00:02 [hdf-us] [fh] tizakit (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 4726 points, T:46, quit 00:11 [hdf-us] [dnh] mtf (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2315 00:40 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:17 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:23 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 01:32 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 01:39 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 01:41 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:48 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:54 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 01:56 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:01 YANI for aosdict: if you get hit by a fire attack, food in your inventory may get cooked. 02:03 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 02:06 thanks for updating slex, K2! now the quest will work correctly when the player hits a recursion trap :) 02:09 hahaha there was talk about FIQhack becoming slex and in reverse? only if FIQhack implements graphical monster-versus-monster and player-versus-monster foocubus seduction messages! :D 02:19 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:19 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 02:19 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 02:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 02:23 -!- earenndil has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.6.3+deb1 - http://znc.in] 02:25 -!- earenndil has joined #hardfought 02:29 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:40 YANI: carnivorous monsters can eat corpses and other meat when they feel like it, and herbivorous ones can eat fruit and such. Although I guess that would make for easy troll removal. "The goblin eats a troll corpse!" 02:41 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:46 <@Maurog> The troll then bursts out of the goblin, alien style 02:49 whoa 02:49 that seems a little too intense 02:49 [hdf-us] [nh4] Dagonet (Luxidream) (Kni Hum Mal Law), 244830 points, T:50500, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-01-15%2007%3A49%3A53%2C%20Dagonet-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 02:50 slow down luxidream 02:50 that 8 or 9? 02:50 luxidream: well done! first non-amy slexcension when? :D 02:50 that says nh4... 02:51 <@luxidream> once there's better documentation for slex 02:52 huh? what part of slex do you feel is not documented well enough? 02:52 <@luxidream> statuesurfer: that is 8 02:52 okay 02:52 all of it most likely 02:52 also, https://abload.de/img/goooooblin7hoqz.png :D 02:52 there's a ton of roles that don't have quest pages on the wiki 02:53 most of the monsters and items are wholly undocumented on the wiki as well 02:53 monsters and items are documented in-game though, and you can see the quests by peeking at the source! 02:53 we tried to add all the monsters to the wiki page and then the wiki broke :D 02:54 <@luxidream> any comprehensive list of all items? 02:54 there's one somewhere on the interwebs 02:54 amy produced one a few weeks ago 02:55 well the slex items page is also out of date :( 02:55 wow 02:56 i think it's safe to say slex has too many items 02:56 once again the source is the most effective way for the player to gain knowledge, by using objects.c to see what items exist and invent.c to see what they do 02:56 and objects.c is almost 400 KB, so... :D 02:57 of course monst.c is topping everything with its 8.4 MB 03:02 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:06 <@Khor> 🤔 03:09 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 03:13 hi 03:13 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 03:14 hi @Khor 03:23 <@Khor> This is a weird way to comunicate. :v 03:23 in what way is it weird 03:26 there's a way to look up variant data on here isn't there 03:27 what do you mean? 03:27 @d?archon 03:27 Archon (A) | Lvl: 27 | Diff: 33 | Spd: 17 | Res: fire cold sleep shock poison | Confers: nothing | MR: 77 | Generates: dungeons | AC: -27 | Attacks: 2d4 weapon physical, 2d4 weapon physical, 2d6 gaze blind, 1d8 claw physical, 0d7 cast spell | Alignment: 17 | Flags: flies, regenerates, seeinvis, nopoly, stalker, infravisible 03:27 you mean this? 03:27 yeah 03:27 @le?wonderful lady 03:27 wonderful lady (@) | Lvl: 18 | Diff: 20 | Spd: 15 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 35 | Generates: special | AC: 4 | Attacks: 2d5 weapon physical, 2d6 kick physical | Alignment: -5 | Flags: omnivore, infravisible 03:27 @d?dontbreaktheoath 03:27 No such monster. 03:27 that's not a monster but okay 03:27 it is outdated slex-wise 03:27 oh 03:28 to see whether something is an artifact, you can use the in-game item descriptions (hit an item's corresponding letter while in inventory view) 03:28 Adeon: btw, would be cool if you could update the dnh monlist, it's several versions out of date 03:29 LarienTelrunya: slex has fake artifacts 03:29 "and since ascension is next to impossible" 03:29 and interface screw traps 03:29 well i'm glad to see that's right in there 03:29 and other things that serve to make ingame help useless 03:29 "This is not a real artifact" 03:29 screw off slex 03:30 fake artifact weapons/armors/gems are often highly enchanted, but not necessarily *positively* enchanted; don't wield-test a dagger that turns out to be heavily cursed -9 :D 03:30 @luxidream honestly the thing that makes me stay away from slex isn't the lack of info 03:31 but the sheer amount of things that serve to make your experience not difficult but just majorily frustrating 03:31 <@luxidream> interface screw? 03:31 <@luxidream> I wasn't playing long enough to experience that 03:31 slex has tons of interface screw 03:31 things that makes the screen not refresh properly 03:31 make it impossible to see the inventory 03:32 replaces the statusbar with garbage 03:32 stops printing useful messages 03:32 print an entirely set of new messages to confuse you 03:32 one of my favorites is "puts a checkerboard of gray # on the map that oscillates every turn and obscures 50% of all tiles" :D 03:33 oh and amnesia 03:33 lots and lots of amnesia 03:34 * StatueSurfer starts taking notes 03:34 just kidding 03:34 i don't care that much 03:34 amnesia is a fun game mechanic and shall never be removed! 03:34 and balance changes from vanilla that is generally in the way of "add a small chance to completely fuck you over" 03:34 for example 03:34 "fun" 03:34 for the dev 03:34 to address credit cloning 03:35 oh no... 03:35 what got changed 03:35 slex makes shopkeepers sometimes if you drop gold in their shop, claim ownership of the gold 03:35 whether you ws going to credit clone or just wanted to buy things safely 03:35 sometimes? 03:35 slex also prevents pets from picking up containers unless the container contains no items 03:35 shopkeepers are such greedy pricks it's a miracle they don't claim it all the time 03:36 FIQ: oh, but you can buy things safely in slex, because picking them up doesn't consume a turn! if you have teleportitis, just pay right away and you'll be fine :) 03:36 what 03:36 what if you're not adjacent to the shopkeep 03:37 you can pay as long as you can see the shk 03:42 @luxidream so yeah 03:42 *this* is why I don't play slex 03:42 :) 03:43 <@luxidream> yeah, I really don't like amnesia either 03:43 <@luxidream> even just the lethe water in dnh bothers me 03:43 <@luxidream> because I tend to fall in a lot 03:43 why can piles of coins use items 03:43 that does not make sense 03:43 slex at least has the courtesy of giving you a confirmation if you're about to step into water/lava 03:43 dnh has basically no lether water 03:43 aside from the neutral quest 03:44 but yeah 03:44 I don't like it 03:44 allthough dnh amnesia is nerfed at least 03:44 only affects maps 03:44 StatueSurfer: this is slex, every monster can use items (lichen with the wand of death is a possibility, no joke); better scoop them up before the monsters use them! 03:44 <@luxidream> oh. well I must have gotten amnesia from somewhere else 03:44 <@luxidream> probably that whoever of the myriad glimpses 03:45 [hdf-us] [slex] StatueSurfer (Tou Hum Fem Law), 4539 points, T:1678, killed by a monster (pile of killer gold coins) 03:45 @d?Maite 03:45 Maite ~2~ maid (@) | Lvl: 11 | Diff: 13 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical, 1d6 weapon physical | Alignment: 5 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 03:46 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:46 whoa, didn't realize Pinobot's slex monster list was *that* outdated 03:46 Maite is level 6, speed 18, and has a 6d5 weapon attack, a 6d5 poison kick and a 10d10 poison breath 03:50 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:51 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:57 LarienTelrunya: its dnh monlist is even older 03:57 we should cuddle-bundle Adeon into updating ;) 03:58 I am not going to pester Adeon about it 03:58 more than just pointing out that it's outdated 03:59 I'm not that mean unlike some 04:02 and I see that I'm not alone :Kappa: 04:02 nvm wrong window 04:07 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:10 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 04:20 aosdict: easiest way to implement "incorrect" kills of Nazgul would be to levelport it 04:23 why would "being female" count as an incorrect kill? 04:25 probably lore reasons? I don't know lotr 04:25 <@Maurog> 🙎 04:32 in ToME, nazgul cannot be killed "properly" as long as Sauron is still alive, for he will resurrect them; but I guess in the real lord of the rings it was different 04:33 <@Maurog> It was exactly like that in the real lord of the rings 04:34 oh :) 04:34 <@Maurog> The horses and flying beasts were alive and could be killed, but the nazgul just discorporate and then resurrect again 04:34 so with Sauron dead, they can just be killed like normal people? 04:35 <@Maurog> Case in point when there were owned by the enchanted river 04:36 <@Maurog> Well not exactly, when the one ring was destroyed, all other linked rings in the system lost their power 04:36 <@Maurog> Including the rings that keep the nazgul alive 04:36 ah, yeah, it's like this in ToME actually: as long as the one ring exists, Sauron and all the nazgul are immortal; however, after destroying the ring, the nazgul are still immortal until Sauron is dead 04:38 the game also allows the player to instakill nazgul by using artifacts of light absorption, I don't know if water spells are similarly powerful on them though 04:39 <@Maurog> I think it is implied the witch king nazgul was killed for reals even before the ring was destroyed, with a combination of prophecy power and an enchanted blade specifically forged to fight the nazgul 04:44 hmm, that would mean the barrow blade is really powerful 04:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:55 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:56 Evil Patch idea: make a SLEX trading card game, with gameplay similar to Magic The Gathering, Hearthstone or the Pokemon TCG. And it will have interface screw cards, including ones that force your opponent to put on a blindfold, force him to hold his cards in his feet instead of his hands and play that way, or put a 3 second time limit when he gets a turn and if he didn't play a card until then he loses half of his hit po 05:00 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:06 -!- rumflump has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:27 LarienTelrunya: pushed some new fiqhack changes that is sure to make your play more fun :) 05:27 including nerfing levitation on water 05:27 and making player monsters more dangerous 05:27 oh, did you add achievement unlockables before fourk did? :P 05:27 why would I do that 05:27 because it would make it more "fun", of course 05:28 but that seems annoying 05:28 what if I want to not ascend before playing an arc 05:28 yeah exactly :D 05:28 some people have arc as their first ascended role (not me, but some do) 05:29 jonadab: fyi no matter what you should probably disable that feature for junethack, it isn't fair to give people who played 4k outside junethack an unfair advantage 05:29 anyway, what do your beefed up player monsters do? quaff confusion and then read genocide? spam-zap wands of create monster? or be guaranteed to spawn with a wand of lightning and skilled wand skill? 05:29 LarienTelrunya: no 05:29 but they get an astral-like inventory if generated in Gehennom 05:29 whoa 05:29 <@luxidream> oh that’s cool 05:30 <@luxidream> let’s you look for kit items in gehennom 05:30 well your astral plane can be summed up as "X zaps a wand of create monster! Y zaps a wand of create monster! Z zaps a wand of create monster!" etc. etc. 05:30 and in general are more common (I made them able to spawn outside astral in fh already, but due to an oversight, generation was skipped 99% of the time, I changed to 90% now) 05:30 <@luxidream> lets* 05:30 also made them much more likely to generate with object properties 05:30 as in "the game will try 10 times to do so" 05:30 per item 05:31 for weapons/armor (not rings) 05:31 the 99% thing is what caused fh to basically have like 1 player monster at most per game outside astral 05:32 and usually none at all 05:32 <@luxidream> what is their inventory outside gehennom 05:32 FIQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/7qf5p3/what_are_the_best_roguelikes_and_what_makes_them/ 05:33 they get a weapon, 1d3 offensive/defensive/misc items, and (as of FIQHack), 2 rings, and the weapon will likely be generated with a property 05:33 anyway, afk for lunch 05:34 oh, and they also get a bag (in FIQHack): 80% of being a BoH in astral/gehennom, otherwise (20%, or 100% outside these places) a sack 05:34 <@luxidream> clearly, Amy’s link means you should put more cars and zombies in your game FIQ 😛 05:34 @luxidream haha 05:35 not even sure if I'd count C:DDA as a roguelike 05:35 also they will get a random set of trinsics 05:36 both inside and outside Gehennom 05:36 "random set" being the ones players generally get 05:36 <@luxidream> was about to say 05:37 poison res, fire res, cold res, shock res, sleep res, disint res, telepathy, invis, see invis, protection (if they do get protection, they get 2-9 additional AC) 05:37 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 05:40 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:40 I also removed the bizarre body armor modifiers several of the roles get in "astral mode" except for monks 05:40 what I mean is 05:40 for example 05:40 all player monsters in vanilla get a random DSM 05:40 nothing wrong with that 05:41 except that some roles get that replaced 05:41 with stuff like chain mail 05:41 or other weirdness 05:41 and monks get no body armor at all 05:41 (which makes sense) 05:41 I removed all of those replacements 05:41 except for monk 05:42 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Player_monster#Equipment.5B2.5D.5B3.5D 06:22 ok so I just discovered an oversight in fiqhack 06:22 so you know how I nerfed generation of wands of create monster? 06:22 well I did a mistake 06:23 it is true that for defensive items, monsters only get create monster wands 11% of the time 06:23 however! 06:23 for offensive items 06:23 if it picks create monster 06:23 it is still 100% 06:24 so generally speaking 06:24 weird that monsters regenerating HP a little more quickly is hall of fame worthy 06:24 since the generation rate of offensive vs defensive items are roughly equal 06:25 the *actual* create monster wand rate is around 55% of how it was in junethack 2016 06:25 before all the nerfs 06:25 LarienTelrunya: the bug existed for 2 years, people kept telling me that monsters generated too fast and I saw no issues 06:26 ok so 06:26 I will make 2 adjustments to create monster wand generation 06:26 I will change offensive generation rate to 25% of current vs 100% like now 06:27 and will change defensive rate from 11% of 2016 to 25% of 2016 06:27 btw FIQ, you'll probably love this commit: https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/commit/7b8476d33a27c4efe808670f4e86af09b6f5b171 06:27 to see what the impact is 06:31 !tell K2 create monster wand generation rate nerfed again! properly this time (maybe?) 06:31 Will do, FIQ! 06:37 LarienTelrunya: if you don't consider it HoF-worthy you can remove it 06:37 I mostly added it to not be called out on removing the FIQHack section :P 06:37 oh, that's the only HoF bug in FIQhack? I'd personally consider the samurai quest genocide bug (the one you fixed) HoF-worthy, but oh well... 06:38 you can replace it if you want to 06:38 I mostly didn't want to remove the section to pretend that fiqhack is less buggy than it is 06:38 just because the mentioned bug there originated in nethackc4 06:40 LarienTelrunya: btw, it was double their true regeneration rate, not "a little bit more quickly" 06:40 and mind you, they used the vanilla player hp regen rate 06:40 yeah but is their natural regeneration rate so high that you'll see a difference? 06:40 which, as you may know, is ridiculously fast latergame 06:40 i.e. 3 HP per turn or so? 06:40 and thus 6 with the bug? 06:41 a player lategame regenerate like 12hp per 3 turns 06:41 or more 06:41 added the genocide thing to the hall of fame; wondering whether the bouncing boulder is HoF too 06:41 monsters would regenerate that amount every turn the player *didn't* 06:41 (since it was inverted) 06:41 and thus would regen twice as fast 06:42 on what was already a fast regen rate 06:42 oh, haha yeah I guess that means you need a high damage output per round or you simply won't be able to kill stuff 06:42 so they could regen like 10hp/turn 06:42 latergame 06:42 on average 06:43 are there healer ascensions in FIQhack? I guess the damage output they usually do in melee isn't very high, so they might be one of the roles that struggled the most 06:43 I think so 06:43 let me check 06:43 -!- aosdict has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:43 19 267216 hothraxxa Hea-Gno-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 273 [273] 06:44 17 267246 BAD APPLE!! (AP Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 346 [346] 06:44 these are the ones it seems 06:44 on hdf at least 06:45 so apparently it is possible to overcome the monster regen rate ;) 06:45 well, by the time the rate got bad, you probably had your endgame weapon 06:45 and healers have the staff 06:45 but yeah 06:46 I specifically recall hothraxxa saying that a dragon in the mines was regenerating HP rapidly 06:46 as in, much faster than it should 06:46 I chalked it up to the fact that monsters in fiqhack regen HP faster already (which they were supposed to do) 06:46 only after hothraxxa (IIRC) provided actual numbers, it was clear that something was wrong 06:47 because while they were supposed to regen faster 06:47 they weren't supposed to regen *that* fast :P 06:50 heh, that reminds me about the ridiculous scroll of healing bug that slex had, and which was present for way too long until I finally found out what was wrong 06:50 that bug specifically is why I mentioned the HP regen bug 06:51 ah, I see 06:51 !tell aosdict I don't really know how to wikitable. Do you think it would be a good idea to give a better (more accurate) table over how player monster item generation works in vanilla? 06:51 Will do, FIQ! 07:13 !who 07:13 K2: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-15 06:31 EST: create monster wand generation rate nerfed again! properly this time (maybe?) 07:13 K2: [hdf-us] No current players 07:13 K2: [hdf-eu] elenmirie [nd] 07:18 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 07:25 LarienTelrunya: i ascended the first healer in fiqhack with both the hp regen bug and the absurd create monster swarms 07:25 wow, that sounds like the astral plane was ultra annoying, considering all the create monstered stuff will also benefit from the hp regen bug 07:25 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:26 it was hugely annoying 07:26 sorry 07:26 i only survived because i had charm monster 07:26 and as i've said before fiq, no need to apologize 08:01 -!- Announcy has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 08:01 -!- bhaak has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:20 Evil Patch Idea: Every time a hostile monster is killed, all other hostile monsters on the level get a full heal and level up. 08:21 jonadab: https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/7qf5p3/what_are_the_best_roguelikes_and_what_makes_them/ 08:23 LarienTelrunya: Yeah, that question is pretty much a FAQ. I'm starting to wish they'd ban anyone who asks it. 08:24 But I don't suppose they can really do that unless the pin a FAQ that answers it. 08:24 And there'd never be agreement on the answer, so. 08:25 yeah but it's basically an invitation for you to show off what your game is like, and why you consider it to be better than the others! 08:27 Same thread every 2-3 days. Gets old. 08:28 heh, I guess ;) 08:28 anyway, gotta leave now; see you! 08:28 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:58 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 09:49 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 09:51 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:53 -!- aosdict_ has joined #hardfought 09:53 -!- aosdict has quit [Client Quit] 09:53 -!- aosdict_ is now known as aosdict 10:36 NetHack 4 updated (us and eu) 10:36 now has improved watchmode that FIQhack has 10:46 [hdf-us] [slex] telegarn (Occ Hum Mal Cha), 25 points, T:42, killed by a monster (spear turret) 11:27 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:30 -!- aosdict_ has joined #hardfought 11:31 -!- aosdict has quit [Quit: Quit] 11:31 -!- ThatBenGuy has joined #hardfought 11:55 dammit 11:56 :/ 12:01 -!- bhaak has joined #hardfought 12:02 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 12:14 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:35 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 12:36 -!- aosdict has quit [Client Quit] 12:48 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 12:57 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:09 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:12 [hdf-us] [nh4] alivenoob (Luxidream) (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 246440 points, T:40209, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-01-15%2018%3A12%3A11%2C%20alivenoob-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 13:12 <@riker> grats luxidream 13:12 wait, again? 13:12 <@riker> you gonna stop ascending yet? 13:12 didn't he just ascend? 13:12 <@riker> yes 13:12 he's on crack 13:12 congrats @luxidream 13:12 <@riker> yesterday 13:12 <@riker> *yesterday fiq 13:13 I see that luxidream is taking a leaf from Tariru 13:15 <@luxidream> thanks 13:16 you're on fire Luxidream 13:16 good work 13:16 <@luxidream> autoexplore is so good for speed 13:16 ooh enhanced watchmode is now live for nethack4 13:16 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 13:16 <@luxidream> just wish travel didn't stop at every pile 13:16 jonadab: when are you going to get it? :) 13:17 FIQ: Next time I merge from upstream, probably. 13:17 hmm 13:17 jonadab: why did you cherrypick the water bug fix? 13:17 <[Demo]> make it like dnh travel where sometimes you get in infinite loops and starve to death 13:17 it was done *after* the watchmode stuff... 13:17 <@riker> ^ 13:18 FIQ: There are some commits on NH4 now that are annoying to merge, and I already merged them on bleeding-edge and don't want to do it again on master. 13:18 [Demo]: if only there was a way to interrupt occupations mid-process 13:18 So I cherry-pick stuff that looks important or easy. 13:18 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG please for the love of god add fiqhack's explore command 13:18 Will do, @riker! 13:18 <[Demo]> heh 13:18 <@luxidream> sometimes you get in loops in NH3 in general 13:18 <@riker> fiq: I've literally starved to death there 13:18 jonadab: so there will be no enhanced watchmode on 4k until .5 13:18 <@riker> I started weak, tried to move like 10 squares, then fainted -> death 13:18 got it 13:18 FIQ: Possibly. 13:18 <@riker> you can't freaking break free 13:19 FIQ: That _might_ be worth cherry-picking. 13:19 If it's not too hard. 13:19 @luxidream so what's next on your list to ascend? 13:19 those are the "annoying to merge" commits I think... 13:19 Now that it's live on NH4, the list of commits should be possible to figure. 13:19 FIQ: No. 13:19 The annoying-to-merge commits are from before that. 13:19 oh, chanelization stuff? 13:19 *channelization 13:19 No. 13:19 That's merged. 13:19 there was a merge related to teleport.c there 13:19 <@luxidream> K2: you mean variants? 13:19 that I've had to merge 13:19 like 5 times 13:20 no i mean for nh4 13:20 Oh, it was a globals purge installment, I think. 13:20 @luxidream must be nice to not be constantly pounded with spells and item use shenanigans huh 13:20 <@luxidream> like I said it is very nice 13:20 <@luxidream> probably tou 13:20 <@luxidream> or arc 13:21 tou is nice 13:21 <@riker> tou quest artifact is the second best one imo 13:21 <@riker> in vanilla 13:21 <@riker> I've always liked the orb of fate though 13:21 if you decide to do arc, dont do human lawful please :) i'm trying to be 1st to ascend one and i am almost there (in orcustown) 13:22 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:22 <@luxidream> I'm bad at arc 13:22 <@luxidream> but okay 13:22 <@riker> ascend dnh valk 13:22 <@luxidream> isn't @mtf doing that 13:23 <@riker> dont think so 13:23 <@mtf> lol yes 13:23 just a request, dont have to honor it if you dont want to 13:23 <@riker> oh really? 13:23 <@riker> I didn't know it was valk 13:23 <@riker> dnh valk is so dumb too lol 13:23 <@mtf> yea I just started a dwarf valk 13:23 <@mtf> is that bad? 13:23 <@mtf> lol 13:23 <@riker> niceeee 13:23 <@riker> nah 13:23 <@riker> you get a cold-balsting bow, fire-blasting sword, and mjollnir guarenteed 13:23 <@riker> not counting the rod of seven parts from teh law quest 13:23 <@luxidream> I want to do dwa noble again.made it to gehennom last time but woefully underprepared due to underestimating it 13:24 <@riker> dwarf noble is fun 13:24 <@riker> kinda lame crowning gift 13:24 <@mtf> I'm underestimating everything so far 13:24 <@riker> kek 13:24 <@mtf> part of me wants to just go in with my FH knowledge and nothing else 13:24 <@riker> are you on hdf? 13:24 <@mtf> but the other part of me knows that I will die a fiery death 13:24 <@riker> lol 13:24 <@mtf> if I do 13:24 dnh gehennom plays on the premise that neither you or the demon lords is going to play fair 13:24 <@luxidream> use spoilers 13:24 <@riker> hm, do dorf valks get expert axe? 13:24 <@mtf> yea I'm on hdf-US 13:24 <@riker> idr 13:24 there are EPI-worthy things of them 13:24 <@riker> if they do you should realyl wish limited moon 13:24 but dnh has so much ridiculous things 13:25 <@riker> i know, I know, artifact wishing meta etc 13:25 that you can deal with it anyway if you know what you're doing 13:25 <@riker> but it's so broken and hdf doesn't have the patch yet 13:25 d is balanced around the "everything is OP, but so is the player" premise. 13:25 <@luxidream> was ogresmasher nerfed yet 13:25 <@riker> nope 13:25 <@mtf> jona: makes sense, and sounsd fun 13:25 So you _have_ to become OP, to finish it. 13:25 hah orcus never used his WoD 13:25 0:8 13:25 <[Demo]> wow 13:25 K2: nice 13:25 <@riker> jonadab: or you can just abuse the shit out of things 13:25 jonadab: nah 13:25 <@riker> see: segfault gun 13:25 <@mtf> can I get artifact armor in dn 13:25 that's just if you want style points for killing demon lords 13:25 <@riker> yes 13:26 <@riker> are you lawful? 13:26 <@mtf> yup 13:26 you can usually bypass most of them 13:26 <@riker> then you can't get the nice arti cloak 13:26 <@riker> but you can get the tshirt it's unaligned 13:26 if you want to play "fair" and don't do crazy things 13:26 <@mtf> artifact t-shirt lul 13:26 <@riker> if you're lucky you get a stupidly strong SDSM from teh law quest but that's 1/8 change 13:26 don't hate on it 13:26 it's great 13:26 <@mtf> "A relic from WoodStock, this T-shirt is..." 13:26 <@riker> *chance 13:26 <@riker> ^ 13:26 <@riker> it's a unihorn that boosts carry cap and gives enligtenment 13:27 <@riker> valks aren't gonna be casting many spells so you can use soulmirro 13:27 btw, don't play small roles 13:27 <@luxidream> still don't understand why this is worth a wish before instadeath protection 13:27 <@riker> it's reflecting drain resis plate mail 13:27 I don't think dnh is well-balanced around it yet 13:27 <@riker> luxideam: what, the tshirt? 13:27 and you get a tiny carrycap 13:27 <@riker> don't wish that early game 13:27 <@riker> wish the damn axe :D 13:27 <@mtf> FIQ: I was trying to put on a small helmet and was like "wtf????" 13:27 <@riker> lol 13:27 <@riker> tha'ts why nobody does gnomes 13:27 <@riker> since they're "small" they can't wear shit and they get a stupid carrycap 13:27 rip 13:27 <[Demo]> gnomes need a tinker patch 13:28 <@riker> ^ 13:28 gnomes are my favorite role 13:28 dnh screwed it up :( 13:28 <@riker> > role 13:28 race 13:28 lol 13:28 <@riker> I too play wizardish gnomes a lot 13:28 at least there is inc 13:28 and half-dragon 13:28 <@riker> fav race/role combo 13:28 <@riker> yea lol 13:28 <@riker> anyway mtf where are you now? 13:28 <@riker> @mtrf 13:28 <@riker> @mtf 13:28 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 13:29 <@mtf> not far, literally just made it to MT and noticed I had an aligned altar 13:29 jonadab: apparently I hadn't merged master since october 13:29 <@riker> ah cool 13:29 710 commits 13:29 lol 13:29 <@riker> sacfest time 13:29 <@riker> oh, as dorf tha'ts hard 13:29 <@riker> :/ 13:29 <@mtf> Bad FIQ! Bad! Smacks with newspaper 13:29 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:29 it was a PITA to merge 13:29 maybe I should merge master into 4.3.0 13:29 yolo 13:30 <@mtf> that sounds like a fun game if you hate yourself 13:30 @mtf I mean it should merge fine 13:30 <@riker> fiq: you haven't lived until you've merged recklessly 13:30 but what I am considering 13:31 is to declare end of 4.3.0 development 13:31 and tell K2 and kerio to switch to master 13:31 now after this merge 13:31 * K2 gasps 13:31 <@mtf> http://syndicode.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/risovach.ru_.jpg 13:32 @mtf rebase is absolutely evil and shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary 13:32 <@mtf> hehe 13:32 hey finally find a wand of tele dlvl 43 13:32 <@riker> fiq: u wot m8 13:32 heh 13:32 <@riker> rebase is how I fix my shit 13:32 <@riker> k2: polypile it into locking 13:33 ok! 13:33 @riker do you usually tell people to expect no sustainable commit history because you'll constantly overwrite their shit? 13:33 <@riker> u got this k2 13:33 because that's what rebased odes 13:33 *rebase does 13:33 <@riker> well that's kinda a given my git practices are horrifying 13:33 <@wheals> rebase is beautiful for use on your own machine 13:33 <@riker> half my commits are "update filename" 13:33 <@mtf> rebase done properly gives you better history though FIQ 13:33 @wheals sure, nothing wrong as long as you do it all locally 13:33 <@riker> literally 'filename' since i have a vim macro to type that 13:33 and pretend that you never used it 13:33 <@riker> I tried to make it work but I haven't gotten around to it using the actual filename 13:34 but do not under any circumstances rebase something that is public 13:34 unless you want people to hate you 13:34 -!- aosdict_ has quit [Quit: Quit] 13:34 or unless there is a really good reason to (accidental private info leak or whatnot) 13:34 <@luxidream> can you check containers in watchmode 13:35 I was going to say "yes, via find" 13:35 but nethack4 doesn't have that 13:35 so... no 13:35 new watchmode is pretty cool 13:35 @luxidream this is actually why find can find stuff in your inventory 13:35 it was specifically for this 13:35 Fourk next! :P 13:35 ^^ jonadab 13:35 <@luxidream> oh, didn't realize that. cool 13:36 <[Demo]> wait in fh watchmode can i check their iventory? 13:36 yes 13:36 and do farlook 13:36 <@luxidream> you can #conduct too 13:36 [Demo]: yes, nethack4 too 13:36 and not worry about terminal resolution 13:36 try it 13:37 <@riker> fiq: add slex's genesis mode 13:37 it can even make you a sandwich 13:37 (nethack4 on hdf just got my work on watchmode which has been in fh for a while) 13:37 @riker you mean godmode? 13:37 <@luxidream> oh, you mean amy's"DM" mode? 13:37 er 13:37 <@riker> yea 13:37 right that 13:37 not godmode 13:37 lol 13:37 <@riker> it's actually "gmmode" 13:37 ah 13:37 FIQ: has ascrun updated your variant to use adv watchmode yet? 13:37 <@riker> so it's basically the average of your guessses 13:37 <@riker> but yes 13:38 K2: no 13:38 I asked kerio about it 13:38 he ignored me 13:38 * K2 sighs 13:38 <[Demo]> damn arch lich 13:38 what did you expect 13:38 @ K2 13:38 i tend to be optimistic 13:39 welp 13:39 hdf is the place to be for cutting edge FIQhack anyways 13:40 ok so I have concluded that fiqhack master does not blow up 13:40 cool 13:40 <@luxidream> who plays on ascrun anyway 13:40 \o/ 13:40 <@riker> I used to 13:40 <@riker> before I found that hdf was a thing :p 13:40 need to do some work to get it to a point where it can be hosted 13:40 it still gets traffic 13:40 <@riker> and now I only use hdf since i'm in the us and I can't stand the massive pign 13:40 <@riker> *ping 13:40 would imagine mostly EU players given its location 13:40 I generally try to tell people to play on hdf 13:40 and to avoid asc 13:41 <@riker> I had to originally struggle through chris's mess of a source code to try to play locally 13:41 i still need to officially announce the eu server 13:41 <@luxidream> less reason now there's hdf-eu 13:41 <@riker> since i couldn't stand the 1 second-per-turn thing of ascrun 13:41 <@riker> also, what's up with kerio's names? 13:41 <@riker> dank.ninja n stuff 13:41 there is a makefile for dnh 13:41 that you can use 13:41 simple to setup 13:41 I even ported it for grunt for my uncursed work 13:41 because I couldn't stand the 3.4.3 build system 13:41 <@riker> fiq: this was like 2 years ago though idk if that existed 13:41 <@riker> did it? 13:41 maybe? 13:42 kerio did it 13:42 back when he actually cared 13:42 <@riker> lol 13:42 <@riker> seriously though what's up with his server names 13:42 eh 13:42 <@riker> oh, did he run acehack.de? 13:42 <@riker> TIL 13:42 ascension.run is a good name 13:42 yes 13:42 ascension.run is easily the best nethack server name overall 13:43 <@riker> ^ 13:43 K2: you should buy the domain from kerio ;) 13:44 didnt deepy just renew it a few months ago? 13:45 and if i recall, deepy is the server/domain owner, not kerio 13:45 kerio just runs it 13:47 buy it from deepy then 13:49 but why would i want it? 13:49 <@riker> it's a great name that's why 13:49 but i already have the domain name i want 13:49 for the last 17+ yrs 13:49 <@riker> get 2 then 13:50 FIQ you buy it 13:50 <@riker> also wow teh hardfought forums go back a while 13:50 <@riker> > TF2 Now F2P 13:51 <@riker> k2: were those ever fairly active? 13:51 yes very much so 13:51 i'd have 2-3 32 player ports up same time (TF2) and they'd be full most of the day 13:52 <@riker> I meant the forum :p 13:52 yeah that too 13:52 mostly during the early years 13:52 and i lost the first 1.5 yrs worth of posts when i was on UBB and botched the migration over to phpBB 2.0 13:53 <[Demo]> ouch 13:53 was a server/web hosting newb back then 13:53 still learning 13:53 <@riker> rip 13:54 but yeah you can see how many posts there are, i think its over 40k in just the general forum alone 13:54 <@riker> dam 13:54 and there are hidden/private forums that got a LOT of use back in the day when we were competing CAL/CPl with counterstrike 13:54 (those are archived) 13:55 i kinda wish the forum would pick back up, but its fine if it doesnt 13:57 not really necessary I suppose 13:57 esp since you have reddit 13:58 <[Demo]> its a shame forums have gone out of style 13:58 i know right? 14:01 You find a vibrating square. 14:01 sweet 14:03 <[Demo]> https://www.hardfought.org/phpBB3/gallery/image/2464/medium what variant is this map from? 14:03 grunthack 14:03 <[Demo]> gh has cool maps? 14:03 <@luxidream> vorpal blade being clutch as always 14:03 yeah 14:04 i think that screenshot was back when i was still playing on the grunthack.org server 14:04 hm 14:05 maybe 14:06 <[Demo]> nah its from march of last year 14:06 heh 14:07 aaah 14:07 so one of my 1st gh asc on hdf 14:07 'one of my 1st' 14:07 that doesnt make sense heh 14:07 it either is or isnt 14:07 <[Demo]> how long have people been playing nethack on public servers? 14:08 actually you have many first gh ascensions 14:08 mandevil's scoreboard goes back to 2007 i think 14:08 and then there's devnull 14:08 1998 i think 14:08 hothraxxa :P 14:09 in fact they're all yours except the one i stole 14:10 no wait you missed tourist. how did that happen? 14:10 <[Demo]> wait was there no real /dev/null nethack tournament last year or whatever and that's why a tribute one was done? 14:10 <@riker> yea 14:10 <@riker> and it's over now 14:10 <@riker> not gonna happen again 14:11 hothraxxa I've ascended tourist in gh... havent i? 14:11 from its ashes, a new tournament will arise 14:11 ^^ that 14:11 yes but you weren't first 14:11 dont doubt it 14:11 tourist isnt my best role 14:11 <@luxidream> is it anyone's though 14:11 <@luxidream> well 14:12 <@luxidream> maybe jonathanhanes 14:12 <[Demo]> wonder if fh tourist is easy, can they get expert in wands? 14:12 <@luxidream> it used to be broken 14:12 <@riker> why? 14:12 <@luxidream> before the nerf they started with a guaranteed marker 14:12 <@luxidream> since they got shop identification 14:13 <@riker> ouch 14:13 <@luxidream> you just needed to walk into a shop, find enchant armor, and win the game 14:13 <@luxidream> now the marker is 0:0 14:13 i nearly had the first fh tourist but i was at orcus town and some jerk blew right by me and took it 14:14 * hothraxxa glares at lux 14:14 that was before auto-id 14:14 <[Demo]> hmm nh4 mail broken? 14:14 heh [Demo] 14:14 there's a minor issue with mail and the new watchmode in nh4 14:14 <@luxidream> 😦 14:16 <[Demo]> uhh 14:18 <[Demo]> https://i.imgur.com/vFLAa7A.png 14:19 rofl 14:19 <@luxidream> does it send like 4 times on your end? 14:19 just once 14:19 <@luxidream> or does it just look that way to me 14:19 <@luxidream> ok 14:20 yup known issue 14:22 <[Demo]> well thats good 14:22 <[Demo]> jesus christ 14:22 <[Demo]> this barely works 14:22 <[Demo]> lost track again 14:23 oh crap 14:23 <@luxidream> WHAT 14:23 <[Demo]> ow 14:23 i just killed luxidream jr 14:23 <[Demo]> not sure how it did that 14:23 <@riker> ? 14:23 <@luxidream> undead turning? 14:23 <@riker> do you have a pet named htat 14:23 not on me 14:23 *did 14:23 <[Demo]> how the hell did that work 14:23 <@luxidream> keeps desyncing 14:23 <[Demo]> same yeah 14:24 <[Demo]> how did that ray bounce like that? 14:24 dunno 14:24 <[Demo]> oh i see 14:24 <@luxidream> rest in peace my son 14:24 <[Demo]> it catches it past the wall boundary 14:25 :( 14:25 so fyi i am at work 14:25 so if i pause for long periods thats why 14:26 there was a desync bug in fiqhack that I fixed 14:26 maybe I forgot the fix on nh4 14:26 related to watchmode that is 14:26 ok 14:26 [hdf-us] [nd] Leggman (Val Hum Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:18232 14:28 <@luxidream> K2: killing lux jr was your first alignment violation? 14:28 yes 14:29 i had him for maybe 10 turns 14:29 everytime I see the lux shorthand, I think of lex luthor lol 14:29 i am such a bad dad 14:29 <@luxidream> that's a good character name 14:29 <@luxidream> thanks 14:29 Heh 14:33 Lux Luthor? Perfect. 14:33 aosdict: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-15 06:51 EST: I don't really know how to wikitable. Do you think it would be a good idea to give a better (more accurate) table over how player monster item generation works in vanilla? 14:33 FIQ: was ^ from when my server was crashed earlier today 14:34 06:51 EST, checks out 14:35 FIQ: what page are you referring to? Player monster#Equipment? 14:38 are the permatrice and gold cloning bugs in 3.6.0 worth putting in the bug hall of fame? 14:38 aosdict: yes 14:38 <@riker> permatrice? 14:39 <@luxidream> tipping ice box with cockatrice corpse in it made it never rot 14:39 note that it still got old 14:39 <@riker> what 14:39 it just never rotted away completely 14:39 <@riker> k then 14:39 <@riker> that's rather obscure but ok 14:39 -!- ThatBenGuy has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:39 <@riker> applied to any corpse then? 14:40 <@riker> presumably beacuse #tip for ice boxes didn't work right? 14:40 there was an existing desync bug with offline watchmode 14:40 it was also in fiqhack but I fixed it 14:40 I forgot to push the same fix to my watchmode work on nethack4 14:40 pushed a fix now, will tell ais about it once he shows up 14:41 if I remember it 14:41 !tell ais523 Pushed a fix to fiq4 that fixes desync issues. If you don't understand the fix, shoot. Unlike petnames, I know fully why it is there and for what reason and why it works 14:41 Will do, FIQ! 14:42 <@riker> what was the petname fix? 14:42 The priest of Moloch wields a long sword named Fire Brand! 14:42 oh snap 14:42 <@luxidream> dang 14:42 coulda been vorpie 14:42 <@luxidream> calm down buddy this isn't astral 14:42 <@riker> where is that? 14:42 <@riker> sanctum / valley? 14:42 sanctum 14:43 <@luxidream> how good is it 14:43 i want it 14:43 <@riker> on the bright side it may be good enchanted 14:43 brands are bad ass 14:43 <@riker> and useable for astral 14:43 but i haz teh excalibur too 14:43 <@riker> use both duh 14:43 <@luxidream> any extra enchant weapon? 14:43 <@riker> does fiqhack use the arch shield patch? 14:43 <@riker> the italchythuque 14:44 <@luxidream> nope 14:44 <@riker> hm ok 14:46 you cant dual wield artifact wepons except in gh 14:46 <@riker> and slashem but yea 14:46 <@riker> knew taht 14:46 <@riker> just wondering if you were twoweping at all 14:47 <@luxidream> can't you 2weapon fire and frost brand in fourk 14:47 @riker the weird starting pet names 14:47 in nh4 14:48 <@riker> what were they tho? 14:48 garbage data 14:48 uninitialized 14:48 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400474774440247317/402549678689878019/hachi.png 14:48 yeah i am 2wp excalibur and a silver saber 14:49 nice antialiasing on that font 14:49 <@riker> does fh still have mysterious force? 14:49 no 14:50 <@luxidream> I wonder who on the devteam still supports the force 14:50 as far as I can tell from playing 3.6.0, tipping an ice box generated with corpses already in it makes them instantly old 14:50 clearly someone does 14:50 because DT has refused to remove it 14:50 despite complaints 14:50 so there's a sort of symmetry 14:51 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 14:52 <[Demo]> what if someone offered a shitty online nethack editor where you could register an account and make and host your own "variant" with customizations the engine allows for? 14:52 -!- ThatBenGuy has joined #hardfought 14:52 nethack maker? 14:52 <@riker> that sounds amazing 14:53 <[Demo]> sure, nethack maker 14:53 <@riker> fiq: why not "super slashem maker", the point being you're only allowed to base your variants on other people's dumb variants 14:53 lol 14:53 <[Demo]> that's a better idea 14:54 <@riker> "I present to you: SLEX v19.2.3. It's basically the same as SLEX v19.2.2, but with the addition of a new monster: the DevTeam! If one of these is on the level, you cannot leave it, as the mysterious force will literally just kill you." 14:55 <[Demo]> monster editor would work well as would weapon and armour 14:56 <@riker> yeah that actually sounds pretty cool 14:56 <@riker> esp since nethack takes a very reasonable approach to monster generation 14:56 <[Demo]> not sure that the dgl modifications would be doable 14:57 <@riker> what about dgl? 14:57 <@riker> I was imagining a shitty GUI thing 14:57 <[Demo]> well to play people's "variants" 14:57 <@riker> ah 14:58 <[Demo]> Yeah shitty gui node app for extra cancer to make and browse variants 14:58 <@riker> > node app 14:58 <@riker> node? 14:58 <@riker> where we're going, we don't need node 14:58 <@riker> we need a server-side port of jquery 14:59 <@riker> can you levelport in soko? 14:59 <@riker> or is that banned too 15:00 FIQ: I think the data would be better presented as a table but I'm having a hard time envisioning what its second axis would be 15:02 since the roles appear to use increments of 1/16 probability 15:02 could make 16 columns and use colspan to represent it I guess. 15:03 basically I am envisioning a table, one side being what slot, one being what role 15:04 ah I thought you meant weapons specifically 15:04 also, long sword is *significantly* over-represented in this formula... >_> 15:08 whew 15:09 <[Demo]> hell modding levels would work to for a basic web editor 15:12 -!- oh6_ has joined #hardfought 15:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6_] by ChanServ 15:12 @luxidream : only in bleeding-edge 15:13 so, originally I couldn't connect to NAO through work's firewall, then I could connect to NAO but not hdf-eu, now I can connect to all of them. I sense a pattern here. 15:13 if I'd checked accessibility of hdf before I could invoke the accident-coincidence-conspiracy rule, oh well 15:15 big brother is watching 15:15 <@riker> it is not gonna like my search history 15:15 <@riker> wayy too much googling stupid nethack stuff that I can't remember 15:17 need break 15:17 (and do some actual work) 15:17 <[Demo]> Wonder what kind of hardware you'd need to run a nethack community variant server like that 15:19 [hdf-us] [nh4] Simpleflips (Luxidream) (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 40538 points, T:3162, killed by a werejackal 15:20 <@luxidream> rip streak 15:20 noooooo 15:20 8 streak right? 15:20 <@luxidream> 9 15:20 daaamn 15:21 !streak luxidream 15:21 K2: luxidream Max[nh]: 1 (2017-06-25 - 2017-06-28). 15:21 hmm 15:22 <@luxidream> it's on scoreboard.xd.cm 15:25 well 15:25 it was a very impressive run @luxidream 15:25 wicked fast and e-less 15:27 <@luxidream> ty. I'll do better next time 15:27 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 15:29 i cant remember... i need to ask Tangles if the !streak function here only shows current streaks instead of any streaks 15:29 prob the former 15:30 !streak k2 15:30 K2: k2 Max[nh]: 1 (2017-06-02 - 2017-06-03). Current[gh]: 1 (since 2017-12-18). 15:30 yeah only current 15:30 <@luxidream> still wish there was a dedicated streaking mode for nh4 15:30 i have an actual 2 game streak in gh 15:30 <@riker> what would it do? 15:30 <@riker> luxi 15:31 <@riker> just end you if you're had a death? 15:31 <@luxidream> limit you to 1 save file at a time 15:31 <@luxidream> preventing people from saving right as they're about to die 15:31 [hdf-us] [slex] StatueSurfer (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed Moldoux, the Defenceless Mold, on T:72 15:32 [hdf-us] [slex] StatueSurfer (Kni Hum Fem Law), 32 points, T:76, killed by a monster (great wyrm of power) 15:32 oh6_: so you indirectly taught your work IT about nethack and that's all they play now? :D 15:33 hah 15:35 this is complete garbage 15:35 i've given my pony half my apples 15:35 and i still can't mount it 15:45 <[Demo]> what game? 15:45 slex 15:46 <[Demo]> oh yeah slex is nothing but dicks in your butt 15:46 <[Demo]> at least i think thats how amy described it once 15:50 And yet, she plays it constantly. 15:50 And claims to be a lesbian. 15:51 that was a little off the wall 15:51 <@riker> statuesurfer: LOL you killed mouldoux? 15:51 yeah 15:52 <@riker> that almost always ends in death 15:52 i actually could've outrun the great wyrm 15:52 <@riker> and it did! 15:52 <@riker> statuesurfer: he's covetous iirc 15:52 but i was forced to not move diagonally so i ended up dying 15:52 <@riker> @le?great wyrm of power 15:52 great wyrm of power (w) | Lvl: 85 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison acid magic | Confers: fire cold disintegrate shock poison acid | MR: 100 | Generates: special | AC: -16 | Attacks: 8d12 claw physical, 8d12 claw physical, 10d14 bite physical, 10d14 bite physical, 10d14 breath random breath | Alignment: 0 | Flags: carnivore, oviparous, regenerates, nopoly 15:52 really? 15:52 <@riker> it's not on there but I'm fairly certain he is 15:52 yeah he was just following me normally 15:52 <@riker> hm ok 15:53 oh the breath attack would've gotten me 15:54 assuming you have reflection... average damage of 254 15:59 <[Demo]> wow 15:59 <[Demo]> and i thought some of my spirits were cruel and unusual 15:59 <@riker> indeed 15:59 <[Demo]> might need to buff the hell out of some of them 15:59 <@riker> #justSlexProblems 15:59 <@riker> that is NOT the proper repsponse demo 15:59 but if you have half phys damage it's only 127 on average 15:59 which isn't that much more that a giant shoggoth's! 16:01 <[Demo]> @d?demogorgon 16:01 Demogorgon (&) | Lvl: 108 | Diff: 61 | Spd: 18 | Res: fire poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 95 | Generates: unique | AC: -26 | Attacks: 3d12 claw disease, 3d12 claw disease, 1d1 gaze level drain, 1d1 gaze paralyze, 1d12 cast spell, 1d12 cast spell | Alignment: -20 | Flags: flies, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 16:01 oh please 16:01 demogorgon has nothing on this guy 16:01 <[Demo]> oh hmm he's pretty mellow compared to that yeah 16:01 <[Demo]> nevermind might need to not buff some stuff 16:01 <[Demo]> i think i shouldnt nerf anything, just buff the player 16:01 <[Demo]> that is always funnier 16:01 demogorgon would wet himself if he saw the great wyrm coming after him 16:02 <[Demo]> dnh demogorgon has a fuck ton of hp though 16:05 [Demo], from your nick I see you've covered yourself in armor and standing to the left of a mimic 16:09 <[Demo]> yeah i should just figure out what for of Demo i registered on freenode and set my bot to auth to the nameserv but like whoa that would require doing work 16:09 <[Demo]> *form 16:10 -!- rumflump has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:11 K2: it's pretty clear from the bot's output that it's supposed to list both 16:11 <[Demo]> time to try to figure out how to interact with containers 16:12 <[Demo]> i feel like their contents are just a bunch of objects linked together in some field via a linked list but idk what that field is 16:12 hmm 16:13 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:14 Hi ais523. I pushed a change to fiq4 that fixes desyncs in watchmode 16:14 Beholder: messages? 16:14 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-15 14:41 EST: Pushed a fix to fiq4 that fixes desync issues. If you don't understand the fix, shoot. Unlike petnames, I know fully why it is there and for what reason and why it works 16:14 FIQ: hmm, what should I do about the petnames fix then in the process? 16:14 I guess we can just apply it with a TODO or something saying that it's probably wrong? 16:14 Apply it :D 16:15 I mean, IMO it's better than leaving that uninitialized 16:16 what's the symptom of the uninitialized-petname bug, anyway? 16:18 FIQ: this more recent change, is eof_reached correctly handled when someone stops watching? 16:18 ais523: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/400474774440247317/402549678689878019/hachi.png?width=301&height=134 16:18 @ the uninitialized-petname thing 16:18 <[Demo]> could just be a prank pet name 16:19 it is not because it contains a ¿ 16:19 NH4 will not allow you to input that character 16:19 <[Demo]> damn 16:19 <[Demo]> i want full unicode pet names 16:19 actually ¿ is uncursed's default character that it shows when it sees a character outside the character set 16:19 ais523: as for eof_reached... good point, I should set it to FALSE in log_reset probably 16:19 <[Demo]> so i can name my dog 🐶 16:19 I think it is handled correctyl, but mostly due to luck 16:19 *correctl 16:19 y 16:20 because it is set to false in log_replay_command if there was no diff encountered 16:20 <[Demo]> eh that might not have a corresponding unicode char 16:20 FIQ: right, because I'm not convinced that the engine process can survive watchmode ending, but we should probably make sure that the state is reset correctly 16:20 [Demo]: if you can send it over IRC it's in Unicode 16:20 it probably isn't in IBM437, though, as it definitely isn't in my font! 16:21 also I took a look at name vs petname options in libnethack/src/options 16:21 <[Demo]> i have no idea if it is sending over unicode 16:21 <[Demo]> irc* 16:22 the difference here is that petnames are part of something called new_game_options 16:22 <[Demo]> interacting with irc through discord so i have no idea what my messages end up looking like 16:22 FIQ: yes, petnames are a special case in the options code as they're effectively birth options that are needed during nh_create_game, rather than being able to have their effect factored in later 16:23 (permablind, for example, obviously has to be a birth option for gameplay reasons but there's no technical reason it couldn't be togglable) 16:23 [Demo]: At this point, it's difficult to find a character that's in a character set your software supports, but not in unicode. 16:23 <[Demo]> https://i.imgur.com/CRnrQQI.png oh neat 16:23 so I'm wondering if something is wrong with the code that sends the names to the game creation command 16:23 I guess what is happening is that for the petname, it returns early due to nhlib_option_value_ok returning FALSE 16:24 so ngo isn't properly fed with the petname 16:24 while u.uplname is already initialized to all zeroes 16:24 basically I am guessing that ngo isn't actually initialized 16:24 <[Demo]> if nh4 doesnt allow for unicode pet names that makes it obviously way less fun than nh3 16:24 that makes sense 16:24 [Demo]: NH3 doesn't allow for unicode pet names either 16:24 <[Demo]> well then i wonder what mutations have happened to dnh that let me do that 16:24 you can inject 8-bit characters into them but the width calculation code assumes one byte per cell 16:25 <@luxidream> I only have problems with NH4's character limit 😛 16:25 so things like line wrapping will be done incorrectly on lines that contain them 16:25 ais523: I added eof_reached to log_reset. Is there any other place I need to know about? 16:25 @luxidream: that was an emergency fix to a security bug 16:26 <[Demo]> uhhh 16:26 <[Demo]> its working on the nh 3.6.1 on hdf 16:26 Are you playing with Curses? 16:26 <[Demo]> i have no idea 16:26 The fancy UI 16:27 the one that looks a bit lcoser to NH4 than NH3 tty interface 16:27 *closer 16:27 <[Demo]> walls are ------ 16:27 <[Demo]> so I think not 16:27 <[Demo]> and fountains are } 16:27 FIQ: the only other function that potentially needs changing in cases like this is stop_replaying_logfile but I think in this case it probably doesn't need changing 16:27 Yeah you aren't 16:27 <[Demo]> so yeah what 16:27 <[Demo]> wonder if i can actually have unicode pet names in nh4 then 16:27 Because curses will accept whatever you input in getlin prompts 16:28 [Demo]: likely the only symptom is going to be that words are more inclined to wrap onto the next line than they should be 16:28 (this is before my refactor which isn't yet stable) 16:28 [Demo]: No, NH4's getlin will refuse input above 128 16:28 <[Demo]> "The black blade draws the life from 🐶! You kill 🐶!" 16:28 er, above 127 16:29 <[Demo]> ok yeah it does refuse it 16:30 FIQ: this is basically because daniel_t used non-Unicode-aware functions when writing the client 16:30 I didn't want to disturb that because I had a suspicion everything would break horribly 16:30 so I just kept the ban on non-ASCII 16:30 <[Demo]> that's definitely smartest 16:31 ais523: Should I try to allow unicode in a curses UI refactor? 16:31 Because currently it uses non-unicode stuff 16:31 I'm not sure how well the game itself supports it 16:31 FIQ: I'd say be careful, you don't want to pass Unicode to a part of the game that doesn't expect it 16:31 there's a blog post about this 16:31 and/or if there is going to be issues 16:31 http://nethack4.org/blog/unicode.html 16:31 ais523: You think it's safer to assume non-unicode then? 16:32 safer and easier, if you try to support Unicode than everything that can potentially come into contact with the characters needs to support it 16:32 imagine if Unicode got into a fruitname, for example 16:33 I should perhaps accept it for the map 16:33 since the map can already have extended ASCII anyway 16:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Luxidream (Dnb-Nob Dwa Mal Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:986 16:33 (which can do weird things in some cases with farlook, but that is IMO better than regressing to forcing ascii) 16:34 Dnb? 16:34 oh, dwarf noble 16:35 "dwarf noble-noble" 16:36 <[Demo]> hmm 16:39 <@luxidream> how does beast mastery influence pet behaviour? 16:40 [hdf-us] [nh4] K2 (k2) (Arc Hum Mal Law), 257644 points, T:55164, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/nethack4/dumplog/2018-01-15%2021%3A40%3A52%2C%20K2-Arc-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 16:41 <@luxidream> woot 16:41 <@luxidream> congrats K2 16:41 <[Demo]> nice! 16:41 thanks 16:41 \o/ 16:41 <[Demo]> way to be an inferior arc 16:41 * K2 flexes 16:42 <[Demo]> like is there any benefit to not being a dwarf? 16:42 inferior arcs are cool 16:42 human arcs make better spellcasters 16:42 <[Demo]> ahhh yeah 16:44 that was fun 16:44 no grayswandir tho :/ 16:44 but excalibur works too 16:49 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:49 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:50 grats K2! 16:50 thanks Tangles! 16:50 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 16:51 FIQ: yeah why isn't it just Nob Dwa Mal Law? 16:51 <[Demo]> questhaxextreme 16:52 Hmm... 16:52 !streak\ 16:52 !streak 16:52 Tangles: Tangles Max[nh]: 1 (2017-02-25 - 2017-03-10). Current[gh]: 1 (since 2017-09-04). 16:53 !streak k2 16:53 Tangles: k2 Max[nh]: 1 (2017-06-02 - 2017-06-03). Current[gh]: 1 (since 2017-12-18). 16:53 yeah that's broken 16:53 !streak grasshopper 16:53 Tangles: grasshopper Max[nd]: 6 (2017-03-17 - 2017-05-14). 16:54 <@luxidream> !streak 16:54 @luxidream: No streaks for @luxidream. 16:54 aosdict: dnh role IDs are weird 16:54 ask chris 16:54 <[Demo]> its so the quests work 16:54 <[Demo]> i think 16:54 !streak luxidream 16:54 Tangles: luxidream Max[nh]: 1 (2017-06-25 - 2017-06-28). 16:54 Tangles: lux' streak is in a nh4-derivative 16:54 is this relevant? 16:54 yes 16:54 that is not tracked. 16:54 <@luxidream> I always do soko by hand demo 16:55 <@luxidream> where to find pastes? 16:55 <[Demo]> I don't know if they exist yet 16:55 there is another way to soko? 16:55 <[Demo]> but they should for dnh 16:55 using a macro seems really dangerous 16:55 <[Demo]> yeah dnh has no monster spawn in soko 16:55 because random monsters 16:55 <[Demo]> ah but not in dnh 16:55 headed out see you all soon 16:55 ahh 16:55 <[Demo]> only thing you gotta watch is hunger 16:55 <[Demo]> cya k2 16:55 seeya k2. 16:55 but what if there's random unexpected --More-- 16:55 I'm off as well. 16:55 screwing up everything 16:55 <[Demo]> who wantes to write pastes? 16:55 see you K2 16:55 <[Demo]> just put space spam in the paste 17:01 okay i have two random problems in slex 17:01 i can't walk in a straight line 17:02 and i can't attack monsters by just moving into them 17:02 [hdf-us] [dnh] Luxidream (Dnb-Nob Dwa Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:6197 17:03 <[Demo]> Probably hit a nasty trap or two 17:04 yeah that sounds like nastytraps 17:05 [hdf-us] [slex] StatueSurfer (Kni Hum Fem Law), 33128 points, T:5650, quit 17:05 i could not leave mines end 17:05 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 17:05 -!- ais523 has quit [Disconnected by services] 17:05 <[Demo]> uh 17:05 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 17:05 without moving in the same direction twice 17:05 <[Demo]> you can wait out the traps 17:05 oh well 17:05 i probably won't play it again 17:05 <[Demo]> slex is god tier 17:06 i'm pretty sure the only way to beat slex is to search 10 times before moving 17:06 <[Demo]> oh no then something else will kill you 17:07 well otherwise: fake difficulty traps 17:07 <[Demo]> there are way worse things in slex than that 17:09 "They don't reveal themselves if the player triggers them." 17:11 i think the nasty traps might outnumber the normal traps 17:12 oh they do 17:18 StatueSurfer: a lot of nasty traps are unsearchable too 17:21 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:23 [hdf-us] [dnh] Luxidream (Nob Dwa Mal Law), 28884 points, T:10102, killed by a troll 17:23 <@luxidream> whoops 17:24 <[Demo]> noooooooo 17:24 <[Demo]> he did a really good protection racket run 17:24 <[Demo]> and that shit is boring to do 17:25 <@luxidream> it was really easy 17:25 the prot racket really isn't worth it unless you're playing pacifist 17:25 the benefit you get doesn't match up to the risk you take 17:26 <[Demo]> maybe you like a pacifist beginning game? 17:26 I think lux likes it 17:26 and he had a 9-streak in nethack4 17:26 hmm, I'm suddenly reminded of lorimer's challenge 17:26 which is? 17:26 I forget the exact rules, but it was some sort of "if you think the protection racket works then prove it" 17:27 by doing it every time? 17:27 it was some sort of controlled test 17:27 I think a valid argument against that is "it depends on your loadout and what you play as" 17:27 i.e. there may be situations where it is the optimal strategy 17:27 but it usually isn't 17:27 <[Demo]> oh shit i have hoh mode on 17:28 <@luxidream> dwarf noble starts with great AC, and I didn't see anything that would have screwed me over 17:28 <@luxidream> what was the result of that ais523? 17:29 @luxidream: it never happened, nobody took up lorimer on the pro-prot-racket side of the offer 17:29 ais523: isn't orctown rate 1/7? 17:29 The protection racket _can be made to work_, clearly, but I don't think it's overall advantageous. Because yes, it keeps you at low max HP for too long. 17:29 <@luxidream> is protection racket defined as going to minetown at level 1? 17:30 <[Demo]> best strategy is always to go straight for the castle WoW 17:30 @luxidream That is the usual definition, yes. 17:30 ais523: I still think protracket might be optimal if playing dwarven arcs 17:30 getting money early isn't hard, and you can trivially get to minetown, plus intrinsic speed 17:31 can gnome be arc? 17:31 that would seem even better 17:31 why? 17:31 but yeah I think so 17:31 you can ID gems 17:31 <@luxidream> all arc can do that 17:31 double-checked 17:31 <@luxidream> not just gnomes 17:31 they can 17:31 and yeah 17:32 arcs get the same bonus as gnomes 17:32 with touchstone ID 17:32 Wait, they do? 17:32 yes 17:32 you didn't know? 17:32 I thought arcs just _started with_ a touchstone, and _gnomes_ could use uncursed ones as blessed. 17:32 dwarves dig *really fast* 17:32 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:32 due to what I think is an oversight 17:32 they dig in like 3 turns 17:32 <[Demo]> gnomes can use touchstones as blessed? 17:33 yes 17:33 <[Demo]> in vanilla? 17:33 urd 17:33 yes 17:33 <[Demo]> the dwarf thing in vanilla, sorry 17:33 dwarves can't use touchstones as blessed in vanilla no 17:33 <[Demo]> no i mean digging fast 17:33 yes they can 17:33 their digging progress grows exponentially 17:33 As fast as scurriers? 17:33 instead of linearly like everyone else's 17:34 <[Demo]> hmm 17:34 hence rapid dig 17:34 jonadab: scurriers are equally fast action-wise, but scurriers have a higher base speed 17:34 Ah. 17:37 <[Demo]> why do 4k valks fly? 17:39 because they are portrayed as flying in mythology 17:39 Also because I wanted to differentiate things more. 17:39 by concluding that they wasn't OP enough 17:39 "Barbarians, only with cold resist instead of poison", didn't seem like a great differentiator. 17:40 *weren't 17:40 -!- ThatBenGuy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:40 FIQ: I actually nerfed them in some ways, though perhaps I didn't get the balance entirely right. 17:41 <[Demo]> yeah no excal 17:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Luxidream (Bin Inc Mal Non) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1317 17:44 Ultimately, I want to turn Valkyrie into a race, and make the role Hoplite (male) / Shieldmaiden (female), allowing them to be human, valkyrie, or possibly dwarven. 17:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Luxidream (Bin Inc Mal Non), 1127 points, T:1325, killed by a dwarf 17:44 But that is for the future. 17:46 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 17:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:53 !tell K2 nh4 updated (merged ais523's fixes for watch desyncs, petname initialisation, etc) 17:53 Will do, Tangles! 17:58 technically speaking it's FIQ who did the watch desync fix, I just reviewed it 18:00 <[Demo]> my todo list is shrinking 18:00 <[Demo]> eek 18:01 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:02 <[Demo]> does anyone know what the hell numina even is? 18:05 ok great 18:05 K2: Message from Tangles at 2018-01-15 17:53 EST: nh4 updated (merged ais523's fixes for watch desyncs, petname initialisation, etc) 18:07 conan the destroyer dvd from netflix?? hell yeah 18:08 <[Demo]> the final two monsters of this are gonna suck a lot 18:08 <[Demo]> i.e. uninteresting and boring 18:09 NetHack 4 updated (us and eu) 18:10 <[Demo]> what would an AD_WHIS whispers attack do 18:10 <[Demo]> like if some big scary spirit of whispers was whispering pretty hard at you what would happen? 18:21 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 18:21 -!- ais523 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26 <[Demo]> im still annoyed I can't put my sack on my head to blind myself 18:27 <[Demo]> oilskin should work like an amulet of strangulation 18:38 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 18:39 -!- realinari has joined #hardfought 18:44 <[Demo]> ooh dead unh k2 18:44 [hdf-us] [un] Demo (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the ghost of k2, the former Wanderer, on T:4735 18:45 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 18:59 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 19:01 <[Demo]> thanks for the wand of undead turning k2, came in clutch for ���🐶 19:18 [hdf-us] [fh] Rambunctious Playtester (StatueSurfer) (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 29369 points, T:1175, killed by a giant mimic 19:18 really wasn't expecting that to be a giant mimic 19:18 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:20 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 19:26 hm 19:26 i guess as a knight i'm not really hurt by sacrificing for artifacts 19:30 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 19:39 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 19:50 <@luxidream> FH artifact wishing rules were changed 19:50 i know 19:50 but i mean as a lawful i don't really have any good artifacts to wish for 19:51 <[Demo]> grays 19:51 i can sac for that 19:51 so no need to use a wish 19:52 <@luxidream> don’t think grayswandir is ever worth a wish 19:52 <[Demo]> it is if you have everything else you could possibly want and don't wanna spend the next several hours of your day sacfesting 19:53 i mean my ascension run in vanilla i just used mjollnir and a silver saber 19:53 what are fiqhack's penalties 19:53 for killing peacefuls 19:53 <[Demo]> BAD 19:54 <@luxidream> immediate negative alignment 19:54 <[Demo]> anything that abuses alignment record is bad 19:54 <[Demo]> cause it sets it to 0 then reduces 19:54 uh huh 19:54 <@luxidream> I mean it goes back up. Just don’t expect to be able to pray right after 19:55 <[Demo]> anyone know where i can find documentation on slex's 7 deadly sins or the patch it was based on? 19:55 <[Demo]> I wanna see which conducts get punished for and any sort of reasoning 19:55 i think it was based on the evil patch 19:57 <[Demo]> I wanna do a lighter version of it 20:04 yeah 20:04 it goes right negative 20:12 fiqhack didn't change anything about excalibur? 20:12 so still level 5? 20:12 [Demo]: I remember seeing the 7 deadly sins patch on bilious somewhere. Try searching there? 20:13 <[Demo]> yeah found it 20:13 <[Demo]> don't like it 20:16 <[Demo]> the concept itself is still neat 20:20 [hdf-us] [nh4] tizakit (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 37671 points, T:6064, killed by a killer bee 20:21 StatueSurfer: fiqhack nerfed excal 20:21 it no longer grants automatic searching 20:21 okay 20:22 still have drain resistance? 20:22 this wasn't really meant as a nerf 20:22 but mostly because I didn't want to buff it 20:22 with fiqhack's buffed searching 20:22 yes 20:22 right 20:23 jonadab: no bleeding edge for junethack? 20:23 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 20:27 finally got my lance up to skilled 20:27 !whereis StatueSurfer 20:27 FIQ: [hdf-us] StatueSurfer [fh]: (Kni Dwa Fem Law) T:4712 The Dungeons of Doom level: 5 20:28 <[Demo]> https://bilious.alt.org/?169 this is a neat patch and I think I wanna adapt it somehow 20:28 as a knight you will get dragonbane as 1st sac gift 20:28 oof 20:29 oh it's buffed 20:29 cool 20:30 FIQ: bleeding-edge is not save stable at this time. 20:30 I asked about junethack though 20:30 I prefer to have a lead time wherein players can test the game on the server _before_ the tournament starts. 20:31 My deadline for save-stability to make it into Junethack is somewhere around January. 20:31 So no, .5 will not make it in 2018. 20:31 I see 20:31 Frankly, I'll be doing well at this point if I can have it ready to go save-stable _after_ the tournament. 20:32 There's quite a bit I still want to do. 20:32 And that's if .5 isn't the rebase release. Which, I'm leaning toward that being .6 20:32 (Or 20:34 <[Demo]> whoa, the bag patch I'm always joking about to blind yourself is a thing https://bilious.alt.org/?163 20:35 "The monkey hits! The monkey tries to steal your Excalibur but gives up." 20:35 (i hit the monkey) "You caitliff!" 20:35 how was i supposed to know he was fleeing?? 20:35 works the same in vanilla 20:35 I really need to do something about the kni penalties 20:35 they're kinda dumb 20:36 vanilla doesn't set your alignment to negative 20:36 maybe I should just remove them 20:36 [Demo]: Actually, it kind of makes sense to allow it. 20:37 jonadab: what if a knight with alignment needs to F-fight things that would penalize them? 20:37 As long as the bag's A) empty, B) not of tricks 20:38 <[Demo]> oilskin sacks are dangerous 20:38 tricks should strangulate you 20:38 FIQ: I think the knight's code of conduct is part of what makes the role distinctive. 20:38 <[Demo]> not sure what bags of holding would do 20:38 tricks should probably do something bad, for sure. A strangle timer until you take it off makes sense. Hopefully it's not cursed. 20:38 how is oilskin dangerous? airtight? 20:38 Oh, hmm, probably so, hadn't thought of that. 20:38 <[Demo]> yeah airtight 20:39 Maybe _oilskin_ should suffocate you in a few turns (like amulet of strangulation) unless removed. 20:39 <[Demo]> yes 20:39 IN which case, tricks should do something else. 20:39 Bite your head, doing damage, maybe. 20:39 <[Demo]> bite ur head 20:39 <[Demo]> yeah 20:39 make you take constant damage? 20:39 per turn 20:39 or other random things 20:40 <[Demo]> bag of holding allows raising intelligence to 25? 20:40 The bag develops a huge set of teeth, and bites your head off! DYWYPI? 20:40 If holding put its contents in an alternate dimension like in OOTS, I'd be somewhat concerned about the flavor of wearing that on your head, but if it did that, the contents wouldn't encumber you, and in NetHack it only _reduces_ the weight, so I think it's reasonable to assume that NetHack's BoH is flavored differently. 20:41 "I am Mark Odens a Lawyer in Cotonou Republic of Benin , i had a foreign client,who shares the same surname with you who is a Gold Merchant from your country. posited a large sum of money with local bank here Eventually, died as a result of lung cancer without a WILL,Now i want to introduce you to the bank as the next of kin so that the money left behind by My client can be transfer to your account 20:41 through my help." 20:41 seems legit 20:42 is that an email you got? 20:42 I assume you know what the scam is there, since it's one of the most famous ones in existence. 20:42 <[Demo]> damn mail daemon sending spam 20:42 jonadab: right 20:42 StatueSurfer: yes, it somehow got past spam filters 20:42 "Cotonou Republic of Benin" 20:42 is that even a real place 20:43 hopefully an one-time event 20:43 don't think so lol 20:43 StatueSurfer: I'm not sure if that's the official name of it, but there is a country called Benin. 20:43 <[Demo]> what is the astral escape patch? 20:43 It's in western Africa. 20:43 wow 20:43 ah 20:43 figures 20:43 Hmm, Wikipedia gives its official name as just "Republic of Benin", though. 20:44 Ah, I see, Cotonou is a city. 20:44 [Demo]: makes it possible to escape astral 20:44 well at least it's a real location 20:44 There's no reason to make up a fake location. 20:44 jonadab: I better give him/her my info, the money is too much to pass up 20:45 As long as the location given is far away from the victim. 20:45 FIQ: Heh. 20:45 After all it is totally legit 20:45 FIQ: Have him deposit the money in your account in the First Yendorian Bank. 20:46 Yeah that should do 20:46 Ask how many zorkmids it comes to. 20:46 Could tell him to forward to Wizard of Yendor 20:46 he should be able to take care of the details 20:46 Rodney shows up at the bank 20:46 summons a bunch of dragons 20:46 Rodney, 1 Tower Top, Yendor 20:46 well it's actually Gehennom 20:47 aka Hell 20:47 Ah, hmm, good point. 20:47 Rodney, 1 Tower Top, Gehennom 20:47 this reminds me of that graveyard epitaph 20:47 Postman, note forwarding address: Gehennom, Asmodeus' Lair, fifth lemure on the left 20:47 "Here lies Lester Moore, four shots from a 44, no less, no Moore"? 20:47 asmo doesn't even have lemures 20:48 oh yeah that one 20:48 i like how my character can distinguish between male and females of a species after they've been prepared and put in a tin 20:48 Heh. 20:48 Does FIQHack fix that? 20:48 StatueSurfer: It was to clarify why they don't stack 20:48 jonadab: it IS in fiqhack 20:48 jonadab: fix? it introduced it 20:49 FIQ: But while it makes sense for the _corpses_ not to stack and to still have gender, in case they can be revived, does that make sense for tins? 20:49 There's no way to revive a tin, surely? 20:49 What if you untin them? 20:49 How? 20:49 Dunno 20:49 Only way I know to do that is with a tin opener. 20:49 And you either eat or discard the contents. 20:50 "Do you want to dump the contents all over the floor? [yn]" 20:50 Should a gnomish lady corpse become a tin of gnome lord meat? 20:50 Actually, shouldn't it just become a tin of gnome meat? 20:51 Same with a tinned gnome lord corpse, or gnome wizard corpse for that matter, I would think. 20:51 fiqhack distinguishes gender for all monsters 20:51 so that wouldn't work 20:51 that is not true 20:51 neuter monsters are still neuter 20:51 <[Demo]> whatever happened to L? 20:51 hat fiqhack did was to make a distinction corpse-wise 20:51 Leon Arnott? 20:52 He has a bunch of cool patches 20:52 Dunno what happened 20:52 Probably lost interest 20:52 His website is still up. 20:52 If it's important you can probably reach him 20:52 he has a mail 20:52 His last tweet was 15 hours ago (but unrelated to NetHack). 20:53 did he ever hang out on IRC 20:53 and if so, by which nick 20:53 probably not by L 20:58 -!- realinari is now known as inari 21:00 -!- inari is now known as realinari 21:00 "cooperative telepathy" 21:00 i guess that's a new thing in fiqhack? 21:01 Yes. 21:02 When you and something else are both telepathic, you can see each other even if not blinded. 21:02 great 21:02 now i'll know when there's a mind flayer around 21:03 YANI: when you read a spellbook, you are offered the choice of skimming it to get a clue about its level (indirect, can fail with low Int but pretty unlikely, very tame bad effects), studying it to learn what spell it contains (less tame failure effects, but should be pretty reliable with high Int/XL), or trying to learn its spell like normal. 21:05 Another possible solution to the how-to-make-spellbooks-worth-it problem. 21:05 those last two sound the same 21:05 well the best way to make spellbooks worth it is to bless them :^ 21:06 how-to-make-spellbooks-worth-it-without-requiring-holy-water-cheesing 21:07 StatueSurfer: to clarify: the second one will tell you that it's a spellbook of identify, but won't actually *teach* you the identify spell. 21:07 oh okay 21:07 <[Demo]> I like what slashem does with spellbooks 21:07 instadeath upon failure? 21:07 or is that slex... 21:08 that would be sle 21:08 x 21:08 <[Demo]> never fails unless cursed 21:08 it can still do if out of charges 21:09 but does it take longer if you have lower INT? 21:14 anyway, just thought that would be a good way to "size up" a spellbook without needing a price check or different weights or different appearances 21:15 and since spellbooks don't get read that often, it's not the end of the world to give a 3-option menu for reading one 21:17 okay when i used a lance in sokoban 21:18 i saw a boulder i knew shouldn't be there 21:18 so i decided to use my lance to hit the mimic 21:18 and the cursor immediately went over the boulder 21:18 is that vanilla behavior 21:18 <[Demo]> ah yeah should check if you can see it and no thats a fh addition 21:18 <[Demo]> autopolearm i call it 21:32 -!- Kontroll1r has joined #hardfought 21:35 -!- Kontroller has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:39 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:51 <@luxidream> that happens in vanilla too 21:52 <@luxidream> it’s nice but not as nice as tab to hit would be 21:53 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 21:54 hey fiq how much did you degrade sub-expert magic missile damage? 22:02 @luxidream hmm, I guess it would interfere with ^I debug identify though 22:03 <@luxidream> oh. Didn’t think of wizmode stuff 22:28 [hdf-us] [fh] Rambunctious Playtester (StatueSurfer) (Kni Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 green dragon scale mail", on T:11870 22:30 <@luxidream> sickness resistance? 22:30 <@luxidream> interesting choice 22:31 or... poison resistance? 22:32 plus i already completed soko and got the amulet of reflection 22:34 <@luxidream> hm. well, there's no poison instadeath in FH 22:36 i see 22:36 all i'm avoiding now is permanent strength loss 22:37 <@Tone> "permanent" 22:37 <@Tone> There are always ways around it 22:37 <@Tone> prayer trick is pretty easy to pull off if needed 22:37 <@luxidream> FIQhack change 22:38 <@Tone> ah, I was about to add that caveat 😛 22:38 <@luxidream> he replaced poison instakill with perma str loss 22:38 <@Tone> wasn't sure if it was different 22:38 <@Tone> yeah that's a big deal then 22:38 <@Tone> don't mind me 😅 22:39 <@luxidream> best in FH besides gray is probably blue or orange though 22:39 <@luxidream> I used green once and it was cool to flex in pestilence's face but it didn't do much aside from that 22:51 why are my failure rates for cure sickness and stone to flesh different? 22:51 they're both level 3 healing spells 22:52 oh cure sickness is an emergency spell 22:56 <@riker> !tell Chris_ANG stupid thing of the day: you can piss off the void from using a same-race corpse for malphas bind. probably shouldn't happen, esp sinc 22:56 Will do, @riker! 23:04 a monster genocided all u 23:04 hooray for fiqhack 23:06 !streak k2 gh 23:06 Tangles: k2[gh] Max: 1 (2017-05-09 - 2017-05-11). Current: 1 (since 2017-12-18). 23:06 emergency spells are a silly mechanic 23:06 !streak grasshopper gh 23:06 Tangles: grasshopper[gh] Max: 2 (2017-06-27 - 2017-07-23). 23:06 i don't know i don't really see any harm 23:06 special spells almost as much so 23:07 StatueSurfer: I'd prefer for the formulas the game uses to be simple and straightforward. NetHack's spell success formula is so arcane and twisted that nobody really wants to touch it. 23:09 i can see what you mean 23:10 according to the formula as listed on the wiki i shouldn't be able to cast either of my healing spells 23:10 and yet i can 23:10 granted, at excrutiatingly high failure rates, but still 23:12 but i can cast magic missile with some reliability :D 23:13 only 22% fail rate 23:16 not sure what to do now in my game for the moment 23:16 since my warhorse got genocided 23:19 StatueSurfer: perhaps you didn't account for which stat is your role's spellcasting stat! Or maybe you didn't account for the fact that the game makes a preliminary decision on whether the spell is difficult and uses two separate algorithms for each possibility! 23:20 oh right 23:20 i used INT over WIS 23:20 Seriously, reading the "calculating spell success rate" makes me empathize with my friends who never took an interest in D&D for complex rules like this. 23:22 well 23:23 should my post-castle steed be a ki-rin or a black dragon 23:25 i guess since monster spells got nerfed a black dragon would probably be better 23:29 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:37 -!- rumflump has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:37 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:44 oh! K2's grunthack streak was not on hdf. 23:44 so it is working 23:44 !streak 23:44 Tangles: Tangles Max[nh]: 1 (2017-02-25 - 2017-03-10). Current[gh]: 1 (since 2017-09-04). 23:44 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 23:44 :) 23:45 yeah it was on 0.2.0 amazingly 23:45 !streak 23:45 K2: K2 Max[nh]: 1 (2017-06-02 - 2017-06-03). Current[gh]: 1 (since 2017-12-18). 23:45 The black naga spits segfaults! 23:46 actually it was a zero-divide error, but w/e. 23:46 i havent played nh4 since my ascension earlier today, how come that doesnt show as a streak of 1 like gh? 23:46 no streaks for nh4 variants. 23:47 oooh right