00:00 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 8 points, 123 turns, killed by exhaustion on hardfought 00:01 [nh4] Seabass (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 8668 points, T:699, quit 00:04 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 366 points, 714 turns, killed by a black pudding on hardfought 00:08 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:08 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 00:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 00:10 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 689 points, 1041 turns, killed by strangulation on hardfought 00:11 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 71 points, 335 turns, killed by a wand on hardfought 00:16 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 712 points, 1313 turns, killed by the Oracle on hardfought 00:18 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 00:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 00:18 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 381 points, 828 turns, killed by a wand on hardfought 00:21 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 513 points, 1013 turns, killed by a giant bat on hardfought 00:25 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 1127 points, 1036 turns, killed by a giant ant on hardfought 00:26 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 231 points, 503 turns, killed by a water moccasin on hardfought 00:27 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 7 points, 60 turns, killed by a water demon on hardfought 00:28 DIED: Entitas (Val-Hum-Fem-Law), 114 points, 260 turns, killed by a water moccasin on hardfought 01:12 DIED: fatty (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 384 points, 1152 turns, killed by a Kop Sergeant, while reading a book on hardfought 01:20 DIED: fatty (Wiz-Orc-Mal-Cha), 740 points, 1091 turns, poisoned by a rotted dwarf corpse, while helpless on hardfought 01:26 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 01:27 ASCENDED: Raisse (Val-Dwa-Fem-Cha), 1524186 points, 58753 turns, ascended on hdf-eu 01:27 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Raisse/dn36/dumplog/1511187716.dn36.txt 01:27 just in time to catch the ascension 01:27 congrats 01:28 TROPHY: Raisse just earned the Double Top 01:29 thanks! 01:40 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:57 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:58 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2649 points, 4067 turns, killed by a gnome king on hdf-eu 02:08 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 02:31 -!- Menchie has left #hardfought 02:50 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 02:57 -!- katung has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:57 -!- katung has joined #hardfought 04:10 -!- mcnick has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:13 -!- katung_ has joined #hardfought 04:15 -!- katung has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:19 -!- raisse\splat has joined #hardfought 04:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse\splat] by ChanServ 04:49 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 250 points, 351 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 04:49 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 16 points, 73 turns, killed by a jackal on hdf-eu 04:54 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 805 points, 1018 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-eu 04:56 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 148 points, 255 turns, killed by a jackal on hdf-eu 05:00 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 360 points, 782 turns, killed by a water demon on hdf-eu 05:12 -!- sebastiantoby has joined #hardfought 05:12 -!- sebastiantoby is now known as Kontroller 05:14 -!- Kontroller is now known as Kontroller\unfoo 05:26 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2327 points, 4857 turns, killed by a rothe on hdf-eu 05:32 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 552 points, 1005 turns, killed by a gnome lord on hdf-eu 05:58 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 06:20 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 0 points, 5 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 06:21 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 6590 points, 5858 turns, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted crocodile, while praying on hdf-au 06:27 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 185 points, 401 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-au 06:32 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 922 points, 2703 turns, killed by a werejackal, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 06:32 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 726 points, 421 turns, killed by a hobbit on hdf-au 06:50 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 06:57 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:59 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 2393 points, 1398 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-au 07:02 -!- Porkmanthree has joined #hardfought 07:05 -!- Porkmantwo has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 07:09 -!- Porkmanthree has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:18 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 4706 points, 7280 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating an ogre king on hdf-eu 07:24 DIED: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 3247 points, 4226 turns, killed by a blue jelly on hdf-eu 07:42 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 159 points, 114 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 07:55 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 2112 points, 2684 turns, killed by Ms. Pervari, the shopkeeper on hdf-eu 07:55 DIED: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 3402 points, 4057 turns, killed by a soldier ant on hdf-eu 07:58 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:04 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 474 points, 976 turns, killed by a gnomish wizard on hdf-eu 08:09 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 569 points, 1026 turns, killed by a bat on hdf-eu 08:28 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 578 points, 1175 turns, killed by a dwarf on hdf-eu 08:30 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 339 points, 550 turns, killed by a small mimic on hdf-eu 08:44 CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! jonathanhanes accepted the Waldo challenge. 08:45 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 08:52 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 09:03 -!- StinkyGreene has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 09:07 -!- katung_ has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:15 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 4178 points, 3530 turns, poisoned by a rabid rat on hdf-au 09:15 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 09:21 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 183 points, 123 turns, killed by a kobold zombie on hdf-au 09:30 -!- Webmant has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:30 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 09:38 -!- puck1 has joined #hardfought 10:02 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 576 points, 542 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-eu 10:03 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 106 points, 338 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 10:03 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 10:04 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 175 points, 156 turns, killed by a jackal on hdf-eu 10:13 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 269 points, 514 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 10:14 DIED: OtsMcGee (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 238 points, 468 turns, killed by a bolt of fire on hardfought 10:49 DIED: Kontroller (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 2634 points, 5828 turns, killed by a winter wolf cub, while praying on hdf-eu 10:50 !rng keep zombie pet | lose him 10:50 rikersan: lose him 11:00 [dnh] rikersan (Dro-Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:19535 11:03 k2: my dnh game crashed :( 11:03 tried to reload (exited ssh and reconnected) 11:03 it says it can't recover 11:03 ok one sec 11:03 is there anythin you can do, or it just can't recover? :( 11:03 good timing btw 11:03 cuz I'm gonna be pissed if it's gone it was going great 11:04 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 11:04 looks like a segfault (dnethack generated a core dump) 11:05 so it's gone? 11:05 :( 11:05 no files to recover, however there's a backup of your last save from about 1 hour ago 11:05 that would work great if you can restore that 11:05 ok one sec 11:05 and I'll ping nero and chris about the segfault 11:05 was there any error msg in your terminal? 11:06 at what point? 11:06 it gave an error, cannot recover when I tried 11:06 but no it just froze when it crashed 11:06 I waited 15-20 seconds, then closed the terminal window and reconnected to hdf 11:06 ok 11:07 sometimes you can scroll up in the terminal window to catch any error msgs 11:07 anyways 11:07 save restored 11:08 thanks :D 11:08 no prob 11:09 like Chris_ANG know what you did in game right before the crash if you can remember 11:09 s/like/let 11:12 yep 11:12 this is like the 5th time it's crashed like this so 11:13 smth about going downstairs with things standing next to you I think, all times I've had a tame/peaceful non-stalker monster near me 11:13 eh 11:23 DIED: khamul (Bar-Hum-Mal-Cha), 139881 points, 21286 turns, killed by an invisible lieutenant on hdf-eu 11:24 -!- puck1 has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.0-dev] 11:29 !rng polymorph | speed boots | magic missile 11:29 rikersan: speed boots 11:30 [dnh] rikersan (Dro-Wiz Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +3 greased speed boots", on T:16183 11:31 !rng polymorph | polymorph | polymorph | polymorph | polymorph | speed boots 11:31 FIQ: polymorph 11:31 fiq: are you trying to tell me something 11:31 >_> 11:33 !rng usetest earthquake | don't cuz that's dumb 11:33 rikersan: don't cuz that's dumb 11:33 [dnh] rikersan (Dro-Wiz Dro Fem Cha) was given their Quest, on T:16512 11:35 -!- zjmc_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:38 DIED: knaveightt (Rog-Hum-Mal-Cha), 201 points, 520 turns, killed by a jackal on hardfought 11:45 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 5144 points, 3724 turns, killed by a soldier ant on hdf-eu 11:47 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 50 points, 342 turns, killed by a kobold zombie on hdf-eu 11:48 rikersan: it is rather clear that polymorph is the superior option 11:49 in a completely non-biased RNG 11:58 lol 11:58 I actually probably should have gone for magic missile spbk 11:58 or smth 11:59 I kinda need to kill stuff, and I've got an angry juiblex vs pre-quest wiz 11:59 (stupid same race sac) 12:20 K2: omitted the beehive colored walls 12:20 Why? 12:31 FIQ: Some people object to having more than one color of walls on a level. (Others insist on it...) Personally I'm ambivalent about the matter. 12:31 jonadab: Wiztower already has a custom wall color 12:31 K2 only excluded beehives 12:31 for some reason 12:31 A dungeon that only has gray walls everywhere looks incredibly dull. 12:31 FIQ: Ok, but that's branch coloring. 12:31 ^ why slex has fleecy rooms :p 12:31 *^^ 12:31 ...? 12:32 wiztower is in Gehennom 12:32 Yes, but it's also its own branch. 12:32 It is not 12:32 Well, kind of. 12:33 The wiztower levels are definitely considered distinct levels from the surrounding gehennom. 12:33 But it is not a seperate branch 12:33 -!- Webmant has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:33 Hmm. It behaves as one. 12:33 Not in any way codewise 12:33 Maybe it's just a big pile of special cases then. 12:33 ...This is NetHack 12:33 Did you expect something else? 12:34 True. 12:34 YASI: embed Sokoban in the Dungeons of Doom, in similar fashion to how the wizard tower is embedded in Gehennom. You have to get to the level below Delphi to find the entrance to actually get into it. 12:35 -!- SenseiTav has joined #hardfought 12:35 hi 12:35 Hello SenseiTav, Welcome to #hardfought 12:35 lunch break is now 12:36 let's play NetHack. 12:38 FIQ: omitting beehive colored walls was purely a personal thing 12:39 never cared for the beehive walls having color, so I didnt add it 12:39 K2: Yes, I was afraid of that. I'm not sure if it is worthwhile to let purely personal (and very debatable!) taste get in the way of development for something public 12:39 But maybe that is just me 12:40 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 12:40 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 12:40 why not? everything we do is personal is it not? 12:40 I am not going to stress it, just saying that changing that just because "I don't like it" with no other reasons feel dubious to me when it comes to a non-personal project 12:40 there's no mandate that i'm aware of that dictates what changes you make to FIQhack is there? 12:41 Unless you consider GruntHack something fully your own at this point? 12:41 -!- Porkmanthree has joined #hardfought 12:41 k2 maintains it, right? 12:41 no one had touched it in over 5 years until we did... so yeah 12:41 but 12:41 K2: Fair enough then, I guess 12:42 that does not stop anyone else from taking it and making their own tweaks 12:42 CHALLENGE COMPLETED! Rex completed the Joust challenge. 12:42 I mean, I've done several modifications/improvements (according to me) to the NH3 curses UI 12:42 but I've never *forced* changes upon anyone 12:42 everything that changed can be turned off/etc 12:42 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:43 really 12:43 so i can turn off wand balanace 12:43 (and generally defaults to the non-changed state) 12:43 K2: Did you read what I say? :P 12:43 I mentioned curses UI, not fiqhack 12:43 what I am trying to say is 12:44 ok we'll stay on gh 12:44 I consider my work on curses UI maintenance work 12:44 and not something personal 12:44 FIQ its open source. its not 'focing' anything on anybody 12:44 which is different 12:44 forcing 12:44 but maybe I'm the only one who sees it that way :P 12:44 prob are ;) 12:44 Mhm 12:45 oh no, i didnt add colored beehive walls. boycott grunthack on hdf! 12:45 hahahaha 12:45 well you should realize that I didn't consider it an "oh no, literally unplayable" thing 12:46 well thats good 12:46 i probably shouldnt mention the changes i'm making if anyone has 'fiq' in their username then... 12:46 token input: when i first released spork, people complained that i was forcing things on them; that i was requiring them to play a certain way, etc. etc. 12:46 -!- remirol is now known as lorimer 12:46 for awhile i actually did make sure to put #ifdefs around most of my changes so that people could compile things out if they didn't want them 12:47 K2: well what I was trying to say was, I thought you considered your work on GruntHack purely maintenance work 12:47 initially yes 12:47 Which goes against the beehive-wall thing (which is a personal reason to change something) 12:47 but in practice (much like vanilla) people ran into option fatigue... with so many things to change, they changed none of them unless they found something annoying 12:47 That is why I questioned it 12:47 I mean, let's say this was K2hack or something, then I wouldn't have questioned it at all 12:48 so i quit giving people options unless it was something i knew that there was a chunk of people who wanted both A and B 12:48 And since you've said that yes, you consider the hdf grunthack version "yours" at this point, I'm not going to complain anymore 12:48 lorimer: makes sense 12:48 FIQ look at this way 12:48 lorimer: so like 3.4.3's million ifdefs of things basically nobody disable 12:48 as far as modifying other people's work i'm pretty sure i'm considered "biased" in that regard so i have no input there. also sacred cows make excellent cheeseburgers 12:49 12:49 like TOURIST 12:49 in a sense its OURS because we took it over and revitalized it 12:49 K2: mhm 12:49 however 12:49 FIQ: that was exactly it, yeah. paxed and i talked it over and were like "oh the hell with this, nobody undefs TOURIST" 12:49 its still open source 12:49 is grunthack like slashem + fiqhack? 12:49 stupid things + AI n QoL things 12:49 if you dont like what's hosted here, compile your own version, make the changes you want, and play it 12:49 yeah as said, I can agree with this view on the grunthack hdf version 12:49 just I didn't think this was your stance 12:50 so I was just going to ask about it, if you intended to let personal opinion alone change things, etc 12:50 initially it was just maintenance changes 12:50 but as time went by it became more personal 12:50 no gameplay changes!!!!!!!!11 :P 12:50 heh :P 12:50 * K2 pets his beholder 12:50 rikersan: not at all 12:51 no? 12:51 I'm seeings AI n stuff in the changelog 12:51 and then stupid things 12:51 grunthack happens to share basically the exact philosophy as initial fiqhack 12:51 its just more evil 12:51 however 12:51 grunt is also evil 12:51 but it isn't slash'em 12:51 slash'em is "let's add ALL the things" 12:52 grunt is more "let's flesh out what is there" 12:52 I mean 12:52 there's no new artifacts 12:52 no new items (aside from shimmering dragon scales+mail) 12:52 and I think only a single new monster (beholders) 12:52 GruntHack is "Oh, the game has wands of wishing? How can monsters use them to KILL YOU?" 12:53 Slash'em is "Balance? BOOOORING. Let's add light sabres, and grenades, and gypsies!" 12:53 (it also has shimmering dragons, but counting that is arguable since it is in vanilla too, just deferred) 12:53 fiq: oh, potions of wonder are fiqhakc specific? 12:53 urd 12:53 *yes 12:54 hm 12:54 well, slex has it too, but they aren't remotely similar 12:54 yeah 12:54 they're basically different items 12:54 I saw the slex one 12:54 random potion effect 12:54 that happens to have the same name 12:54 yea 12:54 fiq: so which should I play now? :p 12:54 fiq | grunt 12:54 lorimer: sacred cow is delicious btw 12:54 that is up to you really 12:54 gonna finish a monk run 12:55 as said 12:55 grunthack and fiqhack basically share the same philosophy 12:55 they just go about it in different ways 12:55 and several changes are shared between them (allthough not code) 12:56 they each have their own cool stuff 12:56 and stuff that makes them stand out 12:56 rikersan: oh, but fiqhack also has something else that grunt doesn't -- a major focus on convenience 12:56 Well, FIQHack also has some NH4 policy that GruntHack doesn't share. UI-wise, mainly. 12:56 so if you like that, play fiqhack 12:56 Things like the Interhack Principle. 12:56 fiq: that's true 12:57 hm 12:57 why does the "step on square" items-are-here thing show price 12:57 but not , 12:57 but fiqhack will not let you have dragonhide cloaks of magic resistance and reflection, nor will you die to a gnomish healer with a vorpal scalpel 12:57 for when there's multiple things on it 12:57 Compare what happens whan you are standing next to water and accidentally hit the key that would step you into the water, in FIQHack vs GruntHack. 12:57 yea 12:58 And yes, FIQHack says no to some of GruntHack's more extremely OP stuff. 12:58 grunthack lets you do some crazy stuff with armor/weapons 12:58 Like monsters using up the entire Castle wand of wishing on stuff to use against you. 12:58 And dragonhide gear, yeah. 12:58 Dragonhide boots of water walking and speed, etc. 12:58 but in fiqhack, you can blow everything up with skilled wands of death 12:58 are armor n stuff weightless when worn? 12:59 No. 12:59 not in either of the variants 12:59 huh 12:59 armor weights less in fiqhack though 12:59 then that armor is definitely carrying >_> 12:59 when worn 12:59 weightless armor? sign me up please 12:59 why does that not auto-id 12:59 what do you mean? 12:59 K2: Then everyone would just use CPM. 12:59 weapons n stuff do when you see them do stuff 12:59 carrying should auto-ID 12:59 :) 12:59 well, this magical splint mail isnt' 12:59 oh 12:59 pick it up, I'm burdened 13:00 put it on, I'm not 13:00 you are playing fiqhack? 13:00 yes 13:00 yeah, worn armor encumber less 13:00 ah ok 13:00 carrying, as in the property, will auto-ID 13:01 i understand armor 'weighing' less when you wear it, as your body is supporting the weight and not your arms 13:01 K2: indeed 13:01 therefore, i propose... the Backpack™ 13:01 it is implemented as a weight reduction 13:01 the bag you can wear 13:01 but yeah 13:01 that is the flavour 13:01 K2: But to get anything out of it, you have to doff it? 13:02 don/doff 13:02 hm 13:02 Which you can't do while overtaxed? 13:02 jonadab: ok same logic - cant wield a two-handed weapon if you're carrying a bag 13:02 or cast spells 13:02 K2: Actually, NetHack implies that all the stuff you're carrying is in some kind of pack. 13:03 knapsack 13:03 worn pack 13:03 Except for equipped gear. 13:03 yeah 13:03 !rng telepathy | vegetarian 13:03 rikersan: vegetarian 13:03 k then 13:03 jonadab: have 52 seperate inventory slots of loadstones 13:03 the game will not allow you to pickup a single dart 13:03 but damn it'd be cool to find a backpack w/ extra pockets 13:04 MOLLE ready too 13:04 jonadab: clearly the adventurer's knapsack is a magical one with 52 compartments 13:05 Gurgi's wallet? 13:05 there is no issue fitting anything room-wise 13:05 but it will still weight you down 13:05 and trying to make one compartment shared among different item types will cause bad things 13:06 hm, fiqhack zombies are bad 13:07 now there's like 15 peaceful ones 13:07 gh zombies are worse 13:07 cuz I used a figurine of one and it was peaceful 13:07 :P 13:07 well yeah 13:07 I've fought those in slex :p 13:07 Brogue zombies are terrifying. 13:08 yes 13:08 and i still don't get why people say "oh yeah just light it on fire" 13:09 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1801 points, 4059 turns, killed by a wererat on hdf-eu 13:09 rikersan: In some cases you can do that, but you need a cleared retreat path that's nice and long. 13:09 ooh nice, lightning pickaxe 13:09 Or fire immunity. 13:09 jonadab: tha'ts still not a good idea though but yea 13:09 they burn forever 13:10 For about a level and a half, in my experience. 13:10 (A dungeon level and a half worth of retreating out of their path, I mean.) 13:10 [fh] monk (rikersan) (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 36810 points, T:2108, killed by an ettin 13:10 And you better hope nothing gets in your way and delays you long enough for their burning nausea cloud to catch up with you. 13:10 fucking polytraps 13:10 they should burn in hell 13:10 rikersan: fire traps burn in hell. 13:11 well, let's have polytraps do that too, eh? 13:11 I swear to god 13:11 I knew there was one, I got the ripping message 13:11 but srsly 13:11 that was a grand total of 1 turn to die ;-; 13:11 not even any sleep to put him down 13:11 Oh, the ettin? 13:11 yes 13:11 It can get much worse than that. 13:12 well yeah 13:12 rikersan: but in fiqhack, you can displace peacefuls 13:12 he was hostile? 13:12 so it doesn't seem all that bad 13:12 oh 13:12 yea 13:12 I thought you said peaceful 13:12 nope 13:12 I've had a polytrap in the Mines give me multiple Gehennom-level enemies. 13:12 just "fucking ettin", "fucking polytrap" 13:12 jonadab: well my last polytrap gave me a MMF 13:12 That is a good example of worse than an ettin, yes. 13:13 my dnh adventures have given me a balrog and ice devil, at the same time 13:13 (ironic too - fire n ice explosions) 13:13 in addition to MMF, acid paraelemental, and ice paraelemental 13:13 fiq: if I made a PR removing all polytraps from the game, would you merge it into fiqhack >_> 13:13 no 13:14 however I can see softcapping it 13:14 Softcapping, like Fourk does? 13:14 Or capping the number of such traps? 13:14 to only allow +-3HD per trigger 13:14 ^ 13:14 Ah. 13:14 I see. 13:14 That could be useful. 13:14 so it can still get bad 13:14 just make polytraps behave like in slex, where it's highly unlikely that a monster triggering it turns into something of much higher level ;) 13:15 but the chance is lower 13:15 and its more gradual 13:15 Though that would be annoying for pacifists. 13:15 jonadab: hence softcap 13:15 you can get it up to large levels 13:15 Only tediously. 13:15 Because half the time, or more, you get something of _lower_ level. 13:15 yes, but polytrap dancing is already tedious as-is 13:16 there needs to be better ways to gain good pets 13:16 Fourk addresses this by making the thing wear out after a few tries. 13:16 So you take what you get that's decent and move on. 13:16 making it completely useless in the process 13:16 Or else you get stuck with whatever you get when it conks out. 13:16 a large amount of polyforms are worthless 13:16 True. 13:16 so most likely what will happen is that you pull your large cat inside one 13:16 try for 3 times 13:16 it goes poof 13:17 and now you have a warg 13:17 at best' 13:17 -' 13:17 Well, note that you can go deeper and find another polytrap (hopefully) and try some more. The deeper you go, the better polytraps are at lasting. 13:17 yes 13:17 But yes, there's no guarantee that you can necessarily get the specific outcome you want. 13:18 polytraps are also so common 13:18 so that this is very easy to dor 13:18 *do 13:18 Heh. 13:18 or not 13:18 I think I had like 13:18 4 polytraps 13:18 *overall* 13:18 in my NH3 paci 13:18 before castle 13:18 I'm still salty about my pacifist run getting ruined 13:18 and that was with trap detection' 13:18 -'' 13:18 +' 13:19 rikersan: What happened? 13:19 fountain quaffed for figurine of angel, barely made it alive 13:19 floor below minetown, polytrap hit 13:19 superpowerful angel became leprechaun 13:20 @d?surya deva 13:20 No such monster. 13:20 CHALLENGE COMPLETED! jonathanhanes completed the Waldo challenge. 13:20 rikersan: Ah. 13:20 I still had a dancing blade, so it wasn't horrible 13:20 but I'd already techinically broke pacifist so 13:20 rikersan: If it hadn't been a polytrap, it would've been a trap door, or a levelport trap, or something. 13:21 lol 13:21 (passive attack from my race counts apparently) 13:21 There's always something. 13:21 I stumbled upon a wiki article that consisted of 3 sentences 13:21 and had one of these templates about multiple issues 13:21 jonadab: no, I've gotten level tele'd and trap-door'ed away already 13:21 listing 4 issues 13:21 that is a lot of issues for 3 sentences 13:21 I just sprinted and anything that hit me died to passive 13:21 ^ that broke pacifist though so 13:21 reminds me, I should ping chris about that 13:22 FIQ: scroll of create familiar that can occasionally summon out of depth pets? ;) 13:22 ADOM has that 13:22 Makes more balance sense than the spell. 13:22 the spell is just a tame version of create monster 13:23 technically OP because it can generate infinite monsters 13:23 tame to you 13:23 including stuff like captains 13:23 and stuff that normally doesn't appear tame 13:23 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 13:23 but it's such a crapshoot that you're much better off with charm monster 13:24 Hmm, perhaps it shouldn't generate always-hostile monsters. 13:24 it should be made level 2 and only summon domesticated monsters 13:24 Ah. 13:24 then it's kinda useless IMO 13:24 Or maybe from a dedicated list? 13:24 Summon Nasties has a dedicated list, why can't Create Familiar have one? 13:25 you mean "only summon domesticated" isn't a dedicated list? :P 13:25 but what would such a list contain 13:25 I meant that the list could be expanded a little beyond that. 13:25 jonadab: make it based on skill 13:25 Oh, maybe. 13:25 only summon kittens/little dogs if unskilled 13:25 Unskilled -> kittens and puppies, yeah. 13:25 Basic -> any domestic 13:26 maybe basic can upgrade it into housecats/dogs/ponies/horses and something extra 13:26 skilled goes beyond domestic stuff 13:26 Skilled -> any d or u 13:26 expert summons actually good things 13:26 jonadab: and f 13:26 and f, yes. 13:26 expert -> anything normally tameable, up to 3 levels below yours? 13:26 Nothing in d, u, or f is _very_ OP. 13:26 jonadab: clearly expert should use the nasty list 13:27 so master mind flayers are a result? :D 13:27 Hmm. 13:27 jonadab: not including unicorns, right? 13:27 then maybe monsters might actually use it in FIQHack :P 13:27 cuz you shouldn't be able to get tame cross-aligned unicorns 13:27 I was thinking expert, anything that can be generated peaceful, except for NPC-grade things (shopkeeper, priest, guard, etc.) 13:27 But that might be OP, becuase Archons can be peaceful if you're lawful. 13:28 rikersan: Maybe only co-aligned unicorns. 13:28 so you go from skilled 13:28 which can generate tigers 13:28 to expert 13:28 which can't? 13:28 sounds a bit weird 13:28 Oh, hmm. 13:28 Good point. 13:28 Maybe just a bigger list for Expert. 13:28 remove the kittens 13:28 add q? 13:28 little dogs 13:28 etc 13:28 add q and w? 13:28 ^ 13:28 ooh so you can get purple worms 13:28 nice 13:28 makes purple worms feasible yea 13:29 ASCENDED: Luxidream (Val-Dwa-Fem-Law), 1672432 points, 35458 turns, ascended on hardfought 13:29 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/dn36/dumplog/1511313015.dn36.txt 13:29 congrats luxidream 13:29 and 3 wishes left, nice 13:30 *5 13:32 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 232 points, 1538 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion on hardfought 13:37 -!- mcnick has joined #hardfought 13:39 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 7296 points, 6075 turns, killed by a crocodile on hdf-eu 13:39 DIED: thisisdeuce (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1503 points, 2527 turns, killed by a giant ant on hardfought 13:40 YANI: higher skill in a spell class reduces pw cost 13:40 -!- SenseiTav has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:41 DIED: Luxidream (Ran-Gno-Fem-Neu), 183 points, 276 turns, killed by a boulder on hardfought 13:42 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:42 rikersan: there's an idea kicking around, originally by FIQ I think, where we do away with spell failure rates and simply increase Pw cost based on what the failure rate would have been. 13:42 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 13:43 I kind of like that. 13:43 -!- hpardis has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:43 intended as a nerf to 90% fail utility spell spam and such 13:43 rikersan: implemented in slex :) 13:45 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 13:46 hm, that's a good idea aosdict 13:46 also, srsly fiq? 13:46 mercy autocurses when you wield it, but isn't gen'd cursed? 13:46 no fair 13:47 YANI: remove the 90.5% chance to generate an amulet of change cursed, and make it normal amulet curse odds. 13:48 rikersan, welcome to slashem extended 13:48 this is fiqhack :p 13:48 I like slex better 13:48 aosdict; yeah, I kinda agree 13:48 rikersan: ♥ 13:48 ther'es no downside to change 13:48 OON you too larien 13:48 :p 13:49 ah, I keep forgetting that :D 13:49 well, <3 13:49 what's "your conscience bothers you" mean? 13:49 just -alignmenet? 13:49 and it is serious? 13:50 [fh] grunthack is better (rikersan) (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 33576 points, T:1442, killed by a fire ant, while praying 13:50 aw dang 13:50 rikersan: mercy is a major trouble 13:50 welded mercy, that is 13:50 Mercy, is that like in Brogue? Eep. 13:50 oh, is it? 13:51 rikersan: yes 13:51 jonadab: think so yeah 13:51 jonadab: no 13:51 it's worse 13:51 well, it wasn't a huge deal 13:51 Worse! 13:51 I was a wizard and it didn't block my spells 13:51 in brogue 13:51 mercy will randomly heal things 13:51 in fiqhack 13:51 mercy inverts damage 13:51 it always does 13:51 always 13:51 inverts damage? 13:51 if you would deal 20 damage 13:51 if you would have dealt 4 damage 13:51 you deal 20 healing 13:51 Ah. 13:51 you heal 4 instead 13:52 So it's just like in Brogue except procs 100% of the time. 13:52 it still counts as pet abuse though, right? 13:52 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 383 points, 1062 turns, killed by a fox on hardfought 13:52 otherwise I can see a pacifist using a mercy +9 silver saber 13:52 rikersan: no 13:52 maybe the autocursing is mean 13:52 FIQ: Did you also implement weapons of plenty and armor of burden? 13:52 but I mean 13:53 then there is no downside 13:53 since you can just unwield 13:53 jonadab: armor of burden... interesting! 13:53 like reverse carrying 13:53 plenty... meh 13:53 fiq: it should always be gen'd cursed 13:53 or 90% chance 13:53 FIQ: Armor of burden increases its weight every time you get hit. 13:53 rikersan: 90% 13:53 ah, is it already? 13:53 no 13:53 kk 13:53 I mean maybe it should be 90% 13:53 It's quite nasty in Brogue, if you can't remove it quickly. 13:53 instead of autocursing 13:54 no, autocurse is fine 13:54 but it should also be normally gen'd curse 13:54 cursed 13:54 like helm of OA 13:54 ahh 13:54 so you can informally quasi-id it as mercy 13:54 Because armor that weighs more, in Brogue, makes your AC worse. 13:54 not foolproof, since other runics can be cursed too 13:54 jonadab: fun 13:54 FIQ: Yes. 13:54 jonadab: if I were to implement burden 13:54 It's arguably worse than armor of immolation. 13:55 I would probably just make it lower carrycap to like 75% 13:55 stacking 13:55 (Armor of immolation wouldn't be nearly as bad in NetHack, because you can get permanent fire resistance.) 13:55 FIQ: Yeah, that'd probably be enough. 13:55 EPI: armor of damnation, secretly makes your AC as if it was 10 13:56 The point of these negative runics in Brogue is to incentivize quaff-identifying potions before use-identifying any weapons or armor. 13:56 hidden of course? 13:56 and generated with abnormally high enchantments? 13:56 rikersan: yes, "secretly" 13:56 Wait, so your Def reports as something like 14, but it is actually 0? 13:56 yeah 13:57 That's fairly nasty. 13:57 I did say "EPI" :P 13:57 Yes. 13:58 EPI: armor of falling. Every few turns, it causes you to fall through the floor. 13:58 adom has damnation 13:59 but there is is basically equavilent to having a cursed luckstone 13:59 except much worse 14:00 EPI: armor of erosion. Every turn it picks an element (water, fire, cold, acid, etc.) and causes random things in your inventory to sustain damage if they're vulnerable to that element. 14:01 that's not a bad idea for an object property maybe, but too fancy 14:01 every turn it picks an element and deals dmg to the enemy of that typ 14:01 type 14:01 That'd be a weapon property 14:02 weapon of the elements 14:02 EPI: make polymorphitis an armor property 14:02 ^ 14:02 and not 90% cursed 14:02 the fun thing is that most of those EPIs are already in slex ;) 14:02 Of course they are. 14:03 EPI: rings of levitation autocurse when worn. 14:03 adom rings of the fish (magical breathing) does 14:05 -!- mcnick has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:07 Does that one have a downside, other than using up the ring slot? 14:10 no 14:10 but it's the kind of thing you would optimally just swap on need 14:10 so adom autocurses it 14:10 to make it harder 14:11 I mentioned it because levi is also a swap ring 14:11 LarienTelrunya: does elona have dooming? 14:12 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 32 points, 194 turns, killed by a contaminated potion on hdf-eu 14:12 well, it has doomed items, which are basically heavily cursed; in elona, cursed items are seriously dangerous and doomed ones doubly so 14:12 your character cannot be cursed/doomed though; there are a few crippling status effects like sickness, pregnancy and anorexia but they're all different 14:13 ahh 14:14 adom has dooming 14:14 it is not a very good intrinsic 14:14 lol, I thought you were, well, doomed if you are doomed, as in "monsters always hit you for max damage and you rarely hit anything" 14:14 yes 14:14 that is basically what it does 14:14 and it has a bunch of other bad effects 14:15 (I've read an adom LP once) 14:15 it is the only time you can be eaten by grues in ADOM 14:15 in darkness 14:16 gods zapping monsters with divine lightning will misfire at you 14:16 if you're doomed 14:16 for example 14:16 heh, I guess it tries to make it so that everything, not only monsters, is trying to kill you 14:17 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2329 points, 1888 turns, killed by a straw golem on hardfought 14:17 the god will apologize 14:19 &lastgame 14:19 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/m/mtf/dn36/dumplog/1511376786.dn36.txt 14:20 this death is kinda weird 14:20 look at the msglog 14:20 what happened? 14:21 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 335 points, 779 turns, killed by a bat on hdf-eu 14:21 "Gave over:" really? I guess that's fixed in devel? :P 14:21 or is it intentional? 14:21 I've been wondering about that too 14:21 also what's so weird about that death? when you're burdened, normal speed monsters like straw golems may double-turn you 14:24 that was not 2 turns 14:24 it was like 5 14:25 @v?straw golem 14:25 straw golem (') | Lvl: 3 | Diff: 4 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold sleep poison | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d2 claw physical, 1d2 claw physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: breathless, mindless, vegan 14:25 You feel better. Lishus misses the straw golem. The kitten bites! The straw golem hits! The straw golem hits! Lishus bites the straw golem. The straw golem misses lishus. The straw golem misses lishus. The kitten bites! Lishus bites the straw golem. The straw golem hits lishus. The straw golem misses lishus. The kitten bites! The straw golem hits! The straw golem hits! You die... 14:25 if the golem gets two attacks per turn, he got two turns against the player 14:25 DIED: firemonkey (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 3308 points, 3842 turns, killed by an Uruk-hai on hardfought 14:25 he did 4 attacks 14:25 not 2 14:26 because the golem has 2 attacks per turn 14:26 (8 attacks, but 4 times since he has 2 attacks per turn) 14:26 I count 4 seperate attacks 14:26 monsters retaliating against other monsters (the player's cat in this time) doesn't use up their movement energy though 14:27 hmm 14:27 even a speed 1 monster (I dunno, creeping mold? lichen?) has the same chance of retaliating against your speed 24 warhorse 14:27 and even if the creeping mold wouldn't get a turn for the next 8 or so turns 14:29 "The kitten bites! The straw golem hits! The straw goelm hits! You die..." Looks to me like the straw golem got two hits in one turn. Which matches its wiki article: claw 1d2, claw 1d2. 14:29 jonadab: 4 hits 14:29 heal self 14:29 (The retaliation-against-pet thing is because 3.x doesn't let monsters attack pets _except_ in retaliation. NH4 changes this.) 14:29 pet misses golem 14:30 cat hits mtf 14:30 golem hits mtf 14:30 pet hits golem 14:30 golem hits pet 14:30 cat hits mtf 14:30 pet hits golem 14:30 golem hits pet 14:30 cat hits 14:30 *mtf 14:30 golem hits mtf 14:30 mtf dies 14:32 Not all player actions result in a message. 14:33 I am assuming the player did _something_ right before the pet acted. 14:34 no 14:34 for me it seems the monsters just got a double turn since the player was burdened 14:34 mtf healed 14:34 to full health 14:34 then he died 14:34 never be burdened, it's a killer :D 14:34 -!- dave__ has joined #hardfought 14:34 this is 3.6.0 14:34 FIQ: Hmm, well, I'd have to look at the ttyrec then. 14:34 3.6.0 monster speed is evil 14:41 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 14:44 -!- jonadab has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:45 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 14:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v jonadab] by ChanServ 14:52 -!- StinkyGreene has joined #hardfought 14:54 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 4695 points, 5078 turns, killed by a plains centaur on hdf-eu 14:56 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 56.0.2/20171024165158]] 14:58 -!- StinkyGreene has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:10 YANI: dragons should be able to use the spell of opening to open doors that can't open with their claws 15:10 dragons should simply be able to use spells 15:10 or any monster without hands 15:11 yeah 15:13 but knock doesn't actually open doors, it just unlocks so you still have to use your hands 15:13 I was thinking of the bell of opening 15:14 and when you knock on a door, usually it opens without you using your hands in real life 15:14 when someone else is there 15:19 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:23 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 855 points, 2325 turns, killed by a kitten, while frozen by a monster's gaze on hardfought 15:24 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 15:27 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 15:27 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Client Quit] 15:29 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 15:29 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Client Quit] 15:30 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 15:31 [nh4] Nobbs (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 47390 points, T:9145, killed by a rope golem 15:33 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 313 points, 1379 turns, choked on an egg on hardfought 15:34 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 15:36 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 0 points, 422 turns, killed by a jackal on hardfought 15:39 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 68 points, 411 turns, killed by a grid bug on hardfought 15:39 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:40 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1347 points, 1409 turns, killed by a rock mole, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 15:41 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 182 points, 223 turns, killed by a goblin on hardfought 15:42 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 82 points, 120 turns, killed by an arrow on hardfought 15:43 DIED: thisisdeuce (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 111 points, 607 turns, killed by a boulder on hardfought 15:43 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:44 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 319 points, 1027 turns, killed by a grid bug, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 15:45 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 0 points, 66 turns, killed by a jackal on hdf-eu 15:45 [nh4] Nobbs (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1536 points, T:15, escaped 15:47 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 73 points, 207 turns, killed by a little dart on hdf-eu 15:49 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:50 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:50 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 15:50 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 15:52 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Client Quit] 15:53 [nh4] Nobbs (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 24215 points, T:771, killed by a gnome lord 15:54 CHALLENGE IGNORED! thisisdeuce ignored the Grue challenge. 15:56 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:57 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:00 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 641 points, 1569 turns, killed by a wererat on hardfought 16:07 -!- elenmirie\splat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:08 -!- elenmirie\splat has joined #hardfought 16:20 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 16:21 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 16:25 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 16:27 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 233 points, 210 turns, killed by a water moccasin on hdf-eu 16:32 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:33 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 16:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 16:51 DIED: firemonkey (Wiz-Gno-Mal-Neu), 1961 points, 2129 turns, killed by a white unicorn on hardfought 16:58 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 315 points, 522 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-eu 17:02 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 17:03 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:04 [nh4] seabass (seabass1211) (Sam Hum Mal Law), 24324 points, T:1036, quit 17:06 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 899 points, 1692 turns, killed by a gnome on hdf-eu 17:07 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:08 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 17:11 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 424 points, 655 turns, killed by a hobbit on hdf-eu 17:14 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 17:18 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 900 points, 3904 turns, killed by a goblin, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 17:19 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:23 -!- mcnick has joined #hardfought 17:28 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 840 points, 5770 turns, killed by a bat, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 17:29 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 16 points, 554 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 17:36 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 93 points, 133 turns, killed by a jackal on hdf-eu 17:40 DIED: jackofclubs (Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law), 2517 points, 2195 turns, killed by a hobgoblin on hardfought 17:40 -!- Jendic has joined #hardfought 17:41 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha), 67 points, 537 turns, killed by a fox on hdf-eu 17:47 -!- Porkmanthree has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 17:50 -!- Porkmanthree has joined #hardfought 18:00 -!- raisse\splat has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:04 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 18:04 -!- Porkmanthree has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:04 -!- StatueSurfer_ has joined #hardfought 18:11 -!- mcnick has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 18:12 ASCENDED: eitwinston (Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha), 1749214 points, 55700 turns, ascended on hardfought 18:12 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/e/eitwinston/dn36/dumplog/1510713148.dn36.txt 18:14 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 10032 points, 8209 turns, killed by a spotted jelly on hardfought 18:27 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 230 points, 478 turns, killed by a boiling potion on hardfought 18:32 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 18:33 -!- StatueSurfer_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:44 ASCENDED: squolly (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 1541592 points, 30048 turns, ascended on hdf-eu 18:44 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/s/squolly/dn36/dumplog/1511285114.dn36.txt 18:45 TROPHY: squolly just earned the Birdie (with bells on!) and Double Top 18:49 congrats, squolly! 18:53 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 18:56 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ndr-Nob Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed historic ring of free action", on T:46647 19:04 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 19:07 [dnh] NeroOneTrueKing (Tou Inc Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:23842 19:08 ASCENDED: davez (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 3999962 points, 52516 turns, ascended on hdf-eu 19:08 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/d/davez/dn36/dumplog/1511127068.dn36.txt 19:09 TROPHY: davez just earned the Dilithium Star 19:14 -!- dave__ has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:15 RIP surya deva 19:15 -!- Menchie has joined #hardfought 19:18 DIED: k2 (Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu), 10852 points, 8078 turns, killed by an invisible stalker on hardfought 19:25 DIED: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 329 points, 1217 turns, killed by a kobold zombie, while fainted from lack of food on hardfought 19:28 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ndr-Nob Dro Fem Cha) killed A'gone, on T:48932 19:28 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:32 DIED: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 763 points, 917 turns, killed by a water demon on hardfought 19:33 ASCENDED: Luxidream (Rog-Orc-Fem-Cha), 787214 points, 27094 turns, ascended on hardfought 19:33 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/dn36/dumplog/1511376299.dn36.txt 19:34 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 19:37 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:45 [dnh] NeroOneTrueKing (Tou Inc Fem Neu) killed Dispater, on T:25954 19:51 DIED: jackofclubs (Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law), 13867 points, 8442 turns, killed by a Green-elf, while frozen by a monster's gaze on hardfought 19:52 CHALLENGE COMPLETED! Kontroller completed the Joust challenge. 20:07 DIED: Wolfechu (Arc-Hum-Mal-Neu), 146645 points, 27664 turns, killed by a minotaur on hardfought 20:10 DIED: Wolfechu (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 201 points, 355 turns, killed by an electric shock on hardfought 20:12 DIED: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 2590 points, 2962 turns, killed by an orcish arrow on hardfought 20:22 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 8758 points, 9924 turns, killed by a warg on hardfought 20:30 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 20:36 -!- mcnick has joined #hardfought 20:46 DIED: Wolfechu (Bar-Orc-Fem-Cha), 5277 points, 4628 turns, killed by a warg on hardfought 20:51 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:52 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 20:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 20:52 -!- Desktop has joined #hardfought 20:56 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:58 -!- mcnick has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:04 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:04 ASCENDED: Webmant (Cav-Gno-Fem-Neu), 7256300 points, 129833 turns, ascended on hardfought 21:04 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/W/Webmant/dn36/dumplog/1511049035.dn36.txt 21:05 DIED: greqrg (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 763 points, 1378 turns, killed by a giant bat on hardfought 21:06 TROPHY: Webmant now holds the Highest Scored Ascension (aka the Berry) and Highest Scored Caveman 21:06 TROPHY: Webmant just earned the Double Top 21:09 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 21:10 hello guys 21:11 hi Webmant 21:11 congrats on all those trophies 21:11 i had just ascended with the new top score for both caveman and overall, however, despite showing up on the trophy page (https://www.hardfought.org/devnull/trophies.html) on the top of the scorelist, I am not getting 5 points for achieving top score 21:11 the 2 points for top score for caveman registered though 21:12 https://www.hardfought.org/devnull/players/Webmant.html 21:12 Theres the link as proof 21:12 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 21:15 -!- Kontroller\unfoo has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:18 -!- SenseiTav has joined #hardfought 21:18 Hola 21:18 Hello SenseiTav, Welcome to #hardfought 21:29 -!- SenseiTav has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:33 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 21:37 -!- SenseiTav has joined #hardfought 21:37 Hallo 21:37 Hello SenseiTav, Welcome to #hardfought 21:39 DIED: Luxidream (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 7748 points, 9137 turns, killed by a priestess of Athena, while paralyzed by a monster on hardfought 21:40 DIED: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 305 points, 618 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion on hardfought 21:44 hi SenseiTav 21:49 hi K2 21:49 CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! greqrg accepted the Pool challenge. 21:52 CHALLENGE COMPLETED! greqrg completed the Pool challenge. 21:53 DIED: k2 (Sam-Hum-Mal-Law), 1347 points, 1219 turns, killed by a black pudding on hardfought 21:59 DIED: zaga (Val-Hum-Fem-Neu), 7946 points, 5595 turns, killed by a winter wolf, while frozen by a monster's gaze on hardfought 22:00 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 2138 points, 4978 turns, choked on a fortune cookie on hardfought 22:01 DIED: jackofclubs (Cav-Dwa-Mal-Law), 3145 points, 2802 turns, killed by a hill orc on hardfought 22:04 hey k2 22:09 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 22:18 -!- bobbydurrett has joined #hardfought 22:28 DIED: Leggman (Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu), 7932 points, 3734 turns, killed by a chameleon imitating a warhorse on hardfought 22:32 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 248 points, 2308 turns, killed by an orc-captain on hardfought 22:38 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 176 points, 570 turns, killed by a boulder on hardfought 22:41 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 331 points, 550 turns, killed by a newt on hardfought 22:42 -!- mcnick has joined #hardfought 22:42 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 94 points, 246 turns, killed by a sewer rat on hardfought 22:44 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:45 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 22:49 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 413 points, 843 turns, killed by a newt on hardfought 23:07 -!- bobbydurrett has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:27 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 23:27 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 23:30 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:32 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 244 points, 2081 turns, killed by a gas spore's explosion on hardfought 23:34 -!- SenseiTav has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:35 DIED: Webmant (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 5914 points, 18192 turns, killed by a wand on hardfought 23:36 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 23:44 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 23:46 DIED: mtf (Hea-Gno-Mal-Neu), 461 points, 1618 turns, killed by a coyote on hardfought 23:47 CHALLENGE COMPLETED! Leggman completed the Waldo challenge. 23:56 -!- Jendic has quit [Quit: *poof*]