00:12 <@riker> thoth is on a weight loss plan 00:12 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG idea, gnomes start with 85 skill points instead of 75 (since they get shit carrycap anyway) 00:12 Will do, @riker! 00:19 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:20 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 00:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 01:13 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:16 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 01:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 01:27 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:27 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:11 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:12 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:41 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 02:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 02:58 -!- hf_guest_81733 has joined #hardfought 03:00 -!- hf_guest_81733 has quit [Client Quit] 03:19 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:44737 03:19 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:44739 03:20 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:20 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:23 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 03:32 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 9 points, T:118, killed by a sewer rat 03:56 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:00 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:59 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45442 04:59 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:45449 05:06 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) performed the invocation, on T:45500 05:08 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:45510 05:32 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed rustproof +3 elven shield of drain resistance", on T:32450 05:33 -!- realinari has quit [Quit: realinari] 05:36 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed rustproof +3 hawaiian shirt of displacement", on T:32452 05:38 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:32468 05:44 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:59 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 6193 points, T:10371, killed by a dwarf lord 06:16 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 06:20 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) had mace bestowed upon him by Venus, on T:33158 06:41 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:45 aosdict: Hmm, not sure. I theoretically know that it's dei, but I forget and spell it phonetically. NOt sure why. 06:45 I mean, I know it's from the Latin dei, which I _don't_ misspell. 06:46 But I learned the word "deity" much earlier in my life (circa third grade) than the Latin "dei", and have always spelled it the way it's pronounced, I guess. 06:59 is it pronounced differently in the US, then? 06:59 in the UK, it's "day-i-tee", short "i" 07:02 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 07:10 ais523: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzPS0syobdE 07:11 ais523: Oh, I've heard that pronunciation a couple of times. But most people say DEE-it-ee. 07:12 Which, come to think of it, works for either spelling. 07:13 the video got the phonetics wrong though, what their US speaker is saying is dee-i-dee 07:14 Regional differences, probably. I pronounce it day-i-tee or dee-it-ee depending on how my subconscious is feeling at the time. I've also heard it pronounced dee-i-dee, actually. 07:14 Chris_ANG: Message from @riker at 2018-02-28 00:12 EST: idea, gnomes start with 85 skill points instead of 75 (since they get shit carrycap anyway) 07:15 elenmirie: Oh, that's the "t as in butter", which is standard mid-word like that in most American English dialects. 07:15 Also, it's not actually a d phoneme like in "dog", though it's easy to see how you'd hear it that way if it's a phoneme you don't say. 07:15 yes, I'm familiar with that (but it's not t as in butter :) 07:15 It's used in substitute for both t and d in that position. 07:15 OH, it's not? 07:16 Ok, let me listen again. 07:16 what I mean is, not the way I would say butter... :D 07:16 Well, it sounds like t, not d, to me. In the video. 07:16 I guess in US English it's more like budder 07:16 oh, right 07:16 Maybe that channel has a butter? 07:16 * elenmirie listens again 07:17 Also, they've got this one wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAx8Xbun-WY 07:18 The standard US pronunciation of "paracetamol" is "acetimenophen". HTH.HAND. 07:18 interesting... the first and last syllable in the US speaker's pronunciation sound the same to me 07:18 hehe 07:18 Huh. How do *you* pronounce t then? 07:20 jonadab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edwMfWXwr8M 07:20 butter 07:22 Ok, yeah, the t in butter, as pronounced there, is much slopper / closer to d than the one in deity. 07:22 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 07:22 I mean, it still isn't the _same_ as the d in dog. 07:22 But it's used for both t and d in the middle of a word like that. 07:23 And yes, that video has it just about like most Americans say it, though the exact pronunciation varies a bit. 07:23 "t as in butter" is interesting, some British accents even use a glottal stop for it 07:23 The British way doesn't sound odd to Americans, we just don't notice the difference if we're not paying attention to it. 07:23 ais523: Oh, I've heard that too. 07:23 ais523, yes! 07:23 a glo'al stop 07:24 Though the dialect of English I mostly speak (Midwestern) only has a glottal stop in one word. 07:24 my accent is boring, it pronounces it the same way as an initial t, but that's certainly not the only way to do it in British English 07:24 jonadab: which one? 07:24 (It's the - in the middle of uh-oh.) 07:24 huh, interesting, I think that one's glottal in most accents 07:24 it's either that or you have to stop altogether for a bit, which hurts your throat and sounds weird 07:24 so I can see how it ended up being added 07:25 in general it seems to be used for any hyphen between two vowels? 07:25 here's a teacher teaching how to reduce the t's in the middle of words... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTLfEPq_dtA 07:25 ais523: Hmm, I haven't looked for other hyphen-between-vowel words, not sure. 07:25 trying to think of another one... 07:25 hmm, I tried a few examples 07:25 it's not quite a vowel at the end of the first word 07:25 err, before the hyphen 07:26 it's more like "somewhere between a vowel and a plosive" 07:26 because if you can just hold the initial vowel and slide it into the second one the problem doesn't come up 07:26 whereas "uh" isn't really a vowel because you can't prolong it indefinitely 07:26 Ah. 07:27 Well, you _can_, but it sounds quite odd. 07:27 We don't normally hold short vowels. 07:27 you can... someone that is hesitating in speech might say uuuuuuuh.... 07:27 I just tried, I physically can't do it 07:27 you can change it to errrrrrrr.... but that's a different vowel 07:27 elenmirie: That's a good example, yeah. 07:28 hi 07:28 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 07:28 if I try with an actual uh I just end up coughing 07:28 ais523: Any time you put an r after a vowel, the vowel sound always changes. 07:28 lol 07:28 uuuuh *cough* 07:28 however, different people treat different vowels differently, so… 07:28 FIQ: see ##nethack-variants, some really major FIQHack bug reports 07:28 (R in English is traditionally viewed as a consonant, but it forms diphthongs.) 07:28 it's not just nearlook that's broken, quite a few commands are now consistently crashing, including some leaving the save file unautorecoverable 07:29 I think it's a semi-vowel or something 07:29 jonadab: there are a /lot/ of semivowels 07:29 r, s, l, f 07:29 that's why you can have STRC 07:29 and a few I missed, I think 07:29 they're normally treated as consonants but you can hold and slide them as though they were vowels 07:30 oh, also m and n, as long as your mouth is shut 07:30 hm 07:30 Oh, you can _hold_ any consonant that's not a plosive. 07:30 hmmmmm… 07:30 Approximants (w, y), sibilants (s, sh, z), etc. 07:30 I don't think you can hold consonant y 07:30 Anything that's not a plosive (or affricate) can be held. 07:30 ais523: I can. 07:31 it's a consequence of sliding between two vowels I think 07:31 and the act of sliding can't be held, or maybe it can be? 07:31 also I'm not aware of a difference between vowel w and short oo, but maybe there is one 07:31 Hmm, I think I just noticed an exception to my statement. I can't hold h. And I don't _think_ it's a plosive, though I'm not sure how to categorize it. 07:32 I can hold h, but only for a few seconds as you run out of breath really quickly 07:32 hm, I think I can hold it 07:32 ais523: K2 hadn't updated yet 07:32 you have to really force air through your windpipe quite quickly while mid-h 07:32 Ok, I was trying to hold American h, which I think is different from Britsh h, actually. 07:32 see backloghere timestamp wise 07:32 (A lot of British accents sound like the h is _not pronounced at all_ to American ears.) 07:32 that's because it isn't 07:32 :) 07:32 Ah. 07:33 the segfaults unelatedthough, willlook into it 07:33 That would explain it then. 07:33 other accents add additional h's, or even a mix (i.e. add them if they weren't there, take them away if they were) 07:33 haitches where they shouldn't be or no haitches where they should be causes a lot of anxiety... 07:33 it used to be a class indicator, with the middle class doing h's as spelled, and upper and lower classes doing their own thing 07:33 *cause 07:34 but I'm not sure that's true any more 07:34 it's anything goes... 07:34 ais523: Interesting. 07:34 I don't think American English really has class indicators. Everything's driven more by region and family. 07:35 another possibility is to add and remove n before a leading vowel (which is where h tends to be) 07:35 (Maybe it's that, historically, families have changed class boundaries from one generation to the next as often as not here.) 07:35 probably because it's sliding back and forth between a word and a previous "a"/"an" 07:35 my nuncle 07:35 quite a few words have historically gained or lost an n in their spelling because of that 07:35 I've read that apple used to be napple. 07:36 anyway, h-dropping is one of those accent things which is weird because it shows up in spelling 07:36 the rule behind a/an is whether or not the word starts with a vowel sound, and h is not a vowel, but the vowel after it is… 07:36 so you universally have "in an hour" (silent h in basically every accent), but some people will write "in an helicopter" because they don't pronounce the h 07:37 (and the phrase would be pronounced more like "in a nellycopter") 07:37 * elenmirie wants a ride in a nellycopter 07:38 Hmm, I don't think I've ever heard an American use the h-less helicopter pronunciation. 07:38 that wouldn't surprise me 07:38 Americans do drop the h from herb though 07:38 it's rare even in the UK (but only moderately rare) 07:38 or at least some do 07:39 Yes, the h on herb is _usually_ silent here. 07:39 Usually. 07:39 different words have different levels of h-droppiness 07:41 huh, according to Wikipedia, "it" (the pronoun) used to be "hit" but the h got dropped so regularly it eventually disappeared from the spelling 07:42 Interesting. That must have finished happening before the colonies were founded. 07:43 Because there's no vestige over here of the earlier form. 07:43 apparently it's used for emphasis in a subset of US accents ("hit", that is) 07:43 Huh, really? Which ones? 07:45 south east 07:45 Hmm. 07:45 the distribution's drawn as a map but it's basically everything east of Texas 07:45 [hdf-us] [4k] Tangles (Wiz Syl Fem Cha) reached the bottom of the Mines, on T:4638 07:45 (without being signficantly further north) 07:45 I would _think_ I'd have noticed that. Although really strong deep-south accents are pretty hard for me to decode just in general. 07:46 I'm not sure I believe it, but then I haven't been there 07:46 The things they do to vowels, shouldn't be done. 07:46 I'm not sure I believe it either. 07:46 I've not spent hardly any time in the South, but I've known a number of people who had recently moved north from various southern states. 07:46 Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana. 07:47 (LOTS from Kentucky, but that's its _own_ accent category.) 07:47 * raisse had her first flight in a nellycopter! 07:48 and then it was something like 15 years until I flew in an actual plane 07:49 My first flight was in a Delta jet. The medium-sized kind with two seats on each side of the aisle. 07:51 (I think it was the smallest of the ones that do have four seats per row; the next size down has three seats per row, with an off-center aisle.) 07:52 jonadab: when I traveled to the Carolinas the most prominent accentual feature was pronouncing "get" as "git" 07:52 which was annoying because I was primarily talking to software developers who used git 07:53 lol 07:53 when I was at worldcon I talked to someone who said he had trouble with his nick 07:54 I thought he meant "I want to be called X but everybody calls me Y" but he was from New Zealand, and it was his neck 07:57 aosdict: Umm, wait. Is this a vowel change only, or were they using the affricate g? 07:57 huh, knowing the history of vowel changes over time actually helps explain a lot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Vowel_Shift 07:57 the Great Vowel Shift was mostly complete by 1700 so it affects English on both sides of the Atlantic 07:58 but certain words ended up not shifting for whatever reason, which explains a large number of spelling/pronunciation inconsistencies 07:58 Yeah. 07:58 The GVS is also responsible for a bunch of the "English uses the Latin alphabet very differently from every other language" stuff. 07:59 Like the English long I, for instance, which is a diphthong in every other language. 07:59 it's kind-of bizarre that something like that could happen 07:59 in the course of just 100 years, all the long vowels had changed, and after another 100 years they'd changed again 07:59 That's pretty standard stuff in linguistics. Consonants do it to. 08:00 *too 08:00 Did you know that the English words "hound" and "canine" are from the same Indo-European root, via different paths? 08:00 yes! 08:00 also chase, catch and capture 08:00 (Hound is of course the Germanic version; canine the Centum/Latin one.) 08:01 (not from the same as hound, but the same as each other) 08:01 Interesting, I didn't know that set. 08:01 !tell K2 pushed a fix where if a pet tried to tame its master, the game would crash 08:01 Will do, FIQ! 08:01 But, this one really gets people: "hundred" and "cent" 08:01 FIQ: that's a great cause for a bug 08:01 jonadab: those are more similar than some of the other examples 08:01 (The -red part is from a word that meant count.) 08:02 c- and h- aren't so different, and nd/nt is an obvious similarity in the core 08:02 this should fix @Methuselah 's game 08:02 ais523: I actually had a check for this, but it was done too late 08:02 c- and h- are _extremely_ different NOW, but there are a ton of examples where they come from the same Indo-European consonant. 08:03 chase, catch and capture all come from Latin capio, and all via French but at different times 08:03 jonadab: I'm guessing Welsh ll- was originally the same too? 08:03 Latin and Greek tend to have the k sound, Germanic languages the h. 08:03 ais523: Dunno. Haven't looked at the history of Welsh, other than knowing that it's classified as Celtic. 08:03 that has similarities to both c and h, it's somewhere in between I think 08:03 llan and glen are the same word, basically (though one now means 'parish' and the other 'valley') 08:04 Ok. I was previously unfamiliar with the word llan. 08:04 @mtf see if this fixes your game too once K2 pushes the update, if not I'll have to look into your game too 08:04 jonadab: vowel change only, hard g 08:04 * raisse not only knows some welsh but also has a daughter who is a graduate student in celtic studies 08:04 huh, Welsh ll actually has its own IPA, /ɬ/ 08:05 ais523: I'm not 100% confident that making monsters able to have their own pets was a good idea 08:05 as in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch 08:05 in terms of code stability 08:06 I feel like it has the potential to be like long worms 08:06 it might seem OK but has the potential to lead to an endless source of bugs 08:06 FIQ: I'm considerably less than 100% confident :-) 08:07 this depends on how you visualise pets as working, flavourwise 08:07 * raisse now has a vision of hitting a long worm to generate grid bugs 08:07 raisse: it's a pity that that placename was invented for marketing purposes (and seems to have worked quite well) rather than arising "naturally" 08:07 although it's a great name 08:07 yeah 08:07 that sounds like quite a good strategy, actually 08:07 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:08 a lot more people have heard of that place than would have done if it had a more normal name 08:08 we have Hendrik Ido Ambacht (its actual modern name) which is historically Hendrik Ido Schiltmanskinderen Groot en Klein Sandelinghen Ambacht 08:09 +raisse │ as in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch 08:09 I'm not even going to try to pronounce that 08:09 * ais523 wonders how much they lose from the practical downsides of having such a long name, compared to how much they gain in marketing 08:09 "the big sandy field and the little sandy field belonging to Hendrik and Ido, the knight's children" 08:10 place names are awesome when you dig a bit deeper 08:10 heh, did they each take one field? 08:10 ais523: If only a very small number of places do it, the gains might outweigh the downsides. If more places did it, that would cease to be true. 08:10 although the abbreviation "Llanfair PG" is widely seen in cases where saying the whole thing would be ridiculous 08:10 and "Llanfairpwll" in ordinary daily speech 08:11 btw, I just practiced trying to pronounce a ll and I actually got fairly close, I think 08:11 Then there's the question of what the "correct" pronunciation of a place name is. My mom insists, vehemently, that the sloppy/lazy pronunciation locals use when they aren't thinking about it is the correct one, always. 08:11 I'm voicing it a bit more than I should be but it'd probably be intelligible 08:11 There are still plenty of scattered native american names around the US and Canada, though historically there's been a slow change to anglicized names 08:11 a trick that worked for me when I was learning it: put your tongue as if you're going to say 'l', and without moving it, try to say 's' 08:11 jonadab: there was an edit war on Wikipedia about how to pronounce the local river 08:11 So "muh HICK un" for Mohican, "bsarz" for Bucyrus, "eee tun" for Elizabethtown. 08:12 raisse: oh, you're using the blade of the tongue to block the airflow rather than the tip 08:12 that might be easier 08:12 yes, exactly 08:12 yes, that works better 08:12 aosdict: Oh, we've got a *ton* of Algonguin-derived names in the Midwest. 08:12 (according to Wikipedia they both make the same sound, or at least are allophones) 08:12 it's also the tibetan lh (as in Lhasa) 08:13 we have a street here that's called Lange Bisschopstraat but locals only ever say Lange B 08:13 ok 08:13 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-02-28 08:01 EST: pushed a fix where if a pet tried to tame its master, the game would crash 08:13 strangely, the Korte Bisschopstraat is always called by its ful name 08:13 "Lange B" is clearly an abbreviation, though. 08:13 yes 08:14 Though an argument could be made for "eee-tun" for Elizabethtown being an abbreviation (E town). 08:14 I like "bsarz" 08:15 _Sometimes_ it comes out as "bsarrus", two syllables. 08:15 Or sometime the b is barely audible at all. 09:22 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:31 jonadab: your alchemy post on reddit is the best put together alchemy proposal I've seen that doesn't rely on randomizing anything. Though I'm not sure about the adventurer's capability to chug potions of pure alcohol and have no debilitating effects. 09:34 aosdict: this is an old post, I'm guessing? I haven't seen a recent one on the subject 09:34 losing Wis (outright point loss, not abuse) seems like a plausible long-term effect of drinking alcohol, there are probably short ones too 09:35 (although diluted ethanol gives rather different behaviour to most alcoholic drinks, pure ethanol probably even more so) 09:36 ais523: yes from 2016 09:39 I thought drinking pure alcohol would do things like dehydrate your tissues and cause severe damage to your stomach lining 09:40 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:42 aosdict: Drinking pure alcohol is inadvisable, but so is drinking a potion of confusion, if you don't have a unicorn horn handy. 09:42 Also: people do it. 09:42 They're insane, clearly. But they do it. 09:42 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:42 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:42 Or close enough (e.g., 180 proof). 09:43 the main effect of concentrated ethanol that doesn't occur with less concentrated ethanol appears to be nausea/vomiting 09:43 of course you get all the normal effects of having drunk that much ethanol, too (drunkenness, unconciousness, liver damage…) 09:43 oh, amnesia too 09:43 apart from liver damage, most of these effects already exist in NetHack 09:43 Umm, nausea vomiting occurs with much lower concentrations, including beer, if you drink a lot of it. 09:44 I guess 09:44 Famously so. You can threaten people with having to clean the bathrooms near a beer garden. 09:44 Eww. 09:44 apparently the stomach damage is because ethanol makes the stomach believe there's protein to digest even when there isn't 09:45 Oh? Interesting. 09:45 so it rather stresses the stomach's own internal protections to prevent it digesting itself (given that the body is mostly made of protein…) 09:45 I just sort of assumed it was because the stomach wasn't designed to digest strong solvents (other than water, which doesn't really count as strong in a biology context since everything is built around it). 09:47 the stomach doesn't digest water 09:47 the average lethal dose of ethanol for humans hasn't been accurately measured (presumably for ethical reasons) but is believed to be around half a litre 09:48 I don't think it does anything to alcohol either 09:49 the only alcohol-digesting enzyme in a human is alcohol dehydrogenase, which is mostly found in the liver 09:49 I'm assuming that alcohol ends up in the bloodstream pretty quickly, on the basis that ethanol and water dissolve in each other 09:50 (they're both pretty strong solvents so that's not surprising) 09:50 water even dissolves in itself, although not very well 09:51 (which is the reason why the pH of water is an arbitrary-looking value like 7 rather than a round number) 09:51 can't something like that be figured out without, you know, killing a person? 09:52 FIQ: usually, it's determined by killing mice. but as usual, that's only an approximation. to be certain, you have to verify with humans. 09:53 Yes, alcohol tends to end up in the bloodstream quickly. 09:53 there are of course lots of reports of humans that get into ER with lots of alcohol in their system, but that's not a properly controlled group 09:53 Although there are ways to retard this, e.g., by having a stomach full of fatty foods at the time. 09:53 Or dissolving gelatin in the alcohol. 09:54 FIQ: LD50 is a statistic. The only way to really measure it is experimentally. 09:54 And yeah, you can guesstimate it by pure observation, but it's uncontrolled and not perfectly precise. 09:56 likewise, we don't know the lethal dose of sugar. it's only estimated to be a truckloadful 10:03 Sounds about right. 10:04 Probably depends on exactly how fast you scarf it down. 10:04 If you eat at a normal pace, your body's going to digest a lot of it before you get anywhere near lethal dose. 10:04 Actually, I'm not sure how you'd stay awake long enough to eat a lethal dose of sugar. 10:05 Eating really large amounts of it tends to make you sleepy. 10:05 I suppose you could rig up an IV. 10:05 hmm, I wonder… adrenaline tends to make you more awake, so it's not surprising that insulin (an approximate opposite) would tend to make you sleepier 10:06 and high blood sugar levels would naturally tend to provoke insulin levels to rise to try to counter them 10:11 the LD50 of water is surprisingly low. only 90ml/kg. of course, drinking 6-8 liter in a short enough time is difficult 10:13 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 10:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 10:14 That's only a couple of gallons. 10:14 bhaak: it normally only happens when people have been taking illegal drugs, that can confuse their body's idea of how thirsty they are 10:14 but it's a real problem then 10:15 some nightclubs serve free isotonic drinks rather than water in order to avoid the risk of water poisoning 10:15 Wouldn't isotonic drinks taste pretty nasty? 10:15 Though I suppose you could always sell non-free other drinks :-) 10:16 no? they're frequently used in sports 10:16 yeah, there were some cases when the ecstasy drug was all the rage 10:16 they don't normally taste /great/ but it's not necessarily worse than water, after all the solute can be pretty much anything (that's safe for humans to eat) 10:16 Huh. 10:17 and they're sold in shops for the general public to buy 10:17 I think Lucozade Sport is the best known brand name over here, although there are others 10:19 IIRC most brands use glucose as a major component of the solute because they're assuming that you're doing heavy exercise 10:19 (on the basis that the main use for isotonic drinks is to avoid water poisoning in a situation when you're becoming highly dehydrated for other reasons) 10:19 (and thus need to drink something to counter the dehydration, but also that you're likely to be burning a lot of energy) 10:20 I thought the main reason was to replace salt & other electrolytes 10:20 and maybe some glucose for "energy" and flavour 10:21 but otherwise they are no better at rehydration than good old water 10:21 Ah, ok, glucose. 10:21 Yes, if you put a ton of sugar in, you can make almost anything palatable. 10:21 Grasshopper: my understanding is that they're not any better at rehydration itself, but have fewer side effects than water does in situations where you might be drinking a lot 10:22 you can get the same effect via a mix of water and food, but a) that's not always possible while doing a long period of strenuous activity (marathons, etc.), and b) getting the proportions right can be awkward 10:22 ais523, maybe 10:23 generally with marathons the idea is to get water frequently and in small amounts 10:23 bystanders/supporters will often give competitors cups of water to drink and throw as they go 10:23 it's nearly always actually some isotonic drink, not water 10:24 at the official drinking stations, at least 10:24 (in high-end competitions each competitor will have their own, which causes some awkward logistical issues) 10:24 mostly water during the race, isotonics at break stations but marathon runners have special considerations 10:25 eg running out of water, salt, glucose and neurotransmitters 10:25 Do they actually stop at the stations? I was thinking they grabbed a drink on the way past, drank it, and tossed it in a trashcan conveniently provided at the next turn or whatever. 10:25 so isotonics have special place for them 10:25 they don't stop for more than half a second or so 10:25 yeah 10:26 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 10:27 * jonadab contemplates the question of just how long a footrace it would be possible to get athletes to compete in. 10:27 Can we convince them to run from New York to Los Angeles? 10:29 jonadab: it happened, in 1929: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultramarathon#North_America 10:29 although apparently it wasn't very successful 10:29 Eep. I can imagine not. 10:30 apparently there's a modern race which is even longer, but it's just 5000 laps around a single block in New York 10:30 err, New York state, not the city 10:30 That sounds REALLY boring. 10:30 there was a Sydney-Melbourne running race in AUstralia 10:30 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sydney_to_Melbourne_Ultramarathon 10:31 "repetition 2941 and it looks the same as ever" 10:31 1983-1991 10:31 875km 10:31 most famously won by a 61yo potato farmer 10:31 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 10:33 Extreme biathalon: run from Tiera Del Fuego up to Columbia, swim across the Gulf of Mexico to Florida, run again, then swim the Bering strait... 10:33 Race finishes in Lisbon! 10:34 Maybe it could be a triathalon, and you're allowed to ride a bike across Asia. 10:34 at least it's probably easier than swimming the Atlantic 10:35 although biking through Siberia seems awkward, so maybe you'd want a more southerly route 10:35 Swimming the Atlantic... tell me no fool has actually seriously attempted that. 10:36 I seriously doubt it 10:36 the Bering strait's almost certainly been done, though, it's not that far at the closest point so the main issue would be temperature 10:36 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynne_Cox 10:38 hmm, apparently she swam it much faster than she swam the English Channel, which also isn't all that large as these things go 10:39 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:46 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 10:49 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 10:52 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:57 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 11:11 Right, straits like that are feasible. 11:12 For a serious athlete. 11:12 The Atlantic... doesn't really have any points narrow enough to be safe to attempt. 11:13 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 11:13 Among other things, the distance is such that it's not reasonable to stay awake the whole time. And sleeping while swimming the open ocean does not strike me as a good idea. 11:15 I'm not saying it _couldn't_ be done, but you'd have to be a loon (or extremely desperate) to try it. 11:20 !rng play slex | play Nethack Fourk 11:20 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-02-27 11:26 EST: add to slex plz: https://pastebin.com/ag9NzE08 11:20 LarienTelrunya: play Nethack Fourk 11:21 !tell riker thanks, those will go into the random messages pool :) 11:21 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 11:21 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:46043 11:21 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:46044 11:24 -!- FredrIQ has joined #hardfought 11:24 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o FredrIQ] by ChanServ 11:24 -!- earenndil has quit [*.net *.split] 11:24 -!- FIQ has quit [*.net *.split] 11:24 -!- FredrIQ is now known as FIQ 11:27 !tell riker thanks for making the role/race list for slex; some recently added ones are missing though :P salamander for example, and probably the others from commit fa7b9e8 as well 11:27 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 11:40 <@riker> oh, really? 11:40 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-02-28 11:21 EST: thanks, those will go into the random messages pool :) 11:40 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-02-28 11:27 EST: thanks for making the role/race list for slex; some recently added ones are missing though :P salamander for example, and probably the others from commit fa7b9e8 as well 11:40 <@riker> I took it from role.c 11:40 <@riker> is the default branch not up to date 11:47 riker: the master branch is up to date 11:47 <@riker> hm 11:47 <@riker> I took that list from src/role.c 11:48 <@riker> and just regex'd it to bits 11:48 <@riker> iirc I just took all matches of {\t{"(.+?)" 11:49 well, maybe you do have an old role.c; grep it for "levelscaler" 11:49 if that's not there then it's not up to date 11:49 <@riker> I had that 11:49 <@riker> I copied this from the github >_> 11:50 https://pastebin.com/raw/uShsaBdi does not have levelscaler though 11:50 <@riker> didn't use that 11:50 <@riker> I took that from a diff place 11:50 <@riker> I realized that wasn't right 11:50 oh, so the actual list used by Beholder does have it? 11:50 <@riker> iirc that was from the role/racial techs/abilities, I realized some don't have those, 11:50 <@riker> probably 11:50 !race amy's weird thing 11:50 LarienTelrunya: No variant amy's on server. 11:50 <@riker> yep 11:50 <@riker> !race amy's-weird-thing 11:50 @riker: sinner 11:51 <@riker> :D 11:51 !race shitty meme form simulator 2018 11:51 LarienTelrunya: No variant shitty on server. 11:51 ugh, wanted to type "fork simulator" 11:51 <@riker> aw shit 11:51 anyway, dinner's ready, bbl 11:51 <@riker> it has the right ones 11:51 <@riker> but some are overriden since I screwed up with names 11:53 <@riker> k2: if you get a chance can you merge another beholder PR? :( 11:53 <@riker> damnit amy 11:58 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:02 well slex is a WIP, it is to be expected that new stuff gets added :D 12:02 still bbl because dishes 12:02 <@riker> larien: no it's that all your races start with the same 3 characters 12:02 <@riker> gremlin - green slime, monkey - monster, etc. 12:14 @riker yeah i'll have a look soon 12:14 <@riker> ty 12:21 back! riker: oh, hmm... go by the three-letter abbreviations then? ;) 12:21 <@riker> >_> 12:22 <@riker> the problem is I had to read through your list of like 300 roles/races and figure out which ones had the same 3 characters 12:22 <@riker> and I still can't find my fucking glasses >_< 12:28 <@riker> update: found my glasses now slex is 2% easier to read 12:28 riker: be glad you don't have to read mapglyph.c instead :P 12:29 <@riker> F L E E C Y 12:30 yaaaaaaaaaaaay! ♥ (too bad webchat doesn't let me write fleecy-colored messages) 12:31 <@riker> holy crap this is amazing dnh lets healers start withs staves 12:31 <@riker> no more early shitty weapon! 12:34 Fourk: Who the hell thought it was a good idea to first give a direction prompt and then say "April Fool, you do not have enough energy to cast this spell!"??? WTF 12:38 !tell jonadab wtf, I F-attacked in a direction while wearing my blindfold, but despite hitting something, no I marker appears! WTF 12:38 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 12:43 Why does the autotravel command travel around this boulder outside of Sokoban, yet when I tried to autotravel inside Sokoban it pushed the boulder despite a very obvious way around it existed??? 12:43 <@riker> YASI: autotravel in soko solves soko for you 12:49 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 12:49 You hear a mysterious voice say "You must have permission to descend." <--- screw you too Lord Sato, I hope Ashikaga Takauji bisects you one day! 12:50 stupid satanic quest permission requirement! 12:52 <@riker> !whereis larien 12:52 @riker: [hdf-us] larien is not currently playing on this server. 12:52 <@riker> !whereis larientelrunya 12:52 @riker: [hdf-us] larientelrunya is not currently playing on this server. 12:52 <@riker> !whereis amybso 12:52 @riker: [hdf-us] amybso is not currently playing on this server. 12:52 my account is "AmyBSOD" on this server 12:52 <@riker> !whereis amybsod 12:52 @riker: [hdf-us] amybsod is not currently playing on this server. 12:52 @riker: [hdf-eu] AmyBSOD [4k]: (Sam Hum Fem Law) T:7351 The Dungeons of Doom level: 16 12:52 <@riker> I can't spell or remember 12:52 <@riker> //shrug 12:53 so I do have one potion of gain level, but of course there's the huuuuuuge alignment record problem and the fourk developer said samurai intentionally have no way of gaining alignment because the Amy shall be screwed over :P 12:53 <@riker> wait do you not get alignment for killing stuff 12:53 nope, this is Nethack Fourk, also known as screwhack :( 12:54 I'd yet to succeed in getting permission for the quest in Fourk even once 12:55 tried the last couple Junethack's and always failed because of the alignment issue, then dived for the castle in desperation and died to the outerspace crap that spawns there 12:55 <@riker> altar farm? 12:55 already got Snickersnee, what else should I farm for? 12:55 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:55 <@riker> ALL 12:55 <@riker> but seriously frost brand? 12:56 hahahahahahahahahaha yeah sure because it's so much fun to destroy every last potion of full healing or gain level 12:56 <@riker> that is true 12:57 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 12:59 <@kritixilithos> what does the "bloated" status effect mean? 12:59 it's what would be satiated in vanilla, but in fourk you cannot overeat, you slow down instead 13:00 LarienTelrunya: eventually I'm going to finish this religion alignment proposal, and then implement it, and you will be yelling at me too 13:00 aosdict: put xnethack on a server, *then* the yelling will commence :P 13:00 you'll see huge Amystorms and there shall be dozens after dozens of messages added to slex! 13:00 LarienTelrunya: That's typo protection from NH4, actually: you can safely cancel the spell at the direction prompt, no penalty. 13:00 jonadab: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-02-28 12:38 EST: wtf, I F-attacked in a direction while wearing my blindfold, but despite hitting something, no I marker appears! WTF 13:01 jonadab: ah. It was just weird since in vanilla you'd know right away whether you got the spell off. 13:01 Yeah, but in vanilla if you use Esc to cancel, you can die. 13:01 Or kill your pet. 13:01 Or whatever. 13:02 also, this stack of non-BUC-IDed shuriken stacked with my BUC-IDed one, why can't non-enchantment-known stuff stack with enchantment-known stuff too? Players would love that feature! 13:02 That would have quite substantial balance implications that I would have to think through. 13:02 ah, so you wanted to remove the "nope, escaping out of a spell prompt doesn't do what you think it would" gotcha 13:03 I think it was coppro's change, actually, or maybe ais; but I agree with it. 13:03 also, did you look at FIQ's change to corridorbranch? will it make its way into Fourk? 13:04 Fourk will eventually be rebased onto FIQHack. 13:04 But that is going to be probably _after_ 13:04 oh, right, and it will be a sad day 13:04 I may " 13:04 I may "adjust" some of his changes if I particularly disagree with them. 13:05 Such as the monsters reading genocide thing. 13:05 What did he do to corridorbranch? 13:05 I'll miss the old Nethack Fourk where monsters only use items they're supposed to use :( 13:05 And why do you disagree with it? 13:06 if monsters use scrolls of identify, enchant weapon etc., it changes the entire game, since you always have to race to any potentially useful item so that no monster wastes the enchant weapon scroll on a +0 crude dagger or something 13:06 https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/commit/650061cb4da34173a667731ab362fe399adb71e1 13:06 LarienTelrunya: I do fully agree with Fourk's philosophy re alignment record: you shouldn't be able to cheese away alignment record losses by wandering around and murdering some monsters. 13:07 aosdict: you filthy heretic! :P what are you supposed to do? altar farm for 100k turns straight until you finally get enough unicorns to sacrifice? 13:07 why force the player to do boring, repetitive shit to gain back a few points of alignment? 13:07 <@riker> easy solution 13:07 <@riker> any alingment penalties anger your god 13:08 * LarienTelrunya knocks at Lord Sato's castle and screams "LET ME IN YOU ****** ******" 13:08 <@riker> 2 is probably curse items 13:08 LarienTelrunya: Ideally, there should be many more ways to affect your alignment record positively, which make sense with your role and alignment. 13:08 <@riker> 3 in a row is lighting bolt/ minion 13:08 <@riker> 4 is DEATH FROM ABOVE 13:08 <@kritixilithos> or disintegration beam 13:08 <@riker> that is what I said 13:09 LarienTelrunya: while I agree with the philosophy, I don't agree with any implementation that forces you to altar farm for unicorns, to be clear. 13:09 aosdict: But there aren't. Nethack Fourk was all about "hey, let's make this thing give a huge alignment penalty! hey, let's make that thing give -50 too! oh, and let's make sure you can't easily gain alignment by killing monsters!" But it completely forgot the "err... we do also need a way for the player to actually gain alignment" part. 13:10 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 13:10 So, yeah, I guess it succeeded in the goal of making alignment record matter. It matters insofar as that you can commit sudoku or hari kari if you lose even one point of alignment. 13:10 @riker: I still like the solution of making no-alignment-loss a conduct 13:10 that way it's really relevant for people who care, and irrelevant for people who don't 13:11 And I'm still convinced the nonexistance for a way to gain alignment as samurai specifically (most other Fourk roles have a way, obscure as it might be for some roles, e.g. ranger has to go completely out of his way, but at least it's possible in theory), was meant as a big fat slap in the Amy's face followed by a punch in the kidneys. :P 13:12 <@riker> yep 13:12 Oooh, @riker, I kind of like that. 13:12 <@riker> the rest of nethack is conspiring against you 13:12 I mean, it's Evil, but in a good kind of way. 13:12 (cue my roommate saying "Nope, Amy, you're not paranoid at all. They're really after you.) 13:13 <@riker> say hi to your roomate for me lol 13:13 (Turning alignment record penalties into divine anger, that is. Just nuke alignment record entirely and replace it with the existing anger mechanic. Solved.) 13:13 <@riker> ^ 13:13 I can see a really good argument for making them Luck penalties 13:13 especially given the fact that those are a) highly relevant in the short term but b) time out in the long term 13:13 LarienTelrunya: does a donation of 600×level work in Fourk? 13:14 nobody ever does that one in vanilla because it's pointless but the effect would be much more useful in Fourk 13:14 LarienTelrunya: Actually, the reason Samurai and Knights have harder alignment-record-gain than other roles is mainly because they're the ones with alignment conducts (chivalry, bushido) that are supposed to govern how they're played, which everyone ignores in vanilla. 13:14 I want different roles to actually _be different_. 13:14 <@kritixilithos> or permanent reduced base luck 13:15 So mechanics thgat would differentiate them, which everyone was ignoring, are highly relevant to Fourk's mission. 13:15 -!- that_guy has joined #hardfought 13:16 <@kritixilithos> in which case players will think twice before doing anything that could make their alignment record go down 13:16 jonadab: Yeah, I guess I should just accept that you want to nerf the samurai to oblivion (it's the Best Role™ in vanilla after all). 13:16 hello is the guy that made nethack fourk here 13:16 I want to congratulate him 13:17 lol that_guy :P 13:17 that_guy: yes, jonadab is here and actually spoke just before you joined :-) 13:18 that_guy: we were just talking about fourk actually 13:18 good lads 13:18 Yes, LarienTelrunya was just berating me for Samurai not being completely OP in Fourk. 13:18 but I honestly just wanted to drop that stinger and leave really 13:18 you have fun 13:20 jonadab: You know what would be interesting, combining your proposal's idea to put alignment record on an exercise/abuse system with nuking alignment record and replacing it with divine anger. 13:20 YANI: ^ 13:20 LarienTelrunya: Hmm, do you think corridor branch _should_ apply when traveling, or not? 13:20 -!- that_guy has quit [Client Quit] 13:20 aosdict: Umm, how would THAT work? 13:20 jonadab: The corridor branch option is *very* confusingly worded. Just apply FIQ's commit, I think it does the right thing :D 13:20 Exercise/abuse divine anger? 13:20 ais523: I don't like the idea of turning alignment record penalties into luck. 13:20 jonadab: Yes, basically. 13:21 [hdf-us] [4k] WhereIsMyChocolate (Ssach) (Cav Orc Fem Cha), 4335 points, T:631, killed by a kitten 13:21 _Some_ of the alignment record penalties could be turned into luck, perhaps, but I think doing that with all of them would be very strange flavor. 13:21 Also, some of them wouldn't fit. 13:21 e.g. the -15 penalty for killing your quest leader. 13:22 isn't the penalty for that big enough anyway? 13:22 at least, if you do it pre-Bell 13:22 LarienTelrunya: If FIQHack does it right, Fourk will _eventually_ pick that up in rebalance. 13:22 ais523: True. 13:22 I thought the killing quest leader penalty is -ALIGNMAX/2 or something. 13:22 *rebase 13:23 aosdict: Oh, is it? Ok, whatever it is. 13:23 "eventually"... so I guess you want me to actually playtest FIQhack to see whether it does it right? *sigh* 13:23 My point was some of the penalties won't fit into the -10 to +10 luck range. 13:23 Sure. 13:23 LarienTelrunya: You can play any variant you want. Even slex, if you are so inclined. 13:23 jonadab: Yes, but I'm playing fourk now. Thought you might be interested in getting feedback so you can improve it. :P 13:24 I like the concept that there are some changes too evil for even LarienTelrunya 13:24 But I disagree with the whole idea of turning alignment-based bonuses or penalties into luck ones, regardless of whether you change their amount. 13:24 LarienTelrunya: Sure. But some things are already planned. 13:25 jonadab: why do you plan so much? please actually implement some of the planned stuff! *bundlebundlebundle* 13:25 And others require thought. Still deciding what to do with the enchantment stacking. 13:25 (known-and-unknown otherwise-same enchantment, I mean) 13:26 ais523: How do you feel about the notion of making unknown-pluszero items stack with known-pluszero ones when picked up? 13:26 jonadab: I can see multiple arguments in favour of stacking identical items under any circumstance, and the arguments against seem much weaker 13:26 (And similarly for +1, +2, etc.) 13:26 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 13:27 ais523: What's the strongest argument _against_ that you can think of? 13:27 that it encourages carrying round items with a range of different enchantments for use as measuring sticks, increasing pathological inventory management behaviour 13:27 there are arguments against something that would be an obvious QoL improvement? 13:27 My position on this up to this point has been mostly "I need to think through the implications on that" 13:28 ais523: Hmm. That is fairly weak, given that, frankly, I wouldn't ever bother carrying around a -1 item for that reason. 13:28 ais523: the alternative is to force players to do pathological identify scroll management to ID everything 13:28 (which is what vanilla does) 13:28 LarienTelrunya: I did say it was a fairly weak argument 13:28 +1 possibly, in some circumstances. But those you might carry around anyway. 13:28 <@riker> tl;dr; shit is fucked give up on alignment 13:28 (e.g., +1 daggers) 13:29 <@riker> and indentification 13:29 flavour is another argument against – it's awkward to flavour – but it's not impossible 13:29 come to think of it, I can see a big argument in favour of treating enchantments like randomized appearances 13:29 if I were male I could get out my measuring stick :P 13:29 <@riker> you can always make that only -1, +1, and +0 stack 13:29 <@riker> or maybe just +0 13:29 once you've seen one +1 longsword you recognise all +1 longswords from that point onwards 13:29 <@riker> (stack when un-id'ed I mean) 13:29 @riker identification is mostly pretty good in NetHack. There was recently a thread on /r/roguelikes about identification game, and at least three different people specifically brought up NetHack as a rare example of a game that actually gets it right, more or less. 13:30 <@riker> huh 13:30 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:30 ais523: Hmm, THAT is an interesting line of reasoning. 13:30 IMHO there's just too few ways to ID weapon enchantment. For armor it's a non-issue, just slip it on. I really like that Fourk allows high skill levels to appraise weapons. 13:30 that'd actually have really positive effects on the ID game, because as soon as you saw an unIDed longsword you'd know that something important was up with it 13:30 sort of like glowing items in Crawl except it naturally scales throughout the game 13:30 LarienTelrunya: you could always try hitting things with it and seeing how fast they die 13:30 (this is actually a valid way to ID armour in the early game) 13:31 <@riker> !who 13:31 @riker: [hdf-us] naeroon [fh] DemoBot [nh] Ssach [4k] 13:31 @riker: [hdf-eu] elenmirie [nd] AmyBSOD [4k] 13:31 <@riker> !whereis naeroon 13:31 @riker: [hdf-us] naeroon [fh]: (Val Dwa Fem Law) T:14957 The Dungeons of Doom level: 9 13:31 ais523: yes, but then I read blessed enchant weapon and again won't know, is it +5 now or already +6? can I read another or will I be screwed? 13:31 oh, you mean setting the formal ID flag 13:31 there's rarely a reason to make enchanting an item not enchant-ID it at the same time 13:32 <@riker> does vanilla/nh4 have the "hit 100 monsters with this and you ID the enchantement) 13:32 It doesn't in vanilla, would be the big reason. So players don't expect it. 13:32 @riker That's Brogue. 13:32 <@riker> .s/)/"/ 13:32 in AceHack (and probably HH4?), ?oCharging will charge-ID the items it charges, mostly to prevent you having to write a reminder to yourself that it's been recharged 13:32 And it's kill 20 13:32 <@riker> jonadab: I know brogue does 13:32 <@riker> I think slashem or something has it tho 13:32 I think Angband did it first? not sure 13:32 it's one of those mechanics which is all over the place 13:32 Fourk has something related, but it's skill-based, and a percentage chance each time. 13:33 (The percentage is higher at higher skill.) 13:35 but the only reason it works in Brogue is that being able to kill monsters is on a clock due to limited monster gen rates and limited food 13:35 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:35 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 13:39 The magic missile bounces! The magic missile hits you! But it is disrupted by your medallion! You are caught in the magical blast! 13:40 ^^ great, now I can no longer safely zap that wand because my skill has gone up and therefore the amulet of reflection does jack diddly, I ♥ the wand destruction patch 13:41 zapping wands of lightning at point blank range is "teh meme" now 13:43 EPI for fourk: wands of lightning can fry your amulet of reflection (or life saving or whatever), just to spite you. 13:43 FIQ: Shouldn't _your own rays_ not bypass your reflection? 13:43 FIQ should just cut his losses and accept that everything about the wand destruction patch is a bad idea :P (no I'm not salty at all :P) 13:44 I can see an argument for being able to tone down your wand skill and intentionally use a wand less expertly 13:44 (although, of course, you could just not upgrade wands) 13:44 ais523: if you don't upgrade wands, then the wand of teleportation just flat out doesn't work (except in situations where you'd use a scroll of teleportation instead) 13:45 you could bless it 13:45 also, are death fields still a thing? 13:45 IMHO no skill should make things worse for you if you increase it. I also strongly dislike what vanilla does to cone of cold/fireball. 13:47 Does 3.6 still have the fireball-from-beyond-a-wall thing? 13:47 Of course, increasing dagger to expert might be bad if you want to pudding farm with a thoroughly corroded -7 dagger, but that's a corner case; for all normal intents and purposes, increasing dagger skill has no drawbacks. Increasing the skill associated with cone of cold, though, prevents you from using it on Water because "lol u noob". 13:48 you can curse wands 13:49 to downgrade the skill 13:50 anyway, I'm experiencing a bit of confusion because normally I see people complaining that LarienTelrunya's variant is unfair rather than the other way round 13:50 and it's hard to get adjusted to this new way of doing things 13:50 ais523: you just weren't around during Junethack, I bitched about every single non-slex variant :P 13:51 ais523: only LarienTelrunya is reversed 13:51 <@kritixilithos> what about a cursed robe to lower the skill level of the spell you are casting? In which case you should be able to use cone of cold rays even when skilled at attack spells 13:54 ooh, something had a wand of meme (i.e. lightning) and didn't zap it at me! :P 13:55 YANI: a command that's purely a bad idea to use, and has a confirmation "This is a bad idea. Do it anyway? (y/n)" and is included in the command list just to see how many people will try it 13:55 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 13:55 ais523: #die ? 13:55 jonadab: Oh come on, why does the wand of speed not identify when I see a troll zapping himself? Even in vanilla it would be identified in the process. 13:56 LarienTelrunya: That _should_ auto-ID the wand, if you see the troll speed up when he zaps himself. 13:56 The ice troll zaps herself with a steel wand! The ice troll is suddenly moving faster. D - a steel wand. 13:56 jonadab: that's basically #quit 13:57 I'm thinking more along the lines of a command that gives you an intrinsic that makes the game harder 13:57 LarienTelrunya: Hmm, interesting. 13:57 ais523: Ah, so a command to give yourself, say, permanent greasy fingers? 13:57 come to think of it, #pray is very similar in the first few turns of a game 13:57 it has the confirmation and everything 13:58 <@kritixilithos> #blaspheme to make your deity permanently angry at you 13:58 Oooh, heh. 14:01 YANI: new tracked conduct, "You did not enhance any of your skills." 14:02 jonadab: You and your stupid meme island nymphs. 14:02 Did one of your items get stolen? 14:03 heh 14:03 Did she warp to a completely random place on the level? 14:03 I like the idea of them 14:03 You made it so they teleport around even when they don't steal something! And I thought "ah, there she is" but it was really the peaceful tengu and now the game is unwinnable because I lost alignment! 14:03 3.4.3 nymphs can also teleport at random. Watch with telepathy on a level that has one sometime. 14:04 LarienTelrunya: you arelawful... 14:05 yeah, I know, I lost the game 14:05 neutral is the bad one alignment wise 14:05 why? 14:05 lawful has tons of ways to get alignment 14:06 what?! 14:06 easiest is to untrap monsters 14:06 "easiest"... go out of my way and hope a monster stumbles into a random beartrap, by waiting nearby for 5000 turns 14:07 if you are just going to whine, then sure the game s unwnnable I guess 14:07 doesn't a 600×xlevel donation reset alignment to 0 if it's negative? only it's on a timer and you can't do it very often 14:07 Fourk has actually taken steps to eliminate _unwinnable_ scenarios. 14:07 yeah but I need +20 alignment 14:07 it does 14:08 but how does that help 14:08 you need 20 14:08 jonadab: what? can I win the game by killing the quest leader before gaining admission? 14:08 ONe of the very earliest things I did was to give Rodney an attack that changes your alignment if you aren't pious. 14:08 More recently, converting yourself on a cross-aligned altar is not irreversible. 14:08 that sounds counterproductive if coaligned 14:08 If you can find an altar of your starting alignment, you can convert back. 14:09 jonadab: please consider making it so that unihorns only fix stat points if you have no other troubles, thx 14:09 And you can _create_ an altar of your starting alignment by reading a scroll of consecration on quest home. 14:09 what does that scroll do elsewhere? 14:09 random 14:09 LarienTelrunya: I am thinking of making them NOT fix attribute drain at all, only status conditions. 14:09 jonadab: "You destroy the demilich! Something's body crumbles into dust." I clearly saw the demilich. 14:10 ais523: In Gehennom, it creates an altar to Moloch. 14:10 Elsewhere, generally a cross-aligned altar. 14:10 If confused, a magic chest. 14:10 LarienTelrunya: I thought we'd killed that bug, darnit. 14:10 Specifically, I thought the dead-monster rewrite that ais did a while back fixed that. 14:10 in the TAS WIP our alignment gets so negative it took some time to fix even with vanilla mechanics 14:11 ais523: That was an extreme situation. 14:11 well, yes 14:11 And even then, "some time" meant clearing a couple of (admittedly rather crowded) levels full of monsters. 14:11 back 14:11 it was just the Castle 14:11 Castle and Valley, IIRC. 14:11 but there are a lot of monsters in the Castle 14:11 nah, the valley was before the massive alignment loss 14:11 (which was a consequence of a glitch that required us to repeatedly kill our pet) 14:12 LarienTelrunya: jonadab: the bug was not killed, no 14:12 it is a pretty simple issue 14:12 jonadab: the heck, young dragons are now an inverted question mark??? 14:12 NH4 assumes you can't see dead monsters 14:12 NH3 assumes you can 14:13 this actually caused a bug with the FIQHack Cleaver port in NH3 14:13 LarienTelrunya: Tell your terminal to Unicode, or switch to the legacy tileset. 14:13 because FIQHack has a check if you can see a monster before attacking it with Cleaver 14:13 which implies that said monster isn't dead 14:13 the implication isn't there in NH3 14:14 aww, apparently there's no way to speed up the sparkle animation in fourk (feature request) 14:14 right, ¿ is how libuncursed displays a character that isn't in the character set the terminal uses 14:14 I haven't addressed this in FIQHack (the vision thing) because I wasn't sure if this assumption was changed for a good reason or not 14:14 presumably jonadab decided to use a character outside IBM437 14:14 LarienTelrunya: change the tileset to "enhanced" 14:14 not unicode 14:15 there is no tileset named "enhanced" 14:15 ais523: Fourk introduces a Unicode tileset that uses diacritics to differentiate the five ages of dragons. 14:15 LarienTelrunya: "legacy" 14:15 well now it looks like a D 14:15 The tileset that NH4 calls Unicode is called Legacy in Fourk. 14:15 [hdf-us] [nh] pavelek (Val Hum Fem Law), 5518 points, T:2261, killed by a winter wolf cub, while helpless 14:15 And yes, some of the different ages of D look the same in it. 14:15 yes 14:15 that is how it's supposed to look 14:15 will altars look differently now? I got used to them being an omega in fourk 14:15 in the legacy tileset 14:15 LarienTelrunya: no, basically 14:15 unicode uses a few (very few) unicode characters 14:16 Altars should be underscore? 14:16 Unless I am missing something. 14:16 jonadab: use a real tileset 14:16 omega altars comes from some other variant 14:16 maybe Nitro 14:16 jonadab: in all the nh4-based variants, altars are omegas for some reasons 14:16 Why the heck would altars be omega? 14:16 LarienTelrunya: ...those display as ¿ for non-unicode-enabled terminals 14:16 Is that an NH4 change I wasn't aware of? 14:16 FIQ: I can see the omegas, yet that dragon was a ¿ 14:16 all other tiles, those that don't display as ¿ 14:16 are the same in legacy 14:16 that's because capital omega is in IBM437 14:17 YASI: if you bump into a ¿ your kart flies up in the air and falls back down 14:17 jonadab: ...yes, and it is a *good* change 14:17 LarienTelrunya: in the DS version it just tumbles in place a bit 14:17 which is much less interesting 14:17 please don't remove it 14:17 ais523: heh, I grew up with Mario Kart 64, played the hell out of it when I was younger ;) 14:17 the N64 version is kind-of infamous for particularly over-the-top effects on being hit by an item 14:17 Well, it doesn't happen in ASCII, so whatever. ASCII is the tileset I _really_ care about :-) 14:18 jonadab: you don't even play with joined-up walls? joined-up menu borders? 14:18 it's also infamous for the AI to be very cheater, it only gets the over-the-top effect if you can see them getting hit by the item, otherwise they only lose a split second 14:18 ais523: I play with ASCII. 14:18 Prefer it. 14:18 ais523: MK8 made the effects very minor in general, probably due to the repeated complaints over the years 14:18 fair enough 14:18 they also added an invulnerability period, probably to avoid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2muOSktFFzE 14:18 in MKDS you can normally dodge blue shells if you're very precise with the timing 14:18 and of course everyone loves Mario Kart's goddamn rubberband AI, because the programmers are just too bad to make an AI that is actually good :P 14:18 reds, too, but the strategy is different 14:19 (greens were always dodgable if you knew what you were doing) 14:19 heck, in MK64 they can't even use green/red/blue tanks or mushrooms! there's only few items that they can use 14:19 The only Mario Kart I've played is Mario Kart Wii. Which I am unaccountably much better at than would normally be expected for a non-turn-based game. 14:19 LarienTelrunya: only N64 had really bad rubberband AI 14:19 actually, what I really miss is the backwards reds from the GBA version 14:19 FIQ: super mario kart had it too 14:19 those were creative and clever 14:19 they kept the rubberbanding in some of the later games, but it wasn't nearly as bad as in N64 14:19 especially in battle mode 14:20 aww, how I'd have loved it if they had coded an AI for battle mode in MK64! 14:20 FIQ: some racing games are even worse 14:20 how was GBA backwards reds? 14:20 ais523: F-zero GP legend for GBA is even worse than N64 mario kart 14:20 the F-Zero games, for example, don't even record the position of the enemy cars unless they're near you 14:20 You literally can't get away from the AI 14:20 GBA backwards reds don't move, until someone gets near 14:20 then they immediately aim for that person 14:20 take a ridiculous unintentional shortcut, they'll be right behind you anyway 14:20 The Wii version has a rubber band mechanic that even players can use, _to an extent_, in the form of the bullet. But it only works well on tracks that don't have strong shortcuts, and it doesn't get you all the way to the front, just back in the game. 14:20 ais523: ah, interesting 14:21 the radius of setting them off is about ⅓ the width of a typical track 14:21 better than "go in a straight line" 14:21 -!- oh6_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:21 jonadab: in the DS version it can get you to the front near the start of the race, but not if you're really far behind 14:21 ais523: Crash Nitro Kart for the PS2 had an item that worked like that 14:21 There's also a reverse rubberband, in the form of a flying shell that always hits the leader. But it's not that strong and will only knock someone out of the lead if they're barely holding the lead in the first place. 14:22 jonadab: that's the blue shell 14:22 <@kritixilithos> jonadab: I think you influence the bullet bill to take certain turns by tilting your remote 14:22 it was basically a banana peel equavilent, except that the "upgraded" version of it would home in on players that got close 14:22 basically every mario kart game has something like that 14:22 *equivalent 14:22 @kritixilithos Oh, hmm, if so I never figured that out. It always stayed dead center of the course for me. 14:22 and it's still rubberbanding in a sense because it always makes the leader closer to the rest of the pack 14:23 although in earlier versions it didn't fly, meaning you could dodge it using jump bars on the course 14:23 the omega altars are originally from unnethack 14:23 N64's and MK8's blue shell can hit others too I think 14:23 and I don't just mean others in the blast radius, but others that happen to be in the way 14:23 in the GBA version it runs along the ground and can hit people in the way, although they can obviously just get out of its path 14:24 in the DS version it has a blast radius which will hit anyone inside, centred on the leader 14:24 yeah that's how N64's work too 14:24 N64 and GBA, that is 14:24 I never played the GBA mario kart much, because I was never a fan of 2d racers 14:24 Probably because I grew up with CTR as a kid 14:25 CTR? 14:25 Crash Team Racing, a Mario Kart clone for the PlayStation 14:25 Ah. 14:25 battle mode is the secret best bit of mario kart, although the AI isn't good at it so you really need humans to play against 14:25 It's one of the better clones 14:25 The first racing videogame I ever saw was 3d-ish. An Atari game called Night Driver that my cousins on my mom's side had. 14:26 the altars are capital omegas because in the Omega roguelike they were depicted as omegas. and in my youthful mind it was a really good visualisation as greek or roman altars seemed to like quite similar. 14:26 It, alongside Diddy Kong Racing for the N64, are generally considered the best MK clones i think of that era 14:26 the tracks are nonlinear, there's no laps or goals, the aim is to cause your opponents to spin out three times 14:26 *I 14:26 But Night Driver was first-person. 14:26 And single-player. 14:26 although you spend most of your time just trying to find them 14:26 ais523: I played a bunch of Battle Mode online, on MK7 I think 14:27 <@riker> ty k2 14:27 was fun 14:27 but I personally preferred the racing mode 14:27 the MK clone I liked the most was Mickey's Speedway USA, its AI didn't cheat all that much ;) 14:27 and unlike Diddy Kong Failing, I was actually able to beat it! 14:28 hmm, there's still no screenshot of AmiOmega on the net. I have to do that sometime. 14:28 <@kritixilithos> unfortunately, in older versions of mk, you can't participate in online multiplayer games anymore 14:28 rip DS/Wii Wi-Fi 14:29 allthough Wii has a notable unofficial online presence 14:29 for Mario Kart and Smash, mostly 14:31 DS, too, for Pokémon 14:31 the whole Fake GTS thing was amazing 14:31 heh 14:31 I remember vividly my disappointement when a new version came out that was in ASCII and no longer had graphical tiles. it was a different port than the one I played before 14:31 I personally meant just for the purpose of extending the life of the Nintendo WFC 14:31 originally it was just used as a cheating method (create a Pokémon as your choice as a data file, upload it to a fake GTS, "trade" it onto your game cart) 14:31 but then people came up with more creative uses 14:32 I think there's still unofficial GTS servers around, but I don't think you can really play Pokémon DS games online anymore 14:32 hmm, I wonder if cloning is possible in gen 4 nowadays 14:32 you used to be able to get a copy on both your game cart and the GTS, and clone that way 14:32 but now that the GTS (the real one, at least) doesn't exist… 14:32 I think only Diamond/Pearl had that issue? 14:33 <@riker> y'all making me feel old with this convo since my little brother is playing mario kart in the other room 14:33 <@riker> (reading backscroll) 14:33 <@riker> on the wii 14:33 MKWii today huh 14:33 <@riker> yes 14:33 I think the only reason I'd bother messing with MKWii today would be CTGPR 14:34 <@riker> ? 14:34 http://www.chadsoft.co.uk/ this thing 14:34 <@riker> ah 14:34 FIQ: yes but you can intertrade between any gen 4 game and diamond/pearl 14:34 then trade the clones back 14:35 @riker Well, _are_ you old? 14:35 so it lets you clone "on any game" with help 14:35 <@riker> jonadab: lol no 14:35 (Hint: old people remember the seventies.) 14:35 <@riker> last I checked I'm the youngest person here, excpet maybe kritixi 14:35 ais523: Sure 14:35 But that's like saying you can clone in any 3gen game because you can do it in Emerald :P 14:36 <[Demo]> I love emerald 14:36 <@riker> !8ball pokemon is better than nethack 14:36 @riker: Outlook good 14:36 pokemon vietnamese crystal ftw! 14:36 <[Demo]> doing an emerald playthrough tn 14:36 <[Demo]> rn* 14:36 Beholder: I've seen Outlook, and it's not that good. 14:36 pokémon definitely was good at one point, but it's moved in a direction I don't really like 14:37 jonadab: Haha 14:37 my favourite versions are probably either HGSS or B2W2 14:37 <[Demo]> Yeah I haven't played anything newer than like gen4 14:37 (BW is the best Pokémon game on a first playthrough but its replay value is not great) 14:37 I should finish a HGSS playthrough some time... 14:38 I can't stand 4gen slowness 14:38 I much prefer 5gen for this reason 14:38 At least its engine doesn't go at a snail's pace 14:38 <[Demo]> I wish I had more time to play pokemon lol 14:38 HGSS is way faster than the other gen 4 games 14:38 not that that's saying much :-P 14:38 FIQ: soul silver ftw, especially if you use the cheat to get a GB Sounds player right at the start to change the music to what it's supposed to be :) 14:38 @riker yw - I just did the merge, havent had time to process changes yet. will tonight for sure if i dont have time this afternoon 14:39 there was a HGSS romhack that addressed the slowness 14:39 I played some of it, but it was a bit awkward to play 14:39 because it was changed to 60fps (from 30) without adjusting the game engine in any other way 14:40 gen 5 is lightning fast though 14:40 apart from the loading screens going in and out of buildings 14:40 which are disguised but not very well 14:40 also this is still by far the best pokemon battle theme ever created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Kq1SvqA-4 14:40 so while walking itself was sane (unlike HGSS vanilla), a lot of other things looked way too fast and silly 14:40 ais523: I like the 5gen speed myself 14:41 Both in the overworld and in battle 14:41 LarienTelrunya: which one's that? I don't really like following links 14:41 wild battle theme from Pokemon Prism 14:41 FIQ: don't you just run everywhere in HGSS vanilla? 14:41 Oh, the Prism wild battle theme 14:41 and/or bike when you get the option? 14:41 But not the one in the "final" release 14:41 Yes, I have to say that Prism's wild battle theme IMO trumps every other wild battle theme I've heard 14:42 FIQ: that "final" version is a huuuuuuge regression over the ultra-exciting original I linked :D 14:42 but I never liked the vanilla wild battle themes to begin with 14:42 LarienTelrunya: I disagree 14:42 the final version is so slow and the pitch is just... wrong in some places 14:42 The final verison sounds much better IMO 14:42 in gen 7 basically every theme has references to previous themes 14:43 <[Demo]> I wanna do a max pokedex notrading emerald 14:43 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F1s-HDq9lE&t=1m47s for reference 14:44 <[Demo]> glazed is pretty good romhack 14:44 Glazed is not a very good romhack 14:44 [Demo]: that's probably 100% given how glitchy emerald can be 14:44 It's one of the better ones, but most romhacks are pretty bad 14:44 (I'm assuming that the Emerald Pokédex doesn't store decamark and friends) 14:44 Sturgeon's law and all that 14:45 FIQ: that one is soooooo slooooow compared to the original ;) 14:45 [Demo]: TPP ran through Glazed some time ago. It was a glitchy mess 14:45 <@riker> k2: it's not a problem, it's not like anybody is gonna notice it /shrug 14:45 LarienTelrunya will! 14:46 errrrrmahgerd 14:46 K2: mtf has a crashed game 14:46 <[Demo]> uhh 14:46 :P 14:46 see ##nethack-discord 14:46 <[Demo]> Maybe I mean light platinum 14:46 err ##nethack-variants 14:46 <[Demo]> one of the two is pretty good 14:46 <[Demo]> thought t was glazed 14:46 Never played Light Platinum 14:46 Didn't like what I read of it though 14:46 But mhe 14:46 *meh 14:47 FIQ: ok 14:47 K2: only if it's fourk, or if a non-fourk variant still has it by next junethack ;) 14:47 !role amy's-weird-thing 14:47 K2: cruel abuser 14:47 LarienTelrunya: My favorite Prism theme is the bike one though 14:47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F1s-HDq9lE&t=21m15s 14:48 fwiw, my favourite Pokémon battle theme is the regular battle theme from Pokémon Colosseum 14:48 hmm 14:48 let me see what that one is 14:48 FIQ: those "finalized" version all sound so muffled for some reason, like he switched to a different sound font 14:48 oh that one 14:48 yeah I like that one 14:48 i have never done anything with pokemon in any way shape or form whatsoever 14:48 other than reading this conversation 14:48 that bike theme sounds like it could also be from the NES Super Mario Bros 3, IMHO 14:48 <[Demo]> Uh yeah it's glazed that is good 14:48 <[Demo]> never had bug issues with it 14:49 well, the series became popular for a reason, and although it's gone downhill it hasn't gone unplayably downhill 14:49 [Demo]: Perhaps you played another version 14:49 just went in a direction I don't like 14:49 ais523: I think they're all still ultimately good games 14:49 Even though my personal favorite was a couple of generations ago 14:50 well, we're on 7 at the moment 14:50 and probably 8 fairly soon at the typical release pace 14:50 FIQ please see pm 14:50 8 will probably come out on holiday this year I bet 14:50 unless we get a new gen 7 game, which is possible but seems unlikely 14:50 it'd probably have to be a remake 14:50 @mtf we're working on your FIQhack game crash 14:50 and Diamond/Pearl don't have as much remake demand as some games 14:50 <@mtf> oh yay 😄 14:51 it would be evil if there was a slex-themed pokemon game, with slex-tier interface screws and stuff :P 14:51 <@mtf> I'm having fun with that game, so looking forward to it 14:51 @mtf that save runs fine 14:51 LarienTelrunya: Or a slex-themed roguelike game. 14:51 that said, Touhoumon was a rather evil pokemon hack, so... 14:51 LarienTelrunya: that's basically Red/Blue except you can only use glitch Pokémon 14:51 <@mtf> @FIQ I booted it up this morning and it failed... let me try now 14:51 ais523: haha I tried that, they constantly resetted to level 1 or caused infinite loops or turned into goddamn Rhydons 14:52 <@mtf> @FIQ no, my caveman save fails to load right now 14:52 LarienTelrunya: So just like slex then 14:52 <@mtf> did you choose my priest save by accident? 😛 14:52 K2: is FIQHack updated? 14:52 @mtf I tried to run it. It runs fine 14:52 Let me try under valgrind 14:52 maybe there's an uninitialized variable or something 14:52 LarienTelrunya: it's surprising how common the spontaneous Rhydon problem is 14:52 <@mtf> hmm 14:52 when you're dealing with glitch Pokémon 14:53 I think it's the same glitch that leads to rooms full of soldier ant statues in NetHack 14:53 yeah apparently rhydon is index 0 or something 14:53 FIQ i think so. lemme check 14:53 1 14:53 supposedly it's the first pokemon that was ever conceived 14:53 index 0 is 'M 14:53 wait, might be giant ant 14:53 ais523: giant ant 14:53 ah no it isnt 14:53 soldier ants are just so much better known 14:54 now it is 14:54 @mtf Try now 14:54 If you were to ask someone what the first Pokemon ever created is, you’d probably receive answers such as Pikachu and Bulbasaur. In actuality, however, Rhydon – the 112th Pokemon registered in the Pokedex – was created first. That little factoid comes from Ken Sugimori, one of the original designers of the first generation of Pokemon titles. 14:54 <@mtf> @K2 yup works now 14:54 (source: https://nintendoeverything.com/rhydon-was-the-first-pokemon-ever-created/ ) 14:54 <@mtf> thanks guys 14:54 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 14:54 @mtf my bad, thought I had fh updated already 14:55 LarienTelrunya: there's a WWTBAM meme with that question with 4 potentially valid answers 14:55 FIQ: huh, come to think of it, a Colosseum remake would make a lot of sense if they wanted an "extra" gen 7 gae 14:55 *game 14:55 <@mtf> haha no problem 14:55 Mew, Bulbasaur, Rhydon, and the 4th I forgot 14:55 the 3DS has enough power, and the Switch is also portable 14:55 what interests me the most about col/XD is that their AI is scriptable 14:56 GF only started messing with that in 7gen 14:56 and Colosseum/XD are the only console Pokémon games that are within a reasonable mechanical distance of the main series 14:56 FIQ: huh, why is Arceus on it? is that because it's a joke question, because Arceus didn't even exist in gen 1? :P 14:56 LarienTelrunya: oh yeah, Arceus was the 4th alternative 14:57 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 14:57 -!- karatkievich.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ 2/25/2018 - NetHack server one year anniversay 14:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 14:57 for a different sense of correct 14:57 arceus is first because it created all the others? 14:57 !whereis k2 14:57 K2: [hdf-us] k2 is not currently playing on this server. 14:57 Bulbasaur is Pokédex entry #001 14:57 hrm 14:57 !lastgame 14:57 K2: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/p/pavelek/nh343/dumplog/1519843595.nh343.txt 14:57 K2: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Raisse/nhdev/dumplog/1519835026.nhdev.txt 14:57 Arceus and Mew are first for similar reasons, they created all other Pokémon 14:57 ok 14:57 there are plenty of Pokédex entry 001s 14:57 !whereis k2 14:57 K2: [hdf-us] k2 is not currently playing on this server. 14:57 Rhydon was the first created pokémon IRL 14:57 although I think they're all grass-type starters, at least in the main series 14:58 ais523: Yeah, but Bulbasaur is the very first one in the National dex 14:58 national dex is a stupid name nowadays 14:58 it makes sense for places like kanto and johto which are close 14:58 but hoenn is considerably further away, OK maybe it's the same country 14:58 it should really be called the International Dex 14:58 but the distance between regions has gone up and up over time 14:59 you're telling me Unova and Kalos are the same country as Kanto 14:59 ? 14:59 !whereis k2 14:59 K2: [hdf-us] k2 is not currently playing on this server. 14:59 alright, gotta go to bed, good night guys :) 14:59 ais523: An all-Doubles game would be cool 15:00 like how Col/XD was 15:00 FIQ: what adds further confusion is that real-life countries apparently exist in the Pokémon universe (e.g. people reacting to GTS source locations, Vivillion) 15:00 so apparently every real-life country has its own Sinnoh? 15:00 Heh 15:00 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: The apostrophe m zaps a finger of death!] 15:01 !players 15:01 K2: [hdf-us] DemoBot [nh] pavelek [nh] FIQ [4k] 15:01 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 15:01 !whereis DemoBot 15:01 K2: [hdf-us] DemoBot [nh]: (Val Dwa Fem Law) T:30800 The Dungeons of Doom level: 3 15:01 hah 15:01 that is not true 15:01 i know 15:01 whereis is updated each level change in NAO I think 15:01 !whereis k2 15:01 K2: [hdf-us] k2 is not currently playing on this server. 15:01 K2: [hdf-eu] k2 [nh]: (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) T:3 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 15:02 ok there we go 15:02 !whereis FIQ 15:02 FIQ: [hdf-us] FIQ [4k]: No details available 15:02 yeah see 15:02 !whereis Nobbs 15:02 FIQ: [hdf-us] Nobbs is not currently playing on this server. 15:02 its not reporting EU 15:02 unless you're on it 15:02 K2: yeah I know 15:02 is that bad? 15:02 in the big scheme of things? no 15:02 K2: how big is demobot's ttyrec 15:03 hahahahahah 15:03 good call 15:04 1.4 GB 15:04 not bad 15:05 what is the bot doing? pudding farming? 15:05 and for how many turns? 15:05 ais523: it has misidentified magic lamps 15:05 its stuck rubbing a lamp 15:05 not sure how 15:05 * ais523 wonders how large the recording would be with the NH4 save formats and the FIQHack save format 15:05 its racked up over 1.2 million turns 15:05 and has been rubbing a lamp for quite a hwile 15:05 I'm surprised it survived that 15:05 thats a lot of rubbing 15:05 it has a farm set up 15:05 1.2 million turns of pointless behaviour is fairly hungering 15:06 so it has slow digestion 15:06 and can probably pray 15:06 whenever it faints 15:06 hmm, this is a big difference between humans and bots 15:06 the human would realise something was wrong within a few thousand t ries 15:06 a human would realize that something was wrong within like 10-20 tries 15:07 i know some humans that 1-2000 turns is a resonable assumption 15:08 YANI (probably for slex): each game, the game mechanics are slightly randomized 15:08 -!- ThatBenGuy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:09 actually, you could go further, maybe there's a small chance that the game is Un or Brogue or DCSS or robotfindskitten instead 15:09 (but because this is slex, after finding the kitten you have to take it through the Tower of Yendor safely) 15:10 Heh 15:10 so basically a much bigger version of the puppy quest 15:12 come to think of it, this would make for a nice "short" NetHack category for races and the like 15:12 ais523: anyway, once I get the replay system in a stable state (I got it mostly stable a while back, but started tinkering with it because it was handling older engines poorly, and it has been broken since because I left it on the backburner), I want to cut *down* on binary checkpoints in the save 15:12 start with no pet, you win by finding a kitten and escaping with it 15:13 in comparision to NH4 15:13 but make a checkpoint when the player saves manually 15:13 which is removed upon going back ingame 15:18 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) entered Gehennom for the first time, on T:34832 15:35 jonadab: [backscroll from the pre-Nintendo discussion] The only reason why exercise/abuse of divine anger doesn't make much sense is that normally things that would cause anger are very self-contained events and you would imagine your deity's emotion would be affected immediately. 15:36 However, I could see a system where some things (ie killing a pet) directly influence anger, and other things (ie misbehaving relative to your alignment or role) exercise or abuse it. 15:42 <@mtf> guys I have so much work to do 15:42 <@mtf> but I just wanna play more FH T.T 15:42 <@mtf> the save being broken was a good excuse to do work 15:42 hah 15:42 <@mtf> but you took that from me 15:43 <@mtf> turns out cavemen are pretty fun, esp when they find two magic markers in MT and can write themselves up to -25 AC before the quest 15:43 <@riker> lol 15:44 <@riker> caveman quest monster is pretty bad tho right 15:44 <@riker> esp. in fiqhack with stupid dragon breath 15:44 tiamat 15:44 <@mtf> I'm sure 15:44 <@mtf> I haven't found enchant wep yet 15:44 <@mtf> so I'm still rocking a club 15:44 <@mtf> I did find a dwarven spear, but somehow ran into a rust monster in the dark and ruined it 😦 15:44 in grunthack as a caveman i killed tiamat by throwing boulders at it 15:44 <@riker> lol 15:44 <@mtf> lol 15:44 never touched me 15:45 oh 15:45 forgot to note, i was playing as a giant 15:45 <@riker> this is fh and he can't throw boulders :D 15:45 <@mtf> yea that changes things a bit 😛 15:45 <@mtf> I was having trouble killing mumaks and things 15:45 poly into a storm giant 15:45 <@mtf> ooh I'm actually a master mind flayer right now 15:46 <@mtf> =oPC is great for exploring below MT 15:46 <@riker> @f?stormgiant 15:46 <@riker> @?storm giant 15:46 storm giant (H) | Lvl: 16 | Diff: 19 | Spd: 12 | Res: shock | Confers: shock | MR: 10 | Generates: sheol gehennom dungeons | AC: 3 | Attacks: 2d12 weapon physical | Alignment: -3 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, infravisible 15:47 <@mtf> @?master mind flayer 15:47 master mind flayer (h) | Lvl: 13 | Diff: 19 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: sheol gehennom dungeons | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d8 weapon physical, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int, 2d1 tentacle drain int | Alignment: -8 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, flies, seeinvis, infravisible 15:47 <@riker> def storm giant :D 15:47 <@riker> except no armor, hm 15:48 <@mtf> I thought about changing into dragons to make DSM, but I'm not a female 😦 15:48 <@riker> it has a chance of making you female 15:48 <@riker> you can also get the "you feel like a new woman" as a man 15:48 <@riker> keep trying and you will 15:53 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 1124995 points, T:46437, killed by a touch of death (with the Amulet) 15:54 oh fuck I forgot to put my eyes of the overworld back on, and rodney came and touch of deathed me 15:55 so much for that 15:56 nooooooooooo 15:56 you'd think as powerful as the AoY is supposed to be, its confer MR 15:56 it'd 15:57 oh well, yasd, stupid mistake 15:58 :( 16:00 I've noticed that I have a higher chance of dying if I've just come back to my game 16:01 yes, me too 16:01 that's why I'm loath to save when I'm really doing well 16:01 I was tired and had a sleep... conventional wisdom... 16:18 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Mon Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:19772 16:45 <@Tone> I've yasd'd by playing through despite being tired and needing sleep 16:45 <@Tone> That's how I died to Juiblex with the amulet, among others 17:01 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Fem Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon her by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:2216 17:11 <@riker> ^ why does he always give that stupid axe 17:11 <@riker> I mean i'd take ogresmasher over that 17:11 <@riker> at least it's good for one thing a lot of the time 17:16 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:19 @riker I know, why Cleaver? I got Cleaver last monk game too 17:20 <@riker> it's been my first monk gift every time I think 17:20 <@riker> (in vanilla/variants that aren't dnh) 17:20 Cleaver's pretty good, really. 17:20 I mean, the _only_ not-good thing about it is that it's two-handed. Apart from that it's great. 17:21 Especially in variants where it can hit mroe than one enemy at a time. 17:21 yes, it does that now in 3.6.1 17:22 Yeah. 17:22 which was a problem last game as I got a shopkeeper angry using it 17:22 Also FIQHack, and (by virtue of being an axe) Fourk. 17:22 (But, in Fourk it only does it if you have enough skill.) 17:22 <@riker> ^ not a bad idea 17:22 <@riker> restricted -> single target 17:22 <@riker> basic -> single target 17:23 <@riker> skilled -> single target, +1 on other side of it 17:23 <@riker> expert -> 3 in a line like vanilla dev 17:23 I think Skilled is where it goes to three targets, in Fourk, and at Master, five. 17:23 <@riker> that works too 17:23 Barbarian is the only role that can get Master in axe. 17:23 <@riker> huh 17:33 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 17:40 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:47 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:3678 17:47 Much better 17:48 <@riker> ^ 17:51 mind you, I *did* enjoy using Cleaver to chop up a few waves of gnomes 17:52 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:52 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 19:14 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 19:27 -!- Mandevil has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:29 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 19:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Mandevil] by ChanServ 19:32 -!- ProzacElf has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:58 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 20:00 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 20:11 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Mon Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:6949 20:40 [hdf-us] [4k] k2 (Wiz Syl Fem Neu), 414 points, T:288, killed by a kobold 20:46 [hdf-us] [4k] k2 (Arc Scu Mal Neu), 2763 points, T:501, killed by a gnome king 20:50 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1732908 points, T:1262343, quit 20:57 -!- ProzacElf has joined #hardfought 21:25 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:29 <[Demo]> longest game yet? 21:30 <[Demo]> on hdf 21:30 <[Demo]> I have no idea why it decided to quit 21:31 all that oil lamp rubbing and it finally realized it was trapped in a loop? 21:31 <[Demo]> Yeah I'm confused 21:31 <[Demo]> !lastgame 21:31 [Demo]: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/D/DemoBot/nh343/dumplog/1519869106.nh343.txt 21:31 [Demo]: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Raisse/nhdev/dumplog/1519835026.nhdev.txt 21:31 * aosdict gives [Demo] a blessed unicorn horn 21:57 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:00 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 23:46 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:54 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:55 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:56 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:57 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:57 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:58 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ