00:04 congrats K2 on the giant wizard! 00:12 thanks! 00:12 * K2 likes giants 00:12 tossing boulders early/mid game is fun 00:13 and finding acid blast spell fairly early was nice too. its like having unlimited nuclear bombs in your arsenal 00:14 oh wow... 00:14 just started a dnethack game (human wizard) 00:14 starting spells: force bolt, jumping, magic missile, identity 00:14 err identify 00:15 i wont make it 100 turns 00:19 That's a really good spell selection, if you can live to cast any of it. 00:21 at least the first 3 are 0% fail 00:21 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 00:21 starting with MM is huge 00:21 That's rather good if you have the Pw for it, yes. 00:21 i will by lvl 2 00:21 Identify is arguably the _best_ of the lot, but only if you live long enough. 00:21 yup 00:22 Jumping... is theoretically great, if you can remember you have it. 00:22 hah 00:22 I never even remember to jump as a knight. 00:25 me neither 00:25 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:25 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:25 prob because you cant jump straight 00:31 oh wow 00:31 just gained three intrinsics from one meal 00:31 is dnethack on a percentage? or did i just get full intrinsic? 00:32 full intrinsic, but they time out 00:32 ah 00:33 is it possible to make them permanent? 00:34 only permanent intrinsics are from crowning and levels, I think 00:34 there are artifacts that give slotless fire/cold/shock resistance in the chaos quest though 00:35 cool 00:44 [dnh] k2 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2477 01:04 You can get permanant from corpses 01:04 But it has to be from a unique above level 14 iirc 01:05 So eating the platinum/chromatic dragon will net you permanant resists 01:05 sweet 01:05 so i am at minetown 01:06 Nice 01:06 and before in a shop on regular lwvel i found a helm of brilliance and gauntlets of power 01:07 black torch 01:07 is that special? 01:07 Yes 01:08 (found in hardware store) 01:08 Shadowlander's torch -- creates radius 3 darkness then 'lit' 01:08 *when 01:08 Well, not 'special' as in artifact or other unique item. 01:09 heh 01:09 anti light torch 01:09 Remember to name artifacts 01:10 why? 01:10 Why not? 01:10 They don't count against wishing. 01:10 Grimtooth, Sting, and Orcrist are all really light 01:10 And give slotless warning against their 'hated' monsters 01:10 ok 01:10 are they better than their vanilla counterparts? 01:11 Also, if wielded Sting cuts through webs without wasting a turn, 01:11 Grimtooth gives warning of elves, humans, dwarves, angels, and some other thing 01:11 Sting is orcs and spiders, Orcrist is orcs and demons 01:11 which is useful if you run into an edderkop. 01:12 Edderkops are nasty 01:12 I wish there was an easy namable artifact that warned of gnomes though 01:13 i am assuming small daggers do less dmg than regular ones? 01:13 Each size increment represents a die size increment of 2 01:13 Yes, I believe the die is 2 sizes smaller. 01:13 ok 01:13 They're like a quarter the weight, though. 01:13 @Chris_ANG: Does that apply to the 'small rocks' as well? 01:14 Half the weight 01:14 Yes, and their continued existance is a bug. 01:14 Hmm, I wonder if wishing for gigantic bullets would work for the mass-shadow pistol 01:15 It does, but I wonder if the -20 to-hit applies 01:16 dammit... got some serious lag over my cellular connection 01:19 Chris_ANG: I think gigantic silver bullets might be my new endgame ammo for a drow anachrononaut 01:19 bah 01:19 lol 01:19 no lamps in Izchak's shop 01:19 That's a shame 01:20 Gigantic size puts them at a healthy 2d16+4(+d20) vs large 01:21 averaging .5 damage per hit more than a gigantic loadstone, before silver damage 01:22 (Though good luck carrying the gigantic loadstone, it would weight a ton) 01:25 You see here a big chest with 10 keyholes. 01:25 magic chest 01:25 asking me which lock to open heh 01:25 shared inventory between all magic chests in the dungeon 01:25 sweet 01:26 The different locks are just so you can keep different piles of stuff seperate 01:26 get out 01:26 ? 01:26 GET OUT 01:26 thats awesome 01:26 10 different partitions 01:27 (I usually just use 0, because that's what opens when you kick them) 01:27 hah 01:27 and you can carry it 01:27 They weight 1000, so you need some shenanigans to lug one around effectively 01:28 * K2 has gauntlets of power 01:28 Tie-Dye shirt and you could be unburdened with it 01:29 Because you'll be stressed carrying it once you start piling armour onto your body and loot into your bag 01:30 i took it to the temple in minetown 01:30 good spot to park it 01:30 Yup 01:30 dynahack and fourk have magic chests, but they are immobile 01:30 There are some forced magic chest spawns 01:31 but they spawn in key spots 01:31 Vlad, Lost tomb, Castle, and some role quests all have forced magic chests 01:31 nice 01:31 You can also polypile magic tools for them, or wish 01:32 Wishing for one on astral is good way to strain yourself with gems and artifacts the turn before ascention 01:32 so apparently as a human, i feel a deep kinship with Uruk-hai 01:32 Huh 01:32 when trying to eat one 01:32 i am thinking i prob shouldnt 01:32 Mhm 01:33 As a caveman, cannibalism actually gives an alignment bonus and no penalty, which is nice 01:33 Especially for the bat-race, who have a 'deep kinship' to all animals in the dungeon. 01:33 can monsters loot unlocked chests/boxes and bags? 01:34 I believe not 01:34 ok 01:34 in grunthack they can (and do) so I tend to lock my boxes 01:34 Grunt is evil 01:34 :) 01:35 dnh is just poorly balanced (at times) :P 01:36 If you read the commits you can find some horribly nasty things that get toned down to a sane level before release, like the ancient of death breath attack 01:36 hah 01:37 First commit of that was a basically unblockable 23d8 hit. Magic resistance just saved you from an instadeath 01:37 It got toned down to slightly smaller numbers 01:38 At this point, I would like to point out that the tone-down process occured BEFORE release :P 01:38 I did mention that. briefly 01:38 woohoo divination now as basic 01:38 Unlike shoggoths 01:38 identify for everyone 01:38 * Tarmunora shudders at mention of shoggoths 01:38 btw, genocide shoggoths. 01:38 yeah 01:38 Yeah 01:38 ^K2 01:39 they are nasty in unnethack and sporkhack as well 01:39 Jubjub birds are another good single-target choice 01:39 And phase spiders are a personal pet peeve 01:39 are liches still #1 on the geno list or is it other things for dnethack? 01:40 I prefer genociding mimics in case I get orcus or dispater in gehennom 01:40 right but thats not priority 01:40 Liches are mostly manageable 01:41 I don't know if the really nasty ones can be genocided (death knights and eternal matriarchs) 01:42 And fair warning, The Dark One loves to cast flesh to stone 01:45 ouch 01:45 cave lizard - same as regular lizard as far as cockatrice are concerned? 01:45 Both those are genocideable. 01:45 Yes, but it might rot 01:45 I can't remember 01:45 It's also heavier. I think it doesn't rot. 01:46 found a small cave lizard in an ice box 01:46 I actually forgot eternal matriarchs are genocideable. It might be part of why they seem so rare. 01:46 OK, so class-genociding L is quite worth it to prevent those 2 kinds of L from popping up 01:47 Cave lizard corpes rot 01:48 Sigh. I really should just introduce a "lizard tail" comestable to take the place of lizard corpses. 01:56 ^ 01:56 #ad 01:56 oops 02:01 Chris_ANG: really enjoying your variant so far 02:02 glad i finally foun time to get it a serious go 02:02 *found 02:02 s/get/give 02:02 * K2 sighs 02:02 Fun fact: wizards cannot multishoot daggers 02:02 i am seeing that 02:03 but thats ok 02:03 Do you have a first wish planned in case of a lucky lamp/potion/throne? 02:03 no 02:04 no idea what to wish for as wizard in dnethack 02:04 i've heard the shambala shirt 02:04 robe of archmage? 02:04 Nonwishable 02:04 BULLSHIT 02:04 :P 02:04 Gauntlets of Spell Power grant 2x spell samage 02:04 samage 02:04 *damage 02:04 SAMAGE 02:05 smamage is even better 02:05 its like make me a samich 02:05 They also give half spell damage (the resistance) 02:05 my wizard is lvl 8 i am gonna do some serious smamage 02:05 Other options are SDSM 02:05 Shambhala 02:06 SDSM sounds like a decent first wish as i dont have reflection yet 02:06 and i could use the AC boost 02:06 However 02:06 Vlad's tower has a 'free' CPM if you can kill cerberus 02:07 jump! 02:07 Now would be a good time to run a bit 02:09 thx 02:09 keep forgetting i have jump spell 02:09 Jumping is a lifesaver 02:11 Chris_ANG: On my Drow that died to the shoggoths, I don't recall getting the racial multishot bonus to sickle moon 02:12 brb 02:12 Do myrkalfar not count as drow for it? 02:12 Ana drow are not technicaly drow 02:12 Yeah 02:12 That's kinda sucky 02:12 :P 02:12 Shouldn't they be elfen if not droven? 02:13 Because elves are supposed to get the bonus too :/ 02:14 enjoying the power regen 02:14 is that wizard specific? 02:14 Yes 02:15 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 02:31 hah sweet mines end 02:31 looks just like what I had in fourk 02:32 the orc temple level 02:35 anything i need to be aware of concerning altar sacrificing vs vanilla behavior? 02:37 Hmm 02:37 Not really 02:37 Only gifts and artifacts count against sac gifting 02:38 And you can rarely get a god minion iirc. RARELY 02:39 heh i just did when i converted 02:39 the quaist of moloch! 02:39 and i named grimtooth 02:39 needs me some magicbane 02:40 Well, you can rarely get a 'pet' from your god for sacrificing 02:53 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:00 Chris_ANG: K2 just encountered a 'Giant Mummy Zombie' 03:00 That seems wrong, somehow 03:14 K2: If you find a droven cloak on a zombie/mummy/drow, hold on to it. You can use them to lay down up to 3 webs, and also to sweep up webs in 1 turn 03:16 thanks 03:17 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 03:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 03:18 Good luck with Cerberus 03:18 heh 03:18 should i wait? 03:18 mmh 03:18 You probably can take him 03:18 Got any !oHealing/etc? 03:18 one 03:19 His fire breath is the nasty part 03:19 You can use circle of acheron to ward off his melee 03:19 Use force bolt to bust down the drawbridge and iron bars 03:20 right 03:20 was about to say i cant lev or water walk but i can jump 03:21 Force bolt clears iron bars, you can walk across to the entrance 03:22 :P 03:22 thx 03:22 Werewolf, nurse, and maid ahead 03:24 why is the nurse still attacking me 03:24 Bad idea 03:24 They have to be friendly 03:30 thx 03:30 thats some smamage 03:31 Huh, if you managed to get him to level up, you could eat his corpse for permanent fire resistance 03:31 I believe 03:31 I advise standing such that they cannot easily breath-attack you 03:32 right 03:32 need to bounce mm also 03:32 Or stinking cloud and slam the door 03:33 [dnh] k2 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed Cerberus, on T:10045 03:33 Nice 03:33 hahah 03:33 Stinking cloud is so great when it works 03:33 hell yeah 03:35 Next floor is loot time 03:35 do objects rot/burn away? 03:35 Scrolls/potions/books yes 03:35 Armour/weapons on 03:35 *no 03:35 ok good 03:36 in gh they will 03:36 And slex 03:36 Very useful in slex, so you can get rid of your heavily cursed -11 arrows 03:36 Go into the alcove to the left and search 03:37 Holy water 03:37 noice 03:37 crystal plate is bad ass in dnethack correct? 03:37 It is an excellent midgame armour 03:38 High AC, and doesn't impede casting 03:38 right 03:38 but its not THAT high in vanilla 03:38 Late-game, when you can have +5/+7 hat/boots/whatever, you're better off with dragon armour for the extrinsics 03:38 dnh CPM is 16 base ac, and doubled enchantment 03:39 No dex bonus, weighs 250 (DSM is 150) 03:41 K2: Vlad's gaze attack is rude 03:41 prob much like in gh 03:41 Less evil, I'd guess 03:41 MR 80 hah 03:41 yeah in gh vlad has a couple cursed scrolls of tele 03:41 he'll read them if he gets low on hp 03:42 ohh 03:42 uh huh 03:42 not nice 03:42 so the trick is, attack with wand of fire or fireball spell 03:42 dnethack's vlad is meant to be the last boss of the early game 03:43 With the first one being cerberus 03:43 but vlad's helpers... 03:43 gdamn 03:43 So long as you bounce mm, you should be fine 03:44 There are vamps behind hidden doors as well 03:44 yeah just like vanilla 03:44 Yup. The boxes also contain more vamps 03:45 The potions of blood are very useful 03:45 You can take them and the water walking boots to the first floor, then blank them all and make a stack of >20 holy water 03:46 yup 03:46 what i usually do with blood 03:46 some blood is useful 03:46 Beholder, lizard 03:46 this si where dnethack differes 03:46 differs 03:47 usually only see regular blood and vampire blood 03:47 only useful if you're a vampire 03:47 dnh blood can give the intrinsics from the monster it's from 03:48 neat 03:48 Such as (temporary)clairvoyance from beholders 03:48 You also get a potion of blood with your tin from a tinning kit if the monster has blood 03:48 And yes, that can create a stupid amount of polyfodder 03:55 fuck 03:55 That didn't go well 03:55 RIP? 03:56 [dnh] k2 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:10820 03:56 Ooh, you made it 03:56 Nice 03:56 that got stupid 03:56 Cut it a litttle close though 04:00 i didnt see the boots of water walking 04:00 They're in there 04:01 Same floor as the CPM 04:01 cpm 04:01 ? 04:02 crystal plate mail 04:02 oh yeah 04:03 bottom right, you missen an alcove 04:03 *missed 04:04 jesus i am tired 04:04 Lucky you 04:04 Those grant displacement 04:04 this isnt normal? 04:04 Nope 04:04 The game decided you deserved an artifact 04:04 so these are artifact boots 04:05 are they water walking? 04:05 Water walking and displacemnt 04:05 invoke for teleport 04:05 neat 04:05 Adds silver damage to kicks 04:05 hah 04:05 monk gear 04:05 I didn't know forced items could be artifacts 04:05 Hammerfeet are much better for kicking 04:05 ~mace damage with kicks iirc 04:06 ah crap 04:11 not too shabby 04:16 Well, I'm going to sleep. Try not to DYWYPI! 04:17 ok thanks 04:17 gnite! 04:41 hah stone crates 05:08 [dnh] k2 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:14578 05:14 oh wow, if you're wielding one dagger and have the rest quivered, new similar daggers you pick up go in your quiver instead of in your hand regardless of alphabetical order 05:14 I wouldn't have noticed so quickly if my normal wielded weapon wasn't in the 'a' slot 05:30 used to be that I had to adjust the wielded dagger to something else (usually 'w') and have the quivered daggers in 'a' 05:30 don't know if that only works when you have a bunch of daggers already and quiver all but one 05:39 might be a she, or a they, or an it. 05:46 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:3442 05:47 er, the she/they/it was for another channel 05:58 ... and now, of course, I fell through a trap door with magicbane and was set upon by vicious dwarves. 06:14 :/ 06:27 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:2385 06:27 grrrr 06:28 was taking stuff to the shop (empty bags of tricks etcetera) and a white unicorn runs up and kills me 06:30 ☹ 06:51 [gh] noty (Rog Hum Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a baby crocodile, on T:12933 06:52 [gh] noty (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 26938 points, T:12936, poisoned by a rotted wraith corpse 07:16 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:43 :( 07:46 huh, did raisse's death(s) from an hour ago get livelogged? 07:53 she's got her min turns thing on pretty high so it won't necessarily show up 07:54 ah 07:55 I forgot that mintc applied to non-startscummy deaths 07:55 K2: gz for asc! 07:59 [slex] k2 (Val Dwa Mal Law), 0 points, T:13, killed by an orcish spear 07:59 jonadab: I looked at Fourk's ammo mulch formula. Seems like it'd work pretty well for rangers or cavemen, but a tourist's starting +2 darts should (I think) have a 1/48 chance of breaking every hit. This seems like it'd make the darts last longer than they're supposed to. 07:59 thanks FIQ! 07:59 !lastgame 07:59 K2: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/slex/dumplog/1503662337.slex.txt 08:00 Does something else compensate for that, like reducing the number of starting darts? 08:06 aosdict: I think I've got it at 5000 now 08:09 konsole 08:16 aosdict: I wanted the Tourist's starting darts to last a bit longer on the grounds that Tourists no longer can get multi-fire in dagger. 08:18 In vanilla, a Tourist is virtually required to find daggers ASAP before the darts run out. 08:19 [nh] Ytest (Kni Hum Fem Law), 0 points, T:100, killed by a falling object 08:25 Are there any (non-slex) variants out there that have artifact food? 08:27 Artifact _food_? There's a concept. Not AFAIK. 08:27 But dnethack has so many artifacts, that if it doesn't have artifact food, there must be a reason he's specifically avoiding it. 08:28 Wait, doesn't vanilla Slash'EM have an artifact comestible? Hand of Vecna? 08:28 You don't think of it as food because it'd be insane to eat it. But yeah. 08:28 my pets and I spell 'ork' 08:29 (kobold and rat, tamed them when they were trying to kill me) 08:29 two rats in fact but the other one was outside the room 08:32 -!- elenmirie has quit [*.net *.split] 08:32 -!- jonadab has quit [*.net *.split] 08:32 -!- Jonathanhanes has quit [*.net *.split] 08:32 -!- APic has quit [*.net *.split] 08:32 -!- Mandevil has quit [*.net *.split] 08:33 -!- Mandevil_ has joined #hardfought 08:33 -!- APic has joined #hardfought 08:33 -!- Jonathanhanes has joined #hardfought 08:33 !netsplit 08:33 -!- jonadab has joined #hardfought 08:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v jonadab] by ChanServ 08:33 still no Beholder netsplit command? 08:34 no 08:34 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 08:34 its low on the priority list 08:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 08:46 yani: Some role (Healers? Cavemen?) gets food appraisal as a permanent intrinsic. 08:49 hea right away, cav at level 6 or so, tou at level 10 08:49 Healers already get poison resistance, so I think perhaps not them 08:49 right 08:50 and they're likely to have the means to cure food poisoning 08:51 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 28215 points, T:11536, killed by a Green-elf 09:09 -!- loli has joined #hardfought 09:25 jonadab: dnethack has hand of vecna 09:26 but it's deferred 09:26 at least it has the base item 09:30 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 09:44 * jonadab now wonders if any variant has artifact potions. 09:45 new challenge: get yourself killed by an exploding glob of slime 09:45 hi jonadab! just caught up to the backscroll: slex has artifact potions, scrolls, spellbooks, food, wands, iron chains and even venoms :D 09:46 LarienTelrunya: I specifically asked about non-slex variants 09:46 because there was no point even presuming slex didn't have them :P 09:46 aosdict: well, I wanted to point out that some of the YANIs you have on your page actually exist in slex already, so you might take a look at it and steal them if you like ;) 09:47 for example, dragon scale mail that conveys flying is old hat in slex 09:47 ADOM has an artifact consumable 09:47 hey, that isn't even on the page ye 09:47 yet* 09:47 a potion 09:48 aosdict: amy can see into the future 09:48 that's how slex automatically gets all the ideas you come up with before you come up with them 09:48 a variant of rule 34 09:48 makes sense 09:48 she merely just forgot it wasn't on the page yet ;) 09:53 Does slex have artifact monster eggs? Artifact figurines? Artifact statues? Artifact boulders? Artifact traps? Artifact monsters? Artifact doors? Artifact floor? 09:54 Eggs, figurines and boulers yes, the others no :D 09:54 *boulders 09:54 How can it not have artifact monsters if it has artifact figurines? What happens if you apply them? 09:55 Or if the artifact eggs hatch? 09:55 the artifact figurine makes the monster always spawn tame 09:55 the artifact egg does nothing special if it hatches, but makes you deathly sick if you actually try to eat it 09:55 LarienTelrunya: something I've suggested to jonadab 09:55 And if you stone-to-flesh an artifact boulder, do you get an artifact huge chunk of meat? 09:55 which also apply for you 09:55 since you both have scrolls of wishing 09:56 is that confused reading of the scroll allows you to wish for a monster rather than an object 09:56 similar to #genesis in wizmode, allthough with saner restrictions (since it isn't debug) 09:56 jonadab: Hmm. That would have to be tested. 09:56 FIQ: not planning to do that 09:56 :( 09:57 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:57 FIQ: the only way to make that worth the player's while would be to make it not redundant with figurine wishing by eliminating the 10% chance of hostile, 10% chance of peaceful thing. But I think that's there for a reason. 09:58 Though I suppose it could be made a _smaller_ percentage. 09:58 jonadab: did you know that slex disallows wishing for specific figurines (or eggs, corpses, statues, tins for that matter)? You can only wish for a figurine, but what monster it will be is random. 09:59 LarienTelrunya: No blessed figurine of a planetar for pacifists: 09:59 ? 10:00 Well, you can hope that it becomes a planetar, but that is unlikely unless you make the wish on a level where planetars would not be out of depth. 10:01 jonadab: that was the point 10:01 allow guranteed tame/hostile 10:01 that way 10:01 similar to how scrolls of wishing performs "better" wishes generally 10:02 I'm just not sure entirely-risk-free archon wishes would be a good idea. 10:08 Incidentally, I'm currently working on dragon tiles: http://jonadab.jumpingcrab.com/pastebin/838.png 10:09 (The top and bottom ones there are stock RLTiles-32 images. The intermediate ones are my own interpolations.) 10:11 Doing the same thing for DawnHack is going to be a royal pain, because it uses completely different images for each color of dragon, not just color swaps. 10:13 I may have to punt DawnHack dragon differentation to, much as I hate to do that. 10:14 * jonadab needs to recruit a real tileset artist or three. 10:37 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:37 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:40 Tangles: how's the convict going 10:41 slex hates pacifists 10:43 I wanna see somebody do a pacifist ascension in Fourk, actually. 10:50 -!- loli has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:52 [slex] zennaris (Sla Ink Mal Neu), 1688 points, T:1030, poisoned by a rotted elf corpse 10:53 FIQ: Still going 10:54 Just ate rotten food and a mind flayer came and had a couple of free rounds while I was cunconcious :( 10:54 that's why you genocide these bastards 10:56 mind flayers > disenchanters > mimics > arch-lich's in that order :P 10:56 I generally don't care for disenchanters 10:56 but yeah, if I haven't done orctown yet, mimics have to go 10:56 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:56 Yeah they are normally fairly high on my list too. 10:57 disenchanters that is 10:57 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:57 more than once have I found magic lamps or markers in orctown 10:57 genociding mimics is totally worth it 10:57 nothing worse accidentally ruining those carefully crafted +7 silver sabers 10:58 I may be not genociding this game though... It's too early to call, but I have a good shot at whishless/genoless. 10:58 I just finished wishless yesterday! 10:58 I have to justify the turncount somehow :P 10:59 lol 10:59 I think my next goal should be wishless/genoless/poly-pileless tourist 10:59 Disenchanters are situational. If I have speed boots and magic missile, I don't need to geno them. If I'm a barbarian, they gotta go. 11:00 jonadab: yeah that's fair. 11:00 EPI: disenchanters permanently reduce your spell damage 11:00 I don't think I forgot any discoveries from the flayer. 11:00 Is amnesia not a thing in UnNetHack? 11:01 aosdict: The point with magic missile is you can kill them easily with little risk. 11:01 or is it map only? 11:01 I think it's map only 11:01 Ah ok. Well that I can live with. I'll just magic-map everything on the way back up. 11:01 At least I know it's map only for dynahack 11:02 EPI: amnesia is a status effect, so once you get it, you _continue forgetting things_, even after you relearn them. 11:02 Not too bad if you know identify - unless it means your forget spells too 11:03 Of course you do. 11:03 forget identify, then forget which book and scroll is identify 11:03 Also, EPI: if you get amnesia, you can forget how to read. 11:03 sounds like my worst nightmares 11:05 -!- Mandevil_ is now known as Mandevil 11:05 Worst amnesia happening was getting amnesia'd 3x in a row due to riding a dragon Useless Patch Idea: scroll that teaches you how to read, but you need to be able to read in order to use it 11:12 New Monster Idea: Librarian - confers literacy 11:13 And breaks illiterate conduct, of course. 11:13 EPI - Librarians are whatever race you are each game 11:14 [un] Tangles (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:50419 11:14 He only zapped the wand once! :) 11:15 ..and that's officially the furthest I have taken a convict. I splatted the last one just before killing Orcus. 11:15 nice! 11:53 jonadab: with the fourk mulch changes, did Rangers' starting inventory change at all? Do they still get a lot of +2 and more +0 arrows? 11:56 I don't remember the details, but it's probably similar. 11:56 Of course, my _intention_ is that Rangers be able to use their bow exclusively for all combat. 11:56 If they choose to. 12:07 EPI: If you try to #monster as a monster with a breath attack and you get the "You don't have enough energy to breathe!" message, you suffocate. 12:26 So I learned something interesting in my dnh game the other day 12:27 I was playing a tourist, and if you use the PYEC while your alignment is not neutral by means of Helm of OA then it will only work as a uncursed charging instead of a blessed charging 12:27 Which I had guessed might be the case 12:28 But then I forgot to take off my helm anyway 12:28 Rip 2 WoW charges :| 12:46 I'm an idiot... I've been debugging this for a while trying to figure out why my Pw is resolutely remaining at 11/11 regardless of me casting spells or recovering energy... I've been looking at my HP 12:47 -!- eady has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:04 11 HP. 13:04 You might wanna gain a level or two. 13:05 -!- eady has joined #hardfought 13:17 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:17 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 13:22 woooo Tangles! 13:25 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:3545 13:34 jonadab: it's just debugging a patch, I don't care :) 13:34 Ah. 13:35 EPI: a monster with an attack that permacaps your maxHP at its current level, and it can never go higher by any means. 13:35 Can generate on level 1. 13:36 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Mal Law), 4573 points, T:3831, quit 13:36 aosdict: Can't _any_ monster generate on _any_ level in slex, at least some of the time? 13:37 Slex isn't the Evil Patch. Yet. 13:37 Could've fooled me. 13:37 It's very theoretically possible for Medusa to spawn randomly when dungeon level 1 is generated in slex. The chances are astronomically low. 13:37 So I guess the answer is yes. :) 13:39 Theorem #3 of the Evil Patch: as long as no variant exists that incorporates _all_ evil patch ideas, as originally conceived unless modified by the community to make them more evil, the Evil Patch cannot be considered to exist. 13:40 Eh, the evil patch is a theoretical construct. 13:40 It's not _intended_ to actually be implemented. At all. Any of it. 13:40 Well, I'm planning to add an evilvariant mode to slex one day. It will include some of those EPIs that I deem too cruel for the regular game. 13:40 Well, parts of it do get implemented 13:40 I am sure that will be the most popular mode. 13:40 aosdict: So I noticed. 13:41 But that was never the intent. 13:42 EPI: a diagonaloban level that looks like Sokoban 2a, but with more boulders. 13:43 Lots more boulders. 13:43 EPI: every dungeon level is a Sokoban level 13:43 jonathan_: sokosolver race in slex :D 13:44 Is this like the joke - simpsons did it first? :P 13:45 slex has implemented a lot of ideas over the past one or two years, so some of the EPIs that get suggested are already in there 13:45 wow you're actually testing it! dlvl1 is grace period, but from level 2 onwards, you'll see plenty of sokoban levels 13:48 EPI: in addition to the luck penalty, if you cheat at Sokoban, you can't get the prize. 14:05 [slex] jonathan (Ota Sok Mal Neu), 419 points, T:885, killed by a monster (zombified moogle) 14:07 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Orc Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:4931 14:08 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 3949 points, T:4220, killed by a soldier ant 14:10 -!- loli has joined #hardfought 14:11 elenmirie: got your bones, minetown with the trees 14:11 killed by (probably) a gnome lord in the hardware store doorway 14:11 ah 14:12 argh, Nieb got all the stuff 14:12 but I have +4 gauntlets of dexterity anyway (death-drop from a random jackal), don't need monk gloves 14:12 I think there's a stethoscope in there if you need it... iirc I bumped into a gas spore while leaving the shop 14:18 idea to "fix" orctown and make it palatable to players: return the general store as it was in Frontier Town, with an alive shopkeeper, who is barricaded in by boulders. 14:18 I want to know what people think of that before actually implementing it 14:19 rather boring mnetown but I did buy the spellbooks 14:20 er the stethoscope 14:20 not the spellbook, couldn't afford that 14:20 (though I could have used healing or sleep) 14:20 aosdict: mind if I ask whether you have a repository, since you say "implementing"? is there a Pholendewodanhack now? 14:21 LarienTelrunya: there is a collection of patches as git branches, nothing more at the moment. 14:22 as I've said before, my design philosophy is to test out one or more changes applied to 3.6, then start over with new ones 14:22 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:23 okay, but what if someone is interested in your code? would they have any chance of seeing it so they can decide whether they want to steal it? :D 14:24 https://github.com/copperwater/xNetHack 14:24 ah, that's great :) 14:24 you now have your first stargazer! 14:24 whoa so many branches! I guess every branch is a distinct YANI? 14:25 I'm thinking the current collection of patches is *almost* enough to call it "releasable". 14:25 Probably should add some endgame stuff though, not much of it is 14:25 gnomish sewer ♥ 14:26 ah, yes. that one I *did* make into a .des 14:28 oh damn, you're using that weird des file format instead of the original one, which will make porting difficult... but I'll manage :) 14:28 * raisse feels in touch with the cosmos! 14:28 This is 3.6 des, yes 14:28 the new normal 14:30 eh I'm just going to make the orctown change anyway 14:30 LarienTelrunya: If you merge Pasi Kallinen's levcomp changes, you can use the new .des too. 14:30 jonadab: But I'd have to change all the existing .des files, and slex has... a lot. 14:30 LarienTelrunya: It'll be fun, it'll be fun, it'll be fun. 14:31 Also: do it now, before slex has _even more_ des files to change. 14:31 Well I have more than enough items on my to-do list right now. 14:31 ORLY. 14:31 New terrain types and dungeon features are a thing. Crystal water, styx rivers, pentagrams, beds etc. etc. aosdict: maybe those will be interesting for you once they go live :D 14:32 are beds \? 14:32 LarienTelrunya: technically, toilets count as new, for the vanilla level compiler. They're a Slash'EM innovation. 14:33 aosdict: beds are bright cyan | 14:33 (the same as gravestones) 14:33 [slex] zennaris (Rin Syl Mal Neu), 1332 points, T:1363, killed by a monster (heisenbug) 14:33 Gravestones are bright cyan in slex? They're bright black in vanilla, aren't they? 14:33 jonadab: I think that can be done via a simple addition to lev_main.c, actually 14:33 Ah. I was wondering if the general trend was "household furniture that isn't a sink = \". 14:33 ah, gravestones are gray, I meant the glyph is the same 14:34 well, I guess a throne isn't household furniture :p 14:34 aosdict: I think \ are things you sit on, though personally I'd put beds in that category. 14:34 snow, ash, sand, paved floors etc. will all be the same glyph as ice 14:34 wagons will be \ 14:34 ... of course slex has wagons. Why wouldn't it? 14:35 Does it have minecarts that run on tracks? 14:35 :D 14:35 wagons will allow the player to hide under them, which makes it difficult for monsters to spot them, similar to a snake hiding under an item 14:36 oh, and ash terrain will be created when freezing lava, and if it gets hit by fire, it becomes lava again :D is that an EPI? 14:36 Only if you have a lot of ash and a lot of fire attacks in the same place. 14:36 I don't know how ash works, but I don't think that's how ash works 14:37 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 14:40 LarienTelrunya: for the pokemon trainer role, is there a Team Rocket YAFM when Rodney double troubles? 14:40 heh, unfortunately not, but I guess I should add Team Rocket to the game 14:40 Team Missile Bomb! :D 14:41 Does slex have thrintun? 14:42 no, I didn't even know what that's supposed to be 14:43 Does slex have Bullet Bill turrets that shoot fast-moving self-destructing Bullet Bill monsters? 14:43 :D no, but it has goombas and buzzy beetles and Bowser! 14:43 LarienTelrunya: The thrintun are the ancient slaver race from the Known Space / Ringworld series. 14:43 Their most notable characteristic is telepathic mind control. 14:44 so they would be mind flayer-esque in-game? 14:44 No, they don't _destroy_ minds, they _control_ them. 14:44 Tarmunora: I guess a bullet bill would be a black e? 14:44 So if you get close to one, you become its slave. 14:45 Or a y. y is underused 14:45 * aosdict thinks y and e could be merged without much trouble 14:46 aosdict: y and e are merged in Fourk. 14:46 LarienTelrunya: if it doesn't already exist, implement your #jump-squashing idea for a new "plumber" role based on Mario. 14:46 heh, maybe 14:47 Bowser would be promoted to quest nemesis, of course. 14:47 And if you play that role, the game plays the same twenty-note melody in the background over and over and over and over again until you go out of your mind? 14:47 Bowser is actually the gamer role nemesis in slex 14:51 EPI: Hallucination creates additional hallucinatory items and monsters instead of just messing with the real ones on the level 14:51 So you can see 'monsters' in empty tiles 14:56 dtype 14:56 K2 14:56 when you're free I have a question for ya, need your help 14:56 oh hi 14:56 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 14:57 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:57 sometimes dgamelaucnh will set the wrong folder/file permissions and it seems to happen at random 14:57 was wondering if you'd ever seen that behavior 14:58 i have it more than random. We have some broken umask stuff on nao 14:58 that I fix cheaply with cron jobs 14:58 [nd] Raisse (Wiz Orc Fem Cha), 9637 points, T:10696, killed by a wolf 14:58 ok 14:58 but that's with things like new accounts dgldir files 14:58 so far i've been fixing it manually 14:58 yeah, dgl should be setting umasks and isn't properly 14:58 here's what I get, see if it matches up with what you're seeing 14:58 at least, works internally, but not on website 14:59 user folders and their game subfolders chmod 2700 14:59 and ttyrecs and sometimes rc files chmod 600 14:59 yeah sounds about right 14:59 ok so its not just me 14:59 but for new users I think 15:00 but yeah fixing in scripts. haven't fixed dgl 15:00 ok 15:00 yeah i can make a test account and the file/folder perms are fine 15:00 then an established user will go play a game or try and new variant and bam 15:01 it seems random 15:03 I'm sure is programatic in some way. :) 15:04 ;) 15:04 I already suggested that it could be based on some weird assumed-to-be-unrelated thing like the amount of lag between the user and the server. 15:04 just havent seen the pattern yet 15:04 hah jonadab 15:04 the 500 mile email 15:04 (Think: race condition.) 15:04 Yeah. 15:05 well strangely this makes me feela tad bit better 15:05 because its not just me 15:05 "known bug" 15:05 yes 15:05 dtype how often do you run the cron job on NAO? 15:05 I think a few times a day 15:07 ok once a day 15:07 #!/bin/bash 15:07 ### dgl is creating dirs with wrong permissions. Don't have time to fix, so this stopgap in place until then. -drew 15:07 cd /opt/nethack/nethack.alt.org/dgldir 15:07 find . -type d ! -perm -g+r -exec chmod -c 755 '{}' \; 15:07 find ! -perm -o+r -exec chmod -c go+r '{}' \; 15:07 Modern cron can do stuff like */5 15:08 so that's been in there for years. :) 15:09 yup that's very close to the command i have been executing manually 15:09 lol years 15:10 * K2 loves find 15:10 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 15:17 -!- loli has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:27 gah, I must be too tired to play, I read "You feel very lethargic" as "You feel very telepathic" 15:30 Anyone know where I should start looking in the code to see how the des parsing works? I'm sick of the wiki being 3.4 specific 15:38 -!- Manaflare has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:45 Ugh. It should not be this hard to add a shop back into orctown. 15:49 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a gelatinous cube, on T:3505 15:50 aosdict: arent you defeating the purpose of orctown? 15:55 dtype: got my crontab all set now for fixing folder/file perm issues with dgl 15:55 will run every 4 hours on the hour (starting midnight) 15:55 yeah I'd run more often but that directory is huge on nao 15:55 -!- loli has joined #hardfought 15:56 if anyone needed to run more often it'd be NAO given the constant use 15:56 although now that ttyrecs/dumplogs are archived on s3 might be faster 15:56 helps that my server has an SSD 15:56 file read/writes are wicked fast 15:57 K2: orctown not having anything going for it is a source of massive complaints. Might as well put a shop back in for price id and see what happens. 15:57 but the total number of users I have is 219? 220? you have over 100k ;) 15:57 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 6873 points, T:4516, killed by a dwarf lord 15:57 elenmirie :( 15:58 running hourly now on NAO. seems to run much faster without millions of ttyrec files 15:58 I already broke a conduct :( 15:58 aosdict are you making your own version? 15:58 aosdict: it would make orctown slightly less awful 15:58 dtype: i prob could run every hour, its takes literally a second 15:59 plus you can tell find to drill down some so its not scanning every single folder 15:59 used to take an agonizing few minutes on nao. the ttyrecs were the culprit, but those are off box now 15:59 this is my ttyrec line - find /opt/nethack/hardfought.org/dgldir/userdata/*/*/*/ttyrec -type f -perm 0600 -name "*.ttyrec" -exec chmod -c 644 '{}' \; > /var/log/chmod_dgl_ttyrec.log 2>&1 16:00 someday i'll have to address ttyrec usage 16:00 those take up more space than anything as you're well aware 16:00 K2: maybe. 16:01 K2: probably. 16:01 ;) 16:03 aosdict: another thing that would help make orctown slightly less horrible is to have some of the town watch gear and shopkeeper gear still around (maybe in possession of the orcs) 16:03 so you have a chance of finding gloves and a key 16:04 elenmirie: that's easy enough, drop the gear with their corpses and expect some of the orcs to pick it up 16:04 and money, because they stole it all but don't have shops to spend it any more 16:04 drop gold on shopkeeper corpses, the orcs will probably grab it 16:05 still can't figure out why REGION:(4,4,6,7),lit,"shop",filled creates an untended, unfilled shop 16:06 elenmirie: heck, even some spellbooks and a robe for the priest too 16:06 yeah! 16:06 that would make it more worth fighting the hordes 16:06 You could have everything from town in a big pile in the center where the orcs had a little cleansing fire 16:07 idea: have a priest be in the temple in orctown, but have it be a somewhat powerful orc shaman and the altar is still unaligned (moloch) 16:07 the thing with des files is I don't think there's any way to actually give monsters gear yet 16:07 you just have to drop it on the ground and hope they use it 16:07 with appropraite gear on said priest/shaman 16:08 aosdict: because shopkeepers and shop loot are created separately? 16:09 raisse: the filled should take care of that as far as I can tell 16:09 oh right, didn't see the filled 16:09 it works well enough in Bustling Town even without the filled 16:09 and Grotto Town, and so forth 16:10 changed crontab to hourly, append logfile 16:10 You need a shopkeeper. 16:10 otherwise i'll miss it when it actually finds a permissions issue and fixes it 16:11 in other towns, at least one keeper exists so the shop gets sorted correctly 16:11 lorimer: didnt you invent orctown? 16:11 with no keeper, it's an abandoned shop 16:11 k2: yes :) judging by the complaints, it was clearly a good idea 16:11 lorimer: Grotto Town and Bustling Town don't have specified shopkeepers though? 16:11 lol YES 16:11 aosdict: but they do have keepers on the level 16:12 if i were to change orctown, i'd just add an angry orc shaman priest 16:12 this is probably a bug in general with the shop generation code 16:12 or neutral 16:12 hmm 16:12 an already angry priest would be a really bad thing... 16:12 -!- nymphet has joined #hardfought 16:12 yeah prob neutral 16:12 but worth trying to take down 16:12 K2: Why not three angry priests? 16:13 hell why not 20 16:13 Yes. 16:13 ;) 16:13 Why can't the orcs have a bunch of /oCreateMon? 16:13 heck, throw in a balrog 16:13 some orc shamans should actually already be getting generated down there just by the random 'o' code 16:13 If a thing is worth overdoing, it's worth massively overdoing. 16:13 lol 16:13 not everyone here will know what we're describing ;) 16:14 Perhaps we can have a verson called demontown 16:14 A demonic rift has opened up in town 16:14 Flayertown FTW. 16:14 Lava, demons, a couple of high level lichs 16:14 how bout funkytown 16:14 some orc shamans already are hardcoded 16:14 Or archlichtown. 16:14 they hang out in the temple 16:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s36eQwgPNSE 16:14 Archontown? 16:14 Funkytown - hallu status stays on the whole time you are there 16:14 lol 16:15 "You hear some sick beats" 16:15 -!- mariari has joined #hardfought 16:15 Goldennagatown 16:15 beholdetown 16:15 Haha. 16:16 EPI: the level above beholdertown always has 20 trapdoors. 16:16 Jamestown - potions of fruit juice strewn throughout town 16:16 -!- loli has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:16 aaaaaand we've gotten carried away 16:16 too far 16:16 Jonestown - everything is flooded 16:16 -!- mariari is now known as loli 16:16 nobody mentioned Demogorgon yet 16:16 elenmirie: did you know i had a pet beholder for awhile in my last gh game? 16:16 no! 16:16 you can charm them 16:16 that must have been fun 16:17 it was 16:17 K2: And you went to depth 4 in order to try to leave bones there? 16:17 do they, well, behold? 16:17 it was stoning and disintegrating everything 16:17 Styx Town: minetown, except instead of regular dungeon floor, there's Styx water everywhere, which increases weeping angel contamination for every turn spent standing in it. 16:17 ah yes, they do 16:17 lol 16:17 excellent 16:17 hi. my name is tim the beholder. i behold 16:17 but they are slow 16:18 I beholding this here amulet of yendor 16:18 a winged gargoyle killed it and it didnt leave a corpse 16:18 do they normally leave corpses? 16:18 my next grunthack game, i'm not doing purple rain. i'm doing the beholder horde 16:18 raisse: they can 16:19 -!- nymphet has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:19 I thought they wouldn't because they're e 16:19 floating eyes do 16:19 they are e like a floating eye 16:19 yes, true 16:19 they're a floating fucking big eye 16:19 and they are huge, lots of nutrition points 16:19 they have lots of eyes 16:19 each one with a different attack 16:21 I need one of these: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0957/7324/products/8713-21857-1000x1000_1024x1024.jpg?v=1439513403 16:21 -!- Chris_ANG has joined #hardfought 16:21 wow! 16:22 heh 16:22 hah that is awesome 16:22 i'm getting that for mini-me 16:22 WOw thats way cool 16:24 its a dice bag! 16:24 https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0957/7324/products/8713-21862-1000x1000.jpg?v=1439513407 16:24 lorimer: still confused by how the minetown shopkeepers work. You can't simply stick a shopkeeper in the shop and expect for it to be filled, as I've found. 16:24 it is indeed, thus proving that the universe is stranger than we can imagine... 16:25 25 USD 16:25 so like 4 euro 16:25 I think the exchange rate is closer to 1:1 than that. 16:26 :P 16:27 Hmm, looks like that's about 21 Euros, or about 28 thousand won. 16:28 this place has a mind flayer one https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/241122106/mind-flayer-dice-bag-dungeons-and?ref=related-6 16:28 Or 440 pesos. 16:28 i just ordered it elenmirie! 16:29 the beholder bag thing 16:29 lol K2 16:29 kathryn will love it 16:29 At one point it was possible to buy Dust Puppy plushies. 16:29 I wish 25 USD was 4 euro! then I'd order a lot of stuff I now can't afford! 16:29 I bet she'll be the only kid at school with one of those! 16:29 prob so! 16:29 today was her last day of pre school 16:30 That is a distinct possibility. 16:30 next week she starts kindergarten 16:30 Yeah, before you know it, she'll be dating. 16:30 she's 5, right? 16:31 shit she already had a boyfriend at daycare 16:31 yes 16:31 And driving. 16:31 but mason is no longer her boyfriend because 'he wants to be batman all the time' 16:31 She's basically a third of the way to driving age now. 16:31 good 16:31 one day closer to her driving herself 16:32 my dad was like 'the day you turn 16, you're getting your license' 16:32 driving age is 18 in NL 16:32 same as voting and drinking age 16:32 same here 16:32 16/18/21 16:32 aosdict: SUBROOM: "shop" 16:32 Driving age _should_ be about 25, if we cared about safety at all, but you know, whatever. 16:32 (complete legal majority, in other words) 16:32 although younger ones can have learner permits 16:32 my 22yo daughter is learning to drive 16:33 FIQ: This is a maze type level. It doesn't have rooms or subrooms. 16:33 (other daughters, 22 and 23, don't really care) 16:33 or did 3.6 change that? 16:33 Well there is your problem 16:33 well, she won't be 22 until next week (september 2) 16:33 Although I think the thing that would help driving safety more would be if your license could only be renewed for up to ten years and then you have to pass the driving test again. Every ten years. 16:33 i was drivng for about a year before i had my license 16:34 had a permit for part of that 16:34 aosdict: maze-type levels use REGION for rooms. 16:34 so basically age 15 16:34 -!- nymphet has joined #hardfought 16:34 FIQ: It *shouldn't* matter. Shop regions work in the other maze type minetowns. But apparently there is something magical about those. 16:34 ok brb booze run 16:34 -!- loli has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:34 -!- nymphet is now known as loli 16:34 There is no maze-type minetowns 16:35 FIQ: Yes there are. Most of them. 16:35 Unless you mean what is internally referred to as a "maze", which is basically anything that isn't strictly static 16:35 Bustling Town, Grotto Town 16:35 IN the .des-file sense of "maze-type". 16:35 They use REGION 16:35 jonadab: rihgt 16:35 *right 16:36 So anyway, using REGION gets the game to recognize the region as a shop, since it says "This shop appears to be deserted" when I enter it 16:37 but for some reason it's not getting filled with a shopkeeper and items 16:37 Hmm. 16:37 You're sure it's full enclosed? 16:38 In the map? Yeah. 16:38 *fully 16:38 jonadab: that shouldn't be an issue 16:38 if it was, then there would just be items bizarrely placed 16:38 wouldn't there? 16:38 FIQ: the shop code will break horribly if it's not fully enclosed. 16:38 Among other things, the shopkeeper will wander off. 16:39 jonadab: lovely 16:39 Yeah. 16:39 The shop code needs work, IMO. 16:39 But I haven't made it a priority because I had bigger fish to fry. 16:39 Hmm. It calls stock_room. 16:39 I still want to rewrite the level parser from scratch 16:39 in C 16:39 FIQ: yeah. 16:41 Or maybe in Perl. 16:41 Fourk has Perl as a build-dependency anyway :-) 16:41 fiqhack does not 16:41 Yes, hence the smiley. 16:42 But honestly, which would you rather have as a build dep: Perl, or flex and bison? 16:43 perl 16:44 you know what I also want to do? 16:44 kill timeout.c with fire 16:44 I'm less familiar with that file. 16:44 it's waaay overcomplicating things 16:44 Is that where the lighting timers live? 16:44 it's where all nethack timers live 16:44 Because those are a bit complicated. 16:44 "a bit" 16:44 Yes. 16:45 they cause a fatal crash in the save handler 16:45 I think they suffer from excessive optimization. 16:45 if not handled carefully 16:45 they're fragile 16:45 and it's just not a good idea 16:45 For example, the requirement that they be in chronological order is presumably driven by an optimization. 16:46 the reason they exist 16:46 is so the game don't have to constantly iterate over objects and stuff 16:46 Hmm. shkinit is failing to create a shopkeeper for some reason 16:46 to figure out if it needs to decrease some timer somewhere 16:46 but NH4 does this anyway 16:46 as part of the save system 16:46 Ah> 16:46 Ah? 16:46 Hmm. 16:46 so what's the point 16:46 That's an interesting observation. 16:47 well it was the best justification I could figure out 16:47 for why it happens 16:47 Sure. 16:47 remember 16:47 we're dealing with hardware that apparently can't deal with monsters with a light radius of more than 2 16:47 Right. 16:48 Some of the systems early NetHack ran on were quite _absurdly_ limited by modern standards. 16:48 it's quite impressive honestly 16:48 what you could do with such little power 16:48 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 16:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 16:48 -!- jared55 has joined #hardfought 16:48 I mean, functions like You_feel() exist to save a few bytes of memory footprint per string. 16:49 mhm 16:49 You don't see that kind of optimization on code from the late eighties, let alone now. 16:49 You_hear is still a thing in NH4 I think 16:49 but it's there for a reason 16:49 You_hear has reasons to exist. 16:49 it has sound checks 16:49 Because you might not be able to hear. 16:49 etc 16:49 Yes. 16:49 *hearing checks 16:49 But functions like You() don't need to exist except as an optimization. 16:49 allthough being originally made for the same reason as You_feel 16:49 yeah 16:50 Unless the game is going to suddenly start referring to the player in the third person, or something. 16:50 in fiqhack, You_feel would have a reason to exist 16:51 would allow one to deal with monsters easier 16:51 but there is better ways 16:52 [fh] Jared (Jared55) (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 7541 points, T:537, killed by a Mr. Kyzyl, the shopkeeper 16:52 woops 16:52 shopkeepers are friends 16:53 didnt realize thaat was a shop 16:53 Oh yah, don't kick down doors 16:53 hey something weird happened though 16:53 jonadab: You could make the case for You("have being shorter than pline("You have 16:53 especially when they say "Closed for inventory" outside them 16:53 i didnt start with force bolt and magic missle memorized but i had spells of books i never had 16:54 what do you mean? 16:54 like you had a spell you didn't have a book for? 16:54 i had the books for force bolt and magic missle but they hadnt been read yet.and i had like 8 spells at the beginning 16:55 I see 6 spells 16:55 memorized 16:55 and 4 spellbooks in inventory 16:55 yeah that was a guess. but then i had to read the books for force bolt and magic missle. 16:56 prolly had something to do with loading 16:56 oh 16:56 I understand the issue 16:56 knew there was something I forgot 16:56 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: You fire 5 rocks. The 1st rock hits the volcano lord!--More--] 16:56 haha cool 16:56 jonadab: that's what happens if you try to add new things without breaking save compat :P 16:57 but I think I remembered everything else 16:57 FIQ: yeah. 16:57 What actually went wrong, specifically? 16:58 but this is what i Meant 16:58 with objects in particular being a pain 16:58 jonadab: spell memory 16:58 stores spell by object ID 17:00 Ah. 17:00 Because of course it does. 17:00 pushed a fix 17:01 jonadab: that's not nearly as bad as how the disco[] array works IMO 17:01 the disco array 17:01 disco stores object knowledge you have 17:01 sounds like a 70s throwback band 17:01 or class-named 17:02 it stores this by object ID, kind of but not really 17:02 basically 17:02 it's an ordered array that stores things in the order you discover them mapped to object IDs 17:02 but they're ordered starting from the first object ID in a given class 17:02 to denote object class 17:02 so for example, say that you discover a new scroll 17:03 the first scroll in fiqhack, not sure with nethack vanilla, has object ID 297 17:03 (it's enchant armor) 17:03 so if you discover scrolls of stinking cloud 17:04 disco[297] will be set to the object ID of stinking cloud, being 317 17:04 further scrolls would be set as 298, 299, etc 17:04 I'm not entirely sure why the game does this 17:04 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:05 jonadab: can you figure out a good reason as to why it does this? 17:12 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 17:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 17:17 figured out the shop thing 17:18 it was completely enclosed with no door defined, and couldn't figure out what side to put the shopkeeper on 17:20 orctown now has a barricaded general store! \o/ 17:21 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 17:27 !tell K2 fiqhack updated 17:27 Will do, FIQ! 17:37 -!- jared55 has quit [Quit: *poof*] 17:40 FIQ: Hmm, maybe so the \ command can group discovered objects by type? 17:40 Dunno. 17:40 that is why, yes 17:40 but it's a ridiculous reason 17:40 Sure. 17:41 I mean, if \ had to iterate the whole list for each of the eight or so object classes, that would take, like, an extra microsecond, for something the user uses maybe ten times a game. 17:41 can't have that :) 17:41 But we're thinking in terms of modern hardware. 17:41 This code was originally written to run on 8-bit micros. 17:41 I guess 17:42 Though that may have been unnecessary/premature optimization even back then. 17:42 Likely, in fact. 17:45 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:51 !who 17:51 Tarmunora: Jared55 [fh] Grasshopper [nd] 17:52 FIQhack updated 17:52 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-08-25 17:27 EDT: fiqhack updated 18:03 -!- zombifier has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:11 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:13 Does vanilla have object pile hilighting? Can't remember. 18:13 *vanilla 3.6.0 18:14 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 18:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 18:19 hmm 18:19 i dont remember 18:19 Grasshopper: does dev has object piles hilites? 18:21 Yes it does 18:23 I was pretty sure, but I haven't played it in a while 18:27 K2: yes 18:28 cool 18:29 I have a pet orange dragon - just realised I should've named it "Trumpy" 18:29 nvm 18:30 lol 18:30 hey K2, thanks so much for the drive 18:31 [slex] zennaris (Spa Bat Mal Neu) shouted "sorry", on T:1197 18:31 no prob glad to help 18:31 all installed? 18:31 I'm in Bangkok so haven't even laid eyes on it yet 18:31 aaahhh 18:31 My gardener is looking after it for me - he thinks it is a phone 18:32 he probably thinks every small piece of tech is a phone 18:33 actually, I told a fib then - I'm not in Bangkok, I'm at the beach with my missus for a weekend away from the Big Smoke 18:35 then why are you online? lol 18:36 go do fun beach things 18:36 draw a @ in the sand and then a box around it and pretend you're IN nethack 18:37 heh, it is 05:37am right now 18:37 still dark outside 18:37 cast light spell 18:38 no excuses! :P 18:38 but I went for a bike ride yesterday evo 18:38 oooh you'll get to watch the sunrise 18:38 hmmm, good idea 18:39 * Grasshopper opens curtains 18:39 pre-dawn light 18:39 over the ocean 18:40 i miss that about hawaii 18:41 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 18:41 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:41 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 18:44 My bro's beach house in Australia is simply the best for sunrises 18:45 It is on a 40m high cliff looking directly east over the pacific 18:45 and the moonrises (esp full moon) are simply mind-blowing 18:47 i bet 18:48 my wife has a great uncle who has a ranch on the northwest side of the big island (hawaii) about 1200m up on the side of the extinct volcano 18:48 on a clear day you can see maui and oahu 18:48 when we lived on oahu we'd visit him every so often 18:48 get drunk and shoot wild turkeys trying to poop on his back patio 18:49 beautiful ranch too (guy is a lawyer and owns real estate, very well off) 18:50 very nice indeed 18:51 hothraxxa spends/spent a bit of time there with his turtles (honu) 18:51 not on the actual mountain of course 18:52 volcano, you know, same same but not 18:52 "same same but different" is such a catch phrase around here 18:53 because the Thai word for "same" actually means something more like "equivalent" 18:53 and saying the same (lol) word twice means "very" 18:54 so you hear the market vendors telling western customers, very honestly, that the item they are selling is "same same ... but different" 18:55 it is such a catch-phrase that people put it on T-shirts in order to capture the "essence" of being a tourist in Thailand 18:57 well, no sunrise worth watching here 18:57 looking south and it is cloudy (tail-end of rainy season) 19:01 -!- jonathan_ has quit [Quit: *poof*] 19:01 heh 19:01 same same 19:02 yeah, but different :D 19:06 my god gifted my cavdwarf a spellbook of cancellation 19:06 obviously has no sense 19:10 yani: remove the spellbook effect for certain roles or if the character is illiterate 19:26 -!- Webmant has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:28 [fh] hothraxxa (Arc Hum Fem Neu) killed the ghost of Jean-Regis, the former Aspirant, on T:1579 19:29 You read: "Jean-Regis, killed by a newt". 19:32 wife up now, time for a swim on a whim 19:32 you seem to have a pretty carefree life, Grasshopper 19:34 -!- Webmant has joined #hardfought 19:35 aosdict: May seem so, though in fact I have many things I care and worry about 19:35 this weekend is realy for the missus, I'm really just the husband in this story 19:37 ugh, the teleport restrictions in orctown make no sense 19:37 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 19:41 -!- rumflump has joined #hardfought 19:52 okay, this is weird. In normal/explore mode I can teleport into the TELEPORT_REGION blocked area of a level, but in wizard mode I can't. 20:23 !rng dnethack | some other variant 20:23 Jonathanhanes: dnethack 20:24 You know me so well beholderbot 20:24 !rng tourist incantifier | try to figure out binders 20:24 Jonathanhanes: try to figure out binders 20:29 !players 20:29 aosdict: jonathan [dnh] 20:29 Ooh, someone is learning binder! 20:29 * Tarmunora makes popcorn 20:30 Good luck Jonathanhanes! 20:44 [slex] zennaris (Spa Bat Mal Neu), 1600 points, T:2157, quit 20:45 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:57 [slex] zennaris (Bul Syl Mal Neu), 975 points, T:350, killed by a monster (river moccasin) 20:58 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 21:01 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:17 -!- jared55 has joined #hardfought 22:18 [slex] zennaris (Jus Ink Mal Law), 2979 points, T:1897, killed by a monster (flying rogue), while panic digging 22:50 !who 22:50 Tarmunora: No current players 22:51 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 22:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 22:55 -!- jared55 has quit [Quit: *poof*] 22:56 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:06 fun fact: forcing a locked door to appear in front of a shop will make it be closed for inventory 23:06 not sure whether I should leave that in orctown. It's funny. 23:33 Does this override any engraving you put in the .des file? 23:33 Don't know, but I'm feeling too lazy to try and see what happens 23:33 Because it probably wouldn't be hard to think of things other than "Closed for Inventory" that could be engraved there, that would be even funnier. 23:35 oh what the heck 23:35 * aosdict tries it 23:36 apparently, it does, yes 23:38 Huh. 23:39 I was hoping not, but I guess it was even money, because I doubt this was a case the dev team had in mind. 23:45 I could put engravings on the adjacent squares, if you have something in mind. 23:46 Nothing particular. 23:46 jonadab: I'm surprised it even did that in first place 23:47 but I guess it just checks for whether or not the door is locked 23:47 without caring about where and how the shop is placed/populated 23:47 Yeah, the "Closed for Inventory" stuff is probably later in the level generation process. 23:47 That explains why it overrides existing engravings. 23:48 hm so 23:48 Yes, it just calls make_engr_at without checking anything. 23:48 changing the timeout system for corpses/lamps/etc doesn't really seem like too much of a complicated process 23:48 the hard part is figuring out how to deal with existing games 23:49 I suppose I can just cheat and for things with active timers, reset their state from scratch 23:49 but meh 23:49 Just have the level-load code take note if there's a list of timers and if so, go through the list and set the variable on the objects? 23:50 the issue is that this doesn't really solve the original problem of making the timer code go away forever 23:50 and I'd still end up needing to maintain timer code 23:50 and make sure it doesn't break 23:51 So wait for your next scheduled savebreak :-) 23:51 when is that? 23:52 ok so I decided to look at the relink timer function 23:52 first thing I take my eyes on is this 23:52 panic("relink_timers 1"); 23:52 10/10 error message 23:52 Heh. 23:53 Well, the good news is, if a bug that triggers it gets reported, it would be easy to find it in the code. 23:53 * aosdict casts a spell of relink timer! Suddenly, the dungeon collapses. 23:53 So way better than "An error has occurred." Which I've seen many times. 23:54 Also better than IE6 "friendly" error messages, which made it unclear whether you had a DNS resolution failure, a connection failure, a 404, or what.