00:13 -!- terrapin has quit [Quit: Client closed] 01:47 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7612 01:57 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) killed Aphrodite, on T:27994 02:40 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 03:09 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) wished for "magic marker", on T:63760 03:09 Oh yeah, I have a p. okay kit for where I am, but I'm also XL 12 03:10 clearing the last floor of Soko, should I gamble the coinflip on an MR source or try for the coinflip on the armor upgrade 03:10 * Umbire has a shield of reflection and GoDex for context 03:11 I tend to go for the chance of MR 03:11 how much ink is an acid blast spellbook.... 03:12 Uhhhh, what level is it 03:12 lemme see 03:13 wiki says 6 03:14 anywhere from 30-59 then, as an estimate 03:14 oof 03:14 hmmm 03:16 I think I'll play it safe and invest another wish then, keep the magic marker for other stuff 03:30 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) wished for "blessed spellbook of acid blast", on T:63763 03:36 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of reflection, on T:35420 03:36 :c 03:39 it is the way 05:33 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:41155 05:33 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:41157 05:48 No luck, huh 05:48 Fuck it 05:48 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) returned The Ring of P'hul to Pelias, completing her quest, on T:42331 05:49 kill him later 05:50 No 05:50 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) destroyed Kas, on T:64179 05:51 ok :-) 06:17 That figures, tried to poly a pet and got an alhoon 06:18 Keep in mind I still have Sunsword 06:19 Luck swung the other way after, teleportitis dumped me on the upstair 06:22 oof 06:23 Oh boy, there's the shambling horror 06:23 Disease attack and hold to boot 06:24 if only Pelias hadn't been a dick, you would have sickness res :-( 06:24 I don't feel like risking my Luck on that shit, already doing it in one game 06:25 4d8 disease, 5d6 acid, 2d8 sticky 06:26 14 speed and -6 AC, bit of ranged work cut out for me 06:27 Horror's down, so is the player monster monk 06:36 noice! 06:37 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 2415 points, T:2934, killed by a manes 07:28 -!- Umbire has quit [Quit: Umbire zaps a wand of digging!] 07:39 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) destroyed Vecna, on T:64992 07:40 oops, spelling mistake: "disintigrating body" 07:40 ^ K2 07:41 f - a mummified hand named The Hand of Vecna 07:41 decisions, decisions 07:47 DOO EET 07:51 probably yes 07:56 whilst not on the ascension run, I can deal with the lack of reflection from dragonbane by replacing my MR cloak with sea dragon scales + reflection amulet (or silver scales + magical breathing amulet). on the ascension run I'll have to swap the amulets around where needed. 07:57 WHILST 07:57 \o/ 07:57 i'm all caps this morning hah 08:15 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) performed his first genocide (two random monsters from class L), on T:64999 08:27 the hand of vecna beckons you 08:30 can I eat it? 08:34 no sicko 08:34 You can. Whether you'll survive... 08:34 not the hand no 08:34 as they say, "all mushrooms are edible, but some only once" 08:34 ah :P 08:35 it's a body part, I should be able to :-) 08:35 :D 08:46 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Wiz Trt Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1677 08:46 Butter Goblin defeated! \o/ 08:47 hmmm a red dragon can apparently wear an amulet of life saving 08:47 it prob started out as something else 08:47 poly'd into one 08:48 yeah she was called Sophia 08:49 but the amulet didn't get pushed off 08:52 same happens for the player 08:52 You have moderately abused your alignment. 08:52 ah F 08:53 that reminds me, I still need to kill my quest leader :b 08:58 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Wiz Trt Fem Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2214 08:59 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Wiz Trt Fem Neu), 2185 points, T:2416, killed by a bolt of cold 09:04 [hdf-us] [evil] arnibald (Inf Gia Mal Una) had a steel dagger entrusted to him by Moloch, on T:39500 09:12 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) genocided alhoons, on T:65413 09:13 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:65414 09:13 [EvilHack] k21971 pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±4] https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/compare/9069520b2fd4...073b26c26db5 09:13 [EvilHack] k21971 7b24f65 - Fix: a couple typos. 09:13 [EvilHack] k21971 073b26c - Eating the Hand of Vecna is bad for you. 09:14 haha! 09:14 :P 09:24 oops 09:25 I wanted to enchant hand of vecna, but now my sea dragon scales merged into my armor 09:25 must have picked the wrong letter 09:25 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Kni Hum Fem Cha), 227712 points, T:67172, killed by a human curate called Wang the Curate 09:27 K2 why can't I enchant from +6 to +7 09:27 [hdf-us] [evil] arnibald (Inf Gia Mal Una) had a pair of steel gauntlets of power entrusted to him by Moloch, on T:40633 09:28 that's annoying 09:29 Hand of Vecna glows brown. 09:29 lol 09:30 I hope I still have some yellow scales at my former stash... stupid mistake 09:31 glows brown? 09:31 hrm 09:32 well, "The" is missing 09:32 I dipped it in unholy water 09:33 oh 09:33 i thought it was from the monster spell 'destroy armor' that shouldnt happen 09:34 max carry is still 1000... 09:35 I was hoping that would go up 09:35 lemme check a thing 09:36 ...and not being able to go from +6 to +7 is a bit strange? 09:36 wearing GoP doesnt get you past 1000 carry cap, so neither would the hand 09:38 OK, I seemed to remember my cap getting lower (to 1000) when I gave up on GoP, but I must be confused 09:38 maybe that was when I was a giant 09:38 what were you before turning into a demon 09:38 ah hah 09:38 thats it 09:38 heh 09:39 giants and centaurs have a carry cap of 1400 09:39 tortles 1200 09:39 rest have cap of 1000 09:41 I was hoping "confers giant strength" in the wiki description would also mean giant carry cap :-) 09:41 how much you can caryy takes body size/composition into account 09:41 *carry 09:42 but I'm wearing the very historic very magical Hand of Vecna!! :b 09:42 but IS IT GREASED!? 09:42 oops... 09:42 omfg 09:42 not even partly eaten 09:43 just... wow 09:43 #quit 09:43 hahah 09:48 [hdf-us] [evil] arnibald (Inf Gia Mal Una) killed the Rat King, on T:41878 09:50 [hdf-us] [evil] zor (Cav Gia Mal Law), 1032 points, T:1887, killed by a water demon 10:15 hahaha!! 10:15 K2, the Hand is gone! 10:16 when the fuck did that happen :b 10:16 I have saved, will download some ttyrecs later 10:16 chores to do... 10:24 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:28 [hdf-eu] [evil] poisonrat (Mon Trt Mal Law) murdered his faithful little dog, on T:1412 10:32 mobileuser WAT 10:32 were you wearing it? 10:33 [hdf-eu] [evil] poisonrat (Mon Trt Mal Law), 613 points, T:2349, zombified by a kobold zombie, while frozen by a monster's gaze 10:40 wearing it and enchanted to +6 10:41 and its gone? 10:41 maybe it's the same thing as with dragonbane again 10:41 I tried to enchant from +6 to +7 10:41 maybe it got marked for deletion 10:43 lets find the ttyrec 10:43 start at 2022-04-29.13_11_55.ttyrec 10:44 oh, visitors coming 10:45 happy hunting, see you later :b they will probably stick around for a few hours 10:45 o/ 10:58 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Rog Hum Mal Cha) had a long sword entrusted to him by Kos, on T:2540 11:01 whoa 11:01 mobileuser you had the hand of vecna worn when you saved. when you reloaded your game, it was just gone 11:02 what the actual fuck 11:05 i cant recreate it. I can save/reload wearing the hand of vecna, its always there 11:10 hah shit 11:10 i recretaed it 11:10 *recreated 11:11 !tell mobileuser if you 'overenchant' the hand of vecna, nothing happens to it, but for some reason when you save/reload, it acts like it did evaporate away 11:11 I'm on it, K2. 11:35 -!- qt has joined #evilhack 11:38 hiya qt 11:38 hey 11:38 Hello qt, Welcome to #evilhack 11:38 this should be a simple fix but i am missing something... 11:38 you'll like this one 11:38 mobileuser lost his worn hand of vecna 11:38 nice 11:38 he was trying to get it to +7 11:39 you cant destroy the hand by over enchanting it 11:39 but for whatever reason the game thought it should be 11:39 in his current session it was fine 11:39 save/reload - hand of vecna gone 11:40 easy to recreate, just wear the hand, try to enchant it to +7, get the 'vibrates violently for awhile, but nothing else happens' message, save/reload 11:40 yeah 11:40 i see it 11:40 interesting 11:40 in read.c line 1289 something is not right 11:41 i put a break; in there to make sure it doesnt go to useup() but that doesant work 11:42 try replacing the ; with otmp->in_use = FALSE; 11:42 just a guess 11:42 hmm 11:42 i just saw yesterday while looking at save.c there's some stuff like "if the item is in-use, handle it specially" so maybe not clearing that is the problem 11:43 yeah something is carrying over from save to reload 11:43 that seems to fix it for me 11:44 yup same 11:44 friggin genius 11:44 GENUS 11:44 PHYLUM 11:44 hah 11:45 i made a couple other edits that seem to make more sense - https://termbin.com/h94o 11:46 makes sense to me 11:46 cool 11:49 -!- ssnufd has joined #evilhack 11:50 [EvilHack] k21971 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/compare/073b26c26db5...10326f49f411 11:50 [EvilHack] k21971 10326f4 - Fix: the Hand of Vecna could disappear if the game is saved/reloaded after attempting to over-enchant. 11:52 latest commits are live 11:52 !tell mobileuser hand of vecna issue has been fixed, thank you for your selfless contribution to SCIENCE 11:52 I'm on it, K2. 12:07 he sacrificed vecnaless conduct for that 12:10 K2 did you read what I wrote ;-) 12:10 mobileuser: Message from K2 at 2022-04-29 11:11 EDT: if you 'overenchant' the hand of vecna, nothing happens to it, but for some reason when you save/reload, it acts like it did evaporate away 12:10 mobileuser: Message from K2 at 2022-04-29 11:52 EDT: hand of vecna issue has been fixed, thank you for your selfless contribution to SCIENCE 12:11 yeah 12:11 and... SCIENCE 12:11 \o/ and :( 12:12 heh 12:12 sorry that happened 12:12 where is amateurhour :b 12:12 i'm going to bame amateurhour since he isnt here 12:12 *blame 12:12 it's funnier to say SCAMMED when he is here ;-) 12:12 and then when he comes back i'll deflect 12:12 lol 12:13 heh 12:13 you still have your GoPro right? 12:14 dragonbane 12:14 I'll be fine 12:15 same bug as when I was scammed out of dragonbane some time ago =D 12:15 no that's different 12:15 was that the antimatter vortex thing? 12:15 no 12:16 what was it 12:16 when there was a bug hitting black dragons 12:16 ^ 12:16 oh that 12:16 marked for deletion 12:16 save/reload, poof 12:16 no, that's different 12:16 in_use isnt in play there 12:17 it was just happening and we decided it prob shouldnt given its nature 12:17 ok 12:17 i dont recall a save/reload/poof for dbane 12:17 I do! 12:17 LIES 12:17 pretty long time ago by now 12:17 ah 12:18 maybe I can find it in the old commits somewhere... 12:19 i've slept since then, so I cant be pinned with any responsibility whatsoever 12:19 let's blame amateurhour 12:21 \o/ 12:22 !tell amateurhour on 29/04/2022 at around 4:19pm UTC, you may have felt an odd, uncomfortable sensation without being able to explain why. it's because we in #evilhack came to a consensus that everything is your fault. thank you and have a nice day 12:22 amateurhour shall be duly informed at the first opportunity, K2. 12:23 !tell amateurhour mobileuser made me say that (and he blamed you for it) :P 12:23 amateurhour shall be duly informed at the first opportunity, K2. 12:24 !tell amateurhour that is K2 blaming you for me getting SCAMMED out of The Hand of Vecna 12:24 amateurhour shall be duly informed at the first opportunity, mobileuser. 12:24 lol 12:25 SCAMMED such a nice word :b 12:25 its up there with 'moist' 12:37 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) killed Medusa, on T:52800 12:40 Medusa's corpse? wonder if my arch lich ran off and killed her while i wasn't looking 12:41 and i got the credit! 12:47 wewp 12:48 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 13:03 -!- elenmirie has joined #evilhack 13:05 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Mon Trt Mal Neu) had 16 shuriken entrusted to him by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:22369 13:09 gotta remember to park my arch lich pet before he goes and wakes up a demon lord for me when i'm not prepared 13:13 crap. where's my stash 13:14 i disposed of it for you 13:17 found it 13:21 if i couldn't make level notes my head would explode 13:22 i didn't start using item or level notes in-game until like 2018 13:51 85 marker from the goblin king thank you sir (y) 13:55 nooice 13:56 -!- ssnufd has quit [Quit: Client closed] 14:00 what a joke that tortle barbarians have an enchantment skill 14:04 all barbarians do 14:04 skills arent determined by race 14:04 oooh boy I just won the shambling horror lottery 14:04 Attacks: 2d7 touch sleep 14:04 that's it 14:05 also displaced 14:06 i know, just particularly sad for tortles 14:07 why? 14:07 max int/wis is 18/20 14:07 they can cast 14:08 does evilhack even have a level 1 enchantment spell? did confuse get swapped to 1 when sleep moved to 2? 14:08 i believe so 14:09 -!- ssnufd has joined #evilhack 14:09 ah, no it didnt 14:10 it did in vanilla though 14:10 thats rough 14:10 you're rough 14:10 i'd say i am rubber but i'm too rough for rubber 14:10 heh 14:12 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed greased +3 dragonbane", on T:55521 14:13 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased +3 dragonhide helm of speed", on T:55530 14:13 there, 100% of my gear wished for 14:13 \o/ 14:14 krm26: what does #MGncy mean? 14:14 it reads "emergency" sort of, but my rc does colors based on color codes 14:14 #MG = bold magenta 14:14 #WT = bold white 14:15 ah I see 14:15 #wt = normal white 14:15 etc 14:15 see, just turned my amulet white 14:15 i do stuff like that to minimize my f*ing myself 14:15 I have a similar thing but I think it's like '{W}' or '{G}', I never really use it 14:16 because i LOVE to f myself 14:16 now to figure out what to normally dual wield 14:16 that's clever that you can kind of spell words with them 14:16 it just happens with that one really 14:16 that was the ding ding ding bulb over my head to let me get color codes and an emergency bag 14:17 and i always name my luckstone to remind me what rings to eat 14:17 -!- terrapin has joined #evilhack 14:18 oh stupid stupid sunsword unpeaced my arch lich pet didn't it 14:18 i should have expected it to do that, Fffffffff 14:18 now, i die 14:18 you'll be alright 14:18 use sunsword to kill it 14:19 but my poor kitty 14:21 i can't even hit that arch lich, it has 20 levels on me 14:21 and 3 times my health 14:21 "i always name my luckstone to remind me what rings to eat" is a good sentence to present without context to a non nethack player 14:23 lol 14:25 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 14:26 i need to start putting jewelry eating into my games i never do it. you lose any gained hp though after the poly right? like from nurses / potions 14:27 EPI: intrinsics gained while polymorphed (like from jewelry) go away when you unpoly 14:29 whats epi aosdict? 14:29 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Evil_Patch_Idea 14:30 nice 14:32 K2 could there be other places where the Hand could suffer from in_use problems? (disintegration, destroy armor monster spell etc) 14:34 not that i'm aware of 14:35 i never noticed otmp->in_use except with frying your armor from over enchanting 14:35 it's definitely used for other things too 14:35 doesnt hurt to look though 14:37 what does the comment on in_use mean: "for magic items before useup items" (??) 14:39 [hdf-eu] [evil] Storm (Inf Ith Fem Una), 438 points, T:872, killed by the Goblin King 14:40 i think it's something like "when an item is going to be destroyed after some additional stuff happens, it gets set in_use so that it will be discarded by an emergency save that comes before it's actually used up"? 14:40 but i don't really understand the comment, so maybe I'm wrong 14:41 oh, and I guess it's also so it won't be destroyed twice 14:42 basically a "this item's destruction is pending" flag 14:51 [hdf-eu] [evil] Storm (Inf Ith Fem Una), 615 points, T:909, killed by the Goblin King 14:53 huh 14:56 ssnufd: for my book, the most important thing is to eat amulets of magical breathing until you no longer have to worry about suffocation/drowning 14:56 it can be fun when accuracy or damage rings are edible, but it is just gravy really 14:57 although protection from shape changers is nice to eat when you can 14:57 ah good call, didnt know either one of those worked :) 14:59 [hdf-us] [evil] Storm (Mon Trt Fem Neu) had a pair of gauntlets of dexterity entrusted to her by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:55847 15:01 by the time you're getting ready to eat jewelry teleport control is almost always passe; probably polymorph control too 15:02 actually learned the other day cerberus corpse gives TC which is sweet 15:02 yeah, pretty rare tho 15:02 i still eat him because at that stage of the game it is convenient to not have to use a ring, but only gotten it once 15:03 oh wow lol gotcha 15:03 for some reason in my head it was 100% 15:03 as like a gehenom present :) 15:04 :) 15:14 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 1185 points, T:2383, quit 15:16 think i got smoky as object detect. id like to see my soko prize locations but ill take a wish as well 15:16 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had 20 shuriken entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:412 15:17 my horror: pit hug stun disenchant hallucinate :-( 15:17 disenchant stun is noooo 15:18 attack disenchant or passive 15:18 can horrors have passives? 15:18 not that i've seen 15:18 i havent either 15:19 remember to add your voice to mine, asking k2 to add another random attack to your horrors for each one you kill 15:19 justice for shambling horrors! 15:21 oh my lord true horror 15:21 the last one i had was gigantic or something first one i saw had like 180~ hp 15:21 that's right! we need TRUE horror 15:23 hah 15:25 the last one I got was shy (I forget the actual term---it stayed away from melee) and had a cold breath attack but no cold resistance. So I'd just hang out and and it would kill itself. 15:25 someone pick tool or armor 15:26 !rng tool armor 15:26 ssnufd: tool 15:26 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:57382 15:26 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, acquiring a bag of holding, on T:14086 15:27 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 1449 points, T:2227, killed by a werewolf 15:27 "The lava cools and solidifies under Ghulgaf the Markswoman's feet." cool stuff :-) 15:27 \o/ 15:29 nice 15:29 "white-scaled crystal plate mail" fancy! 15:31 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 15:34 i am SO SQUISHY 15:35 "The dwarven pioneer turns into a dwarven champion!" uh... 15:35 i think i better alchemy myself up a tremendous number of hp before letting kathryn at me 15:36 ah, another NPC 15:37 or rather a sandestin pretending to be one 15:38 racial pioneers and champions are always shapeshifters 15:38 did you need that crystal plate mobileuser? i really like that and the white scales are fun 15:38 yeah they always get me so excited:( 15:43 "you have never abused your alignment" now im not sure if ive ever seen that haha 15:45 [hdf-eu] [evil] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, acquiring a magic marker, on T:30269 15:48 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) destroyed davez's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:2848 15:48 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (gelatinous cubes), on T:14569 15:49 ssnufd I need flexible armorfor my demon infidel, so no crystal plate for me :-) 15:50 it's just nice to see what stuff NPC's get 15:54 Sunsword + wraith = :-( 15:58 for sure i love going through their loot 16:04 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:4389 16:07 jeez master mind flayers are rough on uberslow tortles 16:09 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:10 -!- elenmirie has joined #evilhack 16:14 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a spherical amulet on an altar, on T:5272 16:26 actual NPCs are always named 16:26 Rather than just having their rank 16:27 unnamed player monsters are more likely to be dopplegangers than sandestins specifically, the latter prefer nasties 16:27 i wish the npcs would sometimes try to engrave elbereth against you 16:27 or pray (succesfully maybe) 16:27 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:5991 16:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Storm (Inf Ith Fem Una) killed the Goblin King, on T:911 16:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) genocided master mind flayers, on T:66618 16:42 it is funny that -34ac, about as high as it is possible for me to get, still lets everything and its mother beat the crap out of me 16:45 even with -50 some things can still beat the crap out of you :-) 16:46 -!- amateurhour has joined #evilhack 16:46 [hdf-eu] [evil] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Fem Law) had a pair of jumping boots entrusted to her by Quetzalcoatl, on T:32313 16:48 speed is the main problem I suppose krm26? everyone gets more hits? 16:51 I always forget: is my death-magic-resistant demon immune to the wand of Orcus (LOGIC) or not (K2 NO FREEBIES LOGIC) :b 16:57 [hdf-eu] [evil] AlbertB (Val Hum Fem Law), 63122 points, T:23471, suffocated by a water elemental 16:57 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) killed Orcus, on T:66852 17:00 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 24 points, T:136, killed by a goblin 17:09 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) became Mog's Envoy of Balance, on T:15601 17:17 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3446 17:20 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8933 17:20 -!- amateurhour has quit [Quit: leaving] 17:21 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:4774 17:28 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:6055 17:31 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) killed Aphrodite, on T:16207 17:41 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:67698 17:41 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Inf Dem Mal Una) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:67699 17:44 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 31080 points, T:10192, killed by a bolt of fire 17:52 -!- screamingskull has joined #evilhack 17:54 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) destroyed lgxia's ghost, the former Blackguard, on T:16496 17:57 oh my man was loaded 17:58 got killed by a player monster 17:59 -!- screamingskull50 has joined #evilhack 17:59 -!- screamingskull50 has quit [Client Quit] 17:59 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 18:01 love it when I find a high lever ghost, loaded with goods, who died at an earlier level.  either going to a stash or altar, or Mine Town, etc. and meet an untimely death. 18:01 screamingskull: Message from Umbire at 2022-04-26 14:37 EDT: the MR stat given in Pinobot is for monster magic resistance - it's completely independent of any player-style MR a monster can possess (say, by being a gray dragon or wearing an MR source) 18:02 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:6807 18:02 I've had ascension gear before dungeon level 10 before due to loaded ghost 18:02 he was dual wielding dirge/frostbrand and this playermon took him out its peaceful to me haha 18:03 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) became literate by engraving "sihs", on T:6434 18:04 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) had Keolewa bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:6688 18:06 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:7473 18:07 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law), 986 points, T:7561, zombified by a gnome zombie 18:09 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) murdered her faithful pony, on T:7534 18:10 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) had a pair of stone kicking boots entrusted to her by Manannan Mac Lir, on T:7620 18:16 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon her by Manannan Mac Lir, on T:8089 18:17 i havent abused my alignment but i cant lift the cursed boh and this peaceful priest is eyeing it lol 18:19 No cancellation? 18:20 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:4708 18:20 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4708 18:20 oh is that what you do? i havent found cancel yet, i was wrackin my brain on how i was gonna uncurse it because i didnt want to leave it 18:21 for some reason i never thought of that, and does that uncurse luckstones and not turn them into rocks umbire? 18:22 Cancellation doesn't revert EVERYTHING to mundane :B 18:22 it's a common thing for bones files, you haul off whatever you want that wouldn't survive being cancelled 18:23 then zap the wand at the rest 18:23 in the case of BOH/luckstone it just uncurses 18:23 or sets to uncursed, I should say 18:23 nice 18:25 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha), 10127 points, T:8402, killed by a magic missile 18:28 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:6329 18:37 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #evilhack 18:38 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:38 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 19:04 You disturbed me, fool! I think I'll keep this wish for myself! the djinni makes a wish for a cloak of magic resistance 19:04 im in the club rebatela! 19:05 also add dragonhide on there next time friend 19:12 -!- screamingskull has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:16 Can you kill them after that happens? 19:19 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law), 14094 points, T:13436, killed by a mountain centaur 19:20 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Kni Orc Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7086 19:21 umbire yup! 19:22 they are hostile (angry for being released) and rebatela had one wish for a cockatrice egg and throw it at em lol 19:24 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) wished for "blessed greased +2 dragonhide t-shirt of decay", on T:16944 19:25 lmfaooooooo 19:29 -!- Umbire has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:30 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 19:39 -!- terrapin has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:41 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 653 points, T:2028, killed by a bolt of fire 19:48 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon her by Mog, on T:17159 19:48 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Cen Fem Cha), 451 points, T:695, killed by a rock gnome 19:49 I don't know why there are even other race/role combos besides giant samurai :P 19:49 so superios 19:49 and superior 19:51 giant samurai is pretty sweet until you never find tiamat 19:51 sadly wishing for a cursed figurine of tiamat does not work 20:00 I've never gotten scales from her and I did fine. 20:00 I'm just whining because I'm playing my 3rd favorite role and sucking at it 20:10 bouquet heh 20:10 giant samurai for lyfe 20:10 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Gno Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1735 20:12 reprazent 20:12 also, gnome wizard. 20:12 my 1st favorite 20:12 \o/ 20:12 i have to do dishes before the boss gets home 20:12 woe is me 20:12 (whoa) 20:15 -!- terrapin has joined #evilhack 20:16 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Gno Fem Cha), 2874 points, T:3176, killed by a hill orc 20:17 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha), 1286 points, T:3163, killed by a piranha 20:17 you should get a dishwasher 20:18 blessed fixed +5 dishwasher 20:25 at what point does being an elf not suck? 20:27 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (disenchanters), on T:63874 20:29 [hdf-eu] [evil] mightyquinn (Arc Hum Fem Law), 75502 points, T:33275, killed by a touch of death, while sleeping 20:29 elf is fine except for all the iron weapons hitting you 20:29 need to get your vaccine from your quest giver 20:30 or you can #forge a vaccine from a potion of water and an iron weapon 20:33 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) killed Cerberus, on T:63958 20:33 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:64010 20:35 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Rog Hum Mal Cha) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:4753 20:36 -!- musicdemon has joined #evilhack 20:39 !lastgame 20:39 Umbire: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bouquet/evilhack/dumplog/1651276177.evil.html :: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/U/Umbire/evilhack/dumplog/1651109678.evil.html :: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/m/mightyquinn/evilhack/dumplog/1651093063.evil.html 20:40 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Rog Hum Mal Cha) had a silver scimitar entrusted to him by Kos, on T:5039 20:41 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha), 367 points, T:1199, killed by a sea tortle 20:41 krm26: say wat? 20:43 not good enough, we need mRNA iron 20:47 if I bring a corpse up one level, dump it, then descend and not return to that level for like 5K turns, will it be removed when I go back? I don't recall the behavior of the decay. 20:47 i love walking into vecna's first level with sunsword equipped and seeing the wall of Zs 20:47 honestly sunsword should warn of vampires even when they are shapechanged tho 20:53 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) killed the Master Assassin, on T:18413 20:53 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:18413 20:56 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) completed her quest without incident, on T:18523 20:58 chat with quest leader after finishing the quest got me "qt_pager: message 90 not found. program in disorder! (saving and reloading may fix this problem)" and reloading didnt fix just fyi k2. he moved off the tile he was on after though 21:03 hrm 21:03 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) made her first artifact wish - "blessed fixed the ring of p'hul", on T:18834 21:03 when you forget you are not chaotic nice 21:04 zzzzap 21:04 musicdemon: It should be completely rotted away by then, yes. 21:04 ssnufd do #conduct - does it show the quest as complete? 21:04 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3458 21:04 yes k2 21:04 ok good 21:04 cool, thanks :) My memory did not deceive me 21:05 haven't ascended in 9 years. Been playing off-and-on 21:05 that's weird ssnufd 21:05 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Rog Hum Mal Cha) destroyed bouquet's ghost, the former Pawn, on T:7101 21:08 there was a recent edit to quest.txt but it was literally one letter 21:08 no lines were added/deleted 21:09 message 90 is there... 21:09 lol oh shit i see it 21:10 +%E ["You give %o to %l."] 21:10 %Cc Rog 00090 21:10 ^ what do you see wrong qt? 21:11 idk the quest text format that well, is it that the + isn't supposed to be there? 21:11 yup 21:12 must have typoed it when i was adding extra content for the quest end changes 21:12 just checked the entire file, that's the only one thankfully 21:14 [EvilHack] k21971 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/compare/10326f49f411...edfad9ced59c 21:14 [EvilHack] k21971 edfad9c - Fix: 'qt_pager: message 90 not found. program in disorder!' during Rogue quest. 21:14 thanks ssnufd 21:14 for sure man thank you 21:15 wow, huh 21:16 you know what, editlevel isn't invalidating saves or bones at all lol 21:17 you taling about 3.7 qt? 21:17 *talking 21:17 because VERSION_COMPATIBILITY is defined (in vanilla it's set to 3.7.0, in evilhack it's set to 0.8.0) which means "all save and bones files from 3.7.0 on are compatible with each other) 21:18 yeah in vanilla and evilhack as well. try it, make a save, increment editlevel and try to load it. it'll work 21:18 right. however, there's other changes that do break saves (in 3.7) 21:18 so instead of incrementing patchlevel, they increment editlevel 21:18 dunno why 21:19 whether it's patchlevel or editlevel doesn't matter 21:19 but yeah if I change editlevel and leave version_compat alone, saves will still work 21:19 nothing will invalidate saves as long as VERSION_COMPATIBILITY it set 21:19 um 21:19 why not just unset it? 21:19 thats not a true statement 21:20 there's tons of stuff what will break saves 21:20 well, yes, but what I mean is nothing will trigger the actual "This save file has a version mismatch" thing 21:20 right 21:21 if the only thing you change is the editlevel/patchlevel, and nothing else, and version_compat stays as is, it wont invalidate saves 21:21 it seems like VERSION_COMPATIBILITY should be unset by default, unless you explicitly want to say "the version has increased, but save and bones files from the previous version are still compatible with this one" 21:21 I don't know why it's set for both vanilla and evilhack 21:21 you should just comment it out, that way you won't have to increment it every time you change editlevel or whatever 21:21 k2: this @npc priest is swinging an ELVEN SWORD at me, haxxx 21:22 krm26 cuz he's a dick and hates his deity 21:22 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Inf Ith Mal Una), 3068 points, T:3594, killed by a giant beetle 21:23 qt, what looks at VERSION_COMPATIBILITY ? 21:23 if you just comment out that define, wont that break things? 21:23 no, I'm pretty sure it's designed to be unset most of the time 21:24 huh 21:24 the only relevant thing I see is build_savebones_compat_string(mdlib.c) (which looks like it will work if it's undefined) and check_version(version.c) (same) 21:24 look at the comment above VERSION_COMPATIBILITY: "If two or more successive releases have compatible data files, define this..." 21:25 so it shouldn't be defined outside of those circumstances, is my read 21:25 that's weird. because I can recall 2 different times when aosdict would make a new version of xnethack, and forgot to edit version_compat, and new games wouldnt work 21:25 maybe it was because major/minor had changed 21:26 i just commented it out and everything seems to work fine, it correctly identifies version mismatches in bones/saves 21:26 huh 21:26 i'll email the devteam about it 21:26 we're toying with forces we dont understand. the balance of power in the universe could be disrupted 21:26 there's specifically handling in check_version for if VERSION_COMPATIBILITY is undefined 21:26 I'm pretty sure this is how it's meant to be used 21:27 i hope you're right 21:27 that'd be one less thing to have to worry about changing 21:27 if it's undefined, any version mismatch is a fail. if it's defined, a version mismatch is a fail if the savefile version is earlier than VERSION_COMPATIBILITY 21:27 i'll let you know what the devteam say, if anything. or maybe they will just comment it out, we'll see 21:28 thanks 21:29 I think I was falling prey to some variance in the runs where I couldn't find any eucalyptus, a few days ago. Now, I've found 2 or more early in the last three straight runs, and this time I knew to kick the trees in the Oracle level to get more :) 21:32 thats a good strat musicdemon 21:33 why do you want eucalyptus? 21:33 the zeds have been ending most of my runs (I'm still new to the variant) 21:34 ah -- i try to range them until i have a unihorn generally 21:34 or save my prayer 21:35 i think it is fairly normal to have access to a unihorn before eucalyptus 21:36 they get me a lot from shift + direction in a dark corridor, or autotravel 21:38 Hmm, think I risk Ludios and see if I can get an MR amulet there 21:38 Definitely don't wanna go deeper 21:40 oh boy, honey badger and giant soldier busted the doors 21:40 gonna be in for a fight 21:40 and there's the wand of death, right on cue 21:43 death wand soldier down, plugged the entrance with a thrown boulder 21:44 some breathing room, some "time" to think 21:44 lol nice. can i break a holy water on a tile and bless an item on the ground? 21:44 still havent found that cancel wand 21:45 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) polymorphed her first object, on T:67826 21:50 are bones ghosts not supposed to pass through walls? I thought they used to. 21:51 I guess this one is sometimes... it seems to favor following the passageways 21:51 depends, where are you 21:54 ssnufd: if you can't cancel the cursed boh, your next best bet is dropping everything but a blessed scroll of remove curse or a potion of holy water and trying to pick it up 21:54 [hdf-us] [evil] lgxia (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 7962 points, T:9841, killed by the Goblin King 21:55 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:6525 21:56 krm26 i got down to 91/900 and figured it wasnt gonna work lol 21:56 If all else fails 21:57 - as in you can pick it up (with some difficulty) but have no means to uncurse 21:57 might as well try 5/900 with a scroll 21:57 - then you can try tipping it 21:57 tipping BADDDD 21:57 Yeah, might as well try that at least 21:57 "The gecko of Lugh bites!" 21:58 presumably the bag will keep until you find cancellation 21:59 if you want you can verify its contents to see how worthwhile they are by looking at the dump of the victim 22:03 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law), 387 points, T:584, killed by a giant mimic 22:03 who was the boh bones and on what dungeon level? 22:04 ssnufd have you used your rogues stealing skill? 22:06 -!- musicdemon has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:10 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 22:16 no k2 22:16 maining Cleaver owns 22:16 also tell you what I completely forgot about that skill 22:16 But yeah, can be v. handy 22:18 :/ 22:19 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Bar Trt Fem Neu) genocided master mind flayers, on T:68144 22:19 ssnufd: who left you the boh bones, and on what level? 22:20 ixgia dark knight with dirge/frost brand on 14, killed by a player monster 22:22 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) had Keolewa bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:4589 22:22 k2 there are a lot of super sweet mechanics/features i haven't played with, a lot of it i just lack creativity or imagination hah 22:24 I think I used it with my ongoing rogue I still have parked 22:24 Just hasn't come up THAT much for me 22:25 weird, that username is familiar to me but i don't see a ix, Ix, lx, or even Lx in any of the 3 server userdatas 22:26 ah, lgxia you mean 22:27 ssnufd, do you want info on the boh contents to help you judge whether to tip it? 22:27 if so: 22:27 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/l/lgxia/evilhack/dumplog/1650717822.evil.html 22:30 -!- qt has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:32 k2: i just figured out that a single blessed scroll of magic detection lets me figure out the best possible aklys-use of an inventory full of flails and spears 22:34 \o/ 22:36 sorry got some late night food orders going on, oh thanks krm26! and thats a magic detect scroll is super underused by me as well 22:37 i always tend to treat it as a lightweight potion of object detection when its best use is finding object properties 22:43 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Kni Orc Mal Cha), 58791 points, T:15599, killed by a giant priestess of Lugh, while praying 22:43 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) had a pair of low boots entrusted to her by Anu, on T:8634 22:47 what causes aligned priests to get angry? I just #chatted with one for protection and they flipped out. 22:47 Were you by chance in an already-converted temple? 22:47 Were they wandering around? 22:48 !lastgame terrapin 22:48 ssnufd: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/t/terrapin/evilhack/dumplog/1651266822.evil.html 22:48 nope. they were cross-aligned, but I never sacrificed on their altar. and I'd chatted with them before a couple times with no issue 22:48 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) had a stone battle-axe entrusted to her by Manannan Mac Lir, on T:7961 22:49 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:9553 22:49 you might have dropped a key and desecrated the altar when trying to chat 22:50 Might also have been Dirge somehow 22:50 how does dropping a key desecrate the altar? 22:51 yeah I can't recall if I was wielding Dirge or my lance the first time I talked with them 22:52 as in you missed an input 22:52 and yeah you had dirge wielded this time around 22:53 oh lol I thought you meant a skeleton key. yeah I suppose it's possible. I've definitely done it before 22:54 might be that you forgot to switch off Dirge before the chat 22:55 [hdf-us] [evil] Gutso (Cav Gia Fem Law), 7351 points, T:10314, poisoned by an orcish arrow 23:05 oh good, horror's back and it can swim 23:05 (breathless, but who's counting) 23:06 fuck it, death wand 23:08 ohhhh boy got a bouquet bones, immediately as i come down the stairs surrounded by boulders and a 5 on my warning 23:09 [hdf-au] [evil] Umbire (Bar Gia Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:46854 23:09 centaur knight killed by shambling horror 23:12 3d8 claw charm 2d8 touch sleep 3d6 sting charm 5d7 weapon energy drain 3d7 gaze fire 4d6 engulf paralyze 23:12 that'd kill most people I think 23:14 whats your horror umbire 23:15 moment, brace for text 23:15 Difficulty 15, speed 14, base level 19, base AC -6, magic saving throw 75, weight 20. 23:15 Normally appears in any branch, very rare. 23:15 Resists fire, shock, acid. 23:15 Leaves no corpse. 23:15 Is male, tiny, ungenocideable, breathless, accurate. 23:15 Is not a valid polymorph form. 23:15 Attacks: 4d8 claw disease, 5d6 weapon acid, 2d8 claw sticky 23:16 eww lol 23:17 right? 23:18 leading with the disease attack is like 70% of the difficulty, other 30% is the sticky following 23:18 speed 14 too, mine is speed 9 thank god otherwise idk what id do 23:20 I have boulders and a death wand if all else failed 23:20 fails* 23:20 last time I had to tele myself free and then emptied a wand of cold on it 23:20 and i guess because i encountered bouquet's bones horror first, thats my horror now:(  that's what im about to do i have 2 poly wands im going to go try to polypile for cancel/death 23:20 there was a tortle monk too who I sortakinda lined up 23:21 and first sit poof 23:23 now to liberate his riches 23:24 lotta consumables from there? 23:25 ok question, this horror is 1 tile away from being able to attack me on the stairs, if i go back up, and then come back down, does he get to move? 23:26 i.e. i go back up to prepare and come back down and he moves adjacent that turn 23:26 it could yeah 23:26 depends how fast you are and how fast it is 23:27 so i just kinda messed up... 23:27 ok thanks k2 probably the worst horror ive seen lol. its speed 9 thank god. from bouquet bones 23:27 just finished clearing all of the quest levels minus the last one where master kaen is 23:27 came back up because i'm not ready for kaen yet. converted the altar next to master po, started making sacs 23:28 i attacked a monster and knocked it back into an abbot 23:28 which made it angry 23:28 lol 23:28 other abbots and master po witnessed it, so they are now also angry 23:28 i guess i'm gonna murder my quest leader :) 23:29 F 23:29 lets see how tough master po is 23:30 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Mon Trt Mal Neu), 151314 points, T:31944, killed by Master Po 23:30 ok how do i look this up like krm did earlier i want to see how bouquet died, theres a scare monster scroll on the ground and a boulder fort lol 23:30 yup he spanked me 23:30 damn k2 23:31 no choice 23:31 !lastgame k2 23:31 ssnufd: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1650809353.evil.html :: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1576941662.evil.html :: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1577469384.evil.html 23:31 was it bouquet's last game? 23:31 or an older one? 23:31 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) destroyed coplate's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:11706 23:33 i think older 23:33 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:11932 23:35 [hdf-us] [evil] ssnufd (Rog Hob Fem Neu) destroyed the invisible bouquet's ghost, the former Mercenary, on T:20080 23:38 wait, can Goblin King leave bones? 23:38 Or no 23:38 Guessing no 23:42 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bouquet/evilhack/dumplog/1650915774.evil.html   (i remembered how) 23:52 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Kni Elf Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:14090