00:22 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 00:24 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 00:55 -!- aosdict_ has joined #hardfought 01:00 -!- aosdict has quit [Quit: Quit] 01:01 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 01:06 @luxidream try f with polearms some day 01:06 it's basically tab-hitting 01:06 in fiqhack that is 01:06 works with autoswap too 01:10 [hdf-us] [nh4] K2 (k2) (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 47412 points, T:6461, killed by a large dog 01:30 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:30 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:47 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:56 -!- realinari has quit [Quit: realinari] 02:03 !tell StatueSurfer Go Team Nastytrap! (Also, the trap that prevents you from moving in the same direction twice in a row? Just wait a turn between moves :D) 02:03 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:04 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 02:04 hey 02:04 Hello StatueSurfer, Welcome to #hardfought 02:04 StatueSurfer: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-01-16 02:03 EST: Go Team Nastytrap! (Also, the trap that prevents you from moving in the same direction twice in a row? Just wait a turn between moves :D) 02:12 hi StatueSurfer 02:12 hi 02:12 Hello StatueSurfer, Welcome to #hardfought 02:12 good luck finding an unicorn horn in your fh game 02:12 please 02:12 i've got green dragon scale mail 02:13 and healing spells are an adequate substitute for a unihorn 02:13 stun 02:13 conf 02:13 hallu 02:13 blind 02:13 there's a cure blindness spell 02:13 ooh someone actually using the cure blindness spell 02:13 hallucination is uncommon anyway 02:14 and grayswandir blocks it 02:14 stunlocking will be even worse than ill I think 02:14 since there is no cure at all beyond unihorn 02:14 and waiting 02:15 fiqhack shimmering DSM gives you stun res 02:15 also you probably want to wish for an unihorn lategame if you get that fa 02:15 r 02:15 LarienTelrunya: a monster genocided u in StatueSurfer's game 02:16 lol 02:16 told you it's a bad idea to let monsters read those scrolls :D 02:16 he is/was playing knight 02:16 so yeah 02:16 probably due to the pet 02:16 yeah 02:16 now i'm seriously considering running ki-rin post-castle over black dragon 02:17 heh 02:17 at least slex screws you over in rational, fair ways, such as having monsters throw tron stones and melee prefix stones at you! :D 02:17 I mean, dragon mounts are fun 02:17 since ki-rin has the distinct property of being ungenocidable 02:17 LarienTelrunya: "fair" 02:17 > slex being fair 02:17 FIQ: btw, you might want to look at https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/commit/8a0ce53d8d98ac5873ca5a7b114c7c54cf0ff5b2 - there's new messages about FIQhack! 02:17 nasty traps which don't reveal themselves and afflict you with random garbage 02:18 StatueSurfer: works as intended, also, in this case the nasty trap effects came from cursed gray stones in your inventory 02:18 LarienTelrunya: but you never got to astra 02:18 l 02:19 FIQ: true, some of the messages are based on other players' experiences and of course my judgement might be off 02:19 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:19 fiq did you make quasits naturally invisible 02:19 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 02:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 02:19 LarienTelrunya: also you can't die by zapping death at yourself as a demon 02:19 StatueSurfer: yes 02:19 ... 02:19 it was a 4k change 02:19 attempting to make them more interesting 02:19 I don't think it worked 02:20 it makes them more annoying 02:20 and i have telepathy anyway 02:21 LarienTelrunya: there are plenty of defenses vs slow monster 02:21 FIQ: heh, maybe the incubus's "wand of death" is special and ignores the demon's immunity? :D 02:21 free action makes it not work 66% of the time 02:21 blue DSM completely prevents it 02:21 quaffing blessed speed monster makes it go away 02:21 what, the speed monster potion has to be blessed? I was hoping uncursed would be enough... 02:22 because blessing things lategame is so hard 02:22 it's probably best to have a bunch of already blessed speed monster potions, and of course stuff weigh way too much so they'll weigh you down :P 02:22 what if you cast speed monster 02:23 not that i'll be able to do that 02:23 StatueSurfer: will not help 02:23 :[ 02:24 LarienTelrunya: slow monster isn't that common 02:24 yeah i know 02:24 certainly more common than slex's wand of inertia though :) 02:25 oh, what if a monster zaps the spell of slow monster? same effect? 02:25 of course 02:25 well kind of 02:25 hahaha 02:25 duration might be different 02:25 due to wand skill vs lack of it 02:25 but beyond that, yeah 02:25 sounds like fun 02:25 it isn't that bad 02:26 you haven't even been to fiqhack's astrla 02:26 *astral 02:26 I don't suppose you have a precompiled FIQhack binary for Windows that I could use to wizmode? 02:26 oh yeah it has the buffed player monsters 02:26 also I consider cancelling the player much more fair than cancelling their inventory 02:27 LarienTelrunya: https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/releases 02:27 well I consider it much more fair if magic resistance protects against cancellation :D 02:27 doesn't have the changes listed as "Past 4.3.0" in the wiki 02:27 it does in fiqhack too 02:27 just not 100% of the time 02:27 "fiqhack_portable.zip" is for windows, right? 02:27 they both are 02:27 one is just a zip 02:27 one is an installer 02:28 also unlike fourk 02:28 fiqhack's SDL build actually works 02:29 yay optometrist blue as a message color :D 02:29 I have told you more than once that you can disable ti 02:29 *it 02:29 you are the only one who complains at that color 02:29 because you haven't bothered fixing your terminal pallet 02:29 wtf, ctrl-F is not the wizmode command for revealing the map? 02:29 no, M is 02:29 ctrl-M doesn't seem to do anything 02:30 let me check 02:30 ah 02:30 apparently I bound it myself in my local setup 02:30 use #showmap 02:30 ah, thx 02:30 you can also go to options -> interface options -> keymap -> remap debug commands 02:30 gaaaaaaaaaah, I'd have to remap almost every key 02:30 for example, / isn't farlook :( 02:31 ; is 02:31 wow i gained 2 resistances from one corpose 02:31 *corpse 02:31 this is a local build, so there should be a rcfile somewhere, right? 02:31 also / is farlook 02:31 what are you talking about 02:31 yes 02:31 Bad command: 'NumDivide'. 02:31 disable numlock 02:31 ... no nh3-based variant forces me to disable that :P 02:32 also disabling numlock does not help 02:32 ok 02:32 so map it, then 02:32 what is the location of the rcfile? 02:32 if you chose the .zip 02:32 it is in the same directory 02:32 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 02:32 save and exit before modifying 02:32 to prevent the game overwriting it 02:33 wtf, I can't see it? maybe because I never changed any option yet and therefore it doesn't exist? 02:33 possible 02:33 NH4 options are weird 02:33 sorry 02:34 gah, now I did change an option and there's still no rcfile to be found, yet when I close the game and reload, the changed option is still changed 02:34 then there is in fact a config 02:34 you just aren't looking in the right place 02:34 cool 02:34 DL17 bones 02:34 !tell ais523 how can I make KEY_PF1 an alternative keybind for '/'? 02:34 Will do, FIQ! 02:34 also I don't see the savegame file either 02:34 LarienTelrunya: hmm 02:34 I don't really know where it places these things on windows 02:35 there are so many folders with weird names like "libnethack" and "libjansson" etc. 02:35 but no folder named "save" 02:35 is there a .config ? 02:35 also look at AppData\Roaming 02:35 !tell ais523 as in, the whatis command 02:35 Will do, FIQ! 02:36 FIQ: ahh, that did the trick, there is in fact a FIQhack folder and a Nethack Fourk folder 02:36 LarienTelrunya: thanks, now I know in the future 02:36 you used the zip, correct? 02:36 yeah 02:36 so it still places config stuff there? good to know 02:37 now it's hopefully only a matter of copying my server rcfile stuff into FIQHack.conf (would love it if you could do the same on the servers btw, rcfile support for nh4-based variants when :P) 02:37 is this a feature request for hdf or fiqhack? 02:38 oh, apparently I need keymap.conf 02:38 well this is a feature request for all nh4-based variants and all servers that host them ;) 02:39 LarienTelrunya: well what you are asking wouldn't need any work on nh4-derivatives themselves... 02:40 why does it keep saying that NumDivide is a bad command :/ 02:40 okay i guess that wasn't a bones file 02:40 LarienTelrunya: map it 02:40 it was a just a random named zombie with telepathy 02:40 which will fix the problem 02:41 ah finally got it to work; somehow it was F2/NumDivide which is a different key than NumDivide *headdesk* 02:42 wait are you mapping keys by editing the rc? 02:42 you realize it's easier to map keys in particular ingame, right 02:42 You arrive on the Astral Plane!Here the High Temples of the aligned gods are located.You sense alarm, hostility, and excitement in the air!Pat the invisible Sorcerer walks very quietly. 02:43 well this one I did map in-game 02:43 LarienTelrunya: btw 02:43 to ease debugging of monster stuff 02:43 I created #toggledetect in FIQHack 02:43 it toggles intrinsic monster detection on or off 02:43 ah, just like ctrl-H in slex :) 02:43 heh 02:44 why is there an extra space in "the Angel of Moloch"? 02:44 also wtf I cannot ctrl-T teleport in wizmode??? 02:45 it says "you don't know that spell"... 02:46 alright i was gifted dragonbane 02:46 now all i have to do is get a stethoscope so i can tell when monsters are actually fleeing 02:47 lol there is a command #desync that has the description "corrupt the save file" 02:47 pushed a fix 02:48 to the double space issue 02:48 :) 02:48 LarienTelrunya: ctrl+t is meant to be the normal player teleport 02:48 so that that alone can be debugged 02:48 wizmode tele is #wizport 02:48 used to be mapped to ctrl+f 02:48 but now #find is instead 02:48 #wizport: unknown extended command. 02:48 give me a moment 02:49 hm 02:49 it is in fact #wizport 02:49 LarienTelrunya: oh you added a # 02:49 ah, yeah 02:49 now I get "You feel disoriented for a moment." YAAAAAAAAY 02:50 probably the Amulet 02:50 I should fix that 02:50 some weird anti-teleportation check is still in place even though I'm wizmoding 02:50 it is a vanilla bug 02:50 really??? 02:50 * LarienTelrunya quickly wizmodes a vanilla game 02:50 hm 02:50 I have already pushed a fix to this 02:50 might only be int he 4.3.0 build 02:50 *in the 02:51 vanilla bug my ass, in 3.4.3 wizmode I can teleport just fine with the amulet :D 02:51 oh wait, it's the percentage chance to not be able to teleport 02:51 * LarienTelrunya is too used to slex, where you simply cannot teleport with the amulet at all 02:51 OK, just checked 02:51 yeah it happens in vanilla too, 33% of the time or so 02:51 the bug is in 4.3.0 only 02:51 so I already fixed it 02:52 okay so I finally managed to teleport on FIQhack's astral plane, now I need to wish for an ascension kit 02:52 here goes nothing 02:52 you should probably have done that before arriving on astral 02:52 maybe go back to earth and do it 02:52 gah stupid Rodney! 02:52 to keep astral "pristine" 02:52 k 02:52 there's a random player monster on DL22 02:52 ctrl+v, then ?, then select earth 02:53 StatueSurfer: yeah they can actually appear now 02:53 since I made them generating be ignored 90% of the time instead of 99% 02:53 uhh, FIQhack seems to have the vanilla bug where a +120 long sword will always miss due to the to-hit variable overflowing to a negative number 02:53 ah 02:53 LarienTelrunya: yes 02:53 is that actually a bug 02:53 it is still a char 02:53 and no it isn't a bug 02:54 StatueSurfer: fiqhack player monsters have a better inventory now I think 02:54 unless I messed that up 02:54 now I have to do with a +100 long sword instead because of the bug :P 02:54 mm 02:54 but you're still outside Gehennom 02:54 so no astral-style kit 02:54 yeah 02:54 how good are we talking then 02:54 well 02:54 it's a wizard so i'm guessing CoMR 02:55 no armor beyond what he found on the ground 02:55 a decent weapon, likely with object properties 02:55 and a bunch of items 02:55 gaaaaaaah, FIQ you made it so that Rodney actually warps to a random place on astral when wounded? :P 02:55 ooh, wizard 02:55 that can still be nasty 02:55 due to spells 02:55 rodney appears on astral in fiqhack?? 02:55 no 02:55 LarienTelrunya warped to Earth 02:55 oh 02:55 Rodney spawned 02:55 ah 02:56 then she warped to astral 02:56 Rodney followed 02:56 since she was carrying the Amulet 02:56 well now he's dead at last :D 02:56 LarienTelrunya: btw, to get a proper view of fiqhack astral 02:56 I suggest taking a save of a fiqhack ascension 02:56 and cut off the end 02:56 of the astral run 02:57 why does the game lag so much 02:57 it shouldn't lag that badly 02:57 it literally takes about half a second at a --More-- to display the next set of messages when pressing space 02:57 nobody has complained about it 02:57 The bolt of fire bounces! The bolt of fire hits you! You feel a bit hot.You are caught in the fireball! You resist the fireball 02:57 LarienTelrunya: probably the SDL build 02:57 or wincon 02:57 ^^ there's a period missing at the end 02:58 fixed 02:58 thanks 02:59 aww, I cannot wish for speed boots of flying 02:59 okay fiqhack's monster displacement makes the real monster vanish?? 02:59 StatueSurfer: yes 02:59 why wouldn't it? 02:59 you can use telepathy 02:59 i figured it would make a clone of real monster 02:59 ah, but I can wish for a helm of telepathy of brilliance :) 02:59 an illusory clone 02:59 if you are displaced 02:59 i figured that was how player displacement worked 02:59 monsters only see your displaced image 02:59 similar here 03:00 oh 03:00 FIQ: when quaffing a blessed potion of full healing, "You feel fully healed" also lacks a period 03:00 already fixed 03:00 but thanks anyawy 03:00 (it's in 4.3.0) 03:00 StatueSurfer: so was the wizard easy 03:00 to deal with 03:00 haven't gotten to him yet 03:01 he's on the other side of the level behind a secret passage 03:01 ah 03:01 right I see him 03:01 the monsters getting displaced were sergeants 03:01 with a magical pair of low boots 03:01 an invisible conjurer [seen: cooperative telepathy]; unexplored area 03:01 yay the priests are spamming create monster! 03:01 ahh 03:02 StatueSurfer: haha he'll probably be a pushover 03:02 conjurer is the 2nd rank 03:02 so he's like level 4-6 03:02 oh 03:02 heh 03:02 atm level generation is random 03:02 huh, there was no "Your movements are unencumbered now" when I went from burdened to unburdened; intentional? 03:02 1-16 above Gehennom 03:02 15-30 in Gehennom or endgam 03:02 e 03:02 ha now i have the low boots of displacement! 03:02 nice 03:03 The invisible renegade priest of Moloch zaps an iridium wand!The invisible captain slows down abnormally.The invisible hill giant slows down abnormally. 03:03 it's possible this my first footwear of the whole game 03:03 yaaaaaaay now I have inertia :P 03:03 *slow 03:03 slow 03:03 this isn't slex 03:03 thank goodness for that 03:04 The invisible xorn zaps a wand of make invisible!The invisible xorn zaps a wand of make invisible! Nothing happens. 03:04 the uh wizard poly'd himself into a nymph... 03:04 StatueSurfer: lol 03:05 well as said 03:05 XL4-6 03:05 he probably considered his original form too shit 03:05 yeah 03:05 he did poly again into a zruty though 03:06 okay so as far as I can tell, the main source of create monster spam on FIQhack astral actually comes from spellcasters that know summoning spells 03:06 you know fiqhack has autoswap, right? 03:07 wizard didn't have a cloak of magic resistance 03:08 i guess that'd be too OP 03:08 keep in mind that this is the "easier" difficulty level of player monsters 03:08 they can start appearing by like Dlvl10 or so 03:08 okay 03:08 @v?wizard 03:08 wizard (@) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 12 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 3 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 03:08 a bit later than that 03:08 but yeah 03:09 currently there are only 2 modes of player monster generation 03:09 having a player monster be kitted with similar things as you have now, on dlvl12, would be a bit mean 03:10 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 03:11 StatueSurfer: use f 03:11 when things are in polearm range 03:11 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:12 it works 03:12 how powerful was that A? 03:12 it was carrying sunsword 03:12 well it was probably an aleax 03:12 yeah it was an aleax 03:12 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:13 if it was an archon, the only other thing it could be with these items, you would have died 03:13 FIQ: hmm. If you zap a wand of create monster in FIQhack, the monsters it creates are hostile to you, right? Shouldn't, by the logic of full player-monster symmetry, monsters created by hostile monsters with create monster wands be hostile to the zapper, and peaceful or tame to you? :D 03:13 no 03:13 they speed up monster generation 03:13 they merely just create what the level would have created anyway 03:13 just faster 03:13 not all monsters you create are hostile 03:14 hmm 03:14 i now have 3 different sources of reflection 03:17 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:18 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:18 luckily dodging the caitliff penalty for sleeping monsters is fairly easy 03:18 since all you have to do kick near the monster to wake it up 03:18 *to do is kick 03:19 StatueSurfer: I think you can gain another point of str 03:20 yeah it looks like it 03:20 it isn't guranteed beyond 18 03:20 but your str cap is 21 03:21 I suggest taking off your shield of reflection 03:21 for spell trainin 03:21 g 03:21 knights don't have a penalty for a shield 03:22 ok 03:22 also you are still not using autoswap :P 03:24 oh 03:24 failed castings build the skill too? 03:24 o 03:24 no 03:24 because otherwise what i'm seeing makes no sense 03:24 wait 03:24 does it scale by spell difficulty? 03:24 what do you mean 03:25 casting higher-level spells give more skill yes 03:25 like does casting a level 3 spell give more skill xp than a level 1 spell 03:25 okay 03:25 now that makes sense 03:25 use ctrl+a btw 03:25 to cast the same spell 03:25 over and ove 03:25 r 03:25 okay 03:25 also works for resuming activities when you're interrupted 03:26 you should also use autoswap :D 03:26 i.e. you don't need to xchange weapon by hand 03:26 the game will do that for you 03:26 and use 'f' to autofight with polearms 03:26 since your quiver is empty 03:26 (I think?) 03:28 welp breaking for tonight 03:28 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:32 !tell StatueSurfer using ctrl+f (find) to search for magical objects in your game out of curiousity, I found a magical pair of old gloves (non-leather gloves with an additional property too) on dlvl12 for you, there was also a ring a few levels below 03:32 Will do, FIQ! 03:40 You now detect it where the vampire bat was. 03:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:46 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 04:04 he double troubled, twice 04:12 EPI: make NetHack three-dimensional. Default view mode would show what is in x and y dimensions just like it does currently, but there would be commands to switch to x,z or y,z view and there would be enough interesting things in z direction to more or less make it mandatory. 04:29 K2: please 04:34 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:40 added monster-to-monster anger 05:40 allthough nothing uses it for now 05:45 apart from djinn 05:52 fun fact: rather than the monster getting angry from buzz upon being hit, they're actually angered in a completely seperate function elsewhere which does nothing involving monsters apart from this anger check 06:11 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:16 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:46 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 06:52 -!- oh6_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:21 grats elenmirie! 07:21 <[Demo]> yey 07:48 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:12 -!- Menche_ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 08:14 thanks guys! 09:05 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 09:05 -!- lonjil has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:06 -!- lonjil has joined #hardfought 09:14 -!- lonjil has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:14 -!- lonjil has joined #hardfought 09:18 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 09:24 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 09:38 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 10:08 -!- aosdict_ is now known as aosdict 10:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:18 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:18 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 10:30 -!- ThatBenGuy has joined #hardfought 10:40 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Gno Fem Neu) received advice from The Oracle, on T:2276 10:52 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:58 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG esp since the void isn't angered by prayer 10:58 Will do, @riker! 11:03 <@riker> gotta love 6 int: can fail to read a spbk so many times you tele in and then out of a vault 11:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1828 11:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:12 <@riker> ^ and then I same race sacced zuggtmoy k then 11:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:7372 11:40 <@riker> since when are ogres considered orcs? 11:40 <@riker> now I've got another same-rac sac demon 12:14 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 12:14 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 12:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v theRaisse] by ChanServ 12:30 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 600 points, T:2053, killed by a water demon 12:39 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Tou Gno Fem Neu), 35364 points, T:4742, killed by a wolf 12:40 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 12:40 -!- theRaisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:48 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 12:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v theRaisse] by ChanServ 12:50 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 12:56 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 1442 points, T:2175, killed by a bolt of fire 12:57 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 44814 points, T:19738, killed by a white unicorn 13:01 dynahack, i hit orcus and he summons nasties. i cast charm monster... and orcus becomes peaceful! 13:01 <@riker> grats 13:01 <@riker> in orcustown or via gate? 13:01 didn't know that was possible 13:01 orcustown 13:01 <@riker> you can pacify most things iirc 13:02 <@riker> anything but the wiz and mr 100 13:02 <@riker> @n?orcu 13:02 <@riker> @?orcus 13:02 Orcus (&) | Lvl: 66 | Diff: 36 | Spd: 9 | Res: fire poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 85 | Generates: unique | AC: -6 | Attacks: 3d6 weapon physical, 3d4 claw physical, 3d4 claw physical, 8d6 cast spell, 2d4 sting drain str | Alignment: -20 | Flags: flies, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 13:02 hrm. 85 13:02 <@riker> congrats that was a slim chance 13:02 So he would have a fairly high chance of resisting, yeah. 13:02 indeed 13:02 well he's dead now anyway. i guess i took an alignment hit 13:03 An "alignment hit" in vanilla, haha. 13:03 i didn't need his wand but a magic missile bounce unpacified him 13:03 it's not vanilla! 13:03 it's dynahack 13:03 fh is the worst 13:04 Ah. 13:04 <@riker> fh? fiqhack? 13:04 yes 13:04 <@riker> do you not like fh for whatever reason 13:04 <@riker> correction 13:04 <@riker> why do you not like fh? 13:05 there are many things i think fh does best 13:05 FIQHack alignment is _almost_ like vanilla, for isolated incidents, but can give you trouble if you take a bunch of alignment hits in a row for some reason. 13:05 you are reading something into what i said. i never said i don't like fh 13:05 Or if you take one right before you want to start the quest. 13:05 fh aligmnet sewts you 0 then you take the hit 13:05 @riker you can actually tame mr 100 things. The only ones that are unpacifiable are the Wizard, Medusa, and quest nemeses. 13:05 hothraxxa: He just read it without the implied "regarding alignment record" qualifier. 13:05 yeah i figure 13:06 <@luxidream> fourk alignment is most difficult imo 13:06 <@riker> aosdict: how do you tame those? 13:06 @luxidream Depends on role. 13:06 <@luxidream> non barbarian 13:06 that's because we haven't come up with enough ways to mildly please your god yet @luxidream 13:06 Heh. Barbarian alignment in Fourk is almost vanilla. 13:06 <@riker> hothraxxa: ah, sorry, I didn't realize that was continuing the discussion about alignment 13:07 heh, no worries 13:07 <@riker> but yeah fh alignment penalties are dumb 13:07 i don't like some fh changes but most of it is really nice 13:07 @riker the MR formula factors in your level and the monster's level. If your level exceeds the monster's level, it's a non-zero chance even with MR 100. 13:07 <@riker> oh, that makes sense 13:07 <@riker> @n?asmodeus 13:07 <@riker> @?asmodues 13:07 asmodues ~2~ Asmodeus (&) | Lvl: 105 | Diff: 53 | Spd: 12 | Res: fire cold poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: unique | AC: -7 | Attacks: 4d4 claw physical, 6d6 cast cold | Alignment: 20 | Flags: flies, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 13:08 And I think the pacifiable but not tameable monsters are those that are covetous. 13:08 <@riker> do any demon lords have mr 100? 13:08 Asmo Dues! Here, take my 2 gold pieces! 13:08 I mean, vanilla alignment record might as well not _exist_. There were really only three reasonable options: A) put it on a TODO list forever and hope someone else fixes it, B) try to make it actually matter, or C) discard the mechanic entirely. 13:08 <@riker> if they aren't specifically tagged untameable they likely are 13:08 <@riker> aosdict: >_> I can't spell 13:08 B is the most difficult but also probably the ideal approach, if it can be accomplished. 13:08 <@luxidream> it matters if you’re a valk trying to find armor in the mines 13:09 jonadab: I am fond of my godly favor idea, but it doesn't include a means for small bonuses or penalties like alignment record takes care of. 13:09 jonadab: both grasshopper and i have gotten into alignment trouble in vanilla through killing peaceful gremlins 13:09 @luxidream Why? You can just A) slaughter everything that moves, and then B) keep doing so all game long. In vanilla, it'll be fine. 13:09 gremlins mass produce on medusa level. zap light. oops 13:10 Ah. 13:10 It would take an awful lot of them. 13:10 And you could fix it in a couple hundred turns by just playing normally. 13:10 i think in my case it was about 40 13:10 It is really hard to overstate how many alignment points you get in normal gameplay. 13:10 no. took forever sacrificing 13:10 Sacrificing is by far the slow way. 13:10 Just go kill some monsters. 13:10 i did 13:10 <@riker> if he was neutral it may not have helped much 13:11 <@riker> since afaict most generic dungeon monsters are neu 13:11 (I did manage to overstate it once. I said something to the effect that it could probably be used to overflow 64-bit MAXINT, if it weren't capped. This is not actually true.) 13:12 (Because despite how crazy the scale is, it's arithmetic, not geometric.) 13:12 <@riker> are you telling me the nethack source innately accounts for a special case that isn't possible in 99% of circumstances? 13:12 <@riker> wow 13:13 Lots of them, but not in this case, no. There's a max alignment record cap, which is proportional to the number of turns played. 13:14 <@riker> oh, is that the reason for that weird cap? 13:14 <@riker> or is that just something the devteam thought made sense 13:14 Yes, and also the turn-2000 minimum for ascension. 13:14 <@riker> ^ that's a byproduct of that cap though right 13:14 Because it takes until turn 2000 to get your max alignment up to 20. 13:15 (This is silly; I removed it in Fourk and put unchanging caps at -100 and +100.) 13:15 <@riker> wonders if ais's TAS could be used to get a 2100 turn speedrun 13:15 <@riker> or anything less than 2100 but greater than 2000 13:15 @riker they're at around 2005 turns 13:16 <@riker> oh, really? damn 13:16 and trying to get lowe 13:16 r 13:16 In 3.4.3, the theoretical minimum under TAS conditions is somewhere _around_ 2005, yes. That's extreme. 13:16 <@riker> I thought it was like 2150 or something 13:16 They had a 2003-turn plan, but it won't actually work because of technical things they overlooked. 13:16 <@riker> how did it work? 13:16 2150 might be the record for an actual, non-TAS game. 13:16 <@riker> I thought the shortest path through the planes was at least 4 turns in wizmode 13:17 The fastest plan exploits a bug that allows levelporting and taking the Amulet with you, if A) you aren't holding the Amulet when a monster action causes you to hit the levelport trap, but before it comes around to your turn and actually levelports you, another monster action causes you to autopickup the Amulet. Or something like that. 13:17 This is really only possible under TAS conditions, IMO. 13:17 <@riker> ah cool 13:18 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:18 However, there's something you _could_ do in 3.4.3 (it's fixed in 3.6 now), in normal play: you can levelport while your steed is carrying the Amulet. 13:18 Err, not levelport, sorry. 13:18 Branchport. 13:19 (The other one is levelport, the one you can do without TAS conditions is branchport.) 13:20 reading backlog 13:20 fiqhack's alignment penalties is *nothing* compared to fourk 13:21 Actually, FIQHack's _penalties_ are higher than Fourk's penalties. 13:21 It's just that FIQHack still allows you to go fix it very easily by getting a bajillion points for killing random things. 13:21 And Fourk does not. 13:21 Unless Barbarian. 13:23 aw, Kos... 13:23 <@riker> elenmirie, getting all the artifacts today 13:23 <@riker> grimtooth and ogresmasher, what's next? 13:24 <@riker> :) 13:24 all the crummy ones, yes 13:24 Trollsbane next. 13:24 <@riker> nah, giantslayer 13:24 I'm chaotic, it won't be giantslayer :D 13:25 <@riker> TIL giantslayer is neutral 13:25 Also, Giantslayer is a long sword, so actually a decent weapon. 13:25 * elenmirie stashes ogresmasher and carries on altar scumming 13:25 <@riker> oh, didn't realize trollsbane didn't instnatly kill trolls 13:25 <@riker> ^ would be nice cuz trolls are dicks 13:25 they sure are 13:25 It does in some variants. Fourk for instance. 13:25 <@riker> in vanilla 13:26 But yeah, not in vanilla. 13:26 In vanilla it's worse against trolls than probably the average role's starting weapon. 13:26 <@riker> I'm used to silvered hungerless gremling & troll hating trollsbane :p 13:26 <@riker> lol 13:26 <@riker> I've used trollsbane and ogresmasher together in dnh for the barb quest 13:26 <@riker> it was grea 13:26 <@riker> *great 13:28 what you want in vanilla against trolls, is a tinning kit 13:29 Or a pet dog. 13:29 a pet dog named Hoover 13:29 Carnivorous pets in vanilla will eat unlimited quantities of meaty corpses. 13:29 yep 13:30 jonadab: as I've said, the only problem with slashing the alignment gains from killing stuff is that there's nothing else to replace it with. 13:30 generally if you have a pet dragon, the agreement is, I kill 'em, you eat 'em 13:30 Dragons are so slow, though, they end up spending _all_ their time eating and are never available when you e.g. want to go down stairs. 13:31 pretty much 13:31 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 13:34 lol 13:34 it's you guys' fault 13:34 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 1383 points, T:1954, killed by a werejackal, while sleeping 13:34 you gave him ideas 13:35 I'm really better off with my +1 long sword named Munterplant's Revenge 13:35 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:43 EPI: every time an item in your inventory goes from cursed to uncursed, another random item in your inventory becomes cursed. Even if said item was blessed. 13:43 If it was the only item in your inventory, it simply stays cursed, using up the holy water or whatever you used for uncursing in the process. 13:47 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 13:49 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:53 hm. 13:53 yeah, I'll take that. 13:54 I shall use it wisely, Kos! 13:54 with Munterplant's Revenge for my off-hand... 13:58 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 14:00 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 14:10 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:16 -!- rumflump has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:20 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:33 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 14:34 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:35 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:36 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:46 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 14:56 -!- Menche_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:57 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 14:58 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:02 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:03 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:06 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 3770 points, T:6335, killed by an invisible priestess of Athena 15:15 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 15:17 -!- ais523 has quit [Disconnected by services] 15:17 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 15:32 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:34 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:54 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: You shoot 7 silver arrows. The 1st silver arrow hits the barbed devil! The silver arrow sears the barbed devil's flesh!--More--] 15:59 <[Demo]> so can i get a meter on how cruel a monster attack that polymorphs random items in your inventory is? 16:01 <@riker> pretty bad 16:02 pretty cruel, but it would be mitigated by stuff like the monster is slow and can be run away from or the monster is genocidable. 16:02 <@riker> please don't 16:02 <[Demo]> ok now lets say that it only happens to you if you've polymorphed an item 16:02 <[Demo]> and that it is an ability of the final monster 16:03 <[Demo]> or rather it only has a chance of happening 16:04 <@riker> ? 16:05 <@riker> it's an effect of the resulting polypile golems? 16:06 <@riker> .s/effect/attack/ 16:06 <[Demo]> no, final monster acu fights 16:06 <[Demo]> has a whispering attack that does a random effect to you 16:06 <@riker> ??? 16:06 <[Demo]> depending on coducts broken 16:07 <@riker> ah 16:07 <[Demo]> idea is if you come in conduct brokenless it should be a damn easy fight 16:07 <@riker> that seems reasonable I guess 16:07 <@riker> how many? d3? 16:07 <[Demo]> also who needs items a few squares from victory? 16:07 <@riker> and of course artifacts and such wouldn't poly? 16:07 <[Demo]> yeah 16:08 <[Demo]> might try to stop containers from polying too 16:08 <@riker> oh, this is on astral? k then seems fine to me (still no artis ofc) 16:08 <[Demo]> no, beyond astral 16:08 <@riker> yeah, containers except magic chests 16:08 <@riker> oh 16:08 <@riker> uh k then 16:08 <[Demo]> Numina 16:08 <[Demo]> well Numina's whispers 16:15 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Pri Hum Mal Cha) polymorphed his first object, on T:8140 16:15 <@riker> well he's getting hit by that attack /s 16:16 -!- Menche_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:16 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 13566 points, T:8210, killed by a priest of Thoth, while paralyzed by a monster 16:18 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 16:22 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:31 [hdf-us] [un] Delraven (Cav Hum Mal Law), 216447 points, T:43910, crushed to death by a collapsing drawbridge 16:31 oh crap :/ 16:33 <@riker> at teh castle? 16:33 <@riker> !lastgame delraven 16:33 @riker: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/D/Delraven/un531/dumplog/1515096302.un531.txt.html 16:33 <@riker> no ludios 16:44 no ludios? doesn't un guarantee it? 16:44 <@riker> meant "at the castle? no, ludios" 16:54 I forgot that un has a drawbridge in ludios, but it only makes sense 16:58 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:05 <[Demo]> how is one supposed to generate say, a random artifact SPFX long constant like SPFX_XRAY? 17:05 <@riker> ? 17:06 <[Demo]> like code wise 17:06 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 17:07 <[Demo]> cause my idea is to just generate a random int between 0 and number of masks-1 and then cast it to a long and see if it equals a mask value 17:08 -!- ThatBenGuy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:09 <[Demo]> I've seen solutions where an array of all the possible values is created but that seems inefficient 17:11 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Ran Gno Fem Neu), 3562 points, T:3471, quit 17:24 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 17:47 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 17:54 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 17:56 [Demo]: in vanilla they appear to each be a single bit 17:57 so you could compute the highest bit and do something like (1 << rn2(highestbit)) 17:57 <[Demo]> oh thats probably better than my current solution 18:02 [hdf-us] [fh] Rambunctious Playtester (StatueSurfer) (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 66372 points, T:22148, killed by a magic missile 18:02 great i still don't know what that monster that beat me down was 18:02 StatueSurfer: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-16 03:32 EST: using ctrl+f (find) to search for magical objects in your game out of curiousity, I found a magical pair of old gloves (non-leather gloves with an additional property too) on dlvl12 for you, there was also a ring a few levels below 18:07 FIQ: so you can use find with "magical" to find all the propertied items in the game? neat 18:12 <[Demo]> hmm this actually works which is surprising 18:16 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Excalibur thrown at him by some watery tart, on T:2891 18:29 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5095 18:37 <[Demo]> hmm 18:37 <[Demo]> mass pet untaming attack 18:37 <[Demo]> that is kind of a dick move 18:46 are you playing slex 18:47 i think my next first wish in fiqhack as a knight will probably be blessed figurine of a ki-rin 18:47 so i don't get my mount genocided out from under me 18:48 <[Demo]> man I never trust mounts for flying 18:48 <[Demo]> leads to complications 18:48 <[Demo]> like death 18:48 lol 18:48 i'll pack some fireproof water walking boots 19:04 <@luxidream> statuesurfer: you know FH lets you in the quest at xplvl 10 right 19:14 [hdf-us] [4k] tinkerbell here to kick ur ass (Luxidream) (Wiz Syl Fem Cha), 4242 points, T:1192, killed by a kitten 19:20 <[Demo]> awe rats my amulet of yendor got polymorphed into a square amulet 19:20 oh 19:20 no 19:21 did that break your streak 19:21 <@luxidream> already broke it 19:21 <@luxidream> before 19:21 <@luxidream> plus I'm playing fourk lol 19:21 ah 19:23 i probably would've died on my quest anyway 19:24 <@luxidream> jonadab: how do you gain alignment as pri 19:27 [Demo]: how exactly did you manage to polymorph the amulet of yendor, or is this in your ndnh 19:27 <[Demo]> ndnh yeah didnt check if it resisted 19:32 <[Demo]> hmm, might use rnl for deciding odds of each item getting polymorhped 19:33 <[Demo]> ehhhh might be too cruel 19:47 [hdf-us] [4k] LastOfMyRaceBecauseItSucks (Luxidream) (Pri Syl Fem Cha) entered the Sokoban zoo, on T:6015 19:48 lol 19:48 nice name 19:49 <@luxidream> sylphs suck 19:49 <@luxidream> can't even wear shoes 19:49 <[Demo]> "Numina hits! Numina hits! Whispers surround you! They begin commenting on your inventory. Your quarterstaff shifts shape!--More--" heh 19:50 > they begin commenting on your inventory 19:50 "A flame war erupts!" 19:52 <[Demo]> i wonder if -4 treasury of proteus acts as a coffin 19:54 -4? 19:54 it's not even a weapon 19:55 [hdf-us] [4k] LastOfMyRaceBecauseItSucks (Luxidream) (Pri Syl Fem Cha), 17370 points, T:7951, killed by a white unicorn 19:56 does that unicorn get points for extincting sylphs 19:56 <[Demo]> ah yeah but in a hypothetical situation where an attack drained artifact spe 19:57 hm, the ctrl-F thing in FH might persuade me to try it again 19:58 um i'm not sure if that would ever happen, and i also doubt it could be used as a coffin 20:00 <[Demo]> well +4 chests are coffins in dnh 20:00 hm weird 20:01 <[Demo]> probably not the best way to do it but it works 20:02 <[Demo]> err +4 boxes rather i think not chests 20:03 you mean they have a spe of 4 and that means they are a "coffin"? What does a coffin do? 20:03 <[Demo]> well when you open it you get a message and a vampire pops out 20:04 wait what's "spe" mean 20:07 <[Demo]> field on objects used for enchantment or charges 20:07 oh 20:10 or, apparently, determining whether something is a coffin. 20:10 I think I'd personally use corpsenm for that. 20:11 If I were going to implement this. 20:11 so like if you put a human corpse in a +4 box 20:11 <[Demo]> what does corpsenm do and why not corpsepm so you can have coffins of different types? 20:11 would it spontaneously become a vampire next time you opened it 20:12 <[Demo]> no 20:12 <[Demo]> when you open a +4 box it disenchants 20:12 <[Demo]> and there's no way to enchant a box to +4 20:12 <[Demo]> actually I think he used spe cause its easy to specify in the level des file 20:13 <@luxidream> scroll of enchant box 20:13 so it's just an arbitrary way to screw the player over? 20:13 <@luxidream> add it 20:13 <[Demo]> no its a neat feature on vlads 20:13 sounds vaguely familiar... 20:15 @luxidream https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/blob/master/doc/changelog-fourk.txt#L294 20:16 neat 20:34 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:47 [Demo]: corpsenm is a number that is a monster index. It's used for tins, and is how the game can store a tin of foo monster consistently. 20:47 It's used on barely anything else, though. 20:47 Oh, also on, you know, corpses. 20:48 And eggs. 20:48 So with a box, you could set corpsenm to PM_VAMPIRE or PM_VAMPIRE_LORD. 20:51 corpsenm is used for several things. 20:51 Statues, corpses, tins, eggs, figurines, ... 20:51 Basically any object that needs to know what specific monster it relates to (except dragon scales and mail, which are handled differently, because of course they are). 20:54 "You've been warned, knave!" The guard wields a dagger! 20:54 heh 20:54 silly guard 20:59 oh my... my ghost twice on same level 21:00 what wizardry is this?? 21:00 :P 21:00 Double bones can happen. 21:00 I've gotten double bones in Minetown numerous times, and sometimes elsewhere. 21:00 Big Room on at least one occasion. 21:00 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Nalzok, on T:29201 21:00 Delphi more than once I think. 21:01 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) picked up the Bell of Opening, on T:29203 21:01 how often are the dbl bones both you? 21:01 Filler levels in both the main dungeon and the Mines. 21:01 go arnibald! 21:01 In server play, not usually; but it can happen, especially if you're playing a lot. 21:01 I've gotten my _own_ bones on NAO. But only single. 21:02 on such a high traffic server such as NAO, i'd say thats rare 21:03 Yes. Also I have gotten my own bones on hardfought and on kerio's server, whatever it was called at the time (xkcd or whatever), but these cases all involved playing variants. The NAO case was plain old 343-nao. 21:03 And that was before 3.6 was released, too. 21:03 But yes, it was only a single ghost of me, not double. 21:04 Double bones of both you are rare in server play. But can happen. 21:04 The game doesn't check whether they're your own bones or anything, so the probabilty is just a simple function of what percentage of the deaths on the server at that depth are your fault. 21:05 i'm gonna make a bold assumption here, and say that I probably generate a lot of bones files :) 21:05 Heh. 21:06 In June of 2015, I actually had a player complain about the bones I was leaving. (I was doing Most Unique Deaths work in AceHack...) 21:06 hahah 21:06 (Using the reroller to play wizards with wands of polymorph, which I zapped at monsters...) 21:07 (Most of the deaths were in the first 3 dungeon levels, so no bones; but apparently a few times I got down to level 4 or 5.) 21:09 yeah this was dbl bones of me on dlvl 4 21:09 both were failed arc attempts 21:09 so nothing too special in the piles 21:10 i am playing a human barbarian currently (nh4) and just finished the mines, making my way down to sokoban now 21:11 gonna pitch a tent at this latar... 21:11 altar 21:21 <@luxidream> jonadab: "Excalibur is now easier to get for Knights, harder for others." 21:21 <@luxidream> what are the specifics on this? 21:21 <@luxidream> I know it's 1/6 in vanilla 21:22 <@luxidream> will I have to dry up every fountain in the game to get excal as a non knight? 21:25 fun fact - in sporkhack, *only* knights can dip for excalibur 21:26 !who 21:26 K2: [hdf-us] k2 [nh4] jonadab [fh] arnibald [gh] ellipsis [nd] Luxidream [4k] 21:26 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 21:26 <@luxidream> makes sense 21:27 but, you can also play a dark knight (chaotic) and dip for excaliburs evil twin 21:28 @luxidream: Depends on your experience level. 21:28 i havent tried chaotic knight yet 21:28 K2: can you still sac for it though? 21:28 <@luxidream> what??? this whole time I was playing orc knight and didn't know you could do that! 21:29 <@luxidream> welp I gotta do that now. sorry fourk 21:29 aosdict: perhaps. dunno. i would imagine you could be crowned and get it that way if lawful 21:29 hah @luxidream 21:30 i wont spoil the blade a dark knight can dip for 21:30 i think you'll like it though 21:30 @luxidream : The formula in Fourk is 1 chance in n, where n is 6-XL for knight, 10-XL for Bar, 15-XL for others, but n is never less than 1 regardless of XL. 21:31 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 21:31 does luck affect that at all? 21:31 No. 21:31 <@luxidream> that's actually a lot better than I expected 21:31 Well, just luck in getting the correct random numbers :-) 21:31 heh 21:32 <@luxidream> is it still at level 5 K2? 21:32 i believe so yes 21:32 <@luxidream> sweet 21:32 <@luxidream> time to be edgy 21:32 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:32 i think after this nh4 game i'm gonna have a go at dark knight also 21:32 i have made myself interested 21:33 <@luxidream> picks up scroll instantly burdened 21:33 <@luxidream> well this is going to be fun 21:34 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 21:34 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:36 bhaak: you mentioned recently how spork contains a lot of less-visible changes that affect gameplay significantly. Shame the wiki basically glosses over all of them. 21:41 <@luxidream> spork's racial shopkeepers makes me think that orctown should have actual orc shopkeepers 21:42 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha) made his first wish - "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:9747 21:44 orctown is minetown that was overrun by the orc horde 21:47 only took 4000 turns... have cleaver 21:48 <@luxidream> but orcs can be civilized. 21:48 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/403017739658067968/izchak.png 21:48 <@luxidream> izchak's an orc! 21:49 heh 21:49 wait til you come across a lich shopkeeper (can also be izchak) 21:49 @luxidream knight? Yeah. They'd start burdened, except the code adjusts you upward until your starting gear doesn't burden you. 21:50 You need to either drop the lance immediately, or change out the heavy armor for something lighter pronto. 21:50 @luxidream how the hell do you play so fast? are you on crack? do you have an IV of espresso? what's the deal 21:51 <@luxidream> I mean I'm only in MT 21:51 i've watched you play 21:52 it makes me feel old and slow 21:52 (doesnt help that i'm old and slow) 21:53 <@luxidream> I'm no speedrunner though. maybe someday 21:54 @luxidream, K2: What's your typical ascension turncount? 21:54 30k turns is fast for me 21:55 <@luxidream> my turncounts are very high 21:55 (Mine ranges from around 90k upward... my longest was 160k, but that was a bit of an outlier.) 21:55 (Some day I want to ascend in under 80k, just to prove I can.) 21:56 per the scoreboard, my fastest asc was 30543 turns 21:56 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:56 Right now in FIQHack I'm at 10k and haven't been to Mine's End yet, haven't made holy water yet, ... 21:56 (monk of all things, nao 3.6.0) 21:57 K2: 30k is not quite speedrun (20k is the usual threshhold for that, I think), but still pretty fast by my standards. 21:57 <@luxidream> 27608 is my fastest 21:57 rough estimate, my average is probably 45-50k 21:57 i like to explore 21:57 <@luxidream> 101658 is my longest, my first one too 21:57 All of my ascensions to-date have required multiple months. 21:57 <@luxidream> not sure what I was doing there 21:58 Preparing? 21:58 78k is my longest 21:58 My longest was the Samurai ascension, the one where I found a bunch of cursed bones loot and could cast identify at 98% fail and remove curse at 99% fail... 21:59 <@luxidream> hah 21:59 So I spent a lot of turns in the midgame waiting for Pw to regenerate. 21:59 imo its not about how fast you can asc, or your score... its the simple fact that you actually ascend 21:59 <@luxidream> I did that my first sam too 21:59 <@luxidream> on local 21:59 <@luxidream> good times 21:59 <@luxidream> now I hate spellcasting 21:59 K2: I can ascend occasionally, just not reliably. And there are still whole categories of roles I have no idea how to do. 22:00 i can relate somewhat 22:00 i never tried tourist until (relatively) recently 22:00 Oh, that 160k turn game may have also been the game where I happend to have a spare BoH and made it my main stash, and tens of thousands of turns later, forgot and stashed a wand of cancelation. 22:00 still a weak role for me 22:00 Tourist isn't too bad, as long as you find some daggers before you run out of darts. 22:00 <@luxidream> better than arc 22:01 Arc is _hard_. 22:01 ^ that 22:01 Also healer, wizard. 22:01 i find arc and tourist to be the most difficuly early game 22:01 <@luxidream> wizard is pretty strong imo 22:01 I actually managed a Priest once, but that was a fluke; no idea if I'll ever repeat it. 22:01 *difficult 22:01 but 22:01 wizard is strong late game. 22:01 <@luxidream> at least tou has a nice HP pool 22:02 you give a silver saber to an arc, the tourist gets the PYeC and a couple wands - game on 22:02 force to be reckoned with 22:02 Early game they are too squishy to melee because they die in two hits from anything, and they only have the Pw to fire force bolt _once_, so if there are two enemies and the cat doesn't come through, dead. 22:02 Tourists are easier than Wizard, because they have more than one dart. 22:02 Also, the +2 darts hit more reliably than force bolt at XL1. 22:03 <@luxidream> I usually suit up with metal armor. it ends up working out 22:03 Also, Tourists have good weapon skill choices. 22:03 YANI: arcs should gain a benefit to digging as their skill in pick axe increases 22:03 They can find something like a scimitar quite easily, use that until they get a better weapon. 22:03 Actually, I think _anyone_ should dig faster with higher pick-axe skill. 22:04 Though arcs, of course, would have the advantage with their higher skill cap there. 22:04 that works too 22:04 (This is assuming you're digging with a pick, of course. Other types of digging would be unaffected.) 22:07 don't 4k/fh already have a skill bonus to digspeed 22:08 <@luxidream> not FH 22:09 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 22:09 https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/commit/51d20fb45c70167dcd47f3520f817fc4b30b22f7 22:10 https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/commit/af5e7538b126ea721c0fb30301011dd0f9856b91 22:11 <@luxidream> well, I am completely wrong then 22:11 ded rong 22:11 I wasn't sure which one had it, tbh 22:15 <@luxidream> how do I get out of sporkhack MT 22:15 <@luxidream> there's only one staircase down? 22:17 hah I was just crowned 22:17 a - a blessed rustproof runesword named Stormbringer 22:18 bad ass 22:19 hmm 22:19 stay single weapon with stormbringer and shield of reflection or twoweapon it with a silver saber 22:19 hmmm 22:23 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 22:23 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 22:24 <@luxidream> K2 u liar there's no excal for dark knights 22:24 <@luxidream> D: 22:24 yes there is 22:24 <@luxidream> I just got a freezing mist 22:24 <@luxidream> and my longsword got cursed 22:25 <@luxidream> same as in vanilla 22:25 https://github.com/NHTangles/sporkhack/blob/master/include/artilist.h line 50 if you want to be spoiled 22:26 luxidream is under 50 years old; spoiled == yes 22:27 i was under the impression you could dip for it also 22:27 maybe i was wrong 22:27 <@luxidream> it keeps getting cursed and rusty 22:27 <@luxidream> dammit 22:27 https://github.com/NHTangles/sporkhack/blob/master/src/fountain.c#L361 22:28 ah nothing there about the other sword 22:28 well then 22:28 <@luxidream> now I have a cursed rusty longsword 22:28 i'm not sure how a dark knight get's evil excalibut then 22:28 <@luxidream> darn 22:29 <@luxidream> and my god only gave me a scimitar 22:29 *excalibur 22:29 sacrificing for artifacts in sporkhack is nerfed 22:29 lower your level, lower chance of getting an artifact 22:29 however 22:30 you can get some nice regular gear 22:30 <@luxidream> yeah, um, I can't use a weapon valorously if I can't hit with it 22:30 here are all the mentions of dirge 22:30 https://github.com/bhaak/sporkhack/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=art_dirge&type= 22:30 that scimitar is probably blessed/fooproof/enchanted 22:30 <@luxidream> it's +2 22:30 <@luxidream> oh, it's the crowning gift 22:31 <@luxidream> that's nice 22:32 if you have a longsword in hand 22:32 I think otherwise you get stormbringer? 22:35 are there any variants where you only can get crowned via altar prayers? 22:35 [hdf-us] [4k] Misshapen Sonichu (Luxidream) (Pri Dwa Mal Law), 9180 points, T:5015, killed by a giant beetle 22:35 <@luxidream> noo I pressed the s key by accident 22:36 rep 22:37 ugh :( 22:41 in fiqhack, what are the consequences of being "cancelled" and how do I recover? 22:42 if you're a spellcaster its bad 22:42 wont be able to cast until you're uncancelled 22:42 potion of gain energy does the trick i think 22:44 thanks. Fortunately, I'm a low level rogue 22:52 <@luxidream> so apparently the only way to escape MT in spork is to levelport 22:52 <@luxidream> seems pretty harsh 22:52 that sounds like a bug 22:52 huh 22:53 @luxidream 22:53 which stairs do you have available? 22:53 (this is a known bug) 22:53 <[Demo]> dnh does a good crowning 22:53 <@luxidream> downstairs 22:53 damn 22:53 <[Demo]> no luckstone no crowning 22:53 yeah, I know you can juggle a luckstone to avoid crowning 22:54 was thinking it might be more elegant to require an altar rather than a luckstone 22:54 if you had upstairs you could just dig down, and the upstairs on the level below would put you wherever back in MT 22:54 every so often its the other way around 22:54 the oracle level can exhibit the same behavior 22:55 your situation isnt a game stopper, but this is shitty 22:56 i thought stormbringer attacked friendlies 22:56 i am purposely trying to run into this shopkeeper and strmbringer is behaving 22:56 (nh4) 22:57 <@luxidream> it isn't a game stopper 22:57 <@luxidream> but I'm stuck wandering the mines until something drops cursed tele 22:57 or cursed gain lvl 22:58 <@luxidream> oh, confused tele 22:58 <@luxidream> I forgot about that 22:58 <@luxidream> doing that now 22:58 <@luxidream> still stuck rip 22:59 the stormbringer thing seems analagous to floating eyes; avoidable-by-tedium typo-deaths 22:59 and therefore 'fixed' in nh4* 23:00 you can just force the attack, can't you? 23:00 i could 23:00 but w/ stormbringer i shouldnt have to 23:02 <@luxidream> are you serious 23:02 <@luxidream> spork nerfed bags of holding 23:02 <@luxidream> why would you do this 23:03 it got full didnt it 23:03 <@luxidream> "a small bag" 23:03 <@luxidream> yeah no shit 23:03 <@luxidream> this makes me a little angry 23:04 BoH arent generated small in sporkhack i didnt think 23:04 small bags tend to be just sacks 23:04 but yeah containers can become full 23:04 <@luxidream> oh, never mind 23:04 <@luxidream> I just dropped something 23:04 <@luxidream> and thought it was an encumbrance change 23:04 ah 23:04 <@luxidream> still, that's kinda frustrating 23:05 !booze @luxidream 23:05 * Beholder pours @luxidream a fifth of suds, decanted by the /dev/null/oracle at 335 Kelvin. 23:07 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 23:09 !tell ais523 possible bug in NetHack 4 - wielding stormbringer (crowning gift), running into a friendly shopkeeper did not cause stormbringer to attack. its 'bloodthirsty' property when wielded appears to not work. is this intentional? I am aware of this bit: 'Attempting to move into shopkeepers, vault guards, or town guards never attacks them but instead invokes the "chat" function' per 23:09 Will do, K2! 23:09 the wiki, but I figured this wouldn't apply to stormbringer 23:10 <@luxidream> ooh 23:10 . 23:10 <@luxidream> you get dirge in a same race sacrifice 23:10 <@luxidream> hell yes 23:10 noice 23:10 <@luxidream> if only I could get out of minetown and actually use it 23:10 are you playing sporkhack 23:11 https://www.hardfought.org/phpBB3/gallery/image/2475/source 23:11 <@luxidream> and stoned by trice 23:11 <@luxidream> gg 23:11 noooo 23:11 <@luxidream> oh I have acid 23:12 <@luxidream> game continues 23:12 \o/ 23:12 please just cast stone to flesh 23:12 <@luxidream> 7 int 23:12 <@luxidream> lmao 23:12 role? 23:12 *elevator music plays* 23:13 <@luxidream> kni 23:13 knights cast off wisdom... 23:14 which they generally have a rather high number in 23:14 ok bedtime for me. gnite all 23:14 <@luxidream> night K2 23:14 good luck @luxidream 23:14 good night 23:14 <@luxidream> in any case I don't have stone2flesh 23:15 for shame 23:15 knights can reach skilled in attack, healing, and clerical 23:23 [hdf-us] [sp] Luxidream (Kni Orc Mal Cha), 58940 points, T:15945, killed by a jaguar 23:24 <@luxidream> nymph stripped me of all my clothes in one steal 23:24 <@luxidream> gg 23:25 <@luxidream> statuesurfer: you're talking to someone who hardly uses spells playing wizard 23:25 lol