00:19 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:45606 00:33 woop got the marker at the end of the ice queen quest 00:45 [hdf-eu] [evil] NetSysFire (Con Ith Fem Cha), 8580 points, T:8026, killed by a bugbear 00:45 fuck 02:02 -!- spicyCebolla has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:58 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 03:01 [hdf-us] [evil] Cronos (Inf Ith Fem Una) completed Sokoban, acquiring a gold amulet of reflection, on T:28795 04:31 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #evilhack 04:31 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:31 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 05:15 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 05:18 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 05:18 "Block WDSM freezing on Plane of Water" 05:18 qt BOOOO 05:19 epic feature gone 05:48 -!- tinklebear has joined #evilhack 05:58 Izchak offering me 11 zorkmids for my unidentified lamp. Seems too much for an oil lamp and too little for a magic lamp. 05:58 material? 05:59 ah also a factor! it's silver now that you mention it. 05:59 so probably oil then. 06:03 copper material is value 10 (like iron), silver is 30, so ( (30[actual material]/10[canon material]) * 10[canon price] ) / 2[standard offer] would be 15 06:04 so you're getting the 3/4 nickel-and-dime treatment 06:04 also, I am a centaur 06:04 something two thirds something 06:05 lol, really? 06:05 the racial shopkeeper thing 06:05 I see 06:06 don't think the racial modifier applies to the sell price 06:06 wiki says it does, but the wiki could be lying 06:14 hmm. if racial modifier applied then price offered by Izchak (human) to a centaur would be either 2/3 or 2/3*3/4 of 15? Neither is 11 06:16 in my limited recent experience, buyback offers seem stable and unaffected by racial preference 06:16 yeah i think it only affects buy price 06:16 actually 06:16 i'm not sure 06:17 sometimes you definitely get the normal sell price even though they are charging weird buy prices because of race 06:17 but now that i think of it, i'm not sure if it's ALWAYS like that 06:17 it also seems to me that the whole racial preference thing has been toned down a little recently 06:18 -!- amateurhour has joined #evilhack 06:18 (and I *seem* to remember a time when buyback prices were definitely weirder) 06:18 yep. i think you're right 06:19 the other day i had a mindflayer shopkeeper offer me the 10x price for SELLING 06:19 i've only played the current version and have never noticed a modifier to the buyback pricers 06:19 which i don't think is intended 06:20 ^ K2 possible bug? 06:20 yeah. i meant to mention it to him 06:20 (after credit cloning) 06:20 but i died anyway before i could do it 06:21 why is there never a mindflayer shopkeeper around when you need one? 06:21 lol 06:21 heh 06:21 i love genociding them when they have a big paper store 06:23 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 16053 points, T:10453, quit 06:25 rebatela you can't genocide shopkeepers anymore unfortunately 06:25 oh really? 06:26 i've definitely done it in the past 06:28 yes, it used to be possible 06:29 fond memories of genociding mindflayers with their own geno scroll 06:39 I can't remember exactly why it was changed but there was a pretty good reason that aosdict and K2 talked about, think it was changed back in August 06:44 "You see here a lamp"... exciting! 06:45 As a giant, selling holy water to a gnomish shopkeeper, I am offered 50z, regardless of if my int is 14 or 18 06:46 "Aphrodite escapes upstairs!" urgh 06:49 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Ran Cen Fem Cha) killed Aphrodite, on T:8220 06:49 phew 06:52 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 2786 points, T:3152, zombified by a hobbit zombie, while helpless 06:52 zombiehack 06:55 oh that's probably it there was a way to exploit cha for buying/selling with racial prices 06:56 https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/commit/ff8b0b221420d136b13568dca601fa9142505e12 06:56 and https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/commit/631b185bd4cd8afb984a3bab5f9d3a6d2592a001 06:58 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had an aklys entrusted to her by Odin, on T:31821 07:01 -!- qt has joined #evilhack 07:05 -!- krm26 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:17 shopkeepers all have generic races now, including mind flayer ("illithid") and you can't geno those 07:22 right 07:25 i thought it was kind of cool that geno affected racial monsters, i made sure to include that in the patch 07:25 all that hard work for naught 07:26 it's powerful to get access to someone's shop without fighting them, but you're wasting a genocide scroll to do it so idk if it was that unbalanced 07:26 well, the mind flayers were often actually selling the things ;-) 07:27 worth it for large scroll shops 07:27 just have mindflayer shopkeepers turn into alhoons easyfix 07:27 lol 07:28 i was thinking more of the change from 'gnome' to 'rock gnome' or whatever 07:29 to protect the gnomish shopkeepers 07:29 but you couldn't genocide shopkeepers before the patch so i begrudgingly accept it 07:31 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had a pair of levitation boots entrusted to her by Odin, on T:32453 07:32 How do people have the patience to camp? Any tips? 07:33 bring gorp 07:33 what means "camp"? 07:34 hang around an altar, sacrificing until I get something I want / need 07:34 oh god. yeah, I don't know. 07:35 "it's own punishment", like they said about pudding farming 07:35 *its 07:36 i find it soothing 07:36 lol, qt 07:41 lol. exploded a gas spore and get 11 "you feel guilty"s from surrounding peacefuls. 07:44 and in my excitement to sacrifice the resulting corpses, forget that i'm a giant. The altar is now stained with giant blood :-( 07:45 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:6228 07:46 tbf, if you sacrifice, like, an orc, the altar gets stained with orc blood. the game just doesn't bother mentioning it 07:47 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 9537 points, T:6264, killed by a dwarven watchman 07:47 actually orc blood washes right out 07:47 maybe the god does a quick miracle clean-up? 07:48 -!- krm26 has joined #evilhack 07:49 missed the 'hey stop picking that lock' warning (again) 08:07 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a crocodile, on T:3382 08:08 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 4396 points, T:3386, quit 08:12 hi 08:12 Hello K2, Welcome to #evilhack 08:18 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had an ironshod staff entrusted to her by Odin, on T:33296 08:21 the other day i had a mindflayer shopkeeper offer me the 10x price for SELLING <--- not possible 08:21 10000% happened 08:21 i meant to tell you 08:21 assuming you're reffering to you selling something to an illithid shopkeeper 08:21 Easy enough to find it in the ttyrec surely? 08:21 but this is why i don't report bugs. you think i'm confused 08:21 now, buying from them yes they jack the prices way up for non-illithid 08:22 nope 08:22 um yes 08:22 i'm telling you it happened dude 08:22 ttyrec please 08:22 bug 08:22 rebatela: ttyrec! 08:22 it was several games ago 08:23 maybe in the dumplog i still have it annotated as SCROLL SHOP, but if i ended up killing him and looting the store I probably changed the annotation 08:23 i reviewed the code again before chiming in 08:23 otherwise i wouldn't know how to find it (and don't care. not my game0 08:23 yeah. it's never happened before 08:23 they charge 10x the base amount to non-illithids 08:23 so something you changed made it happened 08:23 no 08:23 not talking about charging 08:23 talking about selling 08:24 he offered me 1000 for a lvl 2 spellbook for example 08:24 i havent made any buying/selling changes since august 08:24 i was going to take advantage of it, but never got the chance 08:24 whar race were you 08:24 what 08:24 human 08:24 monk? 08:24 of course 08:27 welp. i stand corrected 08:27 i think i see why 08:27 https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/blob/master/src/shk.c#L2612 08:29 oops 08:29 epic 08:29 i shift all blame to aosdict, he did this 08:31 The programmer's progress from "that can't happen" to "that does happen" to "how the fuck did this ever work?" :-) 08:32 in my defense, rebatela you've made claims before that were way off mark while in a state of... not quite but almost sober :) 08:33 never 08:33 oh pit fiend eggs yes 08:33 ;) 08:33 but there have been other incidents like this where i'm right 08:33 even a broken clock is right twice a day 08:34 and pit viper/pit fiend. it's not that absurd 08:34 eggs are eggs 08:35 twice sounds right :) 08:35 dick ;) 08:35 https://dilbert.com/strip/1996-07-01 08:36 i should have called your home number "ERMAGAHD k2 !!! people are going to get too much money for their spellbooks!!! they might be able to buy protection and ascend the game!!! IT'S A BUG !!!! " 08:36 my number is 867-5309 08:36 jenny 08:39 [EvilHack] k21971 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JDgmo 08:39 [EvilHack] k21971 2e8c5c6 - Fix: non-illithid players selling spellbooks/scrolls to illithid shopkeepers for 10x the fair market price. 08:40 that rule was no longer necessary after the selling fixes back in august 08:40 lol@ the dilbert graznop 08:40 oopsies 08:41 hah 08:41 dilbert 08:41 if you've ever worked in test ;) 08:41 or been to grad school 08:42 (or any school, really, tbh) 08:44 mobileuser believed me 08:52 K2, do you know what's up with the fake news tombstones that are hiding the epidemic of suffocation-by-water-elemental ? 08:52 that death you're referring to was hallucination right? 08:53 I believe so, yes 08:53 *seem to remember it that way 08:56 * tinklebear checks 08:56 yes. 08:56 here's another one: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tinklebear/evilhack/dumplog/1607854338.evil.txt 08:56 i thought that was normal behavior if you died while hallucinating? 08:57 not in my experience 08:57 omg use html dumplog you heathen :P 08:57 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tinklebear/evilhack/dumplog/1607854338.evil.html 08:57 why? 08:57 look at it 08:57 its html dumplog 08:58 tinklebear: what about it is wrong? 08:58 html dumplogs look like garbage in my browser 08:58 aside from looking a bazillion times better, it also cures cancer 08:58 oh 08:58 suffocated by a gas spore 08:58 cool if true. but it's a lie 08:58 its so true 08:58 you dont even know 08:59 html dumplogs can also do your taxes 08:59 and walk your dog 08:59 lynx browser can do all that 08:59 lynx browser? 08:59 never heard of it 09:00 it's in the terminal 09:00 * tinklebear shakes head 09:00 oh a text browser 09:00 my website is lynx compatible 09:00 i put a badge on it that says so 09:00 1990 called, they want their software back 09:00 https://entrez.cc/ 09:00 * tinklebear sobs 09:01 we used to put a lot of effort into making sure websites worked efficiently with both lynx and mosaic 09:01 I thought large splint mail was the only type of giant armor? "peaceful giant infidel called Agant the Maleficus, wearing light armor" 09:02 uh oh 09:02 oh wait 09:02 Graznop, light armor can mean gloves or boots if i recall 09:02 "light" in this context just means "not a lot of armor" 09:02 ok, kind of makes sense 09:02 i wanted it to say "lightly armored" but it needed to have a consistent format of "wearing %s" 09:04 k2 i think this would fix tinklebear's issue https://termbin.com/a9wv 09:05 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:33835 09:06 or just 'an(mon->data 09:06 ->mname)' 09:06 idk 09:07 that would hide racial information but i don't think there are racial engulfers (for now....) 09:07 I just opened that in lynx 2.9.0dev.5 on my wizmode box 09:07 k2 uses numpad too 09:09 this is crpa, it doesnt show pics? 09:09 crap even 09:09 how am I supposed to surf reddit memes with lynx? 09:09 you can *gasp* use an image viewer to view images, K2 09:10 on a headless ubuntu server? :P 09:11 this has no fap value 09:11 just imagine it in your mind 09:11 eww 09:11 all kidding aside, this is cool 09:15 :D 09:15 [EvilHack] k21971 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JDgZZ 09:15 [EvilHack] k21971 baeec5d - Fix: incorrect monster display on gravestone when killed via suffocation while engulfed and hallucinating. 09:16 ^ thanks qt 09:16 did you test it? I didn't actually try to get engulfed and check if it works, that was totally shooting from the hip 09:16 of course not 09:17 ship it/YOLO 09:17 lol, well, fingers crossed 09:17 * K2 goes to test 09:17 its not live yet 09:19 * cbus runs build_evilhack.sh 09:19 it works 09:19 \o/ 09:19 i still need to build the game on my computer. maybe i'll try today 09:20 i get jealous when one of y'all wizmode tests something 09:20 it's pretty straightforward to build 09:21 yeah i'm running mint and someone (graznop?) gave me their notes from doing it on ubuntu. hopefully i still have it somehwere 09:21 yeah, I just had to modify a makefile 09:21 (since I do not want to install it) 09:21 you shouldn't even have to modify a makefile, you can just add WANT_SOURCE_INSTALL=1 to the hints file 09:21 other than that, piece of cake 09:21 that's what I do 09:21 it builds it inside the repo directory 09:22 ah I added +PREFIX = ${HOME}/.local to sys/unix/Makefile.top 09:22 i just add that line to the hints file? 09:22 yeah rebatela, if you want it to be built alongside the source files. then run the hints file and make all 09:23 ok 09:23 i guess i have to download the latest version 09:23 link for that? please? 09:23 qt, thanks, will give i a shot :) 09:23 maybe i'll just play locally from now on an give y'all a break 09:24 no don't say that 09:24 local play if for chumps! dev/test only 09:24 i'll still comment on my game, but no one will be able to watch or verify 09:24 rebatela: it's https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack 09:24 thank you! 09:25 These were my notes for Mint: https://termbin.com/keka 09:25 oh that's right you are a mint guy too 09:25 thanks 09:26 qt, so just add that line to sys/unix/hints/unix and remake? 09:27 i don't know what sys/unix/hints/unix is like, it looks really bare-bones. maybe try the linux hints file instead? 09:27 but yes you add the line to the hints file, then run ./sys/unix/setup.sh && make all 09:27 at least that is what works for me 09:28 it should build it in ./playground/evilhack and the various data/save files should be in ./playground too 09:28 oh like that 09:28 i'll try vanilla first i guess 09:28 yeah it builds it alongside the code, if you want it in ~/.local you probably need to do some other modifications 09:29 I preferably just want to run it from source dir :) 09:30 well, it will be in the directory with the repo, just in playground/ 09:31 hmm actually 09:31 maybe this wouldn't work 09:31 graznop: in your notes when i get to make fetch-lua i get no rule to make target is that next line part of it? 09:31 i only see the ifdef WANT_SOURCE_INSTALL in the macos hints files 09:31 so actually disregard everything i said 09:31 lol 09:31 sorry 09:33 rebatela: possibly. maybe I have it in the wrong order - let me know if it is 09:34 anything worth doing is worth doing with ansible 09:34 this is what is included in the WANT_SOURCE_INSTALL thing for macos https://termbin.com/t3a4 09:35 so something similar should work on linux, idk why WANT_SOURCE_INSTALL is an osx exclusive 09:35 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:34451 09:38 ok, now I think the only three gifts left are Magicbane, Ogresmasher and Dragonbane - guess Ogresmasher is next? 09:39 sod's law predicts it 09:39 heh -- the only important thing is that Dragonbane is last, after another 20k turns of sacrificing :--) 09:41 oh you are a priest 09:41 Graznop I don't think you can get Ogresmasher as priest 09:42 hope not 09:42 but why? 09:42 oh you got trollsbane 09:43 what is trollsbane 09:43 you only need lua for installing nethack 3.7 09:43 or variants based off of it (splicehack, xnethack) 09:43 Graznop Priest can only use blunt weapons 09:43 Ogresmasher is a hammer? 09:43 trollsbane is a morning star 09:43 it counts as bash 09:44 Graznop, ogresmasher is a heavy war hammer 09:44 Ah damn 09:44 hammer is allowed :-) 09:44 bound to be next then! 09:44 yup 09:45 in my current game, a balrog with angelslayer about whupped my butt (votd, no health regen) 09:45 if i hadnt had half phys damage (gjallar) i would've died hah 09:45 the no health regen is something to be careful of, I keep going back to the castle 09:46 yup 09:46 that hellfire damage is no joke 09:48 so you'll like this one... 09:49 (current game) I clear the ice queen realm, no wand of opening, no potions of acid, so no way to get any of the good loot. make my way to the castle, clear it, wand of wishing is in a crystal chest. still no wand of opening :) 09:50 so i go to the votd, clear it, and fight Charon because he has a wand of opening. i'm wearing gray dragon scale mail, he hit me enough times and cncelled himself, by the time I defeated him, his wand of opening is (0:-1) 09:50 ^ got cancelled 09:51 K2 you have the bell of opening 09:51 isn't there another wand of opening in a chest in VotD? 09:51 solution? use my only magic lamp for a wish for 2 blessed scrolls of charging. got both scrolls, used one for the wand of opening, saving 2nd for WoW (which was 0:3 yay) 09:51 Graznop i didnt find it 09:52 it may have been in the safe (i dont have a stethoscope) 09:52 bless bell of opening, open crystal chest for WoW? 09:53 K2? :-) 09:53 K2 - you are right - it's in the safe 09:53 mobileuser yeah i could have done that 09:53 i always forget about the bell of opening 09:54 but that's ok, i needed scrolls of charging anyways 09:54 lol, gray dsm is such bad news 09:55 its saved my ass a bunch of times already 09:55 cancelled zombies become vanilla zombies 09:55 heh, I have had cancelled bell of opening when fighting the quest nemesis a number of times 09:55 ruin *all* the fun 09:56 so right now i'm in the temple at the end of the ice queen's realm (converted the altar and killed the priest of moloch) about to use my WoW 09:57 don't accidentally piss kathryn off 09:58 she's awfully sensitive and it goes bad real frickin quick 09:58 tell me about it 09:58 hah 09:58 its why i'm in the temple heh 09:59 ozzy and bourbon are roaming about outside killing stray zombies 10:00 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Sam Gia Fem Law) completed Sokoban, acquiring a helm of speed, on T:21278 10:02 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) had Dragonbane bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:34932 10:03 excellent :) 10:03 \o/ 10:04 ah, 188, the universal symbol for a wand of NOTHING 10:04 is there a spell which causes you to lose intrinsic warning? 10:04 gremlin 10:04 the "fall asleep next to a gremlin" spell 10:05 hmm. didn't see one. but maybe not paying enough attention 10:07 intrinsic warning is a pita to lose 10:08 probably too obvious: level drain below the level that granted the intrinsic 10:08 not a bad idea to add a msgtype alert/stop for 'chuckle' 10:08 gremlins chuckle when they steal an intrinsic 10:09 they also chuckle if you chat to them, though 10:09 who chats a gremlin? 10:09 heh 10:09 tinklebear does! 10:10 * tinklebear thought everyone chatted to the gremlins 10:10 qt probably does 10:11 I look at that pethack.png thing every day, where qt pets the chickatrice 10:11 "The chickatrice seems to enjoy it immensely! You turn to stone." 10:12 i don't fetish-shame 10:16 heh, for some reason I am not getting evilhack to run locally again :P 10:18 did you violate your evil alignment conduct in some way? 10:19 possibly 10:25 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Val Hum Fem Neu), 509371 points, T:65541, poisoned by a locust 10:32 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Rog Hum Mal Cha) had a two-handed sword entrusted to him by Kos, on T:336 10:35 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) made her first artifact wish - "blessed fixed The Eye of the Aethiopica", on T:35162 10:35 muahahahaha 10:40 :P 10:43 giants can be so frustrating -- have "mr/rfl but no other sources, so it is refl and a ring of poly control :-/ 10:44 krm26: i've not bothered with the ring of poly control recently - it's not as if you've any body armor or cloaks to rip 10:45 Yeah, it isn't as critical, but it is nice to be able to pick if you have a finger available 10:46 I wish polycontrol overrode mr, if you have both you should still get a poly choice 10:47 i wish my altar level would generate a goddamn monster to sacrifice 10:47 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Sam Gia Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:23307 10:48 k2, how do compile evilhack to run from the sourcedir in linux? :P 10:48 tried a few things but last attempt it didnt even start 10:48 you mean how do you have make install place it somewhere else? 10:49 well that is what I did last, change PREFIX to ~/.local, make -j9 && make install, then it complained about a dir/file not existing, so I created it and then nothing happens when launching 10:49 you change the HACKDIR in the linux-debug hints file 10:49 dont use -j anything 10:49 that is a weird place to locate your source 10:50 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Rog Hum Mal Cha) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1996 10:50 well I did put the HACKDIR in ~/.local/ 10:50 uuuugh brb 10:51 you use PREFIX to place the source, from the source once you've grabbed it you do a make all, then make install will place the executable where the HACKDIR says 10:52 PREFIX is wherever you like to store projects on your device (in your home directory if you want, but why in a .local? that is goofy) 10:52 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 1251 points, T:2154, killed by an air elemental of Mog 10:52 and HACKDIR is where you like your binaries 10:52 ~/.local/ is where a lot of stuff are placed 10:52 HACKDIR is set using PREFIX in the linux hints 10:52 PREFIX=$(HOME)/.local 10:52 HACKDIR=$(PREFIX)/games/lib/$(GAME)dir 10:53 I know pip is in love with .local but that doesn't make it normal or right :-) 10:53 :D 10:53 well, you don't have to include prefix in hackdir if you don't want to 10:53 I certainly don't 10:53 things like lftp, lollypop, steam, nvim, vlc places stuff in ~/.local/share 10:54 yeah, it is a convention for user-specific installs on shared machines, but who here is working on a real shared machines? 10:56 if you're installing nethack to be used by any user on your machine you want to put it in a normal place 10:56 only for my user and only for messing around with wizmode any way :) 10:57 well if you like that style you probably want hackdir to be ~/.local/bin/$(GAME) 10:58 basically all lib direcotries are for shared libraries and resources which an executable is not 10:58 but really either of those directories can be anywhere 10:59 it doesn't effect the build or install process 10:59 anyway, when trying to run evilhack it just exits out without a message 10:59 after a make install success? 10:59 yeah 10:59 I had to create a var/record file though 10:59 and disable LIVELOG 11:00 in sysconf 11:00 so when you first ran it there were errors, and you fixed them and now it exits silently? 11:00 yeah 11:00 paste the errors here? 11:01 or diff your fixes here 11:01 yeah, redoing from clean repo to repro 11:04 Warning: cannot write scoreboard file '${HOME}/.local//games/lib/evilhackdir/var/record' 11:04 WARNING: LIVELOG value configured but LIVELOGFILE not #defined. Ignored. 11:04 after doing make all && make install 11:04 look at that path -- // 11:04 your prefix has an extra / maybe 11:04 -PREFIX=$(wildcard ~)/eh/install 11:04 +PREFIX=$(HOME)/.local/ 11:04 yeah, but shouldnt give an error 11:04 I had it without the / 11:05 Did you type the warning message or copy it? because there is a // in there 11:05 copy 11:05 doing make spotless and redoing without the / 11:06 also I manually changed to ${HOME} in the log to not use realname ;P 11:06 you want: PREFIX=~/.local HACKDIR=$(PREFIX)/bin/$(GAME) something like that 11:08 I didnt change the HACKDIR (so it had the default value of $(PREFIX)/games/lib/$(GAME)dir) 11:09 The livelog warning is meaningless, it just means you didn't define LIVELOGFILE, you don't have to 11:10 so basicly, I just changed the hints file: ./setup.sh hints/linux ; cd ../../; make all && make install 11:10 linux-debug is the hints file you want i think 11:10 not linux 11:10 oh ok 11:11 so change your vars there 11:11 and do a make spotless after your changes to be sure 11:12 here goes 11:12 also, is there a reason for not using multiple cores? :) 11:12 (k2 said no -j9) 11:13 nehack isn't multithreaded to my knowledge 11:13 I mean it is for compiling on multiple cores 11:13 running multiple ccs 11:14 you can use -j just fine 11:14 yeah, that did it 11:14 thanks a lot 11:14 basicly, linux-debug vs linux :) 11:14 some older versions of nethack could fail to compile with -j sometimes because of a race condition 11:14 ah 11:14 but I reported that and they fixed it in 3.7 at least 11:15 doesn't gcc use multiple cores by default these days? 11:15 it's a make flag 11:15 I am not sure if the perminventory with multiple unpaid items, then only buying one is fixed in 3.7 btw 11:15 I remember mentioning it here or #hardfought 11:16 and there was another bug with perminventory but managed to forget the details 11:16 gonna doublecheck and report next run 11:16 the identify issue with perminv/curses not fully updating when identifying multiple items occasionally bugs me 11:17 the one I am thinking is like, pick up many items in shop, pay, select itemized, select yes to one, then no on the rest 11:17 all items lose their unpaid status in the curses 11:18 also having a q option for the itemized would be good :P 12:00 -!- spicyCebolla has joined #evilhack 12:04 cbus: that bug is fixed in 3.7 12:04 https://github.com/NetHack/NetHack/commit/0ba7ff46b9252db3825c94407da5008d99012c1e 12:04 yeah just verified but I think I had it even when it was supposed to be fixed 12:13 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) killed Cerberus, on T:36677 12:14 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:36693 12:18 -!- ChrisANG has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:27 -!- qt has quit [Quit: bye] 12:33 [hdf-us] [evil] tinklebear (Kni Orc Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of reflection, on T:11640 12:43 I recently added that fix to evilhack (the one qt just linked) 12:46 gj 12:49 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 12:52 so cbus you're good to go now? local build of evilhack? 12:52 good to go! 12:52 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) killed Geryon, on T:37119 12:52 issue was that I used the hints for linux rather than linux-debug it seems 12:53 (dist being manjaro if that matters) 12:53 only change I did was the PREFIX 12:53 thanks for checking up 12:54 gotcha 12:54 the README.md on the evilhack repo states using linux-debug 12:54 maybe I should edit the stock linux hints file as well so it plays nice 12:55 I read the README.linux in sys/unix 12:56 so possibly change that one too :) 12:56 or just fix the hints 12:59 yeah 13:02 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Rog Elf Fem Neu), 12139 points, T:8511, killed by an elven king 13:08 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed +5 dragonhide hawaiian shirt of drain resistance", on T:47109 13:09 [hdf-eu] [evil] Graznop (Pri Gia Fem Neu) killed Mephistopheles, on T:37393 13:10 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +5 cloth oilskin elven helm", on T:47110 13:10 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed +5 dragonhide cloak of protection", on T:47111 13:10 -!- ChrisANG has joined #evilhack 13:11 damn you Tyr 13:12 no +5 on anything, luck is maxed 13:12 that's ok though, dragonhide mucho AC 13:28 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Cerberus, on T:47994 13:29 hawaiian valks get that extra AC from hawaiian shirts 13:30 and they accessorize 13:32 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:48101 13:34 Tyr says "No, damn YOU" and opens a hole underneath your feet straight to gehennom 13:41 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 13:41 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 2668 points, T:963, killed by a rothe 13:42 hey K2 has the mobihat 13:53 interesting... nothing is happening with the lamp I was sure was a magic lamp... 13:53 oh F I named the other lamp instead of calling it :-( 13:54 disappointment! 13:55 -!- statico has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 14:05 is jewelry eating the same as in vanilla? 14:07 yes 14:07 ok thx 14:07 lol mobileuser 14:09 it would be evil if type naming magical lamps didn't work... 14:10 K2: did you see my horrible dragonhide nerf suggestion? 14:10 but then you would know they are magical because they can't be named 14:10 remove naming! :P 14:10 completely 14:11 removing naming is basically saying "complete the game in one session so you don't forget what in hell is going on" 14:11 true - what about having to name each different material separately? 14:11 naming materials... separately? 14:12 like your character can't tell what wood is until they formally identify it? 14:12 hard mode: no descriptions for wands, rings, etc. just "ring"...gotta id every item individually 14:12 hah, think what that would do to polypiling 14:13 so that a copper magic lamp and steel magic lamp aren't both identified by naming one 14:13 -!- ChrisANG has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:13 krm26 I did and replied to it 14:13 play permablind krm26 ;-) 14:13 damn, sorry k2, i miss so much 14:13 need to be named-and-shamed 14:14 :P 14:16 oh i see, you seemed to think i was talking about dragonbane, but that was only incidental 14:16 i was talking about slightly nerfing the huge dragonhide ac bonus for other gear by making dragonhide less likely to take enchantment, making you use more scrolls to really beef it up -- just as a minor restriction on its amazingness 14:17 like, dragonhide would have a 25% + 10%/currentenchant chance of resisting new enchantment 14:17 -!- ChrisANG has joined #evilhack 14:17 or something 14:18 as a slight check on those -60 ACs 14:19 i dont think that's necessary 14:20 you can have a -60 ac and still get beaten down 14:22 just pull a slashem and make ac do jack for damage reduction :^) 14:24 ooof 14:25 dragonhide was already nerfed somewhat (base AC was lowered) 14:26 in vanilla, and I imagine evilhack hasn't changed it, negative ac subtracts rnd(-ac) from the damage 14:26 ess likely to take enchantment = huge player frustration 14:26 *less 14:26 which is pretty big for -60 damage 14:26 frustrating isn't fun for sure 14:27 I tend to not to fully enchant stuff but save some enchant armor scrolls 14:27 in slashem, only if your ac is below -10 is there any damage reduction, and even then at most it can remove 10 damage 14:28 (but in slashem everyone can get half physical damage) 14:29 yeah slashem / slashthem requires a bit different strats 14:29 K2: what do you consider "minimum-likely-artifact-gift-sacrifice-player-level"? 14:30 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Sam Dwa Mal Law) killed Aphrodite, on T:12183 14:31 At a certain level (23?) all gifts will be artifacts 14:34 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Sam Dwa Mal Law), 25557 points, T:12229, killed by a mountain centaur 14:37 https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/blob/master/src/pray.c#L2172 14:37 ^ krm26 14:42 ooh nice docs 14:42 thx 14:43 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Kas, on T:49479 14:43 with mjollnir 14:43 -!- tinklebear has quit [Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 26.1] 14:43 * K2 flexes with mjollnir 14:44 but, a balrog stole vorpal blade from me with its bullwhip, and my GDSM passively cancelled it when he was hitting me 14:44 uncursed +0 vorpal blade hahah 14:46 at least you still have your head 14:48 and Highlander, don't lose your head 14:49 the highlander remake movie starts filming next year 14:49 Henry Cavill is playing Connor McLeod 14:50 a remake? surely there can be only one? 14:50 its a reboot 14:50 and yeah there can be only one (highlander movies 2 through 4 plus the TV series enters chat) 14:51 errrmahgerd 14:51 i dont even count highlander 2, 3 or 4 even existing 14:52 from what i've read, this highlander remake is being taken seriously. should be (hoping its) good 14:53 hope so 14:56 are remakes every good? (i mean other than john carpenter's the thing, the best movie ever, which is the exception that proves the rule) 14:56 every/ever sheesh can't wait to be off these meds 14:57 sometimes they are 14:57 The alhoon casts a spell! The alhoon douses you in a torrent of acid! 14:57 You are caught in the splash of acid! The acid dissipates harmlessly. 14:57 The alhoon's tentacles suck you! The alhoon grabs you, but cannot hold onto your slippery oilskin cloth elven helm! 14:57 antialhoon hat of excellence 14:58 never leave home without one 15:17 Monster lookup for "shambling horror": 15:17 Difficulty 15, speed 18, base level 14, base AC -7, magic saving throw 0, weight 20. 15:17 Resists shock, poison. 15:17 Can teleport, dig. 15:17 Is not a valid polymorph form. 15:17 Attacks: 3d6 weapon rust, 2d8 touch withering, 3d8 sting eat brains, 2d8 spit 15:17 strength poison, 4d6 spit blind 15:17 and its displaced 15:17 lol 15:19 displaced invisible tiny lurking covetous teleporting! 15:29 do shambling horrors hide under items sometimes? 15:36 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a revenant, on T:50793 15:36 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law) became permanently transformed into a revenant, on T:50793 15:36 i'm fucked lol 15:36 how did that happen! 15:36 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1120052 points, T:50795, killed while stuck in creature form 15:36 !lastgame k2 15:36 krm26: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1639335332.evil.html :: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1577469384.evil.html :: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1576941662.evil.html 15:37 i couldnt damage vecna enough, and i went in with too little resources 15:37 i knew better but oh well 15:38 darn 15:38 may i find your bones 15:38 guess not on vecna's level huh :-( 15:39 guessing there's still noone that's ascended permatransformed 15:39 nope 15:40 was fun game though 15:41 Found a door at the very edge of the map, don't see that very often 15:41 How did you become a revenant? 15:42 killed by a lich 15:42 oh Vecna was being a jerk? 15:42 yeah 15:42 ouch K2 :-( 15:42 funny thing, entire game, never saw a potion of full healing 15:43 Hmm ok so your shambling horror had 3d8 eat brains - does that mean that oiled hat wouldn't protect you, or do they need to be able to grab your head to sting you through your nostrils or something 15:43 and only saw potions of paralysis being thrown at me 15:43 3d8 STING eat brains I meant to write 15:43 eat brains is always a head attack 15:43 so helmet can protect you 15:43 even when it is a sting? 15:43 sure 15:44 Makes sense, I mean that's where the brains are for the most part 15:44 unless you're a dumb ass, then your brain is in your butt 15:44 If someone is eating your brains through your knees or whatever you've got big problems 15:45 ok, gonna go do things other than play games :P bbl 15:47 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 207 points, T:982, killed by a boulder 15:50 damn! did such a good job, finally hit with permainvis at 29k 16:01 argh! trying to lose invis on magic traps, it just keeps generating friendly giants -- now it tamed one for me. goddamit 16:23 found a ligang bones level packed with nasties, already killed several kinds of engulfing elemental and there was a slurping sound 16:24 had to go back to stash first to bless my weapon... I'm very curious what this was all about 16:24 Probably just a friendly party 16:27 -!- ChrisANG has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:33 hmm, my cat will eat a shaman for telepathy but not my pet giant :-/ 16:33 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Ran Cen Fem Cha) destroyed ligang's ghost, the former Warrior, on T:10780 16:34 ok wow 16:34 rich bones 16:34 so jealous! I haven't had a fun bones below like level 5 in ages 16:35 it has been a while for me too 16:36 "There is a bag here, but you cannot lift any more." the old problem 16:44 time for the tipping treatment 16:46 that wasn't too bad... 16:49 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 16:50 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 16:52 does evilhack sometimes remove stuff from bones? 16:53 I have not noticed that 16:53 dragonbane was supposed to be here... 16:54 oh wait I am looking at the wrong dump log :b 16:55 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) destroyed Kas, on T:50357 16:55 VaderFLAG nice! 16:56 now don't be like K2 ;-) 16:56 no kidding 16:56 It's not out of the question, I don't have teleport control so no easy escape methods 16:56 wish for it? 16:56 so wasteful! 16:57 rebatela would agree 16:57 I need to go find a flying amulet first too 16:57 at Vlad! 16:57 that's where I had to get mine last game 16:58 Yeah but also going that deep with no teleport control and no magic mapping is a drag 16:58 yeah, that's why I often think, shame about the wish, but I want that TC 16:58 NOW 16:58 someone was talkinga teleport control the other day. oh yeah the dog in the valley 16:59 I did eat cerberus for the first time, no luck 16:59 oh ok 16:59 a dog in the valley talked about teleport control? 16:59 yep 16:59 ;) 16:59 :b 16:59 hmm, my pet giant died for some reason out of my sight and he has a strange amulet on his corpse. i'm thinking strangulation 17:00 that was one dumb giant it sounds like 17:00 you can't loot them when they're dead i guess? 17:00 -!- ChrisANG has joined #evilhack 17:03 I love that you can tell which kind of container is being opened. Yup, that's the sound of a large box. Definitely not a chest 17:06 heh 17:30 I feel so-so- #looting a dog, but when my pet can speak I'd feel a LOT better #chatting with them to take items 17:42 damn now we can't leave epic gravestones :((((( 17:43 krm26: knockback in dnh was imba af, not sure what the best chance of it to proc should be 17:44 it might still be overpowered even if they lowered the chances 17:49 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 17:50 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 17:51 -!- amateurhour has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:01 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Connection closed] 18:05 [hdf-us] [evil] nabru (Sam Gia Fem Law) murdered Rex, her faithful little dog, on T:357 18:24 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) polymorphed her first object, on T:51873 18:27 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) wished for "blessed fixed +2 dragonhide boots of speed", on T:51926 18:42 amateurhour: The thing I was working on was just for Ogresmasher, so it shouldn't be a big deal. It is also size-capped, so it isn't like you'd be punting demon-princes everywhere 18:42 -!- spicyCebolla has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 18:42 by the time your god gives you Ogresmasher when you'd rather have any other weapon it is more cosmetic behavior :-) 18:44 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:52814 18:53 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Mephistopheles, on T:53070 19:00 -!- elenmirie has quit [*.net *.split] 19:00 -!- arahael has quit [*.net *.split] 19:02 -!- mode/Hecubus [+Ziw] by Hecubus 19:02 -!- molybdenum.libera.chat changed the topic on #evilhack to: EvilHack: a NetHack variant ¤ https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack ¤ public irc logs available at hardfought.org ¤ version 0.7.1 availble for public play on #hardfought ¤ see https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/EvilHack for gameplay information ¤ Bug tracker and future development ideas - https://www.hardfought.org/etherpad/p/EvilHack 19:02 -!- mode/#evilhack [+v Hecubus] by ChanServ 19:18 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:53779 19:49 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:55057 19:49 [hdf-us] [evil] VaderFLAG (Kni Elf Fem Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:55059 19:52 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:35015 19:52 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Rog Hum Mal Cha) had a pair of boxing gloves entrusted to him by Kos, on T:3232 19:56 [hdf-us] [evil] ligang (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 1230 points, T:3641, quit 20:06 want scales to drop every time you kill a dragon? be a giant! 20:14 hahaha krm26 20:14 welcome to my world 20:14 be a giant monk. you'll get the chromatic scales every game 20:15 Doesn't that make you a spellcaster? chromatic scales + magic missile 20:15 what do you mean? 20:16 i most certainly play them like spellcasters.. gotta find those staffs tho 20:16 I mean I'd make an effort to be a spellcasting monk if it was the only way I could wear chromatic scales 20:16 i think Master Kaen should wear a giant sized robe 20:16 staff of war + chromatic scales + combat spell monk 20:16 oh i see 20:16 yeah 20:17 dual wield, staff of war/staff of healing 20:17 i dunno. the tohit penalty is so bad in evil i've never even considered it 20:17 ok, now I kinda want to try it 20:17 the idea would be not hitting things, casting 20:17 giant monk is my favorite regardless 20:17 you should try it 20:17 of course that breaks down once you have the amulet 20:17 I don't know, centaur monk is hard to beat 20:17 i was going to play it just now! but i've been playing giants today and kind of hooked on boulders 20:18 boulders are gross 20:18 hehe 20:18 I think the default giant sammy armor is a trap, i feel like i have to wear it but it means my carrying capacity is like two potions and a wand 20:19 yeah F that... the real way to play giant is no shirt.armor.cloak 20:19 should ditch it until i can wish for bone large split mail of drain resistance 20:21 I wonder why they made sammy splint rustproof? makes little sense to me 20:23 ARGH, "You hear Jessie the Idolater reading a scroll of charging." 20:28 wow i've never seen a monster do that 20:28 what are they charging? 20:28 they better not charge WoW's now. THat might get me to stop playing 20:28 a stupid fire horn dammit 20:29 oh they can do that 20:29 well it's new then 20:29 they didn't used ot 20:29 to 20:29 grunt they do 20:29 i'm pretty sure i've heard someone moaning about that before...or did i dream it 20:29 they make wishes for sure. but they stop when it gets to 0 21:15 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Sam Gia Fem Law) made her first artifact wish - "blessed greased fixed +3 dragonbane", on T:37836 21:23 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Croesus, on T:38989 21:42 hey bouquet, I'm a Sam Gia Fem Law at turn 37946, I wonder if I can kill Croesus exactly on Turn 38989 21:52 it's a race! 21:53 dammit i'm just too slow and methodical, not gonna make it 21:53 i told k2 to eliminate ludios. he must not have gotten to it yet 21:53 i haven't seen ludios in forever, but since you started your campaign i just found it on level 11 21:54 nah you play fast and sloppy like me. lots of turns, but you PLAY fast 21:54 totally joking about ludios. he doesn't take me seriously anyway, so don't worry! 21:55 ludios (and vecna) are kinda loot bonanzas that might deserve a fix, been thinking about that 21:55 everyone will HATE this, but it is nicely evil 21:55 "zone-lock" 90% of the drops in both places -- zone locked gear can't make it out of the portal 21:55 i don't hate your ideas. i don't like that he listens to you though 21:55 can use it inside just fine 21:55 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Ashikaga Takauji, on T:41334 21:55 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Sam Gia Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:41335 21:56 so like there would be "tainted wand of death" drops from the vecna box, vanishes when taken out of those 3 levels 21:56 or "gilded steel splint mail" in ludios 21:56 SOME of the drops could still be normal 21:56 whatever % seems reasonable 21:56 status would stick through polymorph 21:57 because while i love both places, they are huge gearfests 21:57 ludios is a worse offender because it only impacts a portion of games randomly and can have a big impact 21:58 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Gno Fem Cha), 2771 points, T:3962, killed by a rabid dog 21:58 this i what i don't get .... why, as a player, do you care about other peopel getting gear? 21:58 what do you think of that rebatela 21:58 i don't, i care about ME getting gear 21:58 i mean, it is "the player", not me or you 21:58 no. You complain and actually make changes to the game. it's confusing 21:58 strive for difficult but achievable game balance 21:59 i don't make changes to anything, i'm just a whisper in the darkness 21:59 Miss Hoover! rebatela is chewing gum! 22:00 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Sam Gia Fem Law) refused to give up The Tsurugi of Muramasa to Lord Sato, on T:41704 22:01 but in my defense i helped develop one of the earliest mmos and did extensive in-game economics design for it :-) of course i wasn't as heavily drugged then 22:01 oh yeah. how's the lyrica going? fuck i wish i had some 22:02 i absolutely loved that shit when i was on it 22:02 not even kidding 22:02 gabapentin but close 22:02 oh ok 22:02 neurontin 22:02 yeah same idea 22:02 i thought you had said pregabalin 22:02 gonna see if my wife will let me get off it in early janiary 22:02 Uary 22:03 having a hard time providing good feedback to my physical therapist while on the drug, need the pain 22:03 the problem with all those gaba drugs is you build up a tolerance and they go from being a miracle to doing nothing 22:03 well, i didn't eat today and the evening does has kicked me in the teeth 22:04 but if I stop in early january my total course will have been about 6 weeks, so not that long 22:07 they help give me an appetite too actually (gapabentin) 22:07 like the texture of food would be better 22:07 hard to describe 22:08 38989, i might still hit it! 22:08 haha that would be sweet if you time it 22:09 if i don't let the eels drown me first. or are giants immune to eels? 22:09 oh no they will drown you 22:09 i always kill them first 22:10 it makes no sense, but yeah eels/salamanders etc. don't give a fuck that you're a giant 22:11 it's probably an oversight since evil is the first variant to have giants as a playable role, but it's all "well, giants are supposed to be hard" 22:12 -!- ChrisANG has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:12 like the being invisible thing and can't wear mummy wrap. is what it is 22:12 evilhack isnt the first variant to have giants as a playable race 22:13 oh ok 22:13 i wasn't sure 22:13 and actrally meant to qualify it 22:13 its like the 3rd or 4th 22:13 but it will be the first to have gelatinous cubes as the first playable race! 22:13 how does a tiny sea animal drown a giant? 22:13 k2's been eavesdropping 22:14 i'm a variant noob. 22:14 i got hooked on your dumb game and can't get enough though 22:15 i think i've been taken down by a salamdner twice with the amulet 22:15 most evil player race possible...hmm...changeling? uncontrolled poly? 22:15 splicehack had werewolf as a playable race 22:15 i cant remember if sntigulp removed it for 1.0 or not 22:15 *antigulp 22:16 but it was a rough race to play 22:16 that is weird, when that is a status effect too 22:18 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Gno Fem Cha), 550 points, T:1893, killed by a small mimic 22:20 lycanthropy is one of my biggest fears... even in evil as a lvl 30 monk with disease resistance etc. you sill gotta be careful 22:21 dragonhide shit draonhide robe. poof 22:21 shirt too 22:21 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Croesus, on T:38704 22:22 oops, i forgot to wait 22:22 DAMMIT 22:22 haha 22:22 close enough 22:22 was gonna be so cool 22:22 i'm going to set odds on who gets to certain milestones first 22:23 oh i can't race him, my guy is junk, i still can't face my quest nemesis 22:24 i killed Croesus using sleep 22:26 lawful giant is hard. that amulet is really the only source of mr i believe? Monk isn't so bad becasuse you get EotO (if it doesn't get stolen) 22:26 at least i can wear the amulet, lamped up dragonbane 22:26 yep 22:27 that's why dragonbane is so huge... it frees the amulet slot 22:27 you can fly, magic breathe when you see a water elemental etc. 22:27 i discovered a minor bug last game 22:27 or wear mr when you're a lawful samurai 22:28 giant* samurai 22:28 here's a minor bug: turn 39k, past medusa, no stethoscopes! 22:28 if wearing dragon scales/scale mail AND dragonbane, only the scales passive attack kicks in. never gets to dragonbanes passive attack (if being attacked by a dragon) 22:28 interesting -- hard to notice if you mostly wear sdsm 22:29 you got your dragonabne completely destroyed, right? wtf happened with vecna? 22:29 yup 22:29 (to krm26's statement) 22:29 no dragonbane wasnt destroyed 22:29 !lastgame k2 22:29 rebatela: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1639335332.evil.html :: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1577469384.evil.html :: [hdf-au] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/evilhack/dumplog/1576941662.evil.html 22:30 Your Dragonbane deteriorates! 22:30 it wasnt destroyed 22:30 oh i see 22:30 just hurt 22:30 thank god. i thought for a moment game was even harder than it is 22:31 it could have been 22:31 can't believe i've never done this before, but -- if you throw a boulder at a monster in a pit, do they just mosey on out of the filled pit? i bet they do. they should be buried alive 22:31 hmm... dunno 22:31 i've been skipping vecna. hasn't exacty been working out so maybe i'll try it next time 22:32 vecna is fun even if you don't want to genocide anything 22:32 indeed 22:32 you might see more archliches and alhoons doing vecna than in your whole ascension run anyway (...might) 22:32 i always do the first two levels. but yeah, i should do it anyway.. it is super fun k2 22:33 are you going to add more branches? 22:33 yeah 22:34 imo more branches are super-fun but at this point there will have to start being random exclusivity if they are significant -- i.e. can only get one of X, Y, Z branches in a game 22:34 always dancing along the edge of either trivializing due to addition of too much xp/loot or having to make xp/loot not matter after all because there is so much of it available 22:35 i feel like he has a good feel for the balance of the game 22:35 now for replayability -- introduce new race/class specific branches 22:35 like it's a real toss up whether to risk doing vecna (for me) 22:35 since the quests already exist, new sub-branch by race 22:35 and that's how it should be 22:36 OR (mmmm) 4 new optional branches, one for each plain, tough as balls -- complete one of them and get to skip that plane 22:36 limit: 1/game 22:37 how many different ways can i spell plagne at one time 22:37 i've said it before, but evil has the advantage that the dev plays a lot and is really good etc. 22:37 anyone else know the chelub branch from slash'em? I liked that one. 22:37 medium difficulty, lots of rings 22:37 is chelub a word? 22:38 chelub is the spider monster from LoTR. 22:39 https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Chelub.html 22:39 old testamewnt word it seems 22:40 Shelob, sorry. 22:40 Yeah, I know who Shelob is, ok :-) 22:40 not an english "word' though 22:40 If you drink enough it is 22:40 lol!!! 22:41 oh, you mean Hebrew kelub? that word I know 22:41 I've polypiled every amulet except MR. 22:41 I think Tolkien may have borrowed some names from previous works 22:41 Tolkien sourced a lot of his language from the nw finno ugrics 22:41 anyway, shelob is a great mid-game, single level, branch with pretty decent rewards. 22:42 and of course a bunch of dwarf names in the hobbit from the eddas 22:43 Does it have a new web-wrapped creature object, and when you attack it the dwarf or whatever pops out? 22:43 be cool to have someplace where webs matter a lot more, and then maybe elven weapons go through them like butter 22:44 (note to k2: make sting and orcrist shed light when orcs are present :-) 22:45 light blue light 22:45 heh, then you could keep a goblin pet so you had a light source 22:45 emergent behavior! 22:47 \o/ 22:48 evilhack is sentient! 22:58 Yup, EVERY dragon I kill, scales scales scales 23:03 I'm not pumped about no MR. Total buzzkill. 23:05 i was lucky, fountain on 1 -> "mr 23:05 although I couldn't wear it until i got a second wish for dragonbane 23:09 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Sam Gia Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a pit viper, on T:45575 23:10 Ssssssss 23:10 I think medusa is rocking a polywand :( 23:12 "Wait, raven! There's a pit viper named bouquet hiding under a statue of a stone golem" 23:13 spit her to death! 23:13 ...uh oh, is this an unforseen nethack condition? does cobra venom to medusa's face stop her stoning attack until she wipes it off? cream pie too? 23:14 or is that handled? 23:15 now I'm an elf 23:15 I can't recovery my stuff or she'll zap poly and turn it all into junk 23:15 it wasn't all junked initially? 23:16 I don't think so. Maybe? 23:16 they always seem to want to do a followup zap to get your gear :-) 23:16 so rude. 23:16 turn your boh into a leash 23:21 time for to to turn into a pumpking -- hope you pull through bouquet! 23:22 -!- krm26 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:25 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 172 points, T:607, poisoned by a kobold zombie 23:35 -!- ChrisANG has joined #evilhack 23:43 double checking the ttyrec to see if everything was changed. 23:44 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Val Dwa Fem Law), 896 points, T:4047, killed by a large kobold 23:47 looks like there wasn't a second zap. 23:47 unfortunately, I have no way to recovery my junk without risking it getting zapped. 23:48 soliciting ideas