00:03 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 0 points, T:7, killed by a kobold 00:07 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 99 points, T:202, killed by a sewer rat 00:07 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Bat Fem Non), 24 points, T:6, killed by a water moccasin 00:20 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 39 points, T:245, killed by a water moccasin, while praying 00:25 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Medusa, on T:34222 00:27 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Sam Clk Fem Law), 0 points, T:10, zapped herself with a wand 00:29 -!- Grassy has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:36 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:48 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Ana Inc Fem Cha), 356 points, T:677, killed by a red mold 00:51 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 00:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 01:21 -!- nht has joined #hardfought 01:28 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 284 points, T:1239, killed by a giant bat 01:57 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 02:23 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 2592 points, T:3406, killed by a rothe 02:25 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 94 points, T:329, killed by a jackal 03:08 -!- bhaak has joined #hardfought 03:22 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 2789 points, T:3362, killed by a giant bat 03:26 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 269 points, T:479, killed by a sewer rat 03:34 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:35 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 03:35 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper_] by ChanServ 03:35 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 03:36 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:38 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 03:39 morning 03:41 NCommander: it was fixed yes 03:41 yay 03:41 once K2 was bac on 03:41 *back 03:41 Good I have something to do today 03:41 after all, the issue was already fixed 03:41 just I'm bottlenecked by K2 :P 03:42 [11hdf-us] [12slex] zhngchq (Cou Yuk Mal Law), 0 points, T:70, killed by a monster (small turret) 03:46 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:47 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 04:02 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:04 ais523: what is the highest nethack streak? 04:04 Tariru is on his 20th game in 3.6.0 streak-wise 04:05 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Mal Neu), 1233 points, T:1864, killed by a wererat 04:07 and he has been playing each role 1-2 times heh 04:08 it's by Adeon; offhand I remember 23 but I might have misremembered that 04:08 ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-14 22:56 EST: I just found your expanded intro, it's good but where does the Wizard come in? 04:08 ais523: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-15 23:36 EST: with blessed !oRA restoring all lost levels, drain-for-gain to do a cheesed protection racket becomes pretty trivial - consider making priests look at your maximum reached XL rather than your current XL 04:08 โ€Ž<โ€ŽRodneyโ€Ž>โ€Ž adeon has ascended 29 games in a row, between 20090405 and 20090515. adeon's latest game ended in an ascension. 04:08 29 04:08 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:09 so Tariru has 10 more games to go 04:09 aosdict: the Wizard doesn't appear in the introduction 04:09 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:09 until he/she reaches Adeon 04:09 also, 3.6.0 seems like a nasty version to streak 04:10 also, !oRA for the prot racket probably is broken, I'll need to fix that 04:10 ais523: yeah, Tariru has arguably passed Adeon in streak-prowess already given 3.6.0 is played rather than 3.4.3 04:11 or evne 3.6.1 04:11 *even 04:13 lol Tariru has 6 dynahack games 04:13 and won 5 of them 04:13 the loss was from an early death ray 04:14 a GWTWOD (giant) 04:19 [11hdf-us] [12slex] zhngchq (Bar Ogr Fem Cha), 101 points, T:190, poisoned by a rotted cold trove corpse 04:34 -!- nht has quit [Quit: nht] 04:36 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 578 points, T:968, killed by a red naga hatchling 04:37 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 04:51 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 810 points, T:1781, killed by a sewer rat, while praying 04:53 Jonathanhanes: I wanted more monster/player symmetry 04:53 also I wanted to test wand rebalance in practice 05:00 [11hdf-us] [07nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 422 points, T:2117, killed by a brown mold 05:04 [11hdf-us] [07nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 99 points, T:581, killed by a falling rock 05:06 !tell StatueSurfer I actually mean removing it entirely, since there are already perfectly good consumable resources to spend that accomplish the same thing. 05:06 Will do, aosdict! 05:06 and even an infinitely rechargeable one, come to think of it, if you're a tourist 05:08 [11hdf-us] [07nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 322 points, T:861, killed by a gnome 05:10 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 416 points, T:1848, killed by a giant bat 05:13 remove what? 05:13 charm monster? 05:13 go for it 05:14 [11hdf-us] [07nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 388 points, T:1195, killed by a giant bat 05:15 [Demo]: not true, you are not allowed to grab ctrl+t nor F6 05:16 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased fireproof +5 boots of speed", on T:37894 05:23 FIQ: no, *create* monster 05:24 I'm also considering nuking the spell of create monster, actually, since it provides a renewable way to get infinite food, prayer timeout, luck, favors, and gifts in any game with a coaligned altar. 05:27 Barb quest leader's chest has a dusty spellbook, wand of polymorph and a ring of polymorph 05:27 starting to wonder if the spellbook is polymorph as well! 05:31 aosdict: ah 05:34 not sure if removing it would be a good idea since it's such a huge nerf to sacfesting 05:34 but then again, it's the sort of nerf you generally wouldn't notice until late in the game 05:34 unless you actually tried and failed to write it, then it would be annoying 05:42 [11hdf-us] [10fh] Lis (krm26) (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 21299 points, T:716, killed by a gnome 06:00 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 06:03 FIQ: I wish I could easily flip back and forth between the dark vector and regular vector themes 06:03 instead what I'd have to do is manually edit my vector.css to comment out everything and that is... not happening 06:04 aosdict: did you try what I did 06:04 what did you do 06:05 I stopped paying attention a long time back 06:05 fix all the remaining issues 06:05 well 06:05 I made a new skin 06:05 that is dark 06:05 and isn't missing 40% of things 06:05 but it's still in your custom CSS? 06:06 yes 06:06 (where else would it be?) 06:06 the main thing about it is that it actually handles all of the nethack things 06:06 well saying "I made a new skin" sounded like the wiki now has 5 skins for every user to choose from 06:06 5? you mean 2? 06:06 but yeah I can't make a new skin 06:07 I have no access :P 06:07 it currently has 4 skins 06:07 hm, didn't realize 06:07 where do you pick your skin? 06:07 vector, monobook, blue, and...something 06:07 preferences page 06:07 ah 06:07 > appearance 06:09 didn't know 06:09 but yeah I made a custom vector.css 06:09 <[Demo]> ooh create monster 06:09 <[Demo]> so what dnh did was make it a level 6 spell 06:10 <[Demo]> which could have been an effective solution were it not for some of dnh's other changes 06:10 well, the thing I want is to be able to go into preferences and switch from dark to light without having to change to one of the other 3 skins 06:10 or edit a css page 06:11 [Demo]: doesn't resolve the problem of it being an indefinite source of corpses though 06:11 <[Demo]> costs hella power points to the point it is less sustainable 06:11 as long as you can get it at <100% fail 06:11 <[Demo]> an isnt usable til later in the game 06:11 you can farm it 06:11 <[Demo]> by then it doesnt matter as much as if you were doing it early i guess 06:12 <[Demo]> but yeah no i agree it definitely is a problem 06:12 <[Demo]> altar scumming is easily the most viable way to play nethack in general 06:12 aosdict: ahh 06:12 <[Demo]> but thats because its like the only way 06:12 and I don't see a problem with altar scumming if you're doing it by expending resources that eventually get used up, wands, scrolls, bags of tricks 06:13 <[Demo]> its unpleasant 06:13 well, whether you prefer the darkvector you have atm, or my thing that also applies the various nethack things (and fixes hover issues completely), it would be nice if either of them could be its own skin 06:13 <[Demo]> as a ranger how the hell am i supposed to get ahead without it? 06:13 most people don't play rangers as actual ranged combat users 06:14 <[Demo]> how do you play a ranger then? 06:14 you shoot stuff with your bow 06:15 <[Demo]> isnt that ranged combat? 06:15 (er, this is me thinking philosophically about rangers, I can't remember the last time I actually played one) 06:15 <[Demo]> im not sure how to play rogues, tourists, or rangers without altar scumming 06:15 [Demo]: well you're saying that altar scumming (for a melee weapon) is the only viable path for rangers right? 06:16 <[Demo]> rogues maybe if you get a good enough stack of enchanted aggers 06:16 <[Demo]> daggers 06:16 <[Demo]> no its the only one i know 06:16 <[Demo]> im sure there are other viable paths 06:16 <[Demo]> and im asking what they are 06:17 well I mean, bow+arrow is supposed to be a viable path. whether it is is up to dispute 06:17 rogues and tourists are supposed to be playable without early artifacts too 06:18 <[Demo]> how do you get over the initial difficulty curve? 06:19 tourists' +2 darts are intended to do that 06:19 rogues' dagger stack is also intended to do that 06:19 by letting them hit stuff before it can hit them 06:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 06:25 <[Demo]> so i guess im just bad at the whole ranged thing then 06:31 [Demo], use autopickup and pickup_thrown for rogues, rangers, tourists 06:31 it'll make life much easier 06:32 and safer 06:32 then throw lots of stuff and prosper 06:36 Flung yo' junk 06:37 aosdict: ok so my main issue now 06:37 is pages like these: https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Magic_cancellation 06:37 who say fuck you to color customization 06:37 and forces its own colors 06:38 http://home.fiq.se/ripcolors.png 06:48 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 06:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 06:49 -!- Haudegen has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:52 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:01 FIQ: as in, they're hardcoded colors on the page? 07:01 yep 07:01 the headers weren't, that was a missing customization on my end 07:01 but the yellow background thing 07:01 is special-cased 07:01 huh, in my vector.css, I don't see that. 07:02 all the table cells are the same dark color 07:02 aosdict: IIRC I added a bunch of !importants to kill off color customization 07:02 in that dark vector thing 07:02 But it also kills basically all other customizations, which people may find genuinely useful 07:02 !important is like a sledgehammer for css 07:03 aosdict: it was the only way for me to shut off special-cased color settings 07:03 but I would rather not use it 07:04 maybe I should do what I did with the main page yesterday 07:04 make a .table-highlight class in common.css 07:04 the global common.css 07:04 and set it to that color 07:05 there should really not be any inline styles for non-positioning stuff on the wiki 07:07 also, if someone does feel it absolutely neccessary to do special backgrounds/whatever 07:07 they should *always* also set the text color 07:07 to not completely fuck over people with different styles 07:13 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:40 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 08:07 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 08:07 darts of detonation 08:07 yes please 08:09 they mulch after a single throw though 08:09 because they, wel 08:09 *well 08:09 explode 08:09 Sure, you treat them as grenades. 08:09 yah but 79 of them? 08:09 Oh, wow. 08:09 That is a lot. 08:09 should last me til ascension at least 08:10 YASI: grenadier role, starts with darts of detonation 08:10 how did you get that many 08:11 FIQ: probably dipped a big stack in wonder. 08:11 dart traps 08:11 ah 08:12 Wait, they came as detonation already from the traps? 79 of them? 08:12 50 from one trap 29 from another 08:12 Wow. 08:12 Nice. 08:12 thirsty darts of fire and detonation 08:13 Heh. 08:13 thirsty vorpal darts of fire, detonation, and acid. 08:13 wouldn't detonation override any other properties 08:14 jonadab: seems I accidentally made people actually use the elemental rings 08:14 luxidream has used poison and shock immunity, and jonadab is wearing fire immunity atm :P 08:14 err Jonathanhanes 08:14 heh 08:14 FIQ: Interesting. 08:14 yah got hit with some nasty fire wands in quest and 08:15 ah 08:15 i've also got gloves of shock immune 08:16 yeah I saw that 08:18 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) had Vorpal Blade bestowed upon her by The Lady, on T:4486 08:18 !tell rikersan Actually, I could probably pursue a dual approach with YANIs, and just streamline whatever source files I create for them into the wiki table as well. 08:18 Will do, aosdict! 08:18 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:4685 08:18 phew 08:18 thats a long time to be using darts 08:22 a potion of wonder 08:22 neat 08:23 "Exotic intrinsics can be acquired this way like magic resistance -- and hunger, polymorph, slowness" 08:23 seems risky 08:25 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) had Giantslayer bestowed upon her by The Lady, on T:7104 08:27 let me just jump into this water real quick 08:31 a ring of regeneration AND hunger 08:34 there's nothing left to do but beat the game :( 08:38 hi 08:38 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 08:38 !booze K2 08:38 * Beholder pours K2 a fifth of booze, decanted by FCCBot at 56 Kelvin. 08:39 heh 08:39 Jonathanhanes: the jackpot would be intrinsic phasing 08:40 yah that'd be something 08:40 i can cast phasing at 9% fail rate right now thoough 08:40 i don't think i'll drink it 08:40 i'm a baby 08:41 Hey K2, I've finally pushed a few bugfixes to the compat-3.15.1 branch. It's a minor message disambiguation patch and what I think is a corner-case crash bug fix. 08:41 ok cool 08:42 or maybe i will 08:42 heck 08:42 Jonathanhanes: you can also get object properties by dipping things into it 08:42 make sure to bless it first if you do 08:43 (you want to bless it no matter what, unless you want to remove a property) 08:43 decisions decisions 08:44 dNetHack updated (us and eu) 08:44 also thanks for not blowing up my boh when i accidently fatfingered a /oCancel in it early game 08:44 np 08:45 Jonathanhanes: mind you, aggravate monster is not worth removing at this point 08:45 since the amulet will give slotless aggravate monstert 08:45 *aggravate monster 08:46 !rng drink dip 08:46 Jonathanhanes: drink 08:46 bottoms up 08:46 ugh 08:47 damn you 08:47 have fun :) 08:47 at least it isn't polymorphitis 08:47 a blessed potion of speed can help you get rid of it 08:47 oh this is just wrong 08:47 what have you done 08:48 slow is easily one of the absolute worst results 08:48 only fumbling and polymorphitis is worse IMO 08:48 i should have dipped 08:48 you betrayed me beholder 08:49 is there no cure? 08:49 a blessed potion of speed 08:49 nothing else 08:49 oh, and keep in mind 08:49 slow overrides speed 08:49 enjoy being speed 6 08:50 i may just #quit tbh 08:50 meh, you do have speed 08:50 all you did was waste a potion 08:51 well, 2 08:52 Thanks K2 :) 08:52 welcome :) 08:56 fiq: what about cancelling a spellcaster? 08:56 !who 08:56 K2: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] 08:56 K2: [12hdf-eu] Raisse [07nd] 08:56 -.- 08:56 that's pretty nasty 08:56 dammit 08:56 Jonathanhanes: ? 08:57 i'm annoyed 08:57 hothraxxa: yes, but no worse than being hit by the wand or spell 08:57 annoying, but not game-ending 08:57 i'm thinking about what to do 08:57 since, given that it is already permanent by "normal" sources, there is already plenty of means to get rid of it 08:57 * Jonathanhanes throws a potion of wonder at FIQ 08:58 * FIQ catches the potion of wonder. FIQ drinks a potion of wonder! FIQ looks a little strange... FIQ seems rather clumsy. 08:58 it's been a while, but istr that the only way to fix being cancelled was a magic trap 08:59 or praying (it's a major trouble) 08:59 or drinking noncursed gain energy 08:59 or reading scrolls of charging while confused 08:59 yeah prayer. in gehennom. with the amulet 08:59 ok i'm not recalling it correctly then. 08:59 if gain energy fixes it 09:00 i thought it prevented you from casting. it''s not a power issue 09:00 it does 09:01 i just remember running all over gehennom once trying to find a magic trap 09:01 but drinking gain energy removes cancellation 09:01 on top of giving energy like usual 09:01 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:21604 09:02 ok then i had it wrong. i remember concluding that a magic trap was my only hope 09:02 ah 09:03 i'm sure i would have had charging at that point, so i don't know why i reached that conclusion 09:03 I made magic traps have a yellow ^ in fiqhack since 09:03 so it's easier to find 09:04 i have said before that i think fiqhack has the best user interface by a good margin 09:04 stuff like that 09:06 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:21704 09:10 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:21 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:23 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 09:25 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Fem Neu) wished for "the eye of the aethiopica", on T:32418 09:27 surprisingly late wish 09:27 had an extra lamp 09:27 still have 3 charges on my wand 09:27 don't really need anything at this point though 09:27 figure i'd take the quicker power regen 09:27 ah 09:28 this is the point where fiqhack gets tricky 09:28 post-wiz 09:28 i'm not worried 09:28 maybe i should be though 09:29 it's not that bad 09:29 i think i'll geno e 09:29 but can be nasty if you're unprepared 09:29 why? because of floating eyes? 09:29 yah 09:29 ok so 09:29 the thing about fiqhack endgame is 09:29 aligned priests got smarter 09:30 and got a nastier spell list 09:30 they can have slow monster 09:30 and they *will* have create monster 09:30 so sanctum and astral is trickier as a result 09:31 but the variance is high (mostly on astral since 1st altar is much easier than 3rd) 09:31 i'll just have to cancel them or something :P 09:31 the aligned priests is the biggest difference 09:31 but astral also have a lot of things with wands in general 09:32 and rays and explosions will fly all over the place 09:32 which can be nasty with partial resistances 09:32 and there's cancellation and slow 09:33 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:33 i may be wishing up some c corpses in the future then 09:33 remember that fh has slowstoning for monsters too 09:34 the nastiest thing that can happen is you becoming slow 09:34 slower you mean 09:34 slow the intrinsic 09:35 it trumps speed 09:35 so your speed will become 6 09:35 i'll just zap myself with slow monster 09:35 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:35 can't slow me down if i'm already slow 09:35 whether you have intrinsic/extrinsic sped or not 09:35 lol 09:35 *speed 09:35 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:36 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 09:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 09:36 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 09:37 K2: why is this choice left to the user? 09:37 gzip: /dgldir/userdata/F/FIQ/dynahack/ttyrec/2017-12-16.17:37:15.ttyrec.gz already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)? 09:40 K2: I broke it again 09:40 Sorry 09:42 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:20609 09:43 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 14319 points, T:20639, killed by a giant mimic 09:45 ok 09:45 no time like the present 09:45 eeeeeee 09:45 if i ascend this game i promise never to quaff a potion of wonder again 09:45 heh 09:45 oh shit raisse RIP :( 09:45 I like the gamble 09:45 if it's earlygame 09:46 raisse: ouch 09:46 yeah 09:46 some day soonish a tourist will float to the top 09:46 (one did, but a minotaur got it, leaving yummy bones for Grasshopper) 09:46 s/it/her/ 09:46 yummy 09:46 nom nom 09:47 BoH still blessed, things like that 09:47 not bad 09:47 I wonder why Grasshopper was playing on the eu server 09:47 unless I left the bones on the us server before the eu server was operational 09:47 to steal your bones 09:53 Morning world 10:02 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Fem Neu) performed the invocation, on T:33042 10:20 good morning NCommander 10:20 Jonathanhanes, yay for the ascension run 10:21 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Zxkuqyb (Ana Inc Mal Neu) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1909 10:27 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:36 [11hdf-us] [10fh] please (rikersan) (Sam Hum Mal Law), 20256 points, T:309, killed by a black pudding 10:36 !who 10:36 FIQ: [11hdf-us] naeroon [10fh] FIQ [10fh] rikersan [10fh] jonathanhanes [10fh] NCommander [10fh] Zxkuqyb [13dnh] 10:36 FIQ: [12hdf-eu] Raisse [07nd] 10:36 RNG is being odd 10:37 NCommander: in what way? 10:37 * NCommander has never seen a horn of plenty in game before, and now has two and another unidentified one ... 10:37 FIQ, just odd in what it's giving me 10:37 heh 10:37 Also got a really lame minetown, a very small HW store and cross-aligned altar :/ 10:37 ouch 10:38 lack of general store can hurt 10:38 FIQ, so is it a FIQhack change that pets won't attack peacefuls? I've noticed my dog tends not to go after the watch anymore 10:38 a nethack4 change 10:38 <[Demo]> every time the rng screws you over in fh u have to get mad at fiq personally 10:38 but yeah 10:38 FIQ, yeah. Main dungeon had a jewelry store and coughed up a normal sack + leash so at least I can KINDA price ident and steal without being too annoyed 10:39 I'm clearing out all the stores with my pet which I usually don't bother doing but in this case ... 10:39 May try to credit clone and see if I can buy some protection 10:40 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered the Planes, on T:34232 10:40 the game did give up a magic lamp but I have all of a single potion and without a coaligned altar 10:40 * NCommander pauses to watch Jonathanhanes's ascension 10:47 surprsingly tame air 10:47 * NCommander finds air to be the most dangerous, and water to be the most annoying 10:48 in fh you can levitate over plane of water iirc 10:49 i blindfolded myself for air so there was probably a lot of stuff i wasn't seeing 10:50 hothraxxa, that was true in NH343. Last ascension was 361dev 10:50 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached the Astral Plane, on T:34453 10:50 can't do it in 3.6+ 10:51 but fh, unless i missed a change, it's possible 10:53 Oh that got unfriendly 10:53 Astral Plane with intelligent monsters that read items 10:53 Ouch 10:53 it used to be worse 10:54 the mobbing the first time i ascended fh was unbelievable 10:54 monsters spamming wands of create monster 10:54 with vanilla levels of charges 10:55 It's a main reason why I consider conflict seriously essential for astral 10:55 and he's jammed up against two riders 10:55 i can't remember the last time i used conflict on astral 10:56 <[Demo]> use squirm storm 10:56 that's my mo 10:56 cursed geno purplw worms, tame, break wand of tp, repeat 3 times preferrably 10:57 <[Demo]> ur not doing it right if u dont name them after matrix sequels i.e. squirmy, squirmy reloaded, etc 10:57 oh yeah he's getting the traditional fh monster mobs 10:57 purple worms would just die 10:57 I think 10:57 since monsters are more aggressive against your pets now 10:57 heh. i used to name them after members of teamsplat 10:58 fiq: when i did it they still did enough damage to make it worthwhile 10:58 grats Jonathanhanes! 10:59 hothraxxa: ah 10:59 wow, for great victory 10:59 Nicely done. 10:59 Always love watching ascensions 10:59 sweet 10:59 being slow didn't hurt me too much at all 11:00 because it only hit you once and lasted for like 2 turns 11:00 :P 11:00 you never cured that? 11:00 lucky 11:00 i had like 8 potions of speed 11:01 Elbereth-less ascension? 11:01 Shiny 11:01 heh 11:01 i always forget about elbereth 11:01 Esp. NH343 Elbereth is OP 11:01 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 286942 points, T:34595, ascended 11:01 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/j/jonathanhanes/fiqhack/dumplog/2017-12-16%2019%3A01%3A44%2C%20JH-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu%2C%20ascended.txt 11:01 <[Demo]> nice one 11:01 3rd place :D 11:02 nice! 11:02 very nice 11:02 that empty feeling after you win :P 11:03 39th fiqhack ascensions 11:03 *ascension 11:03 <[Demo]> all those hours of play are gone now 11:07 ugh, credit cloning sucks :/ 11:08 not in 3.6.0 ;) 11:08 * NCommander puts it off for now 11:08 hothraxxa, it's hard if you don't have a general store and lack high value items 11:09 not hard, just tedious 11:16 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:16 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:25 [11hdf-us] [114k] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Scu Mal Neu), 870 points, T:313, killed by hitting a wall 11:34 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 39543 points, T:3845, killed by a soldier ant 11:34 !gt a 11:46 Dl: 3 bones? 11:46 FIQ, is that a change in NH4/FIQHack? 11:46 Shouldn't get those. 11:47 Jonathanhanes: killed by hitting a wall? O_o 11:47 i was stunned and hallucinating 11:47 and being attacked 11:47 were you SCURSCUMming? 11:47 no i was just going to try and play a scurry char 11:59 -!- raisse has quit [Quit: Raisse suddenly disappears!] 12:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:24 Bloody cold 12:28 NCommander: if the bones was in the mines, then that can happen normally 12:28 there, prepared a -W starting option to fiqhack 12:28 <[Demo]> W for Win 12:28 this should allow people to watch other people's fiqhack games using their own terminal setings 12:29 *settings 12:29 <[Demo]> oh thats actually great 12:29 using the NH4 watchmode 12:29 and their own UI options, etc 12:29 the problem is 12:29 I have no idea how to do it on the dgl end 12:33 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 12:33 ais523: ok so I made a -W option for launching the most recent game in watchmode and using a special config for UI options 12:34 the idea being, if you choose to watch someone's game from dgamelaunch, it copies your curses.conf to the player's watchmode.conf, then launches the game with -W from the player 12:34 do you see a problem with this approach? 12:35 is this for dgl specifically? 12:35 there's an obvious race condition, but apart from that there's not much of an issue 12:35 it was made for the benefit of dgl 12:35 if dgl is not chrooted per-player, an option to use a different RC file (specified by filename) would be the obvious way to implement it 12:36 I'm not sure exactly how dgl works, I might have to change the setup 12:36 i.e. instead of copying curses.conf to a potentially contendable location, just load the original player's curses.conf directly 12:37 ais523: right, that would be better if the game is allowed to 12:39 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the wizard of Lis, the former Evoker, on T:3256 12:40 ais523: the only issue with that approach (if possible) is that the player may not actually have a FIQHack config yet 12:40 which would mean that you'd have to launch the game as the *watcher* to generate the file first 12:41 with my current approach, the solution in that case is simple -- just copy the player's curses.conf as a fallback 12:43 er, *is that the watcher may not actually have a FIQHack config yet 12:43 hm 12:43 actually the solution is pretty simple regardless 12:43 if the watcher doesn't have a config 12:44 copy the player's curses.conf to a "dummy" watchmode.conf and launch and use that as a config 12:44 if the watcher does have a config 12:44 just launch with /path/to/config as a config 12:44 well, if the name isn't hardcoded 12:44 you could just point it at whatever curses.conf you wanted directly 12:45 however, you would have to disable changing options if you pointed it at someone else's RC file 12:45 ais523: but I don't want to let the watcher mess with the user's config 12:45 so actually, the correct option is probably to, if the watcher doesn't have a fiqhack curses.conf yet, just create one 12:45 hence why I would rather, if the watcher doesn't have a config, copy the user's config to a "dummy" one 12:45 ais523: Right, but that means launching FIQHack twice :P 12:45 first as the watcher 12:46 to set up the config files 12:46 then as the player with -W 12:46 you could just have a standard config file and copy it in 12:46 actually, even better 12:46 if -W points to a nonexistent config file 12:46 just have the game create it itself, like it would do with the normal config file location 12:46 that would probably work 12:46 now -W isn't about watching at all, it's purely just "this is where the interface config file goes" 12:47 well, it'd still be about watching 12:47 since it tells the game to autoload the player's save in watchmode 12:47 you don't want the watcher messing with the player's saves 12:47 (and then upon exiting, it just quits the process alltogether rather than going back to the main menu, similar to what NH3 does) 12:49 ah right 12:55 hrm 12:55 stack of 17 daggers 12:55 * NCommander is debating if he wants to use that or his bow 12:59 frig 12:59 * NCommander accidently pissed off the watch 13:27 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:39 -!- ais523 has quit [Quit: quit] 13:46 Hrm ... Orc Temple variant of Mine's end 13:46 never seen this before 13:46 <[Demo]> oh that one is nice 13:47 I need to go grab a pick axe to get the figurine and luckstone it seems though 13:50 FIQ what did you break? lol 13:50 ? 13:50 Oh 13:51 that 13:51 K2: dgl didn't like when I started dynahack twice within the same second 13:51 ah 13:52 ... I don't get it 13:52 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:52 Is it me or orc temple has the luckstone embedded in a wall? 13:53 never seen that happen 13:54 oh it's in the maze 13:55 Ugh, no easy way to kicktest these 13:55 but it looks like a lodestone will never generate in these spots ... so theorically I can pick up both gray stones safely 13:55 yolo 13:55 unless you have an amulet of life saving 13:55 yolt 13:55 yolutRNGky 13:56 (you only live until the RNG kills you) 13:56 NCommander: you can use C or alt+n 13:56 no need to use #name 13:56 just FYI 13:57 [11hdf-us] [10fh] I didn't mean to pudding farm (rikersan) (Sam Hum Mal Law), 42630 points, T:2187, killed by a dwarf queen 14:00 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:21910 14:03 FIQ, old habbits :/ 14:14 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] rikersan (Mon Hlf Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2910 14:16 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] rikersan (Mon Hlf Mal Cha), 10896 points, T:3370, killed by a wand 14:18 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:19 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 14:19 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 14:20 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 14:20 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 14:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 14:20 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:21 w00t 14:21 Got a full inventory ident when I really needed it 14:21 nice 14:22 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 14:28 nice 14:29 !who 14:29 bug_sniper: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] k2 [04gh] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 14:29 bug_sniper: [12hdf-eu] Kontroller [07nd] 14:29 I'm debating if I'm going to risk using the balrog figurine now that I can bless it 14:30 If it backfires, I'm pretty much toast, they don't respect elbereth of scare monster 14:32 They don't respect Elbereth? In the Mines? 14:32 Doesn't fiqhack use 3.4.3 Elbereth rules? 14:33 I thought nothing represented by & doesn't respect Elbereth 14:33 yeah I'm not really sure what NCommander mean 14:33 -!- hf_guest_1873 has joined #hardfought 14:33 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Belial, on T:58956 14:33 considering they respect elbereth even in 3.6.0 14:33 huh 14:33 and definitely do it in 3.4.3 14:33 ... that was several YASDs that were avoidable in hindsight 14:33 YANI: attacks that light you on fire also light objects on your square on fire. And balrogs have a fire attack. 14:33 I thought & as a class ignored Elbereth 14:34 no 14:34 A does 14:34 not & 14:34 Oh 14:34 Well 14:34 huh 14:34 however 14:34 NCommander: in 3.6, nothing in Gehennom respects Elbereth. Which is where most demons are found. 14:34 in FIQHack, everything unique ignores Elbereth 14:34 <[Demo]> what 14:34 <[Demo]> "The minotaur, H, is an especially deadly NetHack monster... They are also infamous for being one of the few monsters to ignore Elbereth." 14:35 in FIQHack, minotaurs do respect Elbereth 14:35 the Elbereth tweaks I did was the very last changes I did before releasing 4.3.0 14:35 <[Demo]> wait oh we are talking about balrogs 14:35 I've come for help. I angered a temple priestess (different alignment if that matters) by accidentally attacking her. I was hoping to buy some protection, but now that is . . . problematic. Is there any way to make amends? 14:35 <[Demo]> how did i even get confused 14:35 [Demo]: someone actually opened a pull request to the vanilla github repository (that nobody will ever care about) to make minotaurs respect Elbereth. 14:35 hf_guest_1873: use a scroll of taming or a spell of charm monster 14:35 <[Demo]> thats pretty funny 14:35 hf_guest_1873: you need a source of taming, I think 14:36 Thanks. I guess money can't buy me love? 14:36 not with priests 14:36 they will not accept bribes 14:37 Okay, I'll add scroll of taming to my Christmas list. Thanks again! 14:37 hah, nice beatles reference 14:37 Thx. 14:39 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:23573 14:39 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) picked up the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:23574 14:40 K2: how's that ascension kit working out? 14:40 gettin there 14:40 had to chase vlad 14:40 in gh he has a couple cursed scrolls of teleportation he likes to use 14:40 yeah 14:40 so use fire 14:40 none of my fire attacks worked to burn his scrolls 14:40 burn the scrolls 14:40 that is seriously one of the most aggravating things 14:41 happened randomly in my last vanilla game 14:41 -!- hothraxxa has joined #hardfought 14:41 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hothraxxa] by ChanServ 14:41 luckily i didnt have to climb to far up to find him 14:42 <[Demo]> why is gh so cruel? 14:43 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:59421 14:50 -!- hf_guest_1873 has quit [Quit: *poof*] 14:51 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Crone Lilith, on T:60261 14:52 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Verier, on T:60285 14:57 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:23892 14:59 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:00 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 15:01 -!- [Demo] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:01 -!- [Demo] has joined #hardfought 15:01 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 1061 points, T:2502, killed by a rabid rat 15:05 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:24082 15:12 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:24305 15:16 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the invisible Geryon, on T:24448 15:22 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 1202 points, T:2253, killed by a death ray 15:24 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 15:24 . 15:24 StatueSurfer: Message from aosdict at 2017-12-16 08:06 EST: I actually mean removing it entirely, since there are already perfectly good consumable resources to spend that accomplish the same thing. 15:24 Pet balrog, amulet of reflection, and cloak of magic resistance 15:24 hi StatueSurfer 15:24 let's see... 15:24 Not a bad start 15:24 hi Fiq 15:24 the one who almost ascended without knowing how to use bags 15:24 what was the last thing i mentioned in this channel 15:24 :^) 15:24 StatueSurfer, yeah I saw that and ... like "you got to the endgame HOW?!" 15:25 me removing the spellbook of create monster 15:25 <[Demo]> dont remove it 15:25 <[Demo]> fix it 15:25 oh right 15:26 * NCommander is torn 15:26 I sorta want to sac for stormbringer 15:26 But I've got an awesome pet ATM 15:26 And those two things don't go nicely 15:27 okay so i'm trying to implement necrotic damage in my variant 15:27 but it's uh 15:27 not going well 15:27 necrotic damage? 15:28 because it says the necrosis function i wrote to handle it isn't definted 15:28 *defined 15:28 jonadab: Thing I proposed. 15:28 To make "evil" things able to damage you without resorting to death, disintegration, or draining. 15:28 the effect i wrote for it is that it damages CON and reduces max HP 15:28 StatueSurfer: Not defined, or not declared ahead of time? 15:29 the warning says not defined 15:29 Thinking I want to rock Black, or Blue DSM if I can find it 15:29 C is weird. All functions have to be double-defined. 15:29 in D&D, necrotic damage is simply a damage type like physical, radiant, or fire. 15:29 or yellow 15:29 StatueSurfer: Where is it defined, and where are you trying to use it? 15:29 In the same file, or different files? 15:29 it's defined in attrib.c and i'm trying to use it in mhitu.c 15:29 Ah. 15:30 Is it listed in extern.h ? 15:30 do i have to put it there? 15:30 if so, then no 15:30 StatueSurfer: what nethack version or variant is your variant based on 15:30 If you create a new function that's meant to be visible everywhere (not just in the file where it's defined), you have to list it in extern.h 15:31 aosdict: it's based on 361 15:31 jonadab: ah okay thanks 15:31 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:33 <[Demo]> is the nh4 project maintained anymore? 15:33 yes 15:33 also aosdict the reason i have it damage max HP is because of a discussion i was part of in the other channel where the other person claimed that it was too easy to boost your max HP to ridiculous levels 15:33 though almost nobody does anything directly to it 15:33 <[Demo]> github repo? 15:35 StatueSurfer: I see the solution to this as preventing you from being able to boost your HP to ridiculous levels 15:36 i was already planning on making nurses ungenocidable 15:36 not to basically make it required to boost it by adding a countering force 15:36 i mean i was planning to have it be blockable by MC 15:37 [Demo]: only sort of. 15:38 [Demo]: the official NH4 repo is on nethack4.org, not on github. 15:38 http://nethack4.org/media/nethack4.git 15:39 <[Demo]> ended up finding it 15:39 <[Demo]> thanks 15:39 I have a NH4 repo on github (under user tsadok), but it's unofficial. 15:40 I believe FIQ also has one. 15:43 okay i got another error with necrotic damage 15:43 <[Demo]> yeah i was looking at that one and it just didnt seem right 15:43 it says the variable ptmp isn't "initialized" 15:50 hi 15:50 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 15:50 FredrIQ/nethack4 is my nethack4 git repo 15:50 on github 16:14 StatueSurfer: not initialized means you checked its value before you set its value. 16:15 You're not supposed to do that in C because there's no implicit initialization. 16:15 So the value is garbage until you set it. 16:17 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Demogorgon, on T:25929 16:17 <[Demo]> wow 16:21 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Inc Fem Non) was given the Pen of the Void, on T:3371 16:21 YES 16:21 * NCommander just got teleport control 16:37 okay necrotic damage is now working 16:37 sort of 16:38 the CON drop is happening but it keeps printing the message from the next damage type (in this case, AD_LEGS) 16:38 in addition to the message for necrotic damage 16:39 okay nvm that's what happens when you forget to break 16:39 or yeenoghu gets a deadly touch for years 16:39 <[Demo]> heh 16:40 bloody giant ells 16:40 *eels 16:40 Ugh 16:40 * NCommander is very lucky he had magic breathing easily equipable 16:41 StatueSurfer: yeah, was going to mention yeenoghu's touch of death as a hint ;) 16:41 yeah i just looked at the block and realized the problem 16:42 now i just have to keep it from printing "foo's attack was rots you!" 16:43 ... at the rate this game is going 16:43 I'm going to have to use the WoWishing for a bag of holding :( 16:47 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:27185 16:47 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) picked up the Book of the Dead, on T:27189 16:47 is grunthack one of the ones with cthulu? 16:49 I think so 16:50 no 16:52 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 112 points, T:287, killed by a falling rock 16:52 grunthack is evil 16:52 but it doesn't have cthulhu 16:52 surprisingly 16:53 It has beholders. 16:53 <[Demo]> instead it has forced demogorgon? 16:53 And that. 16:53 demogorgon in grunt is interesting 16:53 Evil Patch Idea: once Demogorgon has appeared, he reappears periodically, like the Wizard of Yendor. 16:53 you know he's coming 16:53 you can prepare yourself 16:53 he can't even covetous-warp 16:54 FIQ: Yes, and then you die anyway. 16:54 and yet 16:54 you die anyway 16:54 yeah 16:54 lol 16:54 that surprised me in my 1st grunthack asc game 16:54 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) performed the Invocation, on T:27554 16:54 <[Demo]> make him covetous and work like the thing from the neutral quest with the key in dnh 16:54 I knew he was there and that he was coming 16:54 <[Demo]> where he just wanders the dungeons 16:54 I knew *exactly* what tricks he could pull off 16:54 and yet 16:55 he did me in anyway 16:55 I didn't anticipate all the ramifications of constant cancel spam. 16:55 I had LS 16:55 <[Demo]> how is gh demogorgon? 16:55 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:27561 16:55 Dangerous. 16:55 <[Demo]> he cant even warp? 16:55 Doesn't need to. 16:55 <[Demo]> thats bad 16:55 <[Demo]> cant take him on ranged? 16:55 basically 16:55 you can deal with him 16:55 in theory 16:55 <[Demo]> oh isnt he gigantic? 16:55 just don't do stupid things 16:56 He surrounds you with monsters and cancels you (so no wand usage near him) and also makes you ill and stuff. 16:56 I must be the only one who's never had a problem with demogorgon :P 16:56 or he *will* make your life a huge pain 16:56 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Inc Fem Non) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:4605 16:56 that was my mistake 16:56 I knew what he was about to do 16:56 but I became careless 16:56 <[Demo]> boulder forts any good? 16:56 the knowledge made me too complacant 16:56 can't monsters stand on boulders? 16:56 Interesting thought. I don't know. 16:56 StatueSurfer: Giants can. 16:56 well that wouldn't matter if he can't see you 16:57 Looks like K2 is heading for an ascension 16:57 !asc K2 16:57 NCommander: K2 has ascended 17 times in 980 games (1.73%): 15nh:1 (1.56%), 14sp:1 (0.35%), 07nd:2 (5.88%), 06nh4:1 (9.09%), 05dyn:1 (9.09%), 08un:2 (3.03%), 114k:1 (2.78%), 10fh:1 (7.14%), 04gh:7 (1.74%) 16:57 pretty sure boulder forts doesn't work 16:57 !asc Luxidream 16:57 FIQ: Luxidream has ascended 20 times in 746 games (2.68%): 15nh:1 (4.35%), 07nd:4 (10.53%), 06nh4:3 (25.00%), 08un:1 (1.11%), 10fh:11 (12.36%) 16:57 !asc Tariru 16:57 FIQ: No games for Tariru. 16:57 but like if you filled every square on the floor with boulders and had a dead troll corpse 16:57 and it revived 16:57 i'm pretty sure it would be standing on a boulder 16:57 yes it would I think 16:57 That (or acid blobs) is one of the few ways to get rid of the riders 16:57 but that wouldn't matter if demogorgon can't see you 16:57 either that or it'd kill it off 16:58 then he couldn't cast summon nasties 16:58 Frig 16:58 all the way down to medusa 16:58 Not a single sack of ANY kind in the dungeon 16:58 -_-; 16:58 there is a sack at medusa 16:58 that strategy for getting rid of the riders has always sounded silly to me 16:58 guranteed 16:58 I think 16:58 <[Demo]> is this gh mirrored sanctum? 16:58 <[Demo]> that k2 is doing 16:58 because it has to be more trouble to fill every square with monsters than to just kill them as they come 16:58 that is upside down sanctum 16:59 FIQ, hrm 16:59 <[Demo]> oh right directions 16:59 guess I'm going to go clear medusa, I just found the staircase. I've got waterwalking so I can get to her easily enough 16:59 <[Demo]> does gh have a hard amulet holder? 16:59 not really 16:59 <[Demo]> just the usual bloke? 16:59 grunthack is actually pretty similar to vanilla 16:59 in most regards 16:59 <[Demo]> except for the part where you die? 16:59 Yes. 16:59 yes 17:00 more or less 17:00 i heard grunthack does something different with amnesia 17:00 grunthack is basically vanilla but evil 17:00 That, and the part where monsters get into the Castle chest and use up all the wishes from the wand. 17:00 and smarter monsters 17:00 and player/monster symmetry 17:00 <[Demo]> hmm k2 lugging the book 17:00 why do you think I considered making a grunthack version for NH4 17:00 before I settled on making my own variant 17:00 :P 17:01 <[Demo]> because you wanna see the world burn? 17:01 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 17:01 because I actually like monster/player symmetry 17:01 Because slex hadn't started to overtly implement evil patch ideas yet, so doing slex on NH4 hadn't occurred to you? 17:01 and smarter monsters 17:01 jonadab: if you see past grunthack's evilness 17:02 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the elven high priestess of Moloch, on T:27694 17:02 it has a thing for the same ideals FIQHack has 17:02 <[Demo]> hows the force in gh? 17:02 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) picked up the Amulet of Yendor, on T:27696 17:02 FIQ: Sure, there are things about GruntHack that I like. 17:02 Though FIQHack does them all better. 17:02 this is what FIQHack was inspired by 17:02 grunthack 17:02 I saw the grunthack changelog on the wiki 17:02 "this seems amazing" 17:02 then I played it 17:02 it's evil 17:03 Ah. 17:03 but cool 17:03 besides the evilness 17:03 I like pretty much everything grunt did 17:03 would be nice if a dragon would give me scales 17:03 I mean, you could've started from Grunt and de-eviled it. But I'm glad you started from NH4 instead. 17:03 Better codebase, for one thing. 17:03 the biggest reason I didn't port grunthack stuff to NH4 17:03 is that its code is kinda messy 17:03 -!- Demo has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:04 something that has already bitten NH4 17:04 since it has some grunthack 0.1.0 things 17:04 Evil Patch Idea: monsters can only drop a corpse, horn, scales, etc. if the player has fewer than 7 hitpoints when the monster dies. 17:04 that doesn't make any sense 17:05 The Evil Patch is not required to make sense. 17:05 what does the player's hp have to do with the monster's drops 17:05 ah 17:05 <[Demo]> why is k2's armour so poorly enchanted? 17:05 cancellation 17:05 The basic goal of the Evil Patch is to make the game effectively unplayable. 17:06 <[Demo]> oh 17:06 Oh, is it GruntHack? 17:06 yes, grunthack 17:06 naturally 17:06 In GruntHack, instead of having +5 everything, you have dragonhide everything. 17:06 oooh, crystal plate mail 17:06 but +0 17:06 Sure. 17:06 That's about as good as it gets before DSM 17:06 because with cancel rampant 17:06 +0 dragonhide boots of waterwalking and speed. 17:06 you'll only have +5 for like 10 minutes 17:06 at best 17:06 +0 dragonhide gauntlets of dexterity and reflection 17:07 my usual grunt kit 17:07 is CoMR+R, GoD+P, WW+speed, YDSM+drain res, coruthaum+brilliance, shirt+displacement 17:08 and "oLS+stealth 17:08 brilliance is kind of meh at +0. Same with dex. 17:08 i think i may have come up with a good way to nerf unihorns that's less evil than slex's method 17:08 <[Demo]> random poison clouds 17:08 <[Demo]> what even 17:08 I'm tempted to put them on the same item, so that only one thing has to be reenchanted. 17:08 good point 17:09 dragonhide gauntlets of dexterity and brilliance 17:09 will consider tha 17:09 t 17:09 <[Demo]> gehennom is all weird 17:09 oh slex already sort of does my idea but it's still harsher 17:09 the main issue with grunt gehennom 17:09 is that it has like 3000 shades 17:09 that will get in your way 17:09 all the time 17:10 my idea: every successful use, a unihorn goes from uncursed to cursed, or blessed to uncursed 17:10 StatueSurfer: Fourk does a watered-down version of that. 17:10 (It's a percentage chance each time.) 17:10 hm 17:10 oh well 17:10 also i intend to nerf monster scaring 17:10 <[Demo]> grunthennom is caves? 17:11 Yes. 17:11 jonadab: this is a valid point: https://www.reddit.com/r/roguelikes/comments/7i7uhz/announcement_fiqhack_430_released/drcb4t9/?context=3&st=jba2s8n4&sh=3088b255 17:11 But Grunthennom caves are annoying in their own way. 17:11 they aren't that bad 17:11 it's the shades 17:11 that is the worst 17:11 need a break 17:11 will finish asc run later tonight 17:12 on the ascension run? lol 17:12 When you gotta go, you gotta go. 17:12 alright necrotic damage has now been implemented 17:12 at least when used on the player 17:12 now do it mvm 17:12 and uvm 17:12 have fun! 17:12 <[Demo]> hmm 17:13 i have no idea what mvm and uvm mean 17:14 monster v monster and player v monster 17:14 mhm 17:15 uvm is for you vs monster (you = player) 17:15 but yeah 17:17 NCommander: whoops sorry 17:17 was fiddling with my terminal 17:17 O_o; 17:17 tmux was being weird 17:17 ended up sending mail to you lol 17:18 I like the voice booming out 17:18 I'm very much playing the inventory management game right now 17:19 figuring out what I do and don't need cause weight 17:19 you are carrying 180wt of daggers 17:19 in mvm how do i specify that the defender being undead should block damage 17:19 is_undead(mdef->data) 17:20 thanks 17:23 mdef->mhpmax -= rnd(6); <- will this line drop the target's max hp by 1-6 points 17:23 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 333 points, T:1032, killed by a small mimic 17:25 I think you also have to make sure its current HP doesn't exceed its max after that, but yes. 17:25 oops okay 17:29 damn it 17:29 my balrog detamed 17:29 didn't you give it a ton of sweet gear too 17:34 StatueSurfer, not really, just some random armor I had laying around 17:34 Just irritating 17:34 oh 17:36 Stash mostly relocated down to Xp:20 17:38 -!- bug_sniper has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:38 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2667 17:39 and I find a random +5 dagger just chilling 17:39 ... Ok then 17:40 <[Demo]> better than ur elven dagger 17:43 okay i got it to compile the mvm necrotic damage so i'm just gonna assume it works 17:43 for now 17:44 StatueSurfer: wouldn't it be great to have xhity merge 17:45 no 17:45 well 17:45 -!- aoei has joined #hardfought 17:45 depends on what you mean 17:45 but going with no for now 17:45 xhity merge: there is a single codepath for any logic of the form "x hits y" 17:46 that would be nice but that doesn't seem workable for all damage types unless you give monsters player-style attributes 17:47 well, it's only implemented in FIQHack, where they do have that 17:47 okay well 17:47 good for that variant 17:47 actually, if you're making a 361-dev variant 17:48 yes? 17:48 then I do have some reason to separate pure code improvements into a branch 17:48 and if you want them, you can add mine as a remote and pull the code improvements from it 17:49 thanks for the offer 17:49 :( 17:49 Two games in a row and the fort isn't accessible 17:49 how do i check to make sure the player isn't undead 17:50 is it the same way as with monsters 17:50 is_undead(youmonst.data) 17:50 okay pretty much the same 17:50 thanks 17:51 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased +3 gray dragon scale mail", on T:3945 17:54 can the player be cancelled in vanilla? 17:54 if in monster form 17:55 * NCommander debates if he wants to kill the shopkeepers in an attempt to get the last two points of divine protection 17:57 StatueSurfer: no 17:57 okay 17:57 i started guessing that after i attempted to add a check for the possibility and it wouldn't even let me do that 17:57 (this is mainly because the only way for a player to become cancelled would be for them to cancel themselves, and why would they?) 17:58 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 18:01 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1428 18:05 okay necrotic damage is now fully implemented 18:06 for the time being only undead and demons are immune 18:06 i think i'll make blobs, jellies, fungi, and unsolid monsters immune at a later time 18:08 and some other stuff 18:11 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:12 -!- aoei has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:12 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 18:20 -!- Kontroll1r has joined #hardfought 18:22 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (mind flayer), on T:3124 18:23 -!- Kontroller has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:29 [11hdf-us] [10fh] Elph (Jendic) (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) were chosen to steal souls for the glory of Anhur, on T:16188 18:30 <[Demo]> were? one and his character? 18:31 livelog bug I think 18:43 what do you guys think of making all the demon lords/princes immune to scare monster? 18:44 I never use it anyway 18:44 except in most extreme cases maybe 18:45 StatueSurfer: YANI: scare monster does a normal resistance roll versus the monsters. Demon lords and princes aren't immune, but they are extremely likely to resist. 18:45 what level drained me O_o; 18:45 no i wanna make them always resists 18:45 *resist 18:45 <[Demo]> uh idk i quit actively watching 18:45 of anything, you'd think major demons/devils *should* be affected by scribblings on the floor 18:45 they laugh at your pathetic piece of paper 18:45 of/if 18:46 I mean, they get controlled by pentagrams and candles and rituals and stuff 18:46 those sometimes go wrong 18:46 really, really wrong 18:46 yeah 18:46 you can perform the Invocation on a demon lord, perhaps 18:46 plus you're walking into their house 18:46 not trying to summon them from elsewhere 18:46 like the wizard summons Demogorgon, expecting to be protected by his pentagram and candles 18:47 but he used the wrong wax... 18:47 lol 18:47 dammit! these are scented candles! 18:47 tallow made from human virgins 18:47 or something like that 18:47 FIQ, where's the sack on medusa? Cause I ain't finding it :( 18:47 "You have summoned Scented Demogorgon! You are frightened to death, but relaxed by the scent. You regain your composure. 18:47 hi 18:47 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 18:48 i've also thought of editing covetous behavior to send the monster to the downstair if the upstair is occupied 18:48 lol 18:48 NCommander: I guess it isn't guranteed then 18:48 sorry 18:48 while you don't have the amulet 18:48 FIQ, :(, this is bloody ridicious. I've spent more time moving crud between levels than I have playing the game 18:48 StatueSurfer: sounds aggravating for the player to actually kill anything 18:48 At least I finally got part of my ascension kit 18:48 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:6329 18:48 oh right i forgot i'd dropped that idea 18:48 NCommander: well you can wish for boh soon 18:49 so ignore that thought 18:49 but yeah I have considered placing a guranteed sack somewhere early 18:49 just in case 18:49 FIQ, true, though I might pull a StatueSurfer and seeing if I can ascend without a container :) 18:49 i was going to buff juiblex by making him unsolid 18:49 haha 18:49 the StatueSurfer conduct 18:49 never apply a container 18:49 NCommander: that's ais523 conduct 18:49 FIQ, next version of FIQhack needs that. Never applied container in inventory 18:50 pls i'm going to put it in my variant 18:50 :^ 18:50 strict containerless is a superset of apply-container-less 18:50 I'm debating if I want to switch from dagger machine gun to arrows 18:50 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 18:51 i've also thought of adding ways to exercise intelligence and charisma 18:51 mmm that soup was good 18:51 aosdict: applycontainerless has been done by accident a few times, with people just not knowing that the apply command worked on containers 18:51 (typically using loot instead) 18:51 or, not sure if it was actually done, but probably; I know people have got close 18:51 naked conduct would essentially encompass it as well 18:51 !who 18:51 K2: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] FIQ [10fh] k2 [04gh] Qwesti [07nd] Grasshopper [07nd] DrakeMarshall [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 18:51 K2: [12hdf-eu] Kontroller [07nd] 18:52 nice mix 18:52 my world domination is not quite as strong as earlier today 18:52 where there was 5 fh at once 18:52 that was nice 18:53 oh look, my first smoky potion of the game 18:53 <[Demo]> shots 18:53 Honestly, if I get a wish, I'm going to be torn between *DSM, or spellbook of identity 18:53 The game has given me all of three scrolls of that type 18:53 inb4 wonder 18:53 we should try to coordinate and get the rainbow of dyna, grunt, nd, un, (uh something green?), slex, 4k, fh, dnh 18:53 giving fumbling 18:53 spork and nh get left out of the rainbow 18:54 What's SLEX? 18:54 You don't want to know. 18:54 in color :P 18:54 I'm fully aware it's design to make people bash their head in with a rusty sexy pump. 18:54 [11hdf-us] [12slex] FIQ (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 28 points, T:141, killed by a falling object 18:54 it is that color 18:55 rofl 18:55 ah so it should go after fh in the rainbow 18:55 You could have just escaped 18:55 :P 18:55 no 18:55 because startscumming 18:55 wait what color is nh4 18:55 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:55 since when did variants have colors? 18:55 you could probably make a case for magenta though 18:56 someone who doesn't have a 100% nh4 asc rate, splat a nh4 game! 18:56 :P 18:56 Since NH 31 18:56 * NCommander ducks 18:56 aosdict: where are these colors displayed? I assume it's related to asc rate somehow? 18:56 I'm debating my next move 18:56 And what I want to wish for if I make it to the castle 18:56 [11hdf-us] [06nh4] FIQ (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 7743 points, T:67, escaped 18:56 that one 18:57 so after dnh 18:57 ais523: the "hdf-us" and "nh4" in the line above 18:57 Now we just need OldHack, and Rogue on HDF 18:57 before fh 18:57 aosdict: oh right, I have colors disabled in my client 18:57 <[Demo]> you have about a 1% chance of a wish nc unless fh changes smoky potions 18:58 [Demo], I'm aware, but I can probably make it to the castle w/ my current loadout 18:58 Unless I run into a rubber chicken weilding solder. Again. 18:58 K2: so no variant is currently colored green? 18:58 !where FIQ 18:58 !whereiws FIQ 18:58 !whereis FIQ 18:58 FIQ: [11hdf-us] FIQ [10fh]: (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) T:1027 The Dungeons of Doom level: 2 18:58 you are lying 18:58 * aosdict gives FIQ an amulet versus typos 18:59 [11hdf-us] [05dyn] FIQ (Val Dwa Fem Law), 44 points, T:6, killed by a falling object 18:59 aosdict nope 19:00 I feel like that death message needs to be "gravity" 19:00 no green? 19:00 nope 19:00 make zapm green 19:00 nope 19:00 :) 19:00 yes it is better for it to share color with something else 19:01 all my primary text in my irc client is green 19:01 !who 19:01 aosdict: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] k2 [04gh] Qwesti [07nd] Grasshopper [07nd] DrakeMarshall [13dnh] krm26 [08un] FIQ [11zapm] 19:01 aosdict: [12hdf-eu] Kontroller [07nd] 19:01 !whereis NCommander 19:01 NCommander: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh]: (Ran Elf Mal Cha) T:24578 The Dungeons of Doom level: 22 19:01 * ais523 enables color in the client 19:01 if this ends up being too abusive/annoying I'll turn it back off 19:01 +c mode exists for a reason 19:01 * NCommander is annoyed w/ what he has managed to ident 19:01 I haven't managed to find enchant armor so I MIGHT have to wish for it 19:01 Ugh 19:01 I did find genocide, but no way to curse it 19:02 K2: that is a rather silly reason to not have green imo 19:02 ais523 we havent done anything crazy with colors with the bot 19:02 better to force zapm to share color with 4k 19:02 amirite 19:02 nobody plays zapm anyway 19:03 huh, just realized that since my pings are bolded, it turns fh into brightcyan and nd into brightyellow and stuff. 19:03 (This is just my irssi setup though.) 19:04 <[Demo]> i wish my bot could render the color 19:04 K2: well it's a global setting 19:05 so it requires everyone everywhere to play nice 19:05 aosdict: your terminal is using bold-is-bright, then? 19:05 in retrospect, I hate that thing so much 19:05 ais523: I don't think I've ever seen anyone besides Beholder use color in this channel. 19:05 it causes so much confusion 19:05 <[Demo]> oh hey k2 is on the move again 19:05 aosdict: global as in for all channels I'm in 19:06 ais523: maybe I misspoke, maybe it's just bright, too lazy to go look up the config 19:06 ooh k2 is preparing to asc? 19:06 YAY 19:06 Enchant Armor 19:06 :) 19:06 aosdict: most terminals use bold-is-bright because most programs assume most terminals use bold-is-bright 19:06 and are trying not to break 8-color terminals 19:07 it would be nice to break this cycle somehow but I'm not sure we can 19:07 NetHack unix-tty, for example, assumes bold-is-bright 19:07 just give a PR 19:07 to all terminal devs all at once 19:07 FIQ: it's customizable in most of them already 19:07 you'd want to give a PR to all /program/ devs at once 19:08 just acquire world domination 19:08 btw, libuncursed1 simulates bold-is-bright itself, so it works whether the terminal does it or not, but doesn't let people use unbolded bright text or bolded dark test 19:08 with libuncursed 19:08 I'm not sure I like this but the alternatives all have weird edge cases 19:09 ais523: can I use libuncursed as a shared library? how does that work? 19:09 FIQ: you should be able to, yes 19:09 as for how it works, it depends on OS, the rules are very different on Windows to on Linux 19:10 aimake can take care of the details, if you want to do it manually I can try to explain but it's long 19:10 This might be a bad idea but I suspect I'm not going to bother using the longbow of dianan 19:10 that said, I'm planning to have libuncursed2 /not/ be a shared library (i.e. static linking favoured) because it seems simpler all round 19:11 <[Demo]> man gh likes to flip levels 19:11 ok just so I have the terms clear 19:11 static linking = part of the program 19:11 shared library = dll or so? 19:12 if i were to add level flipping or rotation 19:12 I would explicitly not flip sokoban 19:12 FIQ: static linking means that the content of the library is copied into the executable 19:13 FUCK! 19:13 dynamic linking means that the library is stored as a shared library file, and then loaded alongside the executable when it's loaded (or occasionally later but that's rare) 19:13 <[Demo]> engulfing yellow dragons ew 19:13 ais523: how does that work if I want to interface from a different language? 19:13 libuncursed uses late loading of a dynamic library in order to run on systems without SDL 19:13 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 74303 points, T:24911, killed by a minotaur 19:13 say, python or java or whatever 19:13 NCommander: rip 19:13 should be "killed by hubrus" 19:13 Ouch 19:13 FIQ: the same way as with C; there are defined rules, called the ABI, that determine how the languages interact with each other 19:13 however, dynamic linking is nearly always easier if you're writing in an interpreted language 19:14 because you can swap out the shared library without having to change the executable you're running 19:14 right 19:14 with static linking you'd need to recompile the interpreter 19:14 that is where I am getting 19:14 wouldn't forced static linking 19:14 this is straightforward in some languages, e.g. Perl explicitly supports statically linking perl(1) against libraries so that you can call into it, but it's still a pain for your downstream 19:14 make it harder for non-C developers 19:15 well, what you can do is statically link libuncursed into a dynamic library that follows the non-C language's conventions 19:15 because a dynamic library is basically the same as an executable 19:15 so instead of a libuncursed2.so.2 that's used by all different languages 19:16 I'd have, say, an uncursed.xs that links against libuncursed2.a to allow it to be used by Perl 19:16 (with .xs being Perl's "link-to-C" file format) 19:17 it's always possible to make a static library into a dynamic library by linking the static library into the dynamic library (exception: on Mac OS X, sometimes) 19:18 oh god, .xs files 19:18 that's actually a good point, I should at least give it the potential to be dynamised even if I don't include the instructions for that in the file/build script 19:18 * NCommander twitches 19:18 Things I don't miss from Perl 19:18 NCommander: have you tried using other language's FFIs? 19:19 .xs is actually one of the /better/-designed ones, amazingly 19:19 the basic problem is that it's trying to do two things at once; a) link against external C libraries (this is very easy and can even be automated sometimes); b) allow you to write things that screw with Perl internals directly (you may want to run away screaming at this point) 19:21 ais523, it was point b that brought back bad memories 19:21 lol 19:21 * NCommander had to debug mod_perl itself 19:21 The things it did 19:21 NCommander: right, but that's nothing to do with .xs itself, that would be insane regardless of what format you used 19:22 mod_perl is also insane 19:22 ais523, as far as FFI goes, Rust actually has a decent implementation that sucks less that most. Python is ... decent, though not brilliant. 19:22 C# P/Invoke also wins points for generally being unsurprising. 19:24 on the other end of the spectrum, we have Ada, Ruby, Go (which has ANNOYING edge cases) 19:24 * NCommander can't think of any others that really irritate me 19:26 * NCommander isn't honestly in the mood to roll another character 19:28 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) entered the planes, on T:29724 19:28 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:29725 19:28 <[Demo]> randomized planes is dumb 19:28 * NCommander watches 19:29 why are there water elementals on air? 19:30 <[Demo]> just a stray random one, probably a random E 19:32 <[Demo]> out of the frying pan into the plane of fire 19:33 NCommander: here's what I've been doing with b): http://nethack4.org/pastebin/TrackAllocations.xs 19:33 [Demo]: and then later, out of the frying plane into the... something 19:34 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:34 <[Demo]> water plane 19:34 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:34 <[Demo]> if ur k2 ;P 19:35 out of the frying plane, into the grease fire 19:35 (the grease fire was caused by putting the frying pan into the plane of water) 19:40 ais523, IT BURNS 19:40 jk 19:40 * NCommander sighs 19:40 !rng nethack|!nethack 19:40 NCommander: nethack 19:40 ... 19:40 :( 19:40 <[Demo]> all those wands of digging and didnt even use em for earth 19:41 in gh they dont work as you'd think they would on plane of earth 19:41 yeah 19:41 better to use pick axe 19:41 <[Demo]> oh? 19:41 * NCommander might roll random 19:41 <[Demo]> sad 19:42 I've blow up enough Rangers 19:45 <[Demo]> worm grenades 19:46 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Inc Fem Non), 95011 points, T:7741, killed by a malkuth sephirah 19:48 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Death, on T:30116 19:49 -!- DrakeMarshall has joined #hardfought 19:49 Not sure if I should be seriously annoyed or seriously amused 19:50 But I just ended a game of dnethack 19:50 right, Beholder told us, it's tracking everyone's deaths 19:50 I don't really know enough dnethack to understand what happened though 19:50 Who thought letting the sephira multiply was a good idea? :P 19:50 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Death, on T:30150 19:50 They're like the dnethack version of kops 19:50 But I didn't do anything to make them come for me... 19:51 And then they were multiplying and filling up many levels... 19:51 <[Demo]> bad conduct 19:51 <[Demo]> didnt follow your role's and alignment's best ethical practices 19:51 I killed a zombie in front of the windowless tower and it gave the message as if I killed a quest NPC 19:51 <[Demo]> im looking for a word here but i cant pull it 19:51 I think that must've been a bug but idk 19:51 <[Demo]> oh yeah thats bugged rn that probably did it 19:52 <[Demo]> think its fixed in 3.15.2 19:52 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:30185 19:52 But I literally fought the sephira over several branches and burned through about 10000 energy 19:52 In the least, incantifier binders are strong as hell 19:52 kill that invisible Maud the Lama, K2! 19:53 I was like lvl10 and was basically fighting them indefinitely 19:53 At the point when I managed to bind andrealphus and still not get away, I gave up 19:53 lol 19:53 anyways gtg but that was an interesting story 19:53 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:30204 19:54 hah damn 19:54 <[Demo]> damn k2 is getting astrald hard 19:54 -!- DrakeMarshall has quit [Quit: *poof*] 19:56 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:30253 19:56 0 for 2, K2? aw 19:57 <[Demo]> gg 19:57 <[Demo]> thats something i hope i never do 19:57 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha), 2975732 points, T:30271, ascended 19:57 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/gh/dumplog/1513132338.gh.txt 19:57 congrats! 19:57 thanks! 19:57 \o/ 19:57 <[Demo]> yey 19:57 first time to ascend an ogre 19:58 <[Demo]> now do a giant ๐Ÿ˜› 19:58 aleady have twice 19:58 cloak of invisibility or displacement 19:58 hrm 19:58 ^- thoughts? 19:58 <[Demo]> wow 19:58 displacement 19:58 the only race i havent ascended in gh is gnome 19:59 i get that one, i'll have all races/roles/genders 19:59 <[Demo]> damn wow 20:00 but will you ever eventually get the full monty 20:00 doubt it 20:09 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Daughter Lilith, on T:60848 20:11 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:60942 20:14 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 20:20 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:61519 20:22 ... I found my own bones 20:22 :( 20:22 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the ghost of NCommander, the former Lookout, on T:3629 20:23 I mean, free loot 20:24 For some reason, you think that you can almost hear the Wizard laugh maniacly? 20:24 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Val Dwa Fem Law), 32125 points, T:3659, killed by a vampire 20:25 [11hdf-us] [07nd] ShivanHunter (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1303 points, T:1588, killed by a hobgoblin 20:25 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Mother Lilith, on T:61896 20:32 NCommander: That message is printed, I think, when you create not a ghost bones, but a player monster bones. 20:32 As in, the bones file contains a player monster named NCommander, of your role and race, with all your items, and with all your abilities. 20:32 Interesting 20:32 * NCommander is rolling randoms for a bit before trying another ranger 20:36 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Qwesti (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 1256 points, T:3825, killed by a gnome lord 20:38 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 25174 points, T:1039, killed by a Ms. Upernavik, the shopkeeper's wand 20:38 Trapdoor into locked general store, didn't have enough gold to passify :( 20:39 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) averted death, on T:64255 20:40 dang i messed up my unihorn nerf 20:40 it just goes straight from blessed to cursed instead of blessed to uncursed 20:40 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Levistus, on T:64268 20:49 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) destroyed the invisible Orcus, on T:65068 20:52 alright now it works properly 20:54 -!- Beholder has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:54 -!- Beholder has joined #hardfought 20:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 20:54 !players 20:54 K2: [04hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Leggman [07nd] Grasshopper [07nd] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 20:54 K2: [12hdf-eu] No current players 20:55 hmm why didnt italic work on eu 20:56 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Dagon, on T:65450 20:57 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:57 [12hdf-eu] [15nh] k2 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 4 points, T:221, zapped himself with a spell 20:58 -!- Beholder has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:58 -!- Beholder has joined #hardfought 20:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 20:59 !players 20:59 K2: [04hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 20:59 K2: [12hdf-eu] k2 [15nh] 20:59 weird 21:00 [04hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 23375 points, T:2432, killed by a boulder 21:00 Protection Racket fail 21:00 !players 21:00 K2: [04hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 21:00 K2: [12hdf-eu] k2 [11zapm] 21:00 -!- Beholder has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:01 -!- Beholder has joined #hardfought 21:01 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 21:01 !players 21:01 K2: [04hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 21:01 K2: [12hdf-eu] k2 [11zapm] 21:02 oooh 21:02 i see 21:05 -!- Beholder has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:05 -!- Beholder has joined #hardfought 21:05 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 21:05 !players 21:05 K2: [04hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] Twomunora [13dnh] krm26 [08un] 21:05 K2: [12hdf-eu] k2 [03zapm] 21:05 there 21:05 FIQ ^^ 21:05 zapm is dark green 21:10 * NCommander really hopes to ascend a ranger before new years 21:10 rangers are fun 21:14 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 21:25 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Aldinach, on T:70001 21:28 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed the hateful whispers, on T:70162 21:31 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 21:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 21:31 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 21:42 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Malcanthet, on T:71411 21:55 Congrats on the ogre, K2! 21:55 thanks Tangles! 21:55 Also, I like the new colours :) 21:56 heh 21:57 [04hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 2542 points, T:3650, killed by a giant mimic 21:58 so whats new tangles? 21:59 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:72064 22:00 [04hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 146 points, T:253, killed by a kobold wererat 22:05 [04hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 411 points, T:722, killed by a rothe 22:05 too squishy 22:07 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:72733 22:11 K2: Not much... watching some cricket, procrastinating on the Christmas shopping :) 22:11 yeah i gotta figure out what to get my wife 22:22 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed the elder priestess of Moloch, on T:73385 22:25 K2: Good luck :) 22:30 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) made his first artifact wish - "blessed greased rustproof eye of the aethiopica", on T:46779 22:31 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 22:31 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased rustproof eye of the aethiopica", on T:46782 22:32 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased rustproof eye of the aethiopica", on T:46782 22:32 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased rustproof eye of the aethiopica", on T:46783 22:32 Tangles: found it :) 22:39 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) killed Zuggtmoy, on T:75110 22:44 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:75759 22:48 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha) destroyed Pestilence, on T:75952 22:49 Well 22:50 Wishless Polyselfless Orcish Convict 22:50 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] Twomunora (Con Orc Mal Cha), 21497202 points, T:75985, ascended 22:50 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/Twomunora/dnethack/dumplog/1511724760.dnh.txt 22:52 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 22:55 Nice Tarmunora! Convicts are not easy to get going. 22:56 Thanks! 22:57 Orcs are really strong late-game, and I found some strong weapons along the way 22:58 Same-race sacrificed to summon Yeengohu for his Flail, then found Quicksilver on Zuggtmoy's lair in Gehennom 23:00 Oh yeah yeenoghu has an artifact flail in dnethack. Nice. 23:00 I did an orc con in Un a little while ago. Just used dual crysknives for that one. 23:01 dNethack has some OP flails 23:02 -!- bug_sniper has joined #hardfought 23:11 -!- Tarmunora is now known as Tarmunoraway 23:14 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 23:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 23:15 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Clk Fem Non), 956 points, T:2045, killed by an unwound spring 23:16 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Clk Fem Non), 0 points, T:9, killed by a water moccasin 23:17 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:24 okay i've made the decision to take away Orcus' wand of death 23:25 because i think it detracts from his natural spellcasting, which would make him more of a challenge 23:27 thoughts? 23:45 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Thoth Amon, on T:47757 23:46 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 23:46 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 23:46 [04hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:47758 23:50 [04hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Clk Fem Non), 2006 points, T:1320, killed by a flaming sphere