00:16 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:18 YANI: Refactor the migration code to be a single unified linked list of a new struct for this purpose, containing a struct d_level for destination, a long for migration code, a struct obj* for an object being migrated and a struct monst* for a monster. 00:19 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 00:35 !tell K2 pushed stuff 00:35 Will do, FIQ! 00:38 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 00:38 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-11 00:35 EST: pushed stuff 00:38 again 00:38 sorry, typo 00:38 just woke up, should perhaps wait fixing stuff until fully awake 00:39 [hdf-us] [dyn] kupopo (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 394 points, T:2611, killed by a pony 00:43 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 00:47 [hdf-us] [dyn] kupopo (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 211 points, T:377, killed by a hobbit 00:55 morning for real now :) 00:55 hi K2 00:55 does the bot work on eu now? 00:58 whereis works 00:58 game reporting not so much yet 00:58 ok 00:59 players/who works too 01:00 [hdf-us] [dyn] kupopo (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 524 points, T:1583, killed by a giant bat 01:01 ahh 01:09 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 01:13 [hdf-us] [nd] Raisse (Hea Gno Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4599 01:14 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 01:17 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:27 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:33 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 31112 points, T:927, killed by a wererat 01:44 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 24316 points, T:742, killed by a gnome king 01:45 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 01:52 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:59 . 01:59 LarienTelrunya: Message from K2 at 2017-12-10 06:51 EST: you should look into adding whereis capability for slex. bundlebundlewhateverbleh 01:59 !tell K2 how does whereis even work? also I'd probably have to add like a ton of special cases for slex's nasty traps so players can't make the game leak information :D 01:59 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:00 !tell K2 well I mean "how does it even work code-wise", i.e. is there a commit that enables it? 02:00 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:00 !setmintc 02:00 Tangles: Min reported turncount for tangles removed. 02:01 Hello Tangles, welcome to SlashEMExtended! You are a chaotic male skeleton YSexymate.--More-- 02:01 oboy... 02:01 Tangles: wow, you're playing slex? :) 02:02 probably for debugging 02:04 LarienTelrunya: abandon ye hope all who enter here 02:05 FIQ: haha, where? 02:05 should be a welcome message for slex 02:05 :D 02:11 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 02:13 the +0 dented pot named Never is a Promise (unpaid, 5 zorkmids) {4} 02:14 Tangles: out of curiosity, do you happen to know about in-game item descriptions? hit an item's inventory letter in inventory view :) 02:14 pretty sure that dented pot is a fake artifact 02:15 a "fake artifact"? 02:15 the RNG helmet looks interesting. 02:15 what kind of hellish place is slex anyway 02:15 RNG helmet is a randomized appearance that actually has an effect; we don't know what kind of helmet it really is though 02:15 "Very rarely, the RNG will make ebad stuff happen..." 02:16 > very rarely 02:16 Does it very rarely also make good stuff happen also? 02:16 seems unbalanced, and not truly random otherwise :P 02:16 i don't think you spelled frequently correctly in the description 02:16 theoretically some of the "bad stuff" might be useful, i.e. one of the effects is to become confused, which can be beneficial when you have certain scroll types 02:17 hmm... 02:17 also it's -1 but gives 4 AC points. 02:17 StatueSurfer: FIQ summed it up pretty well with his "abandon hope, all ye who enter here" comment :D 02:17 so 02:17 the rng helmet is like a cursed unihorn? 02:17 if you applied said unihorn every so often 02:17 so otherwise quite good, except the random bad stuff :/ 02:17 Tangles: that struck me as weird too; most of the high-base-AC helmets autocurse but apparently this one does not 02:18 might want to read a scroll of standard id to identify it :) 02:18 StatueSurfer: the RNG helmet can also randomly disintegrate your armor or weapon or turn you to stone or other more dangerous stuff 02:18 sounds not worth it 02:19 * LarienTelrunya sourcedives to find out the exact odds 02:19 at least until late game 02:19 i don't care about odds 02:19 1 in 100000 chance of bad stuff happening per turn 02:19 i can't walk around knowing that death could literally happen if i'm in a hermetically sealed room with no enemies or traps around 02:20 StatueSurfer: slex has an amulet of premature death, which has a 1 in 10000 chance per turn to say "You suddenly die." And then you die. 02:20 does disintegration resistance protect your stuff in slex 02:20 yes; the resistance makes you 99% disintegration resistant, and if the outermost armor piece itself is disintegration resistant then you're 100% resistant. 02:23 btw Tangles: since you probably can't pay the shopkeeper, you're gonna have to steal the items, and the shopkeeper is hard to kill. But you can try the phase door #technique or scrolls, hoping that it will teleport you out, and then make a run for it. :) 02:23 what pets can't steal anymore 02:23 in slex 02:23 they can, but Tangles put on some of the stuff and it's cursed, and seems to have too little money to pay for it 02:24 oof 02:24 why would you put on unID'd items in a shop 02:24 unless you pet-tested it first 02:24 and even then this is slex where apparently everything autocurses 02:24 haha :D well, at least the elongation cloak would have autocursed 02:31 figures 02:31 ok... so the point of that little adventure 02:31 also is there a comprehensive list of all slex items anyway 02:31 *anywhere 02:31 beholder announcements are now working on the eu server. 02:32 Tangles: yay! :) 02:32 StatueSurfer: your best bet is the source, either objects.c or invent.c 02:32 :[ 02:32 okay 02:32 also StatueSurfer: play slex! *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 02:32 i haven't even ascended in vanilla yet 02:32 i came very close recently 02:32 but not quite 02:33 if you play slex for a while, vanilla will feel like Disneyland by comparison :) 02:33 ^true 02:33 anyway, slex items: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/master/src/invent.c - scroll to the bottom, but be warned, there are a *lot* of items in the game :D 02:34 yeah i got that 02:34 i figure that's why no comprehensive list has yet been created 02:34 we once tried to put a complete monster list on the nethackwiki and things, well, kinda broke due to its sheer size :/ 02:35 they had to revert my update with 15000 monsters because it used up too much cpu 02:37 > unfair attack cloak 02:37 because the rng isn't quite against you enough already 02:37 @le?fucking troll 02:37 fucking troll ~3~ flying troll (T) | Lvl: 7 | Diff: 9 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 4 | Attacks: 4d2 weapon physical, 4d2 claw physical, 2d6 bite physical | Alignment: -3 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, regenerates, stalker, infravisible 02:38 heh, unfair attack cloak means that any monster attack may randomly use any damage type, including touch of death and similar stuff 02:38 @le?nasty troll 02:38 nasty troll (T) | Lvl: 17 | Diff: 22 | Spd: 12 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: -4 | Attacks: 3d6 weapon physical, 3d8 claw physical, 3d6 bite physical, 0d0 touch item steal | Alignment: -7 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, regenerates, stalker, infravisible 02:40 @le?morgoth 02:40 Morgoth (&) | Lvl: 100 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 30 | Res: fire sleep disintegrate shock poison acid petrification magic drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 120 | Generates: unique | AC: -40 | Attacks: 8d10 weapon shred, 8d10 weapon shred, 10d4 weapon poison-sting, 1d1 touch disenchant, 10d10 cast spell, 15d15 breath random breath | Alignment: -20 | Flags: flies, tunnels, regenerates, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, covetous, infravisible 02:40 @le?sauron 02:40 sauron ~2~ auror (A) | Lvl: 12 | Diff: 22 | Spd: 18 | Res: magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: special | AC: -5 | Attacks: 3d4 cast spell, 3d4 cast magic missile, 2d6 cast clerical | Alignment: 15 | Flags: flies, seeinvis, stalker, infravisible 02:40 @le?sauron the sorcerer 02:40 No such monster. 02:40 @le?gothmog 02:40 gothmog ~3~ hot dog (%) | Lvl: 7 | Diff: 9 | Spd: 12 | Res: fire | Confers: fire | MR: 20 | Generates: special | AC: 4 | Attacks: 2d6 bite physical, 2d6 breath fire | Alignment: -5 | Flags: genocidable, breathless, mindless, infravisible 02:41 @le?floorgrue 02:41 floorgrue ~1~ floor grue (.) | Lvl: 0 | Diff: 2 | Spd: 4 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d2 bite physical, 1d2 passive tickle, 1d1 gaze remove-light | Alignment: -5 | Flags: genocidable, swims, breathless, mindless, oviparous, vegan 02:41 !players 02:41 Tangles: [hdf-us] Dieonce [nh4] Raisse [nd] 02:41 Tangles: [hdf-eu] No current players 02:42 @le?@le?azathoth 02:42 No such monster. 02:42 @le?azathoth 02:42 No such monster. 02:42 @le?Nyarlathotep 02:42 No such monster. 02:42 @le?Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos 02:42 Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos (&) | Lvl: 93 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 24 | Res: fire sleep disintegrate poison acid petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: unique | AC: -10 | Attacks: 4d30 hug drain con, 4d30 hug drain str, 1d50 gaze drain int, 1d50 gaze wisdom, 12d12 cast spell, 10d10 gaze masterblaster | Alignment: -12 | Flags: omnivore, phases, regenerates, nopoly, demon, stalker 02:57 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 02:57 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:57 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 03:05 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:07 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 39347 points, T:3462, killed by a warg 03:08 !who 03:08 FIQ: [hdf-us] Dieonce [nh4] Nobbs [nh4] 03:08 FIQ: [hdf-eu] No current players 03:14 ok... so dynahack is kind of working on eu. 03:16 err.. there is a chance you can break the chain by kicking it?... 03:17 I don't believe so 03:18 like they'd make escaping punishment that easy 03:56 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 03:57 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:20 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:55 YASI: wand of fishing. Gives a "what do you wish for?" prompt, but you can only input items that you dropped into water earlier, and it will make them appear at your feet. 05:19 YASI: the game allows ranged weapons to be fired in . direction, and gives a mocking message if that kills you. 05:24 hmm 05:24 I think I can come up with a sensible method of handling one certain problem with the NH4 save system in public servers 05:25 the "segfault/crash of any other kind needs dev intervention" issue 05:25 create a file as a crash marker, and remove it upon exiting the process normally 05:26 and upon startup, if said file exists 05:26 allow the user to rewind one turn of his last modified save 05:26 and if he chooses to do so, create a backup of the save for later examinations (this should also handle potential cases of cheating) 05:27 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:27 EPI: to thwart "segfault scumming" (triggering a segfault when a +3 wish comes up +0 or similar), restoring the game after a segfault reduces max HP/Pw by 10 and autosaves. 05:31 the only issue I can think of is that it allows reproducible windowport-related crashes to enable cheating 05:32 but that should be resolved by the backup handling 05:32 since it would be simple to question said user why he did that 05:32 grats raisse ! 05:32 yay! 05:32 thanks! 05:33 raisse: Congraturation! A winner is you! Now ascend the archeologist in slex with ironman mode, please. :) (Just kidding!) 05:34 crazy idea: implement replaymode support in the windowport 05:34 (I will not actually do this) 05:35 -!- zxkuqyb_ has joined #hardfought 05:36 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 53424 points, T:4771, killed by a leocrotta 05:36 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:41 yay, fourk allowed long character names at last :) 05:42 YASI for fourk: boulder-throwing skill, which only giants can use, but the limit for which depends on the player's role. Bonus YASI: roles that cannot be giants at all can enhance it to Expert, while those that can be giants are capped at Skilled or lower. 05:43 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 25552 points, T:639, killed by a gnome lord 05:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 05:51 !rng @role 05:51 !role 05:51 raisse: unnethack rogue 05:51 !role nd 05:51 raisse: archeologist 05:51 lol no 05:51 !role nd 05:51 raisse: rogue 05:51 don't wanna :-/ 05:55 LarienTelrunya: "shot him/herself in the foot" when firing at . 05:55 haha, that would work 05:55 now I want to test what happens when firing something in > direction, I know that you hit yourself with < but never bothered checking the other one 05:56 hmm, just says "an arrow hits the floor" 05:56 boring 05:56 YASI: when firing a bow in > direction, "an arrow hits the floor" can occasionally be replaced with "an arrow misses the floor", and then it will glitch through to the level below. 06:01 hey, I thought I'd set mintc 06:01 to something higher than 1000 06:02 !setmintc 10000 06:02 raisse: Min reported turncount for raisse set to 10000 06:05 EPI: when the game makes a random gravestone on a dungeon level, it is sometimes read directly from the high-score list and whatever monster killed the late player is placed nearby in awake, angry form. 06:05 funny you should mention that 06:06 was just thinking about the dyna save system and why it's so broken 06:06 and was reminded of the one consistent nitrohack breakage I had 06:06 the fact that if the highscore file is different 06:06 the save will desync 06:07 why the save? 06:07 didn't dyna and related variants fix that by hardwiring the highscore file at game start or something, i.e. writing it into the savegame file? 06:07 not sure what you mean with that question 06:07 but the thing is 06:07 the highscore data it uses isn't saved into the save upon use 06:07 (which is somewhat reasonable, it could be rather large) 06:08 so playbacking will use the current highscore 06:08 which can be different 06:08 LarienTelrunya: thing is 06:08 it didn't! 06:08 not even NH4.3 does this, but it's less fatal 06:08 I should fix that at some point 06:08 LarienTelrunya: I was reminded of this because I remember having to fix Jonathanhanes's nitrohack save once 06:09 and was only able to restore up to Valley 06:09 Tangles: doesn't !setmintc work for the eu server? 06:09 and just realized why -- I forgot about that little issue 06:09 at the time 06:09 but IIRC the code only uses the top 100 scores from the file, right? saving those entries into the savegame file shouldn't take up that much space ;) 06:09 the code that makes random statues of deceased players I mean 06:09 I know that because I manually increased it to top 10000 for slex :D 06:13 raisse: It's supposed to. 06:13 hm 06:13 well, it doesn't 06:14 I wonder why daniel_t used ≾ for branch stairs 06:14 I had forgotten about that lol 06:14 it *told* me it had set mintc to 10000 and still reported me at 2147 06:15 see? 06:15 hm 06:16 actually I wonder if this is why dynahack crashes tend to fail to restore in general if they're late 06:16 because of scoreboard changes 06:16 Yes I can see that it doesn't/ 06:17 I am looking at it. 06:20 Ok I know why it doesn't work. I'll have it fixed soon. 06:20 \o/ 06:21 hm 06:21 why exactly is dynahack creating a 22KB line on each time you fire it up again 06:25 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 06:25 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 06:26 'You begin praying to Crom. You are surrounded by a shimmering light. You hear a gurgling noise. You finish your prayer. You feel that Crom is well pleased. Your shield of reflection glows amber. The voice of Crom rings out: "Hark, mortal!" "To enter the castle, thou must play the right tune!' 06:26 What? You mean that gurgling noise? How do I play that on a tonal instrument? 06:28 try to blow a horn while confused? 06:28 or underwater 06:28 sounds like gargling mouthwash to me 06:28 at least Crom uncursed your shield! 06:29 Maybe that's what it sounds like if you try to cross the moat without lowering the drawbridge? 06:30 I guess that is the future of divine music now that grunge is well and truly dead 06:30 I just went and did the castle anyway after that (poly-xorn to grab the WoW before any L turn up and kill me (no MR)) 06:31 Before this I had found poly scrolls... 2 actually... cursed them both and summoned some gray dragons... twice... 8 dragons, no scales 06:32 so my first wish was for a magic marker - and 3 out of 6 dragons dropped scales that time 06:33 raisse, yes I finally got reflection from Perseus! 06:33 no that it did him much good 06:33 not 06:37 sleeping on the job? 06:40 -!- firemonkey has joined #hardfought 06:42 YASI: if you #sit on an altar and a sentient hostile monster is nearby, it can then sacrifice you ADOM-like and instakill you. 06:56 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 06:56 -!- cherryh.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ EU server now mirroring variants from hdf-main - ssh nethack@eu.hardfought.org 06:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 06:56 !setmintc 06:57 oh good. I broke it completely. 06:57 EPI: if a sacrifice is "consumed in a burst of flame", it actually acts like a scroll of fire was just read on the altar, meaning that your stuff can burn and you will lose HP. 06:57 lol 06:57 (not the EPI but the breaking of !setmintc) 06:57 I don't really have a test environment set up for this stuff 07:00 I think this channel is the test environment 07:00 if only you knew.... 07:00 !setmintc 1000 07:00 Tangles: Min reported turncount for tangles set to 1000 07:00 It half works. 07:00 !setmintc 07:00 Tangles: Min reported turncount for tangles removed. 07:00 well that's just weird. 07:01 !setmintc 07:01 hmmm I guess it doesn't report if it doesn't find anything to remove. 07:01 it makes sense 07:01 !setmintc 1000 07:01 Tangles: Min reported turncount for tangles set to 1000 07:01 ok so... 07:02 !setmintc 10000 07:02 raisse: Min reported turncount for raisse set to 10000 07:02 I'll go kill my current priestess 07:02 awwwww 07:02 don't have fun spells anyway 07:03 okay, that seems to work 07:03 thanks Tangles! 07:04 !setmintc 1 07:04 Grasshopper: Min reported turncount for grasshopper set to 1 07:04 Did I get killed by a black pudding in gh? 07:04 nobody knows :P 07:04 it'll be our little secret 07:05 !setmintc 07:05 Tangles: Min reported turncount for tangles removed. 07:05 maximum spam! 07:05 Wham, spam, thank you ham! 07:07 if my posting is a bit sillier than usual then blame the whiskey shots I had with the builder earlier 07:07 !setminwhiskeycount 5 07:07 that should stop me from posting if I've had too many 07:08 Isn't your building project finished yet? 07:08 elenmirie, we are building a jetty 07:08 ah! 07:08 :) 07:08 cool. that works :) 07:08 and there is a plan for a swimming pool next year, depends if we find the right contractors/have the cash $$$ 07:09 nice! 07:09 frankly the swimming pool might be a good earner for us, if teaching works out 07:10 it's not an expense, it's an investment... 07:10 exactly! 07:10 Grasshopper: don't you need !setmaxwhiskeycount for that? 07:11 raisse, in fact it is a !setminwhiskeycount 07:11 so if you've had more than 5, you 07:11 are allowed to post silly stuff? 07:11 no, you need to have more than 5 in order to properly participate in the planning 07:12 but yes, no drunk people teaching in the pool please 07:12 -!- zxkuqyb_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 07:12 ah, otherwise you're not being taken seriously? 07:12 (that includes me) 07:12 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 07:13 !setmintc 9999 07:13 zxkuqyb: Min reported turncount for zxkuqyb set to 9999 07:13 yes, well, I try not to take things too seriously as that can create problems 07:13 just seriously enough 07:14 !setmaxwhiskeycount 6 07:15 no fewer than 5, no more than 6, seems sensible 07:15 like that sweet-zone within which drunk people can actually play pool 07:16 or speak foreign languages 07:17 (this works for me because I usually know a language much better than I think and if I have fewer inhibitions I can just use all of my skill) 07:18 I sort of eroded the threshold for German without any alcohol by having discussions (and disagreements) at a trade fair 07:18 raisse, I learn (or consolidate) a lot of Thai while getting drunk with the workers 07:22 I also learned a lot of Thai from things like hospital visit (as discussed elsewhere) 07:27 ah, hello Mr/Ms Lich, aren't I glad I have GDSM now 07:42 tangled spam, yikes :P 07:42 oh sorry way on backscroll 07:45 "You begin praying to Crom. You are surrounded by a shimmering light. You finish your prayer. You feel that Crom is well pleased. You hear a divine music... It sounds like a gurgling noise." 07:45 "You begin praying to Yog-Sothoth." 07:45 Actually it was "ACBEB", but maybe that sounds a bit gurgle-ish 07:46 just saying that name would feel like tripping over 07:56 that must be so satisfying to get a wish this early 07:57 leading to a classic YASD! viz: 07:57 dang 07:57 yeah 07:57 rotfl 07:58 I was being beaten up by some ants 07:58 thought they were all gone and went back to digging 07:58 you probably wouldn't have had enough saber skill to hit anything, anyway 07:58 no I killed some :) 07:58 it was switching weapons that did me in 07:58 I kinda was surprised by you not wishing for an armor 07:59 hm 07:59 I still have no idea as to why part of dynahack's logo is covered by pressing load game 07:59 makes no sense 07:59 nitrohack doesn't have this problem 07:59 morning 07:59 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-12-11 01:59 EST: how does whereis even work? also I'd probably have to add like a ton of special cases for slex's nasty traps so players can't make the game leak information :D 07:59 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-12-11 02:00 EST: well I mean "how does it even work code-wise", i.e. is there a commit that enables it? 08:00 oh, well, time to do some work 08:00 nooooo 08:00 :) 08:03 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 08:03 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 08:12 \o/ 08:12 wooo Tangles! 08:18 [hdf-us] [nd] mahershalal (Val Hum Fem Neu), 401 points, T:1190, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted wererat, while praying 08:22 !who 08:22 K2: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [dyn] Zxkuqyb [dnh] Tangles [dnh] 08:22 K2: [hdf-eu] k2 [dyn] Raisse [nd] 08:23 need to setup rc config import for dynahack 08:27 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:33 ok thats working 08:33 so, EU server is completely mirroring hdf-us now for variants 08:34 !setmintc 200 08:34 K2: Min reported turncount for k2 set to 200 08:34 !players 08:34 K2: [hdf-us] hothraxxa [dyn] Zxkuqyb [dnh] Tangles [dnh] 08:34 K2: [hdf-eu] Raisse [nd] k2 [zapm] 08:35 zapm :P 08:35 does that work without in-game prompt again?! 08:37 yes 08:38 and its an easter egg 08:38 (not on the menu) 08:38 dang, now I wanna play zapm 08:41 FIQ: fixed the EU dgl menu column spacing hah 08:42 thank 08:42 s 08:42 it was bugging me 08:42 mmm, now i need to setup rcedit so it works on eu server for all the nh3 variants 08:42 yeah me as well once i noticed it 08:44 K2: I fear for the load speed of NH4 saves on the eu server 08:44 replaying dynahack is slow after merely 200 turns, as testing 08:44 and dynahack's stuff is, while not as fast as nitrohack, much faster than nethack4 08:46 this doesn't just concern replaymode, or it would be easy to solve (just disable it on that server) 08:47 but loading NH4 saves in general 08:58 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 09:05 yup its a concern 09:05 its prob ok for now 09:05 but before junethack i'll need to upgrade the aws instance 09:06 its on an ssd so that's not the bottleneck 09:06 its that a t2.micro is only 1 cpu with less than 1GB ram 09:07 going to a t2.medium will bring it up to 2 cpus and 4GB ram 09:07 which should be sufficient 09:08 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:13 what is Br: stat in dNetHack? 09:17 breath 09:17 huh 09:18 uh oh my bot broke 09:18 Demo: rip 09:18 ive been talking to myself 09:18 its still pulling in messages but failing to forward them and i have no idea why 09:18 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:19 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 09:20 <[Demo]> anyway yeah breath is constitution based, cant remember what number it divides it by but its something 09:25 FIQ https://i.imgur.com/AF71DMO.png :U 09:35 zxkuqyb: upon entering a new level? 09:35 upon dropping an item 09:35 hm 09:35 that's bad 09:35 that I picked up a couple of turns ago 09:36 K2: mind giving me zxkuqyb's save? 09:36 zxkuqyb: it is probably harmless, but needs to be checked regardless 09:36 fuck I'm sorry I restored it 09:36 as the game suggested 09:36 :/ 09:36 drop it again 09:37 drops okay 09:37 hm ok 09:37 K2: I don't need the save anymore 09:37 what did you drop? 09:37 so I can reproduce once the game is over 09:38 unID'd cloak of displacement 09:38 ok 09:38 that is probably enough for me to know what you did 09:38 found on lvl1, looked liked ornamental cope 09:38 ok 09:38 so on T:32 09:38 drop an ornamental cope 09:38 got it 09:38 or possibly T:33 09:40 feel free to tell me when the game is over 09:40 once you ascend 09:40 or die 09:42 https://i.imgur.com/g4eOEkf.png happend again. I think dropping an item wasn't the cause. moving from it was 09:42 this time I was just walking along the tunnel 09:43 what do you mean 09:43 what exactly did you do 09:44 exactly I was going from right to left 09:45 should I press Q? 09:45 you can 09:45 !tell K2 need zxkuqyb's save if you don't mind 09:45 Will do, FIQ! 09:45 displacement was probably unrelated 09:46 probably something happening on the level 09:47 "K2 I need zxkuqyb's save" "K2 I don't need it anymore" "jk I actually do need it this time" 09:47 you hush 09:48 aosdict: this would be more convenient if I could grab stack traces/etc myself :P 09:58 FIQ: incidentally, how different' is NH4's object/monster migration system from NH3's? 09:59 I'd like to know if someone already came up with the refactor I thought of yesterday :P 10:05 aosdict: monster migration works the same 10:05 objects don't migrate anymore, they are instead placed directly at their destination 10:05 this was infamously buggy, the refactor was made by daniel_t 10:05 well, it'd be nice if *I* could place objects directly at the destination. 10:06 oh well 10:06 I don't think doing this is possible in NH3 10:06 because NH3 only has the current level in memory 10:06 yeah I have to augment the migration code 10:06 the more I tinker with things, the more refactors I want to do just to improve the code 10:07 but I have not much incentive to do them, since I'd be the only person actually using them 10:10 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 10:15 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 10:15 [hdf-us] [gh] Ssach (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 149 points, T:160, killed by a dwarf 10:18 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:19 [hdf-us] [4k] Joe (Ssach) (Rog Elf Mal Cha), 450 points, T:217, killed by a jackal 10:19 hothraxxa: how's dyn 10:19 tough on healers 10:20 i also keep getting caught out by his nerfs 10:20 read that as "dyin'" 10:20 eg my first wish was for 2 blessed scrolls of charging. oops 10:20 fucking 1:x wands 10:21 did you kill the wand 10:21 basically 10:21 while playing dynahack 10:21 and pissed on its grave 10:21 think of it as un 10:22 but without sheol 10:22 which i also haven't played much 10:22 ahh 10:23 it's my own fault. i forget to check the wiki 10:23 the other nerf i got surprised with is to genocide 10:23 ahh 10:23 the sacred rule 0 10:23 always consult the wiki first 10:23 well the heat of battle etc etc 10:24 or in fourk's case, always consult the changelog first 10:25 seems to me he really screwed over healers with the armour skill. levels are a lot tougher but healers... aren't 10:25 i have ydsm now 10:25 well grieve 10:36 !tell ais523 YASI addition to thiefstones: you can chuck one at a gold golem and it will levelport the golem to the keyed level 10:36 Will do, aosdict! 11:11 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 11:11 Beholder: messages? 11:11 ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 10:36 EST: YASI addition to thiefstones: you can chuck one at a gold golem and it will levelport the golem to the keyed level 11:12 aosdict: I'm not 100% opposed to that :-) 11:26 hm, thiefstone horizontal teleporting is not merging gold pieces 11:26 I would think place_object did that 11:28 ais523: the existing proposed thiefstone mechanics aren't entirely consistent 11:29 currently, it will do a "baleful teleport" in two cases 11:29 when you don't know that it's a thiefstone, or when it's cursed 11:30 but this leads to weird things like you wish for a thiefstone without knowing what thiefstones look like, and you can use it perfectly fine without knowing that it is a thiefstone 11:31 baleful? 11:31 best thing I could think of to describe it 11:32 like, baleful polymorph 11:32 except thiefstones are in the teleporting business 11:32 a teleport of items that the player doesn't want to happen 11:35 ais523: perhaps thiefstones could always generate cursed, but that has bad strategy interactions with loadstones and also means they're not useful to an early game character who can't remove the curse 11:35 well I suppose the strategy interactions with loadstones aren't that bad, assuming you can kick-test 11:36 YANI: kicking an object of under a certain weight into the wall has the chance to bounce off the wall instead of just "Thump!"ing. 11:37 erm, doesn't have a chance to bounce off the wall, always bounces off the wall. 11:37 Unless, you know, it breaks. 11:47 <[Demo]> so you can bounce arrows off the walls? 11:47 If you kick them, I suppose, yes. 11:47 <[Demo]> Oh kicking 11:48 Maybe just allow this for GEM_CLASS. 11:49 ais523: so 11:49 so you think this seems reasonable 11:49 *do 11:49 in a public server environment 11:50 in case the game didn't exit correctly during last run 11:50 allow the user to rewind a single game turn in his save, which also creates a backup and notifies me about it? 11:51 unless one already exists for the given game 11:51 this should allow 1) people to continue games that segfault, if doing something different prevents it, and 2) avoid cheating by 'logging' such rewinds 11:52 (meaning that, for example, a windowport crash, doesn't allow cheating since it would notify me/server admins 11:52 ) 11:53 aosdict: would be cool if you could port monsters in general by throwing a thiefstone at it 11:54 but that gets into Banishment territory 11:54 yeah it seems kind of overpowered 11:55 the reason it's not for gold golems is a) the stone would need to be blessed in order to teleport gold, 2) you lose the stone until you return to its location, 3) gold golems aren't THAT threatening 11:55 a, 2, 3 11:55 <[Demo]> how do thiefstones and endgame interact? 11:55 aosdict: polyself into gold golem 11:55 throw a thiefstone < 11:55 use it as a portal 11:55 if you still want to use one to teleport stuff in the endgame... good for you, I guess, you're not going to see it again 11:56 FIQ: yeah not sure if that's overpowered or not 11:56 <[Demo]> i assume it doesnt work with indestructible items then? 11:56 well it should obviously not work with the Amulet 11:56 thiefstones *generated* in the endgame would presumably just create a keyed location like normal 11:56 or you can bypass the levelport restrictions 11:57 yeah probably it shouldn't work with unique items 11:57 at all 11:59 !tell Arsinoe stuff 11:59 Will do, FIQ! 11:59 FIQ: perhaps we could somehow detect segfaults and show the "is corrupted…" message on the next load? 11:59 where Q would refuse to load the save and R would rewind it a turn 12:00 ais523: how would that be done though? 12:00 aosdict: I don't think self-stashing is overpowered if it requires a bizarre polyself to work; it'd be similarly powerful to controlled levport 12:00 without just detecting unclean exits in general 12:00 unless you do something like have a parent process that spawns the actual NH4 process 12:00 and catches its signals 12:00 you can write a segfault handler, the problem is that inside a segfault handler the state of the program is inconsistent so you can't really use any of it 12:00 right 12:01 to save me some time picking through code: is owornmask zero if and only if the item is not being worn? 12:01 aosdict: yes 12:01 although I forget how it works with monsters wearing items 12:01 in this case, it's just the player 12:01 ais523: they have a redundant misc_worn_check 12:01 but otherwise uses owornmask too 12:01 FIQ: right 12:02 I knew it was broken somehow but couldn't quite remember how 12:02 I think the misc_worn_check is really only there for cache purposes 12:02 anyway, if the item is in the player's inventory, owornmask != 0 means the player is wearing it 12:02 the specific value of owornmask will specify where the player is wearing it 12:02 and the game makes assumptions that owornmask != 0 means wearing 12:02 both for monsters and players 12:03 interestingly, owornmask is a bitmask but can never have more than one flag set at a time 12:03 sounds like a place for an enum 12:03 except possibly involving quivering 12:04 ais523: can a segfault handler create its own memory safely? as in, don't use any of the proper process' memory 12:04 FIQ: I don't believe you can quiver a worn item 12:04 so you can write to a file "I segfaulted :(" and then exit 12:04 FIQ: it can use a static buffer safely 12:04 it can't use malloc 12:05 ah 12:05 there's one other subtlety which is "what if the segfault is caused by a stack overflow", so you can actually pre-allocate a spare stack in advance for the segfault handler 12:06 so that it has stack space even if the regular code had used all the regular stack itself 12:06 (the stack's used to store local variables and to allow function calls to work correctly) 12:10 "What's that thing, Set?" "Oh, my worshippers love it." "Ah, so I'll try on this new one who needs a gift, then." 12:14 any Incantifier experts in chat? is it worth it to train martial arts? 12:14 <[Demo]> no just do attack spells 12:14 <[Demo]> thats all you need 12:15 <[Demo]> assuming dnethack incantifier 12:15 dnh, yes. what about lightsabers? 12:15 <[Demo]> oh hell yeah 12:15 lightsabers sound p strong 12:16 <[Demo]> they r nuts 12:22 zxkuqyb: for what? ana? 12:22 don't worry about martial arts imo 12:22 you'll have a hard time if you get GM martial arts + exp saber + exp attack + exp firearms 12:22 I generally max saber & soresu form, firearms to exp/skilled, attack/healing/divianation spells 12:23 I thought about martial arts just to save up the lightsaber charges 12:23 lightsabers almost never run out tbh 12:23 except for the QA, it starts uncharged 12:23 <[Demo]> that first charge lasts forever 12:24 oh so I can lit it from start? 12:24 <[Demo]> there are so many power packs on your quest and yes 12:24 dang 12:24 here we go then 12:24 <[Demo]> think like 60 or so power packs 12:25 zxkuqyp idk how much you read but don't _don't_ do the quest early 12:25 _don't_ 12:25 you will be roflstomped 12:26 <[Demo]> the earlier you do it the more fun it is though 12:26 noted. thanks 12:27 <[Demo]> ana quest is easily my favorite cross variant 12:28 zxkuqyb: also, try not to get telepathy before you go. (not hard not to do as inc) makes the elder brains & flayers so much harder 12:28 <[Demo]> and the semblances 12:29 <[Demo]> but yeah quest is not bad at all as incantifier 12:29 <[Demo]> cause you can get lightning from quest home and its nothing out there resists your magic missiles 12:29 <[Demo]> so you effectively don't have to meelee anything 12:50 a Vlad's Tower on dlvl2? 12:50 didn't expect that 12:50 and died 12:55 <[Demo]> uh somehow i got teleportitis 12:55 <[Demo]> oh rats 13:03 zxkuqyp: don't do vlad's yet, until you have fire resis/drain resis 13:03 (and a good weapon) 13:03 fire breath is essential for the hellhounds & ceberus 13:04 the guareenteed holy water, crystal plate mail, and waterwalking boots are good though 13:15 <[Demo]> oh hey i totally forgot about magic chests 13:20 FIQ you still need zxkuqyb game? 13:20 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-11 09:45 EST: need zxkuqyb's save if you don't mind 13:27 -!- Elronnd has joined #hardfought 13:39 oh! hadn't noticed I was still illiterate 13:39 works better for val or tou, anyway 13:40 does beholder only report milestones like that after the first 5k turns or so? 13:40 yes 13:40 I don't know the number exactly 13:40 breaking atheist, illiterate, foodless/vegan/vegetarian 13:43 oh raisse congrats on your recent ascension! 13:43 thanks! 13:44 now killing healers, priests, tourists etcetera 13:44 heh 13:44 i'm going to attempt to ascend every role in sporkhack i think, priest is on my list to try now 13:44 this arc was a kickass fighter at the end with +7 excalibur and a +6 silver saber (I gave up trying to get the saber to +7 at some point) 13:45 oh yeah! 13:45 love dual wielding arcs 13:45 never bothered to enchant most of my armor so ascended with AC -24 (and 10 of that was divine protection) 13:46 nice 13:49 K2: sporkhack full monty with bells on when? 13:50 it took me better part of a year to full montygrunthack. so prob same amount of time if not longer 13:50 no w/ bells on :P 13:51 Aww. 13:51 i'm no grasshopper 13:51 !lotg 13:51 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, K2! 13:51 Yeah. Me neither. I still haven't ascended about half the roles _at all_, in any version. 13:52 here's how i view it: 13:52 I've ascended all vanilla roles except kni, mon, rog and ran 13:52 players -> server admins -> variant devs -> devteam 13:52 the farther right you are on that list the less you play 13:52 Ah. 13:53 how it seems anyways 13:53 * raisse surreptitiously creeps even more to the left 13:53 heheh 13:54 i dont play as often now as i used to since i started doing the server admin bit, but i'm ok with it. like being an admin too 13:54 labor of love :) 13:54 K2: you got a full monty in grunthack? 13:54 full monty is all roles right? 13:54 or is it all rolls and races and genders? 13:54 I thought it was more than that. 13:55 that's grand slam 13:55 full monty = all roles, races, genders, alignments, conducts 13:55 oh then no 13:55 All conducts! 13:55 jonadab: yes, this is considerably harder in Fourk, isn't it? 13:55 not necessarily in the same game though 13:55 i've ascended all roles, both genders, all alignments and almost every race (gh has extra races) 13:56 aosdict: Fourk has some additional conducts, some of which might be a little hard, yes. e.g., toolless. 13:56 K2: from my point of view, I could play NetHack, but it benefits other people more if I write it instead 13:56 (also I am in all four positions on the list) 13:56 heh 13:56 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 13:57 i dont think i've ever seen you play ais523 13:57 K2: Sometimes he plays a game at the beginning of a tournament. Typically devnull. 13:57 Tries to get first ascension sometimes. 13:57 I tend to draw a lot of spectators when I do play 13:58 understandable 13:58 which has kind-of lead to me playing up to the crowd more recently 13:58 nethack celebrity 13:58 ais523: Let's Play series! 13:58 Or, heh, Twitch stream. 13:59 "A player asks why I didn't pick up that unidentified potion. It's because I play minimalist conduct, so I don't carry a lot of items around. It makes the game shorter, and I die on the Astral Plane more often." 14:00 jonadab: I'd happily do a run with live commentary some time but setting it up technically is hard 14:01 well then, we'll all have to go over to your house to watch 14:01 old school! 14:02 maybe I could get some sort of speech-to-text set up 14:02 -!- rikersan has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:03 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 14:03 [hdf-us] [dnh] Zxkuqyb (Ana Inc Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1353 14:03 -!- rikersan has quit [Client Quit] 14:03 \o/ 14:11 K2: yes 14:15 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:23 ais523: There ought to be a service that streams ttyrec+audio. It would be much less bandwidth-intensive than full video. 14:26 <[Demo]> u could make that a thing 14:29 The technically hard part would be figuring out how to sync the two. 14:30 Though someone also would have to have the resources to host it. 14:30 clearly we just need an audio extension to VT100 14:31 that sounds somewhat insane 14:32 That only solves the problem if the program running in the terminal is generating the audio, though, doesn't it? 14:34 you could write a screen-alike that handles audio too 14:34 or make libuncursed do it, I guess 14:42 what sort of livelog entry is that? :-D 14:46 <[Demo]> @d?acerack 14:46 acerack ~3~ Acererak (L) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 32 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire cold sleep shock poison petrification drain | Confers: fire cold | MR: 99 | Generates: unique | AC: -9 | Attacks: 4d4 weapon physical, 5d6 touch level drain, 0d0 cast spell, 2d6 gaze level drain | Alignment: 20 | Flags: breathless, regenerates, seeinvis, poisonous, undead, covetous 14:51 ais523: I think K2 made it 14:52 some monty python reference I think? 14:52 yup 14:52 i'm to blame for that one 14:58 FIQ: have you seen monty python and the holy grail yet? 14:58 ... there are people who _haven't_ seen that? 14:59 I thought that was even more universal than Star Wars. 15:01 K2: no 15:01 jonadab: I have seen star wars 15:02 K2: did you see my reply to your question 15:03 not the one about monty python 15:03 the earlier one 15:04 yeah i did 15:04 you have to watch the holy grail first 15:04 FIQ, I think K2 is a bit shocked 15:04 like me 15:05 Holy Grail is... essential viewing 15:06 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 15:07 [hdf-us] [4k] Thick (Ssach) (Bar Hum Mal Law), 7779 points, T:4090, died of starvation, while fainted from lack of food 15:08 K2: I watched a trailer 15:08 good enough? :) 15:08 FIQ see pm please 15:08 and no 15:08 (I didn't) 15:09 thanks 15:09 np 15:09 your mission, should you choose to accept 15:09 downloaded 15:09 is to watch monty python and the holy grail 15:09 in its entirety 15:09 by this weekend 15:09 um 15:09 I can't reproduce the bug 15:09 lol 15:09 DO IT 15:09 :P 15:09 did zxkuqyb do something 15:10 i dunno 15:10 oh well I should be able to reproduce it with rewinding shenanigans 15:10 since he had another point of reproduction 15:10 tiem stamp is hours ago 15:10 didn't do anything 15:10 time 15:10 pressed Q on a bug screen 15:11 yeah for some reason I don't see a bug 15:11 but I will try the other time you had thebug 15:11 *the bug 15:11 zxkuqyb: does the bug still reproduce on server if you start up the game btw? 15:11 maybe the server is just outdated 15:12 well it shows me the same bug screen now, when I loaded the save 15:12 got it 15:13 I see the issue 15:14 what is it? 15:14 a level 0 monster walked onto an antimagic trap 15:15 poor baby! 15:15 [hdf-us] [nd] Eleven (Sam Hum Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:21742 15:16 !tell K2 pushed a fix 15:16 Will do, FIQ! 15:16 zxkuqyb: thanks, sorry for the troubles 15:16 no worries. not at all 15:18 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 15:18 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-11 15:16 EST: pushed a fix 15:18 ok 15:18 zxkuqyb: should be ok now 15:18 cool 15:20 ais523: do you think it would be worthwhile to disable scoreboard scraping for dynahack to preserve savefile integrity? 15:20 dynahack is barely played, so the scoreboard issue is still there 15:21 FIQ: how big is the scoreboard? you could just solve the problem by playing more dynahack :-P 15:21 I realized that this was why I was unable to properly reastore Jonathanhanes's game a while back (past Valley) 15:21 because my own scoreboard was different 15:21 so it had no chance to load it 15:21 I'm not sure as to why the differ didn't help with that problem 15:21 but the 4.2 differ has issues in general 15:22 ais523: seems to be 324 entries 15:22 so theoretically it shouldn't be an issue 15:22 but I don't know 15:22 it failed to load, in any case 15:24 aaaand dead 15:24 also I tried earlier today to track down why dynahack keeps desyncing commands (much moreso than Nitro) 15:25 but its insistence on refusing to load saves where a diff is removed kept standing in my way 15:25 so I wasn't really able to properly rollback 15:25 while debugging 15:26 also, for some reason, dynahack (and I guess 4.2 too?) creates *huge* diffs on the first command after a load 15:26 like... the diff was 22KB+ on a tiny save 15:27 I should perhaps diff the last NH4 revision before the 4.3 save system was implemented's log.c/logreplay.c with dynahack's 15:27 see if it is missing some fixes 15:27 FIQ: it's not a diff 15:27 it's a full gamestate backup 15:28 i.e. it's diffing against zero 15:28 hmm 15:28 why? 15:28 also, wont that create issues? 15:28 when the save is read sequentially (where there is already an existing gamestate) 15:31 huh, introduction of the 4.3 save system was surprisingly easy to find 15:31 just searching for commits with "save system" 15:31 992380730bf7edff592db9b3262aeb269571d25c seems to be it 15:32 rip logreplay.c 15:35 hmm 15:35 3f037ba9b172b6ac2438682adc10adf63d562d55 this thing (that it deletes) seem potentially useful for debugging 4.2 saves 15:43 [hdf-us] [nh4] NobbsVal (Nobbs) (Val Hum Fem Law), 26337 points, T:1488, killed by a gnome lord 15:50 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 16:04 -!- Neko-chan has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 16:05 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 16:31 [hdf-us] [dnh] Zxkuqyb (Ana Inc Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2866 16:40 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:46 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 16:47 ... and got killed by a hobbit right away 16:48 -!- Jonathanhanes has joined #hardfought 16:48 The Lady was displeased with your use of Mjollnir! 16:48 I used it to kill monsters to sacrifice for her glory! 16:49 I think the hobbit was displeased 16:49 -!- Adeon_ has joined #hardfought 16:49 also it had a mattock for some reason 16:49 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:52 do I need to advance form I in order to advance other forms? 16:53 #youngpadawanproblems 16:55 -!- FredrIQ has joined #hardfought 16:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v FredrIQ] by ChanServ 16:56 -!- Jonathanhanes_ has quit [*.net *.split] 16:56 -!- Adeon has quit [*.net *.split] 16:56 -!- FIQ has quit [*.net *.split] 16:56 -!- FredrIQ is now known as FIQ 17:02 gah, switch statements! 17:02 -!- Adeon_ is now known as Adeon 17:03 jonadab: I fully support your belief that switch statement fallthroughs should be explicit, not implicit 17:04 yeenoghu's touch of death 17:04 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:04 thief stone was sending its object to the right level but a random location, because I forgot a break statement 17:05 watch out 17:05 wikis might declare it a feature 17:06 also, here's my groundbreaking idea to improve control flow in C-like languages: allow break statements to have a positive number N after them. This effectively breaks out of the N surrounding breakable blocks. 17:07 this is actually something I miss at times 17:07 mostly when dealing with coordinate loops 17:07 can't break out of those 17:07 are there some languages that have this? I'm not aware of any 17:07 there is 17:07 I know PHP has it 17:08 probably others 17:08 probably the only thing I miss from it 17:10 !tell ais523 As currently written, thief stones can be used to unambiguously identify magical items. Not necessarily a problem, but something to be aware of. 17:10 Will do, aosdict! 17:11 aosdict: Technically, you can do that in low-level languages like C and assembly, using a goto or jmp instruction. 17:11 Not sure if any really high-level languages have it in exactly the way you describe. 17:11 [hdf-us] [nd] Luxidream (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 1123 points, T:2865, killed by a rothe 17:11 !tell ais523 (as in, it'll work on a luckstone or touchstone and confirm it isn't flint, or can be used to identify non-magical versions of potions, wand of nothing, etc) 17:11 Will do, aosdict! 17:13 jonadab: yes, breaking from nested loops is pretty much one of the few cases where goto is valid 17:13 IMO 17:14 that's why break n; should be added. to further destroy the need for gotos 17:18 aosdict: actually, BASIC has this for FOR loops. If you next FOR loops like FOR X = 1 TO XMAX ... FOR Y = 1 TO YMAX ... FOR FOO = 1 TO BAR ... you can go NEXT X and skip the rest of the inner two loops. 17:18 *nest 17:19 well that's great but it'd be really nice to have in C specifically 17:19 Sure. 17:19 What if it were break [label]; and broke out of the select statement immediately after the label? 17:20 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:20 And isn't there a keyword that breaks out of while loops? 17:20 Something similar there, presumably. 17:20 uh, break breaks out of while loops 17:24 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 17:24 Oh, it does? 17:24 Ok, then. 17:25 -!- nikheizen has joined #hardfought 17:25 "As you reach for the the thiefstone, your thiefstone is pulled out of your pack! It touches the thiefstone and they disappear!" 17:25 Well, that's one unexpected side effect of making thiefstones inherently magical. 17:26 (you can distinguish which thiefstone was being activated by whether it was "pulled" or "jumps" out of the pack) 17:27 Side note: why are touchstones oc_magic? 17:27 That's an interesting question. No idea. 17:27 Are luckstones magic? 17:27 loadstones? 17:27 One supposes flint stones are not. 17:27 Flint isn't, the other gray stones all are. 17:28 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchstone_(assaying_tool) <-- seems like they're just a dark rock that can give more information to a skilled user 17:29 Loadstones, I can see the argument because they have autocursing magic. 17:29 touchstones shouldn't be magical 17:29 nor flint 17:29 the other gray stones should be 17:29 including thiefstones 17:30 I can't think of any flavor reason for touchstones or flint to be magical. 17:30 Thiefstones obviously are. 17:30 Luckstones are arguable. 17:30 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 17:30 Strongest argument for loadstones is the autocursing. 17:32 Don't blessed touchstones formally ID gems? 17:33 they do 17:33 They do. 17:33 nothing wrong with that 17:33 That seems pretty magical 17:33 blessing gives extra magic 17:33 fair 17:33 Chris_ANG: NH4 formally identifies anything when the player can definitely tell what it is. 17:34 e.g. if the bugs on the floor slow down, your wand of slow monster is formally identified. 17:34 NH4 doesn't ID worthless glass with touchstones 17:34 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 17:34 even when you should bea able to 17:34 FIQ: Hmm, it probably should. 17:34 yes, if you know that it is a touchstone 17:34 Oh, true. 17:34 Formalizing: YANI: touchstones should be made nonmagical. 17:35 Also, EPI: () Make the effects of having welded hands fully duplicate the effects of being poly'ed into a form with no hands. 17:35 Ouch. 17:35 why si this an EPI? 17:35 *is 17:36 There's a lot of stuff you wouldn't be able to do. Such as #dip, I think. 17:36 If you're feeling merciful, you can amend the code that prevents you from interacting with containers with no hands to instead check for no LIMBS. 17:36 just add #tip 17:37 EPI: you can't #tip if you don't have a free hand. 17:37 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:38 Also, EPI: a cursed weapon will hit the wielder instead of the intended target 50% of the time. 17:38 -!- nikheizen has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:39 -!- nikheizen has joined #hardfought 17:41 -!- nikheizen has quit [Client Quit] 17:41 -!- zxkuqyb_ has joined #hardfought 17:42 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:44 this level generated 3 new fake bones piles 17:44 jonadab: an Evil Patch would be more likely to do that for noncursed weapons, to make it an "interesting decision" whether you want your weapon cursed or not 17:44 ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:10 EST: As currently written, thief stones can be used to unambiguously identify magical items. Not necessarily a problem, but something to be aware of. 17:44 ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:11 EST: (as in, it'll work on a luckstone or touchstone and confirm it isn't flint, or can be used to identify non-magical versions of potions, wand of nothing, etc) 17:44 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:45 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:46 -!- nikheizen has joined #hardfought 17:46 ais523: your client quit at exactly the right time to lose two Beholder messages from me :) 17:46 Hm, you can also write scrolls while welded, but not with no hands. 17:47 aosdict: not my client, my connection 17:47 Maybe magic markers take dictation, and hover around writing the words you tell it to? 17:47 ais523: wow, perfect disconnect timing there 17:47 it breaks in such a way that I can send but not receive 17:47 can you let me know what the messages were? 17:47 Probably so that you can write remove curse to get out of your predicament. 17:47 2017-12-11 22:44:44 +Beholder ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:10 EST: As currently written, thief stones can be used to unambiguously identify magical items. Not necessarily a problem, but something to be aware of. 17:47 2017-12-11 22:44:44 +Beholder ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:11 EST: (as in, it'll work on a luckstone or touchstone and confirm it isn't flint, or can be used to identify non-magical versions of potions, wand of nothing, etc) 17:47 oh okay then 17:48 aosdict, but you still need hands, even if they're welded to weapons. 17:48 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:48 what, to get it out of your pack? 17:48 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:48 ais523: did you see the messages? 17:48 no 17:48 2017-12-11 22:44:44 +Beholder ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:10 EST: As currently written, thief stones can be used to unambiguously identify magical items. Not necessarily a problem, but something to be aware of. 17:48 haha 17:48 2017-12-11 22:44:44 +Beholder ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-11 17:11 EST: (as in, it'll work on a luckstone or touchstone and confirm it isn't flint, or can be used to identify non-magical versions of potions, wand of nothing, etc) 17:48 got them 17:48 attempt #2 17:48 this is #3 17:48 oh true 17:48 counting Beholder 17:48 counting the first one 17:48 No, the write code requires you to have hands in order to write. 17:48 I think it's OK to use them to ID magical items 17:48 yeah 17:49 Chris_ANG: ah, right. 17:49 ais523: yeah, same 17:49 since then, you don't *have* the magical item 17:50 sorry, I'm going a little crazy at the moment, I've been pretty much trapped at home by snow and ice since Friday 17:50 how much snow? 17:50 I heard that UK got a lot 17:50 only about six inches worth here but it's all collapsed into ice fairly quickly 17:50 so most forms of transport aren't working 17:50 Ah. 17:50 I considered crossing the road to a mini-supermarket but it was like an ice rink and I have enough food to last another day 17:50 * aosdict wants six inches of snow 17:51 Yes, ice is generally worse for transportation than actuall snow. 17:51 hooray for UK snow management 17:51 jonadab: I stocked up on Saturday when it was just snow, which could be walked on 17:51 We have had so far this year a grand total of about half an inch of snow. 17:51 we've had plenty here 17:51 but the UK shuts down in heavy snow because it's cheaper than trying to function in it, even taking the lost productivity into account 17:52 the UK doesn't really seem well prepared for snow 17:52 we're predicted to have positive temperatures and rain tomorrow evening, that might clear it 17:52 ais523: That only works if you don't get it often. A lot of America does that too, but only the parts that don't routinely get dumped on. 17:52 but I guess they have less infrastructure to work-around it than Sweden 17:52 considering they get far less of it 17:52 jonadab: right, we don't get it often enough for it to be cost-effective to be able to deal with it 17:52 For example, if Cleveland shut down every time there was six inches of snow, they'd never get anything done four months out of the year. 17:52 and an actual snow-based shutdown hasn't happened for a few years, apart from this one 17:53 Ice is harder to deal with than snow, fundamentally. 17:53 jonadab: Sweden would be at a standstill for months :) 17:54 FIQ: Right, Canadians would all starve if stores weren't open when there was snow on the ground. 17:54 mhm 17:54 didn't a lot of the Southern US get snow recently? 17:54 I can see a bus route from my house and there haven't been any buses on it for ages 17:55 the hilarious thing is, a new train operator won the contract for the trains and it started on Sunday 17:55 they must have had one of the worst first-couple-of-days ever 17:55 ouch 17:55 hmm, found a new discord terminal thing 17:55 although amazingly they claim to be mostly running now 17:56 ideally I'd prefer a weechat plugin, but I guess I can check it out 17:56 (their main problem was apparently getting chat in) 17:56 err, getting staff in 17:56 heh 17:56 they could run the trains in this weather but their drivers, etc. couldn't get to the station in the first place 17:56 I'm not quite sure how their customers can get to the station either though 17:56 so they were prepared, UK in general wasn't :) 17:57 have to make a good impression on your first day :) 17:57 this isn't affecting the whole UK, anyway 17:57 only parts of it 17:57 but probably more than half 17:57 * If the character leaves the square on which they were engraving (say due to a quantum mechanic attack), they will stop engraving. (3.4.3 behaviour is for them to continue the engraving, despite no longer being on the square). 17:57 interesting bug 17:57 was this fixed in 3.6 I wonder 17:57 probably not 17:58 * If an engraving is aborted halfway through (e.g. due to dying and being lifesaved), the engraving on the ground will be partially complete. (3.4.3 behaviour is for the engraving to appear fully complete, but for the entire engraving to be inactive until the moment in time at which it would have finished.) 17:58 I can sort of understand how this bug works... apart from the last part 17:58 which sounds bizarre 17:58 aosdict: I heard a rumor that Georgia got way more than they usually expect. 17:58 how does that even work 17:59 some timeout sorcery? 18:00 FIQ: if the discord terminal thing works reliably, let me know where to find it. 18:00 FIQ: there's a timeout on the engraving itself 18:00 which marks when it's finished 18:00 jonadab: was going to look into https://github.com/mitchweaver/Discline 18:00 ais523: so.. timeout magic 18:00 brilliant 18:00 NetHack timeouts are kind of weird, yes. 18:01 although it's not a timeout.c timeout 18:01 it's its own custom thing 18:01 even better 18:04 hi 18:04 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 18:07 hm 18:07 3.6 has functions in extern that no longer exists? 18:07 how does that even compile 18:08 Is there a single definitive function for whether an item belongs to a shopkeeper? 18:08 is_unpaid doesn't seem to cover all cases. 18:08 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 18:10 aosdict: look at wand of teleportation code I guess? 18:10 to see how it handles shopkeeper inventory that vanishes 18:10 bhito in zap.c 18:10 I am. It looks at the old coordinates of the object to see if they're in a shop. 18:10 Oh, I'm looking at rloco. 18:12 ais523: relevant function: realloc_obj 18:12 in case you feel like removing it 18:14 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 18:27 FIQ: C has two components to calling a function, declaration and definition 18:27 a declaration is valid even if the function itself doesn't exist, so long as it's unused 18:27 likewise, a definition is valid even if the function is never called 18:28 ok 18:33 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 18:37 ugh why do shopkeepers treat thiefstones in MY inventory as billable 18:56 I was looking for info online about nhfourk but there's not much. Is there a wiki for nh4 that would have enough relevant info? 18:56 have you read the 4k wiki article? 18:56 http://jonadab.jumpingcrab.com/nethack-stuff/spoilers-fourk/ 18:56 there isn't really any more wiki info beyond that 18:56 but there is a changelog 18:56 -!- lonjil2 has joined #hardfought 18:56 and spoiler pages 18:57 ya, that's all I've found. 18:57 I was wondering what the mechanic is for putting points into stealth. 18:57 I don't think that is described anywhere 18:57 -!- lonjil has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 18:57 I never bothered with that skill myself 18:57 I figured I'd test it and it seems to allow me to sneak up on monsters pretty well, but I'm not sure what else. 18:57 -!- aoei has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:58 As a rogue it seems like an a way to get an attack of opportunity (aka backstab) 18:58 you could look it up the old-fashioned way ;) 18:58 (code diving) 18:58 like read the code? 18:58 yeah 18:59 well, I did git clone it to find info on artifacts so I may as well. 18:59 any suggestion where to start looking, in general? 18:59 the skill is probably referenced as P_STEALTH in the code 18:59 so grepping on that should give a start 19:02 on it! 19:13 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 19:20 -!- dtype has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 19:20 -!- dtype has joined #hardfought 19:34 [hdf-us] [fh] Naeroon (naeroon) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 10397 points, T:214, killed by a jackal 19:52 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 20:06 might not be fully implemented "/* TODO: Monster _notices_ you. */" 20:06 otherwise, looks like just doesn't wake them up. 20:18 @d?throne archon 20:18 No such monster. 20:19 @d?you sit upon a throne of lies 20:19 No such monster. 20:19 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 740 points, T:2250, killed by a rock piercer 20:30 I don't think there's any code that handles the case of some items (but not the hero) teleporting out of the hero's inventory while the hero is in a shop. Is this correct? 20:32 Because when this happens, the no_charge flag is not set, so it doesn't realize that it shouldn't be counted as unpaid. 20:35 epi: leprechauns are now covetous and thus can steal your QA/invocation/amulet of yendors 20:44 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 20:45 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 20:48 -!- Tarmunora_ is now known as Tarmunora 20:49 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 20:49 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 20:52 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:2824 20:55 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:55 [hdf-us] [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 3839 points, T:3121, killed by a panther 21:02 !tell ais523 unintended feature: thiefstones will steal an entire stack if they land on the right object. I'm inclined to leave this one in. 21:02 Will do, aosdict! 21:04 hm, in variants that have scrolls of consecration that could be (ab)used for altar farming I think 21:04 can you key a thiefstone to a particular spot? 21:14 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 21:15 -!- Jonathanhanes_ has joined #hardfought 21:19 -!- Jonathanhanes has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:48 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 21:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 21:51 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 21:52 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:56 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 21:59 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:16 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:22 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 22:44 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 22:52 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:25 -!- nikheizen has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:26 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 23:33 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:34 I think I just died? 23:35 Error: player character death scheduled, but didn't happen 23:35 Location: libnethack/src/decl.c:218 23:35 Game ID: bouquet_1513019311 23:36 never had this happen before. 23:37 oh well. Hit (R)ecover and that seems to have restored it to 1 turn prior.