00:01 [fh] MTF (mtf) (Kni Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed The Orb of Detection", on T:16701 00:47 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) became literate by reading a book, on T:3002 00:51 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 742 points, T:3389, killed by a gnome zombie, while fainted from lack of food 01:04 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:04 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:11 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 01:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 01:17 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed platinum yendorian express card", on T:48869 01:18 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed platinum yendorian express card", on T:48871 01:18 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed fixed platinum yendorian express card", on T:48872 01:19 third time's the charm 01:23 [nd] sluggoman (Hea Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2166 01:25 I have the -2 Sting in my stash at the moment 01:42 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:49 . 01:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2017-10-02 09:23 EDT: There may be a way to make your desktop larger than your screen/viewport, so that when your mouse would otherwise move off the edge of the screen, the viewport moves in that direction. (This is a standard capability on X11, and a lot of Windows graphics drivers have the option to emulate it; I used to use the Matrox version of it when I had a Matrox Mystique and was stuck on a 17" 01:49 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2017-10-02 09:24 EDT: ... I used to use the Matrox version of it when I had a Matrox Mystique and was stuck on a 17" monitor, back before the prices of 19" ones came down out of the stratosphere, and was still multi-booting into Windows 95 OSR2 sometimes. 01:50 jonadab: well it seems the main way to make windows bigger than the screen is to install something that lets me do so, and I'm still hoping to get my old PC back next week when our system administrator's vacation ends 02:02 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 02:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:09 !tell K2 another update for SLEX 2.0.9 is ready at the current master branch again (insert arbitrary number of *bundle* :D) it spices up Gehennom and ironman mode, and fixes an error where a certain special level would fail to generate 02:09 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:27 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 02:37 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 02:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 02:42 -!- khoR has joined #hardfought 02:47 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) killed the Cyclops, on T:50582 02:48 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:50586 02:48 Heh, I didn't kill Cyclops - a black dragon disintegrated him for me! 02:52 What is nd? 03:20 nd = nhdev = vanilla development (latest version) 03:21 FIQ: I've tested your pet AI "fix" and somehow find it annoying, with that the pet never seems to want to move more than two tiles away, at least in corridors... and the backtracking "snowball" effect of the original code isn't all that bad IMHO, most of the time the pet starts following after a few steps again 03:23 YAGI: pets eat at a consistent rate not tied to their speed, so that you don't have to wait 200+ turns for your pet trapper to eat a dragon corpse 03:24 heh, just do what I did in slex, quadruple pet eating speed :D 03:24 (and player eating speed too for good measure) 03:29 and pets should stop eating when hostiles are near them 03:30 and it's almost funny to see pets dying in poison clouds because they are too busy eating to move 03:30 almost 03:31 Grasshopper: What is "the Cyclops"? 03:31 in slex it's possible to #force an eating pet to stop it from eating, however doing so also counts as abuse 03:31 I don't remember it from my past games. 03:31 Also, the video in /r/nethack is beyond amazing. 03:33 khoR, healer quest nemesis 03:33 what video? 03:45 Really? 03:45 How can I possibly not remember it then, I loved healers... 03:45 Grasshopper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjuTyJlgLJ8 03:48 Grasshopper, are you already doing devnull? 03:54 [slex] prozacelf (Trs Exp Fem Cha), 340 points, T:374, killed by a monster (Mr. Adjama, the shopkeeper) 04:07 bug_sniper, no just normal nhdev 04:07 khoR, thanks - I found it anyway, yeah good video for n00bs especially 04:08 Are you calling me a noob? 04:08 Fight me irl bruh 04:08 * khoR wields a plastic water bottle 04:09 * Mandevil wields a Catalonian constitution in hard-cover 04:10 Is there such thing as a catalonian constitution? 04:11 Well, if they want to be independent nation, then there should be one. 04:12 They wont be. 04:32 YASI: a dungeon branch where gravity is reversed, so there are e.g. trapdoors in the ceiling that you fall through to the level above. 04:33 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 04:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 04:34 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:38 nice patch idea: a randomly selected intrinsic that you always have, for slex 04:39 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) became literate by reading a book, on T:3991 04:42 nice patch idea: portals from the end of each side dungeon to the dungeon entrance 04:56 -!- yuring has joined #hardfought 04:56 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 05:03 jonadab: aww, it appears your page is down? :( 05:13 Isn't that what ais proposed with the tower of madness thingy 05:13 or something like that? 05:20 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 05:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 05:31 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:33 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 05:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 05:36 LarienTelrunya: Oh, sorry; we had a power blink here yesterday. Try now. 05:38 thanks, it works :) 06:10 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:13 FIQ: IS this supposed to look this way? 06:13 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/x4gwKv9l/ 06:17 wtf 06:17 this W just 360 no-scoped my face why a sleep ray 06:18 thats pretty cool actually 06:18 FIQ: What happens if you dip a magial sword and it turns into excalibur? 06:29 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 06:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 06:29 khoR: If you're playing on a dgamelaunch server, and changed your window size after connecting, that would explain the wrapping in the image. 06:30 I think it has more to do with FIQ's message turn implementation 06:30 Because the purple line is fine 06:30 Ah. 06:30 and I didn't touch my window size 06:31 Yes, possible. 06:31 That code is new and not yet very well tested. 06:31 oh god 06:31 not again 06:31 im having ptsd 06:31 (monster behind boulder in sokoban) 06:32 Ah. 06:32 another one 06:32 and this one is in a hole 06:32 wat 06:33 Yes, I kind of want to put in some region code or something to make monsters never generate in the pit corridors in Sokoban. 06:33 Bonus points if we can make them never walk into there either, unless tame and following you. 06:33 Did you figure out yesterday's FIQ bug? 06:34 The one where all the information about the player's stats went totally wonky? 06:34 yeah 06:34 No, I suspect memory corruption. 06:34 and he had 0hp 06:35 0 hp, 0 dex, 24/20 Pw, ^B647 gold, etc. 06:35 Both FIQ and I think the pi struct must've gotten written over in memory by some other data. 06:36 I should probably run Fourk in valgrind at some point. 06:36 And then learn to read valgrind's output better. 06:37 jonadab: And a fuzzer! 06:37 Mandevil: I have never been able to figure out how to use testbench. 06:38 Hey Mandevil you're still arround. :) 06:40 khoR: Of course I am. 06:41 Gah, I dont even remember if this is reflection orboh 06:42 -!- nht has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 06:42 I think its reflection but im not sure 06:42 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 06:48 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming an Elvenking, on T:8262 06:49 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8361 07:05 -!- yuring has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 07:07 LarienTelrunya 07:07 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-10-04 02:09 EDT: another update for SLEX 2.0.9 is ready at the current master branch again (insert arbitrary number of *bundle* :D) it spices up Gehennom and ironman mode, and fixes an error where a certain special level would fail to generate 07:07 Program initialization has failed. 07:07 Report this error to Amy (Bluescreenofdeath at Nethackwiki) so it can be fixed. 07:07 You can also contact the admins on the #em.slashem.me IRC channel (Freenode) 07:07 Report error to "wizard". 07:07 Cannot open dungeon description - "dungeon" from "nhshare" file! 07:07 K2: argh! again??? 07:07 this is after updating slex 07:07 it compiled fine 07:08 trying a clean compile 07:09 none of my changes should be causing such an error; hopefully the clean compile will make it work 07:13 ok that worked 07:13 Slash'EM extended updated 07:14 [slex] k2 (Val Dwa Mal Law) shouted "Amy help! aaaarrrrggghhhhh...", on T:1 07:14 :) I sent someone to help you 07:15 heh 07:15 yay my savegame still works :) thanks for updating! 07:15 ;) 07:26 Evil Patch Idea: linotype trap changes your controls to ETAOIN SHRDLU keyboard layout. Dvorak trap changes your keyboard controls to Dvorak layout. IBM trap changes your output charset to UTF-EBCDIC. 07:28 LarienTelrunya: with the new GM mode and a willing GM, did slex just become much more ascendable? 07:29 Can the gm revert the effects of nasty traps? 07:29 heh, I guess it would be possible to make the game easier by spawning stuff that's useful to the player 07:29 jonadab: don't think so, since no monster is guaranteed to spawn with an item that cures them and the GM mode can currently only spawn monsters 07:30 however, there's also the question whether ascensions in GM mode count as "genuine" 07:30 Well, they certainly wouldn't count as "normal mode" ascensions. 07:31 I assume the mode is in the xlog entry. 07:32 it is, and I guess it would be wise to exclude those from junethack as well, since I could just spawn bosses that give trophies when killed ;) 07:32 I think junethack mainly counts normal mode games. It excludes wizmode, debug mode, etc. 07:33 I think it might include Fourk's challenge mode, but that's strictly harder than normal mode. 07:33 well, you know, there was a time when lost soul mode slex games still counted, and all hell broke loose 07:38 Wasn't lostsoul xlogged in a different field from the mode, though? 07:41 should be in the mode field actually 08:45 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:54 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:06 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:50 [nd] sluggoman (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 5148 points, T:5084, killed by a Woodland-elf 09:51 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 09:56 odd thought about the Ranger pantheon: why use Mercury, Venus, and Mars and not Diana/Artemis or Apollo, who are actually associated with archery? 10:06 But you get the Longbow of Diana. 10:07 [nd] Grasshopper (Hea Gno Mal Neu) became Hermes' Envoy of Balance, on T:51429 10:07 yeah but... doesn't it make sense for her to actually be a god? 10:07 aosdict: I think because the Healer pantheon is Greek? 10:07 (also, we have Hermes and Mercury in different pantheons, I just realized) 10:07 hm, that maybe it. 10:07 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 10:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 10:08 jonadab: then don't call her Artemis, call her Diana. 10:08 That's consistent with the rest of the Roman pantheon. 10:08 In that case, no idea. 10:09 But yeah, the reason they use a Roman pantheon and not a Greek one for Ranger is because Healer uses Greek dieties, and they tried to make it different for each role. Except Priest. 10:10 YANI: replace Venus with Diana and Mercury with Apollo. I'm okay with Mars here, since he is a war god and all that. 10:11 Venus as lawful and Diana as neutral? 10:11 Venus is currently neutral, so Diana would be neutral; Mercury is lawful so Apollo would be lawful. 10:11 (Rangers can't actually be lawful, barring alignment conversion.) 10:12 Yes, but you still need a lawful god :) 10:14 This also gets rid of the Mercury/Hermes conflict. 10:14 Mercury is lawful, Hermes is neutral. 10:16 YANI: crowning makes future alignment conversion impossible; you cannot convert at an altar and cannot put on a helm of opposite alignment. 10:16 aosdict: yes! 10:17 aosdict: That's something I can get behind :) 10:17 what, but you can't get behind some god name changes though? :) 10:18 I would probably fail to even notice. 10:18 Gods in Nethack are totally interchangeable. 10:23 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:25 Right, I scarcely even notice the names of the dieties. 10:32 I wish they had more character. 10:32 In Crawl the gods are very definining feature of a character. 10:32 They can completely redefine how you play. 10:34 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:36 Mandevil: Crawl dieties are like dnethack Binder spirits, though. You see an altar and you're like, "Hmm, do I want that, let me read the wiki..." Ten minutes later you still aren't sure if you want it, because the drawbacks are about as bad as the advantages are good. 10:37 jonadab: in Crawl, how many deities actually exist in a game? 10:37 aosdict: All of them, in every game, not just three. 10:37 jonadab: That's very shallow take on that. 10:38 Mandevil: Well, I've not managed to get very far in Crawl. 10:38 Nethack only has three plus Moloch, which means that varied gameplay from the gods would be a much more role-specific thing 10:38 jonadab: First of all you don't really need to read wiki (Crawl wiki is universally shunned anyway). 10:38 So you'd expect my take to be a newbie player's early-game take. 10:38 I was a new player once too. 10:38 And there are newbie friendly gods. 10:38 Some are really "low maintenance". 10:39 Anc ##crawl even has !whichgod command available. 10:39 Bear in mind, I've only made it to the level with multiple altars once. 10:39 So my experience is limited. 10:39 I have ~60 crawl wins 10:39 About as much as NetHack ones. 10:40 I don't think a one-liner !whichgod thing can really replace a wiki writeup for something like this. 10:40 jonadab: The gods are documented in-game. 10:40 jonadab: In sufficient detail. 10:40 Oh, that wasn't clear to me. 10:40 The ^ key invokes the "god screen" 10:40 With all the info you need. 10:40 Ah. 10:41 I'll have to look at that, when I get back to Crawl. 10:42 I kind of got frustrated with always dying on level two or three to a monster that was indistinguishable from ones that had been giving me no trouble, so I back-burnered Crawl to play ADOM for a bit, then shelved ADOM to play GruntHack, then shelved GruntHack to play FIQHack... 10:42 WOrking my way around to Un... 10:42 People are telling me I should play The Ground Gives Way, but it's binary only, so I will probably skip it. 10:42 Not like I'm running short on games to try out. 10:43 I don't play anything that cannot be played on a server. 10:43 I like Brogue enough to do local play of it. 10:43 But yes, not having a public server is a big strike against. 10:44 I played local nethack for few games. 10:44 Not having source is a big strike against. 10:44 Then I discovered NAO. 10:44 Not being able to be played in a screen/tmux session is a huge strike against. 10:45 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 10:46 Not supporting standard rogue keys for movement (hjkl/yubn) is a small strike against if the alternative is decent, a huge strike against if the alternative is something insane like "A is X and S is Y and D is Z" (I'm looking at you, console immitators.) 10:47 An active player community is a pretty big plus. This is one advantage DCSS has over Brogue. 10:48 I need to find out if Angband has such a community, I bet it does. It's still under development. 11:12 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 11:12 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:15 -!- firemonkey has joined #hardfought 11:16 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 11:22 -!- nht has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:22 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 11:35 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 11:54 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 11:59 which is more important for dnh gehennom? free action or sleep resis? 11:59 or should i spend extra time trying for both? 11:59 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:12 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:20 -!- Jendic has joined #hardfought 12:38 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed Malcanthet, on T:69380 12:44 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed the Chromatic Dragon, on T:69693 12:45 :/ no scales 12:48 !tell K2 pushed fiqhack update 12:48 Will do, FIQ! 12:51 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:70344 12:52 chased across 4 levels 12:52 stupid warping 12:54 hm juiblex doesn't get a beholder msg? 12:56 ok 12:56 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-04 12:48 EDT: pushed fiqhack update 12:56 FIQhack updated 13:04 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed Dagon, on T:71158 13:04 lost only 3 points of AC 13:04 :D 13:05 oh my god I forgot candles 13:06 @d?glasya 13:06 Glasya (i) | Lvl: 45 | Diff: 53 | Spd: 18 | Res: fire shock poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 99 | Generates: unique | AC: -9 | Attacks: 1d4 weapon physical, 1d4 weapon physical, 1d4 claw curse, 2d4 sting drain str, 2d4 gaze shock, 9d6 passive acid | Alignment: 15 | Flags: poisonous, nopoly, demon, stalker, infravisible 13:11 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:15 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:10314 13:23 :( I lost the bell somehow 13:23 I still have the silver key though 13:23 I wonder how I lost it? 13:28 how do you get rid of a cursed saddle on a mount? 13:29 polymorph into black dragon and breathe? ;) 13:30 FIQ: zap it with cancellation and then #loot? 13:30 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 13:30 cancellation works? 13:30 not sure 13:30 let me hceck 13:31 I rarely ride so I don't know for sure 13:32 cancel doesn't help 13:32 FIQ: How about opening? 13:33 Ie. wand of opening or knock. 13:33 good call 13:33 yeah that works 13:33 so basically 13:34 polymorphing the one with the saddle into something that you can't ride 13:34 Also nymph can steal it. 13:34 or knock/opening 13:34 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:73676 13:39 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:74297 13:39 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha) killed the elder priest of Moloch, on T:74314 13:39 hahahaha 13:39 I didn't though 13:40 the wizard appeared :D 13:40 best of luck on the run! 13:40 larien: remember the discussion of the elder priest being evil? :D 13:40 jendic: thanks! 13:42 rikersan: what did you do to him 13:44 WHAT THE FUCK? 13:44 travelling killed me 13:44 dagons swamp 13:44 > Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) 13:44 You drown. 13:44 You attempt a teleport spell. The attempted teleport spell fails. 13:44 You fall into the water! You sink like a rock. You are drowning! 13:45 [dnh] rikerw (Bar Inc Mal Cha), 4616029 points, T:74477, drowned in a moat (with the Amulet) 13:45 Ouch. 13:45 I had flying boots, eurynome for water walking 13:45 and I still can drown 13:45 That stings. 13:45 what the fuck 13:45 is dagons swamp supposed to be unflyable? 13:45 or at least the water? 13:45 oh well 13:46 you fell into water somehow with no adjacent land? 13:46 yes but how did I fall 13:46 and for that matter how did I enter the water 13:46 I was flying + water walking 13:46 oh well 13:47 on the bright side I'm #18 on the scoreboard 13:49 dumplog looks like the travelling command bugged, the game didn't realize my flying boots didn't work in the swamp 13:49 and a nymph dropped a boulder on me the same time I ran out of air ;-; 13:49 sounds like the kind of girl mother warned me about 13:49 lol 13:50 !tell tarmunora: thanks for having me try inc barbs, that was really fun 13:50 Will do, rikersan! 13:50 Why don't flying boots work in swamp? 13:50 I don't know 13:50 dagons swamp they don't at least 13:50 neither do water walking boots or eurynome's water walking power 13:50 I hate this kind of design. 13:50 I've always figured it wasn't a bug, demogorgons is the same way iirc 13:50 nt juiblex though 13:51 How did you get to a place where you weren't next to land in the first place? 13:52 > dumplog looks like the travelling command bugged, the game 13:52 didn't realize my flying boots didn't work in the swamp 13:52 so i just kept running through the water 13:53 Yes, but shouldn't you fall into water next to land? 13:53 I did fall into water 13:53 I just didn't come out for whatever reason 13:53 I kept going through the water and ran out of breath there 13:53 I don't know why 13:53 -!- khoR has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 13:53 Does dnh have multi-turn drowning or what? 13:54 it does 13:54 Aha. 13:54 you have a breath meter 13:54 5 breaths/turns 13:54 I never even saw that I entered the water tough :( 13:55 But the design that ww/flying doesn't work on some levels is just wrong. 13:55 Especiall if the game doesn't even tell you. 13:55 ^ 13:55 I mean it does if you drown I guess 13:55 but yeah it would be nice to know beforehand 13:56 It's bit similar to no-teleport levels. 13:56 that isn't likely to kill you from lack of knowledge though 13:56 if you die on a notele level, it's because something killed you 13:56 if you drown on a no-fly level, it's because you didn't know you couldn't fly 13:57 Well, if you didn't use autotravel, you would presumably survive. 13:57 yep 13:57 or if I had had speed boots on 13:57 or even lifesaving instead of amulet vs curses 13:58 What would change with speed boots? 13:58 You would be able to cross the water? 13:58 no 13:58 but autotravel wouldn't try to get me to 13:58 I would have stayed on the land 14:00 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dro Fem Law), 1273 points, T:754, killed by a coyote 14:00 rikersan: Oh, that. 14:00 rikersan: Well, report this to Chris. 14:00 rikersan: This should be fixed. 14:00 !tell nero see above 14:00 Will do, rikersan! 14:00 !tell Chris_ANG: if you ever come back please fix this 14:00 Will do, rikersan! 14:01 Chris keeps radio silence? 14:01 yep 14:01 I've pinged him about a couple bugs 14:01 nero has always gotten back to me though 14:01 there's like 4 PRs from nero on the dnethack github repo, that haven't been merged 14:15 mandevil: I left an issue on the dnethack repo anyway, that should give an email notification 14:16 [fh] MTF (mtf) (Kni Hum Mal Law) averted death, on T:24650 14:21 !whereis MTF 14:21 rikersan: mtf [fh]: No details available 14:23 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:27 rikersan: wow, I always knew the Dagon water was [redacted], but I didn't know it was *that* bad! Why dnethack doesn't simply implement the paranoid water patch (all sane variants have it), I will never understand. 14:28 also, the elder priest is similarly [redacted] :P 14:31 yes 14:31 I'm still glad I didn't have to fight the elder priest 14:31 I'm reading through the source fight now to find out why 14:31 I thought the wizard couldn't kill things? 14:31 does his amulet stealing attack still work? 14:31 on monstesr that is 14:32 but there was a message that you killed the elder priest 14:32 true 14:32 I dunno then 14:33 maybe that was changed or whatnot 14:33 I'm still trying to find the elder priest's stats n stuff, to see if he's generated w/ it or if it is on the ground beneath him 14:34 he should be generated with it 14:34 I dunno 14:35 will vecna ever appear in dnh? 14:35 rikersan: Dagon's water is the same as what's on the plane of water, supposedly, but has always been buggy for me. 14:35 there's code for him, and the "eye of vecna" (???) 14:35 and blessed geno L says you can't geno him 14:35 [fh] MTF (mtf) (Kni Hum Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:24955 14:36 nero: that's really dumb 14:36 if the bugs were fixed, it'd be fine(ish) 14:36 sigh 14:36 nero: why though? 14:36 why not make it flyable 14:36 It gives the level a lot more flavour 14:36 eh 14:36 if flight or cold or jumping isn't enough to shortcut the level 14:37 not really imo but I see what you mean 14:37 you need to protect your inventory against water damage (ebon pane, white dragon scales, oilskin cloak) 14:37 I had one of the +6 ones from the deeper ones 14:38 I mean, I get the point of it, it seems kinda dumb though 14:38 I guess it would need to be special cased in the traveling command 14:38 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 14:38 As-is, the bugs really hurt it. 14:38 yes 14:38 that is an understatement 14:38 nero: oddly enough, I'm the second highest non-winning score 14:39 how did you choke on a snack? 14:39 potions of blood are consumed in one turn 14:39 you're the highest non-asc with that one 14:39 nero: ah I see 14:39 you don't choke on booze at least 14:39 Thing is, you can't choke on booze. 14:40 You used to be able to ridiculously overcap your satiation, but that was fixed so now you just hit a cap 14:40 yea that's what I meant 14:40 nero: yep I've done that in an old local version 14:40 wizmode tested to see if it would overflow 14:40 vampires don't care so much about choking since they are unbreathing 14:41 Beholder: any messages? 14:42 More on Dagon's level: there are visual glitches 14:42 -!- tacco has joined #hardfought 14:42 where you enter the water to swim in it but you leave a glyph of your character behind on land 14:43 yep I've seen that 14:43 and nymph boulder things aren't good either 14:43 it can leave a thing of floor that vanishes when you step on it 14:44 *when a swamp nymph casts "drop boulder" at you 14:45 maybe I'll look at the relevant code this weekend 14:46 nero: demo's water is also like that right? 14:46 his is not 14:47 huh I thoguht it was 14:47 thanks though 14:47 Demogorgon is nasty, but his floor isn't so bad. 14:47 Dagon is the opposite 14:47 well 14:47 he's kinda nasty too 14:47 not as bad though yep 14:50 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:50 nero: https://github.com/RikerW/dNAO/commit/1a696cc6901bf7230b43437a9485a405b1c410a2?diff=split 14:50 does that look like it would work? 14:54 looks good 14:54 :D 14:54 I'm compiling to test atm 14:54 just to make sure it compiles, I can never get wizmode to work locally 14:56 looks like this will totally prevent fast-travel on dagon's floor. Was that the intent? It will prevent the "fast-travel into death", at least 14:57 !tell K2 MTF's game segfaults 14:57 Will do, FIQ! 14:59 rikersan: MTF is on the ascesnion run 14:59 but his game crashed just now 15:00 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 825 points, T:1988, killed by a sewer rat 15:01 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:02 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 222 points, T:367, killed by a little dart 15:04 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:16 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 15:17 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:19 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2524 15:21 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 15:34 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) had Giantslayer bestowed upon her by Mog, on T:13577 15:36 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Mog, on T:13802 15:37 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 15:40 [nd] elagabalus (Pri Hum Fem Neu) had Vorpal Blade bestowed upon her by Mog, on T:14717 15:41 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:42 [nd] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 4361 points, T:4958, killed by a hill orc 15:43 -!- Neko-chan has joined #hardfought 15:44 So, what happened to dev/null ? 15:46 Neko-chan: long story short, Krystal who's run devnull since 1999 retired, and doesn't want it to go on in the same form. 15:46 Ah, so no one else can pick up the flame? 15:46 he announced that about 2 weeks ago, so there wasn't much time to organise anything new 15:46 That's pretty depressing. Where did he announce it? 15:47 So the guys on here (K2, Tangles, Mandevil) are running a tribute tournament for 2017 15:47 on twitter 15:47 (where he announced it) 15:48 there's a post on hardfought that explains more... https://hardfought.org/devnullnethack-tribute-tournament/ 15:48 I really wish I participated last year :C 15:48 then we will see where it goes for the future... I hope we can keep something of continuity, but that's to bee seen 15:48 I was just so new and scared of it, but it was so much fun to hear about 15:48 well you can this year, it will still be fun! 15:49 yeah, I know, I spent a few years like that too. 15:49 oh, its been ported to 3.6 too!! 15:49 yes, that's Tangles' work! 15:49 nice one Tangles!! 15:50 you can even play a preview on the hardfought server, it's not the tournament yet but it's up for playtesting 15:50 even zapm works, lol 15:50 you bet! 15:51 We're hard at work on the november tournament. 15:51 Which will be pretty much a devnull as you know it. 15:51 Such a labor of love. You all are amazing for doing this 15:53 I wish it could just keep on going as dev/null. It didn't seem like Krystal was very invested in it at the end. Did they know that it had been successfully ported to 3.6? Based on the tweets it seems like 3.6 was their major reason they wanted to stop it 15:54 there was a lot of dialog about it... we are where we are. I'm kind of hoping to keep a thread of continuity, something like Devnull, the next generation. Or Devnull, the legend continues. Or DevOne. Or something. 15:54 haha, DevOne 15:55 you like that one? :) 15:55 raisse's idea, that was. 15:55 Its just cool that nethack has the longest run tournament and its a shame it loses that claim to fame, even though the tournament will still be essentially continuing 15:55 my thoughts too. 15:55 I do like that one! And I'm not surprised, raisse is pretty cool 15:56 yes! 15:56 * raisse blushes 15:57 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 15:57 * elenmirie throws flower petals in raisse's path 15:57 * raisse blushes even more 16:00 Will there be a new challenge this year? 16:00 or since its a 'tribute' it will just be the ones that are already there 16:00 no, we only had six weeks... 16:01 yeah, fair enough 16:01 all the central server stuff and the website has to be recreated 16:01 so yeah, just the ones that are already there 16:01 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:01 Its really amazing that its on 3.6. I'm super excited 16:01 it's like playing on 3.6 IS the new challenge 16:01 true! 16:02 it's on hardfought.org if you want to do some playtesting 16:03 I dunno if I want to spoil it for myself 16:03 but I guess I might be able to find some bugs? 16:05 mmm, entirely up to you. :) 16:05 Hmmmm 16:06 just hang around on here and keep an eye out... there will be announcements on the usual channels about what's happening as the fateful day approaches. 16:06 Yup! Set to autojoin. I'm excited! 16:06 yay! 16:12 -!- Jendic has quit [Quit: *poof*] 16:17 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 16:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:21 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:24 -!- nht has quit [Quit: nht] 16:27 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 16:29 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:32 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:47 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 16:51 . 16:52 rikersan: I see you had fun with 3d water 16:52 Tarmunora: Message from rikersan at 2017-10-04 13:50 EDT: thanks for having me try inc barbs, that was really fun 16:52 !fun!, that is 16:52 tarmunora: yes 16:52 yes 16:52 I've already made an issue/PR on the dnethack/dnao repo 16:52 I fixed it w/ the power of special casing 16:52 FIQ: _ouch_ 16:52 !tell MTF I'm sorry for your loss 16:52 Will do, rikersan! 16:56 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dro Fem Cha), 351 points, T:806, killed by a gas spore's explosion 16:57 RIP 16:57 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dro Fem Cha), 57 points, T:142, killed by a water moccasin 16:58 I'm going for stupid strats btw 16:58 trying to get an early wish 16:59 tarmunora: does seeing cthulu w/ telepathy do the amnesia? 16:59 No 16:59 hm ok 16:59 Astral sight does though 16:59 ah thanks 16:59 I'm trying inc ana atm 16:59 (relevant for wizards, monks, and binders mostly) 16:59 I just wanted to know, I never got telepathy for the inc barb 17:00 I just used an faceplate 17:00 *a 17:00 tarmunora: how do you get that as binder? 17:00 Orthos 17:00 wiz is the lvl 30 hat, but binder? 17:00 ah 17:01 At 9 radius 17:04 how good is a pet giant ant at level 2? 17:06 Idk 17:06 not great? 17:06 lel 17:06 random egg 17:13 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 17:13 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:15 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:16 yeah it died to teh first moccasin 17:25 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2584 17:30 I thought that was a balucherium 17:30 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Inc Mal Cha), 10527 points, T:3124, killed by a mumak 17:33 [dnh] rikerw (Bin Clk Mal Non), 104 points, T:359, killed by a small mimic 17:35 [dnh] rikerw (Nob Dro Mal Neu), 199 points, T:534, killed by a fox 17:49 [dnh] rikerw (Pri Dro Mal Neu), 1971 points, T:1206, zapped himself with a spell 17:50 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha), 214 points, T:59, killed by a mirkwood elder 17:50 that was an interesting trapdoor 17:50 Mirkwood elder 17:50 Ouch 17:50 yep 17:51 well it was my fault 17:51 I fell into a treasure vault 17:51 I was digging down to go for the "grab and go from the quest" ana strat 17:51 I figured I might as well grab a chest of goodies while I was there 17:51 but he was awake :/ 17:52 Heh 17:52 Didn't know mirkwood elders were a mivault monster 17:52 yep 17:52 I made a list on the wiki a while ago 17:53 ok let's see how this goes: lvl 3 dwarf ana vs dlvl 13 17:53 can our hero find the quest portal and not die 17:54 yes he can! 17:55 Some of those monsters are so much weaker than others 17:55 well there's at least 2 flayers on this level 17:55 Guardian Naga VS Hunting Horror 17:56 so I'm gonna hurry >_> 17:56 tarmunora: yes >_> I have died to the latter 17:56 there's also balrogs vs juggernauts 17:56 juggernauts just don't really fight back if you're luky 17:56 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:56 I died to a mivault horror because I forgot they flew. I zpped the wall with digging, then ate a ration. Which was rotten 17:56 RIP 17:57 zpped -> zapped 17:57 wait, the hunting ones fly? 17:59 annddd deepest ones are coming now 18:00 HOLY FUCK THAT SHOULD BE A BUG 18:00 KETER DO NOT GENERATE IF YOU STEAL FROM THE ANA SHOPS 18:00 CHANGED AND SIMILAR DO 18:00 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha), 1851 points, T:607, killed by a blast of acid 18:02 I don't think that's a bug 18:02 troopers praying to illesine? 18:02 Ehh 18:02 "Help me, illesine!" and bam warrior changed 18:02 That is a little odd 18:02 But reasonable 18:02 Considering all is Illsensine in the future 18:02 true 18:03 And shopkeepers are pretty lawful evil/lawful neutral as it is 18:03 true 18:03 yep not a bug 18:03 https://github.com/Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/dNAO/blob/3bed5f7f8edf2a5bcc12b63f1a645f5e1722edf2/src/shk.c#L543 18:17 > + case AD_TENT: return "LarienTelrunya's bane"; 18:18 Yup 18:18 hi 18:18 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 18:18 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-04 14:57 EDT: MTF's game segfaults 18:18 hrm 18:18 that's not good 18:20 hi Neko-chan (just read backscroll) 18:24 make_confused(10000,FALSE); 18:25 This is why you always carry a unicorn horn 18:25 So 10000 turn confusion effects aren't as horrid 18:27 K2: hi 18:27 what's that from? 18:27 tarmunora 18:27 Tentacle rod's 'insanity' effect on the player 18:27 damnit they fixed the infinite full healing 18:28 well I'm screwed 18:28 why do these quest portals have to be at lvl 15 18:28 That was fixed? neat 18:28 yep 18:28 it now tells me I don't have anything to inject 18:28 oh I bet it wasn't 18:28 Do you have any valid hypos? 18:28 I just don't have anything to inject 18:28 nope 18:28 :/ 18:28 Yup 18:28 my BOH was too heavy 18:28 Do you have gold? 18:28 nope 18:28 Not even in bag? 18:28 I have nothing it's all int he bag 18:28 the bag is 1 square away 18:29 RIP 18:29 beacuse I moved accdientally 18:29 and the square has a gargoyle on it 18:29 the other side of hte corridor has a scorpion 18:29 Because 1 gp counts as a valid item for injection to abuse the bug O.o 18:30 rikersan: No more curses? 18:31 I escaped :D 18:31 tarmunora: I'm too lazy to launch up iterm atm 18:31 and it doesn't work w/ stock terminal 18:31 hi FIQ 18:31 WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GARGOYLES 18:32 so MTF's game is segfaulting even after the recent updates to FIQhack? 18:32 rikersan: Bullets work better with guns 18:32 ya dont say 18:32 oh 18:32 wait 18:32 Just a reminder 18:32 was i not wielidng 18:32 damnit 18:32 Nope 18:32 Bullets are single-use when fired properly 18:32 yeah I didn't realzie 18:33 Also, the hammer gets a -5 to-hit 18:33 hammer? 18:33 I was using the lightsaber 18:33 Seismic hammer 18:33 I'm just unskilled w/ saber and form 18:33 Mmh 18:34 and shotugns have bad aim apparently 18:34 Still better than using 'ineffective' weapons, which do 1/4 damage 18:35 Lightsabers use the blasting damage type and phase through worn armour. Lightsabers are just better than most weapons, artifacts included 18:35 oh really? 1/4 18:35 Yup 18:35 *? 18:35 I thought it was lower 18:35 thanks though 18:36 Ranged weapons may be simply reduced to 1 though 18:36 gargoyle OP please nerf 18:36 What I'm getting at is: use the saber to stab the gargoyle to death 18:37 so I found the upstair and it's full of bees 18:37 lucky me 18:37 I'm so special 18:38 Is that really the time? 18:38 ? 18:38 oh 18:38 yes 18:38 To be pumping stats? 18:38 to get unburnded 18:39 while I'm surrounded and they can't do damage 18:39 ideally trying to get better dex 18:39 Ah 18:39 now that I am unburdened 18:39 since hte soldier ants will wreck me 18:39 and I can't use the angry gargoyle stairs 18:39 Type up a short script to inject it for you 18:39 Less effort :P 18:40 I need to remember to heal tho 18:41 migo, this is not the time 18:41 I hate migo 18:41 I forgot about the big room :/ 18:41 Migo are weak though? 18:41 but the soldiers aren't 18:41 they have lightning 18:41 and will happily blast me 18:41 I left them tho 18:42 where is teh stair here? 18:42 I need to get to it >_> 18:42 southeast 18:42 >_> thanks 18:47 do I ping K2 with game-specific non-crash bugs 18:48 Ping NeroOneTrueKing :P 18:48 I did for the last one, he can have another 18:48 Mind pulling the log back up? 18:48 nero: lectern magic missile bug 18:48 "casting non-hand-to-hand versino of hand-to-hand spell" 18:48 I think it was a lectern at least 18:48 if it matters, i'm a displaced dwarf ana 18:48 the displacement may be it 18:49 !tell NeroOneTrueKing It casting non-hand-to-hand version of hand-to-hand spell 1? rikersan thinks it was a magic missile from a lectern, aimed at a displaced image 18:49 Will do, Tarmunora! 18:50 !tell NeroOneTrueKing Relavent lines https://github.com/Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/dNAO/blob/ef8acbd7a1dc864cfad8b9744541e1e8bf157372/src/mcastu.c#L1089 18:50 Will do, Tarmunora! 18:51 [sp] k2 (Pri Hum Mal Law), 13354 points, T:4341, burned by a fireball 18:52 ugh K2 that was brutal. 18:52 what happened? 18:52 i dont even know what cast the fireball 18:52 A fairly long sequence of unfortunate events. 18:53 rikersan: if there's a bug with a variant, you need to let the variant author know. if the game crashes and you need help recovering a game, let me know 18:53 gnomish wizards can cast it in spork. 18:53 chris is pretty afk though 18:53 but I'll ping you next crash 18:53 thanks 18:53 np 18:53 !lastgame 18:53 K2: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/sporkhack/dumplog/1506990365.sp.txt 18:54 forgot 18:54 sporkhack doesnt have dumpmsgs 18:54 oh really? We should fix that at some point. 18:55 anyway... work time! talk later. 18:55 cya Tangles 19:01 rikersan: even without Chris_ANG here right now, there are others here who can help with dntehack bugs 19:01 yep I already pinged nero 19:01 cool 19:02 i think i recall someone saying he's a professor, so during the school year he's not around 19:02 Chris_ANG 19:02 ah cool 19:02 that makes sense 19:02 >.> there's a 29 day old PR on the repo 19:02 when he is here though he's very proactive 19:03 hey k2 19:03 found your bones 19:03 you better have had good stuff 19:03 K2: Did you mean productive? 19:04 proactive is appropriate there I think 19:04 both would work 19:05 thanks for the nice bones 19:05 sure 19:05 human wiz 19:05 that's why i'm here 19:05 or maybe inc not sure 19:05 you have 4 spellbooks 19:05 had ;) 19:05 wait, you mean you're not a ghost? 19:05 huh 19:05 TIL 19:05 I mean your ghost appeared pretty on top of things 19:06 hmm 19:06 how'd you get a golden plumed helmet? 19:06 oh 19:06 I bet that's a bug >_> 19:07 nero: circlets and similar appear as golden helmet when in bones, and the current game doesn't have that helmet as gold 19:08 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:4292 19:08 I'd call it a feature :P 19:08 I also fell through minetown 19:08 fix that beholder 19:09 The special casing it would take to fix the helmets though... 19:09 * Tarmunora shudders 19:09 shhhhd 19:09 don't tell him that 19:09 >:U 19:11 Nero's too lazy to read the logs, and he isn't getting backscroll when he's not here 19:11 lel 19:11 4 lamps, 1 magic in izchak 19:12 that's frustrating 19:12 and it's cursed :/ 19:13 Lucky you, you got a magic lamp in the first place 19:13 yes 19:13 holy water is easy to make 19:13 I just need a blessed rmv curse scroll >:U everything i have is cursed 19:13 I'm ana though 19:13 so not that easy 19:13 and the only 2 shops are izchak and deli 19:14 Tarmunora: I wonder what Amy would think if unskilled weapons did 1/4 damage, minimum 1, instead of 1/4 chance to hit 19:15 aosdict: That would be... different 19:16 Feels more punishing than reduced to-hit 19:16 easier to build skill though 19:17 Only if the 1 damage hits counted 19:17 true 19:17 Depending on where the fraction is applied 19:18 where -> when 19:18 !tell LarienTelrunya so you hate the unskilled 25% to-hit cap in unnethack and others, what would you think if it were changed to 25% damage, minimum 1, and the hits still counted for training? 19:18 Will do, aosdict! 19:19 tarmunora: what's the easiest way to get holy water as atheist? 19:19 Vlad's tower 19:19 4 free potions 19:19 oh true 19:20 And blood can be dipped for blank water 19:20 think I could do that now? 19:21 yep I can 19:21 You have acheron? 19:21 w/ the power of tame balrog I can do anything 19:21 I just got the balrog fig from mine's end, it's blessed 19:21 Ah 19:21 heh 19:23 magic harp and unihorn to 19:23 >_> 19:25 You won't even need the figurine imo 19:25 gonna use it though 19:25 I may be able to get him to clear out vlad himself 19:25 Full healing + machine gun will make light work 19:25 I don't have one 19:25 only +3 lightsaber, assault rifle, and shotgun 19:25 No full healing? 19:25 no machine gun 19:26 oh 19:26 I do 19:26 nvm ignore me 19:26 What happened to the HMG? 19:26 Mhm 19:26 >_> we don't talk about that 19:26 It's mithril, so it isn't even heavy 19:26 Same with the seismic hammer 19:28 how do I sneak in? 19:29 K2: you around? 19:30 rikersan: Bash the iron bars 19:30 yep I know 19:30 I just forgot I knew force bolt 19:31 You should use the dark gray patch 19:31 If your terminal supports it 19:31 it does 19:31 I just don't have it on 19:31 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:6748 19:33 what should I wish for? 19:33 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 19:33 the tshirt? 19:34 . 19:34 NeroOneTrueKing: Message from Tarmunora at 2017-10-04 18:49 EDT: It casting non-hand-to-hand version of hand-to-hand spell 1? rikersan thinks it was a magic missile from a lectern, aimed at a displaced image 19:34 NeroOneTrueKing: Message from Tarmunora at 2017-10-04 18:50 EDT: Relavent lines https://github.com/Chris-plus-alphanumericgibberish/dNAO/blob/ef8acbd7a1dc864cfad8b9744541e1e8bf157372/src/mcastu.c#L1089 19:34 hey rikersan: you might not have seen, but your Dagon level water fix causes the player to be unable to fast-travel at all there 19:34 really? whoops 19:35 I'll fix that later 19:35 >_> 19:35 it's not like there's a time pressure before merging 19:35 https://pastebin.com/Ng1h9j3F 19:35 heh I got an artifact 19:35 water flowers 19:35 not bad but not good >_> 19:35 ^ will work more like as intended 19:36 I still am going to look at the visual weirdness, but no guarantees 19:36 oh, thanks 19:36 it's cool 19:36 Water Flowers are great 19:36 that's livable 19:36 oh I forgot the tele 19:36 that's very nice 19:36 displacement is also very nice 19:36 true 19:36 my boots are cursed though 19:36 so 19:36 >_> 19:36 I'm gonna wait a bit before putting those on 19:37 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) wished for "blessed fixed greased +5 tie-dye shirt of shambhala", on T:7228 19:38 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:7336 19:38 yep I see why people consider vlad a pushover 19:40 You're an anachrononaut. Most things are pushovers 19:40 that is true 19:41 he's easy for inc barbarians w/ +7 cleaver and premium heart though 19:41 FIQ yeah i'm here, just attempting not to die at sporkhack 19:41 doesn't that mean he's really easy? ./s 19:42 T - an uncursed spiked wand (unpaid, 666 zorkmids). 19:42 ooooh snap 19:42 lol 19:43 Going to zap it at the shopkeeper? 19:43 i'm lawful :/ 19:43 i try to stay in character 19:43 ask yourself whether it is worth it for the chance of wishing 19:43 even lawful people can be tempted 19:43 i will come back 19:43 Usually it's not hard to find the 666 gold you need to buy it outright 19:44 actually in sporkhack, gold is a bit more sparse 19:44 sell all of your junk to pay for it :) 19:44 heh 19:44 decisions decisions... 19:44 i will come back 19:45 or find a nice doggy to fetch it for you :) 19:45 heh my lightsaber is silver-hilted 19:45 so I can just whack manes to death with it 19:46 hah yeah ... fido! cmere fido! 19:49 wand of death 19:49 RIP 19:49 still useful though 19:50 darnit the gold helmet is OA 19:53 K2, getting less than optimal gear in games both present and past! 19:54 lol 19:54 btw thanks for the blood tip tarmunora 19:54 that makes holy water really easy in any game >_> 19:54 Yeah 19:54 Some ideas for nerfs have been discussed 19:55 undilutable blood? 19:55 that would easily solve that ._> 19:55 heh 19:57 K2: ah, I see 19:57 K2: did you see my msg above about MTF's game? 19:57 i did 19:57 would be nice to have it fixed 19:58 there was not any dump file 19:58 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 19:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 19:58 core dump rather 19:58 that's unfortunate 19:58 you know you can also give me the save so I can look myself, right ;p 19:58 :/ 19:58 yes but you didnt ask ;) 19:58 i assumed you were wanting a core dump 19:58 I figured I didn't need to :P 19:58 hah 19:58 one sec 19:58 Well, a core dump would likely work too 19:59 But, you decide what is easier 20:00 rikersan: tiara of treachery :P 20:00 FIQ: same link i gave you the other day 20:00 tha'ts the thing 20:00 it's not fiq :p 20:00 it's a golden plumed helmet 20:00 saved game 20:01 bones file bug 20:02 K2: ok 20:02 got it 20:03 yay 20:04 ahh, the lovely load times of NH4 save files in valgrind 20:04 when you can make a cup of coffee waiting for it to load 20:06 how come you can't tin wraiths 20:06 @d?wumpus 20:06 wumpus (q) | Lvl: 8 | Diff: 9 | Spd: 3 | Res: none | Confers: nothing | MR: 10 | Generates: gehennom dungeons | AC: 2 | Attacks: 3d6 bite physical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: genocidable, omnivore, clings, infravisible 20:07 rikersan that would be too OP 20:07 true 20:07 little packets of gain level 20:07 yea 20:07 as an anti-level drain thing 20:07 even worse w/ dnethack blood potions 20:10 IIRC wraiths have no blood to drain either 20:11 But you can always reverse-genocide deep wyrms and feast upon their flesh and blood 20:11 that's uh 20:11 an option 20:11 (those guys give a level-up on eating, too) 20:11 hold up why didn't I just eat that then 20:11 I konw that 20:11 I'm just dumb 20:11 It's not like you have any trouble hitting XP30 in most dnethack games. 20:11 that is true 20:11 which i enjoy 20:12 holy crap lichs drop lots of stuff 20:13 balance idea: liches drop lots of stuff (in vanilla too), this incentivizes not genociding them 20:14 that was the lost tomb lich? 20:14 yep 20:14 It picks up a bunch of stuff from the square it is generated on. 20:14 ah ok 20:14 that makes more sense 20:14 it had some potions, scrolls, spellbooks 20:15 although it would be cool and thematic if all liches had scrolls/potions/spellbooks/wands 20:15 1 potion or scroll for a regular lich, 2 for a demi-lich, 2 + 1 spellbook for a master lich, and 3 + a spellbook + a wand for an archlich 20:16 in addition to their abysmal chances at an athame 20:16 yani: ^ 20:16 yasi: vecna from slashem n variants has a wand of wishing 1:0 20:16 yes, a yani, but the loot should be reduced for non-dnethack variants 20:16 yes 20:16 since that would be a lot of loot. 20:17 and dnethack already has enough OP stuff more OP things isn't that big of a deal 20:17 YASI: Make regular liches as nasty as master liches, and remove Master/demi-liches 20:17 reminds me of the slex arch-lichen 20:17 I dunno, three spellbooks for killing an arch-lich in vanilla only seems slightly too much to me. 20:17 it's a lichen, but more powerful than an arch-lich 20:17 No more non-really-nasty liches 20:18 I think arch-lichen is a hallumon in vanilla? 20:18 aosdict: he means 1 spellbook, 1 wand, and 3 potions/scrolls 20:18 yes 20:18 aosdict: hm I dunno 20:18 of course slex would make it a real thing. 20:18 it would still be a lot for vanilla but would seem about right for dnethack. 20:18 slex doesn't even need a separate hallumon list. 20:18 tele control on first tengu :D 20:20 NeroOneTrueKing: what would reasonable vanilla loot look like to you then? 20:21 To be perfectly honest, I haven't played vanilla in quite a while. 20:21 I'd move the spellbook to be archlich only 20:22 drop the wand entirely 20:22 (since dnethack innundates the player with wands, its fine there, but not in vanilla) 20:22 lich: d2-1 scrolls 20:23 demilich: d2 scrolls, d2-1 potions 20:23 master lich: d3 scrolls, d2-1 potions 20:23 arch-lich: d3 scrolls, d2 potions, 1 spellbook 20:24 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 20:25 The spellbook would always just be loot for the player, but the scrolls and potions could be used by the lich. 20:26 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:11245 20:28 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:28 apologies for any connection msg spam by the way, the power lines near my house are being worked on 20:28 the internet can be spotty 20:28 j - an uncursed wand of death (0:6). 20:28 not bad 20:34 > Morven booms: "rikerw, you are a thief!" 20:34 how'd that happen? 20:35 ah, code says it's because some other monsters stole his wares 20:39 weird, never had that happen to me 20:40 [dnh] mtf (Val Hum Fem Law), 214 points, T:1435, died of starvation 20:43 ais523: what am I doing wrong? 20:43 (gdb) p Monnam(0x1b288a0) 20:43 $7 = 0x1d8ec80 "The invisible Smaug" 20:43 (gdb) p (struct monst *)0x1b288a0 20:43 $8 = (struct monst *) 0x1b288a0 20:43 I want the actual content 20:44 FIQ: p (*struct monst *)0x1b288a0 20:44 err 20:44 FIQ: p *(struct monst *)0x1b288a0 20:44 FIQ: dereference 20:44 oh 20:45 yeah I figured the * in the end would d othat 20:45 apparently not 20:45 although using a literal pointer value in that is kind-of weird 20:45 also gdb doesn't dereference most sorts of pointer by default 20:45 partly because it can't know whether they point to the first element of an array or a single object 20:45 char * is common enough to make an educated guess (although one that's sometimes wrong) 20:46 also somehow the game is trying to check if MTF's steed is on plane of water as part of property checks 20:46 which is fair enough 20:46 but for some reason, mz is nonzero but segfaults 20:46 not entirely sure how this can happen since the steed has to load as part of a level... 20:47 -!- tacco has quit [] 20:48 er 20:48 that is, mon->dlevel->z 20:53 FIQ: does the backtrace give any clues? in particular, was something happening off-level for some reason? 20:54 not really 20:54 tarmunora: you've ascended an ana, right? how hard is the quest really 20:54 and/or what preparations should I have 20:55 http://home.fiq.se/gdb.txt 20:55 this is what segfaults 20:55 isn't the ana quest the hardest in dnethack? 20:55 lev2 there is &waterlevel 20:55 aosdict: yes 20:55 lev1 is steed's level 20:55 * aosdict has never played dnethack 20:55 or rather, level->z 20:55 it's widely known as that 20:55 however, some of the quests are really easy >_> 20:55 barb, bard, wiz, noble 20:57 actually 20:57 this makes no sense 20:57 what? 20:58 so the code for the steed thing there 20:58 checks Is_waterlevel(m_mz(mon)) 20:58 m_mz(mon) is defined to &((mon)->dlevel->z) 20:58 how can this segfault...? 20:58 ais523: ^ 20:59 FIQ: (mon)->dlevel being NULL would do it (or a similarly invalid pointer) 20:59 but then, wouldn't the segfault happen in the dereference of dlevel? 21:00 ais523: You know how Fourk wasn't building on Windows because it was trying to link redundant things together? I found out what caused it and still don't understand why. 21:00 FIQ: line number information can be slightly inaccurate in optimized code 21:01 the code doesn't necessarily have to be evaulated in the obvious order 21:01 The culprit was not building NETCLIENT by default, commit fc5f1baf23. I fixed it by turning NETCLIENT back to defined by default, commit b1ec9868. This fix works, but I don't understand why. 21:01 jonadab: probably the NETCLIENT option is controlling the definitions of some functions but not the actual uses of them 21:02 :D argentum golems are good for silver bullets 21:02 ais523: That was _previously_ the case and was uncovered by kerio when he turned off building NETCLIENT on his server; that was fixed in commit 500fe7feb9. 21:03 Do note that not building NETCLIENT works fine on not-Windows. 21:03 Well, on Linux for sure, anyway. 21:03 that might well be aimake magic as opposed to actually working code 21:03 Ah. 21:03 this is a notable problem with aimake, that sometimes it can make your program work even when it really shouldn't 21:03 great for end users, less great for devs 21:04 Vince Ho claims to have got it to work with the gnumakefile, but maybe he's building the net client, I didn't ask that. I should, I guess. 21:05 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:06 well that's not good 21:06 how do I open bags with no free hand 21:06 I forgot a seismic hammer is two-handed, and mine was cursed 21:07 rikersan: You can't open bags with no free hands. In 3.6 you can #tip them. 21:07 :/ 21:07 I'm playing dnh which doesn't have tip 21:07 But there are ways to get free hands back. 21:07 like uncursing? >_> 21:07 You just have to uncurse... yes. 21:08 One way to do that is to #dip the cursed item into a potion of holy water that you left on the floor somewhere. 21:08 ANother way is to pray (but not in Gehennom). 21:08 I have 15 potions 21:08 in the bag 21:08 and I'm ana so I can't pray 21:08 Ah. 21:08 spell golems are a thing though 21:08 Hmm, you might have to go with fountain dipping then. 21:08 I'll hope one drops a remove curse scroll 21:08 Or yes, some dnethack-specific solution. 21:09 golems that drop random scrolls 21:09 like paper golems with writing 21:09 In Fourk, you can also #invoke the Heart of Ahriman :-) 21:09 whee enchant weapon 21:09 jonadab: you can do that in dnh too :p 21:09 I've always loved htat for barbs 21:09 but, I'm not barbarian 21:09 I'm free now though 21:10 Oh, another way is to get a nymph to steal the weapon. 21:10 rikersan: Do you have telepathy? 21:10 I've done that 21:10 tarmunora: yes 21:10 Or cause the weapon to be destroyed. 21:10 That's a shame 21:10 why 21:10 Telepathy makes your quest harder 21:10 oh true 21:10 o well 21:10 ais523: ahh, I see 21:10 wait, can the elder brains lock on too 21:10 ;-; 21:10 I can always commit murder? 21:10 oh wait chaotic 21:10 :/ 21:11 so somehow it hasn't segfaulted by the point it references dlevel.. somehow? 21:11 I'm not sure if I understand why 21:11 Helm of opposite alignment? 21:11 segfaults are weird. 21:11 FIQ: where is Is_waterlevel defined? in a header? 21:11 yes 21:11 in that case the code's getting inlined 21:11 124:# define Is_waterlevel(x) (on_level(x, &water_level)) 21:11 They mess stuff up, which makes them harder to diagnose. 21:11 ais523: Of course 21:11 But that isn't my point 21:11 See 21:11 tarmunora.. I have one of those 21:11 rikersan: Let's move this to the dnethack channel 21:12 thank you k2 you are nice 21:12 I set a breakpoint on on_level when lev1==0x132f0 21:12 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:12 And the program hasn't segfaulted yet! 21:12 Despite it having referenced dlevel 21:12 FIQ: how did you know what value the pointer was going to have in advance? 21:12 which is set to 0x0 21:12 ais523: It has been consistent 21:13 ais523: hmm I wonder 21:13 Probably only consistent because you're debugging one specific manifestation of the bug in one particular game. 21:13 so has dlevel actually been /dereferenced/? or just compared to things? 21:13 is it really dereferencing ->z 21:13 er, dlevel 21:13 or does it figure out that it wants 0x0 + some offset 21:13 to get the z 21:13 which happens to be 0x132f0 21:14 you're taking a reference to a struct field 21:14 so that can be done mathematically from the pointer to the struct, yes 21:14 right 21:14 and dereferencing null is undefined behaviour, i.e. it doesn't /have/ to segfault 21:14 so it hasn't actually dereferenced it 21:15 because it just throws the pointer value it knows that it will have 21:15 so it was probably compiled into code that doesn't dereference dlevel, on the basis that if it was valid dereferencing it would be a no-op and if it was invalid dereferencing it could legitimately do anything 21:15 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 21:15 0x132f0 seems too small to be a pointer, come to think of it 21:15 but not too large to be a struct offset in a large struct like level 21:16 ais523: right, it probably just does something like "on_level((struct d_level *)dlevel + 0x132f0)" 21:16 in practice 21:16 not quite like that, you'd need to cast to char in between because pointer addition isn't measured in bytes 21:16 but yes 21:30 -!- rikersan has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:30 !tell K2 pushed fixes 21:30 Will do, FIQ! 21:34 jonadab: this *might* also affect you and ais 21:35 not sure since I refactored muse 21:35 but the issue MTF had boiled down to 21:35 his dragon steed was hurt 21:35 so when he approached < 21:35 it tried to flee upstairs 21:35 this did.. weird things 21:35 since steeds aren't supposed to move by themselves 21:36 right, I can see how that sort of thing would lead to trouble 21:36 clearly we should balance steeds by making it so that if they flee, they carry you along with them 21:36 (the above was partly but not entirely sarcastic) 21:37 in this case I just made it so that steeds don't try to move by themselves in muse either 21:37 which used to be a "backdoor" that didn't have the usual steed checks for moving 21:37 Actually, if they are scared enough to flee, they should probably have a chance to buck you off, mitigated by your riding skill. 21:38 because muse moving is weird 21:38 it's on my todo to get rid of the movement stuff from muse 21:38 FIQ: Don't monsters "use" traps in some cases? 21:38 [nd] Jendic (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3101 21:38 yes, which involves moving to them 21:38 as part of muse 21:38 rather than using regular movement functions 21:38 Yeah. 21:38 this means monsters can take 2 steps at once 21:38 Ah. 21:38 in some cases 21:39 tfw you don't know which meaning of balancing is being discussed 21:39 jonadab: what I want is to throw out the movement stuff from muse 21:39 but rather have it as part of strategy() 21:39 or whatever the function was called 21:39 I think tactics() might do the actual movement? 21:40 tactics is covetousness stuff 21:40 so is strategy, in vanilla 21:40 it just got generalized a bit in NH4 21:40 Such good function names. 21:40 and FIQ, will we see another "fiqhack updated? 21:40 ais523: well yes 21:40 but I am talking about NH4 strategy :P 21:40 bug_sniper: 01:30:37 FIQ │ !tell K2 pushed fixes 21:41 wow, just 30 minutes ago 21:41 no 21:41 10 21:41 yeah 21:42 jonadab: they're good names for a smaller project, just could do with some namespacing 21:43 * aosdict smells an upcoming C++ rewrite of nethack4 21:43 aosdict: already been done 21:44 There's only a tiny bit of C++ code in NH4. 21:44 not talking about NH4 21:44 there is a translation project for nethack 21:44 which is in C++ 21:44 aosdict: Anyway, if I were going to rewrite NetHack in another language, it wouldn't be C++. Perl, possibly. 21:45 jonadab: it's only there to access a linker feature that can be accessed portably from C++ but not from C 21:46 (you can access it from C in gcc, but only via gcc-specific features) 21:46 Are we talking about gcc specific features that modern compilers like clang also emulate, though? 21:46 when is NH4 getting that amiga port 21:47 FIQ: gcc is available for Amiga. 21:47 jonadab: I think amiga might be the oldest system NH4 could feasibly be ported to 21:47 I think it's an old version of gcc, though. 21:48 FIQ: I think DOS is theoretically feasible with the right group of people working on it. Which we don't currently have. 21:48 I'm actually thinking "are you sure it doesn't build on DOS at the moment?" 21:48 But DOS has a very actively maintained gcc port in DJGPP. 21:49 although you'd need to change the OS detection 21:49 ais523: Sure, no. 21:49 DJGPP has both working gcc and working perl 21:49 flex and bison? 21:49 yes 21:49 Huh. 21:49 ais523: NH3 needs flex and bison 21:49 err, jonadab 21:49 those used to be essential for writing almost anything 21:49 Maybe I should've been trying to use DJGPP to build it on Windows. 21:49 FIQ: Oh, good point. 21:50 jonadab: I used DJGPP on Windows for many years, before switching to Strawberry 21:50 bear in mind that DOS programs don't IIRC run on 64-bit Windows 21:50 I used DJGPP on Windows 95 at one point. It think that might be what I used when I compiled Emacs 21.0.105 21:50 doesn't wine actually have better DOS compatibility than windows itself 21:50 on 64bit platforms 21:51 Dunno. 21:51 I would expect DOS to run (directly) on AMD64 without problems as far as the CPU goes, but I would expect trouble when UEFI is there instead of a traditional BIOS. 21:52 And I don't know how it would interact with SATA. 21:52 FIQ: DOSbox is the best way to run DOS programs nowadays 21:52 Well, yes, there's that. 21:52 Wine isn't great for DOS programs as it's not an emulator, meaning that the CPU would actually have to be set to 16-bit mode 21:52 which can't easily be done on a 64-bit host system 21:55 [nd] Jendic (Val Hum Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a dagger on an altar, on T:4283 22:31 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:44 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha) averted death, on T:16001 22:44 [dnh] rikerw (Ana Dwa Mal Cha), 420154 points, T:16004, killed by a deeper one, while being tickled to death 22:44 RIP 22:47 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 22:47 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 23:02 [dnh] rikerw (Hdr-Wiz Dro Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2855 23:11 jonadab: what if blessed unihorns had a 10% of reverting to uncursed 23:11 and uncursed ones gave good and bad outcomes? 23:11 [dnh] rikerw (Wiz Dro Mal Neu), 8188 points, T:4042, killed by a dwarf 23:11 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:15 FIQ: too much emphasis on unreliability until they can be blessed, and having a supply of holy water ready at all times to re-bless 23:16 of the various unihorn balance ideas, I think I like keeping it perfectly reliable but limiting its uses the most 23:20 [dnh] rikerw (Brd Clk Mal Neu), 481 points, T:1033, died by overwinding 23:43 FIQhack updated 23:43 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-10-04 21:30 EDT: pushed fixes 23:43 goin to bed gnite 23:43 good night K2 23:44 o/ 23:44 but what will we do without our fiqhack updates for the next six hours 23:47 !tell ais523 I fixed raw video export for jettyplay, can you merge it into upstream? It's a really simple fix! See https://github.com/Elronnd/ttyrec2video/commit/8d0ab9195d649d31807b836961447b67c184d046 23:47 Will do, Elronnd! 23:48 wait, does Jettyplay even have a public repository any more? 23:48 ais523: Message from Elronnd at 2017-10-04 23:47 EDT: I fixed raw video export for jettyplay, can you merge it into upstream? It's a really simple fix! See https://github.com/Elronnd/ttyrec2video/commit/8d0ab9195d649d31807b836961447b67c184d046 23:48 no idea 23:49 actually, did it ever have a repository? 23:49 well, I assume you hae an internal one 23:49 so did I, but there doesn't seem to be one 23:49 that was waht I meant 23:49 oh, hmm, there's a darcs repo in an old directory 23:49 the main problem with the raw video codec is taht it runs out of memory on nontrivial ttyrecs. But it's better for it to work on short ttyrecs at all than to crash 23:50 remind me about this later, this isn't really a good time for me and I'd need to set up a whole new toolchain to work on jettyplay again 23:50 my internal accounting for this is screwed up 23:51 but you'd literally just have to change a single line of a single file 23:51 the directory structure was never good and now it's worse 23:51 Elronnd: yes but then I'd need to build it, push the changes somewhere, etc. 23:51 I'm not even sure which of these files is the source and which is a temporary copy used during the build 23:55 ais523: ok