05:24 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 05:56 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:09 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 06:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 06:33 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 06:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 06:34 well, at least dgamelaunch can't segfault 06:34 famous last words 06:39 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:33 -!- FIQ has joined #hardfought 07:56 K2: be assured, it was not my fault. it was a bug in the original convict code. 07:57 * Tangles finally catches up on the backscroll. 07:57 bhaak: I figured as much. I will have a look in the other variants that have convict when I get a chance. 07:58 I checked dnethack and that one has the same and even one more. because it resets at the same location if the shk has seen the signs 08:10 Ah yes I see it. pbanned is used for more than just convicts there. 08:48 [dyn] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 11500 points, T:8672, killed by a vampire bat 08:57 hi 08:57 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 08:57 Beholder: :) 09:21 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 09:34 -!- loli1 has joined #hardfought 09:34 -!- loli1 is now known as nymphet 09:45 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 09:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 09:46 >.> 09:46 <.< 09:46 looks safe 09:48 * Grasshopper deploy sharpshooters to perimeter 09:50 * Grasshopper Shwarzenegger, takee point 09:50 ok 09:50 ?me but out out that cigar first 09:51 my laptop touchpad sux, super sensitive, jolts my words around all the time 09:52 !commands 09:52 Grasshopper: available commands are !help !ping !time !pom !hello !booze !beer !potion !tea !coffee !whiskey !vodka !rum !tequila !scotch !goat !lotg !d(1-1000) !(1-50)d(1-1000) !8ball !rng !role !race !variant !tell !source !lastgame !lastasc !streak !rcedit !scores !sb !setmintc !whereis !players !who !commands 10:08 [slex] FIQ (Gam Acp Mal Cha), 137 points, T:117, killed by a psybeam 10:08 -!- nymphet has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:11 [slex] FIQ (Mon Nul Fem Neu), 32 points, T:325, green slime 10:52 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 10:53 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha), 8105 points, T:2408, killed by a bullet 11:17 -!- Jonathanhanes_ has joined #hardfought 11:20 [nd] jonathanhanes (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a skeleton, on T:16002 11:21 bhaak hah ;) 11:21 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-08-12 20:21 EDT: pushed minor fh fix 11:22 wait, FIQ's death was just "green slime"? 11:22 yeah 11:23 that's a minor bug, it should read "turned into green slime" 11:23 FIQhack updated 11:23 that should be #20 aosdict 11:24 yep :) 11:30 [nd] jonathanhanes (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:16866 12:06 -!- oh6 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:13 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 12:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 12:25 [slex] bugsniper (Elp Elf Fem Neu) killed Sophie, on T:6225 12:57 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha) killed Thuy-Han, on T:4958 12:57 yay 12:57 apparently I need to beef up my girls so they don't get killed so easily :D just kidding! 14:22 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 1851 points, T:1779, killed by a dagger, while praying 14:29 -!- zombifier has joined #hardfought 15:12 -!- Tomthetom has joined #hardfought 15:13 -!- Tomthetom has left #hardfought 15:29 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha), 94169 points, T:12009, killed by a monster (Sailor Moon) 15:29 !lastgame 15:29 loli: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502636032.slex.txt 15:33 :( 15:34 k2 I was doing so well 15:34 that game was ridic 15:34 necromancers are op as fuck 15:34 like omg 15:35 you're getting better 15:35 no 15:35 that class is just op 15:35 like it's just broken 15:35 auto curse detection 15:35 right. and now you know something you didnt before 15:35 spells 15:35 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2236 15:35 you'll be better prepared next time 15:35 that op classes exist? 15:35 indeed 15:35 the experience is building up 15:35 but it's scary how good necro is 15:36 you were torturing yourself by playing the kurwa and camperstriker, no wonder a "normal" class suddenly feels ultra powerful :D 15:36 no 15:36 the fun of jumping in at the deep end first! 15:36 other classes don't feel this strong 15:36 in vanilla, priests can auto BUC status everything 15:36 like vampirehunter feels really strong 15:36 but nowhere near as strong as necro 15:36 why does camperstriker feel so weak, LarienTelrunya ? 15:36 is it the items 15:36 I don't even test wear? 15:36 or what? 15:37 well the starting equipment is crap, and the only thing they have going for them is phase door spam 15:37 I can get rid of that by dlvl2 15:37 that isn't hindering them feeling so weak 15:37 plus they don't get good spellcasting from the start; it takes a while until the camperstriker can enhance spells to overcome the low success rates 15:37 aa 15:37 that might be it 15:37 in fact, they don't know any spells at the start 15:38 and they have no petkeeping skill :D 15:41 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha), 78 points, T:415, killed by a monster (Ms. Pakka Pakka, the shopkeeper) 15:42 forogt 15:42 don't kick open doors 16:03 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) eschewed atheism, by dropping a dagger on an altar, on T:3953 16:15 god a necromancer without his attack skills being able to level up 16:15 is just a sad excuse for a man 16:19 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha), 9354 points, T:3019, killed by a monster (clay golem), while paralyzed by a monster attack 16:19 !lastgame 16:19 loli: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502653404.slex.txt 16:25 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 7384 points, T:4910, killed by a bolt of lightning 16:32 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 16:49 -!- oh6 has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:49 [slex] dolores (Nec Dev Fem Cha), 69 points, T:37, killed by an orcish spear 17:03 orcish spears don't kill people. orcs kill people. 17:19 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:40 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 17:40 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 17:42 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:06 K2: lucky 18:07 to get scales 18:07 ;) 18:07 I didn't get any in my latest dyna run but I had undead turning 18:07 so after killing a chromatic dragon like 40 times 18:07 I finally got scales 18:07 lol 18:07 hah 18:07 sick k2 is playing 18:08 and bug sniper! 18:08 on my last unnethack run i never obtained the chromatic dragon scales 18:08 the screen looks correct? 18:08 or should I ss it? 18:08 https://puu.sh/x9iTg/599619fd31.png 18:08 looks right 18:10 [dyn] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 43647 points, T:29776, killed by a giant zombie 18:11 doing a stash run 18:11 next few min going to be boring ;) 18:12 keep diving up 18:15 have you got the amulet again, K2 18:15 do I keep coming back to your ascension runs 18:15 heh 18:15 no i dont have the amulet yet 18:15 i'm just doing a stash dump and consolidation 18:16 was starting to get a bit burdened 18:16 that sounds annoying 18:16 aaah 18:16 it is, but i can level port back to where i was 18:16 what 18:16 how 18:16 read a cursed scroll of telportation while wearing ring of tele control 18:16 ahh 18:16 \that makes sense 18:16 but still annoying 18:16 or blessed scroll while confused 18:17 I got sent to dungeon level 50 18:17 ouch 18:17 and identified my 1 cursed scroll 18:17 as a cursed teleportation 18:17 I even got a lich and a zombie 18:17 from dungeon level 50 our 18:17 out* 18:17 ended up got banished while going back to my normal level 18:17 to like 30~s 18:17 and died to sailor moon 18:18 bleh 18:18 unlucky ayy? 18:18 good old stashes, though 18:18 yeah 18:18 dynahack has magic chests wheich i think are pretty cool 18:18 One day when I play some other variants 18:18 that sounds nice 18:18 I'll have to worry about this 18:19 ? 18:19 you can carry everything in slex 18:19 weight is hardly an issue 18:19 no encumberance issues? 18:19 I had a 500 weight weapon 18:19 there is if you carry corpses and what not 18:19 hmm 18:19 but you can carry like 1.2k 18:19 + 18:19 like insane amounts of stuff 18:19 I always have to rename items from # 18:20 if I can't carry a chest 18:20 if I have both low str and con 18:20 that's the one instance where I can't carry much 18:22 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:22 ok... didnt know slex had changed that aspect of the game 18:22 yup 18:22 weight is not really an issue 18:22 amy doesn't like such mechanics 18:23 hah 18:23 nice str btw 18:23 this game doesn't cap it at 18? 18:24 "thirsty dagger" 18:25 thirsty means it will drain level on whatever it hits if it isnt resistant or undead 18:26 i havent used it yet but i like having it handy 18:26 ahh so life drain 18:26 awesome 18:26 str is 25 due to gauntlets of power 18:26 ahh 18:26 so gauntlets go past the 18 cap 18:26 goit it 18:26 yes 18:28 I'll try to find some in my current game! 18:28 if you're a fighter type they are great to have 18:28 I want them as a necromancer 18:29 they interfere with spellcasting, so wizard types tend to not wear them 18:29 :( 18:29 they are metal? 18:29 but if you have a robe, that helps offset the penalty 18:29 yes 18:29 lame 18:29 I had to get rid of one set of gloves 18:29 since I like wearing heavy metal 18:29 that's all under vanilla rules. no idea if any of this applies to slex 18:29 as a spell caster 18:29 after putting on armor and armor gloves my spell casting was ruined 18:29 just had to swap the golves 18:34 9 gain levels 18:34 wow 18:34 so close to 30 18:34 actually 18:34 2 more levels 18:35 then quaff 9 of those babies! 18:35 well 18:35 i may curse them and use them to make a fast escape back up 18:35 aay? 18:35 huh? 18:35 cursed potion of gain level makes you float up thru the ceiling to the level above 18:36 wtf 18:36 really? 18:36 handy espace tool 18:36 kay 18:36 escape 18:36 I can see!Q 18:36 i dont know if dynahack got rid of the mysterious force or not 18:36 if it hasnt i may use these to get out of gehennom quickly 18:37 oh sweet the mysterious force was removed 18:37 replaced with no tele 18:37 ok so 18:37 there's the other strategy, to where players wont go above xp lvl 21 18:38 why? 18:38 reason being, going any higher and the game tends to spawn a lot more dangerous monsters 18:38 but me personally, i like being lvl 30 18:39 archons can become a real threat late game 18:39 and i've never really played dynahack, this is as far as i've ever come on this variant 18:39 congrats 18:39 thanks 18:46 ooh yeah 18:47 those chomatic dragon scales are going to make a significant difference 18:52 I killed 40 of those things K2 18:53 that one run 18:53 I'm sad I didn't get naked like are right now 18:53 what armor do you have on for 1 ac 18:53 kinda dangerous to do that here 18:53 oh that's protection granted by donating to priests 18:53 you can do that 18:53 what 18:54 how can I do that? 18:54 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Intrinsic_protection#Gaining_intrinsic_protection 18:54 and since i'm at ac 1 i must be at max 18:55 wtf, that's nice 18:55 so i can quaff these potions of gain level whenever 18:55 look up protection racket on the wiki 18:56 huh 18:56 this seems like something I can do in slex 18:56 I'll ask amy 18:56 9.6k is a bit much 18:56 though 18:57 oh I misread 18:57 I just need 4k 18:57 I can do that 18:58 so at lvl 1 you would need to give 400 gold 9 times? 18:59 probably less 18:59 what did i misread then? 18:59 the very first offering, you can get anywhere from 2-4 points of protection 18:59 1 each time afterwards 18:59 ahh okay 18:59 and the first 9 are guaranteed 18:59 so 9 - 2-3 18:59 you can get more, but its hit or miss 19:00 i've had up to 11 but it cost a lot of gold 19:06 orcus lair 19:08 oh sweet, magic chest here 19:26 K2: Updated FIQhack 19:26 heh 19:27 I changed HP regen 19:27 So it is more consistent 19:27 FIQhack updated 19:27 Also slowed it down because lategame HP regen is crazy fast 19:27 in vanilla 19:27 me having a fairly easy go of ascending that monk irked you a lil didnt it :P 19:27 Nah 19:28 I've always been of the opinion that lategame HP regen is too fast 19:28 i think the stars just happened to align for me that game 19:28 Relying on healing pots is OK, just not a fan of the fact that you can outheal a lot of monsters by that point 19:28 i had some moments, but nothing too crazy 19:28 yeah 19:28 I might have overnerfed it, not sure 19:28 this will make rings and other sources of regen more valuable 19:28 If anything, the regen intrinsic is more useful 19:29 because it stacks now 19:29 https://git.io/v7Qu0 19:29 is how it works 19:29 ahhh 19:29 healers still get the love. good 19:29 Similar to eregen except the con formula is a bit different compared to wis for pw 19:29 Healers regenerating faster is good IMO 19:29 They should, it's part of their role 19:30 right. its what they do 19:30 Monsters are also affected by this change 19:30 but for them it's not as much of a nerf since their con is generally regarded as 12 19:31 which shafted them in the old regen formula lol 19:33 ah so monsters will regen a bit faster now too 19:33 K2: can you dip items into lava in this version? 19:34 huh 19:34 i have never ever tried that 19:34 you can drop them into lava 19:34 which of course destroys almost everything 19:34 it's not in vanilla says amy 19:34 -!- zombifier has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:34 because I keep trying to dip cursed items into lava 19:34 but you just can't 19:35 curious if any variants allow you to 19:35 why are you trying to do that? 19:35 because I have cursed items 19:35 and I want them to burn 19:35 just drop them in the lava 19:35 they are stuck to me 19:35 or throw them in 19:35 oh i see 19:35 yani: something you can dip into lava to enhance its properties 19:35 you're wearing/wielding cursed bits 19:35 I often start with -2 heavily cursed leather armor 19:35 and a cursed dagger 19:36 I rust in fountains 19:36 now i am curious 19:36 haha good! 19:36 it just annoys me 19:36 aosdict: silly idea: pools of oil 19:36 I want to dip things in lava 19:36 dip it in oil 19:36 hmm nope 19:36 laame 19:36 dynahack doesnt allow it 19:36 FIQ: brown }? 19:36 or, more evilly, black }? 19:36 toilet? 19:36 or black 19:36 actually that's a bad idea due to darkgray shenanigans 19:37 so yeah brown I guess 19:37 but muh evil 19:37 so many markers 19:39 haha, a comment in the monster to-hit code is clearly expecting player AC to be no lower than -10 19:42 hmm 19:42 i wonder if dynahack has demogorgon lair as well 19:45 -!- zombifier has joined #hardfought 19:56 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:06 gettin ready for work, see you all later 20:08 K2: the lair yes 20:08 but it's missing a key part 20:08 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 20:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v oh6] by ChanServ 20:10 [nd] jonathanhanes (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Oracle, on T:18657 20:10 Jonathanhanes_: you monster! 20:10 :o wasnt me 20:29 [nd] jonathanhanes (Val Dwa Fem Law) made her first wish - "2 scrolls of genocide", on T:20231 20:38 -!- zombifier has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:15 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 21:16 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 21:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 21:37 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 21:48 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 21:48 -!- Tarmunora_ has joined #hardfought 21:51 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:52 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 22:03 -!- zombifier has joined #hardfought 22:05 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 22:08 -!- Tarmunora_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:24 K2: as you see, it has demo's lair, but it is missing a key detail ;) 22:27 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 22:29 yeah a pretty big detail ;) 22:30 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:32 hmm 22:32 did you find any exciting books 22:32 no 22:33 :( 22:33 what did you do 22:33 confused gold detection? 22:33 yup 22:33 yeah 22:33 you're better off woth a ball 22:33 i keep forgetting dynahack is unnethack on nh4 22:33 technically it's unnethack on nitrohack 22:33 nh4's predecessor 22:33 for all intents and purposes, same thing 22:34 buggier save system :D 22:35 I should stop falling asleep on my chair 22:35 hmm so how do i quick find portals 22:35 K2 how is your game 22:35 have you got the amulet yet 22:35 i ran into this problem my last unnethack asc 22:35 not yet 22:36 i'm on the level with the vibrating square 22:36 vibrating square? 22:36 and i still need to fetch the book 22:36 Imma try to wake up so I don't fall asleep while sitting on my chair again 22:37 heh 22:38 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 22:38 K2: just do it the hard way 22:38 it's not like this is endgame 22:38 right 22:38 i was just reading up on a couple things 22:39 and dynahack got rid of mazes, easier to search 22:40 \o/ 22:53 [dnh] zombifier (Ana Dwa Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1169 23:01 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 23:05 -!- Tarmunora__ has left #hardfought 23:05 -!- Tarmunora__ has joined #hardfought 23:08 should have expected cthulu 23:13 how was it like 23:13 lucky so far 23:13 wearing oilskin cloak and my helm has stayed greased 23:13 ammyrun time? 23:13 ahh :) 23:13 yes, about to exit sanctum 23:14 ah 23:25 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1778 23:32 Izchak has 4 oil lamps 23:36 I once had a 3x3 izchak shop with 6 (s 23:36 2 mimics, a brass lantern and 3 oil lamps 23:36 lol 23:36 er 23:36 6 yellow (s that is 23:38 K2: good luck with endgame w/o ^ detection 23:38 thx 23:39 so i dont have any other real option do i 23:39 no orbs 23:39 thats not safe anyways 23:39 i have a wand of secret door dection 23:39 and i can use the bell a couple times 23:40 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha), 7833 points, T:2704, killed by a forest centaur 23:55 k2: whaaat are you doing 23:55 the portal is right down there 23:59 afk sleep, good luck K2 00:00 !lotg K2 00:00 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, K2! 00:00 !lotg K2 00:00 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, K2! 00:01 !lotkerio K2 00:03 :P 00:08 K2 aaaa 00:09 aaaaaaaaaa 00:10 dude you're ill 00:11 nah 00:11 he good 00:12 I guess we could use an !lot command, and then put whoever's luck you want to wish upon someone 00:13 I've never really seen grasshopper's luck 00:18 [dyn] K2 (k2) (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 451996 points, T:41873, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/dynahack/dumplog/2017-08-14%2000_18_12%2C%20K2-Bar-Orc-Mal-Cha%2C%20ascended.txt 00:18 congrats, k2! 00:18 thanks oh6! 00:18 congrats 00:18 woo thx 00:18 2 ascension in 2 days! 00:19 nuts 00:21 k2, where did all your gold go? 00:23 I was wondering, is nethack 3.6 still easier than all the nethack variants? 00:27 i typially dont carry gold, there is no point 00:28 once you've maxed out the protection racket, gold is pretty much non essential 00:28 does gold have weight? 00:28 oh yes 00:28 that's a shame 00:28 bug_sniper: vanilla 3.4.3 is prob the easiest 00:29 3.6.x is more difficult for most due to the E word nerfs 00:29 I should rely on the E word more 00:29 I almost never engrave it anymore 00:29 dynahack felt a LOT like unnethack, and after FIQ's explanation of the game and its history, makes perfect sense 00:29 what is the history 00:29 loli: try not to use it 00:30 and unnethack is basically vanilla 00:30 right? 00:30 oh no 00:30 unnethack is anything but vanilla 00:30 I thought it was vanilla + some extra areas 00:30 nope, bhaak changed a fair amount 00:30 then I haven't really played vanilla 00:31 i would recommend playing without the E word, its a harder road to travel but you'll be a better player for it 00:31 every single one of my ascensions are without using E 00:31 already am 00:31 aaa 00:31 I use E when amy is like "why aren't you using E" 00:31 those monsters fear E 00:31 and I'm like 00:32 I forgot 00:32 which is why my asc % rate is low :P 00:32 haha 00:32 you don't abuse the easy mode 00:32 nope 00:32 does armor effect manna regen? 00:33 i like the nerfs the devteam put into 3.6.x , but i feel they could do more 00:33 either way a lot of ppl in the nethack community went into crisis mode for a bit 00:33 lol 00:33 E word nerfs that is 00:33 really? 00:33 really 00:34 i made the suggestion that your character shouldnt be able to use Elbereth until they had actually discovered it in-game 00:34 I guess they really love their E word 00:34 i doubt that will ever happen 00:34 I need to find a way to get better manna regen 00:34 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:35 aaaaaaaaa U monsters are the worst! 00:35 https://puu.sh/x9xGx/aedb8a0e55.png 00:35 they scare me 00:35 just pure bullshit 00:35 umber hulks arent so bad 00:36 shambling horrors, very bad 00:36 they just stare and confuse 00:36 Ugods 00:36 are also very bad 00:36 wait 00:36 they are undead 00:37 aren't tehy? 00:38 i dont think so no 00:38 great 00:38 not in game anyways 00:38 the stairs are dangerous 00:38 it has a wraper dude right by the stairs 00:38 and I can't fly 00:39 hah damn 00:39 4 ascension in 16 days 00:39 Going to dig down 00:40 with a pick-axe 00:40 damn 00:40 5 in 25 days? 00:40 maybe? i dunno 00:42 I loove necro 00:42 they have such bullshit strats 00:43 just dig down where it's safer kill some things 00:43 raise some zombies 00:43 be okay 00:45 loli: the monster info code works here too fyi 00:45 does it? 00:45 oh 00:45 btw I made it out of the level 00:45 nice 00:46 I'm not playing on hard fought as I'm waiting for amy 00:46 lol 00:46 it's going to be a great game 00:46 ah 00:46 an ettin zombie 00:46 I want that 00:46 too bad it's a bit slow 00:49 oh damn 00:49 what 00:49 that was the first ever barbarian asc in dynahack 00:49 congrats 00:49 another unique combo 00:49 thx... i didnt realize 00:49 haha 00:49 barbarian is typically one of the easier roles to play 00:50 surprised no one had ever knocked that out 00:50 maybe it's not a popular role 00:50 In vanilla, Barbarian is usually lumped along with Caveman under the general heading of "Like Valkryie only worse." 00:50 heh 00:51 because of no Excalibur! 00:51 !>>! 00:51 !?!?* 00:51 the scptre of might is no joke though (caveman quest artifact except in fourk) 00:51 That, and being worse at spellcasting than Valkyrie 00:52 @le?elder priest 00:52 elder priest (@) | Lvl: 25 | Diff: 36 | Spd: 15 | Res: fire sleep shock poison petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 90 | Generates: special | AC: -9 | Attacks: 2d10 weapon physical, 1d4 gaze paralyze, 2d10 tentacle amulet steal, 2d10 tentacle sticky, 2d8 cast clerical, 2d8 cast clerical | Alignment: 0 | Flags: omnivore, swims, amphibious, seeinvis, nopoly, covetous, infravisible 00:52 K2: Yes, but you can't get that until you finish the Quest, which is a very different thing from dipping for it as soon as you get to Delphi. 00:52 true 00:52 looks like amy renamed the tentacle damage time to sticky 00:56 jonadab: are giant players similar to those in grunthack? as in armor restrictions, stats, etc 00:56 in fourk 00:56 K2: Not sure, haven't really played a giant in GruntHack. Certainly, giants have armor restrictions, due to size. 00:57 Also, I haven't given them a lot of compensating advantages yet. I plan to. 00:57 I mean, there's boulders. 00:57 ok 00:57 I haven't worked out the details of exactly what else I want to give them. Maybe more HP or something. 00:58 Or racial-intrinsic half physical damage. 00:58 Something. 00:58 just curious. i noticed no one has ever ascended a giant in fourk 00:59 Right now, it probably counts as a challenge race. 00:59 in grunthack, giants have a natural AC of 6, boulders do not weigh anything 00:59 dex is limited to 12, wis to 14, con is bumped to 20 01:00 and they cant wear body armor, t shirt or robes/cloaks 01:00 oh and a natural higher hit die 01:00 d10 or d12 01:00 dont remember which exact;y 01:01 some cool things - they cant be engulfed 01:01 Most of that makes sense. 01:01 they dont fall through trap doors 01:01 Including at the Castle? 01:01 I mean, apart from the Castle that'd be real neat. 01:01 including the castle 01:02 you can still purposely jump through them 01:02 use > 01:02 but tossing boulders is the best 01:03 during my gh giant caveman asc, i killed the chromatic dragon with boulders only 01:03 Ah. 01:05 too many trolls 01:06 wait K2 can zombies multiply? 01:06 I don't remember having 9 zombies 01:06 I had like 2 01:08 In Grunt they can. 01:08 hmm, this isn't grunt 01:08 I have 14 now 01:08 this is weird 01:08 I have the can't see traits tra or w/e 01:08 Maybe there's a graveyard? 01:08 nah 01:08 they are all under my control 01:08 Oh. slex. 01:08 zombies versus trolls 01:09 https://puu.sh/x9yYd/b127e90864.png 01:09 I see. 01:09 it feels like starcaraft 01:09 it's a Z v T 01:09 @le?floating skull 01:09 floating skull (Z) | Lvl: 6 | Diff: 9 | Spd: 12 | Res: cold sleep poison drain | Confers: nothing | MR: 30 | Generates: special | AC: -1 | Attacks: 1d5 bite physical, 1d4 cast spell | Alignment: -2 | Flags: genocidable, flies, breathless, mindless, poisonous, undead, stalker 01:09 maybe the 1d4 spell cast 01:09 !tell LarienTelrunya Have you implemented Zerg yet? 01:09 Will do, jonadab! 01:11 ahh I figured it out! 01:11 I think it's a trap 01:12 that double displays things 01:12 C-r fixed it! 01:14 zombies dont multiply in grunthack. but they can and do respawn multiple times before they stay dead 01:14 they are a big part of why grunthack is so difficult early game 01:14 K2: I thought they grudged and could zombify other monsters. 01:14 oh 01:14 yeah they can do that 01:15 So if you get a room full of weak orcs... 01:15 Or a leprechaun hall... 01:15 when i saw multiply i thought of them spliting into two like a cell 01:15 Oh, right, no. 01:15 hehehe 01:15 yeah zombies in the mines are esp deadly because of that 01:15 EPI: ameoboid monsters that can split in two spontaneously. 01:16 juiblex does that in sporkhack 01:16 err 01:16 Eep. 01:16 not spontaneously 01:16 but if you hit him he splits 01:16 Oh, pudding splitting. 01:16 That's... different too. 01:16 i remember first time i fought him in sp 01:17 i was like wtf just happened 01:17 and he kept splitting 01:17 EPI: make the Elder High Priest split when hit, like a pudding. 01:21 -!- Menche_ has joined #hardfought 01:25 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:29 EPI: make the elder priest teleport to you and engulf you on a no-tele level 01:29 -!- zombifier has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:31 -!- Menche_ is now known as Menche 01:34 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:38 jonadab: have their been any recent updated to fourk? its been awhile since i've done an update for it 01:38 *updates 01:38 K2: I've pushed some stuff, but none of it's really major. 01:38 i noticed the spoiler date on your site is dated aug 5 01:39 Yeah, I made a minor improvement to the spoiler generator to allow linking to specific objects in the armor spoiler. 01:39 By adding a id="objnnnn" attribute. 01:39 nice 01:39 so fourk has the wand balance patch, and magic chests 01:39 and then extra races 01:40 Non-blank 60zm scrolls in shops identify when you see them. 01:40 not extra roles though correct? 01:40 Currently, no new roles. 01:40 I want to implement Druid, but that may not make the cut for .5, not sure. 01:40 oh sweet 01:40 Definitely not for .4, which is already save-frozen. 01:40 druid! 01:41 The idea behind druid is intrinsic polycontrol and possibly poly-at-will (probably using Pw), but severe inventory restrictions. 01:41 It's actually an ais523 idea. 01:41 if i remember correctly, druids couldnt just poly into anything 01:41 it was along the lines of bears, wolves, deer, etc 01:42 There'll likely be restrictions on difficulty based on XL. 01:42 I suppose I could limit it to animal forms. 01:42 Not sure if that would be good gameplay. Have to think about that. 01:42 just look up druid from 1st edition ad&d 01:42 Are xorns animals? 01:42 hmm 01:42 -!- Ether__ has joined #hardfought 01:42 not of the normal woodland type, definitely not 01:42 Wiki says no. 01:43 The ability to poly into xorn, or not, is strategically significant. 01:43 Have to think about that. 01:45 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druid_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)#Advanced_Dungeons_.26_Dragons_1st_edition 01:45 they could control elementals 01:45 NetHack is not D&D. 01:45 nethack gets the vast majority of its inspiration from d&d 01:45 i'm not saying clone ad&d druid 01:45 but this gives you something to go by 01:46 you'll notice druids changed and evolved with each edition 01:47 Ah. 01:47 and i will freely admit i am partial to 1st edition only. other editions might as well not exist imo 01:50 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 5509 points, T:2896, killed by an orc-captain 01:56 Well D&D comes from an older game called "Chainmail" if my memory is correct 01:59 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainmail_(game) 02:00 There's always an earlier game. 02:00 NetHack Fourk updated 02:25 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 02:26 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:27 lol jonadab 02:27 how are samurai only able to reach skilled in long sword? 02:27 ^^ 02:27 LarienTelrunya: Message from jonadab at 2017-08-14 01:09 EDT: Have you implemented Zerg yet? 02:27 !tell jonadab have you unsuckified the samurai's skills yet? :P 02:27 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:27 and only skilled in two-weaponing also... 02:28 ^^ 02:28 my roommate says that the fourk samurai should have become a sanitary worker instead because he sure ain't fit to be a warrior if he can't even master his own sword 02:29 does your roommate play? 02:29 unfortunately not, but she sometimes comments on the game 02:30 is goldenivy your roomie? 02:30 haha that would be awesome; she's not on the IRC 02:31 K2: long sword and katana will be different skills on 02:31 jonadab: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-08-14 02:27 EDT: have you unsuckified the samurai's skills yet? :P 02:31 ok 02:31 Unfortunately, I've heard katanas will have less base damage and less to-hit than long swords in 02:32 Where'd you hear that? 02:32 from the fourk maintainer :D 02:33 Well, we'll just have to see, I guess. 02:33 I mean, I suppose I could make katana a two-handed weapon. 02:34 Double the weight of splint mail. 02:34 Give samurai a loadstone in the magic chest... 02:34 And make the katana and splint mail start out cursed. 02:34 Oooh, yes. 02:35 I could compensate Samurai by making their wakizashi +1 02:36 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 02:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 02:36 To make up for all that. 02:37 samurai were renowned for their skill with the sword 02:38 what was the logic in nerfing their skill with it? 02:38 probably making sure that clan Dislexiapater will not get an ascension because their leader only plays samurai :P 02:38 K2: I wanted to make samurai a hybrid melee/ranged role, neither as good with the bow as rangers nor as good in melee as Barbarian. 02:39 But I should've just made katana a distinct skill from long sword in the first place. 02:39 what about the two weaponing bit? 02:39 Same. 02:40 so now its just rogues that can get expert in 2 weapons 02:40 err two wepaoning 02:40 Rogues? Haha, no. 02:41 Barbarians. 02:41 [fh] noty (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 34154 points, T:963, killed by a magic missile 02:41 But I may relax that. 02:41 Because Cleaver is pretty compelling. 02:42 Also, I should allow Samurai to get up to expert in naginata. 02:42 And give them one in the magic chest. 02:43 [4k] k2 (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered the Minetown temple, on T:2362 02:43 But yeah, once katana has its own skill, I can drop Sam long sword skill to Basic, let them get expert in Katana. 02:44 This has the bonus effect of making Snickersnee desirable for them. 02:44 -!- Manaflare has joined #hardfought 02:44 So they can end up dual-wielding Snickersnee with their starting katana. 02:44 At last 02:44 dual-wielding artifacts when :D 02:44 LarienTelrunya: That exists but is limited. 02:44 At last I could log in with a terminal 02:45 LarienTelrunya: For example, Sting can be held second to orcrist. 02:45 maybe give snickersee some love 02:45 as it stands now, its just a glorified regular katana 02:45 LarienTelrunya: Also, Fire and Frost brand can be dual-wielded together. 02:45 -!- Ether__ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:45 jonadab: well those are probably the last artifacts one would want to use 02:45 eh? 02:45 sting and orcrist I mean 02:45 the brands are some of the best artifact weapons in the game 02:45 oh 02:46 the brands would be much better if they didn't kill all my full healing and gain level potions (yes, ones that monsters start with are also mine :P) 02:46 K2: Snickersnee is actually rather good; it's just nobody ever uses it because Excalibur is (very slightly, but strictly) better. 02:46 jonadab: I use it. 02:46 dual-wielding excalibur and snickersnee when :D 02:46 i use it early game until i get excalibur of course 02:46 LarienTelrunya: That would be OP. 02:46 Samurai with Excalibur is just wrong. 02:46 ^ 02:46 do what sporkhack did 02:47 with long sword capped at basic it would not be so OP, and certainly not with fourk's dragons 02:47 only knights can dip for it 02:47 But I am thinking of maybe letting giants wield two-handed weapons in one hand, as a racial bonus. 02:47 ^^ 02:47 in fact, the character is completely unable to become OP in fourk, it always feels like you're swimming up the creek 02:47 i wouldnt mind see snickersee get something special added to it 02:48 LarienTelrunya: That's because you're used to Slash'EM, where you can wield the Bat from Hell in your off hand and get infinite gypsie wishes. 02:48 its basically the only artifact weapon that doesnt have any special ability 02:48 its to hit and damage are plussed, but so are the others 02:48 K2: Cleaver? 02:48 Err, I actually never really used the Bat from Hell and never saw a gypsy in regular slash'em :D 02:48 K2: So, it needs, what, an invoke ability? 02:49 ah yeah forgot about cleaver 02:49 LarienTelrunya: Those were just examples. 02:49 should have remembered, i just asc one 02:49 barbarian that is 02:49 jonadab: i'm not sure. lemme think about it 02:50 it should be something that sets it apart from the other artifact weapons 02:52 -!- Eth has joined #hardfought 02:53 maybe when wielded, it grants displacement 02:53 -!- Eth is now known as Guest34883 02:54 Hmm, displacement doesn't seem especially Samurai-flavored, but let me think. 02:54 What if it grants HP regen (like a ring of regen) when wielded? 02:55 That would make it OP. 02:55 Hmm. You may be right. 02:55 do you consider excalibur OP? 02:55 No. 02:55 Kind of? 02:55 Excalibur is OP in the sense that it is easy to get. 02:56 improved searching + drain res isnt more OP than hp regen? 02:56 ^ 02:56 Excalibur is OP in the early game, when you get it at like XL7. 02:56 -!- Guest34883 has quit [Client Quit] 02:56 i was thinking hp regen too 02:56 HP regen is perhaps better than those two. 02:56 K2: The drain res isn't really relevant till late game. 02:56 maybe not as much as the ring 02:56 The searching... that's kind of big. 02:56 but something 02:57 What if Snickersnee granted jumping? 02:57 hmm 02:57 Like jumping boots? When wielded. 02:57 I would suggest Snickersnee to act as ring of increase accuracy.. 02:57 Mandevil: Oooh, THAT has potential. 02:57 it already has a bonus to hit 02:57 K2: On top of that. 02:58 But it's kinda lame. 02:58 Either make it "when wielded", then it's not very useful. 02:58 but thats not giving anything truly special, you're just adding to something it already has 02:58 What if it did that when carried? 02:58 To improve your ya/yumi? 02:58 That would be better. 02:58 But it would people make get it just for the effect. 02:58 Possibly. 02:59 Hmm. Free action? 02:59 Is that too OP? 02:59 That would be really neat. 02:59 yeah that would be cool 02:59 That'd be only when wielded, obviously. 02:59 Slotless would be OP. 02:59 yeah. 02:59 right 03:00 Another suggestion: Confusion/stunning resistance. 03:00 That'd be somewhat thematic. 03:01 Sharp focus of your will... 03:01 True. 03:01 should it have an invoke power as well? 03:01 Don't think so. 03:01 Do any bladed weapons have #invoke power? 03:01 Only if we can think of one that fits the flavor and is not OP. 03:01 hmm... no i dont think any of the bladed weapons do 03:02 Why is bladed relevant? 03:02 in fact, i think only quest artifacts have invoke powers 03:02 Ah, that's possible. 03:02 True. 03:02 All of them do, right? 03:02 Maybe? 03:02 Most of them anyway. 03:02 I think all of them. 03:03 my vote for snickersee is either displacement or free action when wielded only 03:03 either would be pretty cool 03:03 K2: My vote is for confusion resistance. 03:03 I think free action makes more flavor sense than displacement for Samurai. 03:03 Because that's unique effect. 03:03 Stun res might also be interesting. 03:03 Free action is not. 03:04 What else grants free action, besides the ring? 03:04 Nothin else does. 03:04 i dont think anthing else does 03:04 Unless variants. 03:04 Sure. 03:04 not even variants that I can think of 03:04 K2: dNetHack. 03:04 Oh, slex probably has something that grants free action when carried. 03:04 K2: I think also FIQ? 03:04 even with grunthacks object properties, you cant add free action to anything 03:04 slex has amulets of free action and I think gauntlets too :) 03:05 K2: Free action is not object property. 03:05 and free action can spawn as an extra property on armor 03:05 K2: Not ATM. 03:05 Mandevil: i know thats the point i am making 03:05 I see. 03:05 So basically, if we give free action to Snickersnee, we're freeing up a ring slot. 03:06 yup 03:06 thats a big deal 03:06 Yes. 03:06 Since FA is something you really really want to have. 03:06 must have in my asc kit for sure 03:06 It's a popular late-game ring choice. 03:06 Which is a kind of short list, compared to the whole list of rings. 03:07 if i were a samurai with snickersee that had FA, i'd have my second ring be increase damage 03:07 (1st ring for me is usually slow digestion) 03:07 Not conflict? 03:08 i will swap SD with conflict when appropriate 03:08 Ah. 03:08 slow digestion is unnecessary, there's so much food... 03:08 True, you don't need conflict for walking around exploring Gehennom. 03:08 Mandevil: It's a convenience, to stop you from having to _carry_ food. 03:08 tru but food has a lot of weight 03:08 Conflict makes hungry too. 03:09 you don't need to carry that much since corpses do exist. 03:09 and horns of plenty seem to be rare 03:09 SD is kinda specialty... for those vegan/foodless runs. 03:09 With Slow D, you carry only utility food (wolfsbane, eucalyptus, eggs, tripe, a piece of fruit, ...) 03:09 Or maybe if you don't have hungerless casting. 03:10 everytime i try to go without carrying food, i wind up starving with no corpses around 03:10 jonadab: You usually can find better ring than SD. 03:10 luck of the k2 03:10 Heh. 03:10 slow digestion means you can't eat the delicious black dragon corpses because you're always too satiated :D 03:10 That too :) 03:10 THe problem with corpses as food is that the standard deviation on when you get them and how much nutrition they have is high. 03:11 Yeah, you get dragon corpses when satiated, then go thousands of turns without seeing anything with significant calories. 03:11 eh, just carry a food ration or two in a blessed boh, only weighs a total of 10 units 03:12 True. 03:12 -!- Manaflare has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:12 Without slow D, I usually end up carrying more like 6-8 rations. 03:12 snickersee with FA for the win 03:12 But yes, in a boh, it's not that bad. 03:12 heh 03:20 -!- Manaflare has joined #hardfought 03:24 Evil Patch idea: monsters that have "peaceful" as the first part of their name, but who are actually always spawned hostile. "The peaceful master mind flayer's tentacles suck you!" 03:24 -!- Manaflare has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:24 Very slexy 03:24 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:25 EPI: a trap that recalculates the peaceful/hostile/tame status of everything on the level; this is mostly random, but higher-level monsters have a chance to resist being peaceful or tame. 03:25 Shopkeepers of course count as "higher-level". 03:26 actually, EPI: purple liches have a chance of spawning "tame", but will actually still attack and cast spells at you. And killing them counts as murdering a pet. 03:26 Just step on the trap until you get good tame monster... 03:26 Mandevil: Naturally, the trap disappears once triggered. 03:27 So let pet trigger it. 03:27 Hmm. 03:27 slex actually has a trap that does nothing to the player but instakills any pet that walks over it, and can trigger repeatedly (<- EPI) 03:27 EPI: if your pet triggers a trap, your diety becomes angry at you, for not protecting your pet adequately. WADB time. 03:28 I just want a trap that when triggered smites jonadab and other evil-doers. 03:28 jesus really? 03:31 yes, called "pet trap" 03:31 jonadab: will snickersee tweaks make it into .4 or will it be a .5 addition? 03:31 EPI: the Amulet of Yendor blocks hp regen when carried. Even healing potions and spells don't work. 03:31 K2: That'll be for .5 03:32 ok 03:32 Katana being a distinct skill is also .5 stuff. 03:33 right 03:35 Katana being distinct skill? 03:35 There are too few skills you think? 03:36 [4k] k2 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 10290 points, T:3021, killed by a soldier ant 03:36 fuckin soldier ants 03:38 Impossible, they are size = tiny. 03:41 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:47 Mandevil: There are too many skills, but katana being the same skill as longsword creates serious problems for Samurai role differentiation. 03:47 FWIW, lance became the same skill as polearm. 03:48 And I'm _thinking_ about combining mace, flail, and possibly morningstar into a single skill. 03:49 These three should be a no brainer. 03:50 Hmm, not sure if club should also use that skill. Perhaps that's going too far. 03:50 That one should be in as well. 03:50 How is mace and club different? 03:50 In use? 03:51 And it makes Caveman somewhat better even. 04:03 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 13222 points, T:6092, killed by a blast of frost 04:08 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 04:11 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]