00:13 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 808716 points, T:39531, killed by brainlessness 00:39 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 01:16 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:26 -!- Elronnd has joined #hardfought 01:44 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:49 Beholder: tell me what's up! 01:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from @riker at 2018-02-04 12:31 EST: I'll play slex lattteerrrr maybe when I feel like it. :p I was just screwing around when the power was out 01:51 !tell riker I'll push a minor update to slex soon, so if you're still playing locally you'll want to update; also, did you fight the elder priest yet? OPTIONS=wonderland to start on his level :D 01:51 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 01:55 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:02 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:31 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 02:40 K2: remove the 3 last lines from thesave 02:40 FIQ: Message from StatueSurfer at 2018-02-04 05:06 EST: in my game i was able to see a floating eye via cooperative telepathy; however i did not actually have telepathy 02:40 and then tell lux to wait 2k turns before enteing 02:47 StatueSurfer: telepathy in fh works both ways 02:48 yeah but i didn't have telepathy 02:48 cotelepathy means the monster's own telepathy helps you see it 02:48 even though i don't have telepathy? 02:48 yes 02:48 okay then 02:55 aosdict: @luxidream what if bones player monsters generated asleep 02:57 Evil Patch idea: bones file ghosts are player monsters fully capable of using the items of the late player against you, but all such items immediately selfdestruct (and damage you) when they enter your inventory in any way, and to top it off, the bones file ghosts can cast spells that summon other bones file ghosts from the other bones files currently on the server, which are also hostile to you. 02:59 is that going in the next slex update 02:59 hahaha, nope, evil patch ideas are a dumping ground for ideas, not all of which are actually going to be implemented (yeah, it might come as a shock but even slex has standards!) 03:00 that reminds me: StatueSurfer: play slex! *bundlebundlebundle* :) 03:00 ugh 03:00 you know i resolved to never play that again 03:01 aww, but you could be the first non-Amy to ascend it! 03:01 -!- bug_sniper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:01 no 03:01 it took me over 500 games to ascend vanilla 03:01 extrapolating that to slex, it would probably take roughly 125 million games to ascend slex 03:02 I mean, there's ziratha with an ascension-capable game on the esm server but he hasn't been online for a month or two, so it's still possible for someone else to beat him and be the first slex winner :D 03:02 really, it would be easier to make a *bot* to ascend slex than to actually ascend slex 03:02 hahaha :D 03:02 well it is possible for a non-bot, yesterday I came awfully close but splatted on the sanctum to a summoning storm (would have been my 10th slexcension otherwise) 03:03 yeah, ascension-capable until some random garbage on astral probably gets him 03:03 oh, did I mention that slex's astral plane has death traps? Those are an invention by jonadab. Guess what can happen if you trigger them. 03:03 <@luxidream> when does slex get name entry 03:04 hmm 03:04 let me guess: 03:04 you irrevocably, instantly, with no way around - not MR, not anything - die 03:04 unless you have lifesaving 03:04 :D 03:04 assuming that lifesaving in fact saves you 03:04 well, that was jonadab's original proposal; I made it so that with MR, you only lose some maximum HP. 03:04 and you have to get past the arch-lichen 03:05 ah, yeah, the arch-lichen are there, and they're annoying 03:05 @le?arch-lichen 03:05 arch-lichen (F) | Lvl: 107 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 1 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison acid petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: special | AC: -78 | Attacks: 9d5 cast spell, 9d5 touch Pestilence, 9d5 touch physical, 9d5 touch Famine, 9d5 touch Death, 9d5 touch disenchant | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amphibious, breathless, mindless, regenerates, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, vegan 03:05 yeah 03:05 i mean 03:05 look at those stats 03:05 -78 AC 03:05 there's something much worse on slex's astral though: 03:05 the thing's unhittable 03:05 @le?thematic astral elemental 03:05 thematic astral elemental (E) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 33 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold disintegrate shock poison acid petrification magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 40 | Generates: special | AC: -2 | Attacks: 8d8 touch random breath, 8d8 engulf random breath, 8d8 breath random breath, 4d4 passive Death, 4d4 gaze Famine, 4d4 hug Pestilence | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amorphous, phases, breathless, mindless, unsolid, regenerates, stalker, vegan 03:05 the strategy for dealing with arch-lichens is to teleport them away :D 03:06 see that thing being mindless is what makes it evil 03:06 otherwise just blind yourself and don't let it get close 03:06 and have reflection 03:07 the astral elementals also have reflection themselves and resist basically every element, but if you melee them, you eat passive touches of death :P 03:07 yeah that's what i meant 03:07 don't let it get close 03:07 did I mention that the "hug Pestilence" attack is ranged and can hit you from 5 squares away and *goes through walls*? 03:08 okay that's just evil 03:08 that's just in there to screw with players 03:09 oh, and the astral elementals have a large chance of spawning with either a wand or a scroll that causes random bad effects, and the list of those includes but is not limited to destroy armor, disintegration, petrification, sickness, sliming and unresistable paralysis. 03:10 I mean, it's the Astral Plane, which is the last level of the game. Of course it has to be difficult. 03:10 is it a random scroll of a type that always causes that effect or is it an Astral-exclusive 03:10 this is just excessive 03:10 i'm not even sure how *you* beat that level 03:10 it's a random scroll/wand that can appear anywhere, but the astral elementals are coded to often spawn with those in their starting inventory 03:10 ah 03:10 @le?astral elemental 03:10 astral elemental (E) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold disintegrate shock poison acid petrification magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: special | AC: 2 | Attacks: 4d4 touch random breath, 4d4 engulf random breath | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amorphous, phases, breathless, mindless, unsolid, regenerates, stalker, vegan 03:11 no matter who zaps that wand, the random bad effects are always targetted at the player, because of course they are :P 03:11 okay that's just 03:11 there should be a #justslexthings tag :D 03:12 unresistable paralysis is the really ridiculous one on there 03:12 all the other ones can be beaten 03:12 with relative ease 03:12 btw, in my last slex game, I encountered an evil dragon that breathes nastiness, which caused my directional keys to be rotated 45 degrees clockwise for thousands of turns. That was *annoying* to say the least. For example, if I want to move north, I have to press the key for moving northwest. 03:12 it breathes nastiness 03:12 just general nastiness? 03:13 @le?evil dragon 03:13 evil dragon (D) | Lvl: 18 | Diff: 25 | Spd: 9 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 20 | Generates: special | AC: -4 | Attacks: 4d8 breath nasty-trap, 4d8 bite physical, 3d4 lashing physical, 3d4 claw physical | Alignment: 7 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, thick hide, oviparous, seeinvis 03:13 if it summoned nasties that would be less offensive 03:13 oh that's what the bot calls it :D its breath causes random interface screw trap effects 03:13 yeah nasty traps 03:13 one of my gripes with slex to begin with 03:13 and of course it cannot be reflected because otherwise it would be too harmless 03:14 I mean, NetHack is a game where "everything is trying to kill you". SLEX just takes this to the logical extreme and makes it so that the interface is also one of the things trying to kill you. 03:15 yeah but nasty traps don't reveal themselves when stepped on and there's quite a few of their effects that might not be apparent until after you've wandered well away from the trap 03:16 and some of their effects can't even be worked around 03:16 unless you have a switcher 03:16 yep, and that's intentional, if they were trivial to cure then their effects would be quite meaningless 03:17 i don't care about that so much 03:17 the part where they don't reveal themselves means that if you decide to wait them out (which can take thousands of turns), you might still be in the general area where the trap is, and end up triggering it again 03:17 it would be nice if they just revealed when stepped on 03:18 this all leads to a number of suboptimal strategies for trying to avoid these 03:18 well, the thing is, the player is not supposed to be able to avoid all of them; it's an intentional design decision that even with optimal play (i.e. even with automatic searching and maxxed searching skill) you will occasionally trigger one of them 03:20 that's kind of my problem with them. that even optimal play *still* is insufficient to avoid them 03:21 a wise man once said: "If it's possible for a sufficiently skilled player to reach a point where they can be pretty sure they'll win most of the time, we have to fix that by making a bunch of random game-ending things that can happen to them unpredictably and entirely without warning, so that they never know whether they can win or not, no matter how good at the game they are." 03:21 that guy doesn't wise at game design 03:21 to be perfectly honest 03:21 hint: he's in this channel right now ;) 03:21 *doesn't sound wise 03:21 my statement still stand 03:22 *stands 03:22 if i could type right now 03:22 he said that to sum up the slex design philosophy; his own variant uses a different philosophy of course 03:22 ah 03:22 now that makes a bit more sense 03:22 i retract my statement 03:23 no one except me would be crazy enough to actually make a variant based on that design philosophy! :D 03:23 okay things are starting to come together in my mind 03:23 it's starting to make sense now 03:24 slex is *intentionally* badly designed, insofar as luck is the primary factor over skill, which is generally a no-no in game design 03:24 actually, most of the random bad stuff in slex isn't game-ending outright, but some of the interface screw effects can induce such severe aggravation that the player would prefer being dead instead; just yesterday I watched a slex player use #quit when facing a nasty trap effect 03:25 LarienTelrunya: you should put that in the README. "if something in SLEX doesn't try to kill, please file a bug report." 03:25 i quit when i faced my last nasty trap in slex 03:25 in game and literally 03:25 because i was unable to leave the current dungeon level due to the nasty trap 03:26 StatueSurfer: you would have been able to leave the level, because the "cannot use the same direction twice in a row" thing only applies to the next turn. i.e. you could have waited for one turn in between moves and then you'd have been able to walk along those corridors ;) 03:26 right 03:26 But yeah, I admit it's one of the more evil effects, because it directly affects gameplay. 03:26 but i didn't know that, and that's not an intuitive thing to deduce from the info i had 03:27 bhaak: hahaha :) 03:27 and i had a wand of enlightenment that game 03:27 so i knew *exactly* what nasty traps i was affected by 03:28 oh you also had the fuckup melee trap that caused you to lose a turn when walking into a monster 03:28 yeah there was that too 03:28 and fake I markers :D 03:29 there's the one that takes away the interface i read about 03:30 you mean the one that completely disables the top status line? or the one that disables the bottom status display? (extra fun if you have both at the same time I guess :D) 03:30 whatever 03:30 i did mean the bottom one 03:31 which is at least circumvented with a stethoscope 03:31 yeah that one caused me to die out of the blue once because I didn't know I was low on HP 03:37 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:45 <@luxidream> FIQ - re: player monsters I think that would probably be more fair to players, yes 04:14 -!- rumflump has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:19 https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/7vdmg8/a_survey_about_slashem_extended/ 04:19 LarienTelrunya: for the first 2 questions, I'm missing the option "the developer" :-) 04:20 hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha :D that's what the last field is for, the one where you can input whatever you want :D 04:20 I'm wondering if Google Drive lets me add more options after the survey has already been published? 04:21 oh, it does! I'm wondering what happens if, after there's already been answers, an option is removed? anyway, "the developer" has now actually been added ;) 04:25 -!- machinespray has joined #hardfought 04:31 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 04:32 hmm, the way you have phrased it, I can even fill out this survey. there is no pre condition "having played it" 04:32 yay! I'm looking forward to seeing the first answers :) 04:33 "Variety of terrain types"? what have you added there? 04:33 relatively recent addition, but there's crystal water, moorland, mountains, farmland, stalactites, bubbles and several others 04:33 meant to make the dungeon levels more tactically interesting :) 04:34 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 04:35 damn. that sounds nice. I might have to start up the game after all. 04:35 I already noted down some special levels to steal but for that, I didn't have to start the game :) 04:36 yaaaaaaaaay! the great bhaak will have a look at slex at last! ♥ 04:36 which server would you play on? hdf-eu I guess? 04:37 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:39 [hdf-us] [slex] zhngchq (Fla Hum Mal Neu), 16394 points, T:4907, quit 04:39 bhaak: you make me curious 04:39 -!- machinespray has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:40 what slex features do you intend to steal 04:45 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 04:46 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:46 -!- machinespray has joined #hardfought 04:46 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:48 -!- hf_guest_71724 has joined #hardfought 04:50 FIQ: # grep SLEX Wiki/NetHackFor -> SLEX big rooms bigrm-43,bigrm-23 04:50 LarienTelrunya: local play. I wanna use wizmode. don't have time to play it the proper way :) 04:51 windows or unix? 04:52 -!- hf_guest_71724 has quit [Client Quit] 04:52 unix 04:53 oh, so you've compiled it yourself? I updated the repo 2 hours ago, are you using that newest version? 04:53 no, I've not yet compiled it, but I intend to 05:02 43 is a dnh bigroom by Khor 05:03 I don't recognize 23, probably original 05:03 what's the preferred Makefile to use for SLEX? 05:04 GNUmakefile or Makefile.top 05:04 bhaak: if you liked 43, consider looking at khoR's ran-home 05:05 is sys/unix/GNUmakefile kerio's? 05:05 sounds like it 05:05 using setup.sh and then make from the top doesn't work 05:05 bhaak: not sure, but I do know that kerio fiddled with the makefiles to improve them 05:05 no other person I've seen makes GNUmakefiles 05:06 I thought there was a GNUmakefile somewhere in vanilla 05:06 ln -s sys/unix/GNUmakefile 05:06 make install 05:06 ^^ that's the old installation instructions I have, not sure if it still works that way 05:07 ah, no, it was a Makefile.gcc in vanilla in sys/winnt 05:07 so far sys/unix/GNUmakefile is compiling 05:07 bhaak: your best bet is asking Tangles (hdf) or elronnd 05:08 if you have issues 05:08 since LarienTelrunya is on win 05:09 okay. but it's still compiling 05:09 cool 05:09 -!- machinespray has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:09 just saying if it doesn't work :) 05:12 bhaak: once you got it up and running, you'll be like "WOW! why did I never play that gem before?" :P 05:12 lol 05:13 I mean 05:13 I have a slex install 05:13 for curses ui stress testing 05:14 if it handles slex 05:14 it should handle everything else 05:17 bhaak: do you know if it is possible to make a "relative" nh3 tileset like for nh4? 05:17 soldier ant: img 05:17 fountain: img 05:17 etc 05:18 for cross compatible tilesets 05:18 between variants 05:21 because I think the usual way involves glyph numbers 05:36 [hdf-us] [fh] machinespray (Val Dwa Fem Law), 34834 points, T:2009, quit 05:37 -!- machinespray has joined #hardfought 05:38 Hey. Is DemoBot a player or an actual bot?(under watch games in progress) 05:38 it's a bot 05:41 That's awesome! 05:42 -!- machinespray has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:43 FIQ: no, nh3 doesn't have that. I made a small ruby script to compose the tiles easily and several others have done similar things 05:51 mhm 05:59 but I wouldn't know any code that made nh3 take the tiles out of a directory with properly named files 06:04 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:79710 06:04 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:79711 06:04 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:79713 06:04 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 uncursed scrolls of genocide", on T:79715 06:04 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 helm of telepathy", on T:79718 06:07 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed wand of death", on T:79835 07:05 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:88979 07:05 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "7 blessed wax candles", on T:88980 07:05 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "3 blessed scrolls of enchant armor", on T:88981 07:05 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed wand of death", on T:88998 07:05 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed amulet of life saving", on T:88999 07:08 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed wand of death", on T:89071 07:26 [hdf-us] [fh] Qi (krm26) (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 72835 points, T:24552, killed by a jabberwock, while praying 07:44 Evil Patch Idea: if you get caught in a death trap, of course, you die; but you can get lifesaved; but you're still caught in a death trap, so you die every turn; so unless you can get lifesaved every turn until you get out... 07:45 oh, you mean kind of like a death pit/web? does it hold you in place? :D 07:46 LIke a bear trap, only with death :-) 07:47 Though, hmm, if you get lifesaved and then immediately teleport out, that could save you. 07:47 Assuming you're on a level that allows teleport. 07:50 heh, so the slex death traps would be really deadly if they worked like that, since they spawn on the astral plane 07:50 <[Demo]> are they nasty traps? 07:52 no, they do reveal themselves when triggered 07:53 <[Demo]> can you find them with searching? 07:53 yes, and also with cursed gold detection or other trap detection methods 07:53 <[Demo]> cool 07:58 So basically you want five scrolls of gold detection for the Planes instead of four? 07:59 You want a wand of trap detection with a two-digit number of charges, because every time you detect traps, every trap only has a 50% chance of being detected. And 1% of all traps in slex are "hidden" and cannot be detected no matter what, so there's no 100% certainty regardless of what you do. :D 07:59 EPI: on Astral, all tiles adjacent to doorways get traps. 08:00 of course slex also has pestilence and famine traps on astral, and item teleporters that will teleport items out of your inventory :D 08:00 Actually, EPI: everywhere in the game, all tiles adjacent to doorways get traps. That includes diagonally adjacent. 08:00 <[Demo]> arc buff 08:03 hi 08:03 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 08:20 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 08:30 GNUmakefile works fine, *if* you cd into the target directory :-) 08:32 bhaak: so did the compiling finish yet? 08:48 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:49 ugh I'm getting sick of nyingen's "doom gloom nethack is going to become progressively harder and more nerfed until it's no fun anymore" attitude 08:49 who? 08:50 someone in #nethack 08:52 ah 09:05 just point them to unnethack, the only variant that keeps the spirit of 3.4.3 alive 09:06 :) 09:06 bhaak: would you like hardfought unnethack games announced in your channel like we do for slex games for #em.slashem.me ? 09:23 bhaak: I'm sure they wouldn't like the nerfs introduced in unnethack 09:24 "what do you mean, I can't use my magic lamp to wish for DSM? ridiculous..." 09:25 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 09:26 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:55 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) averted death, on T:106254 09:59 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) averted death, on T:107612 10:02 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) averted death, on T:108623 10:06 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 10522842 points, T:109577, died of starvation 10:19 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:22 aosdict: :-) 10:29 elenmirie the minotaur cleans out yet another treasure zoo 10:51 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:10 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 11:16 was never a fan of un nerfs 11:16 but it has cool stuff too 11:16 like sheol 11:27 <@luxidream> both Sheol and dragon caves are useless though 11:27 negative ghostrider 11:28 dragon caves = chance to get best body armor in the game 11:28 sheol = best pick axe ever made 11:28 <@luxidream> best body armor in un is mithril 11:28 <@luxidream> fight me 11:28 come at me bro 11:28 :P 11:29 <@luxidream> crystal pick is also pretty underwhelming 11:30 <@luxidream> I wished for it with a lamp 11:30 <@luxidream> never used it 11:46 good arc weapon 11:46 otherwise who cares 11:47 dig faster with it as well 11:47 and its lighter 11:47 and it smells nice 11:47 I hardly ever dig 11:50 <[Demo]> wish un early game was more interesting 12:20 <@luxidream> oh FIQ 12:21 <@luxidream> my nh4 save got wrecked by a nymph diving down a level with an egg or something 12:21 <@luxidream> would you know how to fix it? 12:21 <@luxidream> K2 said to ask you 12:22 he told me how 12:22 i just need to do it 12:22 now is as good a time as any (on lunch break) 12:22 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 12:24 ok @luxidream try it now 12:28 <@luxidream> Okay 12:30 <@luxidream> it works thanks 12:30 <@luxidream> think I need to wait around for the egg to spoil though 12:30 no prob sorry for the wait 12:31 its never the same edit to the save file 12:31 * K2 waits for FIQ to come by and say 'yes, it is' 12:38 [hdf-us] [un] k2 (Ran Orc Mal Cha) killed Durin's Bane, on T:31316 12:48 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:24867 12:48 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed ring of levitation", on T:24869 12:48 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:24870 12:49 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:24873 12:51 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:24982 12:53 -!- rumflump has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:13 <@luxidream> hmm 13:13 <@luxidream> bot doesn't write geno 13:14 <@luxidream> guess it's not smart enough to use markers 13:19 <@luxidream> v 13:25 its not :/ 13:25 "smash my way through everything, and if that fails, quit in frustration" 13:28 [hdf-us] [slex] s1b0rg2 (Sai Ins Mal Law), 674 points, T:925, killed by a monster (superjedi) 13:35 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:45 [hdf-us] [nh4] nerf me (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 237132 points, T:43188, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-02-05%2018%3A45%3A16%2C%20nerf%20me-Wiz-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 13:45 \o/ 13:47 <@luxidream> gg 13:50 [hdf-us] [un] k2 (Ran Orc Mal Cha) killed the Watcher in the Water, on T:32828 14:00 [hdf-us] [nh4] roysourboy (Luxidream) (Ran Hum Mal Neu), 33071 points, T:2648, killed by a water moccasin 14:19 lol 14:19 [hdf-us] [dnh] Lol (Wiz Hlf Mal Neu), 4979 points, T:4826, killed by a fire ant 14:34 T:19 You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes. 14:34 ty grunt 14:35 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 820996 points, T:35688, killed by Yeenoghu, while paralyzed by a monster 14:45 [hdf-us] [gh] hothraxxa (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 352 points, T:824, killed by a rock piercer 14:48 T:4 Foo misses the fox. The fox bites Foo. Foo is killed! 14:48 ty grunt 14:49 Hothraxxa eats a flesh golem corpse. 14:50 Status of hothraxxa (chaotic): Level 17 HP 56(136) AC -1, tame, fast. D a dragon (tame wyvern called hothraxxa) 14:50 since it's grunt, i don't know whether early pet loss is a good thing 14:50 in grunthack, pet loss is a way of life 14:50 ahh i'm hurting but hungry 14:51 i tamed him as a baby wyvren 14:51 i like to nurse a pet along to help with the first shop or two, but the effort is often not worth it 14:51 oh cool 14:51 i'm in one-eyed sams shop 14:51 which ones are wyverns? 14:51 he already got me grimtooth 14:51 i dunno yet 14:51 its different every game 14:52 what? i thought oes didn't allow pets inside 14:52 and i havent seen him use his breath attack yet 14:52 they dont 14:52 it spawned 14:52 and you've been there long enough to grow it up? 14:53 oh yeah 14:53 what are you up to? 14:53 trying to get a couple magic lamps out of these shops 14:53 its OES variant 2 14:53 bunch of partitioned shops 14:54 my last oes was in dyna and it was the big room shop 14:54 took forever to walk over everything but i got a lot of good id information from it 14:55 and she had two markers that i gladly paid 2500 zm each for 14:55 i might spring for the marker i found 14:55 wanna see what hothraxxa jr can do first 14:55 got a whistle? 14:56 i do 14:57 wooo magic lamp 15:12 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 15:28 [hdf-us] [dnh] Lol (Sam Hlf Mal Law), 32115 points, T:7492, killed by an ochre jelly 15:29 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:36 hmm hothraxxa died :( 15:36 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 15:37 tangled with a shopkeeper 15:37 would have won but they all wear amulets of life saving 15:37 cheats 15:37 he served me well 15:37 still ate the market? 15:37 at 15:38 yes 15:38 about to leave 15:39 <[Demo]> fuck when you accidentally kick a door at the market during junethack 15:39 heh 15:40 <[Demo]> thats what i get for using numpad and having my key on k 15:51 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Sam Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed fixed +3 grey dragon scale mail", on T:1205 16:01 <@riker> . 16:01 @riker: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-02-05 01:51 EST: I'll push a minor update to slex soon, so if you're still playing locally you'll want to update; also, did you fight the elder priest yet? OPTIONS=wonderland to start on his level :D 16:01 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya not yet I'm still on an old version (first with the new roles iirc) 16:01 Will do, @riker! 16:01 <@riker> !tell LarienTelrunya willl update later 16:01 Will do, @riker! 16:03 [hdf-us] [un] Delraven (Ran Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed +2 magicbane", on T:12432 16:25 [hdf-us] [un] k2 (Ran Orc Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:38378 16:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:40 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) had Grayswandir bestowed upon her by Lugh, on T:20532 16:44 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 16:46 hey 16:46 Hello StatueSurfer, Welcome to #hardfought 16:48 -!- rumflump has quit [Quit: rumflump] 16:53 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:57 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:22 [hdf-us] [gh] hothraxxa (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 3084 points, T:4603, killed by a dwarvish lord 17:23 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 17:33 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 249104 points, T:23815, quit 17:37 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:59 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a shrieker, on T:23585 18:19 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Kni Hum Fem Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:24560 18:34 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:00 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 19:07 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Sam Hum Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:3917 19:12 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:25 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 40164 points, T:15580, killed by an air elemental 19:27 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Fem Neu) changed form for the first time by mimicing a pile of gold, on T:12753 19:40 * K2 waves 19:51 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law), 128788 points, T:21078, drowned in a moat by a giant eel 19:52 <[Demo]> !asc DemoBot 19:52 [Demo]: DemoBot has ascended 3 times in 133 games (2.26%): nh:3 (2.26%) 19:52 heh nice 19:52 that's a better percentage than me 20:08 <@luxidream> most people don’t pudding farm obsessively 20:11 !asc jonadab 20:11 jonadab: jonadab has not ascended in 105 games. 20:11 Gotta do somethin about thyat. 20:21 go jonadab go! :P 20:21 jonadab: You just need 3 from the next 27 to do better than the bot :) 20:21 so my wife had me try this plant based chocolate protein powder shake thing 20:22 i am regretting this decision to try it 20:22 hey hey Tangles :) 20:27 Hi K2. How goes it? 20:28 going well, doing some remote work for a client. how bout you? 20:29 Not terrible... stupidly busy at the moment. 20:30 figured you were, havent 'seen' you in a few days 20:30 hope its not too crazy 20:30 I've been keeping a bit of an eye on this, but haven't really had much time to get involved. 20:31 no worries 20:32 havent had to do any major updates, havent been any show-stopper issues 20:32 i did update the eu server a few days ago 20:32 its now junethack/tournament ready resource-wise 20:33 Tangles: Heh. Maybe I should start doing all 343 lawful valks. 20:33 Or NH4, even better. 20:33 more importantly - hopefully you have some time to play :) 20:33 Need to do some more on the bot for multi-server !asc and !streak. It's all a bit of a horrible kludge. 20:33 Yeah I will get some time to play soon. Though it's been a few weeks. 20:33 K2: Well, I manage to squeeze in a game of Brogue _just about_ every day; but Brogue is a MUCH shorter game than NetHack. 20:34 i need to give it a try 20:35 Let's put it this way: Brogue's save feature is still marked as "experimental" and asks you if you really want to risk it (occasionally, saves desync when you try to reload them). It's a low priority because almost all games are played in a single sitting. 20:36 If a game of Brogue lasts an hour, you're doing very well. 21:29 [hdf-us] [nd] Wolfechu (Sam Hum Fem Law), 5503 points, T:4984, killed by a bugbear, while reading a book 21:30 [hdf-us] [un] k2 (Ran Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 magicbane", on T:40262 21:41 !tell LarienTelrunya Does slex have the Variant Reader's Codex and the Lost Orb of Phantastacoria as artifacts? 21:41 Will do, jonadab! 22:00 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 22:42 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Fem Neu) had Werebane bestowed upon her by Hermes, on T:16730 22:46 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:32138 22:49 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 23:13 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:17030 23:29 [hdf-us] [un] k2 (Ran Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 crystal pick", on T:42129 23:35 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:57 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed ring of levitation", on T:43264 23:57 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:43266 23:57 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of genocide", on T:43268 23:57 [hdf-us] [nh] DemoBot (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "7 blessed wax candles", on T:43271