00:16 -!- Crawldragon has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:29 I object 00:29 why am I the chaotic type 00:30 I follow laws 00:30 I clearly should be lawful 00:33 @riker btw LarienTelrunya isn't going to see the actual body of your message. Did you include a newline in the !tell? 00:33 what it looks like on irc: <@riker> !tell [7:14 PM] BOTIRCBot: <@aosdict> ... 00:34 <@Pavel> Yes, there was a newline 00:34 <@Pavel> Several, in fact 00:40 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 00:40 -!- stenno is now known as Guest12031 00:43 is the rld some kind of bridge between IRC and ? 00:44 discord? 00:44 discord yes 00:44 -!- Guest12031 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:45 pretty neat 01:02 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:10 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:22039 01:10 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:22040 01:12 @riker hah 01:12 quest leader me? 01:12 what sorcery is this? 01:16 <@Pavel> I would totally vote for you 01:16 amy would probably make me the weakest most lame quest leader ever devised ;) 01:17 <@Pavel> That sounds like it would lead to an easier quest for me to have to complete 01:18 hah 01:18 perfect! 01:25 gnite all 01:29 <@Pavel> gnite 01:33 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Aphrodite, on T:6676 01:40 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:40 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:51 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:53 -!- _catalyst_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:56 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:01 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:02 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 02:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:10 <@Pavel> I just accidentally wrote moloch as malloc and I can't think of it any other way now 02:10 <@Pavel> I'm calling him malloc from now on 02:13 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:13 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 02:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 02:45 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:49 . 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 19:38 EDT: EPI: an effect that makes monsters not stop attacking you while you pray, while they flee, and in general just not stop killing you 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 19:39 EDT: do you ahve a dnhslex changelog? 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 23:54 EDT: slex role idea: 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 23:55 EDT: (speedrunned role, basicallt thye have the same "ascensoin counter" but for things like mine's end, minetown, soko, oracle, etc.) 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 23:57 EDT: Then... the game opens with the text "It is written in the Book of Grasshopper:" 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-03-13 23:59 EDT: I'm debating: either k2 or a famous nethack player (adeon?) for quest leader. 02:56 !tell @riker didn't write a dnhslex changelog yet, but the commit history shows what I've changed :) will have to think about that speedrunner role 02:56 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 03:01 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:38 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 62867 points, T:16900, killed by an invisible xorn 03:49 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 624 points, T:1684, killed by a giant mimic 03:54 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:18 Chris_ANG: why did the mercurial dragons disappear? 04:39 -!- loli has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 04:40 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 04:41 -!- noty has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:42 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:48 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:55 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 04:55 -!- loli has joined #hardfought 05:14 -!- remirol has joined #hardfought 05:16 -!- lorimer has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 05:17 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:17 -!- remirol has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:18 -!- remirol has joined #hardfought 05:24 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 05:31 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 05:51 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 05:54 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:54 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 05:57 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 39599 points, T:14467, killed by an invisible troll 06:06 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 07:38 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) were chosen to steal souls for your god's glory!, on T:11481 07:39 so I were! 07:43 <[Demo]> nah they lying 07:50 -!- winny has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 07:51 -!- winny has joined #hardfought 08:25 hm beholder can't grammar 08:37 !tell @riker history file for dnhslex: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/devel-3.15.2/history.txt ;) *bundlebundlebundle* 08:37 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 08:38 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 08:50 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:52 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:58 snow day! 08:59 * aosdict zaps a wand of fire at vermont 08:59 nooo! 09:02 its pretty 09:05 oh snap. today is pi day 09:15 pi are square 09:24 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 09:39 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 54 points, T:72, killed by a poisonous corpse 09:47 !who 09:47 Tarmunora: [hdf-us] pavelek [nh] Tangles [4k] 09:47 Tarmunora: [hdf-eu] No current players 09:51 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:51 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 170 points, T:607, killed by a dagger 10:08 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 10:53 !tell Chris_ANG I don't understand the method for highlighting zombies; these dwarf zombies are highlighted green, which is a color I associate with peaceful monsters, yet they're very hostile to me :P 10:53 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 10:56 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2972 points, T:2563, killed by a rothe 10:56 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 10:56 <@Pavel> What even is a rothe 10:56 -!- stenno is now known as Guest76012 10:57 They resemble musk oxen or like an imposing woolly ox/bull. 10:57 <@Pavel> Ah 10:57 <@Pavel> Is there a nethack variant that allowd multiple players to be in one dungeon at once? 10:58 yes, acehack/deucehack, but I fear there's no server to play it on 10:58 <@Pavel> Aww, damn 10:59 <@Pavel> Oh no. I spawned with the only exit to the starting room blocked by a loadstone. 10:59 You... don't have to pick up a loadstone. 10:59 Just go past it. 11:00 turn off autopickup if you haven't configured it 11:00 <@Pavel> Yeah, I wasn't thinking and forgot about the m move command 11:00 the default is "autopickup everything" 11:00 which is horrible 11:00 ^^ 11:00 assuming you're playing NH3 11:01 <@Pavel> Un, but it works the same way 11:01 <@Pavel> I'm pretty new to nethack in general though 11:01 -!- Guest76012 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:04 @Pavel you should configure the rules for what you autopickup. Such as setting pickup_types so that your character will autopickup all $, ?, !, /, and " but no ), [ or *. 11:04 Or whatever combination suits your fancy. 11:04 <@Pavel> Alright, thanks. 11:08 <@Pavel> I'm tempted to enable autopickup for % but I don't want to accidentally pick up a chickatrice corpse 11:09 That is why we have autopickup exceptions. 11:09 You can set it to pick up all %, and then configure an exception for anything matching *corpse* 11:10 <@Pavel> Ooh, neat 11:12 (Which, you probably don't want to autopickup most corpses anyway.) 11:12 <@Pavel> Yeah, generally eat them on the spot if I was going to anyway 11:19 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 11:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 11:20 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2275 points, T:2184, killed by a pony, while frozen by a monster's gaze 11:22 <@Pavel> I wonder who that is 11:22 <@Pavel> Cause it's not me 11:23 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Aphrodite, on T:8205 11:23 Pavelek means little Pavel? Maybe it's a fan 11:24 <@Pavel> Given I discovered this server yesterday, probably not 11:25 Oh, *that's* where I thought I heard the name before. 11:26 <@Pavel> Heh 11:47 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 11:51 @riker: you can't hide from me! come back, I want to watch you :P 11:51 <@riker> amy do you have a freaking stalker set up O_o 11:51 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-14 02:56 EDT: didn't write a dnhslex changelog yet, but the commit history shows what I've changed :) will have to think about that speedrunner role 11:51 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-14 08:37 EDT: history file for dnhslex: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/devel-3.15.2/history.txt ;) *bundlebundlebundle* 11:51 <@riker> I'll be back in aminute 11:52 you forget that I'm working for Google and the NSA ;) 11:52 <@riker> also amy did you end up getting my multiline quote !tell 11:52 <@riker> aosdict said it formatted weird 11:52 yes, I saw it in the backscroll 11:52 <@riker> kk 11:53 not sure what a speedrunner role would do, apart from (probably) a bunch of time limits 11:53 <@riker> ^ 11:53 <@riker> ideally it would have "startscum" equipment 11:54 also what the hell is an "amm kamerel witness" supposed to be 11:54 <@riker> .... but all cursed/cancelled/:0 11:54 <@riker> *x:0 11:54 <@riker> larien: uh that's your fault 11:54 heh 11:54 <@riker> kamerel is chri's thing 11:54 <@riker> but witness amm? sounds like your fault 11:54 well he's destroyed now, I'm just wondering what they actually are 11:55 <@riker> peoples made of metal 11:55 <@riker> kamerel come in like 7 variants, ranging from lead (lowest) to gold (and mercury?), highest 11:56 and why is it my fault if one of them spawns as a witness? 11:56 <@riker> oh, is that an egotype? 11:56 do they like pull me to court with lawyers and stuff? :P 11:56 <@riker> witness seems like a slex thing not a dnh thing 11:56 nope, that is definitely a dnh thing 11:56 he was highlighted green like the zombies I met earlier 11:57 <@riker> hm ok 11:57 hmm, I would have expected the firework cart explosion to raze doors, but it doesn't 11:59 <@riker> ^ 11:59 <@riker> I've been meaning to ping chris about that, you should do it 11:59 <@riker> for that matter, gas spores n stuff don't 11:59 !tell Chris_ANG firework cart explosions don't raze doors that happen to be in the blast radius, is that intentional? 11:59 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 12:00 oh, apparently I have bloodsense as a vampire 12:00 <@riker> yep 12:01 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:22990 12:01 :P 12:02 !tell Chris with zombies_as_Z set to true, a zombie that happens to be on a staircase is still shown as its original glyph (in this case a hill orc zombie displaying as 'o'). 12:02 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 12:08 [hdf-us] [un] ttc1401 (Val Hum Fem Law), 27119 points, T:10014, killed by a winged gargoyle 12:54 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:58 bad kitty, bad! 12:58 * K2 gets the spray bottle 12:59 ... 12:59 <@riker> ^ doens't work on my cat she actually likes it 12:59 YANI: spray bottle in nethack for pet use 12:59 <@riker> if you give them a toy and then hold up above their heads that works tho 13:00 heh 13:01 I just fed my cat IRL to prevent that kind of tragedy 13:04 :) 13:05 &"£$^ killer hobbits 13:05 <@Pavel> Wait 13:05 <@Pavel> Hobbits are friendly be default 13:06 <@Pavel> *by 13:06 no they're not 13:06 <@riker> only to humans iirc 13:06 <@Pavel> Ah 13:06 <@riker> most peaceful non-shk monsters are racially peacful 13:06 <@riker> i.e. dwarves to a lawful dwarven valk 13:06 even when almost everything else in the mines likes you, hobbits still try to kill you 13:07 <@riker> ~~ elenmirie, champion of all gnomish wiz 13:07 hehe 13:08 <@Pavel> Quartata recently told me that you could kick sinks and the very first kick led to instant death by pudding 13:08 well, it can 13:08 <@riker> ^ 13:08 <@riker> I've had that happen 13:09 <@riker> they deal pretty serious damage to low-level chars 13:09 kicking sinks is not a good idea until you can handle a black pudding 13:09 or a foocubus 13:11 !tell raisse did you report that 'broken box here but its lock is already broken' thing? if not I will 13:11 Will do, aosdict! 13:14 riker: I want to see you play, your "one minute" is actually 80 minutes ago already ;) 13:14 <@riker> that's true 13:14 <@riker> I'm applying to 1 summer camp and 2 summer internships rn, sorry but hta'ts more imprtant :p 13:14 <@riker> wish me luck, submitting rn 13:15 * LarienTelrunya can't wait to see the dnethack grand master ascend dnhslex on the first try 13:15 good luck! 13:15 <@riker> I dno't think nero has played dnhslex yet 13:15 <@riker> :p 13:16 <@riker> amy tbh I may clone dnhslex locally and just stream it 13:16 <@riker> since this is some serious keylag :p 13:16 <@riker> (I'm not based in the EU lol) 13:16 oh 13:17 <@riker> hey amy did you take the .1 branch or .2 dev 13:17 yeah I can't bother K2 with it, he hosts so many variants already 13:17 3.15.2 13:17 <@riker> damnit 13:17 <@riker> that means things ._> 13:17 why? is that bad? 13:17 <@riker> 1 it's horribly bugged and it crashes a lot 13:17 <@riker> 2 it doesn't have my exploits 13:17 <@riker> no but seriously I'd recommend switching back to .1 for now 13:17 really? I've not seen any crashes yet 13:18 <@riker> I generally leave chris around a msg a day for them :D 13:18 <@riker> including: blessed weapon bug, crashes when you enter a level / monster picks up blessed weapon 13:18 <@riker> levelport bug, doesn't always load the rigth map on your screen but you're still on teh right level 13:18 wtf 13:18 <@riker> and more 13:19 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG obtw in case you forgot my other levelport bug: levelporting doesn't always re-draw screen when it shoudl, even forcing a terminal redraw doesn't work. other actions that should redraw teh screen (i.e. kill monster) seem to though? 13:19 Will do, @riker! 13:19 please don't tell me that means you'll yet again stop playing now :P 13:19 <@riker> nah 13:19 <@riker> but it will liekly crash 13:19 also, if Chris fixes those bugs, I can then just pull them from 3.15.2 :D 13:19 <@riker> and then I'll beg you to fork .1 and make it off that 13:19 <@riker> eh it's still under dev for features tho 13:19 <@riker> just chill and wait until he releases 13:19 <@riker> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 13:20 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG (in case it's not clear, levelporting causes the error and then it fixes itself post-levelport) 13:20 Will do, @riker! 13:20 well I don't fancy the idea of working on an old version that will get invalidated anyway 13:20 <@riker> eh 13:20 <@riker> that's what cherrypick is for 13:20 <@riker> oh huh you made bullets generate? nice 13:21 <@Pavel> Bullets? In Nethack? 13:21 yeah :) 13:21 <@Pavel> What is this sorcery 13:21 <@riker> well 13:21 <@riker> dnethack adds bullets and firearms, lightsabers, etc. 13:21 <@riker> slex gives you a blessed +15 BFG at the start of the game /s 13:22 <@riker> but seriously nah they just add firearms, only usable by specific roles in dnh though 13:22 <@riker> oH FUCK amy 13:22 <@riker> don't do .2 13:22 ? 13:22 <@riker> it has the wand destruction patch 13:22 hahaha really? 13:22 <@riker> I forgot to warn you ;-; 13:22 <@riker> yes 13:22 <@riker> >_> 13:22 <@riker> > wand damage [Unskilled / Skilled] 13:22 "wand damage skill" sounds like it would only make wands do a little more damage? 13:23 <@riker> eh 13:23 are you telling me it's really the FIQhack/Fourk wands skill? 13:23 <@riker> it does that to 13:23 <@riker> too 13:23 <@riker> it's not quite the same 13:23 ah phew 13:23 <@riker> but it definitely destroys shit 13:23 it can't be worse than the fourk implementation, or can it? 13:23 <@riker> I lost a ring to a trapped chest the other day ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 13:23 <@riker> well ofc it's not worse than 4ks 13:23 well this is dnhslex, monsters with melee shock attacks exist here, so... 13:23 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 13:24 -!- stenno has quit [Changing host] 13:24 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 13:24 lol that loot command in combination with pets is uber cheator 13:24 why doesn't Chris fix that? :P 13:25 <@riker> I don't know 13:25 <@riker> I knew about that bug and told him so before I even used IRC 13:25 <@riker> I left a msg on his wiki talk page, wiki dnh bugs page, and then finally IRC :D 13:25 !tell Chris_ANG #loot should probably not work on pets that are inside shops 13:25 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 13:26 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG don't listen to her I like that bug 13:26 Will do, @riker! 13:26 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG *feature 13:26 Will do, @riker! 13:28 <@riker> does rne do enchantments? 13:28 <@riker> @le?black ant 13:28 black ant (a) | Lvl: 3 | Diff: 6 | Spd: 18 | Res: poison | Confers: poison | MR: 10 | Generates: special | AC: 3 | Attacks: 1d4 bite acid | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, oviparous, poisonous 13:28 yeah; it means that +10 can generate randomly now, but it's extremely raer 13:29 rare 13:29 <@riker> not a problem 13:29 <@riker> my orc barb's doomscreamer was +9 13:29 so how does that blessed weapon bug trigger? maybe I can figure out how to fix it 13:29 <@riker> oh it's already 'fixed' 13:29 <@riker> just not in master atm 13:29 <@riker> chris frogot a && mon in weapon.c 13:30 if it's already fixed, does that mean a commit that fixes it is somewhere? 13:30 if yes: link? ;) 13:31 <@riker> LOL it crashed 13:31 <@riker> i told you 13:31 <@riker> blessed waepon bug ftw 13:31 well dude, give me the commit that fixes it :P 13:31 <@riker> (watchman picks up blessed dagger, yay for RIP game) 13:31 <@riker> isn't one 13:31 <@riker> lol 13:31 <@riker> afaict 13:31 but if you know exactly where the && mon is supposed to be, you can tell me how to fix it! 13:31 <@riker> oh 13:31 <@riker> I'm an idiot 13:32 <@riker> ok in weapon.c 13:32 <@riker> ctrl-f "holy" 13:32 <@riker> it's in teh "holy damage" line 13:32 one moment 13:32 <@riker> in the if statemnet 13:32 #define holy_damage(mon) ((mon == &youmonst) ? \ hates_holy(youracedata) :\ hates_holy_mon(mon)) 13:32 that one? 13:32 <@riker> nope 13:32 <@riker> if statement later 13:32 <@riker> Is_weapon && is_blessed iirc 13:32 if (Is_weapon && otmp->blessed && mon && (holy_damage(mon))){ 13:33 <@riker> oh huh that should be fixed then 13:33 <@riker> welp 13:33 <@riker> !tell ChrisANG && mon isn't fixing weapon bug >> 13:33 Will do, @riker! 13:33 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG && mon isn't fixing weapon but lol 13:33 Will do, @riker! 13:33 <@riker> (reproed on local dev) 13:33 wot 13:33 <@riker> chris broke shit 13:33 well if it happens upon picking it up, maybe it's not actually crashing in weapon.c at all 13:33 ok 13:34 <@riker> well I saw him pick it up 13:34 <@riker> and the next turn it crashed 13:34 <@riker> but hey I have no better idea so I'm gonna go run lldb 13:34 <@riker> ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 13:34 <@riker> sorry amy but it's break tiem 13:35 wtf there is a core dump but it's not from your game?! 13:35 <@riker> shrug 13:37 does it crash if you wield a blessed weapon too? 13:37 <@riker> nope 13:37 <@riker> it's in the monster logic iirc 13:37 <@riker> for which weapon is best dmg 13:37 so to reproduce, I can start a role that has a blessed weapon, find a monster that will wield weapons, and drop it for the monster to pick up? 13:38 -!- Mandevil has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:38 <@riker> or wizmode 13:39 <@riker> but no 13:39 <@riker> go wizmode, gen a uncursed dagger and a blessed dagger (#wish) 13:39 why not? 13:39 <@riker> drop them both on the same square 13:39 <@riker> for the monster to pick up 13:39 <@riker> it will pick up one, wield it, and then pick up the other and crash 13:39 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 13:39 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Mandevil] by ChanServ 13:39 oh damn, can't wizmode on the server and I don't have access to my ubuntu vm here 13:39 <@riker> ah rip 13:42 <@riker> oh 13:42 <@riker> I found it 13:42 <@riker> ther'es 2 && mon 13:42 <@riker> (that you need to add, one was pre-added) 13:42 <@riker> see line 965 amy 13:42 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:19642 13:43 wtf, line 965 seems to be otmp->age -= 100; 13:43 <@riker> uh 13:43 <@riker> ok then not that 13:43 <@riker> ctrl f excalibur 13:43 can't you simply paste what's in the line? :D 13:43 <@riker> if (otmp->blessed && mon && (holy_damage(mon))){ 13:43 <@riker> well 13:43 if(otmp->oartifact == ART_EXCALIBUR) tmp += 7; //Quite holy 13:43 <@riker> if (otmp->blessed && (holy_damage(mon))){ 13:43 <@riker> line before that 13:43 /* Blessed weapons used against undead or demons */ if (Is_weapon && otmp->blessed && mon && (holy_damage(mon))){ 13:44 and further below: if (otmp->blessed && mon && (holy_damage(mon))){ if(otmp->oartifact == ART_EXCALIBUR) bonus += d(3,7); //Quite holy 13:44 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/423536873512894464/Screen_Shot_2018-03-14_at_10.44.10_AM.png 13:44 <@riker> here you go 13:44 <@riker> >_> I added that && mon in the middle 13:45 the weird thing is that the && mon is in my file already 13:45 check https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/devel-3.15.2/src/weapon.c 13:45 <@riker> on both lines? 13:45 yes 13:45 see for yourself 13:46 <@riker> huh 13:46 <@riker> that's really odd 13:46 <@riker> that is where lldb was tracing the error to 13:46 <@riker> I'm trying to repro to find another crash 13:46 what repo are you using for that? 13:46 <@riker> no crash now 13:47 i.e. is that a regular dnh build or a dnhslex one? 13:47 <@riker> regular dnh 13:47 <@riker> to establish whether it's bugged there or not 13:47 <@riker> I'll try dnhslex in a moment the issue is the build process 13:47 <@riker> I modded my dnao to make it actually compiel the first tme 13:47 <@riker> >_> 13:50 <@Pavel> If you pray with no major problems will it cure a minor problem 13:50 <@riker> sometimes 13:50 <@riker> I can't always get that tho 13:50 well, just tested on my BSOD2 account, I dropped an uncursed thonged club and a blessed one on the same tile, gnome lord picks up the uncursed one first, wields it, then picks up the blessed one, no crash 13:51 <@riker> ^ 13:52 <@riker> so i'm probably wrong hten 13:52 <@riker> about dnhslex at least 13:52 too bad your crash didn't create a dumplog for some reason! 13:52 err, core dump 13:52 <@riker> ^ I can't do any dumplogs it gives me an error 13:52 <@riker> try making the dumplogdir folder manually? 13:52 <@riker> worked locally for dnh 13:52 yeah, but where do I set it 13:53 i.e. which file has the information about the dumplog path? config.h? or something in sys/unix? 13:53 or the GNUmakefile? 13:53 there really needs to be a documentation about those things :P 13:53 <@riker> my exit msg 13:53 <@riker> lol 13:53 <@riker> gimme a sec 13:53 <@riker> Can't open /dgldir/userdata/rikerw/dnethack/dumplog/1521050013 for output. 13:53 wtf where did your previous game go? 13:53 <@riker> ? 13:53 <@riker> I just quit a quick game 13:53 the crashed one 13:54 <@riker> it didn't leave one 13:54 did you not autorecover it? 13:54 wtf 13:54 <@riker> oh I tried 13:54 <@riker> it gave a map error 13:54 <@riker> same with most dnh crashes 13:54 oh so that core dump was actually yours :( it said something about a trickery 13:54 <@riker> ya 13:54 bullshit 13:54 I know why I abolished the trickery mechanic in slex :P 13:54 <@riker> lo 13:54 <@riker> lol 13:55 it has *never* detected an actual cheating going on; it *only* fires when the game itself is faulty 13:55 I knew that from the instant I first learned about the existence of a trickery mechanic, and sadly it's true. :( 13:56 so your trickery bug actually overwrote the core dump of the first crash I guess 13:57 <@riker> rip 13:57 <@riker> I'll play more later, need to do something irl rn, brb 13:57 the only thing we can do (well, I can do) is to keep playing until it crashes and then not try to recover it, because I need to analyze the core dump 13:57 i.e. if you encounter a crash, stop playing and don't try to recover it but instead tell me so I can run gdb 13:58 <@riker> kk 13:59 -!- LarienTelrunya_ has joined #hardfought 14:00 are dnh vampires intelligent, or is attacking a chickatrice == DYWYPI? (and woe to you IRC if you eat this message again!) 14:00 <@riker> intelligent 14:01 ah, good :) 14:01 <@riker> they don't do that 14:01 lol 14:01 Gaze attack 37? Program in disorder - you should probably S)ave and reload the game. 14:02 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:02 -!- LarienTelrunya_ is now known as LarienTelrunya 14:04 YANI: Potion of super-gain energy (or just buff gain energy accordingly). Gives you 100-200 points of Pw. If you would go above maxPw by doing this, the remaining points are put into a temporary Pw buffer that decreases by 1 each turn until it returns to your regular energy max. 14:05 (In xnethack, this would allow you to quaff such a potion in preparation for casting a difficult spell) 14:06 aosdict - I like the balance you struck with omitting spell of identify and then knowing exactly how many things you can ID with a scroll based on its BUC status 14:07 i still think a blessed ?oID should have a chance of a full id, but meh 14:07 K2: my main concern is that there might still be too much incentive to wait and hoard until you can bless all your ID scrolls. 14:07 whats wrong with that? 14:07 player hoard certain items all the time 14:07 players 14:08 and yes in my current game i hoarded a small amount until i could bless them (unless there was something i needed to ID right away) 14:08 clearly, the correct way would be to do what slex does, and give the uncursed scroll a (lower) chance of full-inventory id too, and the full-inventory id should of course also go into containers so you don't have to get out all your shit every time you're about to read a scroll or use a throne :D 14:09 hmm 14:09 i think a more correct statement would be, look at what slex does, and then do the opposite 14:09 :P 14:09 indeed, that is what I have unintentionally done 14:12 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 1500 points, T:1422, killed by a little dog 14:14 You see here a samurai corpse named rikerw. 14:15 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) killed the Cyclops, on T:38391 14:15 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:38393 14:15 \o/ 14:16 <@riker> k2: hey it's me 14:16 <@riker> lol 14:16 ring ring 14:16 :P 14:16 <@riker> larientelrunya chris's gaze attacks are weird™ so you may have accidentally messed up the ordering with your slex ones 14:17 nah, I just didn't code the gaze of death for the catoblepas yet :P (yes, it can spawn randomly and yes, its gaze will be able to instakill the player) 14:17 <@riker> ffs 14:17 <@riker> well 14:17 somehow I assumed that with all the new stuff dnethack adds, it would have a AD_DETH gaze already but oh well 14:17 <@riker> beholders arlready have that 14:17 <@riker> just make them gen randomly 14:17 <@riker> >_> 14:17 <@riker> it should 14:18 <@riker> since I know beholders have one 14:18 LarienTelrunya: check out mandrakes 14:18 <@riker> oh, looks like it's under RGAZ 14:18 <@riker> ^ that too 14:18 <@riker> those are Fun™ 14:23 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:28 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 14:29 2. 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-14 10:53 EDT: I don't understand the method for highlighting zombies; these dwarf zombies are highlighted green, which is a color I associate with peaceful monsters, yet they're very hostile to me :P 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-14 11:59 EDT: firework cart explosions don't raze doors that happen to be in the blast radius, is that intentional? 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 13:19 EDT: obtw in case you forgot my other levelport bug: levelporting doesn't always re-draw screen when it shoudl, even forcing a terminal redraw doesn't work. other actions that should redraw teh screen (i.e. kill monster) seem to though? 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 13:20 EDT: (in case it's not clear, levelporting causes the error and then it fixes itself post-levelport) 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-03-14 13:25 EDT: #loot should probably not work on pets that are inside shops 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 13:26 EDT: don't listen to her I like that bug 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 13:26 EDT: *feature 14:29 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 13:33 EDT: && mon isn't fixing weapon but lol 14:31 <@riker> im' sorry chris 14:31 <@riker> >_> 14:31 lol 14:32 LarienTelrunya: Brown for peaceful was for cross-variant consistency. Green was unused, so it became the zombie color. 14:32 Also, green for rot. 14:32 cross-variant... wtf? which other variants use yellow for peaceful? slex uses green for that :D 14:33 also awwwwwwwww dnethack cuts off the status line if it gets too long, instead of neatly wrapping it around to the 25th line of my terminal 14:34 > 25 lines 14:34 well to be fair i think my nethack terminal preset defaults to 80x25 14:34 Brown, not yellow. I forget which variant set the standard for that, since I left the name out of my notes. 14:34 acehack 14:35 Well, low-intensity yellow, which is often set to brown I think. 14:35 Thanks, stenno. I added that to my notes now, since I can never remember XD 14:36 @riker you have the weirdest bugs. 14:36 <@riker> I'ms orry >_> 14:36 <@riker> also brb 14:36 Chris_ANG: sadly we didn't get a core dump of that crash; it happened when a monster in the mines apparently tried to wield a blessed weapon, and when he tried to restore it, the game falsely declared a trickery 14:37 which overwrote the core dump with one that says this in gdb: #0 trickery (reason=0x7fffffffe280 "This is level 2334976, not 12042241!") at src/restore.c:762 762 *c = 1; 14:38 #0 trickery (reason=0x7fffffffe280 "This is level 2334976, not 12042241!") at src/restore.c:762 #1 0x00000000006e9e34 in getlev (fd=, pid=, lev=, ghostly=) at src/restore.c:813 #2 0x00000000006e8c23 in dorecover (fd=6) at src/restore.c:666 #3 0x00000000007f1689 in main (argc=, argv= Program terminated with signal 4, Illegal instruction. 14:39 "value optimized out"? 14:39 that's what gdb says 14:40 <@riker> stenno: 25 lines is what slex wraps too for that reason 14:40 <@riker> so ofc amy uses her variant's schema 14:40 <@riker> :D 14:41 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:42 @riker did that happen mid-levelport, or while you were playing normally? 14:43 <@riker> the scren doesn't update? 14:43 <@riker> normally 14:43 <@riker> cursed tele scroll I found in a closet 14:43 The crash. 14:43 <@riker> I haven't bene able to repro in wizmode yet 14:43 <@riker> oh 14:43 <@riker> which one? 14:43 <@riker> the dnhslex one? that was just in minetown 14:43 <@riker> I was playing a perfectly normal inc wiz 14:44 ...Does the server version crash? 14:44 <@riker> of what 14:44 <@riker> dnh? no clue 14:44 <@riker> I can't repro these on command :/ 14:45 Just, in general. 14:45 <@riker> no 14:45 that crash was the server version of dnhslex, which is based on 3.15.2 14:45 <@riker> I haven't had it crash in hte last 6 months or so 14:45 <@riker> ^^ .1 is fine 14:45 You get so many you'd think that it would also be occurring left and right on the server. 14:45 <@riker> urgh I can't englihs good 14:45 Oh wait, 14:45 <@riker> to sum it up 14:45 <@riker> 1. 3.15.2 in all it's versions is buggy af. All of my bugs are there. 14:45 what version are you playing locally? The current dev branch? 14:45 <@riker> ^ 14:46 <@riker> 2. dnhslex had a weird blessed weapon bug? I think? trickery stuff ask amy 14:46 <@riker> 3. hdf 15.1 is totally fine 14:46 * Chris_ANG makes a series of extremely confused faces. 14:46 <@riker> ^ I'm both amuswed and really sorry 14:46 <@riker> I swear I'm not making this shit up 14:46 The dev version is also what I play locally, and it doesn't do this to say the least. 14:47 and I'm on level 13 in dnhslex, already cleared mines and soko, and didn't have any crashes yet 14:47 <@riker> huh 14:47 if blessed weapons were so crashy, mines would have had to crash with all the aklyses and other melee weapons there 14:48 @riker, you are probably suffering from latent bugs tripped by the different OS. 14:48 maybe it's some weird corner case that only happens rarely 14:48 <@riker> then it may not be blessed weapons 14:48 <@riker> chris_ang yeah :/ 14:48 if I do get a crash, I'll be sure to gdb the core dump 14:48 Your main teleport bug turned out to be that. 14:48 <@riker> larien: maybe +1 uncursed vs +0 blessed or similar? (THIS IS A GUESS ONLY) 14:48 Also, 14:48 riker: well, maybe 14:48 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 14:48 do you still have that save file (the one that trickeryed?) 14:49 <@riker> nope sorry 14:49 <@riker> I tried to recover and it lost it 14:49 <@riker> it crashed once, then the recover trickeryed, then it dissapeared 14:50 <@riker> the trickery was a level being deleted I think based on the msg (some sort of "level id xxx isn't here, instead yyy") 14:50 oh, I just looked at the ttyrec: it happened when a rothe got caught in an explosion 14:50 <@riker> ??? I missed that 14:51 wait, let me get the string of messages leading to the crash 14:51 The dwarf throws a small dagger! The small dagger hits the watchman.--More-- You hear some noises in the distance. You hear a blast.--More-- You hear a blast. The rothe is caught in the blast!--More--SIGSEGV 14:52 (the SIGSEGV wasn't displayed obviously, it just marks the point where it crashed) 14:52 seems like someone is having a blaSegmentation fault 14:52 maybe there was a firework cart or something? 14:52 riker: do you remember whether you've seen firework carts in minetown? 14:52 or a farberge sphere or w/e it's called 14:53 <@riker> larien: nope 14:53 <@riker> I saw a faberge sphree in the mines but not minetown 14:53 Trickery shouldn't delete the save. 14:53 <@riker> stenno: lol 14:53 <@riker> chris_ang it did though? when I tried to reload it just gave me a "choose your character" screen 14:54 Chris_ANG: well the weird thing is that the trickery mechanic caused a SIGILL (illegal instruction) crash 14:54 i.e. it apparently crashed again while trying to run the trickery routine 14:54 Yeah, that's not a bug <_< 14:54 It's *why* I know that trickery shouldn't delete the save. 14:57 * Chris_ANG goes to test the trickery code. 15:02 @riker wait I'm confused again. How OLD is the dev version you're using? Didn't it not have the blessed weapon crash fix? 15:02 <@riker> until this morning it didn't 15:02 <@riker> but then I updated 15:02 <@riker> and now it does 15:02 <@riker> (I only added one of the 2 && mons before today) 15:03 Ah ok. So this crash was on the most recent dNAO version? 15:03 <@riker> yes 15:04 <@riker> ask amy for specifics but siince she built it yesterday/day before, it's certainly up-to-date 15:04 <@riker> (your last update on dnao was 6 days ago >_>) 15:04 Well, found the problem with the trickery stuff. 15:04 It comes too early in the restore process, so it fatally damages the save. 15:05 So, thanks for finding that bug, I guess >_< 15:05 but wouldn't the game still be voided by the trickery mechanic even if it doesn't crash? after all, it runs the trickery code, which declares the game void :( 15:05 <@riker> huh 15:07 <@riker> chris_ang say what you want about my weird ass bugs (I mean you're not wrong) but you can't deny that I'm helping fix thigns :D 15:10 brb 15:11 hah... let my kid learn the hard way you dont play outside in the snow with mud boots 15:11 <@riker> lol 15:11 <@riker> she wiped out? 15:11 'my feet are soooo cold daddy!' 15:11 <@riker> or just got snow down the boots 15:11 <@riker> lol 15:11 there's no insulation with these boots 15:11 but noooo she had to wear them ;) 15:11 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 15:11 she should wear winter stilettos instead, those would allow her to master the snow ;) 15:12 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Disconnected by services] 15:12 rofl 15:12 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 15:12 she's 6 15:12 no stilettos 15:12 <@riker> saw somebody wipe out in walmart the other day on like 5" heels 15:12 <@riker> generic huffy idiot lady tried to go past wet floor sign 15:13 <@riker> that's what I imagine when amy says "stillettos" now 15:14 heh 15:15 Chris_ANG: when blinded, my vampire very often sees monsters that don't get displayed on the screen, e.g. I try to walk on a seemingly empty tile and get "You hit the troll!" If I use Ctrl-R first, the troll is displayed correctly. 15:16 i.e. the troll should be visible already, but only if I press Ctrl-R (an action that takes no in-game time) the troll will be displayed. 15:17 <@riker> ctrl-r is nethack? 15:17 <@riker> huh 15:17 <@riker> I always tohught it was just a terminal thing 15:17 <@riker> lol 15:17 ctrl-r is the redraw command 15:17 <@riker> or rather curses 15:17 Yes, that suggests a problem with the per-square redraw used by the vision code. 15:17 FWIW, I'm only seeing the trolls with bloodsense, i.e. I don't have telepathy yet 15:18 I haven't seen that myself, but I tend not to spend huge amounts of time wandering around blind XD 15:18 in this case a yellow light exploded at me and I don't have a unihorn yet either 15:19 huh, it happens quite a lot actually 15:19 walked into the building and only the warriors were visible but after pressing ctrl-r the norn is also visible now 15:19 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:20 <@riker> >vampire valk lol wut ok then 15:20 <@riker> not a horrible idea tho 15:20 ValVamMalNeu, to be exact 15:20 <@riker> > male valk 15:20 <@riker> -1 15:21 <@riker> that's just dumnb 15:21 umad 15:21 Oh, damn. @riker actually the trickery salvage works fine, but dNAO's automatic restore resolution is probably too aggressive. So different bug :/ 15:22 (ie, your save was just fine after the trickery, but dNAO deleted it next time it was run) 15:22 <@riker> ahh 15:22 <@riker> so 2 bugs? or different bug 15:22 Different bug. 15:23 Chris_ANG: wait, the save was fine after the trickery? but trickery usually means the game declares a loss for the player! 15:23 Yes, I broke that bit. 15:23 (On purpose) 15:24 so if you unbreak it, would riker have been able to continue the game? 15:24 No, because then trickery would have worked 'correctly', and nuked his save. 15:24 aww 15:24 <@riker> I see 15:24 <@riker> so you made trickery not nuke teh save 15:24 <@riker> but then it was nuked anyway when attempting to restore 15:25 Trickery is one of those places, like the version incompatibility code you were complaining about the other day, where vanilla nethack is extremely quick to destroy games. 15:25 <@riker> if you changed #1 it would have nuked in teh first place, it's #2 tha'ts the bug 15:25 Chris_ANG: https://github.com/AmyBSOD/dnhslex/commit/8f10defb10cf84291d027165b19fed762d29e7ae :D 15:26 Yeah, I'll pull that into dNAO actually. Thanks :) 15:26 <@riker> > A pox on the programmer who committed that crime. 15:26 *Someone* on the vanilla nethack devteam had a case of acute paranoia when it comes to players "cheating". :P 15:26 <@riker> oh no chris ang no pox for you :( 15:26 <@riker> :p 15:26 Chris_ANG: :) 15:26 dnh removes save deletion from trickery and from panic already, but still had save deletion from incompatible versions. 15:27 when aosdict tried to implement that same thing in xnethack, it somehow resulted in errors, probably because the 3.6.x codebase is just different enough to make it not work as intended :( 15:28 I've never seen it declare a trickery after recovering from a crash. 15:29 <@riker> I assumed the error messed up the level 15:29 I've seen that happen in earlier versions of slex, when the game was supposedly corrupted during the segfault or something 15:29 <@riker> since the trickery error was about the mismatch of level IDs 15:29 The fact that the level number didn't match what it was expecting suggests that bad things had happened to the game's internal state, unfortunately. 15:29 Yeah 15:29 but earlier versions of slex corrupted the game on purpose 15:29 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 15:30 missingno etc. 15:30 also wow, fire resistance from corpses sure times out very quickly in dnethack 15:30 can you ever get it permanently? 15:30 @riker: this may be another symptom of the fact that there are variable type mismatches between parts of the level code :/ 15:30 <@riker> :/ 15:30 Chris_ANG: oh, so it's because of the "more than 127 dungeon levels" thing maybe? 15:30 <@riker> chris again I'm sorry that I'm brining up non-game-breaking bugs 15:31 LarienTelrunya: Crowing. Also, higher level corpses last longer, and higher nutrition corpses last longer. 15:31 *Crowing -> Crowning 15:31 LarienTelrunya: Yes, that's the series of problems at the base of this. 15:31 ah, but it's completely impossible to get permanent resist from corpses? also, if I'm already resistant and eat another, will the timeout be increased? 15:31 <@riker> if you're lucky and eat a unique monster it gives it forever iirc 15:31 that and... xchars? I think? 15:32 Yes to cumulative resistance counters, 15:32 also some unique corpses give permanent resistance. 15:32 ok 15:32 <@riker> isn't it unique w/ level over 14? 15:32 <@riker> i.e. platinum dragon 15:32 Yes 15:32 so if I theoretically get a dozen tins of red dragon and eat them all, I'd get something like 50k turns of fire res? ;) 15:32 Lord Surtr is another example. 15:33 <@riker> larien: yes 15:33 It's based on the nutrition of the thing you eat, so no. 15:33 <@riker> ah 15:33 <@riker> *aw 15:33 aww, so it would have to be actual corpses 15:33 <@riker> also note that sleep resis does time out, but poison doesn't 15:33 Well, ok, yes 15:33 but tins count for less turns than corpses. 15:33 I'm also surprised that I somehow have intrinsic poison resistance; do valkyries and/or vampires get that? 15:34 Vampires. 15:34 No metabolism to poison. 15:34 that makes them quite a lot easier to play, actually ;) 15:34 in slex they don't get the resistance unless they get lucky with corpses, and most that can grant it are poisonous themselves 15:34 they're undead after all 15:35 E an elemental (peaceful terracotta soldier, a huge thing) 15:35 ^^ do those do anything interesting? 15:36 <@riker> pokedex them 15:36 Not really. 15:36 also I constantly "hear scraping in the distance" 15:36 juggernaut in a magic item vault. 15:37 <@riker> or ID juggernaut 15:37 <@riker> beware of ^ 15:37 <@riker> they phase and have lower AC 15:37 yeah, sounds like something I don't want to face 15:38 <@riker> actually 15:38 <@riker> if you have a good ranged weapon 15:38 <@riker> then dewit 15:38 I probably should have said "id juggernaut" actually. I don't think regular juggernauts are vault guards. 15:38 <@riker> they are 15:38 Oh, ok XD 15:38 <@riker> I checked / made teh wiki list remember :p 15:38 well I only have dagger at basic (can't enhance further) and bow likewise at basic and only some wimpy "tiny arrows" 15:38 <@riker> unless you changed that /shrug 15:38 Also: vampire vision bug confirmed. 15:39 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:39 oh DUH I'm stupid, I forgot that as a vampire I can simply fly over the water and was always walking around it! :P 15:39 <@riker> ^ 15:40 ouch, apparently pyrolisk corpses do fire damage here 15:40 <@riker> yep 15:40 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:47 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 15:47 ...Wait, how does seeing monsters with infravision work? 15:48 <@riker> no clue you're the dev 15:51 infravision probably requires you to not be blind, but bloodvision apparently works even while blind 15:53 Chris_ANG: you see infravisible monsters with infravision if you would see them if the area was lit 15:53 I don't understand the question 15:53 I really love how large fractions of the code just go "eh, nope" when it comes to proper tabbing >:( 15:54 3.6 and NH4 fixed that 15:54 And yup, that's the problem all right: looks like being blind skips the portion of the code that would update your vision. 15:55 FIQ: the bloodsight and infravision work very similarly in dnh, but infravision IS able to cope with monsters coming into view around a corner and bloodsense ISN'T. 15:56 At least, not while blind. 15:56 Turns out the vision code just skips the block that would handle that, if the player is blind. 15:57 ah 16:09 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:31988 16:10 -!- NCommander has quit [Quit: Coyote finally caught me] 16:15 yay finally get reflection on medusa level 16:15 K2: pushed an update (paranoid swim!) 16:15 FIQ will love you for that 16:16 aosdict: does that also work for lava? 16:16 * FIQ gifts aosdict a potion of booze 16:16 I don't think a new paranoid field should be savebreaking... it's just adding a new bitmask 16:17 aosdict: you can abuse iflags to make non-save-breaking options 16:17 but they're meant for the interface 16:17 FIQ it includes lava 16:17 stenno: Yes, I more or less ported un's paranoid_water and paranoid_lava to 3.6's paranoid system 16:17 sweet 16:17 err stenno 16:17 K2: of course 16:17 i thought you asked FIQ 16:17 read line wrong 16:17 You can't specify them separately, because I couldn't really think of anyone who would want to. 16:18 sounds reasonable 16:18 * K2 votes for E use conduct 16:18 you can pull that from unnethack also 16:18 * FIQ too 16:18 K2: breaks saves 16:18 wasn't there a hilarious travel bug associated with that 16:18 * LarienTelrunya votes for paranoid traps :D 16:18 stenno: Adeon can tell you about it 16:18 forgot which vaariant 16:18 thats fine, i'll know to make a multi version in dgl for it 16:19 it was un 16:19 right 16:19 Adeon autoexplored into lava 16:19 if that had been LarienTelrunya 16:19 autoexplore it was, right 16:19 bhaak would never, ever, hear the end of it 16:19 LarienTelrunya: may as well add that too. 16:19 thats what he gets for using autoexplore 16:19 :) 16:20 Paranoid swimming was important because now I can add lava caverns to gehennom and people won't murder me 16:20 fiqhack has a modified paranoid trap 16:20 basically 16:20 it only stops you from walking on traps that are actually harming you 16:20 paranoid options ftww 16:20 it wont care about polymorph traps with MR 16:20 etc 16:20 a great help for speedy (speak: sloppy) players like me 16:21 aosdict: is alt+t mapped? 16:21 otherwise I can map it to "trigger" 16:21 for triggering traps on you 16:21 Dunno, I don't use alt. 16:21 so you can, for example 16:21 trigger a level teleporter 16:21 without getting rid of MR sources 16:22 eh, just make #sit do it 16:22 one annoying thing with #sit 16:23 is that it will not work for the thing you are actually trying to sit on 16:23 if things are in the way 16:23 [hdf-us] [un] guiltypanacea (Mon Hum Mal Law), 3857 points, T:2180, killed by a giant ant, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:24 #sit in traps actually doesn't work in 3.6 anymore 16:24 3.6.1? 16:32 bhaak I'm still bitter that I autoexplored to lava 16:32 rofl 16:34 stenno: what? why? 16:34 i don't remember the rationale 16:34 but i think you cannot trigger them anymore by sitting 16:35 oh nethack.org was updated 16:35 now buglist in json 16:35 heh 16:35 FIQ: ah it was considered a bug 16:35 see C360-131 16:36 anyway a quick sprint to the supermarket 16:36 bbiab 16:36 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a yellow dragon, on T:32965 16:38 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:42 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 16:52 [hdf-us] [xnh] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed partly eaten bag of holding named StuffMe", on T:42271 16:54 * aosdict donates a loadstone to stuff hothraxxa's bag 16:54 partly eaten bags of holding should let water through 16:54 raisse: Message from aosdict at 2018-03-14 13:11 EDT: did you report that 'broken box here but its lock is already broken' thing? if not I will 16:54 -!- stenno has quit [Quit: leaving] 16:54 aosdict: no, I didn't get round to it, please do it 16:55 -!- stenno has joined #hardfought 16:56 phew 16:57 YANI: lawful alignment penalty for breaking the lock on a box 16:57 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 16:57 yani: adopt fourks alignment system 16:57 add nh4's "not breaking alignment" conduct 16:57 <@riker> yani: dont 16:58 make roleplaying matter again 16:59 yani: stop clogging up the messages I have to parse through in the future by saying "yani" for no reason :P 16:59 <@riker> yani: clog up transcript with yani /s 16:59 yani: good morning aosdict whenever you will read this message 17:00 stenno: if you want to really make role playing matter in nethack, chaotics should get alignment bonuses for doing bad things 17:00 <@riker> chaotic alignment bonus for losing when 17:00 <@riker> (losing = bad) 17:00 rather than just no penalty 17:00 K2: actually, did you know that rogues will neither get bonus or malus from stealing from shops? 17:00 right 17:01 aw 17:01 they should get credit for doing so 17:01 no 17:01 because stealing from shops is a lawful thing to dod 17:01 chaotic rogue... what am I missing? 17:01 lawful? 17:01 like 17:01 it follows the general law of the rogues 17:01 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Sleep-bundle-wing! ♥] 17:02 idk i can explain poorly 17:02 for a rogue, stealing is the 'right thing to do' 17:02 i think i get what you're saying 17:02 for a rogue yes 17:02 but for society as a whole, no 17:02 right 17:02 hence chaotic behavior 17:02 so thats why its neutral 17:02 boooooooo, slack is shutting down irc support 17:03 who cares about slack 17:03 slack is shit 17:03 I do because I'm obligated to use it. 17:03 ouch 17:04 hrm 17:16 stenno: Not so much "right" as "in-character", I think. 17:16 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:34241 17:16 But yes, rogues steal, that's what they _do_. 17:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided class R, on T:34243 17:18 jonadab: what are fourk's rogue-specific alignment bonuses? 17:19 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:19 <@riker> hm, I don't think I've ever geno'd R 17:19 <@riker> I generally carry around wands for that purpose 17:19 aosdict: https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/blob/master/doc/changelog-fourk.txt#L341 17:19 The potions on the altar glow light blue for a moment. You feel that Hermes is well-pleased. A spellbook appears at your feet! 17:19 F - a plain spellbook. 17:19 @riker I have, but at lower priority than flayers and liches. 17:20 *facepalm* 17:20 <@riker> I always geno L, g, b in my dnh games but g and b are special 17:20 <@riker> *specific to dnh 17:20 hothraxxa: Hey, you got your holy water, be happy. 17:20 Maybe Hermes is trying to tell you something. 17:20 Ah, right, I don't have dnethack-specific strategies really. Been too long since I played it, need to get back to it _at some point_. 17:21 * hothraxxa writes a spellbook of itchy crotch and casts the spell on jonadab 17:21 Hmm, is that a beam or a ray? 17:21 Smite-targeted. 17:21 Heh. 17:21 Like expert cone of cold? 17:22 <@riker> I don't think I've ever geno'd h normally 17:22 <@riker> I"ve geno'd when I get special levels with a lot of them 17:22 <@riker> but tha'ts it 17:22 in dnh aren't flayers U or something 17:23 <@riker> no 17:23 <@riker> U is unknown abomination 17:23 I don't blessed-geno h normally. I think I did once. 17:23 But I target flayers specifically. 17:23 <@riker> 3 randomized horrors, umber hulk, elder brain, hoolooovoo, and uvuum 17:25 hmm, has "smite-targeted" ended up in the NetHack vocabulary from DCSS? 17:25 it's a concept that needs a word to describe it, after all 17:26 @riker - I geno'ed what I saw via telepathy on castle level. mind flayers are on my list to do but they arent here at the moment 17:26 <@riker> ah 17:27 ais523: I've adopted it from dnethack lingo I guess 17:28 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Rog Orc Fem Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicing a pile of gold, on T:4061 17:28 <@riker> dnh has smite-targeted? 17:28 <@riker> tha'ts news 17:29 YASI: spells that are targetted like unskilled polearms and do their thing to exactly one tile. 17:29 <@riker> that sounds horrible but ok 17:29 YASI: enhanced non-elemental fireball spells that have a 3-square radius, but you can only target them at range 2 17:30 hmm, maybe NetHack should have old-fashioned D&D fireballs 17:30 the explosion had a defined /volume/ and if it couldn't expand in some directions due to walls, it would expand further in others 17:30 so it was fairly dangerous to use in a corridor 17:32 would pick extra spaces to spread via random breadth-first search or similar? 17:34 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 17:35 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Val Hum Fem Neu) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3532 17:37 I picked up "smite-targeted" from DCSS. 17:37 I can't remember where I've used it, though. 17:37 Maybe while describing spirit powers on the wiki? 17:44 castle WoW (0:3) and blessed ?oC in my bag 17:44 life is good 17:52 -!- Tariru has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:53 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed fixed greased +5 cloak of magic resistance", on T:34811 17:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +5 silver dragon scale mail", on T:34812 17:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +5 gauntlets of power", on T:34813 17:55 this isn't grunthack K2, you can wish for +3 and monsters won't take it away :P 17:55 i always go for +5 if i know my luck is good 17:55 go big or go home baby 17:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed greased +5 helm of telepathy", on T:34816 17:57 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +5 katana", on T:34817 17:57 <@riker> why katana? 2wep? 17:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "uncursed fixed magic marker", on T:34818 17:58 @riker yup 17:58 k2 gunning for that second asc 17:58 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed magic marker", on T:34915 17:59 I got +5 on EVERYTHING except the helm :P 18:00 <@riker> what 18:00 <@riker> so that's who's been stealing my RNG 18:00 hah 18:00 <@riker> :) 18:01 <@Pavel> Yeah, well I got 3 potions of go up a level on dlvl 1 earlier today 18:01 <@riker> *gain level 18:01 <@riker> but lol 18:01 nice! 18:01 <@Pavel> (I proceeded to kick a sink and die) 18:01 <@riker> LOL 18:02 <@Pavel> Actually I don't think it was a sink 18:02 hahahah 18:02 <@Pavel> It was some other equally stupid instant death thing 18:02 i made a meme that exemplifies that statement a few years ago 18:02 lemme dig it up 18:04 no two! 18:04 found one... 18:04 https://www.hardfought.org/images/nethack_alwaysdie.jpg 18:04 now where's that other one 18:06 ah yes 18:06 https://www.hardfought.org/images/baby_grayswandir.jpg 18:06 <@riker> even worse when you pick it up and instadie 18:06 :) 18:08 YANI: spells that give temporary to-hit or damage buffs. (Very short duration, must not be maintainable or worth the Pw cost to cast all the time.) 18:13 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 18:13 <@riker> chris_ang: wait what since when do orc barbs start with lembas 18:13 <@riker> fem orc bar just did O_o 18:14 <@Pavel> What if instead of being extremely expensive, you pay some health to get bonus damage for a short duration 18:14 aosdict: buff spells like that remind me of my days playing everquest and dark age of camelot 18:14 i think world of warcraft had buff spells too 18:14 D&D does. Nethack has _some_. 18:14 Oh, lol 18:14 Protection, haste self, invisibility could all be classified as such. 18:15 @riker: They don't, but orcs do start with a small stack of random food. 18:15 But they all tend to be defensive, except haste self which works because the speed system is broken. 18:15 Guess you cracked an elf on the head and stole his breakfast before entering the dungeon. 18:17 <@Pavel> There should be a spell that like DnD's False Life that gives temporary hitpoints over the maximum 18:17 <@riker> chris_ang huh ok then 18:17 Pavel: not a bad idea, and would fit in with the temporary Pw I suggested earlier. 18:18 <@riker> !race dnh 18:18 @riker: gnome 18:18 <@riker> fuck no 18:18 <@riker> !race dnh 18:18 @riker: human 18:18 <@riker> !race dn 18:18 @riker: gnome 18:18 <@riker> !race dnh 18:18 @riker: drow 18:18 <@riker> !race dnh 18:18 @riker: dwarf 18:18 <@riker> >_> 18:19 pls 18:19 "incantifier". there. 18:19 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:35333 18:19 <@riker> sorry stenno 18:20 <@riker> chris_ang vampires seem to scuff dust engravings despite flying 18:20 @riker no worries 18:23 Hm, interesting. 18:24 <@riker> tfw your binder hits xplvl 5 on dlvl2 18:24 <@riker> further strengthening my belief: magic traps are great for farming 18:25 <@riker> RIP lost it at lvl 6 18:26 I believe that this is vanilla behavior as well. 18:26 And possibly should be classified as a bug. 18:26 To wit: only Levitation prevents you from scuffing engravings in your square. 18:27 Flying does not. 18:28 The reason this is true is that the engraving code uses can_reach_floor to decide if the engraving is eroded. 18:28 Which is more typically used to determine if the PC can pick stuff up off the floor, 18:28 ie, levitation blocks it, but not flying. Interestingly, riding a steed while unskilled ALSO blocks it, 18:28 <@riker> huh 18:29 but steeds might be handled on another code path wrt scuffing engravings? 18:34 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:34 <@riker> oh god yes chris thank you for vampires being immune to curses 18:42 <@riker> chris why are htey not immune to loadstones 18:43 <@riker> -.- 18:52 <@Pavel> They probably should 18:52 <@Pavel> Must be a bug 18:52 <@riker> eh 18:52 <@riker> maybe not 18:53 <@riker> they still suffer cursed consumable effect 18:53 <@riker> it's just no welded armor/weapons 18:53 Chris_ANG: which bug were you talking about? 18:54 <@riker> flying people scuff engravings 18:54 huh 18:54 which version? 18:54 3.6? 18:54 i think thats on purposes 18:54 Flying do but Levitating don't. 3.4.3, and from code inspection also 3.6.0 18:55 ooh flying, my bad 18:55 Haven't looked at higher 3.6 versions. 18:56 Also, if you're mounted but unskilled in riding, you don't scuff engravings due to combat. 18:57 Though your mount may scuff engravings simply by being present, I haven't investigated all code paths. 18:57 <@riker> only unskilled tho lol 18:58 (All of this is because of the use of the can_reach_floor function, which was intended to be used when picking things up only) 18:58 <@Pavel> Is there any reason to do an engraving other than Eldereth 18:58 x 18:58 <@riker> in dnh yes but in other places not really 18:58 <@Pavel> *Elbereth 18:58 <@riker> testing engravings of 'x' to test wands tho 18:58 to keep illiterate whhile you engrave-tesst 18:58 <@riker> (diff wands have different msgs when you engrave with them) 18:58 (ie, it tests if you *can* reach the floor, not if you *have* to reach the floor) 19:28 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 19:31 [hdf-us] [slex] dolores (Mah Ang Fem Cha), 30493 points, T:7422, killed by a monster (fart elemental), while sleeping 19:32 <@Pavel> fart elemental? 19:33 <@Pavel> God dammit slex 19:33 <@riker> LOL 19:33 <@riker> you think that's dumb 19:33 <@riker> see: kurwa role 19:33 <@Pavel> ⍨ 19:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Val Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:6874 19:34 <@riker> I thought that was k2 for a moment (the name) 19:34 <@riker> I was like "lol what happened to +5 wishes" 19:35 K2 wishes for +5 items? 19:35 Evidently. 19:35 <@riker> earlier he did 19:35 <@riker> like 5 of them 19:35 I can see an argument for it 19:35 go big or go home baby 19:35 <@riker> SDSM, GoP, telepathy helm, katana 19:35 which is that it saves you the risk of hitting +4 if it works, and doesn't cost you anything but a couple of enchant scrolls if it fails 19:35 <@riker> got all of them +5 but helm 19:36 <@riker> dem odds tho 19:36 <@Pavel> I wish for +3 stuff generally. 19:36 it's evidently not a habit from grunthack 19:38 uwaga 19:39 -!- Tariru has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:39 -!- Tariru has joined #hardfought 19:42 [hdf-us] [xnh] krm26 (Val Hum Fem Neu), 11129 points, T:7220, killed by a stone giant, while frozen by a potion 19:42 <@Pavel> YANI: Carrying more food causes more monsters to appear due to being attracted to the smell 19:42 <@Pavel> Different food sources have different effect strength, with tins not having any effect and tripe rations having the greatest effect 19:44 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:44 I like it. 19:45 soundsd interesting at least 19:46 but maakes not having a bag in the early gaame even worse 19:46 I assume most players who stash all their food in their BOH wouldn't be affected though. 19:47 -!- Tariru has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:47 <@Pavel> And if you have no food, less monsters spawn? Maybe. 19:48 That seems a little backwards though. If you have no food, the game makes it even harder for you to get food? 19:49 Perhaps it shouldn't affect the spawn rate and should instead affect how well existing monsters can find you. 19:50 <@Pavel> Oh yeah. I was thinking you don't have to worry about being murdered until you can find food, forgetting that the way you get food is from the things trying to murder you. 19:50 <@Pavel> I like ^^ 20:01 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:04 <@Pavel> Hmm, maybe you could even have an item like a "lure" 20:04 <@Pavel> It attracts monsters to you for when you're low on food 20:04 <@Pavel> It would weight almost nothing and would activate once applied. 20:08 Why bother making it active/inactive? Also, sounds magical. 20:09 <@Pavel> So that you aren't constantly being assaulted by monsters while carrying it 20:09 Since we've established these as AI changes, for my future reference: they'll go into the Monster AI section of the YANI page, and other things like the Amulet should attract monsters at its maximum level too. 20:10 <@Pavel> Also, it doesn't have to be magical, you could just spray meat sause all over yourself 20:10 @Pavel items with double-edged effects are what make nethack great! At least, non-consumable ones. 20:10 <@Pavel> Fair enough 20:11 <@Pavel> I wasn't thinking active/inactive though. So you couldn't deactivate it after popping it. 20:11 <@Pavel> So you could trigger it when you're low on food to get a bunch of corpses, but then have to deal with a lot more monsters from then on for a while. 20:13 <@Pavel> I wonder if anyone currently working on Nethack variants (that aren't SLEX) actually look at the YANI page 20:14 that aren't xnethack either? :P 20:14 <@riker> aosdict made the page so I'd go with xnethack for sure 20:14 <@riker> ninja'ed 20:14 ais523 has looked at it sometimes I think 20:14 I swear paxed looked at it and picked something out for 3.6.1 but don't actually know 20:15 Many of Chris_ANG/Tarmunora/NeroOneTrueKing attributed ideas are discussed about dnethack but they turn out to be variant-agnostic 20:16 jonadab probably looks at that sstuff 20:17 <@riker> the fucking feeling when you drop teh loadstone 20:17 Oh, and FIQ. 20:17 <@riker> and forget you have * set to autopickup 20:17 <@riker> fml 20:18 @riker git gud at exceptions I guess 20:18 <@riker> nah just turned * off 20:19 pickup_types ftww 20:26 <@Pavel> Is xnethack a "serious" variant or a meme variant? I've never actually played it. 20:26 i guess slex is the only meme variant 20:27 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Rog Orc Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:9346 20:27 Definitely not a meme variant. 20:28 And you're in luck, it's only been playable on hdf for a week or so 20:31 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 20:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Lol (Tou Inc Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:33875 20:33 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:38 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 20:40 thats a late soko 20:40 <@riker> eh dnh soko is not really important for incs 20:40 <@riker> can't eat the food anyway 20:41 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG I forget, do you have a serious nerf planned for crystal stuffs >.> 20:41 Will do, @riker! 20:41 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG my suggestion: remove the guarenteed vlad's and maybe make crystal gear not randomly gen? eladrin still have it tho 20:41 Will do, @riker! 20:42 vlad is lategame already 20:42 and its sstill quite heavy 20:46 vlad is early midgame at the latest in dnh, since I moved his tower over the mines. 20:46 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 20:41 EDT: I forget, do you have a serious nerf planned for crystal stuffs >.> 20:46 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 20:41 EDT: my suggestion: remove the guarenteed vlad's and maybe make crystal gear not randomly gen? eladrin still have it tho 20:47 Hm, another niche for crystal gear: Worse than metal gear *unless enchanted*. 20:47 Makes it similar to elven vs dwarven mithril. 20:48 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Dwa Fem Law), 823 points, T:1905, killed by a bat 20:48 But yes, CPM would get totally rebalanced during an AC revision. 20:51 oh.. 20:52 i like in unnethack that mithril is actually a viable lategame armor 20:54 ‎<‎aosdict‎>‎ ais523 has looked at it sometimes I think ← I look at it but don't do much with it normally 20:54 I have curiosity about what ideas people have for variants, and am happy to help discuss them 20:55 but both NH4 and NH3 have a low tolerance for YANIs (for different reasons) 20:57 Hmm, I was not aware of that, what reasons? 20:58 @riker I'll try that for next version. CPM will be nerfed from -20 to -10 max, meaning it will be +4 unenchanted. However, this does mean it will only be 3 points better than metal plate mail. On the other hand, I guess metal plate mail interferes with spellcasting.... 21:00 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG eh tbh i"m a fan of the current AC system /shrug anything else is too complicated imho 21:00 Will do, @riker! 21:00 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:00 <@riker> I just relaized you're 99% still here whoops 21:00 <@riker> >_> 21:00 riker you don't have to communicate wwith !tell 21:00 aosdict: I've been trying to remember for ages: do you have any special properties in mind for grass squares or is it more of a visual thing? 21:00 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-03-14 21:00 EDT: eh tbh i"m a fan of the current AC system /shrug anything else is too complicated imho 21:00 <@riker> anyway chris yeah the other thing is I don't think I've evr used DSM in dnh >.> 21:01 <@riker> in addition I've always felt bad wishing for anything but a waepon early-game 21:01 I think people overvalue the additional AC, but.... 21:01 <@riker> since I generally find CPM later 21:01 :) 21:01 <@riker> chris_ang lol no they don't it's stupid much AC 21:01 <@riker> you can literally run naked other than CPM (and maybe the tshirt of OP) 21:01 Well, yeah, 21:02 but people don't run naked. 21:02 <@riker> >_> 21:02 <@riker> I run naked 21:02 aosdict: NH4 is very conservative with respect to gameplay changes because it's one of the goals of the variant; I was upset at how most variants seemed to change things too fast without considering the consequences 21:02 <@riker> well 21:02 meanwhile, NH3 has the problem of convincing the other devs that the change is a good idea, so a lot of politics comes with most changes 21:02 <@riker> I use throwaway boots 21:02 <@riker> for dagon 21:02 <@riker> >.> 21:02 <@riker> :) 21:02 <@riker> anyway I'm outta here now but I just feel that DSM is outplayed /shrgu 21:03 I'll try it with the nerf next version. 21:03 <@riker> cool 21:03 <@riker> maybe I'll try to do a dragon-themed half-dragon next run 21:03 <@riker> i.e. DSM & DSS 21:04 <@riker> maybe a bard dunno 21:04 Chris_ANG: currently I have no special plans for grass and am trying to think of some but still can't really come up with anything 21:06 Fiery explosions should probably convert it to regular floor, and maybe death rays too. But yeah, 21:06 in dnh "grass" squares are just regular room squares that are colored green :/ 21:07 maybe you can plant trees on them or something 21:07 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:07 I don't like the one idea I think I've heard, that you should get boosted regen from resting on them 21:08 makes it like a free version of jonadab's benches 21:08 in Brogue, the main effect of grass is to spread fire 21:08 when it takes fire damage, it becomes "fire" terrain 21:08 which becomes ash terrain after a certain (probably slightly randomized) period of time 21:09 and heats up the nearby grass, in addition to burning people or things standing in it 21:09 Getting fire to work in NetHack like it does in Brogue would likely be a fair amount of effort. 21:09 does it spread while not on the level? 21:09 A little late to the dNh DSM party, but personally I find it to be the best choice for late-game 21:09 while you are not on the level* 21:09 if you don't mind an inefficient implementation it's probably easy 21:09 stenno: I assume so, but you could do it in catchup_elapsed_time with no real issue 21:10 is that a nh4 thing? 21:10 that function name seems unfamiliar 21:10 no, it's vanilla 21:10 or, hm 21:10 Because while the AC from CPM is valuable early, by endgame with enchanted boots/helm/gloves/shirt/cloak, the 1-3 extrinsics that a DSM gives is much more valuable (dragon-reflection, MR+1/2spdam, etc) 21:10 there's mon_catchup_elapsed_time 21:10 that runs per-monster 21:10 but the per-level version isn't called that 21:11 …actually, /is/ there a per-level version? 21:11 there must be, surely, right? 21:11 now I'm confused 21:11 <@riker> > call a potion of kitten blood: 21:11 <@riker> :( 21:11 <@riker> Tarmunora: it's really not tbh 21:11 <@riker> half spell damage isn't bad 21:11 @riker: now you'll be able to give your kitten a blood transfusion if it gets ill 21:12 <@riker> but MR is often granted by artifacts 21:12 <@riker> and I've never had a serious issue with needing DSM reflection vs normal 21:12 <@riker> ais: uh-huh >_> 21:12 oh, apparently it's inlined into getlev() 21:12 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:12 The ~15 points of AC isn't huge late though 21:12 Brb, eating 21:12 * ais523 imagines kittens donating blood for use by vets 21:13 <@riker> tarmunora: I guess 21:13 ugh, I tried a second attempt to have a blood test done today, the nurses /still/ couldn't get any blood from me 21:13 Doesn't dnethack give you so many slotless-multiple-property-granting artifacts that you don't need DSM? 21:14 they recommended I came back later when there'll be another nurse… 21:14 ais523: You're not dehydrated or something are you? 21:14 didn't find a vein? 21:15 stenno: right 21:15 jonadab: hmm, I quite possibly could have been 21:15 if your chance to hit with something is 50% 21:15 should I hydrate (/ overhydrate?) beforehand in case it helps? 21:15 and you have a passive ability that makes it so that 50% of the time you miss, you get a retry, but only once 21:15 It might help make a vein easier to find. 21:15 what is the effective to-hit? 21:15 Potentially. 21:15 Though that may not _necessarily_ be the main problem. There are other possible causes. 21:16 THat was just the first thing that popped into my head. 21:16 FIQ: 50% hit on the first attempt, 50%×50%×50% = 12.5% hit on the second attempt, = 62.5% total 21:16 yeah that sounds right 21:16 the two are mutually exclusive so we can just add 21:17 ^ Only because you threw in the other half of the first 50% as a multiplier on the second calculation. But yes. 21:19 when I'm to have a catheter (IV) inserted into me for surgery and stuff, my veins have a tendency to "disappear" 21:19 apparently they do that if you're frightened (I have a phobia against needles) 21:19 it doesn't really help the case... 21:19 Indeed, it would not. 21:20 Also, I have a bit of a phobia of hypodermic needles myself. Mild, but noticeable. 21:20 technically speaking these are intravenous needles, not hypodermic 21:20 I'm not afraid of them, but they are annoyingly painful 21:20 I can control my actions, but I can't stop myself from _thinking about_ the possibility that I'll accidentally twitch and cause the needle to shatter under my skin. 21:20 I once told my family doctor this. Wanna guess what he said? 21:20 they're made of fairly solid metal, aren't they? 21:20 Yes, and flexible too. 21:21 It's actually quite unlikely. Intellectually, I know this. 21:21 BUt I think about it every single time anyway. 21:21 Err, one l in that word, I think. 21:21 I think it's more likely that the thing would become stuck inside rather than *shatter* 21:21 Well, in the first part. 21:21 (Not that any of the 2 is likely) 21:21 Yes, well. 21:21 I didn't say the idea was rational or sensible. 21:22 It's just a thing that goes through my brain every time I get a shot or anything. 21:22 Phobias aren't really rational, so yeah 21:22 FIQ: only a small proportion is actually inside the body, so plenty to pull it out by 21:22 ais523: Unless it snaps off just under the skin. 21:22 Which, yes, is stupidly unlikely. But. 21:22 even then, it'd be easier to remove than a splinter 21:22 Anyway, you wanna know what my family doctor said when I told him this? 21:22 "I've only ever seen that happen once." 21:23 was he trolling? 21:23 I think so. 21:24 It doesn't really matter, though. I mean, even if he has seen it once, the odds of it happening to me are still just as stupidly low as I know they are. 21:24 Doesn't stop my brain from thinking about it every single time, though. 21:24 but I don't think it's possible for it to shatter at all 21:24 snapping off, sure, I can see that happening 21:24 but not shattering 21:25 it's not glass 21:25 True. 21:26 But my brain still thinks this is going to be the time it actually happens, each and every time. Even though objectively I know better. 21:26 not a fan of having blood drawn either 21:27 especially when i get some new private medic who 'needs the practice' 21:27 Dental anesthesia is another situation where this comes up. 21:27 Every time I have to get a filling or anything. 21:27 Guess what we don't have in our water in Galion due to some weird grandfather clause from Hell? That's right. Fluoride. 21:28 since we have our own well, we dont either 21:28 Ah. 21:29 We had that situation, come to think of it, for one year in Michigan. Right before we moved here. 21:32 jonadab: you can take extra fluoride to fix that sort of problem? normally in your toothpaste 21:33 jonadab: Re. DSM: There actually aren't many options for free action in dnh still, you have the ring, the Neutral artifact cloak, and an OrangeDSM/SS 21:33 *and as a binder spirit 21:33 we give our kid a fluoride supplement at bedtime 21:34 ais523: Fluoride mouthwashes, yes. 21:34 If I can just remember to use them every day. 21:34 Blue DSM can also free up a ring/boot slot for many characters via extrinsic speed 21:34 find a time in your routine to use them 21:34 just before bed when you're doing washing/toothbrushing/etc. is often a good time 21:35 there are several things you have to do then so you get into a routine easily 21:56 <@riker> jonadab (backscroll) yeah that's my issue with dnh dsm. you can get the resistances from artis 90% of the time anyway 21:56 I thought most of the common dnh artiwishes didn't actually confer many resistances. 21:56 <@riker> some do, some don't 21:57 <@riker> but yes, the shirt is barren 21:57 <@riker> (the most common) 21:57 well the shirt is sickness resistance right? 21:57 <@riker> nope 21:57 <@riker> nothing 21:57 remind me what it does 21:57 <@riker> (that's a bodyglove, different non-arti future tech gear) 21:57 <@riker> shirt is just massive carrycap 21:57 <@riker> and ofc enchants to +7 21:57 <@riker> it's no longer as great though iirc since chris nerfed magic chests? idr 21:57 Wait, I thought the tye-die shirt granted like six properties. 21:58 <@riker> still great to lug around your nice stuff 21:58 do you still have shit water in flint? 21:58 <@riker> jonadab: lol no like 2 21:58 Hmm, maybe it has been nerfed. 21:58 oh was in backlog 21:58 <@riker> jonadab: carrycap and invoke for enlightenment 21:58 Hmm. 21:58 <@riker> anyway I'm back out again now 21:58 <@riker> but tl;dr; refelction is hard to get from artis 21:58 <@riker> (esp. with the dnh refelctino change - normal refelction doesn't reflect dragonbreath) 21:59 <@riker> (only sdsm) 21:59 <@riker> but MR is super easy 21:59 <@riker> jonadab: you may be thinking of the heart of ahriman 21:59 <@riker> which does grant like 6 21:59 <@riker> (pois / fire / reflection / mr / drain / remove curse invoke) 21:59 Knew about that one. 22:00 Maybe I'm thinking of the platinum dragon plate. 22:02 <@Pavel> YANI: A scroll that tells you the dungeon overview for the next ~5 floors of the dungeon. It doesn't reveal the map, but tells you if there's fountains/altars/branches/whatever. More floors if blessed, lies to you if cursed. 22:05 ...wow. This dungeon level generated with four boring rooms in a straight line with straight corridors between them. It could only muster up two closets and two traps. 22:07 <@Pavel> Do closets actually serve any purpose 22:07 Sometimes. 22:07 They have vault teleporters, and some have scrolls of teleportation and were corpses. 22:10 @riker also read for unihorn 22:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:38368 22:15 oh damn 22:15 i just got green slimed and i have no fire 22:16 in gehennom so i cant pray 22:16 man i am fucked 22:16 rip 22:16 burning oil 22:17 scrolls of fire 22:17 fire trap 22:17 polyself 22:17 ok i have potion of oil how do i throw it at myself? 22:17 cant poly 22:17 no traps near 22:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) averted death, on T:38432 22:18 hahahah 22:18 I think if you throw a lit potion of oil down, you will burn away the slime 22:18 forgot i had amulet of LS on 22:18 err up 22:18 i tried to pray in gehennom anyways just to see 22:19 now i have a pissed off god :) 22:19 and i just lost 8 points of divine protection 22:19 oh well 22:19 i'm still alive 22:20 * FIQ gives K2 a dunce cap labeled "Gift from God" 22:23 <@Pavel> Good job 22:27 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:38973 22:27 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:30 earlier i remember when i was polypiling, i had 3 scrolls of fire and thinking 'i cant remember the last time i was slimed, i dont need these' 22:33 aosdict 22:33 you here? 22:34 FIQ watch my game if you have a moment please 22:37 !tell aosdict found a bug with trapped doors. opened a booby-trapped door that explodes, but instead of exploding once, it does it over and over. stuck in a loop of 'KABOOM!! The door was booby-trapped!--More--' - turn count does not increment. 22:37 Will do, K2! 22:37 <@Pavel> Noob questions: What are bags good for? I'm told not having a bag is a very bad thing, but I can't think of a use for them except for when you actually completely fill your inventory 22:38 bags are a Good Thing to have 22:38 <@Pavel> Yeah but why 22:38 especially a bag of holding, as it decreases the weight of whatever is in it, allowing you to carry more without becoming encumbered 22:39 <@Pavel> Well, I just found a normal bag and picked it up 22:39 also things out in open inventory can become damaged by all sorts of effects and attacks, keeping things in a bag prevent that 22:39 <@Pavel> Ah 22:49 !tell aosdict I had to kill my terminal session and recover my game to get out of the loop. recovery brought me back to the very beginning of the level (about 80 some odd turns prior to event). Can probably reproduce again when you're around. 22:49 Will do, K2! 22:49 <@Pavel> D: An unkown hallucinogenic monster just removed over half my health in one go 22:53 K2: you're not playing 22:53 afk sleep 22:54 i asked you 20 min ago ;) 22:54 stopping until aosdict can see it 23:06 -!- stenno has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:24 !tell aosdict applied latest update to xnethack, same issue occured. a vampire as a fog cloud did slide under the door and i killed it in its fog cloud form while it was in the doorway (both times). check your pm please. 23:24 Will do, K2! 23:27 xNetHack updated (us and eu) 23:29 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:39625 23:38 K2: same issue = exploding loop? 23:38 aosdict: Message from K2 at 2018-03-14 22:37 EDT: found a bug with trapped doors. opened a booby-trapped door that explodes, but instead of exploding once, it does it over and over. stuck in a loop of 'KABOOM!! The door was booby-trapped!--More--' - turn count does not increment. 23:38 aosdict: Message from K2 at 2018-03-14 22:49 EDT: I had to kill my terminal session and recover my game to get out of the loop. recovery brought me back to the very beginning of the level (about 80 some odd turns prior to event). Can probably reproduce again when you're around. 23:38 aosdict: Message from K2 at 2018-03-14 23:24 EDT: applied latest update to xnethack, same issue occured. a vampire as a fog cloud did slide under the door and i killed it in its fog cloud form while it was in the doorway (both times). check your pm please. 23:44 yes 23:45 so there is _not_ a bug related to vampires fogging under the door? 23:45 i dont think so 23:45 and yeah can reproduce the exploding loop, let me open gdb 23:45 i was able to recreate without the fog going under the door 23:47 <@riker> fiq; oh yeah forgot unihorn tshirt 23:48 I think this happens for any such trap being triggered, which is strange, I don't think it's changed since the last time I tested 23:53 ok found it 23:53 <@riker> EPI: uranium wands have a chance of making you ill when zapped (1/100 or smth) 23:53 <@riker> 1/2 chance if cursed wand 23:53 <@riker> 1/1000 if blessed? 23:54 nice aosdict 23:54 it was calling explode() before removing the trapped flag, which when explode() called zap_over_floor and destroyed the door, which then tried to resolve door traps again 23:54 and the door trap flag was still there, so... infinite recursion 23:55 <@Pavel> EPI': uranium wands have a chance of thermonuclear explosion when zapped 23:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:41859 23:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] k2 (Val Hum Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:41861 23:56 <@riker> EPI'': uranium wands destroy the entire dungeon level and your entire inventory, leave you with 1 hp and fatal ill (1 turn to live). (destroys unique items like the amulet / bell / book / candlething too) 23:56 <@riker> (when picked up) 23:56 <@riker> (or seen) 23:59 K2: pushed fix, also primitive paranoid_trap