00:02 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:06 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 8 points, T:183, killed by a sewer rat 00:13 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 00:17 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 00:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 00:18 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 50 points, T:451, killed by a falling rock 00:22 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 297 points, T:995, killed by a jackal, while fainted from lack of food 00:23 !who 00:23 Tarmunora: k2 [sp] 00:23 sssshhh 00:23 dont tell anybody 00:37 another day, Elronnd gets banned from #ascension.run again 00:38 -!- earenndil has joined #hardfought 00:39 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 2658 points, T:1818, killed by a gnome, while frozen by a monster's gaze 01:03 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:18 python 01:20 python 01:20 mozilla python 01:20 no triggers happening here 01:20 there was never a trigger 01:20 I typed it out by hand 01:21 bug_sniper: out of accordance to kerio's wishes, the mozilla trigger has been removed 01:22 @le?python 01:22 python (S) | Lvl: 6 | Diff: 8 | Spd: 3 | Res: poison | Confers: poison | MR: 0 | Generates: special | AC: 5 | Attacks: 1d4 bite physical, 0d0 touch physical, 1d4 hug wrap, 2d4 hug physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, swims, oviparous 01:23 @v?python 01:23 python (S) | Lvl: 6 | Diff: 8 | Spd: 3 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 5 | Attacks: 1d4 bite physical, 0d0 touch physical, 1d4 hug wrap, 2d4 hug physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, swims, oviparous 01:23 it's already in vanilla 01:23 yep 01:24 YASI: pythons thrusting you against the walls by pushing tabs against you 01:25 !tell larientelrunya < bug_sniper> YASI: pythons thrusting you against the walls by pushing tabs against you 01:25 Will do, earenndil! 01:29 !tell LarienTelrunya you increase their level/diff, and give them an indentation spell and a weakness when the colon generated is killed 01:29 Will do, bug_sniper! 01:52 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 02:01 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 02:14 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 02:14 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 02:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:15 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 02:17 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 02:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 02:23 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:25 . 02:25 LarienTelrunya: Message from earenndil at 2017-10-12 01:25 EDT: < bug_sniper> YASI: pythons thrusting you against the walls by pushing tabs against you 02:25 LarienTelrunya: Message from bug_sniper at 2017-10-12 01:29 EDT: you increase their level/diff, and give them an indentation spell and a weakness when the colon generated is killed 02:26 heh 03:37 -!- LarienTelrunya_ has joined #hardfought 03:39 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:40 -!- laughingjok7 has joined #hardfought 03:40 -!- LarienTelrunya_ is now known as LarienTelrunya 03:42 hello all 04:01 -!- laughingjok7 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:37 19 days, 22:22:22 to devnull tribute. 06:15 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4074 06:38 Evil Patch idea: if you hit Rodney but don't do enough damage to kill him, and he didn't use Double Trouble yet, he will automatically do so as his next action. 06:39 So basically instakill or lose. 06:39 Evil Patch Idea: if you kill Rodney, forget this "one level higher" stuff, next time he will be _twice_ as strong. 06:40 jonadab: Wands of death are a thing. 06:40 morning 06:40 Afternoon. 06:40 :) 06:40 Evil Patch Idea: Rodney now has a magic missile attack. 06:40 Evil Patch Idea: The only winning move is to not play. 06:41 (One of the side-effects of giving a monster a magic missile attack is, it gives them player-style MR.) 06:41 Evil Patch idea: minetown now has water and lava, and you can displace watchmen. If you fly/levitate and displace one, he will die and the remaining watch gets hostile and summons a couple dozen high-level, superpowered Keystone Kops. 06:41 If he grows strong exponentially, this would also mean that soon he would just instakill you. 06:43 Evil Patch Idea: aqua regia golem. Has active and passive attacks that dissolve anything in your inventory made of gold or silver. 06:44 Ooops, I "forgot" to make an exception for unique items. 06:44 * LarienTelrunya has actually made aqua regia IRL once 06:45 heh, I recently found out that artifact armor/shields are 90% resistant to disintegration beams; I'm wondering if that's a vanilla feature 06:45 jonadab: Once you kill the golem, can you precipitate the gold back? 06:46 Hmm, what would you get when you kill one? A pool of acid? 06:46 YANI: chemistry golem, starts with a couple potions that can either be ones he will throw at you, or ones that he'll quaff. 06:46 Perhaps. 06:47 Or potion of aqua regia. "This potion feels very heavy!" 06:47 actually: holy water golem, has a melee attack that exorcises chaotic characters, banishing them to Gehennom :P 06:47 ^^ EPI 06:47 Unholy water golem. 06:48 Banishes lawful characters to the Astral Plane. 06:48 And curses all your gear? 06:48 without the amulet I guess? 06:48 you get a fake one 06:48 same as the other player monsters :) 06:48 yay 06:48 Can you branchport from Astral Plane? 06:48 the game is now playable with object memory stuff :D 06:49 FIQ: You fixed the pickup panic? 06:49 and no longer crashes and burns the moment you look at it funny 06:49 yes 06:49 YANI: you can go to the astral plane early, and if you wait around long enough, eventually a player monster will spawn holding the true amulet. You'll have to prevent him from ascending, and claim the amulet for yourself 06:49 I changed when object memories are updated 06:49 to instead be done on each player action for all objects in view 06:49 that way I don't have to deal with the display code 06:49 Ah. 06:50 and other fun stuff 06:50 like "fun fact: this thing is called basically all over the place, including in zero-time commands like redraw" 06:52 Hmm, I just had an idea. What if slex had an item property (a very rare one) that "de-nastifies" nasty traps, by making them reveal themselves and give a message when triggered? 06:53 there should be a deslexifier trinsic 06:53 That would be a mandatory ascension kit item. 06:53 which turns off the slexiness 06:53 but has a 0.1% chance of disappearing per turn 06:54 LarienTelrunya: PMD:EoS has traps that would arguably feel just at home in slex 06:54 FIQ: there's soviet mode :D 06:54 the dungeons that have them makes trap sensing pretty much mandatory 06:54 what do they do? 06:54 there is the grudge trap 06:54 which calls all mons to your location on the level 06:55 and gives them permanent grudge status 06:55 killing all of your PP if they die 06:55 for all moves? or only the one you used last? 06:55 the one you used last, IIRC 06:57 well nethack doesn't actually have PP, so that would be hard to port 06:57 it has pw 06:58 yeah but in vanilla that's purely cosmetic for the only role that matters :D 06:58 ? 06:59 samurai 06:59 NetHack has 13 roles, not 1 06:59 And SLEX has 100+? 06:59 Mandevil: Yes 07:00 apparently vanilla never ported my pet fixes 07:00 oh well 07:00 was worth a try 07:04 huh 07:04 that's funny 07:04 just found a weird bug 07:04 not related to object memories 07:04 let's see if it reproduces in nethack4 07:05 yep 07:05 it does 07:05 Evil Patch Idea: you have WP, Weapon Power, which is your ability to swing your weapon. You use some every time you do so. It slowly regenerates over time. 07:05 yep 07:05 segfaults 07:05 if you, in DYWYPI 07:05 jonadab: sounds like Oblivion/Morrowind :D 07:06 selects "yes" on inventory 07:06 press a letter 07:06 and do whatever with it 07:06 then, when you open your next game 07:06 Oh, inventory-item-menu? 07:06 it will be confused 07:06 Next game? 07:06 Bug that carries over to a different game? 07:06 and if the letter you picked in the DYWYPI doesn't correspond to an object in the new game 07:06 Mandevil: NH4 doesn't exit the program every time a game ends. 07:06 the game will crash 07:06 It just goes to the main menu. 07:07 now I am kinda curious 07:07 jonadab: I would imagine that the data would go out of scope... 07:07 FIQ: This sounds like some kind of variable is being set that shouldn't be global and is. 07:07 FIQ: you should totally turn that into a feature - if you ascend, all future games will be more difficult :P 07:08 aw 07:08 it didn't allow me to select an object no longer in inventory "remotely" this way 07:08 Evil Patch Idea: the game tracks how many total games you have played and gets harder as the number increases, because by the time you have played fifty games you're expected to be really good at it and capable of facing down minotaurs on dungeon level three... 07:09 haha, in slex's GM mode that would actually be a possibility ;) however, it would lead to the player turning that mode off permanently, I guess 07:09 jonadab: I had a YASI a few weeks ago that Elbereth gets less effective the more games you play :P 07:09 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 07:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 07:10 FIQ: Or the more times you use it, spanning games? 07:10 Mhm 07:10 -!- notym has joined #hardfought 07:14 jonadab: btw, another advantage of object memory stuff 07:15 it makes the old glyph tracking basically obsolete 07:21 ok so the game lasted until mid-gnomish-mines until next bug 07:21 progress! 07:22 (desync on something throwing a dart) 07:22 heh, darts of desync, an even more powerful version of slex's dart of disintegration! 07:23 but I'm not sure why, if I disable the object memory tracker (my usual means of checking "is this object memory's fault") 07:23 it still happens 07:27 LarienTelrunya: Do you have darts of curse inventory? 07:27 nope, but that would certainly be fun 07:27 Darts of polymorph-into-newt? 07:27 :D 07:27 Darts of lycanthropy? 07:27 darts of (insert damage type here) 07:28 darts of wishing 07:28 problem with them would be that all of them also need a player-versus-monster effect, whereas the beam attack that some monsters have does not have that problem :D 07:29 @le?cursed mummy 07:29 cursed mummy (M) | Lvl: 14 | Diff: 16 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold sleep poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: special | AC: 4 | Attacks: 3d4 claw physical, 3d4 non-contacting-beam curse-items | Alignment: -5 | Flags: genocidable, breathless, mindless, poisonous, undead 07:29 ^^ has a ranged item-cursing attack 07:29 doesn't beam kinda imply non-contacting 07:29 @d?wizard 07:29 wizard (@) | Lvl: 10 | Diff: 12 | Spd: 12 | Res: magic | Confers: nothing | MR: 3 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d6 weapon physical, 1d6 mmmmagical magic missile | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, nopoly, infravisible 07:29 EPI: lycanthropic eye. Its gaze causes eye lycanthropy, which causes you to turn into a lycanthropic eye periodically. Naturally, in that form you have no carry capacity at all. But you can #monster to summon floating eyes, so there's that. 07:30 Riders don't resist paralysis 07:30 so you can revgeno floating eyes to "distract" them 07:30 if you have conflict 07:30 Interesting. 07:31 mmmmagical :D 07:32 jonadab: you like to keep logs of stuff 07:32 do you have logs of ais telling how to read the desync dialog 07:34 nvm I figured out how to fix it 07:37 ok so I have a memory leak 07:37 rip 07:48 oh I see the leak 07:48 I was trying to free object memory referencing after freeing all the levels 07:48 so the game couldn't find them 07:56 jonadab: "So I'm thinking if I just outright remove MC entirely, then these effects will hit way more often, and then I can find out which ones players complain about the most" I can tell you which ones: vampire level drain most prominently, and also disenchantment :P 07:57 remind me to trash MC if I'm going to add an evilvariant mode to slex; something like "every point of MC adds 5% protection against such effects, so with MC3 you're still 85% likely to be affected" 07:58 and no crazy diffs 07:58 LarienTelrunya: FIQHack already made leveldrain unaffected by MC 07:58 since fourk is intended to maintain game balance, I have to imagine that something would take the place of MC, rather than a straight up removal 07:59 like, more common sources of drain resistance 07:59 FIQ: you are evil :P grinding for XL14 in the valley is officially out of the question unless excalibur 07:59 and I can see if MR is split up, disenchantment falling under one of the categorits 07:59 categories* 08:00 LarienTelrunya: but you know FIQHack only reuires XL10 08:00 oh, completely forgot about that 08:00 well then I guess vampires in FIQhack are really just an annoyance 08:01 well.. that's the intention 08:02 they're not meant to end your game 08:02 LarienTelrunya: I think the game should make it not-incredibly-hard to restore lost levels. Does vanilla do this with potions of full healing? 08:02 just be dangerous if left unchecked 08:02 aosdict: vanilla only restores half of your lost levels with full healing 08:02 jonadab: I know how to fix lycanthropy being too crippling, but you'll never do it. Just make it reduce carry capacity by a sane amount, i.e. reduce it to maybe half of your human form, instead of one tenth or whatever it is. 08:02 in FIQHack, being level drained will increase your xp gain (more for more lost levels) and make FH restore all, not half, levels 08:03 Yeah, not sure why it only does half. 08:03 aosdict: in my own experience, gaining back lost levels is difficult unless you happen to have those potions on hand, but then again, levels don't really do much in vanilla anyway, as long as you manage to unlock the quest 08:04 I am solidly in the "14 is just a little too high in the first place" camp 08:04 heh, I'm solidly in the "quest should be open by default" camp ;) 08:04 though I have no objection to removing the XL cap entirely, though maybe it should be harder to become properly aligned 08:05 why the arbitrary 2000 turn limitation though? 08:05 hmm 08:05 if a char happens to become powerful enough to do the quest at T:1500, let them do so! why do they have to wank off for 500 turns waiting to hit the required alignment cap? 08:06 OK so I can get to quest depth, including minetown and sokoban with somewhat normal playing 08:06 I *think* it might be worth starting to consider merging this 08:06 anyway, gtg now 08:06 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:06 !tell LarienTelrunya I don't particularly like the alignment cap. But I also don't like how alignment record is so easy to get that it's meaningless (though I think Fourk is a bit too extreme with that). 08:06 Will do, aosdict! 08:07 I'm saying the word "though" a lot 08:34 FIQ: I do have a log of that, yes. 08:37 jonadab: is it worth to merge obj_memory into 4.3.0 yet I wonder :P 08:38 it seems pretty stable now, have been playing a game up to Quest portal level without further bugs 08:38 (including mines) 08:39 meh 08:39 yolo, it's stable enough to warrant testing 08:39 aosdict: ring of level drain resistance, ring of attribute drain resistance, and amulet versus draining (which protects against both), plus black DSM also doing so? 08:41 it has those? neat 08:42 is "ring of attribute drain resistance" just a renamed ring of sustain ability? 08:43 or is it versus disenchantment? 08:44 !tell LarienTelrunya Fourk indirectly eliminates the turn-2000 cap as part of alignment rebalance: your alignment cap range is always from -100 to +100, none of this "you've been playing for a hundred thousand turns so your alignment is 500" nonsense. 08:44 Will do, jonadab! 08:44 aosdict: It doesn't currently have those yet, no. 08:45 I'm just thinking out loud here. 08:45 (Black DSM granting drain res is in bleeding-edge, though.) 08:45 Oh, right, I forgot about sustain ability. 08:46 What I should do is make the ring of drain strength block strength drain, and so on for the others. 08:46 I guess a ring of attribute drain resistance would still allow your scores to go up... but I like the double-edged sword of sustain ability. 08:47 YANI: if attribute changes through exercise are blocked due to sustain ability, the exercise just piles up so that you will get most of the exercised points a few cycles after you remove the ring 08:47 what is the ring of drain strength? 08:51 *gain 08:51 And yes, once you mentioned sustain ability, attr-drain-res is clearly not good to add, because it would completely obviate that. 08:52 aosdict: And the abuse also piles up? 08:54 !tell K2 FIQHack updated 08:54 Will do, FIQ! 08:56 jonadab: yes, of course 08:59 !rcedit 08:59 Tangles: https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/rcedit 09:01 jonadab: object searching is now in 4.3.0 if you want to look into merging it for .5 09:01 FYI 09:19 Hm 09:19 I just realized that vorpal is once again accessible in FIQHack 09:19 but only through dipping into wonder 09:27 oh hey Tangles, check out this splat from last night 09:27 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-12 08:54 EDT: FIQHack updated 09:28 !lastgame k2 09:28 K2: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/sporkhack/dumplog/1507782168.sp.txt 09:29 FIQhack updated 09:29 cool 09:29 I will eagerly await the inevitable bug reports 09:29 for the new feature 09:29 :P 09:29 ah that's right, sporkhack sumplogs dont show the last n turns dialog 09:30 s/sumplogs/dumplogs 09:30 FIQ: whats the new feature? 09:30 http://home.fiq.se/obj_search.png 09:30 You can now search for objects you remember seeing 09:31 oh neat 09:31 Meaning you can search for if you missed a nice item somewhere 09:31 or if you accidentally dropped something (like the Amulet because you wanted to cast) 09:34 K2: All I got from that dumplog is you bumped a floating eye while inexplicably carrying a mountain nymph corpse. 09:34 oh crap 09:34 wrong dumplog 09:34 lol 09:35 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/sporkhack/dumplog/1507391874.sp.txt 09:35 Tangles: hahaha 09:37 oh right.... that's more of a splat :( 09:37 yarp 09:38 I don't understand 09:38 archon got caught in an iron golem's poison gas cloud in my vicinity, it got angry and blamed me 09:38 and of course it had an artifact weapon 09:38 that is a very easy bug fix 09:39 archon said hey K2 I have your ass' and I said 'great could you hand it to me please? ' and it did 09:39 in inside_gas_cloud 09:39 at the setmangry check 09:39 add "if (heros_fault(reg))" 09:40 which file? 09:40 wait, do spork dumplogs not print the final messages? don't see them 09:40 region.c 09:40 aosdict: no they do not, its on the to-do 09:40 FIQ: thanks 09:42 np 09:43 yeah i see... comparing vanilla and grunthack versions of region.c to sporkhack 09:43 lorimer are you here? 09:43 they don't do it at all? I seem to remember that the original dumplog had the final messages behind a #ifdef and if that doesn't print them, neither can the dumplog 09:43 I doubt grunt has this fix 09:43 (want to make sure this wasn't intentional 09:44 grunt tends to have a lot of corner cases 09:44 FIQ grunt does have it 09:44 not accounted for 09:44 ah so for once he did 09:44 nice 09:44 oh yeah because it affects bones too 09:44 so it's one of the C343 bugs 09:44 bhaak: i looked in config.h for sporkhack, there's no mention of dumplog msgs 09:45 perhaps i missed something 09:45 K2: that's the problem :) search for DUMPMSGS 09:46 lorimer missed to add DUMPMSGS and if he's missed something, he cba to add it later ;-) 09:46 right. its doesnt exist 09:46 no DUMPMSGS :( 09:46 so... define it :P 09:47 FIQ I did once, didnt want to compile 09:47 below DUMP_LOG 09:47 hm that's odd 09:47 ah crap, i lost track time 09:47 i am almost late 09:47 gotta go be back soon 09:49 DUMPMSGS needs to be a number 09:51 the number being the size of the backlog I guess? 09:51 defined to 20 on nao 09:52 !tell K2 define it to 20, that's what nao does 09:52 Will do, FIQ! 09:52 yes 09:52 but I see, there's a bug in there. a declaration of i is missing 09:55 but this works for me https://pastebin.com/R4EVYAX1 10:10 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 10:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 10:14 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:16 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:37321 10:17 apparently I had this 10:17 l - an uncursed -4 ring of protection {3} 10:17 [fh] FIQ (Sam Hum Mal Law), 42116 points, T:11108, killed by a forest centaur 10:18 whee, ditched orcus in the valley 10:18 his wand of death is empty anyway 10:18 and I only got one Rodney visit after killing him (also in the valley) 10:19 heh 10:19 cursed my two remaining potions of gain level 10:19 orcus was waiting on the upstairs, not expecting me to take a shortcut :-) 10:21 that doesn't work if it's Rodney, right? 10:21 it does if you don't have the Amulet 10:21 but not if you do 10:22 indeed 10:22 not unless paralyzed 10:23 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:37572 10:23 with the cockatrice corpse I had in my hand to kill eels and mind flayers 10:23 you playing gnome I see 10:23 yeah 10:23 the one true way to play wiz IMO :P 10:23 but I know you like to play wiz orc 10:24 can't I like both? 10:24 (spoiler: I do) 10:24 sure? why wouldn't you 10:24 I also like to play dwarf arc or cav 10:25 I just haven't noticed you play non-orc wiz 10:25 just haven't paid attention Iguess :P 10:25 *I guess 10:25 I started out playing only gnome wiz and branched out into orcs when I found that it was fun 10:25 ahh 10:25 cool 10:26 only play human and elf wizards for tournaments if I want to do All The Wizards. (not an accepted category but it does take care of four of the five races) 10:26 don't like elves much for some reason 10:26 ahh 10:27 I was never a fan of elf due to carrycap issues 10:27 (I don't know which reason so it's no use asking) 10:27 gnomes have that too 10:27 gnomes can reach max carrycap unaided though 10:27 it's just a bit harder 10:28 whenever I play elf I get constantly burdened lol 10:28 but then again I always hoarded stuff 10:28 there! maxed out everything 10:28 cool 10:28 just remembered I had 3 potions of gain ability in my bag 10:29 ah 10:29 taking up weight :-) 10:29 :P 10:29 oh, not strength, I'm still at 18/10 10:29 I generally do a last "get rid of excess stuff" when I've cleared Earth 10:29 but everything else is as foo as I can get 10:29 since Earth tends to be rather easy 10:29 but Air.. well, isn't 10:30 Your leg feels better. Your movements are now unencumbered. You finish taking off your boots. 10:30 bad boots 10:30 wrong size perhaps 10:30 (still in WW boots, for 3x juiblex & castle & medusa) 10:30 ah 10:30 gone shopping 10:31 (irl) 10:31 mhm 10:31 see you 10:33 [dnh] rikersan (Mon Hlf Mal Neu), 748 points, T:912, killed by a gnome king 10:35 [dnh] rikersan (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 197 points, T:394, killed by a black pudding 10:35 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:53 -!- Grassy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:54 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 10:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 11:07 !whereis 11:07 FIQ: No current players 11:08 :( 11:08 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-12 09:52 EDT: define it to 20, that's what nao does 11:10 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 11:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 11:10 K2: things are generally slow around this time 11:10 no surprise 11:10 yeah 11:10 but still... :( 11:10 eu is getting ready to finish jobs 11:11 us is working 11:11 au is sleeping 11:11 i just pulled up the link bhaak provided 11:11 going to implement and compile, see how it goes. going to put in that fix for monsters getting angry when caught in poison cloud as well 11:12 K2: meh, you should proud yourself over attaining a higher average player count than ade ever had within like 3 months :P 11:12 and it's hard to beat a server which has been around for 10+ years (nao) 11:12 yeah 11:12 it was more of a sarcastic :9 than a real :( 11:12 :( 11:13 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:13 meanwhile I am happy if I get at least one person playing fiqhack per day :P 11:14 FIQhack is getting its own little cult following 11:14 which is awesome 11:15 turns out people like quality of life eh :) 11:15 wasn't originally a goal of FIQHack but I've been focusing on it somewhat since that's what made people play it 11:17 is local windowns version working yet? 11:17 kind of 11:17 there is 2 major things I need to do before shipping a windows version 11:18 1: I need to change the logo (uses the NH4 one atm) 11:18 2: need to add object pile highlighting in tilesets 11:18 but yes 11:18 it compiles on windows 11:18 I can't compile it though because I don't have windows 11:19 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 6766 points, T:6229, killed by a giant beetle 11:19 ^ on purpose 11:19 !lastgame 11:19 K2: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/sporkhack/dumplog/1507783286.sp.txt 11:19 spork is dangerous 11:19 yay \o/ 11:19 bhaak: thanks for the fix! 11:19 :D 11:20 K2: why was it on purpose? 11:20 just tested a fix for dumplogs not logging the last x number of event messages 11:20 wasnt happy with that game anyways 11:20 ooooh 11:21 well, that certainly worked 11:21 :) 11:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:01 FIQ: I thought you have a diff logo? 12:15 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:40 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:40 -!- bug_sniper_ has joined #hardfought 12:59 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 13:26 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:39 Elronnd: no 13:39 not yet 13:39 oh, I should clarify 13:39 the one you see when starting the game 13:39 is different 13:39 but I meant the icon 13:39 for the executable 13:56 argh I've lost the Eye of the A and I don't recall when I last had it 13:57 couldn't #invoke anyway while going up with the amulet of yendor 13:57 but it's a hassle that I don't have power regen, ESP, or MR when wielding something not-Magicbane (like a c corpse) 14:02 lol, a dragon carried off the AoY when I'd dropped it to cast 14:03 FIQ: For the icon, maybe make the f and the h into a ligature that looks like both letters, and put the @ faded in the background? 14:03 Hmm, nevermind, that is not actually a very good idea. 14:03 * FIQ shudders at the thought of advanced image manipulation 14:03 Nobody will know what it is. 14:04 "advanced" 14:04 jonadab: what is 4k's like? 14:04 also what is the NH4 icon? not sure if I've ever seen it 14:05 not sure where it is 14:05 in the tree 14:05 Wait, I know this. Una momento. 14:06 dist/common 14:06 ok 14:06 I can't easily pastebin right now because warthog is down for some reason, and I am not physically there to do anything about it. 14:06 ah 14:06 found it 14:06 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 14:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 14:07 Although, you can see them on the github web UI if you can stomach that. 14:07 jonadab: I wonder if you could get away with a @ on the left (like current, but maybe centered) and FH vertically on the right? 14:07 not sure how good that'd look 14:08 possibly in yellow letters if you want to mimic the title screen 14:08 fh instead of 4? 14:08 And yes, you want a brighter color than the 4 is using. 14:08 I'd use one color for f, another for h. 14:08 yeah, instead of 4 14:09 Hmmm you think? 14:09 Three characters is pushing the limits of what you can squeeze into an icon, especially at 16x16 (important mainly because bookmark icon size; may also be used in titlebars). 14:09 But it's not entirely undoable. 14:09 FIQ: if you are a non-spellcaster in fiqhack and polymorph into a powerful spellcaster like an arch-lich, can you suddenly cast lots of powerful magic? 14:09 aosdict: No 14:09 This also applies to monsters, of course 14:09 Which is why arch-lich polyform is less concerning in FIQHack 14:10 Ah, so chameleons don't pose the risk of sudden death. 14:10 FIQ: If you use two colors, you can let the sticking-up-part of the h be _right beside_ the stem of the f. 14:10 Which lets you make both letters a little bigger than they could otherwise be in the space avaialble. 14:10 I'm not sure if I understand what you mean 14:10 Ah 14:11 how bad would yellow+purple look I wonder 14:12 very 14:14 I can think of worse combinations. 14:15 worst combination is probably lime green and magenta 14:15 Magenta and lime green, yes. 14:15 Was just going to say that. 14:15 Or pink and orange. 14:15 haha 14:15 pink and orange can work.. but good luck 14:17 Ok, don't use this directly off imgur because, among other things, image compression. But concept: https://imgur.com/a/QMJKJ 14:18 compression isn't that bad on that image (but yes I will not use stuff directly off imgur) 14:18 That's, what, player, tiger, mind flayer? 14:18 it is 14:20 That's the @ from the NH4 icon, so it's not in the same font as the f and h, nor the same weight. 14:20 And anyway, the whole thing should be redone as SVG. 14:21 But if you can't think of anything better, I guess the concept works. 14:22 that sounds like you think I have a bad imagination :P 14:22 how bizzarre 14:22 bizarre 14:22 No, no, I wasn't rushing to any judgments. 14:22 gah 14:22 but yeah I'm not very good at image stuff, and I have zero feel for stuff like this 14:22 seriously i need an inline spellchecker for irc 14:22 I am explicitly leaving open the possibility that you may yet come up with a more clever icon design. 14:22 anyways 14:22 K2: I think irssi has that. 14:23 this sporkhack game, first time i've ever seen the 'you hear footsteps of a guard on patrol' msg 14:23 and the 'you hear someone counting money' 14:25 i've played a ton of games (sporkhack) since junethack 14:25 i dont recall ever seeing that msg until today 14:26 last game i had last night where i died to the archon, i dectected treasure/magic mapped every single level, not a vault to be found 14:26 just assumed sporkhack didnt generate them 14:27 jonadab: i have irssi setup, but i have to run it through cygwin 14:27 bleh 14:28 lol this vault is half filled with pools of water 14:28 Oh, ugh, Windows. 14:28 with giant eels in them 14:28 K2: run a copy of irssi in a tmux session on the server and just connect to it with KiTTY. 14:28 shit 14:29 yeah 14:29 well, i use PuTTYtray (another fork) but yeah i should explore that 14:30 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 306 points, T:225, killed by a giant eel 14:30 lol 14:30 !lastgame k2 14:30 K2: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/sporkhack/dumplog/1507831815.sp.txt 14:36 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:39544 14:38 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 40 points, T:201, killed by a falling object 14:40 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:39854 14:41 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:2474 14:42 argh, shall I try to ascend without the Eye or keep looking for it? 14:42 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed ring on conflict", on T:2552 14:43 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 14:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 14:45 or shall I just let (one of) these monsters kill me? 14:45 Oh, it's time for me to go see why warthog is down. Later. 14:46 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:47 yay! found the eye 14:48 something must have stolen it in the valley and dropped it when I killed it 14:56 jonadab: I submitted the icons to the RLdiscord nethack channel for some more options to get some more opinions 14:56 They said it was OK but could probably be done better 14:56 Also, someone offered to try his own stab at it 14:58 Ok. 14:59 And yes, it's a mediocre icon design. 14:59 Could be worse, could be better. 14:59 what, the @fh thing? 14:59 yeah 14:59 jonadab: They thought the nethack4 icon was worse, so I guess it's an improvement? 14:59 Heh 15:00 (I submitted all 3 for comparision) 15:00 The nethack4 icon is ... the 4 would be distinctive and interesting if it were more visible, but the dark gray is a bad choice. 15:00 The Fourk icon is more _clever_, but it's not really _good_ either. 15:01 But I went with it because I just wanted something recognizable. And it's mostly that. 15:01 For something as not-generally-known as a nethack variant, I would say that putting the entire name on the logo is a good idea 15:01 jonadab: what's the Fourk icon? 15:01 http://home.fiq.se/4k.png 15:01 http://home.fiq.se/nh4.png 15:01 https://i.imgur.com/Uf0EgDV.png 15:01 these are all 3 15:01 for comparision 15:02 backscroll readers will thank you 15:02 man, that nh4 one is terrible 15:02 aosdict: I do think the @fh icon is a rather significant improvement 15:02 Yeah, not really a fan of the nethack4 one 15:02 aosdict: The worst thing about it is that the 4 is much too dark. 15:02 As for the 4k one... I have no comment 15:03 lol, either the hostile green dragon or my pet Olog-hai killed the priest of moloch 15:03 Heh. 15:03 It's a clever pun for sure, but not sure if I like the design otherwise :P 15:03 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 15:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 15:03 I kind of like the idea of my variant having a bent tine. 15:03 I could retrieve the money but that would mean going back to minetown to donate because that's the only other priest, and I'm at intrinsic 0 or -1 already 15:03 But yes, the icon is... mediocre. 15:04 It only _just barely_ survives the scaledown to 16x16. 15:05 And it's not very colorful. 15:05 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:05 I will say, unlike most things with a white background, the Fourk icon has an actual excuse for using a light-colored background. 15:05 (The tine's shadow needs to be dark to communicate that it's a shadow. 15:06 hm 15:06 let me do the object pile stuff 15:06 to get that over with 15:06 otherwise I'm never going to do it 15:07 "It won't get done until somebody does it." 15:07 jonadab: how dod I use tiletool agin 15:07 *again 15:08 cd tilesets ; perl util/tiletool.pl show "remembered as trapped" edit "remembered as object pile" 15:08 Or something like that. 15:08 I can start by messing with the slash'em tileset 15:08 it's kinda shitty in general so yeah 15:08 slashem-16 is the default tileset. 15:08 well, shitty is the wrong word 15:08 but... "low-res" 15:08 YOu can add tileset dawnlike-16 to the command line to do that one. 15:08 low-detail 15:08 is the word I was looking for 15:08 low artistry 15:08 Dawnlike has the same resolution and same _number_ of colors in the palette. 15:08 But looks significantly better. 15:08 jonadab: right 15:09 but.. yeah 15:09 basically 15:09 Partly because the Dawnlike palette is much better. 15:09 some might favour how slash'em looks for all I know 15:09 Sure. 15:09 but it is the least detailed one 15:09 I mean, it looks just like 3.4.3, how could it be imperfect? 15:09 that's why I corrected myself to "low-detail" rather than "low-res" :P 15:11 jonadab: a lot of the colors SLASH'EM's tileset use is just the normal ANSI colors 15:11 or whatever they're called 15:11 Some of them, yes. 15:11 But not all. 15:12 yeah 15:12 a lot 15:12 but not all 15:12 I mean, it has colors that you couldn't do until _at least_ 8-bit color was available. 15:12 But it's not a well-chosen set. 15:12 Dawnlike's is significantly better. 15:12 n-4-16.txt palette: 15:12 15:12 $ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 15:12 why is the file named something 16 15:12 when it has 23 colors 15:13 16 pixels. 15:13 I guess 16 is the resolution 15:13 yeah 15:13 what is that pallet anyway 15:13 what tileset uses it 15:13 it's the same as slash'em with some more colors 15:14 n-4-16.txt is tiles needed by NH4 that weren't used in either 3.4.3 or Slash'EM. 15:14 n-343.txt is ones 3.4.3 had that Slash'EM didn't. 15:15 Which is just three: apron, buckled boots, flash beam. 15:16 The n-4-16 ones are mostly "brandings". 15:17 oh 15:17 so that's where I want to add objpile stuff 15:17 I guess 15:17 Yes, likely. 15:18 I always start from an existing tile in the same category, even if I'm going to wipe it all out with background, because this ensures the palette is correct for the right file. 15:18 Though slashem-16 uses the same palette for every file except n-4-16. 15:18 (And that one's the same through P.) 15:19 Compare dawnlike, which actually has different palettes. 15:19 (Though _mostly_ it's the same colors in a different order, which is annoying.) 15:25 But my complaints about the slashem-16 palette are various. Pairs of colors that are too similar (notably, the orange and the red; also, the two browns); only two really light colors that aren't white; no really dark colors that aren't black; no decent purple at all, unless you count full-saturation bright magenta; both blues are midrange brightness; the list goes on. 15:25 My only real complaint about the dawnlike-16 palette is that the purple is a little too dark, for being the _only_ purple. 15:25 And that's a nitpick. 15:27 (I mean, I could complain about the fact that it's only got 17 colors in it including transparent; but that's a design choice and not unreasonable if you're going for an obviously-palettized look. 15:27 ) 15:28 (And the artist clearly made good use of all 17 palette entries.) 15:29 Whereas, in slashem-16, K could be made a little lighter and a little more orange and would be better in every single place where it's used _and_ would obviate C entirely and be an improvement there as well. 15:30 Which would free up a palette entry so you could have, say, a gray, or a real purple, or better yet a purple-gray that could be used for either. 15:30 Make it a purple-blue-gray and you arguably free up P as well. 15:31 And E would be significantly more useful if noticeably darker. 15:32 And freeing up P would let you add another light color, perhaps something a bit darker than O but lighter than H. 15:32 But not close to L in the hue spectrum. 15:33 Or just lighten up I to fill that slot, and do something else with P. 15:35 jonadab: huh 15:35 in RLTiles there is 15:35 2000:remembered as multiple items 15:36 I'm pretty sure I didn't add that 15:36 so RLTiles already has an object pile marker? 15:38 I'll see what happens in RLTiles if I enable it and change the text to "remembered as object pile" 15:38 (which is what FIQHack calls that branding) 15:39 each time I use aimake I feel that I forgot how slow it was 15:39 lol 15:39 it takes almost 10 times as long to do its thing if not more 15:41 -!- tacco| has joined #hardfought 15:45 this is how object piles look like in RLTiles: http://home.fiq.se/objpile.png 15:48 jonadab: also this happens if the map is blanked in RLTiles: http://home.fiq.se/displaybug.png 15:56 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 16:08 jonadab: how did I use tiletool again? 16:08 to ask for a tile 16:23 FIQ: perl /path/to/tiletool.pl show "mountain centaur" 16:23 [nh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 229 points, T:596, killed by a sewer rat 16:24 yeah I looked at the source 16:24 but thanks! 16:24 I should probably add a help feature. 16:24 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 147 points, T:380, killed by a falling object 16:24 At some point. 16:32 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:52 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 3003 points, T:2757, killed by an iguana, while frozen by a monster's gaze 16:54 !tell K2 pushed a fix 16:54 Will do, FIQ! 17:07 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 563 points, T:836, killed by a giant bat 17:10 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 147 points, T:389, killed by a jackal 17:26 -!- tkirby has joined #hardfought 17:31 !players 17:31 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-12 16:54 EDT: pushed a fix 17:31 K2: tkirby [nh4] mtf [fh] k2 [sp] Jendic [nd] 17:32 FIQhack updated 17:36 [fh] MTF (mtf) (Arc Dwa Mal Law) wished for "blessed saddle", on T:18767 17:37 thanks k2 17:37 MTF: Message from jonadab at 2017-10-09 20:51 EDT: Elbereth herself is not Elvish (she's one of the Valar), but Elbereth is the Elvish name for her, and they revere her (but don't _fear_ her because they consider her to be good and on their side). 17:38 Now I don't remember what occasioned that message. 17:38 !tell jonadab Ohhh that's right... It's been a while since I've looked at tolkein lore, awesome as it is =) 17:38 Will do, MTF! 17:38 lol... 17:38 Beholder: boo 17:38 jonadab: Message from MTF at 2017-10-12 17:38 EDT: Ohhh that's right... It's been a while since I've looked at tolkein lore, awesome as it is =) 17:38 so... 17:38 I'm playing an arc right now 17:38 Ah. 17:38 poly'd my dog into a baby silver dragon 17:38 grew it up 17:38 Arc is kind of a hard role. 17:38 Oh, nice. 17:38 and just wished for a saddle 17:38 Heh. 17:39 This is turning into my knight run =P I even found a lance, but I can't skill up lances xD 17:39 if you get yourself crowned 17:39 while excal is already generated 17:39 (which isn't hard to make sure of) 17:39 you will unrestrict the weapon you are wielding 17:39 oh right 17:40 that's neat 17:41 FIQ: ONly to basic, though, right? 17:42 Or did you change that? 17:44 no 17:45 np 17:54 so my 5 yr old daughter, who is going as Moana this year for halloween, has informed me that I have to go as 'hey-hey' 17:55 jonadab: is genociding your steed fair game? 17:55 if you've seen the movie, then you know 17:55 for monsters to do 17:55 if they can 17:55 K2: I have no idea who that is 17:55 -!- bouquet has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__kM48y-KAg 18:16 -!- earenndil is now known as rlrijnd 18:16 -!- rlrijnd is now known as earenndil 18:18 Disney movie character, I think. Don't remember which movie. 18:18 One of the post-2000 ones I think. 18:19 i.e., one of the ones I almost certainly haven't seen. 18:20 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 26184 points, T:2222, killed by a giant mimic 18:21 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:21 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 18:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 18:21 I tend to lump Disney movies into four basic categories: "Classic" (Snow White, etc.), "New" (stuff like Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc.), "Pixar", and "Post-Pixar". I've only seen a handful of the Pixar ones and basically none of the post-Pixar ones. 18:22 I should probably mentally rename "New", though. 18:22 Since it's the second-oldest category. 18:23 yeah, that's in the 20-30+ year old range 18:23 Actually, come to think of it, there's a fifth category, "total crap", for stuff like Pocahontas. 18:24 -!- Grassy has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:24 Oh, and then there's the old black and white non-animated Disney movies. The Shaggy D.A., The Absent-Minded Professor, etc., etc. 18:25 I don't _usually_ think of those in the same context as the animated ones though. 18:28 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 16401 points, T:1942, quit 18:28 !wher 18:28 !where 18:28 !who 18:28 FIQ: HyperNeutrino [dnh] tkirby [nh4] mtf [fh] k2 [sp] Jendic [nd] 18:28 ah 18:44 -!- Jendic has joined #hardfought 18:47 [nd] Jendic (Val Hum Fem Law) performed her first genocide (class h), on T:8035 18:54 !whereis HyperNeutrino 18:54 Tarmunora: HyperNeutrino [dnh]: (Elf-Wiz Elf Mal Cha) T:191 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 18:58 -!- Jendic has quit [Quit: *poof*] 19:13 -!- HyperNeutrino has joined #hardfought 19:13 There we go! 19:14 Hello! 19:14 Hello HyperNeutrino, Welcome to #hardfought 19:14 Also consider hopping on #dnethack, a channel for the version you're playing 19:14 Ooh cool thanks :D 19:14 Also, I can't seem to find a > anywhere, am I missing something? 19:14 Try top-left 19:15 Hm. Doesn't seem to be anything here; tried using s a few times 19:15 Right-hand wall of bottom-mid room? 19:16 hm, not finding anything 19:17 I'll try the left side of the bottom-right room 19:17 I mean, you aren't terribly invested in this run :P 19:17 Escape is an option 19:17 :P true 19:18 I'm not very invested in any run because I just started playing like 2 days ago so I die all the time from like eating rotten corpses, accidentally attacking shopkeepers and getting my butt kicked, or traps :P 19:19 dnh, or nethack in general? 19:19 in general 19:19 Hmm 19:20 dNethack is certainly not the most beginner-friendly 19:20 oh lol 19:22 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 19:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 19:24 !tell K2 Pushed a minor update: Altars has colors 19:24 Will do, FIQ! 19:25 *have 19:28 [nh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 182 points, T:718, killed by a bolt of fire 19:34 -!- HyperNeutrino has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:44 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 42986 points, T:6116, killed by a stone giant, while sleeping off potion vapours 19:46 -!- HyperNeutrino has joined #hardfought 19:48 I think energy vortices in 3.6 is a bit overkill 19:48 it was already dangerous in 3.4.3 19:48 it did not need a drain energy attack on top 19:48 that said, a monster with drain energy does make for an interesting monster 20:16 -!- tacco| has quit [] 20:16 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:16 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 20:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 20:26 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Bar Hum Fem Cha), 29576 points, T:1937, killed by a rothe 20:34 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 93 points, T:345, killed by a jackal 20:35 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 27234 points, T:1716, quit 20:38 How do you force a locked box/chest in dnethack? 20:38 I tried #force but it appears to only work for doors...? 20:43 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 211 points, T:988, killed by a poisonous corpse 20:44 #force while standing over the box 20:44 Should work 20:45 huh that's odd, it didn't work for me 20:45 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 448 points, T:107, killed by a water moccasin 20:46 ^ that's what happens when I quaff a water fountain too much lol 20:48 huh I got a wish, what should I wish for lol 20:48 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Elf-Wiz Elf Mal Cha) wished for "", on T:236 20:48 whoops 20:48 nvm then I guess 20:50 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 106 points, T:451, killed by a fox 20:51 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 4 points, T:108, killed by a water moccasin 20:57 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 518 points, T:1109, killed by a boiling hot corpse 20:57 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 21:03 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:06 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Pri Elf Fem Cha), 32359 points, T:3843, killed by an ape 21:09 "killed by a boiling hot corpse"? 21:10 [nh4] TKirby (tkirby) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 20231 points, T:770, killed by a giant mimic 21:25 -!- tkirby has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:29 FIQhack updated 21:29 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-12 19:24 EDT: Pushed a minor update: Altars has colors 21:29 gnite all 21:30 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1267 points, T:1901, killed by an arrow 21:43 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 454 points, T:1530, killed by Ms. Tirebolu, the shopkeeper 21:43 klol 21:43 im dumb 21:44 I just kicked down the shopkeeper's door because I didn't realize what the "Closed for Inventory" sign that I saw outside the door meant lol 21:44 and then the shopkeeper got mad and killed me in one hit lol 21:47 Heh 21:47 Learning experience! 21:47 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 58 points, T:229, killed by a fox 21:48 @Tarmunora Yup! :P 21:48 whoops blindness and then got killed by a fox lol 21:50 HyperNeutrino: what exactly resulted in you getting killed by a boiling hot corpse? 21:50 I... tried to... eat it... 21:50 what kind of corpse 21:51 red mold I think? 21:51 yeah it said that I felt hot after attacking it (so I force bolt spelled it instead) but then I tried to eat it to see what would happen and instantly died lol 21:51 hm 21:52 in vanilla they're safe (and a good but small chance of fire resistance) 21:53 huh 21:53 yeah tarmunora did tell me that dnh was harder for beginners like myself lol /shrug 21:53 also if a floor is entirely green is that always a gnome mine or whatever? 21:54 I once encountered something that now that I've read a bit of the wiki, I think it was the GWTWOD lol 21:54 I haven't really played variants with colored branches, so don't know 21:55 if you really want to have the easy game, you can play some valks or wiz in nh4 21:55 but eh 21:55 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 875 points, T:826, killed by a poisonous corpse 21:55 ah ok 21:55 also my colorscheme for dnh might be off because I'm using my friend's .dnethackrc so it might be non-standard 21:56 (it's interesting how none of the variants actually make the gameplay easier, except for the very limited amount that nh4 does) 21:57 Back 21:57 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 21:59 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 172 points, T:686, killed by a poisonous corpse 21:59 I need to stop eating rat corpses. 21:59 Hmm 21:59 What terminal are you using? puTTY? 22:00 Don't eat rat corpses 22:00 YANI: some monsters' corpses, like rats, have a chance to convey FoodPois regardless of how fresh they are. 22:00 Sewer rats are poisonous 22:01 and like aosdict's YANI, rabid rats have a chance of giving FoidPois (or maybe unvomitable sickness, I forget, but either way...) 22:01 *FoodPois 22:04 idk what terminal 22:04 I'm on a chromebook lol 22:04 using standard Chrome OS 22:05 Are you using the hterm? 22:08 I'm using whatever the SSH chrome extension uses (crosh deactivated ssh for whatever reason) 22:10 lol I almost ate a bat corpse again 22:12 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2420 points, T:2101, killed by a water moccasin 22:12 dammit stupid snakes 22:12 Fountains are dangerous 22:12 apparently I can't hit them with force bolt about 90% of the time lol 22:12 Your best bet for those things is to run to a long hallway 22:12 yeah I was warned by easterly irk to not quaff fountains too much but oh well I'm not really committing to any of my runs :P 22:13 yeah probably. however I ended up getting cornered by them so I went down a floor to recover :P 22:13 It is usually a good idea to 'skip' the floor for a while and come back later when you are stronger 22:13 ah ok 22:14 crap I almost killed my kitten lol 22:16 well then 22:16 I just happened to stumble upon my own bones file 22:16 it also happened to be the one where I kicked down the shopkeeper's door 22:16 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 162 points, T:424, killed by Ms. Tirebolu, the shopkeeper 22:16 yeah that was dumb lol 22:17 That name seems faliliar 22:17 *familiar 22:17 I feel bad for any other people who somehow load that lol 22:17 ^^ yup :P 22:17 Don't worry, that shk only hates you ^.^ 22:17 oh :P 22:21 Is there any way to stop a shift-HJKL movement spree mid-run? 22:21 AFAIK, no 22:22 oh ok 22:22 cuz last time I started a shift-H move to the left and halfway through I realized that that was the bones file with the shopkeeper so I tried to it but it didn't work and then I died lol 22:26 ooh another shopkeeper 22:26 i'll try not to die this time 22:29 yay didn't die 22:29 also why am I a red highlighted underlined n 22:30 and why can I move through empty space outside of corridors 22:31 You got polymorphed into an oread 22:31 @d? oread 22:31 oread (n) | Lvl: 7 | Diff: 10 | Spd: 8 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: dungeons | AC: -5 | Attacks: 0d0 claw item steal, 0d0 claw seduce | Alignment: 7 | Flags: genocidable, teleports, infravisible 22:33 oh cool 22:33 is that a bad thing 22:34 Oh, nevermind 22:34 You got a neverwas 22:34 @d? neverwas 22:34 neverwas (n) | Lvl: 15 | Diff: 18 | Spd: 10 | Res: cold sleep poison petrification drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 10 | Generates: special | AC: 10 | Attacks: 1d8 bite vampire-drain, 0d0 claw item steal, 0d0 claw seduce | Alignment: -10 | Flags: flies, breathless, unsolid, teleports, undead, demon, stalker 22:34 neverwas is a decent form for a random poly 22:38 -!- HyperNeutrino has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:41 -!- HyperNeutrino has joined #hardfought 22:41 Huh okay. 22:41 Yeah I have a ring of polymorph on right now (uncursed). Is that a good idea? 22:42 depends. Do you like your armor? 22:43 If you like your armor, take that thing off. 22:43 my armor is a +0 cloak of magic resistance 22:43 Haha yeah take that ring off. 22:43 ok :P 22:43 wait how 22:44 'R' 22:44 oh k thanks 22:44 how long does it take for this to wear off :P 22:44 oh it just wore off 22:45 after first teleporting me around randomly a few times so now I'm no longer connected to the staircase from which I descended lol (I'm just hoping and assuming I can get back eventually) 22:49 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 22:49 hyperneutrino: o/ speccing you 22:50 hi riker :D 22:50 :D 22:50 oh god 22:50 why the hell are there suddenly 5 orcs 22:50 rip I'm dead 22:50 bad summon 22:50 pray 22:51 or run 22:51 that works 22:51 aaaaa oo run away worked lol 22:51 are you a priest? 22:51 wizard 22:51 I'm always WEM lol 22:51 ah 22:51 fast mr regen so 22:51 priests seem to get that 22:52 I'd reccommend kiting them if you can, get some good xp 22:52 do not read test that scroll 22:53 I happen to have a ring of regen :P 22:53 kiting? 22:54 wait read test what scroll ._. 22:54 <-- is confused 22:55 riker i is confus 22:55 you picked it up a while ago 22:55 don't worry 22:55 oh ok :P 22:55 it's just that monsters tend to be genereated with 2 scrolls over the rest: create monster and teleportation 22:55 what is kiting 22:55 [dnh] NeroOneTrueKing (Ana Dwa Fem Cha) killed the invisible Illurien of the Myriad Glimpses, on T:23231 22:55 read-testing cursed create monster is bad 22:55 ooh 22:55 Use-ID can be dangerous 22:55 in general yes 22:55 oh ok 22:55 potions, aside form polymorph, are mostly ok though 22:55 But also !fun! 22:55 lol 22:55 dorf fortress style fun 22:56 what is kiting tho 22:56 Yes, !fun! 22:56 kiting is dealing small amounts of dmg at a time before retreating 22:56 oh ok 22:56 good against slow monsters 22:56 in this case, hitting a couple times and going upstairs to heal 22:56 kiting is backing away from something and making it use its movement rather than its attack 22:56 do monsters heal 22:56 hm 22:56 Most don't 22:56 cool 22:56 Well, not significantly 22:56 they regen slowly 22:56 like you but slower iirc 22:56 then this strategy is familiar to me from minecraft 22:56 only spellcasters heal 22:56 I do it all the time. rush in, whack a bunch, run out, eat, repeat 22:56 ah cool 22:57 [dnh] NeroOneTrueKing (Ana Dwa Fem Cha) read the necronomicon for the first time, on T:23237 22:57 works like a charm until you get an enderman that doesn't care that you ran away 22:57 EPI: you do not regenerate hit points while in a polyform that does not have any special regeneration. For symmetry! 22:57 Or, since you're a wizard, force bolt from a distance 22:57 hm ok I see 22:57 yup :P 22:57 dang, congrats nero 22:57 Ah goodie, the second half of the testament of whispers. 22:57 that's a good one 22:57 even if you can get it from the other book 22:57 That'll let me grab the Silver Key 22:58 how? 22:58 HyperNeutrino: if I remember correctly, a survival player is expected to have a water bucket handy at all times when exploring 22:58 since I can't move through tight diagonals (since I'm huge) and the level is no-tele and no-dig, it's hard to get to the key 22:58 or not expected to, but it's wise 22:58 aosdict: lava bucket is more fun 22:59 Dantalion's power of thought travel ignores no-tele (since it requires a target) and will let me get to the kraken in the room with the key 22:59 I always keep one lava and two water 22:59 that's actually really cool 22:59 is he in the second half? 22:59 I thought it was alphabetical 22:59 Either yes, or it's randomized. 22:59 one water to shield from endermen, the lava to do nice damage to a crowd of 15 zombies, and the other water to put myself out after I jump in the lava because I'm dumb. 22:59 ah cool 23:00 riker are you speccing rn 23:00 YASI: bucket, a (. It can be applied to adjacent water or lava squares to scoop it all up, resulting in an empty floor tile. 23:00 *empty pit 23:00 hyper: swtiching between you and n ero 23:00 ah ok 23:00 aosdict: were you talking about Minecraft or Nethack :P 23:00 cuz nero is best at this game ;P 23:00 rikersan: get moar terminals 23:00 alreayd doing 23:00 :P 23:00 :P 23:01 I have 2 accts cuz I got bored with my clockwork bard 23:01 speccing on that in a moent 23:01 rikersan: is that green u thing a peaceful unicorn and what should I do about it 23:01 hyper: YANI is standard for "yet another new idea" 23:01 hyper: it's not green for me 23:01 oh cool 23:01 can you farlook it? 23:01 it might be 23:01 if so then ignore it 23:01 YASI is Yet Another Stupid Idea 23:01 killing a peacful unicorn is always bad 23:01 ah ok 23:01 -5 to luck 23:01 yeah it is peaceful black unicorn 23:01 I see 23:02 what should I do with it, just ignore it? 23:02 yep 23:02 ok 23:02 at your health you'd have problems cornering a hostile one anyway 23:02 they teleport away when you get close, and stay a knight's move away 23:02 huh 23:02 my connection is really laggy rip 23:03 you're in the us right 23:03 this server is in texa 23:03 oh 23:03 Ontario? 23:03 yup 23:03 (wait how did you guess) 23:04 (is my IP visible or something) 23:04 Lucky guess 23:04 lol 23:04 no I've seen you on PPCG >_> 23:04 is there a server closer to here? 23:04 not really 23:04 ascension.run is germany iirc 23:04 I looked up your provider, actually 23:04 and nao is closer but nao isn't cool enough 23:04 rikersan: I thought hardfought was in northern Vermont? 23:04 stalker >_> /s :P 23:04 really? 23:04 huh 23:04 I was reading old blog posts on hardfought.org 23:04 says it was in texas 23:04 might have changed 23:05 * aosdict zaps a wand of polymorph at rikersan. rikersan turns into an invisible stalker? 23:05 this was back when k2 was apparently playing cs:s 23:05 s/?/!/ 23:05 aosdict: s/rikersan/tarmunora/ 23:05 I think it's my internet's fault :P 23:05 maybe :p 23:05 wait how did you do that :@ aosdict 23:05 ./me 23:05 * rikersan requests not to abuse it though 23:05 * HyperNeutrino will comply :P 23:06 K2: where do you live? Stalkers want to know where hardfought is based out of. 23:06 also I just realized that I'm apparently really tired or something because I just used :@ expecting people to get what that means 23:06 Is there any way to "ping" a user by name in IRC 23:07 name: at the start of a line is a good way 23:07 yes 23:07 ah ok 23:07 don't do it unnecessarily thoughh 23:07 does that ping though 23:07 maybe its just me but that noise scares me 23:07 I still got the :@ aosdict because I have it set to hilite if it appears anywhere. 23:07 ok 23:07 huh ok 23:07 what irc viewer do you use? aosdict 23:07 That's only for my irssi personally 23:07 ah 23:07 how do you set ti? 23:07 I'm curious 23:07 I used :@ because @ swaps arguments in Jelly so message :@ person means person : message :P 23:08 _sigh_ 23:08 lol 23:08 aosdict: nvm google is cool 23:08 so don't ping unnecessarily. huh that rule sounds familiar :P 23:09 aosdict: I think that you are correct for where K2 is hosting from 23:09 hardfought has the command "!tell " as well, if you want to make sure that person gets your message 23:09 I feel like nero just knows all the abuseable/OP dnh things 23:09 Nero and I do, yes 23:09 he's somehow got max/22/20/25/25/15 stats 23:09 almost 500 hp 23:09 stupidly OP polyform 23:09 and -52 AC 23:09 And all of that is middle-of-the-road as far as my characters go 23:09 in addition to future tech 23:09 nero: you have the >1000 max hp pirate asc right? 23:10 or was that tarmunora 23:10 I've seen him at capped(-128) AC 23:10 I have two >1200hp ascensions 23:10 dang 23:10 That was with some exploiting though 23:10 yep I see the 1240 hp human pirate 23:10 how did you do that? 23:10 I'm currently burdened; what should I drop lol 23:10 just many full healing? 23:10 !oFH 23:10 open your inv hyper? 23:10 and !oGL 23:10 Of course, some people in vanilla nethack have much more ridiculous ascensions. 23:10 true 23:10 Like, capped int hp. 23:11 lol, I love how that pirate one also has stupid masks and enchants 23:11 I have it open 23:11 like a +14 dwarvish helm 23:11 the pole sickle 23:11 crossbow 23:11 bolts 23:11 also I decided to read nethack and realized that the game apparently _does_ have an end goal 23:11 ^^ ah ok thanks 23:11 yep 23:11 The 1200hp is from !oFH, yes. 23:11 cool 23:11 lol nero I love how you just grabbed the whole wind duke statue 23:11 I aim for at least 400 always, but it inevitably goes up from there. 23:11 that run 23:12 (is it a coincidence that those three items in that order spelled nLH using my current item naming?) 23:12 you just have the entire statue, complete with the rod 23:12 The statue weighs nothing in open inv 23:12 wait nvm 23:12 really? 23:12 TIL 23:12 the abbv nlh doesn't mean anything lol 23:12 Well, It might weigh as much as a silver spear 23:12 do statues not weight anything? 23:12 I thought they weighed a lot 23:12 That specific one doesn't 23:12 cool 23:12 also nethack is like 10000x more complex than I initially thought lol 23:12 So that non-lawfuls can ascend with the ROSP 23:13 ah cool 23:13 Anyone know who the originator of the "pool room" YANI was? I can't find the original anywhere 23:13 hyper: yep 23:13 *Ro7P 23:13 aosdict: seearch the nhqb? 23:13 maybe 23:14 incidental YANI: assign "specialness" values to special rooms based on their approximate utility to the player. The level generator has a maximum specialness total, and may add multiple special rooms as long as the total has not been exceeded yet. 23:15 So stuff like a swamp is barely special at all, whereas stuff like a temple is very good 23:15 !tell larientelrunya see transcript 10/11, "specialness value" 23:15 Will do, rikersan! 23:15 !tell larientelrunya: tl;dr; specialness value for levels so _you don't get 3 void rooms on a level again_ 23:15 Will do, rikersan! 23:15 hey I found an oracle or something like that 23:16 yep 23:16 what do I do with it 23:16 you can #chat to her, pay some money and get a rumor 23:16 well first step I guess is to not fall into the moat lol 23:16 hm ok 23:16 tha'ts just fountains 23:16 not a moat 23:16 you can just ignore her for now though 23:16 it's not really worth talking to her 23:16 oh 23:16 oh ok 23:16 whoops yeah close brackets are pools lol 23:17 You get (minor) XP from receiving prophecy 23:17 should I try to remember where she is though or should I just not bother 23:17 it's marked 23:17 type #overview 23:17 oh ok 23:17 it shows you a cool little overview of the dungeon 23:17 cool :D 23:17 holy crap nero that's some serious level scroll blanking 23:18 polypile for the win 23:19 yes 23:19 not that I need any of this stuff now, but I like being overpowered 23:19 and even with maxed str/con you're still burndedned 23:19 ya don't say 23:19 hyper: helmets can be good or very bad 23:19 don't put that on though 23:19 oh ok 23:19 should I even pick it up 23:19 elves in dnethack get penalties for wearing iron armor, it will say "you feel itchy" 23:19 sure 23:19 it may be useful later 23:19 ok 23:20 feel free to drop it if you get burdened though 23:20 oh that's why it kept saying that every time I put on boots lol 23:20 ok 23:20 yep 23:20 wait, boots? 23:20 what kind 23:20 I forget 23:20 hard shoes? or actual "boots" 23:20 that was like 6 games ago lol 23:20 ah 23:20 also what are all the question mark characters in nero's game 23:20 Rikersan, we should hop on our characters, get 4 people on dnh at once :P 23:20 your terminal doesn't support his unicode 23:20 mine doesn't either idk why 23:20 oh rip 23:20 I know hte level he's on tho 23:20 cp437, actually IIRC 23:21 ah 23:21 isn't that what Actually uses? 23:21 tarmunora: :p I'm jumping on now 23:21 hyper: yes 23:21 or am I going insane 23:21 oh cool ok 23:22 tarmunora: any !fun! role/race combos? 23:22 wait people on nethack can't directly interact with each other's games right 23:22 not unless you're amy 23:22 as in it's entirely singleplayer? 23:22 yes 23:22 wait what is amy 23:22 except for mail 23:22 ah ok 23:22 amy is a person 23:22 Well, we can send mail 23:22 oh 23:22 she runs a nethack variant 23:22 huh ok 23:22 which she has a 'backdoor' for her to spawn monsters 23:22 in somebody's game (it's configurable in options though) 23:22 a "nethack" "variant" 23:22 listen 23:22 slex has feelings too 23:22 do'nt hurt them 23:23 :p 23:23 wait what is amy 23:23 I love it 23:23 ? 23:23 nhqb here I come 23:23 amy is uh 23:23 interesting 23:23 First you have to prove that slex has civil rights. 23:23 wait is slex a typo 23:23 same with the variant 23:23 nope 23:23 it's slash 'em extended 23:23 interesting 23:23 slex for short 23:23 ohhhhh 23:23 don't try it 23:23 just 23:23 don't 23:23 lol 23:23 Also, if you ever see "LarienTelrunya" here, that's Amy. 23:23 yes 23:23 huh ko 23:23 *ok 23:24 @le ultimate giant kraken 23:24 huh ok 23:24 wait huh? 23:24 @le? ultimate giant kraken 23:24 ultimate giant kraken (;) | Lvl: 80 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 20 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison petrification | Confers: fire cold sleep shock poison | MR: 100 | Generates: special | AC: -20 | Attacks: 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 15d15 cast clerical, 15d15 breath acid | Alignment: -3 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, swims, amphibious, oviparous, poisonous, nopoly, infravisible, vegetarian 23:24 tarmunora: need the ? 23:24 Right 23:24 @le? ultimate giant kraken 23:24 ultimate giant kraken (;) | Lvl: 80 | Diff: 75 | Spd: 20 | Res: fire cold sleep disintegrate shock poison petrification | Confers: fire cold sleep shock poison | MR: 100 | Generates: special | AC: -20 | Attacks: 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 25d15 hug physical, 15d15 cast clerical, 15d15 breath acid | Alignment: -3 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, swims, amphibious, oviparous, poisonous, nopoly, infravisible, vegetarian 23:24 hyperneutrino: @d? to look up monsters in the chat 23:24 @d? fox 23:24 fox (d) | Lvl: 0 | Diff: 1 | Spd: 15 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 7 | Attacks: 1d3 bite physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, carnivore, infravisible 23:24 cool 23:24 Ask Nero instead 23:24 that kraken is dumb af 23:24 The bot is outdated 23:24 it's ridiculously OP 23:24 or ask tarmunora 23:24 @d? grid bug 23:24 grid bug (x) | Lvl: 0 | Diff: 1 | Spd: 12 | Res: shock poison | Confers: nothing | MR: 0 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 9 | Attacks: 1d1 bite shock | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, infravisible 23:24 @d? Surya Deva 23:24 No such monster. 23:24 nero is too busy being OP 23:24 hello there 23:24 Nero is the one with the python lookup 23:25 grid bugs are just purely annoying and useless :P 23:25 if you listen closely you can hear his maniacial laughter in the background 23:25 like apparently they can only move taxi distance 1 like rly >_> 23:25 they cna only move horizantly 23:25 not diagonally 23:25 since it takes all of 10 seconds for me to look up a monster, I'll happily do so if you ping me and I see it 23:25 yup 23:26 also I got burdened so I dropped the helmet in favor of a scroll. good idea or not? 23:26 that's fine 23:26 again, iron is useless for elves 23:26 ok 23:27 Nero, you should really hook that up to an IRC bot 23:27 yes 23:27 ! 23:27 I read a scroll 23:27 ok 23:27 what'd it do? 23:27 I'm not speccing atm 23:27 it said "As you read the message, the scroll disappears. You hear maniacal laughter in the distance" 23:27 scare monster 23:28 Right after you were talking about Nero's maniacal laughter 23:28 Coincidence? 23:28 I think not 23:28 Yes. 23:28 :P 23:28 Nero is secretly hiding in my game waiting to spring out and kill me in one hit 23:28 like that shopkeeper from earlier lol 23:28 one hit? nah he doesn't need a hit to kill you 23:28 death by mindblast 23:28 lol 23:29 I gtg now, see y'all later 23:29 o/ 23:29 nero: how did you get that many scrolls? 23:29 farming on the sum of all level 23:29 just grabbed anythign you can from paper golems/spell golems? 23:29 ah 23:29 is there a faster way that just waiting? 23:29 which ought to be patched out next update, but that won't be for a while 23:29 I never get that many spawns of paper/spell, only wood 23:29 there are many ways of creating monsters 23:29 wha'ts the bug? 23:30 oh true 23:30 no bug 23:30 it's not a bug 23:30 -!- _catalyst_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:30 create monster spam 23:30 just spamming creat mosnter? 23:30 yea 23:30 With unholy water 23:30 it's an unintended feature 23:30 um an imp just cast some weird thingy on my ancestry? 23:30 tarmunora: or the spell? 23:30 To summon ~13 monsters at once 23:30 Scroll 23:30 aspersions 23:30 Hyper: That's just the imp being rude 23:30 HyperNeutrino: That's just flavour. 23:30 ^ 23:30 ok 23:30 and now I am being surrounded by imps 23:31 time to run before I die lol 23:31 imps are cheap 23:31 don't worry 23:31 manes are even cheaper 23:31 actually hold up if it's an actual imp kill it from range 23:31 they can summon horned devils 23:33 sadly, I don't have a use for 160 blessed scrolls of identify. 23:33 yes you do 23:33 identify all the things 23:33 welp I almost died lol 23:33 but I didn't so yay 23:33 congrats 23:33 that's literally nethack 23:33 :p 23:33 :P 23:33 but there's apparently another one 23:34 now I am cornered by imps 23:34 I'm leaving now 23:34 o/ 23:34 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: horrible internet is horrible] 23:35 crap 23:35 alright o/ 23:35 [dnh] HyperNeutrino (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 6234 points, T:2632, killed by a crocodile 23:37 RIP 23:37 Alas. Clearly you needed some of my 800hp. 23:37 :P 23:37 yup I had 55 cap rip... 23:38 -!- HyperNeutrino has quit [] 23:38 -!- HyperNeutrino has joined #hardfought 23:41 -!- HyperNeutrino has quit [Client Quit] 23:44 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Glasya, on T:35538 23:47 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:59 [dnh] NeroOneTrueKing (Ana Dwa Fem Cha) killed Great Cthulhu, on T:25359 23:59 Mwahaha