05:55 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 05:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 07:15 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 07:37 K2: haha so I got petrified by that bitch Medusa? :P 07:51 you did ;) 07:55 but you ascended! congratulations! :) 07:57 thanks! 08:00 oh you ascended K2? congrats! 08:00 thanks aosdict 08:14 EPI: generalized monster mutations. Any monster can be generated as "winged" (flying), "vampiric" (heals when it hits you; attacks drain levels), "disease-ridden" (attacks cause fatal illness), "frenzied" (has double its usual speed), "juggernaut" (has quadruple its usual hitpoints, attacks do double damage), "stoneskin" (non-instakill attacks don't harm it; immune to petrification), etc. These are n 08:14 ot mutually exclusive, of course: a monster can get more than one. 08:15 hi jonadab! You should play slex more often, because that exact concept is already in slex, named "monster egotypes". Yes, monsters can have several at once. And they can quaff potions of mutation to get more. :) 08:17 K2: gz! 08:17 LarienTelrunya: This does not make me want to play slex more often. 09:04 First FIQhack monk ascension! YUGE!! :D 09:04 Tangles: Message from FIQ at 2017-08-11 21:34 EDT: did you see the link I gave earlier with curses in 3.6? 09:06 FIQ: No. I was out all day and have not looked at the backscroll yet. 09:16 ah 09:17 LarienTelrunya: fiqhack object pile thingy is buggy :( 09:17 oh no! 09:17 because ais code works in mysterious ways and generally not the way you want it to work 09:18 the object pile stuff itself works fine 09:18 but the blue background thingy is.. weird 09:18 but you fixed the crash, right? 09:18 jonadab: try to mess with ais code and you will have a bad day 09:18 LarienTelrunya: oh I fixed the crash yeah, the object pile stuff itself works just fine 09:19 just... the game doesn't really seem to care to do the blue background stuff 09:19 doing it more when it feels like 09:19 so there are piles that just don't get highlighted? 09:19 pretty much 09:19 the game will know they are piles 09:20 if you farlook, you get "on other objects" 09:20 which is the pile identifier 09:20 but blue background doesn't work 09:20 should be easy to hijack the display code to actually highlight it then? 09:20 properly 09:20 easy... yeah, right 09:21 LarienTelrunya: ais rewrote the display handler 09:21 oh, so the original hilite patch will not work I guess 09:21 also the issue is bizarre 09:21 the original hilite patch has its own issues 09:22 but they're mostly information leak-related 09:22 otherwise it works fine 09:22 the original patch will draw pile branding whenever there is an object pile on the tile 09:22 it doesn't care about player memory whatsoever 09:23 so if a monster grabs one of a 2-size pile 09:23 it will disappear 09:23 even if out of player's view 09:23 etc 09:23 yeah, slex has that issue too 09:23 fiqhack piles work much better in this regard 09:23 the thing that doesn't work is the pile blue background display 09:23 which is unrelated to pile memory 09:24 FIQ: The UI code is a maze of twisty little functions, all confusing, yes. 09:24 the weird thing is 09:24 you can see a blue-background object pile just fine when it comes in view 09:24 but try to mess with it in any way 09:24 including *stepping onto it* 09:24 will remove the highlight 09:25 (but the pile is still recognized as an object pile, it's just the display code going haywire) 09:25 Does the display work off a cached map-memory thing? 09:26 yes 09:26 jonadab: but the pile branding shouldn't be touched at all 09:26 unless the entire thing is re-updated 09:27 which shouldn't be an issue 09:27 since it's still an object pile 09:27 "shouldn't" 09:27 well 09:27 why would the pile branding randomly be unset 09:27 when the tile is still identified as an object pile 09:27 I have no code that does this 09:27 Probably something is recalculating the player's memory of the position. 09:28 There may even be a reason. 09:29 You'd _think_ it would go through the same codepath... but this is NetHack, so who knows. 09:30 the only thing I can think of 09:30 is branding being zeroed for some reason 09:30 but this should affect things other than object pile status 09:30 also stepped, locked, unlocked, trapped, untrapped, seen (!), lit, templit 09:30 yasi: you can apply Fire Brand to a tame rothe to brand it with your cattle mark 09:32 ok let's see what happens if I set pile status unconditionally 09:35 jonadab: hmm ok so I think I see the issue 09:35 if I make object pile status override every other branding 09:35 stuff works 09:35 so I assume what happens is that other brandings are overriding it 09:41 !tell K2 pushed a fix to buggy object pile branding 09:41 Will do, FIQ! 09:44 now there is one issue left that I know of 09:44 the tileset engine needs better priorities 10:07 FIQhack updated 10:07 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-08-12 09:41 EDT: pushed a fix to buggy object pile branding 10:09 FIQ: It ought to be possible to have more than one branding on a tile. Granted, not all tilesets would be able to display them all. But graphical ones potentially could display more than one, using transparent overlays. 10:10 tell that to ais 10:10 Pet on an object pile on stairs, for instance, should all be representable at once in a sufficiently advanced graphical tileset. 10:10 Heh, yeah. 10:11 one issue atm is that object pile branding overrides up/downstairs 10:11 because these don't actually have any branding 10:11 it just relies on the tile 10:11 special casing would be silly so I'll ask ais about it once he shows up 10:12 jonadab: btw, the engine will send branding data as a bitfield 10:12 the curses interface is what then throws away this 10:17 Ah. 10:17 -!- Chris__ANG has joined #hardfought 10:20 -!- Chris_ANG has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:41 -!- Webmant9 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:46 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:48 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 11:07 K2: so was fh too easy? 11:07 it was easier than my last sporkhack game 11:07 easier than most of my grunthack games also 11:08 compared to vanilla NH3 and NH4 11:08 astral wasnt so bad, i did purple rain and charmed everything else 11:08 purple rain works? 11:08 hah yeah 11:08 well 11:08 i didnt even have to use half of my cursed geno scrolls 11:08 monsters attack your pets w/o provocation in fiqhack 11:09 burrrrrp burrrrrp 11:09 burpburpburpburp 11:09 oik 11:09 *ok 11:09 burp 11:09 You hear several burping sounds. 11:09 I guess charming a bunch helps 11:09 thats true any variant 11:09 K2: but is it easier than vanilla? 11:10 no 11:10 ok good 11:10 nothing is easier than vanilla 11:10 dynahack arguably is 11:10 nethack 4 is 11:10 vanilla (nh3 and nh4) is your baseline 11:10 i am playing dynahack right now 11:10 I think several people have claimed dyna to be easier than 3.4.3 11:10 it is NOT easier than vanilla 11:10 Hmm. If there were an amulet of monster detection, that granted extrinsic monster detection while equipped, A) would that be unbalanced, and B) would it be real competition for reflection and life saving? 11:10 ok :) 11:10 jonadab: A: no 11:11 B: unsure 11:11 if anyone has an argument that nh4 is harder than vanilla, I'd like to hear it 11:11 but it would make amulet of ESP obsolete 11:11 there's some grunthack-like bits in dynahack 11:11 prob where grunt got his ideas from 11:11 FIQ: Oh, good point. 11:11 maybe replace amulet of ESP with amulet of monster detection? 11:12 Yeah, trying to decide if that's a good idea. 11:12 what's better? dynahack or grunthack? 11:12 I think I'll put it down on my TODO list under "untriaged". 11:12 bug_sniper: Depends what you want. 11:12 GruntHack is more hardcore. 11:12 i wouldnt call any variants better than others 11:13 I want more artifacts and more intem properties 11:13 they're just different 11:13 *item 11:13 play slex then 11:13 it has a lot of properties and artifacts ;) 11:13 bug_sniper: Do you want all-dragonhide gear? 11:14 yeah, I'm thinking of doing that 11:14 dyna technically has more artifacts, but not a lot 11:14 grunt has the same arti amount as vanilla but has crazy object material potential 11:14 fiqhack is just vanilla arti-wise but has more object properties than either 11:14 slex has most of both 11:14 ^ silver thirsty long sword, etc. 11:14 so i have my first ever wand of wishing in dynahack 11:15 if i remember correctly you cant wish for properties on existing magic items 11:15 K2: you can wish for properties on magic items, but only "magical" 11:15 so it is randomized 11:15 (and can becomeo hunger/etc) 11:15 So you can't _usefully_ wish for properties on magic items. 11:15 i see 11:15 depends 11:15 I'd totally take the gamble 11:15 for the potential of reflection/etc 11:15 so i could wish for a magical helm of brilliance and wind up with the property being hunger 11:15 If wishing for armor anyway? 11:16 jonadab: yeah 11:16 K2: yes 11:16 it can also be drain resistance ;) 11:16 K2: Yes, but it could also end up being fire resistance. 11:16 You know you want a helm of brilliance and fire resistance. 11:16 oh right 11:16 in dynahack, extrinsic properties are more useful 11:16 Oh, are they? 11:16 like in fiqhack it prevents item destruction, but more than that 11:16 I didn't know that. 11:16 yeah i am noticing that 11:16 intrinsic fire res isn't foolproof 11:16 Does it do the dnethack thing? 11:16 Ah. 11:16 bug_sniper: play grunthack! *bundlebundlebundle* :) 11:16 I see. 11:17 LarienTelrunya: ;o 11:17 I think you might have slipped when writing 11:17 why? 11:17 you meant to type "slex" 11:17 LarienTelrunya: play SporkHack and go for pacifist conducxt. 11:17 does dynahack have object materials like grunt? 11:17 jonadab: sporkhack is terrible, I'd much rather play grunt if I had to choose between the two 11:17 K2: no 11:17 i love sporkhack 11:18 SporkHack is _interesting_. Variant developers should play it at least a little. 11:18 Not saying they should implement _everything_ it does. 11:18 I've seen spork 11:18 Generally not a fan of its changes 11:18 especially now that we've fixed some bugs and added some functionality 11:18 I've seen the Spork early game mostly. 11:18 I don't really like removing "exploits" 11:18 And it gets a lot of things wrong. 11:19 exploits? 11:19 But it's interesting nonetheless. Instructive, I think. 11:19 I prefer balancing other actions you can do as a player to compensate 11:19 and buff enemies 11:19 aosdict: SporkHack was intended for advanced players, I think. 11:19 yup 11:19 its more difficult than grunthack imo 11:19 but it was announced as not making the game any harder for new players 11:19 astral is no joke 11:19 aosdict: that is not true 11:19 or at least the wiki says that 11:19 I don't understand variant people who say that 11:19 K2: you should fix sporkhack's "saving and reloading the game re-initializes the random turn counts at which monster respawn speeds up" error ;) 11:20 aosdict: It means _unspoiled_ new players. 11:20 it's usually an euphenism for "we removed some exploits" 11:20 i think lorimer was mind fucking everybody 11:20 (generally Elbereth, but usually other things too) 11:20 lorimer decided that energy regeneration was too powerful 11:20 FIQ: Elbereth, pudding farming, throne farming, etc. 11:20 that's insane IMO, but w/e :P 11:21 jonadab: right 11:21 Oh, yes, eregen is totally OP, wizards should definitely have to use their staff to kill everything, none of that casting spells all the time nonsense. 11:21 EPI: ^ 11:22 jonadab: spork makes no attempt (IIRC) to buff energy regen 11:22 but nerfs eregen (the property) heavily 11:22 hmm dynahack has the random dragon bits like unnethack 11:22 but it also has chromatic dragons 11:22 K2: you know how nethack4 is basically nitrohack + nethack? 11:22 *nethack 3.4.3 11:22 yeah 11:23 dynahack is nitrohack + unnethack 4 11:23 yeah 11:23 i can see that 11:23 It does have some original changes as well. 11:23 dyna is to nethack4 as un 4 is to 3.4.3 11:23 But yes, it's got a LOT of Un in it. 11:23 jonadab: object properties 11:23 so which was first, dynahack or unnethack? or were they pulling bits from each other over time? 11:23 magic chests 11:23 K2: basically 11:23 K2: Un is MUCH older than Dyna. 11:24 tungtn spent a lot of time merging un into nitro to create dyna 11:24 and when he was almost done 11:24 I think Un is just slightly younger than Spork? 11:24 unnethack 5 was released 11:24 ah 11:24 and then he pretty much gave up at ever getting dyna to a state where it has all of unnethack in it + nitrohack's UI 11:25 (But Un is still active, or at least was recently, unlike most other variants of that era.) 11:25 ok 11:25 i have three wishes to burn. hmm 11:25 one issue dyna saw I think 11:25 is that tungtn didn' 11:25 t seem to realize the impact online play has 11:25 dynahack basically didn't have a server hosting it at all 11:26 this aggravated me a bunch because it sounded like a really cool variant, and others 11:26 FIQ: Wasn't Dyna pretty well EOL by the time you came along? 11:26 tungtn meanwhile seemed to lose motivation because basically nobody played the variant, so why bother dealing with nitrohack shit 11:26 gee I wonder why 11:26 hrm 11:26 well 11:27 ais still claims that most play is offline. 11:27 its been getting played a fair amount now 11:27 he realized the usefulness of online once kerio/me/whoever managed to convince him to host it online 11:27 But even if that's true, you can't really _tell_ that the offline play is happening, as a developer. 11:27 and he started to do stuff with it again, but stopped shortly after, probably being tired of having to deal with the nitrohack part of everything 11:27 because it was consistently being in the way 11:28 all the time 11:28 You don't get anywhere close to the same level of feedback from offline play, that you do from online play. 11:28 99% of dynahack bugs was due to nitrohack 11:28 jonadab: have you gotten feedback from offline players 11:28 like, at all 11:28 FIQ: I think one comment once? 11:29 fiqhack can *technically* be played offline, but I never really made an effort to push a proper stable release 11:29 Pretty sure ais gets more than I do. 11:29 perhaps I should start doing it each year after junethack 11:29 because the feature freeze means it ends up being rather stable 11:29 At this point, with two public servers, I have no plans to issue binary releases. 11:30 But I do try to maintain a release cycle with a stable branch. 11:30 And yes, Junethack is relevant for the timing of the cycle. 11:34 does the WoY steal your quest artifact in dynahack? 11:35 he should not 11:35 doe snot or should not? big difference 11:35 does not 11:37 K2: I just pushed a small bugfix to UnNetHack. 11:37 ok 11:37 If you can believe UnNethack has bugs. 11:38 noooo 11:38 that doesnt compute 11:38 bhaak is perfect in every way :P 11:38 All software has bugs, except for slex. 11:38 In slex they're called "features". 11:38 lol 11:39 I was talking to bhaak about this one on #unnethack last night. He pointed me to the place in the code, I just made the change. 11:39 slex also has bugs, such as the litter gaze being able to corrode stuff regardless of whether you can see the monster (discovered today) 11:40 EPI: xray gaze attacks that work through walls. 11:41 If you are a convict still wearing your striped shirt, and a shopkeeper sees you, you get banned from the shop forever (ok so far)... 11:41 motherfucker 11:42 Q - a cursed greased fireproof +0 cloak of protection and fumbling. 11:42 Heh. 11:42 (being worn) > 11:42 ? 11:42 no 11:42 wish 11:42 Ah. 11:42 N - [ a blessed rustproof +5 pair of gauntlets of power and searching {30} │ 11:42 │ O - [ a blessed greased rustproof +0 helm of telepathy and speed {50} 11:42 You wished for a "magical" one. 11:43 i did get those tho 11:43 yes 11:43 i gambled 11:43 2/3 aint bad i guess 11:43 Ah. 11:43 Telepathy and speed, that's pretty good. 11:43 However, if you happen to die in the vicinity of the shop (such as in the doorway after unwisely deciding to engage the jerk shopkeeper who won't let you in), and the shk takes your posessions, other players finding your bones will also be banned from the shop. 11:43 Tangles: Ah. 11:44 UnNetHack updated 11:44 cheers! 11:44 \o/ 11:44 Tangles: So the bones-saving code needs to clear the "banned" bit? 11:44 Yeah 11:44 EPI: wishing for a "magical" version of an item with mgc=1 doesn't work. 11:44 It was being cleared in one place, but not another. 11:45 EPI: wishing for a "magical" version of anything will always give you one of restful sleep. Leaving the word "magical" out of your wish, the chance of restful sleep is only 1 in 4. 11:45 Unfortunately does not help my current game (since the bug is in the leaving of bones, not finding them), but meh. 11:46 jonadab: EPI: if the player's name is "jonadab", magical gear will always be of strangulation. :D 11:46 lol 11:46 although that would require code to make strangulation on non-amulets work 11:47 Oooh, generalize that: do a simple hash on the player's name, and what magical property you always get is determined by that. 11:47 So all your magical gear will have the same property, but which property it is depends on your name. 11:47 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I just got some *really* evil EPI. 11:47 that's just mean. 11:47 then you get people picking names to get good properties 11:47 also, it makes luck of the Grasshopper a real thing. 11:47 since, y'know, the source is visible 11:48 aosdict: Yes, but it's an EPI, so it doesn't have to be reasonable, sane, or balanced. 11:48 True that. 11:48 (I mean, more real than it already is) 11:48 Who was it that said "You make your own luck" ? Was that Franklin? 11:49 It was Grasshopper (though he may not have been the first) ;) 11:50 I don't make my own luck, I just polymorph into a water nymph and steal Grasshopper's. 11:50 Anyway, gotta go get some of that restful sleep now. 'night everyone. 11:51 nite Tangles! 11:54 how do giants wear armor in grunthack? 11:55 they cant wear body armor, shirts or cloaks/robes 11:55 then I don't think I want to play a giant more 11:55 they're fun 11:56 boulders weigh nothing for them 11:56 you can toss them all over the place 11:56 kill stuff 11:56 plus you cant be engulfed 11:57 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:57 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:57 Who needs shirts, anyway? 11:57 Down with shirts. 11:57 but you do you get both reflection and magic resistance then? 11:57 and make up for the ac you don't get from them 11:57 Amulet and artifact? 11:59 Divine protection? 11:59 and what do boulders do if you're a wizard? 12:00 Wait, giants can be wizards? 12:00 yes 12:00 i've been playing wiz giant lately 12:00 you can add reflection to rings in gh 12:00 That seems like an odd combination. 12:00 it is 12:00 int can be 18 but wis only 14 12:01 bug_sniper: tossing boulders as a wizard is bad ass 12:01 you find a couple boulders on dlvl 1, you're good to go 12:01 that makes you an earth bender 12:04 congrats on the fh monk, k2 12:04 LarienTelrunya: fiqhack allows strangulation on everything code-wise (but nothing confers strangulation besides the amulet) :) 12:04 thanks hothraxxa 12:04 how was the astral plane? 12:04 wasnt too bad 12:04 i did purple rain 12:05 and then charmed most everything else 12:05 got lucky went right way first time 12:05 it was a side effect of rewriting how intrinsics work 12:05 it's not as effective as vanilla, but it works 12:05 FIQ: oh, so a hypothetical FIQslex could implement it easily! 12:05 indeed 12:05 charm is the way to success in fh 12:05 because create/summon monster spam 12:06 hothraxxa: you'll be happy to know that I intend to nerf charm monster 12:06 i saw that somewhere 12:06 haven't gotten around to it yet 12:06 LarienTelrunya: rebase slex onto FIQHack. 12:06 but I want to make it so that you can only have so many monsters charmed at a time 12:06 Ready set go. 12:06 jonadab: you should have added "bitches" to that sentence :D:D:D 12:07 fun fact: due to a bug, charm monster used to need to pierce monster MR *twice* in fiqhack 12:07 making charming certain creatures nearly impossible 12:07 does anyone know how mandevil calculates duration and whether it is accurate? 12:08 it is accurate for non-NH4 variants 12:08 due to how NH4 variants work, realtime doesn't really work on it 12:08 hothraxxa: xlogfile has starttime and endtime fields. 12:08 ah. thank you 12:08 FIQ: What about Nitro/Dyna? 12:08 jonadab: same thing 12:09 Mandevil: Oh, is it just absolute duration from start of game to end of game? 12:09 i was pondering the grunthack first combo ascensions board and noticed that my gnome healer has the shortest duration 12:09 That should be accurate in all variants, actually. 12:10 it was my lowest turn count ascension by a fair amount 12:10 jonadab: No, it's the time actually spent playing. 12:10 i beat berry by two minutes. that seems... wierd 12:10 jonadab: Actually, I am sorry. 12:10 jonadab: so apparently the "generate the level with you outside it" code does run in dynahack 12:10 Mandevil: Ah, right, so only accurate in non-Nitro then. 12:10 but it lacks the later nethack4 fixes 12:10 jonadab: xlogfile has duration field. 12:11 so I wonder if it creates a corrupted level 12:11 i am in no way in the same league 12:11 who knows 12:11 K2 will know soon 12:11 hothraxxa: I don't think speed is what Barry is principally known for. 12:11 berry, and i know that 12:12 anyway, i'm wrong. i misread the table i think 12:12 hothraxxa: Grunt himself has faster ascension. 12:13 yes i am looking again 12:13 You're not even in first three :) (sorry for that) 12:13 ok here we go, see if dynahack is gonna crash ;) 12:14 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:14 going to save first 12:14 ok 12:14 that was fine 12:14 12:14 jonadab: you need to entice people to play 4k more, fiqhack almost have as many ascs as 4k despite being around for half as long :P 12:15 Mandevil: what, in first ascended combos? 12:15 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:15 hothraxxa: I think Mandevil meant realtime 12:15 yes and i think he means all ascensions 12:16 K2: you have so many grunt ascs 12:16 did you ascend all roles? 12:16 FIQ: Yeah, I should offer to add T-shirt messages to the game featuring the first person to ascend each race/role combination in version 12:16 jonadab: that's a cool idea :P 12:16 dnh actually did something like that 12:16 FIQ: i did 12:16 hallugods 12:16 Yeah. 12:16 That's where I got the idea from. 12:17 jonadab: you should add messages that have you talk about the other variants, and what you think of them :) 12:17 jonadab: one thing I was considering was to give the first players who ascend a certain role+race 12:17 an astral player monster entry 12:17 LarienTelrunya: Fourk isn't trying to be slex. 12:17 with a kit based off the ascension (but balanced alongside the rest) 12:18 But I would absolutely sweetheart bundle developers who tried to make their variant slex-like. ;) 12:18 so in the end there would be a role+race combination of everything 12:18 * jonadab backs away slowly. 12:19 LarienTelrunya... urgh no 12:20 you are unique 12:20 embrace that 12:20 LarienTelrunya: I fixed the object pile bugs in fiqhack 12:20 so it works ok now :) 12:20 slex is full of arbitrary deaths or game-destroying events that you simply cannot anticipate or prepare for 12:20 dynahack is cutting off messages at the top of the screen 12:20 FIQ: yay! this will make it more fun when I play it again in 10 months ;) 12:21 this is fun if you're just out for a lark, but discourages serious play with an intent to win 12:21 this makes me sad 12:21 hothraxxa: git gud :D 12:21 K2: what do you mean? 12:21 LarienTelrunya: there is no incentive to get gud 12:21 also, consider disabling classic_status if you're going to have 80x25 12:21 K2: well I'll still be unique even if other variants were implementing slexisms, but I might actually steal their features if they're slexy enough! 12:21 hothraxxa: play slex! *bundlebundlebundle* ;) 12:22 i was at 80x24 12:22 80x25 didnt help 12:22 i do! but i can't really play it seriously 12:22 oh but that's a simple issue 12:22 disable status3 12:22 it has priority over 2-line msgbar 12:22 ah 12:23 and then ctrl+r because apparently screen redraw is hard 12:23 YANI: allow thrusting a spear like a lance to hit things 2 spaces away 12:23 thanks 12:23 yay 12:23 no ty 12:23 noty... no ty 12:23 oh the statusbar disappeared for you too? lol 12:23 no ty... noty 12:23 noty IS no thankyou! 12:23 no, thank YOU! 12:24 noooo thank YOUUUUUU 12:24 why do i keep seeing elaine benes? 12:24 einhorn, finkle... finkle, einhorn! 12:24 k 12:24 einhorn IS finkle! 12:25 who is elaine? 12:26 aosdict: In Crawl spear is a polearm 12:27 why is it that whenever I suggest something people tell me how it already exists in some variant or other roguelike entirely 12:28 aosdict: doesn't mean to invalidate the suggestion 12:28 just saying there is predecence 12:28 ^ that 12:28 NetHack needs skills reduced anyway. 12:28 There's too many of them. 12:28 which is generally a notion *for* the feature 12:28 Making zero sense. 12:28 not against it 12:28 So remove spear skill and make it polearm. 12:29 Mandevil: they're used differently 12:29 aosdict: ? 12:29 spears you can walk up and stab someone with, polearms you can't 12:29 Mandevil: a spear in nethack doesn't even work as a polear 12:29 m 12:29 the skills being seperate make perfect sense 12:29 unlike, say, knives and javelins 12:29 aosdict: elaine is a character is seinfeld 12:29 there's a reason all the polearms do only d2 damage in melee 12:30 and spears do normal damage 12:30 Yeah, that's the simulationist nature of NetHack. 12:30 It just doesn't make the game better. 12:30 I totally don't understand why almost every weapon has its own skill class. 12:30 Mandevil: I am writing up something right now that addresses this :D 12:31 what if polearms in nethack was buffed damage-wise 12:31 but can only hit targets up to 2 tiles away 12:31 in an orthogonal direction 12:31 It would probably be somewhat better. 12:31 (not knights move) 12:31 and doing so is seamless 12:31 as in, the game takes care of it for you 12:31 FIQ: the problem with polearms is the annoying interface, you can't just walk into stuff like you can with every other melee weapon 12:31 combine with autoswap 12:31 ooh, that's interesting 12:32 aosdict: In Crawl that problem is solved with autofight. 12:32 aosdict: You press [tab] and the game hits a monster. 12:32 aosdict: If you're wielding polearm, it will apply the weapon for you. 12:33 also works with bows/etc 12:33 It works with everything. 12:33 not spells 12:33 FIQ: There's autocast as well, just not enabled by default. 12:33 (I don't use that, though). 12:34 Also, why is there dozen of polearms in NetHack? 12:34 because silliness 12:34 Some of the devz had medieval warfare as their hobby? 12:35 no, D&D has the same thing 12:35 Ah. 12:35 and nethack weapons originated from there 12:35 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Comments 12:35 see the weapons.c comment 12:36 * 1987 and I used the table from Unearthed Arcana until I got tired of typing 12:36 * them in (leading to something of an imbalance towards weapons early in 12:36 * alphabetical order). 12:36 sums up nicely why nethack damage is stupid 12:37 Haha. 12:39 polearms should probably be reduced, keep some of the distinct ones like the halberd and spetum and bardiche, but the rest can be scrapped 12:40 trident should be polearm too. 12:40 yep 12:40 Also, keep glaive. 12:41 Because it's a naginata for samurai. 12:43 Oh, and merge long swords and two handed swords. 12:44 So that using two handed sword is an actual option. 12:44 Nope, I'm buffing two-handed sword into its own fighting style independent of long swords 12:45 Separate skill for two-handed sword is stupid. 12:45 Not if two-handed swords are much better for damage than single-handed swords, which is the plan. 12:47 morning star and scimitars having separate skill is also weird 12:47 And sabres. 12:47 there's exactly ONE weapon that uses each of those skills 12:47 morning star is a blunt weapon, scimitar is a bladed weapon? 12:47 yeah saber too 12:48 morning star should be with flails, hammers. 12:49 okay I just published what I've been writing so you can take a look at it 12:49 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:Phol_ende_wodan/Skill_balance_proposal#Skill_advancement_tree 12:51 basically, skills start off general and get more specialized 12:56 It makes skill a little better. 12:56 skills 12:58 zombifier: morning star and mace should share skill 12:58 I'd also move whips into blunt weapons, but that's just me. 12:59 yup, it's basically a spiky mace 12:59 "blunt weapon" was more meant as "heavy bludgeoning weapon" 13:00 As it is, whip is totally useless as weapon. 13:02 hmm 13:02 i thought the portals to dragon caves were in the VotD 13:02 is it different for dynahack? 13:02 Yes. 13:02 ok 13:02 DynaHack does not have any portals in VotD. 13:03 That's UnNetHack thing. 13:03 gotcha 13:03 dynahack doesn't have the votd nexus 13:03 Mandevil: *UnNethack5 13:03 Dragon Caves are in deep Gehennom. 13:03 ok 13:03 dyna has everything unnethack 13:03 but it's based off an older version 13:03 So it doesn't have some things. 13:03 Like Moria. 13:03 indeed 13:03 Maybe I should move flail out of blunt weapons and put them in a "swinging weapons" class, though that still wouldn't hep. 13:03 help* 13:04 Keep it in blunt weapons. 13:04 aosdict: I think Mandevil is preaching dcss skill set 13:04 so you're better off simply just looking at it 13:04 to get an idea of what Mandevil wants 13:04 FIQ: I want weapons to make sense :) 13:05 In Crawl, every weapon class has something that others don't. 13:05 Not just different damage. 13:05 But some special mechanic. 13:05 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:05 Well, whips do have that 13:05 Polearms have reaching, long blades have riposte, axes cleave. 13:05 in what way are long blades and short blades different 13:05 Etc. 13:05 mechanic-wise 13:05 FIQ: Short blades are light, fast and good for stabbing. 13:05 numbers 13:06 you said "not just different damage" 13:06 I just said. 13:06 so I assumed you meant "other than different numbers" 13:06 They require less skill. 13:06 They do much more damage when stabbing. 13:06 They are also very common. 13:06 that is a mechanic difference yeah 13:06 what about long blades vs maces+flails 13:07 the only difference besides numbers on top of my head is that one slays hydras better 13:07 FIQ: They riposte. 13:07 riposte? 13:07 FIQ: Also there are (eu)demon blades that are very good one-handers. 13:07 FIQ: Also blessed long blades do more damage. 13:08 dcss doesn't have BUC 13:08 FIQ: TSO can bless a weapon. 13:08 sldo 13:08 *also 13:08 in nethack 13:08 FIQ: Ripose is additional attack that happens when you evade a monster's attack. 13:08 long blades do more damage 13:08 you literally just said "more differences than damage" 13:09 hmm 13:09 I didn't know riposte was a thing 13:09 FIQ: Maces are also more common early. 13:10 [gh] bugsniper (Wiz Kob Mal Cha), 205 points, T:399, killed by a boulder 13:11 [gh] bugsniper (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:73, killed by a kobold werejackal 13:34 [dyn] groovejumper (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 38059 points, T:37504, killed by an air elemental 13:47 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 13:47 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:09 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 435 points, T:820, killed by a monster (spacewars fighter) 14:30 see I am not the only one who dislike orctown https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/6r5u87/new_player_third_in_a_row_that_i_stumble_upon/dl2ksnx/ 14:30 * FIQ points at lorimer, then curses 14:30 :P 15:10 [nd] Rx (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 1999 points, T:4391, killed by a bolt of cold 15:20 -!- Tomthetom has joined #hardfought 15:38 -!- Tomthetom has quit [Read error: No route to host] 15:38 -!- Tomthetom00 has joined #hardfought 16:12 K2: someone else on RLdiscord got fail2banned 16:12 fix your settings man 16:15 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 16:31 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: No route to host] 16:31 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 16:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 16:31 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 2282 points, T:1732, killed by a Woodland-elf 16:36 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:50 [fh] Fisting Hard (Tomthetom) (Mon Hum Fem Cha), 32320 points, T:3253, turned to slime by a green slime 16:56 Tomthetom00: how did you get slimes that early 16:57 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 1211 points, T:1838, killed by a kobold mummy 16:58 [slex] bugsniper (Ota Spe Mal Cha), 47310 points, T:7173, quit 17:00 FIQ, Wasnt early lol 17:05 turn 3k 17:13 -!- Tomthetom00 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:30 FIQ who was it 17:30 Ether 17:30 can you ask them for their IP 17:34 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 461 points, T:1046, killed by a gnome lord 17:39 nothing i can do if i dont have an IP to work with... 17:39 i reset fail2ban so it's not quite so unforgiving 17:39 I just asked him for you K2 17:39 ok thx 17:40 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 17:40 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 17:40 He sounds very confused and I just told him to get on irc if he wants help because I don't think anyone wants to go back and forth like this... 17:40 that would be best 17:43 -!- Ether_ has joined #hardfought 17:43 Hello 17:43 Hello Ether_, Welcome to #hardfought 17:44 hi 17:44 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 17:44 @K2 greqrg told me about you know about the possible ban from ascension for Nethack 17:45 ascension.run ? 17:45 yea 17:45 ah that's not me 17:45 we run the hardfought nethack serv 17:45 server 17:45 oh 17:45 kerio runs ascension.run 17:46 is Fiq too right? 17:46 channel same name 17:46 no FIQ doesnt run anything on ascension.run 17:46 you'll want to join #ascension.run and ask kerio for help 17:47 Iam basically a noob on Nethack, whats the difference with hardfought? 17:47 it's a different server 17:47 we run more variants here. hardfought is located in the US, ascension.run is in europe 17:48 and it's prob safe to say i'm a bit more approachable than kerio ;) 17:48 nethack servers aren't centralized or anything 17:48 K2 and kerio are just people who said "hey it would be cool if I ran a nethack server" 17:48 heh 17:48 eh lol 17:48 i scrubbed your IP against my firewall iptable, you're not on it Ether 17:50 the problem was, I loaded Fiq in guake terminal, using fish shell. I alt tab for some minutes 17:50 FIQ: gdamn man get your shit straight :P 17:50 when I back, the game freezed 17:50 K2: this is the first time I've been *wrong* in this regard 17:50 ;) 17:50 pfft 17:50 first time today 17:51 i tweaked f2b anyways, needed it 17:51 restarted the terminal, when i tried to log in, my account was logged but I could not back to play. Is a problem with me or the server? 17:51 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha) killed Lea, on T:4982 17:51 that doesnt sound like a ban 17:51 you were able to login 17:52 perhaps the FIQhack process froze or there's an instance running that the server hasnt killed 17:53 hmm 17:53 i just started a new FIQhack game on ascrun 17:53 no issues i can tell 17:53 Well I tried to log in again with my account and nothing happens, I cant go back 17:54 where are you located? 17:55 South America 17:55 Colombia 17:56 nice. rare to see someone from your region play. welcome 17:57 It is, not alot of people like roguelikes 17:57 here 17:57 How long ago did this happen? 17:58 Yesterday I tried to play Nethack so I go to the Discord server 17:58 you could try setting up an account on hardfought, see how that works for you 17:58 ssh nethack@hardfought.org 17:59 hell, it could be a router issue between you and ascrun 17:59 but i dount that given what you're describing... 17:59 doubt 18:00 Can you play other variants on asc.run? 18:00 yeah try just regular nethack on ascrun 18:00 see how it acts 18:01 this is all probably FIQ's fault... 18:01 ? 18:01 ;) 18:01 oh 18:01 For sure could be in problem here, internet is a bit bad, I not linux wise 18:01 * FIQ zaps K2 with a magic missile! 18:01 i forgot the 18:01 Ether_: if you're in south america 18:01 maybe try hardfought? 18:02 yea 18:03 there ya go 18:03 bork fogg 18:03 lol 18:03 ye 18:04 my first roguelike was Castle of the Winds 18:04 them I read later that game is a clone of Nethack 18:04 but more simple 18:05 yeah that game has some history 18:05 been around a long while 18:05 yaaaaaay Castle of the Winds! I was absolutely addicted to it for over a decade when I was younger :) 18:06 wait 18:06 you were... younger?? 18:06 * K2 gasps 18:06 well I discovered it at an age of 9 or 10 I think 18:06 :P 18:06 And you're not 9 or 10 now? 18:06 lol 18:06 But after years I could never defeat Sutur 18:07 i always picture you in your 20's LarienTelrunya 18:07 the dude do tri elemental spells 18:07 also summon pit fiends constantly 18:07 please say you're as old as the queen of england 18:08 Haha. 18:08 (the queen is on my bucket list fyi) 18:08 who me? lol 18:08 K2: wanna know how old I am? 18:08 NO 18:08 :P 18:08 okay 18:08 i kid 18:08 Isn't the queen, like, basically a thousand years old? 18:08 jonadab: yes. and i'd still do her six ways to sunday in a heartbeat 18:08 I mean, wasn't she queen way back when Strom Thurmond was born? 18:09 she's the QUEEN 18:09 i even have blessing from the boss (aka wife) 18:09 Ok is something in my computer 18:09 K2: Probably because she thinks it'll never happen. 18:09 I back to the terminal and is frozed 18:10 hmm 18:10 -!- Chris__ANG is now known as Chris_ANG 18:10 jonadab: right. but i have a way of making things happen 18:10 LarienTelrunya: Just tell us if you were at Woodstock or not, and let it go at that :-) 18:10 hah now i gotta know 18:10 not much of a festival girl 18:11 we should do a poll 18:12 (At one time, the number of people who claimed they were at woodstock was something like ten thousand times as many people as were actually there. These days, it's probably somewhat lower due to the fact that you'd pretty much be claiming to be too old not to be senile.) 18:12 !8ball does K2 truly know how old LarienTelrunya is? 18:12 K2: Yes 18:12 see 18:12 hey! 18:12 Hello hothraxxa, Welcome to #hardfought 18:12 hahahah 18:12 so do you want to guess and then I tell you how far off you were? 18:12 i'm old enough to have been at woodstock 18:13 i'm gonna go with 27, almost 28 18:13 i wasn't, but i'm not senile yet either 18:13 K2: you were close, I'm 30 18:13 I think my parents were in gradeschool at the time. 18:13 \o/ 18:13 always guess low ;) 18:13 you young whippersnappers, no respect for your elders anymore 18:14 No, wait, Wikipedia says it was '69, my parents would've been about high school graduation age or so. 18:14 and *never ever* aska woman when she's due, no matter how she looks. 18:14 But they hadn't met yet. 18:14 32 18:15 i was born right after woodstock :/ 18:15 we old farts 18:15 K2: When the subject of birthdays come up, I joke about asking people, "Are you sixty yet?" 18:15 *comes 18:15 yes. yes i am 18:15 heh 18:15 K2: Elizabeth was a real hottie when she was younger. Still is, of course 18:15 of course 18:15 actually 70 in two weeks 18:15 Grasshopper: Who would know? They hadn't invented photography yet. 18:15 yeah she's been #1 on my bucket list going on 20 yrs now 18:16 jonadab: she became Queen in 1952 18:16 alanis morrisette is a close second 18:16 lizzie? ben there done that 18:16 Grasshopper: Oh, not until then? 18:16 I thought it was sooner, somehow. 18:16 hothraxxa you shut up 18:16 pretty sure I could rustle up some photos with an internet trawl 18:17 Grasshopper check your PM please 18:17 Sixty-fifth anniversary this year? 18:17 Isn't her husband dead? 18:17 hothraxxa: you have not had relations with the queen of england. dont tease me 18:17 i have many pictures of the queen right here in my pocket 18:17 and beyond that i'm not saying 18:18 Hah. 18:18 ... 18:18 Philip just retired from doing public functions by himself 18:18 He is like 90-something, so fair enough 18:18 i bet her majesty was relieved 18:19 Grasshopper: Oh, huh. 18:19 he is also prone to saying awkward things 18:19 I thought she'd been a widow for decades, for some reason. 18:19 Maybe I have her confused with somebody else. 18:19 Lizzy will live a long time yet I warrant 18:19 she never smoked 18:19 she better 18:20 Her dad died early (or lung cancer), which is why she got to be queen very young 18:20 LarienTelrunya: the queen of england should be a playable class in slex 18:20 hahaha :D 18:20 assuming it isnt already 18:21 6d8 wave attack 18:21 Nah, she should be a quest leader. 18:21 helllooooo.... 18:21 they're not really leaders, you know 18:21 *wave* 18:21 more like commanders 18:21 it's not like they lead you anywhere 18:22 "Go back outside and don't come back until you're XL14!" 18:22 hah 18:22 Heh. 18:22 you should take that into account in your revisions aosdict 18:23 what? 18:23 they're commanders not leaders 18:23 Here's a photo of QEII in uniform, must be back when she was a mechanic in WWII 18:23 http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/queen-elizabeth-ii/images/37969635/title/young-queen-elizabeth-ii-photo 18:23 oh yeah 18:23 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 30932 points, T:6097, drowned in a pool of water by an anaconda 18:23 baby, baby 18:24 that were practically a pinup when i were a lad 18:24 you can see that she has breasts 18:24 hothraxxa: Eh, Mae West dressed way more provocatively than that. 18:24 oh don't i know it 18:25 i think you miss my humour there 18:25 i guess you had to be there 18:25 hothraxxa: you were a lad? 18:25 anyway, next in that sequence is http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/queen-elizabeth-ii/images/37969634/title/young-queen-elizabeth-ii-photo 18:25 much much hotter 18:26 That makes her look like an emo. 18:26 i were a wee laddy 18:26 I don't think photos of her are right unless she's smiling. 18:26 hothraxxa: I took a photo of my sister that looked very much like that one 18:26 ok gonna try in the default gnome terminal 18:26 ok 18:26 r name is Elizabeth too 18:26 her 18:26 was gonna say i still see you online 18:26 hmm 18:27 I entitled that photo "Take that camera away and shove it up your arse" 18:27 I just relog right now 18:27 i think she looks quite sexy in that portrait 18:27 NOT YOUR SISTER 18:27 that's what makes it sexy ;D 18:27 ok maybe your sister too. show me the pic 18:27 dunno, lost to the sands of time 18:28 in some album somewhere in my shed 18:28 oh man 18:28 * hothraxxa imagines grasshopper's sultry sexy sister 18:28 The time before digital photos, when you had one physical copy... 18:28 this is starting to go south 18:28 lmao I killed my cat 18:28 jonadab: yes 18:28 in game* 18:28 Ether_ try not to kill your pets. your deity frowns upon that ;) 18:29 now with digital you get a zillion copies and never print them 18:29 was a mistake 18:29 Ether_: That's not terribly unusual. 18:29 and you can never find what you want 18:29 I mean, you try to avoid it. But it happens. 18:29 !lastgame dolores 18:29 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502561368.slex.txt 18:29 i accidentally killed my pet dragon in last nights FIQhack game when taking out the wizard 18:29 oops 18:30 Have you ever killed your pet in GruntHack by throwing tripe at it? 18:30 at least it didn't die because you tossed it tripe 18:30 [fh] Bork Fogg (Ether) (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 6963 points, T:27, quit 18:30 you don a helmet of lead 18:30 hah 18:30 you're still bitter about that eh hothraxxa 18:31 i am 18:31 has that been addressed? i cant remember 18:31 i don't think it actually affected my game much. it's just my amy moment 18:31 In GruntHack, that's considered Not A Bug, IIRC. 18:31 I read somewhere you should use forcebolt in a fountain or something like that 18:32 but the dumb cat was there and I killed it 18:32 Does force bolt do anything to a fountain? 18:32 not that i'm aware of 18:32 you'd expect it to make a mess 18:32 read something in the wiki (wizard tips) 18:32 i think you might have confused something 18:32 Wouldn't be surprised if it turns a sink _into_ a fountain. 18:32 perhaps yeah 18:33 force bolt statues not fountains 18:33 Also breaks doors. 18:33 aw shet 18:33 of course, that must be it 18:33 thats what the wiki says to do for ammo/search for spellbooks 18:36 EPI: if force bolt or striking hits a throne, it destroys the throne 18:36 EPI: if a throne gets destroyed, your diety gets angry. 18:36 hmm 18:36 that might actually happen in sporkhack 18:36 since its considered an actual object 18:36 The force bolt hits the grid bug! The grid bug is killed! 18:37 Yeah, but the dungeon isn't a grass hut. 18:37 A door appears in the wall! The door crashes open! 18:37 So is a piercing spell? 18:37 It's a bolt of force. 18:37 It breaks things. 18:37 no, you used force bolt and the grid bug was in line with a secret door 18:37 Or tries to. 18:37 And yes, the door was there all the time, you just didn't know. 18:38 So the spells dont stop when hit a enemy 18:38 Force bolt doesn't. 18:38 Actually, most spells don't. 18:38 Unless the enemy has reflection, in which case most rays bounce back. 18:38 But force bolt isn't a ray, it's a beam. 18:38 So it won't bounce. 18:39 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 18:40 -!- nymphet has joined #hardfought 18:42 !lastgame dolores 18:42 nymphet: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502561368.slex.txt 18:44 :/ 18:44 hello K2 18:44 did yo see me die? 18:44 hiya 18:44 I tried hard on that game 18:44 no i didnt 18:45 I went to the mines to try to find a way to dig down 18:45 I had my quest level 18:45 wtihout the monsters 18:45 and it was horrible! 18:45 i recently died that way to a giant eel in one of my last grunthack games 18:45 me being stupid 18:45 I got a -20 ac armor 18:45 aaah 18:45 that's sad 18:46 I didn't realize there was water under the anaconda 18:46 would of filled my hole 18:46 two of em showed up, one grabbed me, so i had 50/50 chance of teleporting the correct one. i guessed wrong ;) 18:46 :( 18:46 K2: next time, break the wand 18:46 that's sad 18:46 yeah 18:47 that just sounds annoying 18:47 which is why we love nethack and its variants so much 18:47 K2: IMO, it's a bug that you can't tell which monster is holding you by farlooking them. 18:47 we love to sufefr? 18:47 suffer? 18:47 we do 18:47 that too 18:47 K2: Also, you could've _broken_ the wand of teleportation. 18:48 yes well 18:48 I love being a surfer 18:48 YASD 18:48 surfing is much more fun than suffering 18:48 can you really break wands 18:48 ;) 18:48 I should of used a wand I didn't realize 18:48 yes if your strength is high enough 18:48 nymphet: a)pply them 18:48 I would of been drowned 18:48 and it doesnt need to be that high 18:49 strength 10 needed to break a wand 18:49 assuming thats the same in slex 18:49 I would guess so 18:49 loli has asked a few times for advice on slex and i honestly dont know what to tell her 18:50 I'm loli 18:50 hi loli #2 18:50 thanks 18:50 not home 18:50 so I can't use loli 18:50 ah 18:50 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 1294 points, T:1144, killed by a monster (spikey mushroom patch) 18:50 eh 18:50 nymphet - loli. dunno how i missed that ;) 18:50 haha 18:50 they mean the same thing! 18:50 irssi colors both of them red 18:51 does it? 18:51 loli is red 18:51 but since I'm nymphet 18:51 it's white 18:51 as well as LarienTelrunya, interestingly. 18:51 lol 18:51 so I can just assume red=slex 18:51 haha 18:51 nice 18:51 I like that 18:51 nice RNG 18:51 I don't think anyone else here is red 18:51 that's what 20 choose 3 18:51 ah so 18:52 learn something new everyday 18:52 1,140 combinations 18:52 of 3 names out of 20 18:52 oh there are 33 18:52 In my case, Beholder is red. (Red is reserved in my setup, for bots and dev team.) 18:52 1 second 18:52 5,456 18:52 i didnt know that loli was short for lolita 18:52 jonadab: yeah I should probably configure that 18:52 i'm so out of touch with today's youth 18:52 haha 18:52 ;) 18:52 the book isn't that young 18:53 do you know how many people in #nethack have blue six-character names? Including Rodney? 18:53 I do like the play on words there, though 18:53 aosdict: Heh. 18:54 i did have an idea about what nymphet stands for though 18:54 huh 18:54 ??? 18:54 makes sense 18:54 yeet 18:54 I have a theme bonus going on 18:54 hahah 18:55 hothraxxa! let's talk about the queen of england again, bring me back into my comfort zone 18:55 hahah 18:55 I like that 18:55 :P 18:55 ded 18:55 wtf 18:55 The water is contaminated! The fountain dries up! ayy lmao 18:55 [slex] dolores (Blo Ang Fem Cha), 73 points, T:283, killed by a solar beam 18:55 that was some bullset 18:56 55 dmg 18:56 attack 18:56 or something 18:56 welcome to slex 18:56 !lastgame 18:56 nymphet: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502578278.slex.txt 18:56 !lastgame dolores 18:56 nymphet: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502578278.slex.txt 18:56 k2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tzb5QABCmak 18:56 The watchman of Ambarannon zaps a lavender wand! 18:56 This video contains content from UMG_MK. It is not available in your country. 18:56 bah! 18:56 time to reconfig the vpn 18:56 hrm. we canadians can see it 18:57 lol 18:57 oh gimmie 10 sec 18:57 what country are you in right now 18:57 vpn wise 18:57 us east 18:57 for speed sake 18:57 lol 18:57 but my irc account here is local since i'm using znc 18:58 on the server 18:58 huh 18:58 there we go 18:58 playing now 18:58 damn you interwebz 18:58 Hmm, that's something I should consider if I ever break down and spring for a VPS. 18:58 the traps can be dissabled or something? 18:59 some traps yes 18:59 If I get one that's hosted overseas, I could use it to get around stupid geographic restrictions. 18:59 ether: some can be u)ntrapped 18:59 Some, but generally you can just ignore them 18:59 i use PIA 18:59 Although, most geograhic restrictions don't exclude Americans unless they only allow access from specific countries. 18:59 PIA hasn't been working well for me lately 18:59 i could show as connecting from Grasshopper's house 18:59 openvpn hasn't liked it since my newest account 19:00 Ether_: Different kinds of traps can be eliminated in different ways. 19:00 For example, trap doors can be plugged with boulders. 19:00 so can moats! 19:00 it's wonderful 19:00 ether: how unspoiled do you want to be? the wiki has extensive articles on traps and fountains and such 19:00 Squeaky boards can be untrapped with grease or oil, which would be a reasonable mechanic if oil and grease weren't so rare and useful. 19:01 I'm rather unspoiled outside of the things amy tells me 19:01 lol 19:01 it's a nice way to learn 19:01 difficult to be otherwsie in slex 19:01 is for give an idea how much can be done in this game, I play mostly Cataclysm, and everything there can be disassembled for retrieve parts 19:02 EPI: the game should track which actions the player does most often and start penalizing the player for them, so that you have to adapt your play style. 19:02 so i've listened to that lil diddy about a dozen times now hothraxxa 19:02 heh 19:02 paul mccartney has enough cash to buy england and everyone on it 19:02 jonadab: that's too evil 19:02 hothraxxa: What, you don't want to memorize the slex source? 19:02 and might alreaady be in slex 19:02 btw 19:02 I learned today 19:02 so essientially he *could* make her majesty his 19:02 there is a 1/100 chance of not going back up the stairs 19:02 1/250 not being able to go back down 19:03 the more you know~ 19:03 ya slex 19:03 not 19:03 jonadab: i don't mind the endless variety of monsters and items 19:03 is it the same in other variants? 19:03 or just what amy did to nerf it 19:03 no 19:03 amy nerfed stairs 19:03 the pokedex makes it work hothraxxa 19:03 nymphet: As a general rule, you should not assume that anything in slex is the same in other variants. 19:03 my objection is the high number of arbitrary deaths and game-destroying events that you cannot possible know about or prepare for 19:04 hothraxxa: That's slex's _primary_ schtick. 19:04 apparently 19:04 That's the fundamental approach it takes to balance, and is considered a major design goal. 19:04 you can prepare for a lot from what I'veseen 19:04 amy says it works as intended 19:04 ther'es a lot of my mistakes 19:04 that makes me die 19:04 IN particular, if a skilled, experienced player can reliably win every game, that's considered a bug in slex. 19:04 oh unidetified scrolls mmm how dangerous is try to read / drink stuff 19:05 ether: quite dangerous 19:05 Ether_: Attempting to use unidentified items is usually considered bad strategy in NetHack. 19:05 is it? 19:05 there are some rogue-lites- that dont punish too much for trying out 19:05 in slex it's okay most of the time 19:05 to read unidentified scrolls 19:05 a skilled, experienced slex player (if one exited besides amy) would still die many times over before winning a game 19:06 Ether_: Brogue _requires_ you to use-identify items. And that works for Brogue. 19:06 But NetHack has other ways. 19:06 amy dies a lot as well 19:06 so it seems 19:06 this is why its bad to use unidentifed items in nethack - https://www.hardfought.org/phpBB3/gallery/image/2473 19:06 loli: that's what i just said really 19:06 (_mostly_ works for Brogue; potion of hallucination is a significant problem, in that if you get it when you don't have a potion of life, you are basically dead). 19:06 bb 19:07 Or drink a fire potion with low hp 19:07 K2: Actually, they say if you get a genocide from a non-BUCced scroll, you should say krakens. 19:07 was going to die in other game, and I got an undetified potion, so I risked drink it anyways lol 19:08 good point 19:08 they bite kinda hard though 19:08 K2: They're helpless on land. 19:08 krakens are really slow though 19:08 burst into flames, I killed the monster but I killed myself in the process 19:08 cant they still attack though? 19:08 yeah, aren't they like 1 hp or something on land? 19:08 * K2 shrugs 19:09 Not sure. 19:09 I mean, I suppose you could say mimics or grid bugs instead. 19:09 i don't see anything in the wiki about that 19:09 I do remember they being absolutely slow on land. I don't think they have their hp reduced to 1 though 19:11 no they don't. i don't know where i got that idea 19:14 and they can still be pretty powerful on land, but can't drown you, which is the important thing 19:16 * aosdict wiztests revgenoing kraken in 3.6, they are surprisingly nimble on land 19:16 hothraxxa: I was confirming that 19:16 Don't they lose a HP per turn on land? 19:17 how consistent are normal *hack players 19:17 <- ¬variants = slex 19:18 you mean ascension percentage? 19:18 yes 19:19 the problem is that some really good players have a low percentage 19:19 Mmm even the gnome terminal freezes... 19:19 when I go afk for some minutes 19:20 but only happens with the ssh game 19:20 my asc percentage is somewhere between 1.5-2% 19:20 -!- mariari has joined #hardfought 19:21 mandevil says i'm at 12.1% for all variants he tracks 19:21 hmm 19:21 its exactly 1.0% across all variants ;) 19:22 mine is about 9-10% on NAO. Here, I have a lot of grunt deaths 19:22 but that score inflate script thing we tested during junethack screwed that up 19:22 grasshopper is at 40% 19:22 @k2 the server have a afk timeout? 19:22 ether yes it does 19:22 one hour 19:22 it'll save your game and log you out 19:22 how much? the game freeze when I altab for some minutes 19:23 1 hour? lol 19:23 yup 19:23 elenmirie, who is an excellent player, is at 2% 19:23 most servers dont log you out at all, which is nuts 19:23 them I not sure what is happening 19:23 i still show you as idle 19:24 #q 19:24 oops 19:24 hothraxxa: that stupid script thing FIQ showed me that we tested during junethack to inflate log scores 19:24 i now show 997 scummed games :( 19:24 krakens revgenoed on DL1 are also oddly unwilling to attack you 19:25 i just noticed that elenmirie shows 3012 scummed games. that's not right 19:25 aosdict: eventually they will. i just got killed that way 19:26 not unusual for a speed and multi-conduct runner 19:26 it all depends on what Mandevil determines what a scummed game is 19:26 usually quit/escape within a low number of turns 19:26 -!- zombifier has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 19:26 I was trying to work out some criteria for other scummed games 19:26 anyway, no matter what the scoreboard shows, we all know elenmirie is a superb player 19:26 yup 19:26 things like deaths to a water moccasin or demon 19:26 % of wins shouldnt be the indicator anyways 19:27 z-score is a bit closer to the truth 19:27 -!- mariari has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:27 that plus conducts for each win 19:27 a bit 19:27 *could* be bones, could be a new player not knowing not to drink fountains, but the vast majority are people hoping for a wish 19:27 or just dipping to dilute potions 19:27 quaffing in the hope of a wish shouldn't count as scumming surely? 19:28 almost always the way i get a demon 19:28 you want a better indicator of player skill, look at the over z-score list 19:28 hothraxxa: right, that plus low turncount 19:28 not far off, but anyway technicalities 19:28 probably don't need to dilute stuff by T:100 19:29 hmm just found a minor bug on scoreboard 19:29 k2: i forgot to mentoin, it hasn't picked up[ my slex death last night 19:29 what hasnt? the hdf scoreboard? 19:29 yeah 19:29 * K2 goes to look 19:30 butchery or cook a corpse? 19:31 in nethack you eat corpses, but some might be bad for you 19:31 you can also sacrifice them or tin them 19:31 hmm 19:31 nothing recorded since the 8th 19:31 thats not right 19:32 for just slex? 19:32 checking 19:32 the scoreboard log service failed to start from last server maintenance reboot 19:33 which reminds me, i have a sick laptop i need to attend to 19:33 gah its not starting... hmm 19:34 i see 19:34 there's a hybrid in slex that's more than 4 char long 19:34 abbreviation 19:34 dbase didnt like that 19:34 I saw something similar happen a month or so ago, scoreboard not updating 19:35 easy fix 19:35 all the other services are running 19:36 for other scoreboards 19:36 hmm 19:36 i'll prob make the field be 8 char long that should suffice 19:38 there we go 19:38 and there it is hothraxxa 19:38 thanks 19:38 no thank you 19:39 takes a village ;) 19:39 i ate many elf and elf-type things in that game and never did get sleep resistance 19:39 elves 19:39 many elves 19:40 elves elves elves 19:40 i hate that 19:40 You hear someone counting money. (((shekels))) 19:41 that means there's a hidden gold vault on that level 19:42 most noobs think "counting money" means a shopkeeper but no.... 19:42 including myself (I was a noob once) 19:43 The wand hits the hobbit! The hobbit is killed! 19:43 probably was that one 19:43 all they ever talk about is the one ring 19:43 also I found an statue of a hobbit 19:43 bite the finger off 19:44 sorry, kidding 19:44 The wand hits the statue of a hobbit! The statue of a hobbit is killed! 19:44 I get a bit silly sometimes 19:44 aosdict: that could happen in slex, where even the dogs zap you with wands of punishment 19:44 This hobbit corpse tastes terrible! You stop eating. 19:44 !rng go do the invocation | faff around a bit more and waste time 19:44 Grasshopper: go do the invocation 19:45 biting hobbits' fingers off has a 100% statistical success rate of getting you dropped into lava 19:45 damn, knew you'd say that 19:45 Welp I eat the hobbit 19:45 hobbit pie.... yum 19:45 hobbits are tasty but not too filling 19:46 are you sure it wasn't hobbit dressed as lamb? 19:46 "This hobbit finger tastes delicious! E - a gold ring. A Crack of Doom opens up under you! You fall into the lava. You sink into the lava! You die..." 19:46 You hear someone cursing shoplifters. 19:46 aosdict: can you survive if levitating/flying? 19:47 that is def a shop 19:47 Gollum (Rog Hob Mal Cha), T:2530432, killed by molten lava, having saved Middle-earth 19:49 ok I turned into rocks that statue, the wiki says something about using as missiles 19:50 Ether_: throwing rocks is a ranged attack, I guess, but it's generally not worth it 19:50 they do little damage and are heavy 19:50 only worth it if you're a caveman 19:51 alright i need to crash 19:51 see you all 19:51 * aosdict gives K2 a ring of levitation and a kitchen sink 19:52 aosdict: I think if a monster can't find water on land 19:53 and wants to move into water 19:53 they move randomly 19:53 Not sure though 19:53 I eated triple rations: Dog fog, what 19:53 that's a _tripe_ ration 19:53 not triple 19:54 Ether_: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tripe 19:54 aw shit 19:54 You can eat it if you're an orc. 19:54 but I spawned with those! 19:55 Ether_: They're good for feeding to pets. 19:55 Especially dogs and cats. 19:55 This has various uses. 19:55 so you should eat the corpses 19:55 Ether_: Only eat corpses when they're fresh. 19:55 Also, be prepared to learn _which_ corpses are A) safe and B) worthwhile to eat. 19:56 eating a whole hobbit was not enough apparently 19:56 According to the wiki, a hobbit is worth 200 Calories, which is not bad. 19:56 jonadab: Ether is playing fiqhack 19:56 A food ration is 800. 19:56 FIQ: Oh, FIQHack. 19:57 Hmm. 19:57 so the game will warn him 19:57 Ah, right. 19:57 for food that is a bad idea to eat 19:57 True. 19:57 Still important to learn which corpses are worth eating for reasons other than hunger, though. 19:57 Ether_: you're also not eating the entire corpse, just the good bits 19:57 use whatis 19:58 / 19:58 then hobbit corpse 19:58 or similar 19:58 hm 19:59 apparently any corpse just returns the entry for corpse 19:59 Yeah, you'd want to look up the monster, if you want monster-specific info. 19:59 !8ball should tripe rations be renamed to haggis rations? 19:59 bug_sniper: Without a doubt 19:59 jonadab: did you change xp formula? 19:59 bug_sniper: Heh. 20:00 FIQ: I changed the XP->XL formula, if that's what you mean. 20:00 yes 20:00 w - a scroll labeled NR 9. A bear trap closes on your foot! 20:00 lmao 20:00 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Experience_level#Experience_points_required_per_level 20:00 it should be here 20:01 !8ball will it actually happen anywhere? 20:01 bug_sniper: Signs point to yes 20:02 fruitname: haggis ration 20:02 bug_sniper: slex probably has a Scotsman role which renames it to haggis 20:02 YASI for tripe: ^ 20:02 hm, interesting 20:03 apparently nethackwiki has, in aosdict's userspace, a comprehensive, variant-agnostic, IRC YANI database 20:04 yes 20:04 yeah, I could ask for one 20:04 so please mark your shiny new ideas with "yani" or "yasi" 20:04 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:Phol_ende_wodan/YANI#YANIs_from_IRC 20:05 with bugles renamed to bagpipes and booze renamed to whiskey 20:05 I'm probably going to have to break that page up into the IRC ones and the non-IRC ones... 20:05 Add a high level monster spell "raise dead", which resurrects nearby corpses as hostile monsters. 20:05 dnethack has this 20:05 was it in there before 3.15.1? 20:06 yes 20:06 I'm not going to cross-check everything against variants that may or may not already have it :P 20:06 pff 20:07 yasi: add a high level monster spell "raisse dead", which resurrects nearby corpses into raisse 20:07 hah 20:09 jonadab: a roditaur would be a cross of a rodent and a bull 20:12 [slex] greqrg (Bin Rog Mal Law), 48 points, T:160, killed by a monster (small turret) 20:13 Hmm, YANI: is there a reason rust monsters and disenchanters aren't quadrupeds? 20:13 Rust monsters are in D&D, from what I remember. 20:13 are quadrupeds in D&D* 20:13 You feel that eating the kitten was a bad idea. You feel attractive! 20:14 I should probably change that message 20:15 Ether_: The fact that those messags occurred back-to-back may be a coincidence. 20:15 No it's not 20:15 It's really two distinct messages. 20:15 FIQ: Oh? 20:15 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:15 It means you acquired intrinsic aggravate monster 20:15 Ah. 20:15 I see. 20:15 I assumed it was charisma gain. 20:15 Charisma can't be exercised 20:15 and "You feel charismatic!" is the charisma gain msg 20:16 yani: negative messages like that have ... punctuation instead of ! 20:16 You feel attractive... 20:17 Hmm. "You feel as if you are being watched" perhaps? 20:17 {AGGRAVATE_MONSTER, "You feel attractive!", "attractive", 20:17 "You feel less attractive.", "less attractive"}, 20:18 Isn't "You feel as if you are being watched" already a message? 20:18 Oh, is it? 20:18 I thought it was a harassment flavor message but apparently not 20:18 Too bad dgl doesn't have a way to notify the game when somene is watching you, it could be added for that :-) 20:18 Oh, abandoned temple. That's it. 20:18 -!- mariari has joined #hardfought 20:19 that's You feel like you are being watched. 20:19 Ah. 20:19 "like", "as if", not much difference 20:19 aosdict: IMO still better than the previous msg 20:19 We could also add "You feel as though you are being watched." One for abandoned temple, one for dgl watching, one for aggravate monster :-) 20:20 what about "You feel watched"? 20:20 Or that, sure. 20:20 Or "You feel observed." "You feel conspicuous." 20:20 [fh] Bork Fogg (Ether) (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 24613 points, T:1515, killed by a goblin 20:20 fug 20:21 fail to cast healing 20:21 !tell K2 pushed minor fh fix 20:21 Will do, FIQ! 20:22 [slex] greqrg (Jes Nag Fem Cha), 24 points, T:121, killed by a monster (large mimic) 20:22 hmm 20:23 one of the YANIs in the doc is "bump displacement up to MC2" (it's MC1 in 36x) 20:23 fiqhack actually swaps MC of MR and displacement 20:23 so MR is MC2, displacement MC3 20:24 the server score logging is not inside the downloaded versions? 20:24 Ether_: ? 20:25 Ether_: hdf and asc are running local versions of NH4 games 20:25 Do you mean the high score file, the xlogfile, the livelog file, or what? 20:25 there's no online server with score or similar 20:25 well there is https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ 20:25 that tracks games done on various servers 20:25 but it's not affected by local play 20:26 Well, no, obviously, it couldn't be. 20:26 Local play is local. 20:26 jonadab: several games have online scoreboards and have local games upload to them 20:26 nethack isn't one of them 20:27 That would be... 20:27 How on earth would they be authenticated? 20:27 DRM up the royal wazootie and pray nobody can reverse-engineer it? 20:27 jonadab: well it generally doesn't happen with open source games 20:27 I should guess not. 20:28 Ether_: consider a different terminal if alt-tab kills the server session 20:28 that sounds like something a "smart"phone application would do 20:29 Already tested Guake, gnome (default ) and both freeze the game when I al tab for some minutes 20:29 For avoid that I should go back to play "quick" 20:29 sounds like you're on some flaky connection 20:30 perhaps 20:30 probably has nothing to do with the terminal or the game 20:30 gnome-terminal used to be decent, but the general trend is for all Gnome things to get worse over time. 20:30 I used to be on a connection that had an annoying habit of dropping the connection if it was stale for a while 20:30 jonadab: right, but it shouldn't be relevant at all here 20:30 The router is a big weak to pierce walls, and my brother is watching Dota streaming 20:30 FIQ: True. 20:30 I've used recent gnome-terminals fine w/o issues 20:31 * aosdict has been using gnome-terminal for months, no complaints 20:31 I dunno if the shells mess something too 20:32 * jonadab is actually using gnome-terminal right now... but it's version 2.21.90. 20:32 Ether_: Maybe the ssh settings? I mean, it should be able to do keep alive. 20:32 jonadab but I use different shells 20:32 The shell is probably not relevant. 20:32 Unless it's extremely exotic. 20:33 If it's just bash/ash/dash/ksh/zsh/csh/tcsh/etc., then it shouldn't matter. 20:33 I dunno, I never mess dirrectly with that unless I changed something without knowing (Iam a linux noob) 20:33 The shell is probably just bash. 20:33 And irrelevant. 20:33 zsh, fish 20:34 I use fish on the guake terminal, zsh on gnome 20:34 It would theoretically be possible for a shell to suspend processes when it detects that the terminal window it's running in doesn't have focus. But that would be grade-AAA weird. 20:35 right now the gnome terminal died, cause I was chatting with you 20:35 Probably just a flaky connection. 20:37 Gnome terminal should not shut itself off unless you tell it to. 20:37 I mean "its not shut down" the game freeze 20:37 just that 20:37 aosdict: some terminals close if the foreground process dies under conditions other than normal exit. 20:38 them How I can avoid it? 20:39 Dunno. 20:39 What happens if you run your ssh or irssi or whatever inside screen or tmux? 20:40 Well them I should stick to the client 20:40 what happens? nothing weird 20:41 just the game 20:41 jonadab: when writing code for Fourk, how strictly do you follow the NGPL provision that you have to mark every change with the date in the source file? 20:42 I think it show something about the fingerprint but was only in the first run 20:43 aosdict: As long as I'm only releasing a git repository, I consider git blame to have that covered in spades, at least in spirit. 20:43 aosdict: If I were going to do a tarball release, I would have to work out some way of automatically updating all the timestamps in the files for the tarball. 20:44 yeah that makes sense 20:44 (Which would have to be done on a never-to-be-merged branch, because actually changing the dates in the files causes merge conflicts in every single file every single time you merge.) 20:44 maybe that's why we didn't get any variants till git started to take off 20:45 jonadab: but.. 20:45 Opinion /ex cathedra/: Please do not shit up the source code with extra comment lines of dates and initials and crap 20:45 there is a git hook that takes care of that already 20:45 for NH4 20:45 that and 3.4.3 of course 20:45 FIQ: No, there's not, and the git people say it's not _possible_ to do that with a git hook. 20:45 what 20:46 I asked. 20:46 uhh 20:46 There's no way to get git to automatically resolve the first-line-comment merge conflicts you get if you actually update those comments every time. 20:46 oh you mean that 20:46 sure 20:46 but I mean 20:46 there is a git hook that takes care of the datestamps 20:46 Which is every single file, every time you merge. 20:47 So actually using that git hook would condemn me to a "use only one branch and never merge anything ever" model of development. 20:47 aosdict: There were numerous variants pre-git. 20:48 Slash'EM, SporkHack, GruntHack, acehack 20:48 Most have since had their repositories converted, if they're still active. 20:48 Though isn't there one variant still on DARCS? 20:49 Forgot about SLASH'EM, but the others are all post-git, if not using it from the get-go 20:51 Ok, git _existed_. 20:51 But nobody in the NetHack community had adopted it yet. 20:56 Git is nice 21:00 So what is the hack with most features? 21:00 slash'em extended 21:00 Slex I think 21:00 Slex is awesome 21:00 And evil 21:00 And awesome 21:00 BTW I'm nymphet number for 21:00 Number 3 21:01 I lose my themeing bonus 21:01 is fig a branch of Slashen? 21:01 not even close 21:02 The only branch which has much less stuff is slash them 21:02 they're pretty much as far apart as they possibly can 21:02 Which is based off of slex 21:15 -!- zombifier has joined #hardfought 21:19 Ether_: FIQHack is a fork of NetHack4. 21:19 It's about as far away from Slash'EM as it's possible to get. 21:19 (While still being a NetHack variant.) 21:20 FIQHack is derived from NH4, which is derived from NitroHack and AceHack, both of which are derived from NetHack 3.4.3. 21:21 Slash'EM Extended is derived from Slash'EM (obiously), which is derived from Slash and the Wizard Patch, both of which are derived from somewhat older versions of NetHack (2.x, I think?) 21:21 I trying to compile a SlashTHEM 21:21 the wiki says is a more moded version 21:22 You can think of SlashThem as being somewhere in between Slash'EM and Slash"EM Extended. 21:23 SlashTHEM is less modded then Slash'EM Extended 21:23 It's no longer actively maintained, though. 21:23 deliberately 21:23 SlashTHEM attempted to add a modicum of discernment that Extended lacks. 21:24 Though not so much discernment as to get away from the basic Slash'EM approach, which is "Let's add more cool stuff." 21:39 This mondongo soup is nice 21:48 Ether_: I recommend SLASH'EM over SLASH'THEM 21:48 slash'them is buggy 21:48 and no longer supported 21:49 oh ok 21:55 -!- mariari has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:55 -!- mariari has joined #hardfought 21:56 I mean 21:57 slash'em development is halted too 21:57 but it's far less buggy 21:57 if you want an actively developed variant that has similar goals, try dnethack 22:10 (If on linux, use dNAO, not dnethack) 22:13 I've seen one bug in slashem when I killed the vault guard in the vault, but that doesn't happen a lot 22:29 -!- AndChat-153225 has joined #hardfought 22:33 -!- mariari has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:34 -!- AndChat-153225 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:36 okay I'm back 22:43 Welcome back 22:46 thanks 22:48 I feel like amy put in the lag trap in this game 22:49 it might be the wait 10 seconds before pressing the button 22:54 so this is annoying 22:54 if you decide to include math.h in nethack it doesn't work 22:54 because some math library defines a macro "yn" at some point 22:54 and nethack also defines it 22:55 can you include but then don't include that macro? 22:55 who knows, generally it's not a good idea to mess with libraries though 22:56 well I mean during import 22:56 does C not have this feature 22:56 if that fails, grab your own yn and modify it so yh doesn't get defined out 22:56 I guess one could #undef yn after including math.h 22:57 or, before it, since hack.h's gets there first 22:57 probably the better thing to do is replace the forty or so instances of yn in the code with a renamed version 23:04 dead :( 23:04 that's weird about scoping on C, aosdict 23:05 CommonLisp handles these types of issues very well (esp for how old it is) 23:05 though namespacing is garbo 23:05 (at least compared to more modern attempts) 23:05 it might be because nethack 3.x is K&R C? Not sure 23:05 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 1440 points, T:1114, killed by a monster (magic dragon) 23:06 !dump dolores 23:06 !commands 23:06 bug_sniper: available commands are !help !ping !time !pom !hello !booze !beer !potion !tea !coffee !whiskey !vodka !rum !tequila !scotch !goat !lotg !d(1-1000) !(1-50)d(1-1000) !8ball !rng !role !race !variant !tell !source !lastgame !lastasc !streak !rcedit !scores !sb !setmintc !whereis !players !who !commands 23:08 !!log 23:08 !log 23:08 !dump 23:08 bug_sniper: 23:08 !lastgame dolores 23:08 nymphet: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502591888.slex.txt 23:08 !lotg 23:08 May the Luck of the Grasshopper be with you always, aosdict! 23:08 thanks 23:10 nymphet, not liking amnesiacs? 23:10 what do you mean? 23:10 the camperstriker challenge was to play with an amnesiac race 23:10 I play camperstriker for fun 23:11 the problem is ironman 23:11 ironman is scary 23:11 I would much rather kuwa challenge 23:11 by faaaaaaaar 23:11 it's a lot easier to deal wtih 23:11 with* 23:13 also camperstriker is nice 23:13 when I can cheese the starting equipment 23:15 jesus 23:15 dead 23:15 fuck 23:15 the only problem with kuwa is the map starts too look like this but with less defined colors 23:15 https://puu.sh/x8JLp/4d5a26c6b9.png 23:15 making it very hard to understand 23:16 since , and . are so common 23:16 maybe when I play kuwa I make , into #'s 23:16 it would probably make the challenge easier 23:17 [slex] bugsniper (Elp Elf Mal Cha), 28 points, T:118, killed by a monster (fat bat) 23:17 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 678 points, T:383, killed by a monster (gazer larva) 23:17 lol 23:18 together in death 23:18 death did us part 23:19 also it seems in slex food on a normal run seems to not be a big problem 23:19 so much perma food normally 23:20 vanilla is often like that too 23:20 is it? 23:20 enough corpses to keep you going when there _isn't_ a ton of permafood all over the ground 23:20 I've just noticed in the early game I'm always hungry 23:20 then again I don't play much vanilla 23:21 that's good to know though 23:21 it depends on your personal exploration speed too 23:21 if you backtrack and wait for your pet a lot, yeah, you'll get hungry 23:21 but once you hit soko, there's no excuse 23:21 okay 23:32 okay, changing all the yn to ynn (this particular prompt defaults to n) seemed to work \o/ 23:32 congrats! 23:38 The little dog picks up a scroll {1}. The little dog reads a scroll of healing {1}! The little dog looks better. 23:38 what 23:39 that's one thing I don't get about fiqhack, how it manages to strike a balance between monsters picking up and using items and letting the player find enough loot on the ground 23:40 lol 23:41 I have soooo many bullets 23:41 and they are uncursed :) 23:42 Aos is not fiqhack 23:42 It´s Slash extended 23:42 fuck gray spores 23:42 can make you deathy sick if you dare attack it 23:42 I still am wondering that about fiqhack 23:43 As a general rule, I don't wonder anything about Slash'EM Extended 23:43 really? 23:43 do you just assume? 23:44 Well, in the first place, trying to figure out how slex manages to strike a balance between anything is pointless 23:44 do you think it's widely unbalanced? 23:44 ...yes? 23:45 I would agree some aspects of it is quit imbalanced 23:45 I wouldn't know where to start with balance of the game, however 23:45 the stated goal of Amy is to add anything and everything she can think of into the game with no such petty concern as balance 23:46 that would allow for quicker of adding 23:46 you can always make a cae if something should be harder 23:46 or if a certain subset should be buffed 23:46 she might take kindly to those ideas 23:47 I'm fine letting slex exist the way it is. 23:47 I also don't really care to play enough of it to make a case about anything in it 23:47 haha 23:47 I think the monster UGOD she added in 2.0.1 is ridic 23:50 I can't wait for the new break save patch 23:50 I rather enjoy the stream of more things 23:50 I'm like a child in that regard 23:50 but I like more till now the Fiq controls 23:51 that's another thing I don't get about many variant developers, how do they have the time to develop stuff this consistently? 23:51 well, I guess "many" = FIQ and Amy 23:52 lol 23:52 Amy really likes her game an devotes freetime to it 23:52 \ 23:52 I know that much 23:52 idk about FIQ 23:52 the devteam certainly doesn't put time in every day, and dnethack and fourk go at a more reasonable pace 23:53 how often do they get updates? 23:53 dnethack had one recently. don't know when the last fourk one was. 23:54 Maybe once every few months? 23:54 god that girl was op 23:55 [slex] bugsniper (Elp Elf Fem Neu), 1316 points, T:1463, quit 23:55 [slex] dolores (Cam Ang Fem Cha), 2370 points, T:2220, killed by a monster (odorous girl) 23:55 lol 23:55 again we die together 23:55 death did us part again! 23:55 meanwhile, since I started logging this channel last month, I've received 19 messages that are just " FIQhack updated" 23:55 ahhaha 23:55 I've seen it quite a bit myself 23:55 and I've been here less than a week 23:56 -!- mariari has joined #hardfought 23:56 anyway, have to go now 23:56 -!- mariari has quit [Client Quit] 23:58 cya 23:58 have a nice night 23:59 I think I've had enough camperstriker for one night 23:59 tl;dr about variant time: when i was active with spork i put 3 hours in on each of saturday/sunday morning actively coding, and the rest of the week was discussion/thought 23:59 but you can get a lot done when you know what you're headed towards. 00:00 I bet! 00:00 that sounds rather comfy 00:10 how do you change your alternate weapon? 00:11 x 00:11 bug_sniper: als 00:11 also I found the most op class 00:11 holy shit it's amazing 00:13 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 00:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 00:17 is it possible to change your alternate weapon without switching to it? 00:22 -!- zombifier has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:31 by golly I'm caught up on scrollback 00:32 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:17 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 02:00 K2: I got another segfault 02:02 nymphet, is it the good kind or the bad kind? 02:02 bad kind 02:02 thankfully 02:03 my save is okay 02:03 I would of been pissed 02:03 I'm going to get #1 with this save 02:04 maybe we need a separate highscore table for haxors 02:05 lol 02:05 why 02:05 Not playing a haxxor 02:05 because that's how I got all the way to gehennom during junethack 02:05 lol 02:05 relaly? 02:05 yeah, and then I got killed by reading a cursed book 02:06 :( 02:06 that can happen? 02:06 people were counting on me to ascend in there 02:06 -!- FIQ has quit [Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in] 02:07 that just sounds sad 02:07 well, at least dgamelaunch can't segfault 02:07 ascend on slex? 02:07 yes 02:07 damn 02:07 you got close 02:07 poor you 02:07 I'd call it the halfway point 02:08 congrats on making it that far 02:08 yeah, thanks 02:09 only amy has ever actually ascended 02:09 I know 02:09 2 people got close 02:09 1 got to the astrla plane 02:09 and 1 has died on the amulet run 02:10 the mimic room is teidous 02:14 wtf 02:14 beh 02:14 where is beh 02:15 I guess I hit my quest? 02:15 yup! 02:17 quite scary! 02:17 https://puu.sh/x8PKX/aa8380995c.png 02:18 lol 02:18 rading that scroll seg faults me 02:23 -!- Ether_ has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:25 fuck 02:26 yes 02:26 a fighting chance! 02:30 [slex] dolores (Nec Ang Fem Cha), 105888 points, T:8633, killed by an icy touch 02:30 aaaaaaaaaa 02:31 !lastgame dolores 02:31 bug_sniper: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1502596956.slex.txt 03:33 -!- nymphet has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]