00:00 I can't get him off the square 00:00 ayy 00:00 I might end up chasing him all the way to the top 00:03 You never learned to swim! (Use the 'moveonly' command to move there anyway.) 00:03 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Kni Dwa Fem Law) became the Hand of Elbereth, on T:13980 00:03 oops 00:03 ... I wasn't on an altar 00:03 How did that happen? 00:03 so much quasit action this game 00:03 you don't have to be on an altar 00:03 The beam bounces off the stairs and hits the ceiling. 00:03 Frag 00:04 it's just that being on an altar significantly increases the odds 00:04 rip 00:04 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 69804 points, T:13981, killed by Ixoth 00:04 rip 00:04 you made a player monster :O 00:04 but he was on the quest 00:04 StatueSurfer, no, in vanilla, it is impossibnle to be crowned off an atlar, the roll is capped so it can't go that high 00:04 that should be no bones allowed 00:04 ah 00:05 StatueSurfer, it wasn't on the bottom level 00:05 That's going to be a fun bones file 00:05 it said the wizard laughs! 00:05 Since Ixoth is going to be there 00:05 -!- StatueSurfer_ has joined #hardfought 00:06 Honestly, if I had known the floor was undiggable 00:06 I would have survived that 00:06 :( 00:06 it's not DCSS, so you can't wield bread right before dying to ensure a crappy playermonster 00:06 never played DCSS 00:07 I've been tempted to try ADOM 00:07 But I'm a little "eh" on it 00:07 right 00:07 too much nethack left to fool around with 00:07 adom later 00:07 rumflump, eh, nethack doesn't usually surprise me anymore. At least vanilla doesn't. 00:08 won em all? 00:08 Too much source reading 00:08 I figure I'll lose interest in getting better at nethack after I ascend all 00:08 And vanilla gets cheap. FIQHack at least I usually feel my deaths at pilot error. I think I only had one death that was flat out RNG evil 00:08 not stop playing, but stop caring much 00:09 rumflump, I've ascended three times. Priest, Valk, and Samuari 00:09 in FIQ, 361-dev, and 343 respectively 00:09 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:09 chop chop 00:09 it does remind me why I find DF A mode so unsatisifying though 00:10 I got a 4k val and a 3.6.devnull tourist 00:10 what's that reason? 00:11 !tell FIQ knight died to Ixoth, left a really nasty bones file + palyer monster. Feel bad for the next knight who has to deal with Ixoth and a decently kitted knight 00:11 Will do, NCommander! 00:11 wait the quest levels allow for bones 00:11 -!- StatueSurfer_ is now known as StatueSurfer 00:11 It left a bones because it wasn't the bottom level 00:11 and I was chasing Ixoth up the branch 00:12 Needless to say 00:12 I'm not rolling Knight for awhile 00:12 someone else I can deal with that bones 00:12 you should've made sure to get teleportitis 00:12 Yeah 00:13 happy zombie baby jesus day 00:14 how can you type in multiple colors 00:14 ~hacker~ 00:14 StatueSurfer, control codes 00:14 <[Demo]> 13h 05a my discord kills them all 00:15 control codes 00:15 ESP definitely makes the mines a lot safer 00:15 3test 00:15 Hrm 00:16 3test 00:16 There we go 00:16 yeah but you can't triforce 00:16 Not w/o spam no 00:16 Yeah, i've been thinking of trying ADOM, but tha tfeels like a massive timesink for one 00:17 * NCommander also dislikes games that are closed source, though I tolerate it for DF and a small handful of commerical ones. 00:18 DoomRL though got opened up last year, been meaning to play that for awhile 00:18 it's really good 00:18 doomrl, brogue, and to a lesser extent dcss are completable in one sitting 00:19 whether you git gud or die fast :P 00:19 good nethack breaks 00:19 adom feels like more of the same kinda thing, with confusing differences scattered in it 00:19 wonder if their wiki is as good as ours 00:23 rumflump, it's not. ADOM, being closed source, has very little definitant numbers and such. 00:24 DCSS is designed to be winnable w/o spoilers so it can live w/ weak wiki (I haven't played it or looked though) 00:27 brogue does spoilerless play better imo 00:28 and yeah, dcss wiki is awful - better off doing /query Sequell ??foo 00:28 * NCommander admits he would have likely never got into nethack seriously w/o spoilers 00:28 agreed 00:32 my largest problem with nethack is a LOT of the essential behaviors are incredibly uninutive 00:32 Altar checking for BUC, holy water production, and quite a few others 00:45 I really should sleep 00:47 likewise 00:48 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:54 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:06 -!- puck1 has joined #hardfought 01:11 -!- puck1 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0-dev] 01:12 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:12 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 01:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 01:16 [hdf-us] [dnh] flump (Brd Hlf Fem Cha), 87872 points, T:37278, quit 01:16 oops 01:17 too sleepy V_V 01:17 did you quit by mistake? 01:17 yep 01:17 :( 01:17 time for bed! 01:18 for some reason I thought q would abort the prompt. needed n :P 01:18 gak 01:21 hm, I think FIQ explained how to "un-quit" a game though awhile back. have to do it locally of course. will investigate tomorrow 01:22 some minor change to your dump or ttyrec or something 01:22 ooh, that's something 01:37 yasi: god will gift you an artifact if you play tomorrow during christmas 02:02 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 02:18 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:23 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 02:26 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 02:38 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:22 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:24 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 03:41 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:57 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:59 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 04:01 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 04:01 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 04:05 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:17 -!- Grassy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:25 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:26 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 04:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 04:54 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 04:59 -!- Grassy has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:59 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 04:59 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 05:04 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 670 points, T:956, killed by a dwarvish lord 05:12 -!- rumflump has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:23 !tell K2 I got a weird crash on hdf-eu: https://abload.de/img/weirdcorruptionj5qyc.png - is there a core dump that can be analyzed in the slex folder? 05:23 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 05:28 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:35 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 810 points, T:1448, killed by a dwarvish lord 05:41 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 05:43 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 05:44 rumflump: only works in NH4 saves 05:44 FIQ: Message from NCommander at 2017-12-25 00:11 EST: knight died to Ixoth, left a really nasty bones file + palyer monster. Feel bad for the next knight who has to deal with Ixoth and a decently kitted knight 05:44 on first line, replace done with save 05:45 then remove all lines on the bottom starting from Q 05:46 !tell NCommander You can leave bones on the quest goal..? 05:46 Will do, FIQ! 05:57 !who 05:57 FIQ: [hdf-us] phollenback [fh] arnibald [gh] 05:57 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 06:12 [hdf-us] [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 3639 points, T:5219, killed by a mumak, while sleeping off a magical draught 07:01 !tell NCommander btw, you can't dig down on stairs 07:01 Will do, FIQ! 07:06 -!- puck1 has joined #hardfought 07:14 FIQ phasing in wiz tower fix is uploaded? 07:15 On hardfought 07:20 -!- aoei has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:25 got extremely easy sanctum 07:25 No one created monsters 07:29 nice 07:29 don't know if fh is updated on server 07:29 not really an important fix 07:30 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:30 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:37 -!- Grassy has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:02 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:03 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 08:17 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:26 !tell StatueSurfer I would probably just remove her stoning resistance. It's actually easier to stone her the mythological way than it is to finagle a c corpse. 08:26 Will do, aosdict! 08:33 Are altars on astral level placed randomly? 08:34 Im for the 3d time in astral and lawful altar alwas to the left 08:35 <[Demo]> Yeah it's random 08:35 FIQ: you can confirm what in fh this is doesnt changed? 08:36 not changed 08:36 So this is just coincidence 08:36 Okay 08:41 uh-oh 08:41 <[Demo]> well puck 08:41 <[Demo]> is he on Astral? 08:41 Yes 08:41 I had 5 amulets of lifesaving 08:41 Now 4 08:41 <[Demo]> Oh good, a safe setup 08:42 Found 3 in astral 08:42 Is some one watching? Go up or right? :) 08:42 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org or nethack@eu.hardfought.org ¤ Merry Christmas!! 08:43 morning 08:43 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-12-25 05:23 EST: I got a weird crash on hdf-eu: https://abload.de/img/weirdcorruptionj5qyc.png - is there a core dump that can be analyzed in the slex folder? 08:45 dafuk 08:45 Same altar order as in all my previous games 08:45 Always neutral in center, lawful to the left 08:46 dumb luck 08:46 unless this is fiqhack... FIQ did you hard code the altar order? :) 08:46 no 08:46 why would I do that 08:47 Fun center of center astral coridor was blocked with boulder 08:47 Now all monsters left behind boulder 08:47 But not meeee! 08:47 Whole right half of map is monsterless 08:47 1 in 216 chance 08:47 that's high enough that it's going ot happen to somebody 08:48 !tell LarienTelrunya no core dump exists to check 08:48 Will do, K2! 08:48 what did you do, count puck1's asc amount? 08:48 https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ascended.fh.html 08:49 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/m/mtf/fiqhack/dumplog/2017-12-14%2005%3A34%3A54%2C%20blah-Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 08:49 i should have said it like this - FIQ did you hard code the altar order? :) 08:49 FIQ: 1 in 6 chance of a particular altar order 08:49 chaotic altar in the middle 08:49 merry christmas all 08:49 if you don't care about it being lawful/neutral/chaotic specifically, it's a 1 in 36 chance of getting the same altar order three games in a row 08:49 Merry Christmas! 08:50 just finished opening presents... well more like watching my kid open gifts 08:50 kid is very happy :P 08:51 ais523: K2 would you find it silly to have "view other people's games" in the fh main menu? 08:51 Wait. 08:51 Ah 08:51 Uh 08:51 basically duplicating dgl's watchlist without requiring dgl modifications 08:51 puck1: ? 08:51 You giving gifts 25.12.. 08:51 ah 08:51 FIQ: what do you mean by "main menu" here? the menu that shows when you load the FIQHack executable? 08:51 yeah some countries do 08:51 we celebrate on Christmas Eve 08:51 We 31.12 08:52 yesterday 08:52 in that case, it's not silly in concept or UI but you may have some trouble making it make sense in local play 08:52 FIQ: why wand of speed monster doesnt cures "slow"? 08:52 FIQ: i dont see any issue with that, it would be cool actually 08:52 ais523: ifdef PUBLIC_SERVER 08:52 <[Demo]> America usually does it 12-25 but like some people do it the day before apparently and that's weird 08:52 and yeah its xmas day, of course theres gifts :P 08:52 but it would mean fiqhack needs some way to know where to look for other users 08:53 we do some gifts xmas eve, and then stockings and other gifts for the kids xmas morning 08:53 cuz you know, santa came during the night to leave presents 08:53 FIQ: I think you should go as far as ifdef DGAMELAUNCH 08:53 if you're going to be messing around for dgl support, may as well go all the way 08:53 ais523: True I suppose 08:54 Im finally on my altar! 08:54 \o/ 08:54 I have 3 wishes 08:54 now let's just hope you still have the amulet :-P 08:54 its a christmas miracle 08:54 I'd just ascend without spending them 08:54 if you can win, do so 08:54 I have amulet and it is cursed 08:54 No big problem 08:55 wish for a blessed figurine of a woodchuck named carl 08:55 I saw someone once use 5 wishes before ascending 08:55 I didnt get this joke about woodchunck.. 08:55 for the candelabrum of invocation, bell of opening, book of the dead, amulet of yendor, wand of wishing 08:55 FIQ: I spend 2 another wishes for markers just for fun 08:56 heh 08:56 In other stage of game 08:56 So 08:56 Hm 08:56 ais523: I've considered sometimes to generate +wish once you are on your coaligned astral altar. Main reason I didn't is that it would screw with scoring 08:57 IMO that would work better if you could backtrack from the Planes 08:58 puck1 :) 08:59 Can I sacrifice at high altar? 09:00 if it's your own altar, yes, but only from inventory 09:00 also don't sacrifice anything that would offend the god 09:00 god anger is much worse on Astral 09:00 *god wrath 09:00 Im chaotic I dunno what sacrifice fould offend hik 09:00 him 09:01 a black unicorn 09:01 right, don't sacrifice coaligned unicorns 09:02 <[Demo]> give wands of wishing value 09:02 <[Demo]> when totalling end score after ascending 09:02 Wait 09:03 it already has value 09:03 Can I polymorph into ant 09:03 you could have an item that's wishable and its only purpose is to improve score, perhaps? 09:03 And ascend? 09:03 <[Demo]> how much value 09:03 puck1: there are certainly polyforms which can be ascended with, I'm not sure if that applies to all polyforms or not 09:03 <[Demo]> make it worth whatever the value of the biggest wish you could make is worth 09:03 <[Demo]> per charge 09:04 well, butts 09:04 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:04 Sooo 09:04 Hmm 09:05 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:05 I want to wish........ 09:05 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 09:05 with NH4 diminishing returns, though, the best wish in terms of scoring depends on what you already have 09:05 Okay 09:05 e.g. it might be 5000 gold, some number of dilithium crystals, or even an unidentified item 09:06 I dunno. I dont want to bump score as I can. I left all valuebles in dungeon 09:09 invisible stalkers are humanoids? 09:09 In wiki there is no metion about this, so I guess no 09:09 But 09:09 think so 09:09 In tiles they look like humanoids 09:10 they are humanoids 09:10 <[Demo]> they are also blind and stunned 09:10 > https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Humanoid 09:11 Here is no stalkers 09:11 > https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Stalker 09:11 why would they be blind 09:11 they can see invisible 09:11 And here is no mention about their hands, legs etc 09:11 <[Demo]> cause they have no eyes 09:11 <[Demo]> maybe dnh stalkers are changed but i dont think those were touched 09:12 <[Demo]> dont have vanilla open rn 09:12 why are they marked see invis 09:12 if they can't see 09:12 makes no sense 09:12 <[Demo]> cause what if they get monk quest arti 09:12 lol 09:12 they're not humanoids like dwarves, hobbits etcetera 09:12 they're E (sort of elementals) 09:13 in fact the only E you can genocide 09:13 <[Demo]> "the +0 Sunsword (weapon in swirl)" 09:15 so 09:15 They CAN wear amulet 09:15 And cant wear armor 09:15 Hm 09:16 uh 09:16 I cant decide what to wish 09:17 Ill wish for money 09:17 =( 09:17 <[Demo]> sometimes i dont even bother wishing 09:17 <[Demo]> thats actually most of the time 09:17 <[Demo]> cause either i dont care about score or i care about score enough that a few wishes arent gonna make any notable impact 09:19 !who 09:19 K2: [hdf-us] groovejumper [dyn] k2 [sp] 09:19 K2: [hdf-eu] puck [fh] 09:22 So 09:22 Im taking a selfy 09:22 heh 09:22 done 09:24 > soldiers (extinct) 09:24 Lol 09:24 FIIQ, there is a bug!!! 09:24 > You genocided 1 type of monster, starting on turn 0. 09:24 Its not me 09:24 Its some one in astral genocided Yellow dragons 09:25 on turn 0, too! 09:26 Yeah 09:26 * raisse casts a disbelieve spell 09:26 * puck1 disbelieves 09:27 that was easy, you already disbelieved :-) 09:28 google translate en -> ru -> en: disbelieves -> верует -> believes 09:28 lol 09:31 <[Demo]> "You burn a heavy iron ball out of the air!" poor arsenal 09:37 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo3 (Ana Hum Fem Neu) destroyed the Arsenal, on T:18292 09:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:38 congrats puck1!! 09:38 xmas ascension 09:39 Thx! 09:41 !tell FIQ if monster genocides someone, that will break player genocideless conduct and turn on which conduct was breaken will be always 0 09:41 Will do, puck1! 09:51 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:54 <[Demo]> is anyone really good at dnh ana lightsabres? 10:01 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo3 (Ana Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed +5 fixed shield of the resolute heart", on T:19390 10:01 !role 10:01 NCommander: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-25 05:46 EST: You can leave bones on the quest goal..? 10:01 NCommander: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-25 07:01 EST: btw, you can't dig down on stairs 10:01 NCommander: grunt valkyrie 10:01 !role 10:02 puck1, I ran into your previous bones :P 10:03 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo3 (Ana Hum Fem Neu) was given their Quest, on T:19466 10:03 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Quit: Wink, Wink, nudge, nudge. Know what I mean?] 10:06 any chance of christmas miracles for the dnh game I managed to #quit by accident last night?? 10:09 don't play sleepy 10:10 noooo 10:21 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 10:24 NCommander: I wanted to say this to you on reddit but 10:25 I forgot and saying now 10:25 I ascended 1hour ago 10:25 With your colak of magic resistance! 10:25 Thanks, NCommander! 10:27 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:29 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 10:30 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:30 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:30 puck1, you got my bones? I left them in the Knight quest branch 10:30 with a second Ixoth 10:30 Ill check replay now 10:30 * NCommander isn't sure which bones you're referring 10:30 I found bones of NCommander in some maze 10:30 OH 10:31 Directly under medusa? 10:31 Yeah, I think 10:31 That was a ranger I blew up ages ago 10:31 Deep bonefiles are often rewarding. They're incredibly terrorifying in FIQHack too 10:32 How long time ago you left those bones? 10:33 , NCommander 10:37 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 10:37 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 1363 points, T:1493, killed by a gnome lord 10:45 -!- puck1 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:57 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:05 rumflump: since the vast majority of games I start are wizmoding for testing something, I'm now terrified of #quitting an actual game. 11:07 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 120 points, T:651, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 11:08 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 11:15 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Leaving...] 11:19 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 45679 points, T:7036, killed by a lynx 11:19 :( 11:19 puca few weeks 11:20 er, puck1 11:24 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 11:27 !tell K2 pushed an update: genocide/extinction list now seperate between things you and monsters genocided, and the genocide conduct description was fixed 11:27 FIQ: Message from puck1 at 2017-12-25 09:41 EST: if monster genocides someone, that will break player genocideless conduct and turn on which conduct was breaken will be always 0 11:27 Will do, FIQ! 11:28 "2 species genocided by you, 3 by monsters" 11:28 NCommander: ouch 11:29 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 11:29 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-25 11:27 EST: pushed an update: genocide/extinction list now seperate between things you and monsters genocided, and the genocide conduct description was fixed 11:32 NCommander: iirc certain uniques are removed on bones creation 11:32 not sure though 11:32 Wizard of Yendor comes to mind 11:35 FIQ, usually it gets replaced with something else, but I left a still living bones which are always nasty esp if they have MR and reflection 11:35 :) 11:35 oh sure the bones is nasty either way 11:35 but I don't think Ixoth will stay around 11:35 also NCommander 11:36 you left a wand of wishing 11:36 the late bones player will use it 11:38 FIQ, I swear, between Ludios and the WoW, the only times I really die is when I get a string of good luck 11:38 "Fort inaccessible, fixed. Game generates no vaults. Found a wand of wishing. Game destroys me in fun ways" 11:38 heh 11:39 so I guess in fiqhack artifacts are better things to find in bones than WoWs 11:39 aosdict, sorta. Finding stormbringer when you have orcrist + sting is depressing 11:39 I had that happen in Vanilla. Fortunately, I hadn't named orcrist in that specific game, so I sacced for it so I could use Stormbringer 11:39 >.>; 11:39 That was backwards to say the least 11:40 You know... the fiqhack create-a-player-monster bones change shouldn't be too hard to add to 3.6.1... 11:40 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 11:40 Just, they won't be nearly as resourceful. 11:40 Or have intrinsics or whatever. 11:42 aosdict, I'd be willing to write a patch for that bit of evil 11:43 aosdict, (I actually wonder how hard porting over the FIQhack AI to vanilla would be) 11:43 the proper way is to do an AI rewrite, which I plan to do 11:43 most of the notable changes aren't i pathfinding but in item use 11:43 e.g. muse 11:43 .c 11:43 *in 11:44 what should a player monster wish for 11:44 NCommander: well, patches / pull requests will be accepted for xnethack :) 11:44 xnethack? 11:44 it just striked me that they will wish for their quest arti 11:44 which makes sense 11:44 FIQ, they'll use wands of wishing? 11:44 but not if it already exists 11:44 That's really evil :( 11:44 so there should be a sane fallback 11:44 FIQ, I just checked vanillas code, I found the code that replaces the unique artifacts, but none that changes the monster. 11:44 perhaps I could just add geno 11:44 as fallback 11:44 that is what Rodney uses 11:44 xnethack is my 3.6.1-dev variant in early stages 11:45 FIQ, oh, Rodney is MONSTER_DEFUNCT? 11:45 no 11:45 I mean "rodney wishes for geno" 11:45 anyway as for your code diving 11:45 bones.c 11:45 give me a moment 11:45 aosdict, if I remember correctly, the base adventurer classes exist as monsters that are never randomly generated expect on astral, so it's mostly a matter of spawning in a monster where the player was, setting the name, and then has the inventory 11:45 Yes. 11:45 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 11:46 NCommander: u.ugrave_arise 11:47 compare the vanilla code there 11:47 starting from if (u.ugrave_arise == (NON_PM - 1)) { 11:47 with fiqhack's code 11:47 one sec 11:47 -!- rikersan has quit [Client Quit] 11:47 http://home.fiq.se/bones.c 11:48 fiqhack's bones 11:48 search for "Rodney" 11:48 to find the relevant code in fiqhack 11:49 the else there 11:49 is the charm stuff 11:49 player monster creation 11:49 * NCommander wonders when NH 3.6.1 will actually ship 11:50 and then the if (mtmp) below it 11:50 has been modified in fiqhack 11:50 [hdf-us] [slex] Tiroq (Tha Bre Mal Cha), 897 points, T:863, killed by an elven arrow 11:50 to give trinsics, etc 11:50 Honestly, if I do any major NH hacking though 11:51 actually that property thing is outdated 11:51 it assumes fiqhack's older monster properties 11:51 that was just a bitfield 11:51 It will be to implement the Regenade class who starts w/ the bell of opening, is unaligned (so no intelligent artifact use), and going to get the amulet to destroy all four high altars. 11:51 now i can just copy mintrinsic straight 11:51 let's do that 11:58 * NCommander is back 11:59 But the way my notes say Regenade would work is the player is Unaligned, but Moloch is always angry so they loose #pray. They start with the bell of opening, and can reach expert in all classes, and are regularly ambushed by player monsters with parts of an ascension kit and artifacts 12:01 NCommander: btw 12:02 ? 12:02 your player monster is a knight 12:02 he will have some fun jumping 12:02 :P 12:02 since it is a faster means of travel 12:04 I really don't want to roll knight 12:04 Because I really don't want to deal w/ those bones 12:07 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 3226 points, T:2617, killed by a dog, while frozen by a monster's gaze 12:27 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo3 (Ana Hum Fem Neu) killed Oona, on T:26297 12:27 <[Demo]> stupid fucking bitch 12:27 <[Demo]> i manage to do this every damn game 12:27 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 17100 points, T:688, killed by an arrow 12:29 FIQ: https://i.imgur.com/XHJtc1r.png not sure if this is a bug, but isn't "You come to." message sounds awkward 12:29 I'm not a native English speaker 12:29 <[Demo]> ah yeah no thats normal 12:30 okay 12:31 that idiom really is bizarre, when it's pointed out to you 12:31 it is standard English but I don't know why 12:33 -!- greqrg_ has joined #hardfought 12:33 <[Demo]> yeah i would try to explain it but i cant 12:33 well, I even tried googling it before saying anything 12:33 [hdf-us] [fh] LegendofFH (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) killed the ghost of Rulven, the former Ninja, on T:4197 12:35 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 12:36 -!- greqrg has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 12:37 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 12:40 -!- greqrg_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:40 [hdf-us] [fh] LegendofFH_BreathoftheDank (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 51842 points, T:4808, killed by a leocrotta, while frozen by a spellbook 12:41 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Hea Hum Mal Neu) killed the ghost of Zxkuqyb, the former Esquire, on T:1685 12:41 sorry for leaving lame bones :/ 12:44 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 29679 points, T:1876, killed by a gnomish wizard's force bolt 12:44 I WAS AT FULL HEALTH 12:44 :( 12:44 <[Demo]> more like totally rad pvp bones 12:44 NCommander: what xl? 12:44 and what Def 12:44 2 :(, was trying to run the racket, AC -5 12:44 23 HP 12:44 Def affects force bolt? 12:44 I think so 12:44 * NCommander sighs 12:44 :( 12:45 also, being in an area full of intelligent monsters with max HP that low is probably a recipe for faiure 12:45 *failure 12:45 the protection racket is not normally considered a very good strategy, unless you're pacifist 12:46 ais523, I try it from time to time and have succeeded, but yeah 12:46 * NCommander mehs 12:46 I might be burning out on nethack 12:46 I usually buy protection at xl10 or 11 right after clearing soko (and maybe a vault or two) 12:46 I'm just killing time before christmas dinner though 12:46 <[Demo]> man i hate not being able to tell my luck 12:47 I may try doom the roguelike 12:49 <[Demo]> fucking asshole 12:49 <[Demo]> i wanted to check my luck with a potion of enlightment i had just found at a shop 12:49 <[Demo]> so i could see if i was safe to make a wish 12:49 That's an optimistic start 12:49 <[Demo]> but no 12:49 doomrl crashed the moment I tried to launch it 12:49 <[Demo]> stupid bottle gave me a wish 12:50 <[Demo]> stupid dumb luck 12:50 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo3 (Ana Hum Fem Neu) wished for "Blessed +2 fixed cloak of the unheld one", on T:27096 12:50 <[Demo]> no +2 😦 13:01 https://i.imgur.com/ioq6k5F.png leprechaun summoned me a tame djinni 13:01 <[Demo]> damn 13:02 which is kinda bad, right? lowers wish chance for me 13:04 https://i.imgur.com/zzPRWNI.png 13:32 ok 13:32 * NCommander actually thinks DoomRL is pretty kickass 13:36 is there a penalty for Elberething in FIQHack? just realised that if it's like Fourk I probably shouldn't use it for engrave-testing wands 13:37 ais523, there's a conduct but that's as far as ti goes AFAIK 13:37 ah right, like in NH4 13:39 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Hea Elf Fem Neu), 752206 points, T:54458, killed by a giant zombie 13:39 fuck me 13:39 <[Demo]> whatd u break? 13:40 a late-game sporkhack healer, by the looks of things 13:41 VotD 13:41 demons and devils are more potent in sporkhack 13:41 <[Demo]> oh yeah i cant read 13:42 Yeenoghu ported in 13:42 <[Demo]> zoinks 13:42 killed him but was surrounded and couldnt heal fast enough 13:42 branch ported away but too many nasties followed 13:43 fucking stupid 13:43 AC wasnt low enough to be messing around in the VotD 13:44 ported to sokoban so no bones for you! 13:45 -!- greqrg_ has joined #hardfought 13:46 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 13:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 13:47 -!- greqrg has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:53 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:05 just dug up a wizard named Grasshopper 14:05 longsword, tinning kit and "balsa" wand 14:12 is that what the kids call it nowadays 14:14 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:20 haha, the balsa wand I found in my grave earlier was enlightenment 14:28 any suggestions for an early (Minetown) wish in FIQHack? 14:28 I have better armour than normal so an armour wish isn't mandatory, although it might nonetheless be a good idea 14:29 <[Demo]> role/race/alignment? 14:30 dwarf valk 14:30 lawful 14:30 <[Demo]> do people use grayswandir as a valk? 14:30 [hdf-us] [sp] k2 (Hea Elf Fem Neu), 2822 points, T:2834, killed by a coyote 14:31 [Demo] yeah its viable 14:31 <[Demo]> but is it better than a brand? hmm 14:31 normally you don't need a weapon wish as a valk because excal and mojo are already good enough 14:31 like, there's better, but not worth-a-wish better 14:31 <[Demo]> yeah thats true 14:31 <[Demo]> but you also said you had nice armour 14:31 <[Demo]> its not like anything else exists in the game 14:32 I have Def:17 already 14:32 <[Demo]> i dont speak nh4 14:32 -7 AC 14:32 i'd get mr if i didn't have it 14:32 <[Demo]> nh4 ac is like converting roman year to regular year 14:32 but I mentioned FIQHack specifically as some of the extrinsic-granting items are different and some extrinsics are more important than others 14:33 [Demo]: it starts at 0 and goes upwards, what could be simpler? 14:33 me personally, i'd take excalibur over grayswandir as a valk 14:33 a CoMR probably is a viable choice 14:33 <[Demo]> starting at 753 14:33 there isn't much better in the cloak slot, after all 14:33 and my current cloak isn't great 14:33 also this is the first game on a fresh install so I know I won't find bones 14:33 <[Demo]> do you have reflection? 14:33 it's fh so that's mc 3 too 14:33 <[Demo]> does reflection even matter 14:34 [Demo]: no, but reflection is weaker in fiqhack than vanilla 14:34 OK, I'll get a CoMR 14:34 <[Demo]> is there any way to get magic immunity? 14:34 <[Demo]> comr sounds good though 14:35 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 14:36 huh, "you begin bashing monsters with your oil lamp" forces a More 14:36 did I do that, or did FIQ? 14:36 <[Demo]> fiq 14:36 <[Demo]> begin bashing monsters with forces a more 14:37 I wrote the first version of fiqhack's message-coloring and more-force code 14:37 just I'm not sure if I put that message into the force-a-more category or if fiq moved it 14:37 <[Demo]> ah 14:37 <[Demo]> thats funny 14:38 it's annoying because everyone seems to give fiq/jonadab the credit for it :-P 14:38 (it's in NH4 now too) 14:39 <[Demo]> yeah fiq did a really good job getting the pet ai to actually follow you 14:39 ais523: If you think that's bad, you should see the list of things mtf gave FIQ credit for in his promotional reply to the release announcement. 14:39 <[Demo]> oh god 14:40 https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/7i7vb4/announcement_fiqhack_430_released/dqwyhmw/ 14:41 <[Demo]> jesus even invweight 14:41 <[Demo]> thats not even originally nh4 14:42 Basically, he wrote it as a comparison versus pure vanilla. 14:42 Which, that would be valid, if it were stated clearly that that's what it is. 14:50 Sokoban zoo full of gas spores, that's weird 14:50 not entirely 14:50 but enough to cause a chain reaction 14:57 Eep. 14:58 <[Demo]> slashem neutral quest style 14:58 I kind of hate gas spores in sokozoo. I mean, not as a developer in a want-to-code-it-impossible way, but as a player. 14:58 luckily I'd looted a bow, so I just peppered them with arrows at range 14:58 but I'm playing valk so wasn't very good at actually hitting them, it worked in the end though 14:58 ais523: That wakes everything up though. 14:58 <[Demo]> kill em all 14:58 <[Demo]> cant be awake if you're dead 14:59 <[Demo]> cause gas spores 14:59 *cough*vampires*cough*zombies*coughcough* 15:00 hothraxxa: They're _undead_. 15:00 Neither really alive nor exactly dead as such. 15:00 * hothraxxa makes them dead dead 15:01 <[Demo]> they're just regular dead when im around 15:01 If this is FIQHack, that can be temporary. 15:01 highly annoying in the early game 15:01 not as bad as grunt but nearly 15:01 Much more annoying in Grunt, yeah. 15:02 anway, yellow lights are just as annoying as gas spores in the soko zoo 15:12 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 15:19 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Con Dro Fem Cha), 48 points, T:85, killed by a falling rock 15:22 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Con Dro Fem Cha), 371 points, T:426, killed by a giant rat 15:34 EPI: the sokozoo always has an invisible black light. 15:34 And a floating eye. 15:42 -!- [Demo]2 has joined #hardfought 15:42 -!- [Demo] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:43 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Dro-Rog Dro Fem Cha) was given Fuma-itto no Ken, on T:3320 15:55 in wizmode, how do I travel to any of the planes? testing some stuff 15:57 <[Demo]2> ctrl+v ? 15:58 i tried trans level porting to -5 and died :) 15:58 maybe i need the amulet in hand first 15:59 <[Demo]2> use ? as destination 16:03 ais523: I did tell mtf that most of those changes was done by you 16:04 his reply was roughly "shhh I am talking about the whole package in comparision to NH3" 16:05 ais523: CoMR is MC2 in fiqhack btw 16:05 CoD MC3 16:06 to encourage people to use both more 16:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Dro-Rog Dro Fem Cha) was given the Arkenstone, on T:9382 16:06 and yeah I was the one who made bashmsg force-more 16:06 <[Demo]2> jesus christ 16:07 <[Demo]2> ive never had a god thats more of an asshole 16:07 <[Demo]2> im a goddamn drow 16:07 <[Demo]2> and first i get an iron weapon and I thought that was insulting 16:07 <[Demo]2> but holy shit a permalightsource? 16:07 <[Demo]2> im converting 16:08 hahaha 16:08 ouch 16:08 K2: ctrl+v, then ? 16:11 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 16:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 16:12 [Demo]2: this sort of experience is really tame compared to the D&D version 16:12 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 16:12 in which drow can expect to be assigned random challenges and end up having hideous things happen to them if they fail 16:13 with no reward for succeeding other than being allowed to stay alive a bit longer 16:13 is this your new slex variant 16:13 StatueSurfer: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-25 08:26 EST: I would probably just remove her stoning resistance. It's actually easier to stone her the mythological way than it is to finagle a c corpse. 16:21 <[Demo]2> alright i cant bitch too much about the iron weapon 16:21 <[Demo]2> cause infinite shurikens 16:22 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Dro-Rog Dro Fem Cha) was given Trollsbane, on T:12483 16:22 <[Demo]2> ok i can bitch again 16:22 <[Demo]2> oh wait its silver so its safe 16:37 <[Demo]2> https://i.imgur.com/V6ruudO.png i love when this happens 16:43 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:43 <[Demo]2> man ive never given dnh drows the respect they deserve 16:44 <[Demo]2> didnt realize they were light blind, thought it was like slashem 16:47 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 16:59 SporkHack updated 17:05 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5769 17:09 <[Demo]2> i see why drows are such emo pussies now 17:09 <[Demo]2> Id kill myself too if i could only see in the dark and everything with a light source blinded me 17:10 Either that or learn to cast darkness spells. 17:10 Which annoys the daylights out of adventurers, as a bonus. 17:10 <[Demo]2> cant even slit my wrists cause i cant touch the iron based steel razor to do so 17:13 [Demo]2: bind amon 17:13 at the cost of no prayer it's great for sight 17:15 <[Demo]2> im a ninja not an exile 17:15 so? 17:15 BoLN is a thing 17:24 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Rog Dro Fem Cha), 39818 points, T:20467, killed by a gremlin 17:24 <[Demo]2> fuck not having status colors 17:25 dnh has statuscolors 17:26 doens't have it on demo4 17:26 he was too lazy to copy over his rc to his _4th_ alt 17:26 (guessing but sounds like demo) 17:26 <[Demo]2> yup 17:28 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:28 !tell K2 pushed some fixes: better handling of gendered objects (monster corpses/etc), and object piles no longer override everything 17:28 Will do, FIQ! 17:29 ok 17:29 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-25 17:28 EST: pushed some fixes: better handling of gendered objects (monster corpses/etc), and object piles no longer override everything 17:29 and you can actually differ between hostiles standing on object piles (no blue) vs tame monsters (blue) now 17:29 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 17:29 <[Demo]2> oh neat 17:30 <[Demo]2> i wonder what the real name for wetboi vaults is in dnh 17:30 treasure vaults 17:31 <[Demo]2> man dread seraphs get a cool name for their vault 17:31 FIQ: am I a bad person for building FIQHack with aimake? 17:31 when I made the wiki page for that, I just callde them "dnh vaults" 17:31 chris changed it for me 17:31 <[Demo]2> i always annotate them as i do 17:31 or magic item ault huh 17:32 [Demo]2: I try to but I don't aways find them 17:32 <[Demo]2> yeah magic magoo vault 17:32 (always 17:32 <[Demo]2> i hear scraping 17:32 I've been playing it locally 17:32 <[Demo]2> on lvl 1 17:32 still on my first game, I've already had two wishes and done Mines to Minetown and Sokoban 17:32 if this were vanilla I'd consider it a trivial ascension from here, but FIQHack is harder late game so I may yet screw things up 17:33 [Demo]2: ah yeah that's if there's a juggernaut 17:33 I've actually just dodged one of thsoe 17:33 I mapped the level, dug into his place 17:33 and then just led him away and ran when I heard his noises 17:33 <[Demo]2> was he being dumb and sitting in the wall? 17:33 <[Demo]2> oh they like being dumb and then i make fun of them 17:33 <[Demo]2> then die 17:35 [Demo]2: no he was chasing me 17:35 he's slow af tho 17:35 I was very fast 17:35 tfw the scroll you have 7 of isn't ID but it's destroy armor 17:36 and then the scroll you have 1 of is ID 17:36 wtf 17:36 (and yes I read-tested) 17:36 ais523: hm you confused me for a bit since I assumed you quit due to connection issues heh 17:36 but I fixed the object pile things 17:37 and displace messages 17:37 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 17:37 just a heads up 17:37 I know, I just updated and recompiled 17:37 ahh ok 17:37 and feel free to use aimake :) 17:37 it used to be that when I played a testing game of NH4 I'd write down all the annoyances I noticed and then maybe fix some of them weeks later 17:37 having them being fixed during the game is a new experience 17:37 I asked to create the makefile for my personal benefit 17:37 it is also what hdf uses to build, and asc 17:38 but aimake works fine too 17:38 it's just slower 17:38 for some reason it takes a huge time looking for reverse imports 17:38 if aimake didn't have to handle shared libraries it could be a lot faster, I think 17:39 btw, F (but not t) still autoswaps 17:39 I should probably address that 17:39 simple fix, just chec for uim_forcefight 17:39 anybody here have windows/anything that's really not os x, and can try to build dnh? 17:39 *check 17:40 I'm making some changes to make it compile on os x but I need to make sure it still works on windows 17:40 I assume Linux doesn't count as "really not OS X" because they're both pretty similar buildwise 17:40 -!- noty has quit [Client Quit] 17:40 not at all ais523 17:40 the problem is that OS X insists on using clang 17:40 (versus gcc) 17:40 (*versus gcc for running `make install`) 17:41 it's quite hard to break a program on gcc by making it work on clang, unless you're really trying 17:41 <[Demo]2> reconfigure ur make 17:41 I can't 17:41 or rather I don't want to spedn that much effort 17:41 since os x insists on uninstalling gcc on reboot 17:41 >_> 17:42 ais523: I figured as much but it would be nice to test 17:42 I'm almost done w/ the changes so 17:42 <[Demo]2> dnh compiles fine for me with cc 17:42 same 17:42 rikersan: I think most folks here have Linux. What's the dnethack build process like? Is it as horrible as 3.4.3? 17:43 no 17:43 kerio made a makefile 17:43 Ah. 17:43 aeons ago 17:43 jonadab: not really? idk 17:43 In that case, let me find my d repo and git remote update it... 17:43 I ported it to grunt for myself a while back because I couldn't figure out how to libuncursed in the 3.4.3 build system 17:43 cd sys/unix;sh setup.sh;cd ../..; make install 17:43 ^ thart's all you need iirc 17:44 there is a GNUmakefile 17:44 in dNAO 17:44 that allows you to build on modern unix systems out of the box 17:44 by just running make 17:44 in the root 17:44 doesn't work for me, never has 17:44 idk why 17:44 haven't honestly put that much effort into it tho, might try that later 17:45 rikersan: building now, using the method you use. 17:45 I'm getting warnings... is that normal for d? 17:46 (NH4 tries to squash warnings...) 17:46 <[Demo]2> yes warnings are normal 17:46 jonadab: ya lol chris told me yesterday he hasn't gotten around to fixing that yet 17:46 Ok. 17:48 http://jonadab.jumpingcrab.com/pastebin/947.txt 17:48 This is with the build method rikersan suggested. 17:48 Will try the gnumakefile method next. 17:49 ^ that's actually not the dnh problem 17:49 that's menucolors 17:49 can you fix that and retry? 17:49 comment out l385 of include/config.h 17:49 the regex #define 17:50 <[Demo]2> oh whoa 17:50 <[Demo]2> poor idefix got killed by a swarm of zombie dwarfs 17:50 <[Demo]2> but rose as tame zombie idefix 17:50 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 17:50 FIQ: I don't see any Makefile in the root. Do I have the wrong repo, https://github.com/Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/dnethack.git 17:50 I haven't chcked in a while, maybe chris nuked that 17:50 jonadab: you do 17:51 use dNAO 17:51 no yeah it's there 17:51 yeah ^^ 17:51 Ah. 17:51 Una momento. 17:51 for some reason chris is maintaining 2 dnethack repos 17:51 one with the nao UI sanitizing patches 17:51 one without 17:51 you want the former 17:51 Ah. 17:51 no hay problema con esperar jonadab 17:51 FIQ: not maintaining? 17:51 (also holy carp my connection) 17:51 SporkHack updated 17:51 He probably has the non-dnao one for Windows or something. 17:51 he dithced dnethack I thought 17:52 oh? finally? 17:52 he maintained it way longer than neccessary 17:52 he has been for a while? 17:52 nvm he's mainiting it 17:52 yeah but there was 2 repos for years 17:52 see 17:52 > lastest commit ... 3 days ago 17:52 >latest 17:52 :P 17:52 *latest 17:52 oh lol looks like he's merging it w/ devel-3.15.2 17:53 Ok, building dnao now, using Gnu makefile. 17:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1881 17:54 after that, can you try my changes jonadab? 17:54 https://pastebin.com/raw/zES7qBhw 17:54 ^ script in there 17:54 I think maybe dnao doesn't support windowports. 17:54 who knows 17:54 Well, NAO doesn't support windowports, other than Unix tty and curses. 17:54 343-nao, that is. 17:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) was given Cleaver, on T:1944 17:55 that was quick 17:55 <[Demo]2> first try 17:55 cc [Demo]2 17:56 rikersan: Compile works. I get fcntl lock perm issues, but that's almost certainly related to directories not existing that the game expects. 17:56 This is with gnu makefile. 17:56 huh 17:56 YOu want me to try the other method? 17:56 doesn't do anything for me 17:56 and yes please 17:56 it doens't make a dnethackdir/dnethack executable or anything 17:56 indeed it does nothing 17:56 Well, I had to do make install of course 17:56 yea 17:57 jonadab: when I use kerio's makefile I have to explicitly specify HACKDIR 17:57 probably not set up correctly 17:57 FIQ: I have `dnethack` aliased in my bashrc to `cd .dnethack/dnethackdir;./dnethack;cd` 17:57 FIQ: Ah. 17:57 and that works 17:57 so you can easily circumvent the perm lock 17:58 rikersan: the last cd is useless 17:58 oh aliased 17:58 so not useless 17:58 but yeah you could make a shell script 17:58 better 17:59 that requires more effort tho 17:59 this works fine for me /shrug 17:59 rikersan: alias it to HACKDIR=~/dnethack/dnethackdir ~/dnethack/dnethackdir/dnethack 17:59 assuming that is your directory structure 17:59 ? 17:59 rikersan: That works too. Apart from, again, the fcntl lock thing, which is probably due to me not setting up directories the way it expects. 17:59 that should always work from everywhere 18:00 jonadab: HACKDIR=. ./dnethack 18:00 from the dnethackdir 18:00 where do I set that fiq? 18:00 FIQ: No change with that. 18:00 jonadab: hmm 18:00 that should work fine 18:00 don't know then 18:00 Ah, because I did sudo make install 18:00 SO files are root.root 18:00 lol 18:01 don't do that 18:01 lol 18:01 ok thanks for testing jonadab 18:01 all I really needed was the reassurance I didn't fuck stuff up 18:01 :p 18:01 Ok, that works if I install as a regular user. 18:01 rikersan: This is building from Chris_ANG's repo. 18:01 Wanted to get that working first. 18:02 ah ok 18:02 did you se teh script I pastebinned? 18:02 So, do you have a repo with changes? 18:02 ya 18:02 https://pastebin.com/raw/zES7qBhw 18:02 ^ full script, copied from my term 18:02 Ah, one moment. 18:03 git remote add rikersan https://github.com/RikerW/dNAO.git 18:03 ... 18:03 Doing remote update 18:04 I should build from your master branch? 18:04 no clue how that works /shrug 18:04 jonadab: no, devel-os-x 18:04 Ah. 18:04 git checkout rikersan/devel-os-x 18:04 sure :p 18:05 Building. 18:05 thanks 18:07 rikersan: Shall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] 18:07 Works on Linux. 18:07 :D yay! 18:07 Well, works up to the point of starting a game, anyway. 18:07 now to make a pull request 18:07 jonadab: lol 18:07 that's actually horribly bugged 18:07 quests are uncompleteabe and the mines segfaults 18:07 :p 18:08 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:6070 18:08 (at every single stair) 18:08 rikersan: I didn't test quests. 18:08 Or Mines for that matter. 18:08 That would take... more time. 18:08 I'd have to figure out how to wizmode it. 18:08 lol it's fine 18:08 <[Demo]2> does anyone know what the hell even dnh orc race is? 18:08 Been a while since I've wizmoded 3.anything. 18:08 I do! 18:09 it's the biggest pile of stupid ideas since the star wars prequesl! 18:09 jonadab: just cd to the executable and run `./dnethack -D -u wizard` 18:09 with sudo 18:09 Ah. 18:09 don't worry abuot it hto 18:09 tha'ts chris's mistakes 18:09 The user who can wizmode is root by default, check. 18:10 yah 18:11 !8ball will chris take forever to merge my PR 18:11 rikersan: As I see it, yes 18:11 !8ball will he even do it 18:11 rikersan: Better not tell you now 18:11 !8ball so he's not going to do it 18:11 rikersan: My sources say no 18:11 _sigh_ 18:12 heh 18:12 consistent answers 18:12 yep 18:13 on a regular 8ball I think the amount of no outweight the amount of yes 18:13 10 no, 5 yes, 5 non-answers 18:13 IIRC 18:14 * NCommander is very much getting into DoomRL 18:14 RIP nethack 18:14 rip 18:14 <[Demo]2> its not an 8 ball if it has more than 5 answers 18:14 <[Demo]2> wait no more than 8 dammit 18:16 Heh 18:16 20ball :P 18:18 [Demo]2: It's an "8 ball" because it's black. 18:18 (It's a reference to pool.) 18:19 jonadab: rereading backlog, I kinda felt bad about that of mtf's reply 18:19 a lot of what he said felt undeserved to me 18:20 <[Demo]2> fiq invented nethack 18:20 totally makes sense 18:20 lol 18:21 I'm totally izchak 18:21 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 18:22 the priest in the valley should be named FIQ 18:22 since that's the only other guareenteed priest/shk I think 18:22 ...wow 18:22 or maybe just minetown 18:22 hm idk 18:22 apparently he died merely a month before I was born 18:22 heh 18:23 izchak miller, right? 18:23 yeah 18:23 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Izchak 18:23 died april 1st 18:23 his wikipedia page says nothing about nethack 18:23 nv, I'm blind 18:23 ignore me 18:23 just not in the top section 18:24 <[Demo]2> i wanna die then too 18:24 1994 18:24 <[Demo]2> no april 1 18:25 huh 18:25 just 4 days before kurt cobain 18:30 <[Demo]2> yey pirate sunless sea 18:31 [Demo]2: "ghost of X" means a normal ghost 18:31 otherwise it would say "samurai" or whatever 18:31 sunless sea best sea 18:32 <[Demo]2> uh 18:32 <[Demo]2> are you responding to something i said maybe 2 days ago? 18:33 zxkuqyb: summoning djinns lowers further djinn rate from smoky yes 18:33 [Demo]2: no, earlier today 18:33 reading backlog 18:34 -!- ben has left #hardfought 18:34 2017-12-25 17:41:20 +Beholder [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Hea Hum Mal Neu) killed the ghost of Zxkuqyb, th 18:34 thanks, it's seems fair 18:34 e former Esquire, on T:1685 18:34 2017-12-25 17:41:56 zxkuqyb sorry for leaving lame bones :/ 18:34 2017-12-25 17:44:10 [Demo] more like totally rad pvp bones 18:34 <[Demo]2> ohh 18:34 was replying to this 18:34 <[Demo]2> i still like the idea of combat bones 18:35 okay :) 18:36 zxkuqyb: it is in vanilla too 18:36 unchanged in fiqhack 18:36 the difference being that monsters in fh can get all outcomes 18:36 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 18:36 wish, pet, peaceful, vanish, hostile 18:37 err.. what is vanish? 18:37 "It is about time!" 18:37 then the djinn disappears 18:38 it is the 2nd worst outcome 18:38 oh, right 18:40 Still evil they can use wand of wishing 18:40 so waitwaitwait, that leprechaun could get a wish? 18:40 they will not use the castle wand 18:40 zxkuqyb: yes 18:40 <[Demo]2> probably wish for something ean 18:40 <[Demo]2> mean and kill you 18:40 no 18:41 leppies are greedy 18:41 they like gold 18:41 so they will wish for gold 18:41 would he wish for something awesome or like 2 blessed fixed cream pies to throw them at me? 18:41 Hmm, might be better to die in the last few days of march, so the obit can be published on the first. 18:41 oh, fair enough 18:41 no he would wish for gold 18:41 undead wishes for wands of death 18:42 <[Demo]2> oh neat 18:42 casters wish for HoB or books 18:42 A wishes for sunsword/demonbane 18:42 <[Demo]2> who wishes sdsm? 18:42 soldiers 18:42 do 18:42 dang, all those monsters have fetishes 18:42 player monsters wish for their quest arti 18:42 <[Demo]2> kind of absurd that you like actually put thought into it 18:42 orc ursed genocide if they can't 18:42 FIQ: what about your-role player monsters? 18:42 *or cursed 18:42 Ah. 18:43 <[Demo]2> wait what 18:43 <[Demo]2> can you wish for your quest arti? 18:43 [Demo]2: No. 18:43 no 18:43 <[Demo]2> then why can they 18:43 <[Demo]2> question 2 18:43 Ah. 18:43 <[Demo]2> can they wish for your quest arti? 18:43 because there is no other way for them to get it otherwise 18:43 no 18:43 Ahy. 18:43 <[Demo]2> are you sure cause that would be neat if they could 18:43 yes it is kinda asymmetric 18:44 but the least awkward 18:44 It's the _player's_ quest artifact that nobody can wish for, then. The player's role is Special. 18:44 <[Demo]2> yeah 18:44 yes I don't like it 18:44 but the alternative would be bizarre 18:44 No, actually, this is ok. 18:44 Because yes, the alternative would be problematic. 18:44 it's plausible to ban artiwishing altogether for monsters 18:45 then it should be banned for players too :-) 18:45 EPI: monsters #name Sting and Orcrist to increase the artifact count so you can't artiwish. 18:45 this is fiqhack 18:45 I have seen a leprechaun reading a scroll of genocide before. but he "gave up" to genocide anything 18:45 only artiwishing affects further artiwishing 18:45 FIQ: Yes, but that Idea is for the Evil Patch. 18:46 could he like go through with this tho? 18:46 zxkuqyb: that means it probably tried to genocide you 18:46 silly bastard 18:46 but the gods disapproved 18:47 mtf once had someone who genocided his mount 18:47 in medusa 18:47 <[Demo]2> heh 18:47 he wasn't over water 18:47 luckily 18:47 <[Demo]2> oh 18:47 <[Demo]2> he didnt get fiqd over 18:48 probably the only advantage of using a ki-rin 18:48 over a dragon 18:48 in fh 18:48 ungenocideable 18:48 <[Demo]2> wear boots of not dyin 18:48 jonadab: yani for 4k 18:49 pegasus, a flying horse slightly higher base level than warhorse 18:49 speed 24-26 18:49 no special abilities other than flight 18:50 [Demo]2: yeah, you'd probably want to wear WW 18:50 if you are using dragon mounts 18:50 FIQ: That is not a bad idea. 18:51 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:51 FIQ: why is that YANI for 4k specifically? 18:52 I feel like I'm missing something 18:53 ais523: Fourk specifically wanted some midgame-suitable steeds for knights. 18:53 ais523: because yes that 18:53 ah right 18:54 In particular, ones useful around Medusa, Castle, etc. 18:54 yes, a pegasus would fit that well 18:54 would they be tameable with vegetables? 18:54 This is the main reason I added gryphons, but they are a bit higher level than pegasus would be. 18:54 ais523: Hmm, that's negotiable. 18:54 I feel like it should be harder 18:54 but preferably possible without magic 18:54 ?oT is probably too hard though, and +oCM is broken 18:55 perhaps they're only tameable with blessed vegetables? 18:55 Or only certain ones. 18:55 maybe a knight only can d it with veggies 18:55 *do 18:55 Hmm, I should dig through the lore about pegasus and see if there's any particular vegetable that should work. 18:56 you could make it so that pegasi avoid getting lined up, like unicorns do 18:56 so actually hitting them with the vegetables is hard 18:56 There's a thought. 18:57 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 9219 points, T:7866, killed by a gnomish lord 18:58 sorry, I just realised how ridiculous this mental image is 18:59 Throwing fruit at a winged horse? 18:59 yes, but it keeps running away so you have to hit it at range 18:59 Ah. 18:59 and yet when you succeed it becomes tame 18:59 Heh. 18:59 either because it likes the fruit or because it's impressed by your aiming skills 18:59 unicorns teleport 18:59 if it liked the fruit, though, why would it dodge? 18:59 pegasi wouldn't 18:59 It's better than having it ask you a riddle. 19:00 jonadab: you have any idea how hard it is to randomly generate riddles? 19:00 ais523: Heh. 19:00 THat might be AI complete. 19:00 Possibly. 19:00 At least, if you want _good_ ones. 19:01 although "What do I have in my pockets?" would actually sometimes be fairly solvable in NetHack world without the answer being memorisable 19:01 you could track the sphinx to see which items it picked up, or use a wand of probing 19:01 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 19:01 Hmm, there is flavor justification for guaranteeing a pegasus on Medusa's level, or else having it generate when you kill her. 19:01 Is that a bad idea from a balance perspective? 19:01 having it generate when you kill her would come too late though 19:02 unless it's just to make backtracking easy 19:02 It would still potentially be useful, if you had to use other means to cross to her. 19:02 perhaps it could be on the level, not on the starting island but near it 19:02 But yes, it'd be more convenient for knights if it was there ahead of time. 19:02 and boxed in so that you had to go there in person? 19:02 Ah. 19:02 hmm, knights can jump anyway 19:02 Boulder forted? (Does that work on things that fly?) 19:02 it should do? except probably in fiqhack 19:03 I was just thinking a ruined building though, with a door 19:03 Ah. 19:04 ais523: monsters don't move boulders in fh, to avoid making the player stuck 19:04 however, they will treat them as obstacles and use striking 19:04 oh right, that'd be nasty in Sokoban 19:04 or force bolt 19:04 ais523: Sokoban could reasonably be special cased, IMO. The flavor in Sokoban is already clearly different from the other branches. 19:05 dnethack even replaces the boulders there with crates. 19:05 the reverse applies in sokoban, to avoid annoying players (hitting boulders is a major score penalty when it comes to monster item/spell use) 19:05 jonadab: yes, although I'd like to bring it closer to other branches flavourwise, ideally 19:05 <[Demo]2> remove sokoban 19:05 really, I'd love a flavour for Sokoban along the lines of "the ceiling collapsed and now there are giant rocks everywhere" 19:05 but it's not really compatible with how it works at present 19:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "Blessed +2 fixed full limited moon", on T:6537 19:06 [Demo]2: pls don't, rather make sokoban as in DynaHack 19:06 <[Demo]2> so ive done dyn soko 19:06 <[Demo]2> but i forgot its gimmick 19:06 <[Demo]2> oh yeah choice 19:06 <[Demo]2> no thats stupid 19:06 the good prizes and moved to mines end 19:07 <[Demo]2> cause u still have to push boulders 19:07 soko has a sack of random wands 19:07 <[Demo]2> do what slex does and have literally dungeon levels randomly be soko 19:07 yeah but you can totally skip it 19:07 <[Demo]2> or whatever it does idk i know its weird 19:07 <[Demo]2> oh 19:07 <[Demo]2> thats good then 19:07 dynahack moves the sokoban rewards to mines end 19:07 the top floor instead has a sack 19:08 with wands and rings 19:08 I mean skip it and don't feel like you are missing out on something important 19:08 <[Demo]2> right nothing too useful 19:08 yeah 19:08 (the wands/rings in sokoban moved there) 19:09 saying that this makes DynaHack's early game much easier.. become mines end has 3 prizes and you can choose 1 19:09 "oReflect, BoH annnd something else, I don't remember what 19:09 mines end is very dangerous to reach early 19:09 dark, polytraps 19:09 true that 19:09 3rd is CoMR 19:10 I yeah, right, don't listen to me I only played dwarven valkyries in dyna 19:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "Blessed +2 fixed greased tie-dye shirt of shambhala", on T:6548 19:11 !who 19:11 FIQ: [hdf-us] Demo4 [dnh] krm26 [un] 19:11 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 19:11 <[Demo]2> im nuts ive lost my mind 19:12 alsooooo I really like gnome hats in dnh mines :) 19:12 * NCommander returns 19:12 DoomRL is a very nice palette cleanser of a roguelike 19:13 that game's fun, right? 19:13 It's surprisingly effective. Not as "deep" as nethack, but honestly, doom *works* as a FPS 19:13 er, as a roguelike 19:13 It's bizarre 19:13 yep 19:14 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:7102 19:15 does DoomRL try to follow Doom's story? 19:15 Menche, basically. Become the biggest baddest badass and beat hell back into submission 19:17 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:19 I wanted to flex, but I only have a "too young to die" winning dumplog saved on my hdd 19:20 more than what I have 19:20 never played doomrl 19:21 you probably should, it's worth it 19:23 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 19:24 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) was given their Quest, on T:8496 19:24 <[Demo]2> oh shit a throne wish 19:24 world peace 19:25 <[Demo]2> uhh 19:25 <[Demo]2> might throw it away 19:25 <[Demo]2> on an artiwish fail 19:25 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +2 fixed quicksilver", on T:8501 19:25 <[Demo]2> oh shit i got it 19:28 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:32 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 19:35 bloody cold :( 19:35 [Demo]2, DNH nerf wishing a bit? 19:35 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo4 (Bar Orc Fem Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:9202 19:35 <[Demo]2> no, probably the opposite 19:36 <[Demo]2> thats my third artiwish lol 19:36 my largest problem w/ nethack wishing is that there's only a small handful of items worth wishing for 19:36 magic markers, boh if you haven't found one, and wand of polymorph 19:37 <[Demo]2> funyuns 19:37 !rng Barbarian|DoomRL 19:37 NCommander: DoomRL 19:37 k 19:37 ... maybe 19:38 NCommander: extrinsics are worth wishes too 19:38 normally but not always in the form of armour 19:38 ais523, not counting FIQhack, where it's kinda sudical to do so, you're better off reverse genociding in dragons for MR/reflection. 19:38 not in the early game 19:38 True, early game wish is for me ALMOST always blessed +2 GDSM 19:39 ?oGeno is a much less reliable wish than for the DSM directly 19:39 <[Demo]2> free dragon kills 19:39 and you need to have ?oGeno known and some blank scrolls to be able to get the scroll via marker 19:39 <[Demo]2> get ur e word setup right 19:39 ais523, marker will generate a few scrolls, I think three per fully charged. Plus you can wish for two cursed geno scrolls if you don't know it 19:39 [Demo]2: try it in fiqhack 19:39 I dare you 19:39 <[Demo]2> noooo 19:39 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 19:39 <[Demo]2> thats called calling in the firing squad 19:39 I've done it in FIQHack but it's dangerous 19:40 doable sure 19:40 but dangerous 19:40 <[Demo]2> not early game though 19:40 Best way I've found is have uber pet and camp on the stairs, or conflict/closet/teleportation. 19:41 I wish I could figure out why doomrl's ASCII mode is futzy on Linux 19:49 !tell K2 pushed a fix to avoid pets getting stuck at floor food it doesn't want to eat 19:49 Will do, FIQ! 19:52 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 13036 points, T:5684, killed by a soldier ant 19:56 <[Demo]2> one time i got stuck on earth forever and it sucked 20:40 -!- nikheizen has joined #hardfought 20:42 [Demo]2: Couldn't find the portal? 20:44 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:51 <[Demo]2> no 20:51 <[Demo]2> portal wouldnt take me 21:00 NCommander: your player monster bones just zapped me the stuff out of me until I died 21:00 zxkuqyb, which one? 21:01 the one with a bag and wand of magic missile, at mines under town 21:02 I also mispressed ; into l and stepped towards you :) 21:21 !who 21:21 FIQ: [hdf-us] Zxkuqyb [fh] 21:21 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 21:21 why wasn't there a report 21:22 less than 10k turns 21:22 ahh 21:22 ok 21:22 ok 21:22 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-25 19:49 EST: pushed a fix to avoid pets getting stuck at floor food it doesn't want to eat 21:23 btw, I kinda want to lower the turn count but I forgot the command for it lol 21:23 setmintc 21:23 !setmintc 21:23 FIQ: Usage: !setmintc [turncount] 21:23 !setmintc 0 21:23 FIQ: Min reported turncount for fiq set to 0 21:23 !setmintc - 21:23 FIQ: Usage: !setmintc [turncount] 21:23 cool, thank you 21:23 K2: how do I delete it 21:23 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 21:23 I mean 21:23 setmintc 0 basically deletes it 21:24 !setmintc 5001 21:24 zxkuqyb: Min reported turncount for zxkuqyb set to 5001 21:24 but I know there used to be a "proper" way 21:24 go issue !setmintc 21:24 just 21:24 but I did... 21:24 !setmintc 21:24 FIQ: Min reported turncount for fiq removed. 21:24 by itself 21:24 !setmintc 21:24 FIQ: Usage: !setmintc [turncount] 21:24 ohh 21:24 confusing 21:24 but ok 21:28 looking at how to add hpbar for sporkhack in regular mode 21:28 the code between what was done to gh vs sp is too different 21:28 for my abilities 21:29 src/botl.c - it's not alike enough between the variants for me to incorporate the changes without screwing something up most lkely 21:29 :/ 21:33 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 526 points, T:851, killed by a human Keystone Kop 21:37 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:50 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1531 points, T:1552, killed by a giant ant 21:54 [hdf-us] [nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 308 points, T:1254, killed by a dwarf 22:02 -!- greqrg_ has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 22:07 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 22:20 -!- aoei has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:21 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 22:31 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 22:36 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 958 points, T:1209, killed by a hill orc 22:36 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:36 -!- aoei has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:50 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1387 points, T:989, killed by a dwarvish lord 23:18 !who 23:18 K2: [hdf-us] k2 [sp] 23:18 K2: [hdf-eu] No current players 23:18 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving]