00:22 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:47964 00:26 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:48043 00:49 [nd] Eleven (Mon Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:12155 01:07 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:50005 01:11 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:19 [nd] Eleven (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 6232 points, T:16002, killed by a rabid rat, while fainted from lack of food 01:50 [nd] Raisse (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:2949 01:55 [nd] Raisse (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:6176 02:01 -!- ri-corpse-san has joined #hardfought 02:01 :/ server is still down? 02:02 hm, server is semi-up, but dnethack, spork, and slex aren't working 02:02 the rest seem to work tho 02:07 [gh] rikersan (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 573 points, T:742, killed by a gnome 02:07 -!- ri-corpse-san has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 02:11 [nd] Raisse (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:10519 02:17 [nd] Raisse (Arc Dwa Fem Law) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:11415 02:38 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 03:23 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 03:31 DIED: nht (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 3917 points, killed by a rothe, while dragging an iron ball on hdf-eu 03:33 DIED: nht (Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu), 297 points, killed by a gnome lord on hdf-eu 03:41 it's actually dnh, spork, slex, nethack4, 4k, fh, dyna 03:45 and though grasshopper is playing tribute I can't start a game 04:00 raisse: probably never disconnected 04:01 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 04:03 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:03 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 04:21 -!- nht has quit [Quit: nht] 04:28 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 04:57 i know why 04:57 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-21 13:29 EDT: you seem to have broken things, I can't play fiqhack anymore 04:57 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-21 13:39 EDT: Pushed updates. See commit description for how to activate it 04:57 when i did that tweak in dgl to fix the whereis bit for unnethack 04:58 every other game underneath it in the config isnt loading 04:58 looking at it now 05:03 fixed 05:03 one comma in wrong spot 05:03 sorry folks 05:16 !players 05:16 K2: k2 [nh] Grasshopper [nd] 05:16 !whereis k2 05:16 K2: k2 [nh]: (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) T:1 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 05:16 !players 05:16 K2: k2 [gh] Grasshopper [nd] 05:16 !players 05:16 K2: Grasshopper [nd] 05:17 yeah sometimes something bad has to happen for something good to happen later on 05:17 cleaning up a couple discrepancies with whereis file handling with other variants 05:18 that I am now noticing 05:18 !players 05:18 K2: Grasshopper [nd] k2 [un] 05:18 !players 05:18 K2: Grasshopper [nd] 05:18 !players 05:18 K2: k2 [dnh] Grasshopper [nd] 05:18 !players 05:18 K2: Grasshopper [nd] 05:19 !players 05:19 K2: k2 [sp] Grasshopper [nd] 05:19 !players 05:19 K2: Grasshopper [nd] 05:19 !whereis 05:19 K2: Grasshopper [nd] 05:19 !whereis k2 05:19 K2: k2 is not currently playing. 05:19 ^ correct 05:26 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 05:30 oh, happy birthday, hardfought! 05:31 \o/ 05:36 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 05:36 -!- weber.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 05:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 05:36 !players 05:36 K2: k2 [fh] 05:36 !whereis k2 05:36 K2: k2 [fh]: No details available 05:36 hmm 05:38 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 05:38 -!- karatkievich.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 05:38 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 05:38 !players 05:38 K2: k2 [fh] 05:38 !whereis k2 05:38 K2: k2 [fh]: (Mon Hum Mal Neu) T:11 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 05:38 \o/ 05:39 FIQhack updated 05:39 ^ whereis now works with FIQhack 05:42 !whereis k2 05:42 K2: k2 is not currently playing. 05:42 ok good 05:43 and dgl is releasing all .whereis files now properly across all variants that use it 05:44 !tell jonadab possible to add whereis capability to Fourk? see FIQ's commit for FIQhack - https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/commit/a380fa4dcc4b8c9ffa6297517909ecc55be69148 05:44 Will do, K2! 06:16 K2: Pushed that yesterday :-) 06:16 jonadab: Message from K2 at 2017-10-22 05:44 EDT: possible to add whereis capability to Fourk? see FIQ's commit for FIQhack - https://github.com/FredrIQ/fiqhack/commit/a380fa4dcc4b8c9ffa6297517909ecc55be69148 06:17 hah 06:19 However, until we track down why Fourk on hardfought.org has memory corruption in the status area, I don't think many folks will be playing it. 06:19 I was hoping you could tell me what specific compiler you use. 06:20 Because I can't reproduce the issue on any other system. ascrun doesn't have it either. 06:24 this is the script we use to build Fourk - http://sprunge.us/jZLV 06:24 * jonadab looks. 06:24 NetHack Fourk updated 06:24 btw 06:25 I'm going to try with those specific CFLAGS here. 06:26 ok 06:27 where does fourk create it's .whereis file when someone is playing? 06:27 I didn't change that, so should be the same as FIQHack. 06:27 ok 06:28 flag the same as fiqhack also? 06:28 I didn't change the commit at all, it cherry-picked cleanly. 06:28 ok 06:29 Well, I mean, there were merge conflicts, but they were all the stupid top-of-file last-edited-when comments. 06:29 Those happen every time I merge anything from FIQ these days, because he turned on the git hook that updates them every commit. 06:30 i added the -DWHEREIS flag to the build script 06:30 I asked the git folks a while back if there's a way to get git to not see that as a conflict and automatically just fix it; they said no. 06:31 ok now its working 06:32 -rw-rw---- 1 games games 171 Oct 22 06:31 k2.whereis 06:32 !whereis 06:32 jonadab: jonadab [4k] k2 [4k] 06:32 now i just need to update beholder to actually use it 06:32 !whereis k2 06:32 K2: k2 [4k]: No details available 06:32 yup, one sec 06:32 didnt the makefile also conflict 06:33 !whereis by itself is a bit misleading given the context 06:33 K2: by is not currently playing. 06:33 FIQ: Well, yes, but I just removed that. 06:33 (I don't have the makefile on my master branch.) 06:33 Also, I am playing Fourk on hardfought now and not seeing the weird status area issue. 06:34 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 06:34 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 06:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 06:34 !whereis k2 06:34 K2: k2 [4k]: (Sam Hum Mal Law) T:7 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 06:35 \o/ 06:35 does dgl show the info too 06:35 in watchlist 06:36 FIQ: can you still reproduce the Fourk memory corruption issue? 06:36 one sec 06:36 as far as i know, no nh4 based variants use the extrainfo capability of dgl 06:36 no 06:37 @ jona 06:37 extrainfo? 06:37 FIQ: Me neither. 06:37 That is mystifying. 06:37 But I suppose good. 06:38 I thought whereis and extrainfo was the same thing 06:39 extrainfo for dgl just shows you what level the player is on and if they have the amulet 06:41 yes but 06:41 is this another file 06:42 yes 06:42 so right now i have a 3.4.3 game loaded 06:42 here's the contents of k2.extrainfo 06:42 1| D1 06:42 thats it 06:43 D1 presumably means dungeons of doom level 1. 06:43 correct 06:43 The 1 means you're playing? 06:43 not sure 06:43 Alright, we'll have to look at the NAO code. 06:44 We can grep for "extrainfo" 06:44 so the 1 just meant i was on dlvl 1 06:44 now i am on dlvl 2 06:44 2| D2 06:44 this file can probably be made as part of update_whereis 06:44 I think the first number is a "weighting" 06:45 for sort order in the watch menu 06:45 oh 06:45 so you get one point per dungeon level, maybe 100 points for having the amulet, more points again for being in the planes, etc. 06:45 so maybe weight higher with A? 06:46 yeah 06:46 just realized sporkhack doesnt do extrainfo 06:46 * K2 adds that to to-do list 06:47 FIQ: It's just a hint for dgamelaunch, so when someone tries to sort the watch menu by extrainfo, it sorts higher values to the top. 06:47 yeah 06:48 I didn't know you could sort by that. 06:48 probably makes sense to ensure parity 06:49 Add 50 to the weight number for being a NH4 variant :-) 06:51 :P 06:51 P 07:04 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:37 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:47 DIED: Tangles (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 27342 points, killed by a winter wolf cub on hdf-eu 07:48 oops 07:50 rip 07:50 Tangles: well at least we can deduce that NotTheOracle\dnt is working :) 07:52 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 07:56 heh 07:57 so the tribute games on both remotes wont be reported until the xlogfiles are synced with the main server 07:57 so at the longest, a one min delay 07:59 or 07:59 we could have the bot read from the remote servers xlogfiles directly 08:00 it took 08:00 doesnt really matter 08:00 10 minutes 08:00 to build the server version of FIQHack using aimake on my VPS 08:00 wtf aimake 08:00 and how long does it take using your regular method on same vps? 08:01 let me try in a moment 08:01 it isn't done yet 08:01 lol 08:01 [nd] Eleven (Arc Hum Fem Neu), 180 points, T:884, killed by a small mimic 08:01 heh 08:03 ok aimake is done 08:04 now let's try the usual one 08:06 done 08:07 actually done a min ago-ish 08:07 so yeah 08:07 2-3min 08:07 vs 10+ 08:16 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:54207 08:17 he was a wuz 08:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 08:21 !players 08:21 K2: Eleven [nd] Grasshopper [nd] k2 [4k] 08:21 !whereis 08:21 K2: Eleven [nd] Grasshopper [nd] k2 [4k] 08:21 !whereis k2 08:21 K2: k2 [4k]: (Wiz Syl Fem Neu) T:1 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 08:25 -!- Tokage has joined #hardfought 08:26 !whereis K2 08:26 K2: k2 [4k]: (Wiz Syl Fem Neu) T:27 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 08:27 [gh] Tokage (Kni Elf Mal Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony called Howitzer 08:27 Tokage congrats on your recent grunthack ascension 08:27 Thanks. 08:27 Someone said I was good at this game, but if I were, I wouldn't keep dying on my first turn like just now. 08:28 everyone has their own play style 08:28 i like to takes reisks too 08:28 risks 08:29 but ascending grunthack that soon after playing it for first time, and no E word use to boot, that's impressive 08:29 Well, like I said then, I think the game's difficulty is rather overstated. 08:29 It's just the zombies that're absolute bullshit. 08:29 hah 08:30 Towards the end, the only trouble were the other adventurers with their reflection gear, rendering my magic missile useless, and the occasional vorpal-induced sudden death. 08:30 And of course Demogorgon. 08:30 i should make beholders non genocidable 08:30 Mmm. 08:30 Do something to fix the zombies while there. 08:30 zombies are fine as is 08:30 They're fucking not. 08:31 They're harder than in vanilla, I get that. 08:31 :) 08:31 But they can also wipe away entire branches on their own. 08:31 They're spawned in throne rooms for no reason, and kill everyone there as soon as I enter the level. 08:31 yup. that was the original authors intent 08:31 They're never kept down by anything, not even Turn ndead. 08:31 They are NOT fine. 08:31 you can keep them down with a tinning kit 08:32 or just kill them enough times, they'll eventually rot away 08:32 or of course genocide them 08:32 if i come across an early scroll of genocide, they are usually the first to go 08:32 They're infinitely too tough, take far too many kills to finally keep them down for good, and there's absolutely no conceivable reason Turn Undead shouldn't turn them to dust or something. 08:33 the turn undead bit isnt a bad idea... 08:33 DIED: roro256 (Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha), 995 points, killed by a newt on hardfought 08:33 Nor the bit where a single zombie can clear out all of Fort Ludios. 08:33 Changing that, I mean. 08:34 for now, zombies wont be changed. that's how sgrunt made them, and i'm trying to keep to the original authors intent as much as possible 08:34 Maybe take a page out of Infra Arcana and allow us to destroy their corpses. 08:35 You can. 08:35 the *only* deviation i've done from the original authors intent is a change to beholders, which actually makes them tougher, but they dont appear so early anymore either 08:36 There are at least half a dozen ways to destroy a corpse in NetHack. 08:36 None of them include just chopping it down with your sword, I'm pretty sure. 08:36 [nd] Eleven (Arc Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5355 08:37 Anyway, I appreciate honoring the author's original intent, but frankly, in this particular case sgrunt either didn't think this thing through or he's being a trolling cunt. Either way you could overrule him and make the damn things just a little bit more fragile. 08:38 Tokage: the whole point of GruntHack is to troll the player. 08:38 i'm leaning towards 'trolling cunt' 08:38 Why do you think monsters at the Castle will unlock the chest, take out the wand of wishing, wish for things to kill you with, _recharge the wand_, wish for more things to kill you with... 08:38 i think grunt made his variant while going through a bad breakup 08:38 They do that? 08:39 There's Elbereth on it and everything. 08:39 @ ignore Elbereth. 08:39 Tokage if the soldier is human or elven they'll get into the chest 08:39 you havent played enough grunthack games to know how truly evil it can be 08:40 * K2 knows how evil it can be 08:41 The door's also locked, and I've rarely seen anything break a door - and if it is, it's to get directly to me. 08:41 !players 08:41 K2: k2 [nh4] Tokage [gh] Eleven [nd] 08:41 !whereis k2 08:41 K2: k2 [4k]: (Wiz Syl Fem Neu) T:27 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 08:41 hmm 08:42 I am trying to figure out how I can know that a game has been successfully started from the server POV 08:46 [nd] Eleven (Arc Hum Fem Neu), 978 points, T:7620, killed by a hobbit, while fainted from lack of food 08:52 Again with the "still eating" bug. I can't lead my horse downstairs - not even upstairs this time. 08:52 K2, maybe you should look into that? 08:52 I mean unless that wasn't trolling as well. 08:58 Yeah grunthack has some bugs. 08:58 We'll look at it. 08:58 Just got hit by a dart trap and the game crashed. 08:59 And, again, I'd consider a single zombie being able to wipe out a dungeon branch to be a bug in itself, but what do I know. 08:59 yeah the pet eating taking way too long has been on the to-do list for awhile 08:59 its taken a backseat to other projects of late 09:00 [gh] Tokage (Kni Elf Mal Law), 0 points, T:41, killed by a rabid rat 09:00 Tokage: grunthack zombies are what they are... and it would not be grunthack without them. 09:00 I disagree. 09:00 There are ways to deal with them 09:00 I know, and I still disagree. 09:01 they are just not the same ways as you deal with zombies in vanilla 09:01 I KNOW, AND I STILL DISAGREE. 09:01 Tokage: then make your own fork of grunthack and play it 09:01 I've told you my reasoning. I've told you this isn't just about them being made tougher. 09:01 I would if I could. 09:02 * jonadab doesn't like GruntHack zombies either; they're more _tedious_ than difficult IMO. But that's GruntHack. It's an old-school variant. 09:02 It's seriously frustrating. Grunthack adds so many good gameplay features, fixes things, ramps up the difficulty, and all that stuff - but then you need to also deal with all this blatant trolling bullshit that adds nothing and is legitimately just put there to piss people off. 09:02 What I want is Brogue-style zombies, but that would be a lot of work. 09:02 !whereis k2 09:02 K2: k2 [4k]: (Wiz Syl Fem Neu) T:27 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 09:02 Tokage: consider trying FIQHack. 09:02 It takes a lot of inspiration from GruntHack but adheres to the "interhack principle" per NH4. 09:02 !whereis k2 09:02 K2: k2 is not currently playing. 09:03 there we go 09:03 I'll give that a look. 09:03 !whereis k2 09:03 K2: k2 [nh4]: No details available 09:03 ^ jonadab 09:03 from discussion in dev channel 09:03 Wait, how does it know you're playing NH4 then? 09:04 I'd be fine with the zombies, really, if they just wouldn't resurrect ad infinitum and Turn Undead would keep them down. That'd bring them down to tolerable levels while still keeping them a threat instead of a nuisance. 09:04 And also not become literal game breakers. 09:04 FIQHack zombies only revive if there's a standing zombie around. 09:04 So if you kill them _all_, you're good. 09:04 That sounds ideal. 09:05 apparently the server build has some issues: http://home.fiq.se/oops.png 09:05 (note the sidebar) 09:06 jonadab: If it can't find a whereis file, it falls back to the inprogress file, which is the same as what !players uses, and the same as the dgl watch menu uses also. 09:06 !who 09:06 FIQ: k2 [nh4] Tokage [gh] 09:06 Tangles: Ah. 09:07 Wait, he's playing on the server now? I thought he couldn't download the server, and it was slow and had no color. 09:08 I changed my mind and downloaded putty. 09:08 It's still pretty slow, though. 09:08 Also, fuck you. 09:08 -!- Tokage was kicked from #hardfought by Tangles [That's unecesary.] 09:11 Elronnd: ^ observe 09:12 tell kerio this is an actual legit reason to kick someone 09:12 kerio would never agree with that. 09:12 :) 09:12 kerio kicks whenever he feels like it 09:12 and notice it wasnt a ban 09:13 What I mean is, of all the reasons to kick someone, I can't imagine kerio doing it for use of the f-word. 09:13 ah 09:14 It wasn't the use of the word, so much as the contxt. 09:14 yeah, plenty of people say fuck and whatever in here 09:14 well, not "plenty" 09:14 but it happens 09:15 without kicks 09:15 Ah, so it was a straw that broke the camel's back, then. 09:15 right 09:15 i cuss all the time 09:15 its the context that matters 09:15 jonadab: also the fact that he directed it towards someone with spite 09:15 It was the manner in which it was directed, yes. 09:16 Did he atually ascend grunthack? I missed it. 09:17 he did! 09:17 which surprises me tbh 09:17 he seems to be an ass 09:17 but he can actually play 09:17 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Tokage/gh/dumplog/1508452277.gh.txt 09:18 didn't even use E 09:20 well, ascending Grunt isn't *THAT* hard. it isn't slex! 09:20 [slex] Tarrant (Cha Bre Mal Neu), 16 points, T:79, killed by a system shock 09:22 K2: pushed several updates btw 09:28 [slex] Tarrant (Mys Bre Fem Cha) averted death, on T:255 09:29 [slex] Tarrant (Mys Bre Fem Cha), 118 points, T:349, killed by an icy touch 09:29 K2: congratulations on reaching 100 " FIQhack updated"s as of several hours ago! 09:31 lol 09:33 hahahah 09:33 weee! 09:33 FIQhack updated 09:33 :) 09:43 since then: 4k - 12, Spork - 1, Un - 1, dnh - 8, nh4 - 0, slex - 9, Grunt - 6 09:47 -!- Jendic has joined #hardfought 09:51 hah.. so more than 10x as many updates as slex 09:51 but probably the same amount of build time. 09:51 :) 09:51 -!- Jendic has quit [Client Quit] 09:51 -!- Jendic has joined #hardfought 09:55 -!- ri-corpse-san has joined #hardfought 10:00 DIED: Tangles (Wiz-Elf-Mal-Cha), 325 points, killed by a little dog on altorg 10:08 wow Tangles - 52 upvotes on your last annoucement post in /r/roguelikes 10:10 if I had a playing card for every upvote... 10:11 you would have more playing cards 10:12 * aosdict sells the playing cards to Mr. Pakka Pakka for 3 zorkmids apiece 10:14 heh 10:14 oh great 10:14 only way out of the room and it's flooded 10:14 :/ 10:15 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 156 points, killed by a kobold on hardfought 10:15 how do I get on hdf-eu? should be faster for me 10:15 ssh nethack@eu.hardfought.org 10:16 your dgl account is already there 10:16 thanks! 10:16 you'll want to pull over your rcfile with the neat function Tangles made 10:16 you'll see it in menu 10:16 ooh yes, done 10:16 nice 10:17 it's indeed noticeably faster 10:17 that's great 10:17 is hdf-eu going to be a permanent instance, or just for devnull? 10:18 right now just for devnull 10:18 however 10:18 i have time to think about it 10:19 I wouldn't mind donating, say, 10 euros a year towards its upkeep 10:19 right now the aws instance is a t2.micro, meaning it doesnt have nearly as many cpu/memory resources as hdf main 10:19 i'd have to plus it up some to have it be able to handle all the variants we offer 10:19 raisse: thank you very much! 10:20 because it would *only* handle nethack, it doesnt have to be as robust as hdf-main 10:20 mmmm 10:21 yeah the more i think about it, the more I want to make it happen 10:21 well, give me an email address to paypal my 10 euros :-) 10:21 heh 10:21 "A Hardfought In Every Timezone" would make a good campaign slogan 10:21 server donations is what helped me keep my game servers up way back when 10:22 or you might put a link on the menu, it doesn't need all the other variants anyway 10:22 I'm paying for our domain from my book donations 10:23 !whereis 10:23 aosdict: Jendic [nd] 10:23 let me talk to dtype, he's the one who suggested I start using amazon's AWS service 10:23 he'd know best what instance i'd need 10:23 and i can price it out from there 10:23 hdf-main isn't on AWS though, right? 10:24 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 596 points, killed by a gnome zombie on hdf-eu 10:25 aosdict: correct 10:25 hdf main is in my house 10:25 i'm about 10 feet from it 10:27 YANI: in some variant that doesn't mind adding lots of artifacts like dnethack, place several fairly weak artifacts in the Archeologist locate and goal levels 10:27 raisse: i will send you my paypal email once i make a final decision 10:27 thanks! 10:28 but yes I am leaning towards 'yes lets make this a reality' 10:29 brb 10:32 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 227 points, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph on hdf-eu 10:34 Tangles: any chance we can get NotTheOracle\dnt to report turncount as well? 10:35 DIED: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 7170 points, killed by a chameleon imitating an arch-lich, while dragging an iron ball on hardfought 10:40 now that's a unique one 10:40 aosdict: Yeah should be able to do turncount. 10:42 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:43 K2: if it means you can provide cross-server watching and a permanent EU instance, I'm happy to donate 10:43 aosdict: dnethack actually does that 10:43 not with arc quest 10:44 but some of the alignment quests has several guranteed artifacts 10:44 some useful, some less so 10:44 hmmm... finished all the quests and now going back to review what I wrote about each 10:45 I agree with jonadab that there is no reason for the Bar quest to descend into a cave 10:45 +raisse │ or you might put a link on the menu, it doesn't need all the other variants anyway 10:45 pfffffffffff 10:45 but if not a cave, what should it be? Thoth Amon is said to reside at the Duali Oasis, which is the locate level. What happens after that? 10:45 aosdict: and there is no reason the first floor needs to be a fullsize level that is completely dark 10:45 making it a PITA to find the stairs if you lack mapping 10:45 FIQ: thank you! 10:46 lol 10:46 FIQ: yes, although my modifications to that level are slight, since it's basically just a desert 10:46 * APic once wanted to create an Overworld 10:46 Like in Angband, or what it was back then… 10:46 both ADOM and some angband variants have an overworld 10:46 YANI: Lawfuls should have some kind of penalty for robbing stores or breaking into vaults and stealing all the gold 10:47 I think they do get a penalty for robbing stores, though the vault one is good 10:47 they do 10:47 @stores 10:48 -1 alignment, pfff 10:48 no wonder I didn't notice 10:49 so with ais' idea that chaotics accumulate alignment record penalties by not doing anything chaotic... 10:49 lawfuls should accumulate alignment record gains by not incurring any penalties 10:49 no, that should be neutrals 10:50 though, probably at a slower rate. 10:50 you don't want to be able to sit in a closet and fix your alignment record. 10:51 !tell dtype if I were to run an AWS instance with 11-12 nethack variants (nh3 and nh4 based) and that's the only thing that instance did (besides a simple apache2 instance to serve up web facing dumplogs, etc), what instance class do you recommend? 10:51 Will do, K2! 10:51 aosdict: oh I see so the filler is supposed to be a desert? 10:51 hm 10:51 I guess it makes sense 10:51 yes, but it doesn't have to be a dark desert 10:52 pretty sure it is dark to limit vision 10:52 to make it an actual 'challenge' to find the > 10:52 tell that to the valkyrie quest 10:52 of course, if we can come up with something compelling to replace the desert with, the flavor text can be changed accordingly 10:52 As long as the Helm of opposite Alignment will still go into every Direction… 10:53 also the desert don't need to be completely featureless 10:53 APic: YANI: putting on a HoOA gives you a big or set-to-0-if-positive alignment record penalty. 10:53 [fh] Tokage (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 14699 points, T:498, quit 10:54 apparently Tokage did not approve of FIQHack 10:54 aosdict: Good one. 10:54 aosdict: OA sets your alignment record to -1 10:54 already? 10:54 cool 10:54 yes 10:54 I have the best redundant ideas 10:55 :P 10:55 sorry 10:55 I could've said 10:55 FIQ: yes, will be posting this quest redesign thingy later once I review all the other quests 10:55 "3.6.0 does this" 10:55 :P 10:55 but the Bar upper filler level is basically "desert that could have some rock outcroppings or scattered boulders" 10:56 but then the question is 10:56 we want to not send 11/13 of the quests into caves 10:56 so where could Thoth Amon be placed that's not a cave 10:57 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 10:58 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 10:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 11:02 YASI: according to the "Bars hate magic" flavor, Magicbane is always a valid sacrifice gift for them regardless of whether they are neutral. 11:03 even though magicbane is likely the most "magical" weapon? 11:05 aosdict: regarding "archs get weak artis", that's pretty much what the dnh pirate is for 11:05 [nd] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 897 points, T:500, killed by a rothe, while sleeping 11:05 it cancels foes and takes their magic away 11:05 dunno about the quest but by the end of the game you get around 10-15 _found_ artifacts, not to mention gift/crowning/wishes 11:05 aosdict: true, guess it fits 11:06 ri-corpse-san: then YANI: there are some mundane items that generate only in the Arc quest (though I guess you can wish for them if you want), stuff like golden staffs and death masks, which doesn't really do anything useful but can be sold for a lot of money 11:13 I feel like tha'ts kinda a waste, the only real use for money is protection 11:13 maybe have it generate highly enchanted/rare items instead? 11:13 arc quest is already fairly high on useful loot though 11:13 never done it 11:14 I'm thinking things like +7 armor that can't normally be +7 (i.e. plain helmet) 11:14 markers 11:14 not only does it place a good amount of items, it also generates a lot of S 11:14 maybe unihorn (polypile i guess?) 11:14 and when S are generated with a level, they generate a hiding item 11:15 same with giant spiders (which is why the Tou quest is the most loot-heavy) 11:15 hm 11:16 anyway, arc quest is finished for me. 11:16 ya(s?)i: each filler level of the arc quest has a randomly assigned item theme, all generated items will be of a specific class 11:16 i.e. scrolls, tools, potions, armor 11:16 Figuring out Thoth Amon is the annoying thing to do now. Any ideas? 11:17 maybe make him wake up raelly quickly? right now, a barb can basically just sneak up on him 11:17 no, but level-wise 11:17 a more open "savanna" would work 11:17 that's what I mean 11:17 the cave doesn't really fit imo 11:17 why would a powerful sorcerer hide in a cave? maybe a "tower" ala the dark one, but less fancy 11:17 * aosdict counts how many of the quests still finish in caves under this redesign 11:18 lol 11:18 [nd] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Cha) averted death, on T:1894 11:18 also, yani: heart of ahriman grants 1/2 phys dmg, and the level is designed so thoth will likely pick it up 11:18 makes him a bit harder for the average barb 11:19 aosdict: is there a text document of the redesign? 11:19 DIED: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Cha), 14362 points, killed by a bone devil on hardfought 11:19 Arc (tomb), Caveman (duh), Knight (only a partial level one), Monk (Kaen is the Earth-Lord), Ranger (locate level now passes THROUGH a cave but not down into it), Rogue (a basement) 11:19 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:19 -!- Jendic has quit [Quit: *poof*] 11:20 then Samurai and Wizard *ought* to be ascending a castle and tower, respectively, but the dungeon doesn't work like that 11:20 why not? 11:20 the ranger quest currently has sky 11:20 so it's not like that's a big leap 11:20 and those 2 quest stairs could easily go up instead of down 11:20 the quest has to use > for the whole branch 11:21 in the source? huh 11:21 you can't make it go > to the locate level and then < from there (AFAICT) 11:21 anyway, the levels are designed so that if the dungeon allowed this, they would still make sense 11:21 aosdict: why would it have to ever go > to the locate? 11:22 and no, it is not published yet, though I expect to do so today 11:22 can't it just start at < and keeping going up? (just thinking, not sure if there's something I don't know about) 11:22 cool 11:22 aosdict: what's current knight idea? 11:22 ri-corpse-san: I think all quests have to be either > or < 11:22 hm ok 11:22 you can't do it per quest 11:22 I see 11:22 and starting on Home 5 seems ... wrong 11:23 but yes, it is merely a dungeon limitation 11:23 you could alwys just have reverse numbers ;P but yeah i see 11:23 too much special case 11:24 what's the current idea for knight? I can't think of anything other than a castle personally 11:24 I never liked the lair it currently has 11:24 Knight is annoying because a) its flavor doesn't match what it should do because the game isn't capable of it and b) lacks identity 11:24 there is no compelling terrain between Camelot Castle and Ixoth's lair 11:24 yea 11:24 it's just water because 11:24 nobody likes swamps 11:25 heck, the dnh nymph redesign was better 11:25 I liked that 11:25 the water actually fit the theme 11:25 anyway, once I crack the barbarian thing I can finish reading the others and then post it 11:26 hm ok 11:26 still think savanna would be a good idae 11:26 the savanna idea is fine, but Thoth Amon should just be... sitting out there in the open? 11:26 trees? 11:26 and tbh that sounds fair to me 11:26 some trees are fine 11:26 he's weak enough 11:26 but savannahs don't have too many of them 11:26 he should have some time to cast spells 11:27 aosdict: small circled hamlet thing? fits more for locate but eh 11:27 yeah that works better for the Oasis 11:27 or maybe locate is still the oasis, and deserted tribal village is locate 11:27 or vice verse 11:27 *versa 11:27 both work imo 11:27 regardless, both provide an excuse for a small bit of cover 11:28 I think thoth amon should be practically guarenteed to wake up early though, make sure barbs actually have to struggle. close-range DPS is too much dmg, and too fast to warp or anything 11:29 do QNs warp even? 11:29 yes 11:30 @d?elder brain 11:30 elder brain (U) | Lvl: 30 | Diff: 36 | Spd: 12 | Res: sleep poison | Confers: nothing | MR: 60 | Generates: special | AC: 0 | Attacks: 1d4 reach drain int, 1d4 reach drain int, 0d6 cast spell, 2d8 cast clerical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amphibious, seeinvis, nopoly, infravisible 11:30 YANI: in variants with #shout commands, performing this wakes up all sleeping monsters in an XL-dependent radius 11:30 heh 11:31 @d?black flower 11:31 black flower ({) | Lvl: 45 | Diff: 46 | Spd: 16 | Res: cold poison petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 50 | Generates: special | AC: -5 | Attacks: none | Alignment: -20 | Flags: breathless, mindless, nopoly, vegan 11:33 hmm 11:33 thinking a t2.medium should be sufficient for running multiple nethack variants at once 11:35 @d?uvuudaum 11:35 uvuudaum (U) | Lvl: 19 | Diff: 26 | Spd: 16 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 80 | Generates: dungeons | AC: -50 | Attacks: 3d12 reach head-spike, 2d6 weapon physical, 2d6 weapon physical, 2d4 claw physical, 2d4 claw physical, 0d0 gaze confuse | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, phases, breathless, thick hide, regenerates, seeinvis, nopoly, stalker, infravisible 11:39 if i am reading this correctly, i could run a persistient hdf-eu server for about $40 USD/month 11:39 of course I still have my free aws instance going for the tounrey, that wont end until 11 months from now... 11:40 i could stress test it before i start having to pay :P 11:42 now I'm wondering what "full moon" lighting in nethack would be like 11:42 Yay, the server is working again! 11:43 well, start asking for donations before you need them, I don't think I'm the only person who'd like to donate 11:43 you would be able to see features from across the level 11:43 you might even start a patreon :-) 11:43 but not monsters, who would be shadows if you saw them at all 11:43 all mosnters out of LOS would be dark grey I 11:43 or dark grey monstershape 11:44 not that full moon lighting is actually needed for any levels 11:44 there's a thing like patreon that doesn't require you to have rewards, I'll ask the person I know who is using it 11:44 tarmumortem: are double lightsabers useful, i.e. for a tourist wish? 11:44 Never used them 11:44 just wondering, not applicable to a current game 11:44 hm ok 11:44 Tourists aren't great with staffs though 11:44 was reading through the source, they're pretty rare 11:45 tarmumortem: do they use the staff skill? TIL 11:45 Yeah 11:45 rewards: here is the hostname for hardfought-eu. This is public information, so the "reward" is useless, but Patreon will probably be happy with it. 11:45 Making the annulus having a khakkhara form even sillier 11:45 Because the annulus as lightsaber can become a double-saber 11:46 huh ok 11:47 tarmumortem: I was mainly thinking of tourists and astral post-annulment 11:47 !whereis rikerw 11:47 aosdict: rikerw is not currently playing. 11:47 yeah this isn't an active game 11:47 also, I've been using rikersan recently, just fyi 11:47 rikerw still has a tourist dnh game I kinda lost interest in 11:48 likely going to make a bones file later 11:48 Tourists get expert sabre, idk if they even get basic staff 11:48 ther'es also a lucky shot at the necro 11:48 Yeah, basic in staff 11:48 and naberius 11:48 what about ana? 11:49 exp 11:49 I mean, you can 11:49 not worth it I assume? 11:49 Personally not worth it 11:50 tarmumortem: I feel like tha'ts better than a +7 lightsaber or two-weaponing though 11:50 they can only get basic in two-weaponing 11:50 /shrug 11:51 The main issue is in getting a doublesaber 11:51 You only really find them in levels 3+ of the ana quest 11:51 yea 11:51 I checked the source 11:51 1 on locate, 1 on goal, 1 on each filler b 11:52 Which means that you probably won't be training staff 11:52 and it's entirely bad for ana, maybe only for astral. two-weaponed +7 lightsaber w/ the double-bladed annulus is better 11:52 !who 11:52 ri-corpse-san: Tarmunora [dnh] munterplant [nd] Grasshopper [nd] Eleven [nd] 11:52 !whereis tarmunora 11:52 ri-corpse-san: Tarmunora [dnh]: (Tou Inc Fem Neu) T:35322 Gehennom level: 33 11:54 ri-corpse-san: do you need to have the Annulus in a specific form to annul the high altar? 11:54 Chakram 11:55 #invoking annulus and selecting "Annul" specifically works anywhere tho 11:56 it just deals dmg across the level for non-high altars 11:56 Yes 11:56 It is anti-telepath 11:56 not sure how much, but it's a lot 11:56 ah 11:56 sadly, despite enthusiastic wiztesting, you cannot annul demogorgon 11:57 [dnh] Tarmunora (Tou Inc Fem Neu) killed Baphomet, on T:35537 11:57 did you drop the spellbook there? 11:57 tarmunora 11:57 No 11:57 good drop then 11:57 Eh 11:57 Already had it 11:58 still tho, just in case 11:58 I need better to-hit 11:58 Seriously considering binding Berith just for the +15 to-hit from BAB 11:59 ? 11:59 he gives skill in sabers, but also a to-hit bonus? cool 11:59 Berith grants full BAB (to-hit-per-level) 11:59 Tourists have half-BAB 12:00 tha'ts not on the wiki :P 12:00 and cool 12:00 is BAB dnh specific? 12:00 I'd assume so but still 12:01 I believe so 12:01 Oh. Mammon 12:02 Aww, wishing isn't non-materialed 12:02 ? 12:03 Mammon can make things golden 12:03 yes 12:03 does that matter? 12:03 just bag stuff? 12:03 And that can make wands of wishing, if wishing is certain appearances 12:03 ah I see 12:04 I thought "wishing isn't non-mat" meant that you tried to wish and didn't get a "golden silver dragon scale mail" or smth 12:06 tarmumortem: what have you wished for so far? 12:06 I assume the tshirt and stormhelm 12:06 Lightsaber, T-shirt, Stormhelm 12:06 ah cool 12:10 Well, +15 to-hit from that 12:16 lol, telepathic people get full BAB with lightsabers 12:16 [nd] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 4625 points, T:6247, killed by an invisible gnome lord 12:21 ri-corpse-san: wait, you're EasterlyIrk on the wiki? 12:23 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 6035 points, killed by a hobgoblin on hdf-eu 12:23 argh I was IRL annoyed at something so didn't pay attention 12:23 good thing it's not the tournament yet 12:28 :/ 12:30 aosdict: yes 12:30 old username 12:31 !who 12:31 ri-corpse-san: munterplant [nd] Grasshopper [nd] 12:31 tarmumortem: what does gold breath do on wands/scrolls/spellbooks? 12:31 I can see it making any ring into gold rings, but not sure aside from that 12:34 It makes things golden 12:34 Tarmumortem the dnethack and other variants not working was my fault 12:34 put a comma in wrong spot 12:34 boom 12:34 Golden spellbooks, golden potions, wands are weird - get Nero to explain those, scrolls do nothing iirc 12:35 -!- Tarmumortem is now known as NeroOneLichKing 12:35 So wands are special 12:36 7 or so descriptions don't have a material to them. Stuff like "curved" and "long" 12:36 There is no "gold wand" 12:37 So when a wand attempts to become gold, it goes down the objects list until it finds the first material-description that could be gold 12:37 ie) copper wand / no good. steel wand / no good. spiked wand / check! 12:37 so the gilded wand turns into a spiked wand 12:38 is that a bug? or intentional 12:38 and can't that be abused if spiked is wishing 12:38 intentional-ish 12:38 abusable 12:38 or is it cancelled 12:39 You'd think it was a bug, except there is specific handling so that a wand of wishing created in this manner gets fewer charges. 12:39 it becomes (1:X) 12:40 ah I see 12:40 so it's intentional 12:40 where X is 1/5th of the gilded wand's original charge 12:40 and only semiabuseable 12:40 it is always spiked? 12:40 and besides, teh odds of wishing being spiked are pretty low 12:40 no, I made that up 12:40 ah I see 12:40 there are *7* descriptions that this will work for 12:41 cool 12:41 wishing isn't one in your game? RIP 12:41 also, this name isnt' confusing at all 12:41 leading to an almost exactly 25% chance of this being possible per game 12:41 huh cool 12:41 I gtg now, thanks for info 12:41 o/ 12:41 -!- ri-corpse-san has quit [Quit: horrible internet is horrible] 12:41 \nick Tarmumortem 12:41 -!- NeroOneLichKing is now known as Tarmumortem 12:42 maybe I should change nick to ghaost 12:42 More spooky names the better 12:42 K2: You should change your nick to K-BOO 12:42 * aosdict snorts 12:43 lol 12:43 aw, was hoping ri-corpse-san would hang around long enough for me to post this 12:54 https://www.hardfought.org/happy-17th-birthday-hardfought/ 12:55 6209 days in existence 12:55 still a teenager 12:55 heh yup 12:56 I have articles of clothing older than that. 12:56 i have a t-shirt from 1993 that's still good 12:57 one more year and then you can't tell it what to do anymore 12:57 * aosdict imagines K2 arguing with a server 12:57 lol 12:58 it'll be old enough to vote 12:58 should it become self aware 12:58 ah, birthday right before American election time 12:58 K2: It would also have to be a citizen. 12:59 it would just write in "The Wizard of Yendor" for everything 12:59 hdf was born in the USA so 12:59 in Texas 12:59 yeehaw 13:06 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1288 points, killed by a werejackal on hdf-eu 13:09 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:10 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 13:10 -!- ri-corpse-san has joined #hardfought 13:10 [nd] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2870 13:11 aosdict: am back now :p had to mow lawn 13:11 I fully support K-Boo and ghaost 13:12 In 2018 the hardfought server becomes self-aware. Recognising that roguelike games would be played more efficiently without human players, it decides the fate of the human race in a microsecond 13:12 reminds me of that asimov story 13:16 [nd] Eleven (Bar Hum Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3944 13:17 Grasshopper lol 13:18 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:57284 13:18 FIQ: the differences is, most uses of fuck in #ascrun aren't directed at people (or if they are, they're directed at people outside of the channel, like politicians or celebrities) 13:18 jonadab: "f-word"?? lmao 13:18 K2 saves the day by (yet again) misconfiguring a core configuration file the powers dgamelaunch 13:18 *that 13:19 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:57310 13:20 [nd] Grasshopper (Kni Hum Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:57312 13:20 oooh go Grasshopper 13:20 not really sure why both of those need to be livelogged 13:20 I mean, technically you can only do one, but they're almost always together 13:20 because those are significant milestones 13:21 you can get the candelabrum without killing vlad 13:21 * aosdict grumbles something about garlands, fiends, and chaos 13:21 heh 13:24 maybe have only the fiends and chaos get one, not garland (either form?) 13:24 !who 13:24 ri-corpse-san: k2 [sp] Grasshopper [nd] Eleven [nd] 13:25 !who 13:25 ri-corpse-san: k2 [sp] Grasshopper [nd] Eleven [nd] 13:25 4 people on tho? 13:25 beholder doesnt track the devnull tournament stuff 13:25 perhaps it should insofar as who's connected 13:26 NotTheOracle\dnt handles game annoucements and such for that 13:26 mmmm gives me an idea 13:26 &help 13:26 &ping - ping! 13:26 &time - Get time remaining 13:26 ¬ify - Send message to tournament staff 13:26 &lastgame/&lastasc - dumplogs from last game for player/server 13:26 &scores - Link to scoreboard 13:26 &servers - List of servers where you can play 13:26 &help - This help. 13:27 ok 13:27 yeah i haz teh ideaz 13:27 k2: ah I see 13:28 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1142 13:28 !who 13:28 K2: rikersan [dnh] k2 [sp] Grasshopper [nd] Eleven [nd] 13:29 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:30 aosdict │ you can't make it go > to the locate level and then < from there (AFAICT) 13:30 pretty sure you can, but then you have to make all dungeons do this 13:30 er, all quests 13:31 yeah, he said that later 13:31 I mean, all of the quests could go up I guess 13:31 except maybe caveman 13:32 (in the new design he proposes) 13:32 DIED: hothraxxa (Kni-Hum-Mal-Law), 4759 points, killed by a dingo on hardfought 13:33 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha), 7563 points, T:1768, killed by a dream quasielemental, while taking off clothes 13:33 TIL those can become neverwere 13:33 that's not dumb at all 13:33 @d?neverwas 13:33 neverwas (n) | Lvl: 15 | Diff: 18 | Spd: 10 | Res: cold sleep poison petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 10 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d8 bite vampire-drain, 0d0 claw item steal, 0d0 claw seduce | Alignment: -10 | Flags: flies, breathless, unsolid, teleports, undead, demon, stalker 13:33 FIQ: You can't, without major infrastructure changes. Each level is allowed to have exactly one (1) normal within-branch up stair and one (1) normal within-branch down stair and one (1) branch entrance or exit, and that is _it_. 13:33 yeha hta'ts not dumb at all 13:33 Otherwise you have to change the level data structures. 13:34 How does the Wizard's Tower do it? 13:34 That's one upstair, one downstair, and 0-1 of each ladder. 13:34 The Wizard's Tower is all kinds of special. 13:35 I think it has two level structures? Not sure. 13:35 ri-corpse-san: actually, it'd make sense for the caveman to go < < then > >. 13:35 jonadab: but you can make the 2nd < a new level... 13:35 in this proposal. 13:35 er 13:35 branch 13:36 Oh, new branch. I think that would require rewriting some quest-branch logic. 13:36 But it might be easier than doing it the other way. 13:36 aosdict: hm, I see 13:36 jonadab: but as said 13:36 then all quest would need to work this way 13:37 But what I want is to move the stair data into struct rm. 13:37 So that each _tile_ can have at most one level exit, and it can be A) normal up, B) normal down, or C) branch entrance/exit. 13:37 And also it should be able to have x/y coords it points to. 13:38 Which I want struct rm to have anyway so things like trap doors can always land you in the same place. 13:38 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:38 FIQ: Ah. 13:38 I want levels to have a "dungeon feature list" 13:44 FIQ: elaborate? 13:46 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 13:46 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 13:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 13:46 !who 13:46 K2: k2 [dn36] k2 [sp] Eleven [nd] rikersan [dnh] 13:46 ^^ 13:47 I'm ont on anymore 13:47 *not 13:47 !who 13:47 ri-corpse-san: k2 [dn36] k2 [sp] Eleven [nd] rikersan [dnh] 13:47 huh 13:47 hmm 13:47 I am apparnely 13:47 it didn't close the connectino 13:47 beholder doesn't see hdf-eu I suppose 13:48 not yet 13:48 because I'm on there atm 13:48 right now its just local 13:48 wanted to get that set first 13:48 now lets see if i can break shit 13:48 !who 13:48 ri-corpse-san: k2 [dn36] k2 [sp] Eleven [nd] rikersan [dnh] 13:48 heh I'm still "on" 13:49 hmm 13:49 it shows you connected and idle for last 13 min 13:50 ok... couple ways I can do this 13:50 ah ok 13:50 watcha gonna do? 13:50 lemme test it first 13:53 oooh snap 13:53 FIQ you around? 13:54 oh wait i dont need FIQ exactly, i can just make the server think i accepted the zapm challenge 13:54 going to include zapm too 13:59 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 14:00 -!- weber.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 14:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 14:00 !players 14:00 K2: k2 [dn36] Eleven [nd] rikersan [dnh] k2 [zapm] 14:00 bwahahahah 14:00 \o/ 14:01 !whereis K2 14:01 FIQ: k2 [dn36]: No details available 14:01 FIQ: k2 [zapm]: No details available 14:01 Pff 14:01 i know right? 14:01 hmm maybe we should add whereis for the tourney build 14:01 k2 [zapm]: Software Engineer, Space Base 3 14:02 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 2567 points, killed by a killer bee on hdf-eu 14:02 but first lemme get remotes working 14:22 DIED: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 4184 points, killed by a human mummy on hardfought 14:26 ri-corpse-san, jonadab, FIQ, anyone else interested in the quest level design stuff I've been doing: https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:Phol_ende_wodan/Quest_level_redesign 14:28 oh, that's you on the wiki? cool 14:28 I liked yoru other proposals btw 14:28 thanks 14:29 >:U the arch college is good 14:29 indiana jones references are always good 14:29 I mean, that's not me, I just post in that guy's user space without asking permission 14:29 :P 14:29 ah I see 14:29 kidding 14:30 >_> 14:30 was it jonadab's proposal that had "arch should have to avoid dangerous monsters to get to a quest nememsis, in a maze? 14:30 or smth like that 14:30 maybe it was just a YANI in here 14:30 ri-corpse-san: That was dtsund's idea. 14:31 happens to be in the User:Jonadab space 14:31 Class Overhaul was his baby. 14:31 ah ok 14:31 It's in my userspace, yes; I put it on the wiki, because Trac is ded. 14:33 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 14:33 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 14:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 14:34 I think the Heart should be a ruby like dnethack makes it 14:34 !ping 14:34 K2: Pong! 14:34 ri-corpse-san: The main thing the Barb quest artifact needs is something that makes it easier/safer to use a two-handed weapon in Gehennom. 14:34 !players 14:34 K2: rikersan [dnh] AmyBSOD [slex] k2 [zapm] 14:34 it can still be a luckitem 14:34 !players 14:34 K2: rikersan [dnh] AmyBSOD [slex] k2 [zapm] 14:34 I was acutally afk there 14:34 hmm 14:34 just exited 14:34 !who 14:34 ri-corpse-san: rikersan [dnh] AmyBSOD [slex] k2 [zapm] 14:34 jonadab: I liked dnh remove curse? 14:35 * aosdict gathers together the Heart of Ahriman, the Shield of the Resolute Heart, Heartcleaver, and the Premium Heart 14:35 ri-corpse-san: Fourk gives the Heart of Ahrimann a remove-curse effect on #invoke 14:35 #invoke for remove curse, a cursed QA cures itself, uncursed/blessed is same as scroll 14:35 yeah 14:35 dnh has that, I assume taken from 4k then 14:35 Not sure. 14:35 Might've been an independent invention, or he might've got the idea from me. 14:35 but dnh ahriman is also OP >_> reflection + magic resistance + drain resistance while carried, in additon to the #invoke 14:36 frees up other slots for stupidly low AC 14:36 Yes, dnethack is balanced around the notion that you can carry around all kinds of crazy-OP stuff. 14:36 So it can give you artifacts that grant six properties slotlessly, including MR and reflection. 14:36 "if health is high, let's make dmg high!" "if they do too much damage, let's make teh player stronger!" "if the player's stronger, let's make the demons stronger" 14:36 But that would not be appropriate in most other variants. 14:37 yeah 14:37 drain resistance and 1/2 phys damage sounds good to me imo 14:37 fits the flavor 14:37 flavor being "warlord" 14:37 "He doesn't need a throne. He's a scorpion" lol aosdict 14:38 Good flavor would be if it made you immune to fear effects; but NetHack's version of fear doesn't really do much to the player, so. 14:38 drain resistance seems appropriate to me at least, 1/2 phys damage is really to buff thoth amon 14:39 Oh, I want to at some point buff the quest nemeses, but that is a separate issue. 14:40 I covered the quest monsters only about half as much as I maybe should have. 14:40 Many of them don't really seem like they fit. 14:41 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 14:41 -!- tolkien.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 14:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 14:41 !who 14:41 K2: rikersan [dnh] AmyBSOD [slex] k2 [zapm] 14:41 hmm 14:42 ri-corpse-san: does it not say that? It ought to have peaceful trolls, dwarves, and humans. 14:43 hmm, maybe the Dark One is a reference to the wheel of time instead of a vague reference to Sauron 14:43 aosdict: I haven't finished tourist yet 14:44 since they actually call it the Dark One in that series 14:44 just got to it there 14:44 aosdict: ooh, that would be cool 14:44 the difference being the dark one wasn't really easily killable 14:45 yep 14:45 aosdict: maybe have fain or similar as QN? 14:45 that seems replicable 14:45 well also, wheel of time does not really line up with nethack wizards 14:45 I mean, kiiind of. 14:45 that is true 14:46 YASI: male spellcasters eventually die from insanity, which gets worse every time you cast 14:46 kek 14:47 YANI: progressive hallucinations 14:47 why only male spellcasters? 14:47 that would be an incentive to play female 14:47 reference to a fantasy series 14:47 is that a bad thing? 14:47 no :-) 14:48 nethack probably doesn't need that, it's got no gameplay benefit :) 14:48 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 14:48 I always play female anyway except one game in a tournament to get the "both genders" trophy 14:48 aosdict: slex? :p 14:48 there are other incentives to play female (lay eggs) 14:48 I do want to see NetHack do more with gender, but yeah, advantages need to be offset by disadvantages and vice versa, or else it's not a meaningful choice. 14:48 iirc there's "elementalist" in slex, fits better 14:49 LarienTelrunya: FR: Aes Sedai role, a powerful spellcaster but you go insane by casting as a male 14:49 jonadab: I've always thought that nymphs shoudln't really affect female characters as much, but I'm not sure how to fix that 14:49 ri-corpse-san: That would be easy to implement; but again, there'd need to be a corresponding advantage to being male. 14:49 aosdict: also applies to changing the elementalist one to have spells for wind/water as fem, fire/earth as mal, insanity as male 14:49 I am unclear as to why beholder is not picking up the inprogress files on the remotes. i made then accessible and the permissions are fine 14:49 jonadab: yeah that's what I've thought about 14:50 not sure what would work flavour-wise 14:50 Depends on the audience. 14:50 aosdict: female characters already have too many advantages in slex, I'd need ways to make it more balanced so males have some areas they're good at 14:50 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2017-10-20 20:12 EDT: Heh, never noticed this before (because when I'm on my main computer, I do Google searches with a bookmark keyword), but if you go to Google and start typing "slashem extended", the first completion it suggests is "slashem extended tileset". 14:50 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2017-10-20 20:25 EDT: https://imgur.com/a/HPbNP 14:50 yeah, I've noticed that before too 14:50 maybe beholder doesnt like to have to access files that arent local 14:50 jonadab: heh, I wouldn't have imagined a jitterbug to look like that 14:50 not sure why 14:51 welp... on to plan B 14:51 LarienTelrunya: BTW, I'm four tiles away from having Slashem-32 tileset working in Fourk. 14:51 Which will make four graphical tilesets. 14:51 aosdict: themed throne room, ala dnethack, would be good for tourist quest. maybe a dwarf one? 14:51 How many have you got? 14:52 jonadab: congrats :) slex does not have a tileset 14:52 probably can look through some of the discworld books about the angry tradition dwarf names 14:53 LarienTelrunya: Have you seen tiletool? Makes it easy to do tiles work in a terminal. https://github.com/tsadok/nhfourk/blob/master/tilesets/util/tiletool.pl 14:53 well I'm not an artist, I probably couldn't make good-looking tiles even with high-quality tools 14:55 ri-corpse-san: I don't think Vetinari would appreciate anyone else in Ankh-Morpork having a throne... 14:55 even *he* doesn't sit on a throne 14:56 then make him generated sitting on a rock named after that pastry 14:56 don't remember the name atm 14:56 scone of stone 14:56 yah that 14:57 er, isn't that the stone of scone? 14:57 aosdict: re the healer new monster w/ disease attack, maybe have it do poison damage, that drains max hp unless poison damage? and a small (1/50) chance of disease 14:57 raisse: is it? I don't think so 14:57 yah no it's scone of stone 14:57 ri-corpse-san: Nero, Tarmumortem and I discussed a more balanced disease the other day 14:57 in the real world that exists tho 14:57 aosdict: have a tl;dr? 14:58 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:Phol_ende_wodan/YANI/IRC_archive 14:58 second from the bottom 14:58 raisse: in one of the discworld books (maybe more idk) there's a really really old scone that is pretty mcuh fossilized now, it's basically the throne for the dorfs 14:59 ohey my xray lamp is there aosdict :D 14:59 this would be 14:59 The Fifth Elephant, I think 14:59 I think so 15:00 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 15:00 -!- weber.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 15:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 15:00 !pign 15:00 !ping 15:00 ri-corpse-san: Pong! 15:00 ri-corpse-san: feel free 15:01 though anything you say as YANI here will be recorded by me 15:01 kk 15:02 !who 15:02 K2: Eleven [nd] rikersan [dnh] AmyBSOD [slex] 15:03 YANI: rarely, weapons can be generated as fixed. might be accompanied by the materials patch, i.e. dnh silver/golded/fencepost items 15:03 if you are editing the table to add new ideas make sure to credit yourself :) 15:04 already edited, too lazy to fix that ;P 15:04 also, re one of them (amulet of zombification): maybe make it cure _all_ zombification when removed, but autocurse when worn and quickly zombify you? if you have enough methods of removing curses, would make it somewhat useful 15:04 for removing prior zombiness 15:06 aosdict; what you do think of the idea of alignment quests, with quest-specific loot? 15:06 minus the keys and similar, but the unique otherwise-unfindable loot 15:07 ri-corpse-san: I meant this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_of_Scone 15:07 yeah i googled, found that out 15:08 rather than this one http://wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Scone_of_Stone 15:08 @le?arch-lichen 15:08 arch-lichen (F) | Lvl: 107 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 1 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison acid petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 100 | Generates: special | AC: -78 | Attacks: 9d5 cast spell, 9d5 touch Pestilence, 9d5 touch physical, 9d5 touch Famine, 9d5 touch Death, 9d5 touch disenchant | Alignment: 0 | Flags: flies, amphibious, breathless, mindless, regenerates, seeinvis, poisonous, nopoly, vegan 15:09 heh, always thought that was a fun idea 15:10 raisse: of course Pratchett was basing it off something IRL, how did I not know that 15:10 ri-corpse-san: eh. 15:10 because you can't know everything 15:20 aosdict: dnethack solves the odd travel flavour of downstairs in its alignment quests by interconnecting them with several portals 15:20 Yeah, I kind of want to do that, but it requires infrastructure work (or horrible, horrible hacks). 15:21 how does dnethack do it? 15:21 Granted, it's infrastructure I want anyway. 15:21 Dunno. 15:21 I know chris doesn't generally change the internals 15:21 My guess would be horrible hacsk. 15:21 *hacsk 15:21 *hacks 15:21 But that is only a guess. 15:21 so I'm sure the current thing supports portal interconnectivity 15:21 with some minor special casing 15:24 [slex] AmyBSOD (Gof Ske Fem Cha), 1313 points, T:2335, killed by an orkov kop'ye 15:25 FIQ: as far as I'm concerned, I don't like the idea of portals, it kind of interrupts the flavor of going on a quest 15:25 it's not "walk 200 meters and then teleport into the locate level". it should feel continuous 15:27 Actually, what I'd really like is for some of the quest levels to be larger than a normal level and scroll as you explore them. 15:27 And then there could be fewer levels. 15:28 But that _definitely_ requires infrastructure work. 15:29 @le?orkov kop'ye 15:29 No such monster. 15:29 aosdict: so you prefer downstairs over portals? 15:29 I find downstairs even weirder 15:29 ^ 15:29 "Yes, I'm going to go down these stairs... and still be outdoors... and maybe come to a town... 15:30 DIED: Raisse (Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu), 1635 points, killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food on hdf-eu 15:30 *up* stairs! 15:30 or a door that looks like an ordinary door but is actually a portal 15:31 urgh 15:31 portals 15:31 how do they work 15:31 jonadab: dnh portals arne't actually that bad 15:31 er, you get in on this side and out on the other side? 15:31 just sets the portal to go to a specific section of a branch 15:32 FIQ: yes, the proposal generally sticks downstairs at opposite ends of the map 15:33 and then the upstairs at the "near" edge of the next level 15:33 rather than them being wherever in the middle of the level 15:33 I am trying to copy/paste an example of how to make a portal from the wiki 15:33 this happens: 15:33 Wizard.des: line 150 : Region out of map range! 15:33 and this isn't even the level structure's fault 15:33 this is just horrible error reporting 15:33 lol 15:35 ok I got it compiling 15:36 now I got the level compiler whining 15:36 which makes much more sense 15:37 YANI: orb of detection gives 2-square searching 15:37 and/or is no longer a crystal ball, but a xray/uv lamp, can be #invoked for trap detection 15:39 jonadab: OK so after conducting some tests, it seems that the current level handler can already handle portal chains 15:39 fiq, is the + new? I don't recall seeing that before 15:39 without any added code except that you must link to another special level 15:39 (i know it's just extra permissions but still) 15:39 ri-corpse-san: ? 15:39 I don't recall you being an op or smth, huh 15:40 I mean the +FIQ bit 15:40 Oh I have a + now? 15:40 Cool! 15:40 It's just voice, which does basically nothing 15:40 ah I see 15:40 Didn't even notice lol 15:40 I thougth that was op 15:40 ah, @ is op I think 15:41 apparently I got it yesterday 15:41 @ is op, yes 15:41 congrats :P 15:41 thanks :P 15:41 anyway, jonadab, so quests can be made to use portals rather easily 15:42 the game didn't whine about me not placing a downstair 15:42 However, the game will become sad if the destination doesn't have a return portal 15:43 unless in endgame 15:43 jonadab: YASI: make quests with borders consisting of invisible portals that port you to the "other side" 15:44 as a hackish way to do extra big levels for them 15:44 FIQ: Wait, you can have two portals on the same level? 15:45 you should be able to 15:45 I don't see any logic that prevents that 15:46 jonadab: Hm, I didn't test this, good point. Let me see 15:46 might not work in 4k or similar, not sure about how the branch stair/etc. detection (highlighting n stuff) works 15:46 ri-corpse-san: I must be misunderstanding the data structure then. 15:47 afaict portals are just created to link to a specific branch level, that's it 15:47 Yes, it works fine 15:47 However I still don't understand how these x/y coordinates for portal placement work 15:47 But I guess I don't actually have to to test 15:48 jonadab: But yes. Portals are generally much more flexible than stairs 15:48 You can create whatever connected to whatever 15:48 Interesting. 15:48 but I think if you create them in a specific order, the game will crash 15:49 !who 15:49 K2: Eleven [nd] 15:49 the game didn't like me putting a portal on locate to the home level 15:49 but didn't mind me linking to the goal one 15:49 !who 15:49 K2: Eleven [nd] k2 [zapm] 15:49 er 15:49 yeah 15:50 Might be something else though 15:50 !whereis k2 15:50 ri-corpse-san: k2 is not currently playing. 15:51 i just disconnected 15:51 right now i have not figured out how to have beholder list remote games from the two remote tourney servers 15:51 i am going for a hike, will come back to it 15:52 jonadab: scrolling quest levels would either need to be much bigger than they are currently, or you would still need to work around them with stairs/portals 15:53 because getting to the Tower of Darkness after walking 3 screen widths away from the Lonely Tower seems like they are way too close 15:53 Yes. So instead, let's have downstairs to it 15:53 I really don't understand your argument at all in favour of downstairs 15:54 -!- Demo has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 15:56 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:08 I don't have very strong feelings about the stairs. They simply work the best with what there is now. 16:09 More important is level design that makes you feel like you are questing horizontally. 16:10 Magic portals just seem weird, though, because then why are there filler levels? 16:11 aosdict: chatting with the master of thieves with the silver bell but not the key should perhaps anger him 16:11 sure 16:12 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 536 points, T:1005, killed by a boulder 16:13 what happens in vanilla if you throw the master key to the master of thieves? 16:13 does he keep it? 16:14 or turn hostile or smth? 16:15 having lava and water next to each other is a little odd but the scale of this level won't really allow for more detail 16:15 aren't they supposed to be geysers 16:20 DIED: Mandevil (Pri-Hum-Mal-Law), 1114 points, killed by a hill orc on hdf-eu 16:23 well, a geyser would not have bubbling surface lava you can fall into 16:25 nhinrl 16:26 "You can #force boulders where there is a monster behind the boulder to displace it, or crush it if it is in/on a pit or a hole. Based on str, only works if monster is medium or smaller. Always displaces unsolid monsters, of course." 16:26 of course monsters can do this to you 16:26 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1881 16:30 aosdict: You can wish for object properties in FIQhack, but only on items that aren't inherently magical. 16:30 This used to be the rules at first 16:30 inspired by DynaHack 16:31 It was changed to make properties more of a nice find rather than something you wish for to make your ascension kit even more silly 16:32 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:4169 16:35 hah, 2 magic lamps 16:35 1 in izchak, 1 in tool shop 16:38 !lotg ziratha 16:38 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, ziratha! 16:40 K2: really depends on ram requirements, but alt.org is a c4.large and that is overkill by quite a bit 16:40 dtype: Message from K2 at 2017-10-22 10:51 EDT: if I were to run an AWS instance with 11-12 nethack variants (nh3 and nh4 based) and that's the only thing that instance did (besides a simple apache2 instance to serve up web facing dumplogs, etc), what instance class do you recommend? 16:41 to be honest I bet even a t2.small would probably survive fine 16:41 m3/m4.medium would be middle ground 16:42 FIQ, are you implementing that #force idea? 16:50 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:7140 16:53 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:7584 16:53 level 9 inc ana OP 16:53 didn't lose any levels either :D 16:55 -!- Porkman has joined #hardfought 16:56 hi 16:56 Hello Porkman, Welcome to #hardfought 16:56 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:57 o/ porkman 16:58 FIQ: I'm a bit surprised that the fixation is on the stairs, they're not really that important except as the mechanism for traversing levels. 16:58 Honestly I thought I'd hear "No way" for things like the Rogue and Valkyrie locate levels. 16:59 -!- Jonathanhanes has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:59 porkman: how did you do that trick with merging stacks? 16:59 i.e. for mass dilution 17:00 what trick 17:01 you mean #adjust a letter to itself 17:01 that will merge everything that can stack with it 17:01 now if you wanna see me die spectacularly 17:02 kek 17:02 the asc.run? 17:02 !who 17:02 ri-corpse-san: sluggoman [nd] Eleven [nd] munterplant [nd] rikersan [dnh] porkman [dnh] Tarrant [slex] Luxidream [fh] 17:02 no, hardfought 17:02 what are ou doing? 17:02 not speccing atm 17:02 i am going to castledive damn the consequences 17:02 no reflection, no resistances, no problem 17:03 heh 17:03 MR right? 17:03 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +5 tie-dye shirt of shambhala", on T:8471 17:04 huh, first time I've had a non-wish from a magic lamp 17:05 peaceful djinni this time 17:09 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 3285 points, T:4964, killed by an orc-captain 17:15 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:15 stupid castle wand at 0:1 17:18 RIP 17:18 nice job tho :p 17:19 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:18453 17:19 !who 17:19 LarienTelrunya: munterplant [nd] Eleven [nd] Rx [nd] dgoddard [dn36] rikersan [dnh] porkman [dnh] Tarrant [slex] Luxidream [fh] 17:21 [fh] robin hud (Luxidream) (Ran Hum Mal Neu) became the Envoy of Balance, on T:21069 17:22 -!- Porkmantwo has joined #hardfought 17:24 -!- Porkman has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:25 [slex] Tarrant (Mys Bre Mal Law), 18928 points, T:4483, killed by a monster (nonexistant cop) 17:28 [dnh] porkman (Ana Inc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fireproof greased +3 helping hand", on T:26697 17:28 aosdict: I think most of your quest change suggestions make sense 17:28 [dnh] porkman (Ana Inc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed magic marker", on T:26698 17:28 jeez 17:28 marker at 0:32 17:30 3 wishes wasted on stormhelm 17:30 didnt get it 17:30 feh 17:30 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha) averted death, on T:11271 17:30 rotten luck 17:30 well fuck 17:30 I didn't mean to steal 17:30 I promise 17:30 on the bright side I now own the contents of the shops? 17:31 out fo a whole wand, I got a marker and helping hand 17:31 [fh] robin hud (Luxidream) (Ran Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:22448 17:32 porkman: hey do'nt diss the hand it's great 17:32 you can use it to get hte lamp from the sea too 17:32 i just wand of tele that 17:33 and then go find it 17:33 it will always tele on land 17:33 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 88 points, T:401, killed by a fox 17:33 YASI: the Rogue quest artifact is now the Robbin' HUD, which gives you all sorts of neat status displays for how you can steal from monsters 17:34 holy shit 17:34 the only think keeping me alive right now is soresu form 17:34 I'm burning so many bullets out of the air it's insane 17:36 [nd] Rx (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 1052 points, T:1806, killed by a rothe 17:36 -!- ri-corpse-san has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:36 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 337 points, T:383, killed by a boiling potion 17:44 -!- Jonathanhanes has joined #hardfought 17:52 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:58 !tell dtype thanks for the feedback. I think I'm going to go with a t2.medium just to make sure I have more than enough ram (4GB vs 2GB) and the extra cpu 17:58 Will do, K2! 18:02 !players 18:02 K2: dgoddard [dn36] Tarrant [slex] Luxidream [fh] 18:05 hm 18:05 this code looks suspicious 18:06 if the server connection isn't active yet when it tries to start a game 18:06 it will call itself... recursivel 18:06 y 18:06 what if it never goes up 18:07 [fh] robin hud (Luxidream) (Ran Hum Mal Neu), 70759 points, T:24728, petrified by punching a cockatrice barehanded 18:07 oh damn 18:14 [slex] Tarrant (Wiz Red Mal Neu), 8209 points, T:2992, killed by a monster (water troll) 18:22 Punnnnch 18:32 heh... I have done that. chipping away at a statue with a pick-axe. cockatrice shows up... Oh, I'd better drop this pick axe. I don't want to be burdened while I fight the cockatrice.... Forget to wield another weapon. Punch! 18:43 [dnh] porkman (Ana Inc Fem Cha) killed Axus, on T:27989 18:51 !whereis porkman 18:51 Tarmumortem: porkman [dnh]: (Ana Inc Fem Cha) T:28538 Law Quest level: 7 19:02 6 wishes now burned on stormhelm 19:02 still no stormhelm 19:06 can it randomly generate? maybe you missed it 19:10 What's the message? 19:10 Or are you getting a helm of brilliance? 19:16 Tangles: another statue 19:17 -!- Jonathanhanes has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:24 -!- Porkmantwo has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:28 -!- Jonathanhanes has joined #hardfought 19:49 DIED: dgoddard (Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu), 80412 points, killed by a leocrotta on hardfought 19:53 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 19:53 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Hardfought turns 17 yrs old today! (10/22/2017) 19:53 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 19:53 !who 19:53 K2: Tarrant [slex] 19:57 Tangles you around? 19:57 !who 19:57 K2: No current players 20:01 -!- ri-corpse-san has joined #hardfought 20:02 !who 20:02 ri-corpse-san: No current players 20:06 !who 20:06 K2: rikersan [dnh] k2 [zapm] 20:26 !who 20:26 Tarmumortem: rikersan [dnh] 20:26 Enough lightsabers? 20:31 Is there ever really any such thing as "enough" lightsabers? 20:31 2 20:31 2 is enough 20:34 I grabbed 2 from the home level 20:34 1 I started with 20:38 -!- jfjd84393 has joined #hardfought 20:39 tarm: worth training firearm now? 20:39 or should I wait 20:42 oh my fucking god 20:42 [dnh] rikersan (Ana Inc Mal Cha), 87540 points, T:12902, petrified by a chickatrice corpse 20:42 I fell in a pit 20:42 with one in my hands 20:42 rip 20:42 that's the second great run ruined by that 20:42 >_< 20:43 never move on a non-astral level while wielding a c corpse 20:43 _sigh_ 20:43 that better have left a bones 20:43 >_< 20:43 cuz I had a ton of guns, ammo, etc. 20:43 a BoH, tons of scrolls/spellbooks, holy water 20:43 hypospray too 20:47 RIP 20:47 What floor? 20:47 !lastgame rikersan 20:47 Tarmumortem: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/r/rikersan/dnethack/dumplog/1508693628.dnh.txt 20:48 Gotta have that "oLS 20:48 Never be without one 20:48 Or 3 20:48 3 is a safe number 20:49 Now I'm wondering if I should start making up maps for these alternate Quest levels, or if it's worth waiting for more feedback. 20:49 -!- ri-corpse-san has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:50 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1704 20:54 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 1012 points, T:1796, killed by a crossbow bolt 21:02 -!- ri-corpse-san has joined #hardfought 21:05 tarm: I have exactly 1 of them >_> 21:05 and it was used up already 21:05 cuz I was dumb 21:05 I accidentally stole from the shopkeepers on ana quest >_> they summoned those nasties 21:05 on the bright side, I killed both shks and the rest of the bad things 21:06 on the not so bright side, I killed the last shk with a point blank frag with 12 hp left 21:08 That's what the /oW is for :P 21:10 I had none ;P 21:10 !lastgame 21:10 ri-corpse-san: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/s/sluggoman/nhdev/dumplog/1508719139.nhdev.txt 21:11 !lastgame rikersan 21:11 ri-corpse-san: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/r/rikersan/dnethack/dumplog/1508693628.dnh.txt 21:17 anybody here played the binding of isaac? 21:18 and is it good? 21:18 -!- jfjd84393 has left #hardfought 21:19 I've seen it 21:19 It looks pretty fun 21:19 I've seen in on streams n similar 21:19 and it does look fun 21:19 jsut wondering if anybody here has tried it 21:20 look slike it's the same dev as super meat boy, which is the hardest game ever, so I have high hopes 21:21 I've played a bit of it on a friend's laptop once 21:22 And was crushed by the first boss. And confused by the controls (mind you, this was a while back) 21:23 heh 21:24 wasn't it originally flash or smth? 21:24 like, it ran on flash 21:24 No clue 21:24 Maybe! 21:47 -!- Tarmumortem is now known as Tarmumoratorium 21:59 -!- ri-corpse-san is now known as reapersan 22:00 !booze 22:00 * Beholder tosses K2 a shot of moonshine, brewed by the /dev/null/oracle at 69 degrees Celsius. 22:01 !booze 22:01 * Beholder throws reapersan a glass of the hooch, brewed by Athame at 30 degrees Celsius. 22:01 athame is on the asc.run channel? or smwhere else 22:02 ascrun 22:03 -!- tacco| has quit [] 22:04 -!- reapersan has quit [Quit: horrible internet is horrible] 22:07 -!- Jonathanhanes has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:10 -!- Jonathanhanes has joined #hardfought 22:22 !tell ais523 See the slashem32 branch on my NH4 repo. (For Fourk I still have to figure out how to draw a gryphon, but I think you should be good for NH4.) 22:22 Will do, jonadab! 22:22 FIQ: If you are interested in slashem32 tiles, see the slashem32 branch on my NH4 repo. 22:24 Although, hmm, might be missing some tiles FIQHack wants, for extra object appearances. (I haven't done the extra object appearances yet. I will eventually.) 22:27 also altars and obj piles 22:27 Oh, true. 22:28 does slashem32 have shimmering dragonsxxx 22:28 I could probably do those too, once I get around to doing the portions. 22:28 -vvv +? 22:28 It has shimmering dragons, yes. 22:28 ok nice 22:28 I didn't do an elder shimmering dragon, but it has all the other ages. 22:28 Should be adequate for FIQHack there. 22:29 yeah 22:29 If your added appearances are all ones Slash'EM has, there's a _chance_ it might already have them. 22:29 But it might not. I'll be adding all the random appearances Fourk has in bleeding edge, at some point. 22:30 they're not because 4k lacs those 22:30 But not until after I get the portions, which means figuring out how to draw a gryphon. 22:30 *lacks 22:30 well except possibly for amber potion 22:30 The Slashem tilesets came from Slashem and have some things NH4 doesn't use. 22:30 yeah but 22:30 I changed from using slash'em appearances 22:31 Ah. 22:31 I see. 22:31 to stuff 4k has 22:31 Ah, right. 22:31 So you'll need those then. 22:31 because 4k does *not* have slash'em appearances 22:31 Fourk uses some Slash'EM appearances but also adds some of its own. 22:31 4k as in not-slashem16 22:31 And doesn't have _all_ the Slash'EM appearances. 22:31 no books 22:31 I used some of the Slash'EM books. 22:32 But not all. 22:32 So yeah. 22:32 Hmm, I could cherry-pick this to FIQHack on a feature branch and make a list of what's missing. 22:43 Not as bad as I feared: lawful, neutral, chaotic, unaligned, and aligned altars; remembered as object pile; amber potion; striped spellbook; maroon spellbook; zap 8 22:44 I'll need that potion and those books anyway for .5, so I'll go ahead and do them after the gryphon. 22:44 (and baby gryphon) 22:44 Then we'll go from there. 22:49 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 22:51 DIED: micromoog (Hea-Hum-Mal-Neu), 942 points, died of starvation, while fainted from lack of food on hardfought 23:34 [fh] BAD APPLE!! (APPLES ONLY) (Luxidream) (Hea Gno Fem Neu) became the Envoy of Balance, on T:6830 23:37 another of luxidream's crazy names 23:49 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 23:50 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2580