19:43 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 19:43 -!- tolkien.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ (public irc logs available on website) ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ Slash'EM Extended 2.0.1 is available for play 19:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v] by ChanServ 19:43 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:43 K2: test 19:43 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:43 K2: test 19:44 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:44 K2: test2 19:44 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:44 K2: test2 19:44 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:44 K2: test2 19:44 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:44 K2: test3 19:44 !rng test | test2 | test3 19:44 K2: test 19:44 \o/ 19:44 yay! 19:44 !rng a b c d | e f g h | i j k l 19:44 K2: e f g h 19:44 !rng a b c d | e f g h | i j k l 19:44 K2: a b c d 19:44 ok cool 19:45 i thanked you in the PR ;) 19:45 gods be praised, one less thing aosdict will be annoyed about ;) 19:45 haha, glad I could be helpful 19:46 Ommmmmm 19:46 WOOT! MANY THANKS 19:46 hmm that was not suppsoed to be caps 19:46 WHY NOT SHOUT ABOUT IT? 19:46 OMFG 19:46 errrrrmahgerrrrd 19:46 _omfg_ 19:46 lol 19:47 fmd, that was good 19:48 * aosdict feels less hassled 19:49 thanks K2 19:49 no prob 19:49 thank you guys 19:49 Beholder continues to improve over Rodney 19:49 love it that people here pitch in to help make improvements 19:49 brb 19:49 for the love of foss 19:50 <3 19:50 I enjoy how hardfought is on the bleeding edge 19:50 makes things quite more satisfying 19:50 well fuck 19:50 now I have to make another irc bot 19:50 in nim 20:12 looks like you made the best out of orctown, jonathanhanes 20:12 Yah that worked out pretty nicely 20:15 managed to get them 1 at a time at the altar like good little orcs 20:19 :o 20:19 cool, thanks rx for the silver saber :) 20:25 oh and the magic lamp! 20:27 fountain wish (dipping potion), and I didn't get it :C 20:27 2 artis already, only 2/3 chance 20:27 :*( 20:28 ah well, the castle beckons! 20:28 I still don't have MR 20:28 eep 20:28 maybe I should've just gone for gdsm but it felt like a waste of a wish 20:28 watch out for poly traps :/ 20:29 I have = poly control 20:29 oh there you go 20:29 already had my stats re-arranged by one trap 20:29 I started with 7 charisma, got it up to 8, then re-arranged down to 6 charisma again by a trap 20:29 they got my nose upside-down 20:30 dsm does seem like kind of a waste once you get to the point when you can kill dragons 20:30 yeah, I have YDSM already 20:30 I think this potion I just found is hallucination 20:31 I might keep it for the castle 20:32 what does hallucination do? 20:32 prevents "touch of death" from working 20:32 oh wow TIL 20:35 In Fourk, it also prevents petrification, due to a suggestion by raisse. ("You are already stoned.") 20:35 Hah, clever 20:35 That version's not on the server yet, though. 20:35 Should be hopefully in time for next year's tournament. 20:40 jonathanhanes: there's at least one known occurrence of the intersection of two rare edge cases, where someone re-wielded Grayswandir to stop hallucinating and promptly got touch-of-deathed 20:41 jonadab: the answer to "should I add another pun-based edge case to the game?" is always yes 20:43 Grasshopper_: bad move 20:43 it only protects vs Death's touch of death 20:43 aosdict: In this case, I felt that adding another positive use for hallucination would've been worth it anyway. 20:43 jonadab: did you ever add my YANI for it 20:43 FIQ: Which was that? 20:44 of making umber hulk and medusa gazes ineffective 20:45 Oh, that's a good idea. No, I haven't yet. 20:46 * jonadab adds that to TODO list. 20:47 FIQ: I've always understood the opposite to be true (from the wiki anyway) 20:47 Currently, though, I'm working on .4, and that should go in .5, since that's where the other hallu thing is. 20:47 when is .5 20:47 ie, hallu protects against touch of death EXCEPT Death's 20:47 FIQ: After .4 20:47 I thought you wanted to release it for after junethack 20:48 o rly 20:48 FIQ: During Junethack, my TODO list for .4 grew a bit. 20:48 And I want to work through that. 20:48 ok 20:48 At least a lot of it. 20:49 Also, .5 is clearly not ready to be save-stable yet. 20:49 It needs serious work to get there. 20:50 So it will probably not merge to master branch until winter. 20:50 And nobody will play it until June. 20:50 so like .4 then 20:50 Yeah, basically. 20:54 EPI: put a special case in makedefs so that if the game is compiled between May 20 and the end of June, random changes are made to the source to alter how the game works. Make makedefs call git to commit the changes and push them to github so it's all official. 20:55 Bonus points if this sometimes breaks save compatibility at random, for some games and not for others. 21:05 fuck me that was dumb 22:03 -!- Elronnd is now known as strangebod 22:03 -!- strangebod is now known as strangebot 22:03 -!- strangebot is now known as Elronnd 22:30 Ugh you didn't melee it did you? 22:35 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v] by ChanServ 22:49 god damn magic traps 23:27 nice got a fountain wish 23:28 do i go for reflection or something else though? 23:28 ... 23:29 SDSM 23:29 monk 23:29 i sure hope soko's got a bag 23:38 ;) 23:38 what happened to the arc? 23:38 did 8ball lie!? 23:38 I tried to tango with an energy v 23:38 Despite knowing full well the dangers 23:38 I'm still a little sour about that one 23:38 :/ 23:39 I had speed boots! 23:39 SPEED BOOTS! 23:39 right now i have a semi-promising sporkhack game 23:39 oh and i bet you had a silver saber too 23:39 i did 23:39 ... 23:39 motherf... 23:39 And yet I keep coming back for more 23:39 -.- 23:39 !booze me 23:39 * Beholder tosses me a tumbler of the hard stuff, prayed over by Announcy at 479 Kelvin. 23:40 !booze jonathanhanes 23:40 * Beholder throws jonathanhanes a glass of grog, prayed over by Izchak at 83 degrees Fahrenheit. 23:40 grog 23:40 mmmmm 23:40 that'll put hair on your chest 23:40 yum 23:41 i just cleared orcus lair 23:41 samurai 23:41 I played a bit of my dyna game after that and killed demogorgon 23:42 oh nice 23:45 Call me superstitious but I feel like if I make a mistake in soko it is a bad omen 23:46 Of course could just be like a self fulfilling prophecy because I am not paying enough attention 23:47 heh 23:47 drink! 23:47 play drunk 23:47 lol, i think that might be most of the proble, 23:47 problem* 23:47 * K2 waits for bhaak to chime in about the pitfalls of playing nethack while buzzed 23:48 like thinking you can take on an energy v with 60 hp and mjollnir? 23:48 !goat jonathanhanes 23:48 jonathanhanes's goat runs up and headbutts jonathanhanes in the kneecap! Baaaaaa! 23:51 oh hello there stairs to vlad's tower 23:52 oh hello ring of shock resist 23:52 Looks like we shall not be repeating previous mistakes 23:54 \o/ 23:57 i really like how lorimer beefed up Vlad in sporkhack 23:57 you cannot walk in there unprepared 23:58 bah 23:58 reflection 23:59 YES! 23:59 throne wish vlad's tower 23:59 w00t! 00:01 sweet, finally have magic marker 00:01 in spork, magic markers are not randomly generated 00:01 :-/ 00:02 you either wish or (i think) polypile for them 00:02 I get all of my magic markers from raisse bones files 00:08 haven't seen a single floating eye 00:11 oops 00:13 double oops 00:14 ugh, i really hate early magic traps 00:15 heh me too 00:19 first horn, dlvl 42 00:19 unihorn? 00:25 tooled horn 00:38 hah no way 00:38 dlvl 45 is bottom 00:38 gonna find VS and save, go to bed 00:48 yay found it 00:48 of course, very last place i look 00:48 gnite all 01:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v] by ChanServ 01:34 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v] by ChanServ