00:03 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 00:28 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:33 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a werejackal, on T:5418 00:34 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5443 00:38 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 9721 points, T:5619, killed by a gargoyle 00:56 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ EU server now mirroring variants from hdf-main - ssh nethack@eu.hardfought.org 00:56 most variants are up 00:57 still need to bring up unnethack, dnethack, sporkhack, slex and dynahack 00:57 well.. it's more like just over half are up 00:58 those being 3.4.3, 3.6.1-dev, grunthack, nethack 4, fourk and fiqhack 00:58 AND you can import your rc files from every variant from hdf-main, including the nh4 based ones 00:59 nice! 01:05 excited ;) 01:05 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 01:08 I've informed the discordfolk 01:08 with fancy formatting 01:08 nice thanks! 01:08 i'll do a reddit post once every variant is up and running on it 01:08 i plan on having it ready to go by friday 01:08 but you can play on it now 01:13 oh wow... bitcoin up over $14k USD 01:13 good lord 01:14 I misplaced $20 somewhere in my house 01:17 ok bedtime gnite all :P 01:17 Gnite Den Mom! 01:17 lol 01:18 :D I think you'd be great at it. After all, looking out for kids is just like maintaining a server! 01:20 -!- firemonkey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:24 -!- Bitcoin_Pro has joined #hardfought 01:27 https://freebitco.in/?r=10132979 Is a "faucet" that offers 100% free bitcoin. Only need an E-mail to get started, earn up to $2 an hour by logging in FOR 5 SECONDS !!! I'm making almost $400 a month doing it now! If I can do it, I know you can! Join now!! I want you to join because the more money you make the more money I make!! 01:32 -!- Bitcoin_Pro has left #hardfought 01:42 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:55 -!- firemonkey has joined #hardfought 01:57 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 01:58 !tell K2 stop (curr...) talking about (...ency), I swear it's triggering the spammoids! 01:58 Will do, shpingrlde! 02:04 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:07 -!- eady has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:07 !tell k2 there's a pretty awesome feature that the DCSS irc bot can do for people who start a lot of half-finished games, especially if you do it across multiple versions/variants of DCSS. !locate will find all your in-progress savegames and tell you the server and game version/variant so you can go pick them back up 02:07 Will do, shpingrlde! 02:08 !tell k2 might be a big ask considering you and Tangles are still setting the second server up in the first place, but would be super cool to have 02:08 Will do, shpingrlde! 02:09 shpingrlde: is it true that you maintain a DCSS variant that puts all the removed stuff back in? 02:09 only races, and I haven't maintained it in a long time 02:10 at this point it would make more sense to pull those races in on top of the current version - Neil likes to do things like change the case of variables to make the code more correcter 02:10 ah, so your variant doesn't put removed monsters and items back in I guess? 02:11 nope, generally not. unless maybe it was needed for a race 02:13 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 02:13 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:13 DCSS balance is pretty good, if you wanna ride their idea of balance. removing items that are too good is working for them, imo - because every character is warped to use the OP items if the player knows what's up 02:13 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 02:13 heh, I've never gotten actually good at DCSS, the farthest I ever got was the temple where you pick a god; I still have that character since I didn't continue playing after that 02:14 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 02:14 also I'd probably like to add all of crawl's monsters to slex at some point, but I guess there is no consolidated table for them; the wiki just has the individual monsters' pages :/ 02:15 if a race is cheesy or weak or boring, that's your pre-game difficulty selector, so I figure why not have more difficulty selectors. as long as the game still has minotaur berserkers, no other option is likely to outclass that, after all 02:15 but like, killing healing wands and teleport wands because there's no reason to EVER recharge other wands? that seems good 02:16 hmm, I dunno, my solution to "omg item X is possibly OP!" is not "remove item X then", but rather "maybe nerf its effect or make the other items better?" 02:16 if you visit the AUS server, you can play yiufcrawl, circus animals, and other 'moar races!' variants to see more races https://crawl.project357.org/ 02:16 it's the more variant-friendly one 02:17 oh my god, DCSS servers still don't offer ascii versions even today? 02:18 you can ssh some or all of 'em 02:18 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ssh+site%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fcrawl.develz.org%2Ftavern%2F 02:22 ah, the akrasiac one seems to work for me 02:23 try berotato 02:23 they have noticeably more players than the nethack servers... 02:23 * LarienTelrunya becomes green of envy 02:23 I always played tiles, because only tiles has in-game chat with spectators 02:24 https://crawl.develz.org/watch.htm cool, this purports to show all active spectatable games across servers. 02:24 never seen it before, can't vouch for its efficacy 02:25 but anyway, whatever you did with akrasiac? cbro uses the same keys IIRC 02:25 so try changing it to crawl.berotato.org 02:25 and crawl.project357.org 02:25 those ones have variants 02:27 well if I try to ssh into the 357 one, it asks for a password that I don't know 02:27 hey, isn't prozacelf one of your users? http://crawl.berotato.org:8080/#watch-ProzacElf how unfaithful.... 02:27 he is primarily a crawl player, yes 02:28 occasionally I can manage to *bundlebundlebundle* him into playing slex, but not often :D 02:38 'The invisible K2 swallows Vlad the Impaler. "Burrrrp!" Vlad the Impaler is destroyed!' 02:38 K2 is my pet purple worm (former titan) with his own amulet of reflection 02:41 !who 02:41 LarienTelrunya: No current players 02:47 hi 02:47 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 03:00 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:18 !tell ais523 could also generate wizbones on antimagic fields since they take HP damage 03:18 Will do, FIQ! 03:19 !who 03:19 FIQ: Nobbs [nh4] 03:42 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 03:44 you ssh to crawl.akrasiac.org LarienTelrunya 03:44 and you don't need to enter a password, you sign in automatically 03:45 yeah, that worked, but shpingrlde mentioned that the project357 server has variants that akrasiac doesn't have 03:45 actually, if you ssh you do, username and password are joshua 03:45 shpingrlde: basically 03:46 he plays slex when LarienTelrunya annoys him enough 03:46 FIQ: but it sounds nicer when saying that he is bundled, compared to annoyed :D 03:47 what do you even mean 03:47 when you say bundled 03:47 wait 03:47 do i want to know 03:47 *I 03:47 no new sprints it seems 03:48 1d crawl is best crawl 03:48 hahaha, everyone likes to be bundled ♥ FIQ: play slex! *bundlebundlebundle* (also: the next savebreak version will remove hangup penalties, and then Grasshopper can also play!) 03:49 cool 03:49 LarienTelrunya yay \o/ 03:49 did you port 3.6.0 stuff? 03:49 I am sure Grasshopper is looking forward to endless interface screw 03:49 I can't believe that I'm looking forward to playing slex 03:49 I keep pinching myself to see if I'm dreaming 03:50 LarienTelrunya: I saw that someone on 4chan dissed slex for fh lol 03:50 nope, unfortunately the 3.6.0 implementation is super complicated and I couldn't get it to work; I decided to simply remove the HP/Pw loss and just paralyze the player for 2-3 turns when hanging up, so as to prevent it from being used to nullify a mumak's attack. And the # of hangups is tracked in the dumplog. 03:50 rekt 03:50 so you didn't actually remove it? 03:50 you were just lying 03:50 FIQ: slex is being dissed a lot on 4chan, but it's also discussed a lot, more so than any other variants in fact :D 03:50 got it 03:50 yes 03:51 because the variant dev keeps bringing it up there 03:51 probably helps 03:51 well, the main reason why people got upset about the hangup penalty is because it reduced max HP/Pw, which cannot easily be restored; a few turns of paralysis to allow the monsters to get the turns that hangup cheating denied them shouldn't be gamebreaking 03:52 unless you are being eaten m=by a mumak at the time 03:52 and of course, hanging up at a pending instadeath like "You die from your illness" is still an instadeath upon restoring 03:52 he, wait? who is shpingrlde? I thought that was a alternative nick of LarienTelrunya? 03:52 what? 03:53 that is rather mean 03:53 they are 2 completely different persons 03:53 bhaak: shpingrlde is the author of Fiddlehack, a FIQhack variant 03:53 I hope so. otherwise it would be strange if she were talking to herself 03:54 bhaak: shpingrlde dislikes slex but likes nh4+friends 03:54 swapped for LarienTelrunya 03:54 :D 03:54 what did I do 03:55 how much damage do a scurrier's claws deal 03:55 wait, so shpingrlde is my evil twin? shpingrlde: are you my evil twin? why do you like the exact opposite things of the stuff I like :P 03:55 or are they strictly for digging 03:55 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:55 LarienTelrunya: the worst one can get is not hate, but indifference. hate is as strong an emotion as love, just in a negative way. if people hate you, you have made them so emotional involved that they go a long way to express that. with indifference, they don't deem you worthy of their attention 03:56 bhaak did you see that someone drifted in here sold on Un's mission statement 03:56 it sounded like they don't even really know how to play nethack yet, but had their heart somewhat set on Un 03:56 bhaak: heh, true, I don't know if I ever mentioned that anywhere, but one of slex's PR strategies is "a bad reputation is better than none at all" :D 03:57 in that regard I guess you succeeded 03:57 shpingrlde: when I first saw you, you said something along the lines of "something broke on my computer and that's why I'm using this nick for the time being". somehow I connected that to LarienTelrunya 03:57 most nethack people I've seen knows about slex 03:57 even when they have no idea what a grunthack or a fiqhack is 03:57 or similar 03:58 shpingrlde: was it cosmicweasel? otherwise I didn't see it (i was sometimes off this channel because I forgot to add autojoin for it) 03:58 yes 03:58 well IMHO Grunthack should be more popular too, it's the evil variant after all, but somehow even a google search doesn't turn up anything about the (now fixed) segfault venoms... 03:59 grunt is evil? I never knew 04:00 lol, reading the rlg archive 04:00 I see a post by LarienTelrunya bashing fh *hard* 04:00 FIQ: link? 04:00 sec 04:01 I am dealing with obligatory ad nonsense 04:01 on a slow browser 04:02 https://4archive.org/board/vg/thread/162802102/rlg-roguelike-general 04:02 "now I will give an unbiased description of variants" 04:02 "Fourk sucks" 04:02 ayy 04:03 yeah that answer was totally unbiased :P 04:03 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:03 - Nethack Fourk is like NetHack 4, except with some annoying changes that are designed to screw you over, specifically the "wand destruction patch" that prevented the Amy from ascending it, and it's completely impossible to win the game if you do things that reduce your alignment record. Definitely not recommended for beginners. 04:03 - FIQHack is like Nethack Fourk, except *even worse*. Steer clear. 04:03 weird, I wrote that last December? I thought that if I wrote such a scornful post it would be during Junethack, when the scars left on me by playing non-slex variants are still fresh... 04:03 10/10 description 04:04 mind you, this was before genocide bug 04:04 I'm sure the post would have been even more colorful otherwise 04:06 "FIQhack is a variant where you can suffer completely arbitrary deaths, such as 'mordor orc reads scroll of stinking cloud in Minetown, watch captain aggros and instakills you' or 'samurai read a scroll of genocide, goodbye', and which is of course much worse than slex's amulet of premature death that can randomly instakill you, or the plethora of interface screw traps in slex." 04:06 (just made that up on the spot :D) 04:06 something like that 04:07 interface screw traps are what makes slex evil 04:07 imho 04:07 *bundlebundebundle* 04:08 my roommate wants me to add an item effect/enchantment that makes the interface screw traps less evil when such an item is equipped :) 04:09 You have a roommate? I could never be so tolerant of another person 04:09 or rather, they of me 04:09 yeah, and she has a very long bundle and is generally a wonderful person! ♥ 04:09 she inspired a couple of slex's features :D 04:09 @le?Amy's roommate 04:09 Amy's roommate (D) | Lvl: 16 | Diff: 23 | Spd: 9 | Res: cold | Confers: cold | MR: 20 | Generates: special | AC: -3 | Attacks: 3d6 breath cold, 4d6 bite curse-items, 3d3 lashing physical, 3d3 claw physical | Alignment: -5 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, flies, thick hide, oviparous, seeinvis 04:10 hmmmmmm, lovely bundling is the best 04:10 ^^ she even appears as a monster in slex, although she did get a bit upset when I told her that, saying "I am not a MONSTER!" :D:D:D 04:10 heh, we are all monsters sometimes 04:10 everything is a monster 04:10 perfect symmetry is the final goal 04:11 FIQ: heh, in my Elona variant I actually made one aspect (aggravate monster gear on monsters) symmetric to the player, which previously wasn't the case :) 04:12 it used to be that, for some weird reason, Elona would calculate the difficulty of monsters spawned by aggravate monster based on the player's level, always, no matter who is wearing the aggravate monster gear! 04:14 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 04:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 04:14 FIQ: did you see the pager.c lines beginning with this one: "In Nethack Fourk, monsters get a turn" yet? those were added after junethack 2017 :) 04:16 -!- aoei has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:17 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 04:19 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 04:19 monsters get a turn? 04:19 not sure if I understand what you mean 04:19 they do in slex too 04:20 that's just the beginning of the message 04:20 but I guess you did see them already, since you referenced the "fumble around with bag of holding and crash" message before 04:20 yeah I probably saw it 04:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:21 you mean monsters getting a turn upon entering the level? 04:21 yeah 04:21 elenmirie: you have new scary powers 04:21 you may now tal when the channel is moderated 04:21 booga booga! 04:21 use the gift wisely! 04:21 *talk 04:22 it happened so many times in Fourk when I was scumdigging down with scurrier tourists, I'd land on a new level directly next to a piranha because of those new bloody pools and the piranha would kill me before I got a turn. 04:26 FIQ: ah, but you might not have seen these yet: in pager.c, scroll down to "This is not a correct target.", the lines below reference some other variants again ;) 04:28 "This game is not FIQhack, but something where monsters cannot read scrolls of genocide. (Whose idea was that anyway??? I mean, seriously?)", 04:28 my idea 04:29 no having ideas fiq 04:29 :( 04:43 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 06:15 -!- aoei has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 06:27 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:28 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 06:28 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 06:37 EPI: excessive digging in the dungeon counts as vandalism and will summon the police eventually. Depending on how evil this idea is supposed to be, adjust the strength of that "police" accordingly. 06:50 jonadab: huh, no specific changelog in your post?! 06:54 how am I supposed to know whether the samurai was finally un-trashed? :D 07:14 LarienTelrunya: see doc/changelog-fourk.txt in the repo. 07:17 whoa holy shit you added energy randomization? 07:23 even more holy shit, you made unlockable features??? does that mean at the start of the game you only have two roles available? WTF 07:24 and I need to get to the quest as a barbarian to play the samurai??????? 07:25 that somehow reads like "let's see if I can make LarienTelrunya flip out" :P 07:27 jonadab: is that unlockable stuff "feature" actually in the game now?! 07:29 what is energy randomization 07:30 FIQ: the 3.6.0 thing where either your or the monsters' movement speed is slightly randomized 07:30 also, unlockable stuff in Nethack. Seriously. What the fourk??? 07:30 wait did he really add that 07:30 jonadab: you are evil 07:30 according to https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tsadok/nhfourk/ he did, though I'm waiting for an official statement 07:30 jonadab: you around? 07:31 * Additional challenge options have been implemented: you can now (subject to unlocking) play a character who is permanently confused, stunned, fumbling, or has permanent greasy fingers, wounded legs, or terrible luck. 07:31 (and a permaconfused character requires you to ascend all roles... yeah right) 07:32 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 07:32 -!- aoei has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:32 oh wait, permaconfused requires ascending all races; permastunned (=unplayable I guess) requires ascending all roles 07:33 jonadab: YANI: speedbug mode, where your movement energy decreases for a while until it becomes 1 and monsters get 12 turns for one of yours and then your movement energy becomes a high value for a while. Unlocked by ascending in all of the challenge modes, including permaconfuse and permastun. 07:33 LarienTelrunya: I don't get any result searching for energy randomization 07:34 LarienTelrunya: Unlockables are in bleeding-edge. 07:34 jonadab: holy shit you actually are serious about that stuff 07:35 FIQ: Your current (average) movement rate is now shown in the status area (after M:, because S: was taken for score). Note that how many actions you get on any given turn is now very slightly unpredictable (even if you have normal speed), but it doesn't deviate by very much, and the long term average approaches the expected value. 07:35 Wait, did that get back into the changelog? I am *certain* I moved it to the section back when went save-stable without it. 07:35 jonadab: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tsadok/nhfourk/ 07:36 But it's conceivable something in the changelog got confused after the Great RLTiles Cherry-Pick Debacle. 07:36 so does that mean I won't even know which version I am playing, because the changelog lists changes that aren't actually in the game? 07:36 (Moral of the story: don't ever cherry-pick a commit that touches a binary file.) 07:37 LarienTelrunya: I'll look at this and try to sort out the changelog on the master branch, when I get some time. Perhaps Saturday. 07:37 yeah several of these changes sounds like things I haven't seen in .4 07:37 like multiple keys 07:37 Ah, yes. 07:37 but seriously... unlockable things? in Nethack??? 07:37 or achievement unlockables 07:37 I wanted unlockable achievements in .4, but I couldn't get it stable in time. 07:37 The menu code has bugs. 07:38 jonadab: few players will ever be able to play the archeologist in fourk :( 07:38 LarienTelrunya: To my knowledge, nobody has played an Arc in Fourk yet anyway. 07:39 I mean, I've considered achievement unlockables to be an EPI, and never thought anyone would ever actually implement such a thing. Fourk confirmed the new evil variant. 07:39 * FIQ mutters something about scurscumming 07:39 LarienTelrunya: The main goal is to not overwhelm new players with a ton of advanced-player stuff. 07:40 you should then make it possible for a veteran to unlock everything anyway 07:40 ^^ 07:40 either by a configuration option, or something like the konami code 07:40 ^^^^ 07:40 FIQ: I just wanted to suggest the konami code too :P 07:41 Hmm. 07:41 jonadab: pray tell me, did you add the achievement unlockables to test my reaction? Because it seems to me like you did. :P 07:41 I mean, you _can_, and I _do_ for testing on my local build. 07:41 (Unlock everything by creating a file, that is.) 07:41 LarienTelrunya: I don't think you were on IRC yet when I coded it. 07:42 that is not available on server 07:42 FIQ: True. 07:42 wait, you coded that years ago already??? 07:42 I mean, someone could bug the server admin to add a hidden dgamelaunch menu item to do it... 07:42 LarienTelrunya: Over a year ago. 07:43 really??? for me that came out of a clear blue sky 07:43 LarienTelrunya: You weren't looking at the bleeding-edge branch. 07:43 but I was, I just wasn't looking that closely :D 07:43 Build and play it. It'll be fun. 07:45 and, I mean, I am the kind of player that gets turned off massively by that; in fact, Elona has about 80 or so playable races, but only 12 of them are playable when you launch the game for the first time. The first thing I always do is to unlock all the races via the config file. Who has the time to play boring options when the real fun stuff could be available from the start? 07:45 And don't worry if the menu crashes a couple of times, just start the game up again. I'll track down that bug eventually. 07:45 LarienTelrunya: I don't think the unlocked-at-start stuff is boring. 07:46 Barbarian is pretty fun in Fourk, what with master Cleaver and the buffed Heart and all. 07:46 I mean, sure, if you want to unlock permaconfused, you have to do some actual stuff. 07:46 Well, I can play the barbarian or wizard, and only human at that. And if I want to play the best role in the game (well, the would-be-best-if-it-wasn-t-nerfed-to-oblivion) I have to make it all the way to the quest as a barb and probably somehow get past the ridiculous requirement for unlocking it without losing alignment points along the way. 07:47 Barbarian is the easiest role for alignment. All you gotta do is kill things. 07:47 I designed Barbarian as the noob role on purpose. 07:48 Your basic strategy is, "if it moves, hit it with your battle axe". 07:48 That's my general approach to life 07:48 Grasshopper confirmed Barbarian IRL. 07:48 And what strategy do you use if the battle-axe gets cursed in Gehennom? 07:49 LarienTelrunya: #invoke the Heart of Ahrimann. 07:49 Preferably after killing the thing that cursed it. 07:49 ah, you made the heart of ahriman actually useful? 07:49 Yes. 07:49 but the levitation is gone, I guess? 07:49 There are other ways to get levitation. 07:50 Or flying. I brought in amulets of flying from Slash'EM. 07:50 is there a way to tell the battle-axe to only hit one enemy, e.g. if there's several ones with passive attacks and you don't want to eat all that damage in one turn? 07:51 Speaking of flying, I really want to make Valkyrie a race, and convert the role to hoplite (male) / shieldmaiden (female), and let them be human, valkyrie, or dwarf. 07:51 LarienTelrunya: Admittedly, no. 07:51 However, unlike in 3.6, it doesn't hit peacefuls, only hostiles. 07:52 (This makes no flavor sense, but I consider the gameplay aspect more important.) 07:52 hahahahaha valkyrie a race, hahaha (sorry I just had to laugh when reading that :D) 07:52 anyone knows that once you start swinging an axe, you're physically incapable of stopping your swing short at any point 07:52 you just can't stop spinning. 07:52 especially if your skill is high! 07:52 It makes flavor sense. I mean, they have *wings*, in every drawing I've ever seen of one. 07:53 jonadab: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/diablo/images/4/4b/Valka.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151116160344 07:53 Albeit, sometimes the wings are on their helmet. Which is weird, but. 07:54 LarienTelrunya: https://www.tamrielvault.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/3/topic_id/813 07:55 Complete with obligator battle armor that doesn't cover the belly button, because umm because umm just because. 07:55 valks use their belly buttons to intimidate their opponents 07:56 Ah, that must be it. 07:56 The fact that they come from Valhalla and decide who lives and who dies cannot compete with a belly button for sheer scariness. 07:57 http://womenfighters.tumblr.com/ 07:57 jonadab: I wonder whether they also have wings in the actual SkÜrim. 07:57 like "Oh no I can see her belly button", then, feeling worthless by comparison, gives up 07:58 LarienTelrunya: They have wings in medieval paintings. 07:59 Though sometimes only on their helmets and/or steeds. 07:59 huh, that's weird 07:59 But they consistently *have* them, somewhere. 07:59 but are they actually capable of flight? 07:59 Oh, yes. 07:59 I mean, I could wear wings in real life too, but I wouldn't be able to fly with them :D 08:00 Have you not heard of The Flight of the Valkyries? 08:00 kids wear wings all the time but the only time I ever see them fly is after red cordial 08:01 jonadab: isn't it actually "Ride of the Valkyries"? 08:01 in German "Ritt der Walküren" (not "Flug" :D) 08:10 jonadab: Q: how would a knight get out of negative alignment when the player decides (for whatever reason) to blessed genocide D? 08:11 "Rangers sometimes get points for catching hostiles in traps" wow, seems like they really have to go out of their way to fix their alignment too 08:12 still no specific way for samurai to gain alignment, it seems :( 08:15 sam has it the harshest 08:15 re alignment 08:17 how about "samurai now gains alignment when killing an intelligent foe that is at least level 5, as long as they allowed the opponent to strike at least once in between the player's attacks because of some wierdo bushido code of conduct"? :D 08:18 that makes it similar to bar 08:18 which I think jonadab wanted to avoid 08:19 jonadab beat me to the release announcement 08:19 oh well 08:19 and I see that the constitution loss from cramped hands is still in there too... does it at least give a clear message now that tells you you just lost constitution? 08:20 * LarienTelrunya develops a cramped hand from writing all that commentary :P 08:20 "When chargeable rings are generated, the game now tries even harder than before to avoid +0 ones." <--- if (obj->spe == 0) obj->spe = 1 :P 08:21 fiqhack actually tries even harder 08:21 there is a small chance that it is +0 08:21 very small 08:21 it is usually around 2-5 08:21 or negatively 08:23 jonadab: wuot you removed Sunsword in favor of Trollsbane??? I'd have expected it to be the other way around... 08:27 anyway, gotta go now; I'm curious to see whether the changelog will be replaced by one that actually reflects the stuff in the game :D 08:27 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:28 I was pretty bummed when she started showing up in #hardfought 08:29 ? 08:38 yeah... what shpingrlde? 08:38 K2: Message from shpingrlde at 2017-12-07 01:58 EST: stop (curr...) talking about (...ency), I swear it's triggering the spammoids! 08:38 K2: Message from shpingrlde at 2017-12-07 02:07 EST: there's a pretty awesome feature that the DCSS irc bot can do for people who start a lot of half-finished games, especially if you do it across multiple versions/variants of DCSS. !locate will find all your in-progress savegames and tell you the server and game version/variant so you can go pick them back up 08:38 K2: Message from shpingrlde at 2017-12-07 02:08 EST: might be a big ask considering you and Tangles are still setting the second server up in the first place, but would be super cool to have 08:38 shpingrlde: not a bad idea 08:39 I didn't think it was a complicated sentence, heh 08:39 who are you referring to? 08:40 I liked hardfought before it got full of Larien noise 08:40 it is not hard to parse syntactically 08:40 but the implication is dubious 08:40 ah 08:40 I mean, I still like it, just, less during the window in which she trolls 08:40 yeah that is what I assumed 08:40 then just ignore the users you dont want to see text from 08:40 that you meant 08:43 but yeh, if the IRC bot can't do it, maybe there'd be a way for our /userdata/ folders to show us our saves without letting us download them 08:43 but that !locate command is way cool if it's diable 08:44 FIQ, jonadab - i set the EU server so you can import your .conf files for nh4 based variants from hdf main 08:45 nice :) 08:45 all of them? 08:45 there is 3 08:45 yup 08:45 cool 08:45 keymap curses and fiqhack (for fiqhack) 08:45 yep 08:45 that is it 08:45 etc etc for nh4 and fourk 08:45 fourk is a bit different 08:53 what did 4k do differently? 08:55 fun fact: tungtn quitting nethack development coincides with DT's "antifix" to his bug report of quest artifact theft 08:55 just the naming convention on 2 of the 3 files 08:55 ah 08:56 jonadab: you should suggest ehdf rather than ascrun 08:56 K2: is there a reason there isn't parity in letter choices variant-wise? 08:57 so p syncs 3.4.3, v syncs 3.6.1, etc 08:57 you mean for the rc import? 08:57 oh 08:57 heh, i matches due to sheer coincidence 08:57 :P 08:58 last night i was just concerned with making it work 08:58 abcdefg etc :P 08:58 yeah that is fair 08:58 i still have 5 more variants to compile 08:58 good luck 08:59 thanks for your efforts 08:59 i want to get the remaining nh3 based ones done tonight 08:59 thanks :) 08:59 there's also dyna 08:59 right 08:59 i was going to do dyna last night 09:00 but its been so long since i've compiled it, i wasnt seeing where the file was to set hdf specific settings 09:00 was comparinf build folder hdf main to what i pulled down on eu 09:00 *comparing 09:01 i did find and implement the corridoor fix you provided months ago 09:01 K2: you should probably remove password and email options from ehdf 09:02 nice 09:02 is there any room in the dgl menu for yet another variant? 09:03 say, a couple months from now, maybe 09:03 there is 09:03 barely 09:04 FIQ good call 09:05 shpingrlde: can fit 1 more NH3 variant and 2 more NH4 ones (not both) 09:05 then fitting more would need a redesign of the layout 09:15 !rng sleep3.5hours morecoffee 09:15 shpingrlde: morecoffee 09:22 good bot. 09:22 !coffee 09:22 * Beholder tosses shpingrlde a fifth of Blend 43, conjured by Announcy at 94 degrees Celsius. 09:23 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 09:26 fiq, why does mines 8 have a vampire lord near the stairs 09:26 I think your fiqhack monster difficulty thing is a bit off 09:27 [fh] easy mode activate (rikersan) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 38860 points, T:2536, killed by a watch captain 09:32 rikersan: bones..? 09:36 I didn't see a gravestone, and he would've been pretty close to where the guy was killed? 09:37 I am pretty sure this is variant paranoia, sorry 09:37 I didn't touch difficulty of vampire lords and no other person has complained 09:38 :/ 09:39 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 09:39 that was apparently too much 09:48 -!- Tangles has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Chris__ANG has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- jonadab has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- honu has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Neko-chan has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Announcy has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Webmant has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- shpingrlde has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- APic has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- aosdict has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Mandevil has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Menche has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- bhaak has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- lorimer has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- oh6 has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- dtype has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- deki has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- irina|log has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- hothraxxa has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Mekkis has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- Grasshopper has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- elenmirie has quit [*.net *.split] 09:48 -!- gamache has quit [*.net *.split] 09:51 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 8772 points, T:6502, killed by a yeti 09:52 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 09:52 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 09:52 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 09:52 -!- honu has joined #hardfought 09:52 -!- Neko-chan has joined #hardfought 09:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+ov Tangles jonadab] by tolkien.freenode.net 09:54 -!- irina|log has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- deki has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- dtype has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- shpingrlde has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+vvvv irina|log Grasshopper elenmirie Announcy] by tolkien.freenode.net 09:54 -!- bhaak has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- Mandevil has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- Mekkis has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 09:54 -!- gamache has joined #hardfought 10:03 shpingrlde: can fit 1 more NH3 variant and 2 more NH4 ones (not both) 10:03 so you're saying it's fiddlehack versus xnethack to whoever gets it playable first 10:07 !tell LarienTelrunya: What about if I make Samurai gain alignment by being super low on hitpoints, because of bushido? 10:07 Will do, jonadab! 10:07 FIQ: I had to either do it early, or wait until afternoon. I'm a morning person. 10:07 So I chose the former. 10:08 jonadab: "There is now a scroll of consecration, which can be used to create an altar (or, if confused, a magic chest)." <-- Isn't there only ONE such scroll in the whole game? Might want to mention that 10:09 And since I don't think I've formalized this before, YANI: confused blessed/cursed scroll of consecration sets/removes the graveyard flag from a level. 10:10 FIQ: I will list euro hdf in the future, if it is sticking around. I wasn't sure, when I drafted the announcement, if it was just for the tournament. 10:11 -!- Chris__ANG has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:11 aosdict: You can wish for scrolls of consecration, or _theoretically_ write them. 10:11 Though they take a lot of ink. 10:16 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 10:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by tolkien.freenode.net 10:18 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 10:24 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 10:40 Hmm, does the game not say "You die..." if you are killed in creature form with unchanging? 10:40 The line that actually prints that is in done_in_by, which isn't called anywhere on that path. 10:40 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 10:41 aosdict: I think you may be onto something there. 10:43 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 10:44 You die... is also printed by losehp, which also isn't called anywhere on that path. 10:47 Since rehumanize() only kills you like this if you have unchanging and u.mh < 1, it's probably safe to add You("die...") to that block. 10:51 Now, this doesn't fix the death message of "killed while stuck in creature form", and probably this should call done_in_by with the multi_reason being "while stuck in creature form", but that's not my main focus right now. 11:00 I propose nh4~ to be the short form of "nethack4 variants" 11:00 since nh4* didn't take and one of y'all took it to mean something else 11:14 I like nh4oids 11:15 on irc some people randomly put ~ at the end of sentences or messages 11:21 jonadab: so is officially released now? saw the email 11:21 and is there an update for fourk i should do today? 11:22 according to usenet/reddit, it's already out :D 11:23 you're doing a great job hosting the momentarily-frozen-in-time release I think! 11:23 yeah we've been running .4 for awhile 11:23 lol 11:23 maybe now its just at a point where its official 11:23 yeah, that's what I was asking about those other days - should those of us who play online care. and it seems like the answer is mostly no 11:23 they tried extra hard to squash bugs the past week I guess, we can care about that 11:24 i did do a fourk update a few days ago, so if there's another one i need to pull, it wouldnt be too far off then (making assumption) 11:24 lemme check 11:25 there IS an update 11:26 compiling 11:26 K2: is officiallly released; however, I will probably continue to do non-save-breaking updates on the master branch until spring. 11:26 ok cool 11:26 I just saw your full-heal benches 11:26 those disappear when used, right? 11:26 NetHack Fourk updated 11:26 surely you can't just stand over one and sit every few turns for hundreds of hp :D 11:27 shpingrlde: They don't disappear, no. 11:27 But it's not like you can carry them with you. 11:27 And they're rare. 11:27 hm hm hm! 11:27 * shpingrlde hopes for that gardeny gethsennom 11:28 NetHack Fourk updated on EU server also 11:29 so now when i announce updates i'll need to specify both servers 11:29 heh 11:29 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 11:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 11:29 looks like you have a solution to the last modified by lines too :O 11:29 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 11:30 instead of incidentally updating them and triggering a conflict, you use a script to make an atomic commit just for the modified-by? 11:30 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:35 shpingrlde: Yes, I do that on the release branch, so it doesn't interfere with development. 11:36 good solution. I rebased all my modified-by dates out of the repo for my sanity 11:37 okay this turn-into-monster-with-permanent-unchanging thing would be just great, if for some reason all monsters didn't just decide to stop attacking when it happened. 11:39 For some reason, when I wizard mode rehumanize, they decide to start attacking again. What? 11:42 set your main HP above 0 11:42 uhp that is 11:42 if that works 11:42 3.6.x has a severe bug 11:43 They won't attack for some reason if uhp < 0? 11:43 Or mh < 0? 11:44 * aosdict starts another wizard mode game, in a room surrounded by 2 jackals, 2 grid bugs, and 2 lichens 11:46 FIQ: that worked, thanks. What exactly is this severe bug? 11:50 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 2740 points, T:4252, killed by a giant ant 11:52 -!- oh6_ has joined #hardfought 11:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6_] by ChanServ 11:53 aosdict: sounds like monsters don't bother attacking if uhp is -1? 11:53 which means 11:53 check if monsters still attack you 11:53 if you polyself 11:53 and genocide your role/race 12:16 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:27 please remind, does it matter what kind of gems I'm throwing at unicorn? 12:28 yes 12:28 zxkuqyb: Identified valuable gems are best, #named valuable gems are ok, worthless glass will be rejected ("The unicorn isn't interested in your junk.") 12:28 oh 12:28 okay, thanks 12:46 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:3214 12:54 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:56 FIQ: polyselfed and genocided @, indeed, no monsters attack me 12:56 trying in vanilla 3.6.1 rather than xnethack now... 12:57 as I was suspecting 12:57 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 1782 points, T:2911, killed by a magic missile 12:58 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 12:58 yes, works in vanilla 3.6.1 too 12:59 aosdict: do you want to submit a bug report? 12:59 if not, I'll do 13:00 after testing on my own to check details 13:00 prob same for 3.4.3 and based variants 13:00 I will test in fiqhack 13:01 but I think it doesn't reproduce there due to AI rewrite 13:03 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:03 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 13:20 !tell K2 there was several fixes today in anticipation for a release 13:20 Will do, FIQ! 13:26 [nd] pugilist (Mon Hum Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (class ;), on T:26713 13:26 ok 13:26 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-07 13:20 EST: there was several fixes today in anticipation for a release 13:32 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 13:35 ooh new message format 13:35 aosdict: better reset the counter :P 13:39 lol this is hilarious 13:39 monsters are just standing there 13:39 "hurr durr nah, nothing there" 13:39 and yet they chase me 14:04 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3224 14:06 FIQ: What happens if you let yourself get surrounded? 14:07 I tested this 14:07 Monsters are still chasing you down 14:07 They just... don't attack 14:07 At all 14:07 FIQ: what's aosdict's counter counting? 14:07 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-05 04:02 EST: M doesn't mean #monster at all, it means wizmap 14:07 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-06 06:07 EST: Let's say I have a dialog window that is overlayed on the map screen, but not covered fully. Is there a way I can make the cursor still be in the non-covered part of the map screen asthetically if I want to without doing some hacky solution involving duplicate windows? 14:07 ais523: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-07 03:18 EST: could also generate wizbones on antimagic fields since they take HP damage 14:07 So you can pick them apart at your own leisure 14:07 FIQ: Do they cast spells, like Summon Nasties? 14:08 ais523: "FIQhack updated" 14:08 (Not that Summon Nasties would matter, if nasties won't do anything to you.) 14:08 jonadab: I didn't test summon nasties 14:08 but there seem to be no ranged combat happening 14:08 also, re: the second message, libuncursed can't put the cursor "behind" a dialog; that would fundamentally only work when using tiles 14:08 so if I would want to do that 14:09 I would need to create my own cursor 14:09 got it 14:12 [4k] teh rat king (Luxidream) (Tou Scu Mal Neu) entered the Minetown temple, on T:1531 14:17 [4k] teh rat king (Luxidream) (Tou Scu Mal Neu), 6000 points, T:1798, killed by a bolt of cold 14:18 FIQ: right, a cursor tile shouldn't be too hard to make 14:21 ais523: the hard part is to track it properly, not just draw it naively 14:21 since you need to disable the cursor if it moves 14:22 not that hard, but the hard part 14:23 yes 14:24 really, the way libuncursed handles drawing a menu or the like above a tiles region is pretty hacky at the moment 14:26 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 14:32 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 295 points, T:1183, killed by a giant rat 14:37 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 14:38 luckstone does not negate sokoban penalties, right? 14:40 It might prevent them from timing out, actually. 14:40 Unless it's blessed. 14:41 ugh 14:44 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 730 points, T:2275, killed by a gnome lord, while fainted from lack of food 14:45 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 14:48 ais523: specifically, monsters don't seem to attack if u.uhp < 1, yes I know I'm late to the party 14:50 [nd] pugilist (Mon Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a zruty, on T:31581 14:50 [fh] ur-vogel (urvogel) (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1384 points, T:4, quit 14:51 not sure if FIQ reported this yet, but it definitely happens with self geno in the latest 3.6.1 14:51 I did 14:54 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:55 [nd] pugilist (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 157026 points, T:31726, killed by a minotaur 14:56 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:01 [fh] FastInterruptRequestHack (Luxidream) (Ran Orc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased +2 cloak of magic resistance", on T:4361 15:01 -!- Webmant has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:02 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 15:05 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:07 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:09 yet another silly question: if I dilute a blessed potion will I get a blessed (holy) water potion? 15:09 no 15:10 dicks.. 15:11 nice try 15:11 but yeah no 15:11 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 15:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 15:13 I went to dlvl18 w/o a single holy water 15:13 or altar 15:14 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:14 time for a confused blessed remove curse? 15:15 -!- callforjudgement has joined #hardfought 15:15 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: sorry for my connection] 15:16 err.. prooobably 15:16 but I haven't ID'd anything yet 15:17 because so few ID scrolls 15:17 and not one of them is blessed 15:18 or might be time to convert the minetown altar 15:18 -!- callforjudgement is now known as ais523 15:19 [fh] FastInterruptRequestHack (Luxidream) (Ran Orc Mal Cha), 55048 points, T:8526, killed by a mumak 15:19 you mean I can change alignment of the altar? 15:20 oh yes indeed 15:20 you have to dispose of the priest first 15:20 wait, did you find _other_ altars in the dungeon that just weren't coaligned? 15:20 yeah 15:20 use those 15:20 sacrifice on them 15:21 your god will take care of the rest ;) 15:21 there's a small risk of the altar's current god sending a minion after you but unless your experience level is really low it's not a big problem 15:22 I won't get my butt whooped for sacrificing on crossaligned altar? 15:22 oh okay 15:22 not unless there's a priest there 15:22 cool 15:22 then the priest will personally take offense 15:22 or you're sacrificing a unicorn of the same alignment as the altar 15:22 I smunched a character that way once 15:23 dang. unicorns are super heavy 15:23 don't go out of your way to sacrifice a unicorn... more things could go wrong 15:24 than an ordinary sacrifice 15:24 oh6_: even more painful if it's of your own alignment 15:24 oh yes 15:24 well, not *so* painful if you're done with the quest, but still pretty awkward 15:27 create monster depends on dlvl, isn't it?.. 15:31 yes, but the range of possible monsters is pretty large 15:31 on the high side it's limited by the average of the depth and your experience level 15:36 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 15:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:38 [nd] Rx (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 731 points, T:2859, killed by a sewer rat 15:45 now I have 9 holy waters \o/ 15:45 nice! 15:56 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 2218 points, T:7994, killed by an Uruk-hai, while fainted from lack of food 15:58 [nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:6400 16:10 [nh4] FLEXidream (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 37065 points, T:3052, killed by a snake 16:16 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: sorry for my connection] 16:18 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:18 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 16:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 16:21 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 16:23 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 16:30 [dyn] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 4974 points, T:4195, killed by a soldier ant, while helpless 16:30 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 1006 points, T:1768, killed by a rabid rat 16:37 [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Fem Cha) became literate by reading the fortune inside a cookie, on T:5261 16:38 [4k] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 3210 points, T:1207, killed by a small mimic 16:42 [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5658 16:56 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 17:00 [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 3571 points, T:7236, quit 17:09 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:33 [fh] tirkaz (Sam Hum Fem Law), 15591 points, T:623, killed by a large mimic 17:37 -!- oh6_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:57 !players 17:57 K2: Zxkuqyb [dyn] mightyquinn [sp] 17:59 :c 18:01 [dyn] Zxkuqyb (Val Dwa Fem Law), 30058 points, T:20105, killed by a death ray 18:02 that was such a good run 18:02 :/ 18:02 alright lets get busy finishing up the EU server 18:03 at least the wand was held not by a gnome but a hill giant 18:09 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 18:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 18:13 K2: so this genocide bug 18:13 I don't really see why it wouldn't affect 3.4.3+friends either 18:13 ok 18:13 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:14 you able to figure out a fix? or is this a devteam job? 18:14 honestly I have no idea how to fix it 18:14 I know why it happens 18:14 but don't really know what to do 18:14 to fix it 18:14 I will wait and see what DT does about it 18:14 add a gameover flag, of course, that's the sane thing to do 18:14 and just steal their fix 18:14 aosdict: obviously 18:14 the sane thing 18:14 but it seems very bug prone 18:15 and I don't want to do this kind of overhaul in NH3 code 18:15 I'd totally do it in something like fiqhack 18:15 I will see what DT makes in 3.6.0 18:15 devteam: "if u.uhp is between -30 and -40, it signifies the game is over, but not at any other negative value" 18:15 and just steal their fix 18:15 good idea 18:15 this is a pretty significant bug 18:15 very exploitable 18:16 aosdict: THAT JUST HIDES THE BUG UNDER A RUG 18:16 IT'S STILL ENTIRELY EXPLOITABLE 18:16 BY LEVELDRAIN SHENANIGANS 18:16 find a scroll of genocide and a means to polyself and control it, cake walk 18:16 oops 18:16 lol 18:16 K2: no control 18:16 you can't realibly polycontrol 18:16 * aosdict gives FIQ a scroll labeled UPPERCASE SOUNDS LIKE SHOUTING 18:16 you have a 20% chance of dying 18:17 you have a 4/5 chance of being successful. i'll take those odds 18:17 FIQ: amulet of unchanging should work 18:17 aosdict: yep, it does 18:18 K2: and yeah 18:18 it's far more exploitable than vorpalbug 18:18 it allows you to completely break astral 18:19 I'm going to go try astral now. 18:19 ensure you don't level up 18:19 so try at XL30 18:21 haha the Wizard of Yendor's just marching around on Earth 18:21 FIQ: made those tweaks to the dgl menu for EU server that you mentioned 18:21 plus a couple other look/feel changes 18:21 he still summonstorms though 18:22 also, may have found another bug 18:22 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 18:22 I set S_stone to ? in my .nethackrc 18:22 cool 18:22 aosdict: and? 18:23 now actual stone doesn't display as ?, but seen out-of-LOS monsters leave trails of ? all over the place until those spaces come back into LOS 18:23 lol 18:23 nice 18:23 here I am chilling next to Death and he's a pretty laid back dude 18:24 do monsters still throw stuff 18:24 potions etc 18:24 I thought the trails of ? were something I did in my xnethack build until I started seeing it in vanilla 18:24 heh 18:24 oh crap! a long worm bit me! 18:25 oh no 18:25 long worms are weird 18:25 K2: I'll check if I can reproduce the geno bug in grunt 18:25 and no, I was not noticing any mthrowu stuff 18:25 ok thx 18:26 if I can reproduce there 18:26 it probably is everywhere else too 18:26 aosdict: what about wands 18:26 that uses muse 18:26 a different codepath 18:26 if summonstorms are happening, wands might also 18:27 I don't know, I died. 18:27 it reproduces in grunthack 18:27 how? 18:27 And of course, declining to die rehumanized me so everything starts attacking again 18:27 er 18:27 what am I saying lol 18:27 it does NOT reproduce in grunthack 18:27 is what I wanted to say 18:28 but I wonder why 18:29 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 18:33 ooh 18:33 I see why it didn't break grunt 18:33 because of sheer luck 18:34 in grunthack, uhp is unsigned 18:35 oh wait no that isn't it 18:35 thing is 18:35 and I completely forgot about this 18:35 outside 3.6.x 18:35 polyself will still increase your innate hp 18:35 allbeit slowly 18:36 meaning it will go back above -1 rather quickly 18:36 so only in 3.6.x 18:36 will it be back up 18:36 er 18:36 *will it never go up 18:37 so you are still able to gain "protection" from monsters 18:37 but it only lasts for a few turns 18:44 wait why does savelife() specifically remove intrinsic unchanging 18:45 what 18:45 why 18:45 [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 1790 points, T:3218, killed by a soldier ant 18:45 you can't even get intrinsic unchanging in vanilla 18:45 huh 18:45 you're right 18:45 it does in NH4 too 18:45 hm 18:46 that was what was tripping me up, I think 18:46 well, that and the fact that apparently something is calling rehumanize twice 18:46 not in fiqhack 18:47 probably I fixed it as part of trinsic rewrite 18:47 and forgot 18:47 about it 18:48 aosdict: now I'm even more disappointed 3.6.1 wasn't released today 18:48 it would've been kinda amusing to see the turnout after it was realized that it had a completely bonkers bug like the genocide thing 18:49 it is unique to 3.6.1 18:49 a result of changing when your own HP recovers 18:50 hah 18:50 from my understanding, astral call was also discovered pretty much instantly on 3.4.3 release 18:50 but it isn't nearly as bad as this :P 18:50 grunt has its own version of astral call 18:51 you mean own version of astral call fix? 18:51 no, it has a similar bug 18:51 oh? 18:51 didn't know 18:51 only when a high priest is in LOS, but that can be quite early 18:52 farlook the priest 18:52 oh 18:52 it shows visible weapons/armor 18:52 possessions 18:52 and it displays alignment there 18:52 "You see on the high priest of Foo:" 18:52 I presume 18:52 yeah 18:52 figured what you meant 18:52 alright, I can't figure out where this second rehumanize is coming from. 18:52 kinda funny when you consider what grunthack 0.1.0 did to astral call 18:52 * aosdict reads a scroll labeled GDB 18:52 gdb 18:53 breakpoint rehumanize 18:53 simple 18:53 right 18:56 hm, first is from monster hitting you, obviously, second is from regen_hp 18:58 hm 18:58 funny 18:59 now I'm disappointed that 3.6.1 is the variant introducing "no more HP recover of original form in polyself" 18:59 this change annoyed me quite a bit when it was introduced 18:59 but it is what made the genocide bug possible :P 19:00 I suppose savelife doesn't need to bother with mh in vanilla because life saving wouldn't trigger if you were polyed 19:00 right 19:00 oh that's a good point 19:00 I should address that 19:00 since it breaks polyinit 19:13 ok think 19:13 whoops 19:13 think I have "oLS working properly for perma-slimed players 19:15 aosdict: cool 19:16 for every other kind of perma-transformed player, of course, the amulet does nothing, since you're undead. >:) 19:19 heh 19:19 aosdict: you should implement un-style vampires 19:20 as a result of vampire death 19:20 but make LS not work 19:21 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 19:22 vampires are actually a kind of good result, so the chance of turning into one is intentionally low. 19:41 [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:31884 19:51 [sp] mightyquinn (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 32398 points, T:20121, killed by a gelatinous cube, while sleeping 19:51 !whereis k2 19:51 K2: k2 [fh]: (Mon Hum Mal Neu) T:14 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 19:52 !whereis k2 19:52 K2: k2 is not currently playing. 19:55 UnNetHack is up on the EU server now 19:55 [nd] Leggman (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3313 19:56 dnethack next, then sporkhack, then slex 19:58 [nd] Leggman (Val Dwa Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping 21 arrows on an altar, on T:3502 19:59 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 19:59 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 20:02 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:05 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 20:06 !who 20:06 FIQ: Leggman [nd] ShivanHunter [nd] 20:06 !who 20:06 FIQ: Leggman [nd] ShivanHunter [nd] 20:06 aw 20:06 no ehdf connectivity 20:06 yet 20:12 -!- Chris__ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 20:14 [nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:33736 20:26 -!- aoei has quit [Quit: Leaving] 20:33 -!- cosmicweasel has quit [Quit: *poof*] 20:33 -!- Zoticus has joined #hardfought 20:37 [nd] Luxidream (Ran Gno Fem Neu), 1581 points, T:2330, killed by a gas spore's explosion 20:39 !whereis 20:39 bug_sniper: Leggman [nd] Zoticus [nd] 20:39 !whereis zoticus 20:39 bug_sniper: zoticus is not currently playing. 20:39 !whereis Zoticus 20:39 bug_sniper: Zoticus is not currently playing. 20:46 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 20:50 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:52 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 20:52 Is there a peaceful monster displacement patch out there? I want to implement it, but don't want to redo it if someone else already has. 20:53 displacement? 20:53 pet style? or player style 20:53 fiqhack has the pet one you can probably steal 20:53 pet style 20:54 not sure how similar the relevant code in fiqhack would be 20:54 also not sure I want to clone fiqhack just to go through its logs 20:54 you can displace any peaceful (except shks I think) by moving into them 20:54 its' exactly like pets i think 20:54 !rng b | g | s | L 20:54 rikersan: g 20:55 !rng b | s | L 20:55 rikersan: b 20:55 !rng s | L 20:55 rikersan: s 20:55 geno L it is 20:55 yes but I'm working in NH3 not NH4 20:55 the domove code is likely not the same 20:56 ah true 20:56 /shrug, just a thought 20:56 -!- rikersan has quit [Client Quit] 21:00 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 21:04 NH4 has all the uim stuff that isn't in vanilla 21:04 it's probably easiest just to change the safepet code to check peaceful as well as tame 21:05 although after some discussion wrt the FIQhack changes, we (or at least I) decided it'd make the most sense if you couldn't displace a peaceful into liquid / a trap (they refuse to swap) 21:09 yes, I agree 21:09 but the nh3 code checks peacefuls before safepet, I think/ 21:10 if you're adding peaceful displacement you can just remove that altogether 21:11 hmm, is_safepet defined in display.h. "Placing the definition here is convenient." 21:12 that's bizarre because nearly all NetHack's header files are included in every source file anyway 21:12 I wanted to split them up 21:12 but then, I wanted to use aimake to split them up and people told me no :-( 21:13 unrelated, but: assuming we don't care about ancient systems which can only have 10 stack frames or something, is there a good argument for having as many macros as there are currently? 21:13 IMO, making them into functions would be better for debugging and for reading the code. 21:14 making them inline functions is a bit iffy (unless you do it as static inline), and requires C99 or compiler extensions 21:14 making them non-inline functions means that you need a separate definition and declaration 21:14 so there's twice as much writing and you have to look in multiple places to see what's going on 21:14 that's a feature, not a bug, for me (though it gets more annoying with pre-ansi C, granted) 21:15 it also means that you get strict type checking on the arguments and return type 21:16 Having to double-declare functions is a bizarre thing. I have no idea why C did it that way. No modern language does. 21:16 Though it's not nearly as insane as CoBOL's triple-declaration for variables. 21:16 it's very nice when you're linking against libraries 21:16 also seems like it would prevent accidental code duplication. A lot of times I have written up a function and then learned there was a macro in some header file that already did that. 21:16 ais523: Ah. I don't like the way C handles linking against libraries, either. 21:16 because it means the libraries can be compiled right down into black boxes and the headers tell you how to link against them 21:17 In particular, I prefer languages where all inclusion is explicit. 21:17 with languages where the definition is the declaration, such as Java, you need either source code for the library or an object file format that preserves large proportions of the source 21:17 Having an extern keyword that _doesn't specify where the thing is defined_ is, IMO, terrible design. 21:17 and many other languages, like Perl and Rust, need separate syntax for a library function in a foreign language than they do for a function in their own langauge 21:18 ais523: You never run into that in Perl unless you are writing the library. 21:18 use syntax is the same for the person using the library. 21:18 You don't care if the module is XS or not. 21:19 for some reason I'm often the person writing the library :-P 21:19 Ah. 21:19 dNetHack is now up on the EU server 21:19 Yes, if you're writing XS modules, there's more you need to know. 21:20 2 nh3 titles left to go 21:20 * aosdict makes one change to the safepet macro to include peacefuls, decides to test with a peaceful watchman 21:20 "You frighten the watchman. You frighten the watchman." 21:24 -!- faravel has joined #hardfought 21:31 The annoying thing is that I can't call minliquid() on the peaceful monster since that will do things to it, like kill it. No function for just "can it move here safely" with no side effects. :( 21:33 you could split minliquid, I guess? 21:33 but I think goodpos might be the function you need 21:35 [fh] Peace Wizard (Luxidream) (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 19264 points, T:1391, killed by a hobbit 21:37 Hm, goodpos and minliquid could probably be refactored together somehow... but not a priority 21:39 SporkHack now available on EU server 21:39 time for slash'em extended 21:41 -!- faravel has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:42 K2: slex, then ZAPM? 21:42 at this point there's no real reason for zapm to be unlockable-only 21:43 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 21:43 zapm is already live 21:43 was first one i did 21:43 its an easter egg ;) 21:43 Ah. 21:44 I was trying to think of something further off the beaten path than slex. Couldn't think of an actual NetHack variant that fit the bill. Unless you want to do, like, Brass or NetHack:TNG or something. 21:44 THe Japanese translation maybe. 21:48 Huh. So if I try to displace a peaceful into a trap, and it successfully prevents it from displacing, the spoteffects() make me trigger the trap. 21:49 regular Slash'EM might be a possibility 21:49 or anything really 21:49 Regular Slash'em could be interesting. 21:49 Or slethe. 21:50 Or Brogue. 21:50 intended behavior, or third bug of the day? "You stop. Your grid bug can't move diagonally. There is a bear trap here. Your bear trap closes on your foot!" 21:50 -!- Zoticus has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0] 21:51 context: trying to displace pet off trap diagonally, but it's a grid bug. Causes the trap to re-trigger. 21:54 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 21:57 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 22:06 -!- Zoticus has joined #hardfought 22:06 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 22:10 Slash'EM Extended now available on the EU server 22:10 all i have left to do is DynaHack 22:15 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 22:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 22:17 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:27 very weird bug I can't reproduce 22:28 levitating, trying to displace a vampshifted fog cloud off of a pool it is currently flying over 22:28 it turns into an @ but farlook still shows it as (peaceful fog cloud) 22:29 and it either thinks where I am is not a goodpos or that there's a trap where I am 22:29 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:30 ah, got it to reproduce 22:33 it appears to be cosmetic... ^R fixes it 22:36 [fh] bundlebundlebundlebundlebundle (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) killed the ghost of easy mode activate, the former Fighter, on T:2091 22:36 Ah, it's rendering _me_ there, because it assumes I've already moved, when the logic to cancel the move comes after. 22:41 Yep, I can reproduce this in vanilla. Bug #4 of the day! 22:44 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- Menche has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:45 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 22:45 FIQ: can I use your DevTeam page to add bug reports I send in to the devteam? 22:45 would prefer having it all in one place 22:47 -!- rikersan has quit [Client Quit] 22:48 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 22:58 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:58 [fh] Zota (Zoticus) (Val Dwa Fem Law), 27528 points, T:2122, killed by a little dog 22:58 heyo! 22:59 trying out that new fangled fiqhack on hardfought and had a question 22:59 shoot 23:00 playing on hardfought. Seems to be some "U" characters showing up randomly on the map 23:00 or (U 23:01 maybe I need to switch to a different character set. Unicode? 23:01 utf-8 would be fine 23:01 character encoding is utf-8 23:01 technically it shouldnt matter 23:01 [fh] bundlebundlebundlebundlebundle (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 39619 points, T:5010, quit 23:01 are you in game right now? 23:02 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 23:02 ya 23:02 using deja vu sans mono book 23:02 play i'm watching 23:02 for font 23:02 see those (U ? 23:02 I can screenie 23:03 looks fine to me 23:03 https://imgur.com/a/fMU6P 23:03 ya, I think it's just my display 23:03 maybe try deja vu regular? 23:03 yup 23:05 not any better :( 23:05 I'm using gnome-terminal. 23:05 !tell LarienTelrunya [fh] bundlebundlebundlebundlebundle (Luxidream) (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) killed the ghost of easy mode activate, the former Fighter, on T:2091 23:05 Will do, bug_sniper! 23:05 hmm 23:05 bouquet: phantom umber hulks are coming for your soul 23:06 I probably deserve it. 23:10 when I start the game it seems to change my terminal's background color. I usually play on #000000 background but this is sort of gray. 23:11 what font do others use? 23:14 !tell FIQ posted the bug report on User:FIQ/DevTeam, if for any reason you don't want it there feel free to remove it 23:14 Will do, aosdict! 23:19 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 23:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper_] by ChanServ 23:21 bouquet: the last section of options in fh relate to the terminal settings. The change of background color is probably due to the palette option. 23:22 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:22 bouquet: also, I did see your (U behavior while I was using gnome-terminal. Afterwards I tried to start my own game and started getting the (U at the end of line after typing my character's name. I had to disconnect and reconnect and my character encoding settings seemed fine afterwards. 23:24 thanks, Zoticus 23:24 It's not a font issue, but something weird with the terminal's encoding. DejaVu Sans Mono should be fine. I like Source Code Pro. 23:25 I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting a bunch but no dice. 23:26 It's not a palette issue. Pretty sure it's the encoding 23:26 Trying to change gnome-terminal encoding settings while logged into the server seems to get weird. I run fh with UTF-8. I run NH3.6 with the Hebrew encoding so I can enable IBM graphics 23:26 ah, I think I have Hebrew encoding for NH3.6 23:26 The palette has to do with the color change you mentioned, not the (U thing. The (U thing looks like classic character encoding garbage 23:27 that did it 23:27 The palette settings in fh's options give you a range of different contrast settings. 23:27 Cool 23:28 gnome terminal must have bugged out. It said utf-8 was selected but I know I set hebrew for NH3.6. 23:28 Did you maybe try to change it from one to the other while already logged into the server? 23:28 I've seen that doesn't work well. 23:28 as soon as I did "add/remove" to show more encoding options it showed that hebrew was actually selected. 23:29 gnome bug, imagine that! 23:29 So I set up different profiles in gnome terminal and then little launcher scripts to launch ssh w/ the correct profile 23:29 setting it to utf8 makes everything look good 23:30 ok, good. Glad that worked 23:32 thanks all for the help 23:33 You're welcome -- glad to help 23:34 -!- Menche has left #hardfought 23:34 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 23:35 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 23:41 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 23:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 23:43 -!- oh6 has quit [Client Quit] 23:43 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 23:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 23:57 -!- deadnoob has quit [Remote host closed the connection]