potion does that now 14:59 <@kritixilithos> ss/a/the/ 15:00 what does it give then 15:00 temporary extrinsic speed, which just timed out again 15:00 oh like timeout? 15:00 right 15:00 <@Pavel> I'm trying to fight elenmirie's ghost rn 15:00 <@Pavel> :P 15:00 and now there's a Sarah's soft sneaker attacking me, which obviously doesn't exist in regular dnethack :D 15:01 aw, lost my client connection 15:01 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 15:01 not that I was really looking forward to reading 7K lines of scrollback 15:02 !rng speed up and fight | run for the downstair and do soko | run for the upstair and do mines instead 15:02 LarienTelrunya: run for the downstair and do soko 15:03 LarienTelrunya: a wand of deslexification hit at you as a soviet should be a delayed instadeath 15:03 because you're not 100% slexified 15:03 :D well, technically you're still playing slex 15:04 but you're not hitting the dungeon 15:04 you're hitting *you* 15:04 <@Pavel> elenmirie's corpse had lots of awesome loot 15:04 actually what it should do 15:04 is to hurt you progressively more the more you've played 15:05 being completely harmless on turn 1 15:05 to instakilling you latergame 15:05 haha, you mean there should be a "slexification" disease? :D 15:05 <@riker> ^ 15:05 <@riker> add that to dnhslex 15:05 more or less 15:05 <@riker> slowly decreases dnh-ness 15:05 <@riker> increases slexness 15:05 yooooooo riker! play dnhslex! *bundlebundlebundle* *heart* 15:05 <@riker> also grants agg monster since WHY NOT 15:06 <@riker> larien: but but but my yuki bard is going good :( 15:06 <@Pavel> Are tshirts good 15:06 <@riker> normal ones? 15:06 <@riker> not really 15:06 <@riker> unelss enchanted 15:06 T-shirts by themselves aren't special 15:06 <@riker> they provide +0 AC (none), but don't tkae up any other body armor slots 15:06 However, they go in the shirt slot 15:06 <@riker> so a enchanted one is very nice 15:06 riker: aww, what you should obviously do is to play a yuki bard in dnhslex! 15:06 <@riker> no 15:06 Only hawaiian shirts also do this 15:06 <@riker> later 15:06 <@riker> I have to leave home now anyway 15:06 Meaning it's another piece you can enchant 15:06 <@riker> so ya 15:06 So, to answer your queestion 15:06 <@riker> see y'all, pavel have fun, amy go play dnhslex 15:06 Yes, it's good, *longterm* 15:07 ... ok, I guess 15:07 It wont help a thing earlygame 15:16 [hdf-us] [nd] pugilist (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9786 15:18 whats the 'd' in nd. 15:18 <@kritixilithos> dev 15:21 i see 15:46 !tell Chris_ANG uhhhhhh... if I'm hallucinating, opening my inventory shows all the items normally, but if I try to put stuff from the same inventory into a container I get gibberish. Is that intentional? It means I need to remember what was what when I looked at the inventory normally, i.e. interface screw... 15:46 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 16:05 @kritixilithos [backscroll] Blame paxed for that, 3.6.1 does indeed reduce gold generated on the floor. 16:07 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:22 K2: can you preload libSegFault.so for slex so that it'll print stacktraces when it segfaults? 16:23 yeah i can do that 16:23 will be a lil while though 16:23 havent heard of any segfaults in awhile... either they havent occured or no one is telling me about it 16:24 amy said there were some errors from glibc about stack smashing? 16:24 K2: well, slex apparently didn't crash on hdf for a while until now, loli got two instances of stack smashing 16:24 LarienTelrunya: ping 16:24 ok 16:24 there may be a core dump but in the past those glibc-caught errors never provided information as to what slex was doing when it occurred 16:25 i will look later tonight 16:25 maybe the error is in one of the strcat(), strcpy(), sprintf() or vsprintf() functions, pushing a long string into a buffer that's too small for it? 16:26 the crash seems to occur when loli enters a new dungeon level 16:31 !tell Chris_ANG sometimes, seemingly random things like leveling up or putting a hard hat give a spurious "You feel relief." when my elven nobleman actually still feels itchy since I'm still wearing iron objects 16:31 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 16:33 Y - a -5 pair of levitation boots 16:33 came uncursed 16:35 !tell Chris_ANG this is definitely bugged, I wield a pick-axe and "You feel relief", then I wield an elven spear and likewise get "You feel relief", yet Ctrl-X always tells me that I feel itchy 16:35 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 16:36 !tell Chris_ANG FWIW, I'm also wearing a ring of regeneration which is made of iron too 16:36 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 16:39 -!- oh6_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:43 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) polymorphed her first object, on T:57309 16:55 LarienTelrunya its not a bug 16:55 elves in dnethack have an aversion to iron 16:55 oh i see 16:55 nevermind 16:55 yeah but shouldn't "you feel relief" mean that I no longer have any iron on me? 16:56 i just skimmed 16:56 ok leaving work, see you later 16:56 see you! 17:02 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya known bug about relief. it's not actually a "bug" per se iirc. relief just means you removed something iron 17:02 Will do, @riker! 17:03 well I also get it when actually equipping something iron, e.g. the pick-axe 17:03 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-15 17:02 EDT: known bug about relief. it's not actually a "bug" per se iirc. relief just means you removed something iron 17:03 and I also got a relief message when leveling up 17:03 <@riker> I told chris but he prolly forgot ^ 17:04 <@Pavel> YANI: a potion or scroll that instantly restores a very large amount of health, but permanently reduces maximum health. 17:04 so like full healing but worse? 17:05 <@Pavel> Right. But also much cheaper. 17:05 <@riker> and writable 17:05 <@riker> tho FH is alchemicable 17:05 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: bundlebundlebundle :)] 17:06 <@Pavel> Yeah, generally easier to get. Could also apply some other non-permanent benefit on use. 17:07 <@Pavel> Perhaps is also gives you a temporary damage and speed boost. 17:08 <@Pavel> Call it like "scroll of soul selling" 17:09 Hmm, if you could sell your soul to a demon lord, what would happen once you ascend? 17:09 <@riker> YAS(conduct)I: be blind, hallu, stun, ill, foodpois, stoning, slimed, angry god, confused at start of game 17:10 <@Pavel> Maybe your god forces your soul back from the demon 17:12 <@riker> to quote a good YASI related to this: 17:12 <@riker> > All three gods mess around with you in the endgame by smiting you, protecting you, sending minions after you, smiting the minions, etc. For bonus stupid, they only do this if you are an atheist. 17:12 <@riker> ^ if you make a pact with the demon lord, you get the rest of them harassing you on astral :D 17:13 <@Pavel> That could actually be it's own thing, demon lords that act like a version of Chet Rippo: boost some stats of choice, gimp some random stats as payment. 17:17 Anyone know if in explore mode, Ctrl-X gives you a full description of your attributes (that you wouldn't normally get)? 17:18 <@riker> yes it does 17:18 ugh 17:18 <@riker> wait no 17:18 <@riker> not enlightenment like wizmode 17:18 <@riker> or does it? it igives you Current Attributes 17:19 <@riker> ok it does but not the debug info from wizmode 17:19 <@riker> i.e. Fruit 1 is slime mold (id 1). The current fruit is slime mold. The made fruit flag is 0." 17:19 <@riker> or the actual prayer counter 17:20 what I'm trying to do: learn whether 3.6.1 shows you your known attributes, and whether getting "You feel a momentary chill." is now enough for fire resistance to show up in ^x. 17:21 <@riker> in exploremode or not? 17:21 But I'm not sure if explore mode's ^X is reliable. 17:21 <@riker> in exlporemode: yes 17:21 <@riker> well, what about starting a valk? 17:21 <@riker> does the innate cold resis work? 17:22 yeah but this is about gained attributes, not innate 17:22 <@riker> hm 17:22 <@riker> I'll start a game for you if you want? 17:22 never mind 17:22 valk doesn't even show cold res 17:22 so gained attributes won't 17:22 <@riker> ok 17:24 (context: implementing logic that tries to determine whether it's safe to move onto a trap. Since the game won't tell you you have fire resistance, it can't be a factor in "do I know it's safe to move on this fire trap".) 17:24 -!- tungtn has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in] 17:24 <@riker> just in case there was any doubt I just tested 17:24 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 17:25 <@riker> left a lvl 1 bones file witha red dragon corpse (in wizmode) 17:25 <@riker> started a normal game, got teh bones, ate the corpse 17:25 <@riker> ctrl-x didn't show it 17:26 Q - an uncursed -6 ring of carrying 17:26 <@riker> ok 17:26 wow 17:26 <@riker> them odds 17:26 i already got a -5 pair of levitation boots 17:27 <@Pavel> All I want in life is for ID scrolls to start identified 17:29 aosdict: wearing gauntlets of power barely affects spellcasting for me 17:29 aosdict: what happens if you have -21 carrying? 17:30 FIQ: only possible in wizard mode, and I'm not really concerned with intentionally breaking the game in wizard mode 17:30 it would make your carrycap -5% 17:30 it's not 17:30 ring eating 17:30 eating the ring of carrying doesn't do anything. 17:30 boring 17:30 :( 17:31 No, I'm pretty confident in saying that if you could eat rings of carrying for a permanently increased carrycap, that would be very broken and lead to people trying to farm for them. 17:32 (I feel the same way about protection and increase damage.) 17:37 FIQ: since you must know, it immediately overloads you. 17:38 I have no issue with people farming for that 17:38 I have issues with people farming in general. 17:39 see here my people farm 17:39 <@riker> >is imagining something out of brave new world here 17:40 what I thought of was minecraft villager farming. 17:40 in modded minecraft you'd just use a spawner and let them fall into a ticon smeltery 17:41 because apparently smelting villagers turns them into liquid emerald 17:42 <@riker> ^ 17:42 <@riker> I've done that before and it was very underwhelming 17:42 Well, they do stuff their pockets with emeralds. 17:42 not that you need infinite emeralds but its still funny 17:43 sounds a bit disturbing 17:44 *shrug* 17:44 testificates 17:44 they are supposed to be tortured by the player 17:45 Wait, I thought testificate was a word, but I can only find minecraft results. Was it invented for Minecraft? 17:46 WHAT YOU SAY !! 17:46 i think so, but i don't know, i am not a native speaker 17:46 <@riker> it's from minecraft only 17:47 on one of our first servers kerio built a machine that would generate villagers, lead them on a conveyor belt system, autotrade the emeralds and then turn them into meat 17:47 <@riker> O_o 17:47 kerio and adeon did insane stuff back then, or maybe it just appeared that way to me because i was only used to vanilla minecraft 17:52 ah well the olden times 17:53 *nod* 17:54 oh yeah APic was around too 17:54 in the first channel 17:54 #acehack.de 17:54 *nod* 17:54 * APic incarnated into the Heck of a Lot Channels. 😸 17:54 hehe 17:54 and quite some other people too that are in this channel now 17:56 Yup. 17:56 i'd like to play minecraft on a server again but only if i'm far enough away from everyone else lol 17:56 Uh oh. 17:56 so i can show my builds and look at theirs 17:56 eh aanyway 17:57 alone is fine too 17:58 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 17:58 Eeew. 17:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:58 wb raisse 17:59 APic: ? 17:59 stenno: ! 17:59 what 'eeew' 18:03 last server I played on, we had reservable chunks of the overworld (not those chunks, just generic rectangles of space) in which nobody else could place blocks 18:05 the dw20 pack uses some ftb mod which allows you to reserve chunks for your team 18:05 had a chunkloader in it too but apparently thats broken for 1.12 18:06 <@riker> > starts convict game 18:06 <@riker> >wields iron ball and trys to go downstairs 18:06 <@riker> >oneshot 18:07 <@riker> smh 18:08 thats how convict games usually go 18:10 <@Pavel> Does anyone even play Vanilla NetHack 18:10 i do 18:11 but not very successful in the last 2 years 18:11 my binge powergaming times are over 18:11 played some priests a few days ago on NAO 18:22 m 18:22 in 2013 i ascended 70 times total 18:22 in 2016 and 2017 i ascended 5 times 18:22 (together) 18:23 <@Pavel> I've gotten to Dlvl 8 once 18:24 training and spoilers will make you better very quickly 18:24 <@Pavel> My characters all seem to suffer from a terminal case of "quaff all the fountains syndrome" :P 18:25 i see heh 18:26 <@Pavel> I'm actually in the middle of a game of xnh, I found elenmirie's corpse and got a ton of super neat loot from it 18:26 nice nice 18:26 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 18:26 <@Pavel> Also I have a unihorn for the first time ever 18:26 <@Pavel> Not sure what to do with it 18:26 <@riker> gratz 18:27 <@riker> keep it 18:27 <@riker> >_> 18:27 <@riker> make sure you keep it blessed/uncursed as well 18:27 in vanilla its one of the most powewrful items 18:27 wonder if it was touched in xnethack 18:27 <@riker> if you get blind/confused/stunning/food pois/sickness then apply it to cure self 18:27 <[Demo]> yes it was 18:27 restore ability ability removed? 18:28 <[Demo]> i dont know 18:28 <[Demo]> but its one handed 18:28 <@Pavel> I heard you can weild unihorns, are they good weapons? 18:28 <[Demo]> and does like 1d3 18:28 <[Demo]> not in xnethack 18:28 they are go- 18:28 lol 18:28 <[Demo]> in other variants, yes 18:28 <[Demo]> !who 18:28 [Demo]: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [xnh] Pavel [xnh] 18:28 [Demo]: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nd] 18:28 hmm i disagree with that nerf there 18:28 <[Demo]> yeah it screws healers 18:28 <@Pavel> Elenmiries ghost either has a shitton of health or my kicks do no damage 18:28 keep kicking 18:28 <@Pavel> Oh no, the unihorn was cursed 18:29 <@riker> oh no 18:29 <@Pavel> (Dropped on an altar) 18:29 hahaa 18:29 <@riker> oh good 18:29 phew 18:29 lol 18:29 <@riker> uncursed it 18:29 <@riker> *uncurse it 18:29 <@riker> don't use cursed one 18:29 <@riker> it gives bad effects 18:29 might kill you, yeah 18:29 <@Pavel> But I should keep it? 18:29 <@riker> stenno: ikr we both did teh same "oooh no there are so many ways this can go wrong" 18:29 <@riker> yes 18:29 :D 18:29 yep 18:29 <@riker> until you get another one (normally dropped ones are always uncursed) 18:30 i like unnethacks change just removing the restore ability on apply 18:30 <@Pavel> What is all of elenmirie's stuff cursed 18:30 <@riker> 4/5 of bones stuff is 18:30 bones items get aautocursed 18:30 <@Pavel> Oh right becuase I looted a corpse 18:31 <@riker> it's cursed in the bones file 18:31 <@riker> not because they had it 18:31 Do we have a Matrix-Gate herein, or something? 18:31 its to roguelike discord 18:32 i was there too once! 18:32 <@Pavel> I accidentally put on cursed armor and cursed boots 18:32 <@riker> rip 18:32 <@Pavel> The boots were +3 though 18:32 <@riker> remove curse scroll will fix that tho 18:32 <@riker> LOL 18:32 <@riker> what kind of boots? 18:32 <@Pavel> Iron Shoes 18:32 decent 18:32 <@riker> ah ok 18:32 <@riker> I was hoping like +3 speed boots 18:32 <@Pavel> Also a -1 cursed splint mail, but I have no other armor and it still lowers my AC by 5 18:32 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 18:32 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 18:32 <@Pavel> So workable for now 18:32 Good. 18:33 Well… 18:33 Is not Discord commercial or something? 18:33 <@riker> nope 18:33 naah 18:33 <@riker> free 18:33 <@Pavel> What does a cursed bag even do 18:33 <@riker> pavel: depends on the bag 18:33 <@riker> sack? nothing 18:33 <@riker> oilskin? doens't always protect your gear from water 18:34 <@riker> bag of holding? bad thing 18:34 <@Pavel> I wonder what kind of bag elenmirie had 18:34 <@riker> well 18:35 <@riker> if you can carry it it's likely not holding 18:35 <@riker> cursed bags of holding weigh a ton 18:35 <@Pavel> Ah 18:35 <@riker> but otherwise don't open it anyway it may be holding, cursed BoH delete gear stored inside 18:35 <@Pavel> I was burdened but also carrying a bunch of other stuff 18:35 <@riker> hm ok 18:35 APic: It is 18:35 <@Pavel> Sounds like it's safe 18:36 stenno: Free doesn't mean that it isn't a commercial entity 18:36 ☹ 18:36 Which it is 18:36 Facebook is free too, you know 18:36 true enough 18:36 <@Pavel> Discord isn't evil though 18:36 <@Pavel> Ooh, blessed +2 ring of gain strength 18:37 nice 18:38 lol 18:38 Free but You have to sell Your Soul first. 18:39 free as in free beer 18:40 <@Pavel> Discord really isn't a bad company 18:41 <@Pavel> They don't show ads or anything The only way the way they make money off of you is by selling Discord Nitro, for silly things like letting your avatar be a gif. 18:41 thats fine 18:45 <@Pavel> Are killer bee corpses safe? 18:45 <@riker> poisonous 18:45 they are poisonous 18:45 <@riker> !who 18:45 @riker: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [xnh] Pavel [xnh] 18:45 @riker: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nd] 18:45 but you have the unihorn/ 18:45 ? 18:45 <@riker> !whereis pavel 18:45 @riker: [hdf-us] Pavel [xnh]: No details available 18:45 <@riker> stenno: dunno if that restores stats in xnh 18:45 <@riker> it may not and that's a largish chance 18:45 mm 18:45 <@riker> imho 18:45 yeah 18:46 yani: aosdict does unihorn restore ability like in vanilla 18:46 <@Pavel> Well the unihorn is poisonous 18:46 <@riker> er, cursed but ya 18:46 <@Pavel> cursed\ 18:46 is it still cursed? 18:46 <@Pavel> Oops 18:46 ok then it doesn't matter 18:46 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:46 <@Pavel> I don't have any way of uncursing it 18:47 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 18:49 <@Pavel> Shit. I read a scroll and summoned a bunch of rocks and the covered the stairs down. 18:49 <@riker> rocks or boulders? 18:49 <@riker> and you should be able to apply pickaxes to break the boulders 18:50 <@Pavel> Don't have one 18:50 <@Pavel> And yeah boulders 18:50 <@riker> hm 18:50 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:50 <@riker> go back up and get one from teh mines imho 18:50 <@riker> pretty useful in general 18:51 <@Pavel> Oh yeah good point 18:52 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya hitting 'y' on the main menu gave me "Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] Access to /dgldir/userdata/rikerw/unnethackplus/rikerw.unplusrc denied (2)." 18:52 Will do, @riker! 18:53 DENIED! 18:53 one could say you got 18:53 B) 18:53 chowned 18:53 <@riker> lol 18:54 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya followed by the game freaking the fuck out (weird rendering, chose a role for me twice (???? it started the game and then when I tried to move restarted as a diff role/race), then it wouldn't let me do any extended command) see ttyrec? fixed when I closed my terminal and relogged in 18:54 Will do, @riker! 18:56 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:00 <@Pavel> I fell down a whole in the gnomish mines and a bunch of elves are attalking me 19:03 lol 19:03 Sounds a Bit like me inside #ShadowLamb 19:05 <@Pavel> Can I kick down doors without the watch getting angry at me? 19:06 Only if they don't see you do it, I believe. 19:07 * APic recently tried attacking a peaceful Guy as a lawful Ninja 19:07 Also, don't try it on shop doors. 19:07 hmm, they should get angry if they hear it though 19:07 Even though chrisWhatever thought it would be okay, 19:07 3.6.1-dev pwnd me 19:07 B-) 19:07 <@Pavel> ...aaand a nymph stole my unihorn 19:07 bhaak: That would make flavor sense. Also if you slaughter their townsfolk. 19:07 But you know. 19:08 I'm not sure the Gnomes are valued member of minetown 19:08 *members 19:08 they actually in 3.6.1 19:09 thats a really interesting change they made 19:09 which u should be aware of 19:09 b/c u r liek devteam :P 19:10 that was a change before my time :) 19:10 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya request: QA aritwish for dnhslex 19:10 Will do, @riker! 19:10 fair enough 19:10 <@Pavel> Where the hell is this god damn nymph 19:11 in 3.4.3, the guards don't get angry if you kill the shopkeepers or the priest. 19:11 <@Pavel> Do nymphs leave the level? 19:11 they might flee downstairs when they see you 19:11 (or upstairs0 19:11 <@Pavel> RIP 19:11 or use tele traps or digging 19:11 <@Pavel> And there's no pickaxe here either 19:12 <@Pavel> nvm killed nymp 19:12 <@Pavel> Still need a pickaxe 19:14 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 19:15 <@Pavel> Alright. There's no pickaxe in the gnomish mines. The only way to proress deeper into the dungeons of doom is covered by boulders. Any advice? 19:15 <@riker> none at all in the entire mines? 19:16 <@riker> wut 19:16 <@riker> any mattocks? 19:16 <@riker> those work too but are a tad heavier 19:16 <@Pavel> I didn't find any on the ground and none being sold 19:16 <@riker> oh I forgot 19:16 <@riker> you have peacful dwarves 19:16 <@riker> they carry them 19:16 <@Pavel> Ah 19:16 <@riker> not worth kiling them prolly? unless you're not going to pray for a whileee 19:16 <@Pavel> Do I need to kill one 19:16 <@riker> I mean 19:17 <@riker> you get a alignment hit 19:17 <@riker> affects prayer 19:17 <@Pavel> I have no way to progress otherwise. My other choice is to escape the dungeons 19:17 <@riker> but if you kill enough non-peacful things it fixes itself 19:17 <@riker> ok then yeah kill until you find one 19:17 <@Pavel> Do gnomes carry them? 19:17 <@riker> nope 19:17 <@Pavel> Thanks 19:20 <@Pavel> There are no dwarves. 19:20 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya positively ID'ed the fact that explosiosn (gas spore or cart) hitting another monster crash it. I just watched a firework cart explode a gnome and it crashed rigt after. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! said explody things don't always explode when I kill them, only when monsters kill them looks like? 19:20 Will do, @riker! 19:20 <@Pavel> Only gnomes 19:20 <@Pavel> God dammit 19:20 <@riker> pavel wut the heck 19:20 <@riker> lol 19:20 <@Pavel> Also I have teleoprtitis 19:21 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya anyway I haven't tried to recover my save since I actually want it to survive.... please let me know if it is safe to do so 19:21 Will do, @riker! 19:22 <@Pavel> :OOO DWARF FOUND 19:22 <@Pavel> COME HERE I NEED TO MURDER YOU FOR YOUR PICKAXE 19:22 <@riker> CONGRADULALALATIONS 19:22 <@riker> he may not have one just fyi 19:22 <@riker> >_> 19:23 D: 19:23 <@Pavel> Immediatly get teleportitised away 19:24 🙌 19:24 <@Pavel> Dwarf zapped a death ray at me 19:24 <@riker> did you die 19:24 yay 19:24 <@Pavel> I did die. 19:24 yay 19:24 <@riker> I'm sorry for your loss 19:25 [hdf-us] [xnh] Pavel (Val Dwa Fem Law), 6074 points, T:5393, killed by a death ray 19:25 <@Pavel> This was my best run every though 19:25 <@riker> I'm so sorry pavel 19:25 <@Pavel> By like 2k points 19:25 <@riker> but I'll be honest that is like a rite of passage for nethack 19:25 <@riker> "humanoid in mines with a wand of death that it zaps at you and you die" 19:26 yes, its a meme 19:26 GWTWOD 19:26 'gnome with the wand of death' 19:26 <@Pavel> I'm more cheesed about the rocks falling on the stairs down 19:26 :) 19:26 <@riker> also known as "gnome with a with a wand of -- ninj'aed 19:26 <@Pavel> Like, god damn 19:26 how did that happen? 19:27 i mean the boulders 19:27 <@Pavel> I read id'd a scroll 19:27 <@Pavel> The worst part is, their initial configuration would still have let me get out by pushing them 19:27 <@Pavel> But I was hallucinating and thought they were enemies 19:27 <@Pavel> So I attacked one, which pushed it irrecoverable onto the stairs 19:27 read-IDing scrolls is a recipe for disaster 19:27 * stenno lecturing 19:28 <@Pavel> Well you have to ID an ID scroll somehow 19:28 yes there are ways to do this 19:33 ☺ 19:36 <@Pavel> Read ID'ing scrolls is almost never irrecoverably bad 19:37 <@Pavel> As long as you take your armor off 19:40 it has the potential to ruin your game 19:44 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) had Ogresmasher bestowed upon her by Hermes, on T:62313 19:44 time to resmash ogs 19:44 just what i always didn't want 19:44 maaybe its buffed in xnh? 19:45 oh i guess it is 19:45 yeah 3.6.1 19:45 as its based off of 3.6.1 19:45 25 constitution 19:46 enjoy your insane HP gain then :P 19:46 i'll be sure to wield it on my next level up 19:49 stenno: unihorns still restore ability though this may change. 19:49 why would you nerf it even more aosdict? 19:49 wouldn't want them to be useful 19:50 i think rest. ability makes it really op 19:50 and its already good 19:50 i tink all of the devleopers i watch in here sometimes lose sight of the fact that "balance" makes the game a lot less fun to play 19:51 fiq has a really nice ui for fiqhack but a lot of the things he's done to get monster-player equality make me not want to play fh 19:52 hothraxxa: I see unihorn use as primary healer strategy to be mostly just entrenched opinions. 19:52 ok. i disagree 19:52 "you can't nerf them! what am I going to do now with my healer?" 19:52 not play him 19:53 like, there is no reason that stabbing out at something with a pointy conical object should do much more damage than an actual blade 19:53 oh so that's your rationale? seriously? 19:54 its a unicorn horn. its magical 19:54 its supposed to be formidable 19:54 yes but its magic is healing and curing... not being extra-damaging >_> 19:54 i heard that you wanted to nerf that 19:55 um no. its a unicorns main means of defense and offense 19:55 unicorns don't actually *use* their horn in nethack combat, heh 19:55 it's not even formidable in vanilla. it's barely the best weapon a healer can get 19:55 buut it IS the best 19:56 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 19:56 . 19:56 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-15 13:34 EDT: "You continue your efforts to memorize the spell. The spellbook is warded with a cartouche of the Cat Lord." shouldn't it say "You continue your efforts to learn the ward"? 19:56 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-15 15:46 EDT: uhhhhhh... if I'm hallucinating, opening my inventory shows all the items normally, but if I try to put stuff from the same inventory into a container I get gibberish. Is that intentional? It means I need to remember what was what when I looked at the inventory normally, i.e. interface screw... 19:56 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-15 16:31 EDT: sometimes, seemingly random things like leveling up or putting a hard hat give a spurious "You feel relief." when my elven nobleman actually still feels itchy since I'm still wearing iron objects 19:56 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-15 16:35 EDT: this is definitely bugged, I wield a pick-axe and "You feel relief", then I wield an elven spear and likewise get "You feel relief", yet Ctrl-X always tells me that I feel itchy 19:56 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-15 16:36 EDT: FWIW, I'm also wearing a ring of regeneration which is made of iron too 19:56 ?@unicorn 19:56 hmm 19:57 @v?unicorn 19:57 unicorn ~3~ Norn (@) | Lvl: 20 | Diff: 23 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d8 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 19:57 ehh? 19:57 @V?unicorn 19:57 unicorn ~3~ Norn (@) | Lvl: 20 | Diff: 23 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d8 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 19:58 @?unicorn 19:58 unicorn ~3~ Norn (@) | Lvl: 20 | Diff: 23 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: unique | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d8 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 19:58 !tell LarienTelrunya Re itchiness oddness: known bug, fixed in dev. 19:58 Will do, Chris_ANG! 19:58 pinobot is messed up 19:58 :( 19:58 aosdict, from the wiki - unicorn attacks - Headbutt 1d12 Kick 1d6 19:58 1d12 19:58 headbutt 19:59 horn resides on the head 20:00 'Although only the size of a small horse, the unicorn is a very fierce beast, capable of killing an elephant with a single thrust from its horn' 20:01 so do unicorns do d3 damage now too in xnh :P 20:01 hah no :) 20:02 unicorns are so unrealistic in xnh :v 20:02 aosdict: I get it if you want to nerf the unihorn. making it one hand wield and 1d6/1d8 makes more sense imo 20:02 Seems like that's overselling it slightly, but I guess the lower bound on mumak HP *is* 5, so... 20:02 <@riker> I liked the passive healing in xnh tho 20:07 I don't want to get rid of passive healing, that's cool. 20:07 whats that passive healing? 20:07 unihorn gives regen? 20:08 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 440 points, T:1114, killed by a dwarf 20:08 I wonder if hothraxxa would trade a damage buff in exchange for the loss of restore ability magic 20:08 <@riker> no it cures ills as it does when applied steno 20:08 <@riker> *stenno 20:08 passive? 20:08 don't you have to wield it barehanded for that> 20:08 aah hm 20:08 nice nice 20:09 thats strong 20:09 fight demogorgon wielding a unihorn? 20:09 so do i have double chance to cure then if i apply it wielding it bare-handed 20:09 unnethack removes the restore ability bit for unihorns, makes !oRA more valuable 20:09 yes 20:09 makes !oRA valuable at all 20:09 k2: also dynahack 20:09 they still have value 20:10 if you have pets 20:10 dynahack is unnethack :P 20:10 at leasts half of it 20:10 well no 20:10 ok half 20:10 ...does anyone know if fireballs are 6d6 damage in nethack? 20:10 <[Demo]> whats spork? 20:10 also, dnethack :P 20:10 depends on XL, doesnt it? 20:10 [Demo]: sporkhack 20:10 <[Demo]> no i mean whats it based on? 20:10 its unnethack in much more evil 20:10 just 3.4.3 20:11 so... unihorn keeps its passive cure sickness bit when wielded, still one handed, loses restore ability power but bumps up to 1d6/1d8 ? 20:11 is that what you're thinking aosdict? 20:11 sounds good 20:11 he said without knowing what balance implicaations that wouldd have for xnh 20:11 not necessarily those damage values, but around that (and still one-handed as opposed to vanilla) 20:12 at least you can twoweapon unihorns then 20:12 which is kind badass 20:12 i like one handed unihorn 20:12 yeah that 20:12 which would be AWESOME 20:12 if the dmg output isnt 1d3 20:12 ...applies itself passively if wielded in the bare main hand. 20:12 see that word BARE there? 20:13 so no gloves 20:13 gah 20:13 that' 20:13 meh 20:13 who doesnt wear gloves? 20:13 so? 20:13 grr 20:13 that's how i read it 20:13 unihorn is a midgame weapon anyway 20:13 but like 20:13 who cares about gloves 20:13 its like helm 20:13 that's true but the buff is intended for late game i think 20:14 its not really thaat important 20:14 hmm 20:16 actually in mid-game your gloves could easily be important to your ac 20:16 also, take them off to wield your unihorn, forget to put them on to pick up your c corpse 20:17 wait 20:17 but you can still just #apply it right? 20:17 WHoah 20:18 One of the first Games i could play in my whole Life on this Planet was ,,Night Mission Pinball'' 20:18 yes you can still apply it 20:18 Now i recently figured out: 20:18 They made a new Version with EGA-Graphics 20:18 And the Demo-Mode seems to actually work 20:18 * APic could probably watch it all Night long now 20:19 But then, i do have to take my Sleeping-Medication soon \o/ 20:19 Most epic Day in my History! 20:19 i should sleep soon too 20:19 hah 20:19 Yup 20:19 Hoho 20:19 glad you're excited 20:20 hothraxxa: seems like you would prefer vanilla-style unihorns 20:20 * hothraxxa sighs and cleans up the splooge 20:20 i like them, yes 20:21 also i think that as a developer you can do whatever you think is good for your variant 20:21 i don't have to play it if i dislike it enough 20:21 passive aggressive :P 20:22 not really. i support variants, i just don't like some of the changes. i have to weigh the dislikes against the likes and decide if it's still fun 20:22 heh 20:23 hothraxxa: but i think its importaant for the dev that feedback is given by people like you 20:24 This is good, it's sort of xnh's raison d'etre, trialing out changes and seeing what people think 20:24 for me it's a game. if it's not fun then i don't play 20:24 in this case, it seems like most people think, 1d3/1d3 is very bad for unihorns 20:24 yeah its too weak 20:24 the roles that had to rely on unihorn in early-to-mid are weak too 20:24 hea, tou 20:25 agreed too weak 20:25 being a one handed weapon though gives me a nerd chub 20:25 i suppose a shield can balance the loss of glove ac 20:26 but still, barehanded makes me nervous 20:26 meh 20:27 aosdict: is it infallible when wielded? 20:27 barehanded is not a good idea imo 20:27 you dont have to be barehanded to use the abilities of anything wielded in nethack 20:27 anything else rather 20:27 there is an edge case 20:28 when you wear a silver ring, you do only silver damage when bare-handed 20:28 ah yeah 20:28 but i dont think i've ever seen anyone play that way 20:28 The reason for barehanded is that you should need to be touching the horn to use it 20:28 ^ 20:28 i get it 20:29 i think its a fair thing to od 20:29 yes, but does it ever fail? 20:29 i assumed it had the same fail rate as if applied 20:29 Yes, it's basically applying it every turn, which can fail. 20:29 So if you bless it, it's more effective. 20:29 hmm 20:29 me being me, i'd apply it manually anyways 20:30 so you can get royally fucked if you go blind next to a dead cockatrice 20:30 i see it more like a _bonus_ thing that you get when you restrict yourself like that 20:30 Having it be total sickness/confusion/stunning resistance would be a little too overpowered :P 20:30 and otherwise you can still apply it normally which is totally fine already 20:30 yeah that makes sense aosdict 20:31 my headcanon is that applying a unihorn (regularly, with gloves on) involves caressing your face with it 20:31 still trying to imagine fighting demogorgon with that 20:32 makes it probabaly also a nice weapon against the riders 20:32 it's not supposed to be the Ultimate Preferred Weapon Versus Demogorgon, it's supposed to be a viable alternative 20:32 oh btw 20:32 aosdict: did you buff riders HP ? 20:32 no 20:32 mh pity 20:32 hothraxxa: like half of all variants remove restore ability from unihorns 20:33 yes i know 20:33 dnethack, xnethack, fiqhack, unnethack, dynahack, and I think sporkhack 20:33 i have played them all 20:33 FIQ: not xnethack. 20:33 4k and slex nerfs, but doesn't remove, unihorns restoring attributes 20:33 aosdict: oh? ok sorry 20:33 not _yet_ :P 20:34 ^ 20:34 in un its also not possible to regain stats lost by abuse in any way 20:35 same in dnh 20:36 * stenno starts fanboying hard whenever talking about un's rule changes 20:36 which I am eyeing with interest 20:36 and also eyeing fiqhack's fatal poison -> permanent str loss change with interest 20:36 there is a little problem imo - in the early game you might be hungry often 20:36 aosdict: you mean the one that un has too? :P 20:41 * stenno stops now 20:44 In dnethack I found that removing restore ability from unicorn horns was too big a nerf to poison recovery (because unicorn horns are usually obtained before restore ability potions/spellbooks are IDed), so if you have reduced stats from poison you get a point back every time there is an exercise check. 20:44 * Chris_ANG infodumps at the drop of a pin. 20:45 that almost seems a bit too nice 20:45 when is the check, every 200 turns or so? 20:45 aosdict: it's actually permanent attribute loss 20:45 there's 3 kinds of poison 20:46 str, dex, con 20:46 but yeah 20:46 stenno: FIQHack has that change too 20:46 @ abuse not allowing you to regain attributes 20:47 FIQ: eh, there's only one dex poison and only one con poison 20:47 <[Demo]> what does dex poison? 20:47 <[Demo]> i know sewer rat does drco 20:48 stenno: Greater than 600 I think? 20:48 hmm oh 20:49 200's the lower bound, I think? 20:49 I always forget how to read rn1 calls :/ 20:50 rn1(200,800) 20:50 aah fair 20:50 which I think means "a uniform distribution ranging from 200 to 1000" 20:50 yeah 20:50 [Demo]: it's rabid rat that does drco, quasits do drdx 20:51 <[Demo]> ah ok 20:52 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (class h), on T:63893 20:53 hothraxxa: well wwhat do you use as a weapon? 20:53 oh n/m, t:60k 20:53 there were two master mind flayers down there 20:53 60k because i had no container AT ALL until i went on the quest 20:53 so a lot of running around moving shit 20:54 this is medusa 20:54 i ams soooo screwed with spell retention 20:54 also i am xl26 and i was saving that scroll for L 20:55 Chris_ANG: note that saving and restarting will give a lower counter 20:55 i'm sure they'll be drooling at the castle 20:55 because of course it will 20:55 FIQ: is that fixable? 20:55 not w/o a savebreak I'd imagine 20:55 fair 20:56 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:57 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 20:58 -!- ProzacElf_ has joined #hardfought 21:00 with that much of a possible timespan, it doesn't seem too encouraging to just eat poisonous corpses recklessly 21:04 -!- ProzacElf_ is now known as ProzacElf 21:12 <@Pavel> I keep killing my pet while hallucinated 21:13 <@Pavel> I accidentally walk into them and they die instantly 21:14 <[Demo]> the studio audience applauds 21:14 <@Pavel> Yep 21:14 <@Pavel> Do you get the same penalties if you're blind/hallucinating? 21:26 not sure if you get it when you're blind 21:33 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 21:36 going to bed early, been stayingup too late past few nights. bleh 21:36 aosdict lemme know when you add e word conduct please ;) 21:40 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 947 points, T:1393, killed by a giant spider 21:43 <@riker> @Pavel yes you do 21:43 <@riker> same penalties as when not halllu 21:43 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:43 <@riker> in general while hallu use 'm' to move, and lock yourself in a room to wait it out 21:43 <@riker> (hitting m then a direction always moves instead of attacking, you'll "bump into things" if you move into them) 21:45 [hdf-us] [fh] Misery Myra (MiseryMyra) (Val Hum Fem Law), 30870 points, T:3133, killed by a water moccasin 21:47 i gave an answer to a question on reddit, and the comment thanking me for my answer got more upvotes than my actual answer 21:53 [hdf-us] [slex] rikerw (Trc Ang Mal Cha) averted death, on T:934 21:53 I had a post on roguelikedev that became one of the most highely upvoted posts in a year there and two days later someone posted a very similar content and it surpassed mine in upvotes 21:53 <@riker> ^ weeping angel contamination sucks, I didn't even know I had that 21:53 the feeling of getting less internet points is overwhelmingly crushing 21:54 ikr 21:54 [hdf-us] [slex] rikerw (Trc Ang Mal Cha), 2536 points, T:953, killed by a monster (jellyfish) 21:54 <@riker> k2: I'm getting a weird error on my end screen 21:54 <@riker> it's telling me "Waiting for access to record. (48 retries left)." 21:54 hmm 21:54 <@riker> but it's ocunting down from 50 21:55 <@riker> dunno if it's amy's side or yours 21:55 never seen that before 21:55 must be slex 21:55 <@riker> then it's probably amy's fault 21:55 <@riker> ^ 21:55 <@riker> I'll tell her later 21:55 <[Demo]> if u can't blame amy, who can u blame? 21:55 <@riker> you 21:56 <@riker> chris 21:56 <@riker> theoretically k2 but I haven't actually had that happen 21:58 <@riker> !role slex 21:58 @riker: zookeeper 21:58 <@riker> !role slex 21:58 @riker: samurai 22:02 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Ixoth, on T:31498 22:02 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:31499 22:10 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 22:11 <@riker> tfw you survive amy's dangerminetown but no DSM 22:12 [hdf-us] [slex] rikerw (Sam Ang Mal Cha), 12974 points, T:1457, killed by a monster (Ms. Sipaliwini, the shopkeeper) 22:13 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya getting a "Waiting for access to record." error whenever my game dies (not quit but die). tries 60 times and then exits to main menu? 22:13 Will do, @riker! 22:13 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya SLEX on hdf 22:13 Will do, @riker! 22:20 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 22:33 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 3368 points, T:3769, killed by a water moccasin, while praying 22:34 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Rog Orc Fem Cha) had Grimtooth bestowed upon her by Kos, on T:11891 22:38 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the valkyrie of Misery Myra, the former Skirmisher, on T:4144 22:38 i just got a crash course in monads and functors 22:39 jebus 22:39 such an insane paradigm shift from OOP lol 22:54 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) averted death, on T:33029 22:57 K2: e word conduct, if I even add it, will be savebreaking, so it'll be delayed until "official release" time 23:04 hey if you want E conduct in xnethack, maybe get me that list of unrealized ideas you were talking about ;) 23:12 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 23:18 [hdf-us] [fh] MiseryMyra (Val Hum Fem Law), 58578 points, T:7378, killed by a leocrotta 23:22 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:34130 23:36 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 23:39 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 26892 points, T:2233, killed by a wererat 23:45 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Rog Orc Fem Cha) polymorphed her first item, on T:13181 23:49 [hdf-us] [nh4] cpittman (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 25097 points, T:1107, killed by a giant ant, while fainted from lack of food