00:03 @luxidream well, I can't answer for fiqhack. just stating vanilla behavior. 00:03 <@luxidream> that is NH4 00:03 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 00:03 <@luxidream> so it should be the same interactions as in 3.4.3 00:07 oh actually, vanilla's mvm combat lumps SSEX in with SITM and SEDU. So yes, you were right. 00:12 [hdf-us] [nh4] Kent Hovind (Luxidream) (Pri Hum Mal Law), 268146 points, T:53827, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-01-12%2005%3A12%3A11%2C%20Kent%20Hovind-Pri-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 00:14 go team @ 00:15 666 HP 00:15 <@luxidream> *team & 00:15 as a lawful priest 00:15 nice touch 00:19 is that two @Luxidream ascensions in 24 hours? 00:20 yep 00:20 just checked the scoreboard 00:24 hmm, 22 non-equipped items in main inventory 00:24 perhaps 21slot is doable after all 00:28 <@luxidream> but my space 00:28 <@luxidream> ๐Ÿ˜ฆ 00:28 why were you even carrying that many rings 00:29 it looks like most of them were uselss 00:29 *useless 00:29 <@luxidream> forgot to throw them out 00:29 <@luxidream> oops 00:29 <@luxidream> the wands of striking too 00:29 <@luxidream> I'm about as organized in NH as I am in real life 00:30 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:30 and you had 3 rings of poly control 00:30 which is a ring i have never had ID'd in any nethack game outside of wizard mode or wizard startscums 00:31 <@luxidream> they're pretty useful if you don't have magic resistance 00:32 i'll bet 00:34 if i had a ring of poly control i'd use polymorph just to experience it 01:07 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:08 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 01:40 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:46 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:50 jonadab: People on 4chan are saying: "First it would be nice to either get:1. An executable, or2. Correct instructions on how to compile the game.Until one of those is done, Fourk is nothing more than an interesting-looking changelog." I think it would be nice if you could put a precompiled Windows binary on github so Windows users can actually play, because seriously, compiling it is a pain in the butt (I tried and could 01:50 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2018-01-11 12:10 EST: You should do an extinctionist game in slex where you kill 255 of every kind of monster. 01:52 uhh, trying to do an extinctionist run in slex would probably end up with the game running out of easy monsters and thus start spawning tons of ultra-hard ones... read that as "ones that will screw you over and kill you in a couple turns even if you have a full ascension kit" 01:52 and also, slex has a turn limit for ascension; while it's possible to go on playing after exceeding that, it causes random bad stuff to happen and it would make trying to hunt down 120 of every ultra-hard monster type even more dangerous! 01:55 LarienTelrunya: You are scary in frightening and sexy ways. 01:55 oh, hi Crawldragon! didn't realize you were here! nice to see you again, do you want to play SLEX? :D 01:56 <@luxidream> any particular reason 4chan hates server play? 01:56 luxidream: no idea, they should actually like it, in fact when I posted one of my local slex wins there they said "OMG FAKE PLAY ON A SERVER U CHEAT0R" :P 01:57 Still not principally allowed to play any game in which kicking an opponent i. the nuts is considered "funny" and too drunk to play any video game but thanks for offering 01:58 Crawldragon: I guess you don't play the GTA games either, then. 01:58 No, but I did play Saints Row The Third for a bit 01:59 you can probably guess what my favorite activity in those games is :) 02:00 Kicking guys in the nuts? 02:00 nah, angering random female NPCs and letting them kick the player character (Claude, Tommy, CJ, Niko or whoever it is) in the nuts 02:01 If so then you probably lack any empathy for men in which case I'm unsurprised that you're a lesbian 02:02 FIQ: awwwwwwwwwww you're going to censor the messages when foocubuses in FIQhack seduce other monsters? how very lame :P 02:03 * LarienTelrunya imagines what the messages would be like if monster-versus-monster seduction was a thing in slex 02:04 "the succubus hits the gnome with her high-heeled sandal!" 02:05 Gpd J l 02:05 :D 02:06 God I love that Dudley strip I did. I wish I could could come up woth jokes like that that weren't specific to non Nethqck fans. 02:07 fuck it, you knpw whT I mean 02:07 which one? you made a bunch of Dudley strips, I guess you mean the dunmer one? 02:07 ye, you got it 02:07 yeah I love that one too โ™ฅ 02:07 "YOU N'WAH!!!" 02:08 I love all of them 02:09 oh I see you were actually there when FIQ contemplated what inter-monster foocubus seduction would be like! 02:11 yeah I suggested that AD_SSEX sbould be aliased to AE_SEDU under certai. circumstancez 02:11 but y'know sexual content is awkward to work o to a video game 02:12 slex already has additional lines for AD_SSEX like "The water nymph gently pulls down your pants with her soft, fleecy hands..." 02:13 Jesus Christ 02:13 Slow down, woman! 02:13 * Crawldragon makes the sign pf the cross 02:14 and in slex you or the monster (depending on who is female) can get pregnant and have a baby 02:14 ew ew ew ew eww 02:14 for ease of implementation, the "baby" is simply a tame version of either your role or the monster 02:15 that is one thing I both envy and don't envy qbout straight guys: I will likely never know waht it is like to get a woman pregnant 02:19 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 02:22 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:22 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:51 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:04 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 03:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 03:09 jonadab: some of your disintegration EPIs are in slex, i.e. there are disintegration melee/gaze/ranged attacks and wands of disintegration :) 03:10 and you wonder why I'm too scared to play Slex :-) 03:11 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 03:11 -!- hpardis has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:11 always remember that it's just a game, if your character dies you can simply make a new one! 03:12 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 03:13 true nuff m8 03:13 also, Crawldragon: what you'd need for slex is a character that starts with the "Luisa's Charming Beauty" artifact weapon, which has the unique effect of protecting your sensitive body parts from kick attacks. 03:14 I would have simply named it "Luisa's Fellow Feeling" 03:15 but then again I'm drunk and trying to both manage my old laptop's battery liglfe and make perogies at the same time 03:15 so what the hell do I know? 03:15 well, you definitely just suggested an additional artifact to add to slex :) 03:16 oh god what fresh hell have I wrought? 03:16 heeheehee 03:17 you should be proud, because that new artifact will also give protection from being kicked in the nuts! 03:17 will it give protection from the desire to kick other people in the nuts? 03:18 haha, you can't actually do that in slex anyway; there are hallucinatory combat messages, but they're just flavor 03:18 ah now I'm not an expert but from what I rekember of my mom's cooking these perogies are done 03:19 and yet still not sure how the hell to spell the plural or "perogie" 03:19 pr the singularz to be honest 03:19 "pierog" apparently? 03:19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierogi 03:20 "cooking in bpiling water" HERESY!!! 03:21 you broil them on a skillet 03:21 there is clearly no other proper way to make 'em 03:21 qnd I should know I'm drunk off klmy asd 03:22 yeah cooking them sounds weird 03:26 never change, Amy 03:26 I tease you because I like you 03:27 haha, thanks :) 03:30 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 04:32 Evil Patch idea: if an invisible or otherwise undetected monster attacks you, no I marker is being placed. You have to guess which direction the attack is coming from if you want to retaliate. 04:41 Evil Patch idea: monsters that hide underneath items, as well as cloaked mimics, cannot be hit by missile weapons, beams and the like, to increase the chance that you stumble into them. Or they can be hit but there is no message telling you so, meaning you won't suspect that a monster is there and will stumble into it. 04:43 LarienTelrunya: Apparently you missed my release announcement on December 7th. 04:44 huh, I did? what did it say? 04:44 Not that I care very much what 4chan users think. If they think. Which they usually don't. 04:44 :D 04:45 It said, among other things, here's version, officially released now, with working build instructions and a Windows binary. 04:45 well I am an occasional 4chan user, I guess that makes me like an unthinkable vegetable at times ;) 04:45 ... wait, it has a windows binary??? but I downloaded it and didn't see it! I'll have to look again 04:45 https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/releases 04:46 is there an easy way to check which version I have? 04:46 There is a problem with the SDL version not working for some people, which I cannot reproduce here, probably because I had to install SDL in order to create the build. 04:46 #version 04:47 the singledir version is the windows binary I suppose? 04:47 The .msi is more recommended, but the singledir is also a Windows binary. 04:48 It's an icky all-in-one-folder can't-be-properly-installed executable-in-a-user-writeable-location thing though. 04:48 The .msi does a proper install. 04:48 Well, insofar as it's possible to do a proper install of anything on Windows. 04:50 it works!!! :) 04:53 are those binaries updated periodically? 04:54 No. 04:54 Version is _released_, meaning there will not be further changes to it. 04:54 Evil Patch idea: acid blobs can breathe acid. 04:55 (The master branch has some subsequent changes that are still save-compatbile with it; which will eventually be in the next version...) 04:55 Actually, EPI: gelatinous cubes can breathe acid *and paralysis*. And the paralysis stacks with any ongoing paralysis. 04:55 Oooh, paralysis breath. That IS evil. 04:56 heh, slex has a petrification breath, which is supposedly even more evil 04:56 @le?master mason 04:56 master mason (D) | Lvl: 16 | Diff: 24 | Spd: 9 | Res: petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 20 | Generates: special | AC: -3 | Attacks: 3d8 breath petrification, 4d6 bite physical, 3d3 lashing physical, 3d3 claw physical | Alignment: 7 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, thick hide, oviparous, seeinvis, lithivore 04:56 and dnethack has Mammon who is supposed to have a goldification breath (which is similar to petrification), but apparently he sometimes breathes segfaults instead 04:57 but anyway, so that means the of Nethack Fourk does not receive updates? what about the one on the server? bugfixes and stuff? 04:57 The server is on the master branch. 04:57 So it does recieve updates. 04:58 But building a Windows binary is an annoyingly complex process, I'm not doing that every time I make a commit. 04:59 If I had any significant number of players on Windows, which I don't currently, I might consider doing a quarterly or possibly even a monthly build. 04:59 heh, you know, if you were using the 3.4.3 build system, compiling on Windows would be a matter of 30 seconds ;) 04:59 I've never even managed to get 3.4.3 to build on Windows _at all_. 05:00 I know it's theoretically possible, but. 05:00 (or 5 seconds if just a single file, like cmd.c, got changed) 05:01 never managed to build it on windows because you didn't try, or because it somehow didn't work? if the latter, what compiler are you using? with MinGW it's not that hard to do 05:01 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 05:02 I haven't tried again recently, admittedly; it would probably work with WSL. 05:02 Though that wouldn't produce a redistributable runs-on-Windows native build. 05:02 Last time I tried was with Cygwin on Win XP. 05:02 Which also wouldn't produce a redistributable runs-on-WIndows native build, come to think of it. 05:03 what I find surprising is that my MinGW builds on slex can freely be transferred from 32-bit Win XP to 64-bit Win 7 and vice versa; they run on both :) 05:03 The 64-bit versions of Windows include legacy 32-bit versions of every library that comes with Windows. 05:03 (bottom line is "MinGW ftw!" :D) 05:04 Because Microsoft assumes that software A) is binary-only proprietary crap and B) has absentee developers who won't recompile for "new" architectures like AMD64 that have only existed for 15 years. 05:04 You CAN get this kind of functionality with Linux by enabling multi-arch and installing the 32-bit versions of all the libraries, but nobody does because that would be dumb. 05:06 well I guess those who want to make money off their software refuse to release their source code for a reason 05:08 Either because they don't understand the difference between copyright and trade secret, or else because they think copy protection actually works. 05:09 hahaha :D everyone just copies the copy protection along with the software itself! 05:09 It used to be common for proprietary software vendors to provide the source code along with the software (but not under a license that let you redistribute it). 05:10 Yes, copy protection only works if you control the _hardware_. 05:10 Which, in practice, you don't. 05:11 wait, if proprietary software includes the source code, then some ambitious programmer could compile the copy protection, activation code etc. out of it and then give the compiled product to others! 05:11 They do that anyway, it's called warez. 05:11 Because copy protection doesn't work. 05:12 yeah it's like a neverending arms race between the software vendors and software pirates I guess 05:13 and whenever the former come up with a new instance of "copy protection", it takes the latter one week until it's been cracked 05:13 The most effective solution is to make the software absolutely dependent on some internet service that requires an account with a valid subscription. 05:13 But even that breaks down sometimes. 05:13 As e.g. Nintendo has discovered. 05:15 Actually, it's arguable that it's even more effective to make the software absolutely dependent on an internet service that requires a free account, but which constantly encourages small purchases of add-on services. 05:16 Users hate this. 05:16 But they pay money. 05:16 haha, what if the updates (for bugfixes etc.) themselves would require payment? (actually, I guess that also happens already) 05:16 I don't think I've ever done an in-app purchase, and when apps nag too much I uninstall them. 05:17 raisse: I think most folks don't; but enough do that it adds up, apparently. 05:19 the only app that nags that I keep using is Duolingo, but I do want to learn Spanish 05:19 Evil Patch idea: instead of occasional "You hear some noises in the distance" messages, the game spams you with messages when your pet fights something outside of your sight. "It misses it! It is missed! It bites it! It moans in pain! It is killed!" 05:19 ooh, 'it' messages 05:19 I love those 05:19 hahaha "You see here a cockatrice corpse. It explodes!" 05:20 lol yes 05:20 You seem unaffected by it. 05:20 (I guess "It explodes!" is one of the funniest messages in the game when it appears after a different, unrelated message; there's just so many funny combos!) 05:20 In principle, I'm not categorically opposed to in-app purchases, if they provide some actually useful service that has a valid reason to cost extra. 05:21 Or, actually, for that matter, some actually _interesting to some users_ service, whether genuinely useful or not. 05:22 I'm not categorically opposed to in-app purchases but I am categorically opposed to nagging. 05:22 if there's just a "buy stuff" button or menu option, yes 05:22 if the app keeps shoving it in my face at every change of screen, no 05:24 Right, yes, the nagging is bad. 06:05 Evil Patch idea: if you kick down a door, it becomes angry and starts attacking you. 06:06 Evil Patch idea: you can walk underneath trees, but occasionally an apple will fall from it and kill you. You can also #jump over trees, but then an apple can fall up and kill you. 06:12 <[Demo]> why can't monkeys climb trees? 06:13 apples can fall up? what happened to gravity? 06:16 in IWBTG they can ;) 07:02 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:05 La dee da, don't mind me, tum dee dumm, I am just pushing some minor syntax error fixes for NetHack Brass 0812221, la dee da, nothing to see here at https://github.com/tsadok/NetHackBrass.git 07:07 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:07 <@Tone> heh, cool 07:09 rofl 07:09 reading backscroll... LarienTelrunya is killing me 07:10 jonadab: are you compiling the English version? :-) 07:10 bhaak: I think so. 07:10 K2: if you play SLEX, literally :-D 07:10 I didn't define JP 07:10 that's what I remember as well :-) 07:11 i'm just offended that there's no inclusion of all monsters 07:11 why cant it be 07:11 'the gelantenous cube gently pulls down your pants with its soft, fleecy hands... 07:11 why does it always have to be a nymph? 07:12 right, you would think she would at least add some tentacle sex 07:12 cater to our japanese players 07:12 weirdos 07:13 'the kraken eyes you seductively' 07:14 * K2 advises to never EVER browse japanese porn 07:14 K2: Not even at work? 07:14 Ahem. 07:14 aaaaand I feel like I've typed too much 07:14 not at work yet :P 07:15 jonadab you're fixing brass?? 07:16 K2: Possibly a little. Got it to the point where it compiles. 07:16 oh my 07:16 Not sure HOW far I will take this. We shall see. 07:17 It's NH3 codebase, which is all K&R icky, so I don't know how much I'll be able to take of it. 07:17 good luck! 07:17 let me know when you think it's ready enough to try and put online 07:17 heh 07:18 Heh. 07:18 Whether I will get THAT far with it remains to be seen. 07:18 THat'd require doing stuff like xlogfile. 07:19 what version of nh3 is brass based off of? 3.3.1? 07:20 At present, it's not clear that the game is winnable, because the fakewiz levels aren't generated. 07:20 It's possible that this is normal and expected. 07:20 I don't know that much about the variant. 07:20 ah 07:20 But the Makefile seems to expect them to exist. 07:20 So I am not sure. 07:23 ok off to work 07:26 Hmm. 07:26 This version definitely has bugs. 07:26 Dlvl:2 $:16 HP:16(2) Pw:2(1) AC:-686769144 Xp:1/15 T:292 Burdened 07:28 Wait, Brass has 3.6-style statues? I did not realize this. 07:28 <@Tone> jonadab can you lure the wizard out with a drum of earthquake? 07:29 <@Tone> Damn, that's some good AC 07:30 I assume that's a display glitch. 07:30 It fluctuates without apparent rhyme or reason. 07:30 Right now my AC shows as 21. 07:31 But e.g. the act of opening a door made it 512. 07:31 Then I stepped into the door and it's -686769144. 07:32 Ate a hobbit corpse, AC is now 38470400. 07:32 I think it's just reading it from the wrong memory address or something. 07:35 -!- raisse has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:36 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:45 <[Demo]> Oh brass is neat 08:09 fiqhack isn't slex 08:09 ah larien left 08:10 also I've already considered making monsters throw food at domestic pets 08:30 !tell ais523 what I mean @ the timeout_get_wch thing, it returns unicode while wgetch returns not. How do I treat timeout_get_wch output the way wgetch does it? Basically I want to add a function for key input in nethack4 with a timeout but which otherwise behaves like nh_getwch, so I can in some cases make a refreshing UI or something akin to "Waiting for user to create a save file. q - Quit" for 08:30 Will do, FIQ! 08:30 watchmode. 08:31 !tell ais523 watchmode 08:31 Will do, FIQ! 08:53 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed the human zombie of nht, the former Sightseer, on T:23088 10:03 !time 10:03 Tangles: Fri Jan 12 10:03:41 2018 EST 10:16 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 10:17 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ยค Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ยค our channel is now linked to #nethack-hardfought on Roguelikes Discord 10:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 10:17 !ping 10:17 K2: Pong! 10:17 <@K2> !tell K2 test 10:17 @K2: Message from Tangles at 2018-01-11 16:54 EST: You can use an @ before the name in !tell to ping discord users. I'll have a look at integrating this better later when I have time. 10:17 Will do, @K2! 10:18 heh 10:18 K2: Message from @K2 at 2018-01-12 10:17 EST: test 10:18 \o/ 10:18 !tell @K2 test 10:18 Will do, K2! 10:18 <@K2> hi 10:18 Hello @K2, Welcome to #hardfought 10:18 @K2: Message from K2 at 2018-01-12 10:18 EST: test 10:18 double \o/ 10:18 thanks Tangles 10:18 discord types - !tell works both ways now 10:19 may have mercy on your souls 10:22 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 10:25 ugh, i forgot to add extrainfo to unnethack last night 10:25 will do tonight/this weekend 10:27 !lotg nht 10:27 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, nht! 10:27 <@Tone> Oooh nice 10:28 nht: I have a good solution for your genocide problems. Make master mind flayers ungenocideable ;) 10:32 bwahaha 10:33 i should do that for beholders in gh 10:33 K2: No 10:33 female mistress mind flayers & tentacle sex 10:34 much sucking ensued 10:34 bone devil form seems ok 10:34 speed 15 and free poison attack 10:35 nht: Oh, yeah, that sounds useful 10:35 Is there armor restrictions? 10:35 apparently I can't pray to The Lady as a demon though 10:35 You can 90% of hte time 10:35 "The very idea of praying to a neutral god is repugnant to you." 10:35 Oh wait no, I'm thinking of undead 10:35 Ah 10:35 FIQ why not 10:35 bone devil is large so no body armour 10:35 nht: Btw, FIQHack speed modifiers work a bit different 10:36 Fast makes you 4/3x as fast as normal 10:36 Very fast makes you 5/3x as fast as normal 10:36 Slow makes you 1/2x as fast as normal 10:36 If you (as a player) is fast (or very fast), there is speed randomization involved 10:37 To prevent melee kite shenanigans 10:37 This means that slower polyforms gain less from speed 10:37 and faster polyforms gain more 10:37 The reason for this change is to make monster/player speed boosts more consistent 10:37 and making monsters use the player speed boosts would be weird for slower monsters 10:37 so I should air elemental it up 10:38 Air elementals would have 60 speed on average, yes 10:38 shame air elementals can't wear speed boots 10:38 no feets 10:38 FIQ: wait, is "of speed" an object property? 10:38 aos: It is 10:39 potion of speed lasts a long time with 5 moves a turn 10:39 can it be used on stuff that an air E can use? 10:39 aos: Only armor can have it 10:40 Speed, power, displacement, clairvoyance, fumbling, carrying 10:40 Is only available on armor 10:41 http://sprunge.us/NIKj 11:05 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 11:12 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 11:17 !tell K2 theoretically, gelatinous cubes in slex can spawn with the seducer egotype, and then they can in fact initiate sex and pull down your pants with their soft, fleecy (actually slimy :D) hands! 11:17 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 11:17 (or maybe "hands" becomes something else, not sure if I used body_part(HAND) there; I probably should 11:17 ) 11:20 rofl 11:20 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2018-01-12 11:17 EST: theoretically, gelatinous cubes in slex can spawn with the seducer egotype, and then they can in fact initiate sex and pull down your pants with their soft, fleecy (actually slimy :D) hands! 11:21 yeah sadly it always says "hands", even if the monster has some other limb in the place of a hand 11:21 You know there's a body_part() function for this purpose, right? 11:22 Also mbodypart 11:22 In case it's a monster's body part. 11:22 yes; as I said: "not sure if I used body_part(HAND) there; I probably should" 11:22 Ah, right. 11:22 I should read more context. 11:22 or, well, mbodypart in this case, obviously 11:23 and you're working on nethackbrass now? why do the fake wizard towers not get generated, is the .des file missing or what? 11:23 Not sure exactly. 11:23 I need to investigate that. 11:23 To see if it's intended, or a consequence of a half-finished change. 11:23 oh, they commented out those levels in yendor.des for some reason! 11:24 and dungeon.def does not have fake wizard towers either! 11:24 See also the .org vs .new files in dat/ 11:24 Not sure what is up with that. 11:24 I haven't looked into it, because I was more concerned with basic things like getting it to compile. 11:25 yendor.des places a branch (probably a ladder?) where the magic portal would be, so I guess the entrance is somewhere different 11:26 Ah, maybe. 11:27 ooh, I think I found the solution: the wizard's tower is not in the regular Gehennom, but apparently accessed by a branch stair in Gehennom! 11:27 Ah. 11:27 That would explain it. 11:27 So it's an intended change, then, and the Makefile just hadn't caught up. 11:27 yep 11:27 I have a sneaking suspicion, from this and a couple of other things, that the last Brass developer was working on a system that doesn't use make for building. 11:28 Maybe Amiga or classic MacOS or, heaven help us, Visual Studio. 11:30 patchlevel.h suggests that it's based on nh343, which is a relief I guess; it could also have been based on 3.3.0 or something even earlier :D 11:31 It was released in 04 or 05, right? Would be weird if it weren't based on 3.4.x 11:33 M2_RIDE? brass allows monster riding? 11:34 Dunno. 11:34 Haven't got that far. 11:35 At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to run it in gdb so I can track down the #name segfault. 11:35 but nhbrass is a shell script. 11:35 So I have to parse it and figure out where it is looking for the binary. 11:36 lol "glasses of phantasmagoria", sounds like something from slex 11:36 Ah, I see. 11:36 The real binary is in HACKDIR for some reason. 11:38 But I can't run that in gdb either. 11:38 Maybe because it is suid? 11:38 Let me try doing it as root. 11:39 Ah, there we go. 11:39 LarienTelrunya: what do they do? 11:39 Hmm, but now I don't get the segfault. 11:39 Lovely. 11:40 aos: dunno; they exist in brass's objects.c but it doesn't say what they do, that code is probably somewhere else 11:40 jonadab: sounds like a nasty heisenbug 11:40 LarienTelrunya: either that or my .nhbrassrc is relevant. 11:40 I'll test that momentarily. 11:41 Hmm, that seems not to be the issue. 11:41 Well, then. 11:41 This will be tricky to sort out. 11:42 aos: They probably help you search for the Lost Orb. 11:42 (I hope I'm joking.) 11:43 oh, GLASSES("glasses of phantasmagoria", "gold-rimmed glasses", 1, HALLUC, 1, 3, 80), 11:43 apparently they give hallucination :P 11:44 * aos is feeling too lazy to clone the brass repository and look for explanations 11:44 mkobj.c makes them generate 90% cursed, obviously 11:44 i.e. just a trap item, kind of like what slex does with every single wearable item class :P 11:45 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 11:45 I don't like trap items that serve zero other purpose. (Admittedly, there are only a couple problematic ones in vanilla.) 11:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:46 let me guess, scroll of amnesia? :D 11:46 (the fun thing is that in slex the scroll of amnesia actually has a use in a certain situation - it will cure contamination) 11:47 As it stands, that's one. (The marginal forgetting spells early effect really isn't worth it.) 11:47 Loadstones and most of the 90% cursed amulets as well. 11:48 the fumbling items also don't have any real use, or do they? 11:48 Nope. 11:49 I might just want to remove fumbling-dedicated items completely, because I can't see a way to salvage them and make them useful some other way. 11:50 (You could salvage e.g. the amulet of restful sleep, by making it "restful" so you regenerate really fast while asleep and wearing it.) 11:50 what about the wand of nothing? 11:51 Not really a trap item. 11:51 I think wand of nothing does exist purely to make item identification more complicated, though. 11:51 it'd be a trap item if it were the Wand of 20d6 Fiery Explosion when Engraving, as a trap to dissuade random engrave-testing. 11:52 LarienTelrunya: slex idea ^ :-) 11:52 Though in Wands Balance Patch variants, you can use it to practice wand skill. 11:52 jonadab wants a wand of lava that creates a lava square when it's used for engraving ;) 11:52 "wants" 11:52 If I _wanted_ that, I'd implement it; it's not like it'd be hard. 11:52 well you suggested it as an EPI, so it'll be in slex ;) 11:53 See, I think you are confused about the meaning of the E in "EPI". 11:53 Excellent Patch Idea? 11:56 aos: FIQHack gives you sleep resistance (not immunity) with the amulet of restful sleep 11:57 LarienTelrunya: Yes, brass have steeds 11:57 ah, I see 12:13 * aos compiles newly player-monster-merged doortrap code, tests, instasegfault 12:16 <@mtf> that's what you get aos 12:17 <@mtf> for trying to innovate 12:17 oh, it's because, somehow, the compiler didn't catch me *changing the number of arguments to a function* 12:17 and forgetting to change the one call to it 12:17 <@mtf> ??? how is that even possible 12:18 I dunno, the change to extern.h should have forced a recompile... 12:28 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 12:34 Yes, compilers are supposed to catch that. 12:41 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:42 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 3139 points, T:4151, killed by a soldier ant 12:45 does slex have a trap that hides all status effects and associated messages, including delayed instadeaths? 12:46 Probably. 12:46 slex has a trap that simply hides the entire status line at the bottom of the screen, so yeah, I guess the answer is "yes" :D 12:47 i.e. it also hides HP and Pw and the current dungeon level and everything 12:47 Does it prevent you from accessing Ctrl-X? 12:48 (Does slex even have the Ctrl-X menu?) 12:48 no, but it prevents you from seeing certain information that slex displays when you hit Ctrl-X 12:48 Ah. 12:48 it also obviously disables showdmg, since otherwise you'd still be able to see how much HP you have left 12:48 this idea would also suppress all messages about turning to stone, sliming, etc. 12:48 and upon saving and restoring, it won't tell you which dungeon level you return to while the trap is active, and #overview doesn't work either 12:49 -!- ThatBenGuy has joined #hardfought 12:49 oh6: there's different traps that either replace all messages with garbage, or make it so that no messages display at all; trigger that and the display trap, and you'll really not know that you're deathly sick ;) 12:52 EPI: a trap that causes the message, "This makes you feel great!", with no immediate ill effects; but rnz(50) turns later, you get a random bad status effect. Triggering it repeatedly queues up multiple bad status effects. 12:54 rnz โ™ฅ 12:54 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 12:54 aww, a few seconds too early I guess :D ais523: do you like the rnz function? 12:54 ais523: Remind me, what's the best way to debug a segfault that doesn't happen when running under gdb? 12:54 (This is related to a 3.4.3-based variant.) 12:56 (It's 100% repeatable when not running under gdb.) 12:58 jonadab: Run under valgrind. Heisenbugs is generally, in my experience, related to uninitialized things, which valgrind will tell you about 12:58 Ah, I can try that. 12:59 I have this in my .bashrc: alias valgrind="valgrind --log-file=/tmp/valgrind.log --track-origins=yes" 13:01 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:30669 13:04 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:30670 13:05 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "magic marker", on T:30681 13:07 YANI: when a bones file is saved and the cause of death is a carnivore (or more rarely an omnivore), there's a chance that no corpse is generated, because the killer ate it. 13:08 [hdf-us] [slex] dolores (Fox Ang Fem Cha), 163 points, T:368, killed by a monster (heisenbug) 13:13 [hdf-us] [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 25 points, T:151, killed by a shuriken 13:18 valgrind is pretty awesome 13:18 we quit using purify at work in preference to valgrind recently 13:18 FIQ: hmm, so the fully merged doortrap function is six arguments and is a bit unwieldy to call 13:19 granted I could merge the coordinate arguments into a coord, but that would mean every caller is responsible for creating a coord and populating it 13:22 aos: how does it look like? 13:22 the function signature that is 13:23 doortrapped(x, y, mon, bodypart, action, before) 13:24 what is action and before? 13:24 am thinking of making predoortrapped() and postdoortrapped() macros that hardcode before 13:25 action is the thing you want to do with the door, which door states suffice for. So if you maybe trigger a trap while trying to close a door, action will be D_CLOSED. 13:25 before is whether this is being called before you take the action you want to take with the door, or after it. (Hot knob, for instance, is before; water bucket is !before.) 13:27 this is why I suggested an open_door-ish function 13:27 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:29 FIQ: but certain traps trigger on several different actions 13:38 SHIT, I had an unidentified +7 ring of protection, might have lived if I had worn that 13:38 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) were chosen to steal souls for the glory of Anhur, on T:33885 13:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:46 is "bec de corbin" an actual monster in slex, or did someone just throw that polearm at you? 13:48 FIQ: the number of functions in nethack without basic documentation astounds me 13:49 I wonder if the DT would accept a patch that adds nothing but comments before functions explaining their arguments and return values. 13:50 the best code is the one that doesn't need documenting :-) 13:51 but I'm not sure how much of that could be applied to nethack's code 13:53 FWIW, the nethack is not that hard to follow if you can decipher the usual abbreviations. there are some really weird ones, though 13:54 in UnNetHack I added javadoc style comments for use with doxygen for those functions that I added and needed documenting 13:56 http://unnethack.sourceforge.net/doxygen/ 13:56 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 13:58 for example: http://unnethack.sourceforge.net/doxygen/d8/ded/do_8c.html#ae8c3b4e847562a1f6e6adcccf048ec06 14:06 -!- ais523 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:07 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:07 aos: someone wielded that polearm and hit me three times in a single turn, which I didn't survive 14:07 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 244314 points, T:49436, killed by a shark 14:13 LarienTelrunya: rnz is just bizarre 14:13 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-12 08:30 EST: what I mean @ the timeout_get_wch thing, it returns unicode while wgetch returns not. How do I treat timeout_get_wch output the way wgetch does it? Basically I want to add a function for key input in nethack4 with a timeout but which otherwise behaves like nh_getwch, so I can in some cases make a refreshing UI or something akin to "Waiting for user to create a save file. q - Quit" for 14:13 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2018-01-12 08:31 EST: watchmode 14:13 <@mtf> you know what nethack needs 14:13 <@mtf> giant dragon turtles 14:13 <@mtf> http://ancardia.wikia.com/wiki/Giant_dragon_turtle 14:13 <@mtf> they have a water breath that does tons of damage to those without water breathing 14:13 +!who 14:13 !who 14:13 bug_sniper: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [dyn] Luxidream [nh4] groovejumper [fh] mightyquinn [sp] 14:13 bug_sniper: [hdf-eu] AmyBSOD [slex] 14:14 <@mtf> would be fun to have more dangerous water creatures that have attacks other than insta-drown 14:14 FIQ: if you get a keycode returned (i.e. return value is KEY_CODE_YES), use it as is; if you get a codepoint returned (i.e. return value is OK), use it as is if it's in the range 1 to 127 inclusive and otherwise discard it 14:14 bhaak: in this case, I was looking at picklock and trying to figure out what it is supposed to return. eventually clued in with a comment on one of its return statements. it s not adequately self-documenting IMO 14:15 @?source of wrath 14:15 No such monster. 14:15 Unicode's just a superset of ASCII with more characters 14:15 bhaak: oh, and also, how am I supposed to know whether I should return (xlock.usedtime = foo) or just return foo? Is that a meaningful side effect? What does it depend on? 14:16 what depends on it* 14:16 putting a side effect in return like that is fairly evil 14:16 writing it out as two separate commands would make more sense 14:16 that is, unless it's a typo for ==, which is vaguely plausible given the circumstances 14:18 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 532 points, T:1707, killed by a straw golem, while fainted from lack of food 14:19 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 14:21 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:21 ais523: thanks 14:22 [hdf-us] [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 168 points, T:966, killed by a bolt of fire 14:22 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 14:22 and yeah I know unicode is a superset 14:22 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 14:22 my router's really playing up today 14:22 just wanted to know if wgetch used some kind of "legacy" handling of 128+ characters 14:22 codepages or whatever 14:22 that I would need to mimic 14:22 but guess not then 14:23 this is something like the fourth time I've had to reboot it 14:23 have you considered getting a new router 14:23 yes, but it's more complicated than you might imagine 14:23 it's a wireless router, like really wireless 14:23 input is wireless as well as output 14:23 because there are no internet cables going to the house 14:24 is that why you have a crappy connection? 14:24 (sorry) 14:24 possibly; my internet connections seem to be cursed somehow 14:24 even at work or when I'm borrowing one from a friend or whatever 14:24 things tend to go wrong 14:24 regardless of what computer I'm using too 14:24 it does explain why my internet is less reliable in bad weather though 14:26 Tangles: have you considered getting an AU hdf server btw? 14:27 when I was testing fiqhack enhanced watchmode a while back on your test host, I kinda felt sorry for your connection, heh 14:27 the ping was.. not good 14:27 <@mtf> latency in text games always blows my mind 0.o 14:28 <@mtf> how is it that I can (barely) play FPS games w/ aussies, but the second I try to connect to an ssh server on a different continent everything goes to shit 14:29 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:38 aos: yeah, picklock would benefit from documentation. 14:39 STATIC_PTR is also quite an evil define 14:39 bhaak: if there's a chance the DT would accept a pure-function-documentation patch, I'd probably write one 14:39 @mtf: latency is actually /more/ noticeable in a text game, most 3D online-multiplayer games have mechanics designed to hide latency 14:40 aos: inline comments or as a separate file? 14:40 assuming it's accurate I'd accept something like that 14:40 having better documentation of the internals purely can't be controversial 14:40 I would, too. but, erm, I haven't set up my commit access, yet. 14:41 bhaak: is that why you aren't making any commits? :-D 14:41 ais523: inline comments, as in directly above the function in question (like many functions have already.) 14:41 ais523: I promised to do nothing but talk! I try to keep my promise! 14:42 bhaak: that's a bizarre promise to make as a devteam member 14:42 :-) 14:42 well, I wasn't a devteam member when I made it, only a candidate. 14:43 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 206 points, T:513, killed by a small mimic 14:45 also, it produced good laughs at the last IRDC I attended when I talked about the recent developments :) 14:54 recent being more than one year ago, though. I couldn't make it to the last one 15:00 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed the ghost of nht, the former Wizard, on T:35484 15:06 <@mtf> ais: huh, I guess that's true... still blows my mind lol 15:08 hmm I wonder if that bones was any interesting 15:08 oh, ghost 15:08 so nope 15:08 oh well 15:09 <@mtf> how do you get killed by a ghost 15:09 @mtf that's not what it says 15:09 groovejumper killed nht's ghost 15:09 <@mtf> oh he killed the ghost 15:09 <@mtf> sorry 15:09 <@mtf> I'm in a code review right now, kind of absent minded haha 15:09 ah :P 15:10 ais523: hmm I want to fix the flavour of the playermonst-thing so I can get away with reducing the rate of "normal" ghosts to 0% 15:10 because the player monster version is far more interesting than the ghost version of bones 15:11 FIQ: you could just do a DCSS and give ghosts player-monster stats 15:12 hm 15:12 I suppose what I could do is to make a "ghost" modifier, once I get around to role/race/modifier overhaul of monster classification 15:14 <@luxidream> player monsters are too strong, and will use up most good consumables 15:16 <@luxidream> you're not getting much outside of an armor pile and accessories if you kill them 15:16 <@mtf> I like them though 15:16 <@mtf> they are fun to go up against sometimes 15:16 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 15:17 <@mtf> other times they are super OP, yea 15:17 <@luxidream> I like the idea a lot 15:18 <@luxidream> it's just you have to kill a PC who is likely stronger than you and whatever killed them on top of that 15:18 <@luxidream> so it just bars off the area 15:18 <@mtf> yea you are right 15:18 <@mtf> a lot of times you just gotta come back 15:19 <@mtf> or avoid 15:19 <@luxidream> if it was 100% player monsters FH would not be a safe place 15:20 <@mtf> what if the player monsters were barred from using some / most of the inventory? like, maybe they know their stuff is cursed and won't use the cursed things 15:23 @mtf there was a recent bug with player monsters in bones, not sure you heard about it 15:23 <@mtf> I did not 15:23 where player monsters had maxed skills (because monster skills wasn't a thing) 15:24 leading to OP-ness 15:24 <@mtf> ohhhhh yes I did hear about that actually 15:24 <@mtf> so they would just pwn you with wands 15:24 <@luxidream> or you have the level 3 wizard nuking you with fireball 15:24 <@mtf> still not sure that's as bad as the barb bones I left w/ cleaver that killed multiple people 15:24 <@luxidream> because it has expert attack spells 15:25 FIQ: in any case, I think ghosts should remain the most likely result of bones, though they should probably be made more threatening 15:26 <@mtf> make ghosts stat drain and age on touch ๐Ÿ˜‰ 15:27 aos: that wasn't a bug 15:27 mostly a technical limitation 15:27 but I changed it recently, yeah 15:28 @mtf also, player monsters don't get their inventory cursed 15:29 @mtf age? 15:29 and making them unable to use their inventory would kinda defeat the point 15:29 hence why ghosts are nice, they don't turn what is usually an entire stash against you 15:30 <@mtf> player monsters probably should get their inv cursed tho 15:30 their inventory not being 80% cursed is the reward for beating them 15:30 YANI: it's impossible to even touch ghosts with most items, and you can't touch it with your body either, so no punching or kicking 15:30 that was intentional 15:30 maybe you have to bless an item, or something 15:30 <@mtf> aos: from ADOM ๐Ÿ˜› Every character has an age, and ghosts have an aging attack that can turn you older... too old and you instan-die 15:31 and I think the major issue with fiqhack bones previously was that if they had wands, they'd almost certainly destroy you 15:31 due to skill mechanics 15:31 shouldn't be as bad now 15:31 (similar with spells) 15:33 FIQ: but for flavor, I still like the fact that the WoY does not, in fact, intercept 100% of player deaths 15:33 aos: yes, I wouldn't change that unless I change the (IMO flawed) flavour 15:34 <@mtf> FIQ: Why do you think it's flawed? 15:35 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:37 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:50 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 16:06 -!- Crawldragon has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:14 [hdf-us] [slex] Gearwhore (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 347 points, T:222, killed by a monster (cheep-cheep) 16:24 Hmm, valgrind says "Can't execute setuid/setgid/setcap executable: /usr/games/lib/nhbrassdir/nhbrass" even when run as root. 16:24 Wait, maybe I can run it as games. 16:24 Nope. 16:31 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 16:31 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:41 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) wished for "3 uncursed potions of booze", on T:38625 16:50 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:00 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:02 -!- nht has quit [Quit: nht] 17:13 [hdf-us] [nd] ellipsis (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 364 points, T:1401, killed by a giant bat 17:20 [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:40238 17:37 <@mtf> Hmmm... is there a way to colorize beholder messages on our end... 17:37 <@mtf> Kind hard to distinguish from the rest of chat 17:38 <@riker> don't think discord supports colored text 17:38 @riker: Message from K2 at 2018-01-11 11:04 EST: test message 17:38 <@riker> oh hey that worked cool 17:38 @riker: Message from K2 at 2018-01-11 11:04 EST: test message 17:38 <@riker> cc k2 17:38 <@riker> @mtf could use code formatting for beholder 17:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:40 <@riker> css <@Beholder> [hdf-us] [fh] groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:40238 17:40 <@riker> ^ eyyy 17:43 <@mtf> Not a bad idea 17:43 <@riker> that's css formatting fwiw 17:44 it's all gray here haha 17:44 <@riker> so it's likely not the best option 17:44 <@riker> aos: assuming you're aosdict, why'd you shorten your name? 17:44 <@riker> !wh 17:44 <@riker> !who 17:44 @riker: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [dyn] Luxidream [nh4] groovejumper [fh] 17:44 @riker: [hdf-eu] No current players 17:45 <@mtf> We could just put triple ` around beholder messages 17:45 <@riker> might be nicer looking to do it just around beholder 17:45 -!- aos is now known as aosdict 17:45 <@riker> css <@Beholder> hdf-us groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:40238 17:46 * aosdict squints at riker 17:46 <@riker> <@Beholder> hdf-us groovejumper (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:40238 17:46 <@riker> aosdict: I've always preferred using riker but somebody uses it on IRC :p 17:48 is it from star trek 17:48 <@riker> no 17:48 <@riker> well yes "riker" is a character on star trek 17:49 <@riker> I've always thought it made a decent username but I use it since it's my IRL name 17:49 <@riker> always been quite satisfied that my name makes a good username 18:01 heh, nice hack abusing syntax highlighting :P 18:02 to get colors 18:04 -!- ThatBenGuy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:10 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 18:34 [hdf-us] [nh4] Maz Koshia (Luxidream) (Mon Hum Mal Law), 276882 points, T:45742, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack4/dumplog/2018-01-12%2023%3A34%3A40%2C%20Maz%20Koshia-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law%2C%20ascended.txt 18:35 congrats @luxidream 18:35 <@riker> > ascends monk, who is wielding +7 excal 18:36 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 18:38 <@mtf> @riker oh interesting.... the colors didn't show up when I looked on mobile, but on the client they do 18:38 <@riker> huh 18:39 <@luxidream> hey, I'm just being true to the source material 18:39 <@luxidream> ๐Ÿ˜‰ 18:40 <@luxidream> it's not like vanilla martial arts is bad or anything 19:05 !tell FIQ request for you to edit the fiqhack page to clarify exactly what the summon nasty spellbook does in the hands of a player or pet 19:05 Will do, aosdict! 19:33 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 19:33 aosdict: I thought this was obvious? 19:33 FIQ: Message from aosdict at 2018-01-12 19:05 EST: request for you to edit the fiqhack page to clarify exactly what the summon nasty spellbook does in the hands of a player or pet 19:33 Why would it summon hostile monsters...? 19:48 FIQ: My connection is asynchronous, so it's not good for running servers. It plays fine on hdf-us. Thanks for the tip on using ssh -C though. It makes a difference. 19:54 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 20:01 ah 20:01 yeah I'm not sure how much it helps in NH3, but it should help a lot in NH4 20:12 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 20:15 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 20:17 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:17 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 20:28 FIQ: StatueSurfer was confused about what it did 20:31 Personally, if I had a spellbook called Summon Nasties, I would be rather afraid to do anything but stash it. 20:32 Or maybe polymorph it. 20:35 that does sound terrifying 20:42 <@luxidream> summon nasties in FH sucks 20:44 <@luxidream> Very large investment for fairly mediocre pets 20:59 I think it's that hard to cast to prevent monsters abusing it 21:00 but a spell that creates masses of tame monsters is definitely going to be broken if you can spam it 21:00 you don't even necessarily need to keep the pets indefinitely, just create them for a fight 21:06 kind of like how scroll of taming is fantastic if you run into a minotaur 21:06 but perhaps quite a bit more powerful 21:08 -!- Kontroll1r has joined #hardfought 21:12 -!- Kontroller has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 21:18 !time 21:18 Tangles: Fri Jan 12 21:18:31 2018 EST 21:41 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 21:41 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 21:47 <[Demo]> hmm what variants punish you for setting down the amulet? 21:48 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 21:51 [Demo]: UnNethack does. Not sure about others. 21:56 Un's the only one I'm aware of; it's possible Dyna does too as it has most of Un's changes 21:56 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:56 I'm not sure I agree with punishing the player from that, it's far from always correct to do so 21:57 because you're spending a turn to do the amulet drop, another one to pick it back up, and making it easier for monsters to interfere meanwhile (e.g. if you have to teleport away to escape you won't be with the amulet any more) 21:57 ais523: DynaHack removed the feature because it was very annoying 21:57 It used to have it 21:58 the teleporting effect, that is 21:58 It could also happen if cthulhu itself dropped the amulet when you first killed him 21:58 leading you to have to search for it in the Sanctum 21:59 while constantly pestered by a covetous master mind flayer, with ensuing amnesia and fun 22:03 <[Demo]> wondering if i might want to do it in my post astral branch 22:04 <[Demo]> can't think of any reason to not drop the amulet at the start of each of the levels before clearing them 22:06 post astral you don't have the Amulet anyway 22:09 <[Demo]> you do if all you did was warp an altar into a gateway 22:09 <[Demo]> (special role) 22:43 EPI: once you pick up the Amulet, Bad Things start to happen every few dozen turns: random attributes (Str Dex Con Int Wis) and other properties (Max Pw, Max HP, XP level, luck, alignment record) get drained, status effects (stun, conf, greasy fingers, paralysis, etc.) and negative properties (fumbling, aggravate) and other conditions (lycanthropy, sliming, slowing, polymorph into inconvenient forms, 22:43 petrification, illness, amnesia, etc.) can happen to you, inventory can items get cursed or disintegrated, etc. 22:43 *items can 22:43 sounds like ais523's bad ending 22:43 hmm, I can actually believe slex doing that 22:43 <@mtf> ok amy 22:44 I don't see why an evil patch would limit it to once you have the amulet, though 22:44 but yes, that's reminiscent of the bad ending 22:44 (fwiw, my motivation of the bad ending was to give expert players an additional challenge of seeing how long they could survive; my intention was that although it would be inevitably fatal, someone who knew what they were doing could farm so much score there that they'd top the high score table) 22:45 <[Demo]> hmm 22:45 <[Demo]> what if it gained weight every time it was dropped? 22:45 <[Demo]> that would suck 22:45 Depends how much it gains. 22:45 <[Demo]> would obviously need to cap it 22:45 I think there was a suggestion that the Amulet should sometimes become massively heavy, I forget who made it though or in what context 22:45 and it was only meant to be temporary 22:46 <@mtf> when you drop the amulet, it should weigh a thousand pounds, and crash through the floor to the bottom of gehennom 22:46 <[Demo]> heh 22:46 There's already an Evil Patch Idea that the Amulet always returns to the Sanctum if it leaves your inventory for any reason. 22:46 ais523: can you link the turn by turn thing? 22:46 for endgame 22:46 for TAS 22:46 <[Demo]> im not willing to teleport it on drop in the void 22:46 I had some ideas but I think you probably already thought of them 22:47 FIQ: bearing in mind that this is incorrect: http://nethack4.org/latest/nethack-tas-tools/t2000timings.txt 22:47 incorrect how? 22:47 well, for one thing, we can't be teleported onto the Amulet while in the sanctum 22:47 why? 22:48 it's a no-teleport level 22:48 * NCommander headbangs 22:48 oh 22:48 right 22:48 * NCommander has to get our API docs clean and ugh 22:48 another big problem is that cancelling helplessness by having an item stolen only works on armour, not jewellery (I didn't know this at the time I wrote that plan) 22:48 leather jacket costs 1 turn to wear 22:48 and we can't store equipment removal on an armour slot as it'll get cancelled when the armour falls off due to polymorphing to air-E 22:48 well, 1 action 22:48 ahh 22:49 so we'd need to find a spare couple of actions to put on a leather jacket and take it back off again 22:49 and we just don't have enough time 22:49 at that point it's faster to use a turn boundary and a delayed instadeath 22:49 as an alternative way to cancel helplessness 22:49 (and in fact, simply using the old route and crossing Air via enexto appears to be faster still, for polyform management reasons) 22:51 2000:25 Use the Orb of Fate to levport to the vibrating square, with 22:51 command repeat. Die from the blast, "oLS-cancelling the 22:51 action. 22:51 2000:25 Read the Book (action 1). 22:51 This works? 22:52 <[Demo]> the bell is generated ringing 22:52 ais523: hostile quantum mech moving next to you will cancel the reading, yes, at least in NH4 22:52 <[Demo]> oh 22:52 3.4.3 might work differently 22:52 <[Demo]> yeah everything cancles reading 22:53 [Demo]: I am referring to the fact that the levelport is free 22:53 <[Demo]> pretty sure 3.4.3 behaves hte same 22:53 FIQ: we thought of a fix for that in case it's a problem: you just turn the Q invisible 22:53 although that might mean that we can't have detect monsters active, which would make things less fun to watch 22:54 will it get cancelled if the Q is already there and just misses? that might be a more convenient way to do it 22:54 detect monsters will not trigger that interruption I think 22:54 in general, monster detection does not behave like vision 22:55 ais523: hmm now I am wondering what happens if the HPoM is petrified 22:55 that should put the Amulet of Yendor inside the resulting statue, no? 22:55 it should be that the amulet falls out onto the HPoM's square 22:56 <[Demo]> damn 22:56 amulet can't be placed in a container 22:56 which would introduce... issues 22:56 ais523: only if the player causes it I think 22:56 let me double check 22:56 <[Demo]> oh 22:56 <[Demo]> im interested now 22:57 so if a conflicted trice stones the HPoM, you think the amulet ends up inside the statue? 22:57 if so that'd be massively broken, you just pick up the statue and levport to D:1 22:57 as the game won't realise you have the amulet 22:57 I wonder what the fastest way to get the amulet back out of the statue would be 22:57 OK, just checked 22:57 the amulet doesn't end up inside the statue 22:57 that's too bad 22:57 <[Demo]> damn 23:01 ah 23:01 so apparently boulders and unique items are restricted 23:01 interestingly, not other statues 23:02 ais523: in any case, could you somehow lure a demon lord in there with cursed gain level? 23:02 or is that not faster than enexto-ing 23:03 FIQ: the sanctum? we can do that but AFAICT it isn't faster than doing it ourselves 23:03 a monster can't c!oGL after picking up an item on the same action 23:03 right, the sanctum 23:03 so we need two monster actions 23:03 ais523: covetous pickup is free 23:03 <[Demo]> i really like the level teleporter trap cheat 23:03 meaning that it's only faster if we can get a monster in there, with movement points, before the turn boundary passes 23:04 FIQ: my read of the monster AI was that c!oGLing happens /before/ covetous pickup in the monster turn sequence, so it's free but only if combined with the wrong sort of action 23:04 but feel free to verify that, I'd love to be proved wrong 23:05 I don't really have the means to cause such outrageous things to appear within the next year RNG-wise :P 23:05 I meant, by code-reading 23:06 ais523: however, at least in the 3.6.1 code, find_misc runs after tactics 23:06 let me see the 3.4.3 code too 23:07 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.4.3/src/monmove.c#line366 23:07 tactics is before find_misc here 23:07 and find_misc/use_misc is where gain level is used 23:08 also, the AI function names are great 23:08 "tactics" is clearly the covetous-warp logic 23:09 OK, so a covetous warp can do an mpickobj, followed more or less immediately by a use_misc 23:09 I think that actually works 23:09 ais523: but is it useful? 23:09 that actually saves an action, thanks (although in the wrong place to automatically give a 2003 turn run) 23:09 it might be, it removes one of the main obstacles to a turn-2001-sanctum run 23:09 that's not to say that it's possible, but it became less impossible, if you understand what I mean 23:10 ah 23:10 we can change to a new "oLS on that action while the monster is picking up the amulet, and use it to "oLS-cancel a subsequent action, meaning that this lets us get the Amulet without losing time 23:10 I wonder what covetous monster we'd use, and whether it'd have to follow us into the Sanctum or whether we can somehow make it fall or levport down there 23:12 Wizard of Yendor harassment spawn? 23:12 that might not be fast enough, I think he spawns without movement points 23:13 <[Demo]> pretty sure he does 23:13 <[Demo]> cause i can always get a knocking in before he moves 23:13 <[Demo]> unless you had the wizard on you before turn 2000 23:13 <[Demo]> invocating might be a problem 23:13 Wizard of Yendor has an interesting property in that he will *always* follow you 23:13 FIQ: I think he copies the movement point count from last time you fought him 23:13 <[Demo]> oh damn 23:14 if you are carrying the Amulet 23:14 he doesn't have t obe next to you to do it 23:14 *to be 23:14 however, we probably need him to be paralysed off-level to stop him screwing things up on Earth, but maybe we can arrange for him to be hit by a stray !oPara on the VS level and have the Amulet stolen 23:14 I don't think he follows when paralysed? I know he can't respawn on Earth if paralysed 23:15 then he probably doesn't follow, allthough I'm not 100% on that 23:15 if paralyzed, that is 23:16 it's probably easier to use a lesser covetous monster though 23:16 arch-lich or something 23:16 arch-liches don't covet the Amulet 23:17 only the book 23:17 <[Demo]> yeah they want book 23:17 <[Demo]> so do a lot of dudes 23:17 oh right 23:17 only demon lords or Rodney would work 23:17 use Demogorgon :P 23:17 that would be funny 23:18 UnNetHack updated (us and eu) 23:18 adds extrainfo to dgl 23:18 thanks bhaak FIQ and Tangles for the help 23:18 <[Demo]> i kinda wanna do a dnh zero turn ascension 23:18 <[Demo]> turn counter overflows real well? 23:20 ais523: can you LS-cancel helplessness after the air shenanigans? 23:21 also, "overflow-hurtle"? is it possible that this gives a negative helplesssness count? 23:21 FIQ: you can LS-cancel it but something actually has to kill you 23:21 and no, an overflow hurtle goes a very positive distance 23:22 it's basically caused by a negative number having the low bits taken and becoming positive 23:22 hmm 23:22 and you can't use delayed instadeaths because it loses a bunch of actions 23:23 ais523: what if you kick a trice bare-feet? 23:23 or will that not cause the desired effect 23:23 not sure how overflow-hurtle works 23:23 the details of it 23:23 I'd expect the helplessness to come after the stoning, not before like it would have to 23:23 and it depends on the weight of the monster you kick but not in any particularly obvious or memorable pattern 23:24 so you'd need to investigate what monsters worked 23:24 ah 23:24 checked just in case, the monster kicking comes before hurtle 23:24 so yeah, it wouldn't work here 23:26 ais523: the armor storage thing, what is it exactly? what happens? is it unique to armor removal or does it also apply to other occupations like book reading? 23:27 I assume the reason rings don't work is because rings don't actually cause any occupation outside 3.6.x 23:27 (3.6.0 W/T is weird, I think it does cause an occupation for jewelry too) 23:27 FIQ: it's unique to armour removal 23:27 basically there's a special case so that if you're helpless due to unequipping armour and the armour gets stolen, the helplessness ends 23:28 the special case outright checks each of the armour slots separately, so it wouldn't work with jewellery 23:28 ah 23:28 however, if you lifesave while unequipping armour the game doesn't realise you aren't unequipping it any more, the "this piece of armour is being unequipped" state is saved until next time you become helpless 23:28 (because it's in a global) 23:29 ais523: ok so is the issue that you can't get yourself killed in any sane way on Fire? 23:29 preventing you from using the LS method to cancel helplessness 23:30 the problem is doing it quickly 23:30 because this seems solvable with tame conflicted monsters 23:30 monsters native to fire will have 0 movement points 23:30 even someting as "simple" as the enexto trigger on Astral hasn't been fully solved yet, that just needs a monster to attack us 23:30 but it can't be Astral-native as it wouldn't have movement points 23:31 <[Demo]> does enexto carry pets on leashes with you? 23:31 ais523: Can't you use Rodney? And not paralyze him on VS? 23:31 Rodney will always follow if you have the Amulet after all 23:32 FIQ: the problem is filling Earth with monsters if Rodney is alive 23:32 he keeps moving and leaving a gap 23:32 [Demo]: I believe so 23:32 as long as there's free space adjacent to you just before you change level, because the coding of leashes is bizarre 23:33 make him summonstorm? 23:33 hmm, interesting, maybe that would work 23:33 <[Demo]> dont summoned monsters start with 0 movement points? 23:34 the point is to fill stuff 23:34 <[Demo]> enough to enexto? 23:34 <[Demo]> don't you need a big amount? 23:34 not on Earth 23:34 the initial space is tiny 23:35 hm 23:35 right, this works well on Earth because you can fill the starting room with monsters dragged up from D:1 and a single archon summon, it's so small 23:35 and the second-nearest room can contain the portal 23:35 -!- aeoi has joined #hardfought 23:36 or, well, the nearest room other than the one you spawn in 23:36 speaking of the statue amulet thing earlier, FIQHack uses special code for monster container stashing 23:36 and I have a feeling that I didn't account for unique items 23:36 making monsters potentially stash the book of the dead 23:37 wait, why do monsters keep stashes? 23:37 (because it's "fragile") 23:37 ais523: as in 23:37 inside bags 23:37 oh, that makes more sense 23:37 *into bags 23:37 -!- aoei has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:38 <[Demo]> im always looking for ways to destroy those items 23:39 yup 23:39 http://home.fiq.se/oops.png 23:40 <[Demo]> finish it 23:58 -!- aeoi has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]