00:01 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 47593 points, T:13518, killed by a bolt of cold 00:05 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 196 points, T:607, killed by a small mimic 00:11 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 00:20 !tell K2 pushed a minor fix 00:20 FIQ: Message from Jonathanhanes_ at 2017-12-14 21:51 EST: on the spell that you get with crowning i get the message "You strain to recall the spell" on each cast 00:20 Will do, FIQ! 00:20 Jonathanhanes: fixed 00:21 -!- hpardis has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:28 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 00:42 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 1220 points, T:1959, killed by a rabid rat 00:59 K2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/384784727774724121/391072460407046144/oops....png 00:59 Jendic 01:07 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 737 points, T:2099, killed by a hill orc 01:21 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Clk Fem Non), 234 points, T:739, killed by shredding of the soul 01:29 Holy cow it's cold out 01:42 !asc 01:42 NCommander: NCommander has not ascended in 2 games. 01:43 Evil Patch idea (by ziratha): when a nymph steals an item, the item in question becomes heavily cursed and disenchanted, to screw you over. Ideally the fact that the item is now cursed should not be mentioned when you reclaim it, so you put it back on and suddenly "surprise, surprise, it is now cursed -4!" 01:45 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 703 points, T:1892, killed by a killer bee 01:45 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 176 points, T:664, killed by a newt 01:46 YANI (by Lorskel): corpses can be cooked, and if eaten raw, they can cause vomiting or sickness or other detrimental effects. But cooked corpses can no longer convey intrinsics like fire resistance, because you destroyed all the vitamins. 01:47 LarienTelrunya, the former makes genociding n so much more justifiable. You should change nymph to @ to fix that. 01:47 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:47 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:48 NCommander: heh. My variant places item-stealers into many monster classes, and some of the very high-level nymphs are ungenocideable. But for vanilla that would indeed make blessed genociding 'n' feasible :) 01:48 @le?swearing nymph 01:48 swearing nymph (15,01n) | Lvl: 28 | Diff: 32 | Spd: 14 | Res: sleep | Confers: nothing | MR: 70 | Generates: special | AC: -1 | Attacks: 4d5 weapon curse, 0d0 gaze remove-engravings, 0d0 claw item steal | Alignment: 0 | Flags: swims, teleports, infravisible 01:50 LarienTelrunya, still less scary than a mind flayer :P 01:51 really? mind flayers are one of my favorite monsters since I can eat them for +INT 01:51 !tell K2 pushed a major bug fix 01:51 Will do, FIQ! 01:52 @le?Sandra's evil sandal 01:52 Sandra's evil sandal (14,01i) | Lvl: 40 | Diff: 52 | Spd: 12 | Res: disintegrate petrification | Confers: nothing | MR: 50 | Generates: special | AC: -10 | Attacks: 2d4 kick paralyze, 5d5 tentacle drain int, 5d5 tentacle drain int, 5d5 tentacle drain int, 5d5 tentacle drain int, 5d5 tentacle suck-equipment | Alignment: -20 | Flags: omnivore, flies, oviparous, 01:52 nopoly, stalker, infravisible 01:52 paralysis, sucks off the helmet, and uses mindflaying attacks :D 01:53 LarienTelrunya, it's reason why I feel like SLEX needs to come with a NC-17 warning on the splash screen :P 01:53 ^like that 01:54 :D 02:15 Many of the scariest things in slex involve footwear 02:18 If I ever get the inclination to seriously try ascending in SLEX, I'm going to have to keep the source code as reference and notes 02:18 use the source luke! 02:19 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 633 points, T:1046, killed by a water demon 02:20 also, if you want to be the first non-Amy that ascends slex, you gotta hurry; ziratha has a very promising game going on right now ;) 02:21 ... that's just evil. My desire to go down in history vs. the fact that I do like a theorical chance of winning 02:22 !who 02:22 FIQ: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] Tangles [07nd] DrakeMarshall [13dnh] 02:22 FIQ: [12hdf-eu] elenmirie [07nd] 02:23 maybe we should just hire ais523 to cleave slex in half with his TAS tools and do a 500-turn ascension or something :D 02:23 ziratha isn't even playing 02:23 FIQ: esm server, and also he's really not playing right now 02:23 ok 02:24 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 197 points, T:311, killed by a sewer rat 02:24 anyway, it's time that someone other than me finally ascends slex; after all, once the 200+ level dungeon goes live, it will become much harder 02:28 LarienTelrunya, ... I have to ask, is there any consideration to game balance in SLEX? :) 02:28 sure, I know the entire channel will laugh now but I consider slex a well-balanced game, more balanced than vanilla in fact. 02:29 But the slex design philosophy is so fundamentally different that it's probably like comparing apples with pears anyway. 02:30 actually, counter question: is there anything in particular about slex that you consider to be not balanced? :D 02:33 LarienTelrunya, this is the point where you yell at me, but I've only played vanilla, NH4, and FIQHack :), Still I have a 2/100 (roughly) ascension record in vanilla so I don't think I'm horrid at roguelikes 02:33 Would have been third, but I refuse to play Wizard after that astral splat :( 02:33 you should give slex a try one day :) play slex! *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 02:34 LarienTelrunya, looking at the roles, I'd probably try to ascend a firefighter 02:34 * NCommander was one in RL anyway 02:34 ooh cool, one of my colleagues is one too 02:35 (and she'll go out with me later today ♥) 02:35 * LarienTelrunya will be very happy with such a lovely wing-tufted girl by her side! 02:37 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 221 points, T:425, killed by a jackal 02:37 LarienTelrunya, a single female firefighter? That's like finding a unicorn who ascended SLEX. 02:37 * NCommander ducks. 02:38 well she's neither single nor lesbian, so we won't become a couple, but I still absolutely adore her and like to spend time with her ♥♥♥ 02:38 also, play the unicorn race in slex and ascend! *bundlebundlebundle* ♥ 02:39 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 3681 points, T:2569, killed by a rabid rat 02:39 (admittedly, I never ascended the unicorn race yet either) 02:39 * NCommander is waiting for random SLEX DLC on Steam now :P 02:40 LarienTelrunya, I'm reading through SLEX's monst.c just to get an idea of how bad this gets 02:40 monst.c??? good god, you'll be at it for a while (slex has 17k or so monsters right now) 02:41 other interesting ones would be trap.c and objects.c, and probably invent.c ;) 02:42 LarienTelrunya, I'm just browsing since at least you can see most of the useful stuff in game w/ the pokedex. I'm impressed though, you broke GitHub, it would only let me read raw. 02:43 LarienTelrunya, honestly my biggest complaint is it's going to destroy my win/loss record here :P 02:43 well, make a second account only for slex, that should keep your main account's streaks intact, right? 02:43 * LarienTelrunya has 3 accounts on the esm server, one for regular play, one for junethack, and one for testing 02:44 ... that's a distressingly simple solution 02:44 Though if I ascend then it's on the alt :P. I'm waiting for git to actually download the source now 02:44 Since I want a copy w/ local wizard mode 02:44 ah, makes sense 02:45 (I also wiztest stuff often, such as the new strategy I discovered a few days ago to remotely wake up Vlad, which actually works in regular SLASH'EM too) 02:45 LarienTelrunya, there were a few ways to do that in vanilla SLASH'EM if I remember RGRN 02:46 SLEX is basically SLASH'EM dungeon layout, you need the three elemental keys to get to vlad, and Cthulu on the bottom 02:46 ^? 02:46 did they mention sphere spam? i.e. casting a sphere spell until one spawns near Vlad and wakes him? 02:46 well, currently the server versions of slex are SLASH'EM layout, but the development version makes it bigger, see dat/dungeon.def 02:47 I vaguely remember it 02:47 There was some discussion on how to nerf it but SLASH'EM's development was already stalled at that point. 02:47 * NCommander only remembers this due to photographic memory 02:47 :/ 02:47 Or mostly 02:47 specifically, after beating the quest, one must beat a 10-level subquest or else the bell of opening won't work, and after claiming the Amulet of Yendor one must traverse a 100-level bonus dungeon and find three yellow staircases to start the actual ascension run 02:48 LarienTelrunya, sounds like I *don't* want to compile master though. 02:48 100 Dl dungeon with harassment 02:48 That sounds like "fun" 02:48 ah, you'll want the https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/tree/slex-2.1.1 branch, that one is even with the server 02:48 git clone just finished 02:48 * NCommander tries to remember the ruins to enable Wizard and change the username 02:49 well the harassment is nerfed to occur 10 times less often until the player completed that bonus dungeon 02:51 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 225 points, T:533, killed by a jackal 02:51 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Wizard_mode#Unix (I haven't been able to get that to work on my unix VM, sadly) 02:53 LarienTelrunya, getting wizard mode to work on UNIX is usually "fun" 02:54 LarienTelrunya, it's grinding away 02:54 hmm, I guess you could just hijack the code (since you're compiling it anyway) and put "flags.debug = 1" somewhere 02:55 or just make a "wizard" user which is the hardcoded default account that could use wizard in NH343 02:55 :) 02:56 config.h # define WIZARD "wizard" /* the person allowed to use the -D option */ 02:56 changing that to a different username would also do the trick ;) 02:57 * NCommander rolled his first firefighter 02:57 This will end poorly 03:00 ooh cool you're actually playing! I'll watch :) 03:00 [11hdf-us] [12slex] NCslex (Fir Her Mal Law), 91 points, T:117, killed by a monster (thick elf-lord) 03:00 ... how did you find such a high-level monster so early? 03:01 LarienTelrunya, the RNG hates me. You didn't see what happened before my last FIQhack game ended due to unexpected bug 03:01 oh? what happened? 03:02 LarienTelrunya, partially eaten lizard corpses don't count for stopping stoning. Bug introduced in NH4 and ended up in FIQhack 03:02 ugh, that sounds extremely aggravating 03:02 In the castle too, was hit with a rubber chicken 03:02 LarienTelrunya, that was after I dropped into an incredibly nasty bones level with eight dragons (FIQHack dragons are NASTY) 03:04 aww, that must have sucked, surviving all that only to be taken out by a bug :( 03:04 * LarienTelrunya remembers how she got to the samurai quest goal level in FIQhack and was instawiped by a samurai reading a scroll of genocide 03:04 LarienTelrunya, not as bad/funny as my Jubilex splat 03:05 LarienTelrunya, ow. ... also, you randomized appearances to the point I can't even tell what slot an item goes into? 03:05 * NCommander is trying to understand allmain.c 03:05 you're playing the ancient race, which renames all items to gibberish; what you're looking at is some sort of cloak 03:05 Oh 03:05 Meant to select human 03:05 ah well 03:06 do you know about inventory item descriptions? hit the corresponding letter while in inventory view :) 03:08 LarienTelrunya, thanks. let's see if I can get past Dl:1 03:09 I've died from thrown cream pies in slex before... 03:09 LarienTelrunya, for some reason, I have an urge to implement a new food item as a patch. The wafer thin mint 03:10 heh, weighs 0, gives 0 nutrition and causes you to choke anyway? 03:10 Something like that :) 03:12 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:3089 03:12 ... did I really find an artifact on Dl 1? 03:12 oh, trying to name the dog? shift-C 03:13 no faux 03:13 Stormchaser is a fake artifact; usually, fakes are highly enchanted. Not necessarily *positively* enchanted, mind. Don't forget to pet-test for curses :) 03:13 ah, apparently it's a silk spear 03:14 which does d6/d8 damage 03:16 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 1850 points, T:1761, killed by a hill orc 03:16 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 1061 points, T:2797, killed by a rothe 03:20 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 2769 points, T:3919, killed by an elven dagger 03:20 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 64 points, T:194, killed by a newt 03:23 NCommander: hint: the "scroll of davolash" will heal a couple of hit points when read 03:24 gonna be afk now though, since my wonderlovely colleague and I are going to eat now :) 03:24 LarienTelrunya, have fun 03:30 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 266 points, T:833, killed by a system shock 03:34 [11hdf-us] [12slex] NCslex (Fir Anc Mal Law), 1090 points, T:1734, killed by a monster (weregiantant) 03:35 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 90 points, T:576, killed by a jackal 03:46 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 147 points, T:352, killed by a fox 03:48 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 5 points, T:25, killed by a jackal 03:51 I fixed that bug as soon as I was made aware of it 03:55 hmm 03:55 hey fiq i'm getting an error 03:56 "monster jump checks contrdict each other" 03:58 https://imgur.com/a/6p5qo 04:04 [11hdf-us] [12slex] NCslex (Fir Hum Mal Law), 552 points, T:885, killed by an arrow 04:04 yeah I know about it 04:04 K2 hasn't updated the server 04:06 [11hdf-us] [12slex] NCslex (Fir Hum Mal Law), 13 points, T:124, killed by a glass bolt 04:07 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 04:07 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-15 03:20 EST: pushed a minor fix 04:07 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-15 04:51 EST: pushed a major bug fix 04:07 woo 04:11 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:12 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:12 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:13 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 04:13 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 04:16 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 125 points, T:464, killed by a sewer rat 04:20 !tell K2 puhed fixes 04:20 Will do, FIQ! 04:21 will have to do it from work, headed out 04:21 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-12-15 07:20 EST: puhed fixes 04:22 ok 04:23 Jonathanhanes: There's still issues with jumping until K2 updates. The issues should happen less, but just so you know 04:23 Pressing R and restarting should generally work 04:23 as temporary work-around 04:24 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non) wished for "blessed rustproof +3 premium heart", on T:461 04:37 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) became literate by reading a book, on T:5878 04:49 finally back! NCommander: how's it going? 04:50 LarienTelrunya, I managed to get a firefighter to the mines, but my St is down to 3 ... not sure how that happened. I also started coding wafer thin mint 04:52 ah, according to the ttyrec, you started with a strength of 4 and then lost a point to poison :( 04:52 LarienTelrunya, yeah, I didn't even notice it was that low. Having serious killing stuff, I did find artifact soft stars though but not enough to get the skill to basic 04:52 one way to get back up to 4 is to become weak from hunger (because strength cannot go below 3) and then eat something (which will nonetheless restore it and push you to 4 strength) 04:52 which has helped 04:52 *serious issues 04:53 soft stars? those usually spawn in large stacks; how many do you have? 04:55 LarienTelrunya, started with 90, down to 70, they're an artifact 04:55 LarienTelrunya, inventory up 04:55 oh, those have +10 damage! 04:55 Yeah but I'm failing to hit anything with them. I've been source diving every time I find an artifact 04:56 the inverse gloves are interesting 04:56 with a strength of 3, thrown weapons only travel for a single square :( 04:56 Yeah 04:56 That too 04:56 I might use the bow, at least THAT goes slightly further 04:56 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:19453 04:58 !who 04:58 FIQ: [11hdf-us] NCslex [12slex] Tangles [07nd] Grasshopper [07nd] 04:58 FIQ: [12hdf-eu] No current players 04:58 I take it NCslex is NCommander ? 04:58 Yeah 04:58 aww, rip :( 04:58 I'm getting better 04:58 Each attempt, I get down one more Dl 04:59 oh, the inverse gloves were evil gloves 04:59 That explains it. The base defense was nice 04:59 inverse gloves will curse when their enchantment becomes negative, but evil gloves will curse anyway whenever they're put on :( 04:59 [11hdf-us] [12slex] NCslex (Fir Hum Mal Law), 3966 points, T:2433, killed by a monster (invisible large ferret) 04:59 !lastgame 04:59 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/N/NCslex/slex/dumplog/1513339575.slex.txt 05:00 Reminds me of when I started NetHack, and loosing to more than a few newts 05:00 apparently the evil gloves made it so that stairs traps would occur whenever you changed dungeon levels 05:00 inverse gloves should curse if enchanted, bless if disenchantedd 05:00 *disenchanting 05:00 **disenchanted 05:01 FIQ: would be a possibility, but what if they're an autocursing kind, like in NCommander's game? will they bless before or after autocursing? :D 05:03 Yay, got the basic wafer thin mint to show up, and wizard mode working: https://imgur.com/a/SjAYp 05:03 why wouldautocursing procs when you put them on 05:03 you can't enchant them if they aren't worn 05:03 er 05:03 NCommander: oh, you implemented them in slex :D 05:03 *why would autocursing proc other than when put on 05:03 FIQ: oh, you mean the act of (dis)enchanting them, via scroll or disenchanter or something, would change the BUC! 05:03 yeah 05:04 or enchanted with enchant armor 05:04 I can probably make a new randomized appearance in the next version that actually does this :) 05:04 LarienTelrunya, yeah, had a few hiccups cause I forgot that you had to modify probabities to make shit not complain. Now I need it to actually do something 05:05 oh that is simple to fix 05:05 ah, yes, in slex the probabilities add up to 10000 (in vanilla it's 1000) 05:05 I fixed that a while back 05:05 so probabilities could add up to any number 05:06 * NCommander needs to remember how the full skit works. 05:06 FIQhack updated (us and eu) 05:07 LarienTelrunya: see FIQHack commit a0781683398edc841c4d702b3dc89ee2b7ac186b 05:07 if you're interested 05:07 K2: thanks 05:09 FIQ: ooh, that fix looks elegant 05:10 o/ 05:11 see 05:11 not everything FIQHack does is evil 05:11 : 05:11 *:P 05:11 sure, slex already implemented some ideas that originated from FIQhack, although I can't exactly remember which ones 05:12 <[Demo]> I'm really glad slex exists 05:12 :D 05:12 -!- deadnoob has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:13 <[Demo]> it's just like when you mix all the slurpee flavors in one cup and then get some weird status effect you've never heard of 05:14 <[Demo]> it's a unique experience 05:14 LarienTelrunya: I know there's several bug fixes in there from me, didn't know it had features originally from fiqhack though 05:14 hahaha :) I'm not done mixing in more stuff yet, either! 05:16 FIQ: hmm, can't find them in the source either 05:16 maybe I misremembered 05:16 ok 05:16 sleep duration nerf? 05:17 yeah, slex has that 05:17 that is probably the only time I've gone "really, nethack? what is this shit" 05:17 fh commit c99da0a7e1c987f9b7516bd9bd1e32f6dac925c0 05:18 yeah I saw that, and I agree that it's shitty to put you to sleep for 6d25 turns (or 25d6, whatever the exact numbers are) 05:18 6d25 05:18 LarienTelrunya: that is what killed your fh 2016 char :P 05:18 :D 05:19 a kobold shaman stunlocking you 05:19 w00t 05:19 the wafer thin mint actually does something now 05:19 what is a wafer thin mint 05:19 FIQ, a badly implemented joke 05:19 lol 05:19 perfect for slex then 05:19 FIQ, it's from Monty Python :) 05:19 NCommander: what does it do? print a message? 05:19 ah 05:21 LarienTelrunya, if you're saturated, you start vomiting so you "make room", oversaturated, you take damage and making it to die by gluttony. If you're named Creosote ... instadeath 05:21 (not that I expect the later to ever come into play, but that was the name of the guy who exploded in the skit) 05:21 haha, well, if you name yourself Creosote you can lie to vault guards without penalties, so... 05:22 ... is that the same spelling? 05:22 oooh 05:22 * NCommander never realized that 05:22 or actually, it's not a lie if you name yourself that, and that's why you don't get the penalty 05:22 I kinda like the karma in that :) 05:22 and it would be useful for slex in particular, where the vault guard will quiz you if you're lying to him, and if you give the wrong answer to his questions then he becomes hostile. 05:24 -!- Haudegen has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:25 wouldn't it make much more sense to quiz if you reply creosote 05:25 whether you actually lie or not 05:27 well, I guess it would; currently, there's a general 10% or so chance to be quizzed even if you didn't lie 05:27 * NCommander is testing if this works 05:27 My C is a little rusty as is playing with NH's guts 05:27 NCommander: pick the spirit race for easy testing, then you can phase through walls and get to the vaults quickly :) 05:28 LarienTelrunya, the instadeath only fires if you're named Croteus or a variant of it, and you eat the mint 05:28 With a unique death message 05:29 ah, I see 05:29 I'm not quite as sadistic as you 05:29 :) 05:29 you should be able to instakill croesus by throwing it at him 05:29 FIQ: "Objects now merge regardless of object knowledge, combining the knowledge. Previously, this was only the case for BUC knowledge" - what if one of them is BUC-known and the other is enchantment-known? will the resulting stack then have both BUC and enchantment known? or can that not happen outside of slex anyway? 05:30 LarienTelrunya: that is correct 05:30 that will happen 05:30 ah 05:30 it's smarter than slex's merge logic; I'd be interested to see how that works code-wise 05:30 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) completed Sokoban, on T:9366 05:30 you can look at the diff 05:32 FIQ, ... I love that idea 05:32 Way too much 05:32 well 05:32 it makes sense 05:33 * NCommander waits for slex to build 05:33 I keep having to clean then build cause otherwise I get undefined symbols :( 05:34 "Item destruction is rarer: 50% if cursed, 25% if uncursed, 6.25% is blessed. Wands lose charges instead of being destroyed, unless it's emptied, or was already empty/cancelled." that is actually a very good change, in vanilla it's so annoying that blessing the item does nothing to reduce the risk! 05:34 NCommander: do you prefer fiqhack's curses UI over the ttyw windowport? if you do, you can enable the curses interface in slex 05:34 it's similar 05:34 Curses blows up race selection in the notes 05:34 not anymore 05:34 turn it on! 05:35 I picked out the role/race stuff from the in-development curses stuff and made a patch out of it 05:35 for LarienTelrunya's benefit 05:35 thanks to FIQ, character selection works in curses-slex :) 05:35 since the role selection was completely broken beforehand 05:35 in slex 05:35 that reminds me, I still need to fix the curses window memory leak error 05:35 good luck 05:35 I am working on a complete rewrite 05:36 to get rid of all of the weird issues curses has 05:36 where was that leak fix again? grunthack? 05:36 codewise, etc 05:36 ask Tangles, he fixed a bunch of memory leaks 05:36 LarienTelrunya, ugh, you've managed to motivate me into being the fist non-dev ascension in SLEX, which means I'm probably going to spend a stupid amount of time in Wizard mode to figure out crap. 05:36 I fixed some more in the uncursed branch, but there are still memory leaks 05:36 NCommander: slex intends to make no game 100% winnable even with enough skill 05:37 NCommander: haha :) well, that's what wizmode is for, actually 05:37 by having random shit make you die 05:37 be careful 05:37 Well how I actually learned to play NetHack 3.4 was with wiz mode and grabbing the amulet and writing down why I died 05:37 Granted, SLEX is ready to murder you at the drop of a hat, but at least I can learn to figure out how to avoid the preventable ones 05:37 mhm 05:38 FIQ: specifically, one of the principles of slex's design philosophy is "with perfect play, the player should not have a 100% chance of winning the game", although in practice it's probably still 95% or so since the stuff that really screws you over with no chance is extremely rare 05:38 LarienTelrunya: when was your last victory 05:38 To be fair, even with perfect play, I disagree NetHack is 100% winnable. 05:38 you should confirm that it is still winnable 05:39 Bug non-withstanding, I got stupidly lucky those eight dragons didn't end me in FIQHack 05:39 yeah I saw that bones level 05:39 it was ridiculous 05:39 FIQ: I'm working on a phantom cavewoman on the esm server, ready to enter Gehennom (wanna continue her once I get home today). Genoless, wishless, polyselfless and polyobjectless intact so far, and I intend to keep all of them. 05:39 NCommander: you would probably have died 05:39 if not for early WoW 05:39 well, I mean 05:39 you did anyway 05:40 but you know what I mean 05:41 FIQ, I'm not sure how the WoW saved me there; I didn't use a wish to escape it :P 05:41 This wafer-thin mint is delicious! You make some room to get it down Check please ... 05:41 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?2241 oh my god 05:41 Cool. That's at least partially working 05:41 Yeah I saw that 05:42 poor poor StatueSurfer 05:42 Reminds me of the guy in Dwarf Fortress A mode. Total newbie. Cleaned out a vault wearing leather armor 05:42 aosdict: and it was so close 05:42 that he ascended with that crazy conduct 05:42 then ais523 came along to say "well I ascended containerless, so yeah" 05:43 heh 05:43 aosdict: damn you beat me to it, I wanted to say that just now :D 05:43 but ais does stuff like that all the time 05:43 ais523 would probably also be able to break slex in two by creating an infinity wish engine and an infinity gain level engine and ascend with MAXINT-1 max HP and Pw, after 1000 turns. :P 05:45 make: Circular include/date.h <- src/cmd.o dependency dropped. 05:45 ^- that's why crud isn't building right 05:45 And I keep having to clean 05:46 Was he the guy that got the first MAXINT game? 05:46 LarienTelrunya: probably not 05:47 his head tends to hurt merely just hearing about slex 05:47 apparently Adeon was the one to do the first MAXINT score ascension 05:47 I still remember that 11 conduct game 05:47 FIQ: hahahahahahaha :D but he'd theoretically be able to do it 05:47 Total. Madness. 05:47 LarienTelrunya: you should give him like $10k 05:47 Adeon that is 05:47 to convince him to play slex 05:48 heh, I'd rather give Adeon like 10k *bundlebundlebundle*'s to make him update Pinobot with the new slex monsters ♥ 05:48 anyway, gotta go, and once I get home I'll probably continue my cavewoman! 05:48 later guys, and thanks NCommander for playing :) 05:48 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 06:02 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a werejackal, on T:10847 06:03 Tangles: enjoy your new life as a jackal 06:06 FIQ: My ring of polymorph control is silver. 06:06 ouch 06:16 oooh 06:16 Sometimes the RNG just wants you to suffer. 06:17 Tangles: in my 2016 unnethack vampire asc 06:17 slow digestion was silver 06:17 that was.. interesting 06:19 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11907 06:20 FIQ, does that cause silver damage each turn or? 06:21 NCommander: It stops you from wearing it. 06:22 "You cannot handle your ring of polymorph control!" or something. 06:22 THat's in vanilla at least. Un may be different. 06:23 yeah in un it makes you unable to regenerate HP in any way 06:25 I just noticed in 361dev... the secret doors in the catacombs version of mines' end are rendering as horizontal walls instead of vertical (while they are still hidden). 06:26 submit a bug report 06:26 there were some quirks like that in baalzebub's lair a while back 06:26 https://imgur.com/a/lLwiw - I think I have a new favorite death message :) 06:41 NCommander: How did you get that? 06:43 Tangles, writing a SLEX patch. It's what happens if you eat a wafer thin mint and your name is Croesus 06:51 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 06:52 lol 06:53 -!- deadnoob has joined #hardfought 06:55 rofl 06:55 'fuck off, i'm full!' 06:56 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed greased fireproof +7 bag of holding named this bag contains no valuables", on T:12489 06:58 K2, it's actually a reference to the monty python skit 06:58 i know 06:58 the meaning of life 06:58 when the waiter asks the guy for the wafer, his initial reply was 'fuck off, i'm full!' 06:59 that skit is my favorite from the movie 06:59 * NCommander posts a PR so LarienTelrunya can look to make sure I haven't broken SLEX unintentionally 07:00 heh, not sure if I'll actually implement it that way; I'm leaning towards a monster named "wafer-thin mint" with 0 weight and 0 nutrition that gives the YAFMs (and potential effects) when eaten 07:00 (i.e. when its corpse is eaten) 07:01 LarienTelrunya, https://imgur.com/a/lLwiw 07:01 yeah, saw that in the backscroll; I like the death message, will probably implement :) 07:03 [11hdf-us] [08un] krm26 (Bar Hum Fem Neu), 621866 points, T:44941, quit 07:03 gah 07:03 LarienTelrunya, have a PR https://github.com/SLASHEM-Extended/SLASHEM-Extended/pull/22 07:06 alright, added to my to-do list for the next version 07:06 thx! 07:09 * NCommander suspects if he looked at LarienTelrunya's TODO list, it would include items like "make amulet of yendor explode", "determine max amount of innuendo that can be crammed in an ASCII character set", and "dump core when "oY is #offered" 07:09 haha, making the game unwinnable would be too evil even for slex 07:09 You all saw it! Even LarienTelrunya has standards on evil! 07:10 I need to sleep at some point 07:10 * NCommander had a cruddy night 07:10 Blasted cold, and two jumpstarts :( 07:11 K2: if I told you I haven't seen the meaning of life, will you think less of me? :P 07:11 (have seen holy grail several times, and life of brian once but so long ago I don't remember) 07:11 LarienTelrunya: except there is a time limit on slex 07:11 before it becomes unwinnable 07:11 "unwinnable" 07:11 FIQ, doesn't it have to be winnable to begin with? :) 07:11 aosdict: you're dead to me 07:11 if the time limit runs out, random bad stuff starts happening but you can still win 07:12 kidding :P 07:12 you should watch the meaning of life, its good 07:12 * aosdict has nothing else to live for, levelports to level 0 07:12 I forgot what the death message for doing that is 07:13 K2: maybe will sit down with my father when I see him over christmas and watch it 07:13 he's the one who got me into monty python in the first place 07:14 ... now SLEX needs the "scroll of extreme humor", with a random chance to learn killer joke (German) 07:14 yes! 07:14 hah 07:17 K2: I haven't seen monty python anything at all 07:18 fail 07:18 but from what I heard 07:18 it sounds really dull 07:18 you heard wrong 07:18 just a bunch of short stories of some silly jokes 07:19 you're in your 20's still right? 07:19 yes 07:19 yeah 07:19 * NCommander applies a figurine of a Sweedish Moose. The Sweedish Moose bites FIQ 07:19 * FIQ hurls snowballs at NCommander 07:19 its humor may be lost on you 07:19 but it shouldnt 07:19 * NCommander eats the snowball. Yeech. It was yellow snow! 07:20 and its dry silly british humor, i thought all you european types liked that 07:20 the british perhaps 07:20 :) 07:20 .oO(but I'm not European) 07:20 i saw the holy grail as a kid 07:21 loved it 07:23 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 07:33 [11hdf-us] [07nd] krm26 (Wiz Hum Fem Cha), 1224 points, T:1608, killed by a jaguar 07:35 -!- zxkuqyb has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:39 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 07:40 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Tangles (Cav Dwa Mal Law) had Sunsword bestowed upon him by Anu, on T:14209 07:48 Okay, why does the wand of sleep scale with experience level? That's stupid. 08:04 -!- deadnoob has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:21 aosdict: it doesn't? 08:21 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 08:23 Hmm, then the wiki implies that its sleep ray is identical to the one you get when casting a spell 08:30 but at what level? 08:30 wand effects are typically set at a certain level 08:35 !potm 08:35 !pom 08:35 Jonathanhanes: The moon is waning crescent; new moon in 2 days. 08:35 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Source:NetHack_3.6.0/src/zap.c#line346 08:36 the comment says broken wand, but this appears to be the logic for zapping as well? 08:37 In which case, a wand of sleep is more powerful the more charges it has left (but doesn't scale with XL). 08:42 finally got my hands on some dragon scales 08:42 they're green... 08:44 also what's up with ring of searching being chargeable 08:44 -!- Haudegen has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:45 !who 08:45 NCommander: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh] 08:45 NCommander: [12hdf-eu] elenmirie [07nd] 08:45 Jonathanhanes, green isn't bad in FIQhack due to the extra instricts 08:45 !whereis jonathanhanes 08:45 Jonathanhanes: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh]: (Tou Hum Mal Neu) T:21138 The Dungeons of Doom level: 25 08:45 Jonathanhanes: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [114k]: (Tou Hum Mal Neu) T:1207 The Dungeons of Doom level: 4 08:45 that is odd 08:47 you seeing this k2? 08:47 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 616 points, T:1244, killed by a pony 08:49 yup 08:49 sometimes a game wont unlink from its whereis file for that player 08:49 !who 08:49 K2: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh] 08:49 K2: [12hdf-eu] elenmirie [07nd] 08:50 !whereis Jonathanhanes 08:50 K2: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh]: (Tou Hum Mal Neu) T:21322 The Dungeons of Doom level: 25 08:50 K2: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [114k]: (Tou Hum Mal Neu) T:1207 The Dungeons of Doom level: 4 08:50 aosdict: broken wand calls bhitm for monster hitting 08:50 for wands of sleep 08:50 because of course it does 08:50 the actual ray logic is in buzz 08:50 dgamelaunch is set to unlink from a players whereis file at game end, but it doesnt always do it 08:50 but you'd want to look at weffects 08:50 to figure out the damage scaling on ray-basedwands 08:50 +space 08:50 in fact any post-game command that dgl is set to execute doesnt always execute 08:51 seeing that with ttyrec compression 08:52 also 08:52 hmm 08:53 technically the whereis file should disappear once the players game is ended, whether it be from death/ascension or they save and logout 08:53 not all variants do that 08:53 that would NOT be a dgl issue 08:54 EPI slipping on ice with adjacent water has a chance of making you fall in the water 08:57 FIQ and jonadab - there's several .whereis files left over from old games for both your variants 08:58 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 08:58 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 08:58 fiq are there any changes to genocide? 08:58 EPI: stepping on ice while fumbling or burdened has a chance of the ice breaking, dumping you in the water :D 08:58 thinking I might just wipe out these L's 08:59 FIQ: so assuming that nd represents "number of dice" in buzz, all wands hit with 6d(something) unless it's magic missile which is 2. 08:59 Which means 6d25 for /oSleep. 08:59 Assuming the monster doesn't resist. 08:59 if i remember correctly, unnethack has this same whereis issue 09:00 but i dont recall 3.4.3 vanilla, gh or sp having the issue 09:00 i'll have to run some tests tonight 09:01 there is a tengu where this dragon should be ... 09:03 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 09:04 [11hdf-us] [10fh] why do I die stupid ways (rikersan) (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 35461 points, T:2717, killed by a winter wolf cub 09:08 [11hdf-us] [12slex] dolores (Gla Mon Fem Cha), 700 points, T:434, killed by a shotgun shell 09:08 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 09:10 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:17 aosdict: yes, I said that earlier :P 09:18 I knew I remembered the number 6d25 being tossed around somewhere 09:18 Jonathanhanes: yes, monsters will use it 09:18 otherwise no changes 09:18 K2: you have told me this before and I said why 09:18 FIQ: yeah but you have to explain just what it means for monsters to use it 09:18 I don't remove the files, merely mark them as "inactive" 09:19 FIQ yes i remember 09:19 Jonathanhanes: they can't genocide you with it though, usually 09:20 unless it's a confused monster of your own role/race 09:20 i remember disagreeing with you 09:20 if the player isnt playing, there should not be a whereis file present for them 09:20 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 09:21 K2: you never told me that 09:21 I can fix it easily 09:21 i thought i did 09:22 maybe i said it in my head 09:22 and didnt type it 09:22 ok lunch meeting, bbl 09:24 [11hdf-us] [10fh] JH (jonathanhanes) (Tou Hum Mal Neu) wished for "uncursed magic marker", on T:22239 09:24 0:1 on the wand 09:24 0:30 on the marker 09:24 so rude 09:27 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 1489 points, T:1820, killed by a fall onto poison spikes 09:29 [11hdf-us] [12slex] dolores (Pro Ang Fem Cha), 1063 points, T:1742, killed by a monster (human mummy), while being clawed 09:30 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 110 points, T:336, killed by a sewer rat 09:32 as a tourist you already started with a marker anyway 09:37 yah but i already used it :P 09:38 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 09:38 K2: ok apparently it is NOT easy to fix 09:38 because of the NH4 save system 09:38 sorry 09:38 I suggest you instead deleting it as part of dgl 09:40 and playing will always be 0 apparently 09:40 should probably remove that field 09:52 [11hdf-us] [114k] Joes (Ssach) (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 5505 points, T:1486, killed by a watch captain called "Jameson" 09:58 Anyone know where the spell of charm monster originally comes from? Early D&D? 10:01 Evil Patch Idea: monsters capable of submerging, e.g., krakens, can lurk under the ice. If you try to step directly above them, on the ice, they will break through and drag you under. 10:01 aosdict: That guess seems highly plausible to me, but I don't actually know. 10:20 Charm monster is a traditional D&D spell, if memory serves. 10:21 It's a higher level version of the more specialized Char Person 10:21 *Char->Charm 10:21 Though there are more than a few spells that can be used to char people, also. 10:22 It doesn't do what the nethack spell does, though, 10:22 it's a more subtle effect. 10:22 Char Person = fireball :P 10:23 The closest D&D spell to nethack's charm spell is Dominate Monster, and even then it wears off after a while and if you try to do something like make them kill their friends they get to try the saving throw again in an attempt to break the spell early. 10:29 Chris_ANG: yeah, I'm thinking charm monster should become more of a "temporary pacified" thing, at low levels at least. 10:30 Yeah, that would be a lot closer to what the Charm series of spells do in D&D. 10:30 For high levels... maybe temporary domination? That'd be tricky though. 10:30 In terms of implementation. 10:31 Well, the Bard patch implemented it, so you can copy off that. 10:31 However, 10:31 I found I didn't like the temporary pet stuff from the Bard patch. 10:32 In general I think nethack needs a way for pet-focused roles to get pets. 10:32 Are you thinking mostly M1_ANIMAL sort of pets, or just any monster? 10:33 Any monster, I think. It's more fun that way. 10:33 And yes, adding more non-magical sources of obtaining pets is a good thing. 10:33 My solution of sorts was to cap the number of pets the player could have at any one time (to Cha/3) 10:33 Several people have agreed to that, but there are only a few ideas as to the exact mechanics. 10:34 And to make Charm Monster single-target (so you can't use it as a super-crowd-control spell anymore). 10:34 Chris_ANG: what happens if you have Cha/3 pets on one level and Cha/3 pets on the level below, and you bring all your pets down the stairs? 10:35 The weakest ones de-tame. 10:36 I think typically in dnethack de-taming pets become peaceful instead of hostile. 10:38 There are also some exceptions. Some pets are extra-tame, don't count against the pet limit, and aren't de-tamed by exceeding it (mostly the starting pet) 10:38 Also, pets created by Binder powers have their own separate Cha/3 limit, and vanish into thin air instead of de-taming. 10:39 Also, pets that are only temporarily tamed don't count against the limit (confused taming *temporarily* tames all nearby monsters) 10:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:01 YANI: luckstone greatly slows the rate at which temporary luck (bad luck if blessed, good luck if cursed) times out, but does not stop it. Amulet of luck overrides temporary luck while equipped, making your luck effectively max if not cursed, or min/bad if cursed, without doing anything to temporary luck. 11:01 With this YANI, there's no way to make intrinsic/slotless luck permanent, it just lasts _longer_ with a luckstone. 11:01 I mean, a lot longer, but not forever. 11:02 jonadab: isn't that one thing unnethack did that people really disliked about it? 11:02 To make this change more palateable, you should probably get timeout messages when your temporary luck changes. 11:02 aosdict: I hadn't heard anything about luck changes in Un? 11:02 because optimally, you should be levelporting out of Gehennom to restore your luck when it decreases. 11:02 Some variant. Thought it was Un. 11:02 Maybe Spork? 11:02 Dunno. I seem to have missed that conversation. 11:03 Evil Patch Idea: in Gehennom, your luck is always _effectively_ -13. 11:04 jonadab: wanna see something evil? check the nethack reddit :D 11:06 Aren't most of those popcorn monsters? Kobolds and such? 11:06 or does slex use k and r and o for things that will rip you a new one? 11:06 Well, this is Gehennom. If nothing else, it will take a long time since there's level 20+ kobolds/ogres/etc. in there 11:07 Also, every monster class has dangerous members in slex. For example, there's your script-generated monsters 11:09 I see. 11:14 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:5055 11:15 Oh, I should probably mention that I have uncontrolled teleportitis, and teleportation is possible on this level. This will... complicate things. 11:17 FIQ: ok understood 11:17 can probably make that happen via dgl 11:21 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 3848 points, T:6022, killed by an orc-captain 11:24 jonadab: so I'm torn about the luck thing 11:24 as ais523 says, it's part of the dread midgame power spike 11:25 and you don't really want players to be able to check the box of "got blessed luckstone and maxed luck, now never need to worry about it again" 11:25 but on the other hand 11:26 you don't want people to treat luck as so critical a resource you need to go fix it whenever it drops below +13 (or +10, or whatever.) 11:26 FWIW, slex does a similar thing to unnethack (blessed luckstone makes luck time out ten times more slowly, but it still does time out) and no one ever complained about that :) 11:27 what if 11:27 luck was made much less controllable, and impossible to examine except through enlightenment 11:27 you gain or lose luck from various events that don't include sacrificing 11:28 and there's no guaranteed way to increase it 11:28 but it's not entirely random, a skilled player will still know how to bias the odds of luck-increasing events in their favor 11:32 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 11:32 jonadab: you asked about actually dangerous monsters in this room? Well, one of the O for example is this one: http://i.4cdn.org/vg/1513366260078.png (lava attacks are one of your EPIs and burn a worn piece of armor with every hit, with destruction of the item when a thoroughly burnt one gets hit again) 11:35 aosdict: Hmm, what if the rate at which luck times out were not entirely predictable? 11:35 Luckstone slows it, but you don't know how _much_ it slows it? 11:35 jonadab: I'm thinking more along the lines of luck not timing out at all. 11:35 But you don't know what it is, and a random event might decrease it. 11:36 What kinds of events? 11:36 Not sure. That's the problem :P 11:36 And will the user then feel the need to go sacrifice or throw gems at a unicorn every time one of those events happen that _might_ decrease luck? 11:36 "Just in case"? 11:37 Well, that's why I said there should be no guaranteed way (or even highly probable way) to increase luck. 11:37 Ah. 11:37 In broad strokes, I'm trying to see whether a game with no luck management at all would be any good. 11:37 (Or minor luck management in luckstone form.) 11:38 YANI: luckstones' weight is increased, but each one you carry increases the base value your luck times out to. 11:40 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 534 points, T:2043, killed by a rabid rat 11:41 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 11:56 !whereis k2 11:56 K2: [11hdf-us] k2 [14sp]: (Priest human Mal Neu) T:1043 The Dungeons of Doom level: 3 11:56 K2: [12hdf-eu] k2 [10fh]: (Mon Hum Mal Neu) T:258 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 11:56 so i'm only playing fh 11:57 !whereis k2 11:57 K2: [11hdf-us] k2 [14sp]: (Priest human Mal Neu) T:1043 The Dungeons of Doom level: 3 11:57 yeah see its not everytime 11:57 sometimes the whereis file does delete 11:57 or 'unlink' 11:59 jonadab: do you think anyone would be sad to see +oProtection quietly disappear 11:59 I can't think of anything to do with it 11:59 and its logic is really messy 12:00 aosdict: people who want FIQHack spell maintenance maybe. 12:00 Nobody else. 12:01 Well, anything I'm proposing is probably diverged from FIQhack unless he decides to implement it 12:02 !whereis k2 12:02 K2: [11hdf-us] k2 [14sp]: (Pri Hum Mal Neu) T:1081 The Dungeons of Doom level: 4 12:02 ok so far so good 12:02 this is turning into wizard patch 2.0 without me wanting to :P 12:02 !whereis k2 12:02 K2: [11hdf-us] k2 is not currently playing on this server. 12:02 hmm but not reporting eu 12:02 but yeah at least the whereis file went away that time 12:03 hmm 12:03 maybe the whereis file sticks around if your connection drops or you're auto logged out 12:03 i'll have to test later 12:08 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:12 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 12:12 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 796 points, T:1702, killed by an orc zombie 12:14 yani: failed arti wishes give you the base item type instead of nothing 12:14 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:20 FIQ: calling me Phol, so impersonal :) 12:21 I'm not finished with that skin, just so you know. This is only the stuff I've discovered isn't overridden by the theme. 12:25 FIQ: I wonder if we can get a "Dark Vector" theme added, would be nice to have that since if I want lightmode I can't have vector anymore 12:26 aosdict: you really should make a github pages or something for yanis 12:27 can't be that hard to set up a script to make yanis permalinkable 12:27 rikersan: I'm torn on that. There are nice benefits to being on the wiki. 12:27 aosdict: chromium, not sure if other browsers are affected, refuses to let me override hover 12:28 no idea what stupid element is setting table hovers 12:28 really annoying 12:28 table hovers? what sort of page has those? 12:28 aosdict: I mean 12:28 when I hover over elements like lists 12:29 the recent changes stuff 12:29 and similar 12:29 I don't get dark background with bright text 12:29 ah 12:29 let's see if firefox is more useful :) 12:37 that does not work... 12:38 normal .mw-plusminus-xxx classes have !important. Is that necessary? 12:39 and... that's not coming from common.css. 12:43 Not sure why the main vector.css has !important on those. 12:44 are there any known bugs regarding trapdoors and malformed levels? 12:44 specifically, falling into a level and the stairs not being generated 12:44 FIQ: I could go in and remove that !important from them... 12:44 which version, rikersan? 12:44 this is dnh, which is based off 3.4.3 12:45 I'm just wondering if that's a vanilla thing also 12:47 aosdict: oh, if the main vector has !important, then that explains why I was unable to override those 12:47 that's mean :( 12:54 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 12:57 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 915 points, T:2280, killed by a killer bee 12:59 FIQ: if there's no good reason why that should keep its !important, I can remove it. 12:59 I mean, does anything *else* use .mw-plusminus-xxx? 13:00 -!- zxkuqyb has joined #hardfought 13:02 -!- rikersan has joined #hardfought 13:03 yeah I'm going to do that. 13:07 FIQ: works now 13:09 including recent changes hovering 13:11 rikersan: to elaborate a bit on why I'm reluctant to take the YANIs off the wiki, being able to use wiki markup seamlessly is nice, and the wiki has kind of been establishing itself in the past few months as a repository of proposals 13:11 using chromium? 13:11 (or chrome) 13:11 FIQ: firefox 13:12 hmm 13:12 I copied your css 13:12 but notice no change 13:12 there 13:13 forced cache clear 13:13 seems to work 13:13 thanks! 13:13 again, would help to have a dedicated dark theme, but I don't think I have the ability to do that 13:14 was considering taking NetHack's existing common.css and vector.css 13:14 (they both do stuff) 13:14 and manually change all the color values to their color inversion 13:15 (in a #fee -> #100, #ff8 -> #770, etc change, not just inverting the colors) 13:16 aosdict: hm, that makes sense I guess. what's this current draft thing for then? 13:16 the one you and fiq are working on 13:17 FIQ: "oh no, the mindflayers are now sickly green" 13:17 rikersan: what current draft thing 13:18 aosdict: right, not a mindless inversion 13:18 also, not messing with the tty-related things :P 13:18 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 819 points, T:2469, killed by a rabid rat 13:19 so, looking at mediawiki docs it seems like I can't actually create a new skin myself :/ 13:20 aosdict: the css and stuff you're talking over with FIQ? 13:20 ah, wiki skin 13:20 right, there's no default dark skin at the moment 13:21 I ended up disabling my vector skin and just using deluminate for a while 13:21 because things insisted on not properly working 13:21 I got interested in having one at 1 AM this morning when I realized I should probably not have glaring white light in my face right before bed 13:22 aosdict: I generally use this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/deluminate/iebboopaeangfpceklajfohhbpkkfiaa 13:22 firefox has this, but it's a bit buggy: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/owl/ 13:23 my main issue with deluminate is that I can't selectively disable/enable inversion on certain images/elements 13:24 mmm 13:24 [11hdf-us] [04gh] k2 (Bar Ogr Mal Cha) entered Gehennom for the first time, on T:21211 13:28 [11hdf-us] [08un] krm26 (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 2482 points, T:2311, killed by a gnome, while praying 13:28 -!- raisse has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:30 FIQ: haha 13:30 [11hdf-us] [08un] krm26 (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 52 points, T:43, killed by an Elvenking 13:31 Chris_ANG I'm seeing some more updates to dnethack. new update to push soon? 13:32 So far no, still working on the development branch. 13:32 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] elenmirie (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 1048 points, T:1219, killed by a rothe 13:32 So when the updates do come, they will be many and large? 13:33 -!- rikersan has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 13:33 Yup 13:35 ok 13:35 cool ;) 13:48 -!- Announcy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:50 -!- bhaak has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:06 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 14:08 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Quit: rebooting] 14:08 aosdict: there's more !important overrides 14:09 which? I looked through the other ones in vector and didn't find any that related to color 14:09 .mw-geshi ol li:target, .source-line-hilite 14:09 in common 14:09 .css 14:10 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 14:13 I should test those to make sure removing them doesn't break anything else 14:23 jonadab: stone to flesh strikes me a lot more as something that should be a wand, rather than a spell. What do you think? 14:23 (makes the hunger problem trivial for anyone who can cast it...) 14:24 aosdict: Well, that isn't something I've thought about, but off the top of my head I can't think of a counterargument. 14:24 Also, "the hunger problem" is already trivial outside of conduct play. 14:25 If you otherwise balanced the hunger problem, it'd still be trivial though. 14:25 Wow, I've removed half the spells in the healing school. 14:26 And +oRA might have to disappear too... 14:28 aosdict: My plans for balancing hunger involve removing sources of accelerated hunger (so e.g. spellcasting hunger, ring hunger, etc.) except for the ring of hunger maybe. 14:28 Then I plan to make intrinsics gained by eating corpses time out. 14:29 In such a way that keeping them all is problematic. 14:29 Not sure if I have to make tinning kits not be a thing, to accomplish this. 14:29 Well that addresses the intrinsic problem but how does it address the hunger problem? 14:29 Maybe just make them use charges proportional to corse weight. 14:29 *corpse 14:29 aosdict: It uses hunger in the opposite way. 14:30 i.e., it motivates the player to want to be hungry more. 14:30 (also, I wasn't really approaching this from a hunger perspective, but from a spells perspective) 14:30 Right, as I said, I can't think of a counterargument for making stone-to-flesh a wand. 14:31 That wouldn't have any significant impact on my perverse plans for hunger. 14:33 today i learned you can grease your gold 14:34 ... is there a reason to do so? 14:34 maybe to annoy shopkeepers 14:34 Does greased gold stack with ungreased gold? 14:35 Or do you get two stacks? 14:35 no it just makes the whole stack greased 14:35 Ah. 14:36 YANI: in FIQhack, the wand of stone to flesh would, with high skill, change walls into huge chunks of meat. 14:39 Heh. 14:39 Only on diggable levels. 14:39 Only diggable walls. 14:39 (Diggability isn't level-wide.) 14:40 Right. 14:41 Naturally, you'd want a special message for when you hit undiggable walls with it. 14:42 Or, heh, "The spell bounces off the undiggable wall. Your marble ring turns to meat. Your granite wand turns to meat. Your luckstone turns to meat..." 14:42 EPI: ^ 14:44 YANI: wand of opening, if zapped at a trapped door, will cause it to blow up. 14:44 (Only the wand, not the spell.) 14:48 haha, just reread that in the Wands Balance Patch, the unskilled wand of opening... opens an unlocked door. 14:55 aosdict: shouldn't wand of opening turn trap doors into holes? 14:56 Maybe? 14:57 Should the spell of knock, given that you're probably not shooting it at the ground? 14:57 Hmm, good question. 14:57 The connection is less obvious there. 14:57 But now that you say it, knock and opening _are_ similar. 14:58 I mean, I'm separating them in this current proposal 14:58 so that it's not just "one true opening beam" 15:02 jonadab: currently, "greater knock" has the works: notifies you of unseen monsters near a door, asks you whether you want to remove traps on doors or containers it hits 15:15 -!- Announcy has joined #hardfought 15:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Announcy] by ChanServ 15:17 -!- tacco\unfoog has joined #hardfought 15:19 [11hdf-us] [08un] krm26 (Tou Hum Fem Neu) killed the ghost of sullysully, the former Initiate, on T:3891 15:42 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 16:33 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) became Crom's Envoy of Balance, on T:24197 16:34 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:38 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 16:43 -!- Haudegen has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:48 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 16:52 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 16:53 an oilskin bag of trick 16:53 how useful 16:54 it won't get its creatures wet! 17:01 -!- Menche has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:16 -!- bouquet has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 17:22 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 17:38 -!- tacco\unfoog has quit [] 17:43 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 17:46 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 18:08 -!- StatueSurfer has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:21 -!- Kontroller has joined #hardfought 18:25 -!- Kontroll1r has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:27 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 18:30 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 18:30 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 18:34 -!- hf_guest_16522 has joined #hardfought 18:35 huh 18:37 well 18:37 -!- hf_guest_16522 has left #hardfought 18:42 bye hf_guest_16522 18:46 -!- hf_guest_83602 has joined #hardfought 18:46 Yo 18:46 So like 18:46 Not sure who is currently listening 18:46 But I 18:47 am noticing some strange behavior 18:47 do tell 18:48 text wrapping around when it shouldn't 18:48 on the terminal embedded in browser 18:48 make your terminal bigger? 18:48 at a certain point that helps, but I think the main problem is that it isn't properly aligning left 18:49 I have to make it /a lot/ bigger to stop the wrap around 18:49 and this behavior only appeared today 18:49 I've used the embedded terminal before without issues 18:50 that said it's hardly critical, seeing as I can connect with ssh 18:50 but for example if I pulled up the inventory, part of that would pop up on the right side of the screen 18:51 and that part wouldn't go away when I closed the inventory 18:51 so yeah 18:51 no idea :3 18:51 Yeah idk thanks for hearing me out though 18:51 anytime :D 18:51 thought I'd just make mention of this on IRC 18:51 <[Demo]> still sounds like a terminal size issue 18:51 yeah... it's just odd 'cause it worked fine for me before 18:52 <[Demo]> what terminal/terminal emulator are you using? 18:52 but it *could* have something to do with sizing... I realize that my screen resolution is irregular 18:52 I'm using the hterm thing embedded in this site 18:52 but I'll probably just switch to connecting via ssh on my own computer's terminal 18:52 <[Demo]> try ctrl + minus on the page to zoom out a bit 18:52 I did 18:53 <[Demo]> or yeah use a terminal emulator like putty or something 18:53 apologies if I'm not communicating this very well, but it's not just a matter of resizing it 18:53 I tried that a lot 18:53 so i found i couldn't actually level drain myself to lvl 1 in fiqhack 18:53 I have linux so I can connect with ssh no prob 18:53 I don 18:53 i got down to about 3/3 max hp and was afraid to go any further 18:53 t need putty or anything 18:54 I was just using the embedded one because I liked the fonts they offered, but that's just me being lazy 18:54 <[Demo]> then why the hell would you use any chrome hterm based solutin? 😛 18:54 ^ 18:54 <[Demo]> can't you not even use some ctrl commands? 18:54 <[Demo]> isnt it pretty unplayable? 18:54 ehh it works decently but I'm ditching it for a real terminal 18:55 yah you can't ^T to teleport 18:55 because it opens a new tab 18:55 <[Demo]> which is just the implementation sucking 18:56 <[Demo]> cause u could totally build an hterm implementation that would allow u to catch those inputs into it instead of the browser caring about it 19:01 hf_guest_83602: which version/variant are you trying to play? 19:03 [11hdf-us] [08un] krm26 (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 9091 points, T:5780, killed by a rope golem 19:09 -!- hf_guest_83602 has quit [Quit: *poof*] 19:09 -!- hf_guest_83602 has joined #hardfought 19:10 morning world 19:11 it's always sunrise somewhere 19:12 The sun will never set on the (former) British Empire 19:13 <[Demo]> the usn never sets on the equator 19:13 <[Demo]> i think 19:13 ... 19:13 did you see that what if on xkcd about that, Tarmunora? 19:13 aosdict: Yup 19:13 Demo: in fact, the sun never sets on any circle of latitude between the Arctic and Antarctic Circles. 19:14 [Demo] I 19:14 Accidentally hit enter apparently 19:14 <[Demo]> the sun doesnt set in the middle of space because they cant even have a sun cause they suck and arent even cool enough to have a planet or a sun 19:14 What if something passes in-between? 19:15 As in, they crash into the sun 19:15 Tarmunora: eclipses are not sunsets :P 19:15 <[Demo]> thats their problem not mine 19:16 Remember, Mars is round 19:16 https://twitter.com/FlatEarthOrg/status/935644892721762305?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iflscience.com%2Fspace%2Fflat-earth-society-responds-musks-tweet-flat-mars-society-just-cant-even%2F 19:16 Oops, forgot to trim the ref from the link 19:17 * aosdict idly wonders when Earth will next transit the sun from Mars' point of view 19:17 November 10, 2084 19:17 that's a while 19:18 yeah but what is it in MARS years? Huh? Don't know? :P 19:19 * aosdict wonders how calendars will work when humans eventually settle on Mars 19:21 In mars year, the transit occurs in ~35.5 years 19:21 Assuming that the internet didn't lie to me about the numbers 19:35 jonadab: Is there a good mathematical reason why the monster MR/willpower check is done by throwing the variables into the denominator and not the numerator? 19:36 Seems like it'd be simpler if the numerator was used and a monster's percentage chance of resisting equaled its MR plus a bonus for its level minus a penalty for your attacking level. 19:37 I.e. the denominator is always 100. 19:37 * NCommander wonders if FIQHack was fixed 19:50 @aosdict in response to your previous question it was dnethack 19:50 ah 19:51 but I'm using my own device terminal now and it's not having that issue (unless I make the font size really big, but that's to be expected I suppose) 19:52 Lol actually I think this is an issue with my device 19:52 I think it was just making the hterm screen smaller so I was trying to compensate, but 19:53 Yeah this shouldn't really be an issue 19:53 thx guys ;) 19:54 -!- hf_guest_83602 has left #hardfought 19:57 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 19:58 [11hdf-us] [07nd] Grasshopper (Bar Hum Mal Neu) killed Croesus, on T:30065 20:08 -!- hpardis has joined #hardfought 20:22 [11hdf-us] [10fh] NCommander (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 38427 points, T:4644, killed by a vampire 20:33 so apparently being an expert in wands lets you know how many charges they have 20:33 i like that 20:33 !who 20:33 aosdict: [11hdf-us] NCommander [10fh] jonathanhanes [10fh] Grasshopper [07nd] Tangles [07nd] 20:33 aosdict: [12hdf-eu] No current players 20:34 !whereis jonathanhanes 20:34 Jonathanhanes: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [10fh]: (Tou Hum Fem Neu) T:28047 Gehennom level: 28 20:34 Jonathanhanes: [11hdf-us] jonathanhanes [114k]: (Tou Hum Mal Neu) T:1207 The Dungeons of Doom level: 4 20:34 Jonathanhanes: You should name your character Ollivander. 20:36 !tell ais523 with blessed !oRA restoring all lost levels, drain-for-gain to do a cheesed protection racket becomes pretty trivial - consider making priests look at your maximum reached XL rather than your current XL 20:36 Will do, aosdict! 20:38 a wraith just wiped out all @ 20:39 what exactly were you thinking about when you made this fork FIQ? 20:39 <[Demo]> isnt that great 20:42 -!- hpardis has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:49 Jonathanhanes: I assume it didn't kill you. 20:49 oh no 20:49 just took out all elves 20:50 but not for lack of trying 20:50 poor elves 20:50 they were a dying race 20:50 now they're a dead race 20:51 shouldn't have chose a genocidable race 20:51 no one to blame but themselves 20:51 what race are you? 20:51 human 20:51 so... @ 20:51 yah but monsters aren't allowed to geno the PC 20:52 pretty sure any "humans", if they existed, would be dead now 20:52 they very well might be 20:52 like if you reanimated a human zombie 20:52 i didn't pay THAT much attention to the messahes 20:52 messages* 21:02 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 532 points, T:998, killed by a boiling hot corpse 21:03 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 0 points, T:7, killed by a sewer rat 21:12 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 21:25 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:1661 21:25 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 522 points, T:995, killed by Ms. Havic, the shopkeeper 21:26 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 21:26 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 21:27 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 41 points, T:169, killed by a system shock 21:31 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 110 points, T:505, killed by a fox 21:31 -!- StatueSurfer has joined #hardfought 21:32 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non) wished for "blessed rustproof +3 premium heart", on T:57 21:50 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 21:51 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 21:51 -!- Tarmunora has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:52 -!- Tarmunora has joined #hardfought 21:55 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1] 21:57 jonadab: I'm also considering nuking the spell of create monster, actually, since it provides a renewable way to get infinite food, prayer timeout, luck, favors, and gifts in any game with a coaligned altar. 22:01 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 22:01 like how specifically aosdict? 22:01 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:01 making it higher level for starters i'm guessing 22:02 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Kontroller (Val Hum Fem Law), 9116 points, T:5601, killed by a mumak 22:06 -!- bouquet has quit [Client Quit] 22:06 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:07 also i read some of your YANI page on the wiki 22:10 -!- bouquet has quit [Client Quit] 22:11 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:19 i liked your idea for necrotic damage 22:21 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 22:21 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:25 -!- theRaisse has joined #hardfought 22:25 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v theRaisse] by ChanServ 22:25 -!- bouquet has quit [Client Quit] 22:26 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:27 i'm actually going to implement it in my variant 22:28 although i'm really going to use the currently unused drain constitution effect and make it non-poison 22:28 and some other stuff 22:29 -!- Guest50310 is now known as irina|log 22:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v irina|log] by ChanServ 22:33 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) had Cleaver bestowed upon her by The Lady, on T:2045 22:35 [12hdf-eu] [07nd] Raisse (Tou Hum Fem Neu) had Frost Brand bestowed upon her by The Lady, on T:6075 22:36 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 22:36 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:45 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 22:46 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:55 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] Elysium (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1017 points, T:1658, quit 22:56 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 22:56 -!- bouquet has joined #hardfought 22:59 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 9156 points, T:4570, killed by a hill orc 23:08 -!- bouquet has quit [Quit: bouquet] 23:10 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 194 points, T:891, killed by invisible Ms. Wonotobo, the shopkeeper 23:11 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 0 points, T:9, killed by a jackal 23:14 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 75 points, T:378, killed by a bolt of fire 23:16 -!- theRaisse is now known as raisse 23:19 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 64 points, T:154, killed by a goblin 23:23 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 26 points, T:146, killed by a newt 23:26 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 12 points, T:64, killed by a sewer rat 23:30 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 10 points, T:24, killed by a system shock 23:32 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 8 points, T:49, killed by a jackal 23:39 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 23:39 -!- Grassy has joined #hardfought 23:39 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grassy] by ChanServ 23:40 -!- tungtn has joined #hardfought 23:41 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 150 points, T:604, killed by a dwarf 23:49 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 14 points, T:168, killed by a jackal 23:52 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 214 points, T:362, killed by a jackal 23:58 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 133 points, T:306, killed by a jackal 23:58 [11hdf-us] [13dnh] DrakeMarshall (Bin Dro Fem Non), 22 points, T:21, killed by a jackal