00:22 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:29 [hdf-us] [slex] k2 (Lad Clk Mal Neu), 40 points, T:434, killed by a monster (grid bug) 00:42 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a water nymph, on T:7683 00:48 -!- Jonathanhanes_ has joined #hardfought 00:48 !who 00:48 Jonathanhanes_: [hdf-us] k2 [gh] 00:48 Jonathanhanes_: [hdf-eu] No current players 00:54 Morning world 01:12 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:9831 01:26 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 01:41 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 01:41 -!- noty has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 01:53 That was slightly terrorifying 01:53 * NCommander got his GDSM 01:58 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) had scimitar bestowed upon her by Camaxtli, on T:14189 02:01 #turn is OP 02:01 damn 02:01 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:07 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) had scimitar bestowed upon her by Camaxtli, on T:14741 02:07 !8ball test 02:07 bug_sniper: Outlook not so good 02:35 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 02:39 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 02:46 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 78467 points, T:26405, killed by Nalzok 02:46 ARGH 02:46 your quest nemesis? 02:47 really? 02:47 StatueSurfer, he hit for 30 points of damage, and I failed to escape in time 02:47 :( 02:47 you should be prepared for that kind of stuff going in 02:49 StatueSurfer, AC -20, was at full health going in 02:49 !rng Priest|Ranger 02:49 NCommander: Priest 02:49 no scroll of scare monster? 02:51 assuming normal distribution he averages 38 damage per turn 02:51 without factoring in spellcasting 02:52 scrolls of scare monster doesn't work in fiqhack 02:52 on unique monsters 02:52 no 3.6 shenanigans allowed 02:54 oh 02:54 ~~boo~~ 03:01 nalzok gets healing, protection, speed monster and phase 03:02 what does he need phase for 03:02 did you change covetous behavior 03:02 I didn't change covetous behaviour 03:03 phase is useful for dealing with boulder forts 03:03 oh 03:03 actually I did change covetous behaviour 03:03 because it was kinda broken in nethack4 03:04 but all I did was trying to revert it to how it works in vanilla 03:14 kek 03:14 looks like a lieutenant stepped on a poly trap in Gehennom 03:14 and became a blue jelly 03:27 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:4978 03:28 ... 03:28 well 03:28 Sokoban Wand of Wishing ... 03:28 I'll take it 03:30 NCommander: remember what happened the last time you got early /oW 03:30 there be some dragons down below 03:31 FIQ, considering how my last priest went ... yeah 03:31 ugh 03:31 I can't decide if I suck at NH, or FIQHack tweaked the balance JUST enough to keep me off my game 03:31 fiqhack earlygame is easier 03:32 latergame is harder 03:32 I've noticed 03:34 FIQ, RNG has been .. unusually kind. It's coughed up a crystal plate mail on Dl:2 and a +3 ring of protection in a shop 03:34 nice 03:34 FIQ, I do very much appreciate the mid/endgame is not a cakewalk. Usually once I get past the castle, stupidity is the only reason to YASD 03:35 the RNG is out to get you 03:35 it just wants to make you complacant 03:36 I see that you intend to die with a wand of wishing in inventory 03:36 almost, at least 03:36 and in sokoban, so not even bones 03:36 you can use ctrl+e btw 03:40 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed spellbook of identify", on T:5799 03:40 !setmintc 03:45 FIQ, right now, I'm trying to figure out how to remove this spotted jelly 03:46 * NCommander is semi-debating burning a wish for spellbook of magic missle *or* spellbook of protection 03:46 you could find some rocks 03:46 ... and the obvious solution presents itself 03:46 ? 03:47 I see a wand of fire 03:47 you could use that 03:48 FIQ, I hate using those offensively due to being able to permaburn Elbereth 03:48 I'm also unsure it has enough charges to do the job 03:49 well monsters generate HP faster in fiqhack 03:51 FIQ, yeah ...hit and run isn't going to work 03:51 I'm probably better figuring out how to go down and come back 03:56 just don't die 03:56 dying with a wand of wishing would be too bad 03:59 FIQ, yeah ... and there's a random helm of brillance 03:59 * NCommander blinks 03:59 heh 04:00 NCommander: NeroOneTrueKing found like 5 wands of wishing in his fiqhack game a while back 04:00 He didn't ascend 04:00 I see that you also had a helm of telepathy 04:00 not bad 04:03 FIQ, yeah. A little pointless when you're a priest due to the quest artifact, but it's nice for now. I just discovered genocide so I might try sending in some dragons. I have a scroll of scare monster, and just need to carve out the right room. 04:03 dragonbreath 04:03 uh 04:03 yeah 04:04 dragons can flee then proceed to obliterate you 04:04 FIQHack dragons can breathe in melee range 04:04 and a lot more effectively considering this is FIQhack 04:04 StatueSurfer, you dig out a 3x3 room behind a closet and use conflict. 04:04 that's how I did it shortly before I splatted 04:04 ... luckstone 04:05 hmm that works? 04:05 how? 04:05 FIQ, they used their breath weapons on each other and ignored me. 04:05 fiqhack dragons should be able t ohandle that 04:05 I was able to pick off the stragler. 04:05 FIQ, it worked fine. 04:05 why are they breathing each other in conflict 04:05 oh I know why 04:05 because melee range 04:06 NCommander: but with that said 04:06 dragonbreath can explode 04:06 be careful 04:06 what dragons are you sending in specifically 04:08 frig 04:08 * NCommander JUST found a spellbook of identify 04:08 *sigh* 04:08 I don't regret the wish 04:08 but I'm slightly annoyed 04:09 you found it in dlvl2? 04:13 FIQ, locked chest that I bypassed before due to no key. 04:13 !tell K2 pushed a minor fix 04:13 Will do, FIQ! 04:13 NCommander: ah 04:13 FIQ, I'm really afraid to what the RNG will do 04:13 * NCommander just found ANOTHER two good items 04:14 BoH and Gaunlets of Dexerity ... 04:14 I had a game like that once 04:14 no early wand of wishing 04:14 but I basically got my entire ascension kit by dlvl10 04:14 apart from DSM 04:15 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:29 -!- hpardis has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:32 NCommander: when you polymorph yourself into an arch-lich, do you get spells? 04:38 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:39 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 04:40 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:40 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 04:52 FIQ, I haven't tried. 04:53 FIQ, the mines spawned a polytrap which in turn made a bunch of liches ... which was where brave sir robin bravely ran away 04:53 NCommander: you don't gain spells by polyselfing 04:53 so why should monsters gain spells by polymorphing? 04:53 :p 04:56 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:56 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 04:56 -!- deadnoob has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:56 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 04:58 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:58 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 04:58 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:02 FIQ, I though the draining attack was an attack, not a spell. 05:02 what draining attack? 05:02 I though lichs could level drain 05:02 or has my brain said goodbye 05:03 oh yay, "oR. Always a bit sad when you get multiple BoH :( 05:14 Izchak the silver dragon on a candle on the floor of a room. 05:14 I ... 05:14 how did THAT happen 05:15 Interestingly, he still counts as a shopkeeper 05:36 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 05:38 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 05:42 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 05:58 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:07 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 3690 points, T:4597, killed by a jaguar 06:08 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 06:14 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 403 points, T:1153, killed by a kitten 06:25 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1501 points, T:1713, killed by a giant ant 06:33 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 06:40 * NCommander blehs 06:41 NCommander: liches can do none of those things 06:41 liches are dangerous because of their spells 06:41 besides that, all they have is a touch cold attack 06:41 so a lich without spells is basically harmless 06:42 fair enough 06:42 I'm currently just figuring out what my next moves are and if I want to head down to mine's end. I already have a luckstone 06:53 :/ 06:53 polymorphing my pet got me a lich ... with no spells 06:53 FIQ, I assume they don't get new spells if they grow up? 06:53 no 06:53 but you can give them books 06:53 to read 06:53 so you can customize spells that way 06:54 making them arguably the strongest pet in the game if handled properly 06:54 besides Archons 06:55 having a arch-lich pet zapping everything with sleep, magic missile, hasting itself and you, etc 06:55 is nice 06:55 NCommander: ^ 06:56 ... didn't know that would work 06:56 I've yet to find a single attack spell though 06:56 Frig, he probably detamed by now 06:58 of course, you are playing a priest 06:58 so you're choosing between giving it spells 06:58 and giving you them 07:01 NCommander: also, a pet master or arch-lich will covetous-warp for *your* benefit 07:01 harassing hostile monsters, etc 07:01 FIQ, yeah, I'm keeping him around for now seeing if he'll grow up. I've got a LOT of duplicate spellbooks but they're all types that won't help 07:02 and then warp back to you once he's content 07:02 ahh 07:02 what kind of books? 07:02 detect monsters is useful for it 07:02 clerical mostly, but not that one 07:02 protection too, of course, if you can stand the message spam 07:02 allthough that shouldn't be as bad now 07:02 since it will maintain protection 07:02 I'll likely wish for a WoP and a magic marker and polypile the books to get ones I *do* want, or write them after I've learned them. 07:02 meaning less spam 07:03 or blank and write them, as long as I know the book, I should be able to write them successfully, but I don't *know* any attack spells :( 07:03 liches are kinda slow at growing up 07:04 but once they reach demilich, it goes faster 07:04 since they deal more damage 07:04 Fortunately I know create monster 07:04 so this is trivial if time consuming 07:04 heh 07:04 you could just use it on dlvl1 07:05 Well that or get the book of create familiar in the shop 07:05 and try for another pet 07:05 Minotaur would be nice :) 07:05 a lich is IMO much more useful 07:05 but YMMV 07:07 FIQ, I have a magic whistle, multiple pets is relatively easy :) 07:07 FIQ, there's a way to give items to pets in FIQHack, i.e, armor and such? 07:08 throw it 07:11 FIQ, hrm, lichs don't use weapons? Otherwise I'd go retrieve Orcrist. 07:11 they do not 07:12 this is the major reason as to why a lich without spells isn't very useful 07:13 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 07:13 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 04:13 EST: pushed a minor fix 07:14 FIQ, yeah, I need to find him a book of magic missle. I have cone of cold, but I was saving that for myself 07:14 do you reach skilled in attack spells? 07:14 if not, I think the lich could make better use of it 07:15 I can't even get skills in attack spells, At least I don't need to bless it for him 07:16 then I think the lich has more use fo rit 07:16 *for it 07:16 FIQ, I'm still trying to figure out how Izcack became a silver dragon of all things 07:16 I don't know 07:16 possibly caught by polymorph crossfire 07:17 maybe he always wanted to be a silver dragon 07:17 I would think he would be a yellow light 07:17 :) 07:17 Interestingly, he stillc ounts as a shopkeeper and still talks 07:18 pets do not attack peacefuls 07:18 heh 07:18 nice 07:19 seems like the lich picked up a book to read the spell 07:21 NCommander: metallic armor and shields impede monster casting too 07:21 ... frig 07:22 NCommander: if you can reach expert wands and bless probing, you can check monster spell lists and fail% 07:22 That's a tall order, and a LOT of wands 07:23 what is it at atm? basic? 07:23 basic 07:23 heh 07:23 yeah plenty of zaps needed for that 07:23 If I remember pet mechanics, they'll only equip something of higher enchantment/AC 07:23 yes 07:26 FIQ, boom, now a demilich. Still a long way to go to archlich, but we're going the right way 07:26 heh 07:27 nice 07:27 will go quicker now 07:27 yeah, decent attack, I'm actually OK with him in metal armor so he won't die until I can get defensive spells on him 07:27 at most 24 kills and he's a master lich 07:27 then he'll probably take care of the rest himself 07:27 I'm likely going to altar farm with create monster after I restock my holy water 07:28 ah 07:28 * NCommander reminds himself to toss a unihorn 07:33 NCommander: you can adjust an item into itself to merge everything 07:33 FIQ, I know, I just always found it faster to mass drop and pick up 07:34 ah 07:36 NCommander: at skilled or above, make invisible can toggle invis 07:37 FIQ, I have it as an intristic, and Charger is wearing my old cloak of invisibility 07:37 right, I was thinking for your own benefit 07:37 for shops 07:38 there you go, master 07:44 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:44 FIQ, nope, he's arch now :) 07:45 nice 07:50 !tell K2 pushed update 07:50 Will do, FIQ! 07:51 now players have larger control over what equipment pets use 07:51 they will prefer thrown objects over anything else 07:51 preferring the last thrown one 07:59 NCommander: why is there a billion peaceful zombies 07:59 lol 08:00 FIQ, #turn 08:00 ah 08:00 Sadly, chaotic doesn't vaporize them 08:00 heh 08:05 God, watching the Tame Purple L go around is nuts 08:05 Never realized they get that powerful 08:07 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 08:07 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 07:50 EST: pushed update 08:08 NCommander: if you restart, pets will now prefer items thrown at them over anything else 08:08 so you can tell it that its own opinions on armor sucks 08:09 FIQ, course you do that AFTER I left the leather stuff up stairs, still he only knows cone of cold so it's not a big deal until I learn magic missle 08:09 NCommander: you need to exit back to dgamelaunch 08:09 also, cone of cold is better than magic missile 08:10 :P 08:10 explosions are nice 08:10 they can't miss 08:10 FIQ, eh, true. I also need to find some wands of light so I can get wand up 08:10 NCommander: also I pushed the fix earlier, blame K2 for being slow updating ;) 08:11 I'm just debating what to burn wishes for 08:11 I plan to give the crystal plate to the lich 08:11 Once I have DSM 08:11 since its second best in the game 08:11 peace on earth 08:13 heh I like setting sparkle to 4 08:13 faster animations are nice 08:13 while keeping it there 08:15 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:17 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 08:17 oh god that's a lot of solders. 08:18 <[Demo]> where? 08:18 [Demo], my game 08:18 be mindful of deathzaps 08:18 I've got reflection 08:18 it can bypass reflection 08:18 if the wand user is skilled 08:19 which soldiers are 08:19 <[Demo]> welcome to fiqhack 08:19 <[Demo]> did you add more ways to get mr? 08:19 no 08:20 well 08:20 potions of wonder 08:20 but that doesn't really count 08:20 FIQ, I hope it can't bypass MR 08:20 it can't 08:20 well 08:20 kind of 08:20 it can leveldrain 08:20 past MR 08:20 but never instakill 08:21 drain res protects against that 08:21 also 08:21 only expert+ can do that 08:21 which basically nothing ha 08:21 s 08:21 beyond demon lords, some other uniques, titans, archons and arch-liches 08:22 of course, a blessed wand of death in the hands of a skilled user will work as expert 08:22 you may want to replace charger's shield too 08:22 large shields make spellcasting nearly impossible 08:24 FIQ, I gave him a small one 08:24 ok 08:24 I'm debating if I want the cold immunity or +3 right now 08:25 I mean 08:25 you have seen what liches does with cone of cold 08:25 *do 08:25 FIQ, not yet :P 08:25 oh? I thought you was the one who nearly died at castle 08:25 because a lich nuked a cone of cold spell in your face 08:26 FIQ, no, I got stoned. Literially. 08:26 yes, I know 08:26 later 08:26 Haven't gotten to the castle since 08:26 but I meant at the castle entrance 08:27 in that game 08:27 Oh, possibly 08:27 Don't remember 08:27 IIRC a lich threw a cone of cold at your face 08:27 I do hope he drops that scroll of genocide 08:27 leaving you at like 8 HP from full 08:27 * NCommander could see that ending hilariously bad. 08:27 why? 08:27 also, do you have scrolls of genocide in your bag? 08:27 FIQ, I have a few 08:28 then drop your bag 08:28 he will drop it 08:28 Status of Charger (neutral): Level 37 HP 296(296) Pw 48(48) AC -19, tame <- I think he's nearly ready for the ascension run :P 08:28 :P 08:28 also, if you don't know 08:28 pets can use bags 08:28 <[Demo]> hey fiq do you know how dnh's pet loot/equip system works? 08:28 so if you intend to keep him longterm 08:28 you should probably get some escape items 08:28 for him 08:29 scroll of fire for slimes, lizard corpses, etc 08:29 FIQ, i don't even have a lizard for myself :( 08:29 (and then put them inside a bag and give him -- he will stash things appropriately to keep it safe until need) 08:29 ah 08:30 FIQ, damn, you really gave them a brain 08:30 <[Demo]> implement something similar to dnh's pet equip/loot system 08:30 yes, I wanted pet use to not be an exercise in tedium 08:30 this entailed giving them a brain 08:30 FIQ, well the one annoying bit is Charger keeps teleporting in from of me and breaking me out of fast travel 08:30 [Demo]: FIQHack doesn't have a direct equip/loot system, but you can accomplish basically the same thing by other means 08:31 NCommander: hmm I wonder why that is 08:31 I mean, I know the teleporting thing, that is ok 08:31 but travel should ignore pets 08:31 simply displacing them 08:31 FIQ, I think I might be failing to displace him, he's got stealth and invisibity though I can see invisible 08:34 yeah 08:34 he learned cone of cold 08:34 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 08:34 damn 08:34 Lichs aren't cold resistant aren't they 08:35 I should probably have given a cloak of cold immunity 08:35 So he doesn't YASD himself 08:41 !tell K2 pushed a fix 08:41 Will do, FIQ! 08:41 NCommander: liches are cold immune, yes 08:41 shiny 08:41 pushed a fix to make travel less annoying with pets 08:42 will be live once K2 updates 08:42 ... it's like some weird reality where the dev team listens to users and applies fixes O_O 08:42 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 08:42 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 08:41 EST: pushed a fix 08:43 NCommander: aosdict did tell you earlier, with the trice thing 08:43 irc.freenode.##nethack-variants.weechatlog:2017-12-14 13:39:12 aosdict welcome to fiqhack, where bugs are fairly common but they get fixed in 3 minutes after you discover them :) 08:43 :P 08:44 [Demo]: 1 account wasn't enough? :p 08:44 "Demo2" 08:44 <[Demo]> ok so like 08:44 <[Demo]> i have a dnh game on my main one that im tired of but cant find it in me to kill 08:45 FIQ: i'll ask r/roguelikes to add hdf to ther list once we hit one year 08:45 <[Demo]> so i decided eh, ill play on ascension run 08:45 ah 08:45 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:45 FIQ, :P 08:45 <[Demo]> so i did but then someone suggested i just make another hf acc 08:45 K2: rumflump is the one who added the nethack servers 08:45 <[Demo]> and i like hf better cause its faster 08:45 back then, the combination of mentioned servers gave a complete list of variants 08:45 that is no longer the case 08:46 <[Demo]> also kerio is an arch lich 08:46 i know rumflump add hdf on r/nethack 08:46 does he have that same lvl of access for r/roguelikes? 08:46 [Demo] lol 08:46 he is the one who made the wiki list of servers I think on r/roguelikes 08:47 he has so many different aliases 08:47 it's hard to track 09:01 -!- Announcy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 09:02 -!- bhaak has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:10 The wiki's page on rnz is definitely the most math-heavy page there. 09:34 <[Demo]> so i dont use arrows but if i were to whats the size of an enchanted end game stack? 09:52 [Demo] I like to have at least 80-100 arrows on hand, +6 to +7 09:52 they get heavy is the only thing 09:53 <[Demo]> ok thats what i was estimating around 09:53 <[Demo]> shouldn't have a weight issue because dnh 09:53 eh? 09:53 dnh doesnt do encumberance? 09:54 <[Demo]> dnh has ways to get more carrying space 09:54 <[Demo]> and i am utilizing those 09:56 !tell K2 pushed a bug where MR wouldn't actually work against magic missile 09:56 Will do, FIQ! 09:56 <[Demo]> also helps that i have an effective movement speed of 40 09:57 heh 09:57 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 09:56 EST: pushed a bug where MR wouldn't actually work against magic missile 10:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:10 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 10:11 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:12 [hdf-us] [fh] Katsuo (puck) (Sam Hum Mal Law), 40900 points, T:4026, killed by a black unicorn 10:16 -!- puck1 has joined #hardfought 10:16 Does it possible to copy settings and scoreboard from hardfought to eu.hardfought? 10:17 Is it possible* 10:22 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 10:22 puck1: yes 10:22 press j on the "main menu" of dgl 10:23 What about scoreboard? 10:23 , FIQ 10:23 ahh, you'll have to ask Tangles about that 10:24 Only fiqhack scoarboard doesnt sync with eu? 10:24 no, *no* nethack scoreboard syncs with eu 10:24 including (but not limited to) fiqhack 10:25 And I need ask Tangles about implementing scoreboard syncing, right? 10:26 yeah, but I already did :p 10:27 Okay. I'll wait for news about scoreboard syncing here 10:38 FIQ 10:38 Mandevil's scoreboard tracks the hdf eu server 10:38 i havent updated the scoreboard on hardfought yet to track eu logfiles 10:38 K2: puck1 is refering to record 10:38 as in 10:38 its on the to-do 10:39 the ingame scoreboard 10:39 oh i see 10:39 that would be something 10:39 should be much simpler than bones handling 10:39 I think 10:39 no matter which server you logon to, you can see who's playing across all servers 10:40 watch-sharing would be nice too 10:40 but I was referring to the score list 10:40 Is there bones sharing between eu and main? 10:40 there will be by tomorrow 10:40 Okay 10:40 ooh, that will be good 10:40 this thing 10:40 │ 1 295038 NeroOneTrueKing Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 226 [263] │ 10:40 │ 2 287114 introsp3ctive Sam-Hum-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 321 [321] │ 10:40 │ 3 286942 JH Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 34 [189] │ 10:40 │ 4 283160 DUCKHACK Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 312 [312] │ 10:40 just to be clear 10:40 tangles created the script, we'll start implementation tomorrow 10:40 @ K2 10:41 and yeah, Isaw the bones thing :) nice 10:41 *I saw 10:41 oh you mean the record file 10:41 i gotcha 10:41 yes 10:41 15:38:50 +FIQ │ K2: puck1 is refering to record 10:41 :P 10:42 ok 10:42 an alternative would be if the games themselves knew about server sharing/etc 10:42 and you could see yourself/server/all 10:42 but that's more complex than needed 10:42 merely record sharing would be enough 10:42 since we were already merging xlogfiles and other data during the tournament, this should be trivial 10:43 right 10:43 should be similar 10:43 well, for ppl like you or Tangles 10:43 :P 10:43 :P 10:43 :P 10:43 everybody :P 10:44 been holding off on announcing the eu server until certain bits were in place 10:44 the bones sharing is one of them 10:45 and all this work now will pay off for when we start working on next years tourney 10:54 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:56 -!- firemonkey has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de] 11:07 -!- K2_ has joined #hardfought 11:07 -!- K2 has quit [Disconnected by services] 11:07 -!- K2_ is now known as K2 11:08 -!- lorimer has quit [Quit: NAE TROOSERS] 11:08 -!- K2 has quit [Disconnected by services] 11:08 -!- K2_ has joined #hardfought 11:15 -!- K2 has joined #hardfought 11:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o K2] by ChanServ 11:15 -!- K2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:27 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 11:42 so that's what the unidentified non-cursed amulet was 11:46 <[Demo]> i hate the late game 12:08 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 12:15 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) killed Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses, on T:31759 12:16 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 12:17 -!- K2_ has quit [Quit: Rico, smoke! *poof*] 12:17 -!- K2 has joined #hardfought 12:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o K2] by ChanServ 12:29 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 12:31 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 12:46 <[Demo]> im about to wish for something stupid, sorry 12:47 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) wished for "blessed spellbook of charm monster", on T:32268 12:53 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 12:57 -!- bhaak has joined #hardfought 13:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:12 https://i.imgur.com/rGVqTnn.png pls nerf soko 13:17 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:33064 13:21 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 13:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 13:22 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 13:27 zxkuqyb: I think it would be a good idea to treat monsters that generate in groups with a somewhat boosted difficulty. 13:28 At least it wasn't a group of trolls and storm giants. 13:29 I think dNetHack has a good soko because monsters (aside from mimics) do not spawn in the boulders area. and DynaHack has the best soko because it's completely optional there 13:29 Sokoban is completely optional in all versions of NetHack. 13:29 but I neeeed the bag, jonadad 13:30 With that said, making it _feel_ more genuinely optional is a good thing. I've taken some steps in that direction as well. 13:30 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) killed Baalzebub, on T:33306 13:31 Evil Patch Idea: in order to make Sokoban seem more optional, there's now only a 50% chance of getting the prize (amulet or bag). The other half the time, you get a mimic that is mimicing the prize object, instead. 13:31 https://i.imgur.com/1ZbIOmv.png look at those cheeky bastards 13:31 Yes, monsters in the pit corridor are annoying. 13:32 That's one of the things I want to change, if I ever get levcomp replaced with something that's not written in YACC. 13:34 jonadad? I didn't think he had kids? 13:34 I don't. 13:35 err.. 13:35 zxkuqyb: Allow us to introduce you to this really cool feature called "tab completion"... 13:36 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) genocided chameleon, on T:57093 13:36 (Not that that doesn't sometimes complete incorrectly, causing confusion of its own...) 13:36 looking at you, Jonathanhanes _ 13:37 Aoshima: indeed. 13:39 what's a tab completion? never heard of it 13:42 [hdf-us] [un] krm26 (Wiz Hum Fem Cha) killed the ghost of sullysully, the former Bandit, on T:3942 13:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) wished for "blessed scroll of pentagram", on T:33665 13:47 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:59 zxkuqyb: It's where you hit the tab key, and it autocompletes things you were typing. Works for shell commands (and often their arguments), IRC usernames, filenames, and just a whole ton of other things. 14:00 tab completion, wildcards, and command history/editing are the three main reason command-based user interfaces are so much faster to use than GUIs. 14:00 *reasons 14:00 thanks for explanation 14:01 the* 14:04 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) killed Dagon, on T:33959 14:06 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 14:06 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo2 (Sam Clk Fem Law) killed Oona, on T:33990 14:06 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:06 <[Demo]> fuck 14:08 no thanks 14:13 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 14:14 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:18 -!- raisse has quit [Client Quit] 14:19 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:23 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:26 22!who 14:26 !who 14:26 FIQ: [hdf-us] Zxkuqyb [fh] mightyquinn [sp] Grasshopper [nd] krm26 [un] Hekik [un] 14:26 FIQ: [hdf-eu] puck [fh] Kontroller [nd] 14:26 ah 14:26 hmm us changed color I think 14:30 -!- khoR_ has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:30 -!- tungtn has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:30 that's odd 14:30 as long as us doesn't go orange I don't mind 14:31 kerio's host is down 14:31 actually I guess that's just the usual 14:31 probably some reboot 14:32 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 14:33 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 14:34 -!- Elronnd has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:39 what the 14:39 Why did I get blasted by stormbringer ... 14:39 that usually means negative alignment 14:41 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 14:42 -!- tungtn has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:42 -!- khoR has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:43 NCommander: are you relying on that arch-lich to nuke the dragons to death :P 14:44 FIQ, he already blew up four of six 14:44 lol 14:44 nice 14:44 FIQ, I'm standing on a scroll of scare monster 14:44 told you cone of cold is useful :P 14:44 and on the upstair 14:45 I think the lich must be out of power 14:45 He's not used cold of cone since 14:45 I stand corrected 14:45 say that again 14:45 :P 14:45 That worked well 14:45 I decided to risk a reverse genocide because I probably want to give him GDSM 14:45 you might consider giving him a HoB 14:46 once you have your quest arti 14:46 so he can cast more realibly 14:46 FIQ, yeah but I need to repair this one 14:46 or a spare robe, etc 14:46 I noticed him fail to cast something earlier 14:46 wonder if he picked up some metallic armor 14:46 He still has a metalic helm 14:46 I haven't actually found a non-metalic one to swap it out 14:46 ah 14:46 ok 14:47 I honestly m ight give him my robe and switch to different scales by the castle 14:47 you could give him telepathy meanwhile 14:47 -!- nht has quit [Quit: nht] 14:47 Depends if I find a decent attack spell 14:47 so he isn't deterred by invisibility 14:47 or similar 14:48 hrm 14:48 There's a helm of ESP up in the dungeon 14:48 Not a bad idea 14:48 I still need to find more spellbooks 14:48 btw, GDSM will make him unaffected by level teleporters 14:48 which is always nice 14:48 those are the worst 14:48 for pet users 14:48 Yeah, that was kinda the point 14:48 I realized he needed MR 14:49 I may switch to shield of reflection since almost all my spells are utility and give him the "oR 14:49 if you lack enchant armor, could just throw him scales meanwhile 14:49 I got the scrolls 14:49 just need to bless it 14:49 ah 14:49 But I need to get down to Medusa 14:49 DL:22 is nasty. 14:49 even with uberlich 14:49 he has just cone of cold though, right? 14:50 could be better 14:50 Yeah, I have the spellbook for cure sickness but I also gave him a unihorn 14:50 Forgot to bless it before I gave it to him but meh 14:50 speed monster would be useful 14:50 Haven't found it 14:50 I doubt there is any chance of casting polymorph as a priest or I'd wish for the spellbook and polypile 14:50 heh 14:50 if you lack levi, you could perhaps try to lure the arch-lich into using cone of cold 14:50 for Medusa 14:51 telepathy helps there I think since he can see the eels 14:51 then 14:51 If I lack levitation and think I can handle minotaurs 14:51 I usually dig down and come back up 14:51 ah 14:51 and get the boots from Perses 14:51 or wish for = at the castle 14:51 if you lack a digwand 14:51 you can use 1(dig down) 14:51 to ensure that you bring your pet with you 14:52 by only digging one turn at at itme 14:52 *time 14:52 I though if he was leashed he goes down with me 14:52 yeah he will 14:52 I think 14:52 Granted 14:52 if he ever detamed 14:52 I'm utterly fucked 14:52 you have spare geno 14:52 just in case 14:52 a L49 demilich is probably one of the deadlist things in the game 14:52 True 14:52 level 37 14:52 He will be before I'm done 14:52 and it's not a demilich 14:52 :P 14:52 er arch 14:53 I'm going to unleash him on the priest quest 14:53 That had a crapton of things for him to kill 14:53 but he caps out at 37 14:53 without the use of gain level 14:53 I though archlich can go all the way to 49 14:53 base level is 25 14:53 cap is 1.5x of base level 14:53 rounded down 14:53 so 37 14:53 Will he use gain level if I give it to him? 14:53 yes 14:53 Hrm 14:53 That's not a bad way for removing rodney from the world 14:54 you could give him slow digestion to deal with digesters 14:54 Haven't found it yet 14:54 if you teached him cure sickness, that should help deal with slim 14:54 e 14:54 That book I have 14:54 I didn't think it cure sliming though 14:55 it does 14:55 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 14:55 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 14:55 Need to get that speed monster book 14:56 you can press a letter to see exact location 14:56 in case it wasn't obvious from "a - (something)" 14:56 I know exactly where ti is 14:56 It's in a shop in minetown 14:56 ok 14:56 just saying 14:56 huh 14:56 :P 14:56 I could just give it to him in the shop 14:56 No need to pay for it ... I think 14:56 Though I could probably end shopkeepers now 14:59 I guess you know that the level restriction is now 10 14:59 and not 14 14:59 a lot of things in the priest quest (but not the nemesis) is cold resistant 15:00 so yeah 15:01 -!- tungtn has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in] 15:01 -!- khoR has quit [Quit: Khor vanishes in a puff of logic.] 15:05 <[Demo]> im still glad u lowered it 15:07 FIQ, yeah, I splatted a priest on the nemesis :( 15:07 ... I must have done something to loose my luck/piss off god 15:07 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 15:07 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 15:10 NCommander: well, if there's one thing that pet is, it's efficient 15:10 lol 15:11 keeps stealing your kills 15:11 so happy I found cold immunity 15:11 cause bloody hell 15:11 That would be a YASD 15:12 pets will not nuke things near you if you don't resist that element 15:12 they're also careful with wand reflections/etc 15:12 (but they're not able to handle explosions resulting from wands) 15:18 ... this is getting to Dwarf Fortress levels of intelligence 15:22 come on, use cone of cold 15:23 oh I see what you're doing 15:23 it will not attack the shopkeeper :) 15:23 pets don't attack peacefuls 15:23 ... too smart 15:23 And even if I had it 15:23 I don't DARE use conflict 15:23 you could always, you know 15:24 anger it 15:25 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 15:26 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 15:32 FIQ, I always feel guilty in RL doing that but watching team L remove the watch from existance is amusing 15:32 Terrorifying 15:32 but amusing 15:32 heh 15:34 I'm deciding if I want to remove the minetown priest 15:36 well 15:36 there's spare priests in quest 15:36 and votd 15:36 also gives you a spare robe and some books :P 15:36 FIQ, I've got one in the main dungeon, I just don't remember how much gold I've given him 15:36 ... 15:36 ugh 15:36 murder IS the best solution it appears 15:36 I mean 15:36 you're chaotic 15:36 <[Demo]> its not murder if u dont enjoy it 15:37 <[Demo]> then its just manslaughter 15:37 oops 15:37 SHIT 15:37 rip 15:37 I wasn't accepted for the quest 15:37 Is that game unwinnable now? 15:37 oh I always go and get accepted ASAP 15:37 for that reason 15:37 Frig 15:37 hmm can't remember if I fixed t hat 15:37 but I don't think I did 15:38 why the hell did that happen 15:38 because your alignment is bad from angering stuff 15:38 Oh, chaotics loose alignment for attacking peacefuls 15:38 don't they 15:38 Frig 15:38 That was a yASD 15:38 not a death 15:39 Well unwinnable is close 15:39 I could fix that issue, but I'd rather do that *after* this game is over 15:39 I'm looking in the source if I'm boned 15:39 to not majorly impact ongoing games 15:39 I assume killing my nemesis won't let me go down the stairs 15:39 quest leader you mean 15:39 and yeah that is what I was going to add 15:39 but not before this game is over 15:40 I could double check just in case 15:40 FIQ, yeah 15:40 Slag 15:41 I've never changing alignments before 15:41 I completely forgot that possibility 15:41 Ugh 15:41 Before proceeding down, converting your alignment at an altar (exception: was lawful or chaotic, and quest portal still present) 15:41 Hrm 15:41 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 15:42 oh right, didn't get permission 15:42 slag 15:43 Can't believe I did that 15:43 -!- nikheizen has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:43 If it's unwinnable, I'll just escape 15:43 or go for the most amusing death I can 15:44 did what? 15:44 oh changed alignment before the quest? 15:44 hothraxxa, yeah 15:44 Complete bonehead move 15:45 FIQ, a quick look at quest.c suggests its unwinnable 15:45 Ugh 15:45 ouch. i accidentally did that once 15:45 afaik it's the only way to make the game unwinnable 15:46 -!- bouquet has quit [Client Quit] 15:46 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:48 hothraxxa, I'm checking the source code now just to make sure there's nothing I'm missing here 15:48 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Unwinnable 15:49 there's a few ways it turns out 15:50 Interesting 15:50 you can convert between your non-starting alignments all you want 15:50 (if you were chaotic, you could become lawful then neutral and then lawful again) 15:50 But can't return to the original one 15:50 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 15:52 no wait 15:53 hey K2 did you change smth on the irclogs? 15:53 chrome downloaded the log, instead of opening it 15:53 Yeah no, it's unwinnable 15:53 Just checked 15:53 vanilla 3.6? 15:53 or 3.4.3? 15:53 Alignment changes can only happen when A_ORIGINAL==A_CURRENT 15:54 Alignment check for quest is always against A_ORIGINAL 15:55 did you make your game unwinnable? RIP 15:55 that's why I like the dnh silver key :D 15:55 why on earth is Qstat() pretending to be a function 15:55 anyway, yeah, unwinnable 15:56 Someone suggest an interesting YASD that I can cause with a wand of wishing 15:56 so what you're saying is, once you turn lawful, you can do chaotic things infinitely and you'll remain lawful 15:56 rumflump, basically. 15:56 that's good sense 15:56 NCommander: what was your original align? 15:57 chaotic 15:57 "I changed my mind once, became righteous, and now I can sin for the rest of my life" 15:57 and you're a wizard? 15:57 No, I'm ranger 15:57 I guess that's how real-world religion works too though 15:57 But I don't think I was accepted to the quest 15:57 er, priest 15:57 hm 15:57 does fiqhack unlock teh stairs if the leader is dead? 15:57 no 15:57 no 15:57 :/ 15:57 I added that now 15:57 Otherwise I'd just do that 15:58 but I aint pushing this 15:58 * NCommander is just annoyed w/ himself 15:58 before the game is over 15:58 lol 15:58 I'm thinking self-genocide 15:58 never died that way before 15:58 a monster's scroll of genocide? 15:58 NCommander: idea 15:58 get 2 scrolls of genocide 15:58 that death is *hard* to pull off though 15:58 confuse yourself and cursed the geno scroll, so you summon player monsters 15:58 FIQ, confused genocide will self-genocide 15:58 <[Demo]> amy did it during junethack lol 15:59 then drop the scroll and make the palyer monsters genocide you 15:59 [Demo]: due to a bug, yes 15:59 rikersan: yeah, that's what I was referring to 15:59 but they will only geno if confused 15:59 then confuse them w/ thrown potion of confusion 15:59 easier to pull off with polyself 15:59 or extinctionist everything and then escape the dungeon 16:00 poly into something genocideable 16:00 like, say 16:00 an arch-lich 16:00 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Law) wished for "blessed fixed amulet of unchanging", on T:21192 16:00 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Law) wished for "wand of polymorph", on T:21194 16:03 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Law), 78965 points, T:21212, wiped out by a blessed scroll of genocide, while stuck in monster form 16:03 huh, didn't know it would say "while stuck in monster form" 16:03 Still amusing 16:03 FIQ, I self-polyed to master mind flayer and nuked h 16:04 ah 16:04 heh 16:04 in hindsight 16:04 should have become a dwarf 16:04 For max irony points. 16:04 should've let a priest genocide arch-liches 16:04 while you were one 16:04 have the roles reversed 16:04 yeah but would have been the same death message :) 16:04 no 16:05 At least I got a unique death message out of it. 16:05 it would say "wiped out by a monster's scroll of genocide" 16:05 ah 16:05 Oh well 16:05 unchanging doesn't affect genocide 16:05 you will be killed anyway 16:05 <[Demo]> gotta killemall 16:05 Actually, I should have genocided elf and quit 16:05 it's not a HP death 16:05 There's a unique message for that 16:05 NCommander: go play dnethack you can never make the game unwinnable :D 16:05 quit, while on charon's boat 16:05 <[Demo]> yeh u can rikersan 😛 16:05 -!- deadnoob has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:06 [Demo]: how? 16:06 the silver key and unique items are all indestructible 16:06 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 16:06 binders nonwithstanding I don't think the game can be unwinnable 16:06 <[Demo]> i dont have an answer to that but im sure there are ways with how fun and buggy that is 16:06 lol 16:06 <[Demo]> im pretty sure my dagon level got hella fucked 16:06 dagon is hella fucked 16:07 <[Demo]> if a level can be fucked out of working properly you could take out key items with that 16:11 https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/commit/6094b697965f606560fa05b0e0a0b1b1f0221db3 16:11 !tell K2 pushed a fix 16:11 Will do, FIQ! 16:13 That ended well 16:13 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 25361 points, T:774, killed by a Kop Lieutenant 16:15 puck1: wait, the same arch-lich killed you twice? 16:15 ouch lol 16:15 bones can be nasty 16:16 oooh 16:16 and I left it in minetown 16:16 God, that's going to be irony if I find my own bones 16:16 considering that lich is packing an ascension kit 16:17 genocides don't leave bones I think 16:19 NCommander: what did you do to summon kobs 16:19 lol 16:19 kops, even 16:19 FIQ, I was being held by a giant minic 16:19 watch out for the keystone kobs! 16:20 read teleportation 16:20 lol 16:20 gg 16:21 [hdf-us] [un] Hekik (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 4421 points, T:5756, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:22 How to see my saves on eu.hardfought? 16:23 And dumplogs 16:23 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/p/puck/ 16:23 This shows only hardfought data, not eu 16:23 Or Im wrong? 16:24 it should show both 16:24 Nope, shows only hardfought saves for me 16:24 not eu.hardfought 16:27 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 34572 points, T:1600, killed by a dwarf king 16:27 * NCommander should probably give up for the night 16:28 puck1: change www to eu 16:30 RRIP 16:32 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Pri Inc Mal Neu), 1369 points, T:256, killed by a black pudding 16:32 In:7 Wi:16 Ch:9 16:33 ... this priest is dumb as rocks 16:33 I've gotten an orcish barbarian with int 3 wis 3 cha 3 16:33 didn't even have good dex 16:34 even his mother didn't want him 16:35 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +5 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance and reflection", on T:19291 16:37 [hdf-us] [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:41407 16:39 rumflump: dnethack? 16:39 sorry, rikersan 16:39 ? 16:39 the orcish barbarian 16:39 was it in dnh 16:39 yes 16:39 that explains it 16:39 but it had the 75 thing 16:39 my local copy fixed that 16:39 "fixed" 16:40 it also lets you wish for wands of wishing 16:40 which get 100 charges 16:40 totally not op 16:40 I don't use it to actually play mostly 16:40 I just use it for testing things 16:40 such as the fact that nero broke staircases 16:43 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:44 I try not to break things too often, but it happens :P 16:46 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:51 try a good eating regime combined with some exercise 16:53 * NCommander got a Minetown bones, but not his own 16:55 um 16:55 ... why does the shopkeeper say I owe him money when I have no unpaid stuff 16:56 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 16:56 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:56 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 16:56 [hdf-us] [fh] NCommander (Pri Elf Mal Cha) killed the ghost of Zxkuqyb, the former Skirmisher, on T:2881 16:59 [hdf-us] [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Asmodeus, on T:42504 16:59 FIQ, I think I found ... something. I stepped ona bones pile in the minetown light shop. Izatch says I owe him 630 zm, but in the previous messages, I didn't pick anything up, nor dod I bash the door down. 17:00 [hdf-us] [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) averted death, on T:42604 17:01 OH 17:01 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Pri Hum Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1506 17:01 never mind 17:01 I see what happened 17:01 what happened 17:05 [hdf-us] [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Baalzebub, on T:42677 17:11 [hdf-us] [dnh] rikersan (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 8131 points, T:3453, killed by a soldier ant 17:15 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 17:18 -!- tungtn has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:18 -!- khoR has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 17:21 -!- puck1 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:33 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 17:35 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 17:35 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 17:35 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:39 [hdf-us] [slex] rikersan (Wan Ang Mal Cha), 19236 points, T:4205, killed by a monster (invisible petty ki-rin called rikersan) 17:39 I hate when your bones file player monster has a wand of poly 17:39 tell larientelrunya wtf is wrong with slex credit, I dropped 100 gold to get credit and pay but the shk stole it 17:39 !tell larientelrunya wtf is wrong with slex credit, I dropped 100 gold to get credit and pay but the shk stole it 17:39 Will do, rikersan! 17:43 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 17:43 rikersan yeah i noticed that too earlier today 17:43 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 16:11 EST: pushed a fix 17:43 last 3 days worth of irclogs download instead of open in browser 17:44 huh 17:44 we ran into this once quite awhile ago, i cant remember what was done to correct it 17:44 * K2 is thinking 17:45 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 17:48 rikersan: that is not a bug 17:48 what isn't? the slex one? 17:48 I asked amy about that a while back 17:48 working as intended 17:48 that's so freaking dumb tho 17:48 to avoid credit cloning 17:48 ah 17:48 rikersan: that is just how slex in general "fixes" exploits 17:48 not neccessarily bad ideas 17:48 related to the gold-dropping 'feature'? 17:48 but the execution tends to be horrible 17:48 yeah 17:48 where you get the essage about the IRS 17:50 ? 17:50 IRS? 17:50 the US thing? 17:51 [hdf-us] [nh] Hekik (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2031 points, T:2744, killed by a dingo 17:52 /* offtop: fiq, I wrote private message to you, you got it? sry for obtrusiveness */ 17:52 sorry I missed that 17:52 ah 17:52 it's already formally released 17:53 Oh, I missed this 17:53 https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/7i7uhz/announcement_fiqhack_430_released/?st=jbe86kb7&sh=1708fbec 17:53 Cool, congrats 17:53 ty :) 17:53 Ill share this with my friends 17:54 ok 17:54 cool 17:55 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 17:55 we had a party and everything 17:55 i baked a cake 17:56 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:2763 17:56 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 17:56 Uhhhh, Im so upset, what I missed 17:56 If only I knew the date 17:58 -!- tungtn has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:58 -!- khoR has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:59 -!- puck_ has quit [Quit: Mutter: www.mutterirc.com] 18:00 FIQ: there's some message that you get if you try to drop gold 18:00 "The IRS would be very interested to konw you have that much" or smth 18:00 not every game but some 18:00 and Istart with it so it's not a stupidstone 18:00 ah 18:01 it's not quite the "IRS" but something like that 18:01 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 18:01 has an I at least 18:02 ah 18:03 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 18:03 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 18:03 NCommander: not sure if you know, but in 3.4.3 (and thus in fiqhack), sokoban reward is static 18:03 FIQ, I do, I want the gold 18:03 ah 18:03 just figured I'd let you know since you already have a BoH 18:03 and have messed up the puzzle :P 18:04 FIQ, yeah ... I need a scroll of earth to fix it 18:04 Ugh 18:04 * NCommander is going to go try and fix his luck 18:04 or a lucky telewand 18:04 but I think I ticked off my deity 18:04 ctrl+x 18:04 a 18:04 tells you if you did 18:05 it gives last time you did something with your god 18:05 for the purpose of figuring out prayer timeout/etc 18:05 -!- puck_ has quit [Client Quit] 18:05 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 18:06 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 18:06 -!- weber.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ EU server now mirroring variants from hdf-main - ssh nethack@eu.hardfought.org 18:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 18:06 hi 18:06 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 18:07 Fiq, I understand right what you made quest feasible independent from alignment? 18:07 [hdf-us] [nh] k2 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 12 points, T:205, killed by a falling object 18:08 puck_: ? 18:08 nice it worked 18:08 but 18:08 I mean what of I changed alignment before quest start I still can get bell of opening? 18:08 Quest requires you to be pious (unless you ask unusually early) 18:08 there's still italics code in those logs 18:08 Ah 18:08 ye 18:08 s 18:08 If you kill the quest leader 18:08 rikersan when the log rotates to the 20th it should open up in a browser again 18:09 italics code? 18:09 FIQ: nice!! Now I can be fully chaotic samurai 18:09 you mean like ? 18:09 puck_: you could also convert after doing the quest :P 18:09 Yes, but I want before :D 18:09 ah 18:10 I already converted after the quest, but this isnt fully chaotic for me :D 18:10 heh 18:12 !8ball will FIQ push another fix/update to FIQhack before he goes to bed tonight? 18:12 K2: Concentrate and ask again 18:13 * K2 concentrates 18:13 !8ball will FIQ push another fix/update to FIQhack before he goes to bed tonight? 18:13 K2: You may rely on it 18:13 [hdf-us] [fh] Katsuo II (puck) (Sam Hum Mal Law), 12651 points, T:195, escaped 18:18 -!- puck_ has quit [Quit: Mutter: www.mutterirc.com] 18:20 K2: cool thanks 18:20 !8ball is fiqhack the best variant 18:20 rikersan: Yes 18:20 cc FIQ 18:20 hi 18:20 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 18:21 yes, Beholder knows what's up 18:21 :p 18:21 lol 18:25 !players 18:25 K2: [hdf-us] NCommander [fh] k2 [gh] ShivanHunter [nd] 18:25 K2: [hdf-eu] puck [fh] 18:29 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 18:41 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:54 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 18:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 18:57 smoky is object detection 18:57 Well 18:57 * NCommander sees murdering a lot of nymphs in the future 19:18 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 19:23 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, on T:8004 19:32 -!- puck_ has joined #hardfought 19:34 -!- puck_ has quit [Client Quit] 19:44 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 19:46 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 19:52 -!- slacko_16322 has joined #hardfought 19:58 !tell K2 added #adjust a a when nothing to merge to split the stack 19:58 Will do, FIQ! 19:58 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 19:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 20:08 oh 20:08 frig 20:08 WHY DO I KEEP FINDING MY OWN BONE FILES 20:10 -!- bouquet_ has joined #hardfought 20:12 -!- bouquet has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:17 -!- bouquet_ has quit [Quit: bouquet_] 20:25 heh 20:25 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-19 19:58 EST: added #adjust a a when nothing to merge to split the stack 20:25 8ball was right 20:26 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 20:35 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:10879 20:37 -!- slacko_16322 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:38 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 20:39 FIQ: fiqhack 'bug', "the hill orc picks up a few equipment" 20:40 think it was armor/weapon/scroll 20:41 monster displacement is EVIL 20:45 yes 20:50 FIQ: major bug, savefile is corrupted when #adjusting 2 corpses together (of diff ages, reproduced with 2 lizard corpses) 20:54 fire brand get :D 20:55 [hdf-us] [gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:22323 20:55 !tell FIQ: plural bug w/ "picks up a few equipment", and segfault when you try to #adjust 2 lizard corpses together (diff ages) 20:55 Will do, rikersan! 20:56 rikersan, having a saccing storm? 20:56 * NCommander just got the RNG to finally spit out Stormbringer 20:57 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Orcus, on T:58450 20:57 NCommander: yep 20:57 I've got fire brand and magicbane 20:57 I've never gotten fire brand in game 20:57 !rng keep going | keep going | keep going | stop 20:57 rikersan: keep going 20:57 ok will do 20:57 I found a cursed Ice Brand on Dl:2 in a shop on a character I ascended though 20:57 Er, no wait, that was a splat 20:58 trollsbane 20:58 really 20:58 thanks a lot anhur 20:58 The last ascension was my dual wielding samuari who ultimately rocked Werebane through the end game because of few wishes 20:58 lol 20:58 !rng hang on to it | ditch it 20:58 rikersan: ditch it 20:58 rikersan, it's at least not quite as god awful as it used to be. 20:59 also: 20:59 !tell FIQ: "the green elf walk very quietly" that's not how to english good 20:59 Will do, rikersan! 20:59 NCommander: that is true I might keep it 20:59 rikersan, which class? 21:00 !who 21:00 NCommander: [hdf-us] rikersan [fh] k2 [gh] Grasshopper [nd] ShivanHunter [nd] krm26 [un] 21:00 NCommander: [hdf-eu] No current players 21:00 !cur rikersan 21:00 !whereis rikersan 21:00 NCommander: [hdf-us] rikersan [fh]: (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) T:5121 The Dungeons of Doom level: 4 21:01 !tell FIQ actually the adjust bug is happening more, looks like it's when things don't autoadjust on pickup with identified items (had it happen with a mirror) 21:01 Will do, rikersan! 21:03 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:05 [hdf-us] [nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:58507 21:06 identify + create monster is great 21:07 stupid jaguars 21:07 [hdf-us] [fh] I'll ascend someday (rikersan) (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 61905 points, T:5655, killed by a rothe 21:07 mmm... id'ed cancellation wand 21:07 ^ jaguar took half my hp 21:07 oh well hopefull that was a bones file 21:07 no really good stuff but magicbane & fire brand isn't bad 21:08 either brand is a great weapon 21:09 Firebrand is great on the ascension run 21:10 as it burns away all those pesky scrolls of create monster and healing that monsters often carry and use 21:10 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:10 great on astral too 21:11 angels and fire do not mix 21:11 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 21:11 "What do you want to wield? [adouzJY or ?*]" h - a cockatrice corpse named 58428 (weapon in hand). "It explodes!" 21:12 in fact, given the changes in sporkhack, firebrand is about the best weapon you can have for astral for that variant 21:12 handle with care 21:13 K2, I've lost your spirit brother/sister/sibling 21:14 he slithered onto a levelport trap 21:14 :/ 21:16 k2: not for my fiqhack dude 21:16 he needed the robe boost from magicbane 21:16 (quarterstaff boost) 21:16 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 21:17 ahh 21:17 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 21:17 looks like I'm going to have to go to lv1 and work down from there 21:19 Grasshopper - https://i.pinimg.com/236x/38/d2/d2/38d2d232e751dc52a8fd2c43084cf1f4--day-lewis-film-posters.jpg 21:21 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:32 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 21:33 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 21:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 21:33 Damn, was just engaging with a succubus when I got a game hangup 21:34 "Shall I remove your shirt, lover? [yn]" 21:34 coitus interruptus 21:34 booo 21:34 :P 21:34 if I was playing slex I'd be punished :C 21:35 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:35 last 3 times I engaged with these succubi I got 3 levels 21:35 I've been giving them negatively enchanted rings of adornment 21:36 apparently I enjoy it more with fuglies 21:36 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:36 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:38 Grassy: but it should have made time stand still! 21:39 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:17185 21:53 aosdict, yes! No more turns for me lol 21:54 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 21:54 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 21:58 lol 21:59 4 times in a row now (gaining levels from succubi) 22:00 ooops didn't get 5 in a row, but I will always remember Nicole... 22:01 unless I get hit by a mindflayer anyway 22:05 Grassy: YASI: when your game hangs up when engaged with a foocubus, the turn counter is frozen for the rest of the game. 22:10 or EPI: If you hang up while engaging with foocubi, you spend the rest of eternity in stasis! 22:15 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 22:16 Beholder: messages? 22:20 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:20499 22:26 ais523: there was a long discussion today based partially on your idea to move luck retention to the amulet slot 22:27 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 22:27 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:27 ok then 22:28 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 22:32 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:34 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 22:55 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 22:56 -!- ais523 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:56 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 22:56 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 6220 points, T:7155, killed by a mumak 22:59 -!- Kontroller has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:00 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 23:07 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:08 [hdf-us] [gh] arnibald (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 756 points, T:975, killed by a dwarvish werewolf 23:19 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:19 -!- Grassy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:19 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 23:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 23:23 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:28 [hdf-us] [dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Clk Mal Non) was given Atma Weapon, on T:46082 23:29 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the Dark One, on T:26230 23:30 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:26237 23:47 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:27091