00:36 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:37 -!- oh6_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:43 WHAMMM!!! You hear the chime of a cash register. 01:15 -!- Webmant7 has joined #hardfought 01:15 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law), 2130 points, T:6031, killed by a soldier ant 01:18 -!- Webmant9 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:25 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:26 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 01:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 01:39 raisse: pretty loud register 02:05 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:24 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:24 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:50 -!- Crawldragon has quit [Quit: If beer is liquid bread, what is liquid peanut butter?] 05:06 -!- ab5ni has joined #hardfought 05:06 -!- ab5ni has left #hardfought 05:15 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 05:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 05:48 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 07:00 !tell K2 fh updated 07:00 Will do, FIQ! 07:15 elenmirie: got your ghost in the minetown deli 07:15 tamed Coco 07:16 You drop a scroll called scare. Petal seems uninterested. Petal turns to flee. 07:17 er, and inadvertently read the wrong scroll and made him angry 07:18 (it was a scroll of fire and I was standing next to him) 07:19 I am sure that will end well. 07:32 it already ended, badly, by means of Petal's wand of magic missile. 07:32 Yeah, that sounds about right. 07:40 -!- K2-webirc has joined #hardfought 07:41 morning 07:52 morning 07:54 saw your fh update msg 07:54 will be a few hours before I can get to it 08:01 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law), 2818 points, T:6888, killed by a killer bee 08:50 [dyn] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 373 points, T:1169, killed by a hobgoblin 09:07 [gh] k2 (Mon Elf Mal Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:15740 09:07 -!- Webmant7 is now known as Webmant 09:10 wait wtf 09:10 I threw a shuriken at a wraith 09:11 i wasn't wielding anything 09:11 gdammit 09:11 New bug to track down! 09:12 i suppose so 09:12 It'll likely have something to do with u.uconduct.weaphit 09:13 This would be easier to track down in a variant that has break_conduct() 09:16 Probably the one in thitmonst in dothrow.c 09:16 so it's not just a livelog reporting issue, the game thinks I've actually broken the conduct 09:17 -!- Tangles has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:19 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 09:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 09:24 hmm 09:29 will have to look at it later 09:29 -!- K2-webirc has left #hardfought 09:33 YANI: (race) bards. Spawns with a instrument (rarely magical) and a group of racial monsters. Keeps distance and plays songs to buff allies 09:35 I need to examine the STRAT_* code in vanilla 09:36 it is buggy 09:36 messy 09:36 and bad 09:36 right now, I don't think there's any strategy that says "keep some distance away, but don't actually flee" 09:36 it was one of not a lot of engine parts that completely rewritten in nethack4 09:36 *that was 09:38 aos: FIQhack has monsters that try to pursue having a line towards you -- basically reverse unicorns. It is used for lowlevel casters (since they have no melee attacks) and part of dragon strategy 09:38 wonder if the devteam/paxed would accept pull requests just to clean up code like this 09:38 It doesn't use the strategy logic though 09:38 because it's something I want to fix, but I don't see the point if the code just languishes 09:39 Instead it is implemented as part of the base AI. This could probably be improved 09:40 but considering this is a shortterm tactic, and STRAT_* is more longterm thinking (what is the ultimate goal of a monster at the moment) I think this is ok 09:41 aos: in vanilla, STRAT_* is only ever used for covetous purposes. NH4 uses it as longterm goal marks for monsters 09:44 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 09:45 can't you read, elenmirie's ghost? 09:45 Probably not, I'm playing illiterate :D 09:45 lol 09:46 well, these letters say "Elbereth" and mean "please let me go downstairs without you" 09:46 hahaha 09:46 argh didn't help, died from sudden hill orcs 09:49 EPI: giants with pickaxes make pits for you to fall into. If you do, they will throw a boulder towards you, burying you 09:50 is that instakill or can you dig/teleport/pray your way out? 09:50 like being stuck in rock 09:50 Well, in EPI context, it would naturally be an instakill. If implemented more sanely, it would probably work like the deferred vanilla feature 09:50 which allows these things 09:51 but it starts a suffocation timer 09:55 Logically, when buried in rock, you shouldn't be able to take actions that require having limbs free. Such as digging with a pick-axe, zapping a wand, etc. 09:55 Which fits in perfectly with Evil Patch nastiness. 09:55 I'd argue that you could possibly reach a wand of digging in open inventory 09:56 But inside bags, or using pickaxes, yeah no 09:56 or a teleport scroll, or put a ring on 09:56 and you could definitely read teleport if you've read it before (because you also can when blind) or ^t if you have teleport at will 09:57 and prayer should work 09:57 "It's dark in this rock. You cannot read. You are being crushed and cannot breathe." 09:57 you can recite runes while blind 09:59 jonadab: when is 4k going to have offensive CM :P 10:01 if you apply a cursed tin whistle in minetown, the watch should turn hostile 10:01 raisse: that doesn't break illit, right? 10:02 but you need to have a shopkeeper tell you the label 10:02 or don't be blind while you see the label 10:02 see the label 10:02 go blind 10:02 read it 10:02 doesn't break illit 10:02 very dubious 3.6.x change IMO 10:02 I was thinking of zen 10:02 ah 10:03 I didn't know that, I only know that if you've read it before you don't need to see it to read another one 10:03 that said I think this illit change is very dubious 10:03 elenmirie: did you know this btw? 10:03 so you just shout VENZAR BORGAVVE or something? 10:04 flavor-wise it's probably that that isn't the magic spell itself, rather that those are the magical words that unlock the scroll's magic 10:04 magic magic magic 10:05 FIQ: no. TBH it seems not in the true spirit of illiteracy 10:05 but that doesn't mean I won't try it. 10:05 indeed 10:05 um 10:05 you don't even need to be blind 10:05 this makes no sense 10:06 raisse: therefore you can yell VENZAR BORGAVVE all you want but it doesn't do anything unless you have the corresponding scroll 10:06 hmm 10:06 this change was introduced in 2015 10:07 but I can't find it in current code 10:07 * FIQ git blame 10:08 ah 10:08 found it 10:08 it was introduced very briefly 10:09 it existed for all of 3 commits 10:09 before it was reverted 10:09 thankfully 10:09 a5c63af579c5b5ce8039de502a95651a77457a14 reverted it 10:09 FIQ: offensive what now? 10:10 create monster 10:11 Oh. 10:11 Heh. 10:11 Probably when I rebase on FIQHack. 10:12 So likely version 4.3.1 10:12 Err, 10:12 ah 10:12 but it's a simple change ;) 10:16 It's a simple code change, with non-simple balance implications. 10:16 Which will therefore likely facilitate other changes. 10:17 And there's no point duplicating all that. 10:18 Besides, Fourk has the damage reduction nerf. Players can complain about _that_ for Fourk, and create monster explosions for FIQHack. 10:23 Except, of course, for the people who just want to comlain about the Wands Balance Patch. 10:25 heh 10:26 but there's not that many that complain on that 10:27 FIQ: Well, one person in particular complains more about that than all other persons in the universe combined. 10:27 But I've had complaints about it from at least half a dozen people, I think. 10:27 Not as many as with my Elbereth nerfs. 10:37 I see 10:37 I think wand balance has received the most complaints overall in fh 10:37 2nd most being the CM change 10:37 On multiple occasions, after multiple sets of nerfs 10:37 but I think it's in an OK state atm 10:38 Not that many complaints otherwise, as I recall. Then again, FIQhack has less player-exposed changes than 4k 10:38 jonadab: allthough I'm surprised alignment record changes hasn't received more complaints than anything else 10:39 it's easily the most frustrating part of playing 4k IMO :P 10:42 Actually, that's received some fair portion of complaints too. 10:44 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 10:45 jonadab: 8ff02c11d9979497396d4921bf0d7cf81808c5d1 3.6.1 commit might be relevant for you 10:47 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 11:31 [slex] morgoth (Wiz Hum Fem Law), 441 points, T:487, killed by a monster (spider magus) 11:44 -!- K2-webirc has joined #hardfought 11:54 [gh] k2 (Mon Elf Mal Neu), 54286 points, T:16126, killed by a winter wolf cub 11:54 on purpose 11:54 so pissed... hate that whole conduct bug thing bleh 11:56 irks me ;) 12:08 K2-webirc: We'll have to figure out the thit code to fix it. 12:08 agreed 12:08 That will be "fun". 12:09 I looked at the code (dothrow) but it wasn't readily apparent to me what the issue was 12:09 other than it looked like a blanket 'if you hit a monster with anything, conduct brken' 12:09 *broken 12:10 as evidenced, if I am going for a specific conduct(s) and I accidentally break it, or from a bug, etc, i'll lose on purpose 12:11 Yeah, the trick is to figure out how to distinguish between thrown and wielded items in that code. 12:11 there is a variable for this purpose 12:11 it's named "thrown" 12:11 Oh, is it that simple? 12:11 Add a thrown && on the beginning of the condition? 12:12 i don't know 12:12 I can't really look at it in any detail right now, because I'm on circ desk today. 12:12 if you look at grunthacks src/dothrow around line 1450 or so, you'll see the livelog message about the conduct being broken 12:12 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 12:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 12:12 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:12 K2-webirc: Yes, I found that. 12:13 But I hadn't looked at the surrounding code much yet. 12:13 gotcha 12:13 its not a critical bug, but it is annoying, so we should probably tackle it sooner rather than later 12:14 there aren't any other variants that have that particular conduct bug are there? 12:14 i don't think 3.4.3 does 12:17 [slex] dolores (Kur Trp Fem Law), 0 points, T:9, killed by a monster (invisible beauty), while being clawed 12:17 guys I got the worst score! 12:17 0 points 12:17 \o/ 12:18 * K2-webirc plays to lose 12:18 usually with strip poker 12:18 but sometimes nethack 12:19 there is a reason the conduct break is there in do throw 12:19 polearms 12:19 will investigate later 12:19 I am surprised Amy hasn't allowed negative scores in slex 12:19 afk 12:19 NH4 allows it 12:19 FIQ: ok, was wondering if grunt put that in there on purpose 12:26 K2-webirc: It's probably a bug. That section of the code is _complicated_. 12:26 Quick, off the top of your head, which wands are handled by the same code as thrown daggers, and which ones are handled by completely different code? 12:28 loli: congrats 12:30 um 12:30 thanks gr 12:30 striking 12:30 Grasshopper: 12:30 err 12:31 any wand that shoots a ray 12:31 K2-webirc: I think it's all the beam wands. 12:31 So striking, polymorph, etc. 12:31 so most of them 12:32 [dyn] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 1046 points, T:3050, killed by a shattered potion 12:32 K2-webirc: Well, but _not_ things like fire and cold, those are rays. 12:33 ray != beams then 12:33 Just don't ask which of these bits of code handles gaze attacks. 12:33 ray is reflectable, beam is not reflectable. 12:33 which bits of code handle gaze attacks? 12:33 :P 12:33 I think it's the same as beam, but I'm not sure. Ask FIQ. 12:34 Also, camera flashes, and I forget which else. 12:34 And thrown weapons, as mentioned. 12:34 but some gaze attacks are reflectable, some are not 12:34 I know. 12:34 It's weird. 13:01 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:24 -!- K2-webirc has left #hardfought 13:29 hi 13:29 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 13:29 jonadab: thankfully not 13:30 a ton of shit is in that function 13:30 but not gaze attacks 13:30 gaze attacks is handled in the xhity code 13:30 with the obligatory 3 copies with nearly identical code 13:32 oh boy 13:32 I had forgotten that 13:33 thank you jonadab for reminding me of how horrible the pre-fh beam code is 13:33 THROWN_WEAPOn, KICKED_WEAPON, camera flashes, mirrors, and what the community refer to as beam wands/spells (called IMMEDIATE for some reason in the code) 13:33 all in the same function 13:34 Personally, I think beams should be handled by the same code as rays, with a can_reflect boolean. 13:35 meh 13:35 they work completely different 13:35 camera flashes share more properties with rays than beams do 13:35 I mean, it's not like the buzz code is that well designed in theory 13:36 but in practice the code isn't that horrible if you throw out the disintegration stuff from it 13:36 fiqhack salvaged buzz and made it somewhat workable 13:36 on the other hand it rewrote beam handling/etc from scratch 13:37 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:74321 13:38 Hmm. 13:39 buzz's main problem is its completely messed up parameters 13:39 specifically, the way it wants ray type 13:40 /* type == 0 to 9 : you shooting a wand */ 13:40 /* type == 10 to 19 : you casting a spell */ 13:40 /* type == 20 to 29 : you breathing as a monster */ 13:40 /* type == -10 to -19 : monster casting spell */ 13:40 /* type == -20 to -29 : monster breathing at you */ 13:40 /* type == -30 to -39 : monster shooting a wand */ 13:41 Yes. 13:41 plus dependency on internal object order for wands, spells 13:41 and order of attacks 13:41 That should be several distinct parameters/arguments. 13:41 bonus points for dragons also being order-dependant.. using a completely different order 13:42 rayelement, raysourcetype (wand, spell, breath, etc.), blame. 13:42 jonadab: as a stopgap I made 13:42 int buzztyp = abs(type) % 30; /* % 30 to catch -30-39 */ 13:43 then I can pretend that the parameter doesn't exist 13:43 and get the useful info 13:43 Yeah, but. 13:43 in 99% of the cases 13:45 the other issue is that the source of the ray isn't passed to buzz 13:46 I solve this by first checking if it's a temple lightning spell (one of the rare cases where I need the full numeric parameter) 13:46 and if not, check where the ray started 13:50 jonadab: sometimes I've considered making a common interface for elemental type and source 13:50 using monattk 13:50 with special attack types for items 13:50 AT_SPEL AT_WAND, etc 13:57 That kind of makes sense. 14:36 !tell LarienTelrunya if slex doesn't already have something defined for "noob", end-of-game enlightenment should say "You were a noob" if you died with 0 points. 14:36 Will do, aos! 15:02 hi 15:02 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 15:02 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-09-14 07:00 EDT: fh updated 15:04 FIQhack updated 15:14 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:75559 15:15 [4k] Zappi (philbo) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1707 points, T:804, killed by a dwarf 15:15 now what use does a caveman have for a writing tool? 15:18 -!- Nimblr has joined #hardfought 15:20 Doing an assignment for my Statistics class, if you have a moment please fill out the survey (made by me) in the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVrLUu2zLxNZCCtWtzTcbGsF6Ws7w9BZBYeKILHZgKuBt7AQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 15:20 -!- Nimblr has left #hardfought 15:22 what 15:38 I'm saving all my moments for myself, sorry 15:39 You survey may be short, but so is life 15:39 you/your 15:41 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 15:44 [4k] Zappi (philbo) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4011 points, T:1074, killed by an acidic corpse 16:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:14 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 16:26 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:53 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:07 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:07 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:19 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 17:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:44 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:20 K2, Tangles, anyone else interested in the technical and hosting side of devnull: someone posted this over in #junethack. https://twitter.com/devnull_nethack/status/908441635746279424 18:29 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:30 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 18:31 jonadab: wait whaaaaat? 18:31 ...whyy D: 18:32 Elronnd: krystal was clearly struggling more and more to host it as time goes on 18:32 yeah 18:32 but it's a real shame that it's ending now, after so long 18:32 * Elronnd wishes it could at least have gone on for a full 20 years. Just a couple more years to go! 18:37 Personally, I am not in the right skill class to even think about devnull, the June tournament stretches my limits significantly. 18:37 what skills do you need to think about devnull? 18:37 I'm with Elronnd on this. I think we all knew that krystal was struggling, but there were a number of us positioning to take up the load. 18:38 I reached out to krystal multiple times about this, and got nothing back. 18:38 Elronnd: Think about actually participating, I mean. 18:39 Why would he make a public announcement like this without even replying to the emails of those trying to help him first? 18:40 ikr 18:40 last junethack he made an announcement. I sent an email saying I'd be happy to help -- no reply 18:40 jonadab: I don't understand where your perception comes from that you need a certain skill level to play devnull. 18:41 This is no more true for devnull than it is for junethack. 18:41 junethack is arguably harder 18:41 Tangles: Don't most of the trophies in devnull require doing multiple ascensions? 18:41 unless you restrict yourself to AceHack and NH4 18:42 jonadab: I guess so? it depends on what you're aiming for though 18:42 jonadab: no more than for the june tournament. 18:42 Hmm. 18:42 Tangles: there might still be time to persuade krystal to pass the reins of "official /dev/null/nethack" onto someone else 18:42 I took one look at the list of trophies and noped out. 18:42 and _none_ of the trophies require you to ascend slex :P 18:43 jonadab: bear in mind that the top trophies are rarely obtained by anyone 18:43 full monty is basically never done, for example 18:43 even if you allow no-bells 18:45 Are we talking difficulty of running the tournament, or difficulty of playing it? 18:46 Tangles: Heh, ok, fair point. 18:47 aos: difficulty of running the tournament is immaterial for whether I'd play or not. 18:47 I just really had the impression that the devnull tournament was way more hardcore. 18:47 jonadab: the pool challenge opens on dungeon level 4... it gets harder from there. 18:47 junethack feels _reasonably_ friendly for a player who can't really hope to ascend in a month. There are other ways to contribute. 18:48 Tangles: incidentally, how far did you guys get porting the challenges and stuff to 3.6? Is that complete? 18:48 the challenge always seemed like a weird thing to me... if you want to focus on making lots of ascensions with different combinations and stuff like that, disrupting the game with a challenge seems weird 18:49 jonadab: Yes, that was all done. 18:49 though I can see why disrupting the game could be the whole point 18:49 aos: the challenges were intended to give players something to do if they weren't good enough at NetHack to ascend normally 18:49 New challenge for 2017: you must do a Brogue mastery with the max number of lumenstones. 18:50 aos: also to add some uniqueness and flavour to the tournament. 18:50 ais523: Ah, interesting, I did not realize taht. 18:50 *that 18:50 admittedly I don't really care much for most of them 18:51 I wonder if krystal would be open to someone else taking over the website subdomain and continuing the challenge "as though it were official" but on a completely new codebase 19:07 ais523: Yeah I guess there has already been some thinking along those lines. Mandevil has done some work on a new codebase for the website, and we have all the code that runs on the game servers. 19:07 but nobody has heard boo from krystal until today. 19:08 anyway I have to go to work, but I'll keep an eye on this through the day. 19:09 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:11 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 19:19 -!- ais523 has quit [] 19:19 -!- mikecripke has joined #hardfought 19:19 -!- mikecripke has left #hardfought 19:21 hrm. based on events, i'd like to put forth the theory that krystal does not read email, or at least the email sent to the address you guys have been using 19:22 he does however seem to use twitter. perhaps an approach there might be fruitful 19:22 an orderly passing of the mantle would be nice 19:36 hothraxxa: It's the email he told us to use when he asked for volunteers. But no it seems he does not read it. 19:37 hi 19:37 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 19:38 * K2 starts reading backscroll 19:40 And yes, he may or may not look at responses to the tweet. 19:40 Will this finally be the thing that makes me sign up to twitter? 19:41 wow 19:41 well... alrighty then 19:42 Tangles/Mandevil, I'll host if you guys still want to keep devnull alive 19:42 count me in 19:44 Tangles: what email were you using to send msgs to krystal? 19:44 Hmm it's been a while. Let me trawl my sent items. 19:45 krystal@devnull.net sound right? 19:45 Yes I tried that one. 19:46 that's what shows on her domain registrar/admin info 19:46 i have a name, an address and a phone number 19:46 plus the email 19:46 also volunteer@nethack.devnull.net 19:47 Tangles: My advice is, only use Twitter through something like twirssi or bitlbee. Under no circumstances attempt to use the Twitter web interface. It is horrific. 19:48 K2: his. 19:48 name i'm looking at could go either way 19:48 ;) 19:48 Yeah 19:48 No way to know, unless you know. 19:50 well I thought Tangles was a more feminine name until I saw K2 and others consistently using male pronouns to refer to you :) 19:50 heh 19:50 domain is paid up thru feb next year 19:51 was registered over 20 yrs ago. nice 19:53 aos: I was dubbed "Tangles" by my roomies in '91 after this guy: http://www.maxwalker.com.au/ 19:54 i love nickname stories 19:54 He was a prominent commentator of cricket at the time (was well past his days as a player), but the guys thought I sounded like him when I spoke. 19:55 ;) 19:57 Who is krystal? 19:57 Oh 19:57 devnull admin 20:08 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 20:14 what happened to Chris_ANG? he go on vacation? :P 20:29 Didn't he fall off the face of the planet last year around this time only to emerge in the last two days before junethack with updates? 21:27 perhaps 21:35 !seen Chris_ANG 21:36 function doesnt exist 21:36 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 21:42 I can just use the irc logs :) 21:43 last thing he said was aug 27 22:03 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 22:21 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) had Frost Brand bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:75780 22:22 wow, got gifted Frostbane, immediately sacc a silver dragon and get "reconciliation" again 22:22 \o/ 22:22 which is amazing as I've been crowned already 22:23 I already have Grays and the Sceptre so I don't really need more weapons 22:23 just making/saccing monsters to train up my boomerang skillz 22:24 [dnh] k2 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 20645 points, T:5787, killed by a hill orc 22:25 ooops 22:25 old game 22:25 * K2 shrugs 22:58 good old rnz() 23:12 [slex] Yuring (Pok Dro Fem Neu), 83086 points, T:12749, killed by a monster (hallucinogen-distorted dark elf) 23:16 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) had Ogresmasher bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:76425 23:17 Finally you have a serious weapon! 23:18 now don't let a centaur prince kill you by shooting 5 arrows at you in a single turn 23:18 that happens a lot in slashem extended 23:20 Tangles: yes, finally, now I feel ready to ascend 23:21 I can ditch the crappy Grayswandir and Sceptre of Might, and ascend with the mighty Ogremuncher thingy 23:22 except that there aren't any ogres in the end game anyway so nvm 23:22 lol 23:23 Before that, Anu just gifted me a stained spellbook - I was hoping for Playboy September 1985 (Madonna issue), but bah it was just polymorph 23:25 lol 23:29 pre-stained by Anu... do you really want that? 23:30 Tangles: Jesus is the son of God and he is meant to come twice - imagine what Anu can do (given a little inspiration)? 23:33 I think I'd rather not :P 23:33 fair point 23:34 * Grasshopper sprays forum-sanitiser around liberally 23:43 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:76606 23:43 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:76607 23:43 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:76609 23:46 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) performed the invocation, on T:76627 23:49 Grasshopper, spray their conservative hive like that some more 23:51 K2: He(Chris_ANG) teaches at a uni/collage I believe